Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BE& FRIDAY , MAttOH 5,1886. STRICTLY PURE. rr COHTAIKH ivo OPIUM iw AST ronat IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE OKCENI BOTTLES nro put tip for the n & 9J commodnllon of all who doslro a goo and low prlcnd Cough , Cold and CroupRemedy THOf B DESMUNtl A HKMrilT FOIt CONSUMPTION LUNG DISEASE , Should Bccuro tlio lartfo $1 bottles.Direction Accompany Injf each botllo. Bold by all Modlcino Dealers. DOCTOR WHITTIER 617 St. ChnrlcnNt.Nt.KoaUMo. Arr nl.rr a , t of two Meaie ICol1 iM , k keen loorwi tOMl.aU tht lp - l Ir.ltm.nt a t Cn.oi.ic llurect , aim ULOOD Umiiti 'ban tor olhir rhriltUn InSkLtoli , M llTt ji riihow i > ajlloldre litnUlDow. ! Nervous Prestratlon , Debility , Menial and Phyilcal Wo kne * i Mercurial and other Affec tion * of Throat , Skin or Bonei , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulceri , re tr ud wlih mriniuui iucffii , nl ttiti l" > 'IOoprlntlBl i.Sirelrrrlf l < l7. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excels , Exposure or Indulgence , which pr dm , om. of ib following tffeetl ! ntrrouinetl , debility , dlmneit or lllhl * nldercetlr B norr , plnpHion Ibi rie , | .hiilc l Jcc r , anriloftlolbl cl l/of fro U . eonr > ilo > of Idol , eti. , rendering SI rrla o Improper or unhuppy , > / torid. r ijtil Tt6t ( > i ionlb ) > bote , " KrtmMotl/ , frteto tnridilMM. Goniuluilonalot. Bet or bj Mill rrft.lntlltd tiid lltlctlj onOdtDlUI. A Positive Written Guarantee siren in i r/et. rtblieub lleJlclnoicQUrtrjwt > rebjmillor ipreu. MARRIAGE GUIDE , 360 PAVES , FINB PI.ATSS. cl mnl eloUi icd till blodtmi.tlidr rOOo. lBi | ii i eru..T ej. Ottr nftj wonderful p n rletnrci , true lo Mf < j | irtlolu on Ike followltif uUccti ! wbom rn iTT. wnojet. wbjirainbooJ , onnn. bood.rhTileil de rolTetHolo lll > a)7 na iee , th phj. loloirotrfpr J ellen , ndininTm { . lho , uirrljt i , conlVmpliling w rrl i itioum r 4 Ik r-pfly c < liil i lame , : mtrccTlt,33o. Addrtimnbo r l > r , WUUler EPITHELIOMA ! OR SKIN CAKCEK. For Bovcn vcnrs 1 suffered with n. cancer on my fuco. uhjlit months iwn n friend re commended the use of Swift's Specific nnd I do- icrmlnod to mnlco nn olTort to secure it , In this 1 was successful , mid begun its uso. The Inllii- cnco of the inudiclno ut ( list wns to somewhat iiKsruvnto the sore : but soon the Inllamatlon \\HsalIrtjodnnd I bcgnn to Improve lifter the llrst fen bottles. My gcnerul health has Krcntly improved. 1 am stronger , and nblo to tlo nny Itlnd of work. The cancer on my face bepan to decrease ami the ulcer to lice ) , until there Is not n vehtlzo of it left only a llttlo war marks the place. Miti. JOICIR A ilcUONAl.u. Atlanta , On. , August 11,1683. I have had n cancer on my fnco for soma years , extending from ono check bono nciotM the nose to the other. It has given mo a great deal of puln , ut times burning and Itchlnif to Biich an extent tlmt It wius almost unbearable. I commenced using Swift's Specific In May , 1835 , nnd Imvo u < od eight bottles. It lias plvcn the Brrentcft relief by removing the Inllamntlon and restoring my general health. W. UAUNKS. Kiioxvlllo , Iowa , Sept 8 , 1885 Treatise on blood nnd skin diseases mi"011 ficc. , 1 ho Swlfl Specific Co. , Drawer 3 Atlanta , Oa N. Vli7 ( AV * . KJd struct. A JTINE LINE 0 * Pianos and Organs -AT- WQODBHEDQE BROS1 iUSIC HOUSE OMAHA NEBRASKA. ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL 2.87O. WER 200,000 PARISOFTHE SOLED WORLD Cntnlounesnml I'rlrpson application. Hold by bll the best CnrrlfiKn Ilullilcri anil Dealers. CINCINNATI , U. S. A. _ _ _ _ Cnblo Adilri'ta. COO CIN. . . .WllWR IBNo ( lunolicrr. IMIInrilTAUIJl lFiHlKT noolt hy mall. MnAT.HI > TURK. RIE MEDICAL CO. . BUFFALO.N.Y. Wtxfc C\X&XVqX < .rt3 . .NKItYlll'sVJII nilEor & HIUir'll-.N.'nsu r UKIUIjlTir % 7 FK9AI KvV Br I > I.I'AY. Allfiixrcrlrica. Biimark > l > le > odqiilelccor . TrUlrstk * { . H.ndHump roricUtil.rtlriil | > ri. A < Mre , Dr. WARD & . CO. . LOUISIANA , 110. DRUNKENNESS Or tliu Liquor llnbll , I'oslllvcly Cured by Adnllulstorliii ; Ilr. llnlucv * Uoliloii Npcclllc. It can boKlMTi In A cup ol ooffio or teanllhont the knowlcilfu of the person taUlug It , Is absolutely huriulusi , and Hill eHuct n pnrnianont and speedy cure , whotbtr tha patient Is a moderato dflnker or nil ulcohullo wreclc. U has been clrcu In lhot > n UiU of CAJCS. and In every lnct nco a perfect cure lias followed. It nnrer fall * . The system once Impregnated with the Bpeclflo. It becomes an utter Jiui > Oi3ltllUy for tha liquor appetllo tooxlst. ron SALE HV FOLLOWING nnuoaisTSi HUIIN A : CO. . Car. 13th and Uonclas. and 18th iV Camlnv St , , Omaha. Neb.l A. D. 1'OsTUU it I1UO. , Council ninm , lowsu Call or write for pamphlet contalnliii ; hundreds < V t tlinnnlaM frnrn the bet women nnd men from cU psrtaof the country. Ladies Do you want a pure , bloom * fog Comnloxion I if so , a few npplicntlous of Hngan's MAGNOLLV BALM will grat- UV you to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal- lowucss , Kcdncss , Pimples. IHotchcs , and all diseases ana Imperfections of the skill. It overcomes the flushed appear- nnco of heat , filtiguo and ex citement. It wakes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , nnd perfect are its effects , that ft is Impossible to detect its application. THE PASSION FOR GAMBLING , How it Prevails in Russia Some Interest ing Incidents of HichPlay. A Fortune nnd n Beautiful Wife Lost at a Single Sitting Through tlio Queen ofSiintlcs. The order of Prince William foibidding tlio officers under his command from at tending the Union club , where gambling is extensively carried on , nnd following upon the order of Chancellor Bismarck in 1870 closing all public gambling places in Germany , has led to manyn-discnssion as to the extent to which gaming is carried on in oilier purls of tlio world. Tlio Chinese gamble for everything , nnd the Italians nnd Spaniards are not fur behind - hind them. A short time ngo some gen tlemen were enjoying a glass of hot punch , whbn the conversation turned upon gambling iullus'sia. An old diplo- mate , who hatl Vatideil a number of years nt St , Petersburg , boiug one ot the com pany , averred that the mania which pos sessed the military circles , as well as the whole Russian aristocracy , during his stay in the country was something terri ble. An officer , ho said , who did not gamble received no credit for it , nnd the public man who did not now and then run the risk of being ruined was consid ered to bo a stingy fellow , who was light ly esteemed by his acquaintances. Heart rending talcs are tola in Russia of the sacrifices men have made to avoid the society stigma ot piirsimoniousmess , so that HO surprise was expressed when it was reported that such and such an ollicor had gone to the Caucasus TO SIKUT CKUrAIX UKATIT , or had blown olit his brains , or that such n prince had stolen tlio family diamonds , or such a civil olllcur had embezzled pub lic funds. "I know of tin instance of less vulgar ending , " continued tlio speaker , "but truthfully showing the straits to which a liberal player in Russia was once reduced. "At a grand ball on one occasion to which 1 hud been invited , a lady was pointed out to mo as tlio Princess Angus- tinoff ( a name 1 shall use hero as her rqsil name is too well known in Russia to in troduce into newspaper article ) . She was a charming woman in spite of her age , still "pleasing through her well- stored mind and faultless manners. 'Look at her straight and elegant figure , ' exclaimed my companion , 'she walks like u miccn. Her complexion is as fresh ami her eyes as lustrous as a young girl's , while her white hairsurrounds her face like a silver diadem. She is going to dance , and none will surpass nor in grace of movement or enjoyment of the occasion. Now let mo tell you her his tory. Her maiden name was Mary She was married for her beauty , ul- thouph this was not only her attraction , her family was wealthy and important. She had been selected as maid ot honor to the c/.arina , who wag greatly attached to her. Her marriage at 18 was , there fore , the natural consequence of posses sing much beaut } ' and wealth , and hold ing i high position. Potcrhoff ( also not his real name ) , her husband , was n fine officer , having ItnAOIlKl ) THE GHADE OF UAJOR-OKKKKAI. tit an ago when most officers are serving us captains and lieutenants. The czar highly esteemed the tall , studious and neiious ollicor. whom ho know to possess most sterling qualities. But ho did not play ! Ho was of ten , railed about it , and the czar himself had one day expressed wonder thereat , saying : 'Well , general , it seems you never amuse yourself with cards1 Pctcrhoff , shaking his head , re plied he had no taste for gaming. 'Not for preference ? ' inquired tlio 'Come , general , let us have a game of preference.1 This was an invitation not to bo refused , but so great an aversion had the ollicer to gambling that he did not even know tha rules of the game. 'Not know the rules tor preference ! ' ex claimed the czar , roughing , 'You must learn them , my dear general. A little play drives offonniii. There's Augusti- neil , who has reached the apex of perfec tion in preference. Ho must instruct you. ' "Accordingly , the young officer , in spite of himself , was handed over to bo initiated into the horrors of the gambling table. Augustinoff was the best player at court ; prudent , skillful , and opaque a man to bo avoided at cards. Ho did not , however , always win , but losses scorned to have no depressing effect upon him nor gains to awaken feelings of sat isfaction. Being ono of the largest land owners in Russia , administering his es tate with rare ability ho spent liis reve nues generously and without regret. Ilis peasantry wore said to be the happiest in Russia. Stories wcro related of his kind ness , after n bravely-contested game , in Dcrmitting his adversary to win back his fortune without losing his amour propro. "Tho c/.ar , therefore , could not have selected a better teacher for his favorite general than Augustinoff. lie undertook witli real zeal the instruction of Peter- lioll' , but ho could never infuse into his mind his own coolness and prudence. Peterhoff was hot-headed , and played with a dash which oftentimes made his games famous for the amount of HIS WINNINGS AND I.OSSKS. It would have been bettor for him hail he lost constantly , as his successes made Him over-confident. Gambling in a short time became a mania with him , and had it been necessary ho would have paid men to play with him. On the occasion I am about to describe he WAS found late in the evening at the gaming-tablewhere he had passed most ot the day. Ho had won from Ids adversaries without inter ruption. Piled np before him were al most 100,000 , rubles , not to speak of the 200 promises to pay from brother officers. In a burst of exultation ha exclaimed : 'I will stake my day's earnings upon the chance of a single game ! ' " 'How niucnf inquired Augustinoff , who had just entered the room. " 'Three hundred thousand rubles in round numbers. ' " 'I accept your offer/ exclaimed the imperturbable Augustinoff. 'Although accustomed to see high playing , " said my informant , "this sur passed everything I bad before witnessed. THK STAKK9 WK1IK ENOHMOU8 , the players reputed the best in Russia. The game for some time was equally well conducted. After an hour or two Gou. Petorhoffwna noticed to move toward Augustinhoff 100.000 rubles , n little later ho turned to a friend and said , 'Vbvolith , please pay to Augustinhoff the 50,00001 won from yon this afternoon , ' nnd not long after , 'Passoroff ' , the 00,000 from you also,1 Hardly had the night reached the hour of 8 when the bewildered general had lost every ruble of his day's earn- Pn'Now for retaking the citidal.1 ho ex claimed. " 'What's the sum ? ' inquired Augustin off calmly. " 'Three hundred thousand rubles. ' " 'But 1 " 'Is it too much ? It's not enough. It's only your galus of tud availing , you ought to ado something to it. ' " 'Certainly ; I'll make it100,000 rubles ngtilnst your 300,000 niblcs. ' "Augustiuofflost. " 'I will not stop at that,1 ho said , 'hero are 600,000 rubles more. ' "This time lie Won , and in the follow ing games also. " 'I am not dlsniayod , ' eaid Peteroff. wmi TiiEunuxa HANDS and a ' voice ho vainly attempted \ con trol. " 'As you please'answered Augustinoff Indifferently , 'are wo to play for 500,000 rubles ? ' " 'That's the sum , ' added the officer , with an air of desperation. " 'You will lose , for I am in the right humor. Some wine hero to warm up the general and keep him merry , ' called out Augustinofl to an atten dant. "Pctcrhoff needed wine , for lie was in faltering mood. "Tho game continued , the gains of Augustinoff continued , and bctoro the dawu of day and the nights are long in Russia the aid-do-camp of the c/ar Imd parted with his vast landed property in the central provinces , his possessions in Moscow , and his ca-stlo at Ukraine. But whcio is the player that thinks of what ho has lost ns lone as ho has something to lose ? Folnrlion could not stake the diamonds mends of his wife , but the diamonds of his decorations , and a ring , tlio costly gift of tlio c/nr , still remained to him ; but for a moment only. "Rising from tlio table , ho filled and emptied nib glass several times , walked u ] ) and down the room , passing his lin gers nervously through his hair , finally returning again to Ids seat. Opposite still tat Augustinoff. who appeared to bo amusing himself with sliulliinpr and cut- ling the cards. Bonding over to him Petorlioff said in a low whisper : j 'It's not day yet , Augustinoff ; please do not rise. ' " 'You can not play any longer. You have nothing to lose , general. ' "Stung by the reply , Peterhoff asked curtly : 'What do you know about it. ' " 'And is there j-ct left some hidden treasure , general ? ' "With livid lips and contracted brow , he gasped : 'And you are ready to take It , Augustinoff ? YOU LOVE MV WIKD.1 " 'Who told you that ? " ' "Nobody ; but I am not blind. I'vn nothing loll with which to p.loaso her. I will play with you for her against my losses. ' "Augustlnofi ; for the first time In the long hours , now became interested. It was his turn to grow pale and his voice to tremble. After a moment's hesitation , lie replied : " ' 1 accept your proposition , general. I only make these two edndltionsi First , the stakes on my side are not largo enough. I add to it 000,000 rubles. Second end , that you take the consequences of the divorce upon j'oursclf. The princess' reputation is spotless , and must remain so. ' "Tlio conditions please , mo ; they are complimentary to both iny dear wife and myself. The cards were again taken up. But both seemed loth to begin the game Augustinoff , possibly , at thought that the princess miglit not fulfill the condi tions of tiie victory ; Peterhoff at thought of his wretched carcornml future despair. The play bcgani Profound silence reigned , save tlio dry clicking of the cards as they fell ono upon the other. At the cut the antagonists paused , like wrestlers overcome with fatigue and im pending defeat. The tricks balanced at the first deal. A bold play was now ven tured by Peterhoff whioh might have brought him victory ; It brought him de feat , however. He rose from his chair. The sun was rising in the cast. His fren zy had passed away. Ho was covered with profuse perspiration. 'You will keep Tour word ? ' askcu Augustinoff. ' 1 shall keep mv word , ' answered Peterhoff , sternly , but the torture tlio man was un dergoing was painful to witness. He did keep his word. The agreement was car ried out to the letter. It must boTomcm- bored that the position of n divorced hus band in Russia is rallies embarrassing. It is not only a matter ot heavy lines , but sometimes results in taking away a man's liberty. With the czar's aide-de-camp , however , neither sentence was received ; but ho obtained permission to join the arrav in active service. He departed for the Iront , nnd never returned more. And tlio princess ? She paid the gambler's debt , and' became the wife ot Augustinoff , who had won her fairly with the queen of spades. " PRETTY PETS STUFFED. A Taxidermist Tolls Seine Secrets. "Wo will undertake to preserve and lix up any kind of bird or animal , from a humming-bird to an elephant , " said a taxidermist to a New York Mail and K\- press reporter recently , "and , I might just as well add , from a bee to mam moths. " "Arc there many m this city who pur sue your art ? " "About twenty. Too many altogether for any of us to do any decent business. It is not an easy trade to learn. Some times a man may accomplish it in a few months ; sometimes it will take a much longer time. It depends upon the nat- uraTgood judgment and dexterity of tlio pupil. A little carelessness or want of skill will often spoil a job. in the prep aration of our subjects wo use a large amount ot arsenic in a powdered form. During tlio manipulation this powder is shaken into thu air and is inhaled by the operator. As arsenic ; is an accumulative poison it will remain in the system until there is enough to cause serious results. Very often a man is compelled to quit tlio business in order to MIVC his life. Life insurance ! companies hesitate to take lisks on men engaged in our business. Arsenio is used to preserve tlio skin , fur , and feathers of the birds and animals. Several substitutes for this poison liayo been tried , but none of them have boon found to bo any good. "What do you most work on ? " "We drive" , thriving business in the canary bird lino. People bring their lit tle birds hero to have them stuffed. The owners are mostly ladles , and you can imagine what a comfort it is to have their little feathered pots preserved in such a manner that their beauty and form of feather can bo soon and admired long after their sweet voices are hushed. "Lovo birds are preserved in great numbers. Cardinals are somewhat rare and their plumage is so bright-colored and beautiful that when they die thov are seldom thrown away. There is al ways a ready market for them and wo will pay good prices for them. Love birds are brought to us in paira. It is customary when ono of these affcctionuto little things die to bring its dead body and the living mate to us. Wo kill the live bird and prenorve tlio two together. " "Could the skin of a man be stuffed ? " "Certainly ; in the same manner that a monkey's sUin is. I would undertake the job , but it would cost a great deal of money. Tlmy say that the human skin is very much like the skin of a hog , and that if subjected to a tinning process it would bo very thick and strong the same as the hog leather which is used for saddles and trunks. " PILES ! PILI29 ! A sure cure for Hllnd. Blooding , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A single box has cured the woist cluonlc cases of 2.1 or SO years stanUiii ) , ' . No one need suffer llvo minutes after applying this woudeiful sooth lug medicine. Lotions ami Instruments do more harm than pood. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absorb * the tumors , allays the Intense Itching , ( particularly nt iileht after Ettttlnu' warm In bed ) , nets as a poultice , elves Instant teller , nnd Is nrojured only ( or Piles , itching ot private parts , and for nothing else. SKIN mtiUASKS CUHKI ) . Dr. Fra7ierlH Magic Ointment cures as by ma'-Mc , Pimples , lllack Heads or Grubs , Blotches and Kruntlons on tlio face , leaving the SKln dear anil beautiful. Also euros Itch. iSait HUeum , Sore- Nipples , tioro Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. bolil by dru gUts , or mtulod on receipt of 60 cents. Retailed by Kuhn A Co. , nrul Schroctor < fr Bccht. At wholesale bv C. K , Goodman. Twelve thousand heads of families linvo filed upon homesteads in the Garden City land district , in Kansas , that will have to be on their land within six wuokn or ityill be opeu for contest. , JUMBO'S ' pBLE IN DEATH , The Mammotlj.Eiiiphant's ' Stuffed Skin Now Gazea at His Bones. ( i. P * Arc Two Klcplmnta Hotter Tlmii n Live Ojip ? llcntly for tlio Clrerra Illnj * Again. t \ Now York , , Tribune ! Jumbo is not dead. Ills memory lives in the hearts of thousands of Jittio ones who have fed him untold quantities of gingerbread , and ho has furthermore a material and dual ex istence in the laboratory of 1'rofcsser Henry A , Ward , the Rochester taxider mist. There his huge bulk now stands , nn olligy of departed greatness , and squints sardonically at his well scraped skeleton which has been skillfully put together nnd setup in another corner of the room. It is the restoration of Jumbo , tlio renaissance ot elephantine magnifi cence. If n dead Indian is better than a live ono , certainly two dead Jumbos ought to bo as good as ono live Jumbo , and the "greatest show on earth" still has the biggest thins in elephants. When that ill-omened Canada railroad train turned the living Jumbo into several tons of hashed elephant the fertile brain of his owner conceived the idea of preserving the great pachyderm for future genera- tiona of circus going children , and 1'rof. Ward , who is familiar with the family secrets and the interim ! apparatus of everything that walks , Hies , swims or crawls , took the contract of immortaliz ing the children's pet. The job was a big ono and the cost much ex ceeded "seventy-live dollars" that extravagant expenditure in "fitootln Mike" that excited the Irish widow's horror when the embalmed body of her husband was brought homo with tlio bill. Jumbo had to bo "restored , " but not in any ordinary manner. His admirers wcro much lee numerous to simply pub him ou a pedestal and expect them nil to come and admire him. lie must be taken to them and the always knotty problem of transportation came in. The work is linishud now and _ all is prepared for his post-mortem triumphal progress. A special car. a special wagon anil a special Jumbo all lit in together to form an exag gerated copy of a "little tin god on wheels. " The first thing was to build a huge frame of wood and iron that should con form to the great beast's well-known bhnpe. This was boarded up with two inch strips until it looked like a hogshead mounteif ou four piles of kegs. Then the hide half an iueh thick and weighing 1.IKJ8 pounds was drawn over this frame. The hide was taken off his huge carcass in three pieces , and steeped in a solution of arsenic , alum and corrosive sublimate for two months before it went upon the wooden statue of Jumbo. Then his tusks were stuck inlo.tlio sockets pictured for them , littlobro'wii glass eyes wore put in their places , a'/conuettish / twist was given to his trunRr , linil Jumbo was himself again. The wjiole structure weigh ing about $ bjc/j ; tons stands on a strong platform a'nd is so bolted together that the fatfguo of travel ate not ex pected to injure it at all. As the clligy stands on Hs'jicd ' stal in Professor Ward's laboratory , it is fourteen feet long , twelve loot hjgh , eighteen feet about the girth , four feet and ten inches across the cars and live feet and ten inches around the foot. In places the skin is ono and a half inches thick and looks nnd feels like the bark of an old maple tree. It is sewed up so neatly that the seams cannot bo discovorciPand it is held to its place on the woodetWframe by more than 7-1,000 nrtils. " Tlil'ro are sparse , coarse hairs all over Iff ttjld'those ' on the trunk arc sharp and" stiff as needles. Thfero were a number of longer hairs growjng at tlio tip of his tail , but the enterprising young vandals of Canada plucked them out while he was lying in state at St. Thomas and sold them to relic hunters at $5 each. , In transportation , pedestal and all will be lifted upon a wagon which is twenty- live feetlong and can be raised and low ered at will. This will bo drawn about tiio ring at Madison Square garden with the cnildren on the back of the wooden monster , just as in the days when ho en joyed a llesh and blood and gingerbread existence. Wagon and all ivill bo loaded upon a special car , the body of which is only six inches above the ground. And yet , if the tallest of elephants had been buta little bit tailor it would have boon imposiible to get him through the rail road tunnels by any arrangement what ever. Some time this week the side of tlio labratory will bo taken out ana Jum bo Africanus will be dragged forth into the light of publicity. Then he will bo put on his 0,600 pound chariot , tlio chariot will bo hauled upon the special car and the whole affair will trundle off to Bridgeport , there to joint the , show and htait on tlio bummer's ' travel. Next in importance to the'sub stantial ghost of "J. Africanus , " stands his skeleton. This would stock a bone- boiling establishment for a , year. It weighs 800 pounds and is said by Prof. \ \ art ! to be the largest skeleton of a mod ern tcrrcstiul mammal in the world. It lowers up in the air , a frame work of huge , bleached bones and ribs , held to gether by iron and copper rods , bolts and rivets. The great backbone is there from tip to tail to "cervical vertebne , " with leather washers in place of tlio usual giistlo bntwcnn tlio joints. The dorsal- vertebne , whiuh stick up in the air like the spines on tlio backs of some disagree able varieties of little libh , have a curious depression in the lumbar region. It looks as if the carrying of loads ot happy chil dren in Junibo's green and salad days had made him hollow backed like a colt that is broken to the saddle ut too early an age. Jumbo was not at all the venerable monster that some people supposed him to bo. Ho was not 25 years old when ho forgot to get out of the way of that railroad train , and had many moro years to get his growth , lie increased seven inches in height while in America. Hia usUs , which wore worn off short by perpetual rubbing against the walls of liw.Knglish prison cell , grow ft foot ; and it ho had linen spared to the show buslncss'iju1 would eventually have had as respcatablo n pair of tusks as any reasonable proft | > scidinn could desire. The great , shntfalcss skull is cracked and seamed , but.trim is all natural. The fractures produced by the manner of his untimely Utkiilg off , have all been hidden. TJiojf okeleton is to bo taken tapart in traveling , and n number of' boxes have boon prepared to rojccjVo the component parts The pioct's are tabled : "Jumbo Afrioanus right front log.Viotc. . to prevent "mixing these bones up" fan tlio road und eonse- quent nttomiv tp improve on nature in the architecture' of elephants , Jumbo was an intelligent boast but there is no reason why hd'slfould not have been a perfect Solomon among elephants , as ho carried around with him six and one half quarts or over a cubic foot of brains. His bulging brow always gave him an aspect of contemplative , benevolent In telligence and now it is known that his looks did not bdlio him as far as mental equipment was concerned , at least. what the art people would call "ft pri vate view , " of tills immortal pachyderm was given to a number of newspaper men at Rochester on last Friday. In or der that the party might have a follow feeling for tlio departed elephant , they were fed on ivory icily made from the in ner part of the tusKs. Thus do the great lire over again in their triends , Getting Even. IJotroit Free Presd : "I have just boon aching for u cimnco to get oven with the police , and it came yesterday , " said a young fellow who was shivering in a Jefferson nvonuo hallway yesterday morning. "How was it ? " "Well , they've been threatening to pull mo in for a vng , and I had my mind made up to get revenge if they did. I'm no vag , mister. I don'twoar undershirts or overcoats , or go to the barber , and 1 don't always have $30 in my wallet , but I was raised n gentleman and a scholar. Well , yesterday nn overfinl policeman walked up to mo nnd gave mo the collar. Ho said I'd hung nround so long that the sight of me gave him pain. " "And you were taken down ? " ' Of course. The sergeant asked my name , ago , occupation , birthplace and so ou and I gave it to him straight. Hut Ins I \\ns laying for him. Pretty soon ho says : " 'Where was your father born ? " " 1 refused to tell. "Ho coaxed and threatened. "I was firm. Ho skirmished all around mo for half an hour , but ho didn't ' got the informationand had to lock mo up with out it. I'm going to lay for 'cm to-day. " "How ? " "Why , I'll ' probably bo run In again , and the sergeant will ask mo if my mother is living. I won't tell him. No , Mr , I'll bo hung first. When the police tackle mo they get hold of n chap who will ect ; oven , or perish in the attempt. " Komomber that Allcock's am the only genuine Porous Plasters. They nctqulck- fy and with certainty , nnd can bo worn for weeks without causing pain or incon- vcnicnco. They are invaluable in cases of spinal weakness , kidney and pulmon ary difllcultlcs , malaria , ague cake , liver complaint , dyspepsia , strains , rheuma tism , sciatica and nervous debility. Other plasters blister nnd inflame the skin so that the uorcs are closed and often cause serious injury. Do not risk health and waste time and money bybuying inferior articles made to soil on the reputation of the genuine. When purchasing plasters ask for and sco that you get Alleock's Porous Plasters. Each genuine piaster bears the registered trade-mark stamp. Dr. Quinlan , n well-known Irish physi cian , advocates the use of chloride of in the composition of ball dresses as a preventive of lire. FOP the 1-in.tlicq' . Laughter is tlio poor man's plaster , Making every burden llttht ; Turning sadness Into gladness , Darkest hour to May dawn bright , 'Tis the deepest and the cheapest Cure for Ills of this description , But forthoio tlmt woman's holr to , Use Jr. ) 1'lerco's "Favorite I'lesctiptlon. " Cures all weaknesses and irregulari ties " down" sensations ' ' , "bearing , 'inter nal fevers , " bloating , displacements , in- llamation , morning sickness and ten dency to cancerous disease. Price re duced to OHO dollar. By druggists. The deposit in the city savings fund at Berlin amounted at tlio close of last year to $15,000,710.50 , an iucrcaso during 1885 of $2,000,707. , ALT. HousnKr.KPKits should use JAMES PYLE'S PEAULINE in their washing and save time and labor It may bo used without injury to the finest fabric As a cleanser it is unsurpassed. For s.ile by grocers. The invention of the type-writer dates as far back as 1714. when one Henry Mill obtained in England n patent for a device that "writes in printed characters , one at a time and one after another , " but it was not until 1807 that it was improved so as to work satisfactorily. There is no narcotic in Red Star Cough Cure ; still it'alwaj'S cures. Price , 25 cents. o The Springfield Republican digs up the Fourth of July speech made there in 1835 by Horatio Seymour. General Butler , Dr. George B. Loring and Colonel A. O. Drowsier were among the speakers at tlio subsequent banquet lifty and more years ago. Purity STour Blood. Among spring preparations , do not neglect that which is most important of all your own body. During the winter the blood absorbs many impurities , which , if not expelled , arc liable to break out in scrofula or other disease. The best spring medicine is Hood's Sar.saparilla. It expels every impurity from tlio blood , nnd gives strength to every function of tiio body. Sohlby all druggists. An enthusiastic endorser of whitewash in Green Cove Spring , Ga. , has offered $3 to cacli colored resident of the town who will successfully apply a coat of tlio wash to his premises. TThon Baby WM rick , wo Rave her Gattorla , When alio waa a Child , ehe cried for Coatorin , When elio became ill s , ehe citing to Ciutoria , VTbtu alio had Children , eho gaye them Castor ! * , General Hancock was of snob cool tem perament and steady nerves that on the night of the election ho went to bed at 1 o'clock , not knowing whether ho or Garfield - field tvould bo president , and when his wite woke him at 0 to tell him he was de feated , lie merely said : "It is all for the best,1' turned over and finished his nap. ro COUGHSCROUP CONSUMiPTION -SWEET CUM MULLEIN. The sweet gum , RS gathered from a tree of tha lame name , growing alone the email streams la the Southern btaten. cunlalns a stimulating ox. pectoranl pnnclple that looiens tb tibleitm l > ro- duclnu the early morning uragb. and stimulates the child to thrown If theralie membrane In croup and wuooplnK-ooucb. When cociblnuj vrllli tba beahnir mucUaEtnoul principle In tbo mullein plant of thu old fields , presents In T A rum's CUEUOKC llE > IIIJrur8WE TOlIM ANII MUL- Wi. : f the Uncut known remedrf or Cousbi , Croup , hooplng-ooufuandoonuimptloni and so pal * , table anrctillU U pleaied to uke It. Ask jour Oiwgiit for It. Trice c. and Ml.OO. " WAXT- TOBXTY CARRIAGES. Be , is DEWEY d STONES' QneofthG Best ( ti'l ) Lvryest fitoobs in tJie U.S. to Select front. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GEO. HU1UCK , Manager , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCKS : Merchants' and Farmers' Hank , Davl'l City , Nob. ; Kearney Nnllonal 1 Hank , JCi-ai uc v , Nub. ; Columbus State liauk. Cultimbus , Neb. ; McUonntd'.s Hank , North i riattp. Neb. ; Onmlia National HankOmaha. . Neb. , . Will pay customers' dratt with bill of laillng attached for two-tlilrds value of stock. 1A WTT 11 THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES i ? i SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. : ] Full Assortment for snlo to the Trade by VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , is DECIDED nr X&oyal Havana * Lottery ( AOOVCIlNMnNT INSTITUTION ! Drawn at Havana , Cuba , March 13-27 , 1886 ( A QOVr.HNMKNT INSTITUTION ! TICKETS IN FIFTHS. Wholes $5.00. Fractions Prorata. Tickets In Fifths : Wholes $3 ; Fractions pro rat u. Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by the unities in intorost. Ills tlio fairest thing in llionnUuoof chimco In existence. For tlcKats imply to SIIPSV ! It CO , , 1212 Hi-ond ivny , N. Y. City : M. OTl'ENS & CO. , 019 Mulu Broot , Kansas City , Mo. ailtusoiw A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK FORYOIM AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONIVV SI 1JY MAU , , 1'OSTPAIU. ILLUSTUATIVK SA..UL'Lli ITllKU TO Att , KHQW THYSELF. A Great nrodlcnl Work on Manhood. Kihnnstcrt Vitality. Nerroni nnrt rhrnlpil I PrcmnmrP Her-lino In Mnn. Krrnrs nf Youth , nnrt tlia untold miseries rosnltlnft from Indiscretion nnd nx > cesses. A book for ovcry num. ynimz , mUtiUo-igorl nnrt old. . Itcontalna USproiwrlptloni for all uriitoiinil chronlouliiOH e . oachnno of which In Invnlnililo. So found bythomithorwho0 erporlnncofor Zl yoiriii Fnch us probably never DOfnrofoll tothn lot of nny pbyslclan ! HOrt paKo * . bnnnd In beautiful Kronen mi's- lln. nmbosf nil covers , full illt. aiiiinintcoil to ban finer work In every ensH mechanical , literary tinrl prnffli * Homl thnniinf other work In this country forSJ.5 ] , orthomoncy will bo rcfiiml In "vory ln tnnci . I'rlco onlr tl by nrill. postpadl. lllnstrutoit minnln. ( VU. pendnoir. noldmoililnirnrdcd tlioiinthorliTthu Nv tlonHl Medical Ansoclntlnn. tn tlio lion A.I' . UHiell , anil a sioluto onirors ot tlio board the render U ro- flpoctfnllr rofcrrod ThoSclonreof llfol worth moro to the younsnnrt middlo-ncod nion of thli KonorHllon than nil tha cell mlnM of California urn ! tie ! direr mine j of Ncwarlu cotnblnoil. S. K. Chronicle. The Sclonoo of Ufo points out the rocki ami quick- fnniH nn wliloll thn con tltutlon nnrt linpoi of many u yoitnit man Imro boon fiitnlly wrockoJ. JIniichostor ThoScloncoof 1,1 To Hot Rroator vnluo linn all tlio moillcnl works ptibllshod In tliU country fur the past OU jearn. Atlantn Constitution. Tim science ot I.lfuU imiinorh imd mmtorly tro it- I BO on nervous nnJ physical doblllty. Uotrult I'mj jfdd're the I'oibody Mocllcil Initltuto. or Ir W. II. I'urliur.No. llullilnrli utroet. lloston , M m. .who in ir be consulted on nil dlao isos requiring dklll iinu ozporl * cure. Ctironlo.unl oOiliinto illiofises tti it IMVO bif. tied the skill of nil mhuriihyblclum a specliilty. .Such troatoil eucccsUnlly wltliout an Instance ot fnlluro Mention Omuh.l Hoc. HAIBDRGAMERICAN ZPaclcot Corapany. A DlItECT LINE FOU England , France & Germany. Tlio Hteninclilpa of this "I'll Knouu line uio hulltot lion , In watur-llvht ouinpurtmeiils , mid are lurnlshed with crury iciiilsltd | io mitlio tliu | ) iiF > snare both mifo and nifrconlilu. They cany thn Unitud t titli" < nnd lur'ip ! ' nii nmlKixnd Icnvo New Voilt Thursdays nnd Saturdays for I'lv. ranulli , ( ( lONIUNTCborbuusrl'AUl& ) ( nud JIAM- HunifnltiR' , thustcnmcisloavo Ilambnrfr on Wednesdays * und tiiiniliiys , via. Iluvie , uiMnif pas OHBUixut Southampton und London. Knot cabin f.V ) , } U ) mid $16 ; HteeraifC t-l. KallioHcl tlcUuts Horn Plymouth to llristol , Cur- ill ir. London , or to any place In thu South of Knirhuid , l''ltEU. rJtfloruuo fiorn Kuiopo only J23. Bend lor "Tourist tluzrltc. " CMI. jtiuHAnnsco. , Qnnoiul I'nssciurer Atunts , Cl Jltoadwny , New York ; Wusblugton nnd La Hullo Ktrf. Chicago , III. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , CIVIL & SANITARY ENGINEERS Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block , Orado SybtemsimJSo orane I'lans for C'ltlrg and Towns a speuhUty. I'luns , LMirmitus nnd Specifications for I'nlillo and other Knglncoilns % vorka furnished , ritirvoj a and Itoport made on 1'ubllo ItnprovemuuU. ANUIII.W Ilo swATKn. Member American Foolo- Gty Cirll En lnocra. City Engineer of Oiuttbu1 EO. U. CIIIUSTIK , Civil Englnoor , The CnllgrAph Is rnpldlj- displacing the pen. Itoiuon hoiv you muy you cannot afford to do without it , Noothur liibor BtxvliU Iiivontloii Imt so Ines- enod driiilifory or bruin and liuiid , gr eavtxl Biich a lurk'tt purccntngo of dear lubor. Flirurdtuat HtuinsolT but twice U3 intieli \vorKliuiKlvtiillniuindoojlho pen ( It easily Uoox lltire tliuuaus mucUand ) It Hives you tuv ucul tri > u hour * daily us und lutorust ou your- luvostiauut. > 'i > r clrculuid and Hiiuclinuuii ui > - nlyto II. O. STUH'K.Omalni.Koli. , tituil. Agent jo r Nebraska otidVo > lou > luwk llIUIlONS.IL'udcywood's boat ) for all kltidj o wrltlnv machlucxt , uu hand. 1'rlco f 1 each. ESTABLISHED 1803. CHANDLEpROINCO. GRAIN AND PROVISION Commission ierchants , Board of Trade , Chamber of Commcrco , Chicago. Milwaukee. II. C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor. Local rtUBliicss Solicitor , 1804 Doug Red Star Line Carrying the Belgium Royal nnd United States Mallsnlllnir every Saturday Between Airfwerp & New York TO TIIE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. Salon from (09 to $100. Excursion trip from S11U to $183. Second Cabin (5J , tiud i\curslou : t'JO. fateurajfo passairo nt low rules. 1'otor Wright & Sons , General Agents , S3 DrouJwny , HOW York. Omaha , Kohrnnlca , 1'rank U. MoorosV. . , St , L. i. P. ticket agent. liaiiway Time Table , OMAHA. Tno following Is the time of arrival and do parturoof trains by Central Standard time at thu lorul depots. Trains of tlio O. , St. P. , M. O. arrive and depart from their depot , corner ot Htli and WobMcr streets ; trains on the U. & M. , C. , 1) . & Q. anil K. C. , St. J. fc C. II. from the II. & M. depot : all others from the Union 1'aolfla a ° " 0tt THAIN3. IlrJdgo trains wu icnvo 0. I1 , rtopotot flJ5 : 117:83 8:1X1-8:40 : : 8:50-1110:0)-llOUa. : : ra. , 1:00 : -1:20-1:50-11 : : 8:00-i:03-l:03-5OJ-5JO-o:05- : : : : : 0:10 : 7:00 11:10 : p. m. Lciivo trnn'for for Omnhn n 7:13 : R 8:15-9:30 : : 119:43 : B 10:31 : 10i7 : : ll.II : a. m.t 1:37 3:13 : 2 : : 3:30-a:3T-ia7 : : 5:13 : UJj : 7M-7:50- : ) : 11:53 : p. m. . CONSEcrr.iNO MNKS. Artlvnl and dooiirtiiio of ( ruins from the transferdopot nt Council Illutia : nr.i'Ai'T. ' Annivc. CHICAGO & NOKTIIWrSTKUK. 0:1,1 : A. h Mull mid lU'inuss 7:001'.M : 1UUOP. M Accoinmodutloil 4K ; ) p. M Ci-'Ui1. M Uxproass U:13 : A. u CIIICAOO S IIOUK IBI.ANU. : I5 A. M . . . .Mall und Ktpross , . 7:00p.w : 7:15 A. M Aoooimnodutioii . , . , , . f > : JUi , u t > : W v. M. . . . . Kvprosa :15 : Au CIIKJ.UH ) , MII.WAUKKt : At ST. 1'AUU ( i:10 : A. M . . . . Mull mid Kxpiosa 7:03r.u : M'Jl'.H ivpns ; 0:15 : A , it CII1UAUO , IIUItl.lNOTOS ft QUINCr. lr : > A.M , . Jliill nnd Kxprose 0:20 : p. M blii' : ( . si . . , nviucaa 0U : > A.u W.MUSII. ST. IXHIIS t I'ACICIU. " : M.Lornl. t. I/nils lixiiicsslxicul 8:00l : > . M.TinnsfurSt. Loulfl UY .Tninslor.a:20i'.M : , JOB & OOUNU1L IHIUKFt , . 2:15 : A. M Mull und li.vpross 7:35p.M : UUU : i-.u ixiuu : a U:35A.i : < sioux CITV * I'Acino. BMTJI i 905A.M Bloux City MiUI 7OOP.M 'in IN M fit. 1'iiul Uiiinisi , . Ucrmrt. WESTWAHU A.M. I' . U. UNION 1'AOiriO. A. M. I V. M. BiU'On . . . ,1'uclUt ) Kxptosa. . . 7:50rtL Dopnrt. BOUTJIWAllD. Arrlvo A. M , I'.U. MlFhOUltl " 1'ACIFK ! . A.M. P.M. luy ) Uxpres3. . . . . . 0:3&d : . . . .Nit-litli j > ruB8. . . . K.C..BT. J. & 0.1 ] , OSOtt 8l5h : . . .Vm I'latlKinoulh. . . 7OM : Depart. KOin'mVAHD. Arrlro. A.M. P. U. | U. . hT. P. , Afr15T * A.M. P. M. , bfbux City U.xpiosa. .M ] aUOOjOiiklHnd Aoconiinod ii 1U:000 : Dupurt. KAHTU'Altl ) . Arrlro A.M. r. M. I C. . II. ft Q. I A.M. P.M. oi-o 6:00 : I..Via riattsmoutu.,1 V.'M 7 15 STOCK VAHUa THAINB Will Icavo U. 1' , dopot. Omaha , at 6:10-8:33 : 10:16 : 10:55(1. : ( ro. ! 2:10 UW : 5:25p. : m. J.oavuStook Yurds for Omnhn nt 7:55 : 10:33 : * . ' ' ' NOT'K A trainsdMIy ; U.d'ully'exaept Sunday n dnliy except Saturday ; I ) , dally except Mon day. MM MH Hfll B BlBM BISBBI B IM BB BBH BBHaBBBl' IMV WEAK MEN ! > W Mwgragyj W Hnmrnm frt.oso VITAl.n V | i falllnir , nialn IIIIAIM'l > rd I\llAf : NTKUcrl'ow.rlMth'il AI UIMLVVAUi' - ( uccrMfulljr Intrixluurit lioio. Allip * l > ; miiiJuuejw flrftliu promptly cuccked. VIIKATIMK Vlriiijt wnri- lion ( omcv or by inall ) wltli > ll cmluXiit doctor ! VHf-f. CIVIALE AtiENCy , No. 174 Fulton Ctr t New YM& MSI n hood E SSiSgSS mullllUUU ssttiftsa $ * . - - - - W 0 * B..My , iXMt Mao. uood. & > f1nv trlcilln valBDrcrv knowu rei Im ( lUcoiorBdiiUupiencl'-cure.wlilclibq will FltKK to lilt fellowj.uirortr.1. . Adilrem 1. U. EKVt3.i ) Ohu rj-vtrtet. Kew York Oil/ .