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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1886)
T1IB OMAHA DAILY BBS , FRIOAY. MARCH 5 , 1836. THE DAILY BEE couNciVBLUFFS. FRIDAY MORNING , MARCH. 5. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by carrier In nny part of the city at twenty cents per week. II. W. TIM ON , Manager. TntrI'IIONE3j JlrsiNi-.FS Omen , No. 4.1. NtmiT Kinioit. No. 21. MtNOU JIKXTIOX. Now spring goods nt Rcitcr's. R. G. Dunn & Co. , li.ivo thulr quarterly book ( for Mnrcli ) just out. Nine frco lotlgirs , but not n single prls- onur In the city jail yostorduy. Tlio fiuwur ditcli contract is still the boiiu of contention in the superior court. James \Vinuns yesterday wns grante < l n dlvorco from Ssiruli Winnna , thu grounds being cruelty. Regnlur meeting of Fidelity Council No. Kid , R. A.tbis ( Friday ) evening. All members are requested to bo present. The heavy snow storm yesterday caused the street cars to abandon their trips , n big sleigh being used as a substi tute. tute.Justice Justice Sclnnv has tied the knot , and tied it titrht , uniting Daniel Curtin of Sterling , Neb. , to Miss Lillie B. Eye of Kansas. A company of friends were last even ing cnturlaiiuul by Mrs. F. M. Roller and her mother , Mrn. Crawford , at their resi dence , No. 2W ! Vine street. In the circuit court the time yesterday wns taken up in the trial of uilman & Co. against Yetxer & Rapp. The ca o will probably take the rest of the week. Tim Royal Arcanum party last evening was the third party given this season by Fidelity Council , and was as all of their dances , a boeiul event to bu remembered by all Who attended. The city council is to meet Saturday afternoon. The now council is expected to meet for tlio lirst time about the loth , but will not organize until the lirst Mon day in April. Carl , the infant child of'A. C. Rank , who lives about two miles east of the city , died Wednesday of diphtheria. Tlio funeral was a private one , such be- Ingnecessary under the circumstances. The fact that tlireo prisoners could dig out of the city jail , while thu city fur nishes one day jailor and ono night jailor to watch the place , indicates that thorc is some good ground for the claim that the keeping of two jailors is a needless lux ury. ury.Tho The milinery establishment of Mrs O. A. Rogers was closed yesterday on a chattel mortgage held by Lcderor , Strauss & Co. , a wholesale house of DCS Moines. who claim $000. Mrs. Rogers has had numerous misfortunes of late years , and much sympathy is felt for her. The Odd Fellows have three lodges in the city , but they will probably not ar range for any celebration here of tlio sixty-seventh anniversary of the order , April 20 , but will accept tlio invitation of Omaha to bo present there on that dale , the Invitation being not only for the Ne braska lodges , but those of western Iowa. W. F. Blair of Carson , a merchant , gained some notoriety recently by run ning oil'with a.young lady whom ho has since married. Now the financial trou bles begin. Creditors hero , learning that ho had given ti chattel mortgage on his stoek in Favor of his mother , yester day lumped their claims together in the pitm of about $500 nnd sent the papers to Carson to have the stock attached. One obstinate juryman can often cause much trouble. In a case in the circuit court Wednesday the jury retired at noon , and a ballot showed eleven in favor of the plaintills , Olliccr & Pusoy , and ono in favor of the defendant , Dale , the ac tion being the foroeloseuro of a mort gage. Tlio ono hold out until midnight , twelve hours , and then made the verdict unanimous in favor of Ollicor & Pusoy. The cloven were naturally hot , and there was a lively time of it. It is reported that "tho mayor of my city" is looking to the newly elect mayor to pay his election expenses , amounting to $245. The ground on which it is said that Vaughnn thinks Chiipninn should meet the claim , is that if he , Vaugliau , had not run , I'ereival would have been elected mayor , instead of Chapman. The report is hardly to bo credited , for the request is too modest a ono for Vuughan to make. While William Arndt , the assistant county auditor , and Hugh Oliver were sitting chatting in the auditor's ollicu Into AVednosday evening , they heard a Ktrungo noise in the clerk's ollico , and going in there found the roar door open. The door had apparently been left un locked and then blown open by the wind. This wan enough to give rise to the report quite current on the street yes terday tiiat burglars had attempted to rob the clerk's otlico. Mr. 11. T.Bryant returned from Parrall. Mexico , yesterday morning. Mr. Bryant is ono of the Council Blull's gentlemen largely Interested in mining property in Mexico , and was n member of the party of prospootors who wont from El Paso to Parrall with J. T. Preston and ( i. II. Jlowscr , an account of whoso murder ap peared in the HKI : some time since. Mr. Bryant was at Parrall when Howser was killed , nnd aided the oiHcors in seeking the arrest of the murderura. Ho states that ono of the bandits has been cap tured , and has joined in the pursuit of thu oilier , and thorn are good prospects Unit the ruilian will soon be caught. Personnl I'nr jrnplis. County Auditor Clausen is on the sick list. list.C. C. M. Wilt of Ncola was in tlio city yesterday. A. V. Bass of Randolph was nt the Ofjdcn yesterday. M. Jaquemin of Sioux City visited the Bluffs yostwday. C. II. Nozro of Milwaukee was at the Ogden yesterday. Miss Mary Kirkland , daughter of T. A. Kirkhuul , is quitu 111. A. T. Fliekingcr returned yesterday from Galva , Mo. , whnre he has been on legal business , Noel Miller , who Is connected with % . T , Lindsay & Co. , is again III , and quito Borioni-ly so. His father from Kirkavillo , Mo , , Is in attendance at his bedside , Money to loan by Forrest Smith , lull llri'ak nt Donlson , town. A prisoner named Miller , charged with larceny , oseaped from the now count } jail l Denbou ( Iowa ) on Wednesday night. He Had had the liberty of the . corridor and another prisoner wns in- ntnuitod to lock him in his coll. By tying a string to a chair in his cell nnd passing it through the bars in thu rear he pulk-c the chair around in such a way as to jiuiKO the kcuper Iliink ho was Mill In the cell. Dtirinir the night ho dug throng ! the thick wall. Carter Wlilto Lcuil Company. When you lot your contracts for paint i\\K \ \ bu suru nnd specify thu Carter White Lead Co.'s Diamond Brand of strictly ixiio white load. Yin will then bo sure to have material that will give you satis ftte.tion not only for ( he present , but I will Ut for years and retain its now ap nrnrancQ longer thaauttypriiut munufac tvroit. Frank J LniJgu i > i Oinnlia ? ra- < over ltst ; uvonin to ntioud tu ! < Roya ! AIYJI , patty , i nnr'i'p IIATPT npntMir ? A GREAT HOTEL SCHEME , A Move Tor Ono of the Biggest and Best In the West. OFFICIAL CANVASS OF THE VOTE. An KtcRnitt Social AfTnlr I nnc Wolt'B AVnr Hcconl Constltifj Carnival KcvlvnIUts Plenty Other News About An KloRant Social Kvnnt. On Wednesday evening Mrs. W. W. Loomis entertained a number of friends vlth a progressive euehro and tea party. t proved to be ono of the most elegant soeial events of the season , the arrange * nunts In nil their details being in rare ; oed taste and carried out with genuine lospitality , so that all enjoyed tlio occa sion heartily. Tl.e score cards were innd-palntcd , being secured In Chicago for this special occasion. The prizes were very elegant nnd appropriate. The la- lies' prize was a beautiful hand-painted lanncr , and was won by Mrs. Dearborn. The gentlemen's prize was a beautifully minted plaque , anil was won by W. F. sapp , jr. The booby prize for ladies was i handsomely painted cow bell , "Lost , " and was taken by Mrs. Col. Sapp. The gentlemen's booby prize was n hand * minted drum , witli the sigaillcant word- ng , "Something which can bo beaten. " it was taken by Mr. Rockwell. The menu was varied nnd served ele- fantly. It consisted of hot rolls , cro- incites , cold meats , brown and white bread , olives and iiieklcs. Then vols an vent of oysters , Roman punch in orange jaskets , salad , moulded crumbs , cake ind colleu. The invited guests wore : Mr. and Mrs. Cory , Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Everett , Mr. and Mrs. Fuller. Mr. ind Mrs. Lellbrts , Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jlark. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman , Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Baldwin , Mr. and Airs. Haas , \Ir. \ and Mrs. Ehvell , Mrs. McDowell , Mr. and Mrs. Conover , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. James , Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown , Mr. anil Mrs. G. W. Thompson , Mr. and Airs. A. AI. Jackson , Air. and Mrs. Rice , Aliss Alollie Rice , Mr. and Airs. D. W. Bushncll , Air. nnd Airs. Champ , Airs. Alontgomery , Air. ind Airs. Tyler , Air. and Airs. AlcConnell , Air. and Airs. Rockwell , Air. and Airs. I. N. Casady , Air. and Airs. Dearborn , Mr. and Airs. Bobbiugton , Dr. and Airs. ilart , Air. and Airs. Edmundsun , Air. and Mrs. I. A. Aliller , Air. and Airs. Alauror , Mr. and Airs. Uaulf , Air. and Airs. Sapi ) , > V. F. Sapp , jr. , Air. and Airs. Kimball , Miss Richardson of Lexington , AIo. , Air. ind Airs. Charles Bolink , of Jeil'orson , .own , Air. and Airs. Charles Crawford. Substantial abstracts of title and real ; state loans. J. W. > teE. L. Squire , 101 'earl street , Council Bluffs. "Ijono AVoir * na a Soldier. Chief of Police Skinner has received another letter from the wife of John ? almcr , known as "Lone Wolf , " con cerning whose death and burial there has ) ccn so much in the press. The poor woman Irid not heard from him for six nonihs before his death wns announced , ind thus attracted her attention. There las been much talk about whether ho was in the army or not , and on this point lis wife writes that she knows ho was in the army , but she has not yet found his nipors. Slio encloses a clipping from a laper published at Wahpoton , Dakota , tvhich had been preserved in a scrap jook , and which will bo read with inter est by many who were acquainted with liim here. It is as follows : "Quite a crowd gathered last night at the corner of Dakota avenue ami Fifth street to hear the remarkable oratorical powers of a man bearing the cognomen jf Crazy Jack , at the same time patron izing his certainly cheap wares , lie was accompanied by n man named John L'almer , who appeared to have followed the different callings of artilleryman , government scout , Indian interpreter , actor , nnd doctor of medicine. In this character he now appears before the public canvassing some Indian remedy. "On Thursday morning Aline Host Smith of tlio Huadquartcrs.scated beneath the hotel porch , remarked to some gentle men , among whom was Palmer , that the thunder reminded him of the roaring of tlio guns at Gettysburg. "Gettysburg ? ' interrupted Palmer. "Which side of tlio river were you on V" Smith replied ; one question led to another , nnd tlio Indinn doctor actually reminded him of many things done which ho had long ago for gotten. To make a long story short. Palmer and Smith had actually entered the same day together. They joined the Fourth New York Independent battery on tlio 21st of October , 1801 , and for three years they fought side by side , being in sixteen dillbront engagements. Among others were the blockade of the Potomac , siege of Yorktown , several short engage ment at Williamsburg , battle at Fair Oaks , Alalvern Hill , second battle of Bull Run , Frcduricksburg. Chancellors- villo , and Gettysburg , wdere they lost three guns presented to thorn by Parrot , inventor of the cannon bearing his name. John Palmer afterwards went as a scout for the government , and when ninny years had passed these two meet again nt Wahpoton. " For first class Alissouri wood call on Gluasou , athls coal oflico , 20 Pearl street. Tlio Crawford County Mystery. The further details of the murder of a man whoso wife is found living in Craw ford county , are thus given in the Bulle tin : From Air. Rus. Whipplc , a detective of Eau Claire , Wisconsin. , who was in Dcni- Bon Friday , wo glean the following par ticulars of the murder of tv Crawford county man : Late in September last n man appeared in Eau Clair , driving a team wlilch lui deaired to sell. During a conversation on this matter Air. Wlupplo incidentally learned that ho was from Iowa anil that his nnmo was Dan Mo- Lain. On the 20th of that month AlcLain disappeared and n few weeks Inter Jus body was found in a creek ncnr that city. His throat wns cut from cnr to 'ear and his feut wuru tied together with a hitching strap. The remains were idcntilied by Whipplu as thosci of AlcLain , The team was traced to a purchaser who had bought the out lit for $50 , but the murderer es caped. Little could be done until some thing definite was learned as to AloLain's antecedents. Chicago and various Iowa eilies were visitcil and detective agencies conMiltcd , but all to no purpose the homo of MiiLuin was a mystery. Finally Whipple. bethought himself of the old wagon that was sold by McLain's mur- durer , nnd he hunted it up and examined it carefully for u uluo. In faded lettering ho found thu imprimt of its maker "K. A. Liddle , Dculson , Iowa , 1870. " By referring to the map he saw tlnitDonUou was a small town , and reasoning that the wagon must have been used in the neighborhood of the factory , ho came to this pluco. With litthi cllort ho learned that AlcLuin for merly lived on thu Gould place in East Koyur township , and that he left this county some timu last August. McLain was well known in Denuon , and his her rlble death will create a sensation hero. His widow who , it seems , learned of his death shortly niter It occurred , ' but'whp failed to make it public , has since married Krcd Litka nnd , wu lourn , on the Dan Gillutt farm. There Are no clues ns to the murderer , ami the search has been given up , Air. Whipplo's visit hero having In view the Idcntihcn- tion of the heirs of AlcLnln's property , which Is In the hand ? of the authorities. Best conl nnd wood m the city nt Glca- son's , 20 Pearl street. The Olllvlnl Count , Yesterday City Clerk Dnlrymplo and Justice Seliurz made nn ollieinl canvass of the recent city election , and found [ he result to bo as already given in the Br.K , there not being nny difference ex cept in the exact number varying a few votes The fact of the mayor being a candidate prevented him from serving on the board of canvassers under the law. The following were the majorities as an nounced ollicially , anil certificates were Issued to the lucky ones , with notice to appear and qualify within ton days : .Mayor , .1. W. Chapman 07 Tieasmer. F. H. bjietinaii 412 Auditor. L. Klnnclinn 0 9 Solicitor , (5. ( A. Holmes 101 .Juilirc , R K. Ayleswoitli aw Marshal , ! ' . ( Juaiiella 207 Engineer , Thos. Tnstovln " WelRhniastcr. W. S. Amy ' t Alderman at large , Jnslnh Danftnth 7M > Alderman First waul , L. Hammer ! IO Alih'imnn Second ward , S. S. Keller 100 Assessor , Dr. ration 03 Korthopaik levy 'JO The total number of votes for mayor wns 2,570 , while on the question of park levy there wore but 1,540. A Grant ! Hotel , There are negotiations pending by which it is expected that Council Bin Us will have ere long ono of the finest hotel buildings in this part of the world. There arc about fifteen citizens who have al ready expressed their willingness to in vest $5,000 each to start with , and it is expected that the move will result In the erection of a building to cost $130,000. The site talked of is that now occupied by the Pacific house , the intention being to build clear to tlio corner of Scott street. The owner of the Pacific house property , Mr. Aloirof Now Yorkwas hero Wednes day , and proposals were made him nud uegotintuins opened. Negotiations are ulso pending for llio purchase of the ad joining nroncrty , so as to make tlio site of tlio hotel extend to Scott street. If this move is carried out successfully , tin1 * city will have a hotel building which will prove a great improvement , indeed. It ir , expected that the matter will bo fully decided upon within lifteen days. The site is one of the best in the city lor hotel purposes , but it this cannot be secured it is understood that an attempt will bo made to secure another , and go ahead with the putting up of n line hotel , any way. Religious Awakenings. After the BEE stated the revival meet ings being held in Dohany's old opera house were not being given by the Salva tion army , the Herald comes out and du- clarcs that they arc ; then next that they arc not. What next ? The Rev. Hiram Price lias been in this city for several months , and Joseph Wells , besides being a member of the Baptist church , is the janitor of tlio Y. M. C. A. rooms in this city. They are alone arc rcsuonsible for the revival and have been supported in their movement by subscriptions from Council Blull's people. Al Alorns , who claims to be a reformed prize-lighter and gambler of Omaha , has begun to hold meetings in Platner's hall. He announces hiuihclf as "a friend and colleague of Ben Hogan , andhisAIorris' ( ) past lifo and reform contain the same thrilling story that has enabled the latter ( Hogan ) to do such good work , " evi dently relying on Ben Ilogan's reputa tion to build up his own. A Coast hi } ; Carnival. Tlio reappearance of snow causes a re vival of the project for having a grand coasting carnival , which was arranged foi some time ago but indefinitely post poned. The committees have been dis cussing the matter , and tlio prospect seems good for having such a carnival on Saturday night. All depends upon the weather , ano an announcement will bo made in to-morrow's BEE. From Major to General. From the Hotel Gazette : Last fall , while a drummer for a New York house was opening a new route in Arkansas , ho took pains to let everybody know that ho was "Alaj. Smith. " UMiis little scheme worked pretty well to secure him the best room in several hotels , and to have his opinion sought for on the weather , the European situation , etc. , but there was a snag waiting for him fifty miles further on. He finally struck a hotel wlicro his room was in the garret , nnd his bed a lonesome object to behold. Ho held the tallow candle above his head nnd made nn examination of the surroundings , and then walked down stairs and indignantly demanded of the landlord : "Sir , do you suppose that I will accept of any such quarters as tho. o ? " " , but it's the "Sorry , major very sorry ; very best I can do. " "Butj-ou must have better rooms ? " "Oh , certainly ; but I go according to rank. The generals get the best , the colonels come next , and I stow the majors away in the garret. It's all your own fault , sir. " Next day the drummer promoted hjin- self to general , nnd ho hung to the title until ho left the state. A Useful Itiiukum. Washington Letter : Tlio Bunkum bill has been the talk of thu town during thu past few days. The words have already become synonymous with all that is use less and worthless. As an instance the following story is told in tlio hotels to night. Them was a great gnmu of poker begun Saturday afternoon between two senators nnd three members of con- gross. It lasted until after church time yesterday , when one of the congressmen .went broke. All his money , his watch and several duo bills had been parted with. He had nothing more. Finally , in shorn- desperation , ho staked a printed copy of his last hill introduced in the house. It wus a Bunkum bill. It won the "pot , " as ono of the senator ex plained in my hearing to-night , "because nobody in this world could make itgood. " If this doesn't indicate how badly Wash ington thirsts for a now joke nothing else will. A IjiullorouB Mistake. A St. Paul divine. , the pastor of ono of the leading and most prosperous Mot It- odist Episcopal congregations , visited a musical store , nnd while there was Intro } duccd by the proprietor to a second cus tomer , who is Inclined to bu deaf. Thu proprietor , in presenting the two , com jileted the introduction by adding "min ister" to thu namu of the Alethodist preacher. "A minstrel , hey ? " queried thu deaf person. "What troupedo you belong to ? Are you n singer or one of the end inont" ' 1 ho proprietor yelled out a few explanatory remarks , after which the deaf man was profuse in his apologies , nnd thu minister accepted them with u dun appreciation of the com icul results of the mistake. * Tlio Ideal Newspaper. Says an old newspaper man to "By stander" in the Philadelphia NUV.S ; "Tho ideal daily will bu sixteen pages , Harper's Weekly size , pasted and cut , and it will soil at H price which , will give good nrou't on-tho circulation. It will not duplicate tlio news in the e.ditoriul columns. At first Right you will bu apt to think it has no news , for it will print no dispatches us , und will not glory in lluuiing head-lines. All the news , local included. will bo written out ill readable form , and in the same articles whatever comment may bo necessary will bo made. The typo will bo largo nnd the paper clear. People don't care a rap how papers get the news so they do .ect . it. It doesn't concern anybody but newspaper men whether a dispatch Is special or not , and newspapers arc not' printed for the read ing of newspaper men , " " He Hit tlio Case. Detroit Free Press : A stranger was yesterday writing a letter at tlio desk In the corridor of the uostolllco when a woman with n postal card in ono hand nnd the other tied ui > in a handkerchief came walking up and eyed him in n wist ful manner. "Ahlyou want to write acardmadam , " he observed. "I don't believe 1 can , sir , 1 have n lot- ler from my husband , who Is in Cin cinnati , and 1 want to let him know I got it. " " 1 sen. GlvT molho card. Ills name is - V "Peter Jones , sir. " "Exactly. Peter Jones , Esq. , Cincin nati , Ohio. Now then , " Ho turned the cant over and rapidly wrote : "Air. Jones : Your letter , Iho lirst for three weeks , is nt hand , nnd thu $2 bill has been noted , I am half sick , out of wootl and provisions , and tired of lying to the landlord. . Either como homo and attend to business or change your name to No Good , and never dare to address mo again. I am , sir , your patient , but determined wife. " Ho read it to her in a well-modulated voice , nnd she held up her well linnd nnd exclaimed : "Oh ! thanks ! That's beautiful. Why , I couldn't have done so well ilia week ! You must surely bo a married man your self ! " Shu trotted away to mall it , and wont out of the ollicc with a smile all over her face. _ _ _ Tired and weary limbs are strength ened by St. Jacob's Oil. It always con quers pain. _ _ A Font of 11 Woman. Airs. Jennie Roelir , : i handsome young widow , had Airs. Schadt , a fortune teller in St. Louis , arrested Friday on a charge of fraud. Mrs. Roehr's husband was a wholesale jeweler and died four years ago , leaving her three children and some little property , and she states that on his deathbed he advised her to marry again. On recommendation she went to sec Mrs. Schndt. The latter out the cards and finally told her that she would marry a nice blonde young man. Airs. Roelir knew such a young man , and the fortune teller proceeded to work her occult pow ers on him in the form of love powders which cost the widow from ? . )0 to $100 apiece. The powders were blown through the keyhole of the nice blonde young man's bedroom , but for some reason or other they didn't have the desired effect. The widow claims that she paid Airs. Schadt altogether $1,450 , and , failing to get tlio husband , wanted bur money back , and it was refused , llenbe the arrest for fraud. , J " \VIicti the First Grandchild Appears Ciltte , "Ah. Mndnnio , said unfriend to Alod- jeska yesterday , "why don't ' you appear again in Romeo and Juliet. " "I shall revive it by and by , " replied the lady. "But when ? " " and . " "By by. , "Yes : but when is Jby nnd by ? " per sisted the friend. , "Oh , by nnd by is vyheniiny lirst grand child makes its adpenranoe. That week I shall play the old phiy' again in com memoration of the happy event. I have promised some friends to do so , and I will keep the promise. " He Didn't Care to Pile on Fortune Too Thick. Wall Street News : Ono day last fall n strange woman appeared at a farm house in Indiana and announced that she was a clairvoyant , who had come down froni Chicago to show the farmer where to dig up a jug containing $20,000 in gold. "What's the charge ? " inquired the farmer. "Two thousand dollars in advance. " "Shoo ! that's outrageous. " "But think of it. You will have $18,000 left. " "Y-o-s. I suppose so , but I reckon we'll lot the old jug rest , for a while yet I drawed $50 in a lottery last month and I cleared $7 in a bucket shop this week , and I don't kecr to pile it on too thick. Even now tlio old woman wants now hocs nnd the gals are crazy to have the ? louse painted two coats. Common Metro. Ho ( meeting her at the church door to escort her homo ) "That was a beautiful hymn the service closed with. " Sho-"Yos. " Ho "Aro you fond of hymns ? " She "Weil , there's ono 1 may say I'm ' particularly fond of. " He "Indeed I What kind of metro is it in ? " She "It is a como an' meet-cr him. " Then they linked arms and strolled away with their heads close together. Senator and Airs. Palmer have no children. They have a great liking for the little son of the gardener at their Alichignn home , and the boy spends six months of every year with them , sur rounded by every luxury , and then re turns. , contentedly to the simple ways of * i workingman's homo. UNION TIKET OFFI CE JL , De BEYOISE , Agent , No. 637 Broadwar. Council BlutM. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL llLUFm The following Is the time of anil departure of trains by central stundHrd time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton minutes earlier and urrivq U'lvmlnuton Inter : pEl > AUT-cmcAno * fcontnWK Bi.ABKIT" - 0:2. : ) A. If . Mull und tixprpJd . 0no ; p. u. 12:401 : * , M . Aceomniodatjnn . lCOi : % M. CUlr. : u . i\iutss , . " . . , . 0:05 : A. M. CHICAGO fc ICOUK ISMNll. 9:20 : A. M . Mull and Uffliruhs . 0:5) : r. u. 7:15 : A. . . , . . . , . . ! | , | . , . . , . , . : , M , 6:1.0 : P. u . Kxprcig , . . ! . UUJ : A. u. CHICAGO. MIMVAUKI.K' It be , i'AUL. 0:20 : A. u . Mull nnd llxprets . 0:50 : p. M. 6DOr. : M . Kxpri-44. . U:05A. : M. CHICAGO. IIUIIUNUJO.X , * QUINCf. 8:40 : A. u . Mall und liirWBs . H:50f. G:5Ur.M : . , .KxiifMH. | . . ' . . 0:03 : WA1IASII , RT. I.IIUIS K'l'AClriC. 2:15 : P. M.Ix > culHt.I.iilU i ; Pt OHM Jocal . ilOOi'.M.TrunslorSt. : UiuliHviTransrer.iJa : : i' . a ICANHAS Cm ; bT. JOB ' & COUNCIL , lll.imt * 10:10 : A. M . Mull mid KrprUsa . rM : p. Jl. < iU5i ; * . u . lixprcpw. ; . ! . , . , 0i5 : A. M. BIOUX crrv * i-Afciria 7:15 : A.M . . .Sioux City Mail . F10p : , M. . ' UNIO.X I'AOlriC. JO:3AA.M . Do'iver Kxpros * . 6:44 : P.M. 2iap. : M. . . Lincoln Pass.Om. A : U. V..2:0j : v. M. 7Wl' . u . Overland Kzuross . 8:15 : A. M. UUMMV THAISSTO OMAIU. Leave Council muffs 7:05 bW ( 3:30 : 10:30 : llao : a. m. ; l'JOa:303:34W5i : : : : : - < lti.T : 11:45 p. m. Sundays 7Or > -'J:3) : 11:30 : u. m ; J:30 ! : 0 : JO 6:260:3011:45 : : : p.m. LciVO : Omiilm - :3i-7:35-8:50-lOX-Ha : : : ( ) n. mi J:03:0a : : - ( W 4:0.1-5 : : OJ : 3JV-11:1U Pin. . Sunday * U'H : 60llJ : > u. u .j 2JJ-iOJ-5W-0Oj-UU : ; : : : : p.m Locking Bracket for Ferccts AND UTIIKK HAILS. UOD3 , KfC. FENCES l Ulir WITHOUT NAILS. Any part n o/Jlty tnkun out or replaced. 1'or picket or rail fenoiii , lion or wood , cannot bt > excelled - celled lor nilllnu of liny sort. For putlculiirH wrjto C. J. IICC'IOIAN , Imuirtor. Couucll Illulfs. Stute anJ county rights for sale. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KO-CTSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEEllE , WELLS & CO. , WllOlC8Xo ! ! Agricultural Implements , Busies , o , lUo , ntc. Council IllulTs , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Gutters , Dlscllarrows , Soodora , Corn Vlnntors , Veo.l Cut- tcrti , Kto. Factory , Hock Pulls , Ills. Nog. IfOI , I'M , 150t , 1617 Main St. , ailncll muffs. DAVID JWAi > L7Y : & co Mnn-iFri an 1 .lubbers of Agricnltaral Implenients.Wagons . , Bnggies , Carriage' , nnd nil kin Is ot 1'nr.n Mno'ilntrr. 11UO to lllfl South Mnln Street , Council lllulfa , Iowa. AXK HANDLES. 1O. . UI.KVSON , T. H.Douni.vs , duo.K WuiniiT. V. l're&M in. Soa&Couiuol. Council BlnTs Mia Factory , ( InrorponUed.l MnnufnctitrorsoC Axle , 1'lok , Slolifo and Bmnll Hiui.llcs , of every description. CAlll'ETS. COUNCIL 1JLUFFS CAHL'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clotlis , Curtain Fixtures , tlplioMory OooJs , Kto. No. 403 llroudwny Council muffs , tnwu. CMAllS , rODACCO , ETC. rEREGOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 23 Mnln and 27 1'cnrl Sts. , Council llliiffs , Iowa. COMMISSION. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 14 1'o.irl Pt , Council Uluifa. QUACK Kits. McCLUllG CRACKER CO. , Munurocturors of Fine CracXers , Biscuits and Cakes , Cou'icd IKuffeoic.i. . CltOOKEItr. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers Jobbers of Crockory.Glasswara . Lamps , Fruit .linn , Cutlery , Stoneware , llur Good ? , Knncy ( jooils. Ktc. Council lilulls , lown. DllVaaiSTS. ilARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries , Ktc. No. 22 Miiln St. , nnJ No. 211'uurl St. , Council muffs. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions Etc. Nos. 112 nna 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 and Hr > 1'carl St. , Council Illnirs. Iowa. FIIUITS. O. W. HUTTS , Wholesale alifornia Fruits a Specialty. General Commks'on. No. fit ! Btondwny , Council Illulfd. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 1G mid 18 Pearl St. , Council Bluff ? . GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 nnd 121 , Main St. , Council Illuffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Minor Dealers. No. 418 Broad way , Council lilu'Js. UAKDWAHE. I > . C. DE VOL , Wholes lie Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Hcfrigcrators etc. No . 511 Ilroadwny , and 10 Mnln street , Council HARNESS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Doilcra In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 625 Main St. . Council DlulTfl , Town. HATS , CAPS. KTG. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No8.I2 ; ) and 314 llroudwuy , Council IllnlTa. HEAVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council lllutfB , Iowa. HIDES AND 1) . H. McDANELU & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , 1'cltB , ( Iroasonnd 1'urs. Council llliillt ) , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealer ? In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gisolitn 32TO. , HTO , 8.1 licodoro , AKUIU , Council I Hull's. Iowa. JMMHKlt , 1'ILINU , iri'C. A. OVERTON & CO , , Hard Wood , Sout'asrj Lumber , Piling , And Urldffo Material SiiocluHlcs.Wliolosiilo JjUiu- her or all Kin Is. Oilleo No. 130 Main Ht , , Council llluirs. Iowa. WINKS AND LIQUOltS. JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Asout for St. Uotthairi's Her ! ) Illtti'W. No. 13 Main St. , Council lIlutTa. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , KaOODMntn St. , Council IH .J4. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace. Ofllco Over American Express Company. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT. UANUrAClUUKIl AND I > CAf.BU IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council BlulTs. Z.T. LINDSEYdCO. , J \ RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTICS , Rubber and Oiled Clothing C' And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 H. Main St. Office 412 Broadway , Oo-u.ri.oil W. IP. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER . Ilrlok biilhllncrof nnv Idnd rnl crt or moved . nnil satisfaction guaranteed. Frame IIOUECS moved onLHtloGhmt trucks the best In the world. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIALNOTIOE S _ NOTICE. Special advertisements , 6uch nj Loet.FouuJ , To Loan , Fo * S.ilo , To lloat. Wants Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at thelow rate of TEN CENTS PEtl LINK for the flretlnsortlon and FIVE CENTS PEIt LINH for each subsoiuont insertion. Leave ndvortlw mcnlBfit our olUco , No. U I'oarl street , near Broadway , Council Ilhilfg. WANTS. WANTED A ( food job and neu-s printer. One dupable ol tnkliiK char o of nn ollicn , unJwho miilarstunds milking figures on work nnd lias hud experience In "pulling" u lianil in-ota. . .Acldtus- . Dullou , News ollicc , Mlssouil Valley , Iowa. MADIC In 111 dnytt by a lady agent of the "E'lUltublo.Vo want six more live " , innlo or feinnlo. Apply In person or by letter to Win. Hnndull , Supt. of mjcnclua , Coun cil bluffs Iown. _ SALi : Property on corner Poail street Foil ami Sixth avenue. Council IllnllV , consisting of two story , iron-roofed brisk building ; friuno houeo of blx rooms : nil on lotiXJxlli ) . 1'or terms apply to A. 11. McC'lurir , on promises. SAVAN W A IMK l Na ! H4Inlll ( under Citizen's UinU ; ) , real estate nnd mor- chitndlMt exchange lirokcrd. Our boa ! < s nio full of special bargains , but It Is impossible to pub lish a reliable list from the fact of so many dully changes. What wo nsk la : If you want to gull ortrndo anything In our line , write us and wo will send you a jillo of bargains to select from. I. nnds Improved or unimproved , city or town property , htoeks of goods of nny kind In nny place. It sucli > ou Inivo or such you want lot us hear from you , Hwun & Wulktsr , Council lllulfa NOT1CU The llrm of Mmidul & Thompson hnvlnir d'siolvL'0 , 1 hereby B'VO ' notice that I um no longer icspo.islblo lor anything con tracted by J. II. Thompson. A. J. Man lei. RTJSSELL&CO Manufacturers of nil sizes of Automatic Engines Especially Designed for Uunnlnst MILLS , ( JKAINJELKVATOUS , AND ELEOTK10 LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillon Tlireshora. Cnro3r und Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable niul Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC , Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Ululfr. BEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. THPS. OFI'ICBO. V. II. M. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. KMiiblifchcd ONLY HOTEL In Council Hlufffl Imvlnz Fire Esoa/pe And nil muaern ImnriivcmoiiU , cull U.-fK , ir ) plarm belli , etc. . In the CHEST ON HOUSE ! NOB.21V.U7 and 21 ? . Main Street , X MOHN , 1'roprluto KIEL SALE STABLES ! S = PQ S CO - I J cL cS" ( = u . , and Mules kept constantly on timid , for sale lit retail or in cur loads. Oidois prom'ltly ' Illiod by contract oiiblioit notice , htiick bol'l nn comnili'loli. PHM'TlIll ft Uiil.UV , I'roprletori. Stable Corner I'lflU AVfime and rourtb BU C'oui'-i : Blunt JO > VM REMOVED. I wl h to respectfully call the attention of my pntinns and the publle in gonoml , to my lomo- vnlliam tlio old Btmul Nos. 7 imil U , Main St. , to uiy now and commodious quartenj , No. 226 Broadway , Whore I will be pleased to sco my many frlemU. With nluivo , now uiiU complete n-eoruneiit of all the very UTBTFatehSprlDBSTTlES And bclnR located In l.inra quarters I urn bolter than ever before piopuiod tofceivutho public. Jtcspecttully , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTTlSTOIIj BLiTJinir'S. Practices In Stata ami Courts. Hooms 7 und 3 , Suu .irt Jilonk. LAMPS and CROCKERY -AT- REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 23 Slain Street. Council muffs. la BlbEM."D. R , . . PIWPPRQ or other turn > rs removed without Uflll WillD the knife or drawing of Wood. CHRONIC DISEASES t an kinds flpOCiaity. Over thirty years' evpoduaj ) . Nc. 111'eurl Street , Coum U DIuiTd. t * CONiJUITATJON A.C.UUIIMIAM , Pros. li.W. Tui.iiUVB , Vlco-Prea. JAMKH N. Bmnv.N.CnMilcr. Council Bluffs Hationa 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Cniritnl 260,000 , Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do n Kcneinl bnnklnt ; business. .Accounts of bunks , bankers , iiicrel.iuiH , man- uracliirorsinid Individuals lo elvoJ on fiivura- bio term1 ! . JJomestla nnd foreign o\clinno. The very best ot attention Blvon to nil liusl ncbSfoininitte.l to ourciiro. " 33. JR. CXA-rrW E I Ij ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. - - . " \ Real Estate aad Probnte Law a Spdity ! , Office No. " 3 Main HI. , under Cltl/.un'x Dank , Council HUlIIf. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought nnd cold , nt intn'l un 1 in lute. Coum-ll lilulls , lowii. COUNCIL BLUFFS Baggage& Transfer Line. 'Hiis ' nnd IJUJTKUJJO wngons connect ullli nil tiaii ! , to nil bold * , io > ldtnci'ti , w. Spultil t- tcntloutoCOMMlMtn.U. M15N uud TIHiA't'itl- CAL TltOfl'KS. Prompt intention glu < n nil cUIe. Oil ! ( nt 1'uclllo. llout-o , Tqloplionu > ; o 117 ; i.l bo 'lelcp'iono No. 12 < > ul Otrdeu House. . H. BEECkOFT , J.'roprletcr.