THE OMAHA DAILY BEBJUESDAYMAROH ; ? 9 , 1886. HI/JBOFATj NOTICES. . . * - -p - AilrMll"mtMiitin < 1 r tlilifiwl I0ccn per Him fur Ilio flrftl Intartlnn. 7 oinUfor n ? h riiti i HIMil lhM > rll nnnit II tf n lifio per month , fui iiil r < rin > i'f it < fil | .ikMi lor 1W limn 25 cent * . P trnr rd "will > t emmt-xl to thollnoi thir ttirinrvmtAmitlrclr Ami miirtlw p Mln 1 All rvlmUMinmiM m i lt > nlmn < lO'l In O'oi'ich t > . in , , nnl tinder no circunv will llinjr do Inkoii or illtrxinllnuol br l'nHi | > * AilrnHIltiit In Ihmo columns nnl rmr InHlin ntHiffifn RiMrM pl incftro of Tnc lime , * iilitHttt | < rmk for'fjMwktrtfnniilf ) tliomto Rot iliMf H'llcM ' , M ii'inrj ' will liti ilflivorod ejtcopt on | iff Miinllini ( if rtieok , All ftiHWor * lo ndvrr > ' ntili11mi'tif'trtM 1 In wwloppn. TOM IINI5V 'III LOAN nn linr e , wnpon , fur- M Hlliii'iWntf'iii ] > * . wiihmil rrtnnvnl. Tornn .r 'n ' HI , llnmii in , tiiiti llfink llttlld i fli'l ' rnrnfli.Tnko TVIMHHV TO UMfl mi lill lnrM tiroporty. J > ) | | in | | ' * tnnirrt. Plirlvrr. IPi dMOiMififl in lunii on li'iMinfM nml i-o'Monco T ) IHOt'i'ljy ' , | M . " ! ' ! " 1 "r IV/JO nml UiWirtl9. | ( ! I fillKin ( In limn nit rltv rtmldoiieo propnrty P tire , W liny , Ifvui I'm mini. vti f lilt ifinnr miwiint , J On nil I'lrinMnfiifiMiflly , 'iliori limn I'liinn ' mi rcnl otnl . M\U \ limn lomn mi rrnl p tnt < v mifiytii Iiintimt rlmlinM. limit' ) ' til lonii mi wlUlrrnK ilmiity In limn on nny unod upciirlty. ffiniin rinny , limn looiilt. ' Ihnnmnhn Plnnnclftl itc1mnv0 , , . . , , . , ntinlMliiif , HW tfirneror . I'lllpcntli nml I'nrnntn mn. umtnln ni9 TVIONUV 'III LOAN mi Tinpiovod nnd iinlm- J" prnvi'il flly tirnpnrly. Ciiniilii hnm & Ilifttiinti , I Ml liiit imlroct. Oil TVIONI5V tnr nvcryhmlylmi rnn linrrow J'l inminy mi rurnlllirn , liiirfPB. wnirom , ) ilnitij , flock or nil klmlt , illnmnmt nnd flnn Wnlciii | iiti yiitirown limn , I'nymonts received nny limn , nnd lnlorr t rnditfixl pro rntn. II tniififlv If.ft In your own po r lnn. Tnnni iwnnlln1 mwj'til. ( 'nil nnd fro mo , IlimlnpRi Milillilfilillril Nfindvnnli'ttO tnkrn. W , It.rroft , Iliponi 4\Vllhni'irnNiiwIlillliliirNorthcnrlcor- ! ( ( ni'f Ifplh nml llnrnor. T3 TliONHV TO T.nAN-b7Krrtvi ) < .VCo ! nonl J-'l rtnlnlo nml Lonn nitonlo , 1A05 Knrnnm St. MONKV TO UAW-On ) 'jmnrl nfrnrlliei. A Mi'dnvook , tooiiiT llcdlok Illoolt , IWFiirtmm HI. 014 TVfONIlV TO t.OAN-On rent cstnto nndolmt- J" InU. I ) . tftTlinmnx. mr. TltllNI'.VTO LOAN Tnniltns of JSOOnndun- J'i Mfnnln on nrfl-rlnw ronl cctntu urciirliy. 1'ottnr.V CtiMi , ir.lf , I'nrnnm 8t. Pin T\t'ONKV I.OANKO nt (1 T. Itpod * CO'B. Loin J" I ottlrn , on filrnlturo , plnnos , horcni , wntroni tinfcolinl property of nil klndN nnd nil ether nr- ildMiif vnlito , without removal , nil ) S. istli , nu-r lllnulmm'R Commtsilun flora. AM hua- IIIP < < ulrlclly cnnndniitnl. 1U7 CUANCrS. OII MAl.M-Trf'iWP , Bond wll I nnd filrnlturo of fiKlilotliililn tiotiidtnir linliFn , llnuly lo- Chlciiini , ! il i-ooiii1" , M Imnrdnrn , lining liilniMnnM of Sld.ono in $10.001 vrnilv. In linnllti , I'rlco niilxWJiOO IP tcikcli Dili ninnlli. Addrosfl 1' . J * . ITnlirli. 20 * Tj < OltHAl.1 { Oiioliniidiol Rlmrrnctoolc In No- I1 lirnikn ft town liimirnnco Cotnpnn v of O'unlin ! nil o W chnri H clock In Wo'icin Itomo limurniirn t'ninpnnjr of Blonx City. I. A. Mlllnr , CmniHI lllilltH. 170-11 "inn It HA 1,1 ! fiilnch ronntor doln ? coed hn l- i IIOM , ( inoil it'itoon for Boilltiir. nil s. inth HI 371-in * TpOlt MAI U llnltnrv nnd lunrh Rtnnd In town ornhonl l.COilInlinlilliinls : rhnneofor npood liflltcr. Iniptlro of Ivopp , Drollms is Co , HOB HA I.IV .Mllo ilnlry , H oon-n. 1 Jrr pj- hull , on > p , irnvnn , rlo. Norwood 1'nrk.nor- .Ifilui Wlllliimn. 247 MA 1. 12 Drugstore. nbont 75 tnllr * west I1 of Oimilm. on nccnnnt of slrkncn1 ? of pro- pilnlor. Involccf nboiit fS.'KX ' ) . A linrsnln for Aitdrc-FS OW ) , Oinnhii Uco. IJTMt HA r.n J'IrKl-pliisi rotnll onnfrctlonory rlnlllilriirnt ) ! wltli rn"tniirnnt In llvn Inlnnd oily BtntfliCnVriosli-&Ilniilnff ( ! , 13Z ! Douji- lilOIt HAM : A tilirtnirgnln-My Ftnolc rnnch. J poiuNllnirof IH ! nniTi. wrll Impiox'nd. with ( . ' ( ind liotlno , Imrn mid otitbiilMlni ; < < , Mrvll Tonccd nnd rnniilnjr nntnr on R-IIIIO , for siilnor ox- rliiitiffn for n Mock of trrooorlc1' . No nnwprs wldnvt linlcf * Ilioy innnn biisl'io . AiMros N. Cnibtrcc , 1' . 0. llox llfi , OononNnncoro..Nob. A IIAIti : ( MIANOi : 1 will olTor for sale n J well onlnldlslicd liiirncsi pliop In iirnoil llvn town ofWi ) IntinMt inl . on Iho II. A : M IML , III it ( rood fnrmlntf community ; nn opposition : pntlcfnctory ron ons for siilllnir out. Adilrn ' for lx wopki > , dim. Kllcklngor , l'lrlliInncns- I or Co. , Nob. ' fTIOtl KVCllANVin-PincliR of ( roodnif every J kiiiilfor rnrniBiind land ; nlso liinls to ov- nlinnup for ( 'OoiK If yon wnnt lo trndn , no niiilli'inbnt It mynnlmvo , wrllo , with full du- P"iiitlontlo | (1. II. Mnyno , real oslnto binkor , ( Inmlin , Nrt ) . 1C3 _ "fTIOIt H.M.i ; llolnl rnrnltnro In n coed llvo I town of < lnno Inbnbltnnts. lin lno " . ( looil rcnton fijr soiling. A'lilri'ts C 4 , llro olllro. 1.VM3 * i : Rrcnmnry will bo fnll cionn. on J c xytrrins , to nnyono who will run It the comltif ; 8CH5OH. O. M. Cnrlor , Ashliinil , Noli. 818 _ * ' \ \ 'An < ri-tocxclinnRP for Rtook of Imril- ' ' wnro nml Ri'imnil ' niorcliniidNn , [ M ncroiof Jinn Tlmynr Co. , Noli. , liuid ; fi loU In CJonnii. Nrli. . Kixxt flnro lunldlnit Itio t corner ) ; Rood ilirrlllni ; ( lin t locnllon ) In l > sox. In. , nl o 81 IHTM ' 4 nillo from town of I'saox , ln.snnilPd In 1 > inc LT < . 1'or fnrllioi' nnrtlPiilnn nddross John Undorliohn Contrnl Tltv Nohrnnkn. C.'il I ji O II " 4 A til 72 1n took dfrnlll I iiory IrpodT * timpVindM locntloo. A Mirlmivnln formmu Mir H * n Illtornl dl'count will l > o IVPII. J'or f or- llx r imrtloiilnn iu1dr ( M HW , line Olllro. nuj E3TATJ3. \trANTHH-ToIiuvn plooo of Ipnil Rii'tnblo ' fnr liTlfk-rnnl unriKisiu. O.dl nt " Hold. H. H. 1'lorco. , Mr. k II. I'fnr I tinCit'tki Hhlrt Co. . wlahp to miy lo his fr'i'i ' l tlnit liu cnn bo round nt lhifndo Hnii < " ' . I'nrlor K.Hilnvi lonifor. S.V-s ! nt-MsriNAf-To ronwho whli to .1 lioninlnOrohnnl hill. I will H l ) < it" In Hint n'l'lMKui HMI | n k milliln r down bin tlionnmtnnl Finn of Ion it > lhir . llni ronmlndcr to inn for live yrHr wl'h Intercut nt H per rent. ThH li HIP ic t r ( Tof i-vrr nmlo to nnv hiiino fo'iKor In tlm.'llr. Cull nn.l ceme. 0. li. Mnync , H. W. I'o i TUT 1Mb nml P.irnmu stri'ota. 313 -i will hnilii for itiys < 3lf tliU son- I on nSI'sOoo ronidoncfl ninn | Dr-iinnl Hill , I'oM. . ! " * nilo/pMllnH I\O\MIH for tlio Orch'ird Hill Hnl1 linw AMnolntlon. Tbta liiHnrP n jtood Rtnrt f'ir Orennnl Hill. Hnd to iiinono who wlslu" to I > illil n huiiai 1 will nh" o'xtronHilv low prlrvs find Pi y lornn. B < i Ihli lioilntlfill nililltloii lin- Joidpiirrhminir nlsowlioio. C. i : . Muync , S. W. for 14th nnd I'nrnni" . llf-0 BTOVH UBPAJIUI. . C. Mrtinrr Store HopixIrCo. Ill South UtliHt. l > vtnman Iod/o nnd EOAKDICTQ. Tli OOJH and board. ' . < W North ; l no < iiipiMnnsnikod farrpt < > rn oi HMH ) bmwntprtnlfl iloir , Hmoutlmolil ; lust friun 1311 Kln 8t.n mr 8uwurd. T-u * X.ORT. 1' OST UIMWII , iw with wlillo slur ( n fore- J -t tuxul , opitrivu toft ' < Io. LBIIVO lit Jt o 5 ; ' * O < I SAM-t iruliuro M KOUJ Ui nitvf KIJ15 . ? * ir-i8 . aat-iy "fj'cii s vr.r > w aud prliur r , 'J ot 4 thu mirr. heifrtr * ) ttlno fln JOUIIJT ami live. Vlb-U * 1"l' llt \ l.iduo ; fullhloudad Noriumi slu'i- | n n , wij ; ' Iwonli Nu 'li'0 > l : own bo * < on A toV. . Id ikiiu'4lir ry sluLI * ; Hurnuitrod nil Eoviul , UM-S" ar \ > h fl uo\ nor * J1 clieup , W. ItiuUttnU. Hob. I ten i A tfuort nifliid. "I'ul tlH no a % .SAI.R-A liirlilUi'JIvuey vniiy or l'i sry , * iJ ft huvy Mirnl , cwrrui u or urk- K. A. > lir li , li'.ih muH'in 111 n if. ill 5SOU Sit rt * Aii ruMi nl > vf d ( > Ti T ry nitmT 1 u * . | ouiy on * rtwuilv , will toil an ilin * . imtllouli jiirinoiil. ln > iuru ( Huom HMOK SAf.K I.IBht BVpi'eSl VPUUOri , for VU"t tL cfuw , 1313 W l ) tr su - > " "IT'OH SAI.R Bor 8 hond ot BOod work horses ? JL1 nl o n lot of household fnrnltnro , etc. An- IUuch Hrowlnir A < ocl tlon , Wh nnJ nro , it. Kcfttlnir , Airont. 704mhH TT1OH w nthpr Mrlns , storm ffwh tmd doors , go JL1 top. II. Men.1 . ! S 8. ir.thst 017 HE1.P. An oxperlcr.rca mPlInery nlci- Iruly. Address II / X , Uco oHlco , with references , xe-10 ANTin-ABlrl : nt 11C6 Jnckson St. WANTin-A : peed cook. Flrst-cln refer- encpiroiulrod. Oood wnfr 9. Inintro nt ro ldenco ot r. II. llor , corner inth nnd .Inckson \v UinclaiHt. Olrl forgoncrnl housework. 22M AY A irood clr ) . Tnnnlro nt K < rnn Itros. grocery , 3M nnd Lonvonworth Sts. \\7A > Tin : A oompotont womnn nn mntron 1 nt th" "Homo for the Frlon lies,1' Lincoln. Apply nt 1612 Dnvonportst. , O.imlio. 2710 * WAM'IIO A { rood wruhnr. Apply ntonco. Frontier Laundry , 1512 Howard st \A \ > 'THI > Asslstnnt bookkoopor. Inquire ntlirr Ilnrnoy M. 257-u \TKUinN < ] Kl > lmlp | coin money sclllnjf mv ( foods. II. R Knton , 8 4 l'lou nnt Ft. , Den Molno * , lown- 2i3 8 * WANTin--nooildlnIinr : room ( rlils , nls for ( rpnornl hoii'owork. Ooixl wnircs , plACOH ffhon free. Call Omaha Hmidoymcnt lluroiui. 1 IIP ritfnnra St. ! SM WA 7 < T K i ) A'Jood ttlrl for rook nnd troncrnl hotiFo work. Apply aid.V. . cor. Huh nnd 17A > 'TI : A peed ( ? ! rl for nonornl liouso work. Inquire nt 101 15th St. , opn. 1' . O. , VNTUI > A tmloross nt 813 North inth St. " \T7ANTii : Oood hlrll for Konornl honso- T work nnd jrood cooks for prlvulo families. ItoonU , llushnmn Illock , lGh ; and Doimlnssts. 1S4-8 i : -Olil to do housework , nir , N. 18th st. IIO' I \\rANTii : A Rlrl nbont 15 or 10 ypnrs old to T nurso. Apply d. K. cor. Slst ami I.onvon- worth. 131 A clrl for pcnnrnl hotiBowork. Inqnlro ntolllcoof C. E. Mnyno , 8. W. cor inth nnd Knrnnm. 1M-9 T tTANTUn Oood clrl InrKonoral housoxvork. i T Jl ri . Vf , A. Stow , S. K. cor. Clmrlos and Tunics slf" . 153 WASTKli Olrl forceneniHionsowork. Ap ply ntl'JlOCnpltoravo. 115-8 * Aflf.NTS Ixjcnl nnd trnvollnt ? cnn make from Ti to fJOll weekly. Address Impcrlnl Flro Kxtlnsulshor Co. , Stewart llulldlng , Now York. WM-nprV * "V\7A > rTit : ) A tlrl to do conorftl housework ; > nOormnn or Swede preferred. Apply to iao : DoiiRiiu st. IKW WANTKI ) A nrst-clnss dlnlne-room plrl nt 1518 Dodiro st. Htj'J WAJTrr-n Atonco , nnr oKlrl from 15 to 10 yonraoldto tnko cnro of child Ui yours old : normnn preferred. 4C3 Convent st. 037 WANTKD ( load plih for irnncrnl house work. Itoom 4 llushmnn lllock , 10th nnd Tloiitrlns. H.'iO WAHTED-MALB HEI.I > . V\7ANTiirJMNTKH : I'ornmticnt sltinitlon > > nnd fair wa CH to a sober. Industrious man. Apply In person to h. F. Hilton , lllnlr , Nob. "Jl-'J WAXTKIl'KINTin : Must understand job woilc. Steady sit. No blacksmith , need apply. Cull nt Colons house olllcc , Thursday , 1 to 2 p. m. 1. .Mnrtlii U3MO WANTI2I ) An Instructor for n youns lady. One competent In Kngllsh branches and llnrnliiio. Addrcaa or npply nt 114 S. lutli Blroot. _ \AfANTI'i : > ARonts lor "Orent Artists of tlio World" A luwo folio Finn Ait Hook , Just out. U. S. 1'utillsTtlnir Co. , 1-imltod. T. Kllwood /.fill , 1'rcs't , 47 N. I'Jth St. , I'lillndclphln. 205-8 WANTHU Aflrst-clnss tea salesman to sell the rotnll trndo. llusscll & Co. , 107 Water St. , New York. 25S-U * WANTED Slxtpcn hnrnosa makers nt Slo- inn n Ili-o.s. , 13th and Doclgo sts. " 48 \\rJ AVANT sl.v more llvo business men with i $ IOOto fSOOcnsihto open mid iniinujfo pen- oinl nseiulcs lor the side of the Sliver ( lilt ItiiK'tv ; 1'owtlor In liirRCi oltlc& Slot o money In It tlmn nnythliiK1 oircio 1. Iiivcstlgntc. Cox Chrnilcnl Co. , 1315 Ilnrnoy St. 218 8 AKonts to canvass for Ollofrrnphlo nnd I.ltliottniplilo pictures , hoolci nnd the Cultlvntor. Itlir pay- Men , boys. ( ? lrls , nnd women do well whether experienced or not. Yon cnn cither travel or woilc In your own nolirhliorhooi ) . Send HV for cnrunles , complota ontllt , eta Addrcrs Mo"sr. . Smith St Hurt , jiuh- Ushers , Umiilm.Nob. Hontlon Dally Uco. i-tH-D \\fANTKl ) llollnblo siEonts anil dealers In i Weft Iowa and Nobrajkn for the VVhlto Sowing Machine and supplied for nil mnku of innuhlnes. Catnlo uo fixe. Zohruiiff. Thorn ton & Co. ' 'U7upr5 _ \ \ 7"ANTI3ll A mnn to innnnpo n fnrni. Must hu nn oxperk'iicod farmer , without family. 1' . O. box (157 ( , glvinj ? reference and desired. iUI-8 * WANTED Two nrst-chips nppnls to travel In Nebraska , for Mncncn ! I1 * ; Urhans Pnfo nndT < ockCo. Apply to M I. , llita'lns , ftato , I'dDiujKluH St. , Oinnhii , Neb. T.I7-U * JI ) An o\porIoiRod rotnll dry poods snlcsinnn : n portnancnl position lo the rlsht party. Addri"s , Klvlng cijiurlenco and rol ui onooa.C l"i , Hco ollico. ri3- ( ) WANTHH Knorsctlamoii to Boll household nrllelus. 1'rollts } " > pcrduvund upward. C. H. Wliltimtn , ll-'l K St. Ijlncoln. 477 ANTKIJ-Ajjcnls. aXJX. ICthst. WAITED. WANTUIl Pltuntloii by slenosrnphoiMvho Is a tcli'Krnpli opiinttor. Address l > oW , Omaha. ! ! 9I-13 _ " \\7ANT1M ) A romiflr mnn hnvlnw had n yours" > t oxpcrlcnce In iv llrst-class fronoral Btoio would Illio lo luivo n , position Inn Ktoio , In a wlioli'sulo honro prufnriod ; speaks Ocrnmn , Dinlfh nnd SwcdUli ; host of loferoncos tflvon. .Vidro. * 0 M , lieu Ollleo. ' 'I'M ! " WANTKli Sliuntton A ioal nfoo i-yspoclu- bio Illtlu liiily , "I vinrsold.oxeollcnt house- kneper , loud ol chlldrun , just nrrlvud In the city t'lom a country lo\Mi \ town , doMios sltnn- lUni art > L'rior | : not as kitchen Kill. but. lioiifoiteeper. VmT best of roforuncos riven. Address 0 ill , leo ! ollico. t'li-8' ! _ WVNTUD A tmod ilrcssninkorwlll lilio by Hie jlnj' or ciok. Apply ut once , -tin tit. Mary's uVo. 1'J'i \\rANTin-Sltuntlon : ni head miller In a T > Hour mill ; niiiloistanJ roll * nnd burrs ; um 45 years ami mnrrlcJ. IVter 1'rovost , UXII N , st , , l/liiculll. eli. 17 H * " \\fAVTii : > A position by a Inly us copyUt , it lortlio purpo-o ol I'oiiKilnln' ' , " In Omnhuto look nt pioporty with Iho Intention ol btiyliu In the fnturoimn ; inrnish best of role re no.- ; . Addu-as O.J17 ll'ioollluc. Ul > _ ' V7AKT3. , \\rANTlJl To font n HiinUhcd liouso for i > siiimncr inontliE.vriflvoliusl of iofur- rncos to putioi wlthliiK lo Icuvo Ihulr homo Witli icUuUlu people. AddrceS U 59 , lleo onico. \tr.\N'riiJ-ro iont l or a. ) notes pnrdeii li land with liousu near cay. 12J B. iJlh Hi. J 109 tennis for riihrond Awirk , \ IV - s tiLriU per il.iy nnd TITO t runHpurtii- lion on IT ] ' . It. U. Clll uu IX O. liato It-la Co. , 1 ri ) I'munni yt. . ' \\.VNTiii : To oxuhnnifo Kooil hard or soft M wood for f.a\vl. huifuis , or liulutr cnlvca. AiMl M 0 W , Ilcu olllee. gjO-i ! * \\7ANTiil : To rt-nt 2 fnrnlsUud rooms for llijhl housoUucplUi' . AdJn U , II. Fuller , ia rarnam. _ \VrANTii : liv April 1 , threa nnfurnUhoil IT nHiins fur llsht liououltooplnii , forvenlio- niHii , | fo ami one child : mu t be ronveniunt and piUo'li * . Host rotoronco k'ivon nnd rexinlrwl. AdJreai C , MJO liuurelu ava. , city. [ | lae-V _ _ _ \TrANTin : Aetvu | l.vly ucrtfut * lo pell our i i ( ouiOluo < l wiust and eon > er. For oirviihir , JueU oa Corjot Co. , llox 8UOnmlu , 75Jmhl'J ' ' ! 0vS. lltu st. CCS TOR WENT HOUS12B AND Z.OT3. IINT-HOUSO : , l-rwk , s rooms , i . ' ' Kiinmnijit. _ . 7 > K lt.N r-Sovoral do irablo lou o < i by 1' ou llins , UlT S , UtU St. - _ Foi : IKNT xu-o T-roora house , ono iioi-k fri'iusticut turllue. Itolli ; Mcfi\u.ith : | , nil v < HlU sln-t 2li-3 _ _ 1U ltFXT-Two : very lrolr.tha ) tint * on i. Hutvtrtl Street ovorlulS with iill tuojurn im- pru > tiiionu. A nplanJId litoutlon to rout fur- n. ill 'J r-uinin. nmiiin U--il K tnu > niiJ Leant t . . , ll3 u "J aaO Zl lifcNT A splendid comer procery In FOR runnlns onler , on a pnrwl street ; n tpcnilldni > onlnit for sotno one to lump Into n jroo l trndo ; rent only * Ti per mo. ; t > os > islon ( flren April 1st. Mor o i Hrunnor I'aiton lllock , cor. 15th nml Farnam. _ _ 177-10 T71OIJ HUNT Store nd tmfcmcnt in center of JL1 dty ; fixtures and lease for sale , SOS South ISlh street. 1CT-15 * ItKNT Some small cottngo * on 21th street , nonr St. Mary's avenue. Warren BwlUlor. Oranlto l ock 110 _ itKXT A 11-room housoi modern Im provements ; good location. Iniulrn 2110 California. 1'34 ' _ HAtK At n Imrpnln , flilo 0-oom house FOH modern conveniences ; full lot ; on Hnrncy st. , near Seth ; $3,20 > ) . rotter * Cobb , 151) 1'nrniunst. _ Q.VI fjioil ItKNT 2 houses n-rooms each , closets , L1 cellar , at 008 North 13th St. 2.10-3 * ri ItKNT-anrden form. ! J S. llth St. TJ1OU UINT : Three-room house , Otti A Dod o. RUNT HOUJO ofSroomsS'd nnd Hnr Foil St. Inquire of Mount & GrllDn 813 S llth Street. . B I HUNT Three houses of 10 , 0 nnd 4 rooms each. J. 1'nlpps Hoc. Oil roil TT1OU ItKNT AVith board , one Inriro nicely -D furnished front room , gas nnd bath room nt 140U Jones St. 270 \\7"ANTii : Aflrst-cUssdluliiK room ( rlrl nt > > City hotel. 275-10 * TT1OU IlKNT Two rooms furnished for llsht 1- street. i'il-'J * 1housekeeping. . 1117 Howard - OK HUNT I.nrpo room with or without I7 3 board. 170J Capitol avo. S32 T71OH ItKNT Furnishoil rooms for Indies nnd -L' gentlemen. 1318 Capitol ave. S.Vi-13 * "IJlOIl IlKNT 4 roomsto small family without JD children. liKjulro 100'J rninam. 260 Oil HKNT-Onico , 213 S. lotb St. FOH HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room nt KJ Uodtfo ; all modern convonloncos. 21 - 0 TTIOll KENT Furnished rooms , slnglo and en JU suite , with or without bonrd. Address 051 , lice OJIIcc. -10 Foil IlKNT Furnished rooms. 1810 Dod ere. Sll F OK ItKNT Two furnished nnd two unfnr- d rooms. 414 North lOthst. UtO-8' "IT1OK HUNT Furnished room with use of J-1 hnth room nt No. 7U < 1 N. luth St. 3J5-U * T71OU Ifli.NT Furnished room to ( inlet Indy ; JU lilLDavonpor ; street. S33-8 * Foil Itnxr Furnlslicd room , 401 N. . St. iOVS * T71OK IlKNT Nicely furnished rooms. Cor. JU 10th and Chicago. Ib7-ll * ItKNT r.lnirnnt and convenient rooms Foil I.csllo & Morrlll's drujr store , one block west of postodlco. 18S-U * FOH ItKNT 2 nicely furnished rooms. 1023 DodRO. 1U1-17 * vrOU ItKNT Fnrnlsho 1 front room with use JL of liiuli ninin. Iminlro at oillco of C. K. Mnyno , 15th nnd Farnnm. 121 T71OU IllSNT-llooin with bonrd , IfllSCnpItol av. JU U17-U * Foil KKNT-Nlcely furnlshoa rooms. No. Ill South 18th. Ml Foil IlKNT For llffht honsokooplnp rooms furnished nnd unfurnished In Uoomor's lllockcor. IStehth and Howard st. 775 Foil HUNT Store room n Wltlmoll block , bet , Ilnrnoy nnd Fnrnam on 15th.Inquire lloom 17 , Wlllinoll lllock. 777 POIt ItKNT I nicely furnished rooms with or without bonrd. KO 1'lcasnnt st. 715iu h3 T7IOK JlKNT-Nlecly furnlslied rooms , with JLj heat , Kns und bath ; nlso llrst-class tnblo bonrd ; best of references given and required. 1S14 Doilg-o st Ktl FOE SAIiE-UOUSE3-IOTa. TJIOIt SAI.K A corner lot , 173 foot east front , * - ' nnd good 6-room brick hou o ; just the phico to build : nil will bo sold for f.l.iKW , If taken this week. Wo direct special uttentlon to this bar gain. Cunningham S : llrcnunn , 1511 Dodge. T71OH SAI.K Lots In Hnwtliorno addition , JL1 SnO ; very easy terms. CunninKliiim. * : IJren' nan , , 1511 Dodge. MO will liny lot In Cunningham Is Hron- 1 nun's addition ; easy 101-111 ? . FOH SAf.K A good brick house and 'J ' ncro of land , Hodiok'HlM addition , $1,000 for all. Cunnlnghnm & liioiinan , 1511 Dodgo. Poll .HALK Some good pioporty on Fnrnam street. Cunningham &lhonnnn , 1511 Dodge 171OKSAIJU AnS-room house and 7 lots In JU AS'ost Sldo for f2,00a. Cunningham As Ilien- nan , 1511 Dodge. 272-8 JTUmSAKi : 5 cast-front lots , 2 cornets , N. ' 21st St. with 1 largo 14-room house and 1 new 8-room house , barn , fruit , tree ? , etc. , n Imrguln , 2 lots , 5-roopi house , Davenport St. , n good Invo'tiiiont , fj 5 . I.ot In Marsh udd. fl.nofl to Sl,70\ Lots In 1'urk Korost , Jf200. Lots in Amher I'lnco. Lots In Oichnrd 11III , ? I50 to S750. it its In 0 malm Vluw. $2V1 to J050. K. P. Itlngor , 113 N. 15th St. 203 Foil 8AI.1 ; An oloirnnt lot ana house on SOth St. near Li-iivi-nworth 8 U39-11 * A : s l'r\cn r.OM. AMKS l'f.\ci : Cheapest city lots , $10) to SODO tor full lots. n \nvTKUus in Ames Place. itiuncK'sUitovu Lots ono block from 2Sthst. school houso. HIUIICK'.S Guovr ? SOO to $1'JOO per lot. NuwroiiT Aero Lots. Nuwi'OiiT Noai ust ncros. IjiiVKii Uoiids to Newport. Nuwi-oitT Fast wt sollina : ncros. This property sells on Its merits. Nouottor Invojtmunt tor y < ) n than nn ncro In Newport , liny now and imiKo tlio advance. No llii.Lstocllmh to Newport. This property will soil In city lots in a year's time. Ci.\itr.NiON At end of Saunders st. nnd 16th Et. car line , handsome lots ut J759 to $ SU ) . Now is 1111 : TIM is to buy a lot in Itedlck's drove ivisinx Ncnrost ncro lots south- nt $ M ) per aero. WHV I'AV Kr.NT wlion you cin buy n lot in Amos riacu nt $ WJ , S.rfj ) , ? 1W ) , Km. O \KClIVTIMM lOtS lit ffiWtO { .lUOuncll. . COMnand Ri-o for yourself tliochnneos for safe investment in city or suburban jnopurty. AMES , Itoal Ustnto Agency , 15Ji Farnam St. "TT'Oli SAI.K 10 norei land t' miles west of JU Omaha $175 ) ior ncro. ThH H n bonutllul Ir.iet nnd cheap. A No 40 nerus nrnr Irvlngton $50 pur ncre. A bargain InlandIn lojglus und uvury county In the state. U. F. Kinnur.Ml . Ml Foil SAI.K Seven Imlf-ncro lots each IQSxIXi tiut of Fort , just \rost of Hnundon ) St. For prlvo nnd termsnddiojj H. Feckensohor , oily. UJ-MS * "ITIOIt SAI.K Corner lota in I.owo's add. $315. JL1 Insidolot In lx > wo'sadd. fK5. Cot nor , Gdx lie : on I'm mini .St. . $20.003. Corner , UUxlUJon Farnnm St , 37,0)0. 21x1.1 ! on Farnitm St. . S10.610. 12.'i\15il8. l.'ltli ? ! . , SII.WKI. - ' lots In Siinnv Sldo I mile from 1 > . O , , f-.lOO. Corner lot In 1'rospoct I'lnco , ino. . I/it on fharlfs S9\\i \ \ St. , $ & ) . llouso and lot In 1'i-ospeet Place , fl,550. Kniy tcrin.i. Two lots on Hamilton St. , $1,000. Oeo. P. llcmlfl , IJtli and Douglus. > il ) irioits iAI.K thpap , l.M fuel new i-liulvlnt" , JO Call at i once. Klcu tV Moore , 12J ; Fnrniim. 1 TIOK.SAI.K lUncutsoxcullcnt finit land ; : i ' miles from post olllio , A. C. Tukoy , l Q Farnrm St. " 74 SAI.K XWncro stock fnrm in Nnnoo JL1 county , NuU.uiin and ono-hiilt miles Irom lionoit , the juni'tlon of the Albion and Codnr ItupHls lirnno'i or U. I * . U. It , . 2t > J acres ol it under fence. cnrinU , oto.nll llrst nnd second txittam hind and sul'a'do lor cultivation , 120 HIT 'i irood hay land. Ono-luilf o.iah nnd ono- lialf twelve mimtliH' tlniu or u\chungu for Onm- huioid 1'iiliUii. Addiosi Jin lies Voro , Omiihn , Ntb. , or Ix > uk llox an , K.ui'Uj Clly , Mo. "M.-.M ITIOISAI.I ! Two ltjo.U'U MxiTirsitli niid JL' chlcHgo sis. , east nnd south front ; n rate nhnpeo tu M-ouro n barguln. ] itilio | ( C. UriuKsoii , liJIiolm.V l'rlcksonop ] > , EC ; . j-A'iTKUsov , itcal i : tuiul ± ! l Fiunam Ton iu'io , boutliii , cheap , fi.COJ. 8 room milage , lot ftlilil' * . liiniilii. . $ WX ) . Nowciitliijoandlot , monluly pit ) muni * . tl.&n > , Aciolols , itlly lots , ciillutfus mid uuidcni'its thioutthout tlm ony lor galo. Money to lonn on approval security. Cull on or address It. ti. I'Mttiirson. i l TTMK 8.VI.K at atiar raln for tUiou days lot Jl 50x141 with two itood housus. Dvc ncrci uost of lloydV adiltlonaoriior | mU dcvtlrublo for f2r * > X S-ovorul IIIMVhou < c ( an easy payments. Now hoiuonour F.Uivcmh und 1'iicltlo tn. Halloullroi.iH7H. llth St. 215-U -71lK SAI.f T o lounri'lalnifluw , I15J oucli. Jv 1'otlcrictolib : , 15li Fuilining WM _ " I OK "ixcif.\NJK-Pewral iloslrubJ7hou iij 1 and lots | n Oiutilui. for Houul.u ii > vmty tin- prove I or iinlmprax-oJ l.inJj. 0. U Jluj m > , 6\V corlSiuaud FAinaoi. 1"TJ1 PORSAI.K l l Kcrosln city limits of Kear ney ntnbartihlni nnd on good terms. Ad dress It. M. Woolioan , O. r. Town I/ot Airont , Denver Junctlorf.Cglhrndo. 41mh2 ( T71OII SAt.B Txitsjfotho west of town , nonr JO Fnrnntn st. nnd JLowo nvo. , In IViltcr's ndd. , rnfoand prontnbld Investment at f-Wftml $ COO each. Potter Ac Cob * ' ir > 15 Fnrnam st 850 " 17 OK SAM : Anqw7-room house nnd lot on JU Saunders St. , n onrgalu. 4 ncro lots In Illmobniiph'snddi very clitnp. Hou cs nnd lots In nil jmrts of the .city. Improve. ! nnd nnlm * provcdland forsnlojor trade. 11. H , Unit , li ! N. ISthst. _ , , _ 8Hmh2t TTIOK SAM-Tbrco finolots In Shlnn's.T < l ndd. JL ; nt fSOO each. letter & Cobb , ISli Fnrnam. _ IjiOK SAl.KUts In l/jwo's 1st addition , JU south fronts , qasy terms , only 5500. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnamst. _ S51 T7 onSATjlJ Hest5-acrotrncUln the market , J' only f3W per ncro. Inquire nbout thcra. 1'ottor A Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnin. _ 853 TTHmSAIn Acre lots. Olio's add. , only 81,600 JO Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnnm. 857 T710KSAIH-Oncnsy terms , 10 lots In Hans- JL' com I'lnco from $ 00 to $1,000 onch. I/ot on 1'loa.snnt St. , with double house , 10 rooms onch with nil modern Improvomonls ; rents for f HO per month , $11OW. I < otsln West Cumlng from fJT.'loto JTiDOiich. Corner lot , I'roApoct Place , harimln. Corner lot , Shlnn's 3J ndd. , bnrgiMn. C. J. Cnswoll & Co. , Itoom 10 , Iron Hank. 774 Foil SAI.K Several iloslrnblo mislno s lots on loth St. , and business nnd rostdcnco lots In nil parts of the city. Also warehouse , hotel and fnrm property. Houses to rent Property shown frco ot charge an 1 n largo list to select trom at prices ranging from f 253 to JlO.OJi ) . Par- tics desiring to Invest should look oor our list nnd prices before buying. Correspondence so licited nnd Information nbout the cltv frocly given , Omnhn Heal Kstnto .V. Loan Co. , Itoom 23 , VVIthnoll Hlock , Omaha. 727 FOltSAl.R Txits just soutn of the parkin Clnrk Place $ WJ oneh , on easy terms. Potter - tor & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. 850 FOItSALE-Atow of the best ots In Wiloox's add. at $030 each. Potter It Cobb , 1515 Fnr nam st 855 O A ACKKS for 510,000-1 luivo decided to offer - > \ ' for sale the beautiful piece of ground ( about 20ncres ) In Water Works Hoservolr addi tion. This property Is located east of the reser voirs and between Hamilton nml Nicholas streets , and about ono thousand feet directly north of Sacred Heart convent. It can bo sub divided Into about 00 lots , nnd will return n very handsome profit to the purclmser. Terms , < cash , bnlnnzo us may bo agreed. Snmiiol It Johnson. 1MMO POK SAT.K Cheap lots In llurr Oftk , lust east of llansconi Park , noarstreot cars.S750 , onsy terms. Pott or & Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. 851 "I71OU SALE Cheap , ono of the best Improved JL und finest located fnrms In Douglas county , Neb. , 5 miles west of Omaha court house , con taining 100 acres , with house , stable , well1) ) , or chard mid pasture , etc. ; one-half cash , bnlanco to suit purchaser. For further particulars ml. dress Goo. Undo , cure Omaha lloo , Omnhn. Ne braska. r r 2 OIISAT.K House and lot In Shlnn's ndd , 1 block from street car line , $1,0,10. House and H lot near 20th nnd IznrJ streets , $2.500. 125 foot , east front , on 13lh street , ( business property ) , 810,500. Corner lot on Farnnm streot,83xl33 footS1j,00) House 13 rooms , lot 30x140 , on street car line , $3.500. Goo. P. Homt , 15th and Douglas St. 021 FOKSAr.E lllgHargnln Corner In Isaac ft Soldon's addition , only 2 blocks from I.cav- onworth St. , 132x121 , only 51,5X1. Potter iV Cobb , 1515 Fariium st. 85J : TTlOIl SAM : Olhson has for sale lots In Hans- JO com I'laeo , $800 tt > $1 , X ) . Oibson has for sale houses nnd lots In Hans- coin Placo. n J G Ibson has for sale houses and lots in all parts f the city. _ _ _ ( ! Ibson has Improved farms nnd lands In all parts of NobrnsUn for'snlo or exchange. Olbson hns thousands of ncros of land In Western Nounulcn for sale from 82 to ? 4 per acre. . Olbson would like to see you if you want to buy or 8ill. [ ' Olbson'sis thojilaco to list your property. Call and see him at lloom ; ! , Wltluicll lllock , cor. 15th iiiidHarney sts.1 ' t > ? 0 FOR SAI.K Throolots in Shlnn's 2d addition , on eastern slope , only 3 blocks fiom street cars , cheap only 5750. Potter to Cobb , 1515 Far- nam st. \ * 853 T7OIl SAL.K A'flni 5-acro traat on South IBth JL' street , only a few blocks from street car lino. Inquire nfLHtlfro ! t Follicle , 318 S. 13th st "Illilf 480 Foil SAMS For 10 days only , nn bO-acro tract near Florence at $50 per ncro ; has Uacn platted and stn'xcd In 5-acro lots. Can bo sold out tit $103 per ncro easily. This Is a ehnnco lor Rome ono to make nionoy quick. C. U. Mayno , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Farnam. 150 12 AND SKEKKIIS , ATTENTION For full pirHoniara about f roe aud cheap lands In TTontera Nebraska address Thos. C. Patterson , Konl Ustuto Agent North t'latto Nob. Ujj T71O11SAMJ Four lots , cor. California nnd JL ? IDtli Bis. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on Ciimlngst. , ? S5 ! ) mid SU50 each. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. 81 ! ) T71OH SAM : U ncro lot , n ( TOO 1 U-rooin hon o. . * ! nurocory store , with stables , out-houses nnd oily water , 22d Lonvomrortli , rent K3VOJ or nio. , prlco f.1,50) . This Is a ilrst rate Invest ment. Onmlm Itcal Kstato & Loan Co. , Itonins 811111 ! 33 , Wltlincll block. 710 T71OK3AI.I ! A f.vo story , 2J J3 , frnino build .A ? Ingsuitable fora store , uoir Uth nuJ Fir- namSts. Apply.U this ollico. 917 FOUSAr.K Two Iot3in Polham I'lnco , ono block from etrootcar track Inquire -13 P. 13th6lroot 5'Ji I JM1K S.VLK or tmilu for Omulm proportT 1 one of the flno-,1 localod farms In barpy county , Nebraska , with In Ink b-illdlnff contain- JiUfli moms , cistern , stable and corn orlbs fl lots nndlOflncroj of whifh BJncrusaro lindcr culti vation. The house Is sltnato 1 on n hill -.vllli a boiintlfiil view of the s'ln-onii'llni ' , ' eoiimiy. About 10) riKlB Iro-n llcllovuo collc o nnd n qunrtcr of n mlle from railroad station , anil the railioud li runnlnunlonj , - tiio fnnn for nlxmt Imlf ninllo. 1'or t'liitliorpiutlculm-sand tnfor- inntlon uddross 0. Wlckouborff , North llth St. Jnwolry store , N"o.T _ 10. SII-1J i SAM3 The flnost suuiirlnn property - In Oinnlui. Four acres In west p-irt or city , J2.W. ) In improvcmonts fruit In nbunJam-o excellent liter miignlllcent view Urst-chiBS nvostment font home or to sub-divide 1-IW . Coohinn llios. .real estate , IS'JJ Farunm st. ' - T710K.SAI.n-A lot ( iilvjn , nml dwvlllnir StlxH , J-A uonrfiitiiro llro\vnollHtillahcnp \ ; Imlf c.ifb , balunco small inoiilhly pnyinonls. V. L. Vo- dlckn.SA ) 8. Wth st. Ull " ITTfslxriK-fttoiityiiqrMlnSec. fl , T. 15. H. 11 , Douglas county , OIHI half mllu from licit 11 He and 11. & : M. main tracks. For lornif. nil- dross U W , Ucoodlco , " 14-1- * FOIi HAI.K At n liarjralii , Iwo flno rc"ldiinco lots , oai'h iaivl4i ) , oatli tuid oust trent , \vM\ line laih'uimiplotroo.s etc. ThU U araro chnnoa. 1'or ono wool : only. 8iokilulo i ; Ilunuhnr , Ar In ton lllock , HoJifObt. IN'I- 171 OK SAM : 7.1-00111 cot'ujo. 1 blocK fiom . St , Mhry's avo. our linn , lot 75x110 , only i $1,15) . Potter St Cobb , 151"i Farnam. SUM TO EUROPE IS A TIUFUi OVKU UY T1W V'-U ' UKUABLB ! bprlng mill Omuurr nalllnB * n followj : FutEalurduy t | iieaain IUnvKiifiom Now York , UMIIIilA. , ? > .ill < .Iprll in.Jlai * . JiiimD.JuljrJ > UIUV1 . . . . . . . . . . . * Pr ' . > ! y IVJuiw 14 , July 10 imtUltlA , | Ulltirllii.MayiSJum'19.July ! ; If bKKVU. . . . . . . . . , , . , wiiT ( ; y lMaySVJuiwIMJuly , ! Tait WcJncUy | iij'-frnlco from Eoaton. onrnos " nijM MUII ti. Mar n. Juno u. July n bCVTIIIA. , . . , . . " . s'lSpills | .SIayteJniii > siJulysi II.M.I.IA. . . . . . "t.J'a'iK.MjyMimoS.Juiioai.Jnljj ; } IIUHLMA . . HfillWHor 15JiiiiiJ , July7AUBU H SPEte/L | ( NOTICE. Eo.ton liclnsr ISO Rilt.V iwniiT I.ltrrpoot , limn Now York , Ilii Orruvu li rrivHtil tu miilc the vuiiai/c tit leu than . . . tit . Jam. . . . . . 11 . - . ! - 1 - . * * „ . . - . ltlntt Thl , lost a Pussonper. tuiiki. tuvmzw _ . .nlrliurdlnlu l u- [ nnvnt inrc < a lawti < | ) vfui ) llr l tau pakM-ji vrlino. rur furtht'r liiuriii&li > > u/y t' imrapt-nli In mutt nf ttio iirlnclpal lowiu amlcWV ? lliroiiKliout thu i-ountry , or K I ) . WII1T1MI , lolp + " < > r Wf-lMii Ki-parllnilil , 131 HAii.lolpliHirnt.ifn < l " 5lirnuaii Houwl.clili-aKulit AVCHU wanted wlmu vo wv not ccpiixtutcil. Nebraska Kational Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capitol $850.000 Suplua May 1 , 1885 85,000 11. W , YATKS , President. A. E. TOITIAI.IS. Viuo Prosiitont W. II. B. ilUonus , Uusklor , w"luW < \V. V. MOIJK , mJo..N . . S. COLLINS , 11. W. YATUS , LKWU S. UEKD , A. E. TOUZALIK , BANKING OFFICEi THE JWON BANK. Oar. lith and Varnatu Strooti. Ocucral HauiUu UiUlutui A FISH STORY. froJJtfrt , of A whnlo of croat ; noroMty Ami small specific gravity , Dived down with much velocity Hcncflth tlio sen's concavity. But soon tliovolfiht of waters Squeezed In his fat Immensity , Which varied as It ought to Inversely as Ills density. It would have moved to pity An Ojtro or n llnsslnn , To see poor Spermaceti Thus stiff erliiR compression. The while ho lay a-roatlng In agonies gteantlc , Tim lamp oil out caino ponrlnpr And preascd the wide Atlantic. ( Would wo Imd been In the nnvy , Ann cnilslni ; there I Imagine us All In n sea of gravy , With billow oleaginous. ) At length old million-pounder , Low In n bed of , coral , Gave his last dying llouildcr , Whurcto 1 pen this moral : MOIt.U. . O lot this tale dramatic Ancnt this whale Xnrwczlnn Anil pressures hyilrostatlo Warn you , my young collegian , That down compclllnc forces Increase us you got deeper ; The lower down your course Is The upward path's the sleeper. A WEIRD 8TORY OF TEE WAR. Now York Sun : Tlio din and ronr and crash of battle was about mo. Stonewall Jackson had como through Brown's Gap from the Shcnandonh valley , and tlio blow prepared for McUlolhm had boon struck at Galncs' Mill. It was the first fight my regiment had participated in. Wo were posted near the foot of a wooded slo ] > o , having a slight breastwork of logs and limbs in front of us , aud for half an hour wo had nothing to do but listen to the horrible din. Pretty soon tlio smoke drove down until we could sec nolthor to the right nor left , but there was n pretty fuir view directly in our front. I remember as if it were but yesterday. Most of us were boys , and wliilo wo tried to bo stout-hearted our faces grow wluto , and fear kept up a constantstrugglo with pride. Below us ran a bush-fringed creek ; beyond that was clear ground for twenty rods ; then came the heavy forest in which the confederates wore massing lo hurl themselves against our particular position. Above us , further up tlio hill , our cannons wore throwing shot and shell into the wood with awful crash , and to the right and loft wo could hoar the fierce cheers of charging men. It was awful to die in peace amid such excite ment , but our turn came. A cheer which for a moment rose above all other sounds came from the woods in front. Then a line of battle witli regi mental front broke cover at double quick. It was followed by another and another , until tlio space between the creek and the forest was filled with advancing men. Now the artillery above us redoubled its lire , and the scream of grape and canis ter over our heads was terrifying I could not hoar any of the orders given by the ofliccrs , but as the men on cither side of me begun firing , I followed suit. Seven out of every ten of our bullets must have killed or wounded , fired into such a solid mass. The first line molted away before it reached the creek. The second fared but little better , but on came a third and fourth and fifth , cheering and firing , and while 1 was loading for the fifth time I saw confederates forming on our side of the creek for a dash at our works. The artillery could not bo de pressed to reach them , and our musketry lire had slackened oil * somewhat. The line of gray charged up the hill , and right in front of mo I saw a fair faced lad of 17 or 18. His blue eyes were Hashing ; his teeth hard shut ; his face as white as death. The line halted on the other side of our breastwork , and now men fired into each other's faces. I levelled my musket full at the bruast of the fair faced boy. Ho was so near that his eyes looked into mine , and his musket was unloaded. Tliero was an appeal for mercy in his eyes as they first mut mine , but a second later there came a look of proud deliancc , and ho clubbed his musket and struck at me across the logs. He stood almost alone. It seemed like murder to liro'on ' him , but war is mnr- dor. Tlio powder flame jumped into his face as I pulled the trigger , and then our lines rose up and cheered again and again. Wo had driven the gray lines back. I did not cheer. I foil the guilt of a murderer. In some Georgia homo a mother would sob and weep , a father would mo , brothers and M.slers would grieve and refuse to bo comforted. Other men looked ever the breastworks and cheered again. My victim was there ; I dared not look. Our position was too strong to bo par ried , but wo were flanked on the right and left and compelled to fall back , and the first of MeUlollan's defeats had boon inflicted. Wo had retreated mile by mile fo Mai- vcrn Hill , Hero wo wore to make a last stand again&t the legions in gray , which liad cxtiltingly followed us through ( ho swamps and over the hills. Tlio great plateau bristled with cannon , and was covered with lines of infantry. On the slopes were other lines Along the base , making rifle pits on the banks of the me andering crook , wore thit muii who wore to fool tlio first shock of battle. For two or three hours tlio ground trembled under the tprrilio lire of the ar tillery. Then Magruder'.s lima broke cover from the pinu woods nnd swarmed across thu cleared fields of the Grows tiirm. Every gun on the plateau bolclnul shot and .slu'll ; every muakut along the cn 'k gout its bullet into the charging ranks. We broke them again anil again , but again aud again thov roformcd. and dnshiid forward to grapple with dimtn. In the last dwsperato charge , made just as the HUH was hanging on the tree tops , the rir t lines almost reached the crook. Wo hatl fired our fiixly'rounds and boon soiTcd anew , nnd more than once our nunkiits had b * un laid in tlio shallow riv ulet to cool oil' , De.sporato as had boon the charges , reckless as the gray legions were , Mono of thorn had passed thoorook. Shot and hhell and bullet had met them on Iho open meadow and rent and shat tered their columns. This would bo the last charge. Wo all roali/.i'd it as wo made ready lo repulse it , Witli cheers that told of brave hearts they came 011 , and in a moment tlio clouds of smoke shut the heads of col umns from view. I had fired four or live times , wlipu a column of gray suddenly appeared close upon us and gave us a volloy. llight in front of me a wraith rising out of a duop sea foir 1 saw the fair-faced lad of ( Jalio.s' ) Mill. His blue eyes bla/.cd again , his white tcoth bhowod liutwiH'n hid lips , his breath came hard and fast , 1 was down on ono knni , my musket covering him. As ho looked into my face 1 saw Unit ho reeogm/od me. Aye , ho somni'd to reproach me. Hut I was thiTO to maim and kill , Wliiu wore the Aoks , and tears and heartaches in a Georgia homo to moV U is a soldier's duty to desolate family hearthstones to miiKD innlliura , and wives and stslor.s wcop. 1 was but a boy , however , and I had tiio heart of a boy. I shut my eyes as I pulled trigger , and fearing to see him lying there with a rairgt'd wound in his brua t a.s the cloud of smoke lifted. 1 ran tip the Una thirty foot and crowded into a now piaco. Wo had checked tlio exultant fee who had dogged us < > o many weary miles , and our army was ftivetl. 1 tried to ohoor witli tiio rest , but my voice would not como. The boy whom 1 thought I had murdered nt Games' mili had miraculous ly scaped mv bullet , but this tlmo I munt have killed him , nnd the thought was a great weight on my heart. Ho was lying there in the gathering darkness , ids blood pouring out on the green grassand his death-glazed eyes staring UP at the stars. I could not cheer. 1 loll more like weeping. I was sick in hospital when Jackson and Loncstrcot drove Pope over the plains of Manassas back upon Washing ton , but when McClollnn faced Lee at Antiotam I was again in the ranks. Hooker had boon fighting on the right for an hour when our division moved in to support his beaten troops. Tlio dead nnd wounded were thickly strewn over Iho ground that morning. Jackson's left was covering a fordand his left spun out to connect with Leo , but wo could not break him. Tlio Diinkcr church was just in front of us , and about 10 o'clock wo got the order to advanoe. Wo had to clear a standing fence , push across an open field , and then moot another fence which the confederates were using for covOr. How the shell droppedamongusl How grape and canister mowed our ranks ! How tlio bullets flow about our pars ! 1 wondered how wo could bo so steady under that murderous fire. I won dered if our advance was supported , and how many of us could cross the Hold and reach tlio last fence. It was a nightmare. Thcro was no cessation of the terrible clash and din , nnd tlio smoke was so thick that wo ran into tlio fence before seeing it. Wo dropped down and begun firing , hoping for the lines of support to como up , but Ihrough fiomo blunder wo were leftto light ft out alone. Then there suddenly occurred n breathing spoil. As if by mu tual consent the firing almost ceasedand as the smokn lifted tlio confederates made a charge. Perhaps wo were ordered to rotreat. I heard no command. U seemed certain ( loath to leave the cover of the fence , slight as it was. I supposed our policy would bo to break the charge by n rapid lire , and I was loading and firing as fast as possible when their first line thirty foot long rose up and fired into their faces .mil then used the bayonet to keep them oil' . They guvo back , but en couraged by their ollieors they came again. Right in front of mo , bareheaded with curls of powder smoke floating through his flaxen locks with tlio same old lire of battle in ills eyes , was the boy whom I thought I had loft dead at Mai- vern Hill. There was a freshly healed scar on his loft cheek. I noted it as wo looked into cacliother's eyes across , the fence , our muskets unloaded , our bayonets broken. Ho know mo on the instant. It was his turn now , but there was no thirst for ven geance in his look. 1 hail wounded him twice , but ho bore mo no malice. Thcro was firing on the right ami loft , and my comrades were using their clubbed mus kets. The boy called upon mo to surren der , but the spirit of a devil reminded mo that I had a revolver in my belt. 1 reached for it , aimed full at tlio boy's head , and as 1 fired ho throw up his bauds and sank down. I tried to cheer , but my voice accused mo of foul murder. As 1 retreated back , a thousand missiles of war rending the air and ploughing the ground , 1 felt the touch of a hot iron on 1113 * shoulder and foil among the dead and wounded. It was night when they car ried mo away to the field hospital. When the troops of Hooker debouched into Iho wilderness at Chancollorsvillo 1 was with them , sound and well again. All day long Jackson had been stealing along our flank fo lake Iho army in Iho roar , but wo did not suspect it , _ Wo had turned Loo's position at I''redorick.sburg , and ho must como out ami fight us on tlio Salem hills. Hooker could soleot his own batllo ground , and victory must surely perch upon his banners. As dark ness foil and our camp fires blazed in the Virginia thickets wo were enthusiastic. With no more warning than a liger gives as ho springs upon his prey , Jack son struck us. Hundreds of Iho panic- stricken moil fled totho rear ; a few ral lied behind the fallen trees m hopes lo chock the rolling waves until reinforce ments could bo sent up. It was the ell'ort of a human hand to stop the fly-wheel of a great engine. In live minutes wo were bomir trodden into the earth. A sort of desperation scorned to seize us. Wo would not retreat and wo would not siir- sonder. Like one rising slowly from Iho ground , the boy of Games' Mill suddenly confronted mo. Wo rocogni/.od each ether at onco. Thrice had I wrought for his death and thrice had ho recovered. He was pale-faced and seemed weak. I must have wounded him in ( lie heul : at Antiotam , and perhaps he had only loft the hospital to heip boat Hooker back. "Surrender ! Siirrendor ! " they shouted. "For God's sake , Mirrendcrl" cried the boy , as ho lowered his inuskot. I would not. The sjiiritof seven devils raged within mo. 1 had a load in my musket , and I lircd it ; felt a great pain in my side ; foil to the oarlli and and slnpt. 1 dreamed and raved and called out in my terrible thirst , but when morn ing camu 1 was calmer. The dead and dying were on every hand. 1 sat up. Beside mo was a corpse in gray. 1 looked down upon the cold , dead face , and 1 knew it in an inslaut. This was the body of the boy of Games' Mill of Malvorn Hill of Antietani. I had murdered him at last. He had been shot Ihrough the lungs. There was blood on his choil and lips , on the ground. Ho had not died at onco. It was the water from hiscanU'cn which had quenched my thirst. It was his hand winch had placed a blanket under my head. And novora day has since gone by that I have not cursed myself for the murder , and asked forgiveness lor Ilio crimo. lr. ) Piorco's "Pellets" Iho original 'Little Livin1 Pills" ( ! ) uuru sick and HHioiis ho.adadlio , hour.stomachs and billious attacks. l.y ! druggists , A bird known as Iho "silk-tailed chat terer" has lately roappuarod in middle Germany after an absunco of thirty years. The peasants coiibidcr the arrival of Um songster as an onion of jrood , portending increased happiness and prosperity to the people. Is very prevalent : it this season , tlio symptoms being bitter taslo , oll'onsivo brualh , coated tongue , .sick headache , drowsiness , diznineim , loss of np | > iilitu. If this condition is allowed to continiiu , serious consequences may follow. 15y promptly taking Hood's Sarsaparjlla , u lever may bo avoided or premature death provontyd , Jtisa jioaltivo euro for bil liousncss , Sold by all druggists. i It was tiio ditty of Kuglish coroners in olden days to hold inquests not only t.n ilualli.s , but on linis , burglaries and rob- burins. Inquests on ( ire * arobtill licld in Northumberland , and it is now proposed to ruintrodnuu into London the ancient " ( Ji'owuer'd quest Itiw " in the matter of iiros. St. Jacobs Oil nljsohifidy euros rhtiiimatisiu and costs only lll'ly cents u bottlo. _ A wonderful Olunoso buy in innnlioncd in the report of a missionary : tl IVl-'in. At a reuoni oxamlnation lie rciiat'tt ] ( thu on tire Now Testament williout missini' u .Mii le word or niulin ; ono mist.nlio. Ho is now commuting to memory J r. Mar tin's ' "Kvldeuecs of Clirintianity , " u ttiik which ho will hoon complete. Tiislglvu H. H. IMnTdllLASS & SON.S OAl'yfcUM COUUli DHDl'.S a fair trial they wi rnuliuvo your Cough in'jtanlly. Thousands tellfv to tills. Martin lroi , of Marietta , f.i. ! , trml : Anew now wny of r-.ticliiiig 1 lo tool : ti > .og and filled it about half full of water and phu'i'd ( > ottoii seeds oi | to'of ] ) the wutu , \vhieh lloalod on tlic surface , Ho then t-prinMed nu''il en top of the i-olton sei-d ami plai'C'd the lc ; r in hit barn. Nt inoruliig ho cmpi'od bis Ui-g of U 0 drowuctl rats. STRICTLY PURE. IT COnTAIXS NO OPIUM IN ANT i'Otm IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND Si PER BOTTLE O KCEN I BOTTLEs nro put up for the A > * JooiiimoU\tlon ( ot nil who doslro n goo ftntl low prlcod Cough. Cold and CroupRemidy TIIOM : iiKsiniNd A nr.MKDT roil CONSUMPTION ANT LUNG DISEASE. Bliouli ) Bcciiro tliolnitfo fl Imttlcs. Direction nccompiuiylntr onoh bottlo. Sold by all Modiciuo Doalors. EPITHELIOMA ! Oil SKIN OANCEtt. Tor seven voars 1 autloroil with n cnncor on mjfncp. . Klitlit niontln iipn u friend ro- ctmimomlod llio use of Swift's Spcclflo nnd I ito- tci mined to iniiKo im otTorl to secure It. In tills 1 wns EiircoB liil , nnd tirunii Its uso. Tlio Inllu- once of tlio muilioltiunt that wim to vnmowlint itRfrrnvntu liio ooru : tmt soon the Inlliuimtloa wim iillnj cd mill I lioirim to lmi > ii > vn nflor the tlist few liultlos. My Kvncriil lumlth hns jrrontly Improved. 1 nm BtioiiKur , nnd nblo to ilo nny liliulof oik. The cnnccr on my fnco lictrmi to decioiifo nnd tlio ulcer to heel , \intlltlioro Is not n vestlgo of It loft only nlltllo ccnr mnrks the plnon. Mas. .lot nit A MoUoMAUi. Atlnntn , On. , August 11 , IbSj. 1 luivo Imd n cimcor oTi my fnco for porno yenis , extending from ono check bono iieioai llio nose to the othor. It hiiSRlvun mo n great drill of pnln , ut Hincn Iniiiilnif nnd Itchlim to Btieh nn extent Hint U vrns nlmost unhenrnlilo. I commenced uslnjf Swift's Specific In Mny , 18S3 , nnd luivo used cl lit Imttlcs. It hua ulvoii the Koiitost icllcf hy removing the inilninnUoii find icsturititf my t'cnenil henlth. W. IIAHNKS. Kiioxvtllo , Town , ScptS , IBS' ! . . , Trontlsoon blood und okln diseases mnlloa free. _ The Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 8 Atlnntn , Qa N. y. 157 W.ild street. ArrculKntrkdnattcif two Me lle ICotltcri , fc&it > e ntoogtt f njiiKeil ; la thi a | > aUI Irtatintal of CHBUHIC , llitroui , SKIM ftntl IILOOO l > iisi Bd 'linn any oilier rhrtteUu luBt.Loall , aiclty i iitri ihoif ti > & .MIoldrciUtnti\now. Ncnoui Prostration , Debility , Mental anil Phscnl ) ! Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflcc- tlons ol Throat , Skin or Hones , Clood Poisoning , old Sores anil Ulcers , an tr ua with uoririiititd ueefii , OD UltiKcl-ntlQo principle ! . Ffcfclr. Privately. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , viiich rrojuct om or tin following rOcti : utrvoutneu , dcbllllr , dlunua or itghl auil derectlrcaealftrj , plmpleiou tbi f ee , | ibvile&ldce7 | bTcnlcnlotbP iDelclfor ftmttoi , coofuilol of l pal , U. , rendering Mnrrlajo Improper or unhappy , art rrrtuibfDllcured. . I'AlupblrMSGragosJontbftnlxnr , UDl InicaleJ tQnloi > e , freeto atijr iLtlJieri. Contultallon&tof * Ceeorlijr mMI fr r , Invited atxd itiletly cenHJontlal. A Poslllvn Written Guarantee iftren in .tirjca. tolilc ott. Uedlclno aout c * try wluro bjr uuill cr eipms , SflO T A > E3 , riUE ! VIiATES , clseant ololh nnd rllt tlQ'tluF , e.tlcdfor DOo. In pvUKttoruu.reney , Urrr nfty vnaJerful fen r ltur * > , tru to lift ) rlielison the folloTrlns f itbjrcti t who may marry , ? nt u t. why t uinhood , woman * heel , phrtlcnl d'CKT , * fT et * ntuUlna jr ftad xa ] Aitio | lit j ( . iMurrurrcprodu | ilau , KCiltunnjrmo > et Trace tjjrrln o tonuatplatfod m rrlnc no ia ro A IU rrv\r \ f Jit to. , lane , tiapjrc5r r/a3c. Adilrsni ahfl * ' WHt t A FINE LINE Ol < AT WOWJOOE BROS' OMAHA NEURASKA. ESTABLISHED ' USED IIJ ALL f'r.laloiTin-s nnd i'rlcrsnu np | > llcatlnn. Bold by nil llio ticist Ciirrlncn HullilciH unil DciUcrs. O1N01NNATI , U. S. H. COO-CIN. ( Til SVJ B V A OulPir. rnnnfi. ( WHVJp.o ' m B ncnt Ol'lli : for WjW8'ia ! BM7i < > ' ' ItlANIIdOK. IIUIIII.ITV , iWlSPJ nWKiiiV : i'KWKM"viAUh : IJHH ! U ilrltKatl'SNo ' ( jiiniLrrr. iNDI-I'llTAhul . 'KUUVtt. I'IHIK liy iiull. HKAT.I'.I * . S'lirK. ERSE r"EDICrALCO..t3UFFA.ON.Y < - Allhoicrlrcce. oJ ' ( u > . BtiiiUUKi ) t Brtleuli , Df. WARD CO. , LOUISIANA , MO. Or llio Iliiioilidldl , I > i > slii ely Ailinliil torln Dr. ( lalilcn Sjifflllr. It run IIP clvon In n cup ot collVii ur loa without llic UnuHludKuof tliojicraoii mMnilllaliolutPly linrinlesi , nml "III cM'i'ct n pi rinaiii'iitnnil rptcdy curv , Mlitlhfr Ilin patient linniuilcrnluilrliikerijt \n nk'olidllc wrei'lc. It lutt licin Khi'ii In thoii. /I ; id8 of rn cs , nnil In nvury Instviiruiiporfi'ct euro lins folluucd. H iinrrr Inllii. Tlic nytti'in oncu linircinUeil | ; ullli tlio Hpoi Ilk1 , Itbrcoinmnn ultcr JmjicwIljllUy ( or llio liquor nppclllo tooxlut. KOJI HAI.P. IIY 1'OMiOWiNo nnucKiisra ! KUIIN it t'O. , Cor. X-'lh anil Daualan , nuil IKIh iV ( 'iiniliii ; SIM , , ( liitiiliu , Neb. ' A. I ) . VllSTIilt iV ItltW , , ( 'iiiiiiell IlIuiTx , Inira. Callnrtrrlln fur pniuplili't ranliilnliiu rcd ) c ? WilmiMilil : Iriniitlittlic''toiiiuii iinii muufrom nlprftnol ihutuunirv. Do you wnnt n pure , bloomIng - Ing Complexion { II' so , a few npidications of ITnuan's jfy you to your licnrt's cou * font. IL does away M'ilu 8nl- lowiioss , Itctlnoss , I'JinpIcs. Ulolches , and all diseases sintl Imperil'dions ol' tlio skin , IL overcomes llio Hushed npjicnr- nnco ol' lioitt , fai ( ; uu and ov- cHoinout. Itiuakos a lady of TJI I Jt'JT npponr but T W JW- 'J'V ; and so natural , grndual , and jiorf'oct are us oU'ects. tliut it isiiniiossiblo lo detect its application ,