Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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A Damage Bait for $10.000 Laid at the
Door of Sheriff Moliek ,
GreonlcnT Simpson's gull to Compel
tlio Payment of I/nncnstcr
County lionil Coupons
Minor mentions.
( mow TITB DF.E'S UNCOI.X nunmu.l
L. C. Burr , acting as atlornoy for
Charles II. Day of Iowa , and Max Meyer
& Bros , of Omaha , has begun a suit in
the United Stales court against Samuel
M. Mollck , sherifl of Lancaster county ,
for § 10,000 damages. Tlio cause of the
action is the forcible taking possession
and detention of Iho Annlo M. Day stock
of jewelry In this city by Mr. Mclick ,
under orders from the district court , after
Mr. Burr's clients had foreclosed
mortgages on it. The facts of Iho Day
failure have been told In print nioro than
once , but in order that the present case ,
which promises lo bo an imporlant one ,
may bo understood , it is nuccssary to
make a briuf resume. Last whiter Annie
M. Day , a jeweler doing busi
ness on Eleventh ttrcot , found
herself in financial trouble , and
Cave challel mortgages on her
stock lo Charles II. Day , her brother-in-
law , and Max Meyer & Bros. These
mortgages amounted to about $7,100 ,
nearly Iho full .value of tlio stock , and
were given to secure advances of money ,
mid goods bought. After Iho mortgagees
had taken posM'sslon eastern creditors
got out \vrits ot ultachmcnt , and under
.Judge Pound's directions Sheriff Meliek
brolto open Iho store and levied on the
mortgaged stock. The acllon at law
thus btartud was removed lo the federal
court , wliero Mr. Burr pioposcd lo have
his clients give a bond lor $8,000 and take
possession of tlio goods , which wore to bo
sold , and the moncv paid into court to
await tlio result of the trial. This bond waste
to bo conditioned so that tlio makers
guaranteed that the goods would bring
at least $0,000. Tills , for some cause ,
was not satisfactory , and the attaching
creditors finally gave three bonds on
their own uccouul , and had Mr. J. B.
Trickoy of llns city put in cliargo of the
stock as receiver. Ono of the bonds
given is for $0.000 , aiiolhcrfor $2,000 , and
tlio third is lo secure whatever costs may
be made. Mr. Trickey is loscll Iho goods
and pay over the proceeds to Clerk 1-rank
to bo held subject to the contest between
the mortgagees and creditors. Mr. Burr's
move in suing llie sheriff is a smart one.
If tlio mortgagees have a good case lit ;
can get a judgment at tlio May term , and
his clionls will get their money. The
proceedings under tlio receiver will in
all probability take fully a year , and per
haps longer , during which time both
shies must watcli and wail.
The case of Grecnleaf Simpson vs
Lancaster county was called in Iho
United Stales court yesterday afternoon.
The plaintiff is Iho owner of $31,000 in
bonds issued by Iho county to aid the B.
& M. railway. The entire issue was $30 ,
000 , and the rate of interest 10 per cent.
Last year when the coupons for Iho 1885
interest , amounting to $ y,400 , wore pre
sented by Mr. Simpson's agent , tlio com
missioners refused to pay them unless the
bonds wore surrendered for cancellation.
Tlio demand of tlio commUsionora was
bafaud on the opinion of their tUtgrnoj
Unit tK' ' bonds wcro o tioni > V 'J o6uU bo
called iu nt any timo. Mr. Simpson in
sisted that they had live years to run yet.
and brought suit us slalod to compel
payment of the coupons.
The jury came into court late lastnight
with a verdict of $ ! 3,3GO for the plaintiff ,
being for tlio full amount claimed , with
interest from maturity of tlio coupons.
Governor Dawos lias received from
Charles Keisdoff , of David City , samples
of the gold quartz found by the hitler on
his farm in Buller county , and a report
from anassayor to. whom similar samples
were sttbinitled. Tlio highest yield Is
four ounces of silver and one-quarter of
an ounce of gold to the ton. This would
make the net product in cash about $0 a
ton. With water and ether necessaries
of mining handy , the quartz might bo
profitably worked at that figure , provided
tlioro is a good body in sight.
The sharifl'of Dodge county was In
town with two prisoners booked for a
residence at Niobraj-a , yesterday.
Elijah J. llovoy , bihis B. Hovoy and C.
D. Jones have formed a company with a
capital of $18,000 for supplying Plaits-
month with gas and eleclnc lights.
An extradition warrant on the gov
ernor of Illinois , for tlio return of Win.
Movers , was signed by the executive
to-day. Myers is tlto man that robbed a
number of car drivers last winter of
money and clothing. Ho lias been locat
ed by Captain Kelly , who started after
him last night.
The treasurer of Hitchcock county is
the first ono in the state to make a return
of la.\es colloclcd to date on the current
The people of Little Salt precinct nro
worried over Uio btrango conduct of a
horse owned by Norman Taylor , which i
is thought to have hydrophobia. The i
animal kicksand bites at everything near
him , and refuses to cat or drink.
iJ iUU ) Stqtos court will probably ad
journ for tlio term Saturday.
The News very properly notes that the j
charter election will ttiko place next t
month. About thirty days from novr ,
when April showers are coaxing spring
llowors Into nn ill-plaood confluence in i
the season , the political daisies will blos
som forth , and the hedges and byways
will bo full of candidates. The men to
whom successors tire to bo chosen are
Councilman Brock. Lau , Doan and Web
ster , Mumbord ofJBoard of Education ,
Bruegnian and Bullock , and Police Judge
Montgomery. The pay is small and the
labor heavy , yet many there bo who will
light hard for the suppositions honors of
otticial life.
The funeral of Dr. Harris was hold from
the homo of his sistor-ln-law. 1010 K
street , yesterday afternoon tit IJ o'clock.
Rev. Mr. Lowls , of the Episcopal church ,
performed the lust snd rites.
Wednesday afternoon , Judge Parker ,
without a tiller , united in matrimony
Ephriam Titleriugton and Ellio Titter-
intrton , both of Lancaster county.
Ur , W. II. Rose , of the bureau of animal
industry tit Washington , has arrived in
Nebraska to otlloitdly investigate the
ravages of hog cholera. Dr. Rose will
make Lincoln his headquarters for a few
days , and it is his desire to bo notified by
wire at once of any fresh outbreak of the
plague in this Mute in order that ho mav
visit the locality and make a thorough
investigation , He wishes the farmers to
undtiratuiid that ho has no power to
quarantine or confiscate diseased animals ,
and that his visit is merely to ascertain
Iho real naluru of tno scourge.
The Y. M. C. A..cnvo n sort of farewell
entertainment Wednesday evening to
Rov. Mr , Billor , who leaves Lincoln
shortly to conduct revival meetings in
In the matter of Vandorlip vs Derby
the supreme court overruled the motion
for a rehearing and then adjourned to
Tuesday next.
The Blair Canning company , with a
capital of $250,000,1ms been incorporated.
Clias. Vanderpool is now on trial in the
district court for stealing hogs from the
B. & M. railway.
Rils : nibbling at some matches in tlio
pockul tof H pair of pants started a small
lire in Mrs. tiol. Main's house , 15'20 N
street , yesterday. The fire department
was called out , but the Hamcs were ex
tinguished before the water was turned
F E. Wliymnn , J. A.Snndstotl , Adams ;
C. W. Walthcr niul daughter , Button ;
J. J. Holland niul Frank Elliott , Friend ;
B. F. llcngan nnd daughter. Raymond ;
Ike Now. Omaha ; James 11 Hetzcn , Seward -
ard ; A. H. Fuller , Ashland ; A. C. Crosth-
wnlto , Dnvhl City ; 1 . Stewart , Louis
ville ; 11. K. ltinbart ) Ashland.
A Weird Indian FVntlvnl In Wnslilnp-
ton Territory.
Ynkima ( W. T. ) Signal : The Indians
are by nature superstitions , but the ng-
grcssions of civilization in this quarter
nnvo killed many of thu old beliefs of
the Ynkima tribes in signs , lioodoos
and tno cllicacy of pum-pum and Turn-
tiniiuus daneos anil the incantations of
iiH'dleino men in driving away the evil
spirit. There are some , however , who
refuse to conform to the new customs
niul still revel in the superstitions hand
ed down by their untutored progenitors.
This faction hold their nnnual Tarn-am-
nuts dnnco and feast on Monday last on
tlio reservation just below Union Gap.
At the head of the gap , on a promontory ,
n largo white ling lloutcd from a polo ,
nnd two miles further on blue , white anil
orange flags marked tlio long , low build
ing , or slmok , where the exercises wore
being conducted. The medicine house ,
for so it m-ovod to be , was about seventy
feet iu length and completely covered
with tulo matting. From the inside came
the monotonous chant of many voices
und the steady beating of Indian drums.
On n platform covered with skins , nt
one end of the lodge. Indian children
were crowded , andinfiontof the little
ones was the orchestra of six lingo
bucks , with instruments which appeared
to bo made of sheepskin stretched over
empty eliccso boxes. Along the length
of the temple or lodge were ranged the
bucks on one feido and the kloothmon on
the other. They were nil clad in gor
geous costumes , and the many-colored
blankets nnd prints gave n rainbow np-
poaranco to the worshipers. Their faces
wore painted with orange , blue nnd
white paint , and when there was any
considerable space of solid color thcro
would appear fa'nly well executed figure
of moons , stars , birds and beasts in con
trasting tints. All had fans of feathers-
nnd many wore headdresses of fine furs ,
feathers , und oven the horns of animals ,
Thcro nro various pum-pums during
the year for divers objects , the ono
celebrated being the Titm-animus or
Chinook dnnco , Yield for the purpose of
propitiating tlio deity nnd bringing on
the warm winds from tliu orient to carry
oil" the snows. When the winters are un
usually hard the Indians do severe pen
ance , anil three years ago , when tlio cattle -
tlo und caytises were dying by the hun
dreds , the Turn-animus lasted for ten
days , and the self-inflicted punishments
were of a rigid nature. Saluskiu. ono of
the head Indians , took a dull kmfo and
hewed put great blocks of flesh from his
arms , singing and dancing all the time
in religious frenzy. The next observ
ance is die festival of the "rcbnrial of
the dead , " when the bones of Indians
who have died or been killed will bo ex
humed , covered with new blankets , and
exposed to the view of relations. Then
comes tlio salmon dance , nt which the
Great Spirit is entreated to eeud a free
run of this succulent fish , which forms so
prominent a factor in the Indian food
Tlio recent Tum-nnlmus was under the
direction of Co-ti-ah-kln , the head medi
cine man , who directed the observances
by means of a boll. For hours and
hours the Indians wo"l'li.1100 ! P.ud cli
tituir songs which are not devoid of har
mony , until tired nnture could bear no
longer , nnd then they would Tall on their
knees and oiler up their "nmcns" to the
exhortation of the modicinc man. The
singing and prayers were all in the native
language , and even the lookers-on who
were familiar with the jargon were un
able to catch the drift of the importun-
Business Men Think It a Nuisance ,
anil Other People Have
Tired of It.
New York Mail and Express : "Tlio
fashion of using sealing-wax for loiters
is steadily declining , and it will n9t belong
long before the custom tails into distiso.
The wax is still used in localities com
paratively retired , and in some sections
of the country where fashions como
Intost nnd linger longest , " eaiil the
manager of n UQUSO that makes a special
ty oi the manufacture of sealing-wax.
"Of course wo don't talk much about
this , for wo are still booming the sealing-
wax trade. And in fact there will bo
money in it for some time to como in
curtain sections of tlio country. But the
decline litts surely bet in , and it is just as
well for uio to imdcrstuud ami luliuit tlio
fact. "
"To what do vou attribute the de
cline ? "
"To pretty much the same reasons
which lirut drove wax out of general use
s6 many years ago. It makes n letter
more sootiro to use wax , and it is cer
tainly much prettier , but It takes too
much timo. To properly seal a letter
you must first hunt the end of a stick of
wax , and then with a deft movement of
the hand lix'tho molted portion in n neat
circle on the envelope. Then
ttio envelope must bo hold over
the taper until the wax is partly molted
again , so that R proper impression of
the seal mny be secured. It will not dote
to use too much hrtsto , for then the
beauty of the whole thin" will bo spoiled ,
audit the wax is burnedIt will bo inndo
very brittle. So you see oven n mod-
oratQ correspoiulonco would require n
good uoal of time for this item , and
people are finding the use of wax n
bore. Then , too , the fact that its use
has become so general is sufllciont to
displease the ultra fashionable , who do
not cure what they do , so it bo unlike
the wav of ordinary mortals. Just what
method for scaling letters they will in
vent next 1 can not say , but I'm afraid
tlioy will have to come down to licking
the cum on the envelopes. "
"Well , is it a fact that sealing-wax ,
makes n letter so much safer ? "
"Oh , it is easy enough to open a letter
soaletl with wax if you have the proper
appliances A very line wire hentcd by
electricity will rnko off a bit of wax
without tno slightest trouble , and with
out injuring the soul , and when it is
returned no ono would over know the
dilVeronco. But a wux soul will prove an
cll'eclual obstacle to any ordinary busy
body who thinks Unit your mail needs
inspection. The vast increase of mail
matter in modern times is , however , its
best guarantee of freedom from exnmi-
nation , ami it is only under semi civil-
i/.ed governments like those of Russia
and Spain that there is now any real
danger of such inspection. "
A Georgia Darkey's Hard and Level
Yoloosta Times : During llie recent
frcc/.o some darkles ventured out on the
ice in a lake in the lower part of Lowndes
county , and ono of them fell in. The
water was over liis head , but ha was a
bhort distance from shore. He imme
diately dived under the ice and swam
toward the shore. At last finding him
self to bo within his depth , ho lot himscll
down , and placing his feet on the ground
deliberately buttered a hole throught the
ice abpvo his head and escaped without a
headache. That is a hard tale , but a
darkoy'd head is hard.
S. D. Cory , Urn well-known live slock
shipper , is the happy father of a benne
iug girl that lips the beam at ten and a
half pounds.
Paorilo Attempts of a Railroad Organist
to Belittle Tanners' Olubs.
Tlio flush of Settlor. " ) to Keith County
-The Olllcinl Mutldlo In Frank
liii County Tottn Topics
Ttnllrond Organs anil Van
FAIHUUUV , Nob. , March 8. [ To the
Editor. J ] As the State Journal of late
has ] so much criticism for tlio Farmers'
alliance of this state and their doings ,
as a farmer , although not t1 member of
the alliance , I desire to ask why should
not the farmers of the state of Nebraska
organize and work together , to form a
monopoly to fight another monopoly ?
For my part I cannot see why tlio editor
of the Journal , tlio railroad organ of this
state , has to light the farmers who are
the real support of tlio state.
Kvcry farmer in tlio state of Nebraska ,
if it cannot be accomplished nny other
way , should join farmers' clubs , Van
Wyek clubs , or nny clubs that will see
to It that farmers are elected to the leg
islature of Nebraska this fall , and see if
wo can not pass laws to reduce the
freight rates. 1 think from the Journal's
liguros nnd editorials , every intelligent
farmer ( and this state is full of them ) ,
can figure that the freight rates are
exorbitant , although this railroad organ
in its issue of February lltth tries
so hard to convince us that railroad pro
perty has depreciated terribly the past
year , and that "not a farmer in Nebraska
can say that his land is worth loss to-day
than it was ono year ago. " I say this is
true. Farms in Nebraska are worth as
much to-day as ono year ago , but not true
as to railroad stocks. Ono year ago the
Union Pacific slock was selling at 501
cents , this year 51 } cents , taking wntorc'.l
stock and all ; but how about farm pro
ducts and railroad products ? Corn that
was worth 80 cents per bushel ono year
ago , to-day 20 cents. Hogs that were
then worth 5 and 0 cents , are now only
8J cents. This is what farmers of this
state have to sell.
Railroad freights are just the same
here as they wore a year ago , and this is
what tlio railroads have to sell.
1 notice in tlio same issue of the Jour
nal the following : "The B. As M. charges
an average of four mills per ton per mile
for hauling coal from Denver to Nebras
ka points.1' ' I would like to have the rail
road organ of Nebraska tell mo why the
railroatls of Nebraska do not haul farm
products for four mills per ton per milo
lo Chicago ? Does it cost tlio railroads
any more to transport a oar of coal
than a car of corn the same distance ?
Farmers still hold to the doctrine that
there should bo no gag law or boss rule
if this is a free country.
I dislike to see the Journal , which pre
tends to be a republican paper , inalco
sport of any farmers' organization or any
of its leading advocates , as "Farmer Van
Wyek , " "Farmer Burrows , " ct al. , ot al.
I say if tlio farmers of Nebraska are
unanimous for Van Wyek for United
States senator again , why not ns an edi
tor of a state paper , andthatstato a farm
ing state , let the farmers select a man of
their choice ? Why not let the people
rule instead of the railroads ? The fact
is , I believe tlio Journal is making a big
howl for the purpose of drawing atten
tion from the real j".o , that of electing
The Rush to Keith County.
OGALLALA , Neb. , March 0. [ Corrcs-
londonco of the BJE. : ] The spring boom
las fairly struck Ogallala. Immigrant
novoablos are being unloaded at this sta-
ion at ttio rate of ten cars per day.
Teams are fairly pouring out into the
country in all directions. Every dcsir-
ible tract of government land in Keith
county has been taken. The school
ands in this county were offered for sale
and lease by Land Commissioner Scott
on the 20lh inst. , and as an evidence of
the high appreciation of lands in this lo
cality a large amount was sold outright
before offering to lease , some of the lani
bringing as high as $13.50 per aero and
none less than 7 per aero. .As soon as
it was offered for lease the bidding was
spirited , some sections bringing a bonus
ut several hundred dollars over the reg
ular lease price. At the present writing
there is not over three sections In the
county not leased.
A parly was looking over the town last
week with n view of erecting a flouring
mill. A firm from Central City has pur
chased laud and wiU at ojico communco
to oreak ground for a first-class brick
Messrs. Rothschilds Bros. , of Chicago ,
have just opened up a mammoth clothing
store , under the management of a Mr.
A. M. Blakoloy , proprietor of the
Blakcloy hoitt.0 , will soon commence tlio
erection of a briolc hotel. The fourth
lumber yard is about to bo started.
The contract for the two county bridges
to bo built this summer , was lot last week
to S. 8. GolV , of Wilbor , Nob.
nTho bridge bonds wore sold at par to a
Mr. Allen , of Atkinson , Nob.
The report of the Union Pacifie rail
road extension from Ponton. tjjis cQuuty ,
up tlio North Plntto river , has caused a
rush of settlers to the north part of tlio
county. Heretofore the rush has boon to
the southern pnrt of the county , on nc-
count of the B. & M.'a projected route.
The now town of Eckloy , In tlio south
part of the county , has just boon platted
by some parties from Lincoln. The re
port is that some of the B. & M. oOicnila
are the interested parties in the now town
Franklin County's OHloInlB.
BI.OOMINOTON , March 0. [ Correspond
ence of the BEE. ] Bill Nye told once of
a devil of a time ho had playing poker
witli n John Chinaman. Bill had four
kings and an nco to open a jackpot with ,
and drew ono card. John hold up three
cards and drew two. Bill bet his last
dollar , und John called him and threw
down four ace * . Bill don't tell what ho
did , but , as he is a peaceable man , it is
probable that ho lot tlio Chinaman have
tlio money and quit the game thoroughly
Bill Nye stood about ns much show
with that peculiar Chinaman as the pee
pie who pay burdensome taxes in this
county stand with their commissioners
und county attorney under their present
mode of doing business. Their last
highly-intelligent aot , in conjunction
with the county treasurer , was tolovy
upon a stock of lumber already in the
hands of the United States district court.
Not only did thjjso ollieioujj individuals
all have a hand m the matter ot making
thu levy , but when their right was flues-
tidned , they contumaciously delicti the
agent of the receiver of the district court.
Subsequent events , viz. , tlio decision of
Judge Dundy , has put tlioso highly-intel
ligent individuals in a different attitude.
So recently offensive , they jiow take the
defensive , and try to hide behind a decision
cision of Judge llrowor.
Events which have from time to time
transpired in the actions of several of the
ones in power here leads the people to
think that either the government of this
county is "rotten to the core , " or else a
romarkabjo amount of ignorance is being
displayed by persons wEe profess to be
intelligent. S\ncb \ former articles ap
peared In the BEE , I have been remind
ed that I loft several aspirants for B. &
M. railroad passosjiiartlcularly and legis
lative honors possibly out of the list of
would-bo representatives. Of course , I
know when I wrote the last article that
there were numerous other candidates ,
but I also knctf that they might as well
remain in the Mark , so far as the proba
bility of legislative lightning over strik
ing them was concerned. Whittaker
Jayno expects a nomination at the hands
of the republicans , on his own platform
chartering banks , anil permitting no
bank to do business in the state
without a charter. Then if said
banks are captured m the act of taking
illegal interest , they forfeit their charter.
Of course , Whittakor will bo laid on the
shelf , and will die at a ripe old age , a
private citizen.
R. O. Stewart , of lUverton. at present
deputy district marshal , a disorganized
wire-puller , don't propose to wait for
the oAlcc to seek him. The probabilities
are that neither ono of these moil would
accept n railroad pass. They'd just
simply want the whole railroad.
It has been intimated that George W.
Shcppard will go into the next judicial
convention tor the avowed purpose of
capluriug Judge Uaslin's old shoes. People -
plo have learned lo stiller out in l\\\i \ \ \ , but the Almighty , in bis
mercy , will never see fit to mUict such a
distress as this would bo upon thorn.
Sheppard aspired oiico to bo county
judge , and when Iho people of this coun
ty elected an old farmer to the position
as his opponent , it would seam as though
the nmiiN good sense would assert il-
self and keep him out of the lire. K\-
pcrii'iico is worth nothing to him , if ho
now expects to become distiict judge.
The Growth of K.xcter.
Exivrnit , Nob. , March 8. [ Correspond
ence ; of the Bii : : . ] While nothing of
"special" importance ) is at present agi
tating tills city , it may not bo amiss to
give , for the benefit of those who reside
in other parts of our state , semi > idea of
the business interests of Exeter.
The town propoi contains about 000 in
habitants , Iho majority of those being na
tives or former residents of the three
great corners of Iho world ( lo them )
Wliitcsido county , Illinois. Scott county ,
Iowa , and lloosiordom , Indiana.
Wo have two national banks with 50- ,
000 capital each ; loan and building asso
ciation , capital $100,080 , roller mill and
elevator association , $20,000 ; eight gen
eral stores with stocks ranging from
$3,000 to $20,000. Two hardware stores ,
four implement houses , two drug stores ,
two exclusive groceries , three lumber
yards , three stuam elevators , two news
papers , ti $10,000 school building , a can
ning factory to bo built this season and
prospects of n creamery.
Among other things there are live
lodges , five other societies , including W.
C. T. U. , Cliatauqua club and ShaJSpearo
club ; six churches Und a literary society ,
whoso members are devoting their atten
tion to novel writing as per serial now
being published by the Advance.
Owing to tile high prices which our
buyers are paying for grain ( from U to 5
cents above adjoining towns ) wo are re
ceiving and shipping immense quantities
of corn to easternr markets , some days
our elevators taking in from 800 to100
100 wagon loads. The streets are crowd
ed with teams , while in adjoining towns
the business men rire ( disjcussing ' 'that '
new mill and elevator at Exutor. " Wo
all look forward lo ja prosperous season.
Building has commenced and numerous
Iojisesiivc iu Pisces * oousJvuonou ,
The laud iu Uiisipurt or the bounty is
gently undulating , and comprises some
of the finest farming lands in Ihc slalo.
Considerable stock-is fed in Exeter and
surrounding counties , but fancy stock has
not as yet received much attention from
the general class of farmers , although
there are numbers who are proud owners
of "an animal with a pedigree. "
Our mill and elevator cnmpany , a solid
corporation , supported by the fiumcrs
ana business men of the town , is hero to
stay , notwithstanding the opposition of
thofao who have long held a monopoly on
the arrain trade of this town. It is not.
( as has boon represented by parties hero )
a few farmers combined for the purpose
of shipping their grain , but [ p ji bedy in
corporated uiidcv tlfo state laws , and
PDQrftnng olio of the finest roller mills in
the stale. It has been in operation hero
since last fall , and has given the
farmers straight ten per cent
more on their grain than they would
have -received without it. It is hero to
stay , and thcso men may as well recon
cile themselves to the fact , the sooner
the bettor for their own interests , as
kicking docs not affect it in the least ,
farmers coming from a radius of ton and
fiflcon miles. They are not paying more
than the market will allow , out simply
giving fair and holiest prices for value
received. X.
Good Advice to Organized Working-
New 1'uik Times.
Workingmen have the right to combine
bino to secure for themselves fair wages
and reasonable hours of laborand , may b.i
all honorable and rational means aid
each ether in a common cause , but tlioy
have no right to do a wrong to ono or to
many in order to enforce their demands
upon somebody olso. In resorting to
general strikes , in violently interfering
with persons and property and creating
public disorder , in using the formidabl
weapon of boycotting against those who
have done them no wrong , Ihoy are em
ploying methods against which society
will bo compelled to defend Itself. The
injury they do is not confined to capital
or to employers , but Involves working
men themselves. The real interests o
capital uud labor are ouo , and only need
a fair adjustment to work a mutua"
benefit , but this adjustment cannot bi
secured by unjust methods.
Already capital is becoming alarmed
and the eflect is soon in the failure of thai
revivu.1 of prosperity which the gonora.
condition of the country favors. The
uncertainty produced by the methods o ;
the labor organizations and the four o :
trouble wlucu will ho destructive o :
proiit In biuJnoaa will doter capital fron
venturing upon legitimate enterprises. .
That which is already in will bo drive
out or forced to taku measures to defend
itself. The result 'will ' by the loss o
profitable employment nhd Increasing
distress among laborers. Already there
nro indiciitioijs that manufacturers and
transportation companies may bo obligor
to take a stand against the methods tlia
have been used to coerce them into sub
mission to labor organisations. If r
struggle between the two great forces la
lo como it cortaihly'will ' not benefit the
condition of worlsingmen cither im
mediately or ultinintoly , but it Will involve
volvo them in great loss and EuHurliig ,
But it is not probable Hint they will hofil
together in such a struggle , ami the
sliiicture whicli they have been rcnrin <
for their psoteclion will topple to piece ;
under tl jjtrain to which uioy are sub-
| e6iinK it If they wish to Fecuro the
benefits of union and complete and
strengthen Iheir orgaulzalion they must
recognize the common principles of justice
tico and fair dealing uud como back to
the employment of legitimate methods
If they conserve their strength and keuj
on their side the great conservative
forces by which society is upheld tho.
may help to establish justice and gOO (
will and promote the prosperity of III bo
and capital alike , If ilioy disregard tin
principles of equity and right rtealin ; .
they will iuvolvo their own cause in
ClintiRlnR Names.
Cleveland Loader : Senator Mitchell.
if Oregon , has the euphonious name of
ohn Hipplo Mitchell. His name
rlginally was John Hippie , but when
10 moved west nt the ago of twonty-livo
10 ndilcd his mother's name to his own ,
nd it is my impression that the logis-
* turo of Oregon passed a bill giving him
ho right to do it. Senator Mitchell is
iot tlio only prominent man who has
icon known to tlio public by n different
inino than by that which ho was chrlst-
ucdVlco , ProsidentJWilson was born witn
lie name of Calbath , and ho got his name
> f Wilson from his adopted falhcr who
alsetl him. Robert Treat Paine , ono of
ho first American pouts , was baptized
s Thomas Paine , but ho did not like to
ear tlio same name ns the great infidel
nd ho changed the first part of it. Gen.
loauregnrd's real name is Pierre ( .
routnn. and tlio name by which ho roes
s of his own adoption. BeauregaTd'a
nccMors ojmo from C-iuada , nnd his
; rantlfather , old Pierre Toittan , omigrat-
d nt an early date to New Orleans ,
vhero ho made a largo fortune in a very
liort time , nnd where ho acquired
jrcat political Inlhionco. Ho bought n
u'go estate outside of the city and called
; n'Boauregard , " meaning tine sight ,
jon Beauregurd was named after his
nceslor , and when , through him , ho
vas admitted to West Point , it was un-
"or the name of Ptorro G. Toutan. After
time , being of an aristocratic tendency ,
o changed his name lo Pierre Toutan
o Bcaurogard. whicli lie after a time
Iroppcd into P. T. Beauregard. The
act that ( Jen. Boaurogurd has no real
iglit to his namu will bo a surprise to
ndorsed by housekeepers and olhers
vho have tried it. No soap is required ,
md cleaning is done witn a saving of
nuch time and labor. All housekeepers
hould use it.
Mrs. H. G Stripe nnd her sister went
o Kansas City last evening lo attend tlio
vcdding of their cousin , Miss Kate Me-
rai'y , which takes pl'ico to-day.
The Bwoot Rum. ns Rijthcrort from a tree of the
Bamo name , growlim alonif the small atrcnms In
the houthcrn Stutos , contains a BUmulatlng ex
pectorant principle that loosens thonblCKmpro-
fluolnii Uio early inornlim couuli , on < f ntlmulatcs
the child to throwotr tlie fatso membrane In croup
and wbooplDR-coueh. When combined with the
noulinK imiciWinons principle In thei mullein
plant of the old Holds , pronontB In TAVI.OU' *
I.KIN the Uncut known remedy forCouBhs.Croup.
fir reason of Its oentr&l position and cloto rotation to
nil principal lines Eait encl Woit , at initial andtir *
tulital pomti , cnnitlluto : * the nioRt important ml (
eontlnuntnl link in that njitcni or through trmupon
tatlon which Invllm onil faolltutfn trm el and tf-allfo
tMtvroonoitlDS of tlio Mluntlo and Pacific Cimsn II
! alBo the farorlUi and bout route to and from polnti
Kant , NnrthoiMt and goutlirnit , and corrMpumllng
points Woit , NorlMvoit and Southwest.
The Croat Rook Island Route
G uarantees Its patroni that aonse of personal aecu.
rlbo. ly afforded liy a ! lt ) , thoroughly ballBbti'd road *
bo. emoo racu o contlnuoua ifecl rail , tubtan-
tlally built culverta ana brldgei , i olllnff ttock as ntar
porfnotlon ai human Bklll can muka ltt the aC0ty
appliances or patent buff em , platforms ana air brakow ,
nd tint eiacllnir dlaclpllno whicli trororni the prac
tical oparatlou nf all Ila tralaa. other pporiolttes of.
; hls route me Transfers at all oonnoctlnic iiololn In
Union Depots , ana thu umiirpawou comfort * and
luxuries of Its Passenger Equipment.
The Fast Kipress Trains between Chlracfo anil
Ftoria , Council Ululfu , Kanus Cltjr , I-varenworlh and
AlchUon are composed of well vuntllated. mmlr ut >
hem '
The Famous Albert Lea Route .
the direct and farorlte line between Chicago and
Bi Inneapolls andRt. I'Mil.whirn cbnneotlftns ar made
i Union Depots for all points Iu the TerrlloilM aiul
Ilrltlsli 1'rovlncos. Orcr this route Fast Express
Iralus are run to tbs vrateilntf places , summer ra *
sorts , ploluresnuu . . . locAllllcs. nnu . . litintlnir and tlshlnr
ground ; of Iowa and Mlnncwnta. It Is l also the most
desirable route to the Hell wheat Ililus mid pa storal
lands ot Interior Dakntt
Htlll another DlltEOT LINK. Tla Pcnca and Ran-
Kakee , has been opened htlwutm Cincinnati , Indian
apolis and Lafaretle.and Council nluds , KanranClty ,
Minneapolis and HI. Paul and Intermedia points.
tor detailed Information see Maps end Folders ,
obtainable , us well ai tickets , at all principal Ticket
OUice * Iu the Uuitod States oud Cunidai or by ad-
R. Fi. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN ,
ttos'l & Ucu'l U'R'r , Uen'l T'ltt : P ss. Ae't ,
Red Star Line
Currying tlio Belgium Uoyul and United States
MHUsulUnir every Saturday
Between Antwerp & Nsw York
Balon from $03 to $100. Excursion dip from
( HUto tlBU. Bi'cond C'uum 59 , and liioimlou
fW. Btcorago iiassaso at low rttlos. 1'otor
Wrlsht \ Sons , Ounoral Airents , 03 1) road way ,
MOW Yoi k.
Omaha , Nebraska , Fiank K. Moore aV. . , St , 1 *
& I * , ticket wont. .
P. BOYER & 00.
and JaJ5 work.
1020 Itanium Street , Onmliu , Nob.
m & aiBij BBW in arm sacs s aia i
Tlio Orlirlnnl end Only < Jcnulne.
Bsli sclalwis K ll bl . Biwusef wortalru Imlutbos. u I APIE6. Ask ) i > ur Drueglst til
Chlcbe.ler' . EnElili | * and U > < so oilier , u 'MUM it.
icj > ito at fur t fcrliealtri < A i < l ( r \ > J return rautU
NAME PAPf R . Ui.lelie.ttr C'h * ; lral Co. .
USIII Ialndl > uuti unrOil 'Lllndu. , 1'a.
Dolclbr DruxrUU errrrwlirre. 4ik lot "Cbl hc *
ter-e tigult VenDirio-ul I'UU. TUtwoilu.hc
I will soil nt the checkered tmrn In Lincoln , N'o-
btasko , on Wcdnesilny , March ai , 150 , CO licml of
lilglily bied tlioiouglibrcd
Shorthorn Cattle ,
ninl most ctccllpnt liulltldimls , conshtlnc of < 0
[ icnmlos mui ai nmlos. Such icnownctl families
os "Jtosnof Sliaroii ! < . " "KnlRlillcy lutchos ic ! , "
" . ' " ' ' " "
l"l.aily tialo I'rlnwss , 'Miiblli-ov' "Victorias ,
"Younn Jtarys , " "Jlubjs , " l1Icsiloiiionla' ) , "
. , Auu-Iln" , " "hownns , " "Corimtions , "
- , , . I _ . , K - ' nil In peed breeding condition niul In calf or
calf nt foot. Itwill bo an nnnsual opportunity for farmers to coin bull nt thulr owunrlco.
ns tlioy will nil bo sold without fservo or limit. Tonns to suit buvoM for KOOI ! haiiKabl *
paper. Cattlocnn bo soon at my farm , onoinllosoiitliwei , of cltv of Lincoln. Address ne
for catalogue or apply nt F. Jl. woods ofllco , over Klrst Natlomil bank.
Proprietor Kl\cutalo block Fniiu , Lincoln , > icl > .
NOTK At 10:80 : n. in. on tlio same day , 1 will sell nt public snlo 2. " . thoroughbred Poland \1
China sows , bred to Flower Hoy. " Ihpy aio o\tr.i line spcclnion ; of the bleed.
oa INT i-o
One of the Best anti Largest Stocks in the U.S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevate
& SONS ,
GKO. nuilKK , Mnniwer ,
REFERENCES : Merchants' and Fanners1 Bank , David City , Neb. ; Kiniuov National
Brink , Kearney , Neb. : Columbus Stale Dank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's IJ.iuk , North
riatto. Neb. ; Omaha National Hank , Omaha. Neb. .
Will pay customers' draft with bill of ladlne attached for two-lhiids viiltto of stock.
Kotloo to Contractors.
" \TOT1CE Is horobv Riven Unit soulort proposal a
-l-\ for tlio construction of u court Imuso Iu Iho
public squill o. Vorlc , York county , Notiuwlui ,
ttho cost of whicli Is not to oxocuil the sum of
fiO.OOO ) , will bo received nt the county cleric's
ulltco , on or before April 20th , V J , nt 1 o'clock ,
p. m. Said court liousu to bo built iiccoitllng to
plans niul speclllcntlons on fllo In the county
clerk's ollice , York county , or nt tlio olllco ot
O. H. I'lnoy , No. l.'ll South rilovcmth St , Lincoln ,
Nobrnskn , on anil after March 21th , IBHfl.
The jimty to whom tlio continct rany bo
nwnuloil wilt bo icqulrod to ho bond In double
tlio amount of the contract price : conilltioncd
lor the fnlthful porformnnso of Ills oblljmtion ,
sulil bond to bo nppiovol by the county board.
The board roaono the right to reject uuy or
lly order of the board made February M , 183.
mhtidOt M. SOVKUU1ON , County Clerk.
Merchants ,
Uonrd of Trn'Jo , Chamber of Coranioroo ,
H , C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor.
vv. > . FECK : ,
Local Business Solicitor , 13O1 Douj ;
England , France & Germany ,
The etpvmisjilns of Uils wojl known line lye
built oT lion , In walor-lltflit compartments , and
mo furnished with every 10 lulsllo to muko the
piiEsapo both Hiifo nnd aifrt'oublo. They curry
thn United State1 * nnd Kurnpnnn rmills.nnd lonvo
New York Thursdays and Saturdays for Plv.
wnuth.CLONUOiO.Ctiorbous.U'AlUb and II AM-
Hoturntng , the steamers leave Hamburg on
Wednesdays nnd Sunday * , via. llano , taking :
passcmirei-s tit Southampton und London.
First cnbln S"iO , OJ and S75 ; Btoornso tS3.
Ttallroad tickets from Plymouth to llrlstol , Car
diff. Ixindon. or to any pluco In tlio South of
Ungland , FHKK. Btoorauo from Lurope only
t25. Bond for "Tourist wotti' . "
Qonaial Passenger Agents ,
01 Broadway , Now York j Washington nnd La
Hullo ftd. CU1CB30 , 111.
Provisions and B. II. Stocks.
1305 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Kxeouto orders for purchase or salonf wheat ,
corn , pork and rallio.ul stocks.
lioicr by permission to the Omaha National
Dank. First clftM attention to orduii fiom In
terior whluh arocolldtbd , FAHLliV & CO.
EihnuitodVltulltr. Nerroui and Physical
Premature Decline in Man. Krrnrs ofVouth.and the
untold mlsortus roiulttnn from Indiscretion and ei-
cesses. A boolc tor ovcry mun. rounu. inUldhi age 1
nnd old. llconulns IU protcrlptlous fur ull acute > n1
rhrnnlodisaustis. cachono or which Is limilunblo. So
lound l UiDnuthorwhnto oiporlonco for 21 rairsls
liiclins probably novur teforuloll to tlio lot or any
physlcluii ! W0uire | . li-iund In b-niiilful Kren'-h mui-
lln.unibosicJLorcrs , fullullt. loiimntood to he minor
work Hi nrorjr sennrae ( literary mid prifei.
slonnl thMiiinv uiher work In this country for I MX
ortlio inoncr will bo rotund Ineverr Instance. 1'rl-a
onlr ft by mall , poiipnld. Illustrttpt erttnnle , Oil.
rciidnoir. Oold mod iliiwanle-1 ilia author by the Ifv
tlonalllydlcHlAxuclatlon.l' ) thu lion. .A. I' . Illnell ,
iiiidttisooluto onicors ot the toaid ttia rcaiierli re-
spei Uully rofurrod.
Thu.S lenooof Jjf l worth more totoa TOuiuHnl
nilcldlo-anoJ men of tuls zenumtlon thun all Ilia jol 1
mines of California nml the silver uilnej of
combined. S.K. Chronicle.
The bclonca of IJ ( * points oui the locks id quick.
snnds on which the constitution und hopoJ ot manr
a rounK uiun have boon futally wruciod.Manchester
MThorsclonoo of l.lfotsof itroatcr ralne thnn ull the
modlcalhorks published In ihli country lorthop-ait
10 years.All inta Cunstltutlon.
TheSclBncoof 1.1 foil a suparb and ; trait-
IBB on nerrous mid physical delillltr-DotroU Kre
' 'Addrosuhe P ibo r Medical InHltuto. or Ir W. 1C.
P rk r.No. illulinuch struct , Itustoo. Jlajs .whamir
b Gonsaltud on-all diseases roqulmu ( kill und cipurl-
un.e. ChMutcnna ubilntie itisotiui Iliul har J bjf-
11 oJ the skill o ( ull oUicr.iliyali lain * JlJiK-Ultr , bucU
trtatod successfully wltuoul uu luitauc * oi ( alltu *
Mcullou O nha U o.
ee & % Paul
The Short tine
and Best
From Omaha to the East
Cliicaifo , Mlummpolls. Milwaukee ,
St. 1'aul , Cedar Kaplds , Davenport ,
Clinton. Dubuque , Itockford ,
Itock Island , Freeport , Jnnusvllle ,
KlKln , Mndlson , LiiCrosso ,
Holoit. Winona
Aiidall other Impui Hint points Enst , NortUoa i
ito' '
I'ullimm Sleepers und the Fluent Dlnliift Ctu-a
In tlio World nro run on the main lines of the
ClllCACJO.MtMYAUKKi : & ST. l'\UI , 1U1I.WAV. 1111(5 (
every attention is pnid to wissongora by oouito-
ous employes of the company.
It. Miu.Kll , Qoncuil Mnniitfor.
J. F. Tucitnii , Assistant General Mnnasor.
A. V , II. CAUI-K.NTEU , Gontml Pasaongor an ]
Ticket Atfont.
Uvo. K. iiittrt'om ) . Assistant Qoncrall'assca-
per und Ticket Airuut
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tlio only rend to tnko for Dos Molnos , Jfftr-
hnlltown , CodnrHnplds , Clinton , Dixie. Qhlciitfd.
Miliwiltoo and nil points ohst. To the itooplo of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomiiiir , Utub. Idaho
Novadu.OreRon , Washington nnd California It
odors superior advantages not possible by nny
other line
Ainonpr a few of the numerous points of supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons or thja road be
tween Omaha nnd Chlciijro , are Us two trains a
day of DAY COACH US wjiloli are the finest that
human urt and Ingenuity can create. Its 1'AI/-
ACI5 SLKKI'INO CAHS. willed ar models of
comfort and ologanco. Itn 1'AKUm DRAWING
KOOM CAHS. unsurniiRhud by any , and Its wide
ly celebrated 1'ALATIAI , D1N1NCJ CAI13 , Iho
equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere.
At Council JIlulfH the trains of the Union Poci *
flo Ity. connnot In Union Depot with tlioso of thn
L'hloiiBo & Northwestern Uy. In Chicago tlio
trains of this Una make close connection with
tlioso of nil eastern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indlanapolli , Ciucln
natl , Nlaxnrn Fallx. lluiralo , 1'lttsburir. Toronto
Montreal , Iloston , Now York , Philadelphia , Hal-
tlmorc.WashlDifton and all points In the east , ask
If you wish the best accommodations. AJltlokot
raSSKeUTtathttlllw' ' ifciuxHr
General ManftBor. Con. 1'oss. Atfont.
Nebraska MionalTtai
Paid up Capital . $860,000
Suplus May 1 , 1885 . 28,000 ,
U. W. YATIM , I'rosltioiit.
A. E. TOUIAI.IK , Vice Prcsldimt.
W. II. S. UUOIIKH , Cashier.
\V. V. MoitaB , JOHS S. COLLINS.
U. W. YATKS , Liswib a. UEKD ,
Cor. 12tb and Farnam Streets.
General llaiulnv Uuslnusi T
Pianos and Organs
: BN ,
You ere allowed afrtt trial o/IMrfy days ot the tut
of Dr. Pro's ( klbUated VoltsJo Ih.ll witn I.leUrlp Su -
pamory Aiipllancis , for the rpcaily rrllrf nnd Ir-
rncincnt oare n ( Ktnvtu Dttillltv. loaot KallIinJ (
Jt/uuhood , nud r.ll ttlmlre < l troublu. Also for inuiiy
olticrdlsoairs. Complttuteatoratlon toIliaUtiVlKor ,
and MantiiHvl iruuranici'd. 1,0 rlslc U Ineurrua. llluj-
i ' ' t'V."KW ' 'ii//.n.'rivt. ' ' ffi " fw.Ja i *