Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1886, Image 2

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tbo "Bco's" Mail -
Contributions to Bag-
Mr. Bemis Writes About Pavements ,
| jj Vnlunlito SiiRKcetlons by Mr. Upton
-Hcttli County Scliool Imiuls
The Knturo Orcnt City or tlio
West Other Matters
of Interest.
Tlio 1'nvliiR Question Dlsousscd by
Mr. llctuU.
HOSTON , Mass. , March ! . [ To the Edi
tor. ] I have watched the Omaha chess
board moves closely during my absence
through ils four dally papers , weeklies
mid letters from niyoflico and others
The paving question scorns to ho the
nil-absorbing topic in Omaha , at present ,
nnd fooling that everyone at all Inter
ested In Omaha's welfare should add
tliclr mite in endeavoring to solve the
Very Important problem , I ventured to
interview to-day Boston's City Engineer
Jackson , Assistant Cheney and Struol Su
perintendent Morton , all very nlco gen
tlemen and thoroughly posted after their
fifteen to twenty years experience.
Boston lias a population of about half a
million , and has about one hundred and
twenty-five miles of paving , about two-
. thirds of which is granite blocks and one-
third cobhlo stones The cobble stone
era ended scores of years ago , all now
jmving for years being granite blocks
from Quincy and Kockford. The blocks
measure four by eight and four by twelve
inches nnd eight inches in thickness. So
you see Uoston stands by and favors
granite. Tlio average price laid In six
inches of sand is if 2. 50 to $3.00 per square
All nro prejudiced ( like myself nnd nil
sensible men not interested in the con
tracts for laying them ) against wood
pavements , excepting wlioro wealthy city
corporal ions , say like London , are will
ing and can renew them every three or
four ycnrd. Columbus avenue in this city
was paved about twelve years ago with
eovoral ditloront kinds ol wooden nave-
incuts dill'erent kind in each block to
give a thorough tost. All of them de
cayed and were removed inside of from
two to four years , and all were well laid.
The kinds of wood used were spruce ,
pine and chestnut the last named being
the most durable. The chestnut was laid
in round blocks and that oven was useless -
loss after ono year's wear , the upper ends
wearing conical , points upwards , of
coin-bo , and no ono could or would drive
over it. All were patented and prepared
in every conceivable way of wood preserving -
serving processes , but as the experience
of those gentlemen go to prove , "there
is no way of successfully preserving or
laving wooden pavements. '
In Devonshire street , two years ago ,
Borne 800 foot of spruce block wore laid
four inches wide , eight inches long and
eight inches thick on the concrete
foundation of six inches , ( prepared for
compressed asphalt block which were
found useless oltor ono years' trial ) . The
sprtico blocks have lusted but two years
and must now be removed , having worn
down from eight inches in thickness to
from one and a half to three inches they
were prepared by a zinc process anil
joints were filled with pebbles nnd pitch ,
nnd the laying was a thoroughly good
job in every respect , and as Air. Morton
eavs."Talk . : aljout the lasting qualities ot
wood , it is all gammon. " lie says no
wood is as durable as chestnut they used
Bprucn because it is plentiful and is used
for that reason mostly , same as cedar
. blocks are in the west. Their expori'
cnccs go to prove it very objectionable
on sanitary grounds , being such an ab-
Borbant of liquids and always lilthy and
Boston has five or six miles of Barbour
nsphalt pavement , Columbus avenue ,
when the wooden pavements were taken
lip , was rolaid with asphalt by the
Grahamito & Trinidad Co. , which was
not a success. And after two years the
Harbour company rolaid it again ( live
years ago ) upon the concrete foundation ,
put down by the G. & T. Co. , which was
too level not pitch enough to it to al
low the water and moisture to run oil' ,
nnd on that account , is in bad condition
to-day. Mr. Morton says that genuine
Trinidad asphalt is an excellent material ,
but the success and wear depends en
tirely in the handling and perfect and
thorough manner of laying the material
Jn Court Square , five years ago , the
Uarbour company laid asphalt pareinent
V'lioro it has a very heavy and constant
wear by heavy express travel and that
has proved a great success , Every team
in passing over thin pavement necessarily
runs with the wheels of ono side of their
wagon over a row of granite blocks next
toitho curb-stones , ana the wheels on the
other side of the wagons run over the
_ nsj [ > lialt pavome.nt and aftnr , Jive years
"constant use the nsphalt shows litflo if
nny uppeciablo wear , while the granite
blocks nayu worn oil several inches , and
* yet Boston favors granite every time.
Mr , Morton says ono objection to asphalt
is that it is slippery in ley wonther and
horses cnmiol got' fool-liold ; also says
that it must Imvo grade enough to pro-
Tent moisture Mantling upon it or it will
BOOH decay.
Mr , Chitno.y , assistant city engineer ,
Kays that in iidin over some of Louis-
vlllo's , ( Ky. , ) wood pavements , after two
years' UM > , came near having all of his
- "tooth shaken out of his head. I. too , hail
the same experience in El/.abcth ! , N. ' J . ,
nnd in Chicago and other places. In
rhllng or walking by and over wood
. imvoments in hot weather , have invaria
bly been obliged to hold my noso. the
i utenc'U from its terrible ofl'onMvo anil mi-
healthy exhalations so completely poison-
Had the pleasure of meeting "Joo"
Millard , Guy C. Barton and N. W. Wulls ,
of Soliuyler , at the Adams house hero n
week or two niru. Have also mot Judge
, Paul Vnndorvoort. and others.
\Vlnlo dining at tint 1'arkor liouso yes-
torday. Boston's Postmaster Toboy came
up and addressed mo as follows ; "How
are you , General Banks ? " My hair is
/ whlU ) and so is Banks' , ( blondes ) .
IvHInnkd is seventy ( J ) and I am forty-
, seven. How's that for honorable notice
lor a citinon of Omaha ?
If you have any questions In paving
that are not answered herein , shoot thorn
at mo and I will post myself up and scud
you another lino. Yours truly.
GKO. P. JJuMis.
Omalm Not Out of the AVootlH.
To the Editor : While it ia right and
consistent for the local and state papers
io sound the praUes of the young giant ,
Robriskaand Jicr vigorous ohlld.Omalin . ,
and while everything points to a bright
future for tUis rapidly-growing youngster
* yet , for nil that , Omaha is "not out of
the woods" I. o. , it will bo nceasinry for
t , thp &NWO enterprise and burincM liberal-
ify to bo exercised in the future as there
'has ' has been in the , past few years , in
order to kcnp the city going "onward
upward. . "
iTowns mid chics never got too lftr < re ,
flover get too Important , never get too
AVoukhy ; but It ! a possible for them
lo.ivtvogrado , if lcor.1 cniurpriw becomes
* To niy : nothing about railroad discrim-
.dilations , Uicu'c is only ono riang < > * appar-
iSjnt at pocit | thai threaten * to
the growth of Omaha , and that Is the
danger of increasing our consuming cle
ment out of proportion to the producing
clement , In other words , Omaha must
depend on manufacturing industries for
her future greatness. 1'ublic works are
conducive to much public good and have
been an important factor , nnd will con-
tinno to bo such in the building np ol our
city. But they nro not what might bo
termed , in a broad sense , u continuous.
permanent institution. The only real
solid foundation for a city is its manufac
tories. These should bo encouraged in
every possible way , nnd small concerns.
with a possibility 'to development , should
not bo sneered at , for who can tell to
what magnitude a rightly-managed man-
nlacturing business may attain ? Some
of the largest works in the country be
gan in a small way. The law of demand
will always increase the facilities for
Tlio great danger attending a city that
has grown otlt of its village clot lies In a
few years and become n point of com
mercial and linanoial importance is the
tendency to become pulled np in its own
greatness to such a degree that the idea
is carried that the place is made and that
nothing can over unmake it. This nils-
take has been fatal to more than one
largo town. It was this vaunted idea
that caused Lcavcnworth , Kan. , to have
ten thousand less inhabitants now than
at the close of the war. At that tlmo she
was the largest city west of Chicago and
St. Louis , doing an immense jobbinsr
trade , supplying llio territory west of her
to the mountains and into Utah and Mon
tana. In fact she was dead sure that no
power on earth could make her have a
back-sot. So sure was she in this with
her 85,000 people , with her wholesale
houses , some of them carrying stocks
double of that of llko houses in this city
to-day , that when the question of bridg
ing tlio Missouri came up anl : she was
asked lo lend a helping hand , she swelled
up like a big snake at a Itsh monger's
funeral and said that they were a city ,
they were , and that they had made them
selves the metropolitan place they were
by tlioir own exertion , and that now they
had got to that point , that if anyone
wanted to come to them by bridge or
otherwise , there was no string to them ;
Ihov could como ; if they preferred n
bridge they could build it : that they ( tlio
great city of Leavenworth ) was located
and was there to stay , etc. Everyone
knows tlio result.
I cite this case which is only ono of
many in the history of our country be
cause I have heard the same argument
used in this city regarding enterprises of
different characters coming here , and
during a residence of thirteen , years in
onr sister city , "over the river , " 1 heard
the same talk until I was completely and
' " . "
ell'octually "fatigued.
This is not written as an alarmist re
garding tlio future of Omaha. Wo are
rapidly growing in population , but most
of tliis increase are consumers , and a
largo population of consumers is not a
healthy growth unless a suiliciont amount
of producers are furnished to create an
\Vo cannot depend altogether on our
wholesale trade for the future upbuilding
of the city. Already thorp are wholesale
points of no small magnitude getting in
back of and to the right and loft of us , to
which points , through unjust discrimina
tion , goods are laid down at Omaha
There is a littlocityup the river Sioux
City that is liable to become no small
rival of us. A bridge at that point and
she would do the business of northern
Nebraska. Nebraska City is packing as
many or more hogs than Omaha. A gro
cery house 'at Fremont does as largo a
business as any excepting perhaps one-
house in Oinnna.
The country is developing fast. Oma
ha is in the van , and by "keoping her eye
on the gun" she will stay there , but she
should have moro manufactories , she
needs a direct road to the north and
northwest , and she needs it badly ono
that would be an Omaha interest. It
seems to ino that these should bo the key
note of the energy of the board of trade
and our citizens. M. A.
Keith County School Imruls.
OGALLALA , Neb. , March 5 , [ To the
Editor. ] The sale and leasing of the
Keith county school lands which has been
going on hero for several days , has been
completed , the results being very satis
factory to the commissioner and to those
who have heretofore invested in Keith
county soil.
Tlio highest prize realized was § 12.50
per aero , the average on all land sold
being $9.
A good portion of the land was not
sold , but leased at 0 per cent on the ap
praised value , which varied from 51.50 to
1J1.50 per aero. In ninny eases a bonus saw
paid for the privilege of leasing , said
bonus running all the way from $100 to
ijyOO per section.
The results as outlined above prove
conclusively that the former lease of these
lands at 0 per cent on an appraisement
of from 40 to 75 cents was , lo say the
least , a phenomenally poor stroke of
business on the part of the old board.
It is a pity that these gentlemen , who
have shown a great deal of shrewd busi
ness enterprise in their own private af-
tairs , would not have brought some of it
into play when conducting ; the business
of the Mute.
The fact that under the first lease the
school fund would havit lost fionio eight
or nine thousand dollars per annum ,
which would have gone into the pockets
of certain favored speculators , will tum
ble many per.sojis to roach conclusions
which the presentation of ( silver pitoher.s
among the honorable inomhcrs of the
board will not altogether dissipate. The
price for which the school land was sold
proves that farming in Keith county is
not an empty dream , During my stay in
the county I saw no one who was not en
thusiastic in pralso of llio climate and
eoil.Since the lirst of 1'obimiry plowing has
boon going on. the soil being entirely
free of frost and in splendid tillable con
In view of tiicso things , wo of the east
ern counties of the btato fool strongly
tempted to join the increasing tide of em
igration west ,
The government land is all taken in
Keith county , but settlers nro still pour
ing in , going through the county to Clnu-o ,
where sonio vniumt claims may still bo
f Ogallnln , the county Boat , has crown
niarveJously during the past year ; draw
ing trade ai she docs , from twenty to
forty miles in orcry direction , she cannot
fail to take her place in the chain of
thriving young cities along the line of
the Union I'acilio ,
JViriHj ; tlio month of 1'cbrnnry 121 cars
of iiiurcnandfcn and immigrants' effects
wore unloaded at this station , and tlio.-
in n position to judge nay that during
March the utnnher 'vill reach 'MO.
During the coming season Keith coun
ty will bo imrieliod by two new railroads
the B. & M. running along the southern
tier of townships , and the Uniou i'acitic
uushins : up the North Platte into Wyom
ing. These new advantages added to the
greater oncts of soil and climate will soon
mnkn Keith county farms as valuable as
any in the state. _ S. D. 1. E.
Tlio Womlor Cltjof the AVosr.
To the Editor : At Fort Fcttcrman ,
Wyo. , "when the rftsos come again , " will
spring into existence , as If by the wand
ol the magician , the woudor city of the
west. . '
It will bo a railroad centre ; Us roads
will traverse to all pointe of Uio compass ,
concentrating the wealth f an empire ;
( Hinging thu gtfld , s'.Lvcr , tin , jipypuc and
other minerals from the adjacent mines
to its mills and its mint , the products of
the field and the forest will bo added to
it ? store , and "the cattle on a thousand
hills" will pass through its gales ; tile oil
basins and the coal fields will give profit
able employment to its people , nnd make
millionaires of its fortunate sons ,
Its palace hotels and grand opera
houses will bo models of beauty ; the
pride of its people will bo. the palatial
residences of its favorites of fortune ;
cattle kings , bonanza mines , oil princes
railroad magnates nnd intellectual ath
letes will mingle upon its streets like
schoolboys upon the play-ground. It
will bo the capital of a great state , and
the centra of wealth , civilization and
It will have the IIollv system of water
works ; it will bo lighted by electricity ; ,
it will have cable roads upon its broad
and marble-paved streets ; the city will
bo healed by steam from a central sta
tion , and no smoke will bo permitted to
escape ; its parks , the finest in America ,
will bo stocked with deer , elk and other
beautiful and rarp animals ; Its museum
will contain curiosities collected and
culled from every quarter of the globe ;
churches will abound , and their gold-
tipped spires will pierce the clouds ; col
leges and universities equalling Vale and
Harvard will bo thoro. its banks and
business will bo as solid nnd permanent
as the everlasting hills of its own Wy
oming ; tlio forest-fringed avenues , tlio
nsphallum-pavcd boulevards and the
nrchitcctufu elegance of its public nnd
private edifices will cause the tourist and
stranger to involuntarily ejaculate : "This
is the wonder city of the west ! "
The Talmnno Postofllco.
TAI.MAOR , Neb. , March C. [ To the
Editor. ] Under the heading , "Two Post-
offices , "an article appeared in the Biu :
of the -1th hist. , which is in part incor
rect. But the most important part is
false :
First That there has been hard feeling
between the old postmaster and the now
one , is incorrect as far as it applies to the
old postmaster. Bord persisted in
refusing to take the postollico fixtures ,
thereby departing from a custom as old
as the government itself. I well know
that this was duo to the promptings of
certain political fanatics , who have had
the old man in training for a long time ,
and who wisli to injure mo financially ,
because of my opposition to the saloons
of our town.
Second That the old postmaster had
persistently fought to retain the otlico is
also incorrect.
But-if ho had said that Steolo's friends
had tought to retain him , and that said
friends were democrats of the best moral
standing in the communitv. and they had
made their demands UDoifone J. Sterling
Morton , and that J. Sterling Mor
ton had made indirect promises to
said friends , sulHcicnt to induce the old
postmaster to msvko the purchase of now
ollicc furniture which was greatly
needed , then ho would have approached
to soniothing near the truth.
Third That Bord thrust his papers in
my face and demanded my retreat is
false , as 1 have never yet seen his papers ,
but upon my demanding his papers ho
refused , saying ho did not have to. My
reply was that I thought ho did , and for
that reason I hold the fort.
Fourth As for my being frightened
and turning deathly pale , 1 have not a
word to say , leaving it to others who have
met Mr. Spanglcr to try and explain the
strange phenomena. 1 can only say that
upon his parting former company , and
coming into my presence- his vision may
have been .somewhat blurred from the
fact that he had .suddenly appeared before
a man who could lay claim to being at
least half white and free born.
In conclusion T would say in justice to
Mr. Spanglcr that ho treated mo very
respectfully , and it is my belief that ho
was wrongly informed. Respectfully ,
The Stniullng of Vnii AVycle In Cnss
PtATTSMOUTir , March 0. [ To the Edi
tor. ] I see the papers state that ono
Newell , ox-county treasurer of Cass
county , was in Omaha a few days ago ,
and represented that there was no Van
Wyek clubs in Cass county and none
wanted , and that Cass did not go much
on Van Wyck.
Mr. Newell is very much mistaken in
ills calculation that none is wanted. Van
Wyck has hosts of friends in Cass county ,
and you will find that no man will bo sent ,
to the legislature from Cass this fall who
will not pledge himself to support Van
Wyck , first , last and all the time.
Mr. Newell is ono of the old-time ma
nipulators of the "ring" in Cass county ,
and manipulated in such a way as to get
himself elected for two terms as county
treasurer ( and ho made a very good one ) ,
and ho is now engaged in buying anil
shipping grain here. Ho is supposed to
bo the recipient of many favors from the
railroads and of course ho has no svmpa-
thy with Van Wyok , as his masters , the
ring and the railroads ( whoso collar
Newell wears around his neck , ) both despise -
spiso Van Wyok , and when they say to
Newell "Bark at Van \Vvck , " Newell
must bark. Ho would not bo trim to his
friends if he did not. Newell is not the
man to go back on his friends.
But Air. Nnwi'll and the "ring11 and ( ho
railroads will find that there are a great
many intelligent voters in Cass county ,
who don't wear brass , collars and who
know enough to protect their own inter
ests by their votes. This class of mon in
Cass county has watched Van Wyck's
course and hnvu Feen that it lias boon
bold and fearless and right , and in hir- |
many with the host interests of the whole
country and the whole peoplo. They \vill
sue that ho is not retired and a ringnter
and monopolist put in his place.
men are not given to barking , but they
are thinkers , and when the time conies
they will donoilt their thoughts in tlio
ballot box. They will bo in the shnpo of
votes for Van Wyok , and all the barking
of ringstors and railroad cappers will not
change them. The farmers of Cuas
county are intelligent and understand
their rights , and know their friend ! ) .
Were it left to a vote of the farmers of
Cass county to-day Van Wyok would got
three to ono of all the republican votes of
Cass county and a largo majority of the
democrats. A VOTEU OF CASS-
Bnoll at Porryvlllo , Ky.
CAUSON , la. , March C. [ To the Editor. ]
An article in the KVK of March } ) , head-
oil "Buol at Shlloh , " brings most vividly
to memory another of that great gene
ral's f union * ; blunders , October 1st , 180'3 ,
Don Carlos left Louisville , Ky. , with
about 105,000 , woll-cquipped and able-
boiled mou , in pursuit of the rebel gene
rals Bragg and Ki'rby Smith , After seven
days of terrible hard marching , on the
8th , McCook's corps , numbering about
15,000 mun , came in contact with the
wliolo rebel forces , about -10,000 strong ,
Then the fun , i/you plcuso to call it such ,
commenced. As the day advanced Me-
( Jook'd men wore very hard pressed , being -
ing outnumbered three to ono. McCook
asked Buol for help , but no , there was no
help for him. Ho ( MoOooK ) had no busi
ness to got in the light , and inasmuch as
ho had done so he could light his way out
the best way 1m could. At the same time
the \vhoo ! counter for miles around was
covered with mcn'jSvith glistening bayo
nets boffginc to ho nlloivod to go in and
help their sufferingi comrades. But , no ;
their olllccrs had m > orders to advance ;
they wore tied upvlthTcd tano. and there
wo my in full vio\y pf one ol the hardest
fouglit battles of tM war , while that glo
rious old Third Ohl6 oftd Fifteenth Ken
tucky fought hand to Hand with clubbed
muskets and bayonets .for over ono hour ,
and 72 men of that , brnvo old Third went
down to dust with the words on their
lips , "Why , in the lining of ( Jnd , do those
troops around us not , advance. General
Buoll received moro cAuVuig in that hour
than any other man'oivcarfli over did. It
was an Insult to oviVy Vruo patriot , an In
sult to the flag of our country , and an
outrage to tlio people , when a man of that
stamp publishes such insults and tirades
of abuse upon such grand old chieftains
as Grant , bhorman and "Pap" Thomas.
It makes the blood boil in the veins of
nny true soldier and patriot ; and let mo
say to all old soldiers nnd comrades , as
long as our memory shall last us lot us ,
in tlio name of our fallen comrades , re
member Perryvlllo. OLD SOLPIEU.
A Hail Man at Pollnnco.
DnriANCK , la. , March 0. [ To the Edi
tor. ] The man , II. S. Cotton , mentioned
in your paper of late last week as the
author of so much Infamy , is now staying
in Dclianco , what time lie is not dancing
attendance upon ono of the young ladies
of this place , Is generally put in roping
in some of the nnwcary at poker , or
holding down chairs. Whether the
young lady above mentioned knows of
H. S. Cotton's denouement as a villain
through your paper wo do not know , but
she should bo told , for a man with a
wife can mean her no good.
Surely the retribution for a crime llko
his should bo prompt nnd speedy. S.
Arapnhoo Affairs.
AuAi'Aiioi : , Neb. , 0. [ To the
Editor. ] Uoal estate is going up and
buyers are coining in , and the real estate
men as well as the farmers look forward
to good harvest.
In the last two weeks over three hun
dred head of hogs have boon bought by
Denver parties , besides a goodly number
by our own consumers.
The most important business change
that has occured for a long time took
plnco last week. The cashier of the First
National bank , 1) . M Toniblin , sold out
his interest in that institution and as
sumes charge pf the Republican Valley
bank at Cambridge.
District court sits on the 10th of this
mionth , and there are some eighty cases ,
cr niinal and civil , for Judge Gaslin to
wrestle with.
A good many of our young men nnd
ono of our young ladies have gone to
Akron , Colorado , to take up pro-em p-
tions , and report thojplaco as booming.
OL'lic Amount Ititbostt to Insult an
Oiimhu CJIrl.
' 'That man has Insen following mo for
six or seven monthSj and I can't begin to
tell you all the thU s hp has done. "
With those roma'rjis jftliss llosy Sclmll ,
a bright , pretty lo-j'ear-bld girl , address
ing Judge Stcnbcrg yesterday , as
prosecuting witno jjagSinst a young Gor
man named L. W0lVUlJams. This man
was arrested ycstorday.'by ' a policeman , at
the request of v Miss Schull , who
says that for .jj long time ho
has boon following : : her und mak
ing indecent exposures " of his per
son. Many times ho jtjjllows her in the
morning from her , Ijpiuo on Leavenworth
to the Western Union 'oilico whore she
and her sister are employed under the
book-keeper , Very frequently ho will
hang abaut the oilico at night
waiting for her to come out. so
that ho may follow. Many tunes
she lias been compelled to ask Iriends to
escort her homo , knowing that this man
was lurking about , possibly to do her
harm. Saturday , as shu savs , ho follow
ed her and her sister from nor home , and
actually chased them through the streets.
The two girls were carrying a basket of
washing at the time , and in making their
escape from the persecutor they lost a
portion of it.
Miss Schull told her story in a quiet ,
hidy-liko way , which showed that she
know exactly what she was t alking about.
The judge thought > o , evidently , for
when \Villjams attempted no defense , ho
peremptorily lined him $ > 0 and costs.
Williams is n quiet , well dressed follow ,
and does not look at all like a masher.
Ho is employed as a lithographer by the
Omaha Lithographing company.
TJI13 COM ) AVA.V13.
A I < 'nll of Fifteen lo Twenty Degrees
in Twenty-four Hours.
The rapid thaw which had been in
progress since the recent storm received
a sudden check yesterday afternoon by
the coming of a cold breeze from tlio
north. In accordance with the following
instructions from tho'chiof of llio signal
service at Mnshington the black Hag was
lioisted on the Icderiil building by the
local observer :
Observer , Omaha : At 0 p. in. hoist cold
wnvo.slf.-nal. Tumporatuio will fall from lif-
teun tn twenty dugicus during the next
iwunty-four hours.
The weather grow colder as the night
advanced , and thorn was every indication
that the prediction would prove true before -
fore another day had pnssod.
Myrtle Grant , the white woman who
was stabbed by the nngro Isaac ( Hover , a
few days ago , is recovering , and her phy
sician says that she will undoubtedly got
well. Glover is in the county jail await
ing trial. Both ho and the woman stick to
tlio original story Unit the stabbing was
accidental. _
If you suffer from looseness of the bowels nra Hit tors wHJi surely cure you.
Bowaroof cnmiturlalH'.iud ask your grocer
nriliii'List ; for tliuKeuuiii' ' ) article prepared
by Dr. J. G. B. Sk' crfft'3oii3.
There are probUbiyj moro theatres
painted white in Philadelphia than in any
other city in the woflil ; the idea was
started by Havcrrjj ) ; > yio thought that
white was a lucky color , It is also said
that actors prefer. 'td iHaj in a theatre
painted white. If rUunyu go on in this
way Philadelphia ' "wiin soon bo known
as the whltu city. ' _
The Great Invention ,
mtl nut Jlartn to VAJUttOorHJNUS ,
und particularly adopted to 1l'a rm Cllma to.
No family , rich cr poor , should bo without It.
Sold by all Grocers , but beware Ot vile 1ml
titlons. I'JSAK'iiLXE is manufacture
only by
Geo. II. Ifnimnnml & Co.'s Ilutohcrs
HtnmlhiK Up For Tliclf nights.
For some time a fooling of dissatisfac
tion has prevailed among the beef butch
ers employed at Geo. II. Hammond
& Co.'s packing liouso , nt South Omaha ,
which has culminated in a strike. The
men gave it out several days ago that
they would not go to work Monday un
less their demands wore granted. H. II.
Meday , superintendent of the packing
house , was not Inclined to grant their de
mands nnd accordingly the foreman of
the beef packing department was sent to
Kansas City to engage another ganp ; of
mon. Yosterdav the men arrived , but af-
or learning the situationthoy nlso ro-
iised to go lo work , A representative of
THE Bun learning of tlio trouble nnd
expressing a destro to meet the
men "was led to B. Strath-
mann'ri saloon whore they wore nil as-
fiOmblcd , both the South Omaha and the
Kansas City men. The source of the
trouble ns given by the striking butchers
was as follows ! In the lirst place , " said
one , ilnd his statements were corrobo
rated by the others , "when wo came hero
wo wore led to believe that wo would bo
paid Chicago prices , which is ? t per day
for the kind ot work wo are. doing. More
over , wo were to have stcadj * work nt
our trado. In all of this wo were disap
pointed. Wo were only paid $18 a WCCK
to start on ; some time ago two mon wore
raised to $20 , and last week another man
was raised to ? 1.0. The remainder of the
gang were refused f 20 and kept' down to
$18. Again wo were disappointed in not
receiving steady work nt our trade. On
days when there was no butchering to bo
done wo were required to shako hides
and do the work of common laborers , a
thing that is never required in other
packing houses. "
"You can sco for yourself , " continued
the speaker , "that a butcher whoso
hands are frequently covered with cuts is
not in a lit condition to handle salt and
hides. Besides , oven made no other
dilVeronce , wo were not hired to do that
kind of work. In Chicago a beef butcher
is not required to oven report at the house
when there are no cattle to kill , and his
pay goes on the snino nt $1 per day. If
you euro to make comparisons you wilt
iind that wo have been compelled to
slaughter and dress more cattle per day
in proportion to our number than is
usual in packing houses. G. II. Hammond
mend has sent out this man Meday to
superintend tlio business , who lias no
knowledge of the dressed beef business
and who never saw a bullock dressed
until he came hero , llo is trying to play
smash now and gain favor with his em
ployer by kcopingdownexpenses , though
robbing us.
"What wo have struck for , " resumed
the speaker , "is for $1 per day , tlio same
ns other packing houses arc paying. Wo
only want what wo are entitled to and
nothing moro. "
The men who came up from Kansas
City wore interviewed and tiio reasons
learned for their refusal to go to work.
"I was promised , " said Dick Edwards ,
the leader of the Kansas City gang , " $5
per day to como hero and was assured
positively that there was no strike hero
but that they had discharged , a lot of
drunkards. "
When Mr. Edwards arnycd hero and
learned of the state of allairs lie refused
to go to work and the other mon agreed
with him. Dispatches have been sent to
the Knights of Labor in Chicago and Kan
sas City which will prevent others from
coming here. The strikers are very quiet
but arc determined to have their rights
recognized and they will be upheld by
the public in general. If the Knights pf
Labor take the matter in hand they will ,
bo able to bring the packing house to
terms by refusing to haul their cars of
dressed beef. The company were load
ing out the dressed beef on hand yester
day afternoon as rapidly as possible , and
they may anticipate such a move. The
butchers' trade is no "soft snap , " and
the men ought to bo paid for their work.
Xotcs of the aioruliifj Business Trans *
actcil by Jmljio Stcnbcr .
The municipal court room was thronged
yesterday , as is usual on Monday ,
with a laigo number of oil'cndors. Tlio
lobby was also lilled with an interested
throng of observers.
A colored who his
10-year-old boy , gave
name as Boss Miser , stood up before
Judge Stcnberg to plead to a charge of
stealing a purse from a lady in Falcon
er's store on Friday. Ho tried lo con
vince the judge that ho was not guilty ,
but the evidence was conclusive , and ho
was hold.
Jimmy Moore , a young mulatto "coon , "
when arraigned raised a laugh in the
court room by announcing that ho had
boon arrested for "existing an ofl'ieor. "
"What's that ? " asked the judgo.
"Kxihting an ollicer , " repeated James ,
vchomontly. "A lot of do boys wore
throwing snowballs around do BII : : oilico.
Olllcor White told 'em to clean oil' some
of do snow dnt was thrown on do Strnng
building. 1 told him dat I hadn't thrown
do snowballs und 1 wouldn't clean do
snow oil' . Den ho arrested mo. "
"Oh , I sec , " quoth the judge softly lo
himself ; "resisting an ollicor. Well , I'll
let you go this time , but don't repeal the
OlllilliO. "
ilurry Knrnnn , a suspicious character ,
received a sentence of twenty-live days
on broad and water , .
J. A. Walbnum , another vagrant and
oxJitil bird , was ordered out ot the city.
John Bunt , disturbing the peace , was
John Novak.tho incorrigible Bohemian
tramp , tailored and redolent with 70,000
noxious perfumes , was remanded lo jail ,
llo is fast lapsing into a slate of lunacy ,
and Judge Stcnborg will endeavor to
have him sent to Lincoln.
Mrs. John Sperry appeared lo plead
for her liege lord who was arrested Sun
day for beating hercruelly. . Her
prayers prevailed , and John was turned
, Jo6M ) wnlvn warning ,
A largo number of cases of drunk and
disorderlies , of no special interest , wore
disposed f > L
/V.u Insana JMan'fl Antfcfi.
Yesterday morning about nine o'clock
Oflicors Matxa and Dempsey wore called
to St. Joseph's hospital hy a telephone
message that nu insane man named
Pierre August Lacorto , had escaped from
restraints nnd was tearing up the furni
ture in his room and ralbing bedlam gen
erally. The lunatio was captiircd after
a hard struggle by the two officers and
lodged in jail. Ho is quite an intelligent
fellow , speakjng Jlucntly bnlh French
and English , though at time ho betrays
unmistakable signs of lunacy , Ho says
that ho is a sailor , hut has retired from
active service , and is , trying to make his
"hind lubber. " " 1
living as a am a
Frenchman , " ho declared vehemently-
a reporter yesterday , "and don't you
forget-it. I am a man and as a man
born to in isi-ry. I wish I could end
my existence by killing myself. I don't
care what they do they can kill mo if
like I should welcome death. " He con
tinued in this tragic vein for a few mo
ments longer and then , burating into violent
lent fcobbing , throw himself upon the cell
Subscriptions can now bo'inndo for
shares m series C Nebraska Loan and
Building association by applying ut the '
secretary's oilioe , 213 South 15th titrcot ,
with JelYW. Bedford.
Foroign'Advices Send "Wheat Quotations Up
Early at a Lively Rate.
Corn nml Onts Tame nnd i.irctoss
Bitftlncs.s In Provisions Drops Off
Cattle Iiowcr and Hops
Higher General.
CIIICAOO , March 8. [ Special Telegram. ]
WHIIAT There wns nil Improvement In the
tone of public cables this morning , spot
wheat showing an upward tendency , while
at Murk Lauo rm advance of Oil per
quarter \vas quoted. Catlfoinla on
passage , just shipped and nearly due , was
maikcil upOd , and rarcocs of the same ou"
coast \veic called a Itttlo higher. In response
to this the market opened ar.ttvo and Una nt
MJfc for Jfny , or a shade over Saturday's
closing llguies. There was some good buying ,
Lester & Orr anil Crlttondcn & Comes belli ?
among the principal piuchasers. While ro-
poitsof danmgoto the crowing crop caused
Increased buying for outshlo account , the
shorts took In considerable wheat , cairylng
prices to 80l , c for May , when the feel
ing bernmo somewhat easier. Mllmlne ,
Boilman & Co. wore among the heaviest sell
ers , and stull was also let go by Fleming &
Boyilen , Counselman & Schwartz , Uupco &
Co. , with the scalpeis trading freely both
ways. Private cables received later in the
day were stronger than public advices , Indi
cating an Improvement In the demand , with
undhntnishod olferlngs by English farmers
and arrivals oil coast small , but the market
was not bolstered up notably after the high
water mark of the earlier part of the scssonl
had been touched. The labor troubles in the
southwest were used by tlio bears to depress
prices , and Now Yoik disposed of consider
able stun" , quite an amount of wheat in
the aggregate being taken care of ,
under which the inaiket was fairly well
sustained up to 12 o'clock , after which pilces
declined to So } c for May , an oven cent umlor
the top price of the morning , where It rested
at 1 o'clock.
Conx A small group ot traders gathered
around the reporter's observatory constituted
the corn crowd , and a quiet sctof men it was.
Prices the greater part ot the session oscil
lated gently between 4U)6c and 40 cfortho
May option. Towoid 1 o'clock the tone grew
weaker and prices gently declined to JOJ.C ®
lO c as the closing liguro.
OATS Oats were very tame all day , with
scarcely any trading , propeity for May delivery -
livery being about the only future mentioned
and that held about steady at S2 > @aj c ,
closing nt32 ! c.
Pnovisiox s Provisions were dull all day.
They opened Una In sympathy with grain ,
helped by light iccolpts ot hogs and the pool-
quality , coupled with an advance of5c per 100
Ibs. In live weight , but weakened later with
grain and closed easy at nearly Satmilay's
lignrcs. There was very little shipping do-
iiiand , and after the first hour very little spec
ulative Inquiry.
AFTKH.VOON BOAIID This afternoon mar
kets were generally easier , wheat selling
down to 8 @ 34c for May , where It closed ,
being the lowest liguro of the day. Corn was
a trifle easier , while oats weio steady. Pork
solil 5o lower tlian the 1 o'clock closing , but
firmed up a little anil closed about bteiuly ,
with lard a fraction lower.
2:45 : p. in. Puts on May wheat ,
calls , 85
Clinmllcr. Br6\vn-Co's Report.
The following report of Chicago's specula
tive imukots is furnished the Bin : byV \ . P.
Peck , Omaha representative of Chandler-
Brown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee :
Cables icported English markets firmer
this morning , and wl.i'at opened linn with an
Impioved tendency. Now York icported
stroiiK markets with Nightingale and Pow
ers buying May delivery. Total exports last
week 512,000 bushels ; clearances to-day , 107-
000 bushels wheat. ] No fiesh lots taken for
cxpoi t to-day. Kecclpts at priinaiy mai Ucts ,
291,000 bush ; shipments , 81,000 bush. Tlio
visible supply wilt show about SOO.OJO bush
decrease In wheat. May opened at R'iJi'c ,
sold at SO c caily , gradually declining to
fa3 , ' c at 1 p. in ,
Corn opened at 40 } c for May , sold off , ? c
and closed at 40)40 at 1 p. in.
Oats was featureless at Saturday's prlccs.1
Provisions were weak ; May pork opened at
S10.W , sold to S10.n : nt 1 p. m.
At 2:30 : p. in. wheat was weak , closing at
84Jfc bid for May. Corn and provisions a
shade lower.
Gmc.Yflo , March 8. fSpeelal Telegram. ]
OATIT.K T here was a his run for Monday ,
fully 2,000 mme than last Monday , ami at the
opening the general Impression seumed to bo
that prices would lulo a shade lower , espe
cially on medium and low grade steers.
Theio were but low loadsof big cattle on the
inaiket , and bitch sold about thn same as on
tSatmatiy and Friday. Pilmo No , 1
steers , ot 1,500 Ibs. and upward , maybe
bo quoted at $ > ( ; none of
that class wore on sain today ; the highest
paid dining llio forenoon was 5.20.
Cow stock Is in good demand anil fully as
Jikh as last week. Units , oxen and coarse
stock aio making equally as high prices as
any time. The stacker and feeder trade was
rjniet ; them wcioouly a Vow lo.uls among the
liesh atilvals , and but few ltt ( ) on Satuiday ,
hence only a small number wcio on sale ;
prices weio steady. .Shipping steers , jr : > 0 lo
jr 00lbs. , SS.003S3.70 ; 1'iOJ to lo : ) : Ibs. , § 1.555 ®
{ i.:0 : : ; UJO to 1200 Ibs. , S3.WJ@ 1.75.
Hods Tradw was nctlvu and pi lees a
hhaUu higher alt aumnd. .Shipper.uf light
wnts were the principal buyers , and paid
Si.iooi.n for the ordinary run of } 70 to M
averages , and 54.20 1.35 lorMngelng plsrs.
The ordinary run ol packing and iiihiHl sold
fit il..SHwaiHlUiu : bJit hfnvy at SI.-IOQ
4.0. Packing and shipping , 230 to 400 Ibs ,
& 4.SV | . U , _
Noxv York , March 8-- > lo\'KV On ca'l ' ,
easy ut tdiiperconi.
PmuKMKiuAmi.K PAi'mi ISS percent.
STKIII.IXO KxciiAjfOK Dull and unchain-
CllHQVMttfMKXTS Dull bill lirih.
ST TIiObtfM'Ui wi-jo dull eVcept the
, of which Dili's wi-itf 1011,340 .slmriM.
alter ihielu.ulonsot ift JHT rent at
tlie anmiigtiro jaSaturday. Tfio luinalimc-r
of the nmikci opfiujil liTCgulutly , bin Was
firm during the forenoon , resultlne In sllcht
Cains , yielded slowly after inlil-day , somewhat -
what moro decidedly In the last hour , anil
closed llrm on a small reaction , generally
JiC&'tf per cent better than the lowest tlguros
8 cent bonds. . . 100VC. &A. W NWM
U.S. 4JfS 112.V preferred. . . 141
Now 4's. 127' < N. Y. C 105U
Pacific G's of ' 05. 12fii Oreeon Trail. . . 81 j
Central Pacific. . 43JJ Pacltlo Mall 6W
C.&A 143 IP. , D.&K SOJ
Mofemxl. , . . 1KJ P.P.O isi
C. , B. &Q 137 Rock Islann. . . . 121) )
I ) . , \ , . itVV 121) iSU I * * 8. ! ' . . . , 21
1) ) . & ] { . ( } 10 i preferred , . . 4l tf
Krle , 27f C. , M.&St. P. . . W'tf '
preferred. . . . fi2l ntoforretl. .
Illinois Central. . UUfSt. V.&O
1. , U. & W 27ffi jireferri'd. . . Ittt
Kansas ATexas. SSJif Texas Paclllc. . . 1H
LakeShore 8ij UnionIMcllic. . . 4 \
i&y ! , i..ifci' . . o
Mich. Central. . . . 7n > fl preferred. . . 10V
Mo. Paclllc IWi iWestein ' Union. ) ) i
Nortliorn Pnc. . . U" " " " ' "
lueforrcd. . .
Olilcngn , March 8. Klour Stonily anil
unchanged ; winter wheat Hour. S
I.S' , ; southern , SI.uOoJi.05 ; Wisconsin. S < MC'j
4.70 ; Michigan twit spring wheat , S.T : ! ( ) ( < 41.0t ) ;
Minnesota bakers' , Sfl.fiOtfW.M ) ; patents ,
S4.0.X35 00 : low grades , sa.OOfttiJ.O'J.
Wheat Kalrly active but somewhat unset
for Juno.
Corn ( Julcl with a good demand , towards
the close became weaker and closed at insldo
figures ando uniler Saturday ; ' . ! ! * J/pJiyc for
cash ; 37 ! < a : > 7-Vc for March ; 40 > 4 ( < t4oa'c for
May and June.
Oats Quiet but llrm and about unchanged ;
C0)tfc for easli ; MM for March and April ;
HJKc for May.
ifyo Quiet at r 0c.
liarley Dull atOOc.
Whisky S1.10.
Timothy Firm nml lo higher ; pilmo ,
Fla'xsecd Firm nml So higher for cash ;
.No. , S1.10X'
Pork Steady : early advanced fi@7J < c. set
tled back ir@l7Kc ) , and closed Meiuly : S10.CO
( i10.2.for cash ; 10.0 lor March ; SlO.yJX ®
lo.r : for May : sio.-to@lo.42i for.lune.
Laid Steady and niodeiutcly active with
no material change ; S0.05 forcasli ami March ;
S0.07K@0.,10 for May ; S0.40@0.42"f " ; for
Hulk Ateats-Shoulilers. sn.tXrtI.OO ) ; short
clear. S5.70@5.75 ; short ribs , S5.a7J @ 5.-10. . -V
Hutter Firmer and in good tlemnnil ; good
to fancy cieamery-0@ilc : ; choice to line se
lections , iMijUOe.
Cheese Steady ; lull ricain Cheddars , 0 > /
; llals , 10 > < J@U ; Young Anioilcns , 11
- .
Eu'cs-FIrm at 115r@12 , c.
Iliilo * ( irecn. 7c : heavv creen salleil. fully
cured , 8c ; > Ight , Mc ; bull hides. Oc ; dry
Haltcil. 12 > io ; dry Hint , litio ! ; calf skins.
Tallow No. 1 country , 4) ) cJfo. ; 3 coun
try , 3tfc ; cake , - We.Kccelnt
Kccelnt * . Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 10,000 10,000
Wheat , bu . 27,000 17,000
Corn , uu . 21:1,000 :
OatS.bU . 110,000 75,000 . 4,000 .1,000
Barley , bu . ar,000 17.0CO
St. . „ . Ijoiils v . . . - , . . March _ .i jitx. 8. . - Wheat Easy and
- .
0 c ; May , 8l ( fc.
live-Higher at Glc ,
J'oik Steady at S10.C3.
Laid Firm at 55.UO.
Butter Steady and unchanged ; creamery ,
250c : ! ; dairy , lb@2.-C.
anil oats Jfc lower.
Kansas City.March 8. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 red , cash , 72VC bid , 71c asked ; April ,
74Ke bid , 75Xc asked ; Mav , 73 > .fc.
Com Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , astfe : April ,
SO'ffe ' bid. 2ic ! asked ; JMay , 31 c bid , 3l c
Oats Cash , nominal ; no quotations.
Now York , March 8. Wheat Receipts ,
in.OOO ; expoits. 107,000 ; spot lower ami dull ;
options opened strong but clos-i'il heavy ; No.
U red , ( He ; No. 3 red ; Otic in elevator : April
closing at it.'iXc.
Com Weak ; iwelpls , 200,000 ; exports. 70-
000 ; ungraded. 45W4 Jfe ( ; No. 8 , 47 @l7 c ;
No. 2 , 4 > K@'Oc in elevator ; 5ltfc ;
April closing at49c.
Oats Receipts , { 50,009 ; exports. 650 ;
mixed western , yi 'iDlUe ; while western , 40
@ 4Gc.
Petroleum Steady : milted closed nt 7CJ.fc.
Egg.s Lower nml heavy ; receipts , 7ujO
packages ; western , HiJi'QUe.
Pork I1 Inn ; old mess , S10.00@10.50.
Lard Opened firm , closing wenkei ; sales :
western steam , spot , SO.U5 ( < iO.US ; Apiii ,
Butter Dull ; western , 12ff
Cheese Steady ; western Hat , 7@9Jfe. (
Milwaukee , March H. Wheat Weak ;
cash , Slj e ; May , lfc ; June , SGj c.
Corn Active : No. ti , lih e.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , 3-iUc ,
Hye-SteadyNo. ; 1. OTiJfc.
Bailey Quiet ; No.2 , 5lj4'c !
Pie visions stciidr ; mess poik , cash ami
March , ; May , 510.15.
Minneapolis. MarchS . Wheat Steady ;
No. 1 haul , 8S } c for cash ; 89' < Ji ! lor Apiii ;
015/c for Mav ; H3j lor June ; Js'o. 1 nuithern ,
cash , ai'/e ; May , SOJfc ; June. 87'jV.
Flour Dull ; patents , 51.tjOjJ5.UO ; bakers' ,
. . .
Receipts Wheat , 172,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 2-J.OOO bu ; flour , 18,000
In Store-Wheat , CC 3,515 ; at St. Paul , 1-
Cincinnati , March 8. Wheat Fair do-
iuandNo. ; 2 red , iM@y , > .
Com-Kirmer ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Flimur ; No. 2 mixed , : ! % @ : ,2e ,
Bye-Firm ; No. 2 , O.X'COc.
Bailey Moderate demand ; extra No.
Shlilillg./iSROOc. /
I'ork-Oiiift at SI0.75.
Laid Rulot : nriiiiH sfeam , S0.03' '
Whisky-Quiet at SUO.
Liverpool , March 8. Wheat Fair de
mand ; new No. 2 winter , linn at 7sl ) U ;
hpiing. llrm at 7s Id.
Flour Poor demand ; Bteaily at Ss 2d.
Corn Fair diMiiand : snot llrm nt 4s 2\j < l ;
Match , steady at 4s 2 > jd ; April and Jhiy ,
steady at 4s 2d.
Toledo , March 8. Wheat Closed weak ;
Corn Steailv ; May , 4Pfc.
O.d.s-Iimcilvo ; ai&clild.
Now Or It HUH , Maicli 8. Markets quiet
nml tinclmiiired.
Corn Dull , weak and lower -ISffilCc. .
Oats Firmer ntfliC'Miic.
Hog PnidiirK-Qulot and weak.
J.ail"S.ri.b7'/i. (
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 53,7 , " ; long clear
S5.50 ; clear rib. SS.EQ. _
Chicago , MarchS. The Ji overs' Journal
loiioiis : , ,
Cattle-Receipts , 7,700 ; market n shade
lower ; bhlpnlnic ulcer * . 5jK5.70 ; ) ! ) ; Btoclcers
and ieedeiH , $ : i.ooc < jl. : > 5 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , 81.75(31.00 ( ; hulk , tf 3.oo@i.20. :
lliMd Reci'lnts , 15,000 ; innikot stronjr , but
not nuotably higher ; lough and mixed , d-V.iO
( ifM.SB ; packing and shipping , SM.25&WO ;
light , S3.ocii < ! .3i.'i * . ; skips. fr.i.WW.75.
Sheep Receipts , Jl.SOO ; inaiket uteaily ;
native.- . . Si.OO : < i/i.bO / ; 'JVxniis. S'J.WJ ® 1.25.
MID Diovers' Join rial's special cablegram
from Liverpool Indicates abtrnnircattlo mar
ket. host giiides showing 4e advance over
last week , belling at I4u per It ) , diossed. The
advance In prlws is dim to light supplies.
Receipt * of Ameilcan eatllo aio reunited
lluht , and Kiii ) | > lies fjuiu other points have
lately been moiluiatc.
St , Ijo'ils. ' March 8. Cattle Receipts ,
; chlpments , 100 ; istinng ; IwteheiV ealtM ,
20u liiirher : common lo clmlru Klilidni | | : ,
! > ltOi/.pi. : > 0 ; Imtchcih1 Moors , S3.W4..Vi ) ; cows
and liellms , SJ.S.V ii.T.'i ; htockeis and Jeeileib ,
Hogs Rtujolpls , 2,600 ; shipments , none ;
nctlvii mid btiong ; butrhcisntid bi l hi'avy ,
iUiVi6.wmixed \ \ packing , EU.IW&1.20 ; light ,
CHy , March 8. Cat tin Receipts.
.WJ ; shipments , noun ; shipping and biitoueiv
Mow uiul .Vi lo lower ; Imulcix. s'oady ; choice
to Imicy , $ .ri.OC ( ) < < 5.iri ; common togno'i , S4.f < ) !
4.1)0 ) ; Mockers anil tcudc , 83.8wtfl.80 ; cons ,
S-i4fy. < ji.0. : : {
Hogs- Receipts , 2OX ) ; shipments , none ;
stumgand fie higher ; good to iihiiioc. Sl.0 '
4.2J ; common to medium , 83.753.'JOi tkl
and pigs , f'
Monday KvPiilir- , -Ma'irh f.
The mnikut was exceedingly dull , liV"n t < 11'
a Mondtty.- Stems ayeragliiK l JO to MO lit ,
cow iiiul' liuifers. S3.lOts6 : ; fair t'tf yooi1
' '
' iilaftcfwas'to slioujjcr , and