Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1886, Image 1

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Great Commotion Caused by Henley's Resolution
elution for Investigation.
Cleveland Cordially Greets Edmunds
Weaver * \Yorrlcil About
Sent 1'n tents to Western
Inventors Notes.
Uitlon Pacific UooklccoplnR.
WABIIINOTOX , March 9. [ Special Tele-
gram.J Tlio resolution of lleprescntallvc
Henley , which was Intioduced In the house
yesterday , to cicate a committee to Investi
gate thn Union Pacific Hillway company In
Its relation to the government , Is attracting
n great deal of attention among the officers
ot the Intel lor depaitment , under whom the
relations of the Pacllle railroads with the
government directly come. Both Secretary
Lamarand Assistant Secielary Jcnks think
that If the charges contained In the resolu
tion aie In any material degree correct , the
Investigation proposed should ceitalnly be
Inaugurated without delay. The books and
accounts of the Union Pacific company
have been examined , and It has been
found the system of keeping
the accounts of the Kansas Pacific load ,
which Is a part of the Union Pacific , elocs not
glvu an adequate approximation of tlio actual
net earnings of Its "aided" parr , 0 per cent ol
which Is eluo the government. Tlio business
ot the "aided" pait Is much In excess of that
ot the "unaided" part , but the accounts are
stated ns If they weio equal , the net catiiln c
of the entlru road being divided Into tvvc
paitsin pxiportlon to the length , thus giving
the gov eminent much less than its due.
Sccictary Lamar iccommends the load be
made to lender accounts which will show the
actual earnings and expenses of the "aided'
Another violation of the law which the de
partment has discovered on the part of the
Union Pacific is Its connection with the Pa
cific Mall Steamship company , to which I
has annually paid a subsidy In order to keoi
up thu transcontinental pool and shut of
competition in tialllc. Piior to the passage
of thu Thiirman act of 18T8 the govcinmen
was to iccuivoO per cent of that subsidy , If i
was a subsidy , and nothing of it was in tin
natuio of a lease. Fora number of yean
piIorto8T8 It Is claimed it was a subsidy
Alter tlio passage of the Thurman act tin
government was to lecclvo 25 per cent o
bitch subsidy. It is claimed by the interlo :
depaitmunt there is owing to the covcrnmen
on this account from the Union Pacific be
twcen ? roo,000 and SGOO.OOO. . Secretary Lamai
recommended to Secietary Manning that hi
proceed to collect the sum.
Henley said to-night they simply rehoarsec
tlio popular cxpicssion and belief as to tin
irrcgulaiities in thu lelutions of tlio Unioi
Pacific with tlio government. Tlio subjec
was one demanding full and piompt Invest !
gntion , and ho would appear for tlio commit
tee to-morrow to picbcnt the subject , For tin
resent the resolutions set forth all he catcs
to say in refeicncc to the matter. The ;
speak for themselves and tot fortli what hi
believes can bo i cattily sustained.
Mr. Josephs of Now Mexico , said : "Th
move to cieato a tpeclal committeatoliive'stl
itato the dealings of the Union Pacific rail
way with the government Is but the naturu
outcome ot the dissatisfaction of the wcbton
people over tlio management of the I'ajlll
lailways and their grasping nature. The in
vcstigation is a move in the light diiuctiot
and may develop some startling facts. "
Mr. Holmes of Iowa , said : "The resolutloi
Is creating considerable comment among tli
pcoplo Intoicbtcd In Union Pacific mattcu
Thu poweis to bo vested in the proposed con :
mltteo will bu very seaiclilng , and no doul
\vlllieveal some ( nicer facts. "
The sensation of thu piesldent's rcceptioi
to-night was Senator Edmund's appc.iranc
and thocoidial gieetlng ho received fiom tli
piesident. Senator Edmunds attiacted in ;
usual attention because lie entuicd at th
wiong door to the bluu room and had to pas
the line of ladles. He , however , marchoi
diicctly up to the president , nud , alter pn
Muting ills wife , grasped Cleveland's liaiul
Tliu piosldoiit ictuined the grip of tlio sour
tor In an extiomcly cordial manner , anel (11
not seem In the least taken aback. Cleveland
land stopped Kdmunds and talked with Iiii
lor a moment or two. .lust before Kdiinuul
moved on , Cleveland said something th ;
nindu them both laugh heartily. When He
mumlH approached Miss Cleveland she shoo
her linger jokingly nt him , but grasped boll
I Ids and Ills wile's hands couliully , The llttl
episodu was noticed and commented o
ficely by the guests.
Thu election committee of tliu house hcai
thonigiimunt In the Hind case from Oh !
to-day and fixed next Friday a week t
votu on It. They ult > o decided to hoar argi
ment In the e.iso ot Campbell vs Wu.ivei
liom Iowa , on Thursdiiyof this week. General
oral Weaver Is tcnlbly exeiclscdovcr th
new Iowa coiiginssionalappotloiiiiiontbil
nnd is whistling like thu boy going throng
the gwvoyaid to keep up his cour.ige. 11
Intemds to bo a candidate again , and sal
yesteiday hu could make a map ol the no'
sixth dlstiict that would c.irry the dlstih
ag.ilniorhlm. Ho Is In hopes Campbc
Villl not bu runomlnatud.
I'KVSioxs yon nisAiii.r.o soLninits.
Thu house committee on invalid pension
has uicod to report a bill givlnc ; the seildloi
of the lain war who have bccomu totally dlt
abled sluco their dlsuhaiga H pension of = 21
month and a less sum to these only paitlal !
disabled. Tliu bill Is not eloslgiicd to iissls
MiUlleis who aio now loeulvln- pension , 1
Is framed In thn iutuicst of snub soldlors wl ;
serveel six months or longer , and who sine
their discharge have received injuries froi
any cause whatever which may w holly or I
pail pievont them from earning a llvollhooi
Till ! SK.VATH AKl ) AlU'O TStr.XTS.
Ill executive .session this afternoon tl
senatelojected the nomination of the no
poitumster ut Hantsbuig , Iowa. It UstuU
upon good huimturlnl authority all a
polntment * made to fill vacancies created b
the suspension of ox-union soldiers or the
widow : , will ho rejected. Tills will opera
In fjuiton number ol cases In Iowa and Ni
braska and the noithvvcst generally , Frlene
of the olllchUs who have been suspended wl
aiu jet in posce.vilou of their ollicesmlvl ;
them to "Hold the foil. "
s > ; srijir.xT STIIOXOI.V IN ITS rAVon.
Congm-sman Audcison , of Ohio , called o
the commissioner of Internal revenue th
morning and hud an interview In rofei en
tn thu bill milking au Indefinite extension
thcbomled peiiod on whUky. Ho says tin
here Mieut * to bo a sentiment I
favurofthoblli , and ho believes it will b
co m u a law without serious delay. Comml
Eioncr Miller favors thoblll.
IVlenlswcTB tod.iy issued to Newell t
Angler , Sluattj Xeb. , folding bed ; John '
UAlilmaro anet J. V. P.iddlefard , No
Springs , Iowa , swluirlr. gnto ; Ueor o Ct
Icr , LeMar. ; , Iowa , , draft attachment S
wheeled vehicle's ; Unulcl W. Hltciicoi1
Ion a , col.'cs and yiuuut
Allen Johnson. Oltumwa , Iowa , screw ma
chine ; John W. Llghtfoat , Kesvvlck , Iowa ,
gate ; Charles McUride , Victor , Iowa , spade ;
Henry Menkc , jr. , DtsWltt , Neb. , revolving
fan ; I5oonioV. \ . Miller , Clarlndi , lovvi , at
tachment for windmills ; James 1) . Morri
son , llolnbeck , Iowa , platform for handling
stock ; Marsh JNoc , Davenport , Iowa , hamo
wot'M ) nn nxiixnNTiA
A close friend ot the president Is authority
for the statement that the rumors In circula
tion coupling Ex-Senator Hrnce's name with
the vacancy In the civil service commission
are true. lie says Secretary Lamar has
weighed Hruco's appointment In the strong
est possible manner , and that the president
had about decided tint to so compliment
Hiusc would gre.itly strengthen the demo
cratic parly with thu colored pcoplo both of
the south and north.
Commissions wcrei issued to-el.iy for the
following Iowa postmasters : Jesse H. Mey
ers , Whltten ; John Stoops , Page ; Thomas
0. White , Kvait ; Henry P. demons , . Clum-
ons.Chailes II. Copohas been appointed post
master at Kicuelom , a new oflico In Freintler
county , Nebraska , nud Charles Fry at Price ,
a now office In Anduuon county , Iowa.
! ' . II. Fall , formerly of tills city , now comity
juelgo of ln\es ; county , Nebraska , who has
bcun visiting friends hero , rctuins homo to-
WASIIIXOTON , March 9. Under the head
of unfinished business the senate took up the
resolution icpoitedby Mr. Edmunds from the
judiciary committee. These icsolntlons
among oilier things condemn the attorney
general for refusing to submit to the senate
pupcis culled for by tlio senate , nnd declare
that refusal to bo a violation by the attorney
general of his official duty and subversive of
the lundamuntal principles of the govern
ment and good administration. The resolu
tions also condemn the discharge from gov
ernment service of ex-Union soldiers. As
the lesolutlon was icael by the chief clerk
almost absolute silence prevailed on tlio
floor and in the gallciles. Tlio gnllciics were
ciowdcd to the apparent discomfoit of all ,
many persons being compelled to stand. This
was true of the roseivod gallery , to which
uelinlss'loii is only permitted by cards fiom
senators , many gentlemen and not a few
ladies faillii ! ? to line vacant seats.
Mr. Edmunds began his remarks in a rather
low tone , but his voice soon acquhedlts
usual full , clear , ringing volume. Ho said a
calm and orderly administration , of consti
tutional government was one In which the
icnato and house of rcin-cacntatives and the
resident and the people are equally Inter
ested , and for which they are all In tholr re
spective stations and places equally rcsonsi-
bio. It was In suppoit of that calm and
ordcily constitutional oxcicisoof the func
tions of government that he now addressed
timsclf to these resolutions , It has been
saiel that at least foi ty years have passed
inco any occasion of this kind has arlson
betvve'cn the executive elepaitmentof the gov
ernment and the senate , and when a llttl e
more than forty years ago a slmlllar but not
thu same question arose. It had been a long
time slnco any such question had c ngagccl
public attention.Instances in which
tlicio have been evinced slight reluctance
on the part of either the executive
or heads ol ! departments to respond tc
: alls ot cither the house or the senate or ol
committees for papers In the possession
cither of the executive or of the departments
have been verv few indeed. Sometimes in
case of political fever , as It might be called ,
tlieie has been evinced , wide years apart , re
luctance and hesitation on the pait of the ex
ecutive or heads of departments to do this
thing , and then , that storm being over , the
orderly administration of constitutional gov
ernment went on as before , and either house
of congress , on its request or Its doinanJ. as
the case might be , and of the committees of
cither house , coultl without dirccl
and positive authority send for persons
and papers , and always obtain from
the departments on their mere lequest every
thing they found necessary for tlio proper
discharge of their duties. Now again , after
almost half a century , the senate found Itselt
confronted by the lofusal of the head of tin
depaitment ot justice to transmit copies o
all papeis and documents relating , not te
persons but to things , relating not to officers
nut to offices on file in his depiilment.
In order that the penato might peifcctl'
understand how thu question stood ho causce
to bo icad the statutes relating to the ten tin
of. nlllco and icccsssus pensions. Mr. Edmund
thed dcllveicel an exnaustlva debate In de
tense ot Ills position.
In conclusion Mr. Edmuiuls said it did no
scorn to him that tlio senate could fail to ge
paiiers on the giound that thu statute on tin
htinjeet had become obsolete , or none into i
state of Innocuous disquietude. " [ Laughter.
The president himself hud bent to the senati
0-W instances of obedlencu to that Uivv , 041
nominations made under it , and Mr. Ed
munds thuicfoiu took it that the law wa
still In foicc.
Mr. Piurh obtained the floor , and tlio sen
ate went into executive session anel soon ad
jouined. _
WASHINGTON , March 0.Tho house passei
the bill icqulilng the Pacific railroads i <
pay the costs of sun-eying their lands and ti
taku out patents theieto.
On behalf of the committee on labor , Mr
.1 allies called up the bill tn prohlbl
any officer , servant or agent of the gov
ernment to hlio or lo contract out the l.Uio
of piisoneis tiicaicerated for violating th >
laws of the United Stale's goveinmunt. Th
bill was passcel yeas 3-1'J , noes 8.
The house then went Into thu committee o
the whole , Mr. Townshund In the chair , 01
the Indian anpinpiiation bill.
Ponellng discussion the committee lose am
the house adjourned.
Major Hamlbury Ruonmmcnda tin
Aluredobln as thn Rust.
WASHINGTON , March 0. Thu secretary o ;
war to-etay transmitted to the house the 10
ports of Chief of Engineers Novvton ami
Major Hamlbury of the engineer corps , U
reference to the surveys for thollenncpli
canal. Major Haudburg lecoimneiuts whu
Is known as tlio Meicdosla route. Ho ostl
mates the cost of the canal by this route a
55,8USOT , or about 81,000,000 less than by tli
other lonte sinveved. This estimate i
exclusive of the cost of the Dlxon feedei
which Is common to all loutes , and whle
will cost Sl.otVl.lir. Mayor llandbury saj
the Meioelosla loute Is better , cheaper , an <
iillordsa bettoriegulurbiipply of water thai
the other louto Mirveyed. General New to
adds , however , to his piuvlousiccommcndr
lion of the Kock Island louto , and says 1
offers the gi cutest commercial advantages.
The Telephone Investigation ,
WASHINGTON , Maich tl. The secret con
mlttcoof thu house , charged with telcphnn
Investigation , held u meeting for oiganlz :
tlon this afternoon. It was the geneud t-ei
ti men tot the committee that examination
of witnesses should bo publicly conductce
A sub-committee , coufritllug of Messis. Hall
and Mlllanl , will mocoed to take thu dcp <
Mtlon of Senator Vest , who requested ( lit
ho liu aftoreUnl the onportanity to explain In
connection with the ibauo ot i'ai ; Elevtrl
A Iini'el ' Selection I * eject 4(1 ( ,
WAUUX'OION , March O. Tha eecicliiry't
- eu-,1 a dcelaUm that thuVi
ectlon of some CO.OOO acres ot land made by
ho St. Paul , Minneapolis & Manitoba Ilail-
oail company within Dakota Is Illegal. The
elections were made between the six and
en mile limits , and were rejected because of
laving previously been selectcel as liulem-
litvlaudby the Northern Pacific railroad ,
and tha secretary holejs that priority of selec-
Ion gave priority ot right.
Work of the Committees.
WASHINGTON , March 0. The scnalo com
mittee on appropriations will report fin
amendment to Uio urgent deficiency bill ,
irovlding § 30,0X1 for the payment of the '
uneral expenses of the late General Grant.
The house committee on judiciary , by a
vote of 7 to 3 , directed an adverse repeirt upon
ilcprcscntatlvc Gates' bill piohlbltlng aliens
rom acquiring title to or owning lands
within ( he United State ? . Gates will make
n minority report and endeavor to secure the
lassage of the bill in the house.
WASHINGTON , Maicn 0. Tlio senate con
firmed the following postmasters to-day :
Adolph Engelman , Ucllevue , 111. ; T. P ,
Naughtln , Mansion WIs. Also , T. P. Mur
phy as United States attorney for the noith-
cm district of Iowa.
Ilo Clnps Ills TOIIKUO On the
Cheek ol'aCoakttoy Costermongor.
BOSTON , March II. [ Special Telegrnm.- ]
in his legular Monday le lmo yesterday ,
Ilev. Joseph Cook talked so plainly that II
dented a scene. Ho described the reconl
London expose as an explosion under tlu
chief Hull ( Sate of the woild. In the course
of Ids icmarks lie said : "I hope the day will
come when some pmo Ameiican acticss will
refu o to take dinner on thu Invitation
of the pilncc of Wales. " The np
plauso which followed this allusloi
was ininctnicd bya distinct hiss from the
gallery. Mr. Cook tin ned with an cxpiesslon
of Hiry lu that direction and shouted :
"Who is it licio that defends tliu position ol
n spaniel of ailstociacy ? Who Is it here thai
expresses himself in the language belong
Ing to one of the shallowest ofcicaturcs
and opposes nn clfoit to pluck innoccn
maidenhood out of the jaws of that iniimu
dler of respectability , which Isiotten to the
core ? If any Englishman hisses here "
A middle-aged Englishman sudelenly rose
nnd pointing his linger at the lecturer , said :
"Mr. Cook , I am hero to protest " but he
got no further for the audience bioko into r
rounel of applause. The man made two 01
thrco attempts to say a word , but ho was not
allowed to proceed , nud ho finally sat down
"If any Englishman hisses here , " con
tinned Cook In his severest manner , "let liln
go home and tell his aristocrats that wo Ir
Ameiica want nothing to do with their con
taglous diseases act [ Applause ] nnd that we
mean to join hands with all friends o :
genulno reform In putting laws covering per
sons and propeity on tlio same level [ Ap
plause ] . 1 ask for such icforms In icligioui
and scientific instiuction as shall favor tin
pledge of the White Creiss league. I asl
in the field of social custom for early mar
riages and for equal social poultices for inoi
and women. [ Applause ] . I ask lastly for tin
execution of all laws now on the statuti
books , whether they affect man or woman
and I ask that the gilded saloon and brothc
and the liquor traffic on tlio one hand , ane
tlio social evil on the other , bo attacked a
the two sides of the chiel Hell Gate of ou
time. "
Oiio More Death Yesterday Tin
Cause Not Determined.
PiTTsntmo , March 9. The causes whicl
led to the terrible explosion of liie-damp li
Unlondale mines , near Dunbar , yesteiday
have not yet been determined. Tlio mine Inspector
specter says he was in the pit last night , bu
tlieie was so much gas that it was imposslbl
to form any opinion as to where It gonei
ateel. The coroner anlved at Dunbar thi
morning nnd empanelled a jury , which ael
journcd till Thursday , when It i
supposed sufficient evidence ) wil
bo produccel to decide the cans
of the disaster. John Cope , jr. , ono pf th
Injured , dleel this morning. His father wa
killed In the explosion yesterday. Whil
Mrs. Cope was at the mine looking after he
dead husband and injuied son , her iul'an
child elicd suddenly at her home. Of clovei
others seilously injured two will probabl ;
die. The pit boss is In a critical condition
but may survive. Others aio losting eas ;
and will lueovcr. The mineis in Morrell
Wheeler , Calvin. Atlas and Anchor pits wil
lie oidercd out by the mine inspector nntl
the mines are cleared of elangerous gas.
ProspectH of Ijlvely Competition Up ii
Montnnn Territory.
Hr.i.iiNA , Mont. , March 9. This town i
thn contio ot what promises to bo a btubbon
railroael fight , and the prospect makes ever
shipper happy. Dining last January th
Montana Central luihoacl was Incorporate
to build local lines to open up the local golt
sliver and coal mln cs. A short tlmn ago th
citizens of Helena invited Chief Englnec
Barclay of the Canadian Pacific to vlsl
them , anel it In now piouoscd t
connect tlio Canadian Pacific with the cor
load , and this will tap the very center n
profitable raiiipading In Montana. Th
Canadian Pacific ; will bo a dangerous con
pctltor ot the Union and Northern Paclli
lallroads , as It was built by government at
nnel having no Intcicst to pay and their ow :
connection with ocean Hteamers. can atlm
to tianspoit cattle , oios anel bullion at rate
much lower than thu other roads can do.
" \VaiMBh Directors'
Sr. Louis , Maicli 0. The stockholders c
the Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific Uailioai
company held their annual meeting to-da
for the election of five diiectois , at whlc
151,010 shales were voted. Thu followliij
gentlemen weie elected : A. L. Hopkins , 1
Sage , K. L. Ames , O. D. Abhloy and L. 1
Claik. No icpoit was lead.
ThoRnnd Fairly Prosperous.
CHICAGO , March 0. The annual leport c
the Peoria , Decatur k Evansvlllo railroad , If
sued to-dav , shows the gross eiuiings fc
lbs.weto STMyJS-t , against 8759,707 In IbS
Thu npjiatlng expenses weioS4's9a39 , agaim
Sc2rb-ii ( in lb.M. Not eainings , compared wit
IbSJ , bhow nn incieasu of $51,734.
The Transcontinental War.
CHICAGO , Match 9. Notwithstanding th
action of the Pacific Coast association llnei
the Union Pacific has made a rate of '
cents per 10J pounds on all classes of trclglr
Tlio Denver it Uio Gianelo also made sue
a late , but wlthdiuw It. The Union Pacific' '
action is announced to bo on the theory tin :
tlio fieicer tlio war the toouer the combatant
will tiiu of the light and seek to compromise
Freight Rules Cut Deeper.
CHICAGO , Maich 0 , The cut rate ot J
cents per hundied pounds for freight de
lined to Pae-ilic coast points was lovveied stl
fmther to-day. It is repotted the Clnoagi
UuUlnuton & Oulncy load made contracts i
tiguies matciially below the BO cent rate.
Sohttefer Rents Vliiiinu.v.
NKW VOUK , Miuch 9 , Maurice Ylgnau
and J ceb Srhueter played the first section e
the Mlllaid match heio to-night in tliu pic
euico of a good j-l/ed audience. The cond
tlons aioyiuo points up , in riye night's pla ;
6M points per iiibbt , lointeon lucn balk HE
carons. SHuiieroii the bink r.nd clios
thu spot hall. Ho seumed In b lte > r toini tha
his npiwncut , ami hold the lead thrnu lieni
exct'PJ Inr a moment at 3SJ , vvhtm VlKuau
nstil him by ono point on Ills line tun i
t % Seew : Se'hai'fer iMO , avx-rauo 20 U-2t
lnaWS , average 23 1S-2-J.
Transportation Only By Tie Pass. Over the
Gould Southwest System.
Officials or tlio Interested Rends Sub
mit Statements of the Dim-
culty Strikes mid Boy
cotts Kvcrywhcic.
The Situation In the South.
ST. Louis , March 0. Thcro Is no change In
the situation of the strike this morning , "flu
most Important and serious development n (
this point , and that which will result mosl
disastrously to passenger traffic , Is Its ex
tension to the yard and switchmen of the
Urldge and Tunnel company. Tfis [ inovo In
crudes oil employes or the company except
engineers and liromeii. The superintendent
of the tinnsfcr and thrco yntrt masters will
attempt to make transfers as usual. The slg-
nlllcanco of this elcpaitiito can bo beltoi
nndeistood when It Is known that B2 ;
men are employed In Imiulllnc
the trafllc which passes over the biielso , anel
it is not possible tor four mun at each end ol
the brldgo to tlmnv .switches and pcrfornl
oilier duties incidental to the business. A
Inbryinth of hacks coincide nt the entrance
to the biidgu and tunnel on both sides ot the
river , and the switches are woiked by an
automatic and comullcatcd system of lovers ,
wnlch can only bu miuiasoel by men trained
In their vise. The places ol laborers about
the yauls m'uht bo icadlly supplied , but
switchmen , skillful In the manipulation
of the switching contrivances now
employed and possessing knowledge ot In
coming and outgoing tiains , are by ex
perience , and their places cannot be sup
plied by ( { icon hands. AH fi eight trafllc
over the bridge was entirely suspended tin ?
morning , and none except passenger trains
w ° re allowed to pass over since last night.
Passenger trains arn made np by the yardmasters -
masters and biidgo superintendents , who
also do all switching necessary to bring th < > ,
trains Into position at the union depot. Each
road is obliged to use its own engines in
making tip and transferring its cars , as
noae of the bildiio engines aieinusc. The
Ihlelgo company's engineers r.avo not yet
gone out , but they i el use to do any \voik
whiclihas hilheito been done by the shop
men , such as cleaning , rcpaiiing , etc. When
ever an engine becomes injuied or its ma
chinery needs cleaning , there is no one to do
the w oik and it Is put aside. All passenger
trains from the east and west have suc
ceeded in starting out this morning , but all
Imvo boon more or less delayed on account
ol the dlfliciilty the few men in the yards
and depot experience in making up trains.
At the Missouri Pacific and lion Mountain
roads everything is quiet , and no disuu banco
occurred and none Is expected. Squads ol
guards appointed by the knights continualj !
patrol the yards.protectlug the company's
property , and disnoising jn-oups of men wlic
b'ecanie at all excited in discussing the situa
tion , and in this wuy perfect order pi avails.
A minor to tho. effect thai ) ' ali
knights employed by all roads , whicl :
have yaids in East Bt. Louiswlll btriko thJJ
evening is in circulation. This 1ms bemi
continued by ono of the superintendents ol
the Bridge and Tunnel rompany , who sayt
sucluv move is certainly in contemplation
The knights when questioned about the allair
maintain btilet silence , and wa'Uc no state
ment in continuation or denial of the ru
mor.A sub-official of the Missouri Pacific roae
said to a icpoitor-List night : "You are await
that wo aio expected to / > ay nothing and &av
wood , but I will say confidentially to youtha'
from what I know , inq extent and menu in ;
of this double is more alarming- than tin
head ofliclals would admit under any cir
cumst.inces. The men who are parttcipatinj
In this stilko uio better able now that
before to fight to the bitter end , and the com
pany cannot refuse to respond to the appeal !
of the shippers very long. I do not say thai
the strike is jiust or warranted , but I do sa ;
that It cannot bo put down asquietly and a'
quickly as could bo wished. It will not sto ]
wheio it is. There is not n , freight wheo
turning , and were it not for tlio Uliitee
States mails , it is my opinion passengc
trains would bo stopped as well. Unless i
compromise is eilectcd , the strike of 1880 wil
bo more bitterly contested than the one o
1S77. "
LITTLE HOOK , Ark , March 9. This morn
Ing the Iron Mountain raihoad managers dis
charged twentvlivo truckois , nil fieigh
cleiks , and notified the transler companies U
clear tlio depot of ill 1,1 re I wit.
OAluo , 111. , March 9. OF ) the Iron Moun
tain railroad DP freight is tfolnfl hapdled her
or at Bird's Point. Tassenzer trains for iii <
canlage of mail will be'alili from hero t\
usual. About eighty 1111:117 : Including brldgi
carpenteis , fetuiok List night - * . * .
OAI.VISTO.Maicli U. 'he News' specla
from Palestine , Tax. , say's : The railroai
ofliclals attempted to take through four caret
ot live stock , but they failed as the striker
had tampered with the nngiups.
ST. Louis.MirchO. The mana crsof the
MIsMmii 1'aejnc olllccs of this city to-'ela
notiiicd tlioir clerks that they hhd decided d
relieve them fidmiduty indefinitely. Thi
action 1 as been taken by the conip.iny to cm
tail as much as possible expenses dining tli
continuance ot the Knight ? btiiko upon thcl
road. Tljo order affects sixty tclegrap'
operator , and -00 ofllce cleiks.
ST. Louis. Mnich P. This morning ai
order was issued by II. M. lloxlo , first vice
president of tlio Missouri Pacific raihoad , t
the heads of nil the departments of tlio rcu
"to at once dispeiibo with tlio services o
every employe not positively necessary t
tlio company in its present cripple
tionditinn. " This means that ovc
100 telegraph npcrntos | , 1.500 freiglitjhoiw
hands , bOO clerks , iSJeiOsslng watcimen ) , 1C
to 150 firemen , and many other employes o
the Mlssomi Pacinc aio let out forthetliii
being. It is quietly undcrstoQd that tli
engincniH will iccolvo at least half pay. nn
tliu liiemeu who nio not In the Still ;
will bo Heated llKcwise. All told , it I
stated that npaiiy 5,000 person
not Inteicsted in the ptesent strike will su
lor loss ot their salaiies until the knights re
tinned to woik. It is staled on thu uiitlioiit
of a high official that Individual notices at
being sent by the company to all strlkei
that their mimes are stricken fiom the pa
rolls and they are discharged from the scrvic
of the company.
The Railroad StUo of the Dlflloult
Stated by pa Oflloor.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Mnjch 0. 11. SI. Hoxli
first vice president of the Missouri Pacili
railroad company , furnishes the Associate
press with tlio follow Ing statement regaulin
the stilke now cndstlnjf onthatioad. It :
addressed , "To ttie employes of the Missou
Pacific Itallroad compauylnascd and opei ate
lines. " 4 ;
"That all may understand-the present coi
dltlon of affairs , whereby some 10,000 , me
have been thrown but of employment , tli
operation of about five thousand miles (
inllway stopped , and the traffic of foi
states , affecting aver four million peopli
partially pamlyzcd , I desho yiiu to read an
carefully consider the following facts , ft
which abundant evidence canbopioduce
and which cannot bo controveiled ,
"On the 15th ol March , 1685 , tlio strike the
pending over this entlio system was mottle
by voluntary mediation of the executives c
Kansas and Missouri , andn circular was !
sued which was suUIclontly satisfactory t
raur-o an entire resumption ot work. Dm in
tloiib , were met and all the grievances pai
didly discussed. Satisfactory agreement
worn then entered jnto , BO that on May I1
IbSS , it seemed that perlect harmony exlstc
between all as co-labinen > of the'sfecompanle
Any infraction of this spirit <
letter of understanding or agreements mac
, ly the company and Itb employ es were speei
lly rectified as boon as brought to the uttei
lion of the proper niithoiHies. This apparui
haunony and goeul understanding continue
until September following , wheu this conm ;
ny was notified by thy Knights of Labor th ;
It must not perform any woiklnrliorlnte
change any uuoliu-bs with th * Wubush lal
way , with which that organization had
dllucultles pending. The executive commit-
oo of the Knights of Labor stated nt thai
; lmo no cause of oilcvanco of nny
nature existed ntcalnst the Missouri
Pacific railway and Its associated companies ,
tort to force the Wnbash , which was in the
hands of tlio United States court , it would be
necessary to Involve thoMlssourf Pacific tail-
way on account of the supposed Identity ol
the stockholders' Interests. In order that
there inlnlit bo no possible cause for destroy
ing the coort tcellnp then misting between
this company and Its employes , the ordei
above referred to was acquiesced In until the
Wabash difficulties weio adjusted. On Ue
cembcr 1C , 18 . the United States court
took liossosslon ol tlio Texas < S
Pacific railway In Louisiana and Texas ,
for the benefit of Its creditors , and from that
date tic | severance of that railway fiomthls
system has been as complete sas If no ami
cable relations had ever existed between
these companies. The employes of UK
Texas & Pacific railway became employe. ;
ami Selelon , the receivers , took possession ol
the Texas Pacific railway , appointcr
thqlr own agents and made such ar
rangcmcntJ with their employes as
they deemed proper nnd lit ; a1
to whleh the management of the Missouri Pa
clllc railway cxeielsed no volco or rontro
whatever. It is learned that on Maich 2 em
ployes ot the Texas Pacific railway Inaugu
rated thoMrlkc , giving as a icason thatoiK
Cahall , of the car elopartmcnt ol that roai
In Marshall , Texas , was discharged without
duo cause' . On Tlnusehiy , the -lili Inst. , the
Knights of Labor ordered the boycott of the
Texas Pacific cais and tiaflio over thlsioail
and such nirangcments weio tlioieupon made
as not to penult that order todisluib thonp
parcnlly pleasant iclatlons with our em
ployes. At 10 a. m. , Satuielay the filh inst. ,
without previous notice1 , nil of thn shopmen ,
most of the yardnionand many of tliolrack-
men stoppcei their work , and volunlailly re
lusod to continue as employes ot this com
pany. merely stating to their foremen that
they had iccclvcd orelcis rcmitiinu this from
the executive olllceis of the Knights ol
Labor and alledng as their only giievanco ,
the dlsMiaigc of an employe by the icceivers
of the Texas Pacific lailway , an alien road in
the hands of tlio United Sates couit. Since
the commencement of tills stiikc. at man }
point j , the local commitloa of thu Knights ol
LaDor has notified our foiemon and superin
tendents that tluiy would appoint anel place
their own watchmen over our piopeity to
piotect it Irom loss and damage , and to take
care of the same , but us these self-appointee )
watchmen assume tlio authority as tc
whom nud who shall nut entci
the giouuds anel pioperty of tlio company ,
except through their own order , It is vir
tually dispossessing this company of Us pi op
city anel assuming control nnel possession ol
the same , in violation ot all lights of proper
ty and contrary to the very basis of all gov
ernments. This company has made noob
jectlQiis to the existence of oigani/.ations ant
combinations of employes , which the lattci
c6nSider for their mutual benetit. It has rcc
ognlzccl and met the committees ot such or
gunlzatlons and made ngieemonts with the
same without any distinction and can led then
out as exactly ns possible , piomptly aeliust
Ing all complaints and differences which have
from time to tiiuo arisen.
" \Vlieu loyal employe permit themselves
to bo eoverncd and contiollcd by discon
tented co-laboiers , they necessarily sull'cr
equally with them the consequences of ill
advised action , therefore the necessity o
their individual efforts to rcstoio proper icla
lions between tlio company and its employes
It must bo well known ami lecoghizce
that the capacity of a coipoiation te
meets its payrolls and vouchers donends or
Its capabilities to earn money , and that wliei
its earn lag power ceases , its ability to pay iti
employes and its other creditors ceases at tin
same .time , as Its dally and monthly payments
monts are made from Its daily anel montlir
receipts. _ ' The company is legally reeiulred ti
"do all In perform Its-obligation !
to the public anel to the government , and It
management will take every proper measur
to comply with tnesb requirements ; anel I ear
nestly hope every independent , fieo thlnkini
laborer \vlio has been or is in tlio employ o
these companies will consider tficso facts am
inform himself on all sides of the subject
remcmboiing that never before has there bcei
an act so arbitrary , useless and uncalled leas
as this Of last Saturday , whereby a lew men
to whom you have voluntarily givci
the power , are depriving many o
their co-laborers of their accustonioi
wages , divesting thl3 company of ca
pacity to pay Its employes for the !
services , shutting up the a\cnucs ot traflic i :
four states anel preventing some millions o
people Irom obtaining their customary sup
plies anel necessaries ot lit'o , because , it I
claimed , that one of the employes of th
car elepaitment of the Texai Pacific road s
Marshall , Texas , o\of which this compan
has lie control , has been dlscliaiged by th
agents of tlio United States couits.
First Vice Picbielenl.
Their Statement ol the Causes Tlin
Led to the AValkout.
ST. Louis , Maicli 9. The Knights e
Labor to-elay furnished the Associated pies
a copy of a lengthy letter addressed to I
M. Iloxlc , first vice-president of tlio Ml' '
souri railway , In answer to lloxie
statement published to-day. Tlio subatanc
of the letter is as follows :
A short time ago tlio Tc\as & Pacific con
pany employed some seventy men to woi
In tlio machine shops of the company o
condition that when the company wn
thiough with their services , In tniity , si\t
and ninety days the men wonlel bo dl
charged. Instead of dischaiglng th
men as agreed upon , old employe
weio discharged , In our opinion , bi
cause of their prominent position i
tils organl/atlon of the Knights of Labo :
The company iclused to hear and adjust th
Kilevnuco 01 Conductor IJissctt , who wr
dismissed without sutlicent cause. Uibse
was an earnest vvoikcr in the cause ol tli
Knights of Labor. The next grlovanco inoi
tioncd Is the dlschaigo of 0. A. Hall , alrcad
leferml to In thebodispatches. . lla
was chaigeel by thei compan
with neglect of duty , being absor
seivcral days without cause. The letter state
Hall was absent to servo as a delegate at
meeting of thu Knights ol' Labor ut Ma
shall , Texas , by permission of his supenlc
olliccrs , notwithstanding tlio poi.slstont il
nial of the latter. When Hall ii
turned liom tlio meeting hu f'oiin
a letter announcing his dlscharg
A committee was appointed an
waited on Mr. Ciosby , Ilnll'hMineilor , to a
eeitaln why Hall was elischaiged. Ciosl ;
said because ) ot Ids incompetence and dcnir
Hall had ever asked his pcrmihslem to bo u
bent. After icpeated ovcitnies to the i
cclvcis for a hearing on the matter , the ex
cutlvaboaicl first submitted thu question I
the dllleiont local assemblies on the sy
teni for their action , which was tin
Hall being reinstated , theretoro It is plai
the action taken in tills stiikc was vohmtai
on the part of each and every man belon
Ine to tlio Knights of Labor.
The letter is signed by P. J , Nolan , clmi
man , and John A. Williams , vice chalimai
by oreler of the local executive committee.
The Material Fuctu of the Ktriko o
the Toxiia & Pacific.
ST. Louis , March 0. A very long slat
ment , containing all the mateilal lacts 1
connection with the strike on the Texas
Pacific raihoad , made by Kx-Goverm
Drown , lecelvcr of that load , 1ms been i
celved hero. The ) essential pai ts of tlio slat
ment are us follows : Having rcfeireel to tl
appointment of the receiveis of the load , K
celver liiovvn states that when about Decei
berO ho vsetit to Marshall on businesses
nected with his ofllco ha was waited upon I
n committee of thu employes of tlio shops ai
abkcd If the recelveia would latlty tlieugie
ment made by the management In ion
March , ibM. Iteceiver Uiovvn lupllcd tli
the piopeity being managed under outeis <
tlio court , and the iccciveis being the agt-n
of that couit , the sanction of the eourtv. .
neces > aiy befoiobiich action bo taken , b
that thu iccclverb would deal frankly wii
tlio operatives and the bame late ot wag
would bo paid them as paid by tlio form
management. None of the iceeiveis thei
after ed any complaint until Drown
January iccclveda communication pmpoi
lug to come trout W. M. Aluuiu nnd uthci
Mgncd as n committee , \\hlch again
Irow his attention to the agreement ,
n copy of which was enclosed ; also , a code 01
regulations they wish him to endorse. These
regulations expressed n desire for harmonl-
ins relations between the Texas & Pacific *
railway company and the Knight of Labor ot
said load , desiring that theio bo no reduc-
ion In the rate ot wases ; unless mutually
agreed upon ; that no discharge bo made
without just cause and Investigation , and
hat all disputes bo rofeiled to nil arbitrary
committee of six mombeis , which
would bo drawn cmmlly from the
eomnauv and the Knlgnts of Labor.
To this Brown replied substantially as to the
othcrcommlttcc , nddlni ; further tlio informa-
Ion showing that the court only had final
uilsdlctlonin tlio matter. Tim reply con-
iluiles with n statement that ot
lmrecol\cifl to sign the agreement icfeired
, o , lo do which the po\yerhm > .sted In tliem
was Inadequate , was tlio QlB'CAiKo "oTUio
strike , nnjl any other Allegation Is an after-
.houftht or certainly not the grievances 10-
fened to tlio reechor ! * .
Followlns this tlie statement contains
communtculoiis , commencing I'VlnuaiyJl ,
letwecn T. ,1. Uawen , T. .1. Buiuctt and
Mnitln Irons , rcspcctlxcly inembeisot and
ehaliman of the executive committee of the
Knights of Lnlior , aiuKieurge Xoble. general
agent for the icceheiheiuln Xobln Is
isked to come to Marshall to settle tioublo in
: hQsunns , tn which XobK1 , nnt rcoo'iiUlhg
the aiitlioilty of the signers , icplicd ova-
slvcly. To subsequent dispatches
of tlio same tenor mid the final
one asking If Noble had ircelved
thu dispatches , tlio latlur replied ho had not
answoied because ho know of no tionblo In
, ho shops nor of any authority vested 111 Mar-
: ln Irons to icpro-icnt the emiiloyes or the
court , to whom thu company ImespoiiMble.
I'ho statement says the men left ( ho shops
mdoubtedlv upon the older of Mr. lions ,
ind have not yet icturned. Tliobeltet that
a majority ol tlio men went out against their
wishes Induced the eoinpanv to oiler them
ho pilvllego of ictuinlng Maich ) , which
tliuv declined. Tlio statement avois the dls-
chargn of C. A. Hall is an afterthought with
ho strikers. Hall's discharge was on ac
count of his incompetcncy.
L'owelcrly DCIIOUIICCH Attoinptn to
JrnR the Order Into Disrepute.
GAI/VISTON , Texas , Maich 0. Tliero is
iiuch discussion among the knights rcgaret-
ng the new political paily known as tlio
"United Labor Pnrtv , " the birth of which at
Decatur , 111. . Is published In this mornlim's
wpers. The knights Generally favor
ho cicatlon of a distinctively labor p.uty
PiHi.A iii'itiA. Maich . itastor woik-
nan Powderly , upon being shown the state-
nont published this morning that tlio
Knights of Labor of Illinois had formed n
political party under the auspices of the
order , dcclated it untrue , and said that If
such a thing Is attempted by any
dlstiict or local or stale assembly
ot the Knights of Labor tliu chatter ot the
joily will bo iccallcd. The aider cannot bo
.uincd into a political party. While ictorin
n politics is sought for , it must not como at
the expense of tliu order. No distiict. local
or statn assembly has It in its power to do-
claie itself a political machine for ony pur
Boycotts Eiuloel and Strikes Itinugu-
rateel In Various Places.
CHICAGO , March 9. A meeting was hold
last evening between the boot and shoe firms
of Phelps , Dodge & Palmer , Sclz , Schwab &
Co. , and C. H. Fargo A Co. , on one side , and
the executive boaid of the State Assembly ot
Knights of Labor on the other. The object
was to discuss the employment of convlel
labor by tlio manufactuieis and the recent
boycott piociaiinedagainsttlioni torso doing.
An amicable settlement waa airangcd with
ourdifllcuity. - Tlio several firms agreed up
on the expiration of the existing obligation !
and contracts to dispensu with the employ
ment ot convict labor. In consideration of
that agiocmcnt the boycott was tcuninated.
" ATroy , N. Y. , Boycott Rained.
Pnir < ADEi.riiiA , March 9. Tlio boycott
which has been running for some cightcci
mouths on the stoves and ranges mannfac
factmed by the Fuller & Warren company 01
Tioy , H. Y. , was lilted today. Ailiclus o :
agreement were signed In which the firn
pledged itself not to discriminate against tin
Knights of Jiiabor in tliofutmc , to leinstatl
discharged employes as fast as sitmitioni
could bu found lor them , and to suspend
pending Investigation , some twenty-live em
ployes who formcily belonged to the Knight
of Labor but hnd deserted the organization
Convict Laborers.
Louibvn , ! , ! : , March 9. A special to th
Times says : The soldiers guaullng the con
vict camp at Gicenwood mines , Pulask
eounty , had a livuly tlmo of it last night
Tlio lice miners occupied tlio adjacent hill
and kept up a continued shooting all niglil
No shots wcie hied into the camp , but th
convicts were badly ( Tightened ami thu sol
dler.s witli diawn guns kept guard till mom
Ing , when the miners dispersed.
Another Success Scorcel.
PiTisnuiio , Maich 9. The inlneis at tin
Loyal Ilnnna Coal company's works at
Latiobe , Pa. , who struck yesterday for a :
Increase of in percent , lusumed work to
dav , the company conceedlng the advance
b'ltteen bundled men employed by tli
Birmingham and Alegliony sheet cariinu
threaten to btiiko on account ofthudif
cliai c of several men because thov bclongei
to tliu Knights of Labor oiganl/.atlon.
JMIncrs Gain Their Politr.
SIIEXANDOAU , Pa. , Maich ' . . The difll
culty at the KntcUoibockcr colliery near lieu
by which 60J men and hoys were tluown on
of employment , was adjusted to-day , th
company conceding the demand lor nn at
vance of 81 per yaul for mining the Hue !
.Mountain .seam , It is piopnscd topnttw
sets oi men to woik on each bieast , one b
day and thu other by night.
Another Strike of Drivers.
Tnov , N. V. , Maicli 9. On the stieet ca
llnef > between Tioy , Lanslngburn , Cohot
and Wntuiloid no cais weiu stalled till
morning. The < onductnrs and dilveis to th
immburof Unco hundred wuro oidcicd on
stiikohy the Knights of Labor because ? th
comiuny ict'iibcd to mnkua new schedule c
wagus lorexti.i men , or'tilppers. "
The Carpenters' Strike.
Ni\v : VOUK , Maich 9.-TJio stilke of tli
caipunteis and jolncis lias been very su
ccbbtul. Nearly all employ ei.s Imvo uiantc
thu demands of tlio men , and the latter hav
begun wnjk under the average 'of si.50pe :
day of nine houi.-t. nnd eight houis on aa
unlay. Only about ODD hundied men m
now out Fifty resumed woik to-day undi
the now agieenicnt.
Suhintttnel to Arhlt ration.
PiTTSnuno , Maich 0. W. P. Keno , tli
coal operator , and a committee ol his en
ployes fiom tlio McDonald mines , at a nieo
Inir to-night agreed to submit existing wac
dllkreiicus toaibltiatlon , selecting Itnv. 1
11. Donahue , I'joibyfeiian minister , and He1
Father Htckey of thu IJrnddock C'atholl
chinch ns aibitratois.
The Coppers Coining In.
> Tr.W Yoinr , Match 0. A sjiechil to tl :
Post from Washington Rays thai a piomlnei
Knight of Labor Is ii-sponslblo for the. stati
mr-ntlliat that organisation Is pu-parlng t
ciiiull in Its membeislilii the policemen i
thu lame ei tics of the country usp.utof tl :
sv.igu woikeis ot thu nation.
Six Hundred Coal t\iztcra \ Qt \ ,
Pimnuuo , March 9. A Huntlngtoii , Pa
special says : Six hundred mineis in tl
lliintington dlatilct btr uuk In-day forte
cents par ton advance In wages , and at
mcellnK held this at lei noon i wolved t
abldu by the Cleurtiold mineia' cori cntlui
Had Xi > Love Icloithu I'"oroinan.
K\\xsvn.i..i : , Ind. , Maichl * . One hutidrc
and fifty men in tlio employ of A.mibtroug
Co. , fin ttltuie makers , quit woik today I )
cau o the linn ietuCU to dl''chm c 411 u
noxious lutumau. , ,
Three Hoosier Outlaws Hnng Up by Am
Euragcd Mob of Lynchcrs.
Horn of the Snmo Mother , Tholr Rcclo
ICSR Course oT Crime Kudu In
Speedy Justice hy tlio
'H lte > po.
Triple Touching IQ ludlnnn. '
APi'ii s , MUrch 6. A special to the
Journal fiom Shoals , Ind. , sajs : The notorious
rious Are-hcrs , who have been confined In
ho county jail several weeks under the
charge of murder , expiated their horrible
ci line at the hands of a determined mob at
12:20to-nlghl. :
The mob marched quietly Into the town
and dliectly to the jail , situated In West
When the Jail was re.iched the keys wcro
lemandcdhlch weio refused , when the
spokesman ordeicd them to go In.
The front door was batteicd down and the
ion cell doois trentrd likewise.
After gaining nn entrance and spending n
shotttlmo with the doomed nicu , they wcro
ed out In tlio midst of thu mob and taken to
hu couit yard adjoining the jail.
llut few words were exchanged dining the
entire perfonnance.
They selected the trees on which they
were to bo hanged , when tlio noose was
ilaced on their icspcctho necks , and afton
exchanging a few Darling woids concerning
heir crimes , to which no answer was re
ceived , the word was given to haul up.
In a very few moments tlio thrco lifeless
> odics of John , Mai tlu and Thomas Archer
could bo seen suspended in mid air on the
je.iutifu 1 maple ticcs 111 fiont of the couu
The mob then quickly disbanded , leaving
their victims In the position in which they
net their doom.
In a few moments after the mob had dis
persed tlio court ymd was filled w Ith anxious
laities becking a glimpse of their lifeless
The people are wild with excitement. '
A Family Slaughtered Ncur
Mission , Kansas.
OSAOU MISSION , Kan. , March 0. Ono of
the most honlblo muideiseverknown In thla
country was perpetrated yesteiday inornlnc
near this place. Mr. Wendell , living thirteen
miles northwest of town , was awakened
about. o'clock by n scieam. Ilo went to the
door and was met by Willie ) Sells , fepn of' ' n '
neighbor , J. W. Sells. The boy ciled out- '
"Mr. Wendell , a man is at our house * with a
hatchet and has hurt father and mother , I
don't know how badly. " "Wendell went
with the boy , mousing J. J. luce , another
neighbor , on the way. Upon reacnlnc Hells'
house the most horrible sight met their oycsj
lu the bed in tlio north room lay Waller.
Willie's eldest brother and bedfellow
aged 10 , his tlnoat cut and the entlio top
ot his head chopped off , exposing tjip brain ,
and his light cyo hauglhg upon his cheeky
Passing into the houth nnd nmln roomwltro | *
tlio light was burning , they stumbled ovei .
the inostrato form or" Mr. Sells , his hcricl1
crushed and almost seveied fiom his body. .
Near by lay Mis. Sells , n lady of 4J ! ycais ,
her head mashed and a teartnt gash in hei
throat. On a bed in the soutlieabt corner oi
the loom lay Ina , Willie's , sister , aged H ;
killed in the same manner as thu other three/ .
Lying near Mr. Sells' head was a bloodw
butcher knife , and on a chair a hatchet , mat *
ted with hair and blood. The boy said that
he had beicn awakened by tiomotUIng , anel
looking 'up saw a ld\v , hfrrvvy-set man wlthV
dailc hair cut close standing In th'p elqfir/-
This man staggered In anel loacmhg over. '
Willlo , stinck Waiter , who lay 111
the b.iek of tlio bed. Willlo jumped oufr
and dicsseel vvhllo tlio man was still
in the loom. Tlio man rushed out of ono , ]
door , wlilh ) Willie went out of the 6tner , anel
stalled up the joad on the inn , Willie alter
him. A bhoit distance oil blood a , muw on i
hoisubacK , lioUIIng another hoiboiipon wliloh '
the man vaulted nud both made oft. Willlo
then went on to Wondoll'6.
Alter thu bodies had bce.n discovered , Illco
took Willie home ) vvifh him , when he slept
soundly till moining. Acoionci's jury wai i
cnnpanuilcd and a subsequent Invustigntion-i
biought loiih much fiom thu boy. Suspicion i
icsteil upon him and ho was put on then
bland. Ho swore that lie had not washed hi8 ,
hands since ! the luuidor. but ah luspcc- '
lion snowed that while hla handft
and w lists weio clean them
\\asa water maik above while his forenrmj }
were deeiply inciusleel with blood , which an ?
pcaioel to have sum led up his sleeves '
Aioiind his liimcr nails , too , was bloo(7- ( ( <
When icmovliig his jiantshia drawers we'ro'/ ,
been to be saluiakd with spattcied blood aneJr ,
his bate leet weio eoveicd with the HamoJ ,
sangulnnry fluid. His leet fitted all the bloody t
foot maik.s to bu found , The boy
stoutly denied being the muieleior and j
maintained a bold tiont throughout. The )
conclusion of the Inquest was postponed
until to-moriovv. Thu boy was BiiuigKlcel/ '
intoabmrgy by Pullto Jnelgo Camuoin anil' *
Deputy Shcilll Lonko and dilven to jail In
Kim for tear of lynching , which apneniedrj
imminent. On Urn waytoEiio ho bald to
Mr. Camhoi n. "Thoso lullows It led to ge.1 mq
to bay that I did it. but I thought It would be )
best not to admit It , " There Is kaidly
a elnuht but that the boy committed the
dicndlul de-eel , though no motive Is known.
Mr. Soils had III his cpoeket-bonlc 8109 HI
gold anel 8170 in hills , whlehver : not dis-
tuibed , besides Ihieu walehcs. John Hall
of Eilo has boon appointed guaidian of thu
Hhlpplnc ; Jliilllon.
NRVV YOUK , Maich 0. Seven huiidrrd
thousand dollars In gold bais have be-en or-
deicd lor shliimont to-day by two dims.
Care for the Children
Children fed the debility of the changing
seasons , even moro than adults , ami tliay bo
roino cross , i > ccvlsh , nnd unrontrnllJblo.
The blooel blionld be rlcanscJ nnd t lie sysU-in
lav Igoralcd liy Uio usu of Houil'a Harsajiai ilia.
"Last Spring my two children eie vnccl.
mlcd , Koou after , tli-y Inolvonlloutwltli 11111-
liltig soi rs , r.o dieailtul I thought I should Iota
them. JfooO's Birsnp.irllla cured tlicm com-
plclelyj and they Imvo teen healthy ever
since. I do feel that Hood's Barsnpaillla
eavrd my children to me. " Jtus. U. U
West \Varien , Mais.
Purify the Blood
Hood'o Sar.viparllla U elnrnctct/zcd / ly
tlneo pcciillarlllc.i i Jil , tliu tnml'lnallon of
remertlul aKcnts ; Id , tlic roipiJJoiiCd.tho
procett ef securiiig the nttlvo intdlchul
qualities. The mult It a medkliip of unusual
Etrcu lli , effecting curvs hitherto unliijown ,
ticiut JcTr took containing additional cv Idcnce ,
"Hood's Sar .irailla ! tones iiy my yntvii ,
r'tirlfion my Lloem , tliiriea ; | my aiiu'lllc.aiHl
seems to luaUo ) no ovm. " J. r. 'Ino.Ml'fibN.
lttl ( ! lcruf DecOi , Lowell , Mass.
"Hood's Birsajioilll.-i beats all ethers , aril
0lltSV\cfKlltill'Cld. | ) | ( . " I , 1UKU1.NGTU.V ,
ira Hunk direct , New Yutfc City.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggists. (1 ; MX for $5. Made
only by 0. 1. HOD1) & CO. , Loncll , Mass , ,
. , 100 DososOno _ Dollar *