Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
(3 ( THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY. MARCH 11,1880. THE DAILY BEE COUNCflTBLUFFS. THURSDAY MOKNING , MAUCH. 11. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABI * STREET. Delivered by carrier In nny pnrt of the city nt twenty cents per week. II. W. TH.TOX , - Manager. nusisnc s OFTICK , No , NIGHT I'.t.n on. MINOR HIHNTIOX. New spring goods at Heitor's. The Methodists have a Mikado social tills evening. Wauled A nurse girl at once. Call al 533 .Sixth avenue. CVmsling on Graham avenue is still en joyed nightly by largo numbers. James ( ioiilden is piling dirt onto Ninth avenue , between Sixth and Seventh streets. The daily sales of railroad tickets nl the transfer ticket ollices are larger than for many months past. Tin trial of tlio Mrs. Bachelor vs. Con rad Lan/.eiidorfer case in the circuit court , after occupying three days , was yesterday evening given to the jury. Tlio Congregational ladies have ar ranged to give a chocolate and sociable this evening at the church parlors. All nro invited , and a good time is assured. The revival meetings being held on Brvanl street in Iho old opera'hoii e are slip being continued. Last evening Price , Wells and Morris were greeted by the largest audience yet. Permit lo wed was .yesterday given Kr- nest Hcinof Keg Creek , nnd Ulna B. llnnscn of Mills county ; Stephen Tripp of Coopurstown , New York , and Lena Wliilo of Minneapolis ; John W. Sals- bury of Ashhimi , Nebraska , nnd Ada Al- ilorman of Ord , Nebraska. The apportionment of the interest of tlio permanent school fund of tlio state for the present lineal year , on the basis of 20 cents on each youth , gives Potla- wfvttamie county § 2,071.M ! , there being 10,252 children according lo Iho census. There nro only nine counties in the Male which draw a larger amount. By ono of those unfortunate typo graphical errors , common to all news papers , Iho lii ! : ; in speaking of Iho in creased bonds of tlio new city treasurer was mailo to .say yesterday that "this in creased amount will not ho cheerfully and easily given by I ho new treasurer. " It .should have read that "this incieascd amount will now bo cheerfully and easily given. " The evening edition of the old lady's scrap book delights to pick up Hiicli typographical orrois , and roars about them , claiming that the liii : : is try ing to relleet on Air. Spctman , the now treasurer. Mr. Spetnmn had already filed a bond of ? 30)00. ( ) when the law only requires ' 'O.OOO , and has expressed him self as favoring the increase in bonds , and as all know is abundantly able lo furnish all llio bonds necessary. These facts are such familiar ones Unit llio typographical error occurring in the BKB must have been apparent to nearly everyone ono , unlchs burdened with the stupidity of the evening scissorer. Personal I'nrnjrrnplis. Cy. Parker , the lotler carrier , is llio proud father of a now boy baby. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swan have gone on a southern trip , and will visit Missis sippi. Hon. B. F. Clayton was in the city yes terday , haying returned Irom lcs Moincs. Mr , S. T. French lias gone east to buy spring goods for the Council Blufls Car pet company. Colonel T. McKissock loft yesterday over the Council Bluffs & St. Louis rail way for Stanbury , Mo. Mrs. H. Oiircn , wife of llio well known farmer and stockman of Living Springs , is in Iho city , visiting C. Wesley's family. W. S. Mayne has gone to Florida and will m about two weeks return with his family , who have boon spending the winter there. Miss Lou Gullbert , of Dubuque , who has boon Ihe guest of Miss Clara Bob- binglon tlio past two months , returns to her home to-day. Mrs. Belle Beta , of Cedar Rapids , ar rived hero yesterday nnd will remain about n week and then go to Fairbury , Neb. She is a hister of I ) . A. llieo. A. Overtoil returned yesterday from : v two weeks' trip to Texas in the interest of his lumber business. Ho reports Iho weather as fine and Iho peach trees in full blossom. D. W. Thomas , of San Francisco , a brollicr-m-law of Charles II. - - Gilmore , is in tlio city for n few days' visit , intend ing soon to visit his parents in Monroe county. Miss Villlo Miller and her sister , of Liv ing Springs , are in the city visiting friends. Miss Miller has applied for a position in the public schools hero , and as Mho has had much experience and is highly recommended the prospect is good of her securing it. Dr. J. G. Gilchrist. professor of surgery in the State university , was in tlio city yesterday to perform a dillicult surgical operation upon Mrs. Roberts , corner of Avenue C and Tenth street. Ho was as sisted by lrs. Stillman and Hanchett of this city. The operation was successfully performed. The following from tlio Cambria ( Pa. ) Herald is the latest , concerning the well- known "newspaper liond" : "Charles Sunnier Clark dropped in to see us on Saturday. Ho was formerly a resident of Lbonsburg , but since last October was local editor of thoCallahanFla. ( ) Record , uml on Saturday was en route for La Crosse , WIs , , where he has accepted n responsible position on one of the leading papers. It is some thirteen years or more since ho loft this place , and most of the time since has hold positions on Iho leading daily papers of llio wosl. As a newspaper man biunner has no superiors nnd but few equals. " What do you know about prices nt Bpston Boot and Shoo Store , 417 Broad way ? Meeting of tlio Ilnr. A meeting of the bar of this county was hold 3 esterday morning to lake up- proprlalc action on thu death of Robert 1'crcival , who was one of its oldest ami known members , D. C. Bloomer was made chairman and Frank M. Hun ter , hoorolary. A commiltcu was appointed - pointed to prepare suitable resolutions , the committee consisting ot N. M. w * * ! * v v > wr-i t ( igj / * * * 'lt Pusoy , A. V , huriuiur , J. N. Cu&uday. 1) C. IHoonuT , W. C. .Jiinies , G. A. Holmes , O. M. llttrlo , \ \ . A Alynstar. Tim coin- * < * t't j n < j\\ji i iiu vi'lll" jnittoo met lust evening , itiul will iirusont tliuir report to another mutting of thu liar to bu hold this forunooti , The best pentB1 $ j.03 shoo in the city nt Jtoston lioot and Shoo Storo. The dandy Hail Itoiul 15ox Ton shoe. Don't fail lo sou them. Boston Boot anil Shoo Storo. To Our Friends ami Patrons. In justice to ourselves wo Wish to state that thcro is a report in circulation that wo have k'lvi.'ii our quests and boardurs jiotlco that \vn ant audttt to close ; ho 1'a- oillu linusii , Such in not llui tact , und wo will - < ; ivo our uiicthts nnd thu public duo nollcu when tliat tiino cunuu. ( i.V. . l-'EltliUSONtStSOX , 1'roprk'tors. - Best coal pud wood in the city at ( ilca- coil's , 20 Pearl birout. A MUCH PERSECUTED POLICE Another Investigation Being Talked of to Clear Away the Olond. CITY CLERK CONJECTURES , Cotifltdcrntilo Guess Work As lo "What tlio New Council Will Uo Meet * to Tnko Action on 1'cr * clvnl's Dentil. for IMnccs. Thcro begin to bo sonio conjocturings ns to who will bo the now city clerk , or whoihor tbcru will bo any clinngc inatlc. Tlio present incumbent , Mr. Unlrytnplu , had n hard tiinu yetting In , his preilct'cs- ser refusing to glvo up tlio seal until the law was HJinkim over his licad , and the council insisted on his yielding to Mr. Dalryinplu , whom they hud ehosen to serve in that capadly. Now that an other city election has been held there begin to lie agitations as to whether a new clerk ought to bo chosen. Mr. Dal- ryinple has tilled the ollico witii faithful ness and ability , and all concede that theru is no need of a change , except to satisfy sonic ono who wants to get the place , He lias become $ n familiar now with the duties and with the details of the olllec thai ho is in ore valuable than any new man can be , but in politics this is little thought of. It is hinted that sonic of the friends of 'Squirt ) Uurko will make a move to get him chosen as city clerk. 'Squire IJurko is a man who has been so long connected witii the city business that lie is perfectly familiar not only with its present details but with its history , and his services are Valuable , but among those of his friends who personally would like to have him given the position are some who will op pose it they sco no good reason lor displacing Mr. iMlrymple. Another project is on foot. Under th law this city has the right to one more justice of the nonce. The law provides that the township shall have two justices , and when there is within the township an incorporated city one or two more justices may bo chosen , nnd ono or two more constables. Already there are three justices and tltreo constables here , so that when ono more is chosen the limit will bo reached. It is suggei > tud that the additional justice be added. In order lode do so the township trustees , ten days be- lore ( ho annual election , which is to beheld hold next f-ill , shall post up notices an nouncing this fact. Then the pconlo will have the opportunity of choosing a jus tice. It is understood that a move will bo inado to choose 'Squiro Burke for this ad ditional justice. If ho would accept this position there is no doubt the people would gladly give it to him , but his views on the matter have not been learned. It lias been whispered that Harry Hun ter of the Nonpareil was looking to the city clerkship. This he denies , and seems as ignorant as to how the report started as erybody else. It seems pretty well settled that the new chief of police will bo J. M. Matthews. The nolico headquarters are lobe consoli dated with the marshal's ollice , so as to leave the room , in the city building for the use of the city engineer. The present arrangement by which a night and day jailer arc to bo turmshcd the city jail will probably be modified so as to be more economical. The plan is suggested that each ollicer bringing a prisoner into the city jail shall remain there as jailer until the next ollicer comes with a prisoner. This would bo rather hard if no mere ar rests tire made than by the present foreo. An ollicer who brought in a man might have to btay on duty watching tlio jail lor three days before another fellow was brought in. Some plan is to bo lixcd up which will be cheaper than tlio present. The sale to have taken place at the farm of P. Aycrs. Garner township , has boon postponed until Saturday , March 13. H. II. INMAN , Salesman. More Police Charges. The old police force is being agitated below the surface , and there is the probability of there being an outbreak of tlio old troubles. It seems pretty well settled that most of the force will bo re tired with the incoming of the now administration , and some oi them are therefore anxious to right themselves before that chance comes. The charges concerning the charity clothing and other matters have been sustained by the council committee in its report , and for the members of the force thus placed under a cloud to retire without clearing it away docs not suit them. They have been trying to plan some way to relieve themselves from the blot placed on their record. There was some talk of demand ing another and nrj open investigation in the hope of getting a more favorable report. The mayor has left without giving them any relief , and without com mitting himself to the report by dis- mising or censuring 'those iouml guilty by the committee. Those who are under the cloud see no prospect for relief in an investigation , as that could not bo finished before they will probably bo laid oil' duty for good. The only scorning way is to turn the tables on some ot those who have not been concerned in the charity clothing scrape but who squealed upon tlio others. It is feared that some are to bo retained on tlio now force , and if these can bo placed upon the gridiron and roasted it may let down the others easy. It is understood that charges nro being preferred against one of the force , who is thought by the others to have been act ive in getting the recant investigation stalled. Just what these charges will amount to , or how they will bo handled , can only bo conjectured. A sensation is promised quietly , but wiu'ther it will over come to the surface or not is not known. The theory seems to bo that if the olllcers who Will uo culled on to retire , and upon whoso record this cloud now rests , can give a parting shot at .some others , it will bo n happy linis. The scheme has got so far as to have the charges partly writ ten out , but the pu/.zlo seems to bo as to how nc\t to move. Thociuerv is whether lo lilo the charges with the acting mayor or with the police committee. Ouo plan fiiiggoitcd is to have tlio old police force get all together and then invite the re porters to hear them tell tales on each other , and thus got the newspapers to air up all the facts. If the force have such n confessional and tell honi-stly all that they know about each other , it would make u pionio for tlio newspapers and lnrnLsh sonio rich reading matter for the public. It is said that some suoh coin > e will ho developed within a day or two , uml that the fiilk-eru iiinv retiring under a cloud art' bout on giving u parting thrust , clear to tnu 'illi. ' Eoolc nt our solid $1.75 mcn'ij button shoes. Al-o men's heavy shoe ? , cheap , Boston BOQI and hoc Store , Temperance Talks. C. F. Williams of DCS Moincs , the lecturer and general agent of the Iowa Slate Temperance ulliance , will lecture Friday and Saturday evenings in Iho Methodist church. TJicro will bo special music provided , both vocal and instrii- menial , as > line ns can t-o tcciired in the city. On Sunday evening there will bo ft union meeting , probably in the opera house. Of this further announcement will bo made. His subject rrhlay night will bo "Intemperance in Hclntion to Crime , " Iho rcsultof HX years experience in reformatory work , four years as chap lain of the Iowa penitentiary at Fort Madison. On Saturday evening ; lie will lecture on "Law and Liberty in Their Applications to Drinking Habits and the Liquor Trnlllc. " Sunday evening the subject will be , "Tho Majesty of the Law ami the Ministry of Light , or Law and Order as a Basis for Christian Evangelism , " a plea for law enforcement. All these arc to be free. The best ladies' § 3.00 kid shoos in the west at Boston Boot nnd Shoo Store. Social. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry II. Van Brunt on Tuesday evening entertained llio Whist club at their residence , No. 12 ! ) Fourth street. The guests worn Mr. and Mrs. D. J.Kookwell , Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kl- wcll , Mr. and Mrs. J. Y , Fuller nnd tliolr ancst. Mr. . Vilcs , of Chicago ; Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Thompson , Mr. anil Mrs. F. A. Conover , Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Jackson , Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Tyler , Air. and Mrs. A. T. Hice. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gault , Mrs. L. I , McDowell and Mrs. S. P. Mae- council. There were live tables , and progressive euchre was the order of the evening. The ladies' prize was given Mrs. A. T. Hico and tlio gentlemen's to ( } . W. Thompson. The refreshments served were more than usually elegant. Substantial abstracts of title and real cstalo loans. J. W. As K. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Blull's. Funeral at' Hubert Pcrotvul. Tim funeral sci vice of the late Robert Pcrcivnl will bo hold to-morrow morning at 0:30 : o'clock , at the residence , No. 10 South Eighth street , near Broadway. The remains will bo taken on a special train on tlio Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road to Sidney , Fremont county , for interment. His brother , John Per- cival of SI. Louis , arrived yesterday afternoon. His niece , Mis Alice Peret- vnl of Corning , Iowa , and his nephew , ( Jeorgo Crocker of Pcreival , Iowa , are also hero , and these with other friends will accompany tlio remains to their last resting place , Money to loan by Forrest Smith. For first class Missouri wood all on Glcasou , at his coal ollico , 20 Pcarcstreut. TIIK GHEAT SKATj OP ENGLAND. " \Vlmt Its Fortunate Custodian llc- ccivcs in Hank mill Money. Now York Observer : The more hold ing of tlio great seal of England entities tiie fortunate custodian to tome $00.000 a year , to immense patronage in church and state , to be speaker in the hoiK-c of lords , a privy counsellor , and the head of all judicial authority in the kingdom of Great Britain , and keeper of the royal conscience , and lo rank ( next to the royal family ) the second subject in tlio realm. It is very dillicult , if not impossible , to say when Eng land first had a great seal. Seals were not much used by our Anglo-Saxon ancestors , but came latgoly into fashion during the Norman reigns. The gilt crosses or marks of Edward the Confessor and other Saxon kings can scarcely bo called seals , and partook more of the character of signatures of an illiterate a c ; but a grand and perfect seal of William the Connueror exisls.havingthe monarch crowned and throned on the one side and mounted on horseback on the other attitudes which have been invaria bly observed to tlio present day. One re markable circumstance connected with the great seal is its progressive growth in size as time advanced. Origimillyt800years since , not larger lhanihe lop ot an ordi nary modern teacup , it has been gradu ally enlarged from ago to ago , till it oilers now the size and appearance of a ninfiin , and requires to Bo inclosed in a tin box for protoolion. Indeed , so cum- berous and unwieldy had the great seal become that some three or four years since an act of parliament passed con taining very extraordinary provisions- directing that all the minor and many , oven , of the more important documents passing under it should , for tin ; future , be authenticated by a paper wafer , of moderate size , which should be gummed on the instrument , and bo deemed and taken to bo the great seal itself. The great sealhas only llireo times been lost twice temporarily and once perma nently. James II. , on leaving tlio king dom on his abdication , threw the seal into the Thames , whence , however , it was next morning iishcd up nnd brought to Whitehall. Lord Eldon buried it m his garden in Queen square during one night when his house caught lire , and ho thought in the confusion it might bo stolon. "And , " writes the chancellor in his diary , "when the fire was extinguished I quite forgol in Iho morning where 1 had buried it , and while the carriage waited to take mo to court , my lady and I and all the household were digging witii pieces of slick till wo luckily found it. " Lord Thurlow , who always held tt dur ing the night in his bed-room , hid it actually carried off by burglars , from whom it was never recovered. A privy council was called the next day , a now seal was rapidly made , and during the remainder of his continuance in ollico Lord Thurlow invariably deposited it of a night under his pillow. Down to 1817 the great seal itself was made of copper ; since then silver has been Iho melal omploved. It is in two halves , somewhat like two very thick bright tin saucepan lids fitting closely together , their inner surfaces deeply sculptured with the royal devices in tended to bo formed on the wax when squeezed between thorn. Instruments having a limited duration are sealed with yellow wax. Olhers , supposed to exist in perpetuity , such as patent's of peerage , cto. , are exemplified under green wax , and in tlio case of some letters patent , likely to bo exposed to a good deal of knocking about or journoyinir from place to place , such as were the asni/.o commis sions , the wax seal was stamped after bclnir ingeniously inclosed in cream- colored leather. DEFENDING THE\JSE OF SLANG. Mr. Bam Jones Snys There Are No Grammar Schools in iicnvcn. Everything must have a beginning , nnd there is nothing like having a good start. The old adage that "a bail ui'ginning makes a good ending" is false in the na ture of tilings. It is not true in farming , in merchandise , and , above all , it is fatally false in religion. If I see a farmer lazy m January , February and March I pronounce him u failure. The crop ho raises will prove it. If a young man choosing toHudylaw spends hisovenings with young ladies at their homes instead of studying Blackstone ho may succeed in some directions , but never as a lawyer. There's a great deal in u iirst-class start , and all wo need is to follow this course in religion. Your Chribliuns are lee slow- moving. The devil can run a mile before they get their boots off , and the con sequence is hognts the game. You want to put on u fuiriiead of Mean ) and side track j-our old-fashioned , slow-going engines. Pd say to a southern audience : "You'll neyer get there at that lick. " Of course you western people don't use slang and it jars your feelings. The fact is , you Chicago people manufacture more slang in ouo diiy tlitiu the south uses in ono year. Thai's the truth unadorned , but , thiuik Uod , slang is not sinful Who ovur heard of a grummur school being in heaven ? We will get. along wilhoul criticii there. Wo won't hnye tjmo for critUeisiug gr.immor , rhetoric and spoil ing. 1 dislike these verbal ci'itics. I could stand to bo swallowed up by ft whale , but I don't like being nibbled by n lot of minnows. < I'd sooner bo knocked down by n policeman than pounded over the head with a rubber balloon. A good mart , iocsn't like to bo nlinoycu so. You must make a good start and go ahead. The spiritual engine must run at the rate of a mile ft minute. The devil will catch ni ) with any man who moves heavenward at a slower rate. Now ho can take a nap on the way , knowing well it's no effort to catch up with you. Broth ers and sislors , the licks that gave you ft good start will keep you going. I would not do after I gel religion that which I would not have done while seeking it. MARK TAPLEYS IN PETTICOATS. The Innocent Amusement of the Women SuirrnRlsta Who Annually Convene. From a Western Editorial : Tlio ox- cclloiit but decayed ladies who assemble nt Washinglon every February for the purpose of impressing upon Iho con gressional mind Iho beauty and wisdom of woman sulTrage appear to bo about as richly endowed with the laciilty of being jolly under depressing circumstances as the redoubtable Mark Tunloy himself. Notwithstanding the uniform failure which has attended their zealous and persistent efforts to "boom" Iho cause of "female emancipation" for that's what they call it they como up smiling Ibis year , as usual , apparently as confi dent of ultimate success ns they were a dozen years ajjo. From what aspect of the situation , however , they are ublo to extract any encouragement it is not easy lo imagine. In no part of tlio republic is woman suffrage rccogni/.ed as a live issue ex cepting in two or Ihrco sparsely .settled territories , where woman herself is something of a curiosity. The subject is rarely alluded to by the public press ; the pulpit gives it but scant attention ; popu lar lecturers avoid it religiously under penalty of finding their occupation * gone and the politicians treat it with the most contemptuous indifference. And yet Susan B. Anthony bless her venerable spinsterly soul believes , or thinks she docs , that the struggle is al most over and the day of triumph at hand , and is down at Washington as port , chipper and saucy , as frisky and as full of animal spirit as in tlio old limos , mak ing it just ns lively for the senators and members as possible. Monday Susan B. with half a dozen or more of her sister agitators , paid her respects to the house judiciary committee , of which that picturesque relic , J. Randolph Tucker , is chairman. Of course "tho committee was much interested" and gave "tho ladies a very respectful hearing " So runs the report , and its accuracy is evident on its face , for the comniillco had mot Susan B. before and know that anything ia the way of light , airy poi'Mllage would bo mere wanton defi ance ot fate. The senate judiciary com- millco , which includes such lively old blades as Edmunds , Hoar , Evarts and Pugh , is also booked ; for a visit from Susan and her lieutcnanls , and will no doubt conduct it&elfjwitu equal propriety upon that solemni occasion , notwith standing its well-known playful pro pensities. All of which , wilt inspirn the sisters with renewed hopes for the early adoplion of their cherished sixteenth amendment , while the country will smio their hallucina good-naturedly | at tion. . , > The fact is , however , that there is no more prospect of the adoption of a woman suflrago amendment to the con- stiluliqn than there is fur the incorpor ation in that revered , instrument of a formal indorsement of God , as urged by iv few cranks scattered qver the country. There is no considerable section of pub lic bontimeiit which is favorable to the further extension" the electoral franehise in any direction ; indeed , Iho best opinion is that it has already been too freely bestowed , and that if it wore practicable to curtail the privilege it would be tlio part of wise statesmanship to do so. Wo have too many voters , not too few a fact which is ns clearly , re cognized by a vast majority of the in telligent , thinking women ot the land as it is by the great bulk of Iho men. It is evident , as it has been ever since the agitation began , that the women of the United States do not want the ballot , and until they do want it and want it badly , Susan B. and her lilllo band of on- thn&iasts will not be able to force it upon them. They would have realized litis long ago but for an obliquity of vision witii which people of ono idea are usually alllicted. Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Co. licwls & Ariul , Props. Passengers und buggngro taken to and from al trains. Hus'es , cnrrlapcs nnd baggage wne- ons umUo connections with all trains Prompt attention ulvon to a'l ' cnlls. Special rates lo hentrluiltioupus iinJ ooui marclal mon. Cur- rlaKesrun day and nlRlit , Ollico at OgUca IIouso. Tolophjiiu 123. TIMOTHY SEED. I have a quantity of Found , well clonnod need which 1 olfcr at reasonable HKUIS food of the crop of 188,1. K > llcltcd. F. 0. HUTLKlt , Sclmllcr , Iowa. C. & N. W , ley. UNION TICKET OFFICE JL , DeBEYOISE , Agent , No. 607 Droadirar , Council HIufTa. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL 11LUFF3. The following 13 the time of arrival and departure of trains by central etnndard time , itt the local depots. Trains loavp transfer depot ion minutes earlier and arriru ton minutes later : u"1AIir-cmcAoo * oUiHwKsrE11N.AnuIV& 0:20JL. : u Midland Express fl:50p. : u. 12:401 : * . M , Accommodation 4:50P.M. : 6UI' : ) . M Exproasl UjtMA. M. CHICAGO t ! UCKljBI..VNU. 9:3) : ) A. M MiillandH-xpresa 0:51p : , u. 7:15 A. u Accommodation 6:451 : > . u , CtOP.M Kxpretb. . : OiA.M. CHICAGO. MII.WAllKKli & BT. PAUL 0:20 A. u Mall and Express..6:60p. : u. 0WP. u Kxpioss. . 0:03 A. M. CHICAGO. UlTKI.INOrUN & OU1.NCV. 0:40A.ll : Malland.Exprtss tiMi' . 0:50p. : M Kxpross. ' j03 ; WAIUSII.KT , LOUIS * PACtriC. S:16P. u.Local St.I.ouIs Kxpross Local UU : > P.u.Transfcrtit. Louis Ux.Tnmiior.3)0 : : ) p. M KANSAS CITY. ST. JOB * OOl/MCId UI.UFM 10:10A. : M Mall and -Kxprons fi,0p. : : M. ScWip. u Bxpresa. 0ia A.M. SIOUX CITV i PACIFIC. 7:16 A.XI . , .Sioux City MtUl , . .8:30p. : M. fi-.ia i-.ii St-l'uul Express 8 : > A.u. UNION J'ACJVIC. ] 0MA. : VI , Donvi'r Kxproes 6:45 : P. M. 2:13 : p. M..Lincoln I'ass.tOm. & It. V..2U5 ; ! > < IMl'.u OvL'iland KiuresJ 8:15iM. : DUMMYTIUIN8TO OMAHA. Leave Council illutrg 7:05 : BU1 : u:30 : lOn - -7:35-8:60-10:00-11:00 : : : : : a. tn : 1:03-2:0- : ! ) 00 4:0)-5:0 : : ] ; 8rt 11:10 : p. in. Sundays tl:33 : 6'J-lliJJ u. m.3W : 3OJ-5Oj-0:05-ll:10 : : : p.rn Locking Bracket for Fences ANU OTIlKIt HAILS , IIOD3. LVIC. FENCES HUII/T WITHOUT NAILS. Any part readily taken out or lenlucoj. For picket or roll fcnois.lrou orwood , cannot lie ex celled lor railing of any sort. For particulars write C. J. UKCKMAN , Inventor. Council lllulfs. State and county rights for sale. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING zsorrsEs o 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Haggles , Cftrrlngcs , Kto , We. Council IllufTs , lown. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , Dlscltrirrowa , Seeders , Corn Planters , Food Cut ters , I'.to. Factory , Uock 1'nlls , 111 * . Ko9.1S01 , mi , 1505,1M7 Main St. , Cell neil lllulTs. DAVID lillADLKY & COJ Mnmif'rs an 1 Jobbers of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Ci rrlmfp , and Ml Itln 11 nr Farm M < to'itiirr * 1100 to 1113 South Mnln Street , Counsll niuifs , Iowa. AXK 11.WDLKS. P.O. at-ntsoN , T. , G ten. ft Wntonr. rres.&Troin. V.-l > ro9..VMan. So < j.&Counsol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of A.xlo.l'lck , Slodco nnd Small Handles , of every description. CARPETS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtnln Fixtures , Uphohtory Hoods , Etc. No. 4'Jj llroiulwny Council lllultj , low 11. CMARS , TOlt.lCCO , KTC. r & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbora In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nos. 28 Mnln and 27 1'eiulSts. , Council COMMISSION. SNYDER & LKAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Coaniisston Harobants , No. 14 Pearl St , Council lllulfs. CRACKERS. McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Cracfcers , Biscuits aad Calcas , Council Bluffs , Iowa. CROCKERY. MAU11EU & CRAIG , Importers & Jobbers of GroGkery.Glasswan Lamps , Fruit Jnrs , Cutlery , Stoneware , liar Goods , Fancy Goods , Ktc. Council lllulfs , Iowa. DHUaaiSTS. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries , Eta. No. 22 Main St. , and No. 21 Pearl St. , Council lUuffs. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Gwds , Notions , No * . 112 and 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 and 115 I'enrl St. , Council IllulTj , lo vn. FRUITS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale alifornia Fruits a Specialty. General ComraUs'on. No. 543 llroaihvny , Council niulTs. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholcsalo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council muffs. GROCERIES. GRONEVVEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers In Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 11T , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 416 Ilroad- way , Council Bluffs. HARDWARE. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesale Tinware Gasoline Stoves Hardware , , , Refrigerator.etc. Nos. 574 Ilroadway , and 10 Main street , Council HluuV. HAltNESS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Oeilors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 626 Main St. . Council llluflj , Iowa. _ HATS , CAl'S , KTO. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 813 and 814 Broadway , Council niulls. HEAVY HARDWARE. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Illulfg , Iowa. HIDKS AND WOOL. D. H. McDANELl ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Polls , Grca o and Furs Council Uluifa , I own. PltS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholcsalo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gassllna ETTO. , E3TO. 8. Theodore , Agent , Council UhHTs. Iowa. LUUIlElt , 1'lttlNO , ETC. A. OVEUTON & CO. , Hard Wood , South-era Lumber , Piling , And Drldffo Material 8iiooIaltlr > aWholosalo Lum ber ot nil Kinds. Ollico No. I'M Main tit. , Council DIulTs. Iowa. WJKKS AND LIQUORS. JOHN LINDER , Wholcsalo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. Oottliard'B Herb Hitter * . No. 11 Main St. , Council mull * . SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , No BOO afuin St. , Council N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace. OOlco Over American Express Company , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT MAKUfACJUIlCn AND DCALEtl IM HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway * Council Z.T.LINDSEYcfeCC RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTICS , Rubber and Oiled Clothing ! STOOB : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. and Salasrooin , 41 N. Main St. ODlcs 412 Broadway , Oou.n.oil : IGruiffs - Icrwei. w. : P. . rirlclt Imllillnsrof nny Mnd rnl = ed or morcilnml satlsfastlon guaranteed. Frame houses moved onl.IUIoGlaut truoks the beat In tlio wnrU. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special artvcrtlsomaats , sush us LoBt.FounJ , To Lojti , l"o- Silo , To Kant , Wa.iU Boarding , eta. , will bo InsortoJ In this column at thelow rnto of TEN CENTS PEll LING Tor tlia flrstinsortlon and F1VK OKXI3 PEll LINK for each subsaquout Ituortlon. Ijsavo aJvurtha mcntsnt our oOlco , No. U Pearl struct , uoar llroudway , Council IllulTs. WANTS. \/5/"ANTCD A cnmre'unt Inily bookkoapcr. V Stnto roloroncos , bv whom lust oiii | > li > ycl ( , iinino mid iulJre s in lull. Addiessliolosale , A , Hue ollicu , ( ouncll IllullB. WANTKD A position us piossmnn by mnn ( if Inmlly , tln-co ycuia u-vpci-luneo. K , llco olllfo , Council Hluirj. \\rANTr.D-A iiurso lit once. Call ntKJJ if Sixth tivonuu. _ _ _ _ _ FOR KKST lliillJInt ? neiir rnthvny depots Kxccllont location lor store , roMiummt or hotel. Aililioss or call nn M. H. Tinloy , on premises , 1017 S. Main St. , Council Illultj. WAN St WAUCISU , No. : H Mnln stioet , ( under Citizen's U.inkl , real cs'uto ana mor- chtindlso cichiuiifo broke-re. Our books uro full of special bixrgulns , but It H Impossiblu to pub lish u rohablo list from the fact of so many dally changes. What wo ask Is : If you want to snll ortrailo anything In our line , write us and wo will send you n pile of tmnrulin to select from. Lands Improved or unlniprovc.l , city or town piopcrty , stocks of Koods of nny kind In imy place. If such you havu or such you wnnt lot us lionrfrom vou. B'.vun & Wnllior , Council Illulfd RUSSELL&Oo Manufacturers of all sizes of Automatic Engines Especially Designed for Ilunnlnir MILLS , GUAINtELEVATOIlS , AND ELEOTHIO LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive New Mnssillou Threshers. Carej'and "Woodbury Horse Powers. ' STATIONARY , SKID , Portable nnd Traction Engines , SAW WILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch IIouso 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1880 ANNUAL. THOS. ornoEn. w. H. u. OF5TOS5& & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOV/A / , Established ISOV ONLY HOTEL Iu Council HlullB hnvlusr And nil modern Improvomonta , cll ; ! buVa , lira jilurna bells , etc. , Utlio CHEST ON HOUSE ! KOB.S16 , U17 ( aid 219 , Main Street , X J101IN , I'roprloto KIEL SALE STABLES ! SS co Jforftcg and Mule * kept constantly on hnnd , for eato t iUall nr In car IonJn. Oidcng piumUllr llllod hjr contract' onehort notice , mock sold 011 rotninla > lon. till Lti'l Kit Sc. HULKV , I'roprkturs. Stable Cot nor fifth Avuuuu txud fourth SC. ouncll Illutls I wish to respectfully call the attention of my pntrons nnd the public In ! U < noial , to my remo val fiom tlio old stand Nos. 7 and ! i , Main til. , to my now and commodious quarters , Whore I will he pleased to ceo my many frionils. . . . u lltr r ° i n"iv nnd complete assortment of all the very LATESTFafeinSpringSmES And bolns located In Inrjfo quarters I am bolter than over before prepared to serve the public , Itospccttnlly , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 230 Broadway , Council Bluffa. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices lu Stata and Federal Courts. Uoonis 7 and 8 , Saiunrt liloalc. LAlPSlidlROCKERY -AT- REDTJCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 23 Mnln Street. Council Bluffs. la B. RICE , M. D. riWrpnQ or other turn irs removed without vnnumiu tlieluiiroordrawliiif of blood. CUROIIIG DISEASES of all kinds a specialty. Over thirty youra' . oxnorloiioa. No. 111'earl dtroot , Count U Illutfj. EXTCONBUbTATION " A.C.UURNHA.M.I'ras. li.W. TUI.I.KVU , Vloo-Pros. JA.MKS N. Iluow.s.Cnihlcr. 108 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorised Capital . 250,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Uo a i/onurul bunkltitr buslniu. H Accounts of banks , , merchanti , man ufacturers and Individuals received on favora ble terms. Domestic iind forolirn uxchango. The very Lest of attention given to all btial HOBS committed to our cure. ATTORNEY - ATLAW. . Real Estate and Probate Law a Spsclalty. Oillto-No. 33 Main fit. , 'under CHI/.cn'a Jlanlr , Council Illu UH. _ _ MASONWISE , Horses and Mules For nil purroros. Longlit and nM , nt lotall and In lot * Seventy-six hcud of the voi-y l.jfht quality of inu'.cj ' novr on hand. Council mulls lowiu COUNCIL BLUFFS Baggage Transfer Line. Hu nnd haugnso wagons connect with al' ' trains , to nil horiK icildonccs , etc. Special at- tentlonloCOMMViltC'JALMKN nnd TIlKATltJ. OAL TflourKJ. I'iniiiin. uituniion en < > n nil culls. Ollice lit 1'uilflu House , 'J'elt'pnonu Nr HO ; ijso Tulcuhuno No. 1:3 ul Ogdcii Houio. U. BEEOHOFT , Proprietor.