THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TCJJE } DAY , MA.RCII 0 , 1833. choice load of packing hogs would have brought 4c. Choice heavy lioea are quoted nt S3.tOi' < J4.005 Rood mixed at ? 3.7rx33.S5j com mon roiiKhatS3.C.4J.75. ( Choice Sheen , weighing 7i ! to 100 Ita , mo juoled nt S2.3.W ; 100 to 123,11)3 , ) nt 53.00 $ " ' " " " " " rattic ; . . . . . . . , v. 100 ion 400 " ' ' " " " " t llbrsc&""i."lll"i. ! ! . . . . 13 lini'HKSENTATIVi : SALES. NATIVE STKKIl. * . Av. 1'r Av. I'r. Av. IT. Av. IT. 207 § 3.00 HinilKST AND LOWEST. Showing the lilgliost niul lowest price ? paid on this market for hoes durintr the past seven days anil for the corresponding period last mon tli. February. AInrcn Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Tlmiiday Friday. . . f-'alniday Monday Note All snlpq ot stock In tills market uro inado iiercwt.ll\o wclulit tinlcss otherwise Btnted. Dead IIOKS sell at Ic per Hi , for nil wclnlits. "Hklns , or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs , no value. 1'regnant sows are docked 401bsnndstasbOlbs ! OMAHA MARKEIS. Monday Evening , March 8. General Markets , Eons The market Is very weak. Sales nro being iiiailo at 10@lle. Uu'iTKii No now features liavc been de veloped In the inatkct , and values remain nbmit steady nt former quotations. Very choice country rolls sell lalilycll , but tlio demand for tlio medium and poorer grades Is exceedingly light. A greater portion of tlio receipts ot medium and Inferior ctades Is tinned over to the butter packers where it Is rovtoiked and shipped to eastern markets. The city trade will take nothing except the best grade , only the very choicest giades ol table butter will bring top prices. Uhntro rolls aiu quoted at 13@lCc ; fair to good , S ® IOc : Inferior , 4gOc ( : creamery , In 1 ll > biicks , 'iOc. Country shlppcis by handling their butter with more care so that it will present n better appearance on its arrival to market , would lenli/.o better piices In many in stances. Onnnsn Fancv full cream Cheddars. Octo ber make , ll o : Hats , l'@ltU'c ! ; voting America , ! % ; lirst quality Swiss cheese , IOc ; second quality. ii@llc : ; brick cheese , ICc ; Llmburgur , liool'Jc. 1'otJi/ruv The demand was n little stronger this morninc as usual on Saturday's , but the market could not be considered any higher. Cholco dressed chickens sold at b © DC : fair to good , 7@Sc. Turkeys are not very active at 8 < < i'Jc : heavy turkeys weighlnir 18 to 20 Ibs or more do not sell as well , 7c being about the average price. There aio no geese coming In , and no demand. Choice ducks are ( incited nt @ 10c. UAMK With tlio exception of n few ducks nothing has been recoi\ed In the line of game woith mentioning. 1'ilce.s for the most part aie nominal. I'raiiic chickens , per doz , 82.50 ; quail , per doz , S1.25@1.50 : jack nib- bits , per doz , SU.OO : mallard ducks. S'J..i'i © 2.50 : teal ducks , S1. ' > @U > 0 ; mixed ducks , 81.25@l.50 ; small rabbits. 75oc : : riusRiiVE8. : jr.M.ins. ETC. rrcscrves. nil kinds. 20-lb. ) ) alls per Ib. . lO c ; do 10 iiail lots , per Ib. IOc ; assorfed 5-lb. pails per crate , 0 palls , ? : t.75. Jellies , ail kinds , lust grade , 20-lb. palls , per 11) . , Sc ; nssoitecl , liiht gindo , 5-lb palls , i > cr crate , B palls , S'.fiO ; do , 1-lb palls , per case , 2 doz , S2.'J5 ; do , ttimb- lors , per case. 2 doz. . SMO. Jelly , all kinds , second prade , ! M-lb. palls , per Ib. oc. jMinco Meat , best grade , } { bbi. per Ib. . 7c ; do , IS , 88 and CS-lb palls , per21b. , 7Kc ; no. Mb palls , per crate , 0 palls , S3.7. > . Apple butter , extra line , if bbl. . per Ib. . 7c ; dolOlb palls , per Ib. , iytdo. \ . 5-lb palK per crate , (1 ( palls S2.75. I'eacn and plum butter , 40-iu pails , per Ib. , 0 c ; peach , plum nnd quince batter , as sorted , 5-fb. pails , per ctnte , 0 nails , P',75 ; catsup per case , 2 doz. pint bottles. S5.00 ; horse radish , pint bottles , pel doz. . SI.W. 1'ios FKKT. 'I mm. Err Pigs' feet per K bbl. , 84.75 : do. K bbl. , S2.40 ; do. per kit , 51.00. Lambs' tongues , per * ( bbl. , S3.CO ; do. \t uer kit. lap. KUAUT Hcst quality , 45 pal bbl , 57.50 ; SO jral bbl. 50.50 ; IS mil bbl. 51.00. NUTS j'eraus , large polished , lie ; pecans , medium , Oc : Knizllsh walnuts. Me : almonds , Tarragona , 20c ; do , j anguenoc , 17c ; Urazils , 12c , lilbeits , I4c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Vlririnla. 7e : do roasted l'c. CoMit lloxicr California 3 infraniH tW Ihs , In case per Jb. , 13c ; 10 Ib. fiames , Nebraska , . Cinurt MIchluan rcilned , per bbl. , SO. CO ; do. half bbl. . 54.00. ViNKOAit Whlto wine , IOc ; cider , 12 ! < fc. ConoA.NUrs At 34.50 5.00. NKW Fios , DATKS , KTC. I.ajer figs , 5 and 8-lb hoses , per Ib , Kil7c ; Pninelles.2.rlb boxes , per Ib , lie. Dates , fancy Fanl , 12-Ih boxes , i > er Ib. lie ; do , fancy Persian , 00-lb boxes , per Ib. lie. LKMONS I'anpy Messina and Palermo , per box. 55.00 ? : do. choice Messina and Paleimo , per box , SI.5'J ; do. per 5 box lot , 51.00. Call- lornlii lemons. Sil.W ) per box. UnxrES Malaga per bbl. S7.00. OitANiins Choice Los Angeles , per box , 82.75 : do,5-box lots , pcrbox.SU.OO ; do , 10-box lots , S2.W ) ; fancy Kivei > lde , ) r3.75 ; do , 5-box lots. IWI : Navels. ? 4.50. CitANnnnnins Capo Cod cranbeules , per bhl , s.fiO : Cipn ; Cod do , 5-bbl lots , per bbl. Sh.OO : ISell and Cherry do , per bbl , S5.7ri ; Hell nnd Cheiry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbL W.50. UvsTintsTlii'oluine ol the < iy ter ti.uio Is ili'cie.islnif inpldly at the apptoa'-li of warm \veatlii-r. Prlivs remain steaay atloimcr quotation . Now Yoilc counts , 45c ; exlin 40e ; selects , USc ; standards BOc ; Arri.r.s Kaney N. Y.BaldwInsand green- Ings. 52 f > UW.75 ( ; : Ml.sboml Cenitons , per bbl. , S'J.40 ; do , ft-bbl hits , P'J.'i" , ; do. 10-b | Jots , 82.00Mlssoiul ; WillowTwlgn , Hen Davis , etc , S'J.7i ! ; do , 5-hbl lots , 5r2.50 ; do. 10 bbl lots , 82.4(1 ( : lancy Mlchliran slock. S3.0ow.ii : ! . VKfir.r\ni.i' > ) Cnllliirniaciibbage , 3)v'fl ) per III ; simthein and Coliir.ido , old stock , % < : ; Ciilifoinla rcli'iy , S'-.005U.wi per do/ : Jersey \ l sweet potatoes , 4e per Hi ; imiMilps , 52,00 JMT bushel ; Michigan rutaluga , 52.r > 0 per bbl ; cmillllouL-r , 5 ' .00 per ; , To pur 11) ) . add beans l'i I'A'ioKs Stock Is beginning to move nt the iippioiich of wanner weather. Tour hi.ids \\eio lei'Chi'd this week. It is a dlllleult matter at this soasun to place car lots , and pilrrs on loin am still low. Choice , laigu nssoiled Mock Is being hold In a small wav nt Vii'rli ( ' ( : ; smaller or medium nssoik'il bloc ) ; at 45fiM ( ! . interior or mixed Muck Is not wauled and tumid not soil to advantage. ( ) M Nh Cliolcu htook Is quoted at fcl.OO per luishi'l ; lioueu'iIntgii quantities would nut t > ell in the I'ilj at that price , as the demand U mo > tlv In a small way. JliiA.vs-lland nicked navy. 81.75 2.00 ; imnil picked medliuu. Sl.W fl.Trj ; coed clean countrv. Sl.'iVrd.fO ; inleilor. 75r : . ( w. UuUN Kluuilcir prices : Coin , Ul c ; oats , 21elieal ; , ( UHI"THI : barley , 4V r fi.otnt and .Mu.i.snn'K.s > \ inter \ > hcat lliiui. be. . ! quality patent , SUXuuu : ) ( ; ; second quality , fJ.5Ksi.K ( ! : ( ) : best quality sprliiu \slioat Hour , patent. Si5iW.7. : ) ( % ; buckwheat Hour , in li.iiH'ls , f\7S ; leaily raised Jtlb pack- nK . 84.00 ; n lb packages , 5 .IK ) ; bran , .V * per cwt : rhoppiil teed , 70c | t'r i-\\t ; wlilto com meal , bOicllo\vrurn ; HUM ) . TQunorcwt. Fcn'enlnir , COOIH.T uwt ; hominy , Sl-Wpcr cwt ; filmits , Wii- per cv\t : graham , SI.75 per cwt ; Jmv. In lull's. 5'WH)6t7.0i ' ) ) ner ton. J'r.ovisio.vs. Ham. Wl'J' ' o. breakfast bacon , J cclear ; sldobacon , 7cdiysalted ; sides , Oc ; shouldeis. sugar cured , &KOS t\\a \ > s poilc per bbl. . 81i.oo ! : lard. 40 Ib. cans , perlb. (37o ( : 10. oniida lb 7 Q8o ; dried beul linms. 1' c lln > is : ( Jrcen butchers , GfJiuVe ; green curoil. < 'Ji ' ( < ? Tc : dry Hint , IK'Sl c ; dry salt. fQlOc : dnmairi'J hldos two-thlids price. Tallow : i4c , liit'.i&o , pnmo white , i.J/i- ; > el- low , ; > < ; brown. Wi % bheeu Tells 2575c. l-'ons ANI > BHIXS I'uces on furs and ElcliiH mo steady. Mink , each , lO iOc ; mitakrat , winter. 2 < iiic ; do. kits , Ic : Otter , S2..VK'iO.OO ; ikunk , filiort Mrlpcd. 15' ( ? ' 5cdo. bniait.slripi'd. IOC'5.10 ; badger , S5@50 ; Itac coon , -N'o. ' 1 large. . ' . (16 } 5 ; do. No. ' . ' , U053t' ; do. No. 8. lOwttSe ; wolf , praiilo W ilo : do. mountain. Sl..0 < K33.00i w ildcat , 15C MO : nea- \cr. Sl.r i'.M ) per lb ; fox , each , o < yi.75 : dierbKIn : . drv winter , 15 ( . { lSo ; > cr Ib ; do , fill aud buimiH'r A oc HEAVY HAitmvAiiic Iron , rates , S2.C5 ; plow fiteel , fw-clal cast , 4j ; rmcibio stool , fie ; east tools do , 12gl8 < \\airoti spokes , jwr set , f 1.7Wi3.00 : hubs , tx'r bet. S1.25. fcjloes. sawed dry , 51.40 , tongues , cacli.TSc , axlei , each , 75c ; VjuarouuU , IH.T Ib. , 7uilc ( ; ; coilchaln per d , Shoes , S5.25. arlCd Wire In car lots , S4.00 jier 100 Ibs. iron Nails Kates , 10 to CO. 53.00. Shot 8L50 ; buckshot. 81.85 ; Oriental pow der , kegs S3.5oM.rjo < : do , half kegs. S2.00 ; do , quartcrkcgs.Si50blasUn ; : ! ? , kegs. S.3,35 ; fuse , per 100 feet. 59c. Lead Bar. SUri. . LKATnr.n No. 1 l'itlsbur harness J. c , L. feSons , 80cNo. ; 1 Plttsburg , K. & S. SGc ; No. 1 lace leather , C5c ; nrlmo slauehtcr solo leather , ao : rrlmo oak solo leather. &Wc. Upper leather , per foot , O ) < ( ? 25c ; Hem kip , ifxgSSc ; oak Kip. 8RflGc ( : French ki n. S1.00fflji.2. " : Hem calf. Siroo l.lO. oak calf. Sl.oo@lS5 ; Krcnch calf , Sl/r LM : Mo- mcco boot Ice , SO < 3B2c : Morocco oil pebble , 2 ? 32c ; topplncs and llnlnscs , 50.00\Jlo.o3 ( per Uoz COAL Anthracite grate , S3. o ; egg , SS.M ; ranee , 58.59 ; chestnut , S3.5 } ; Iowa. 53.50 ; Walnut block. 53.75 : Illinois , 55.00 ; .Mis souri Sl.rxi Diiv PAINTS White lead , Sc : Kiench zinc , 12c ; 1'arls whiting , 2' < c ; vhlting glider'1 , Ufchltlng ; , conn , IMC ; lampblack , ( lei- mantown , I'-'c ; lampblack , onllniry , 10o ; I'rtisslan blue , f > 5c ; ultramarine , Ifcc ; vandyke - dyke , brown , 8c ! umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c : slcnnn , rixw , 4o ; Pads gicen. genuine , 253 ; I'ails green , com- intiii , 'JOc ; I'hiomo Rieen , N. Y. , 20c ; chrome green , K , 1'Jc ; vermllllon , English , in oil nsst , , ISc ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , IOc ; raw nuil biiint sienna , IOc ; Vandyke , brown , IHc ; lellned lampblack , 12c ; coach lilack and Ivory blaek , 10e ; drop lilack , IOc ; Prussian bine , 40c ; nitiamarlno blue , lite : chrome gicen , U , M. & 1) ) . , IOc ; blind and slmtter green , I * , M. ifc I ) . , IOc ; 1'arls gieen , Ifcc ; Intlinn red , 15c ; Venetian ted. He ; Tus can , 2-'c ; Amerlcnn vet million , L. .v 1) . , 20c ; yellow oclne , Uc ; I. . M. As O. D. . 18c ; golden oclne , IOc ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dailc oak , walnut , chestnut and nsn , 15c. French zinc , In vainlsh asst , 20c ; French zinc , 75c ; vcimlllton. Amciica , l ! < c ; Indian , led. lOc ; losujilnk , 14c ; VenetiantedConk- son's , 2jfc ; Venetian , led , Ameiican , IJ/c ; red lead , 7Kc ; chrome jclhw , " ueiiuino , 20u ; chrome yellow , K. 12c : oclne , "lochelle , ! ! c ; ochre , Fiench , " % c.oclne. \ . Ammeilcan. Uc ; Wintet's mineral , 2 > fe : Lelilgh blown , 2J c ; Sjianlsb brown , 2 } c ; Pilnce's mlneial , "c. VAIINISIIUS Haiiels , iier gallon : Furni ture , extia , 81.10 : fuinltnre , No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , o\tin , S1.40 ; coacn , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Daiuar , extia , SI.75 ; , 70c ; asiihaltum , extra , S5u ; bliellac , S3.50 ; haul oil linlsh , Sl.fO. On.t 110" caibon. ner callon , IOc : ISO * headlight , per gallon , lie ; 17.V ho.idliL'ht. per gal , 15o : 1W water while. 14c ; linseed , hard , per gallon , 44e ; linseed , boiled , JUT gallon , 4c ; laid , winter str'd , per gallon , rte ( ; No. 1 , 4c ! ) ; No. 2. 4 e ; castor XXX , per gallon , 81.55 ; No. ! ! . ? 1.4l ; sweet , per gallon , 81.00 ; sperm , W. K. . per gallon. § 1.00 ; lisb , W. U. , per gallon , 053 ; neatstoot , extia , per gallon , . . . . per gallon , . „ llBUiis AND CiiEMirAT.s Acid , catholic , SOc ; acid , tattarlc , K.'o ; balsam copaiba , per Ih , nOc : balk , sassafias , per Ib , I2o ; calomel , per Ib , 72c ; clnchonldin , per oz , 40c ; chloip- loim , per Ib , OOc ; Do\ers powdeis. per Iti , 81.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , 3.V c : glycerine , pine , per lt > , 20c ; loail. acetate , per Ib , 20c ; tassium , Iodide , per Ib , 8'J.OO ' ; salleln , per o/ . , 40c ; sulphate morphine , ner oz. , Si.OO : sulphur - phur , per Ib. 24e ; strychnine , per obl.45. . bi'iniTa Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.12 ; do 101 proof 81.13 ; spirits , second Quality 101 proof. 81.12 ; do. IbS proof , 81.11. Alco hol. l&S proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Hedis- tilled whiskies , Sl.00fflt.50. ln blended , 81..r)0a2.00 ) ( ; Kentucky bouibons , s2.00fWi.oo ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes. S2.00&C.30 ; Cohlen bheaf bouihon and lye whiskies , Sl.50@3.0o. Urandles-lmpoilea , 85.00 ( < t8.M : domestic. S1.80@3.00. Olns Imported , 84.50 @ 0.00 ; domestic. 81.25riin.00. Kums lin ported , 84.50@8.00 ; New liimland , S1.75JD2.00 ; domcsilc , Sl.2oci.oo. ( : Champagnes 1m- poitcd. per case. Si3.00@31.00 ; Aminlcan , per case , 810.oo@iO.oo Fish. SuNnuir.s Domestic Holland herring , kegs , 50c ; Kiisslan saidlnes , 45c ; Ancho- vli-s In irlass. Oie Dull brana. ner ao . . 8 ' .00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and heads off , per pail. HKItlilNOS. . lll'sHrf | Il'ls Q'r llblal'ls Kts risu. NEW iiOO 100 UO 60 40 | 12 10 Munn's S'tNo.l I/b rtlo Sis 3 il T2Tbfia \ \ 63 Kancj n Oll,3 , 60 a )1 ) Hl ) GO K ] 60 l/gu It'll Sli'ru l'"cy5 | fUJ | ! J52 D71 6711 10 | 5ll | 47 LAKK FISH. lints. Hull Hlils Q'r Dills1 _ y\ \ HEW SOU 1UO 00 Bloater Mo a 35 00 IS 0010 25 9 05 7 SO 1 03 Kt. No. ISh'r ; 4 00 13 50J11 JO 305 I'M ' 40 No. 1 Shore IB 00 , 0 GO B OJ 4 W,3 ) , W ) 1 „ iled. No. 1 Shore. . 13 00 7 DO 0353 ] 6.13 9)1 8.1 " " IJuy . . . 11 00 0 00 4.1 II Q12 GO 75 Largo Family u no n ( w 1 ff > a D5 310 C.1 Vat " 7001 4 00 3 Bia 05 1 70 | 65 PICKLED SALMON . NEW llhls Hit llbls Q'rIlltls,1'ulls or klu 100 90 GO 40 | 15 12 10 lilood Itod AlUSKIl. . . . 13 CO 7 00 C 35 3 65 2 80 93 85 Olood Hod Cal 13 00 7 00 6.-35 3 55 2 00 03 65 Tongues Ac Sounds 150o80j7.2.V4 | | OCI3 30 1 10 IMl'OIUEI ) 11KII. rmu . lllls ) I' ' " HI'ls O'r inil8'ull8 , ] orkltg . , . , flail. etui 100 lirt r.n tn I IE 1. n VO CO 40 | 15 K 10 Noni'cBlan KKK Hur'iliifs 13 0)0 506 003 .T0.3 70 03 83 Norn KK iIe.rrlntj-3. 11 CO 0 CO 5 45 3 Of 3 50 81 75 U 00,4 604 00,3 , 110,1 , OJ OS1 CO SMOKED FISH Halibut , IOc ; scaled herr ings , uc : ; salmon , lie : smoked bturgooii. lie. CODFISH l.nrao ( J. 1J. whole cod , 4c ; 0. * T. , ( ieorges chunks , 7c : clover leaf , ( Jeorges snips. OJc ; l lb rolls , r Ib boxes , P3u'c : pralrlollower , 21b brlcko ; < rc ; wild rose , 2 Ibbiick , 5c. Grocers' JUIat. Svnur No. 7D , 2V , bbls : No. 70. 4-callon kogs. S1.0S ; New Oilcans : w4'c per gallon ; Maple Syrup , M baud , P ite O. btiiclly pure , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , 0.25 pur doz ; X gallon cans , 85.23portion ; ouart cans SS.dO. bTAiioii M rror gloss , 1 lb , lie ; Minor ploss,31b,5J < c ; .Mlriui glossOlbfi"c " , ; ( rave.s corn , 1 Ib , O' c ; Klngsfoid's corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kingstoiil'u gloss , 1 lb , 'o ; Klngsford's gloss C lb. 1K : Kingstord's pure , Si lb M/c ; Kings- foul's bulk -Ic. 1'i.tio 'l OIIACCO Climax , 47cper Hi : Horseshoe shoo , U'c ' ; Star , si o : Spearhead. 0 ; ( Sold Itoll , 4'c ; Piper llcldsick. COo ; lUmch , S-'e ; "i OUIIK lf ltifc : : JTJ. Stv. OA.HBT MlxudiK@l2cstlcic. ! O CsJlle. SODA In lb papers , S3.-J5 a case ; salsoda keg peril" , 3 , < . | PICKLES Medium In barrels. SVO ; do In Jialf barrels. S ' , < i ; small In ban els , $7. 0 : do inhalfbairels , S4. fl : gherkins iu barreU , 5 > .i 0 : do tn half barrets , H.5 Diui'.r ) KIIUITH No. 1 quarter apples , 4c ; evapoi-atcd , boxes , B . 'o : blackberries , boxes , U 46il'o ( : ivenches : Kastein. 4 iu.j'c ) ' ; peaches , evaporated , IS'tfQjne ; Salt l ake , now , iH ® o ! raspbotiles , now.JUo : ; pur- rantii. ; priincs. now. 4 < " ( $ „ . biiiAiis-Po\\ieieil.74'ccntloar.7 ; > 4cgran- : ulatr-d , 0 fc : rouiectioners' A. Vc : Stan , daid xtra ( ' . U c : extia U. O c ; medium > t'llow. uifc ; New Orleans , .l jm c. OANNED tioons Oysters , htaimard per cas > e. S.i. 0 : strawberrk's , 2-l ) . , percaso. S2.ii ; raspberries , 2-lb. , per case , S'J.H ; UalltornU peais. per castfS.CO ; aiiric < its , per cas < > S4.GO ; peaches , per case , $4,75 ; white clier- 5.50' MATCHKS J'er caddie , 35c ; round , per case 45o ; 8juaro cases , gl.70 ; Oshkosh ci es , Kr. , 81.20 : iiinlii butiaro. 8J.2.X S.VI.T Dray loads , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton. In sacks. sa3o ; * f sacks , Ashtoti , KOobbla dairy , f.i.CV23.75 ( So\i's Kirk's rtuvon xinpcrml , S-.P3 ; Kirk's satinet , S3.15 ; Kirk's standard. S3.30 ; Kirk's Whlto Itusbiau , S4.-J5 ; Kirk's Wlilto Cap. S".50 : JJoiitc. S4.-A WnMilHiu.l. . SK.15. COKKEKS Ordinary cranes , 'J c : talr , lVd ( 'j'c ; prime. H'o rJc ; choice , is uiis e ; ' , 40tt. Os lie ; 8s , lie ; boxes , 40B , 10 oz , Cs , lies halt box , 20tt , II"c. " . HOPE Sisal. K luch and larjcr , 8 4'c ; V Inch , PC : * < Inch , 0 ,0. briCF.s ( Iround Ulack poppc'i boxes , 1 > @ 22c ; allspice , ! 2 < 31Cc : clnnninon l3 cj cloves , I525c ; ginger , 15 < a25ci muswrd , 15(3 ( ioC * . VINEOAH CIDKH 13lSe : white wlno , 13 S2UC. Uarneau's soda , butter and picnic , 5Kc : creams , 8 > < fcs ginger snaps , 8jc ; Cltv soda,7 > < c. FINE CUT Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm ot the West , COo ; " Foiintnln , 70cj Golden- Thread , News , & . " & Dry ooils. Amcrioan , 5H : Arnottl's. Oc ; Coclicco , Oc ; Manchester , fa ; Lynan , 5c ; Gloucester , 6Jc : Diuincll Jaciiuaul , Cc ; Uunnell , 5 fc ; Windsor. Cc ; Pacific , Cc ; Harmony. 4Kc ; Anchor Shirtings , 4 > c ; "eriimack Shillings , 4Kc ; Berwick , 4c. Ht.KAriiKD COTTONS. Farmers' choice , C/c | : Cabot. CKo ; Hope , 7c ; Ulll 4-4 , 7KcS lllllK .6c ; Lonsdalo , 8j ; Fruit , 8cVauv ; sntta. 10 , c. COUSKT Jnxjjs Kearsargo , 7c ; Armory , 7e ; Peupereii , 7) ) o ; luaian Orchard , 0) ) o ; linowx ( ioTTOx l.awronco Llj , 5c : Slaw- unit IjL. Cc : Heaver Dam LI5o ; Atlantis 1,1 , , 5c : Indian Head , 7c : Wix chniset Gjfc ; Crown XMX. fc : Clifton CCO , ojjc ; tltica C. 4JXc : Atlantic P , 5' < c. Ticicixos Aino keae ACA 12X < s ; Tliorn- dkeOUO. 7Jfc : Thoindlkofaiicv. yic ; ; Jtorlc lOJ c ; i'ork fancy , 12 c ; Mlllbury , 12 } < c ; Pearl Hiver , HKc ; Hamilton. I2c : Bwift ltl\er , 0 ic : Shetuekct , bkc : Shetuekot SS Kc : Alontmik AA. 12c ; Jfontauk HU , lies Omcea AOA. iw : Ji.viMs : Heaver deck AA. lie ; Heaver Creek. UB , IOc ; Ikwer Cieck CC , Oc ; .Taffroy XX , llp.Iairroy ; XXX , 12c ; .lalTiey O & 'f , l-Xc ; Columbian , 12' c ; York , 13c ; York , ancy. 13j < c ; liveiett , 13c ; Haymaker's blue ana brown. 7Kc. lucic-linbleacheit ) ( ) Soz. Alagnolla , lO'c ; 10 Magnolia , 12c ; 8 ot. West Point , 10'Jo ; 10 Point 12'Xp. DUCK ( coloiedl Boston 0 oz. brown anil drab. 13Uc : Uoston O H brown and drab , Oc ; JUisto XX brown and drab IOc : Uoston XXX brown and dmb.U&o ; Uoston O P blue , ll } \Vairen : ' 1'iicot lac. OisniiAMS Itoiitiuw 0 ! < 4lO } c ; Amoskoa dress. c : Ainoskca ? . staple , 7 > jc , ; Ivanho I' ' \Varnsutta. ; \ . Si < fc ; Nubian. Kc ; War wick. 8Kc : Whittendon. 9c : 13atos. dross Sc : Hates , staple. u ic ; Itamlolnh staple , " " Lanbdowne , 7c ; Gloucester , 7 ! < c. k ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ; , 'checks. O fcVo'tls. stripes. 'Jc , Itoval (3Jfc ( ; Amoskeaa : , napped , lo c : 1 ray , book fold , 12c ; Obcron , book told , ll > Kudurance , book fold 12c. Dry Ijuinbor. DIMENSIONS AMD _ 12 ftjll ft 18 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23 f 1,84 , ft 2x4 ir.5o eco ' , IT.DO is.r.o ! J.xli 15.00 15.00,15.00 10.00 ' ' , 17.00 .UtW L'l.OJ 15.50 , IB W ) 15.50 10.60 17.M lU.5Ub)0 ) SxlO. . . . . I5.noi5noircoio/fll 2x12 . IB 6u io.n > , S1.H ) 4x4-8x8 15.50il5.' ' 17.H,18.0UlU.riO ) | 1IOAKDS. Xo. 1 Coin. s. 1. s. 13 , 14 tliul 10 ft . 17.00 No. 3 " " 12 , 14 mill 10 ft . 15.00 No. 3 " iu , 14 ami 10 ft . laon No. 4 " " 12 , 14 anil 10 It . 11.00 FINOI.\O. : No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 12 anil llfcot. rougli..S10..r)0 No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 feet , rouish . 17.0J Mo. 2 , 4 & 0 inch , 13 suiil 14 feet , rough. . 1 1.00 No. 2 , 4&0inch. 10 leet.iough . 15.00 M1IIXO. 1st Coin. , 12 , 14 and 10 leet . 2tl " " " " . 20.00 ail " ' " " . ir.,03 Fence , " " " . 11.00 CniLTNO AXP PAUTiriON. 1st Com. , % In. White. I'lne 1'artition. . 531.00 2nd Com. , If In. " " " 37.0J Clear , ? a' In . Norway " " . 14.GO Und Com. ? B' in. " " . 13.CO FixioniNO. A Cinch , white nine . SSi.OO UGInch " " . S .00 C 0 Inch , " " . DC Inch , " " . 20.-50 MO Inch , " " . 17.50 STOCK 1IOA11US. A 12 inch , sis 13 , 14 niul lu feet . 546 00 Jj it 'i , i . 4-J 00 C " " " " " " . SC 00 D " " " . 2U 00 No. 1 Com. 13 lu. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nn < l 10 11. . Ih 00 No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800 No. 3 " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. . 1000 FINISHING. 1st and 2d Clear , l } { inch , s. 2s . S51 0'J 1st and 2d Clear , \yt and 3 inch , s 2s. . . . 51 00 3d Clear , l # inch. s2s . 4303 d Clear , \\i and 3 inch , s 2s . 49 00 A Select , I'/ , \V nnil 3 inch , s 2s . 4:1 : 00 ] { Select. Itf , IK and 2 Inch. B. 2s . 80 ( 1st and 3d Clear , 1 incli , s. Bs . 5100 3d clear. 1 Inch , s 2s . 4500 A Select , 1 inch , 8. 2s . 4000 B Select 1 Inch. s. 2s . I'OOO SHIP LA.P. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 817.50 No. B , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 15.50 No. 1O. U . 1S.OO 1'ori.A.u I.IMI > III. : Clear Poplar box bds , % Ins , 2s . ( P5.03 " Kin , panel stk wide , s 2s. 28.00 " Corrmtatcd Cellini : , Jtf. . . 29.00 81UNOLis , IAT1I. * A * Standard . . . 52.05 5 inch , clear , 81.55 ; 0 Inch , clear . 1.05 No. 1. . . . . . . . . 1.2) Lath . 2.25 I.I.ME , ETC. Qulncy white llmo ( best ) , S5c ; cement. Akron , sl.75 ; plaster , S2.bO ; hair , jwr bushel SOc ; sash , 60 per cent olT llbt ; dooin , blinds , mouldincs , 50 per cent oil list ; tairedt'clt , per cwt. , 51.W : btraw board. S1.05. OMAHA OPEN BOARD OF TRADE. FARLEY & CO. , BROKER SIN GRAIN Provisions and B. K. Stocks. 1305 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Execute orders for puichnso or suloof wheat , corn , poik and lullroad Blocks. Holer tiy lUTinlssion to the Oiiiaha National Hunk. Hii61 fill's intuition to onlciH fioin in terior whluli urotolldtod. FAltHJV & CO. ESTER RAILWAY. Oinalia , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only rend to take f jr Uoa Molnos.Mor- Imlltown.Ccdarllaplds. Clinton. Dixie. Chicago. MHiuiultee nnd nllpoints east. To tlio people oi Nebraska , Caloiudo , WyomliKf. Utah. Idaho Ncvada.Orepon , Washington nnd California It otrfrra superior udvuntagcs not possible by any Amoni ; a few of tno numerous poluta of supo- rlorliri'iijoiedby thti patrons of this roadbo- twi-en Omuliu and CJiicaso , are Its two trains a day of DAI COACllhS which are the Jlno t thut human uit und Ingenuity can crcuto. ACE BI.BEP1NQ CAltS , whlcti Wro niodols of comfott nnd i-legunco. Its PAHIXH DHAW1NO KOOM CAH8. utisui nnssod by uny , und Ita wldo- Jy celebiatcd I'AI ATIAL UININ& OA113 , too ctjuul uf which cumiot bo found olecu'hcro. Al Council Illuffa the trnins of the Union Pact. no lly. connect In Union Depot with those of the CtllcutfO i Noituwcbtein liy. liiClitcuuo the truing or this line make close connection witb those of ull eastern lines. For Detroit , Coluinbuj. Indlannpolls , Cincln natl , NliiKura I'ullj. liulTnlo , Pittgbur/ . Toronto Montreal , Uoelon , Now York. Philadelphia , Ilal- tlaiorcWn hlnjrton und all points lulhu east , ask the ticket agent for tickets vln the , "NOHTH-WKSTKUN , " If j-ou wish the best accommodations. All ticket CiiluAQO * jWHajmUFACTUftERS. Billiard Tables , Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , And Saloon , Ofllco mill Hank Fixtures. Market niul Huron Sts. , IJlilcago , 111. Otnnhi office , 63j 8. 10th St. Book Binding , Etc , CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illfuik Hook Manufacturers. Nos. 103 mid 108 South lllh Street. Omnhn , Noh. Bridge * Steam Pile Driving , HAYMONI ) & CAMI'IintA" " Kiifflncors and Contrnctor- > . Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Drlili ? Iron Combination and Howe Trim Drldiroi , I'illtiK and O.ik Timber. 15th St. , near Karnitn. Telephone Ko. 734 Cigsrs and Tobacco. ' * " MAX MKYKtt & CO. Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns niul Ammunition. 215 to n South Uth Etrtct , l M to 1K1 rurnnmSticot , Omnhn , Kob. iAii FACTOiiv , WEST & FIHTSCHKK , Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , And Wholesale Dcnlurs In I < onf Tobaccos. Nos. 108 niul 110 N. Hth ftioct , Oniiiliii , Neb. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John Kpcnclcr , 1'raiirlctor. Mnmifnr.ltirer of Gulvunlzed Iron and Oornlco. Ittl loilio ; mid 101 Biul 100 North 13tli Street , Uninhn , Nob. o ft iioi/n : , Manufacturers of Onmmcntal Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals Etc. , 310 S. 12th fit. Workdono In any putt of the country. Y/estern / Cornice Y/orks / , C. B1T.CHT , Proprietor. Gnlvnntrcd Iron Cornice1" " , Etc. Specht'i Inv proved Pnlout Mutiill'o ' Skylight. COS nnd 61J3. Ktli Ft. , Oninlin , Neb. Doers , Sash i Etc , The Gate City Pltn'-Bg Mill , Doors , Fnsh and llllnds. Also all Itlnds of turning. Scioll mill Stulr work ot u\cry tlo- Ecrlptlon. A. H03ENnEKV , Manufacturer ami Dealer In Doors Sasli Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stair Italia n specialty Telephone No. 02 15th and Marcy Sts.Omalui , Neb. Electrical Supplies. L. VT. yOLFE & CO. , Kloctrlolans , Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Omaha. Burglar Alarms , Hulls , Fire Alarms , Klcctrlo Mattln1 ; , Siionltliitf Tuboj , Gold , Silver und Nickel I'lating , Etc. Iron ar d Nails. _ OMAHANATLM.J WrACTUlimQ CO ? " Cat Nails and Spikes , Tire Noiig a Spr jlalty. Omaha , Neb. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , Castings ; Steam Engines Hollers , Architectural Iron Work , Iron Hildacs , Mining and Mill Machinery. Olllco and \voike , Union racittu 11. It. 17th and Itth Streets. WEAKNE & IJIta , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th and Jacltpon Sis. , prepared to do all Kinds ot Iron nnd llracs CiisthiBa ; also , O , C. Bannister's Kocklnr Qruto Dars manufactiiroJ Mattresses. . . _ . , . Omaha1 Safe Works , 0. ANDIIEEN. Manufacturer of Fliound Ilurular Troof Snfoi , Vault Doors , .Tall Work. Shutters nnd Who Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Nob. Soap , P. 0. QUEALEV , Soap Manufacturer , Offlco nnd Factory , near Powder Magazlno , Omulm Neb. Wagons and Carriages. GRAOTON & DRUJtMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , J315 anil 5317 liarnoy street , Omalm , Noh. Bolo Atfonts In Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split bliaft Sulkies. Established IMS. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HOD nnd 1111 Dodco Street , Omulm , Neb. White Lead. OMAHA WHITE LEAD COMPANY , Corrodcrs and Grinders of Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omaha , Neb. Lovl Carter. Pros. ; C. W. Mood , Vice Pros. : II. W. Yatus , Hoc. and Treus. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Hillard , S. Ehea , J. B. Markcl.Thos. Swobo , Proprietors Omuha , Ncliracku. Arcade Hotel , James Cusoy , 1'roprlctor. < :15 and Ktt Douirlaa Ht- , Omaha , Neb. ThopntronuRoof commercial mon respectfully Bollcitud. ' 1'huy will Una this the best $2 a city houto neat at Chluio. ? lanters House , C. E. FERlHS , PIlOl'ltlETOU. Hntcs , tl.60 per day. Btrcet curs trom U. P. depot , within ono block of house. Ooraur lUth fitreots , Omauu , Nub. The Cozzens , . P. Ilurasoy * Co. , Prdprlotori Rates < -.00 per day , no ( lurk rooms. Omuha , Neb. Also piopriuiorsof Puluco Hotel , Huutu Fo , Kuw Muxlco. Canfleld House , Cor.Nlmh nnd Faruain Pts. The best $2 per duy hotel In Omuliu. liemodelc-U , rrlurnlahixl , rcacuarattd : ono block from uriiiyhcudquuilurs , oppotlto Union 1'acilic bciidinuirtiii's : Miueteurd irnua the door. Oeonro Cnntleld & Co. , piopiio tors. Also Union Stock Yurdd Hotel , South ' Omulnu Hotel do Gees , P. GOOS , Proprietor. European Plan. Thu only centrally located $3 a duy house. Truce doors from lloyd'B Opera llousotind ono-hnlC block from thu 1'nftolUco mid the Court Houw. 15 W. 1610 , 15U Farnara . E. M. HtJLSB , Mattress Company , Manufacturing Muttrcsses , Ileddlng- , Feather l'lllo t , Cots , 1.UO and UXW Douglas Street , Omuliu , Neb. _ Overalls. CANFIELD Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeane Punts , Slilrts , Etc. . 1103 and HOi Douglas Btrcet , Oiuulau , Nob. _ P. BOYER & OO. DtlLKllSIM .i&irsSafesVaultiTimiLocks and Jiil Work. 1020 laruam Strcot , Omaha , Nob. JOBBERS * DIRECTORY ' Agricultural Implements , _ M INOEH AMKTCALF CO , \Vholcsnlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Offlco , Corner Cth nn < l PflclBoSts , Omaha , N'O'J. " IVAllLlX , OKLSDOUFF & MAHTIN , Wliolcs Io Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd llugftles , Omalm Neb. Wholesale Dottier In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carr.nses nnd liturgies. .It nci St. , bet. Cth nnd _ Uth , Omtilm , Neb. _ Boots and Shoes , " " * " > IOl'SK & CO . . Jobbers of Boots aud Shoes , lilt ronmm Ptroet , Oinnha , Neb. Manufactory , Summer Street , lloston. Carpets , S. A. OltCIIAHD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtain Good * , Ktc . H23 1'amnni Street , Omaha , Neb. Coal , Lime , Etc , JfcKli1 Vf. HKIl ) < om\ " Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Onice , 213S. Hth ft. , Omaha , Neb. Yurds , Oth and DrvenportStrtcts ' COUTAtfT & SQUI1IK3 Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. DcEt varieties. Olllcc. EH S. 13th St. Tclephono No. IKKOmaha , Ntb. NKlllt\SICA FUETj ( XU ) Shippers of Coal and Coke , 114 S. 13th St. , Oninhn , Noli. ( Jro. C.Towi.n , 1'iesldnnt. Cro. I'ATTiinsoN , Sec. and Ticus. J. H. Htii.wnT , 1 ? . A. , 1'roprletor. Mui Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NUttttASKA. OHIcc'I * S. 13tlt fcti cet. Telephone 43. GEO. r. TiAitAGii. 1'ie . C. r.GoniiMAN.V.l'rea J. A. ) Sec. and Trens. Omaha Coii , Coke and Limo Company , Jobbers of hard nnd < oft coal , J.VJ S. Uth St. , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA COAL AND I'ltODUCH CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive dealers In Boulder Colorado Coal , " 17 Louth lltlitlicet. CofTco and Spices , " CLAHKE JlltOS. & CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten" . Coircos , Snlcoi.Tluklng 1'owcter 1'luvorlnj ? Extincts , Ijuinclry lliiio. Ink , etc. Hit-It ) llar ncy Street , Omalm , Neb. Commission , Etc. " > " " " UHANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121 rarmuti St. . Oinnha. Apples Our own i.ack- Inp I'lattAsro.HTIucr llrnnd Oysters , Uuttor , Ks ( JaiMe 1'oultr Potatoes. JOHN F. HACK , General Commission Herchant , Produce , Piovlslous. 1'rults , Flour and Teed , 105 B. 14th St. , Omr.lm , Nob. Coiisljjuments solicitod. Kcturna nmilo promptly. LOUIS HELLER , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cutcse , Fuusugci. Viults , lliitchcrs'Tools and Supplies. 1213 Jones St. , Omaha , Neb. W. E. UIDDELL , General Commission Herchant. SPECTAI.TILS ChccFp , Hutter. Eggs , Poultry nnd ( Juine , 113 S. 14th. , Omnhu , Nob. Tolo- liliono No ' D. A. HUHLEY , Commission aud Jobbing , Butter , Eggs and Produce. A full line of Stono- vuro. Coiiblginucnts tollcltcd. nil Uodgo St. , Omaha. " E. MORONY7 General Commission Merchant , Butter , Eggs , Cheese and Country Produce gen erally , BUU S. 12th St. , Omuliu , Neb. McSHANE & SCHROEDER , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Refrigerator nnd Packing Houso,1dth , & Leaven- woitli St. , on U. p. It. It. Trade , Omaha , Neb. Established 1870. K011ERT PUP.VIS , General Commission , 211B. Hth St. , Omiihii , Neb. Spcoialtles Butter , 1'oultry and Gumo. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants , Tiulu , 1'rcduco and I'rovlsions , Omaha , Neb ISAAC ( JUIFFITH. Commission Herchant , nnd wholosulo denier In country produce , fruits , butter , cggn , etc. Goods on consignment a specialty. 20 N. 16th St. , Omaha , Nob. KIRSCHBRAUN & SONS , ( Successors to A. P. Schnck. ) Produce Commission Merchants , No. 213 South 12th Street. Omahn , Neb. TROXELu It WILLIAM T ' Storage and Commission Merchants. Fruits. Flour , A pplcs , Stonowarn.Cldor.Vlnegnr , Grass Seeds. Mutter and Eggs , 313 und 1)15 ) Soutb 13th btrcet , Omaba , Nebraska. WIKDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Butler , Game , l'i ults , Etc. S20S. Hth St. , Omaha , Nebraska. A. F.HUTIIQB , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Meats , Lard , Jolluis , Butter , Eggs , Choose , Etc. No. 30fi B. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb. WESTERFIELD BROS. , General Commission Merchants , 1400 Dodge Street , Omabn , Nob. Consignments Solicited. n. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 815 12tn Street , Omaha , Neb. Specialties ; But * tor , Egcs. and CblcKous. Dry ( iootis. J. J. BROWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions. 13ZJ Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. L. GINSIIKIta & CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , , Luces , Eml > roldcry imd Wbltu Goods , 10KO Douglas Street , Omulm , Neb. Engines , BEOWNELL & CO. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary and portable engines , boilers and thoet iron woilc , wagons , agrlculturul Iniplo- inuiits , pumps etc. 1-13-1215 Leuvenworth SU Leather , Hides , Etc , L. C. HUNTING-TON li SON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow. / . 1111 Jackson BtioctjOmubu.NfU. ELOMAN Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery und Shoo Finding * . Hides , Wool , Furs , i Pelts , Grease , Tallow , Etc. , Omaha. Nol. Flour , Etc , WM. 1Y.ESTON. GEO. RlCUAJtDSOtl WJI. PRESTON & CO. Wholesale Flour , CM ,510 and (12 PJcrco Street Omaha , Kfcfc ' . OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY tmt'NO TZSCHUCK , JR , Apcnt for J. C. HofTinnyr A Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour lly Holler niul HutifMrlnn l'roco . Warehouse , teii Jones Street , Omnlm. Nob. W.J. WHITMANS &CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed aud Grain , Manufacturers of W. ,1. WclMinm * Oo.'g Quick Itnlslni * Ilncknhcnt flour and iininrlctorsOmnhn Uty Mills , cor. 8th and Fnrnnm Sln-ots , Omaha , Fish , Ltc , COT Successors to Ictai Slctnsson ft C& Vlbolesalp Fish Dealers , Importers of Korolpn Fish , Nos. tll-913 Jonci j Stiect und U. r. Track , OIHAU.I , Nob. : r. ' , Furniture. Etc. _ "ni\VKY& ? STONE , vniolesalo Dealers in Furniture , I'ariinm Street , Onmhn , Neb. Groceries , " " AM.F.N 11HOS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1110 nnd 1113 Douglas Btrcet , Omnhn , NcK _ _ K. II. CHAl'MAN & CO. , \Yholesale \ Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Smokers' Articles , 1217 UownritSt MtiYUll & UAAl'KR Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , Clfe'iUR nnd Tolim-cn * . 131 ? and 1310 Doug" InsBticet.Oiuahii , Neb. McCOHD , IlItADY i COMl'ANiri Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th and Tainani StreetsOmnhn , Neb. 1'AXTON , aAUAaiir.H& CO. , Wliolesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705,707 , 'M and 711 S. 10th St. , Oinalin , Neb. Hardv/are. w. J. 11UOATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Eprlnps , Wuroii Stock , Hiirdwood Lumber , etc 1U.U mul 1U11 llarncy ttiecv , Onmlin , Nob. " UDNRY & GIIlllON , Wbolosalo Iron Steel , , Wagon And Canlngo Wood Stock , Heavy llaiiUrnro , Utc. 1217und Kl'J ' Lcu\ui\\oithSticot , Uni.ihn , Neb. HIMKI1ATIGH & TAYF.OU , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools and niiffnlo Scales. lus Street , Omulin.Nob. LIK : , Fin no & co. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aijents for Ilo o Scales and Miami 1'owdcr Co. , Omaha Neb. MILTON 110GEUS ft SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , GrutcJ , llrnss Roods. 1321 and 132J FM > IKUll StICOt. HECTOU & WIL11HLMY CO. , ffholesalo Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th and liarnoy Streets , Omaha , Nub. Harvesters. Wii.'hEEtUNG & CO. , CHICAGO , Munuftcturcr of the Deering , Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. Lot Inter , ticnornl Agent , Omuliu. TeleplionuOlU. Iron Pipe , Etc. COWING & CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobbfie In Iron Plpu Iron I ttliiK ! ) . Iron und [ truss Goods. UnirineLMs' Supplied , luu aud Uodgc Streets , Omuliu , Nub. A. L. STRANG COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etcam , Water , Hallway mul Milling Supplies , Etc. 'J-'U , KS and tr.'l Fnrnum St. Omuliu , Neb. CHUitCIIlLL 1'UMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplies. Headquarters fo Must Foost Co.'s Goodj. 1111 i'nrniuu Street , Omnliti , Neb. Jev/elry. EDHOLJI & EUICKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlera In Bllveiwuro , Diamonds , Wntchos ClockH. Jowflcrs' Tools mid Materials , Etc. , 1U1 and 103,15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Oiimlm , Nob. tvc ! Stoc ! ( , Bridge Stocfc Yards , Omaha. No Yurdago Charged. > Close to U. P. llrldgo. Special accommodation Riid it good inniKot lor liogH. E. C. Cooper , tan < ngcr. Offiuj , South Slli Struct. M. J1UKKF. & SONS , Live Stock Commission Oco. Ilurkc , Mtm.igcr. Union Stock Yurds , S. Umulii. : Toloplionc 582 W. P. BHOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live StocL Ofllce Hxcbango IJulldinir. Union Stock Yards , } „ EouthOmuua.NoU. TclephonoNo.COJ. MALLOKY. SON & . CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yards. , Chicago , 111. , und Omabn , Neb. Frank Chlttoiidcn.MunagerOinuhiiUruucu. Telephone No. 2KJ. EstublUhod 1WK. W. L. PATRICK i CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Addrces all communications to us at Union Stock VoidsSouth Omulm. Advances lutulo on stouk. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited , John F. lloyd , Superintendent. [ SAVAUE & ( JKICKN , ' Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of any und all kinds of stock solicit l cd. Union block Yards , Omubu , Nub. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS nrtAUFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bach , Doors , Ktc. Viuds Cor. 7th and Cor. Uth and Uouglaa. BONN MANUFACTURING. COH Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding , Stair Work nnd Intel lor Iliinl Wood I'lnlsh. Jiibt opened , N. K , cor. tth und LOIIVOII- vortU Streets , Ouiuhu , Neb. CHICAGO LUMIinil COMPANV , Wholesale Lumber , tit B. lith { Street , Omaha , Nub. V. Colpotzcr , Munu or. Lumber , 13th and California Street ? , Omaha , Nob. FHED W. QIIA.Y , 1 Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Cth aud Douglas Stiectu , Omaba , NcU OEO. A. HOAQLAND V/hoesale / ! Dealer in Lumber , Omuha , Nubruska. CHAS. It. LEB , Hardwood Lumber , Waron Stock , Fancy Woods , llrldtro Tlmhora , Ac. , 6. W. Cor. Uth und Uoujjlas , Ouiuhu , Nob. G. F , LYMAN , Sealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding UiUUIiur Paper , Uto. South Uth tjtroWcaaie , Nebruskn. " Nebraska Lumber Co , Puld In Capltul Stock , $300,000. iror8manufacturerri und wliolpsalo dnaV erg. M1IU at Merrill , W8. | Wliolcsulo and rotut I , Omaha. NcU ill&VUibb mm JOBBERS' 01REGTQRY OMAHA I , MIU5U CO , Dealers In-rllKlmls of Building Material at Wholesale JSthSlicctnttill n oni'iU ! tl Track. Omnhti * flKIIMAX T > . WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , roth andUard Streets , Omaha , Ncbrnslii. " * J. A. WAKKFini.1) , < Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , rtulldlng Papers , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mnulf lng , Plckrti" " , Postff , I.lmc. Plnitop , Hnf , Cement. Nlntn nniijone ? , Omaha Neb. i Millinery , _ _ _ , " I. OnEHFELDKIt , Importers nnd Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1214 Harnoy StreetOmahn , Nch , Musical Instruments , F.DIIOLM ti EIUCKPON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , rlnwiiy Pluno , Wolior , Decker. Halnosnnd gx I'mnos , Piickara Organs , Cnaso Organs. 101 nnd 10J 15th sti cot. Notions , Eti , J. Tfc 1H1AND1US te SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry flood * , Notions , GeiitV Furnishing flooil Goods from Now Ytitlt. Timloculos daily. 63fr and KS South 13lh St. , Oinnhn. r. s. ( ioouiticii * ro Agenti IOH 1' . A. Whllnt-y Cnirlago Co.'s Children's ' Carriages , Jewell's Cclo latcd Ho rlgcrators. pti or price lU's. lin I'arnnni tt. , Omahn. J , T , Robinson Notion Company , " ' ' < nl ; nnd k' S. tilth St.Omnhn , Nob. Wholesale Dcnleis In Notinnu nnd Gents'Fur > nlshlng Goods. Oils , Etc , TJONSOLIDATEI ) TANK LINE CO. , \ Wholesale Dealers in Oils , i Gneollnc , Mien A.\lo Uicmo , I'.ti1. A. II. Dlshop , Manager , Omnhn , Neb. , Pork Packing. JAMES E. BOVD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omnhn , Nolnnshn , HARRIS & FISHER , Packers and Provision Dealers , Odlce , Union Market. 1517 Dodge Stroot. Pnoltlntr houeo , U. 1' . U. ILTinck , Omaha , Nob. Telephone - phone No. 157. Safes and Locks. P. BOYER & CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and Hunrtar Proof Sarcs.Timo IxickoVaults and Jail rvoilc. llCO rurnam ettuot , Umiiha , Nub Seeds. j. EVANS" Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Aprilculturnl , Vogotiiblc , Etc. OJd Follows' Hall. N. W. Cor. Uth and UoilKu St . , Oinuliu , Nob. Drugs , Etc , if. T. CtjAUICIi UUUa COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Jobbers or Paints , OIK Wlnduw GliiflJ Eta. , lilt llaiucy Sheet , Omaha , Nub. THE OOODMAN DHUG CO Wholesale Druggist * , And Dealer in Paints , Oils and Window alas * ' Omuliu , Neb. , Wines and Liquors. FJI'ANK DEM.ONE & co. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1302 mid 1"01 DoilRlas St. , Omaha , NoU FflO- torlua Nos. 4 und UOJ , Sd Plat. N. Y. , - \ iuu. w. IJUMCAN , Successor to MIINAMAUA & DUXCAN , Importer * und Wholesale Deiilert ) in Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 111 and 10 S. llth St. , Omaha , Nob. it. it. a norm , Wines and Liquors. Wcstoin Agent Jos. Schlltz 111 owing Co. 7108. Uth SUucl.Oinalm. | HENHY HOHNBEUaER , ; Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. IJ-'l Duutrlas iilroot , Omaha , Nub. ILCH & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And I.lijuors. Sola mninifuetmcrs of Keuuodr'l KustIndialllttuis. 111J : lluinoy Stiuot.Omuha , Ntb. P. LAHSON & CO. , \Yliolesalo Dealers in Whiskies And Cljm-8 , and Gnncral AwenH for tlio Philip Dc.slu' Culobiatud illl\vuuluo llcor , Omaha , Neb _ Harness , Etc. WELTY & IANDnOCK , Manuructurora and Jobbers ot Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , TuiT Goods , lllunlicts and Holies. 1121Funuim Strict Oiiiiilia. Nub. Agent for the Manufacturers anil Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Larape , Chlmnoys , lilc. Olllcu , ai7 ijouth ] 3tb Strcut. Oiniiln , Nub , " White Lead , CAKTEU WHITK LKAD C'O. , Strictly Pure White Lead , Mth Stand U , P. Ity , , Omaha , Nob. Beer , M. KKATINU , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n ' Special Immls Fiuibt , IluJwoiscr , I'.rlanecr Uocr. Cor. Bth andCnpIt I A vo. , Omaha. Chicago , Milwaukee & SI , Paul The Shortfldne and Best Jloute From Omaha to the East. TWOTIlAlNSDAIhV HirrWKKN O.MAIIA AND Chlcugo , lliuicnpoiln. 3liltvnuluo : , St. Paul , Ci'diu-llupldi , Duvfiipmr , Clinton. Dnbiiinn , ItoLliford , Ilock lainnd , I'mopoit , Junesvlllp , KlKln. MiullMiu , I.uCroase , lli-lnll , Wiiinnn Ana all other Impni tunt points Kut : , NortliOij and Southoiigt. TicUet ofllco nt 1101 rnrnnni ticotln ( Prtxtoti Hoicli. und nt Union I'ucillo Depot. Pullinun bltepui und ihu Finest Dliiliiff Ciira lu the World aid inn on tlio imiln lines of lliu CiiicAaoMiiw. iJKKK&Sr , IMui. llAii.WAV.imd excry attitntlon Is puld to nnssoiiKors by couilo- ous employes of Ihecompiiny. It. MII.LKU , ( JciiLiulMiuingcr. J. P.TIICKBII , ARslstnnt Uencrul Mnnn or. A. v. n , UAiii'KNiKit , Uciidiil 1'ttsion/er anl * Ticket A K 'it. OEO. K. IlKAFroui ) , Assistant Geiior.Ul'as ; ! 11 Eer and Ticket Auont. SENT C. O. D. OM : OK MOIII : AT UIIOUSM.I : ; rinci- I l'\y i > ll eipirtv clmreri la nil | lnta wlllilr 8l J inll . l.ooC carri.itfta tu frcltit from h ( > nil t > vo ctuv nmoii for lllunruuil catulo uu. tfntlsn tliltpaprr. L , Q , SPEHGEfTS TOY FACTOflY , 221 W. MADISON ST. . CHICAGO.