Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1886, Page 8, Image 8
8 TBOil'OMAHA DTAlJUi : BEE , TI1TJKS DA SEARCH 11 * 1836. OF MANUFACTURERS OF AND JOBBERS IN elting and Hose And every variety of materials for Steam and Gas Fitters and Plumbers , Ele vators and Factories. © m-d. St. , TUB FAMII/V MARKI2T 1IASKI21. Tlio Delicacies Now Obtainable In tlio Jjociil Marts 1'rlccs nntl Varieties. White fish and trout soiling for 15conls u pound , uru toothsome food at present. Fresh codfish is to be purchased for 15 cents a pound , \vlnlo luilibut steaks and eels are worth 25 cents : i pound. Flounders are worth 12J cents a pound. Fresh mackerel brings 15 cents apiece. Smelts , are plenty and ani selling for 12J cents a pound. SJonncd perch have arrived in sen- : > n and sell at 12J cunts per pound. Iler- 'rhigs ' are also just in season and are worth 10 cents a pound. Striped bass arc so scarce as to bo unquoted. 1'ickcre. . has just arriving and sell at 10 cents per pound. Sea perch are worth 12Jc a pound. Salt codfish tonguus sell for 12 cents a pound. Oysters , of standard quality and size , nro selling at-10 cents a qt. The selects brmp CO cents a qt. Cans 20 to10 cents , 1IUAT , I'OULTUY AND OAJIU. Thorn have been no matonal changes in the line of meats. The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 cents ; rumps and upper part of round steak at 12 } . Roasting ribs , firm and juicy , can bo bought from 10 to 12J cents. "Veal is extremely scarce mid comes high , from 15 to 20 cents , according to the choicencss of the part. Swept breads can be pur- cliascu at 25 cents a pair. Corn beet is selling at from G to 10 cents , according to cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had f or 12i cents ; mutton chops 125 to 15 cents Ham is worth 121 cents in bulk. 20 cents sliced. Pork , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage , 10 to 12 } cents. Venison , rich and juicy , can be purchased for 20 conts. Chickens are worth 15 cents a pound , mallard ducks 70 cents a pair. Rabbits , dressed , are scarce , but can bo purchased for 15 cents each. BU'rmi AND EGGS. Butter , from 25 to 85 cents a pound. The latter price is for the best creamery. West Point butter , of the finer brand , sells for40c. Eggs have iv standard price of 20 cents a dozen. VEGETABLES. New cauliflower js ono of the delica cies at present obtainable , though scarce , selling at from 20 to 35 cents per head. Onions are selling at SO cents a peck. Turnips are wortli 20 cents a peck. Rutabagas 8 cents a pound. Cabbage is bringinp 1.0 to 15 cents a hoad. New Cal ifornia cabbage 5 cents a pound Potatoes , best varieties , are wortli 05 to 75. Salt Lake potatoes are selling for 85 cents a bushel. Sweet potatoes , are 25 cents for four pounds. Carrots are worth 25 cents a peek. Oyster plant soils 4 bunches for a quar ter. Parsley is sold at 5 cents a bunch. Parsnins at 25 cents a peck. Celery sells at 00 cents a dozen. Now hot-houso radishes 00 cents a do m. Let- tuuo four heads for a quarter. PIIUITS. Now California oranges from 40 to 00 cents a , do.-.on. .Bana nas are wortli from 85 to 50 cents a Raisins can bo had for from 10 to 85 cents a pound , dried currants 10 to 15 cents a pound. Candied citron is worth 40 cents a pound. Figs arc worth from 20 to 25 cents a pound , cooking iigs 20 cents n pound. Cranberries are selling for from 8 to 15 cents a quart. California pears are wortli 15 cents a pound. Good Persian dates are wortli 15 cents a pound , anil IJlaok Fard dates 20 cents a pound. Hickory nuts are worth W ) cants a peck ; shell barks and hazel nuts are bulling for 75 cents. The Paving Contract ! ! . To the Editor of the Bui : . A communi cation in your issue of 1 DM arch from a Sun ml urs street property owner , reflect ing on thu chairman of the committee on paving and a member of the board of public works , deserves the following ex phuiation at our hands : The gentleman desires the privilege of paving with Trinidad asphaltum , and has asked that the city council order tlio advertising and receiving of bids for this class of inuU'rial. Wo would respectfully sttito to tlio gentlemen of paving district No. 51 , and to all the other paving dis tricts in the city that them is on nio in the olllue of the board of public works a bid from the Harbor AfephallPaving com pany on two distinct spot-ideations of thuir own , at a losspriuo porbquaro yard , on a live or tun years' guarantee , than tlmt of Murphy , Cruightom & Co. for same material ; ami that they have given their bond in tlio hum of $2,000 that they will enter into contract to do the work should the property owners in any ono district select thuir material , hciieo no action of tlui council was needed in tlio matter of Iho petition. If a majority of the properly owners in any ono paving distiiut ( lobini a pavement of Trinidad asphaltum , as per their t > puclal bidsNos. 3 or 3 , wo i > eo no reason why they should not get it. Respectfully , F. K UAII.KV , Chairman of Committee on Paving , .1. E. llousi : , Chairman of Heard of Public Works , Tlio IliiJIard Case. The case of Thomas Mallard , charged with the murder of Henry Vorpoorton f last March , will come up in the supreme court for hearing , on a motion for a new trial , on March 80. In the mcantimn , Jiallurd is growing more and more hope- ( ul , and has changed wonderfully from the broken-down , dospo-.dcnt man that ho was MX months go Ills cell is con stantly filled with books and papers fur nished him by the kind-hearted ja'.lor. Police Court Points. W. M. Wii-ks was lined the usual amount in police cour * yesterday for tliT.ukunnoss , I1J3 ttory waste the elU'.ct tluit ho was aslant driver on the Unit cd States muil-wagou , and that he and the driver , disregarding their duties had taken "just a drink too much. ' ' Itaforc they knew it , they were botli roll ing drunk , and the mail-wagon was not driven to the depot , until too late to throw the mail into the out-going trains. The driver managed to elude arrest , but Wicks was less fortunate , and was cap tured by the police while in a bad state of intoxication. Yesterday morning ho fined $5 and costs by Judge Stenberg. lie was somewhat more fortunate than the driver himself , who was lined $50 by the postal authorities for his dereliction. Sadie McBride was sent up to the county jail for another thirty days term. Slip had again been arrebteti for disturb- injf the peace. John A. Ramsey , who had been ar rested for "boating his board bill" was discharged , as _ there were no grounds for a criminal action against him. Fred Pratlon paid a line of { 5 and costs for intoxication. FKOM THK SPOUTING CLASSES. How the City's KGVCIIIIO Is Swelled by Police CourtFinoi. "There are thirteen proprietors of gambling establishments and 105 women of the town who will be called upon to liny lines into the city tieasury during month of March , " said Police Judge Stenberg to a reporter yesterday. "The amount paid by the gamblers ? It is $27.05 per month. Formerly there were only four establishments in the city which paid a line of this amount , the other and smaller ones being allowed to escape with a fine of $12.55. Lately , however , I have made the line a uniform ono of $37.05. "The numncr of gambling establish ments appear to have increased since Mayor Boyd issued his "closed-front door" order last summer , when there were but seven houses paying a fine ? " "No , there are really no more estab lishments in the city now than there were then. The fact is that a number of pri vate poker rooms have been running hero for some time without paying a fine. The proprietors of these have been brought to time , and are now required to pay a license the same as tlio men who run the big games. These little poker rooms catch a good share of the trade nnd there is no reason why their proprietors should be exempt. Yes , they are scattered all over the city , and some of them are patronized by highly respectable men who don't care to play at an open board , with chances of meeting anybody anil everybody. There are a few more of these private joints which maiingc to run without contributing to the city treasury , but it won't bo long before the pro prietors are brought to grief. " : White Cedar Piling is better than oak for bridge or foundation work. It lasts longer in or out of tlio ground and can bo furnished and driven for one-third less cost by D. Sopor & Co. , 1020 Farnam street , Omaha. Railway Notes. The cut in passenger rates has caused a large increase in the trallic of the Union Paeilio road , and every morning and night the west bound trains are heavily loaded with passengers , a largo number of whom are of the emigrant class. Yesterday morning an unusu ally largo number of passengers went out on the overland , most of them destined to points on the coast. The latest "turn" of the Union Pucilio will catch a good many people. That company now oilers tocarry pas sengers to Los Angelas , Cal. , via San Francisco , and return without extra charge. Heretofore passengers holding tickets to Los Angclos have been obliged to pay local faro from Sacramento to San Frant-ihco and return , if they desired to visit San Francisco on route to Los An- gelos. J. 11. Green , traveling agent of the Union Pnoifio returned ye.itorday and tolls proudly of 452 passengers whom' ho lias booked for the Pacific slope during the pafct two weeks. He says that ho deus not carry the si-alps of his victims at his bolt lost people might imagine that his labors as a passenger agent were confined fcololy to dead heads. Wanted to exchange for stonk of Hard ware and general merchandise , 500 acres of line Thayer county ( Nob.lnnd ) ; live lots in Genoa ( Neb. ) : good store building ( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca tion ) in Ehsox ( Iowa ) ; also eighty acres one-half mile from town of Essex ( Iowa ) , seeded in blue grass For further par ticulars , address John Linderholm , Cen tral City , Nebraska. Commercial men take notice G'd Centr'l Hotel , Kearney , Neb , , has changed hands. T. C. ISralmmi , Prop. "Wanted to Die. A notorious woman named Fannie Smith , living on Capitol avenue botwen Ninth and Tenth , concluded that slio did not care to live any Jongor , and look a heavy dose of laudanum Tuesday night. Medical assistance was culled in , and by hard work the woman's life was savrd. Yesterday shu was able to sit up and play cards , and it is safe to say that she will bo herself again in a day or two. She has made up hnr mind to abide in this vale of tcar.sahilo longer. If alee & Palmer. That Is Iho linn name of llio gentlemen about to open a horse market in this city. . Workmen are busy completing the building at Fourteenth rind Howard and will havo. it ready for occupancy about April 1U. Alleged Fernery A warrant was issued yestrcday for tlio arrest of John L. Standish , who is charged with defrauding the Cozzens ho tel. According to tlio blory of the night clerk of that hostelry , who appeared be fore Judge Stcnborg yesterday , Standish - dish came in about 11 o'clock one night anil presented an order fora night's lodg ing , signed by Charles Johnson , of the Union Pacific headquarters. Standish was accommodated with the best there was in the house , but a day or two subse quently it was discovered that ho was an impostor and that Johnson had never signed the order. It is also charged that Standiah has forged a number of other orders upon business nion about town , signing the name of Mr. Johnson to them. Absolutely Pure. Tlile powder novorvanos. A mnrvnl ofptirt- ty , strength nnd wliolesomonoeB. More ccon- nomlcat than the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot l > c Bold In competition with tlio multitude of low test , short weight , n'.um or phosplmto powders. Sold only In cans. HOYAL BAKING I'OWDEK Co. . 100 Wiill St. . Now York. OH APRIL ' 1st , We will open our Horse and Me Market Cor. Howard and 14th Sts. , Omaha , Neb. With povcral rnrlomlsof Rood stock , nnd will keep rcnituimll on hiinil u full iiHsortnicnt of DllAPT uud llOllbES In cur lulu or nt retail. HAKE & PALMER. OSVIAHA 13th StCor.Capitol Avenue , roil THE TREATMENT OP AH , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McMENANJY. Proprietor. Vrhuto 1'ractlca Sixteen jours1 llnsiilial mid Wulmvu the facilities , nmmrotue mid remedies for the successful treatment of every form of ills , case ruaulriiiK cither mrillcal or surgical treatment , mul Imita all locomoaud iuvcetlgatu for themtclvca or correspond \\ltlun. Long experience in treat- lilt , ' cafes liy letter enables IIB to treat many cases BclentlIIcully without Bcelnt ; them. WItlTK FOU CIUOUIAU on Deformities nnd Ernccc , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine , DISEASES of WOMEN , 1'Iles , Tumors , ' Cancers. Catarrh , lironcliltls , Inhalation , Electricity , rural , yels , I.'pllciiey , Kidney , Eye , Knr , Skin , Ulood and all Mirglcal operations. Hut lories , J nliulern , Timers , Trusses , and nil Ulnds of Medical and Surgical Appliances , man ufactured and for vulu. The only reliable Medical Institute making Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases rA Bl'fcCIAI/l'Y. ALTi CONTAGIOUS AND IlLOOD DISEASES , from whatever cause produced , successfully treated. Wo can remove Syphllltlo poison from the system without mercury , New restorative treatment for lots of vital power. ALli COMMUNICATIONS CONl'IDUNTIAU Call and consult us or send name and poet.ofllco address plainly written er.closo statnp , uud wo will send ion. In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN WON 1'mVATK , Sl'tCIAI. AND NGnVOOS DlSHASF.8 , SEMINAL WCAKNESS , BrcsuATonniintA Iin'oiuN. cr , bvi'iuus. UoNomuiLKA , GLCET , YAUICOCELK , SlJlICIUnC , AND AU. PHBAtES Of THE CiESlTO- UiiiNAnv ORQAMS , or tend history of your case for an opinion , rersous unable to \ Ult ns may bo treated at their homes , by correspondence. Medicines and luttru- raenU scut by mill or cxprcus 8UCUUELY 1'ACK. IJI ) FitOM OIlShUVATIUN , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. One personal Interview pre ferred if con\cQlent. Fifty rooms for the accom modation of patients. Hoard and attendance at reasonable pitces. Address all Letters to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Cor. 13th St. and Caoltol Ave. . OMAHA. NF.B. ' F. M. ELLIS & CO. S OMAHA , HEB , and DBS MOINES.I& . OQico , Cor. HlU und Kiirnum SUeofs , ItobuilO GfOUCE Buitu > auor witlil' . M. TELEPHOSEI21 , REAL ESTATE 5 S. W , Cor , 16th and Farnam. Has the largest list of property , the cheaest and best , the easiest terms ; no matter vhat ? kind of property you want , by all means examine his list before purchasing elsewhere , In every desirable addition to tlio city. Gen tlemanly salesmen with bugtjics REA01 AT All TIMES A lot on 10th , bptwcen Douglas and Dodge , a bargain it taken at once. Foil SAI.I : No. IM. Lot fronting two streets , two good houses only 0 blocks from court house , $5,000. Easy terms. 175. Lot 00x184 ; house , 8 rooms ; S. 13th near Center St. , $3,200 , ; easy terms. 183. Six-room cottage , full lot , line view , beautiful location , Shinn's add. , $2,500 ; G1SV 101111S 203. Two lots in Reed's First add. Four large houses. Will pay 12 per cent , on the investment ; $15,000. , 200. Lot 100x140 , four-room cottage , S. 15th &t. , next to llartumn school , $ .2,600 , on monthly payments. 215. East front lot , house 8 rooms , in block 8 , Ilanscom Place , $3,200 ; easy terms. 218. Full lot , brick house 7 rooms , Ilar- ncy , near 25th. ? 0,000. 222. I'ir.o location in West Omaha , 7- room cottage , large barn grounds 201x 124 , comer "on three streets , $0.500. 223. Corner lot on Cnicago bt. , line loca tion , $0,000. 225. Two full lots , elegant residence property , furnaces , everything .strictly first-class , good location , $11,000. 200. Full lot , two cottages , Shinn's add , $2,200. 202. Cottage of five rooms , full lot Shulls add , $ lt'00. 310. Nice lot , cottage 4 rooms , Prospect Place , $1,500$200 down , $ -JO per month. 339. Two lots on 20th st. , 4 gooil houses , $0.500. This is a bargain and a good investment. 841) ) . Half lot on Webster st. Two good houses , $0,000. , 352. 1 < nil lot , 2 brick houses , ono irame house , S. llth St. , $8,500. 358. Full lot , largo houso"on Farnam street , $8,500. 350. Full lot , 9 room house , furnace , gas , water , sewer , Farnam St. ; $10,500. SCO. Full.otBrick house , Omaha View , $1,150. $150 cash , $10 per month. 300. Two full lots , two story liouso , three miles from postofficc , $800 , $100 down $10 per month , 309. Lot 00x213 , two now houses , one 8 rooms , one of 0. A nice place to live or a good investment. Howard near 20th : $7,500. 870. Elegant residence property on Cap itol Hill. House of 15 rooms ; $8,000. 390 Lot 00x138 , house 0 rooms. S. llth St. ; $2,500. 893. Full lot , two story house , 7 rooms , fruit trees , barn , etc. Shinn's add ; $2,000. 399. Two lots , good , 4 room house and stable. Lowe's add ; $2,000. Easy terms. 411. Elegant residence property 8 room house , lot 75x140. $7,500. Virginia ave 105. Lots on Georgia avo. , between Leav onworth and Farnam , $1,800 each. Ea sy terms. 171. Lot facing Hanscoin Park on Park avc. , $1,000. 170. Nice lot in Ilimpbaugh Place , $1,000. 177. Three nice lots in block fl. Ilanscom Place , $1,350 to $1,500 each. 183. 132 ft. square cor. , Harucy and 20th fat. , $20,000 197. Lot , 00x181. 13th st. , near Center , $2,500. 204. Lota in Colfaxst. , between Leaven- worth and Farnam , $2,000 each. 208. Aero lots in llimobaugh's add ; $150 each. 210. Corner Farnam and 28th streets , GGx 132 ; $5,000. 228. Half dozen choice lots in Hanscoin Place ; $750 and $800 each. 234. Three lots in Marsh's add ; $775 to $1,250 each. 239. Lot in Clifton Place ; $1,000. 100. Two good lots in Dwight & Lyman's add. for $750. 258. Mice lot in Denise add. ; $800 , 207. Lot in Arbor Place ; $100 ; monthly payments. 270. Lot -1 , block 270 : $000. 21. Three nice lots in block20 , Ilanscom Place ; $750 each. Tonnsjmsy. i. i.liOO. . ! 0fl eacn. 311. Two lots in Lake's add.$1,175 and $1,200. 812. Six lots in block 14 , Ilan&com Place ; $725 to $875 each. 318 , Choice lot in West Cuming add ; $250. 814. Full lot , Howard , St , near 12th ; $13,003. 830. 100x140 ft. cor , Michigan and Georgia ave - , $3.000. 835. Eight lots in King's add. ; $550 each. 310. Two nice lots iu Kirk wood : $150 each. Walnut Hill-Lots $300'to ' $900 each , on easy terms. FOR SAU : 10 acres within 3 miles of the P. O. Nice house , largo orchard , line location. Only a stone's throw from Ambler Place where $8,030 per acre is asked. Will sell the 10 acres at $550 per acre. Twenty-five acres between Cote Brilliant and Hyde Park , $150 per acre. OHCIIAICD HILL .Tho most desirable rosi tlenco portion of Oniului. The best lo cation , with a splendid view of tlio whole city. Prices low and terms easy , If you buy a lot before looking at Orchard Hill you will regret it. It costs nothing to take a ride out there to ex amine it. For beautiful residence eights or for safe investment buy in Orchard Hill. BEAUTIFUL aero lots in Belyedorn $300 to $350 each , which will bo worth $1,000 , inside of a year. FOR anything in the real estate line call on C. E. Mayno. I HAVE a complete sot of abstracts of title for .Douglas county. AiibTKACrs made on short notice and at reasonable rates , MONEY TO LoAtf on real estate at the . lowest rate of Interest , . . ' ' . O. E. MAYNE , " . . . s Progress INGE 18 Can bo realized best by ilioso who cnu recall to memory tlio old sites which hnvo been selected for the magnificent structures recently completed , The first selected by the ambitious fathers of our Onto City , for the ercci tion of a more elaborate temple of justice , and not a stone was left unturned until their ambition was gratified and they completed the noble and hand- seme Which is elevated to that point that its towering eupalo can bo seen for miles nround , to say nothing of the mechanical skill that is displayed both inside nnd out , composing designs purely now and original , with points that aro. to any , if neb surpassing all others on the continent. The next step on foot , was taken to erect an And the site selected on the northeast corner of loth and Capitol Avenue , which stood for many years unoccupied , and was merely a resort 113 a child ren's playing ground. This most beautiful piece of mechanical skill is strik ing to the pride of every heart in the Gate City , and well wo can fcol proud cf this bestowing feature to our city , as it is equal to tliat of any in the larger cities east. These features show what enterprise can do for a once called "small western town ; " and now with the site which has recently been the pur chase of Hon. Win. Paxton , on Farnam street , between 15th and IGth streets , adjoining the site of the old court house , with a view to erect his new hotel which when completed promises to eclipse anything in the hotel line on the American continent. Mr. Paxton is a worthy citizen and deserves praise for ' the interest he takes in beautifying the city. Last but not least was the es t tablishing of Who now occupy 1119 Farnam street , the land mark so long recognized as the stand of the popular grocers , J. B. French & Co. The Parlors have re cently completed extensive improvements which beautifies the rooms so that they are equal to the neatest in the west. The Parlors also deserve credit for the progress they have made in winning the many hard fought battles of com petition , and in dressing the people of Omaha with such exquisite taste , and saving them from 50 to 100 per cent on each purchase. The Parlors are the gossip of today , and not only a thing of the past. Should you meet a friend " who appears more neatly clad than the majority of men seen on the streets ! : him where he buys his clothing , you will find him ready to say , AT THE MISFIT PARLORS. Where can be found the leading styles received daily in springfall , and white. AT FOR AT FOtt § 9.80 That was made to order. . . . $20.00 $10.10 That was made to order $35.00 10.00 do do . 23.0 ! ) 18.40 no do . ' . . . . 40.00 12.00 do do . 25.00 20.70 do do 45.00 11.20 'do do . 30.00 21.80 do do 50.00 And many others made in the most exquisites taste , and my suit came from those quoted in the daily price list of Full AT FOH AT $ 9.70 That was made to order. . . . $20,00 $1(1,80 ( That was mndo to order. . . .fi5.0 : 10.-10 " " " . . . . 22.50 19,0' ) " " " . . . . -10.00 12.00 " " " . . . . 25,00 21,00 . . . . -15.00 15.00 " " " . . . . 30,00 25.00 . . . . 00.01) And many others as neat as the neatest , together with those beautiful pat terns and cuts in S FOR AT AT S 2,80 That was made to order $ 0.00 S 4,80 That was made to order . $10.00' 3,15 do do 7.00 5.20 : do do . 11.50 U.GO do , do 8.00 0,10 dodo do 18.00 4,00 do -do 9.00 7,40 do do 10.00 It is needless to say that mail can. bo suited both in style and pockctbook no matter what his tastes may demand , or what the size of his pockctbook is AT THE ONLY MISFIT : . . 1119 FARNAM STREET/V