Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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rally nml the final flunrcs were from tojj ?
per cunt lilelicr for nil the nctlvo slocks.
C.&A 143 > I'I ) .
preferred. . . . 150 | IM .0
C. , B. AsO. 130'f ' Hock Islaim , . . .
I ) . , L. A W 120VSt , I * * S. F. . . .
J ) . &H.0 10 preferietl. . . SB
lirlc 27K C. , M. & St. 1' . . . 18 *
preferred , . . . 03 I preferred. .
Illinois Central. . HOV St. V.tO
I. , U.V. . , 27'ii preferred. . . 102 *
Kansas 2sf ) TCXM 1'nclfic. . . $
Ii\UeSioro ! S7J < Union 1'aclllc. . . 40 $
L. & N 42ji\V. , SU I , , ifcl' . . ll * <
JIlcli.Central. . . . 73 I ' preferred. . . 20 %
JIo. I'nclllp 1075f'\Vesturn Union.
Northern 1'nc. . . 20J4O. U.&JJ
Clilonrco , MarcillT7 Flour Stratly ,
firm anil unchanged ; winter wheat Hour.
S4.40CrU.NiS southern , 84.00 < g-J.Vi ( ; Wisconsin.
S , .VM4.70 ; Michigan , S3.70
C'M.OO ; Minnesota bakers' , ? : J..V.14. ) ) ; pat
ents.'VrZS ' 00 ; low Krades , S2.00C < i3.0 > .
Wheat Steady and linn ; opened % c lii U-
tr. nil\nnrcd KS ( fc , then IMIMM ! elf 3 c , line-
tuati'd , and clo eilc above vcsterday ; M4c ?
( gttil/c forcnsli ! so.taj for Maicli ; b5@SiVc
for May.
Corn Onlol lint firmer ; No. 2 cash n sliado
holler ; : nki(75fc ? : : ( for cash ; H' cfor Mnrcli ;
10J < C' 40)i ) < ! lor May.
Oafs NCI materialchaniro ; 29)fo ) for cash ;
20 < ! n r .Maich ; : wifc for Jlny.
] { yi > Dull and c lower at Olc ,
Hailuy Onll nlmc.
Tlinothv About sloatlv : prime. Sl.6.1.
I'lnxsvcd- better ; No. 1 , SUKjiUltf
Whlskv Sl.W.
1'ork Llttlu dolntf , but steady and nn-
rliaiiL'ed ; 310.or ' < 10.10 for cash ; SlO.OK'5
10.07 % for March : S\0.'M \ ( W.'m < for May ;
S10.'J.10.y7 for .Innc.
I .aid Steady and a sliado lilalior ; sn.flij
( afi.00 for casli mul Mnreli ; SO.W gO.05 for
Jfiilk Mpats-Slionlilern , : . ( X ) : short
cloar. S > . ( ! " > < ( & .70 ; slmililbs , sri.ifJkig. ) . : ! . " ) .
linttur In Kooililuiiiniul nnd tlnn ; good
to Iniicy oroaniery , ajffitf.'c ; clioico to line
dairy , llXi ! Ms.
Cliwsso Finn ; tull creams , line. 10@llc ;
Hats , 10' ' @llo ; Young Ameileas , ll afil'-'e ;
skims , ( ( ( . < : .
JCires-Ka-iler nt 11\4@\ \ \
llltlc tlnnliantjtd ; inccn , 7c : hcavv
rri'tm suited , lully cured , bo : liht ( , 5 o ;
hull hitler < ic ; dry salted. l'J > ! io ; dry Mint ,
iff514c : ) ; calfskins , lOQl'ic. '
Tallow Unchanncd ; .No , 1 country , 4jfc ;
Mo. 2 country , . ' > % o : eaUo. - % .
Kecuints. Sliipinonts.
Flour. Will S,000
Wheat , bu 10,000 21.000
Corn , mi inooo : TIJ.OOO
Oats.bu U7.000 S/7,000
Hyebn 'J.OOO 7,000
IJarloy.bu 41,000 7.000
St. Louis. March 11. Wheat Steady and
linn ; No. a rod , cash , ll@.HJc ) ; May. Ulc ,
Corn Steady ; No. a mixed , a5 @yOc ;
May , 'Mc.
Oats Steady No. 2 mixed , cash , 31c ; May ,
live Nominal and unchanged at COc.
Pork Steady nt SIO.CM.
hard Firm at S5.8.r.1.00.
Whisky 81.10.
Butter Cloted btcady ; creamery , 23@0c ;
dairy. lbJOC.
AKTIII.NOO.BOAUD. : . Wheat Xc higher.
Coi n A shade lower. Cuts } c lower.
Now York. March 11. Wheat Receipts ,
14,000 ; expoits , 51,000 ; spot weak : options
h'ghor ' ; ungraded led , 83c@Sl.UO ; No. 2 red ,
f. o. D. ; April closing at IM.tfc.
Corn Spotlower : options opened linn , and
closed steady ; receipts , "OJ.OOO ; oxpoits ,
IC,000 ! ; ungtuded , 44J < c ; No. : i , 40i4'@m } < ro ;
No. 2 , 47r lSc in elevator , 4'J ' ( M9Kc alloat ;
April closing at 48' c.
Oatb Bull ; recefits | , 40,000 ; expoits , 425 ;
mixed western , SOGiWo ; white western , aOK@
Petroleum Firpi ; united closed nt 73) ) c.
Kggb Firmei ; receiiits , 7,000 packages ;
western , 14jii4 ( ) > 4c.
Pork Itdi ; mess , S10.00@10.50 for old.
Laid Fairly active ; western bteain , spot , : ; April , SO.iO. ;
Butter-tjulot : wcstein , 10 ( < 5"0c ; Elgin
cieamcrv , SW jS c.
CI166S6 oit-Rdy and demand good ; west
ern lint. 7 < gy ) < re.
ICniuma City , March 11. Wheat
Stronger ; No. a cash , 7.'UTc ( ; ApiII , 7 : > c bid ,
75 } < fc asked ; May. 7r < c bid. 77-ffu asked.
Cforn ( Julet ; "No. a cash , :55 : } e bid ,
asked ; April , B'.iKc ' ; May , aiu bid , ac
Oats Cash , 2Sc asked.
Liverpool , March 11. Wheat Fair de
mand ; new No. 2 winter , 7s 2d ; sniiug.
7s 2d.
Flour Fair demand at 8s 2d.
Corn Spot , fair demand ; futures , poor de
mand : spot , linn nt4s2d ; March , .steady at
4s2 > d ; April nndSIny , easy at4s2d.
Toledo. March 11. Wheat Quiet ; cash
nnd Match , V3 ; .
Corn Cash , tf.iMc.
Oats-Very dull ; cash , S2Hc.
New Orleans , March 11. Maikcts wdet
and unchanged ,
Corn Unit ; white , 45c ; yellow , 40c.
Oats Finn at : i e
Cornincal Steady at 52.EO.
IIoj ? Piudurts Light demand nnd holders
mm.PoikSll.OO. .
l.ard SSJS.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 53.00 ; long clear
BlHl clear rib. 85.50.
Mtiiiicftiionq , March 11. Wheat Steady ;
futures , dull ; No. 1 hard , cash , B7 c ;
Apiii , 8Sic ) ? ; May , Ulc ; Juno , ! c ; No. 1
noithern , cash , 72c ; April , 7 c ; May , 75 > < c ;
June , 7Kc ( !
Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.75S5.00 : bakers' ,
Beceipts Wheat , 00,000 bn.
Shipments-Wheat , 200,000 , bu ; flour. 12,000
Milwaukee , March 11. Wheat Inactive ;
cash , HlJ c ; May , 84-tfo ; Julie ,
Corn Steady : No. 2 , U7 c.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , iiOc.
_ . . . pork , cash and
Match. 5511.10 ; May , 811.20.
Cincinnati , March U. Wheat-Easier ;
No. 2 led , U2 ( ! Ue.
Coin Stronger ; No. 3 mixed , SSc.
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , : > % @ : e.
live-Firm ; No. 3 , a OOc ,
Bailey Fair dcmnnu ; uxlnx No. a spring ,
Poik Kasy at 510.50.
Laid Firm ; curient market at 55.90.
Whisky Finn at 31.10.
ltl\n HTOOlt.
Clilcn/o / , March 11. 1'huDi overs' Journal
iciioris :
Cattlu llccelpts B,200 : market nbont
steady : shlpplns hteers. &a.WV3c.iO ; ; stock-
uis and feeders. S.0v.G.r ! ! ( ) ; ! > ; cows , bulls and
mixed , S1.75L' ( > l.-ii ; hulk , 5y.00@ti.BO ; tluoiiKli
Texas rattle. SMttWMO.
Hogs Itifi'liitd ' , ; mniket slow nnd
Go Io\ver ; inugfi nnd mixed , SH.t > .M34.25 ; pnck-
Ing nnd bliinpW. S.20jil4.50j ( lijjht , 5j.70Q : )
4.20 ; skips , 5J.Olai:5.75. : ( ( :
Sheen Itei'elpts , : t.500 ; mniket stendy :
natives , 5i.(0 : ( ft.73 ; Texan * . S2.50C'M.25.
Ht. Iio'iU. Mnieh 11. Cattlu Uccelnt * .
1,100 ; shipments , : iO ( ) ; good shipping , .sti OUR
aud hteady ; common to choice .shlpplm ; , 54.00
( < t5.fO ; butchers' hteers , $3.3.XfMWJ : co\\s and
helfeis , S2.25wn.70 ; btockeis and feedern ,
Sa.ixi ) ( i.'o.
Hogh-liecelnls , 3,000 ; shipments , 1,200 ;
opened stiong nut closed easy and So louer :
ImU'heib' nnd best heavy , $1.20i l.40 ; mixi-d
packing , fa.tHXi l.15.
KariHiis City. Mnivh 11. Cnttlo llo-
celpts , 1XK1 : ; shlpmiMits , none ; shipping.
Blow butchers' . WyiUa lower ; teeders , talrly
nctlvo : choice to limey , S.f > .o.vj5.i5 $ ; common
to choice , SI.ClV25.oo ; hloekers and feeders ,
83.4P@UO ; cows , 5f'i.40Ci J. > n.
Hos-Uecelils. | 4.000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
cludi-e , ritiaily ; others. Bo lower ; common to
choice , $ & 'iOj > l,15 ; skips and pljfs , Sj'.CO
3.50 ,
Thuisdny Kvcnlnir , March 11.
Theic wcio nonmv featunts In tlio ccltln
nui'iltet to-day. Tiio stilke In llnnunond
tV Co.'s packlui ; hnnsc has had no
effort upon tin * imukat. Stem awr-
nglnc 1'KW ' to t ln. ! S .00(34.10 ( ; 1SV ) to
1450 Ibs , S't.lO > jt4.n5 ; choice cows and
helftMs , 3l'.loi H.fA ; fair to good , S2..W@ ; .Ojj
bulls S2.25 .2\
The hos mm kct was fie lower to-day nnd
vr rv quIi-T. I'hulco mixed packers nre ( | iin'.i-d
'j ; gooil mlxitl , e3.7a-.JU.iO ; touah
. . .
No. Av. Pr. NO. Av. IT.
15 1113 53.25 li 112SJ.lft
20 DM 3.tO 14 12.SO 4.2- >
15 1137 4.03 17k 120J 4.'V >
No. Av. Pr. N.Q , Av. IT.
1 1200 53.00.
No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
2 14IJO 53.40 4 073 53.03
No. Av. Pr.
1 2140 54.15. v
smnr. :
No. Av. Pr.
341 W 83.B.
No Av. Pr. No. Av. IT.
03 20'J 83.00
Showing thu highest and lowest prices paid
on this market for hogs during the past
seven days and for the correspomlln ; , ' period
last motitli.
r'ctirnnri' . .MillCll
Tlnnsday S.1.75 SlbO ; : } rmtW'
Friday. 3.75 @l.o- > n.w @
CnHit fin 3.70 C ( { 1.0.1 3.87fl ! 3.nri
Monday. 8 > 7HM3.W
'I'ue.sdny . ! UK ) M4.00
WediiL'sdny 3.00 .
TliuiMlay. . . . . . . 3.bO'i
Note All sales of stock In this market nro
made iicrcvvt. live weight unless otherwise
stated. li ) > .td IIOKS sell nt le pur Ih , for nil
weights. "Skins , " or lie s weighing loss than
100 Ibs , no valnc. rrugnnnt sows arc docked
40 Ibs iiiul sta s fcfl Ibs
Tlittrstiny Kvcnlng , Mnich 11.
General lUnrkctH ,
f.uS TJlc innt'ket Is about steady nt
a luwsli'ielocftsc lots going nshlK
lie.HuiTUit Very choice country rolls
sell Inlily well , but the doinnnd
for thu iiiLMllinn nnd poorer grades Is
exceedingly light. A greater portion of the
icculpls ot inedlitin nnd Inlonor grades Is
turned over to thu butter packers wltuie It U
leworked nnd shinned to eastern markets.
The city trade will take nothing except the
best grade , only the very choicest glades of
table butter will bring ton iirlces. Cholco
inll.saionnntod nt lH@lic ( ; fair to good , @
lOc : Inferior , ( fific : crtamcry. In 1 In bricks ,
! Kc. ) Oimntry shlppets by banilllng their
butter with moiocaiu so that it will present
a better aiiiiearanco on ltsu : rival to inaiict ; ,
would ix'oluu bettor prices in ninny in
Cmi : : i : Fancy full cream Cheddars. Octo
ber make. 11 'c ; Hats , rj@rj.Kc ; VOUHK
America , % ; llrst quality Swiss cliecse ,
Kic ; second quality. li > @llc ; biick cheese ,
ICe ; LiinlmrKcr.
I'our.TitY Choice diessed chickens sold
ntt > ® 'Jc ; fair to good , 7Sc. Turkeys arc not
veryactlve. nt 8Uc : bo.ivy turkeys weighing
18 to'20 His or more do not sell as well , 7c being
nbont the nvct.iKC price. There aio no gccso
eoniing in , nnd no demand. Cholco ducks
are quoted at.l'OlOc. '
( AMI : With the exception of n few ducks
nothing bn ? been received in the line of
game worth mentioning. Prices fortho most
pait niu nominal. I'tmrle chickens , per dor. ,
S'J.W ) ; quail , per do/ . S1.2.5@1.50 ; jack rab
bits , per do/ . S.1.00 : mallard dnclcs. $2. ' > @
. .W : teal ducks. S1.2.VJ&1.50 ; mixed ducks ,
Sl.l' > @ 1. 50 ; small rabbits , 75 © Oc : geese ,
. JirUES. : r.rc. rrcserves.
nil kinds. liO-lb. palls per lb. , 10) < e ; do 10 pail
lots , per lb. lOc ; assorted 5-lb. palls per crate ,
0 paifs , S3.7S. Jollies , all kinds , iint grade ,
20-lb. pails , per lb. , be ; assorted , lirst grade ,
Mb palls , per crate , 0 palls , S2..TO : do ,
1-lb pails , per case , s doz , 82.25 ; do , tninlv
lers , per ca o. 2 dm. . S1.40. Jelly , nil kinds ,
second grade , SO-lb. pails , per lb. oc. jviinco
Jleat , best grade. 3f bbl. per lb. , 7c ; do , IS ,
ss and C8-lb palls , perBlb. , Ti c : no. 5-lb
palls , per crate , ( i palls , Si.7.ri. : Apple butter ,
extra line , if bbl. , per lb. . 7c ; do10lb palls ,
per lb. . 1Udo. \ . Mb palls , pur crate , ( i palls
S2.7f . Pencil nnd plum butter , 40-iD pnils , per
lb. , Oiifc ; peach , plum and quince butter , as
sorted , 5-lb. palls , per ciate , 0 iiails , S3.75 ;
rat.sup per case , 2 do/ , pint bottles. S5.00 ;
liorso radish , pint bottles , per doz. . S1.50.
1'ios FKET , 'UHPK , KTr Pics' feet per K
bbl. . S4.75 : do. M bbl. , S2.40 ; do. per kit ,
per & bbl. , 54.50 ; do. per X bbl. S2.35 : do.
ucr Kit. Sin.
BAUKII KHATJT licst Quality. 45 gal bbl ,
67.50 ; : iO pal bbl , S0.50 ; 15 gal bill. S4.00.
XI'TS Pecans , large polibhcd. lie ; pecans ,
medium , Oc ; English walnuts , Uc : almonds ,
Tarragona , 20c ; do , ijangnenoc , 17c ; Ura/iis ,
I''c , filberts , l-c ) ; peanuts , hnnd picked , fancy
Yiiginia. 7cdo ; roasted ! 'c. '
COMH HONKY California B ID frame uo Ibs ,
In case per lb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska.
Wn 17C. Michigan icHucd , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. half bbl. . S4.00.
VINHOAU Whlto wine , lOc ; cider , 12 > c.
Coco A NUTS At 5f4.50a5.00.
MKW Fias , UATKS , ETC. I ayer figs , 5 and
8-lb boxes , per lb , 10@l7c ; Pninolles. 25-lb
boxes , per lb , It'c. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb
boxes , per lb , 14c ; do , fancy Persian , 50-Ib
boxes , per lb. lie ,
LEMONS Vancy Messina and Palermo , per
box , S5.CO : do. choice Me.sslna and Palermo ,
per box , S1.5-J ; do. per 5 box lot , 84.00. Call-
lorn la lemons , S3.50 per box.
OHAPKS Jialaca per bbl. S7.00.
OitANnr.s Cholco Los Angeles , per box ,
52.75 : do , 5-box lots , per box , & ! .flO ; do , 10-box
lots , S2.50 ; fancy Hlverside , S3.75 ; do , 5-box
Jots. S3.50 : Navels. S4.50.
CiiANiiEiuiiEB Capo Cod cranberries , per
bbl , sy.M ) : ( Jnpo Cod do. 5-bbl lots , per
l > bl. 58.00 ; Hell and Cherry do , per bbl , 85.75 ;
Bell nnd Cherry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 85.50.
UvbTiutsTho vplumu of the oyster trade
is decreasing Vppiitly at the approach of wnrai
weatnor. Prices remain steady at former
( liiotiitious. New York counts , 45c ; extra
selects , 4Uc ; selects , Soc ; standards SOc ;
mediums. 25fj.
Ai'i' : Fancy N. \ . Bald wins and green
ings , SZ.50CW.75 : Missouri ( ieuitons , per bbl. ,
S2/40 / ; do , 5-bbl lots , 82.25 ; do. 10-11) lots ,
S2.00 ; Mlbtomi WIllowTwigs , Ben Davis , etc ,
82.75 ; do , 5-bbl lots , W.50 ; do , 10-bbl lots ,
S2.40 : fancy Michigan stock. S3.00Ci3.25.
VEOICTAIII.IIS Calitoinin cabbage , SJ c per
lb ; southern and Coloiado , old stock , 2 } c ;
California celery , S2.00g2.50 per doJerhO.v ; .
sweet potatoes , 4o per lb ; pnrMilps , 52.00 per
bushel ; Mlrhlimn rutabaga , 52.50 per bul ;
caullllower , 2.00 per do ; horse radish , 7c
jcr ) lb.
POTATOKS Cholco , large , assorted stock
Is bolng sold in a small way at
55ffSCOc ; smaller or medium assorted stock at
45i2 ( > .V > e. Inferior or mixed stock Is not
wnnted ami would not sell to advantage.
O.MO.NS-ChOfco SIOcIC iS.iu.n . 'i ul Sl.fiO r
bushel ; however largo quantities would not
sell in the city at that price , as the demand Is
mostlv in a sitiall way.
Hand ulckea unvy. 81.75@2.00 ;
hand-picketl mcdlinn. SI. 50 1. 73 : good clean
country. 81.251. 0 : inferior. 75c(5t.00. (
GHAIK Elevntor prices : Corn , 21J/c : oats ,
! Mc ; wheat , i % ; lye , 45c ; barley , 4fcc.
I'l.otTit and MiM.sTUKKS Winter wheat
Hour , best quality patent , 8il.OOQ3.iO ; second
quality , gu.50@H.OO ; best quality biiiiiK |
\\heat Hour , patent , S'i.50ffl3.75 : buckwheat
Hour , In b.iuels , 85.75 ; icaily raised 31b pack
ages , 84.60 ; 0 lb packages , S3.1X ) ; tran , 5. * > c
per cwt : chopped teed , 70c per ewt ; white
pom meal , SOc ; yellow eorn meal , 70opcr cwt.
sciecnlng , Gtiii per cv.'t ; liominy , Sl-Wjier cwt ;
slioits , iiOe per cwt : gmhani , SI. 75 per ewt ;
IIRV. In baits. 5i3.Wirt7.od ner ton.
I'novisio.vfl. Hnm. lMtolifc. ( ) breatcfnst
bacon , K@S4'fclearsidebircon ! ; , 7c : dry salted
Bides , Oc : shoulders , sugar cured. .1J c ; mess
poikpor bb ! . . 813.00 : lard. 40 lb. enus. perlb.
WC TV : ID. 6 and 3 Jb 7 ? So ; ( tiled beef
hams. I''o
lliiis-ttiecii ) : butchers , CS J o ; creen
cured. r , ( i Te : dry Hint. HM13o ; dry
bklini arc steady , ,
inuskrat. winter. ' 'OJ'k ) ; do. kits , lo : Otter ,
S2.MVac.OC ' ; skunk , bhoit striped , is ilo : do.
lirond'stilped , imrbailgfr \ \ , asfitV ) ; Itac- .
" "
liiTrskln : . drv winter , l.XjilSa per lb ; do , full
and iitinir.'r acauae
HKAVV ilAiwwAiiK Iron , rates , S3. 5 ;
i'low hti'cl , special cast , 4c ; crucibio steel , Co ;
r st tools do. lacslSc ; wavon spokes , per set ,
S1.750M.09 ; hubi. t > cr set , 81.'ifelloos , cawed
dry , 81.40 , touKues , ench. 7Sc , axles , each , 7.'xj ;
square nuts , per lb. , 7(0Uo ( ! ; coilchaln per lb ,
cosiiio ; inalcttble.fV'Cfc : Iron vertKcs.Bc : ojow-
bars.C ; harrow teeth , 4o ; siirins stenl , 7 < Si > ;
Uunti'n's linrso Mines S4. 5 ; Hnrdim's nuilo
shoos , So S5. Harheil Wlrn In car lots , 84.00
jfr 100 tbs. iron Kails KutPS , 10 ( o 00. Jf..OJ. !
.Shot II.W : hticksliot. SI.NV Oriental ro-.v-
der , kens 8J.50.tf4.Pi . > : do , halt ke s. ? 3.0rt ; do ,
qmittcrkeKS. 81.50 : blablliu' , koss Sl.a : ; luso ,
per 100 foot. Me. head Usr. 51e.\
ijEATHEK .Vo. i nttkhun ; liarness .1. C. 1 < .
A-Sons , .WVs ; No. 1 1'ittslnirtc , K. & S. ttV ;
No. 1 tare leather , n. ' < c ; iirinio slnnphtrr
solo leallirr , V e : iiriino oak bold leather.
i'j ijS'je. Uni'iir leather , per fc"it.
Hem tip , 7isS > i ; oak Jclp ,
kin. Sl.oaftl.25 : Hem calf. Sl.00ai.10. oak
coif. 81.0031,35 : French calf , Sl.2-T 1.85' Mo
rocco boot lc/ . ; 2Hc ; Morocco oil pebble ,
XXitSto ; toppines nnd llnlnzs. SJ.Od ( > illO.OO
j > er 007.
COAT. Anthracite sratp , S8.-5 ! egp , 88.25 ;
range , S&6J ; chestnut , S .5) ) ; Iowa , sasj ;
Walnut IJlock , 53.7D ; Illinois , 55.00 ; JJIs-
sotiri SJ.nii
DIIY PAINTS White lend , 8c ; French zinc ,
12c ; Paris whiting. 2 c ; whiting cilders ,
IJi'c ; whiting , com'l , H/c ! lampblack , < ! er-
mniitown , 12c ; lampblack , ordlnir10o ;
Prussian blue , We ; ulti-anmrine , Ibc ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , 8c ! mnbor. burnt , 4c ; umber ,
aw. 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ;
Paris green , genuine , 25 ; ; Pat is green , com
mon , 20c ; chrome green , > f. Y. , 20c ; chrome
crccn , K , 12c ; verinllllon , Kngllsh , In oil
nsst , , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans ,
lOc ; raw and burnt slcnnn , lOc ; Vandyke ,
blown , 13c ; lelincd lampblack , 12c ; coaclt
black and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , lOc ;
Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue. Itkj ;
chrome srecn , 1 . , AI. & D. , lf > c : blind and
shutter ciecn , L. , M. & IX , lfc ! ; Paris green ,
Ibc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , PC ; Tus
can , 22c ; Amcrkan verinllllon , L. A : 1) . , 20c ;
yellow ochre , He ; K M. * 0.1) . . 18c ; golden
ochic , Ific ; patent dryer , 8e ; gmlnliii ? colors ,
light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut nnd
ash , 15c.
PAINTS ix On. Whlto lend , Omaha , P. IV
7Vchltclead ; , St. Louis , pure , ST.bO ; Mar
seilles green , 1 to fi 1I > cans , 20c ; Kiench zinc ,
green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
Ftcnch zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; veimilllon. America , 18c ; Indian ,
red. lOc ; rosonink , lc ( ; Venetian , red , Cook-
son's , 2J c ; Venetian , red ,
tine , extra , 81.10 ; fiiiiitture , No. 1 , S1.00 ;
coneli , extra , S1.40 ; coacii , No. 1. SLIM ;
Damar. extta. 81.75 ; .Japan , 70c ; nsplialtutn
CWn , S5c ; shellac , § 3.Mj hard oil finish ,
vOu'.s 110 ° caibon. per gallon , lOc : 150 °
cadlight. per gallon , lie ; 17.V hundllulit. pi-r
gal , Ificj 1MWwaterwliltc..Uc ; ; linseed , hard ,
47c ;
1'Jc ' :
81 ,
sperm ,
per gallon , CSa' ; neiitsfoot , extra , pcr'galloni
TOc ; No. 1. ( We ; lubricating , /pro , per gallon ,
No. 1 summer. 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per
gallon , 30o ; No. 'J , aSc ; spenn , siunal , per
gallon , 75c ; turpuntine , per gallon , fwc ; gaso-
lent1 , per gallon , iie :
Dnuos AND CHEMICALS Acid , catbolic ,
Me ; add , tartaric , Klc ; balsam copaiba , per
It ) , .we. ; , sassafras , per lb , ISe ; calomel ,
ror lb , TVo : cinclionidin , per o40c ; chloro-
lorm , per lt > , OOc ; Dovors powdeis. | icr lt > , > ; epsom Halts , iier lb , s. ' c ; glyoeilne ,
pure , per li > , UOc ; lend acetate , per ItJo ) ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , JSLOOi oil , castor ,
No. B , per gal. , 5:1.40 ; oil , olife , per gal. ,
§ 1.40 ; oil , origanum , 50c ; opium , 8,3.75 ; nnl-
nine , 1' . A ; W. , nnd It. & . S. , per oz. , STx ; ; po
tassitim , Iodide , per lb , SU.OO ; salicln , tier oz. ,
40c ; sulpliato morphine , tier o/ . , § 3.00 ; snl-
pliur , per lb , 'Jlo ; strycliniiie. per oz. , fcl.4.r > .
briitrrs Cologne spirits , 1SS proof , Sl.l'J ;
do 101 proof SI .13 ; spirit1 ? , second Quality
101 proof. Sl.ia ; do. IsS proof , Sl.ll. Alco
hol. ibS proof. S2.10 per wine gnllon. Kcdls-
tilled whiskies , S1.00 ( l. : > 0. Uin blentied ,
bl.EO@ iK ( ) ; Kentucky bourbons , S'-.00@i.OO ! ;
Kuntunkv and I'ennsvivanla ryes. 52.00y 3.50 ;
( tolden Sheaf bombon and U'o winskics ,
81.50(83.00. ( Brandies liuportca , Sfl.OOtSS.&O ;
domestie. Sl.80Cali.00. ( lint Imported , 81.50
feO.OO : domestic , P1.2.i.OO. : . KuiiH-lm
jioited , S4.60@bi.00 : Ne\vEiit-'landS1.7rj)1J.OO ; ) ;
domestie , Sil.WfaS.oa. Cliampagncs 1m-
poited , per case S'J3.03S31.00 ( ; Amcilcan , per
case , S10.00&1C.OO
Suxnitir.s Uomcstlc Holland herrings ,
kegs , 50c ; Russian sardines , 4Jc : Ancir ! > -
vies in class. Ole Hull brann. per ( to/ . ,
S'.OO ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and
heads elf , uer pail. S1.0J.
Tnr8THrf "uTToT
200 100 DO 50 40 I 12 10
Munn'B S'tNo.l L'b n 60 3 753 4J 1 (3,1 ( , CO CO 53
IVgo Qlb'cd Fiincy.ll W 3 503 03 1 m.l 50 ! 55 ; 59
- H'd Sh'ro F'cy 5 CU3 | 25 3 ' . ,71 , C7l | 40J 63 47
SMOKED Fisir iiallbut , lOc ; scaled herr
ings , li'.c ; salmon , 14c : smoked sturgeon.
CODFISU Lnrzo O. U. whole cod , 4c ;
C. ifcT. , Georges chunks , 7c ; clover leaf ,
Georges strips , O c ; 1 It ) rolls , r lb boxes ,
f-Kc : pralriolower ( , 21b brlckOKc ; wild rose ,
2 lb brick , 5e.
Grocers JLilst.
Svnur No. 70 , a'c , bbls ; No. 70 , 4-callou
kegs. 51.03 ; New Orleans 33@4 'c per gallon ;
Maple Syrup , yt barrel , I * As G. .strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , S .2. > per doz ;
\4 \ gallon cans , 85.25perdoz ; auartcans
STAKCH M rror gloss , 1 lb , Cc ; Mirror
ploss181b,5/o } ; .Miriorgloss,01bl ( > sc ; ( ira/cs
corn , 1 lb , r. | o ; Klncstord's corn , 1 lb , 7c ;
Klugsford'B gloss , 1 lb , 7c ; Kingsford's gloss
01b.7Kc : Kfiigslord'spure , 31b.o ; Kings-
ford's bulk < ic.
l'j.uo TonACCO Climax , 4i"'cpcrlbHorso- ;
BJQO ! ffc ; Star. M c : 9Jlcu llcad , 1 0 ; GoUl
Ko.I , 4Tol TTuet Uilililj ; ° ° c ; 1'uncli , ao ;
\onmiKrltz. site : Ji'j , tf-j
OANDY Mixed. ( ) K@l3o : stick ,
SODA In lb papers , 33/J5 a case ; salsoda
keeper lb. a .r. I
I'IOKLKS Medium In barrels. SVOdo ; In
half barrels. S.7 ! > ; small in barrels , § 7. 0 ; do
in half barrels , si. 6 ; gherkins In barrels ,
8 < .il > ; do In half barrels. $4.75.
UHIKD Knurrs .No. 1 Quarter apples , 4o ;
evaporated , boxes , SS''c ' : blackberries ,
boxes. U lCc ; peaches : Eastern.J iao c ;
peaches , evaporated , lO > tSl7o ! ; Salt j alce ,
new , 7H@'c ; raspberries , now. " , ' @ 33o ; mt
rants , now. 7 M i > T.C : prunes , now.l CiOn. ' .
&uoAits-l > owdPrcd,1fccntloaf.73fccran- ; ;
ulatcd , O'fc ' : coniectioners' A. 0/e / ; : Stan
dard extra 0. OU'c ; extra C. 6cmcdtnni \
yellow , Gli'o ; New Orleans. 5/atl ; , e.
( icons Oysters , btanaard per
case. 8S.0 ? ; strawberries , U-U > . , per case. 33.75 ;
inspbernos , S-lb. , per case , &i.i : ; California
jwars. per cnso , S5.GO ; apricots , per case ,
c-J.X ( ) ; peaches , per CASO , S4.75 ; wlilto cher-
rli-s , per case , SO.OOj plums , per case , S-1.00 ;
whortleberries , per case , 83. 40 ; eg ? plums ,
SMb. . per citso , 83/0 , croon gases , 3-lb. . per
case , g2. ' j pine apples , 2-lb. , per case , § 3.203
MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , per case
45c : square cases , 1.70 ; Oshkosli cases , ur. ,
tl.'Jo : mule wiuaro , S1.2.V
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 51.55 ; Ashton.
In sacks , S3. : ; X sacks , Aahton , Wobbla
dalrv , f iofk < W.7.ri
SOAPS Kirk's ciavoii imperial , SJ.03 ;
Kirk's satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. 63.00 ;
Kirk's Whlto Kusslau , Sl.W ; Kiik's Wblto
Cap. SO.M ; Dome. S-1.-.5. \Vasliloinl. \ ) SU5. :
COKKECS Ordinary craaes , u c ; talr , HXjj
10 0 ; prlmo , HH&fil-cj choice Wfd'dtyio ;
fancy cieon nnd yellow , 13 ! ( itl4l < c ; old tov
ornmrnt Java , SwdMa ; Inteihr Java , lOKrt
liOc : Mocha , 23 < &Ha : Arbuckto's roasted ,
MKo ; McLauehlln'a XXXX roasted , I'l c ;
llilwortli's 13'.fc ; Hod Cross. 18 se.
OANOI.ES Uoxos , < OIb. Oa lie ; as , lie ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Os , lie ; half box ,
Ground Ulaclc pepper , boxes , 15
.e ; allspice , latino : cinnamon I * '
cloves , I56j25c ; ginger , iSiS'JScj mustard ,
. . , , . . . .
JV , * " * \ * "W , , A I'.IMf A A J OV * * | UVft. , wv m. j ,
choice , f-o\iS7tc ) : Ooloni ; , good , iiX lOc ; Oo-
JOHJT. choice . ' ie : Kngllsh Hieakta.itiood ,
: oi34ue ; choice. aXiiC5e\Souchoinr ; , good , 30.3
8-Vj ; diolce , S5@ISa ; J.ipans. f.ilr. ai avj ;
' i-ood ' , ao v45c : choice , ? 5 75c ; Tea Dust , 15o ;
- '
CnA.cnr.ns Ixn-ncTin's sodn , butter and
picnic , Wic trc.ims , o { Rlnscer snaps , 8 > fc !
Fisn Car Hard to Ue.\t , 70c ; Charmot the
Wcst.COo ; . Koiuitaln , TOcj GoUlon Thread ,
Dry Goods.
S AinciHMii , W. Aniold's. Cc ;
Cocheco , Ccj Manchester , Cu ; Lvnan ,
fxj ; Gloncc'tcr , 'Ojjo Dunncll Jacqnard ,
Cc ; Uunncll , - > McWindsor. \ . Cc ; 1'ncllic ,
Cc ; Harmony , 4Uc ; Anchor Shirtings , 4kc :
MerrlmackShlitliiRS , 4. ci Uprwlck , 4c.
HI.KACHKP COTTONS. Farmers' clmlce ,
cue : Cabot , CJfc ; HODO , 7o ; lllll 4-4. 7 ! < c ;
lllilK.OKo ! Lonsdalo , 3jj Fruit , 8c ; \ am-
sntta. 10 c.
CnnsKT JEAN8 Kcarsnnco , 7cj Armory ,
7c ; J'enpcreli. 7ic } ; Indian Orchard , Oh'o ;
Nnnmkeae , 7c.
HKOWN COTTON Lawrence igc ; Sliaw
niut LL , 5c : Ucnyer Dam 11 * 5c ; Atlnntio
1/D. Cc ; Indian Head. 7c : Wauchtmsnt fl'fc ;
Crown X.'OL "Kc " : Clifton CCC , 0'ic ;
Utica C. 4Uc : Atlantic J' , 6 > < c.
TICKINGS Aint'-keacACA lakes Thorn-
ilkeOOO. 7Jfc : Tliorndlkefancv , Ov c ; rork
10' c ; Vork fancy. 12fc ! ; Mlilbury , 12jc ! ;
1'earl Ulvcr , llKc ; Hamilton. 1'Jc : Swift
itlver , r > 5fc : slietiickct b , 8Ue ; Slictnckot 83
! { c ! Jlontaiik AA. 12C ; Jlontank HU , lie }
Omcca ACA. 1
DHNIMS Heaver Creek AA. He ; Heaver
< Vek UH. 10c ; Heaver Creek CC. Uc : .lalTrev
XX , llo ; .Jalfrcy XXX , 12c ; .lafTroy 1) A T ,
1'JKo ; Columbian. 12' c ; York. l c : York ,
nncv. iSKc : Kverett , I3o ; Haymaker's blua
nnaimiwn. 7 ! < c. ,
DUcK-LMiblcachcd-So7. ( ) . Maenolia. 10 < ( c ,
10 Magnolia , 12c ; 8 ot. West I'olnt , 10 < i j
10 oz. WuM Point laUc.
DUCK ( colored ) Boston U or. , brown and
dral ) . 13'tfc : Uofcton O 11 brown and drab , oo ;
llosto XX brown and drab lOc : Hostoti
XXX brown and drab. HKc ; Boston 0 1' blue ,
HJie : Wnnen Tricot l u.
iti oHAMS-llcaLrew uaiO ) < e ; AnioskoA
dress6cV ; Amoskca ? . si Pv ; VZ\ \ & ' & *
OKo ; Wamsntla. Sl < c : Nubian. Kc ; War
wick. SKe : Whlttundnn. Oc : Hates , dress Sc :
Hates , staple , utfc ; Itniidoluli staple ,
Lansdowne. 7c : Gloucester , 7kc.
' ' " "
rosc/OcVo'tls / , 'checks."ii fcVOtfsV stripes , Uc ,
Koval CJfe ; Amoskeaa ; , nanpcd , lOiVc : Li'- '
ray , book fold , 12e ; Obcron , book toldi , 11K 5J
Endurancu , book fold 13c.
Ur ? Immbor.
' ft'io ' ' rt'a ' ft's '
is ft'ii rt'is ) rt:4ft [
. . . . . IWtt'l.VM 13.50 IftM ITM ! 18.r,0l'J.5' , )
IIB.OO in.iv ) ( io. 17.00 a' '
2x8 1B..VI , 15.60 13.M 10.60 17.iV ) lli.W L-0,50
" ' 5.60 13.60 i.o | 17.50 20.1021.00
Bias" ; ! . in.r-o ir..f.o lo.ra a.ro2. )
4X4-8X8 M.GO'lS.M ' 15.50 1C.M 17.rl ) 18.M I'J.'iO '
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 1 ! ! , II and 10 ft 517.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 mid Ifi ft 15.00
No. 3 " 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft 13.01
No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 11.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12and 14feet , rough..810.50
No. 1,4 i&O Inch , 1(1 ( feet , rotisli 17.0)
No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . 11.00
No. 55 , 4 & 0 inch. 10 feetrough 15.00
1st Com. , 12 , 14 and 10 feet . S22.50
2d " " " "
. 20.00
3il " ' " "
. 15.03
Fence , " " " . 11.00
1st Com. , Jf In. White Pine Partition. .S J.OO
2nd Com. , Jr in. " ' " " . . 27.0
Clear.i i n Norway " " . 14.5
2nd Com. ftln.i ' " . 18.5
. . .
A 0 Inch , white nine. . . 83 > .00
BOincli " " . 31.00
00 inch " ' " . 20.r,0
DO Inch , " " . 20.50
EOincli " ' * ' 17.50
, - . . . .
A 12 Inch , s 1 s 12s 14 and 10 feet . SJG 00
B " " " " i"u " . 4200
C " " " " ; ; " . so oo
O u l ( t4 4 ( t4 u 3 00
' '
No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 11 an'd'lViVt ! ! IS 00
No. 1 " " ' " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 18 CO
No. 'J " " " / 12 , 11 and 10 ft. . 1000
1st and 2d Clear , IX incli.s. 2s . 85100
1st and 2U Clear , \ % nnd 2 inch , s23. . . . 5100
8d Clear , 1 # UJEW sSSl. . . . . . 4303
3d clear , I inch , s 2s 4500
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select. 1 inch. s. 2s COOO
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 517.50
No. 2 , Plain. 8 and 10 inch 15.50
No. 1O. 0 1S.OO
roi'i.Aii I.UMIIIII. :
Clear Poplar box bds , J < ins , 2s $30.03
" ' ' Min , panel stk wide , s 2s.
11 " Commuted Ceilin.g , . . . 29.00
* AStandnrd 52.05
5 Inch , clear , S1.G5 ; 0 Inch , clear I.IM
No. 1 1.2 >
Lath 2.25
Qulncy white limo ( best ) , 85c ; cement ,
Akron , 81.7S ; plaster , S2. 0 ; nair , per bushel
aOu ; sash,50percent off list ; doors , blindB ,
mouldings , 5p per cent oil' list ; tarred felt , per
cwt. , 81.05 : straw board. Sl.iB.
Hallway Time Table ,
Tnc following is tlio time of arrival nnd do-
paftuioof trains by Central Standard tlino nt
the local depots. Trains of tlio C. , St. P. , M. &
O. arrive and depart from their depot , corner
ol 14th ami Webster streets ; train * on the I ) . &
M. , C. , B. & Q. an * K. C. , St. J. & C. II. from the
B. & M. depot : all others from the Union I'aclUo
d ° POt <
Bridge trains w 11 leave I' . P. depot ; nt d : 5
U7a5 8:00-8:40-8:50-1110OQ-llJO : : : : : a. ra. . IJ
1:00 : 1:20 : 1:50 : 8:00 : 3:00 : II 4:00 : 5OJ : 5aj : -
6:10-7:00-11:10 : : : p.m.
Leave transfer lor ; Omaha iUJ:12 : 15 8:15 : 9:30 :
2'i7--3:30 : : : 3:37 : 4'J7 : s'iSj 5 : .2 ' 7:20 : 75t : ' >
8:5. : 11:52 : p. m.
Arrival and denartnro of trains from the
transferdopot nt Council Blulfs :
n 7:15 : A.M I DUil.lA , M
IIUI5A. : M I 115 : ; ) ) ! . M
CU.lOv. M I IJ 7W ) i' . M
H 0:15 : A. Ji I IJ ? ; ] J A. M
00:4. : } i > . M j UTiOOi' . fJ
A b.aiA. M I AOili * . M
II 0:40r. : u uo Oi * . M
I A7iO : r , M
110:15 : A.M I 1)HI5 : A.M
C 0:4 : IP. M I H7'IUi > . M
AllHOJA. M I 1) II 3 > A.M
U U:5) : 1 > . M I A 5:40 : I' . M
A 3:00 : r. M I A 3:39 : r. M
A 7:01 : A. M I " A 0f5 : A. M
A ( I SMI' . M l | A 8-61 P. M
IJDiiiirt. WEBTWlVltlj Arrive.
A.M. IP. M.l UNnNh'ACIl''IO. ) A.M. P.M. "
B:20al..lMcitlo'B : < | iroia. , . . 7:50. : : ,
. . .Denver , Jivpru . . ,
" :40a : . . .Mull'and1 Kxiiross. , l15a ;
i It. ic-.M.-lN Niil. :
CilOn . . .Mull/lull JSxpross. . 0lOa :
Uojmn. BQOTHWAIJR Arrive
"A.M.IP.M. Mib.smnii i Acincx A. u. i i * . 11.
DBV Bipruss
b. . . .Nlfhti ( : | iress. . . .
i ' K. 0.'fiT , J. it U. * * . :00.l' '
S:15b , . .Via IMillthinnnlli . . : . 7:10 :
Uopiut. NOUT/1WAHU. / Arrive
A. u.l'i : Jl. I 0. 6T. P. . M. & O. I A , M. " iM. .
8:30:1' : ' ' . .Btoux Citr Impress | 6:150 :
. . . . . .j645gOakland ; Accomiiioq nilOjOUo . . . . . . '
lie-pint. J ! A S'HV.Ul IX Arrive'
A. M. I V. M. I C..TI. it"Q. I A.M.I I'.JtT
U 0 I ( jUU ; l..Vm I'lttttsinouth. . . . ! 0:20 : I 7 U
Will leave V. P. ilcmot. Oninlia , at 0:40-8:3- : :
10:45-10:55a. : : in. ; 2ia-aBO-5rn ; : : . in.
l avoStock Vnnls for O-irh i at 7:55 : 10:25 : * .
12:01 : 1:2U 4:10 : 5:07 : 0:2) : P. m.
NOTK A trains dally : IJ. < liilljr except SiinJay :
O daily except Saturday ; V , dally except Mon
day ,
RESTORED. Hrinr < Ty
lrr ' ' . A > ioHra of youth.
ul iinp.-udeuco cauilaif
Decay , Ne5
- vous Del'UIty , lx t Man.
pood. Le ha In * trll Inuvery know n remedy
Mj ill co > cred a sluiplo sct..curkwlil < u he will Una
FltKli tn ) il < ftsllou ufTercm. Adiltvox
' i. U. KKEVia. u CluUuu ttrtct. Now York Cltr.
Book Binding , Etc.
nr.ns niiNTixo co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And iJlunk Hook Mmiufncturer . Nos. 108 and
108South llth Street. Omaha , Nub.
Bridge-Sfeam Pile Driving ,
Kiifrlneors nnd Contractor * .
Bridges , Roof Trasses , Steam PilaDrlrli ?
Iron Combination and Howe Trim IlrMMi ,
Pllltipr and Oak Timber. 15th St. , tiuur Fain-vm.
Telephone No. 731
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass1
Special brands Faust , lludwclscr ,
Cor. Oth and Capitol Avo. , Omahn.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns and Ammunition. 215 to 22H South llth
Etuet , UrJOto 1J'I I'auiam Street , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos. No * .
108 and 110 N. Hth Street. Onmlm , Neb.
uocucry ,
\f. U Will OUT ,
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Clilumrjs , onico , 317 South 13th
Agents lor T. A. Wlilfiey Carriage Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jowelt's Cclohrntcil Ho rljjonuors. Penil
pti or price lists , lll.'i rnrnam it. , Onmlm.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kponeter , Proprietor. Jliiuurai-.turcr of
Onlvniil/L-1 Iron mid Cornice , in. , ) Dodijo and 101
and 10J North 10th Street , Omaha , Nob.
JlanufacturcraoC Oiiianicntal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Finals , Etc. , 1110 S. 12th St. Workdono
in any part of the conn tiy.
Western Cornice YJorks ,
C. Sl'ECHT. Proprietor.
Oalvanl7cd Iron Cornice1' . Ktc. Spccht's 1m.
proviHl 1'utontllutall'oeblight. t-Oa - uud MOS.
12th St. . Omaha. Not. _
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
ThTGate Qiy Plan'ng Mill.
Doors , Fash and llllnds. Also all kinds of
turnlnj , ' . Scroll undKtulr work of ovcry de
Jltmufacturcr and Dealer In
Doors , Sasli , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc.
Btalr Halls a Bpeclalty Telephone No. 03
13th and Murcr St . .Omaha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. Vr. WOLFK & CO.Eloctrlciang ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Onmha. Buruliir Alarms , Uofls ,
Fire Alarms , Klcutrlo Matting , Spualilu Tuboj ,
Iron ard Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Tire Nnllg n. Spf ; ! altr. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufncturcr of Fire and Burglar Proof Safe1 ? ,
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Fhuttcrs nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth and Jacksou Sts. , Umaha , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages ,
Estahllshcd 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HCOimJ Ull I > cxgo ! Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
jr. HQUKE & soxs ,
Live Stock Commission
Gen. llurto , Manager.
Union Stock Yards , B. Oumliu. Tolo.hono 583
w. r. DROWN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco Exclmnso Biilldnifr. Union Stock Yarda.
| Bouth Omulia , Nob. Telephone No. OOU.
[ MAIJXltY , SON & CX ) .
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , and Omahn ,
Neb. Krank ( 'hltt cnden .Manager Omaha iiruuch.
a'clcphono No. 283. Kstaljlisiicd Ibtti.
! W. L. PATItICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
/.ddrcsH all coniniunlcatlons to us at Union Stock
X'mcla , South Omaha. Advances made on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
1 Limited. John F. Itoyd , tiuporlntoudonl.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Bbliucnta | ) of an v iiuiiKn ! ! ( : ' . of stock solicit
S. cd. Uuion Sltck I'urd3 ,
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lima ,
Boali , UoorB , Ktc. Yards Cor. 7th und Do
Cor. Utli mid TJuugluS.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work mid Interior Hard Wood
Flnlhli. Just opened. N. K. cor , bth and Luuven-
worth Streets , Onmha , Neb.
Wholesale LumbeF ,
fill S. 14th Street , Omaha , Nclj. If. Colpeuor ,
Manager ,
C. N. UII3T7 ,
Lumber ,
13th and Calirornla Street' , Omaha , Noli.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor , Cth and DouKlaa Streets , Ouiuha , .S'elx.
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
Omahn , Nelmuliu.
" '
CHAS. 11. I.EE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wa < cn Stock , 1' Woods , llildg-o Tlnibors ,
ic. , 8. W , Cor. Utli und DouglasOimilm , Xeb.
Q. 3 ? . uVMAN ,
Dealer in Sasa , Doors , Blinds , Noufiio& !
Uulldliu ; 1'aper , ito. bouth KJlU btio
Tlio Millard ,
6. Ehears , J.E. Markel.Tboj ) . Swobc , Proprlctcrf
Omulia , Kc
Agricultural ImplementSt _
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
OfUco , Corner ( Uli nnJ PaclQoSlJ , Omnhn , Xoh
1'AHUN , OUUNnOIiri' St MAUT1X ,
Wholcs o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
s , Oinnlia Neb.
Clll'UMlIUj ' ( PAUKEK ,
Wholcsalo Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages anil lliipsles. J < nzs SI , , bet. Vth and
10th , Omahn , Ni'b.
Boots and ShocSi
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Fnrnam Street , Omaha , Nel > . Manufactory ,
Summer Street , Ilofton.
Carpets ,
S. A. OHCHAUnr "
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
irtnln ( leeds , Ktc. . 1" "
Street , Omaha , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
JhFFW. UK1)FOU1 > ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 2138. Hth St. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , 8th
mid Ircnport Streets. _
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
licet varieties. Onico,213P. IStliSt. Telephone
No. UK , Onmlm , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
14 S. lath St. , Omnhii , Neb.
( Ho. 0 , TOWI.E , President.
Oro. PATTKltsON. tfoc. uud Trens. _
J.ll. llui.iiKiir , I'.A. ,
PiuprlPtor. Mnnnger.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Otncc , ! M7 i ? . 18th Street. Telephone ) 43.
GKO.lM.AiiAnn.rrcs. C F.flooiiM\NV.I rca.
J. A. SUMiiuiitjASiu Sue. nml Trcas.
Omaha Coal , Coke aud Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard nnd ftoft coal , S.VJS. Utli St. ,
Omiilm , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Sicluslvo dealers In HouMcr Colorado Coal , 217
Louth Hth blicet.
CofTee and Spices.
CliAIiKK mtOS. 4 CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Cotfeos , Fiilcns. Itultliw Powder Flavoring
Kxti nets. Laundry llimi. lull , etc. lilt-lu liar-
ncy Street , Otunlm , Neb. _
Commission ) Etc ,
" "
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Karmim St. . Omiiha. .Apples Our own pack-
Ins Plat I & Co.s liner llnuiU 0 > slurs , Butter ,
Eggs , Unino , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , VrovNion- ) , Fruits , Flour mid Tend , 105
B. lltli St.miii ! : , Neb. Cousiynmeuts bollcltud.
Itcturns made vromutly.
* "
w. K. Riironi.i/ ,
General Commission Merchant.
. Ilutter. Eg-ps , Poultry
nml Umnc , 112 a Utli. , Omaha , Nob. Telo-
D. A. : ( UtlIEY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Cutter , nuH-s mid Produce. A full line of Stono-
Tvnro. CoiifclirinuuntB solicited. 1111 UodjfO St. ,
B15 IZth Street. Omaha , Neb. Spcclultlca : Hut-
_ HT. Kjrcs. Had ( 'hlckens.
. Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Uuttcr , Qiimo , Knilts , lite. 2208. lth
St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Et-'tt ? , Chccso ami Country Produce BOO-
_ oinlly , aoo S. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
HcfrlRcrator nnd I'ncltlnp House , Hth It Loavon-
wouli St. , on U. P. 11. li. Traclt , Omaha , Nub.
liatabllshcd 1870.
General Commission ,
211 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Butter
l&t > s , Poultry and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce nnd Provlaiono , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
\rliolojalodonlrrincouiitry produce , fruits ,
butter , cisufl , etc. Gooda on coiielfjnmont u
specialty. : N. 10th St. , Oiimtm , Nob.
( Successors to A. P. Selmck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South 12th Street. Omaha , Nub.
Dry Goous.
J. J. BUOWN 4 CO. ,
Ifiholesaie Dry Goods and Notions ,
t , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale- Dealers In
Dry Goods Kotions
, Hosiery , ,
Linens , Lnccs , Umliroldory and Wlillo C'ocxSJ.
H20 JJouulas Htj cot , Omulia , Nob.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
SLO.MAN nuoa ,
Leatber , Saddlery Hardware ,
Baddlorr and tUioo 1'lndlnjrn , Illilcn , Wool , Turfl ,
, Pelts , ( lieabo , Tullow , Ktc. , Omahn Nol.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Munnfacturors of W. J. Wclslmns & Co/8 Quick
ltul3ln IluckwlioatlloiirunJ proprietors Omaha
City MllU , cor. bth and Tarnum Btruets , Onmhn.
Fish , Ltc.
SUCCCBSOIS to Irkcn Slomsson & Oo.
Wholesale Flsli Dealers ,
Import era of Koiolirn Fitli , Koa. 911.911 Joncl
UHtruot and U. P. Tr.iek , Oniahii , Nob.J _ _ / .
Harness , Etc ,
Manufacturers anil Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , Ulr.nkots nml Itobcs. 1421 Karnutu
Stiont Oiniili.'l. Neu
H. M. HULSn'
Hattress Company ,
Manufacturliur Jluttrctsos , IlixlJInjr , Feather
Pillows , Cots , Ktc , 12UO mul 12US Douglas Btrcct ,
Onialm , Neb ,
_ _ _
Manufacturers of Oyeralls ,
Jeani 1'iuitB , KliiM.s. Etc. , JIW iimlllOi Douglat
Btrctt , Otuahii , KeU
Dealers In All Kindt of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
Jfth Sticet and 111.0111'ac D TruckOmalil
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth and Iznrd Street ? , Omaha , Nebraska.
J. A. WAKKrU'.U ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shinglas ,
tlulldlnff 1'apors , Snsh.Doon , llllniU , Monl *
\\\ftf \ \ , Plckctp , POMS , I .Imp , Plaster , Haf ,
' - Nltitn nmiJoneF , Omaha Neb. _
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery aud Notions ,
_ _ 1513 nnd 12K Harncy Street , Omaha , NoJx
Musical Instruments ,
11)HOIM ! ) & KHICICSO ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Slclnway Pianos , Wcbrr , Decker , llalnos and
llil.rfRH 1'iaiioo , Packnnl Organs , Cnaso
101 ikiul UU 15th htrect.
Notions Etc ,
_ _ _
" t
J."U HUANDliS : * SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Rood' , Notions dents' Furnishing Goo-la ,
UimdH from Now YoiU. Ti ado sales daily. Ml
nnd M3 South lath St. , Omaha.
_ Iron Works _ _ _
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Iron Stairs , ItallliiK , llollrd Uonns iind Olnlors ,
StiMim KuRliics. HriiBVoik , ( ] rneral Foun
dry , Mach no nnd Illnolisinllh Work. Olllco tt
Woi KB , Unliin I'ni-lllu It'y > \ So. 81. _
trurr.iirej ! : Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnittira ,
rnrnntu Street , Oinnhn , Nob.
Groceries ,
ALLF.N 11H03. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110nnd 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , N b.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco nnd Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Bplccs , Cigars and Tobaccos. 1U1T and 1319 Doug *
las Street , Omaka , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and Furnam Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 705 , 707,709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Bprlnps , Wiipon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , oto.
12UUatid 1211 Harnoy blrccv , Omaha , Nub.
UDNKY& G111I10N ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnrrlnao Wood Flock , Heavy Hardware ,
Ktc. 1217 uud 121'J Lcuvotmorth Street , Onmlm ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools and UutTalu Scales. 1403 Doug-
t , Omuliu , Nub.
Jobbers of Hardware aud Halls , Tinware ,
Bhcct Iron , Etc. ARontsfor Ilowo gcalos anfl
Miami Powder Co. , Omaha N615.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Giatcs , llrass Roods. li21 ! and 133J Fe.r-
limn Strcut.
wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. MLU Harnoy
Slicota , Omaha , Nob.
_ Harvesters.
Wil.'DEEUING & CO. ,
Munufr.cturor of the
Deerinfi Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wm. M. Lorlmor , General Agent ,
Omaha. Telephone ( J10.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Railway nnd Milling Supplies , Etc.
VMUX nnd KM Farnain SU Omahn , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
6tcnm nnrt Wntor Supplies. Headquarters fo-
Mast Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Faiiiam Street ,
Omaha , Nub.
_ Jewelry.
Wholesale Jewelers.
DcnlcrB In Sllverwaro , Diamonds , Watch31
Clocks ; , Jewelers' Tools and MatorlaU , Ktc. , 101
ondJUl , 15th Blreot , Cor. Dodge , Omaha , Neb. ,
„ _ Notions , Etc.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
401 nnd < 0,1 K. 10th Kt.Omahu , Neb.
Wholesale Uualurs In Notions und Gents' Fur-
nlshliiH : Goods.
Oils , Elc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ,
Qnsollno , Mica AxloGrcatc , Etc. A. 11. Illshop ,
, Omaha , Nub. ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onice , Union Market , 1M7 Dodge Street. Packing
hoiibo , U. P. R. R. Track , Omiihu , Neb. Tele-
Safes and Locks ,
' " " "
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 '
Fire and Ilui-filar Proof Sufi < iTlino Locf3Vaultj !
ftnd Jail woikL 1020 1'aniam street , Omuliu , Neb
Seeds ,
" ' *
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Agricultural , Vegetable , F.te. OJd I'ollovrV Hall ,
N. W. Coir , llth und Dodge St . , Omuliu , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer In Piilntn , Oils and Window Glas *
Omaha , Neb. ,
While Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
20th Stand II. 1 * . lly. , Omahn , Kob.
Wines and Liquors ,
IMIIt Ic CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Apd I.l < | iier . Solo iminufiicttnori of KonnoJr't
lim | luUlu Hitters. 1112 lliirncy Street , Omalio , w. ,
Kucccscor to MC AMAIIA & DU.VUAN , Iiuportor *
und Wholesale Dc.ilenilu
V/ines / , Liquors aud Cite ,
2H un.l . 215 S. Hth St. , Oinulm , 1'uU