Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1886, Image 1

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    V/P JPr w * " * *
Henley Hauls the Union Pacific Over the
Coals Without Mercy ,
Cleveland May Veto the Dca Mnliica
Htvor IjnmlH Hill Alii For tlio
Omnlin Tribe General
\VnnIiliiKton Notes ,
Henley After the I'nlon Pacific.
WASHINGTON , March 10. [ Special Tele
gram. ] Henley appeared before tlio commit
tee on I'ncltlc roads to-day to urge tlic reso
lutions he Introduced In the house Monday.
After some discussion the committee ad
journed for a day without taking action. The
resolutions aio to bo brought up at the next
mcetlnc. Thu resolutions reclto that the
Union 1'iiclllc Uallroad company was pro
hibited by the act amendatory of. an act In
corporating the company from using stock
unless the same was.fully paid for at par
value In money. It Is further stated , It Is al
leged , that In flagrant violation of law the
Union I'aclfic company has Issued 010,000
shares of slock of the par \altio of 5108 per
share , equal to SUl.OOO.ODO , and only 2li0 ?
shares weio paid for In nioiicv , and only
S21S,000 In money has been received
on account of thu sates of the
stock , and ceitaln Illegal Issues of In
come , land grant and sinking fund bonds
have been made by the company and In utter
dclittiieo of the law and In fraud of the rights
of the government. The Union I'.icltlc
company has paid out of Its earnings moro
than SS..OOO.OOO in dividends and Interest to
holdeis of fraudulent stock and bonds ,
which was enough to have paid Its entire In
debtedness to the government.
The resolution goes on lo say It Is alleged
the company , In defiance of law and In disre
gard of the rights of the government , has
built and equipped out of Its earnings twcnty-
nlim br.tneh roads and caused to bo Issued to
Itsclt for that construction and equipment
bonds of thu branch roads lo the nominal
value of S-lO.OOa.OCO , but which slock Is wholly
without value. It is nllcsred S1GCOJ,030 of the
bonds are now pledged by the company lo
various banks and moneyed syndicales for
loans of money , while no provision has been
made by Hie Union 1'acilic company for the
payment of Its first mortgage bonds , which
amount to Sl,000,000 : ! , and which have prefer
ence over the debt duo by llio Union Pacific
lo llio government. By Its own records , tlio
gross earnings of the Union Pacific liavo di
minished St,000COD ! In one year , while the ex
penditures have greatly Increased.whllo at the
sumotlmothe expenses account of twenty-live
of llto twenty-nine branch roads have been
greatly diminished , and their earnings
greatly Increased. Jt Is alleged the branch
Hues are supported and foslcred chlelly
by the business ot' the main Hue , which pays
lo the branch lines a bonus In construction
mileage of 1 % , IJf and 2 cents per mlle over
and above the lognlnr rate of transportation
charged by the branch lines , which rates of
construction mileage , amounting to Immense
sums ot money , are paid out of the earnings
of the Union Pacific company to the branch
raids in order to decrease the exhibit of net
earn Ings , and thus decrease llio 2. > per cent-
age which Is duo to Ihe treasury of IhoUnitcd
States , which is a violation and evasion of
the Thurman act and In fraud ot the rights
of the government.
The resolutions further say It Is but just
find proper that a railroad built by gov
ernment aid should be compelled to be just
fo'tho government , and every abuse in their
administration should be concMed and the
just dues of llio govern incut against them bo
ascertained and collected , and the right and
Interest of the government in and to the.
branch roads should bo correctly ascertained
Then follows a long set of resolutions :
That the speaker of the house Is directed lo
appoint a committee" of live , who shall with
thu least possible delay institute a rigid and
thorough Investigation of the books , system
of bookkeeping and business methods of the
Union 1'acltlo company , into the manner
and methods pursued which resulted In the
consolidation of tlio Kansas I'acilic and Den
ver I'uclllu roads with said Union Pacific ;
what was paid for said roads , to whom iiald ,
and by what authority 210,000 shares of tlio
paid Union 1'aclllc company were issued and
Avhat was paid therefor ; how much stock In
11 has been Issued by said Union I'acilic ,
tXtul how much actual cash money has been
Vnhl on account of it ; all Urn
details of the before mentlo/.ed
fe imuich roads and what rights Urn
United Slates government has In them.
Also , what the proportion of mileage paid
said tiranches Is duo the government. The
committee shall report a plan whereby the
company will be compelled lo provide for the
payment of their lirst mortgage bonds , and
state whether the company has not violated
nnd Is now violating Its charter and nmcnd-
ntory nets , and whether it would bo for the
interest of the government that the company
should bo placed under governmental control ,
with iccolvers appointed therefor. For the
purpose of Investigating monthly every
detail of said roads , the committee may In
its discretion visit such points as may bo con
venient for this Investigation , nnd shall
have tlio power to send for persons and
Vapors , administer oaths , employ expert
accountants nnd stenographers , and maku a
full and llnal report to congress on or bcforo
the Unit Monday of lncember , 1S.SO , of all
matters embraced in the preamble am ! resolu
tions , or of any abus-fl of administration on
lliu part ot Mild Union JV.cllio company not
mentioned herein that they may deem
TIII : nis : MOI.MW uivr.n LANDS HIM. .
The president sent his first veto message tc
the senate to-day. The bill which failed tc
secure nxrcutlve approval was a private
measure , and If all tlio circumstances couli !
bo printed the course of the pie.Mdcnt wouli !
lecelvo the endorsement of everyone. 1'rest
dent Cleveland's tocond veto mesbagit is ex
peeled to-morrow. It Is baltovud ho Intend !
to letuiii llio DCS Molnes river lands bit
without ills signature. During the past fev\ \
days he has been besieged by rlo/.ens of iner
interested In this bill. The ugents nnd alter
ncys of the Navigation company have bronjrh
enormous pressure to bear upon him In op
position lo It , and they have so fni
succeeded In their designs that he has tin
douhtcdly made up nls mind not to sign it
Major. Holmes of the Tenth Iowa dUlrlc
called upon him yesterday nnd urged him t (
sign tlio bill , He explained that the land !
nbovo thu imccoon folks hnvu never boci
patented , and that the grantlngnct has neve ;
been complied with by the Navigation com
pa up Ho went over the history of the en
IliesutijC'-t and called the attention of tin
Vrosu'.eut to llio fact that this measure lw
bom liclure rongicsy for the past 1fleet !
years ; tliat lu ! > . ablest reports In favor of tin
bill bad been made by Senator McDi > o
nld In the semite and Mr. Ccuvesso litho
the hoiiitf. He argued that tii.o oul ;
manner , n which Usi various ijues'.lon
could to.-seti'ed ' was by tlio means piopot > i
liyOt : li.'Iiith ! t.ibe r'Jts : 0 ( ill ! panic
interested would be considered If the bill
passed. The president admitted that the
statements made by Jlr. Holmes had placed
the matter in n different light , and ho prom
ised to look into the subject mow fully before
linally acting on the bill.
Nearly all llio other republican members of
the I'owa delegation have called on tlio pres
ident on n similar mission. To-day Messrs.
Fredericks and Weaver ( democrats ) became
alarmed at the rumors current to tlio effect
that the president would veto the bill. They
hastened to the white house and explained
to him that such ix course would prove a
serious rolltlcal blunder , which would cer
tainly result In serious losses In the congres
sional elections this fall. It Is understood
that a number ot southern democrats also
called upon the president upon the same
mission , aid | that Uandnll promised to take n
hand In the alfalr before night. The Iowa
republicans believe that there Is no prospect
that the president will sign the bill to-mor
row. They hope ihat ho may compromise by
allowing It to become a law without his
AID rou run OMAHA Ti'.inn.
Indian Commissioner Atkins , through the
secretary of the Interior , transmitted to the
senate to-day the draft of a bill Intended to
settle the nlfair.s of the Omaha tribe of In
dians In the stale of Nebraska. II provides
Ihat to enable this tribe lo further Improve
llielr condition by making Inprovemenls upon
their homesteads , by the purchase of stock ,
cattle , Implements and other nec
essary articles , and In accordance with tliolr
wishes , SOO.OCO is appropriated as the last
nine installments of S10.0JO each unappro
priated and secured to said Indians under
their treaty of March 10 , 18 1 pro
vided , that this sum shall bo paid
per canlta , In two annual payments
of SI5.0JO each , or that then last one-
half bo paid in annual installments of § 0.000
each , In the discretion of the secretary of the
Interior. Accompanying the bill are letters
from Acting Secretary Mnldrow and Commis
sioner Alklns. Also , petitions of the In
dians affected by the bill , asking what the
bill provides. The acting commissioner
fctates In ills letter that thu Omaha Indians
are a steady , sober and Industrious people ;
that allotments were made to them under the
act ot August 7 , 1872 , to the amount of 72-
IKH acres ; that in order to enable these nllot-
ccs to improve their farms , build houses
and barns , purchase slock , agricultural
niplements , and other necessaries , he is of
the opinion Ihat It would bo greatly lo their
advantage and substantial aid , that payment
of a part of their unappropriated annuity
per capita be granted to them at this stage of
their progress , i'o this end ho recommended
thu passage of tlio bill. Commissioner
Alklns concurs In tins recommendation and
transmits a copy of a communication from
Charles II. Pottei , Indian agent
for the Omahas , dated February
21 last , Inclosing a petition from
210 heads ot families , members of the
Omahas , In which Ihoy set forth the fact that
In order to Improve their immediate condi
tion they desire a full settlement with the
government by the payment of the 890,000
duo them , but under the present law to be
paid in installments of 810,000 a year. The
bill and accompanying communications were
referred to the senate committee on Indian
uffairs and will , it is believed , be adopted.
Detectives Slatlingly and Haft noticed hvo
young men acling suspiciously In llio lobby
of the Washington National bank this fore
noon. They followed them and found that
tiioy entered every bank in llio cily and
appeared to be watching for an opportunity
to make a haul. They accordingly arrested
icm this afternoon at the National Metro
politan bank , and took them to the Fifth
recinct station house. They gave their
names as Jas. II. Powell and Waller Henry.
About § 30 and a pawn ticket were found on
them. They hall from S.t. Louis and Omaha.
Tlio police think they arc bank burglars , and
say they were suspected of being burglars
when in Omaha.
Among the graduates to-night at the
Howard university of this city was .Benjamin
Darling , of Dcnison , Iowa.
W. U. Vauglian of Council Bluffs is in the
city. _ _ _ _
WASHINGTON , March 10. The chair laid
bcforo the senate Mr. Logan's resolution , of
fered yesterday , to refer Id the committee on
rules for investigation Bails' letter denying
ho had any representative on tlio lloor of the
senate. The matter went over In Mr. Lo
gan's absence.
The land grant forfeiture bill was taken
up. The amendment offered by Air. McMil
lan yesterday was rejected after some debate.
The chair laid before the senate a letter
the the list
from scrgcant-at-arms containing
of such private secretaries of senatois as had
not been reported to the senate in accordance
with tlio recent resolution. The letter was
Mr. Itlddlcbcrger called for the reading of
Ihe list also , and it was read.
Mr. Hlddlebcrgcr then called up the Ends
matter , and said he found in the llccordn
lellcr Irom J. I ) . Kads addressed lo .Mr. Lo
gan. Ho would llku lo know how the sena
tor got the letter into the Iteconl.
Mr. Logan said ho had nothing to do with
cettlmr it into the Iteconl.
Mr. U'ddlebi-rger ' said ho could load down
the Iteeord with letters ciltloisln ; ; senators ,
especially during tlio pin-tldentlal campaign.
but ho had not done it. Mr. Kails could not
charge him ( Illddlcberger ) with falsehood
and put It In the Congressional Hecord , but a
senator could take Mr. Kails' letter and maku
It of his own remarks , and as Ihe letter ap
peared in connection with Mr. Logan's re
marks ho ( Itiddlcbcrgcr ) meant to answer It
as such.
Mr. Logan was astounded that Mr. lllddlo-
bergcr should say Ihat he ( Logan ) charged
him with anything. Hu had merely present
ed llio letter af n respectable citizen of llio
United States.
Mr. Itiddlcburccr Bald it was n personal
letter to thu senator.
Mr. Lozan replied ha had donn no more in
thu matter than ho would Imvo done lor any
respectable citizen of thu United States , but
he meant nothing personal to thu senator.
Mr. KlddlohorgiT nald ho would always resent -
sent Imputations such as contained In that
letter. The letter had no business hero. Ho
was not so great a soldier as thu senator fioni
Illinois , but he would yet dUcover ami un
cover the conspiracy to make thu United
.Slates government Indorse for Kails' Ship
Canal company. Wo a 1 know , hosalu , Ihat
ex-Secretary Wlndom was tit the head of the
Mr. Logan , nt the fiiicgestion of several
senator * , modified Ills lesolution so as to
provide for leftronco of the Kads letter to the
ctmmlttee on commerce.
Mr. Uiddlcbergcr said ho declined to ap
pear before nny committee.
Mr , lllddleberger referred to the newspaper
lobbyist.In the course ut'hls remailcs lie also
alluded to Kads' representative whu had put
his letter In the Ke.eord.
Mr. Logan said ho treated the scnntoi
kindly , but If the senator stated that lie
( Logan ) \\m the "representative'1 of anybody
in any SCIIS.P , except n perfectly propet
some , lie slated wliftt was absolutely untrue.
Mr. Itiddlcteigersnhl be merely meant thai
ho was Kads re p rose uta live to the extent
of pulling his letter in ltu : Jtccord.
At "i o'clock ths matter went over without
Th t-r.alr then laid before the senate ' . ! ; <
resolutions Irom the judiciary committee
conceruioK thu lelallons U'.uccu the seiiutc
I an < l Ihe pritiMent.
' Mr. I'r.icbsai.l he had xpre srd his vlevci
tuiiyns icad.e In therpoit from Uio JUdlclarj
ccmuiitteu by tc : uluojliy , nnd tuo wall
object he had now In addressing the senate
In reply to Ihe senator from "Vermont was to
prevent If It was in his power to do so ,
which ho admitted was n difficult undertak
ing llint senator from changing llio charac
ter of the miestlon between tlio sonalo and
llio president. The real character of Hint
controversy could not bo misconstrued or
mlsreiJTScnlcil. as It had arisen from facts
apparent unon the record nnd reported by
the majority of the judiciary committee.
Mr. i'uijh related the lacts connected with
the Dnskln case , and said the senate rc.ioln-
lion did not call for public or olllclal docu
ments but for private documents and papers
relating exclusively to the ofllclal net of the
president In the suspension of Duskln as dis
trict attorney. Yet the refusal of the attorney
general , five weeks after Ihe expiration of his
term of office , to send In privnto documents
relating lo tlio suspension of Unkin was
criticised In the resolution of the inajorlly ns
nn net so characterized as to bo sulllclent
ground for instant Impeachment. As to the
relations between the president and his cabi
net officers , Mr. I'ucli quoted from ono of
Mr. Edmunds' speeches on the tenure of office
act , showing Mr. Edmunds held a cabinet
olllcer should bo a gentleman personally
agreeable to the president , being olio of his
confidential advisers. Yet the senalo was
asked lo pass a resolution condemning the
attorney general for obeying the piesidenl ,
whose coiilideiillal adviser he was.
Mr. PiiRh , In the course of his speech ,
averred tire non-existence of any case in tlio
history of Ihe novernment for eighty years
whore nny such documents as these called
for In thu resolution were ever transmitted
to the senate In an executive or public ses
sion on the order of the senate upon thoat-
loruoy general. Alter speaking in rebuttal
of vailous other points made bv Mr. Kd-
inunds , among which was that relating to
the circumstances of the removal of .litilge
Shacfcr of the. territory of Utah , Mr. Pugh
called llio attention of the senate to the
expediency and practicability of such a
power being exercised by the sen
ate. He read from the : report of
the minority as bcnrinc uuon llio
point , a portion of nn extract from the mes
sage of President Urant In IbGO , calling
attention to the embarrassments likely to
arise from leaving on the statute books the
tenure of oflico act. and asking what faith
the president could put in the subordinates
forced upon him , nnd how such officials would
bo likely to serve an administration knowing
Uml U had no faith In him.
In conclusion Mr. Pugh said his object had
been lo define Ihe character of this contllct of
authority between the president and the
senate , and to fortify the view that had
always been held by the democratic party ,
nnd to fortify it by authorities. Mr. Cleve
land had no fear of nn appeal lo llio people.
Ho was responsible to them. He supposed
the majority in the senate had no tear of
appealing to the people in favorer
or tlio omnipotence ot tlio senate.
Ho knew the minority had none in
appealing to the people upon the omnipo
tence of the constitution and the integrity of
Cleveland's administration.
Mr. Wilson of Iowa was recognized bv the
chair , but upon the suggestion pf Mr. Allison
consented that Bending business bo tempo
rarily laid aside in order that the senate
might proceed to the consideration of flio
urgent deficiency bill , which was then taken
up , and an amendment recommended by the
commiltce on miproprinttons was agreed to ,
appropriating § . ' )0,000 to defray the expenses
ot ( lOiieral ( Irnnt's funeral.
An Item ot § 185,000 deficiency In the dc-
paitmcnt of justice gave rlso to some debate.
Mr. Heck wanted the bill hold over till to
morrow so that he might look Into It , but the
majority of the senators wanted it passed at
once and it was accordingly passed.
Tlio senate then adjourned , leaving the
Edmunds resolution unlinished business for
U o'clock , Mr. Wilson of Iowa having the
lloor. _
WAsmxoTON' , March 10. Mr. llogcrs of
Arkansas , from the committee on Pacific
railroads , reported the bill requiring the
Northern Pacific Uallroad company to pay
the cost of surveying its land. Placed on the
house calendar.
The morning hour havlngcxpircd , pending
nclion the house went into committee of the
whole , Mr. Townshend in the chair , on tlio
Indian appropriation bill.
After debate the house adjourned.
Interested Parties Argue Before tlio
House Committee.
WASHINGTON , March 10. President Kates ,
of thu Baltimore & Oulo Telegraph company ,
to-day concluded his argument before the
house committee on postolliccs and post
roads engaged in the investigation of the
alleged telegraph monopoly. Ho stated that
tlio average rate for lelegrams charged by the
Western Union Telegraph company was 23
cents. This was a low average as com
pared with the rate in England , and was
attributable almost completely to the compe
tition east of the Missouri river. Tlio average
rate east of the Missouri river was very
much less. than tiiat figure , because of the
fact west of tlio Missouri river the tariff
of the Western Union was very considerably
greater. If the land grant railroads were
required to accept business from the Balti
more & Ohio Telegraph company and oilier
companies , ho believed that tlio benefit of tlio
competition in rates which had accrued to
the public cast of the Missouri river would ,
as a matlerof course , accruoalso to the people
wcit of that river.
J. C. Itulf of New York was then heard.
Ho went Into a history of the establishment
of telegraphic communication with the Pa-
clllc coast. He said thai the telegraph ser
vice of the whole country west of the Mis
souri river was under the control of the
Western Union , ns far as nieces
ot waste paper. called contracts ,
could put It. 'iho attempt of cor
porations to pay Interest and divide
on nonds and stocks that should never liavo
been issued constituted a crying evil ami
instilled much of the complaint of thu labor
ing men. Two-thirds of tlio Western Union
stock was clean water , without a speck of
ilyo In It. Let congress say that the tele
hone companies should not combine. Let
t style Hint no telegraph company should
earn moro than 10 per cunt on tlio actual cash
valuation ot Us existing capital. Let It com
pel tlm Pacific railroads to perform ail of their
duties according to tlio letterand spirit of the
law. Alter a fair trial had been
made with such laws and no beneficial results
followed , congress could consider the pro
priety ot taking control of llio whole tele
graph business by the establishment of a
postal telegraph system. If congress would
enact such laws as would prevent consolida
tion , promote competition wesl of the
.Missouri river , and prevent thu telegraph
companies from increasing thu rates they
had themselves established , It would accom
plish vastly more for public service than by a
postal telegraph system.
Itepresentalives of tlio Western Union will
bo heard on Tuesday next.
Tlio Senate Committee Regius Invest
igation Of Jiis ClHU'KOH.
WASHINGTON ; March 10. The senate com
mittee on expenditures of public money
began an investigation of the charge brought
by Commissioner Black in his report that the
olllco under his predecessors was avowedly a
political machine , nnd into the manner In
which the pension oftk-o Is being conducted
nnd administered by the present comiuls-
bloncr. General Black was present , nnd re
quested that he bo permitted lo give Ihe
committee Iho names of witnesses whom he
desired lo have examined before ho made
his own statement. Senator Keuna em {
loilied the leanest In n motion.
Harrison argued that Inasmuch ns Black
had made the statement in his annual icpurt which Iho investigation was based , the
usual nnd customary course of procedure
would lead first to the examination of the
commissioner himself. After some debatt
Kenna's ' motion was lost. Black In reply tc
inanities by Harrison , described the orgnnl
Ballon of the pension ollicc and especially tin
functions of the board of review , und tin
muai coursa of claims through the cilice fron
the hands of the examining to the board ol
review : iud thcuco to the commissioner ,
Mr. Harrison Now , Mr. Commissioner , 1
yon Imvo auy Instance In which an npphca
tlon ivasi'iuntei' or rejected by Iho board o
rovlew. or L-x or commissioner , 01
nccouol of Ihe j > oiiii ) oJ applicant , or t'Ji
person applying , will you pie.iso glvo tno
names and numbers of these cnses ?
Answer I shall bo pleased lo furnish Information -
formation from Iho flics of Ihe office.
Question Are yon able lo glvo lo llio com
mittee the name or niinibcrot nny case ? A.
1 think 1 shall be nblo to furnish such coses.
Q. Are you nblo to do It now ? A. I Imvo
no memoranda with motnow.
Mr. Beck Will you furnish them ? A. I
will furnish such cases.
In reply to further Inquiries by
Mr. Ilnrrfson , the commissioner pro
posed to furnish nt another session of
the committee the number ot employes In
the office on the day ho took control , togelli-
cr with detailed information ns to the duty of
Ihoso whom lie had appointed nnd their poll-
tics , and how many had been employed under
the civil service rules. In n general way ho
could say Ihat ho had made f rom ono hundred
nnd fifty-live lo one hundred nnd sixty np-
polntmenls , of which iiuml > cr ono hundred
nud forty-two were democrats.
T7io Condiment Needs 1'rotcctloti
nioro Tlmn Morrison Would Give.
WASHINGTON- , March 10. The sugar
clauses ot the Morrison tariff bill were dis
cussed bcforo the ways nnd means committee
to-day. Iteprosentatlve King of Louisiana
entered a protest against n reduction ot the
import duty on sugar. Sugar , ho said , was
a most important revenue producer , and In
the days of Increasing pensions It behooved
llio commllteo to act slowly In changing Iho
duty. It would bo belter , In his opinion ,
from n revenue standpoint to remove the
duties on tlio neccssnrles of life , such ns cloth
ing , shoes , nails nnd blankets. From a pro
tective point of view he also favored Iho 1m-
poslllon of a duty on sugar. King Instanced
the course of colleo bclorc and alter the re
moval of Hie duly ns foreshadowing Iho of-
lect of n similar action in the case of sugar.
There was great danger that tlio United
States , by reiuovlnir the duty on sugar , would
fallen monopolies abroad.
John Diamond , of New Orleans , said llio
sugar industry had risen steadily from Iho
wreck left by the war , showing in Hvo yenis
an increase of 80 per cent under a duty aver
aging three cents per pound. When the duty
was reduced in 18fO , and Iho Lonlsana plant
ers were forced to compete with foreign
slave labor , llio industry was partially sold
The piesent duty did not equal thedltlercnco
in cost between American free labor and
slave labor. The planters had also to com
pete with German and French beet sugars ,
protected by government bounties. These
sugars were now coming to the United
Hawaiian free sugar was also destroying
llio markets. Thnt treaty should be lennl-
nalcd. The government has lost § JOCO.OOO
of revenue without adequate compensation.
The adoption of the Mexican reciprocity
trealy would bo slill more disastrous in its
effects upon the sugar planter. If
competition was forced with Central and
South America it meant a reduction of wages
in this country. With our fertile soil and
great capacity for sorghum nnd beet sugar
production , this country could C'isily supply
our whole consumriUoivniid legislation could
do for the United States what it had done for
tlio beet sugar industry of Europe. The
Louisiana planters not only protested against
a reduction of duty but requested an advance
over tlio present rate.
Senator Vest Tells ofHis Purchase or
Sonic ol'tlic Stock.
WASHINOTON , March 10. Messrs. Halo
and Millarddesignated for the purpose by the
house special committee , to Investigate mid
report the facts concerning the ownership of
llio Pan Elcclric .telephone stock by certain
public officers , took the dcpoilthjii of Senator ,
Vest at his residencs this afternoon. The
senator stated that hfi first heard of tlio Pan
Electric Telephone company through a
printed circular sent him through the malls ,
some time in Anrll , 1834. The circular gave
the names of the officers of tlio company and
the purposes for which it was organized. Ho
noticed that tlio name of Senator Harris of
Tennessee was mentioned In the circular as
connected with the enterprise.
He called on Senator Harris , and by him
was referred to Senator Garland , who ft was
represented was well acquainted with Iho
status of the company and Its relations to
the Bell company. Aft'-r obtaining Gar-
laud's opinion , llio senator said ho concluded
to take , and did take , 100 shares of Pan Elec
tric stock , for which ho gave his check for
SI,000 on llio Metropolitan National bank of
Washington , which was paid on the follow
ing day , and for which ho , received a contract -
tract showing that he was entitled to 100
sluues of stock , which , owing to Ihe Incom
plete organization of the company , it was not
nt that tlmo ready to Issue. "That stock
was issued to me , " said the senator , "about
ono year azo , that Is , ninety shares of it. The
other ten shares were 'retained by the com
pany as an assessment to defray tlio ex
penses of expected litigation with the Bell
company. "
"After this mailer got into llio papers , "
continued Senator Vest , "StIIson Ilntcliins
of this city offered to lake my block off my
hands and pay mo what it cost. This oll'er I
refused , as U inlghMook like a retreat under
lire. 1 considered it a mere speculation , but
was willing to take my chances. I liavo re
ceived a dividend ot SIS or 815 since 1 liavo
owned the stock. " Continuing , ho said ; " 1
have had no conversations with Casey
Young , secretary of the Pan Klectrlc com
pany , and I have never met and do not
know Mr. Uogers , who , it appears ,
was prominent In the organization
ot'jtho company. Garland represented to mo
Ihat In his opinion the Bell patent was
illegally obtained , and that the Pan Kleclrio
slock niliiht bo worth some money. At that
tlmo Cleveland had not been nominated to
tlio mesldency and of course Curium ! was
untboiight of in connection with the attorney
generalship. "
A Minority Commlctco'N Reasons Ad
verse to Its Ropoal.
WASHIXOTON , March 10. The session of
the house committee on civil service reform
to-day was principally consumed In a discus
sion of Iho report prepared by Mr. Pullt/.or
adverse to the repeal ot the civil service law.
Mr. Stone of Missouri will ( He a minority
rcjioit , which was agreed to by all the oilier
members , nnd will .subsequently bo laid be
fore tliohouso. It is as follows :
Your committee llnd Ihat the bill , Instead
of either Improving or enlarging thu scope of
tlio present law. simply provides for uncon
ditional and absolute repeal. Tlioy rcpoit
adversely , nnd nsk that the bill lie. upon table
for tlio following further reasons :
1 The principalof divorcing the subordi
nate olllccs of Iho government from politics
nnd elections , and making the tlmo of tlio
o Hi t'O dependent not upon paity service , but
upon morals nud good behavior , is a good one
so fur as tills principle is sustained by the
piescnt law , and the pouimitleo think there
bhonld be no change. <
- The present law 1ms not been on the
statute Looks long enough lo liavo had a full
and complete trial. It for no other reason
than this , the committee will oppose any
measure providing-for an absolute lepeal.
II No icfison or information has been pre
sented to this committee justifying an uncon
ditional repeal of the present law. It may
perhaps need Improvement , but Iho icmedj
Is an amendment , not a total repeal.
The Supply of Wheat nnil Corn.
WASIIINOTOX , March 10. The March re
port of the department of agriculture on Hit
consumption and dhitrlbullon of grain crops
makes the proportion of corn still in tin
hands of farmers 40 per cent of tlio lasl crop.
Ono year ago thu proportion of tlio crop on
hand was 87.0 per cent. The proportion U
lowest in the west , where heavy winter feed
ing is required , averaging IW per cent ! i :
twelve slides. U Is 45 per cent 1 :
HIQ south. The proportion merchantable
is 82.0 per cent , which Is sllglitlj
nbovo the averami for a score of years. Tin
stock of wht-at in tlio bauds of farmers is 00.1
per cent qf the croit Itss 83.1 last year am
s.4 two years oao. It amounts lo 107,000,001
bushels. aLMlnst" im.tOlOOO last March , am
119oai.000"two years ago. It is only lt.OUO.OCK
moro than in Marchlbs.the. shortest Invlslbli
supply in recent vears. 'Tho visible and In
visible supply , Mutch 1 , was therefore 1W ,
000,000 butlicli
DCS Moines Menaced "With the Wild Vnpor-
iugs of Monday's ' Horde ,
A Now Hcnpportlonmcnt Scliemo A
Jtmkctiiif ; Trip to Select a Slto
For the Soldiers1 Homo
Tlio Assembly.
The Mob Thirsts Vor ltovcn c.
DKS MOIXKS , Iowa , March 10. [ Special
Telegram. ] The spirit of Mondaj nights
riot has been seen In the past two days In
sullen multerlngs and threats to blow up pub
lic and private buildings , and to-ilny an an-
onyinus handbill has been circulated lo in
flame tlio passions of the mob and lead to
serious disturbances. It called for n mass
meeting at the court house to-night to plan
some coin-so of revenge. It contained nn In
flammatory statement of the search of
Ducrr's house , which was the occasion of nil
the trouble. The custodian of the court
house refused to nllow tlio meeting lo beheld
held llicro unless some responsible citizens
would guarantee that the meeting would
bo orderly nnd no damage would
bo done. Colonel Kibreck , editor of
the Gorman paper , llio Amclgor , seemed to
bo thu spokesman for the crowd , nnd ho went
nwny to Hud some good citizen who
would pledge for the order of
flio meeting. llo caiuo back at 7
o'clock unable to do so , The leaders of
the proposed mutiny thereupon went away ,
and It Is supposed thai n secret meeting will
bo held somewhere to-night. Several toughs
from out of town arc in tlio city to-night , and
some disturbance Is feared. At 8 o'clock
about 200 people are In the court house yard
discussing tlio situation. The police nro
vigilant , nnd extra watch is being kept
At 11 o'clock there was no signs of a rioter
or general disturbance. A strong posse of dep
uty sheriffs , heavily armed , nro In the court
house to prevent nny attempt to break in the
jail. The Governor's Guards arc also under
orders , and ready lor any emergency. It Is
understood that the mass meeting of the law
less element appointed for lo-ninht will beheld
held in the rink to-morrow night.
Representative Nelson of Story county has
introduced a bill in the house forareapor-
tionnient of the congressional districts of the
state. The bill , if passed , will make nlno re
publican districts and two democratic , on a
basis of the vote for governor last fall. These
two are the First and Second. The former Is
more probably doubtful , with the chances In
favor of jls being republican. But tlio Second
would bo overwhelmingly democratic , with
over 8,000 majority. This now scheme for
apportionment adds to Ihe Second district
Dubuque county from the Third , and takes
out Jones and Cedar. It further changes the
Third district by adding Clayton from the
Fourth , Franklin and Hardln from
the Tenth. It adds to the Fourth
district gevcrajcounlies from the Tenth , mak
ing it ovemiielmlnirly republican Instead of
close , nsnow. The other principal changes
are in tho"southern part of the state , where
It Is firoposed'to take Javis county , ( General
Weaver's home ) out of the Sixlli and put It
Into the Kighth , while the stronghold of re
publicanism in the Kiglit , Page county , Is to
bo put in the Nlnlh. These changes would
put Congressman Weaver into the Kighth
district nnd take out of it Colonel Hepburn ,
the one man In that part of the state who can
beat him without difficulty. Congress
man Hepburn's present coiibtiluents
will object most strenuously to such
n change. In the northeastern part of the
state Colonel Henderson , congressman for
the Third district , would bo burled out of
sight In the great democratic majority of the
Second district , into which it is proposed lo
put Dubuque. Wlille spine scheme for the
reapporllonmcnt is greatly needed nt this
session , it Is very doubtful If the one Inst pro
posed would bo satisfactory to Iho legislature.
The joint legislative committee on tlio loca
tion of the soldiers' home have arranged lo
start on n visiting trip Friday morning.
They go part of llio way by special car , and
will bo given receptions nt cacn of Iho twelve
cities tliey nro to visit. Their schedule of
( ravel is as follows : Friday morning go to
Indlanola , thcnco to Otlumwn , Ihenco to
Burlington , leaving there Saturday forenoon ;
thence to Cedar Kaplds amt Ihen spending
Sunday nl Decorah and McGregor ; they will
visit Mason City. Hampton nud Marshall-
town on Monday . Urlniicll nnd Colfnx on
Tuesday , returning to DCS Molnes Tuesday
The house consumed the forenoon session
in an attempt to consider the Cassatt bill for
weighing coal , and the debate was lesuiueil
In Iho afternoon , but a motion lo reconsider
was lost by a vote of CO to KJ , and the bill
was ordered engrossed.
The bill locallng Iho supreme court at DCS
Molnes , which passed Iho house to-day , pro
vides for holding at the capital four terms
annually In March , June , September and
December. The house also passed on Its
third r cadlng llio following bills of
general interest : The bill to make possession
of a government tax receipt or a license for
Iho sale of liquors evidence of Intent to sell
the same contrary to law : the bill lo provide
for a levy of one-half mill state lax for Iho
years 1SSO and ISj" , lo help In providing
a homo for lown soldiers and
sailors , and for making necessary
repairs nnd Improvements in state and clmrl-
lablo Inslllutions , nnd for paying outstand
ing warrants ; the bill for an act requiring
railroads to fence their roads ; the bill for nn
act requiring banking eori.orations other
than savings banks to Incorporate tuo word
"slalo" In llielr corporate name , and lo pro
hibit associations , partncishlps or Individu
als engaged In tno banking bunlness , buying
or Bellini ; exchange , lecelvlng deposits , dis
counting notes , etc. , from adopting or using
the woid "state" in connection with llielr as
sociation , partnership or individual name.
The senalo spent Iho atli.'rnoon in dis
cussing the Chirk bill for additional licjps to
thoY'iiforci'incnt of prohibition. It provides
that injunction suits may bo brought by anj
citizen in case of the t'ailnrnof the district or
county attorney 10 do his duty , , and It pro
ides severe penalties lo railroad and ex
press companies for the transportation o !
liquors unless accompanied by a certificate of
tlio county auditor of the county to whlcl
they me logo , that the party to whom they
nro to bo sent Is to use them for jmrtiosfs no
f01 bidden by law. Several nmciidmnnts wen
made to the bill , which called nut dlseiissioi
through the entire session , nnd pending n
yote the Rennto adjourned.
Some shocking facts are coming to light o
cases of destitution among tint Insann because
cause of the lack of accommodations in the
state hospitals. Mr. Oilman , superintendent
of thn Mount rieavint hospital , Is hern ask
ing the IcKickturo for an appropilatlon lo
build an additional wing nt his asylum , lie ! yesterday the sheriff of ono of tin
counties c'amu to. Mount Pleasant to &co I
there wasn't any possible nccouuui'dntlon ' fo
an Insane woman In the poor house o ( hi
"founty. Shu was so violently Inline Umt t-.h
had stripped all her clothing 'M , and vu ; > bhu
ip In n small room six by eight , with manacles
n her wrists , with which slio had gashed
icr flesh frightfully , In this pen slio was
; ept in n condition Indescribable , with no
appliances for her relief. The sheriff begged
lint slio bo taken In at the hospital , but the
upcrlntcndent was obliged to turn him
way , Tor every room In Iho women's wards ,
eslgiicd originally for ouo patient , now
i.ivo two , and the patients nro now sleeping
n Iho lloor In the halls , so crowded arc the
ulldlngs. Yel with this frightful condition
if Ihlngs , many members of flio legislature
losltnto to make nnnpprnprlollon on account
f Iho small state debt of outstanding war
Odmumls' Sennto Speech Receives
Favorable CommeiitH.
Niw : YOIIK , March 10. [ Special Telegram. ]
Commenting on Kdmunds' speech veslcr-
ay lliu Tribune says : Kdmuuds demon-
Irated beyond doubt that nil the papers nd-
rcsscd to nil olllcer In his olllclal capacity
ro public properly and are required bylaw
o bo placed on Hie , nnd the slalulo declares
liat the attorney general , nnd not the pros I-
cnl , Is the custodian of papers in the dcpnrt-
icnt of justice. Tlio president's assumption
f control over these as to withhold
liem from congress , can only rightly bo
crmcd usurpation. The niter absurd
ly of his claim that papers iclat-
ng lo Iho person ho selects lo
ill an oflico are public , while Ihoso relating
o the management and conduct of the olllclal
ire private , was clcaily sho\vn by Kilmunds.
'ho precedents cited by KUmiinils cover
very species of papers , relating even to
xpendltures under llio secret service fund ,
t remained for this admlnlstnillon , with Its
inprovcmcnt in public methods , to doty thu
aw nnd precedents nnd call It reform.
The Sun's Washington special says his
pccch was a strong one. ' There were
vnslons and sophistries In It , but on its face
t wns dangerously plausible , and the demo-
rats nro a little nervous about its clfcct on
ho country ,
Presidential Timber.
NEW Yonic , March 10. [ Special Tele-
jrain.1 Tlio Washington correspondent of
he World telegraphs : General Terry , who
ins been promoledlo Iho vacancy made by the
leath of Hancock , Is , I am Informed , n re-
Hibllcan candidate for the presidency. Ho
hinks the republican party will want to
mvo n soldier candidate next time and ho
lopes to be the ouo selected. 1 heard ycsler-
day of n new piesldentlai combination on the
tart of ceitnin rpubllcnns. This Is the ticket :
jogan of Illinois , and Long of Massachu
setts. Logan's friends declare that the lat
er will never go on the ticket in the second
ilaco ncain. Ho would prefer lo remain In
he senate to nny such arrangement us that.
Jlalno's friends are perfectly confident ho
vlll bo nominated In 1SSS , and they profess
o believe that Logan will yield in the end
and lake his old place on llio ticket.
Colliding Out of Politics.
NKW YOIIK , March 10. [ Special Telegram ]
The Sun's Albany special says : Uoscoo
'onkllng's friends unite In absolutely deny-
ng the truth of the statement that ho Is to
e-cnlcr'rpollllcs and the republican party ,
f hey sny ho Is making a great deal of money
'or the first time in his life and he enjoys
, ho sensation too much to permit anything
to interfere with It.-
No Trains Blovlnji et The HI. 1 . Dis
charging tlio Knights.
ST. Louis , March 10. The situation re-
iialns about unchanged In East St. Louis.
tfo knights there have struck as yet. A
arge number of that organization from this
city nro there attempting , It is supposed , to
mrsuade them to join the movement. The
effect of the strike In KnstSt. Louis upon the
eatlla trade is especially severe. Itfo stock
cars Imvo crossed the bridge and therefore the
receipts are materially lessened as the strike
proceeds. General Superintendent Kerrigan
) f the Missouri Pacific railroad this morning
ssucd an order expelling from the Missouri
Pacific yards nil Knights of Labor. This
order Includes the delegation of men appoint
ed by the knights to guard Iho company's
property. The circular issued ordering them
elf the company's premises is as follows :
Yon are hereby notified that your action
In withdrawing from the employment of the.
Missouri Pacific railway company was a vol
untary abandonment of the service of the
company , and that you arc no longer in its
employment. Your names have been strick
en from its rolls. All such who are now
about the company's promises nro hereby no-
lllied they must immediately leave tlm same ,
to the end Ihat Ibis company may resume the
traffic of the country.VM. . KKUUIOAN.
Although the oiliclals nr.tdo no .statement
concerning it , It Is generally believed they
nro now employing new men to tnko the
places of the strikers and Hint the movement
of freight trains will bo nltcinpt-
3:1 : to-night. Should tills provo true tlio
knights ( will undoubtedly oll'er resistance.
8:10 : p. m. It is now autlioillallvely stated
that the Missouri Pacific railway company
will attempt to-morrow Instead ol lo-niglit to
resume freight traffic upon its road. The
order Issued tills , morning br Kerrigan ap
plies not only to men formerly In its employ
in this city , but to all strikers and they liavo
nil along the line will ( drawn quietly from
the company's premises.
ST. Louis , March 10. A Post-Dispatch
special from Fort Woitli , Texas , says that the
first trouble there between the knights and
non-knights occurred this morning , when the
now men employed by the railroad company
to run Its engines went attacked wlillo per
forming tholr duty and forced to vacate tholr
places. Tlio strikers then "killed" the en
gines. Quiet now prevails , but It Is thought
this Is thu beginning of serious trouble.
KANSAS CITV. March 10. The Missouri
Pacific people to-day ordered that tlm strikers
boexpollcu from tliclr yards. Nothing else
of note occurred in connection with the
Tlio Ktvikcra Si
CHICAGO , March 10.Tho Inter-Ocean's
Milwaukee special says : The boc't and shoe
makers strike in tills city Is at nn end , and
the last of the strikers go to work In thu
mninlng. Tlm strike on the of both the
inniiufncturcid and employes has been con
ducted in ndecldcillv orderly and business-
lik i way , and tlm strikers liavo succeeded In
getting all they demanded.
' AKalso Report.
CIIKUO.O , March 10. A St. Louis dispatch ,
Intimating that a rfnku was liable to occui
on western roads out of thU city this after
noon , l.s denied rty officials und employes ot
ttio Northwestern nnd Burlington roads ,
Both assert that no differences have arisen
or exist , _
Colored Uriito Ijynchcd.
LOUISVII.I.I : , Ky. , March 10. A special to
the Courier Journal says : Last night twenty
five masked men look Handy Woodwan
( colored ) outof tiic Jail at liussellvlllo , Ky.
and hung him to the same limb thai thu no
lorhnis bamiio Bully was bung from hvo
years airo. Woodward was identified as Iho
man who attempted to onlinco the I'-- ) ear
old daughter ot CharHvs Johnson , statloi
agent at K''djOalr ' , on .Monday.
Soliaoffor Wins Aiiln.
Niw : YOUK , Maidi 10 , Tlio nlay In the
3,000 , pulnt Join teen inch ball ; line bllllnr <
match , between Srhneffor and Vignaux , wn
ic.sumed thl < * fivoning. Score : SchncircrXX ( )
aveiao iM : Vlgnnux .SKKi , iwrage 0 2. Ml
Total for the two nights : Schaelfcr 1,200
Weather for To-Day.
Missonu .VAI.IBV Warmer. ; touthpil
winds : lah" ' woathrr followed by ' coldur
northerly wauls an * , ! HjLUuows.
A Kansas Oily Man Seeks the Life of the
Now Jersey Millionaire.
lo Claims HoVns Offered $ noOOO
to Kcinovo the Railroad King ;
The \Vonld-llo IHtmlcrcr
Under Avrost *
ndlctcd Co Conspiring to Murder.
KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , Mnrdi 10. The Times
if tills morning publishes tlio following :
Samuel U. Sliaelfcr was Indicted by Ihogrnnd
nry nt Independence yesterday for con-
iplrlng to murder John 1 , Blair , the Blnlrs-
own , N. il. , millionaire , rallroml king , mid
rom whom the city of Blair , Neb. , derives
ts name. Tim Indictment , was drawn up on
ho strength of a confession by the man nl-
ogcil tohnveboen hhed by Shaetfcr to commit
lie murder , supported by eonoboiiitlvo tcsll-
nony. ShuelTer was ai rested yesterday af { or *
nllorof theeouniy Jnll , and Deputy Snerilt
ilooiiv. llu was not taken tn the county jail ,
tut was allowed to it-main In his loom nt the
lolcl under guard. Ho will be taken lolndo-
> cndcnce to-day and arraigned.
The iiiiin who inailu the confession which
ed to the Indictment and arrest Is an ox-eon-
let who served six months In the comity
all at the saiiio tlmo ShaolVor was conllned.
lo was MMilcncvd liero under tlio tmmo of
Ihnilos Allen , but lie lias several aliases.
11s story and the allegations set toilh In the
mllctment are substantially as follows :
When he ami Slmelfor were in jail together
hey beeamo intimate , and Shaollor proposed
( i him tn kill Mr. Hlalr. Shnuiror said that
10 had SW.UOO which ho was-willlng to spend
o liavo Mr. Blair and Mr. William Bailei ,
ho president of the Kansas City & Southern
allroad , put out of the wav. Allen r.o -
entedtodo the job , and Slmeffer paid hU
50 while In jail. At the time of the paymRi
lie matter was published as * fi net of cliaiity
on thu part of Schaoll'or.
Alluu was lolcased a lew days before
ShaelVer , and when the latter got out the
.wo held secret meetings at various places In
his city and the plans were perfected. Allen
vas to leave the city und hlro other men '
iccossary to do tlio job. On February ll !
Minn , under the name of A. li. Hrown , tele
graphed to Mr. Blair at bis homo In
llnlrstown from Little Itojk , Ark. Ho
stated in tlio telegram that ho knew of a
ilot formed In Kansas City to nssasslnalo
ilm ( Hlalr ) and that he could bag the man on
ho first teli'gram. Mr. Hlalr did nut answer
ho telegram but sent a copy of It to his attor-
icys In this city. Hrown , alias Allen , not
tearing from Blair , vibited him at his homo
n Hlalrstown and told his story. Mr. Blnlr
eferred him to his attorneys in this city , and
wrote them that Allen was coining on.
Twenty-four hours alter the letter was re
ceived hero Allen arrived and told his story.
n addition to what is given above , he said
hat ho had telegraphed to Shaetfer from
Milo Uockon February 12 for SIM , with In-
trnclionsto waive identification. Shaoil'er
sent tlio money. Ho also telegraphed for
S1&0 from Memphis , but only got S10J. This
vns sent In tlio name of Frank Kills. Ho
stated that ho had some trouble In collecting
ho Kills mono } ' , because ho had s.tid . that
ShaelVer was the name of the man who was to
bend it.
The attorneys and ofllcials lieio did not
also much stock In Allen'sstory , but decided
o Investigate it. Mr. M. H. Wood , general
iianagcr of the Western Union TelcKi'aph
company In this city , corroborated the story
about tlio telegraphic money orders. He said
that the first time Sbaslfcr declared ho did
lot know who A. B. Urniyn was , but sun-
> osed ho was sonic' fellow who. was dead
> rokc , and as he had been that way himself :
ifa thought ho would hel [ > him out. Shaeffer
valv'ed the right of idcntlllcatlon at the otliCr
end of the line.
Frank Kills , who sent the S100 , is a sten
ographer , who was at one tlmo employed uy
Shadier , and who IH at present working In
lie criminal clerk's office. Ho bays that
Sliacll'cr went to him nnd said that A. B.
Jrnwn was a lace salesman for a New York
inn , nud was a friend of his. Ho said ho did
tot want to fiend tlio money in his own
mine , and asked Kills to use his name In Bend-
ng It. .Mr. Kills consented and sent tlio
nonoy. Ho says that ShaelYer told him that
ic would collect the money when ho went to ;
New York.
In addition to this It was found that Allen ,
after his release from the county jail , had
shown largo amounts of money In various
ilaces In tills city. Oilier lads corroborailiiK
Allen's story were also discovered , and It was
letcrmlned to lay the matter before the grand
Tlio Blalr-Shaeirer litigation will bo well
remembered. Hlalr and .ShaelVer had ical
estate dealings with each othur to the extent
or nearly SIUJ.OOO. Slinolfor acting as Hlalr's
agent in the purchase of Kansas City prop
erty. The latter last fall brought milt In the
circuit court claiming that Sliaoll'er had ao
t'rauded him of some $10 , < IOO , and had placed
the real estate In his ( SliaoH'or's ) name and
refused to turn it over. The civil suits were
Ail lowed by a criminal action for obtaining
money by cheat and fraud. Slmcft'er wnis
tiled alt he November term of the criminal
court , found guilty and sentenced to the
penitentiary. Ho appealed the case to
the supiemo court and was released on bond.
H will be argued bol'oio the supicmo court
next month. Besides thu civil suits thcroaro
twomoro Indictments pending In thceilmlnal
comt. Jt was while Sliaell'or was conllned In
the county jail that the plot against Mr. Ulalr's
llfo Is alleged to have been hatched.
When the warrant was lirst read to Shacf-
fcr at the hotel ho treated the mat lor as a toke
and said ho thought it was a put-up job ,
When assured , however , that an Indictment
liad been returned against him he grew very
Indignant and said that the whole matter was
a f in tlier attempt on the part of his enemies
to Injure him. Ho denied thu whole btory
and bald It was an infamous lie.
Anotlicr Good Man Gone Wrong. , Ma.ich 10. A special lethe
the Daily News from Yliicuunes , 1ml , , sayn :
An examination of the hooks , concluded thin
afternoon , shows an approximate blioilugo
against County Treasurer llollinsv/orth of
&Ttj27t < .s.'t , Kverybody Is dumbfounded and
mollified at Ibis gigantic expose , llol-
linsworlli was n prosperous and wealthy
farmer when ho took possessslon of the or.-
lice.VImt ho has done with this Immense
Mini of money puvi/.lcy everybody. Tlio eon-
jectiiro is that It has been squandered In mar
gin gambling ami In a woman ulfalr , over
which Holltnsworth has had ono suit In
comt. Kx-County Ticasuror W. W , Ucrry
lias been Installed in charge of the treasurer"a
Trees for Trmjlcws I'rnlrles ,
WASHINGTON , Maieh 10. .Senator Miller ,
from the committee on agriculture uml
lorc.Htry , repotted lavorably tlio Kdmunds
bill to establish forest reservation'on the
head waters of the Missouri river and the
head waters of Chile's fork of the Columbia
I'reptrtt < rxV ? * U 1 regtrt W tulife.
I CUICACO. . . . BT. UJUIt ,