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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEJTHURSDA.Y , MAJ10H 11 ; 1886. SPECIAL Advcrtl'ementMmrtor th's bond 10 corns per line for tlio first Insertion , 7 conta for oaoh ( utjfefiucntlcecrtitn.nnd fl.iC ! a line per month. Jfo rMvertt'prnent tnVon for IMS tlmn 25 cnnts. Bovcnwords will be counted to the line ; they tturtrunconsccutlTclr and tntmtio pa ! Jin nl- Vfinco. All advertisements nvist bo handed In before 3 o'clock p. tn. , nnd nndor no circumstances - stances will they bo taken or discontinue ! by telephone. I'nrtlesnrtvcrtlstni ? In the o columns nnd har- Infrtlio answers nddros od mcaro of TUP. HER , wlllplcnso Mk for chock to enftblo thorn to got their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on pre entntlon of check. All answers to advor- tlfcmentB Mioiildbo cnclo c < l In envelope * . TO tOAK-MOITEY. $ 30,000 to lonn. Sum * f.VX ) nml iipwnnls. txiwost rntcs. llcmls , 15th and Dounlni its. Mo VIIV to lonn on rrsldonro proptrtv. C. .T. Cnsivcll k Co. , Doom 10 , Noliroskn Nntlonnl llnnk. 033 20 TO LOAN on horsr , wnmMH. fur niture , Mrntiltri , without removal. Tormi cnsy < C. J rmwoll , Hoom in. lion Bank Hulld- Intr , 12th nnd Vnrnatn. Take flcvntor. gfti-npT TlfONnVTO I.OAX on MicineBS property. IVI Opposltn I'oatoniro. vr.O.Shrlr r. 191 r.oiMMNi to lonrTon ImnlnoM nnd ro ldonro propnrly In aunis of $1,000 nnd upwards. AIIKB , 11)07 ) rnrnnm st. 838 $ to lonn on city residence "property Gco. W. Dny , 1500 rnrnntn. ira TIO T.OAN Money innnrnniouut. On nil cln * e8orccoiirlty. Rhort time lonns on rcnl ostAto. Ixing time lonns on real ostnta. Moneyto lonn on chattels. Money to lonn on collnlcrnls. Money to lonn on nny peed soouritr. Terms cnsy. time to suit. Apply ntthnOmnhnrinnnclnl llnrkcr'8 nulldlnir , SW corner of Fifteenth nnd Knrnam at * , upstairs 040 ' . for uvrrybodyt Aon can borrow MONI'.Y mnnoy on ntrnltiiro , horses , wnirons , , stock of nil kinds , diamonds nnd flno wntchcson your own timo. 1'nymonts iccolvcd nt nny time , nnd Internet rtMlncod pro rntn. Property loft In your own po csslon. Tprm ? l w ns the lowest. Call nnd FCO mo. nnslnpis conndontlal. NonilvantJ'jro tnkon. W. IL Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthnrll's Now Bulk'Jnif.NorthenBt cor ner 15th nnd Hnrnoy. tlS . TO T.OAN O. F. TJnvIl &Co. Heal MONF.Y nnd Lonn nscntc , 1505 Farnnm St. . TO IX3AN On coed Rccitrlllos. A MONT.y McQtivock , room 7 Hcdlok llloek , 1509F rnnm ONKV TO T.OAN On real cetnto and ohnt- tola D. L. Thomas 0 < l > MON1IY TO l.OAV In Slims of $200 nnd up- wnrds on flri > t-clnFS real cstato seourity. Potter & Cobb , 1G15 Fnnmm St. WO LOANHn nt C. F. nped & Co's. Txian MONnV olllco , on furniture , phinos , horses , wnffons pprnonnl property of all Itlnds nnd nil other nr- tlclesof value , without1 removal. HID H. lth ! ! , over Blnirhnm's Commfssion store. AJ1 bua- inosa strictly conddontal. 9H BUSINZ33 C1TANCES. ii T.lvcry stnblo of thlrtv yoms 1 standlnpr ! doing1 n flno business : the only reason for PolllnR. n desire to j-otlro from biifl- nccf. Will lenso tJio bulldlnrr for a tnrm of yenrs. Oco. W. Homnn , Harncy nnd 13th sts337 JTIOlt SAT.i : Cheap , a well rslnbllsliPd Ftor- Ju ngo business. Inquire nt No. 1317 Dodirost. 2i)7-15 ) * F Oil SALE Hardwuro store In ono of the bo t towns in the state ; oasv torms. A liar- Rain. Inquire of lllgglns 4 Paik , renl pitnto ngonts , 1512 Douglui. 309-11 Foil SAT.n Len'so , good will'and furniture of fnshlonnhln hoarding house , llnoly lo cated. In Chicago. 29 rooms. r,0 boarders , doing jiiontnblobUFlno.'is oC RMl.OOD lo f20.000 yearly. Owner hnq fnllod in health. Prlcoonlv $2J Oir tnkon this month. Address P. P. Hnlgh.220 Monroe st , Chicago. 20H3 * T OIl SALE Ono hundred shares stock In Nc- JT lirnskn & Iowa Insurance Compnn v of Oinnhn ; nlso 100shaicn tork in Western Homo Jnsnrnnpo Company of Sioux City. I. A. Miller , Council Ulutrs. 17M1 TTllill SAI.K TTundh couutor dolns coort bii I- -I > nc3 . - Good icttTOn for selling1. ! ) U S. 13th St. E71-13 * Foil SAMS Tlaknrv and lunch Btund in town of about l.COO Inlmbltnnts : chnnco for a good linker. Inqulro of Kopp , Droilnis & Co. . 1100 1'nrnnm st. 215 FOIl SALE--Mllo dnlry , ! 1 rows , 1 Jersey hull , Sliorxos , wniron , oto. Norwood Park. Vlor- cnco. Johnjyilllams. " 17 Foil HALE A big bargain My stoolcrnnch , coiifelstlng.of 191 acres , well Impiovod , with good house , burn and otitt > ulldlngs. well fonccd nnd running wntor on same , for Halo or exchange - change for a stock of grocoilcs. No answers wished unless ( hey moan buslnnsa. Address N. Crnbtrco , P. O. Box 115 , Gcnon , Nnnco Co. , Nob. ir,9-io * A HAKE CHANCE I 111 oITor for snlo n well established harness Rhop In n good llvo town of Ma Inhabitants , on the H. .t M. . In n good farming community ; no opposition ; Batlafnctory reasons for soiling out Addioss forplx woulcs , Chns. Flleklngor , irlrth , Lancas ter Co. , Neb. 157npi3 T710UEXOHA > T.i-Ptocksorgoodsof : OVCiy JL ! kind.forfnrniRnnd land ; nlso lands to ov- chungo for goods. If you want to trailn , no matter whut It in you bavo , wrlto , with full de scription , tn G. E. Mnync , tcnl estate broker , Omaha , Nob. 103 Foil SALE-Hotnl furnltum In n rood Uvo town of O.dOO Inlmbltnnts. Hotel doing good business. Good reason lor soiling. Address C 40 , Hco ollleo. . 15S-13 * FOItSATVK Ctonmnry vrlllba Bold clirnp , nn oapy terms , to nnyonn who will run It the coming season. O. M , Carter , Ashland , Neb. 818 Y7lNTiiJro : exchange ) for stock of hard- 1 l wnio nnd general morohnndlso , Sfifl nprosof flno U'lmyor Co.Nob. , land ; 5 lots In Genoa. Neb. , good store bulldlag ( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( host location ) In Essex , Iti. , also 8) ncrcs Ji mlle from town of Kssor.Ta. , seeded In blue gin B. For fiirthpr pnrtlenlars address John I.lndorholin Control Cltv Nebraska. C55 Foil HAMS A JW.MO stock of mllllnory gools In siilondld location. A big bargain for nome ono ns n liberal dheount will bn glvon. For f ur- lliov parlloulnrs address 1J DO , line Ofllco. 02J PEKSONAL To poisons who wish to build n lionioln Orolnnd hill , 1 will soil otslnthat nddltlon nnd nMc nothtnir down but the mimlnnl Finn of ton dollars , the inmalndor to tun for llvpycniBwith Interest nt 8 percent , This Is the host off or over mndo to nny homo fo nicer In this oily. Call nnd BOO mo. C. E. Mnync , 8. W , Coiner 151 h und Fuinnm streets. 219 BTOVK KEPAIKO. rpur.W. C.Mot7iiorStovollopnlrCo. HI South JL. 14th St liotwoon Doi < eo and Douliu. [ uojxn ina. TJOO.MS and board. 703 North : M si. U10mli37 * MISOELIiAlJEOUB. II' YOU Iinvo propoi ty to sell or n.xchnniro list It with O. .1. Cnsunll & Co. . Itoam 1'J. Ne liinska N'ntlonnl ll.inlt. TelophonoUJO. Sl-2v ) Tj ou i.iAHU-ifilot4 In 1'nrKo's addition on JL1 Clnil ; und Snundcrs Sts. Ames , 1607 Far- imui. SJU I.OST. * | 7IIINI ( > Soul biown wntorspnnlol , with col- J lar nnd iiume ; owner can huvu sninii br piovhiffpiopoityand pcylni ; churscs , 1U12 a. lUtUatrcc-t 'i C10 LOST A bunch of ) .i > ) s , on lower rariiinn , Tenth or L'upltnl nvc. Flndor will iilonse lonvusnruo at HOT Fainum. ii-ii-iu * _ _ _ , _ . _ FOUND Silky Inrrlor , Ownrr cuit npplv 1213 und 1315 I'll roam st , uto-ll : * ron fTlOU SAMS50 mules nnd dih-ng | horses JL. nud one ipun of luim ir.aics nt 207 K. lOlh fit , _ FOIt SAL" Choice brrom com seed. H t Cur < in , cor 13th And I'lu-illc. 3U JS TTnilTiTi f.Cirr.t'Oj onr'lf Kl * of Milan mind , on JL1 triuk m loiihUllu' , Nub. CcntiMciorj und waul HX uniid onltT on time. Pi iocs ' .e. J I. A.lli.o-ur. TAOIt SAI.K-Bldc-l'.ir UUITK ) ' , bufc'gy pluictor JU on J C.L-bi two > r t jiark wnon.ull In flnt- clan coodlljun : Mill t'O old uliu.ip. Innultu llogn. Ihuo v'Ji , Onmlui NiUloiKU liuiiK nuii'Mug. 3HM _ _ _ POIJ AI.K-r-A ngw p'.unotit abniiniln. In- qutfea lltSNM'HIi M. Jl-15 * f.vOU SA.K-'Fiur.lUira"rs food ns now nt 115 JL' N.MrdSt siffi-IJ * ( AL.K Kr jh com nnd iprlurvts , 2 of tl' Inter. Holjicln t.cifsrs : nl.o Unn , Kd nud Pcpvtou nvc. v TTIon SALE Two vow : wntor wheel ( fovcrnors JL1 cheap. AddrwsT. W. T Kichards. Omaha , S'eb. SCO-IP * * _ _ | 7loiiSALi : A light delivery pony or bujriry * ! ttftm , and K hoary porrol , cnrrlaifo or work- nglonra. K. A. Mnrjli , ICtli and Cum in g. 41 rbllBAl.U fioroTiondot rood workliorses ; nl o n lot of household furniture , otc. An- iptisor-nusch Hrowln ? Association , 9th nnd npltol nvo , M. Keating , Agent 70tmhl8 TTlOIl weather ( trips , storm cash nnd doors , BO J to F. D. MpadMl S. ICth 6t PI9 FEMAXX1 HELP. . . > 2or3 foodMilrtlronor ? . inquire > > Hoiton Laundry , 107 N 17th street 811-lg * \\rANTKii-A ( rood clrl for fnmllr of throo. TI Must bo nblo to do nil the ork. Good wngcs. Apply to Mrs. Stock-dale , 3403 Cass St. \-\/ANTin-A : laundry Rlrl at the Atlantic VI hotel , 10th St Scandinavian preferred. SHS-ll * WAJiTHD A girl who understands plain cooking , washing und ironing , nt 2122 Har- ncyst 3ID-11 * TAKTIJIJ Girl for dlnlntr room nnd ffcncrnl norlc. anrnlllotcl.lOlO Mason st. 314-12 , WANTKH At once , mirsofflrl from 15 to 18 yonrsoldto tiiko cara of child HI years oUKOorinttnproforrcU.- Convent st. 037 TTIANTEU Button hole ranker , 1112 i'nrnam. -C IMI WAI THI ) A competent lady clerk nt Whoolcr ft Wheeler's , Crolghton HlooV , 15th and Douglas sts. 834-11 WANTKn A Rwicl drCMtnnkor will hlro liy the day or week. Apply nt onee. snn St. Mnry'snvo. Utf WATTrKIl-Qlrl for light housowork. Ed- liolrn AErlckson. . 300-10 TT/'ANTKI ) A girl for pcnornl bou owork ) T Gorman preferred. Inquire 1810 Harne y. WANTii > An oxpoflor.ped millinery snlci- liuly. AQdrcss U Z X , lleo olllco. w ItU roforonccs. 12-10 ANTED ABM nt HCO Jnckson St. \ \ 7ANTP.n-Glrl for goneinl housework. 2 2. 0 9' WANTUD Qooddlnlnv room pills , a for housoTTork. Good wniros , places dlvon free. Cull Onmhn Kmploymont lluiouu , irjoriiranm St. 30 WANTiaitl to Uo housouorlr. niS N. IStli st CT7-10 * TTTANTKO A girl nbout 15 or in years old to t nurso. Apply 6. E. cor. 21st und Loavon- worth. 13J AG1CNTS Ixicnl ntid trnvcllntr cnn mnke from ST. to S3M wooltlv. Address loipcrlnl Flro Extinguisher Co. , Stawnrt Building , Now Yoik. lB4-nprl * WAKTKD A nrst-class dining-room prhl nt ISIS Dodge St. VS9 W ANTUIJ Good girls for house- woxk. Iloom 1 llushman lllock. ICtli and line V7A1JTED-MAI.E HELP. WANTED An elderly Rcntlomnn , oxpcrl- oncpd In bookkeeplntr nnd buslnc : ' , desires - sires a situation ; address CGI , Boo olllco. 35.M1 * WANTii-ANo.l ttnvcllni ? mnn , Address with full references , salary expected , etc. . Look HOY 313 Sioux city , lown. 337-13 WANTUD First-class cnipoc npholstcior. * . Apply to M r. lllslioo at & 1' . Mor&o i ; Co's carpet uop't. ' ,131-10 WANTKD 2 ( rood bnys 11 years old. Omnlia nioom M orks , ICtli nnd 1'nclllo St. S43-12 * \-tfANTKU-A good boy from V ! to 15 years old nt S. E. I.olimann'8 cigar , stationery nnd fruit store , C38 8,10th st. 321-10 * WANTKI ) Mnn Horvant to wnlt on tnblo nnd do general work around liotuo ; nnply between 11 nnd 12.012 Douglas street. 3AJ WANTI51) Boy -wanted to learn the Jewelry manufacturing business. Max Mayor & Bra 05-11 WANTGD.rillNTEK Must understand Jot ) work. Steady sit No blacksmith need apply. Call ut Cozyons house olllco , Thursday , Ito2p. in. 1. Martin 2K1-10 WANTED Sixteen harness makers nt Bio- mnn Bros.,13th and Dodge sts. 248 WAN'TI2I > Itrllnblo ngents nnd dealers In West Town- and Nebraska for the Whllo Sowing Mnchliiu and supplies for all nmko of machines. Catnlogue free. Zehrung. Thorn ton & Co. .WnprJ nts. EOON.lCthst BITUATION WAITTED. WANTKD By a good general cookwhtto ( ) . n position with a suiveylng corps or smiill hotel. D. Wright , City. 310-16 * I.ADV wishes to nurse a child. Address A ill S. llth st. SM-10 * WANTKD situation by n stenographer who Is u telegraph operator. Addioss hex UOO , Omaha. 231-1J WANTEH A rounar mnn having liad 0 j cars' experience In n first class general stoio would Ilka to have a position In n store , in u wholesale house preferred ; speaks German , D.inlsh and Swedish ; best of lororoncos Klvcn. Address C 55 , Hoc Oillco. 1H3-1J * WANTHD A position by n lady as copyist , for the purpose ol'romalnlnln Omaha to look ut property n 1th " o Intention of buying in thofiiturociin ; nirn'sh ' best of rol'orcno.'S. Address O.3T lleo offlco , OJ5 "iifANTKH City propoi ty In oxelmnpo for > > NqhrflSkn und Town taring. C. J. Caswoll Ic Co. , Itoom ID , Nebraska National liank. Tele phone EM. &W-3J WANTKO Parties Imvlntr houses for rent to list the sumo with tie. Wo ! m\e appli cations that vo cannot III ) . U. J. Caswoll & Co. , Itoom 1U , Nubiaskn National Hunk. Tulophono WANTii > 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for pen- mnn nnd wife. Cull Hisulna k I'uik. 151J lloiiBlns st 328-1'J To rent a furnlshod rooms lor WANTKO 1 IK lit housekeeping. Address C. II. Fuller , IX.-.1 rnrniuu. 2T3-10 * r\TATs'TlI > To rent n furnished house for t > or loTur- rncojto put'iMvishlns ' to leave their homo with lollablo people. Address C C3 , lloo olllcc. K80-11I WANTir > Active lady nucnts to sell our comlilned waist und corset. For circular , address Jackson Corset Co. , llox 845 , Omnhu , Heb. TWinlilD * rA.VTiiJ-Tonius. : COO S. llth st. COS UEHT-HOUEEB AND LOTS. 77 OK ItKNT-For Itont Uriels Rloro 18th und J < Cumin ? . For rent Cho.'oa block losldcnocs. $85 to (75 per month. Impiovod property , For Snlo .1 It Uvuns &Co , 1513 Dodge street- Park Avenue. W feet. S10.000 M Murj 's A\enuo , Jill.O'X ' ) Bt Mary's Aroruu. $ Jo,000 bt Marys Avcniio. $ A'W ) ) uuth street ncur at Murv's Avenue , $1'OOD 15th stioot corner , Ifl.'XiO ' inth Btirpt corner , fen,003 rnrnnm stioot , ll'j loot trout , fll.noo. CUth Etrcot nvur I.cuvoinvorth , $1JW ! Hhlnn'rt udditlon , tl.iUnl HHInn'i ? udditlon , tlh03 WiilnutHiil.JI.-K ) S lot * nnd homo , Walnut Hill , f 1,1(50. ( 1'uyini ; from U to20 per oont on rcntfl. For rrddoncu and sptculntlon Cdinors und cholco fronts , Hun80om Vluce , Turinrn udillt'on , ItodlcU'iKlib-divUlon bhlnn's udditlon , 1611 no & ScMen's I'lalnvlow , ' KruindonsA ; Him * Vauchl'ail. , 1'lnco , > f ) . i : Ill-pels' add , Wpit lind , Ixiwo'g ndd , Clnrk'u ndd , lllrkory I'lnro , Kilby I'lnoo. llo a & Hill. Oichnrd lllll. Ciuuilnt'lmm & llrrnnuu's mid. V ry flno lots any sizs oa Iront on a'l ' streets of the city. Acra lots and larger tracts north , trc t , auJ Boulhuf thrclly. Cull mid sou our lists. J , II. T.vum & Co. , 2 Joois i bt ol poitolllci' . S17-1U > OK lttvr-Sovri-al dosirublu Louses by Hal- Ir 1 ou llroi , 317 S. 10th St -10-13 TTtOURKNT T'vo vorr doslrahle flau on J-1 Ilownrii .Street over H'15 with nil modern im- jiroMJiuinli. A , spUnidld Joo.itlon to rout fur- nldbod itjuinf. Omnhu Ukal l tate and Loan Co. , Uooinsaandgl Wlthnell Illoob. 'M TTKiK IIHST A iplcnclld comer srocory In -L. full runnlnyr oiUor , on a pnro4 fircct ; u splendid opening for some ono to lump Into a ( 'oodlrndo : it-ill only fii per nui. ; possession Kl\cn April lit Morpc & llrunuor 1'uiton Hlock , c-or. luth and Ffirn m. 17MO PO1C KHXT Store and lR50intiit in co'Jtorof citytxtuit8 ; ! and Je.i o for tnlo , ydi South Uth trm , ' lC3-lb' inil cpitngoF ou iith strrot , near S' . Marys Aveitju. Warien ler , iir.ii.lo Ulock. Ill ) frion nr.NT-Fnrra ot KJnorts , Jmrrorwl.n JL1 rnllol ontontnllltary road. Chas. llclndorIT , 821 Ooorgla nvo. i 312-10 * _ Foil IlKJfT A ll-rootn house ! modem Im- prorcmcnts ! good location , inquire 2118 California 9H _ Foil SAI.'n Atn Imrtmln. Hno loom l house with modern convcnlcncos : lull lots oa Hnrnoy st , new Eothj S5.2JJ. i'ottor * Cobb , 1515 Fnnnm t ; _ ' FOIt HI'.NT 2 houses 3 rooms ench , cloiots , cellar , nt COi North 13th St 300-9 * _ T71OK HKNT-QnrJcn tnrm. UOT S. llth St. J ; 720 _ "I7IO11 HUNT Three-room house , Oth & Doilire. JL } 053 T7 > OIlur.NT House of8rooms2-M and Hnr JL1 noySt Inquire of Mount A Urltlln 213 S Hth Street. _ frU FOIt HKNT Three hou cs of 10 , 0 nnd 4 rooms each. J. I'nlpps Itoo. 051 FOB , BEIJT-ROOM3. TTIOIt itnXT Good room nnd peed board. JU 1001 Fnrnnm. Foil IIKXT Frtr llffht housokccplnir yon wlllllndf ) unruinlshod rooms In suits ot a nnd3onch nt411 Notth 10thand 1 f urnlfhcd. 81MO SOUTHERN tnmlly linvo Just taken hou c ono block from court hon o ; would furnlMt nlconccommodiitlons to fourgantlomon or mnn nnd wlfosroloroncos oxclmngcd. Address GUI , llco omce , 3W-11' 171OII ItBNT Nicely fnrnlshsd front rooms. JL1 Odd Follows 11 lock , Hth and Dodgo. Mrs. Kemlnll. 309.11 * TT OUnENT-rurnishod rooms. 1319 Cuss. JL1' 303 tl * FOK RKNT A Inriro Imtulnomcir furnished room , bay window , modem conveniences. 1720 Cnpltol nvo. 35310 T71OU 11KNT With bonid , ono Inrso nloolr JLA furnished front loom , BUS mid until room nt HO-J Jones St. S70 VtTANTRU AOrst-cl.issdlnlnif room clrl at > V City hotel. 273-10 * POU KKNT Two rooms furnlsliod for Unlit housekeeping. 1117 Howard street. S51-K * HUNT I.argo room with or without board. 1704 Capitol nvo. 233 TT1OK IlKNT FurnlMioil rooms for ladles nnd -I ? g-cntlompn. 1313 Capitol nvo. 233-13 * TTiOll KKNT-Olllco , 218 S. 15tb St. 281 POU HKNT-Nleoly furnished room nt 2327 Dodge ; nil modern conveniences. 242-2d T71OU JIKKT Furnished rooms , slnglo nnd on JL sulto. with or without board. AddtcssOul , UcoOlllce. 210 ion KKNT Furnished rooms. , ISlODodsro. T7IO11 HIMT Furnished room with use of -C bath room at No. 700 N. luth St. 23.VJ * Foil JJKNT Nlcoly furnished looms. Cor. 10th andOhtcnio. 187-11 * TT OH 11KNT TJIojrmit and cotivoiitont rooms JJ over Leslie & Morrlll's drug store , ono block west of postolllco. lbd-0 * Foil RUNT S nicely furnished rooms. 1 Dodiio. 10M7 * TfiOll 11KNT rurnlshod front room with use of bnth room. Inquire ut olllco of C. E. Mnyno , 16th and Furnain. 121 71011 KENT-ltooin with board. 1013 Capitol or. U 017-0 * 011 llUNr-Nlccly furnished 1-001113. No. Ill South 18th. HOI Foil HKNT rorlight housokooplnir rooms furnlshpa and unfuriilshod In Uocmoi's lllockcor. Eighth and Howard at. 773 TTIOll IlKNT-Storo room n Wlthnoll block , Jbet , Hnrnoy anil Fnrnaui on 15th. Inqulro Koom 17 , Wlthnell Block. 777 TJlOIl ItKNT 4 nicely furnished rooms with or J ? without board. 5Jd Pleasant et. 715m his FOK RENT NIooly furnished rooms , wittf heat , gas nnd bath ; also tlrst-class tnblo board ; best of references ulvon and roqulrud. 1514 Dodge Et C33 TOB SAI.E-KOUBE3-r.OTa TTIOIlSAIiT : Beautiful corner In P.u-kor's ad- -l ? dltlon , 81,200. For a few dnys. Hlco Mooto , 1222 Farntim. 32J-10 TTIOn SAT.K-I.ots" In Walnvlow , Clarendon , JU ? Ambler Place , Ilnnscom Place , Orchard Hill , \Vnlmit \ Hill. Hill Sldo No. Ono , Arbor Place , Ou'K'lit A : Lymans Marsh'fl , Lowo'iKlrkwood , Pniker's.Wost fumingHlmcbaUKh and S.isn- dcis , lia\siilns Inucre property , subuthnn to the city ; bnrirnlns In Improved losldonco property , rnlh end lands , improved farms In Nobtaska , stock ranches , business chancus , stocks of mur- chandUo , etc , otc ; call on or address Itlco A : Jtoorc , 1222 Farnnm. 317-10 FOIt SAMC A UneS-ucro traot on South 10th etroet , only a few blocks Irom struct car line. Inquire utLmiffo& i'oltick,318 S. ijth st. 480 T7On ( HAtK 5 oast-fiont lots , 2 corners , N. J21st St. with 1 lai-KO 14-iooni house and 1 new 8-room house , uarn , fruit , trees , elc.u bargain , | 2 lots , fi room house , Davenport St. , n good Iinostinent , $5,500. Lots In Maish add. $1,000 to $1,703. Lots In Park Forest , $ JOO. Lots In Ainbor 1'lnco. Lotj ) In Oicliard 11111,5150 to $7JJO. i tots In Omnbit View. $2" , ' ) to $03" E. 1' . Khiucr. 119 N. 15th St. TTlOIt SArE20aero tract , only 8 miles from Jpostolllco , only ? 40 per not o. A boimn/ato fiomo one. Itlco tc Moore , Irnrnam. ! . U-'l-lO T7lf ll SALisn elojiniit lot and house on 20th X1 SU near Luivcnwouh S 2JS-11 * BAUGAINS A pplendld corner lot on Fur- nain , Just Most ol court IIOUEO , 1-,5X ! ) . A lot and Elotd on S. 13th btiect , only $2,500. Two acras fiontlnijr on Kith uud IQth streets , o-ro'om house and lot , J. I. Hodlck's addition , $3,800 Uhonp lots In Hnnscom Plnco. Aero lots in Witsliliuton Hill , 0-room cottiiiro und half lot , 11 V. Smith's ad dition , $ jOtH ) ; monthly payments. C-ncres Leavunwoith stioct , very dcslra- bio place to plat , $5,000. Two acies jolnliiff Patrick's addition , will make n nice addition , only $ . ' ,509. Cornorlot ultli lirlsl ; house nnd room to build 3 moio houses , on lluuillton sticct , southeast fiont , only S5.000. A nlco house and lot on S. 13th street , $2,000. Corner lot In Marsh's addition , $ l,2.'iO. Cun ningham & Honnan , 1511 lodie. 310 10 A : MES PtACW I.OT3. AJIUS PI.AOB Cheapest city lots , S10D to $630 for full lots. EvsvTr.UMS In Amis Plnco. lioiCK'Hlitovi-Ixts : ( ) ono block from 23thst. school houio. Ilr.Dicic's Uitove $ K03 to 51 ,200 per lot. Nr.vvroHT Acio Lois. NKWPOIIT Noaiost luircs. LiiVP.ii Roads to Nowpuit. NKwroitT Fastest wjllliiff acres. This pioporty Bolls on Its merits. No butter ln\aitinunt fnr jo it than an aero In Newport , Buy now nud innlio the advance. No HII.I.H to climb to Newport Tills property will boll In city lots In n year's tlmu. CI.AIIKNDON At end of Saunders Bt. and 18th st cur line , handsome lots at $7.VJ to $ * W. Now is TIIK TIMK to buy a lot in Itodlck's Orove PHATT'S SUBDJYISIOS Nearest aero lots south west st $6.r 0 per item. WHV PAY UENT when you cin buy a lot In Ames Place at f40J , f30u , $ < ' , J500. OAK CHATHAM lots tit fQOO to ( SOOotch. COM K and BOO for yourself the chances for safe investment in city or euburbnn propoi ty. Auts , Uoal Estate Agency , 1507 Fiirnam St 1H1 T7JO11 HALK 40 ncros land W miles west of J-1 Otnalm $175 per aero. This id a bountiful tract und chcup. Also in acruj near IrvinKton t50 per aero. A biuiraln In.lands In Dougta * 'and ovury county In the state. E. F , rtlngor. 20-i TTlOIt RALK Seton linlf-ucio lots each 103x13 J-1 east of Tort , Just west of Saunders St. For price und terms address 11. Teckonschor , city. * TT1011 SALK-1'lno Improved IGOacro farm , 50 -L' miles from Omulm , ii/j mllostroiu Tokrmnh , fii M nor iicru , worth f3U ; located in Hurt conn. ty ; cull for pattioulais ; mutt bo sold soon. Hlco A : Mooio , 12 Tarnum. 315-11 T OHSALK-Corncrlots inLowo's add. $ K5. J-1 Insidolot in IXJHO'S add. f L'5. Comer,00x132on Fuinnm St. , f iO.OOO. Corner , 1'tixliUon Fainnm Bt. , $37OJO. 2l l t ! on Fuinnm St. , $10,5TO. UixISOS. 13th St. , fll/jOJ. 2 lots in Sunny Side 1 mlle from P. O , (2,100. , Corner lot In Prospect I'lnco , fSOO , Ixjt on Charles ncurJill tit. , $ .3iO. House and lot hi Prospect , PUuo , $ I,55X Easy tcnui. Tuo lota on Hamilton St. , fl.COO. Goo. p , llomls , 15tn and Douglas. 30 1O11SAI.K 13 acrctt iixcellcnt fruit land 3K -1 } mlles fruin pc3t oifice. A. C. TuWcy , 1S01 FxrnimSt. fit " 171OII SALU 390 aero * tict ! farm In Xunco -L county , one-half miles Irom Cionon , the Junction of the Albion and Codur ItitpldtbranaUol U. P. H. It. , 200 ncros of u Vindoronce , coiruls , otu.alltlut ami second bottom land und'sulinMo tor oulttvntion , 120 aritos vood Imy laud. Ono-Jmlf cash and ono- half twolvu montlis' llrnu or bxchange for Onm- im ion ) nstiite. Adiltei * Jaiiins Vuro , Uiuaha. Kit. , or Lovk Uax X iuuua CUy , Mo. 1-3) ) TilOU SATK-vylotsench CflTltn , E3th nnd Ju Chicago stfcV t'nst nnd south front : n rare chnnco to secure Hbnrirnln. . Inquire C. L. Krlckson , Edhom | Af Erlckson , opp. postofflco , I poii SAMijy . p. Tnhcy. 1 10 ncro < northwest of city . $3,280 Ixit Z , block Z , llog rs.V Hill's uJd . 1,100 lxtoni : > th ntnriCimtcr Bt . . , . JfaO 3 lots , 1'clhnm PJacft each . . . . CM Cot Intro nnd corner lot , 2.1th nnd Chicago. , , 3,5 < X ) CottnRO nnd lot'16tlt ' near Center st 7 room home mHl lot , corner 15th nnd Mar- tlm . < . . . * . 8 00 7 room houf o nud lot , 15th st , , ncnr Mar- tlm . ; , . , . " . . . . . . . 8,000 n lots , Clark Plno"e , ench . n-iil 1 lot , Clnrk Plnco I . . , . WO Groom house ! i lotKl. t gt , . , . r . 2XY ( ) Ixst on CumlnffjStrdot , ncnr 27th . 8,003 "room house hnd full lot , Chlcaso nortr Both . . ' . .U . . . . 0r/X ) A. P. Tuhoy , IMt Farnnm street. F On SAI.n Ilonutlfnl corner nd InMdo * lots In K. V. Smith's add. Itlco & Mooitv 1223 Fnrnam. 316-10 OUSAM * Chcnn for cnsh , lot 00x110,1 owo's Ht addition , (375. llleo & Mooto , 122J Fai- nnm. 31MO BC. rATTKllSON , lienl F. tntP,1224 rnrnnm Ton ncros , bnautlfu ) , cheap , $ ; ) , I01. B-room cottnfro , lot OOxlRS , barvnln , J3/iOO. Now cottnffo and lot , monthly pay mouts.fl.KKi. Acre lots , city lot * , cottages nnd residences throughout thn city for snlo. Money to lonn on approved security. Call on or address It. U. Patterson. S80 f7 > l > ll SAM ! at aharpaln for three days lot J. Mxl44 with two Komi houses. rive nci as w I'st ol Doyd'e addition , corner nnd do'drnhloforJS.'KX ' ) . Several nowhouspson cn y payments. New house near I'.knciuh nnd Pacitlo Sti. Ballou llros. , 317 S. 1 Ith Bt 215-13 FOUSALK-TirolotsIn Plnlnvlow , t53 each. Pot I or & Cobb , 1515 Fat nara st. D.V3 Foil SAI.K Only fl,700 , beautiful 4-rootn cottairu with collnr and closets , well nnd cis tern , slmdo trees and lawn , chicken house nnd pood2-storvbnin , lot 3.1x13. : , JuH off Snundcrs stieot In Pnrkcr's addition. For a few days only. Itlco & Moore , tell Fnrnnm. 320-10 FOIISAMS-10J ncros In city limits ot Konr- noy nt n bargain , nnd on peed terms. Ad dress II. M. Woolmnn , U. P. Town Lot Aircnt , Denver Junction , Colorado. 41mh24 "Clou SALE Lots to the west of town , near JtJ Farnnm st. nnd Lowe nvo. , In Potter's add. , safe and profltnbla Investment nt $500 and fOOO each. Potter & Cobb 1515 Fnrnam st. 8.10 Foil SALK Anew 7-rooni house and lot on Saunders St. , a bargain. 4 aero lots In Hlmobauirh'sadd , very cheap. Houses and lots In nil pnrtsof the city. Improved nnd unim proved land for solo or trade. It. It , llall , 122 N. Ir.tli at SHralr-'l T710U SALE-Threo Hno lots In Shlnn's 3d ndd. JL ? nt $800 each. Potter Si Cobb , 1513 Farnam. 817 f/lOIl SALK-Lots In Lowe's 1st addition , JL ; south frontseasy terms , only S313. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Farnam st. 851 J7O11 SAI.K Best 5 uoro tracts In the market , 13 only $200 per aero. Inqulro about thorn. Potter Jc Cobu , J513 Fnrnnm. 833 T71OUSALE-Aero lots , Glso's odd. , only SII > 00 JL ? 1'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Fniuain. 637 FOllSAMil Uneasy < ormsl'J ' lots In Hans- comPlace fiom $ SOO to $1,000 each. Lot ( in Pleasant St. , with double house , 10 rooms otioh with nil modern Improvements ; rents for $110 per month. 911,003. Lots In West Cumin ? from $275toto$4Voach. Corner lot , PitHpoct Place , bararaln. Corner lot. Shlnn's 3d mid. , barffnln. C. J. Caswoll & Co. , Itoom 19 , Iron Hank. 774 Poll SALR Sovornl desirable business lots on 10th SL.nnd | iuslncH3 and rosldoncn lots In all parts of the ci ± y. Also warehouse , hotel nnd f at m property. , Houses to rent Property shown free or charge nn 1 n lanro list to select from at prices nintrmir from $251 to ? 10OW. Par ties dcshltiff to-nvt ) ) should look over our list and prices before buying. Corrospoudonco so licited and Intnritintlon nbout the cltv frocly given. Omaha Iloul'Hstrtto ' & Loan Co. , Koom 23 , WithncIlUlock/Oniaha. 727 FOUSAT.B Lota Just soutn of the parkin Clnrk Plnco $ r > 5'J onch , on easy terms. Pot ter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm. 858 Foil SALE Atpw of the host oti In Wlloox's ndd. nt $3M each. Potter i Cobb , 1315 Far- narast l > i v 853 O A AGIIKS for 5H.OOO I hnvo decided to olfor J ' for sale .tho Ijcnutlful plcco of pround ( about 2-JacrcsT ti > Witor Works Hoscrvolr addi tion. This proportyls located east of the reser voirs and uotwcQft Hamilton nnd Nicholas streets , and nKnnUflno thousand feet directly north of Sacred" Heart convent It can bo sub divided Into nbout 90 lots , und will return a very hiindeomo proflt to the purchaser. Term's , } j ca h , Imlanoo as may bo agreed , Samuel It. Johnson. 180-10 Tjion SALK Chpap lots In Ilurr Oak , Just east JL1 ofHauscomPark. nonr street cars , 3750 , easy terms. Potter tc Cobb , 1515 Farnam sK 834 TJlOIt SAT.K Cheap , ono of the best Improved JL. und finest located farms in Uouirtus county , Nob.,5 mlles west of Omaha court house , con- tnlnlne : 100 acres , with licuso , btablc , wolis , or- elmixl and pasture , oto. ; one-half cash , balance to suit purchaser. For further particulars ad- cirofsQoo. Lludo. care Omaha Bos , Omaha , No- brnsko. CC2 Foil SALE lllgIar ! ruln Corner In Tsano & Belden's addition , only 2 blocks from Lcnv- onworth St. . liUj.121 , only $1,533. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Furnain st B53 Foil SALE Gibson has forsalo lots In Hans- corn Plueo , $303 to $1SOO. Gibson has forsalo houses and lots In Hans- corn Plnco. Gibson ha ? for sulo bouses and lota In all parts f the city. Gibson has Improved farms and lands In all parts of Nebraska forsalo or oxclinngo. Gibson has thousands of ncros of land in Western Nebraska for snlo from $1 to J4 per aero. Gibson would like to sco you If you want to buy orshll. Gibson's is the place to list your property. Cnll nnd see him at Itoom 3 , Withnell Jllotk , cor. 15th and Harncy sts. & 0 Foil SALE Three lots In Shlnn's 2.1 . addition , on custom elope , only 8 blocks from street curs , cheap ouly $750. Potter & Cobb , IGH Far- num st 853 T71OK HAMS For 10 days only , an 80-noro tract J- ' near Florence nt fX ) per aero ; has bscn platted unit staked In 5-ucro lots. Can bo sold out ut $10J per aero easily. This Is a cbanco lor Bomo ono to muko money quick. C. E. Jlujno , H. W. cor. 15th nnd Fnrmiin. 150 1J LAND snrcicnus , ATTUXTIOX For full particulars about free anil cheap lands in Western Nebraska addro Thos. C. Patterson , ItenlKstato A ont North Platte Nob. U35 TTIOll SAMS Four lots , cor. California nnd JL ? 31th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed pa'vlngon Cumint ; St. , $ BVJ uud 05J each. Potter & Cohb , 1515 Furnum st. PI'l T71OII SALIC Ji nore lot , n jrooil tt-ioom hou o , JL ! aurocory store , with stabfes , out-housoi and city water , 22d nonr Lonvonworth , rent S3VOJ cr mo. , price f 1.50J. This Is n Urst rate invest ment. Onmhn Itoal Estuto A ; Loan Co. , Itnoms 2 and 23 , Wlthnell blook. 740 T7IOKSALB-A two story , 22U1. fnimo build JL Ins , suitable for a stora , aoir Uth anil F r- namSu. Applyatthli o III 30. 017 Poll SAM ! TWO iota tn Polhnm Placo. ono block from utroot oar track , InquiroiH f. IJths trout 5J3 FOR SALE or rode for Omaha propert1 ono of tliOjiluJfSt locatoJ furms In riurpy county , NulrusKu , u ith brick building contain ing u rooms , cistern , stable und corn crlha , 5 lots and 100 ucros ofrwhleh 8J aorosiiro under culti vation. The hovifco la sltuuto 1 on n hill with u beautiful view * ofntho Burroundlnir country. About 10J rodaUroin Jlollovuo college and u quarter of a mlle tram railroad station , and the railroad U running ! along the farm lor about half u mllo. Komfivthor partlculaisund Information mation address .U. AVJckonbortr , North K'-th St. owolry store , No. 510. Sn-12 FOHSALK-A Ibfi0jcl49. und dwelling 20x2) ) , nonr future Xlrp/ivnoU Hall , cheap ; half ciiMi , balance small inonthly payments. V , L. Vo- dlcku,6-'OS. liillj pt. ; Oil Foil BALK-SOa-OHty acres In Seo. 0 , T. 15. Jt 1) ) , Douglas nouitty , oriu half mllu from Holt Una ami 1) ) . & Mniri.iln trucks. For turma ad * drew U GJ , Uco ofiloo. 2J4-12 * Tnoil SAMS 700111 cottage , 1 block from 13 st , Mary's uvo. car linn , lot 75x110 , only $1,150. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam. MO EDWABD KUEHL , MAGISTKll OP PALMVSTKUV AND OOND1- T1ONALIBT , 303 Tenth Street , between Farnam and Ilnruoy , will , with the old ot ? uardlnn spirits , obtain for nur ono a trlance In the past and present , und of cortiUn condltlont in t bo future. Hoot ) unl sbous mada to order. I'crfectsitlsfuction vuaruutoal. & MATJI. , ( Successors to J. Q. JaoobaJ UNDERTAKERS , AND EMHALMEUS. At the old btutiJ , HUT Farnam St Orders by tC'li-giuilhtolidtfU and promptly uttonduJ to. Tclc-phoiiu Ko.iil A PICTURE OF PRAIRIE LIFE , Pftrticnlarly of the Women Who Hold Down Claims nnd Prove Thorn , The Lights Lonely Ijtre Tlio First NlRlit In a Boil Shnnty " Go AVost , Voting AVoinnn. Go W stt" CHATWON , Nob. , March 8. [ Correspon dence of the HKH. ] Much has bcon * said anil much move might yet bo told of the fortitude and bravery of the women who I'D west tn scttlo upon homesteads nnd to make nn effort to secure for themselves n iiortlon of God's footstool , and who , by braving for a time the privations nnd dis- mlvnntagos of frontier life , find themselves - solves in the swcot by nnd by owners of line farms nnd cozy homos , the sight of Which would cnuso their timid sisters in the east to turn moon with envy. Such cases nro not rare. They nro very common in this uMromo northwest. In tlio table lands of Nebraska , nhnosliutho shadow of the Hlnck Hills , wlicro n liai dozen vctirs ngo cowboys and ranchmen werosolo moniirchs of the prairies , and wlicro there is now scarcely ti vacant claim to bo found , settlors' sliuntios , sod- houses or more pretentious frame dwell ings arc thickly dotted hero and there , and it is safe to say that one-third ot these arc occupied or hold by women. Old maids , widows , girls who have reached the ago of twenty-one and wom en who nrc in any sense the heads of families , are all "eligible" to becoming land owners and they lose no time in securing - curing their rights , but , following close upon the hcols ot the ihvit emigration , proceed with tlio greatest complacency to settle themselves upon the choicest portion of Uncle Sam's dominion nnd enter into the business of holding down claims , with ns much zeal nnd determin ation as nny of their brothers. They are MOSTLY WOMl'.N OF KNEKKY and Intelligence , many of them cultural and refined. School ma'ams , clerks , seamstresses , telegraph operators , etc. , who have left the crowded and over-run condition of things in the east , whcro long hours and short pay was the rule and where &omo of ( hem have stood six days out of sovmi behind counters trying to please petulant nnd fastidious custo mers for less than enough pay to meet the expense of board ana clothing , to say nothing of runt. To many of them the song of the shirt with its "stitch , stitch , stitch , " had become a living reality. Perhaps too , some aged father , broken down under long years of trial and mis fortune , the euro of a large family , ill- health and a mortgage on the farm , placed there to obtain the means to edu cate his "smart" but , alas , profligate son. has bid the bright , beautiful nnd dutiful daughter a sad good-by , as , catching the spirit of enterprise , she joins a. colony of neighboring families anil dopatts for the west , where she assures them , laughing through her tears , she will soon have ti fine farm for a present to the old ones with no mortgage to cat it up nnd where the father and mother , the little brothers and sisters can all come soon. And with care and jiationoc , anil n vast 'amount of stick-to-it-ivoncss , and "never weaken" qualities , her fondest dreams may bo realized in n comparatively short time. Already the iron track lias wound its way to the Hills and the old trail is for gotten. Villages spring up like mush rooms in n niglit. Colonies rush in with the opening of spring. The soil is fertile , the water excellent , the climate delight ful , and soon the barren claims beeqmo thrifty farms. Once civilization begins , it spreads rapidly ana borderism must go. Cattle ranges must give way to ac tual settlers , and TUB cow BOY'S OCCUPATION is NO itoitr. . Rustlers , gamblers , and those who have killed their man must go to the front or settle down to quiet life. Eastern people bring eastern customs and modes of liv ing , and in an almost incredibly short time the little border towns bucomo quiet and civilized. Occasionally n few ex- cowboys como together and in sport round-up the town by hring their six- shooters in the air , ma ing dire threats , frightening what thoj'call tenderfoots out of their wits , but no harm is done and none is intended. To bo sure , it takes nerve to endure tlio great changes in the ways of living , nnd to bear the disadvantages of a new country for awhile. And one cannot deny it is a lonely prospect for a woman , however snugly she may bo settled upon her one hundred and sixty acres of God's land , and however much of a "monarch- ' o'f-all-I-survoy" feeling she may have , to stand in her cabin door and see the night scttlo down over the prairie. She will look longingly and lingering- ! the tlio great red ball going down in the west , and wish it might slay a little longer. And it certainly is not the most inspiring thing in the world at such a time to listen to the barking of the .sneak ing coyote as ho prowls around on what errand no one knows , \yliethor in snarch of food or only barking to Keep himself company. But at .such an hour one can almost forget the solitude , so r.LOumous isrun SUNSKT. The golden glow blazing along tlio cir cling horizon , clearly and distinctly is everything dclined against the low speck of remaining light , while the purple sky hangs dark above. Miles away are the dim outlines of the village ; yonder on tlm great range n few head of cattle can bo seen standing motionless as bioir/.e .statues ; far away , plunging along with long , swooning lopes , a cowboy on his broncho is hurrying to the distant corral. There are no Indians , no wild beasts , no bandits or ruflians ; nothing to bo afraid of , and a woman is as safe Iroin molesta tion while holding down her claim on the prairies as In n brown stone front in some eastern eitj. .Yet it is a , bravo wo man indeed who docs not feel a creeping sensation along her spine and an inclina tion of her hair to stand right on end who looks her last for the day upon the settling sun as upon the face ot some dear friend departing , and turning within looks her rude door nnd prepares to spend TUB riltST NIGHT Ul'OX HKIt NKW KSTATH with perhaps only n neighbor's child or a dog borrowed for the occasion for com- jinny. It IH more than likely Unit tlio neighbors themselves come in to stay the night , for neighbors are neighbors in n new country , and a lone womim Is an ob ject ot special and kindly interest. As they gather round their evening meal spread perhaps on n store box with nail kegs or anything that comes handy for chairs , many are the jests and hoaity the laugh that goes round the little board. The lire glows cheerily in tlio little stove ; the lump whines brightly over thoroughly plastered walls , nnd on the little articles of bric-a-brao , on placques nnd pictures brought from homo , and tl 3 place has n fo/.y homo-liko aspect. Perhaps n little homesick feeling creeps up from tlm heart ns the talk drifts to friends and homes in the east ; but finding themselves on dangerous ground the oubjoht is turn ed and as the evening advances they turn into their bunks with peilmps the moon peeping at them in .silent curiosity through the cracks in tliovuls. : . They sleep the sloop of health until the morn * ing breaks. ( Jlorious ns was the setting , as magnifi cent is the dawning , Mrijfht and grand it bursts over the broad sea of earth. What a sense of freedom aud inspiration one feels as they drink In tlio mire brac ing ulr rtnd sweep with limitless vision the miles nnd miles of golden prairie. HUIIK IS KIEKBDOM ami independence and ouoyancy oi sufrits. No crowded tenement , no landlord howling for his rent , no second hand air , no suDcrcillious neighbors to snub you because you are ix working woman , lour sod house is your palace , nnd you can plant your own potatoes If you like , nnd If you can split kindling wood , drive- nails or manage a vicious broncho , so much the better. You can tench school three months out of sis , or work nt nny occupation you like for weeks nt a tune in the neighbor ing towns , the rest of the time and the money earned to bo spout Improving your claim. And once you have "proved up , " nnd your farm la your own , YOU can sunn your lingers in the face ot the world ! go "back cast" and crow over your timid sisters who nrc still singimr the "Song of the Shirt , " and who could never bo induced to go west for fear the Indians would roast nnd cat them , or the cowboys devour them bodily. For women as well as men , western life lias Its disadvantages , but in the end it surely pays , and wo would say , "Go west , young woman , co west , " nnd keep pace with tlio lords of creation. JACIKTA JACQUES. A pure euro for Hllnd. lllcedlnz , Itchln nnd Ulcerated 1'lles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indlnn icmecly ) , called lr Williams' Indian I'llo Ointment. A sliiRlo hex has cured the worst chronic cases of u. % oreO oO jours standing. No one need suffer live minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Inu' medicine. Lotions nnd instruments do more harm tlmn pood. Williams' Indlnn Pile Ointment nbsoibsttio tumors , allays the Intense Itchlnc , ( particularly at nicht after cettlnc warm In bed ) , nets ns n poultice , elves instant relief , nnd Is piupnitHl only for I'llo * , Itching of private parts , and for nothing olso. SKIN 1USKA.SKS GUUKO. Dr. Fra/lor's Mncic Ointment cures ns by mnirlo , I'lnnilcs , Black Heads or Grubs , lllotchcs and Kruntlnns on the fnco , leaving the sitln clear nnd oe.uitif ul. Also cures Itch. Salt Kbcuin , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. bold by druggists , or mailed on rccoipt ot GO cents. Kctnilcd by Kulin & Co. , nnd Schroder * Becht At wholesale bv 0. P. Goodman. Witch-hazel hns become an extensive article of export from the southern part of Vermont for raotiicinnl extracts. A man can cut cnsilv n ton of brush in n ilny , and ho gets 8 a ton for it. If you fall on the ice , .YOU can nt onno heal your bruises by St. Jacobs Oil. Fifty cents. It usually is a goose , but this time it is a turkey gobbler that has been din ? out of a snow bank , whcro ho had buuu burled for thirty-eight days. This was in Bry ant , Kan. , and the turkey is doing well. The rosy freshness nnd n velvety soft ness of tlio skin is invariably by those who use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder. Mrs. Relief Hurt Bodnian , of Jefferson county , New York , celebrated her 104th birthday recently. Although blind , she retains her mtmtal faculties to a remark able degree. The Root of tlio Evil. To thoroughly cure scrofula it is nec essary to stnko directly at the root of the evil. This is exactly what Hood's Sarsa- p.irilln does , by acting upon the blood , thoroughly cleansing it of nil impurities , nnd leaving not oven a taint of scrofula in the vital fluid. Thousands who have been cured of scrofula by Hoods Sarsaparilla - rilla , testify to'its wonderful blood-purify ing qualities. Sold by nil druggists. An Indiana juror got tired the other night while the jury was trying to reach a verdict in a Grant county case , so ho crawled out of a window , went homo , nnd was comfortably in bed when the sheriff found him. "For real mcrt"i says pne of the most celebrated Prima Donnas , "B. II. DOUG LAS & SONS' CAPSICUM COUGH DUOPS for irritation of the throat are Dr. S. M. Lnndis , formerly of Phila delphia , nnd nt ono time a rival of the Count Johannes for histrionic honors aud bad cgtrs , has settled down in Detroit ns n practicing physician. * Oh ! if I rnly had her complexion Why. it is ensfly obtained. Use I'o/.zoni's Powder. v Judging from the number of "hunting permits" issued In Prussia last year it would eccm that the Prussians are great hunters. There were issued no less than 08,205 , or 8.283 morejhan in 1881. Thousands of women bless the dny on which Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescrp- lion , " was made known to them. In all those derangements causing backache , dragging-down sensations , nervous and general debility , it is a sovereign remedy. Its soothing and healing properties ren der it of the utmost value to ladies suffer ing : from "internal foyer , " congestion , inflammation or ulcoralion. By druggists. . a. When a fair maid was wed by Colonel ( lough , of the Hussars , in London , the other day , his deep-voiced , hearty , "I will , " made the bride jump so noticeably that everybody smiled. Ho was a man of Mars who talked in tones of thunder. TMitn lUbyrt rtolc , wo f v bet Caitorla. When she w/w a Child , jhe cncA fnr Caatorja , WTicn oho bourne Ml i ) , ilia clone to Cafltoria , Wh a ili bidOUlldrcn , alia gave them Csctoda , The young women bnlonglng to a society connected with St. Potor'schurch. in Oshkosh , Wis. , have publicly promised not to dance round dances any more. The Great Invention , For EASY V/ASH1NC , IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLO WATER. Without Harm to FAJlHJOorllJXDB , nnd particularly adapted to H' < it-m67mae Ko family , rich cr poor , should be without IU Bold by all Grocers , but bewart ot vllo Unl tatlons. iu < iltz Xi : Is manuixcturc ( only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK ; . . . . a. . . iirf. Uik. Purrti. ( ! - * I ; ' < " " TJllv4 " "i "H'V ti t , flat ( l W > PHW , " 1 W I " " ' " ' M I 'I U m It .u.rf.U lik It.l V" . yJtMJf . U-I * - . . Ift/O M. l > ul > < ki h ! ui.4kt B titOIKT ; . w. wsrrrsirirtT , CIE waur , jiuvj.airJ.Vs Jf . STRICTLY PURE. rr COHTAIKS KO OIUUM iw AMI roxuc IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE n PtCEN I BOTTLES nro .put tip for the n < 4 * Jronmiodntlou of nil who deslro n goo and low priced Cough. Cold and GroupRemedy 111 OH : DE8MHMI A ttP.Mcnr roil CONSUMPTION ANV LUNG DISEASE. Should secure tholmifo $1 bottles. Uhocllon . ncconimn | > IIIR each bottle. Bold by all Modichio Dealers. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , CIVIL & SlITAuV ENGINEERS Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block , Grndo Systems nnd Soworniro Plnni for Cities nnd 'I\\vns n spuolnlty. riiins , li tlnmtus nnd Spccin.cntlomforl'uhlle nndothor Knglncorlng \\orks ruriilslii'd. Surveys nnd Itoport Hindu on 1'iililio Improvomonts. ANtinw : ItOKEWATKn , Monibor American Socle- Gty Civil KnRlnoers. City Engineer or Omiiuii1 KO. 11. UiiutSTiE , Chll Knclnoor. TO EUROPE IN A TIUFLK OVKU CSTSIX I1Y Till : OLD HCUAIILG \ PpiHng nntt Bummer fttllln IDI follovrat Tast B. > turJ y expreu mall tcrrlco from NowYork. UMmtlA . will * April 10. Stay 8 , Juno B.July 3 .Milt XVI A . cnlh A | > rll 17 , Mny it. Juno I ! , July 10 inilUltlA . rnll > AirilCI.Ma | ) ra.JmifH.July J7 . cnlUtl jrl , > lft- , JunccilJuljr2t Fast Wednesday oxprc'S iorIce from Boston. onrnON . pMl April tl.Mny 10 , Juno 16 , July 14 KUVTItlA . MlUAlnlln , liny MJmiutl , July l CIAI.UA . nalUJKj 0 , JuncS , Junu SO , July 2S LUIIINIA . imllsMnj 12 , Jnno H. July 7 , Autfuit SPECIAL NOTICE. Boston liotnf ; 1 0 mlles ncnrcr I.lrrpool. . than Now York , Hit Oregon in expect tit to tnnke the passage in Itit than ntx tfnir * . The nbavo fleet Is tuo firprif. / < ffrxl anil fnoif mnpnirlc'ii/nnnrit , ninny nf t ] . Milps IxInKovtrKOfcot lontf.fvlfi'ot'.V.N'OIonsanil . ' lioooliDnwponor. Thli lluo Is tlio olOe t In i < KUt ( nro nntl linn never lost a Pnssonnor. CnMn , HUernito or Intcnnrttlnfo PAJI- OKO nt mlts ft' low a uy any llrtt-clnM luuMiictr line. For further iRforninllnnFoeoiiratrrnts In most of Uio > Al towns nnd cities throughout the countrr. or rilnclj \ , Unimcor of Wotrrn Iirpnrtmrnl , 131 linndolpliHtrrct , ( Under Slicrcmn lliujc ) . Chicago , IU. AKentBvontot wharo no are uot rcpi 017 Ht. C2inrIctjF l. Rt. Louis , Mo. * ArrcoUr6ra4u t ef two VedlcktCollffcf , fc bwn lovctf tcr > rd ta ttie rtiiJ tr iment o f C omc , UKKVOV * . SKIN md BLOOD Uisi ii itft&ftnv oth rrhTileUDlaSULoali | i city r r ri ifaow an 4 all old rmtd nti kattw. Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental and Physical Wo&kncss ; Mercurial and other ARoc * ttons of Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood PoUonlng * Old Sores 8tld UlOCrfi , ar trtUrd with nnptrtllaUJ nccm , tmitfitielcntlflcprlLclnloi.OftMT. Prir lilr. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence. < rbic > rroflnco nomi or tt * followldf fffitUt ttirvoui&eai , dtt > lHj , dtmti ii of ilfbt and dehetlTe memory , plinpl0ionth fef , phTilotldid&f ! ft onloD lotbt loelttyof fimtlo * , oonfuiloMOr lfl i , tfl , , randcrlnc : Mmrrlairo Improper or unhappy , 6rmancotl7 eur d. Iainphl i tWiiagcionibiBboTC ) , i Ql F , amledcorelopfl , frrtle nny ftddre i. OoniallMloaktof * Ccf or b/ mall ffee. Invite J and ittlctly eenfldenU U A Posltlvo Written Gunrnntoo gu n u rtrrei. tut. lieJtclu * icnt cr rjrwh rp Ij null or zprtM * 260 PAQE3 , FITfE PLATEO , clifiint elolh ted Rill LlDdlnf.pcslrdrorfiOo. InrBruetorourrtQcr. Otr Bnr ircndofful pen plolarc * , true to life | krtietti on U folUvlec iuttjecui who m r Kfcrry.wbjuBV'whjjma.nhooi , itooatt. hoel. phrslcftt dccur , cCToct * a | ocllbzij uid uzcccs hft j bji. lolojt/of rrprtduetlon , and many inrc. 'it ute ttirrl t o ctbiciurUilDC inarrlo < c'louUl ' r * 4 it. i'-rcUr txtUU > c ticio , rf4" ' ccTir.33o. ACdri ( ttabo * pr. Vt > H * ' O.MJ OK MOKi : AT M'llOI.ESALC IMtlCH. I PAY all ezprcus charge * to Nil polnjn nJUiln &OO miles , l.ooi'rnrrlnpos to nelTCt from RonJ two ctnt orlllunralulcatiLlomia. Mcntlaii Uu paper. L. G. SPEKBER'S TOY FACTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. Or ( lie Liquor JIabll , CurcU by AiluiliilKtorlu IJr. IIiiliicn * Uulilcu tipuclilc. It can heghen Inn cup of coffcu or U > without the knowlcdgoor the person tnklne It.lsnbsnlutcly liiirraluss , nnd will effect a prrnmnent and fipecdy cure , whetlivr the patient la a raodtmlo drinker or n Hlcohullo wreck. It has been given In tuou- .Thnds of c.iws , aud In every Instance a purfrct euro ) m3 [ olloucd. It tiuror fulls. The system once Imprrgimtcd llli the Bpeclllc , It liccomca an uttei linpoiilblllly ( or the liquor nppctlta to nxlst. ron BALE nv roLLOWiKa unuaaisTS : KUIIN it CO. , Car. I3th nnd Daticlau , nnd IKlh iV Cninlnc Sl . , Onmhii , Nch.l A. I ) . I'OSTJJH d : llltt ? . . Council ItlnfTi , loM'a. Cull nrwrllp fnr pntnphlct condilnlnr hundreds nlftU Jiointlicbcu woaiuu undmcaliom _ In , r runco * " " ' ArtiIit | iVlTy"rirrrtViuh"l'lij icfaii > 'knarlnVriii'Wlyanij ucfutsfully InirtuJuci'a licio. AllvenUfinljiirlosicfland dnlni jiratnptlr cnerkpit TlliAvllHK : plilnc now * . piiKraiiilin. | cJltlonJornemeiit .A < 3 ,1'JIKK. Contulla. lion ( i-.lllco or liy mail ) with tli cmlnjut ductan IfHKK , CWIALE AUCHCr. fjo.174 FullonStreet. New Tort. Alir e > i rl mc < . temirkUjlctoVqiilckeoroi. . . . . UCA , BcudHlvmv for tiled | tMtcultr . Addrcvi , Pr. WARD & CO. . MJUlfiUNA1 , HO. Do you want a pure , Ijlooin- Ing Comnloxiou ? H' so , a Tow n nil ) i cations oF Ifngnu'B MAGNOLIA. BALM will grot- il'y you lo your heart's con tent. It docs awny with Sal- hnvnoss , Itoilnoss , riiuplos , Jilolchcs , nud nil diseases and fiuiicrlbctions ol'lho fikin. It ovorconifsilio fiuslicd appcnr- niico of licat , i'alJguo nnd ex- riteincnt. It makes n lady ol' TIIIJITY appear but TWfcN- TY ; nnd HO natural , gradual , nnd perfect are il.s olI'ocLs. that it is impossible to detect its application.