Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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( V-
) MAHA.OrFirrNo.U14 AsnoicFAiiXAM ST
Pnl > lMio < lovrrymornInrerc''pt8iindn.T. | The
> nly Monday morning paper published In tlio
DnoVcnr . $10.00 , Tlirco JMntlis . ? 2.M
ElxMonths . t.0oono ! Month . 1.00
THE WEEKLY Urn , Fubllrtiod Kvnry Wcdnosdny.
DnoYrnr , with premium . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00
fine Ytnr , without pi omltun . . . 1.23
Fix Monthi , without prumlum . . " " >
Ono Month , on trial . 10
All cnrnmnnlcnllons rotating to news nml mil-
lot-in ! mnttrrft phould bu iiJtlresjc-d to the Hut-
iiL'Bt.vFss i.tnrr.ns !
AH biHlnrpi Inttpr * nml rpinlttnncos should bo
Itadftwed in TUB III-.K rtini.isiitKO COMIMW ,
IhlA.lA. Drnftc. , checks nnd jio < tolllco orders
lo bo maJo pnynblo to tlio order of tlio company.
n. HOSEWATnu. Eniron.
Tin : striking epidemic is like a prairie
fire. It will have to run Its course.
tlio political gaino of 1890 is
played in Nebraska , Van Wyek clubs
ivill be trumps.
Gus WILLIAMS is rehearsing a now piny
entitled "Kcjtplcr's Success. " Wo sup
pose lls other 11:11110 : is Puck.
THE mayor of Cincinnati Is a man of
resources. Ho has just assessed tlio
police of that city ten dollars each for
political purposes.
HUTLKH declines to accept a re-
Inincr from Pan-Electric Rogers. Per
haps In this instance llogors forgot to
accompany his "poetry" with a sulllcicnt
lunount of cash.
IASKnALL ) will , not bo permitted on the
Cincinnati ball grounds on Sundays this
season , Sam Jones seems to have ac
complished one reform at least in that
wicked city.
SAN Joxr.3 has turned his guns on the
Chicago manipulators of wheat corners.
The numerous victims 6"f the corner are
no doubt in hearty sympathy with Sam
uel In this movement.
Tun mayor and council did an cm
nently nroper thing In silting down on
the $800 appropriation to pay the ex.
pcnses of the Tluir.ston hose team's ex.
cursion to New Orleans.
Tin- : cold water movement is making
great headway In Nebraska. Nearly
every town of any importance in the
state either has waterworks or is making
arrangements to get them.
IK any man has not yet read the history
Df the "late" war wo advise him to tackle
ho Rebellion Record , now being pub
lished by tlio government. Tlio ftf toouth
volume is now ready for the press , and
the scries is to consist of 125 volumes.
Foil a place of only 0.339 population ,
Saco , Maim ; , is about the sickest town in
the United. Statbs. There have been
10,000 prescriptions put up in that place
In 200 days. It is rather singular how
seriously prohibition affects the general
health of a community and makes it
bonanza out of a drug store.
THE editor of the republican railroad
job printing concern very blandly as-
IBurcs us that ho has notseon any railroad
fight on Van Wyok. Ho insists that ho is
lighting Van Wyok on l > chalf of the re
publican party. As a singular coincid
ence , the editor of the democratic rail
road job printing concern tolls on the
same day that the issue next fall is not to
bo Van Wyck and anti-Van Wyck , but
straight democracy against republican
ism. Just so. The railroads are not
lighting Van Wyck. Their cappers arc
simply masquerading as champions of
straight republicanism and dycd-ln-tho-
wool democracy , while they nro knifing
liim every day trom behind the partisan
Iimbusli. _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NEW YOHK papers assort that this is the
real estate brokers' year. A visit to
Omaha would confirm their editors in
( lie belief. The activity in the .real estate
market' is unusually brisk. Sales arc
fceavy and numerous and steadily in
creasing. Paving , ecworing and boulo-
vardinjr will stimulate them still further ,
lot it boom. There is a solid basis for
heavy real estate transactions in a grow
ing city and a prosperous state. Our
people want homes of their own , and
will have them. Investors are anxious
for fair returns on their money , and
no\y where to put it to the best
sdvtmtiiKo. Capitalists nro losing faith
U stocks nnd the general run of
> 3cnrities and sco a plank for their
andi whore it will neither burn up nor
Mow away. Speculators too. lind their
'ijiDoilunity ' in the steady rise of the
jnrkot nnil the increasing demand for
> .ll classes of property. It la to bo a big
wil estate year in this big town.
TIIK workingmen of Massachusetts
Have rooontly won n substantial victory
iiirmigh the legislature , which has prao-
ally passed a law couipolling nil cor-
uorations in the state to pay their om-
loyus their wages wookly. This is an
i mluontly proper measure , and ono
\vhtoh every bttito ought to adopt. Cor-
3 , especially railroad companies ,
i altogether too much given to paying
f pililoyca at long Intervals , from ono to
iiveoor four inunths , compelling thorn
, ic\iitinio ; to ilopond upon credit for the
ictuiil necessiu'ic.s oflifu , nnd in this way
iiiLslng much annoyance , Inconvenience ,
WH nnd in some instances actual suflering.
Conimuntlng upon this subject the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat says ; "Tho rights
of the wngo-oarners have boon consist-
Wily ignored when the claims of managers
ur capitalists have stood in their way.
JndilVuronco to justice on the ono hand
lias Jed to insubordination and rebellion
on the other , The old Bay State has
sot the pace for n change In
thU respect , ns it did in 1810 ,
k when the ten-hour movement first
( jUtulncel recognition there. Every move-
T jno'lli in the way of prompt payment for
wovU done is in the interest of public wcll-
ojngand sound business. It means cutS -
\ \ S t'10 ' gi'ound away from the foot of
A'j.111 pat1 enterprise nnd conscienceless
tppou ; jators. If every workman employed
hy oycry corporation in tlio country could
pot his pay every week , wo should hoar
Jess of labor discontent and have fewer
, strikes. "
An Untenable Position.
Senator Edmunds called up the resolu
tion of which ho was the author , regard
ing the relations of the .executive to the
senate in the mnttnr of appointments
nnd removals , and defended the right of
the senate to a full knowledge of the
causes leading to changes in the civil ser-
vipo. His speech as reported adds noth
ing to a bolter understanding of tlio con
troversy. The rttiludo of Mr. Kdmunds
was clearly sot forth In the original reso
lutions as at lirst reported from tlio judi
cial committee. The position of the
president was as clearly stated in
his message of last week. There is a
plain issue made us to the duly of the ex
ecutive and the right * of the senate. The
question is one which seems to have been
raised bul once before , nnd that was under
circumstances much similar to the pres
ent. When Andrew Jackson was en
forcing hU docltlno that "to the victor
belong the spoils" by wholesale displace-
mnnls of his political enemies , Daniel
Webster occupied virtually the same
ground as that taken to-day by Mr. Ed
munds. His argument In favor of the
right of national Interference in the
matter of renewals was the fnmlllar ono
of "a liberal construction of the language
of the constitution. " Neither ho nor any
oilier whig ventured to assert that the
power of the executive in removing from
ollico was expressly limited by the con
firming power of the senate. The con
troversy over the interpretation of this
portion of the president's prerogative in
which Jn 11113 Madison and other states
men of tlio time had taken part was too
fresh in the minds of public men to bo
ignored. Mr. Webster's argument
was that the senate was given
absolute power lo advise and consent
in the matter of original appointments
and that a fair construction of the intent
of the constitutional provision would extend -
tend the duty to removals upon which
subsequent appointments were made.
This argument did not carry the day. It
will scarcely do so now. The right of the
president to appoint is absolute. The
power of the senate to veto the presiden
tial appointments is equally absolute.
There is no limitation upon tlio exercise
of the executive choice. The presi
dent is responsible to the people for
his action and the senate is equally
responsible to their constituents
for the confirmation or rejection of the
appointments as made.
Mr. Edmunds position Is an untenable
ono under a fair interpretation of the con
stitution anil the precedents of the past.
But the president is largely responsible
for the conllict which has arisen. His
often repeated assertion that changes in
the civil service should only bo made for
cause casts a reflection upon ovciy ofllco
holder removed before the expiration of
his term of ollicc. More than half of the
presidential olliccs have already been
lillcd. Of the whole number 613 removals
have been without reasons having
been assigned for the change.
There is no legal obligation upon
the president to assign reasons for such
removals. His promise to transact the
business of his administration "behind
glass doors" imposes a moral obligation
of publicity in those cases. If Mr. Cleveland -
land had not been so over-anxious to
range himself in line with bogus civil
service reform his present position would
have been unassailable. As matters stand ,
ho lays himself open to severe criticism
while availing himself of his rights under
the constitution.
Lockouts and Strikes.
Labor troubles in the shape of lookouts
and strikes are just now the all-absorb
ing topic of the day. Capital centralized
in giant corporations finds itself con
fronted by the power of organized labor.
The confiscation of the public domain
and the grant of valuable franchises has
placed it within the power of a few men
to wield a greater power over the in
dustrial classes than the government
itself. With the telegraph , the telephone
and the railroads practically under
the control of half a dozen
stock gamblers whoso colossal incomes
are derived from the producers , it was
but natural that the toilers should emu
late their example by pooling their is
sues. The feeling that American
labor is rapidly passing under the con
trol of grasping monopolists like Jay
Gould , who , for his own gain reduces
the wages of thousands of telegraph and
railroad employes , has almost forced the
workingmen into the ranks of protective
unions , which have for their object
the betterment of the condition of
wage workers and resistance to oppres
sive exactions and overwork. Couple
with this state of affairs tlio' fact that
modern machinery has displaced great
bodies of mechanics and skilled work
men and we can readily account tor
the magnitude which labor troubles
have recently assumed.
In every encounter between organized
labor and corporate capital , labor has
been victorious wherever its demands
wore sustained by public approval , In
the strikes of street car employes for a
reduction of working hours and living
wages the overwhelming public sent ! mont
compelled the street car companies to
yield. People in the largo cities who de
pend upon street railroads for conveyance
were cheerfully willing to submit to inconvenience -
convenience and dolny. Sixteen hours a
day- , which was the average service of
car drivers and conductors , was so pal
pably inhuman and cruel , that all classes
outaido of the few street car monopolists ,
were in active sympathy with the strikers.
In the strikes of the minors and coke
burners for living wages and fair treat
ment , public sentiment assisted in bring
ing about a workingman'fl victory. On
the other hand , organized labor has in
several instanced failed because its de
mands were unreasonable , and popular
sentiment would not sustain its warfare ,
Even boycotting , which is the last resort
of labor in its otlbrts to coerce capital to
its demands , fails invariably whenever
the cause of'tho warfare is unjustifiable
and the public sympathy is not aroused
in its behalf. Lockouts arc nothing more
nor less than a boycott on the part of the
employer against his workmen. They
could bo obviated readily by resort to nr-
bitratlou. Much of the labor trouble is
duo on the ono hand to the greed of
heavy capitalists who refuse to recognize
the right of labor to a fair share in tlio
products of labor , and on the other
hand to a class of turbulent agita
tors who prefer lighting and
speech making to steady'work. .
But it must not bo forgotten that war
whether waged with the bayonet or the
boycott is ah expensive business. Lock-
puts and strikes are forms of social war
fare to bo deprecated nnd if possible
avoided. It must bo conceded , however ,
that in this costly war , like that of the
rebellion , the oligarchs are mainly ro-
sponslblo. All the machinery of govern
ment for years has boon operated in the
interest of corporate monopoly and legal
ized robbery of the producer through
corrupt methods which have made our
law-makers mere tools of stock gamblers ,
land grabbers nnd public plunderers.
Those who sow the wind rcnp the whirl
Tlio ns Mmlrilo.
Among the subjects to bo discussed nt
the next meeting of the board of trade is
the proposed purchase of the gas works
by the city. This schema is utterly Im
practical , While the city doubtless has
the right to buy the gas works nt an ap
praised value under the lirst franchise
granted to the Omaha Gas company , it
has not the means to consummate the
purchase. The gas works with their
mains are wortli nt the lowest estimate
$100,000. The owners would require
cash down and the city has no cash at its
disposal. To raise the money
by bonds is also impossible ,
oven if it could bo done without
exceeding the 10 per cent limit upon our
municipal debt. Paving bonds and
sewer bonds will take up every dollar wo
can possibly vote on this year's assess
ment. But the charter docs not author
ize the issun of bonds for the purchase of
gas works , and ticnco such bonds cannot
bo legally issued. These facts arc doubt
less just as well known to the pas com
pany as tnoy are to us , and it Is not
likely to bo frightened into lower gas
rates by the threat that the city will buy
its works.
The power of the city to regulate the
price at which gas is to bo sold to con
sumers within the city limits is , hoivcvcr ,
beyond question. The council lias passed
an ordinance limiting llio price of gas to
$1.75 per thousand foot. That ordinance
is a law for the government of tlio gas
company until the courts have set it
aside. The only point at issue is whether
the price as lixcd is a reasonable one. If
the courts after a full investigation reach
the conclusion that the price is below a
profitable production of nnptha gas they
will so declare , otherwise tlio ordinance
will rcmrfin in force. There is no need
of threats on cither hide. The gas com
pany will not leave the city in the dark
very long , nor will the city attempt , to
take possession of its works. If the com
pany feels aggrieved let it make
a test case. If the city cannot enforce its
ordinance as it is now , tlio ordinance
should bo amended so as to make it un
lawful nnd punishable by fine for any
person to present a gas bill for collection
in excess of $1.73 per thousand feet net-
uajly consumed , and also prohibit the
collection of any motor rents , which , wo
arc told , is to be introduced as a new
method of equalizing the price of gas.
Tun live cattle dealers , in their fight
against dressed beef , propose to use
"palace" cattle cars , which arc provided
with feed and drinking boxes , and room
for stock to lie down. The American
Live Sto'ck Express company , of Now
York , incorporated in February , 1885 , to
build , own , let , sell nnd maintain caij's
and rolling stock , has tiled a cortilicato
at Albany increasing its capital from
$500,000 to $2,500,000. The capital paid
in i.s § 490,000 and the debts do not exceed
$500,000. The increased capital will
allow this company to carry on the trans
portation of live stock between Chicago
and other western points and Now York
in greater quantities than usual. Even
if this movement has no effect upon the
drcsscd-bcol business , it will be n good
thing for the live-stock trade. It is a re
form that ought to have been introduced
long ago. It never would have been in
augurated had it not been for the advance
that the dresscd'boof enterprise is making.
WHILE bogus lords from the continent
are carrying off rich matrimonial prizes
in this country , two American adven
turesses have feathered their nests nicely
across the water. Vicky Woodhull and
Tennio Clnllin are now in clover in Eng
land. Vicky has married an extremely
wealthy English banker , Mr. Martin , of
Lombard street. But the dashing Tennio
has gene her sister one better in captur
ing Sir Francis Cook , who has lately been
made a baronet by the queen for his bene
volence to lady art-studente in Kensing
ton. Sir Francis was a widower when ho
fell under'Icnnio's eyes and ho quickly
succumbed to her charms of conversa
tion. The same fascination which
drew the Now York brokers to the tapes
of the tickets in the Broad street house of
Woodhull & Chailiu attracted the two
wealthy Englishmen to the London par
lors of the linn in Westminster , ns Lady
Cook , the scheming Tounio , now attends
the queen's drawing rooms and holds the
rank over her nntltlod sister. It is n
strange world , but cheek and persistence )
in some cases are leading trumps in the
game of life.
DAKOTA , like a circus , is billed for all
it's worth. There nro now live bills be
fore the house committee for the admis
sion of the territory , either for the whole
of it or for n part. These are the Joseph
bill , to divide tlio territory on the forty-
sixth parallel and create thn territory of
North Dakota ; the Frederick bill , to ad
mit the whole territory this year ; the
Springer bill , for division on the Missouri
river nnd securing a popular vole
by the plan of minority rep
resentation on the question of division
nnd admission ; Senator Butler's bill ,
which is simply an enabling act for the
whole territory nnd the Harrison bill
passed by the senate and admitting South
Dakota with state ofllcials and senators
and congressmen elected , The last men
tioned measure , however , has virtually
been abandoned.
Two more postmasters have been ap
pointed and straightway Dr. Miller's
paper claims a victory for Boyd and Mil
ler , Thcso great dispensers of patronage
have set their trap for bear and wolf at
the same time and it doesn't matter what
they catch. Tie | postoflico pigeon-holes
are full of letters in which they endorse
throe or four candidates for the same ,
postoflleo. If any of them get in , they
claim him as their first and only choice.
This "heaas I win , tails you lose , " is a
very old game.
IK the present strike on the Gould sys
tem , Dr. Miller represents Jay Gould and
the railroad magimtos , while his editorial
deputy pretends to represent thp Knights
of Labor. In this dead lock between iho
owners of the railway organ and iis hired
* \
man wo call for nrbHratlon. Mr. Powder-
ly should como to ( Uinahn nl once to
adjust the dlfl'crcnCGS between the capi
talist and his help.
WOXDEII if our cntorpHshig contompo.
vary , /itywWicaii.iins.any morn ready-
mnilo lianil-mo-dowit correspondence on
its shelf from Tort Jnryls , or some other
liort , about Van Wyek's political trickery
before tlio war and his awful unpopularity
in the old congrcsslpnn'l district , which
sent him four times to the liationtil legis
lature ? i
1'LATTs.MOUTli has carried the proposi
tion for water works nnd falls in line
with Hastings , Grand Island nnd Heat-
rice in securing this important class of
public improvements , Nebraska i.s pre
pared to back her growing cities of the
second and third class against any towns
of their population in the west.
Carl Schnrz Is said to enjoy Mr. Blalnc's
second utlmno far less than the first.
Democrats talk of running Carter Hani-
son for congtcss In the Third Illinois district.
Kx-Spcnkcr Unlusha A. Ciow Is n self-an
nounced cniultdalu to succeed Senator Mitch
Ex-Senator David Davis of Illinois is said
to ho awaiting a lavoiablo opportunity to ic-
cntcr politics.
Some of the candidates for the next New
Yoik scnatorshlp mo said to be willing to
withdraw fn favor of Conkllng.
Native-born citizens in Itliotlo Island can
vote on payment of 81 registry tax. Othuis
have to own propcity worth SWI.
Win. E. English has cnnsuntcd to accept a
nomination to confess if the Indianapolis
democrats conclude to oiler It to him.
New Hampshlio democrats say through
the slate committee that the labor agitation
Is going to upset paity lines in that neighbor
Ex-Senator Jos. E. McDonald says of the
Washington nowsgatheieis , that 11' you drop
n bit of political truss ! ) ) to ono of thorn they
all llnil it out.
Susan B. Anthony asserts that thirty sen
ators are pledged for woman stilTraeo , but it
Is thought .Susan Is a very poor judge ot hewn
n man is colng to vote.
Mr. Blalno says In his second volume :
"Mr. Tildon unquestionably ranks among
the greatest masters of political management
that our day has seen. "
Col. A. 1C. McClure having been suggested
as a canillilate for governor of Pennsylvania ,
replies that the editor who has a newspaper
woith editing will never bo a candidate for
governor or any other political ollicc.
Times Have Changed.
New Yoih Tribune.
The time was when the Irish leader con
sidered himself fortunate to get a hearing
from the English premier. ' 'Now tlio premier
regauls the liish leader's r&splto as a favor.
Richer ThaiTynndorblU.
CMcaao Ilerald.
One thousand dollars' worth of personal
property and a small piece o real estate in
Missouri was not all ( S < * .ii. . Hancock left. lie
loft also the very excellent Inheritance of an
honoicd iiamo and an' ' honest life. Vunder
bill was not M > rich.
With Their Boots Oil.
Plillc JclpMa ttceonl.
Within a year the richest American mer
chant , H. B. Clallln7iho richest American
railroad man , AY. 11. 'Vnnderbllt , and the
richest American planter.'Edmond Kichard-
son , have died. It is notable that not ono of
the three died In his bed.
Sam Jones and Baseball.
CMcago T linen.
Sam Jones , who wow condemns baseball as
the deadliest of sins , says that ho used to
play It himself when a boy. It will not bo
easy for the lovers of baseball to understand
Mr. Jones' aversion for the game except on
the theory that ho always belonged to the
losing side.
It Depends Upon Whoso Ox is Gored.
Clitcrtfjo JVc int.
Sunset Cox , who , ns n congressman , was a
stickler for economy In the foreign service ,
Is now in the foreign service stickling for an
Increase of salary and money for clerks ,
steam yacht , and such luxuries. It makes all
the difference In the world where you stand
when you measure the height of a hill or the
size of a salary.
Resolutions Settle tlio Question.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The St. Paul prohibitionists have " re-
Bolvect" "that license , high or low , has proven
a talluro wherever tried , and that prohibition
is the only rational , practical method of set
tling the question. " As prohibition has
proven a failure wherever tried , the oulyprac-
t leal method of settling the question is doubt
less by passing "resolutions. "
llio Importance of Judge Brewer's
Cleveland Leader.
Judge Brewer's decision Is of the utmost
Importance to the prohibition cause , for It
brings It face to fnco with an economical dif
ficulty that outranks In consequence nil sen
timental considerations. If this decision is
alllnued by the United States supreme court
prohibition will have received a blow from
which It may not recover in generations , and
public sentiment will uioro than over turn to
taxation and regulation as the only practica
ble icllef from the evils of the trafllc. i '
Xho Disappointed.
Klla Wiecter Wtteox in Good Chen ,
There are songs enough for tlio hero ,
Who dwells on the heights of tame ;
I sing for the aisippoluted ,
For tnoso who missed their aim.
I sing with a tcni ful cadence
For ono who HtamU In the darlc ,
And knows that his last , best arrow
Has bounded back tipm.tho mark.
I sing for tlio brcatlilesi runner ,
The eager , anxious fcoul , '
Who falls with lib strength exhausted
Almost In sight of thu goal ;
Tor the hearts that bre.ik in silence
With a sorrow all unknown ;
For those who need cqnipaiilons ,
Yet walk their ways alone.
There are songs cnmuth for. the lovers
Who tilmre love's tender pain ;
I sing for the ono who o PO.S
Is given anil InFer
For those- whose sDlrlt'famrados
lluvo missed them on Uid'wiiy ' ,
I siiiL' with a heart o'erllowlug
This minor strain to-dayl ;
And 1 know the solar system
Must somewhere keep in space
A prize fortlmt nicnt runner
Who baiuly lost Iho race.
For the Plan would bo Imperfect
Unless it held BOIIIU bjihurq
That paid for the toll and talent
Ami love that nro wasted here.
Nebraska Jotting" .
The Cass county fair is set for Septem
ber 10-17.
Urand Island claims to rank A 1 as n
grain market.
The fireman's fair in Fremont last
week netted $1,330.
A company has been organized jn Blue
Springs to manufacture typo-writers.
The Beatrice Express urges the claims
of ox Senator Tell't as tin ' "ancient client-
nut. "
It U said the B. & M. will lay out'this
season $100,000 in improvements nt Wy
MM. Palmer is talking up temperance
in Plattsmouth. Very few tipplers go
out between the acts.
The now town of Foster , in Pierce
county , petitioned for ono postmaster nnd
the department appointed two.
The farmers of Adams county nro boy
cotting a Hastings pnpor on account of
Its abuse of Senator Van Wyck.
An additional appropriation of $30,000
is needed to complete the soldiers' bar
racks begun at Fort Niobrnra.
An enthusiastic census rustler estimates
that 1,700 settlers now cross the Missouri
river into Nebraska every day.
The Bay State Caltlo company recently
bought of the Union Pacilio Railroad
company 250,000 acres of land lying be
tween North Platte and Ogalalla.
P. 1) . Thompson , of Nollgh , lost his
riffht hand , sprained his : uiklo nnd had
his body festooned with bruises while oil
ing the machinery in Beckwltli & Co.'s
Oakland will colcbrato its twentieth
anniversary next Julv. The town was
originally located by John P. Anderson
in the interest of a colony of Scandi
A Fremont snort proposes lo put a
small steam yacht on the Elkhorn river ,
with which to plow the plaeitl bosom of
that crooked stream and snllV the fra
grant odors of lemon rinds , bolognas
and old bottles , relics of former ex
Oscar Brunick , employed in the Union
Pacific yards at ( rand Island , was kicked
about like a football by passing trains , a
tlay or Iwo ago. Ho was caressed by two
locomotives and miraculously escaped
serious injury.
The Burlington company is about to
put their train employes through a
series of tests on the accuracy of their
eyesight , and it is also given out that
those possessing weak optics will bo
furnished with buitablo glasses. The
spectacle will not , be a taking ono.
An imported troupe of barn stormcrs
tackled O'Neill Sunday night with "Ton
Nights in a Barroom. " The entire man
agement was taken Into court next day
for violating the Sunday law , and got ten
days in jail. Sentence was suspended
and the entire troupe was escorted out of
town by a committee of prominent citi
zens. It was a just and timely rebuke to
mimics of local weaknesses.
lown Items.
There are 700 Knights of Labor in Du-
The Catholics of Claire will build a
$5,000 , church this year.
A female physician at Dews advertises
lo euro all the ills of llosh save "original
sin. "
Thd Thompson-Houston Electric Light
company will put in a plant at Des
Sheep in Washington county are dying
rapidly with calarrlial fever. Ono man
lost fifty from that cause in a few days.
Inmates of the hospital for the insane at
Independence have formed a dramatic
club , and presented "Among the Break
ers" on Friday evening.
Iowa has 1,200,000 cows , produces an
nually 50,000,000 of dairy products , and
ships out 24.000,000 , annually , so the State
Dairy association reports.
J. W Gray , a prominent business man
nnd former postmaster at Fonda , will
probably toso his eyesight. A DCS
Moines oceulist says that tlio optic none
is partially paralyzed , tlio result of exces
sive smoking.
A citizen of Creston has in his posses
sion some exceedingly valuable and in
teresting papers. They arc nothing less
than the oriirinuls of Jefferson Davis1
commissions as a member of congress
from Mississippi , and as colonel in the
United States nrniy during the war with
Mexico. Tnoy are both in sheepskin , the
former being signed by the secretary of
state in Mississippi at the time , and by
Jefferson Davis liimsulf. These papers
wore captured by their present owner
during an important epoch in the late
war , and he has refused tempting offers
for them.
Plug hats nro ripening in Rapid City.
In Ponington county , at the election on
Tuesday , the proposition to issue $10,000 ,
in bonds for the purpose of building a
county jail , was defeated by a small ma
Walter Crisp , n farmer living near Dell
Rapids , will this year experiment in the
raising of Havana tobacco. The result
of his experiment will bo watched witn
In some sections where fuel is expen
sive farmers will this year grow nn aero
or two of llax for fuel. It is claimed that
a ton of ilux straw is wortli more for tuel
than a ton of soft coal.
Mrs. Torgo Hammer , n Scandinavian
lady at Mcdford , Walsh county , gave
birth to a pair of beautiful girl babies last
week. Just sixteen months previous she
E reduced n pair of equally handsome
So no rare curiosities have been found
in digging wells at Steel , down some
soyenty to seventy-five feet. Ono was a
crystal conch shell with a blue rock
grown through the center of it ; another
was a piece of the blue rook with the
print of an oyster shell upon it , and
brown sandstone with a loat on it.
John T. Burke and John W. Ash , of
Bridgewatcr , were both married at that
place Tuesday , wont to Mitchell with
their brides , on the same train but in dif
ferent coaches , stoppcdat the same hotel ,
but neither knew of the other's wedding
trip until they met at a picture gallery
the next day , where they had gene to
purchase photographs.
A Clay county man , who was very anx
ious to secure a wife , selected a j'oung
miss at Vcrmillion whom ho thought
would please him , and wrote her a note in
which the case was brlolly stated as fol
lows : "Dear miss : If you will bo mv
dear wife I will bo your clear husband.
God bless you. " The response was far
from satisfactory as the lame leg of the
loving swain will attest.
In connection with the convention of
March 11 , nnd the effort to have the
SIsseton reservation opened to settlement ,
it may bo stated that the Indians nro
friendly to the move , A census taken not
loiii ; since made their number l,15j. : Tluiy
are surrounded by white settlers and
pretty well civilized , having churche.s ,
schools and generally very comfortable
dwellings , ' 1 hov have lands in severally ,
with farms well stocked anil in good cul
tivation , and do not receive annuities oi
l-aliens from the government.
Colorado ,
The ranchmen around Montrose have
begun plowing.
The unusual largo amount of snow in
the valleys of Southwestern Colorado this
winter will result in an abundance of
gnu > s on the stock ranges next summer ,
The working men of Denver are endeavoring -
doavoring to prevent the Jetting of the
contract for building the state c.ipitol to
Mr. Richardson , tlio lowest bidder. Tlitty
fear ho will employ convict labor or etono
dressed by convicts ,
The Denver & Now Orleans railroad
company will bu hold next Saturday lor
debt amounting to $ J,117llJ. : The property -
erty ( o bo sold includes the railroad and
toll-graph line of the Denver & Now Or.
Jeans railroad company , extending from
Denver to Pueblo , the oranoh from Mani-
ton Junction to Colorado Springs , nnd
also the branch from Francovillo Junction
toFrancovillc , nil being in the btatp.
Last Saturday evening Mr.r John Ark-
Ins , Mr. Maurice Arkins and Mr. Junusa
M , Uurnell purchased the three-fourths
interest in the Rocky Mountain News
Publishing company held for the past six
years by Mn W. A. II. Lovclnnd , nnd
thus have become the nbsolulo owners of
the property , franchises and good will of
this corporation. The sale was effected
on a bus ! ? of $100,000 for the entire prop
erty ,
The Standard Oil company has de
clared war against the Arkansas Oil
company , nutl nro selling oil In Pueblo at
20 cents per gallon. As it is pretty well
known that the ono item of freight will
amount to about 20 cents per gallon from
Cleveland to that point , it Is plain the
Standard company Intends to run out
nnd kill off the loonl company or force
It to sell to the Cleveland giant.
The Colorado Coal nnd Iron company
propose to build additional coke ovens nl
Crested Butte this summer. The demand
for Crested Butte coke has largely in
creased within the past few months , bul
the present capacity of the ovens cannel
keep up with the orders. This coke
burning Is one of the great industries of
( iiinnison county , and it is sllll in its in-
fa ncy.
Land seekers and settlers nro arriving
in Sterling every day from nil parts of
the country. Two hundred more are ex
pected hero from the cast in the next
two weeks. Many of thorn are now en
route. They come by loam nnd rail from
Nebraska , Mh-sissippi. Kentucky and the
Middle states. In tlio past few months
hundreds of government claims have been
taken by newcomer. * , many of whom are
building and preparing to put in crops
this season.
Tlio Western Itlen of "Western Man *
Tlio question whether it is proper to
say "Thanks" or "I thank you" Is at
present troubling some of tlio great minds
in western journalism. The great difll-
cully has always been to get the average
western man to say either tlio one thing
or the oilier. [ Philadelphia Record.
Is it so ? And from what page of his
tory , pray , or contemporary manners
did you gel that fact ? It is easy to make
n phrase like the Now York Herald's ,
"The Rowdy \Vest , " and it is easy to
make assertions in consonance with bticli ,
but upon what may they bo based it is
by no means easy lo demonstrate. Had
. the Record said that the average western
man was not so well dressed as to
"points" of his toilet as the eastern man ,
say , that would have been an easyrecop-
niznble truth. He is likelier to wear his
hat carelessly , his overcoat carelessly
buttoned and boglovelcss , and lobe moro
hurried in his manner. It is all the result
of natural causes , so to speak. Ho is in
a now and debtor country , that not only
has imperative demands for develop
ment , but which owes money. As for
actual intelligence , it were easy to show ,
as has been shown , that the general aver
age is higher in the west than in any
other part of the country. But to say
that tlio average western man is ungra
cious is to speak strictly an untruth.
There is no such kindness of heart anil
cenoral heartiness and nnprccialivencss
in human nature anywhere as in tlio av
erage western man. Ho may be , a.s we
have said , careless or thoughtless as to
the fancied perfections of etiquette , but
that ho never fails to convoy the soul of
thanks in whatever form for services
rendered cannot be successfully denied.
Wo urge so able and usually careful a
paper as our Philadelphia contemporary
to break with traditional ideas , such as ,
for instance , that all southern men drink
whisky and chew tobacco ; that all wi-st-
crn men wear their trousers inside of un-
blnckctl boots , carry revolvers , talk in
stentorian tones , swear frequently and
emulate the bear in manners. The nurs
ing of such ideas us llieso shows a very
narrow if not hopeless spirit of provin
cialism. _
Bon Wiido nnd the Restaurant , Ulan.
Ben : Perly Pooro in Boston Budget :
Ben Wade , of Ohio , when ho was elected
president pro tempore of the senate , en
joyed the privilege of appointing the
keeper of tlio senate restaurant. That
establishment , elegantly filled up in llio
basement story of the senate wing of the
Ciipitol. brilliantly lighted and supplied
with coal and ice , was enjoyed rent free
by llio person fortunate enough to ob
tain it. It was customary , however , for
him lo hend a good lunch every day to
Iho vice president's room , without
At the commencement of the July
session of 1807 , the restaurateur , hearing
that ho was to be superseded by a caterer
from Cincinnati , called on Mr. Wade
and said , obsequiously : "Iain the keeper
of the senate restaurant , senator. " "O
yes , " replied Mr. Wade , "you run the
cpokshop down-stairs , don't you ? " "Yes ,
sir. " was tlio reply , with a low bow.
"Well , " said Mr. Wade , "what can I defer
for j'ou ; what do you want ? " ' 'I have
called to express my wish , sir , that I can
continue to keep the restaurant , and
any thing you want , sir , you have only
to send a page down stairs and it will be
sent to you qnick as a Hash , without
costing you a cent , sir. "
Just then Mr. Wade appeared lo
recollect something , and looking at llio
man directly In the eye , saiil : "Oh , I
don't ' want you to feed mo ; when I do I
will pay for what I cat like other people.
Bul listen. Complaint has been made tome
mo that you don't treat the little pages
fairly or kindly. They complain that
they can'l get anything 19 cat except expensive -
pensive things , for which they have lo
pay a largo price. Now , sir , just re
member that these pages are our boys ,
and you had boiler over-chargo senators ,
who are able lo pay , than llieso little
chaps who want to save their wages
they can for their mothers. You must
bo civil and kind lo pages , Kir , or
I'll have you moved out of yourcookshop
and put in someone there who will treat
life boys well. "
The restaurateur promised that ho
would do so and bowed his way out. Mr.
Wade made inquiry of the pnges from
time to time and found that they wore
civily treatctl , and that lunches of reason
able cosl were providud for them.
Tlio KnrinorH' Alliance.
Ficiiumt 'J-'iUnme ,
The Tribune has hitherto failed to no
tice tlio meeting of tlio Stale Farmers'
Alliance held lust week at Hastings. It
was attended by a largo number of dele
gates and its dijllbernltons were interest
ing and enthusiastic. The ; Alliance uni
ted in condemning Iho railway commis
sion as a valueless and fo-4ly menus of
doing nothing. 11 also resolved in favor
of llio return of Charles. H. Van Wycfc to
the U , S. fienatu. Arrangements wore
completed ior tlio organl/.atlon of Van-
Wyck clubs throughout the Mate , It Is
intended that this urbanization shall bo
made thorough and strong and aitpor-
Utility afforded to all the farnmni of Ne
braska to join ! l. Once joining ll It will
bo their duty to vote and work for only
such men for the state legislature us are
known to bo friendly toward Van Wyck.
Farmers of Dodge county should lose no
time In perfecting tin organization of
this kind , Uho rupuliHu.ui machinery
and corporation money will bo used to
defealhim. If the farmers of Nebraska
are interested in keeping In tlio semite
the only Iriend they have ever had there
they should organize for that purpose.
A Fancy Price for a 1'alr or Ourp ,
Valentino Stillabowor , the largest ( ! er-
man carp breeder in the west , whoso ex-
leiibive hatclierv is locatiMl near Colum
bus , Indiana , has sold hi Deli Moines , la. ,
a. pair of hs } largest carp , receiving
therefor the bum of § 300. Mr. Stilla-
bowev has fifty thousand carp , ranging
in ngu from one month to four years und.
the oldest averaging twenty pounds in
A Mnn with Twenty-three Million1 ]
Who KVnilcil Tnxntlon.
Philadelphia Press : Air , Lipplncolt
wna probably the richest of American
publishers nt the tlmo of his death ,
though few would have thought him so ,
Most of the leading publishers of this city
have kept a larger proportion of Ihoir
profits still in their business , and I doubt
if niiy ono of the Harpers is worth indi
vidually half as inticn. It would bn
tllllleiilt to nnino moro than a half ndo/.oa
Philndolphinns who nro worth moro
than four million ! ) , A well known
member of the Philadelphia Stock Kx-
change , who < o fnthor was himself wortli
nloro than $1,000,000 , doubted If n dozen
could bo named who were worth mon
than 13,000,000 , but hu retracted when
the party began to mnkoup Iho list. The
Into William F. Weld , whom few thought
the possessor ot more than a million or
two ( nnd who did not know that ho bo-
cnmo n I'hllndulphinii to cs
capo taxation ? ) wits the richest
man that ever died In tlio city ,
his cstatu summing up about $33.000-
000 , of which the Mmrooi his son William
K nmy possiby by this time amount lo
$7,000.000 or $9,000,000. Tills would
probably bring him next to William
Woightninn , who is generally believed to
stand at thu head of the list , with about
$18,000,000 to his immo , invested In hi.s
vast chemical manufacturing works and
real estate nil over the i-ity. Then cornea
Jtr. Drexel , whoso estate i.s probably
smaller than that of hlsdeceasoil brother.
fllr. Williamson was variously estimated
at $ .1,000,000 . to $8,000,000 , , nearly nil of it
in stocks nnd bonds. Then thcro comes a
break , for triple millionaires are few.
Wlii'n this list was being compiled Cof-
liu Colket was put down for ? ' . ' ,000,000
ho left n little less than sJl.oOO.OOO ; ami
( Joorgo Kales about $ l..ViOOl)0. ) The Into
W. It. Smith was put clown for about the
same. Thomas Drake would como In the
list near the head , as ho has been n largo
investor in stocks and bonds and in
coal hinds , and his interest
in tlio First National bank is
wortli to-day fully siOO,000. Follow
ing these would come James P. Scott ,
Horn-go W. Chlhl.s. Kdwin N. Henson , E.
11. Filler , Kdwin Swift , Charles Loimig ,
John P. Jones , Hamilton Disston , A , J.
Cnssntt , A. J. Antolo , Kairnian Itogois
and n host of-othors whoso property mutt
bo estimated at fully up to the .seven-lin
ger standard. As for the Traction people
ple , Messrs. Wulonor , Klklns and Kom-
blo , they are not only very rich now , but
tire fast ndding to their accumulations
nnd nro still uctivo in business.
It is a little curious thai nil the rich
widows owe thu wealth which they hold
to the energies of their husbands , nml
not to inherUnnco. and that nino-tontlm
of It has been Hindu In enterprises that
has brought honor to the city. Mrs.
Hulrtl bus probably moro than $3,000,000 ,
mntlo by locomotive building nnd in
vested in good paying stocks , bonds and
real estate. Mrs. Thomn.s Powers , whoso
husband left $10,000,000 , stands at the
head of the list , and next comes Airs.
Thomas A. Scott , who has just emerged
from her retirement after nn absence of
about two years in Europe. I hear of
her giving n reception in London In honor
of some American visitors. Mrs. Balrd
has been in Europe for more than
two years and has not intimated imme
diate intention of returning. She took
lior whole household with her und enjoys
a handsome villa in the south of Franco.
Then them is the famous Mrs. liloomfiold
Moore , whom the letter writers are talk-
iiut of marrying again to the poet Brown
ing. Shades of tlio late Gen. Gl Per
haps Mrs. iJundas and Mrs. Darley , each
of whom lives in n house wortli at a mod
erate calculation a round million , might
bis counted in the list , but they are not
widows. Among the old maids nro the
Misses Phillips , who were loft about a
million and a half at the death of Henry
M. Phillips.
" " "
IIIml ! , niccdfiifi anil Itching , Posi
tively Cured by Cutlcura.
A WARM hath wltliCntlcUin Simp , nn oxrjuls-
Ito skin bcautltlcr , and u single uppllautlnu
f Cuucimi , thu Kruut slcin euro , will In
stantly iilluy the Intonsu itching of. the moat iur-
( frnvntoil CHSO of Itching pllra. This treatment ,
omhlnod with small clofos of Cntlourii Jto.iol-
out , thu now blooil puritlor , three times pin
ny , to regulate iiml stronglliun the Imwols ,
overcome coustlpiU'ai nnd ruinovo the canto ,
will euro blind , blooding nnd Itching pilis when ,
nil other remedies nnd even physicians fulL
I wns tnkcn for the lirst tlmo In my llfo with
blind piles' , no Burnro that I could hnrdly keep
on in1 fool. 1 used various ronifdlos for tlnoo
wcul.B , when the disonsu toolc the form of Itch-
luff piles , nnd Bro\vIiiKttor r. Ily lulvleo of uu
oUJKOiitlomnn , I tried tlio nil cum. Ono appli
cation rullnvod the Itching nnd I wnj coon
cured , I wIMi to toll the world thnt In cnsos of
ilolilnir piles the price of the nt lonr.i Is of no
nccount. Kroin im unsuHcltud quarter.
Concord , N. II. O. U. KlDDT.
I liognn the use of your Cntlcnra nomodlos
when you first put tliom on the market , mid
know of two coses of ilchlnir piles thnt Imvo
been cured by the use , at my siwestloii , of
these romodlos. I1' . N. MAHTIN.
VJUDUN , ill. 1
I Imvn tried your Cutlcura remedies nnd find
thum nil tliut you claim , luui the demand for
them in this section Is grout.
Auousrus W. CODUNS.
Illggston , Oa.
Cutlcura Itomcdlcs hnvn Riven splendid satis
faction to UIOHO of my custoinors who Imvo had
occasion to UBO them.
JlEMlV QUIIUANN , DrUfc'tflst.
Qlllncy , 111 ,
CtiiiciiiiA Hr.Mr.niF.s me u positive euro for
avery form ol nkln nnd hlood dlfoiise.i , from
plinpicsto bcrol'ula. Held ovorywhoio. 1'rlcoi
Cutlcura , Ok ) . : llosolvunt , $1.0(1 ( : Soup , 2.VJ. 1'ro.
iinrod by the 1'orrnit liiu AND CIIKMIUAI , Co. ,
lloston , Mass. .Sond for "How to Cure HUlu D.s-
cnsos. "
Qt/IU nioinlihcs.plniplorf , hlachlmnds , und baby
OftlH humors , usu CUTIUUIIA HoAi' .
I'nlu unnllilliilod , liiliHiiimiition nub-
lined , nnd malarial nnd opidomlo
dlhimsus prevented by that Inlulllblo
aiitlilolo to pain and Inlliinimullon.
Pianos and Ops
nm n i o B d i s A 1 1 o r
Vou nro allowed a fret trlol of thirty tlnut of tlio UEO
of Dr. lyo' Urltbratixl Voltuiailolt with hltcirlo biu-
nsory Ai'jlLuuc ' : , for tliu Kimrdy rellrf and I > or.
ment euie of Ncrvout DtMlKu. loiiof n'ulllvaud '
Al'i/i/.o'ici , nr.d till tlmlreJ trouble * . Also for tunny
oiter dlMascs. Complete restoration to llcallli , Vigor ,
dort M.inUool i-uaranUTil. Ko rlik tl Incurred. Illui-
tratcil pninnhli't In iVr > iilot' ' mailed frw. t > y < uV
arming VULTAtO'Jii/fL'U..Dlur : hullflncb-
Furniture Co ,
Manufacturer * ol'J
Oaok , Office and Saloon Fixlores
MhTOry , liar Screens and .Hotel Furni
210 .S. 14 tli Street , Omaha , Nobraalia ,
Wilto for ck'Si'uanud