Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1886, Image 1

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The President Refuses to Sien tlio Dos
Moiucs River Lands Bill ,
Speech on Oklahoma anil Ills
Contest With Campbell Oppo
sition to Dawcs' Sioux
Ucscrvatlou 15111.
DCS Molncs lllvcr Lnnds Bill Votocrt.
WASHINGTON- , March 11. [ Special Tele-
cram. ] As was expected the president to
day sent to the senate a message vetoing tlio
bill to quiet the titles of settlers on the Dos
Mollies liver lands. The action of the presi
dent In this Instniico is unaccountable , ex
cept from the lact that ho allowed the state
ments of the Navigation company , through
their attornos , tohavo greater weight with
him than thu combined wisdom of the many
congresses which have passed upon the
merits of the cases In controversy In either
ono house or the other. The members of the
Iowa delegation are very much worked up
over the veto. They have already began a
canvass of the house with a view to asceitain
tliu piobable effect of an attempt
to pass the bill ovcrtho veto , Messrs. Holmes
and Hepburn will take the Initiative In this
matter. Both gentlemen believe the bill can
bo passed In the house In spile of Die adverse
action of the picsldent Senator Allison Is
equally confident that theie will bo no dim-
cully In seem ing tlio favorable action of the
senate. The senator is oven more sanguine
of the success of the bill In thu house , not
withstanding its veto , than Its friends there
are. Thetu Is no doubt there Is n majority of
members in thu house In favor of the settle
ment of the long drawn out conhoversy In
the manner proposed by the bill. There Is ,
however , a gieat deal of doubt ns to the
ability of the friends of the measure to rally
to their siippoit enough democrats to insmo
the two-thlids vote necessary to ovcr-rldo the
veto. It may bo set down as a foiegone con
clusion that Messrs. Fredeilck and Weaver
of Iowa will do all In tlieh power to aid In
the passage of the bill now. They appear to
be , and undoubtedly are , very much worried
over their political ftituie. Incidentally tliu
outlook for the democratic patty Is also caus
ing thcso gentlemen some uneasiness , all
glowing out ot the president's action towaids
this bill. Foi the bencllt of the scttleis , their
concern comes rather late. If they
had taken as much Inteicst In tlio
bill a week ago they would
have gone to the president bcfoic the other
side had succeeded in talking him Into the
mood for vetoing the bill. As It was they
lelt the whole all'i'lr to the representatives of
the delegation until the last moment. It Is a
fact vvoitli while thinking of in this connec
tion that the only adverse report ever made
on this orany similar bill was submitted to
the senate by Mr. Gailand while n member
of that body. To-day ho Is piesuniablo
Cleveland's adviser , and as such Is undoubt
edly responsible in part tor tlio veto.
Representative Weaver ot Iowa delivered
his speccli on the Oklahama question In the
house this alteinoon. It Is bald It was
prepared several weeks ago , and was Intend
ed to have an influence upon tlio approach
ing convention In his state. It bristled with
demagogy , ot com so , but It likewise bilstlcd
with inlsstutcnients , and brought Its author
down to acknowledging that ho had inisicp-
resentcd the facts in the case to his constitu
ents for tlio purpose of getting votes.
Weaver stood up in front of a map , hung in
fiont of tlio speaker's desk , and with
a cano pointed out locations In In
dian territory as ho explained Ids Ideas.
With much piutcntlon and In stentorian
tones ho was denouncing President Arthurs
administration for sintering all kinds of syn
dicates to enter upon the territory and occu
py lands tor gracing purposes , and at the
same time driving out with soldlcis the poor
bettleis who only wanted homes and places
to earn an honest living , and bo also stated
that the administration was nt present buffer
ing the same condition ot Injustice and cor-
iiiption to exist.
" 1 would like to ask you , " Intel posed Mr.
Hepburn of Iowa'if , during the campaign
In our state last summer , you did not tele
graph from hero that you had seemed n
promise tiom Picsldcnt Cleveland that the
cattlemen should bo ejected tiom Indian ter-
Mr. Weaver hunghls head fora tlmo. Then
he icpljed , " 1 am glad of an oppoiUtility to
collect the statement ! dispatched fiom this
city to Iowa last summer. I understood
I'leshlent Cleveland to say that ho would do
ns my colleague has stated and as I repte-
.scntcd to the people of Iowa. But I was mis
taken. These cattle am1 land syndicates
continue to occupy poitinns of the teultoiy ,
and have just us much ir.lliuiuo over this ad
ministration as they nad over former ones.
This administration Is just ns lepiehenslblu
as former ndmlnlstintions hi tills matter. "
r ILniigliter.J
IK- - A number of times during tlio speech Mr.
Hepburn i > ut Mi. Weaver in n hole , and thu
Impiession created by the speech was not in
clined to elevate Mr. Weaver botoio the pee
ple. It pun ed hu had knowingly mis-
icpiesented matteis dining tlio hist cam
paign 1m the pmposo of scenting votes , nnd
hu was now compelled to acknowledge it.
TIIK CA.MIIII.I.-WIAVII : : : : co.NtKsr.
Befmo the house committee ) on elecllons
today , uigunient was begun In thu Campbell-
Weaver contested case tiom thu SUth Iowa
dlstiict. A motion was made by Judge liar-
tin , attorney for the contestant , to stilke out
of evidence testimony toi thoconcesteo taken
at Signoiiinuy and Hlcliland , on tliugioiind
that thu testimony of the latter * notailes dis
closed that they hadfuiwnidedlimit-evidence
to Weavei's attoiney , Judjjo Cook , at Newton -
ton , low a , Instead of cei tltytng to and tor-
waidlng it to thu cleik of the IIOUMJ ot lupio-
sentathes hcte , as required by law , The
motion was not niled upon by the committee ,
nnd Is ponding. Thnnigiimont was opened
by ( iuvcihor Campbell. Ho ridiculed
Weavei'b bilef as l.uing moio of a kaleido
scope of Cook , Weaver's attoiney , than a > 1 to the bilcflt was supposed to answer.
Hu chaigcd Weaver with using official
pationago to Inlliienco the election , and with
in vnilous ropieheiisible ways woikingfor
the t'leenbnck , democratic nnd Knights of
Labor paitloj. Attorney Cook's brief was
MMIU despoiled of every statement ot fact.
It was shown that them had been allegations
made in tliu bilof that wcio false , and which
wcio intended to mislead the committee.
Weavci's attempt to pioyo colonisation in
Oskaloo.s.1 and Ottumw.i was shown to bo
veiy Iranspaiont , nnd the attempt to defraud
twL'iit-foui coloied voters was biought out
cleiucr to the committee. He also spoke o (
the "car loud of nemoes" Weaver and Cook
claimed weio sent tiom Dos Molncs , and de
monstrated what a bugaboo It was. It nil
hhriink to ulna coloicd miners , with home. ;
In Mahaska county , having letmncd Irom
. Des Molnos wheio they wcio ntwoik , and
every one that voted had a petfect legal light
to do co. Mr. Cook followed. Judge Hauls
spunk for Governor Campbell to morrow ,
\hcn the ca&o will bo closed.
The Ditwus. ijlll , which ) no\Ules Jor the
opening of the great Sioux reservation to
settlement. Is not to pass the house commit
tee without opposition. Dr. Uland , thn pro
fessional philanthropist and editor of the
Council * Ire of this city , has taken the fight
up against the bill , and takes up halt of the
time of the committee In explaining n scheme
which ho has for the permanent occupation
of the icservatlon by the Indians of the
northwest , Ulnnd's Idea is to contlnuo this
vast territory ns nil Indian rcscrvntlon for
ever. Ho would have all the other
noithwestcrn ic crvatlons thrown open to
settlement nnd the Indians now on them
transferred to this one. 1)1 ) anil's Interfer
ence Is a great source of annoyance to the
committee , especially as ho Is not content
with airing his own Ideas but must needs In
flict upon that body a sermon of nearly an
horn's length from the Uev. Dr. Snnderland
upon the same subject. The friends of the
D.iwcsblll also find that thcioarc scciot In
fluences at work In opposition to the meas
ure. Just vvheie this opposition COMICS
from It h dlillctilt to asccitaln ,
but thcio aie excellent reasons for
believing that ex-Governor Ordway of Da
kota Is at the bottom of the movement.
This open and seciet opposition lias delayed
final action In the committee , but the bill
will In all piobablllty bo ready to report to
the house next week , and there Is llttlo
doubt that It wilt finally bo passed. The fact
that the picsldout's pastor , Dr. .Sundciland ,
is opposed to It may , however , lead to another
iMi > noviMns-T or KOIIT r.ontxsoN.
Senator Mandcison and liepicsentatlves
Weaver and Doi.sey called on Scctctary
L'ndlcottand Ceiicial Sheridan this morning ,
nnd urged the cnlaigmcnt of Foil Uoblnson.
The pioposed plan Is to build new batracks
and thrco double sets of olllcers' quaitcrs ,
and station thuic lour additional companies
of Infantry and three companies of cavalry.
The buildings now theto will also bo ic-
paited. The total cost is estimated at Sbfl.OOO.
The secretary of war and Oeneial
Sheridan favor building now quarters
and making It n peiiiianent post , Generals
HowaidandScliollcld both iccomincnded It.
The clause piovldlng lor thcso changes will
be piU in n bill which the house committee on
military atfaiis Is now prcpatlug.
said "This
KepiesentatlvoDoisey to-day :
Is a very important nicasuiu for the people of
that pai tot the state. "
Jtcpicscntallvo Ljman ptcscntcd a petition
of the citizens ot I'ottovvnttanilo county ,
Iowa , urging the general government to add
Honey Cieek lake to the park system of
Council Bluffs.
The Dos MoincB Kivor Lnmls 11111 Re
turned "Without Approval.
WASHINGro.v , March 11. The piesidcnt
o-day returned to the senate , without his
appioval , the. bill to quiet the titles of scttleis
on the DCS Moiiies liver lands In Iowa. The
ncsldcnt In his veto message , after dcscrlb-
ng the natuto of the pioposed legislation ,
sajs that every possible question that ought
be raised In any suit lelating to these
anils has been dctcimined by the highest
udiclal authority , and It a substantial point
emalns unsettled ho believes there Is no
lifllculty in piesenting it to the proper
rlbunal. The piesidcnt continues as
'ollows :
It seems to me that all the controversies
which can heicatter arise between those
claiming thcso lands tjhavo been tahly
icmitted to the state of Iowa , and that there
they can be pioueily and safely left , and the
government , thiough Us attorney general ,
should not bo called upon to litigate the
rights ot piIvnto parties. It Is not pleasant
to contmuplato n loss thicatencd to any p.nty
In good faith caused by uncertainty in the
language of thu laws or their conflicting In
terpretation ; and it theionre poisons occupy
ing these lands who labor under
such disabilities as to prevent them irom ap
pealing to the couits for icdicss ol their
wrongs , a plain statute , dliectcd simply to
lemcdy such disabilities , would not be objec
tionable. Should there be mciltorious cases
of haulshlp and loss , caused by an Invitation
on tlio pair of tlio government to settle upon
lands apparently public , but to which no
lignt or lawful possession can bo
would be better , rathei than to attempt a dis
turbance of titles ahcady settled , toasccitaln
such losses and do equity by compensating
thu pioper parties thiough an ap
propriation for that puipose. notwith
standing the fact that there maybe paities In
occupancy ot these lands , who stiller haul-
ships , the application of stiict legal piinci-
ples to their claims and safety lies In non-
intcrfeienco by congicss with a matter which
should bo lelt to judicial co-'iii/anco ; and
1 am unwilling to concur in legislation
which , if not an ciicioachmunt upon judicial
power , tienches so closely theieon as to bo ot
duubttul expediency , and which at the same
time incieases tlio elements of litigation that
have herctofoio existed and ondangei.s vested
rights. ( iitoviu CLIVKLANI : > .
The IIouso Committee ) Will Report
Adversely ou "Wilson's Hill.
x. Maich 11. The house com
mittee on pobtolllces nnd post loads yestci-
day decided to icpoit ndveisely the bill to
double thu late ot postage on loiitth-class
matter , or meichandUe. Thcic never has
been any seiious danger that congicss would
taku such a bnckvwud step as to lucicasu any
rate ot postage , but Senator Wilson of Iowa ,
with a view to cndeaiing himself to his agii-
cultural constituents and thu mcichants
of the small cities of his stale , Intio-
dticed oaily in the csalon two 'bills that
uiu coiclatcd. Ono of these was to
double the rate of postage on merchandise in
general , and tliu other was to ( eilnco by 0110-
half the i.ito of postage on seeds , bulbs anil
plants. The lattei was expected to uiatlly
the funnel.s anil the tanner thn countiy mer
chants ot Iowa , who do not Ilka thu people of
their state to send older * to Chicago and St.
Louis tor goods to bo ictuined by mall , Thej
vviinta piotectlvo taiill of sixteen cents u
pound In addition to the present rates. Two
01 tin en gentlemen In tun house pinmptly
iccognl/eil thu value of the bill to double the
iiituot iiosta'juon touitli-clasb matter to the
country meichants. and also , mid veiy Inci
dentally , though veiy emphatically , to the
wealthy uxpic&s corporations , and Intro
duced bills like Senator Wilson's As the
rate on newspapers Is 1 cent a pound and on
transient piinted matter S cents a pound , the
house committee on postolllccs has concludei
that it Is not advisable tci raisu the rate o
poMimoon merchandise from 10 to U2 cents a
pound. The meiu pioposltlon to do this
however , has gieatly excited meichants h
New Yoik. and thupapcibot t'/.it city have
been full ol thu piotcsts of t/e merchants
against the change. Henry C. Uowen , of tlio
Independent , has been veiy actlvo In appo
bltion , and 1ms been in tlio city to-day on this
eiiand , but lettnns home to-nlglii in higl
bplilK Senator Wilson insists that hn wil
get this bill thiough the senate it possible.
Honaco ,
WASHINGTONMjich 11. The committee
on jmllclniy lopoitcd back adversely the ioa
olutlon dicctlii ! that committee to inquliu
ijjto the right of the United States to cnncc
patents lor Invention- , and discoveries. Lull'
on the ( able. Mr. Pugh obtained leave to
tilua minoilty lupoit. v
Among the petitions presented was one
by Mr. Jones from the National Uimettilie
Cona'-re ! association and Us subject matter
hu said , was of importance li
thu indnstiles of the country. He would asl
unanimous consent to submit u few oWrvn
tious on it. Unanimous consent belli ; ; given
Mr. Jones addicted thu senate on it.
Mr. Jhutluy , trom the committee on clvi
feftyli-e , repotted ndtUcly the Yanco bill to
repeal ot tlio civil sen Ice law. The bill wa
plated on the calendar.
Mr. Logan , from the uiiaoilty uf the com
" -
nltteo on military affairs , submitted Its views
on the Fltz John Porter bill , which Is the
nine as presented by the minoilty in tne last
onmess , with the addition of the Logan mat
er In reply to Grant's article In the North
Yinerlcan itovlew , Justifying the conduct of
The bill for the forfeiture of part of the
and granted the state of Iowa to aid in the
construction of railroads was Ldebated and
aiilovertlll to-morrow.
The chair then laid before the senate the
resolution and report from the Judiciary com-
nltteo as to the right of the senate to papers
on lilo In the departments , nnd Mr. Wilson
addressed the senate I n support of the leso-
utlon reported by the majority of the commit-
eo. Mr. Wilson's argument reviewed the
iresldcnt's actions slnco the election , laying
i.irllcular stress on the president's utterances
on the subject of civil service reform. The
pcakcr wove these utterances and his own
estimate of the manner lu which Cleveland
lad lived up to them Into a web which was
lie main point of his arralcnniPtit of the
executive on this question. Mr. Wilson said
n conclusion that the picscnt administration
md been engaged in the commission of
errors , nnd its position in tlio light uf
nil that had been piomlsed was fnot n llttlo
dlscouraciiip ,
Mr. Stnnfoid Introduced suitable rosolu-
ions tenanting the death of Senator Miller ,
vhlchwas adopted , and after nn executive
session the senate adjourned.
WARIHNOTON , Starch 11. In committee of
ho whole Mr. Weaver quoted from the report
of the stipcilntendent of Indian schools to
show that lit Shllucco school there was no
aw available to pi otect the school fiom the
ncurslons of Indians or the raids of cow-
ioys. The cattlemen grazed their herds on
ho school farm and defied anyone who at-
emptcd to Intel lei o with them. A lace
course had been laid out on the school faun.
and hoiso racing and whisky selling had
been Inti educed , and it was safe to say that
note dinnkcnncss could be seen nt that
school than at all the agencies In Indian ter
ritory. It this was true of the schools gener
ally , then ho pionouuccd tlio Industilal
schools n farce , and a sliamu and blot upon
our civilization. Hu then went on to advo
cate the opunlns to settlement of the Okla-
lomn and Chciokeo stilps nnd the icseivn-
tlons ot southwest Oklahoma.
Alter quite a lengthy debate on the political
leatmes of thu Oklahoma question and the
rattlu syndicates , Mr. Weaver went on to ad
vocate the passage of the Oklahoma bill , and
at thu close of Ins remaiks Mr. Ciitchcon
cilticizcd th piescnt administration for fail-
in e to appoint an Oklahoma commission , do-
chirinc that the explanation assigned for this
fallinc vvab an explanation that did not ex
Messrs. Peel and Kogcrs defended tlio ad
Pending further discussion the committee
rose.On motion of Mr. Monow n icsolutlon was
adopted atithoii/.lng the appointment of n
committee of seven members to join a simi
lar committee on tlio part of the senate to ac
company the icmalns ot Senator J. F. Miller
tram \\asliiucton to California.
The house then adjourned.
About the Onpltol.
WASHINGTON. Match 11. The senate com
mittee on coinmcico fuithcr considered Ead's
hip railway canal bill this morning , but did
not reach the point lor action. Several
amendments to Vest's bill arc pending , de
igned to make It conform to the house bill.
It Is also proposed to make the passage of ten
vessels Instead of one thu test ot completion.
Evaitb to-day presented In open session the
petition ot the lawyers of Albany tor couth-
ination ol J.C.Matthews.the colotcd nominee
for iccorder of deeds. This was an executive
The house committee on foreign allairs to
day tinther discussed the bill to suspend for
twenty yeats the operations of the Uui-
llngamo Chinese treaty. Hice , republican
member of tlio sub-committee to whom the
Liill was lefeued , ptesentcd a minority re-
poll adveibO to the adoption of the measute ,
and It was consldeicd in connection with the
majority report in tavorof the bill piepaied
by Cox ; and McCieary. Final action was
Yesterday's Cabinet Blcctlng.
WASHINGTON , Maicli 11. Secretaries
IJayard and Lamar wcie absent fiom the
cabinet meeting to-day. The session was
mainly devoted to a discussion of the names
ptesented for appointment ns comptroller of
L'urroncy and as civil seivice commissioner ,
but no conclusion was reached except that It
was e.ssentlal that both olllccs should bo Idled
as soon as possible. It was represented that
the allaiis ot the former ollice iciideieda
speedy appointment desirable.
Appointed a Bank Receiver.
WASIIINOIO.V , Match 11. The acting
comptiollerot currency to-day appointed J.
Leslie Thompson , ot Vanderbllt. Dak. , to bo
iccelver ol the Flist National bank at Sioux
Falls , Dak.
It IJoro an Important Part in Connec
tion "With the I'rcllcrC'ase.
ST. Louis , March 11. An Important piece
of testimony In the case of W. H. L- . Max
well , indicted for the murder of Charles
Arthur Prcller , has disappeaicd. It is one of
thustioiigest links in the chain of evidence
that will be picsentcd to piovo Maxwell'h
motive for disposing ot 1'icllcr. The lost
link Is the chamois money bolt which Pi i *
lor wore mound his waist und-'flr
which ho can led tlio money which
he did not lequlii ) on his travels toi Immedi
ate use. The belt was found after the ictuiii
of Maxwell's tuiiiks tiom Auckland In ono of
these icceptacles , and bore marks of having
been cut liom 1'iellei's body. The cul
seemed to have been made with such a pall
of cm veil surgical seissoirt Maxwell Is thought
to have used In cutting Piollci's iindeiclothes
liom his body. Proller's employers and all
who knew him mve testimony tothocllect
that thu deceased was known tohavo a laigo
amount of money In his possession previous
to lilsdcpaitinu foi St. Louis , and theiu In
otliei testimony which will show that Pieller
can led a laigosum in the manner Indlcatei !
by his possession of tills chamois belt.
A CoflVo Kettle Dosed With Foui
X'ouiula of Purls Green.
LKIIAXOH , Pa. , Muich 11. On Tuosdaj
afteinoon about eighty Inmates of the alms
house weie seized with vomiting and sovcio
pains. Dr. Weiss , ottendlng physician , pie
flounced tho'case onoot wholesale poisoning
"Measureseiopiomptly taken to counturac
the poison. To-day most of the victims aio
still suffering fiom nausea , and twelve 01
them are still In a ciltical condition
An Investigation icvealed the tact that
these who drank of collco prepaid
foi thn noon meal weio sick and the colfeo
was tumid lined with n thick sediment o
paiis gieen. The vessel holds a ban el or
moio , nnd Into this some poison had tluowi
almost lour pounds ot the puison. The doc
tor is of the opinion that the poison was to <
btiong. causing vomiting , or moro than hal
ot thu Inmates would have been dead ,
( The Mnu'icliui Wins Again.
Nnw yoiiK , Marcli 11. The thiid night's
play In tlio bllllaid match between Vignatix
aiidSchoifer waaaicpeater of that of its
piedecessois. Scrcfer had oveij thing his
own way liom the stait , completing his thin
000 whllu Vignauxmaduiiss. 'j'u | icoro fo
the threonichtsbtauds : Scluefer l.bOO , YlK
naux 1OJ1 .
The Mormons Dissatisfied.
SALT LAKI : , Maich 11. The legislatino
to-day adopted two long set of resolutions
censuilng the goveinor for vetoing bills
The veto of the nppiopilntlon bill , togethe
with the stoppage ot pay liom Wasnlngton
males much feeling among the brethren.
Denied the Application.
ST PAUL , Maich 11. Judne Biewcr , of the
United States clicult couit , this moinlng de
nied the application of counsel lorawiito
Im'ac.ib corpus lu Hie case , of Ed waul Laiich
tin , mid tbo examination ot Laughlln will bo
Commissioner Spier ,
p- -
The Gould Eoads Gather Enst While tlio
Strikers Gather : Strength ,
Thirteen Propositions Submitted to
Vice President lloxlc by Their
District Chairman Other
Labor Troubles.
The Great Southwestern Strllto.
GAi.vr.inm' , March II. The News' special
from Dallas says : Unltcil Slates Marshal
lackinan tclcginphsto Receiver Blown fioin
Jig Springs , that cvorjthlng Is quiet tlioio ,
and trnflic Is open. Twenty-live mechanics ,
irought from Now Orleans , were sent to Dig
Springs last night to take the places ot the
Btrlkcis. Freight trains nro now moving ,
kown received a letter last night from en-
glncois on the "T. 0. " division of the Texas
Tactile road , statins that they dcslted to cor
rect the icport that they hail icfiisedtogo
nit on their engines , niul declaring they held
hemselvos In readiness to respond to
.ho orders of the lecelvers , and that
: hey weio not supporting the "ttlkcis.
To this message Heceiver Brown rupllcd , say-
lug : " \vaspiepared to twelve Just such a
fiank , manly telegram , for 1 ha\o legarded
} on all the time us entlioly faithful to jour
lutles to the railway. You will not be com
pelled to icllnqiilsh your posts. Von shall
lave ample iirotectlon tiom thn United States
roitit thiotiu'h Its marshals and deputies and
through moio potent liilluunco , If necessary. "
ST. Louis , March 11. It Is understood that
"VleePiesldent Iloxio has been In communi
cation with .lay ( iould dm In ; mostot the
week , the latter being In Havana , and the
cable between Cuba and this countiy ha $
[ > een kept busy canylnc dispatches between
these points and the oiliclals. Judge Porter ,
zcneial attoiney of the Missoml Pacific , .says
[ he formal discharge of tlio striking mi'ii
wipes out all existing agreements between
the company and tlio knights , nud It any of
tlio latter me lo-cmplojed it will bounder
entirely new conditions , or no conditions or
obligations at nil. The peaceful attitude ot the
knights , which lias been a mat kcd character
istic of their conduct ( lining tlio present
stiiko as yet , has suffered no change. In
deed thcio has been no need for violence for
neither side has olfcied In the slightest du-
5100 any opposition to the movements of the
other. The general expectation that the
Missoml Pacific railway company would at
tempt to move tlio blockade ot freight tiom
their yaids In this city last night was not lul-
lilicd. and a visit to tlio yards this morning
tailed to discover any such move
ment , and at 7:30 : everything was quiet ,
The company has been lilting new men
overslncc Tuesday night , and it is antici
pated to-day they will nil tlio places of the
stt iking knights and the movement of
fioidit will begin. Several parties of these
now men , while being conducted to the yauls
last night to teccivo instillations , wore met
by delegations of qhlkers who persuaded
them to desist.
The knights arc reticent when questioned
about tlio piobublc icstilt If the railway com
pany attempts to move their height trains
to-day , but the general opinion is they will
tesist any such attempt. Tlio company is
said to have flimly decided upon such
acouisc , and If any resistance is ofleted by
the stilkers , they will call for municipal , and
if necessity Mate protection. Maitin Irons ,
cliaiiman of tlio executive buaidot tlio dis
trict assembly ot the Knights of Labor , pio-
pared a statement ot thcgiievance.s and de
mands of the striking employes ol the Gould
southwestein systomandsonttiicmto Hoxte ,
vice piesidcnt anil general manager of tlio
Missouii Pacific , lions denounces the state
ment made In UoxlC"sr circular , Issued
a few days ago , ' as * wholly false
and considers1" It too Insignificant
to reply to in detail , and expresses his sur
prise that raihoad magnates who have so
long insulted tlio peopleby applying to
them the phrase , "J3o damned , will fall
upon their knees and cater to them for their
sympathy. The statement proceeds to say
the ( iould system has inaugurated a sys
tematic method of breaking the Knights of
Labor organization. Irons submitted the
followlne pioposltions :
1 That all unskilled laborers , Including
section laborers , truckmen and classing
watchmen-bo paid 81.60 per day
U Abolishment ot convict labor.
3 That all bridgenicn Uo paid at the rate
of S2 , S2.25 , S3.50 and S2.75. according to tlio
imtuioof the work performed by them.
4 All house tepafr gangs be rated as bridge-
5 That all boarding house bosses for
bridge guigs shall be- entitled to half rates
of freight on nil supplies for the use of biidgc
0 That when outfit cars are moved at night
or on Sunday , the hildgcmen shall be allowed
one and one-half time whiio being .so moved.
7 That while brideemen are compelled to
work In water at washouts , etc. , they shall
bo allowed double time while so encaged.
8 Bildgemen bo allowed one and one-half
time for extia seivlcc.
U Hildgcmen bo allowed passes from
places of employment twice a month.
10 netter legnlation ot appientiro system.
11 This proposition says no Knight ot
Labor shall be discharged without being
given a chance to defend himself bcioto tlitee
12 That nil men bo paid the same wages
for the same w ork.
IS That all men unjustly discharged bo
reinstated at the conclusion of the strike.
11 : ! )0 ) a. m. Up to tliis hour no attempt has
been made by the rnlhoad company to move
any of their freight. The llrcmen and en
gineers aio holding a secret meeting this
morning , but It is not known what action , If
any , is contemplated by them.
ST. Louis , March 11. The hades assembly
ol this city , composed of leifulairy appointed
delegates liom all tiades unions , held a mcet-
intr and adopted resolutions recogni/lng the
rnlhoad strike as a struggle lor Ilia ) right of
worklnirmen to organi/c , and the position
taken by tlie.iailioad . Inimical to
the lights \\orKingmen and the public
good , and should ha denounced , and ox-
messes sympathy \\ith the htilkers. Pie-
linilnaiy htfps iiavo been taken by various
imiii with a view to holding public meetings
ot tlio Meicliants'and Mechanics' exchange
and other oignnlrations to dovlso some
me.ins to biing about a settlement of the
strike and icstoio business to Its normal
A freight train was quietly ma do up In thl
city this moi n Ing and started In the dticetlnn
of CaioMiloloto'on the Iron Mount iln rail
road , with the engine under full head of
steam. It passed that'city at expiess tialn
bpccd. This action by the railroad companv
seemed to take 'the strikers unuwuios ,
lor no opposition was attempted
at any point tUl the tialn leached Do Sola
where a delegation of knights boauled the
train , side-tracked llund ntervvards "killed"
the engine. No opposition was offered by
the company totiio action ot the knights
and no conflict occurred. Kvcrythlng was
quiet at 2:15 : p. m , , pud no Unifier attempt
will bo made so far us known to stait hains
n train.
A special from Atchlson , Kan. , says thai
the Missouri Pacific talliond othclnls at thai
point ate employing good men as last as they
apply > A tialn went out on the Central
Hrundi last evening and another w ill go out
to day , The strikers have lett the company's
shops and grounds In obedience ) to the com
pany's outers. Merchants aio becoming icst- and impatient for the icsumptlon of :
Lmi.K HOCK , March 11. The foreman of
the lion Mountain railroad company suc
ceeded tliis morning in bending out one.
Height tialn with perlbhablo local freight
bound south. Alarguciowd of btiikeis us
bomblcd and on the lust attempt took pus
session of the engine , ran It on a side track
thrco miles south of this city and killed It
but another engine was fouud which took
the tialn out , puitooted by the nheillf and a
posse and accompanied by Siipurlntcn lent
vVlieeilon and Mastir Mechanic Itlcliurdsoii
Nopoiaonal violence was olleied and at 1
o'clock all was quiet.
Five Thousand Mill lluiiiln Strike.
SAIIATOQA , N. Y. , Miuch 11. The cottoi
mills at Victoria were bhutdown this after
v.ioon owlug to a stilke of the operatives
The mills employ about 5,000 hands ' and the )
nil wont out. Thomcti icfuAjd'an udv.Uico
ot 10 percuut in llreli picseut waged.
I'owtlcrly's IntcrTciitlon Declined by
Kccclver llrovvii.
riTirAnr.t.riiiA , March 11. Itoforrlng to
he strike on the Gould system , Urnnd Maser -
er Workman Powderly , of the Knights of
. .abor , said this evening ! "District Assent *
) ly No. 101 of Texas has not appealed to the
jcncral executive boatd for advlco or assist-
nee , and the matter Is In their hands as yet.
V'o have had the question before us several
ays. Wo telegraphed the executive com-
nltteo of District Assembly No. 101 for Infor-
nation , and the reply wo received dllfers but
Utlo from the published report , Think-
ng that wo might bo Instrumental
n effecting a settlement , the following tele
gram was sent outlast night to the receiver
of the Texas & Pacific railway :
"l'iiii..vm.i'itiA : , March 11. John C.
Jrown , Hecelvcr of Texas A Pacific Hallway ,
) allos , Texas Will you meet with acorn-
rdlteo selected bv tlui general executive
loard of the Knights of Labor to nibltrate
or a settlement ot the tllllicultlcs with the
Texas & Pad lie emplojesV
T. V. Pownr.m.v. "
"Late to-night 1 received the following
eply :
' 'Dallas , Texas T. V. Powdeily Your
ncisagn recelvea asking mo if I will meet a
committee selected by tlio geneial executive
board of tlio Kuichts of Labor for settlement
ot the diniculties with the Texas & Pacllic
cmplojes. 1 beg to say that wo havenodllll-
eultles with the employes of the Texas > fc
"aclhc lailway , and should any arise wo nro
nest willing , as in the past , to confer with
and right anygiluvniico shown by them to
exist. The only Issue between our loriucr
emplojes , whoaic now strlkeis and not now
n our service , and ourselves Is that they have
committed deputations upon properly In
our possession by disabling and interfering ,
> y Intimidation and othciwlse , with the
iicrltorlous and honest men In our sci vice
lesiting to resume tlio duties abandoned
by the strlkeis. Tills nutter wo have
remitted to the United States court , and
ho United States nuusiial and his
assistants ate settling the tioublu for us , so
hat 1 cannot see any good arbitrating with
ho Knights of Labor could accomplish.
"In an editorial the Ledger advises mo to
go to St. Louis in older to effect a settlement.
You will sco by the telegrams 1 ha\o
shown you that It was our Inten
tion to bring about a settlement as
boon as possible. Blown has scon
fit to lefuse the meditation of tlio general ex
ecutive boaid ot the Knights of I.n'ior to a
settlement ol the pending dlfliciilties by arbi-
i at Ion. lie must now bo held lesponsiblc at
the bar ol public opinion lor refecting tlio
offer of those who , having the weltaio
and prosperity of this countiy
it heart They would do everj thing In their
tower to not only set the idle wheels In mo-
: ion but to keep them going. 1 expected
hat llrown would have some suggestion or
cmody to offer by which ateimlnatlon ol tliis
, ionblo could be leached , and 1 must
confess that his icply was a surpiise to me.
Our board had aiianscd to have a committee
go to the scene of action , but it those in
uithority will not meet with thorn , no good
can come fiom any interference on our
part. "
A Voluntary Raise.
PiTTsnuito , March 11. Two handled and
ifty employes of Mclntosh , llcinpliill & Co. ,
extensive foundrymen , wcio notified of an
id vance in their wages from 5 to 15 per cent ,
to take cited April 5. The linn's action
was a surmise to the men , as no demands
were made for an Increase. It Is expected
other foundrymen will follow their example.
The foundiy trade is in better condition than
for years.
Want the Mongols Removed.
Los ANOKi.ufi , Caff ; Match 11. The trades
council has Issued a circular calling" .011 the
citizens to aid In peacefully removing the
Jhlnese. A largo number of employeis are
in consequence discharging the Chinese.
About 000 Chinamen have ariivcd here fiom
° urrounctlng distilcts since the agitation
began. _ _ _ _ _ _
No Reason Assigned.
Nr.w HAVKN , Conn. , March 11. About 125
mouliUrs ana titty-five laboicrs In Sargent &
Co.'s foundry sttuck this mom ing. They
ate not dlssatificd with wages , but aie com
pelled to quit by order of an oigani/ation of
which they are members. They wcio given
an Increase of wages within a shoit time.
A Trunk Strike Settled.
MILWAUKKI : , Mutch 11. Tlio striking
trunk makers at Carples & Co.'s factoiy have
satisfactory auangcd matters with their
employers , and tlio factoiy will icsunie Mon
day. _ _
Three Youths Eiicn c in Hloody Com
bat in a Freight Car.
CHICAGO , Maich 11. An Inter Ocean , Ie-
catur , llj. , special says : Thieo wcit dicssed
younj nicii , Edward Ivoy and Jiitico Wood-
aid or' West Liberty , Ills. , and Chailes
McKIm of Corder , llairlson county , Jnd. ,
got on the west bound accommodation on
the Decaturik hvansvlllo lailioad tills nioia-
Ing at Mnttoon for the purpose of stealing a
ride to Dccatur. They took ictiigo In a box
car , which was closed and locked alter them
by the trainmen. When within ten miles of
Decatur the trio became Involved In a fight
which ended in a tragedy. MeKIni shot Ivey
In the head , back and abdomen , and Wood-
aid , who also had a luvolver , emptied five
cliambsts at McKini without hitting
him. Nine bliots wcio lircd In
tlmdaik car while Ivry lay upon tin- door
weltering in his lilt blood. The nolsu at
tracted the attention M Conductor Willis and
with a United btates deputy maishal , who
happened to bo on hoaul , went to the car ,
openencd it and found McKim and Woodard
ina hand to hand conflict over the body ot
Ivoy , who was unconscious. They wcio
biought to Dccatur and placed In Jail. Ivoy
Is at the Lacledo hotel and was thought
to ho dying tills evening. Woodaid
who has woikcd for limners In Logan
county , slated McKim Hied tlio fiist .shot
without provocation lor tlio putposeot ioh-
blng his paitner Ivoy , and that ho ( Woodaid )
did not shoot until he thought McKIm in
tended to kill him. Them was only ? : i.40 in
the patty , about equally divided. McKIm
alleges that his companions had made it up
between them to rob him ot his silver watch
and cash. .McKIm is the only sou of n
widow who lives at Coidon.
The DempHcy-Lublniiolie Fljlit.
Niw : YORK , March 11. IJumpsey and
Lablanche , who have auangcd to light , left
at 8 p. in. to-night for Hariison , Westchcstei
county. AtUi)5p. : ) in. about twentj hpoitlng
men left tor tlui mime place. At b:15 : tint
hlioilll of Woslchoster county , having gel
wind of the affair , btaited tinin White Plains
with a posse. It is believed that the lighteiH
v\eio bound for Iyo { Heach , which Is on the
Sound about three miles liom llartison ,
Iinvo and Lunacy.
ST. Louis , M'nrch 11. David lieniy Saycrs ,
aged 2.J ycais , brotlier of Ucorgu Saycrs , en
gaged in the poik packing business , com
mitted Milcldo lastuvenlnghy sliootlnghlm-
sell in tlio temple , at Hotel Noble , this city.
The left side of his head was blown away ant !
his brains weio scatteied on the wall. Ho
died soon alter , The causeof tlio suicide is
said to bo an unfoitiinato line nllalr.
A ncinni'knlilo Family Group.
LiN"A : , 111. , Match 11. An unusual cliciim
stance occuncd hero the other d y , A pho
tographer took family plctiiii's ot live gen
erations , tlio persons being Mis. Polly Jones
gieat-gieat-grandmother , aued. IM ; ( i. L. T.iy
lor , her son , aged 71 : Mrs. William Haywood
his daughter , ami M ( all ot Lena ) : Mis.
Jennings , her daughter , aged 2. ) , ot Plattu
\ Ille , Wls. , and her intiiiit daughter.
A Suvlngs Hunk Closed.
Ninv UnuNSiWicK , N. J , , Maieh 11. Thu
doors of thu Dlmo Savings bank , of this
city , closed this moiiilng by older of the sec
retatyof state. Tliedliectots lefuse to give
any lntuimaUoi ; ns to what thu trouble Is
It istiimiiied that Atthur U. Ogllbie , K'cio
taiy and ticasuior. Is short .In Uh accounts
jimountiii'o' to 0,000.
Sweeping Supplementary Provisions to
Iowa's ' Prosotot Prohibitory Law.
f Passed the liot of the llnwkcyo
Toper Will Not Ho n Happy Ono
Where the DCS Moincs
lllvor bands Arc.
Supplementary Liquor Laws.
Dis : Mot.Nis : Iowa , Maicli 11. ( Special
? clcsram. ] Tno real light ot the season on
lie piohlbitory law has been In progress In
.ho . senate dining the past two days. The
iiohlbltlon loaders , abandoning the Idea of
inch radical legislation as was proposed early
n the session when bills wcio Introduced for
tale constabulniy , police commissioners ,
tc. , have settled down on a general bill of
laitlculais supplementary to tlio piesent law.
I'lioblll was Introduced bv Senator Clark ,
nnd Is Intended to supply oveiy deficiency
vhlchnyear and n half's expcilcnco with
nohlbltlon has shown lu the picscnt law.
t Is as Iron clad , sweeping nnd seaiching in
ts provisions as It was possible for the pio-
ilbltlonlsts to piepaio , and If It becomes a
aw It will make It not only very dllllcult , but
a very setious matter to violate the present
irohlbitory statutes. The temperance people
mve tied up to this measuiu and think that
t meets the case as fully as any biippleiiicnt-
uy legislation could do.
Its Impoitaiit fcatuics , as stated by Its
author , Senator Cluik , ars as lollows : It
authoiircs the Injunction proceeding , which
s the ono most icltcil upon for closing up
saloons , to bo biought In thu name of the
tate , and Imposes the duty of so bringing
he action upon the district or county nttor-
icy , and In case ho icluscs or falls to do so.
any citizen of the county may do so. It also
mnltles that the general reputation of the
ilaco may bo put In pioof , as Is now the case ,
n refcicuce to houses of 111 fame , thus di
luting the state to get the proof when the
latrons of these places refuse to testily. And
t also gives an attorneys fee of 325 for the
icncllt of the prosecution , to bo paid
nto the county linid. It also pio-
Ides that the Injunction bull may
be brought In the name of the state as afoie-
sald , and without bond , rcqiihlng that the
tction shall bo tried at the liisttcim after the
action is brought , unless continued by the de-
cnilant for cause , In which event an injunc
tion bliall issue of cause. It gives the couit
lower to hear , tiy and punish violations of
lie oidei ol Injunction , Invocation upon nf-
Idavilsorby biinging In the witnesses bo-
'orohini , the penalty for violation being
i.xcd at not less than thico nor more than
six months. For tlio offense of keeping a
luisnncc H fixes the penalty at not to exceed
< 51,000and not less than S OO. In another
section it piovides foi the canying out of the
older ol injunction by a sale of the propeity
of the defendant nnd destina
tion of the whisky and vessels em
ployed In the saloon business , and
it also provides for the taking possession of
and closing up the building 01 place for ono
year. It provides that thu defendant who
ngaln engages In the business , after he has
once been convicted or enjoined , shall bo
sent to the penitentiary for not less than
three months or mine than tluco years. It
tiikcs out the woul "Knowinglj" in the scc-
; ion providing lor the transpoitation of
liquor by common carriers nnd punishing
poisons who Impose upon cnrrtcis by mlsiep-
rentlng the contents of pickagcs. It finally
cicates a lien upon the picmiscs upon which
the nulsanco exists for all lines , costs and
expenses occtinlngln prosecutions and jus
tices pioceedings.
The bill has been hotly contested for the
past two .days , with thu whole field of pio-
hlbltlon ictiaveled by the various speakeis ,
with the ilifTcicnce fiom other ycais that
none but democrats now oppose tlio bill and
the icpiiDlicans stand together for it. The
debate was not finished at the time of ad
join nment , and tutthcr consideration was
postponed for ono week.
The house spent tlio day on two special
ordei.s one relating to the support of the In
stitution for feeble minded chlldien at Olen-
w oed , nnd the other providing for the election
of county attorneys iisrequlied by the now
amendment to the constitution. Neither was
disposed of , although the house debated them
fora whole day. Tlio principal objection to
the ( list hinged on the provision of the bill
that made the expense of maintaining pupils
in tlio Institution a debt upon thu several
counties Irom which thu pupils come.
It piovides that the state auditor
should chaigo upon each county
that had pupils thcio the amount
paid out by thu btato for their support. The
same piovlslon was lecoinmeiidcd by the
committee. In legaid to tlio college for the
deaf and dumb and the college lor tlio blind.
This leatuio of tlio appiopiiation bills called
foith much opposition , and without teaching
a conclusion thu house passed to Iho second
bpecial oulei the bill piovldlng lor the elec
tion and compensation ol county attoinevs.
The main discussion hinged on the question
of tlio . ahulcs to bo paid them. Without
teaching a decision thu house adjoin ned.
Speaker Head announced the appointment
of Mt. Hall as a member ot the lluycs Inves
tigating committee In place ot Mr. Hol-
brotik , icslgncd.
The lands nllected by the pie.sldcnt's veto
to-day of the DesMolnes liver lands bill , com-
pilscs several thousand acies In the counties
of lloone , Webster , Hamilton and Hiimboldt ,
beginning about nine miles noilhof this
city. They aio within live miles ot the DCS
Molnes ilvei thiough these counties , and In
clude ovciy other or the odd numbered sec
tions. Foity thousand acies ot thu DCS
Molncs liver lands me owned by one. man ,
K. C. Lltchlield ot Now Yoik. The are
In .smaller holdings by buveint paitics. Thu
lands whoso titles have not bee.n quieted b >
reason of the Cleveland veto have been In
contioveisy forthlily jeaia. Theio niu per-
sotibbtlll loading on the land in question
who have been thciu continuously for ovei n
quniter ot a contuiy. Those peisons claimed
to have enteied their lands under the guneiu
land laws of the United States , whllo Lilcli
lield and the other OVVIIPIS claimed ( he. lam
ns a grant fiom thu govein
incut to thu Dc Moines Klvei
Navigation company for Impiuvements ol the
river. The tenants' claim that thu company
having failed to make the imniovciaent. the
lands levelled to the government , and ns
public lands were opened to settlement
Theie have been several evictions and mud
bad tcellng between thousand. ; nt ncttlciboi
these lands , whoso homes weie put In Jeep
anly by the allegedowncibwho claimed prlo
light to the land. Thu bill which passed con
gicss piovuled that thu lands should ho tec
ognl/cd ns public lauds ol the United States
and that buna lido settlcis , on pioviiigui
their claims should bo entitled to them
The elfcfit of the president's veto vvll
bo to make thousands of lejmbllcai
votes. General Weaver and other gicen
backers and doliiocrats have gone up am
down thost.\to chaining thu evictions to Iho
icpubllc.iii ; patty because one or two lopubll
liavci'umu llmo ut oilier acted aj at
orney for thn land companies. The dcmot
rats In town are completely dl sfiisted wit *
Cleveland for his veto , for It will prove Irt
owa the most unpopular measure of his iul
ilnlstratlon. They have claimed to bo the
hnmplons of the poor sutlers , and have
oasted thai If given the power they would
Ight the settlers' wrongs. They are mad
now bcjond expression nt Cleveland's
Vnothcr Itatlroad Hlossoms With the
Flowers of Spring- .
Coi.uviiit9 ! , Xeb. , Mnich 11. [ Special Tel-
gram.J Another now corporation was or-
anlzed to-day , called thoColumbiis it Xoith-
veslcin Hallway company. The Incorpora-
ois weio Messis. 1) . C. Knvunnugh , C. A ,
bclnoeder , C. A. Xovvmau , J. ( lluck , Jacob
irclsen , William Ihichcr , J. 11. Callry , Paul
loppen , 11. Oltlch , George Lehman , O. L.
Baker , 11. ll.vsats , J. H. Oellsiiian. Tliecnpl-
al of the company Is Sil.000,000 , and they
impose to build n toad from Leigh to Coliim-
ins , theicby connecting Columbus with the
Chicago it Xorthwestetn.
Another meeting of the Columbui , North-
\estein iV : Wyoming company was
icld to-night , In which many spliltcd
peeches were made. A vote was taken at
lie meeting mid It was unanimous lor sub-
ulttliiR the question of aid to tlu > voteis of
lie county.
An Omnhn ThiefCnpturcil.
PAVU.MO.V , Xeb. , Mtuch 11. [ Special Tel-
gram.J Some tltno last night a valuable
terse was stolen liom the faun of lilndsley
Jrovvn , aiulloeastof town. Shcilff Camp-
lellnnd Deputy Veyinouth went to woik on
lie case before bivakf.xst and had the tlilof
01 railed In tlmo for dinner. The thief gav e
ils name as Call Andersholt and says ho has
ntll recently been a boarder at the Euro-
lean hotel In Omaha. Hu will liavoa pielnii-
nnry healing this alteinoon and co to thu
Omaha jail to-night.
While this thief was taking the horse his
ials wont tlnougli soveial ttitnks In Uiown's
louse and took valuables and clothing.
Holly AVorlca for Itcatrlco.
I : ATIIICI : , Neb. , March 11. [ Special Tele
gram. ] To-nlcht the contract for the Heat-
Ice water woiks vas awarded to the Holly
ilnnufnctuilng company of Lockport , N. Y. ,
or SCG.bSl lor the complete system. Bids
veto In Irom Falibanks it Co. , St. Louis , A.
A Strangit Co. , Omaha , and some otheis.
This will Lc the only complete Holly system
n the state. The cntlio outfit olblddois roin-
ilned against the Holly company , but It only
iclpcil them to get thu contract.
A Drunlccu Farmer Fro/.en.
I'Ai-ii.i.iox , Neb. , March 11. [ Special Telc-
iram. ] James Ityan , an aced and wealthy
aimer , living two miles south ol town , start
ed home with a team at IB o'clock last night ,
lo was very drunk and on Ids way homo fell
out of the wagon on his head. Ho lay on the
irahlo all nlghitn the snow nud was found
lyhiswlfo this morning badly fiozcn. Ho
vill die.
The Northern Paclllc Follows the
Southern in n Freight Cut.
ST. PAW , , Maieh 11. General Freight
Agent llannaford made a cut In freight rates
.Ills morning. Freight can be shipped from
Jhicago to Poitland for (15 ( "cents per
Kindred , regardless of classification. Tnto
jut was Inaugurated by the Southern Pacllic
railroad nnd in outer to piotvct its Poitland
ciistomeis the Northern Pacific was
obliged to follow still. This was done to
irevent , Poitland meichants ttoni shipping
o San Fiancisco , tlienco by steamer to Poit-
and. Tlio St. Paul late is ( Oc , 5c less than
Jhicngo. The Not thorn Pacllic has contracts
with the Chic igo roads from Chicago to St.
1'anl , by which tlio Chicago roads set IS per
cent of tlio thiough rate. Tlio Chicago loads
aio thus compelled to stand bv the Northern
Pacific , and thus trot not quite. 10 per cent
on through freight foi the haul from Chicago
to St Paul.
Uniform Kutcs on Llvo Stock.
CiiicAoo , Muich 11. The four commis
sioners to whom was letciicd the question of
uraiifrlng a scnlo of rates to govern live
stock shipments liom Iowa. Minnesota and
Dakota , agreed upon a basis to-day. Dis
tinction Is to bo made aceoiding to the di
mensions of the car , those yaijing iiont
twenty-eight to tliiity-two feet in length.
Heietnloien unttoim rate has been chaiged ,
to the loss of live slock slilppcts compelled to
iibo the smaller cais.
Want BIsRotou ItCHcrvo Opened.
Wnnsinit , Dak. , Maicli 11. A mass con
vention ot the clti/ens surrounding Slsscton
Indian reset vation met at the coin t house nt
11 a. m. Delegates weio picseut liom Hob-
oils , Giant , Coddington and iliushall coun
ties. Colonel A. B. Smcdloy of Giant wan
elected clialiman and W. D. Asliton of Hob-
eitssccietiiiy , Amemoilal to thu piesldent
and coiigicss , diawn up by a committed
of thliteen tor the opening ol the lesciva-
tlon. was unanimously adopted. The con
vention then adjoin nod to meet at tlio call ot
the clialiman.
The Tiircn-IiulKiirlim Treaty.
oNsrANTivoi'i.i : , March 11. The confer
ence of lopiesentatives ol the powers , which
met to consider thu Tinco-BiilL'iiiian ticaty ,
which among other things cieated Prlnco
Aluxandei uilei ot Kastuin Houiiiella , hiia
accojited thu ticaty In Its entlicty.
Itig I' ire At
HOT Si'iit.NdH , Ail : . , Maich 11. A lire this
morning dcstioycd an entire block of busl
ness houses on Central avenue , togi'thei w th
the costly lesldencu ot Dr. S. S. Buchanan.
Loss , 8150,000 ; insurance , sw,000. ;
Wonthor I 'n lTo-Day.
Mihsonu VAiii.wv Coldei , followed by
warmer and laii wenthei ; variable winds.
Pa itau So Fast Jlo Cnnalit tlio Dovll.
A Sunday-soliooltiiitoliDr wnstnlliujjlior
children how the tluvil < oeth about like : i
ronrinic lion , whom hu niivv ilu-
vour , nnd uftor the lossou was through
she said that these who wished could nsl :
questions At once u little boy spoke up
and asked how fust tlio iluvil could nm.
"Hush , Johnnie , " said Urn teacher : "hiich
' " ' 'Well ' I
niiestioiib' urn viny prpfuno.
don't " saitl .lohnniu "Iio '
care , ; can't out
run my pa , anyhow , "u-uisul lieaiilpatoll
n man down tlio street thu other day that
Iio caught the devil tliu niglit liu caiao
homo Irom tlio loil o , "
Unity club incuts this ( Fililiiy ) night !
tlio church. Mr. William S Curtis reads
tin essay on Adam famith , Jr. Cuiter nil
essay on I'nulipinnio , I'rof. II. O. LowiH
leads thu convolution on Henry Gooryo's
View of thu Land Question.
Accounts show thut the .saltpeter beds of
Ncvuiln mo for butter situated for thulr
development than the niter region of
South Ainorio.i , vvlilch is an arid desert ,
Water for all purposes iscoiulensrd luom
the oeeun vvtiter mid carried to the niter
fields , fuel being procured from thu
mountains in South Chili. In Nevada ,
HID saltpeter deposits uie in tlio vicinity
of a rich farming country , with an
abundant supply ot water and wood.
Don't fail to attun.l the great pii/.o
iiinsquunido ball on S.iturduv , Mat eh 13 ,
at Mnllcr's hall , near Hascail'H park ,
givc-ii by liluiifiisb Musical Union Or.
ehe&tia. Tlnoe pri/.cswill lie given.
Onuprl/.o for best chauicter mask.
Oilu pii/.o for best gentleinnn's mask.
One piixu foe best 1'idyS mask.
Adinisbion , W centd , routlemau and