Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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minted at $2.75(33.00 ( ; 100 to 123 , lha at$3.50@
Showing the highest and lowest prices paid
on this market for hosts diirlnz tlm past
seven da\s tintl for the corresponding pcrlo > l
last month.
Fuoruary. .Mnrcli
Tncstlax' . . rjzi.oo .
Wednesday 3.SO r/'MH 3.75 0"-'t.tX )
Thursday. . . . . . . 3.75 MJUG 3.80 ( TiAfty
Friday i n.75 @l.0" 3.8. " , @ . . . . . .
Katiirday. . . . . .I 3.70 3.87Jfni.r : !
Monday I 3.b7i3.00 }
Tuesday I 3.05 CZ3.85 3.1)0 ) $4.10
Note All sales ot stock in this market are
inndo per cU llvo weight unless otherwise
Btatuil. Dead hess sell at Ic per Ib , for all
welithts. "aklns"orhojswelBlilniles < t than
ICOIbs , no vnlttu. 1'reKiiant sows are dockud
40 Ibs and stairs bO Ibs
Tuesday Evcnlnc , March 0.
General MnrketH ,
KotiR Tlio u-rclpls were about 700 cases to
day. Sales are bulnt ; made at 10@lJe.
UuiTKii No new fcatutcs liavo been de
veloped in the market , and values remain
about steady ut lormer quotations. Very
choice enumry rolls sell inlily well , but the
demand for the medium and poorer gnulcs Is
exci'cdliiKly light. A Krcatrr portion of thu
icci'lpts ot medium and Inferior erodes Is
ttu ned over to the butter packers whom It is
icworked and shipped to eastern markets.
Tliu city trade will taUc nothing except the
best grade , only tlin very choicest grades of
table butter will bring ton prices. Choice
lollsaio quoted at 13@10c ; fnr | to good , t' < < 9
lOc : infcilnr. 4aic ( ( ; creamery. In 1 11) bricks ,
30c. Country shippers by handling their
butter with nioro euro so that It will present
a better appearance on Its at rival to market ,
would realize better prices In many In
CIIKKSK Fancy full cream clicddars. Octo
ber make , llj c : Hats , I''Ql'JWo ; voting
America , ii : > c ; lirst nuallty Swiss cheese ,
lOc ; second quality. it@Hc : ; brick cheese ,
ICc ; LlniburKcr , lldblZc
Poui/nty The demand was a llttlo
stronger this mornlnir as usual on Saturday's ,
but the mnrlcet could not be considered any
higher. Choice dressed chickens sold at 8@
Oc : fair to good , 7a ( c. Turkeys are not very
active at SCUDc : heavy turkeys welching 18 to
20 Ibs or more , do not soil as well , 7c being
about tlio average price. There are no geese
coming in , and no demand. Choice ducks
arofliiotcd at @ 10e.
( JAxiK With the exception of a few ducks
nothing 1ms been received in the line of
game worth mentioning. Prices for the most
part are nominal. Prairie chickens , pordoz ,
S2.f,0 , ; quail , per doz. SL2ri@1.50 ; Jack rab
bits , per dnz. S8.00 : mallard ducks. S'J.'i' ®
2.50 : teal ducks. gl.'r > © 1.GO ; mixed ducks ,
small rablilts. 7Gj5.Uc ( ! : ceese ,
JRI.I.IKS. ETC. Preserves.
nil kinds. 20-Ib. palls per Ib. . I0) ) c ; do lu pail
lots. i > er Ib , lOc ; as-iortcd 6-lb. pails per crate ,
0 pails. S8.75. Jellies , all kinds , lirst grade ,
SO-lb. pails , per Ib. , tic ; assorted , first grade ,
6-lb palls , per crate , 6 pails. 82.50 ; do ,
1-lb pails , pi-r cabe , 2 doz , 552.U5 ; do , tumb
lers , per caso. 2 doz. . 81.40. Jelly , all kinds ,
second grade , 80-lb. palls , per Ib. oc. Mine *
Meat , best grade , Jf bbl. per Ib. , 7c ; do , 18.
38 and fis-lb palls , per21b. , 7Kc : do. 5-lb
palls , per crate , C palls , S3.75. Apple butter ,
extra line , } f bbl. , pur Ib. , 7c ; do. 40-lb pails ,
per Ib. , 7 > tf ; do. 5-lb palls , per crate. 0 pails
3.75. Peach and plum butter , 40-iD palls , per
horse radish , pint bottles , per doz. . SI.50.
1'ios FKET , 'IKIPE. KTC Pigs' foot per K
bbi. , 84.75 : do. K bbl. , 83.40 ; do. per kit ,
81.00. Lambs' tongues , per H bbl. , 83.50 ; do.
per kit , 83.75 ; do. quart Jars per doz. , S5.50 ;
do. pint Jars per case , 2 doz. . $7.00. Tripe ,
perk bbl. , 84.50 ; do. per } { bbL 82.25 ; do.
Dor kit. Wu > .
a A LIEU KIIAUT Ucst quality. 45 ital bbl ,
87.50 ; 80 pal bbl , 50.50 ; 15 mbbl. \ . 84.00.
NITTS Pecans , largo nollshed , lie ; pecans ,
medium , Oc ; English walnuts , 14c ; almonds ,
Tarragona , 20c ; do , Languenoc , 17c ; lirazlis ,
12c , lilberts , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy
Viriilnla. : roasted Oc.
COMII HoNnv California 210frame CO Ibs ,
In case per Ib. , 15c ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska , Michigan refined , per bbl. , 80.50 ;
do. half bbl. . 84.00.
VINEOAH Whlto wine , ICc ; elder , 12' c.
COCOAMTTS AtS4.ft05j5.00.
Nr.w Fios , JJATKB. KTC. Layer figs , Sand
8-lb boxes , per Ib , lft@17c ; Pninelles , 25-lb
boxes , per lb , V-'c. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb
boxes , per lb. He ; do , fancy Persian , 50-lb
boxes , per lb. lie.
Lr.HONS 1'aucy Messina and Palermo , per
box. 85.00 : do. choice Me.sslna and Palermo ,
per box , $1.5 ! ) ; do. per 5 box lot , 54.00. Cali
fornia lemons , SJI.RO per bnx.
GKA.rr.s-Mnlaca per bbL 57.00.
OiiANCiKS Choice Los Anueies , per box ,
83.75 : do. 5-box lots , per box , 82.00 ; do , 10-box
lots , SiM ) ; fancy Itlvunldc , 8X75 ; do , 6-box
lots. gi.50 : : Navels. S4.50.
CjiAxiir.iiitii'.s Capo Cod cranberries , per
bhl , SS.f)0 ; Capo Cod do. 5-Dbl lots , per
bhl. : Hell nnd Cherry do , per bbl , 85.75 ;
Bell and Cherry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbL 85.50 ,
OVHTKHH The volume of tlio oyt > ter trade
Is dccmihinu rapidly at the approach of warm
weather. Prices remain bteaay at former
( motatlons. Now York counts , 45c : extra
selects , 40c ; selects , 85c ; standards UOc ;
nicdlums , 25c.
Ai'ri.nH KancvN. Y.BaldwInsand green-
IngH , 8a.50@3.T.ri ; llssouri ( ienltons. per bbl. ,
S'J.40 ; do , ft-bbl lots , 82.25 ; do. 10-lb lots ,
S'.00 ; Mlsboitii WillowTwlK , Hen Davis , utc ,
82.75 ; do , 5-bhl lots , 82.50 ; do. 10-bbl lots ,
8'-,40 ; fancy Michigan stock. S..00it3.25. ! (
V KoiCTAiiiib : CallloiiuacabbaRC , 3 > c per
lb ; southern and Colorado , old stock , c ;
California ci'lery , 82.00 2.50 per doz ; Jcroey
sweet iiotiitncs , 4c per Ih ; parsnips , 82.00 per
btiHhi'l ; Mlrhliran rutubaga , 82.50 per bbl ;
caulillower , S-.OO pur do * ; horse radlsb , 7o
JHT lb.
POTATOK Stock Is beginning ; to move at
thu appioarli of warmer weather. Four loads
weio received this week. It is a dilllctilt
matter at this .season to placu car lots , and
prices on car lotb are still low. Choice , large
assented stock lb being sold in a small way at
b.VifXc ( ) ; smaller or medium assorted block at
45fa'.Vii' . lut'eilor or mixed stock Is not
wanted nnd would not bell to advantage.
OMOXS Choice slock Isquoted at 81.00 pm
buslii'l : howe\er largo quantities would not
hell In the city at that piled , as the demand Is
mostlv In a small wuy.
HKANS Hand ulclcpcl navy. 81.752.00j
Imnd-picked medium. 81.50(41.75 ; uood clean
country. Sl2.vai.M ! ) ; Inferior. 75ci1.00. (
UHAIN Kievator prices : Corn , JWc ; oats ,
Sic ; wheat , Oi o ; ije , 41o : barley , 4sc.
if 1.0uji and MU.I.BTUFF8 iVinter whcal
flour , bebt ( iiiiillty patent , 83.00 ( 8.10 ; bccotul
quality , 82.50(33.01) ( ) ; best quality t-prln *
wheat Hour , patent , 82.50(22.75 ( : Imckwheai
Hour , in bands. 85.75 ; icaily raised 'lib pack
nges. 51.00 ; 0 lb packages , 8&UO ; bran , 5-V
per cwt : c-hoppcd teed , 70c per cwt ; whltt
corn meal , bOoi yellow com meal. 70cper cwt.
Bcreetiliur , OOcpor cwt ; hominy , 81.50 per cwti
fliorts , COc per cwt : graham , $1.75 per cwt :
hav. In bales , SXVi7.0o ( ) wer ton.
PuovisioNS. Ham. lOCsClOKe breakfasl
paeon , tos 'scclear ' side bacon , 7cdry ; salted
Bides , Oc : shoulders , sugar cured , .We ; mess
ixjrkjMjr bb ! . . S1S.OO : lard. 40 Ib. cans , per lb ,
f'h@'e ; 10 , 5 and a lb 7 f 8c ; dried beei
Iiams. 12u
JlniKS ( lieon butchers , 6@oVc. ; crecn
cured. O' Tc ; dry Hint. llMISc ; drj
Kilt. IHglOo ; damaged hiiles two-thlids price ,
Tallow ; > J4c. Ureaso , psime whltu , KJJe ; > ol
low. c ; brown. 2Ke bhi > OD 1'clts 35475c. ( !
Funs AND SKINS Prices on furs ami
skins nro hteady. Alink. each , 10SOc ;
uniskrat , winter. 2@.V ; do. kits , Ic : Otter ,
82.50SO.OO ; bktink , bhort stiiped. 15025cilo.
broad striped , 10M15 ; badger , 25@ 'iO ; Hao
coon , No. I large , Sii@ 5 ; do. No , 3 , WftZW
do. Js'Oi 8 , lOiu/iVj ; wolf , iin\lrlo Wd ; ; ' > a :
do , mountain. 8iOO < 33.00 ; Wildcat , 15C1HO ; bea
\er , l.502.f IXT Ib ; fox , each , 0 fTfl.-.Y
deersklni , drv winter , 15Q18o per lb ; do. fall
% Ull * * * * " ' * w. ? * u-
HKAVT ilAnrwAntc Iron , rates.
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ;
cast tools do. 13@lSc { watfon spokesperson
S1.7fi < TW.OO ; hub * . Der set , 81.25 , felloes , sawed
dry , SMO , tongues , each , 75c , axles , each , 7flo ;
fqimro nuts , per li > . . 7uc : collclmln per n ,
shoes , 55.23. llarbed Wlre-In car lots S-1.00
per 100 Ibs. iron Nails Kntes , 10 to GO 83.00.
Shot 31.50 ; buckshot. Sl.t ; Oriental pow
der , kCRS. 83.rxcl.00 : do , half kegs. $2.00 ; do ,
quarter kces.Sl.oOtblastlni : , kcis , 53.83 ; fuse.
vcr 100 feet. G'Jc. Lead JJnr.SUtt.
LEATHER Ao. 1 nttstmrc harness ,1. C , 1 *
ASons. sr.cNo. ; 1 PlttsburR , K. & S. 8f ;
No. 1 Inco leather , orxj ; prime slaitehtcr
solo leather. USe : urlmo oak sola leather.
WC'SPc. Upper leather , per foot. 20@2Jc ;
llcni kip , 73@S3c ; oak kip , S-VpTio : French
kip , Sl.OOai.S5 : Hem calf. SlToOflll.lO. oak
calf. 81.00@I,23 : French calf , Sl.W ! < ttl.S.V. Mo
rocco boot Icp , iX.7Jc : Morocco oil pebble ,
stK/zsJc ; topplnes and llnlnics , 0.00\uio.o0 \
UOAI , Anthracite crale , Si-fit CRR , S8.2. ;
rniitre , S8.r 0 ; chrstnut , SS.51 ; Iowa. S3..Y ) ;
Walnut block. S3.7C : Illinois , 55.00 ; Mis-
EOlltl S1.IMI
Ditv r.mrs Whlto lead , 8c ; Fiench r.lnc ,
12c ; 1'nrls wliItltiR. 2Kc ; whltliiR Kllder ? ,
IJfc ; wliltlnc , coiu'l , l c ; lampblack , (5ei-
niantown , I''c ; lampblack , ordliury , lee ;
Prussian blue , n5c ; ultranmrlne , ISc ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , tta ; umbt-r. burnt , 4c ; umber ,
raw. 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ;
Paris preen. Kenulnc , 23j ; Paris crcen , com-
iiidii , 'JOc ; diromu Riecn , N , Y. , 20c ; chrome
git'cn , K , 1' c ; vcrmllllon , Knglhli , In oil
asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans ,
lOc ; raw and burnt sienna , lOc ; Vandyke ,
brown , life ; rcllncd lampblack , ISc ; coach
black and Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , lie ;
Prussian blue , -tOc : ultramnrlno blue. ISo :
chromo Ri-ccn , L. , M. & IX , IGc : blind and
shutter Riccti , L. , AI. & 1) . , lOc ; Paris green ,
ISc ; Indtnn red , IJic ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tus
can , 22c ; A'nerlcan vrrmllllon , L. fe D. , 20c ;
yellow ochre , Uo ; 1 , . M. & O. I ) . . 18c ; golden
ochre , l ( > c ; itatunt ilryer , Be ; ir.ilnlni ; ; colors ,
lluht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ush , l.'c.
PAINTS IN On. Wlilto lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7Jfo ; whltu lead , St. hauls , pure. S7.SO ; Alar-
scillesKieen , 1 to > Ib cans , 40c ; Fumch zinc ,
nreen seal , I''c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; Frunch
zinc , 7f5c ; vetmllllon. America , ISc ; Indian ,
red. lOc ; rosti nlnlc , 14c ; Venetian , red , Cook-
son's , BJfc ; Venetian , red , American , 15c ;
ivd lead , 7Mc ; clnouio yellc.w , miiiuine , 20c ;
chrome vcHnw , K , 12c : ochiu , roclieile , 3c ;
ochre , French , SJfc ; ochre. Ammcilcan. 2c ;
Winter's mineral , S'lfr. : Lehlgli brown , 'JKc ;
Spanish brown , 2 } < c ; Prince's mineral. 3c.
VAIINISHES Barrels , uer gallon : Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 : furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra , 81.40 ; coarli , No. 1 , 81.20 ;
Dainar , extra , 61.75 ; Jnnan , 70c ; nsphaltum ,
extra , & 5c ; sslicllac , 8J.0 ; hard oil linlsb ,
OILS 110 ° carbon , per cnllon , lOc : 150"
cadllKht , pergallon , lie ; 173 ° headllzht- per
gal , 15c : 150 ° water white. 14c ; linseed , hard ,
per pallon , 44c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon ,
47c ; lard , winter str'd , percnllon , fOj ; No. 1 ,
40c ; No. a. 4 c ; castor XXX , per gallon ,
$1.53 ; No. 3. 81.44 ; sweet , uer allen , 81.00 ;
sperm , W. . . per Ballon , 81.00 ; lish , W. U. ,
per pallon , C5a ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon ,
70c ; No. 1. 08c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon ,
No. 1 summer , l5c ; golden machine , No. 1 , pel-
gallon , 30c ; No. 2 , 'Joe ; sperm , slcnnl , per
gallon , 75c ; turpentine , per gallon , 55o ; gaso
lene , per gallon , Vic ,
Dnuos AND CiiEsncAi.1 ? Acid , carbolic ,
SGc ; acid , taitarlc , 53c ; balsam copaiba , per
Id , COo ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; calomel ,
per Ib , 72c : cinchonldia , per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per Ib , COc ; Movers powders , per Ib ,
81.25 ; cpsom salts , per lt > , 8' < c ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , 20c ; lead acetate , per Hi , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. . ! { 1.X ( ) ; oil , castor ,
No. U , per gal. , $1.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
81.40 ; oil. origanum , 50c ; opium , 83.75 ; qui
nine , P. & W. . and k & S. , per oz. , 85c ; po
tassium , Iodide , per Ib , 83.00 ; salicin , per oz. ,
, ,
do 101 proof SI .13 ; spirits , second Quality
101 proof. 81.12 ; do. 183 proof , 81.11. Alco
hol. 18S proof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , 8UXX31.50. Gin blended ,
S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00@O.OU ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes. 82.00SO.riO ( ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye v/lusKies ,
81.503.00. Brandies Imported , 85.OOCZ8.bO ;
domestic. 8l.SO@3.00. Ulna Imported , 84.50
< S < i.OO : domestic , 81.25@3.00. Hums 1m
ported , 84.5flffiS.00 ; Now Ennland , S1.732.00 ;
domestic , 81.3303.00. Champagnes Im
ported , per case. S23,00@34.00 ; American , per
case. S10.00@1G.OO _
SuNnmns Domestic Holland herring ,
kegs. We ; Kusslan sardines , 45c ; Ancho
vies In class. Die Bull brana. per aoi. .
8. ' .00 ; spiced Ilamburg herrings , skins and
heads air , per pall , Sl.w.
BFfTlFfins Q'r nbls.Pls Kts
nsn. zoo 100 o to 40 12 10
JIunn'B B'tNo.l L'b A 50 3 75,3 , M1 1,2 1 00' ' 00 ; 53
L'fc'O Qlb'ed Vnnoy 0 00 3 60 3 001 801 60 65 60
I/go U'd SU're F'cy5 | 503 | 25 3 U71 07 1 0 | 53 | 47
. Half
r.\r FISH. 200 100 00 60
HlontorMosfl 35 00 18 00,16 25 0 05'7 ' SO 1 05
Ex. No. ISU'r 24 00 12 60 11 30,0 , 30 5 10 1 40
No. IShoi'o 18 00 0 tju 604 | ' 80,3 , ' 00,1 , 10
Med. No. 1 Slioro. . . 1300 7 00 0 35 ! ) 55J2 90 80
14 " llay 1100 B 00 5 45 3 05 bi 50 75C5
Largo Family 000 500 4 55 2 65 3 10 C5
Fat M TOO 400 3 65 3 05l | 70 55
lllils Hlf llbls O'r IIIUi ; > alla or kits
UO 100 00 40 15 13 10
Norwegian I
KKK Hor'IiiffS 12 05 0 50 5 00 3 00 3 70 83
KK Horrines. U 300 C05 453 Of 2 50 76
8 00.4 60 4 OOP HO 1 9J 60
H.MOKKD FISH Halibut , lOc ; scaled horr-
injcs , U c ; salmon , He : smoked bturueon.
CODFISH Lareo O. 13. whole cod , 4c ;
0. AT. , OeorRos chunks , 7c : clover loaf ,
Georpes strips , OKc : 1 Ib rolls , 5 Ib boxes ,
PKc ; prairie ( lower , 2 Ib brick.O c ; wild rose ,
3 Ib brick , 5c. _
Groceru' JUUt.
SYHUI No. 70 , a. 'c , bbls : No. 70 , 4-eaIlon
keirs. 81.08 ; New Orleans 3S4c : per gallon ;
Maple Syrup , # barrel , P & U. strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , SU.tSperdoz ;
y gallon cans , S5.r > pcrdoz ; anartcutis 83.00.
-M rni.r Blos.s , 1 Jb , Co ; ilirror
. .
SODA III Ib papers , i3-i5 a case ; galsoda
kni ; r > erlt > . 2 , r. |
I'IOKLKS Medium In barrels. S\,0do ; In
half barrels. 8'.7. > ; small In barrels , 57 , 0 ; do
In half barrels , 84. 5 ; gherkins in ban-els ,
8M 0 : do In half barrels , 84.75.
IKHD : FHUITS No. I Quarter apples , 4o ;
evaporated , boxes , 8@ > o ; blackberries ,
boxes , 'J CilCc ; peaches : Eastern. 4 < a\j-vo ;
peaches , evaporated , 15)017c ; Salt "i ake ,
now. 7jtfwo ; raspberries , new , 2-@J3c : cur
rants. new,7\f ( ( , < ic : prunes , now.
. : granulated -
ulated , 0 { c : contuctloners' A. We : Stan
dard extra 0. 0 } o ; extra C. GJfc ; medium
jcllow. O'i'c : Now OihuiiiK. Sii&t ic.
OANNKD ( loons Oysters , standard per
case. g3. it ; btrawberries , U-lj. ) , pur case. SATS ;
raspberries , 2-lb. , per case , S3. ; California
pears , per case , 5.1.00 ; apricots , per casa ,
84.H ( ) ; peaches , per cose , 84.75 ; white cher
ries , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , S4.1M ;
" " "
i P r
MATCUK3 Per caddie , 35c ; round , per case
45c:8ijuaro cases , 81.70 : Oslikosh cixsoa , gr. ,
11.80 ; umlfl bQuarn. 81.S.V.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1L53 ; Ashton.
Sack8 >
Soxrs Kirk's Savon imperial. .
Kirk's fatlnct , S3.I5 ; Kirk's standard. E8.SO ;
Klik'sWhilo Uusslau , SJ.S5 ; Kirk's White
Cap. Sfl.50 : Uiiuu ) . S4 , A. U , iKlu > < iiil. | fe
, CorKES Ordinary 'grades , U .ctalr ,
* lllll1'lll V ! * fvVmf"1 ' * * * ' ' " * f
eec ; Mocha , 22 < ! ? 24c : Arbticklo's roasted ,
n c ; McLnuslilln'n XXXX roasted , 13 * c ;
Dilworth's 13'fc ' ! Hod ( To w. 134'c.
CANDLES Uoxe < i , < on > . cs lie ; 8s , lie ;
jxcs , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , lie ; halt box. 30H > ,
HOPE Sisal. K ! " > ch and larjor , 8 , ' 05 3
inch. Oc : ' / Inch , 0 vc.
bricF.a Uround lilack pepper , boxes , 15
@ 2ic ; allspice , 12 < 3irc : cinnamon IS i'Vy '
cloves , 15a25c ; ginger , I5@4rx35 mustanl , 15Q
n *
TK AS U tin powder , fair , 205137 ; good , 45Q
r T > c : choice , X < J75c ; good Imperial , 40vrf43c ;
choice , C0@70c ; ; Youngllyjon. good,30 ' " - -
cholcO.rJ ' * O . fntntin > frnnit. AVA4fVn. ?
Tea Slltlnts. Ibo
CnAcrtr.ns barnoau'8 soda , butter nnd
picnic , SVo : creams , s > c ; ginger snaps , 8 c ;
Cltv soda , 7J < c.
FINK CUT Hard lo Heat , 70c ; Charm of the
West , COc ; Fountain , 70c : Ooldon Thread ,
07c ; Favorite , GOc ; IJuds. & 0c ; Hocky Mottn-
tnn,50o ! ; Fancy , 4. % ; Daisy , 40c ; NoithSUir.
70c : Good Luck. 55c : Our Best , Oi ! > , 'c ; Uood
News , 65c.
Dry oods.
PniXTS American , 5Xt Amold's , Oc ;
Cocheco , Cc ; Manchester , ( ; Lynan ,
5c ; Gloucester , 5 > c ; Dunnell Jacquard ,
Cc ; Uunnell , Sc ; Windsor. Cc ; 1'acltic ,
Cc ; llnrmony. 4)fc ; Anchor Sliirtiiij.s , 4j4oj
Merrimack Shirtings , 4Kc ; Horwlck. 4c.
Ui.nAcitnn COTTONS. Farmors' choice ,
iflir .CJfci "Lohsdalo , 3j ; 'Fruit , 8c\Vam- ; '
sutta. 10 c.
COIISKT JEANB Kearsargo , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; Penpereii , 7Kc ; inaian Orchard , 0)40 ) ;
Nauinkea : ! , 7r.
IJitowN COTTOW Lawrence LL , 5c : Shaw ,
mut LL. Oc : Heaver Dam LI5c ; Atlantlo
LL. 6c : Indian Head , 7c : Wntichusspt OJfc ;
Crown XXX. tKc : Clifton CCC , 0) ) c ;
Utica C. 4'ic : Atlantic P. sue.
Tic'KiNos Atno kcoe ACA 12 } < c : Thorn-
dkeOOO. 75fc : Thorndiko fancy , J < c ; Jtorlc
a ; < c : MonUittkAA. I2o ; Jlontnuk UU , lie ;
Omega ACA. Kin
DKNIMR Heaver Creek AA. lie ; Iieavcr
an CT. 13 } < c ; Kverett , ISc ; llaymaker'3 blue
nntt bro\vn , 7 ! < c.
DucK-Unblcachcd ( ) SOT. Maenolla , 10' < c ,
10 oz. Jlasnolla. l c : oz. West Point , lO. c ;
10 oz. Point ISUa
DUCK ( colored ) Boston 0 oz. brown and
drah. 13Wc : ISoston 011 brown and drab , Oo ;
llosto X.X. brown and drab lOc : Jiostou
XXX brown and drab.iiHc ; Boston Oi'blue ,
HKo : Wairen Tricot lac.
GINOIIAMS Kuntrow U@10 > $ c ; Amoskoa
dreis. Oc : Amoskcav , staple , 7 c : Ivnnho
XcVam \ ! Utta. Ke ; Nubian , bXe ; War
wfck. 8Kc : Wlilttendon. Oc : Uatw. dress So :
Hates , staple , ujfc ; Handoltili staple , ,0) o
Lansdownc. 7c : Gloucester , 7Hc.
CHEVIOTS Amoskua ? , checks , OXot Amos
kap , stripes. 8 > { c ; Slater , stripes , c : lidln-
burg , U' c : Whittendon , stripes. 8c : Glen-
rose , 9c ; Otis , checks. Ke : Otis , stripes. DC ,
IJoval.CJ c ; Amoskca ? , napped , lOKc : IiU- fold , 12c ; Oberon , book told , llK s ;
Kndurance , book fold 13c ,
Dry Iiumbcr.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. W , 14 and 10 ft 817.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 and 1C ft 15.00
No. 3 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.00
No. 4 " " 12 , Handlbft 11.00
No. 1 , 4&6 Inch , 12nnd 14fcet rough..510.50
No. 1,4&6 Inch , 10 feet , rough 17.03
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 and 14 feet , rough. . 14.00
No.2,4&0 Inch. lOfcet.rough 15.00
1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 feet 822.50
O/l it tt it It OA QQ
5d " ' " " I ! ! ! ! ! . ' " . ' ! ! ! . ' isioo
Fence , " " " 11.00
1st Com. , X In. Whlto Pine Partition..833.00
and Com. , & in. " ' " . . 37.0
Clear. % in. Norway " " 14.5
Bud Coin. in. " " 13.5
A 0 inch , white pine 83" . >
B 6 inch " " 83.00
C 0 inch , " " 29.EO
DCIuch , " " 20.50
E flinch , " " 17.50
STOCK iioAitrta.
A13Inch , s 1 s2. Hand 10 feet 840 00
jj 11 , u ,1 u „ 43 00
* '
' " '
c M " " " " " . . . ! ! . . . sooo
1) ii ii i , i u ' 23 00
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 13,14 and'ld ft. 18 00
No. 1 " " " 10 18 and 20 ft. 1800
No. 3 " " " 13.14 and 10 ft. 1000
1st and 2d Clear , IX incii.s. 3s $5100
1st and M Clear , IK and a Inch , s 2a. . . . 5100
8d Clear , Itf Inch. s2s 4000
SdClonr , l and'i inch , 8 2s 4000
A Select , I/ , 1 } < and 2 inch , s 2a 43 00
B Select , lQ. l > i and 3 Inch , s. 2s 80 00
Ibt aud 2d Clear , 1 men , s. 2s 51 ou
3d clear. 1 inch , B2s 4500
A Select , 1 inch , s. 23 4000
B Select 1 inch. a. 2s 000
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 817.50
No.3 , Plain , band 10 inch 15.50
No. 1 , 0. ( J 1S.OO
poi'i.Aii i.u.Mnr.n.
Clear Poplar box bds , Klns,2s $36.0J
" H'n , panel stk wide , s 2s. 2S.OO
14 " Corrugated Celling , % . . . 29.00
A * Standard 82.05
5 Inch , clear , 81.55 ; 0 Inch , clear 1.G5
No. 1. . 1.2 > 5
Lath 2.25
Qulncy whlto lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement ,
Akron , 81.75 ; plaster. S3.bO ; hair , per bushel
80u ; sash , 60 per cent off list ; doors , blinds ,
mouldings , 50 per cent oil list : tarred felt , per
cwt. , 81.05 : straw board , 81.05.
" "
"Altliotigh the city of Berlin has n funded
debt of a little over $38,000,000 , and will
have to borrow nbout $12,000,000 , more in
the immediate future to complete its
sewerage hystum , its iinunccs are not at
all iu a bad way. For , with the excep
tion of about $4,000,000 , this money has
been expended for gas works , water
works , stock vunls , market hulls , etc , ,
from which thu city derives annually u
not rental over nnu above all expenses
nnd interest charges , to the amount of
* 1,500,000.
Omaba ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only rood to take for lr > s Molnrs , Mar-
liHllto rii , Cedar lluplds. Clinton , DUIe. Chicasfo ,
Milwaukee nnd all points east , io ttio people of
JiCbraeku , Colonidn , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho
Novadu.OreKon , WushiiiKton and California It
otrcra superior iidvuntaBea not possible by any
AmoiiK a few of tbo numerous points ot suno-
rlorliy enjoyeil by the patrons or this road be.
twovn Omahaaud Cbipugo , are JU two trulna a
day of I1AV OOACIIK3 which are the flnust tlmt
human art and iiigonulty can or cut o. Its 1'AI
ACK SLKKl'lNO CA1U. whlcn i a , model , of
comfort on < t olotfanee. Its l'AUIXl < DUAWINQ
KOOM OAltS. unsuruasBod liy uny , and its wldo-
ly celebrated PALATlAMJlNIjte CAIIS , tbo
equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council llluirs the trains of the Union Pact.
flo Ity. connect in Union Uejpot with tliosu of the
Chicago & Northwestern Jly , In Chicago the
tnilnn of this line inuka close connection with
tlmsoof ull custom lines.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indtonapolig , Cmoln
natl. Nla ura Fulls. liutTnlo , Vlttsburtr. Toronto
Montretil. lloston , Now York. I'hlhululnlila , Ual-
tlinore.WashlnKtoii and ull points iu the east , twit
the ticket agent for tlckiita via the
Ifyou wish th-j best accominoduttoiis. A 11 ticket
U 8. IUXB ,
. Oca. rasa. Ajfcufc
Billiard Tables ,
miuNS WICK.IIAJ Ju > cou < ro1jEn & coi
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
Ami Saloon. OfHco ntid Hank Fixtures. Market
nmlHuron Sts.t Chieiigo , 111. Omaha ofllco,5JJ
S. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc ,
CO. ,
Printers , 'Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Manufacturers. Nos. 100 nn < l
_ 1C3 South lllh Street. Omaha.Ncb. _
_ Bridges-Sleim Pile Driving ,
J'nglncors nml Contractors.
Bridges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pila DrlTh *
Iron Combination nn < I Hoire Trus * Flrlcliol ,
I'lllntf nml Onk Timber. 15th St. , nuar Furiuun.
Telephone No. J3I
. Cigars and Tobacco ,
jtAX J1UYKH & 00. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns nml Ammunition. 215 to 2 I South Illh
Eticet.lCCUtoUIM Furnara Btrcot , Omaha , Neb.
ISIER-OCP.AN Cicixn FAcronr.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Donlcra In I.onf Tobacco ? . Nos.
loa ondllON. Itth Street , Omaha. Neb.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
Jolm Kpcnetcr , Proprietor. Miimtfnr.turor of
Onlvntil/rtl Iron nnd Cornice. tt3 Dodge anil 101
end 105 Nuith Ultli Street , Umalia , Neb.
Manufacturoraof Ot-namcntal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Final' , Etc.,310 S. Uth 8L Worlcdano
in any part of tbo country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECI1T , Proprietor.
Galvanized Iron Cornice ! " , Etc. Spccht' " ! Im
proved Patent Mrtnll'c Skylight. 60a aud MOS.
litb St. , Oinalin , Nol' .
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Tflo Gate WPitnifi
Doors , Sash and HllmK Also nil kinds of
turning. Scroll und Stair work ot every Uo-
A. itosnunniiY ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Btalr Halls n specialty Telephone No. 03
15th aud Marcy St a. , Omaha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies ,
I * W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omoha. Burglar Alarms , Hells ,
Flio Alarms , Klectrlo Matting , Speaking Tubes ,
Gold , Silver und Nickel Plating- , Etc ,
Jronar.d Nails.
Cut Nails' and Spikes ,
Fire Nails n Specialty. Omoha , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Castings , Steam Eneines , Hollers ,
Aitibltoeturnl Iron Work , Iron Bridges , Mining
and Mill Machinery. .Office . and works , Union
Pucitlo 11.11. 17th and ,18th , Streets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th and Jackson. Sis. , prepared to do all
kinds of Iron and IJross Castings ; also , O , C.
Baiinlstcr'B Kocldnir Grate Bara inanufagturoJ
' Mattresses ,
OmaTa Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fire and Burjrlar Proof Safes ,
Vault Doors. Jail Work. Shutters and WIre
Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office end Factory , near Ponder Magazine ,
_ Omaha Neb. _ _
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1313 and 1317 Hurnoy street , Omaha , Nob. Oola
Aeents in Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split
Shaft Sulkies.
Established 1833.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
KCOand 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb.
Corrodors and Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omaha , Nob. Lovl Carter. Prce. ; C. W. Mend ,
Vlco Pros. : U. W. Yates. Sec. und Trcas.
Tbe Hillard ,
8. Shears , J. E. Markcl.Thos. Sirobo , Proprleton
Omuba , Nebraska.
Arcade Hotel ,
James Casey , Proprietor.
i215 and 1217 UonnluB St. , Omaba , Nob.
tliopatronaeoof coiniuorclul men respectfully
solicited. They wll ( Hud this the bust " '
bouea webt ot Chlut'O.
? Ianters House ,
Kates , 1.60 per duy. Street cars trom U. P.
depot , within ono block of IIOUBU. Comer
UodL'o unit lOtli utrcets , Omahu , Nob.
Tbe jCozzens ,
P. numsdy * Co. , Proprietors ,
Bates . ' .00 per day.'iio dark rooms. Omaba.
Nob. Alee propnuvo sof Palace Hotel , Bantu
Fo , N'orf Mcuico. i
Canfleld House ,
Cor , Nlnih and Wirnnm Bts. The best $3 pn
duy hotel in Umulia. Jtomodolt , n-furnlbliixl ,
ru ii'ooruteilonobloclfrrorniinnyliondiimrter8 ; ,
opposite Union Padltdlicadnuartuis ; etrootcarj
nabs tlio door. Ocoruo Cunnolil & Co. , proprio-
tors. Albo Unloa Stock Vurdb Hotel , Boutu
Hotel de Coos ,
P. G003. Proprietor.
European Plan. U'iio only centrally located $3
n Uny house. Three doors from Uoyd'H Upcrii
llouuound ono-hulf block from the I'ostoinco
and the Court iioute , 15 Xi 1010 , 1512 1'
E. M. ntJLSB ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Muttressoa , Hoddlngr , Feather
Pillow a , Cote , Utc. 1200 und 120 $ Douglas Street ,
Onmlm. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. , 1103 nnd 1101 Douglas
Utrtct , Omaha , Nob.
and JaH Work.
J020 Funiaru Street , Oinuha , Nob.
Agricultural Implements , " _
Dealers In Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner Cth nnj I'nclflo Sts , Oinnha , Nob.
Wbolessio Dealers Jn
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd Duperies , Omaha Neb.
Wholtsnlo Dctrfcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages nml Ilupules. Jf no ft. , bet. 8th and
_ _ ICth , Omaha , Neb. _
Boots and Shoes ,
W. v. MOl'SH & C0.r
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Hll Fnnmm Street , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory ,
_ Summer Street , lloston.
_ Carpets , _ _
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlntra , Curtnln Goods , Etc. . H23 rarnam
Street , Omaha , Neb.
Coat , Lime , Etc.
JhFU1 W. HEDFOUl * .
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stono.
Office , 213 & UthRtOmahn. Neb. Yards , Otti
txnd Dp rcnport Streets.
Dealers in Hard nnd Soft Coal.
DeBt vurletlcEi. Onico , 213 S. 13th St. Telcpliono
No. HW.Omnhu.Nfb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
i4 8.13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
GEO. C , Towi.u , President.
Gno. PATTF.USON , Sec. und Trca ? .
J.H. F.A.lUi.cit ,
Prapt let or. Mnnnjfor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OITco,217S. ) lath Street. Telephone W.
Gr.o. Y. LAIIAQII , Pros. C. T. GnomiAxV. Proa
J. A. 8u liiii < ANU Sec. nnd Trcus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard and 'oft cool , 'MIS. Uth St. ,
Omulm , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Boulder Colorado Coal.211
Loutli 14th BtrccU
Coffee and Spites. '
" "
CLAIUCE ilKOS. &Co ! ,
Omaba Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tca'.Coircca , Spiers , B.-ilstnK Powder KluvorlnR
Kxtrncts , Laundry llluo. Ink , etc. 1114-10 liar-
ncy Street , Omaha , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
BRANCH & co. ,
Wholesale Frnlts , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Furnam St. , Omaha. Apples Our own | .ack >
Ing Platt it Co. s TIKLT llmnil Oysters , Butter ,
Efc'jfs , Ganio , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Flour nnd Feed. 103
B. 14th St. , Omnlm , Nob. Consisnments solicited.
Iteturns made promptly. _
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cliocso , Sausages , Fruits , Hutcbors' Tools and
Supplies. 1215 J ones St. , Oniiiha , Neb.
General Commission Merchant.
BrBCtAi-TiKS-Checfe , Butter , Egpts , Poultry
and Giimc , 112 a Uthv Quialm , Neb. Telephone -
phone No. 3\I5. _
Commission and Jobbing ,
Cutter , Effcs nnd Produce. A full line of Stono-
v/nro. Cousliiniuonts BOliclto-J. 1111 Uodtco St. ,
Oinulia. _ _ _
* E. MORO'NT ;
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , EgKB , Clicoso nnd Country Produce fron-
_ crully , SOU 8. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
and ' & Ltnvon-
Befrljrcrator 1'ncklnp Hofiso.Htli -
worth St. , on U. P. II. K. Track , Omaha , Nob.
nstabllshcdTsTo !
General Commission ,
ni S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Butter
EgL'S , Poultry and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
fruits , Prcduce nnd Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dealt r in country produce , fruits ,
butter , ojfps , etc. Goods on consignment a
Bpucl&lty. 330 N. 16th ft. , Omaha , Neb.
( Successor1' to A. P. Scback. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
( to. S13 South 12th Street. Omaha , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Flour , A pplcs , Stonowuro.Cldor.VineRnr ,
Grass Seeds. Butter und KKKS , 313 und 1115 South
13th Etreot , Omaha , Nebraska.
WIE"DEMAN * co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Butter , Game , Fruits , Etc. 220 S. Hth
St. , Omuhu , Nebraska.
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , Lnrd , Jellies , Butter , Kpgs. Cliocso , Ktc.
No. 305 S. 12th St. , Omuha.Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
1400 Bodgo Street , Omaha , Neb. Conslniiinoiita
_ _ Solicited. _
SIC mh Street , Omulm. Nub. Specialties : Hut-
tor , UKUH , and Chickens.
Dry Goous ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
13C3 UoUKlus Stieot , Oiuuha , Nub.
L. GINSUF.Iia & CO. ,
Wholesulo nculersln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Luces , Embroidery nnd Whlto foods ,
_ l : ODouirlusi5ticet , Onmlm , Nob. _
Engines ,
" " - - - v-
The Baker Automatic Eugincs ,
Stationary und poitablo cm'lnub , boilersr.nd
elicut iron > vork , wu ons , uuricullurul Imiuo-
tnents , puiupg etc. l-'JU-l lO Lcuvenworth S'-
Leather , Hides , Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool aud Tallow ,
; lilt Juckson Stieot , Omaba , Nub.
6IXJMAN 11110 % ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery nnd Shoo Findings. Ilider , Wool , Tura ,
1'flts , Oroubo , Tallowt Ktc. , Oiuuhu , Nel.
' Flour , Elc ,
VK. I'JI STON. GEO. Itictunijsoz ;
Wholesale Flour ,
106,010 end G12 Picrco tiUcct Oumlm , Nii
nntrjio TZSCHUCK , JTI ,
ARcnt for J , C. lloflmajr A Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr
By Holler nnd llunir.trlan Process. Wnrohotifo ,
_ _ l"ia Jones PUcet. Omnha , Neb.
W. J. W EMU ANS & CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers ofV. . J. Wclslmns A Oo.'s ( Jutclt
Itnlslnff lluckwhont Hour and proprietors Omnlift
City Mill ; , eor. t-th ntid Faruaiu btrocts , Omabn.
ns > , , He
Euecessors to Ickcn 81cniR. en A Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of VorclRii FlsliNo . 9H-B13 Jones
k _ Street find U. 1' . Track , Omaha , Nob. / - .
Furniture. Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnltaw ,
_ I'nrimin Street , Omnlm , Nob. _
Groceries ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
J110 find 1112 Uouulas Street , Omann ,
E. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplccs , Cigars and Tobaccos , 1317 nml 131 Douff-
las Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers , .
Corner 10th nml Karnam Sticets , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Eos. 705 , 707 , 709 und 711 8.10th St. , Omatm , Neb.
w. J. nitoATcir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Eprliifre , Wturon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , ota
lUJUund 1211 Harney Blreet , Onuibu , Neb.
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Corrlafro Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
Klc. U1V and 1219 Leuvuuworth Street , Omiihii ,
Builders' Hardware ,
5rccbanlcs' Tools und IHltTiilo Scales. HOe DOUB-
InsBtrvot , Onmlia , Neb.
IEK , Fill ED & CO. ,
Jobters of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Bbcet Iron , Klc. Agents for Howe Pculos and
Jlliiini Powder Co. , Ouiiilm Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Grates , lirass Roods. 1321 and 1323 F&r-
naiu Street.
flholesalo Hardware and Kails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th and Hiirnoy
Streets , Omaba , Neb.
Manufr.cturer of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Vim. M. Lorlinor , Gonornl Agent ,
_ Onmba. Telephone 010. _
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers in Iron Pipe Iron 1 ttlugs. Iron und
Drugs Goods. Engineers' SuppUotj. lltn und
Dodge Streets , Omiiliu , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcnm , Wntcr , Hallway and Milling Supplies , Etc.
U2U , W22 and 021 Varniun St. Oimilm , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Etcam und Water Supplies. Headquarters fo
Must Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Furmim Street ,
Omaba , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware , Diamonds , Wntcb8 <
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools and Materiub , Lie. , 1U1
end 103,16th Street , Cor. Dodge , Omabu , Neb.
tiVC StOCft ,
j Bridge Stoci Yards , Omaha.
No Ynrdaeo Chawed.
Close to U. P. Ilricl o. Special accommodation
nnd a peed market for boss. E. C. Cooper , Man-
CEer. Oflico , South Stb Street.
M. B01UCH & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gro. Iturko , Maiuurcr.
Union Stock Yards , B. Omaba. Tolo.iliono 582
W. F. nitOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stoc& ,
Omco Exchange liulldintr. Union Stock Ynrds ,
tSouth Omabu , Neb. TeleplionoNo.Ctn.
Live Stock Commission ,
Hnlon Slock Ynrds , Cblcago , III. , and Omaha ,
Neb , Tronic Chit tcnilcn.MtinuKcrniiialmllnincli.
U'elephono No. SJ. Established 1802.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
/-ddicssallcoimminlcatlonsU ) usiit Union Block
VuidH. Soutli Omaha. Advunces nuulo on ttoelc.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
i Limited. John F. lloyd , Uupcrlntondont.
HAVAUE & ( JJlEKri ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
CbipmentB of imy and ull kinds of Block hollclt
i td. Union Ynrdd , Oiiiului , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Baeb , Doors , Ktc. Yards Cor. 7th and "
Cor. Uth und Uougl&j.
- T
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blind * ,
MouldiiiKH , Htalr Work iind Iittorlor Hard \VooJ
Flnlhh. Just opened. N. K. cor. btU und IAMVOII-
worth Streets , Oiiiului , Neb.
Wholasale Lumber ,
Eli 8. Hth Ctiuut , Omuhu , Nub. V , Coliiotzor ,
Lumber ,
18th and California Street } , Omaha , Nob.
niED W. Gil AY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc !
Cor. Ctu uiiil Douglas EtruUs , Onmlm , Nob.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omulm. Nclirutka.
" " *
Hardwood Lumber ,
'afcn Stock , Knnoy Woods , Ilrid o Timbcrr ,
io. , & W. Cor. Vth und IJuub'lu Oiuuha , .Vub.
O , P , LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
llulldinjr Paper , Etc. South lath
Nebraska Lumbero
Paid In Curiltal Stock , f 300,000.
iogecrs.munufaclurers iind v.-holcsale
ere. Mlllu . Mt-rrUI , Win. Whojcsala and rotul
dkulbuUil-j-uiU Ouittnu , Nub. C.llS.iilbS . ( .
Dealers In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale
Ifth Strrolnnd . u on I'ne fl Track. Omahl ,
n. WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Kill and Until Streets , Omaha , Nobraski.
j. A. ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Pnildlng Paporj. Snsb.DooM , Ullmls , Moulf
IIIRS , Plcketn , Posts , I.lmp , fluster , Haf ,
Ccmenu Nlntn ana Jones , Omnlm Nob.
Millinery ,
Importers and Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
IJin ond12U _ Hnrnoy Street , Omnlm , Neb
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Ftelnwny Pianos , Weber , Decker , Hnluosnml
llrlmr I'limos. Pncknnl Organs , Chnso
101 nml 1UU151U street.
Notions , Etc ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Oooil , Notion" , Gents' Kuri > llilnr Ooo < t * .
Goods from Now York. 'lYndo Sillos daily. 601
and Ka South 13th St. , Omaha.
Agents to ? V. A. Whitney OnrrlaRO Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jewell's Colobrnted Ito 'rltrerutors. 8ond
pu or prlco lists. HIS I'limnm t. , Oinulia.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company , i1'
m and 4W S. 10th St.Onmlm , Nob. >
Wholesale Doalem In Notions and Genta Fur-
nlsliliiK Goods.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , '
Gasoline , Mien Axle tircn c , Kle. A , II. Illshop ,
Mummer , Omaha , Neb.
Porlt Packing ,
Pork Packer and Shi'ppar ,
Omaha , Ncbra < ; kii ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Market , 1517 Dodire Street. Packing
hoitso , U. P. It. It. Truck , Omaha , Nob. Tolo-
\ihono \ No. 157. _ _ _ _
Safes and Locks ,
p. rtOYEH & CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire und lluwlar Proof Snfos.Tlma I ) cksVaultJ
und Jail work. 1020 I'lirnam gtrcel , Oniaha , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds.
Agricultural. Vctiotnlilu , Etc. Odd Vellowi * Hull ,
N. W. Cor. Hth and Dodura St . , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers ofl'iilnts , Oils , Wluduw ( Hum Etc. , llli
llainey Street , Omuhu , Neb.
z ; - )
Wholesale Druggist1 ,
And Dealer In Paints , Oils nnd Window Gloss ,
Omaha , Neb. , ,
Wines and Liquors ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
3203 ami KOI Douglas St. , Omnlm , Nub. Fno-
tories-Nos. i aud 'WJ , Ud Dlst. N. Y. J
111:0. w. nurTCAN ,
Successor to MONAMAUA & DUNCAN , Importer *
and AVholcsulo Dealers In
Y/ines / and
, Liquors Cigars ,
11 nnd ! ild S. Hth St. , Oinulia , Neb ,
Wines and Liquors.
Western Agent JQS. Scblltz UrowiiigCo. . 7103.
Uth Street , Oinulia.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1 IXtlDougltis Street , Omulm , Nob.
ILEIl k CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Manors. Solo manufacturers of KonnoJy's
Eut India Bittern. 1112 Hurnoy Street , Omaha ,
L. P. LARSON & CO. ,
Y/liolesalo / Dealers in Whiskies
And Cigars , nnd Grncrnl Agunts for tbo Philip
Jlostn' Cclobiatcd Mlhvuukeo lloer , Omaha , Neb
Harness , Etc.
Manufacturcra und Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , lilunkots and Hobes. 1U1 Furimtu
Slteut Omaha. Nub.
wocKery ,
" \vTrrwiuGHT ,
Aecni for the Manufacturers und Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , Utc. Ollleo , 317 South 13th
bticct , Omulm , Nob.
Whits Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
20th fit- , and U , P. Ity. , Oniaha. Neb.
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass1
Special brnnJs Faust , liudwolsur , Erlanior
Cor , Oth and Cnji't 1 A vo. , Omaha.
Into & SL P ill
The Short T.iiie
and Best Ronte >
From Omalu. . to the East
Chlciitfo , illmiuiiiiolls. Mllwuukbo ,
HI , Paul , Ccdiir lliiiiids , Davciiporr ,
Clinton. Diibiiijuu , Itoelilonl ,
ltocl < inland , I'icinioi-t , .lininsvlllo'\i \ > , Mndlson , LuCroeso ,
llfiolt. Wiiidiui
AuU all other Important point * 1'ust , NortUo4 i
und Bouihoaat.
Ticket ofllco nt HOI Farimin stioot , ( In I'lUton
Hotcll. nnd ut Union pHulllo Doj.ot.
Pullman .Bloopers bnd the Finest DlllliUf CUM
In tlio World uro run on tlio niiiln lines of tlio
fau-ry intention Is paid to pnsaunL'urii by courto *
oU8i > niiloyobor tliocompuny.
It. MII.I.UU , liiinunil .Mnnaijer.
J. K.TIIDKKII , Assistant ( lunoral Muiiavor.
A. v. II , iJAiii'KtfTKU. ( Jeninil I'uMuitaar a 11
Ticket Airont ,
liio. : K. IlEArKiiti ) . AbsUtuul Goiifrall'iisMiii
General Insurance Agent
pha-nlz Iiisuriinou Co. , Londim , Cu h
Absttii , . , , . , . . .
Wubtchesti-r. N. YM As oU , , . .
Glrns I'llllg , Ab itn - . - . . ,
( ilrunl Kiro , Phlludiihililu , Afsctn.