Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1886, Image 1

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Master Workman Powderly Deprecates
Hasty Action by Hotheads.
Ilio Great Ootild System Strike Coos
On , With ttio Number Increased -
creased to Ten Thausniul
Meii-Htrllco Notes.
Master Workman Powilorly's Views.
Pim.Aiir.i.i'iiiA , March a Grand Mnstcr
Workman Powdcrly , head of the Knights of
Labor organization , who Is In this city at
tending n meeting of the gcncial executive
board , sahl lo-nlght to n representative ! of tins
Associated press Hint he Imd received no
HUlinr.oiiM to go to St. Louis to settlu till ) dif
ficulties between the strikers txiid the Gould
tiystuin of rallionds. That there Is no slgnlll-
Ciince In the fact that so many strikes nre
now In progress In the United States by ns-
BCtnbllcs of thu Knights of Labor. "It Is a
col ncldence , merely , " ho said , "mid there Is
no concerted action contemplated by the order
ns lias been suggested , thu strikes being Inci
dental , nnd 1 think clilolly owing to the 1'nct
that this Is just the beginning of spring trade
mid the opening of a period of piosperlty lu
business. "
Powduily , upon being asked whether he
did not think that the Increase In thu num
ber of strikes just now was owing to thu
knowledge of an increased power by the or
ganizations of alabor , said : " 1 doubt
it , and 1 think that I can
spunk for the general executive board.
They do not think that it Is
wlfco to inatignratuso many strikes unless it
can be shown that there is an extreme neces
sity for them. If many of the men who nrc
striking would display n little more common
sense and use a little moru patience they
would get all they aie striking for and savu
their time and money In tliu bargain. If they
would exercise proper moderation in their
negotiations with their employer : ) and sub
mit their claims llrmly made and properly
rcpiesented , to arbitration , 1 am free to say
that 1 am sure that nine out of ten cases
which end in a strike could bj as satisfac
torily arranged without resoitinir to such ex
treme and generally doubtful expedients. In
deed , In nine eases there would oe no neces
sity for a strike. is a fcelinir now
that labor must bo recognized by
employers ; that the employer must listen to
the employes , and the time has come when
the shopman , mill owner , and manufacturer
In every department of trade must bo ready
to listen to thu demands of his men and to
yield to them when these demands arc
reasonable. Organization , dlseiulino. and
the realization of thu right and thu might in
the case had brought about this change , and
these advances on this pat t of the employer
should not bo repulsed by hasty and
inconsiderate action on the part of work-
ingiuen. "
"Aibitration , then , and not strikes Is the
theory of tliu order ? " said the reporter.
"Tos. arbitration always when It Is possi
ble , a strike only as a last resort ; but when
that point Is reached , slrlku hard , strike In
earnest , and never surrender except to just
concessions. Why , tills board , " pointing to
tliu members who were listening , "has since
tlio lirst of January settled by arbitration 350
cases , which would otherwise have resulted
in stnkes without thu train of a single point
by the strikers. The Knights of Labor and
other labor organizations in sympathy with
Its plans , constitute at the present time the
most powerful organization of worklngmen
over known In the history of
the world. Its strength is Increasing every
day and its Influence is felt every day in
every branch of trade In this country. "It is
dangerous to abuse this power. " It can
always insist upon just demands carefully
considered and thoughtlnlly digested. It
cannot afford to fritter Itself away upon overv
little pretense of wrong , hastily formulated
and pighcadcdly insisted upon. The growth
of the power of labor should bo an occasion
for calm deliberation and moderation. Workingmen -
ingmen should be caiut'ul to see to it that
they do not sap and undermine thelrstrength
by extreme demands and unreasonable
assumptions of Inipoitaneu and power.
Jt is as some ono lias said
before me , a good thing to have tliu power of
u giant , hut it is an evil thing to ii.-o It like a
giant , It was this disposition onlhepartof
the employer , to refuse to treat with his
workmen , that made labor organization a
necessity to them. Now that wo have thu
power which comes from organl/atlon , wo
must ii-c that power wisely and moderately ,
nnil be careful that wo do not change posi
tion with the employer and refuse to treat
wilii him , cxcnpt at the point of n pistol , or a
strike , which Is about the same
thing. A strike should bo the last thing
when every thing clso has failed ,
anil not an everyday expedient , which used
ns hiieh loses its power ns It Increases In
freipieney. In old assemblies which are
imiiillnr with our plans and purposes , strikes
were infrequent. It is the new , as yet not
fully informed , organizations which upon
sometimes Insulllclent and frequently
trivial causes make this final and
desperate appeal. As our organl/.at Ions grow
there will bti less strikes , bo&utso there will
bo less necessity for them. Our power will
In time he greater than men think. It will
last so as long as wo use It wisely , anil It
will bo so used , as a power no less Important
than the constitution. "
"Is the utrlko the last resoit of the Knights
of Labor ? " asked tlio reporter.
Thu master workman smiled. " 1 sec , "
said ho. "what you are driving nt. A strike
isu bad thing , hut a boycott is woisu in its re
sult. AMilkobtops production ; n boycott
kills it. The strike of a week Is only the los.s
of a week's business ; n boycott for n week
can be thu ntterriiln of thu business Itself.
Wn have never failed in n boycott which has
been ordoiod by the general committee. It ;
effectiveness Is undoubted , hut It Is the *
tremu power which wu use with caution. "
"is there not danger , " said the reporter ,
"that your order may become Involved In
politics and thus ln&u Its power' ' * '
"I have no fear of that. The matters In
volved In tliu existence anil works of the
Knights of Labor are nuver to Us members
matters of pa ( than politics. Wo have hero ,
us you see , on this committee- members of thu
two old parties n greonbaekcr , with a smilu ,
and other cranks llho myself. Wo nru not
politicians liciu. Wn have a method of
dealing with those who , as somu have ,
entered our ranks to servo political ends.
Wu turn thoni out. Wu have nail no part In
politics. It Is biead find butter , the rights of
tlio cmploved , thu material and concrete
things of everyday llfo , that constitute the
elements which do now and always will hold
us together , and these are tltopgur than
paitlsan political lies. That Is why 1 do not
tear thu intrusion of politics. When peo\ilo \
talk , as sometimes they do , about using the
Kn.gliUut Labor as n political engine , they
titter the most arrant nonsense , it Is not
worth while to discuss the matter with such
n man. Ho Is cither n liar or an empty-
headed fool. "
In conclusion Powderly said the Knights
nf Labor , as an organization , had nothing to
do with the strike In the bituminous coal
nylon , as the men were in n separate order ,
hut liu thought the day was near when all thu
tabor organi/atlons of the country would bo
united under ono general supervision and
control , lie will icniain In Philadelphia
with the gi-nwal oiv.iim'.tleo several days ,
null ! called away , us ho thinks possible , to
tlio west to nrrunuu the dltfivultics Hit-re.
TIIli ! K'l'ltlltK.
Ten Thousand Out , .Vo Violence , Nti
U'ratiirt Moving.
ST. l.ovts , March P. The strike on the
pai tof tlio Knights of Labor ou thu Could
tout h western system of railways Saturday
\vus followed yestei day nt various point ? hy
n geneial suspension of work hy all knight *
employed In any poilt'on ' on the railroads
until the number has i cached bet wccnWO ( and
10,000. ami Includes s-.v'.tcbmun , shopmen ,
trainmen , biakomoii anO.'lrumen. ' Tuuongl-
uccrs. non ; of u-tjoui him- Joined tlioitillo :
fonohlly , off prevented from wotkih0 br lack
ti 6lrleu' | iUJift'.auce upoi : their eizues : ! ,
ind are counted In nnionc themselves by Iho
mights so far as their value to the road Is
concerned. Another general order Is expected
from the executive board In Marshall , Tex. ,
which It Is predicted will call from their work
nil knights left on the road , and will still
'in thor cripple the company. All Missouri
I'nelhc employes who are knights have
> lriick , and n number of them who are not
mights have joined the order and loft their
woik. No freighter p.\ssencr trains went
out of St. Louis on the .Missouri Pacific yes-
Icrday , and Its business in every department
Is at n standstill. Thu kulghts have been
lioldlng nnlet and peaceful meetings In their
hall , while the executive committee is In ses
sion and is waiting to hear from the railroad
authorities , to whom they are looking fora
| ) ioposlton ! tor a conference by which
nil of the differences can bo arranged.
It Is probable that unless some proposition
of this kind Is made to-ilay the strike will us-
aiimc greater proportions , and will Injure
tlio ro.ids more than It hn ? already. The
striken ) exercise care that the delay of malls
shall not bo attributed to them. They have
appointed a delegation from their numbers to
prepare thu mall cars for their trips , switch
them Into position and attach them to
engines. This precaution makes It Impos
sible fo'r thu United Status govuiniuunt to
make charges against them for delaying tlio
mails , and thus the government can find no
pretext to Interfere unless violence Is re
ported to.
It was with the greatest difficulty that any
Missouri 1'acllic tr.ilns could ba moved this
morning from the Union depot , as the olll-
cmls could parsuadu none of thu strikers to
assist In making them up. Assistant Super
intendent Stllhvell of the Union depot , as
sisted by three yardmen , started nil passenger
trains on time , the strikers offering no resist
ance to their efforts. > ot n freight" car on
the Missouri Pacific has been sent from this
city since Saturday night , and the probabili
ties are that nonu can bo moved until the
present dilliculty has been settled or unless
the railroad company fills the positions of the
striking knights by non-members of that
organization. Members of the board of di
rectors of that road have arrived in tills city ,
but whether tboy come to assist In settling
the strike or simply to attend the regular
annual meeting ot the board on next Wed
nesday is non known. The Brakomon's
ISrotherhood met tills afternoon in Theil's
hall. As near as could bo learned their
grievance Is that their wages are too small
They receives JO per month. They want STO
or Chicago pi Ices , together with extra pay
for extra work. A commute of the knights
called on the brakcmcn yesterday afternoon
and conferred with their committee.
Alarming rumors are abroad this morning
regarding tlio contemplated action by thu
knights to lorco the railroads of the Gould
southwest system to accede to their demands.
It is stated that nt IS o'clock the knights em
ployed by the St. Louis Bridge company will
strike In support of their already striking
brethren. This will cause n total stoppage of
all railroad traillo collected bat ween tlio union
depot In tills eity and the relay depot In East
St. Louis , and no passengers or freight can
be transferred by rail across the river. To
avoid the possibility of the railroad using the
ferries for transportation purposes the cen
tral committee lias , it is stated , ordered out
all men engaged by tlieso companies and
this will sever all connection with the cast
side of thu river. The knights are dumb
when questioned about these rumors , and re
fuse to cither deny or allirm them. Officials
of the railroads , bridge company and ferries
aio equally roticent. Nothing can be posi
tively known in icgard to the" future policies
of either side. The strike upon the Missouri
Pacific road had tlio effect ot rendering It Im
possible. for the St. Louis A San Francisco
railroad to handle- any freight delivered at
the union depot , as the latter company uses
the tracks of the former from the depot to
Grand avenue , a distance of two miles , and
no men can be found to assist in moving up
freight trains intended to pass over these
ST. Louis , March S. Contrary to expecta
tions , the knights employed by the St. Louis
Bridge company are still at work and trains
to and from East St. Louis are running regu
larly. It is conlidenly stated , however , by
knights , that this will be the next move or
dered by the strikers. All through passen
ger and mall trains have loft up to this hour
(1:50) : ) on time and theroisno serious delay
along the routes. Tlio Post-Dispatch's special
from Sedalla states that the central commit
tee of the knights will order that after to-day
all members of that organization employed
on passenger trains on 'the Missouri Pacific
railroad shall cease work , hut that mall cars
must not Interfered with. Notice was
posted on the Missouri Pacific railway depot
this morning announcing the suspension of
ail brakemun on the St. Louis it Kansas City
mid Lawrence & Kansas City branches of
that road. The brakemcn are now holding a
meeting at which their future course will bo
determined on. Their discussions nre held
in .sti let secrecy and nothing can bo learned
ns to their nature.
A dispatch from Nevada , Ho. , says no ser
ious trouble growing out of the knights'
strike at this point lias yet occurred. The
district superintendent at the Missouri Pa
cific at this point this morning attempted to
attach n Missouri Pacific stock car to an out
going train , but the strikers forced him to
abandon bis attempt.
A special from San Antonio states that the
local differences between the Knights of
Labor and their employers on thu Southern
Pacillc railroad have bcon settled , and that
the strike there Is at an end.
KA.NSAH Cm * . March H. There Is no
change in the Missouri Pacific strike this
morning. No frcluht trains arc moving , but
passenger trains are not interrupted. Tlio
rumor of imp Muling strikes on oilier roads
has not been substantiated. About sovcnty-
live Missouri Paellic freight handlers em
ployed hero have been laid oil on account ot
thu suspension of business.
Sii : > M.iA. March S , Thcro Is absolutely no
change In the strike , situation this morning
and everything is remarkably quiet. Tim
strikers shlo tracked trains and locomotives
and let the water out of them. Thorn seems
to bu no disposition on the part of the com
pany to resist the movements made by the
strikers. The accommodation train duo hero
from Pleasant Hill at ' . 'MO ' a. in. did not ar
rive on account of the Impossibility of pro
curing any engine to pull the train.
GAI.VJSTO.V. : Maich K. Up to noon to-day
nogenornl slriko of tliu knights had taken
nlnco hero , but there Is no knowing what an
hour may bring forth. The knlgnts admit
that a go i u' nil strike has been ordered hy thu
executive committee. Work on the Mallory
wharf and about the railroad is progressing
as usual
K-ST. Louis. March P. A Post Dispatch
special from Marshall , Texas , states that no
work Is being done by the mechanics of the
Texas Pacific railroad in thu shops nt that
point , A special guard has boon appointed
by Ilio Knights to guard the company' ? prop
erty tioiu acts of violence. Tlio light at this
point now consists of u demand by Ilio
Knights that the oipnUatlon hu recognized
by tin * railroad qllicinh. All other grievances
have been piactK-ally settled. r n
A rumor Is current hem that 10,00'J luldl
tlonal Knights will buordeii'dout ' to-morrow ,
and this will absolutely stop all passmtgoi
and freight tralllc on th's Gould southwestern
system , It Is learned fioin u railroad officia
that there will probably b-j IKI further trouble
lu making up passenger lialns nt this point ,
and an elt'ort will be nindc to keep tun pas
sontrer tralllu of the mitlru system moving
regularly and promptly.
3:15 : p. late duvolopmenls regarding
the blrlko. Powderly , irrnml master wnikmai
of the Kiilchts of Labor , lias not yet nt rived
Up to tliis hour Iho brldguiucu Imvu not go no
out. All U quiet.
ATCIIISOX , M.u'eh 8. The Mlssourt Pa
clticshnpmnu employed hero i")0 In nuin
her went out to-day on orders from Sedalla
AllCmilial branch freight tr.ilns were stepped -
pod , thuigh n tialn ot livestock was per
uiitted tocoiiH tluough. P.itmi committees
guard tlu > company's property ami peiml
ouly pa < s ns r Ir.ilns to run , The strikers
hnvti propanrj n sehcilulo ot grievances
\\lileh simply lii''orporatoi the demands
taado by the Texas striken * .
Sv , Louts , March b , All the men nm
ployed at I'aior.dele ' , sit miles below
quit wort- this morning , ' This is an 1m
porlnnt point , n * it Is tlio river terminus or
the Klrkwoud branch of tm ! Missouri P.u-llic
lo'id , and largo quantities of freight for tim
rait sto. trnusfemkl across th rfvi'r there
'ihe Iran Mcv.u'.aiii jxnd.aU'Vvaw.'a through
ho place , nnd the yards of the two roads are
quite extensive. Over GOO freight cars ,
nany of them laden , stand on the tracks.
The men arc holding meetings and discuss-
ug the situation.
The Anticipate. ! ! AVnlk-Out of Minors
in Federation No , it ,
PiTTsnuitn , March 8. The miners of Fed
eration No. 3 struck this morning for an ml-
vance of 10 per cent. In the district are over
10.000 men , and nt 11 o'clock tlio report
showed at least r > , OOJ of them out.
Pirrsni'iui , Match 8. The strike Inaugu
rated for the uniform scale of wages which was
ndopted nt the convention nt Cumberland , on
February 1U , Involving-a general advance of
10 cents per ton , began at 11 o'clock tills
uornlng. Dispatches received from the
Maryland regions reported that nil the miners
numbering 5000 men nrc out. Nothing has
been lecelved as yet from tlio other points.
At Irwin U.'OJ miners employed by the
Pennsylvania lias and Westmoreland Conn-
y Coal companies came out this morning for
no Increase and nru now holding n mass
iieeting at the opera house.
Ct'.Mitr.m.Axn , Md. , March P. In compli
ance with the orders of thu executive com
mittee of thu Federation of Minors and Mine
Lahoiers , which organization Includes all em
ployes In the several bituminous coal regions , laborers in the Cumberland region
struck to-day for an advance of ftoin10 to 50
cents per Ion.
1'riT-mi'iio , March 8. lloports from var
ious points in Federation No. : ! of the Coal
Miner's Amalgamated association , Indleato
that tliu strike Inaugurated this morning Is
widespread , and that nearly 10,003 men are
now out. Two thousand men quit work In
the Elk Garden district.
Pour Thousand Wood Workers Strike
In New York City.
Niw : Yonif , March 8. Four thousand
members of the United Order of American
Joiners and Amalgamated Society of Car-
punters and Joiners stopped work hereto-
lay. The journeymen complain of low
wages , paid at the rate of S3 per day for ten
lours , the rate for first class workmen being
SO.'iO , which very few receive on the plea
: hat they are not first class. The strikers
now demand that the average wasjc-3 paid to
journeymen shall ho § : l.oU per dav.
Six hundred shops are alToctod with this
movement , and at noon eighty-six bosses had
igreed to tlio demand. As presented the
ucn in tlieso shops will at once resume worlc.
i'ho men aiu confident of carrying their
lolnts , as nearly all the larger shops have
jlvcn In. About twelve hundred men will
esumo work to-day.
Tlio rtouiuclliui Agreement.
CoxsTAXTisori.E , March S. All the
powers have given assent to the Ilontnollnn
agreement ns modified by Itussla. The origi
nal agreement stands , except that the clause
relating to a military alliance between Turkey
ind Bulgaria has been eliminated , and thnt
he title of "Prince of Uulgarla" lias been
inserted in place of "Prince Alexander. "
The agreement is being drafted and will
soon bo submitted to the conference.
Milwaukee Shoo Strike Emlctl.
CHICAGO. March 8. Inter-Ocean's Mll-
ivaukco special : The boot and shoemakers'
strike , Inaugurated two weeks ago , Is prae-
Jcally at an end. To-day tlio Page company
signed the strike scale. Thu remaining two
firms , it is believed , will sign within a few
days. _
A Cisrsr Boycott Off.
DAVEXPOUT , Iowa , March 8. The Knights
of Labor boycott against Nicholas Kidmen ,
cigar manufacturer , is nt an end. This after
noon T. .1. O'Meara , prusidcnt of the Trt-City
Labor congress , and Mr. Kulinen signed arti
cles of agreement to that effect.
Voluntary Increase or Pay.
llAKTFonn , Conn. , March 8. The New
York & Hartford Kailroad company has
ilecided to raise the pay of laborers on all
llvisions from S1.35 to $1.50 per day , begin
ning April 1.
lioblnson's Victim Dead County Bill
Defeated The Veto Put On.
CHEYK.VNK , AVyo. , March 8. [ Special Telo-
gram.J Uariant , shot on Ilex Elder creek by
Itoblnson on Friday , is dead. Itoblnson has
given himself up. Two stories of the tragedy
ire told ono that Kobinson and ono Mc-
Crackcn followed Uariant into Ids own
house , shot and clubbed him , the other that
Barianl put a shotgun under Itoblnson's
nose , but the weapon did not discharge , when
Itobinson shot twice.
The legislature defeated the bill providing
for tlio organization of new counties. Tills
was the only crumb the North
western .Railroad company asked from
the legislative table. Much surprise
is expressed that the Northwestern
had no ono hero when so much legislation
alfcctlng its interests was pond ing , but as
far as known not a-representatlveof the road
has been on the ground. The county bill
was quilii an Important measure to the cor
poration named. Governor Warren vetoed
the hill which passed the legislature by a
good majority providing for weighing coal
without the thorough screening It is now
subjected to. The principal reason for tlio
veto Is that it would work an injury to the
public , as bad coal would bo forced on tlio
producer , and competition bo established
which would close up the Union Pacillc
The Ijoss by tlio Jersey City Dock
lilnzo Reaches $ : tOOOUO.
Ni-w : Voiti ; , March 8. When the flames on
the Monarch line dock were discovered at 2
o'clock this morning , all the dromon In Jersey
City and lloboken wcro summoned to the
scene. It soon becamu evident that they
could not handle thu lire , so assistance was
asked for from this city. The largo Iron
steamer Egyptian Monarch was on Ilro before
the tugs could get her from the burning
dock. The flames burned so furiously that
the firemen had no chancu of subduing them.
The heat was so Intense that the workers
could get nowhere near her , and after her
masts and spars wcro consumed the flames
made their way into her cabin lirst , then to
her hold , where It caught what there was ot
her cargo , and In n short while she was
a raging furnace of llamo that heated hut
sides to a white heat and made her hull al
tlio water line to throw on" clouds of steam
caused by the heat within. The loss on the
ship will bo 8100,000 , and later estimates
placed on thu cargo , which Is
a total loss , of about 3200,000.
The Lydlan Monarch also took lire , but was
hauled out into tlio stream heforu much dam
age was done. The milk depot of the Krlo
road waj also destroyed , entailing n loss ol
about S25.000 upon that company. The
Monarch line dojks weru entirely destroyed
Total loss is now estimated at SiJOO.ODO.
Anionjr tlio Itnilronds.
CHICAGO , March 8. Ilepresentatives of tlio
roads that formed the Paellic Coast assocl
atlon held an Inloimal meeting hero to-day
und decided to make rates on all classes o
freight cents lor carloads nnd 50 cents foi
le. < s than carloads. The ruling figures have
been a uniform 50 per cent off from the oh
The Inter Ocean's Galena , III. , spccla
nays : Judge Hrown of the circuit court denied
nied the application of the Illinois Centra
railroad for an injunction to restrain the
Chicago , liurllngton & Northern railway
from using the Illinois Central right of way
Death ofMrd. Horatio Seymour.
UrtoA , N. Y. , March 8.-Mary Ulnker
reilcl of cx-Uovernor Seymour , died at the
rwUlehci ! of Mrs. Jloscoo Conkllng at 8:80 :
to-day. The late governor icmoml Mrs
Seymour from Ids country iionm to Mrs
Conklln s' on account of her illness , am
wh lo attending ber was attacked with bis
fatal Ulnws.
The Tails Oity Statesman "Wants the Article
Labelled for Shipment ,
An Iowa Insurance Shark's Mall
Dnwes' Sioux Reservation Bill
Measures By Iowa Members
Capital Notes.
Nebraska Members on Bill Dny.
WASHINGTON. March 8. I Special Tele
gram. ] Representative Weaver of Nebraska
ntroilnccd ubtll In the house to-day to pre
vent the shipment of any article or articles
uailo in Imitation ot butter or chcoso from
ono stale or territory or the District of Col-
imbia to another state or territory or the Dis-
rlct of Columbia , or from any place In the
United States to any forelcn country , unless
hey bo plainly labelled by some name that
shall show that they arc not butter or cheese.
The penalty is n line of S.100 for each offense
nnd an amount equal to the price of the nrtl-
clc shipped.
Other bills Introduced by the Nebraska
delegation are as follows :
Hy Mr. Dorsey To pay John K. and
Marie M. Coad Sl",815 for property
destroyed by the Sioux , Arapahoe and
Cheyenne Indians , the money to bo
deducted from any sums duo tlieso Indians.
Also , to Mark M. Coad SS.OOO from the same
fund for tlio same kind of claim.
By Mr. Weaver To pension Geo. W.
Padgett and Chas. II. Walford.
In the case of Marcus 13. Wnlsor , of DCS
Moines , charged with fraud in conducting an
insurance business , the assistant attorney
general and law clerk of the postofllce ds-
lartment , wiio have bean condunting the
prosecution from this end of the line , In-
romed your correspondent to-day that letters
addressed to Waiscr would not bo delivered
him till there was n trial nnd n decision
rendered , nor would money orders be cashed
for him till there was n decision In tlio case ,
ns the company ho represents has been de
clared fraudulent and mail matter for it con
demned. They stated that It was not neces
sary that the postmaster at DCS Moines should
> e Instructed to withhold his mall , tlio fact
: hat the business conducted by tlio company
las been condemned by representatives of
the postofilco department being snfllclent
authority upon which that oniccr can act
pending trial.
nn. iir.AKn PEUXINST IT.
Tlio hotiso committee on Indian affairs will
; ako up the Dawcs bill throwing open the
Sioux reservation to settlement to-morrow.
It is expected that the bill will bo favorably
reported to the house this week Inspite of
: hq opposition of Dr. Bland , the professional
philanthropist , who for some reason or other
iias taken very advanced ground in opposing
the measure. The Dakota delegation now
licro Is very actively at work in support of
the bill , and tlioy bollovo that it will go
through without any very great difliculty.
The house committee on Pacific railroads
will report a bill this , -week compelling the
Northern Pacific , tlio cost of
surveying the lands within their grant The
bill makes tlieso lands subject to tnxntlon ,
and is designed principally for the purpose
of compelling the railroad companies to offer
their lands for sale at n reasonable figure ,
thereby Insuring the more rapid settlement
of the country within the limit of their
grant. It is believed that if they are com
pelled to pay taxes on tlielr land they will bc-
como anxious to put them upon the market
at low figures , Instead of holding them for
a future advance , as they are now doing.
A largo grist of memorials from various
religious organizations in Iowa and N ebrnskn
were dumped Into the senate to-clny , praying
congress to pass the bill providing for the
preservation of peace among nations by
arbitration. Tlio churches throughout the
whole country arc for the passage of
this bill. They represent that It will avoid
the necessity of constructing n navy and
bring about a security for peaeo which will
assist foreign trade. There Is not much
thought about it , however , among statesmen.
norsK MKAsuiius m- IOWA .MEMIIKIIS.
Bills were Introduced in the house to-day
by the Iowa delegation ns follows :
By Mr. Fuller To pension Alexander
By .Mr. Conger To pension John lloscn-
By Mr. Lyman Hcmovlng the charge of
desertion against the military record of Wil
liam Uced.
orrosnn TO WILSON'S HILT , .
Petitions are arriving in considerable num
bers from all parts of the country against the
passage of the bill introduced by Senator
Wilson ot Iowa , Increasing the postage on
fourth class mall matter and Intended to
protect merchants In the west from competi
tion with those of the enst. Several petitions
have been received from llawkcyo citizens.
J. J. Patrick of Omaha , and Thomas O'Day
nnd II. W. McClure of Nellgh , nro nt the
WccplncVnlllns nntl Gnnsliiiifj ol
1'cetli AIIIODK District , nomocracy.
WASHINGTON'March 8. [ Special , ] .lust
ono year ago the democracy of the District
of Columbia could bo found in groups in all
parts of the city , loaded down with badges
covered with llttlo roosters nnd generally
jubilant over the prospect of the fat olllces
which they oxpectcd to get with the Incom
ing administration. The Democratic Jack
son association , the Jefferson democ
racy , the Columbia Democratic club , anil
various other organizations of tlio "trooly
loyal" wcro about that time holding harmo
nious meetings and dividing up thu spoils ol
victory nmong themselves. Tlioy expected
that within three months tlio district of Co
lumbia would bo In democratic hands again ,
and that they would foe called upon to nd
vise tlio president In making the appoint
incuts to till the positions then held by the
republicans , The city of Washington Is gov
erned by a different t-ystem fiom that wliicl
prevails In any other city in the Unltci
States , and ( lie president appoints nil of the
odleors , from the commissioners , who act as
common council , board of aldermen am
mayor , to the recorder of deeds , the reglbtei
of wills , the marshal of the courts
nnd the other minor olllcers which go to swel
the civil list. A year has passed since the
democracy came In nnd only three odlces
have been tilled , j Ono of these became va
cant through the expiration of the teirn o
ono of the commlsioncrs , nnd the piosiden
appointed an excellent u'publlcan to the va
cuncy. Tlio marshal of the District , aj > -
polnted by President Arthur , resigned , am
was succeeded by a gentleman who is said tote
to bo a democrat , but who was nut ono of the
demociatic workers. On the 5th of January
last Frwl Douglass.-tho colored orator , who
has been recorder of deeds since the Art hit
administration , resigned , to take ef
feet On the 1st of 'March. The
various democratic organizations se
lected 13 sir candidates ami pr
heir names to the president , felicitating
licmtclvcs upon the prospect of soon having
a few clerkships to distribute among tlio rank
ind lllo of the paity. On the anniversary of
its Inauguration President Cleveland sent to
ho senate the name of a man to nil this
ofllce , but ho was not taken from the ranks of
ho district democracy. Dan Manning has
llscovered since the congressional elections
year ngo that tlio democracy has not as
strong a hold on Albany county , Now Yoik ,
as It formerly had , and ho determined to
strengthen his position there by selecting n
colored man from that city to
succeed 1'ieil Douglass. The appointment
vas made nnd tlio result Is that
luring tlio uast few days the democrats of
iVashlngton have loudly nnd vehemently
cursed everything connected with thu gov-
rnnicnt and the president especially. Tlioy
nccuse htm with having violated his pledges
nnd with having played them false in this
natter , ami they threaten that , Instead of
S 0,000 , In the next campaign they will not
contribute fifty cents. The republicans look
on nnd smile , while tlielr opponents curse
and growl , but the president scums to have
ilio strongest position nnd tlio democrats nro
powerless to help themselves.
Congress Will Do Nothing
Inilc inn mention.
WASHINGTON , March 8. [ Special. ] A
.number . of the foreign affairs committee said
: o-day : "The Indications arc that congress
will do nothing towards Indemnifying the
Chinese for the loss which resulted from the
anti-Chinese riots in tlio territories and on
; lie Pacific slope. "
"What do you expect the result will he ? "
" 1 anticipate that the Celestial empire will
retaliate by taking measures towards tliu ab
rogation of the Durllngaine treaty , and that
Ihe outcome will bo felt in every household
In the United States. "
"Where do you expect this result to show
'In the advance In tlio price of tea and
oilier commodities which wo Import from
China , nnd in the complete breaking up of
tlio American trade In the eastern hemis
phere. American merchants have millions
> t dollars invested within tlio boundaries of
the flowery kingdom , and if tlio amicable
relations between the two nations are to be
Broken , it can only result in great commer
cial disaster to the United States. This
country has everything to lose and nothing
to gain by the severance of the existing tics ,
and it is strange that the men who control
affairs on the Pacific slope arc notable to see
far enough ahead to appreciate that result. "
WASHINGTON , March 8. The chair laid
before the senate n letter from the secretary
of the senate , showing the names of the pri
vate secretaries of the senators.
Among the petitions presented wcro a largo
number from local assemblies of the Knights
of Labor favoring the building of.tlic llonna-
pin canal.
ir. Plumb , in presenting some of these
petitions , said they all seemed to emanate
from some central course , as they wcro hand
somely printed , and while greatly respecting
the bodies that sent the petitions , ho pre
sumed there must bo some private interest
behind this movement besides the interests
' . . * " - *
of the'llcnnopiu canal.- * - -
Mr. Logan took pleasure In Introducing
these petitions. The canal , ho said , was n
great work and would cheapen looil.
Mr. Mandcrson presented aiictition pelting
forth that owinc to the "hopeless destitution
prevailing in Illinois , the canal should bo
built by the government. "
All the petitions were appropriately re
Sir. Vance offered a resolution , directing
the committee on civil service reform to 10-
port forthwith the bill before them providing
for the repeal of the civil service laws. The
lesolutlon , at Mr. Vance's request , for the
present was laid on the table.
The morning business having been dis
posed of , Mr. Brown , at 1 o'clock , obtained
unanimous consent to address thu senate on
the subject of his bill , "to provide a new basis
for the circulation of national banks. "
At : < :20 : Mr , Stanford announced the death
of Mr. Miller of California , and out of respect
to the memory of the deceased senator moved
an adjournment ,
Tlio senate then adjourned.
WASHINGTON , March 8 , In the house to
day Mr. Jlenley offered for reference a reso
lution for the appointment of a sub commit
tee to Inquire into the alleged evasions of the
Thurman act by the Union Pacific liailroad
company and to determine whether by reason
of any violation of the provisions of that act
that the corporate rights , powers and fran
chises of the company have been forfeited.
Thomas H. Ilnihl , member-elect from the
Fifth district of Wisconsin , took the oath of
Mr. Crisp , In behalf of the committee on
Pacific railroads , called up the bill requiring
Pacifio railroads to pay tlio cost of survey of
lands granted them by the general govern
ment , and to take out patents for tlio land.
Pending discussion , the morning hour ox-
Mr. Morrow arose nnd said : The melan
choly duly devolves on mo to announce the
death of Senator John V. Miller of Califor
nia , who died in this city to-day alter a pro
longed illness. Congress will undoubtedly
set apart some dav hereafter for the purpose
of giving expression to the sentiments enter
tained for the character and great public ser
vices of Senator Miller. I offer the follow
ing resolutions :
liesolvei1 , That the house has received
with profound sorrow Intelligence of tlio
death of Senator John F. Miller.
liesolved , That out of ro pect to ids mem
orv this house do now adjoin n.
tVTho resolutions wcro unanimously adopt
ed , and accordingly the house , adjourned.
Au Amendment , Iteportcd to ttic
reiuliiiK FmiUiiij , ' Bill.
WASHINGTON' , March 8. To-day Senator
Wilson of Iowa lepoited favorably from the
judiciary committee the following amend
ment to the Pacific railroad funding bill :
Whenever In the opinion of the president it
bhall bo deemed necessary to the piotuction
of tlio Interests nnd preservation of the
United States in respect to its lien , mortgage
or any other Interest in thn propeity of tin
several companies named In the lir t section
of this act , inion which n lien , mortgage 01
other encumbrance paramount to the. right ,
title or Interest of thu United States for tlu
same property may exist , the secretary of
thu treasury shall , under thu direction
of the piesident , redeem or otherwise * cleai
oil'such paramount Hen , moitgagc or othct
incumbranco by paying the sums lawfully
duo in respect thereot out of the treasury ;
nnd the United states shall therupon become
and be subrogatcd to all the rluhts and securi
ties pertaining to the debt , moitgagn , Hen 01
other Incumbrance In respect of which such
pavmcnt shall have been made , and making
It ( he duty of thu attorney general , under tliu
direction of thu piuiident , to take all eucl
steps nnd proceedings In the couits nm
otherwise as shall be needful lo piotect am
defend the right and interoMs ol thu United
States in icspect of thu matters thoiein men
_ _
WASHINGTON , March 8. The president
sent the nomination of Albert il. Xealy to
ho postmaster at Kushvllle , 111. , to thu senate.
Also , ( ieergu A , Moss , I'.iwneo City , Nebias-
la : , nnd Charles M , Wilson , Tccumsuh , No-
biaska ,
.Tack Joins the Journalists ,
WASUIXC.TON , Maieh 8.-Senator Lojan
has made a contract to wine a series of aitl-
cle.s on the reminiscences of thu late war for
thu .National Tribune of this city. ' Thy ih&t
article will appear tally in April ,
General Increases Itcportcd In nnnk
KxclmiiRes In the Iictutlnc Cities.
BOSTON , Mass. , March 8. The following
able , compiled from special dispatches to the
'ost , from managers of the leading clearing
louses In tlio United State ? , shows the gross
> nnk exchanges nt each point for the week
ending March 0 , In comparison with the
corresponding week in 1SS3 :
Now Yoik . S
Joslon . 81.5
'hlladeipliia . . fil.4
Chicago . . | l-ty > ,000 17. : :
St. Louis . istiyi ) ; , iO ; ji. ; '
San Francisco . in.4fit,0ir : , u.r
Jlncinimtl .
laltlmorc . l3ailKr ) 0.0
New Oilcans .
I'lttsburg . co.n
Louisville . rir.o.v , ! $ 8S.I
Kansas City . ' : st.o
Providence . 'llo,7CO 10.C
Denver . : i.850,7iH
Milwaukee . : i."S1,000 11.5
Detiolt ni
. 3.awlW
Omaha . 3.1WINH n.V.,1
Minneapolis . B.rai , ! r , .V.,1
Cleveland . J.iHO.'OO au
Memphis . ! ) ,07 : ! , : T O.b
Columbus . 41.1
Hartford . l,8 > 0r.ll
( lalvoslon . I.IMT.KU )
Indianapolis . ll 0S8.- , > 3.U
New Haven . 1,109-JfO 1.1
I'eorla . 810,878 14.4
Portland . 84'.i,82 ' 4
Worcester . 821,7:22 :
St. .1 osoph . 750,000 7.2
Sprlnglicld . K0.21M 7.7
Syracuse . 447 , N ' 5.0
Lowell . 'Jiu
Total WK,0VifiU ) : eti.fl. . .
Outside New York. . . . : im 7 > > n MI ' i',41. 1
Denver nnd Galveslon nro not included in
tlio totnls.
Iron and Steel Market.
G , Pa. , March 8. Pig Iron firmer
with a fair demand. Sales : Gray forgo nt
S10 to 510.05 cash ; all ore , 5517.50 ; No. 1
foundry , SIS to 818.50 ; No. 3 foundry , 517 to
817.50 four months ; 500 tons southern cold
blast charcoal , ? -J5 to 825.50 cash ; mottled
and white charcoal nt 822.50 cash ; Bessemer
Iron is quotable at § 10.50 cash to 520 four
months. Blast furnace coke has been ad
vanced 15 cents per ton , Irom S1.30 to Sl.5 ! !
nor ton. This had Its effect of stllVening plir
Iron , which lias gone up 25c per ton. 11 is
rumored that freights from Cleveland
to Pittsbnrg will bo advanced , which
will increase the cost ot lake ores
delivered here. Furnace men say pig
Iron will have to go still higher , while con
sumers aver thot it is now bringing a good
deal moro money , relatively , than the pro
ducts. There Is an Increasing demand for
steel rails. Several largo contracts
have been taken recently , and prices are firm
at $ : to sr.50 cash at mill. The Union
Pacific milioad Is repotted as having con
tracted with an eastern mill for 'iO,00 tons.
The status of the nail strike icmalns un
changed. The grunt drawback to a compro
mise is the refusal of the manufacturers to
discharge non-union nailers In their employ.
It Is asserted that wire nails will supplant
thu cut nails , and just as soon as they do , the
occupation of the nailer Is gone. It Is
rumored that blast furnace coke will bo ad
vanced to Sl.tO per ton next month.
Thu river coal trade of Pittsburg has never
been in a worse condition than it is at pres
ent , and tlio prospect for an improvement is
not-favorable. - _
The London Stock Board.
LONDON , March 8. Discount was firm for
the past week nt \ % for three months nnd
for short. Business on the slock ex
change was active and the tone improved ,
but prices were without notable variation.
American railway securities were firmer and
dealings were brisk. The fears of pool dlf-
lictilties have subsided and tiio prospects of
the Heading reorganization nre restoring
confidence. All Issues show a marked gain ,
prices closing the hinhest of tlio week.
Louisville and Nashville rose 1 point yester
day , the animation in the cotton , market
favoring trallle prospects.
The variation In the prices of American
railway securities were as follows : In
creases , Denver mortgage , C ; Atlimtie leased ,
5 ; New York , Pennsylvania & Ohio lirst
mortgage , ty { ' , Atlantic leased debentures
and Wabash 11101 tirade. : i each ; Erie p refer
ence and Ohio & Mississippi , 2 each ; Balti
more * Ohio , Norfolk A ; Western prefer
ence , Pennsylvania consols , St. Louis uridue
and Union Pacific mortgage , 1 each ; Urio
seconds ; Illinois Central , 214' ; Beading ,
2'ii. ' Decreases , Wabash ordinary , 1 ; Oregon
preference and Wnb.tsh preference.4 \ each.
Canadian Paellic was in good demand and
advanced 'J < { per cent.
Trade- .
LONDON , March S. The Mark I/uie Kx- Its weekly review of the British grain
trade , says : Continuous frosts retard spring
works. Values of wheat are very irregular.
In some places they nrc not Improved while
In others they are GdCls { dearer. Kales of
Kngllsh wheat during the week wore 71,105
quarters at 2U.s , against 50,025 at His Sd ,
tlio corresponding period last year.
Flour is delivered ireely , and prices
nro fairly steady. Foreign wheats are In
active ami firm , and prices occasionally have
been dearer. The long winter nmf short
supply of vegetables has largely Increased
the consumption of bread. Foreign flour is
quiet but steady. American corn Is rather
weaker ; round corn Is stronger. Oats are ! ! d
dealer. Klvo cargoes of wheat arrived , two
weru sold , and thieu remained. At to-day's
market sellers demanded GdOiJi.s advance on
red wheats ; oats weru M dearer ; Canadian
oats nro still further against buyers.
Grain in Sight nnd Store.
CHICAGO , March S. The number of bushels
of grain In bloro In the Dulled States and
Canada on March 0 , and tlio amount of
Increasn or decrease compared wllh the pro
vlous week , will bo ported on '
row s follows :
Wheat 5l,2TliO : ! ! Decrease
Corn 12.UO-10 ! Increase j.fii.'i.OSi )
Oats 2Oi1i.WJ Decrease 3J1.MM
Uyc 707,131 Increase . 10.7SI
Barley . 1,2)5.8711 ) Decrease. . 01,413
The amount In Chicago elevator on the
date named was :
Wheat . nenosn : ;
Corn . yws. , :
Oats . 42t,74 ! !
l\o ( . . ' . . ' 01,707
Barley .
Dairy Mnrlcer.
Cmr.'Auo , Miudi P. The Jiiter-Oeenn's
Klgln , 111. , special says : The butter market
to-day was n ahadu lower than last week ; on
rail , sales aggregated 21'itO Ibs , at UK&IUjV ! ,
Cheese was quiet ; sales of 05 boxes of lul
cio.imsat I Oi . Private sales of : : o ) bo.xcs o
cheese nnd 'iVi'l ' Ibs of butter were repotted
The total bale : ; amounted to SIS , .7 .
School HoiiKo Itiirncd ,
Pjor.iA : , Mar-tli 8.At 12 o'clock last nlglil
a Ilro was discovered In the Ninth waid
school houw. Tim Ilro dopaituumt was inia-
bio to ipieiich the lire owing lo the smallnes ,
ot thy water wtlns , Loss SI5.00J ; Insurance
AVeallior Kor'i'o-Day.
Missoujii VAU.r.v Nuithurly winds ; fair
weather : lower , followed by hin'hur tempera-
Kiiavd of Trail it.
The regular meeting of the hoard o !
trmlo was called for lust ovcnlrifj , but
there not boiti u quorum present no
business was trniuactiul although euveral
importunt matters nru uwuiting the
boanl's uctinn. ' At the meeting uf the
board of director.iuld | in tlio rifievnoon
bills to the amount ( if $ lu6.61 wcto. allow
ed nnd J. K. UHuy Was electtil y memli-r
of the board ,
Cho Tumult n Prohibition Policorann Caused '
in Dos Moines.
FHomlft of the Attacked Pnrty At
tempt to Take Him From tlio
County Jnll Kor nil
to Jutlgo Ijynuh.
AVlltl Nluht nl lown'n Cnpltnl.
DBS MOIXKS , Iowa , March 8. ( Special
roli-gram. ] Last night Special Policeman
lohn Shaffer went to n little shanty at GOO
< ast Seventeenth street , occupied by an old
Herman shoemaker named Duerr and Ida
wife , and attempted to search the house Tor
Ifjuors , under n search warrant. Suspecting
hat Illinois were kept under a trap door in
ho lloor , Shaffer was making for that when
Mrs , Duerr sat down on it nnd refused to let
tint examine It. The old man told her In
icrmantosny that she did not understand
English , and ( o hold the foil. This she was , .
loing , and Shalfer tiled to remove her
'orclbly , but shu resisted and her hits-
mid became enraged and struck
nt the olllccr , who warded oil
ho blow , nnd when n second was struck ,
hew Ills billy with Ills loll hand and knocked
huold man down , Inlllctlng a bloody wound
on the head and knocking him senseless.
Alarmed at the fearful effect of the blow
Shaffer loll , taking with him Joel Blair , a
young man whom ho Imd requested to assist
in the sol/tire. Both Shatter nnd Blair wcro
soon after arrested by the police and locked
up In the city jail. Shaffer will beheld for
assault with intent to commit great bodily
n jury or a graver charge It the old man dies ,
which , however , seems Improbable , as ho was
much better this forenoon.
The feeling among the saloon men was
very bitter today. They bitterly condemn
the conduct of the special police , and claim
that the old man Duerr never kept a saloon ,
or liquor for salo. The excitement is Intense
and unless wise counsels prevail there maybe
bo violence.
"This puts nn end to the seizure business. "
said Mayor Carey to a reporter. "I have dis
charged every special policeman and this
will end the matter. The law on seizure is
defective , ami does not permit cities to regu
late tlio matter by ordinance. It permits nil
sorts of outrages on private citizens. "
LATER. At 11 o'clock to-night the vicinity
of. tlio court house was a scene of Indescrib
able pandemonium. A mob ot at least SOO
men had congregated in tlio yard. They
were all friends of Dcurr , the assaulted shoe
maker , and were bent on wreaking summary
vengeance on his assailant , Shaffer. It
was the climax of an enraged condition of
public feeling , that grow stronger nnd more
ntcnso as the day advanced Into night. In"
ihe meantime , in view of the surround
ings nnd the possibility of trouble in pre
serving the prisoner , Shaffer was removed
beyond reach of the mob. Their clamorous
calls for him grew louder and stronccr , and
the chlet of police addressed them , counsel
ing them lo return to their homes , ' as there
was no possibility of their discovering the
whereabouts of their man , at tlio same time
informing them ho was not in the jnil nnd
telling them of the precautions taken for his
The mob still hung about the enclosure , refusing
fusing to disperse at Iho request of the chief ,
not believing his statement as to the where
abouts of Shaffer. Soon nftcr midnight they
made another demand for him. Deputy *
Sheriff Complon told the crowd that Shaffer
was not In tlio jail , but ho refused to take
them in. Thereupon they attempted to
break In and raid Iho jail. They broke the
oulbldo door , when several shots wcro fired
and the crowd full back. Deputy Sheriff
Compton , wiio was on the Inside , wns shot ,
the bullet glancing off his head , inflicting
only a slight wound , and Ills brother , also n
deputy , wns shot In the right hand. After
several shots had been fired n dctnchmcnt o
the Governor's Guards , under command o
Captain Parker , with loaded guns , arrived
and scattered the mob. The olliccis display
ed gieat nerve , and resisted all tlio overtures
of the mob. As Shaffer's whereabouts are
unknown , tlio rioters have dispersed , and no
trouble Is apprehended to-night.
The General Assembly.
DKS MOI.MJS , Iowa , March 8. The senate
devoted the greater pait of the session to
clearing up the calendar. A largo number o
bill were Indefinitely postponed , and a
number of legalizing acts were passed. The
only bill of general Interest passed
was the Weber Insurance bill , As amended
.it provides that all suits to recover from
notes or oilier evidence of Indebtedness here
after to Insurance companies shall be brought
in the county where the Insured leshlcs or the
Insured propeity Is situated. A bill was
Intioiluccd by Senator .Johnson to legalize
the nets of Acting Deputy Auditor Stewart
since the governor has refused to confirm his
The principal debate In the house was on
the Finn bill , providing that no mortgage or
sale of personal propeity exempted by law
from execution to thu head of the family shall
bo valid unless tliu husband and wife , if Iho
owners bo married , Join In n written In.stru-
incut convoying Iho same. A Her some spir
ited debate it was defeated , [ though recom
mended favorably by the committee.
Thu senate to-day Indefinitely postponed.
on recommendation of thu committee , what
was known as thu mayor's hill , providing lor
licensing saloons in cities.
Tcrrlhlo Kiporlenuo of nn American
VcNht : ! In a Iliirriunnc ,
LONDON , March S. Fearful stonns oc-
cmred during thu voyage of tlio steamer
Acton from Baltimmo , in which the boat
lost two sailors named Green and Manser.
who weru washed oveiboard , und another
named Uiown was killed nt the wheel , t'ho >
Acton hove to all day February 25 , when iv
limrleaiie was blowing. At 10 o dock In the
u\euing enormous waves broke over thu ves
sel , sweeping thu dirks nnd currying oil
( ireun and Manger , The wlieul lionso was
swept away anil thostfiirlng gear destroyed.
For a number of hours thu steamer was nt thu
meiiiy of the wnvus. I'ho captain and mat"
nanowly escaped wllh tlielr liv , Al this
Juiictnri ) mianlltics ol' oil weru poured on tlio
water. Tlio effect was most giallt'ylng , the
sea buing quieted. The crew weio able to
nuiko repairs and .s.wn the vessel ,
Kiitul llollor Implosion.
LoN-no.v , Match S. The boiler of thn tug
nilliMiian exploded in Cardiff Imibor this
. nurnlng. The vessel und crow , consisting
of six pertoiiH , weiu blown to atoms. The
c-yiinder uf the tug Mi uol : a passing Italian
blilpn quarter ol'u mllu distant and killed
the pilot ,
Ono Tlioiisanil MOM
LONOO.V , Match N. The London it North-
we * ! lailwny issued nn order discharging
ono thousand navies Thu men tbrnwn out
of woik am neariv all Irblimcii , Thu com
pany says Unit tin.1 picMMit depression of
trade In ( ircat Britain made lUo pi csent action
1'iiriicll anil I'litflfk't , Day.
LOSPO ? ! , Match -Mr , I' will
t a national festival In London on Ht , Pat-
i ick's Uiy. Ills expeoU-d th .t h'jfili
im linjA'i'.iiiit < > pvt.ilu :