Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1886, Image 7

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IT conTAlrvs so OPIUM isr ASv ronst
OECEN I BOTTLES nro put yP for the a
/ftijcoinmortntlon of nil who dcjlro n goo
and low prlcril
Cough , ColdandCroupRemedy
TiiofK in.anii.NU A nr.MKiir toit
Should sccuro tlio largo $1 bottles. Direction
nccoinpnnylnir each liottlo.
Bold by all Medicine Doalora.
617 St. ClinrlcnSt. , 8 < .I.onUMo.
CDCiKtdla tbellx-'illrttlraeal" ' Cimoifio , lltarnui , SKIM
ntl HLboD Uiitit IbtniaF other rbTileun lu8t.L ol * ,
M ellr rtptri itow * Q& 311 old rttldenla BCOW.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat. Sklnor Bonel , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , r trttttd * uh nnpinittiil
DeerM ( nlal iti > MrnllDQprnelt ! > l * .Bifolrtrrlvattlr.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vhleb rr < xino < torn * of tin
rollottlni tRielil nmoulDcii , dtMlllr , dlmntu of llbl
fcnddereetlrilcemorr , plmpltion tb rteff. pbjiletldiei/i
fcTfrtlontolbc loeleljof fimalti , eobruiloftof Iditi. eto. ,
rendering Marrlnes Improper or unlinppy , '
ptrm a iul > " "J. I'liapbituaa r.ticn ) tbtiUTe , Mat
In fettled envelope , freato anjr Addreu. Cooiultfttloaatftu
Ct ort > 7tnnll frt , lo ltnl u < titilctle nnltnUil.
A Positive Written Guarantee iiten u mre .
rtUe em. Medicine ienUrerjhcie bj mill r | > r i.
300 PA' > T8 , FIND PLATES , cltjsnl elolh nl ( III
llnJInf , iciledforDOo. In p-wUceoriju , finer. Orer nrij
vontlcrrul r en pictures , true to lire j irtlsleion tbe ftltofflDe
tnbjocti ! whoin yiu rrywKoa < t.i hTtm nUti > d , eB n.
liroJ.l.hiiltnl dee r. ofleeti olollba'j n liicru.tho fbjl.
lolocr or reproduction , and mint more. ltoa : ragrrtii at
totiuuplnlfnil m.rtlin " > oul' > re .t . It. l"crl r c Ulco
| iaoFlU f.S3o. Addrii bi > f lr. HTlllllcr. '
Tor Bovcn vcnrs 1 sulTcreil with n cnnccr on
my I iico. Kit-lit months iuro u friend ro-
ciimmcnilod tlio nso of Sivltt's Spoclllo nnd I ilo-
tfimlncd to niiilto un nllort to scuuic It , In this
J was Hiu'ciesful , mid bcirnn Its uso. The liillu-
cnco of the metllclno nt th-st wns to fomo\rhat
IIKBI nviito Iho pore ; but peen tlio liillmmitlcm
vnsnllnjodnnd I lirtfim to Improve nflcr the
lirst few bottle' ? . My Kcneral lioallh hns prently
improved. I inn htroiiKor , nnd nblo to do nny
kind of work. Tlio cnncor on my fnco bojrnn to
ilccionso nnd the ulcer to heel , until tbcro Is not
nvestlgo of Itloft only nllttlo pciirmnrka the
plnrc. Mii3. Joirn : A McUosAi.n.
Atlanta , On. , August 11 , liiai.
I linvo iind n cnncer on my fnco for some
ycnrs , nxtcmllnff Irom ono chuck bono ncioss
tlio nuso to tlio other. It hits given mo a great
deal ol jinln , nt times InmilnK nnd Itchlnur to
such nu extent thnt It wus almost unbonrublo. I
commenced iMn1 ; Swllt's Specific In Mny , 185 ,
nnd huvo used cl ht bottle ? . It 1ms nlvon the
Kii'iitestrcllol by rcmorlni ; the Inlliimutlon and
general hciiUli. W. HAUNTS.
Knoxvlllo , Town , Pept 8 , 188.5 „ ,
Tieatlsoon blood nnd skin diseases ml"lcd
Th'o Swift Spccino Co. , Drawer 3 Atlanta , On
N. YM57W. Wdbtrcot.
Pianos and
CntnlOKUis nnd 1'rlcca on nppllcntlon. Hold by
nlttUo Lies ! I'urrlnxo HulliicrH unit Dealers.
Ciililo Addrt-ti. COO CIN.
IO..KKpwK - hy mfii. * f.\i.r.n. t'Kftii
A life ) > erieBee. Berofcrk lle and quick caret.
Lfta. ticnd Ht mp for teated i ftrtlculiri. Addirai.
Or Iho I.lqnor llnbll , 1'osltltcly
Curcil by AiliDliiititprlni ; Dr.
Jliilnc * ' Golden Njtccllir.
It can lie given In n cu | > of coffee , or ten without
tlio knowledge of tlio person Inking II.UnboluU'ly
haruile-n , unit Mill oflVct a prrmancnt nnd speedy
euro , wliotbvr tlio patient li a uioderato drinker or
an ulccihollo wrcclc. It lias Loon given In tbou-
n : idj of CMCS , nnd In every Instance perfect euro
Imsfollowed. II nnvnr TnlK Tlio system qnco
ImpreRnated with the Hpcclflc , It becomes an uttei
Imposilblllty for tlio liquor appetite to exist.
KUIIN it CO. . Cor. 13lh and Don dim , and
ISlli tV Ciiinlni Hm. , OnuiUu , Neb.l
A. n. FUSTKII A : nnu. ,
Council ninfTH. Iowa.
Call or write for pamphlet containing hundreds
C' tonlmonl Inli from thu licrt w omen and ciou from
nit lirrlaut thuiountrv
Do you want n pure , Woom-
fug Comjiioxioii { If so. a
i'ow nmilfcations of Jfngan's
iiy you to your heart's cou-
tout. It does away with Sal-
lowiioss , llcdiicss , 1'huples.
lilotelics , nud all diseases aiiu
liuporfcctloiis of the skiii. It
o Yorconics tlio flushed appear
ance of heat , fatigue aim ex
citement. It makes n lady of
TJUIITY appear but TWEN
TY ; tinil so natural , gradual ,
nud perfect are its ellects.
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
A Sketch of Espbosa , the "Red-Handed , "
in Pioneer Days.
How IIo Was Finally Tracked to Ills
Siottntnln Lnlrnml TMurdercd A
Koluti ofTcrror Ills Illoodj-
Knife Still 1'rcscrvcd.
Denver Tribune-Republican : Adjutant
General Taylor of Colorado has in iiis cab
inet , in the Uarclay block , a rude knife
sheathed in buckkin , once the uropcrty
of old Kspino n , the torribloMexican who
killed thirty-two white men , not out of
malice , nor for the purpose of robbing ,
but simply because lie had a passion for
bloodshed. Kspinosa was killed by a de
tachment of 1'irst Colorado cavalry ,
which was scut from Kort Garland by
Colonel Sam F. Tappan. The knife was
presented to Louis N. Tappan , and by
him lo thu collection in charge of General
A m.oo y KNIFK.
It is an evil-looking weapon , made
probably by Espinosa himself , the blade
buiiiff covered witli dark spots , doubtless
of blood. It is a matter of conjecture on
the part of these who see it as to whctliur
this instrument dispatched nil of the thir
ty-two victim1 * , a supposition not quite
plausible , as thd dreadful murderer was
known lo have been very expert in the
use of hisgun.
Nothing is known of the early life of
Kspinosa. IIo was lirst discovered soiling
whisky to Indians on the borders of Mexico
ice , and was arrested for this unlawful
prococding.tho ollicors intending to make
liini prisoner. Ho eluded thorn , nowuvor ,
made his pseapc , and was not hoard offer
for some time.
About this time dead bodies began to bo
found in that part of Colorado.
In theuulchos , in the mining camps ,
oiiff tlicrrocks , in many a sequestered
.spot , bodies were found which &ccmud to
have been dispatched in the most brutal
manner. Week after week , month after
mouth , tills state of things wont on. Tim
Colorado cartli was soaked with blood
which reeked in sun and shade. For
months no clue could bo found to the
murderer. ' The many and frequent
deaths were inexplicable , lilaok mys
tery hung over the young territory. Pco-
plo wore afraid to-vcnluro out after dark ,
and in fact did not feel safe even in the
After n lapse of Ion" weary months a
Mexican woman ono duy crossed Raton
Pass just above Trinidad in company
with a white man in an ambulance
drawn by mules. Journeying slowly
along over the steep reeks , the pair were
suddenly surprised by having their
horses tired upon' and Killed. 'J ho man
succeeded in making his escape in the
mountains , but the woman was made a
prisoner by the two Mexicans who had
killed the horses. One of the Mexicans
was Espinosu. The woman remained hi
captivity for some time , but finally made
her ebcaw ) ono dark night and made her
way backto her people who lived just
above Trinidad at rurgatorie. During
her captivity hlio had soon fixed the identity
tity of the numerous murders with which
the territory was ringing.
Shu had studied the man , observed his
plans , and was posilivo that she was
right in her conclusion. No sooner had
slio returned to her people than the news
went a broad and pur.suit now became
fixed upon a Mexican named Espinosa ,
wli9 was'bulioved to bo guilty of all this
indiscriminate slaughter.
All tlii.s happened in 1802 and ' 03 , Esui-
nosa buing next heard of in California
Gulch , whore ho was again up lo his old
trick of separating the soul from the
body. Upon the heels of the murders
tho. miners of California Gulch followed
fast iu hot pursuit of the villain , finally
overtaking and killing a younger brother
of Espinosa's , who ravaged tiio country
under bis leadership. Espinosa , however ,
escaped his pursuers a second time and
was next heard of in the San Luis valloy.
In the meantime the territorial legisla
ture had offered a largo reward for him ,
dead or alive , and several men were out
on the search.
Early one autumn mornins just nt sunrise -
rise it transpired that Espinosa was
camped near Grayback Gulch , in the
Sangro do Christo range , on the south
west slope , about twelve miles from Fort
The men in pursuit were on this side of
the mountain , feeling sure that Espinosa-
was somewhere in tlio region , although
they had no idea that they were any where
in his immcdiato vicinity. A man whoso
name is TomTobinhtill , living in the San
Luis valley , was the fccout in advance of
the soldiers. Tobin \\-as known as a dead
sure having been said for years
that ho hai } never aimed at any living
thing and missud it. This man , riding
cautiously ulonj. , in the autumn sun-
'ris < T , was attracted by the smoke of a
cnmp-firo in a ravine. Quickly dis-
inouuting from his horse , he eropt cau
tiously along ) accompanied by one of thu
young meiim his detachment , until ho
gained a place where ho could sen , tlio
lirst glance revealing two Mexicans leis
urely cooking their breakfast in the very
heart of thu ravine. It needed but an for Tobin to see that the grim ,
coppor-visaged old man so carefully
broiling his antelope steak on the coals ,
was none other than Espinoaa , who
might as well have boon christened tlio
"Rod Handed. " Making up his mind in
an instant Tobin said to Ids companion :
"I'll shoot at the old man. You aim at
the young ono ! "
Thcso instructions , Tobin afterwards
explained , were given because ho know
his friend was n poor shot , and bo felt
sure that his own aim was better directed
upon.Colorado's nrch fiend. Hoth men
raised their guns , both fired , and the un-
suspcctind father of murder , Espinosa ,
fell over the red oouls , u lifeless corpse.
In exact accordance with thu notion of
Tobin , the other man's uiiu failed in its
pnrposo , only wounding the young Mexi
can , upon wnom Tobin soon druw hH
gun nnd dispatched , as quickly as ho had
done thu older. Tlio intrepid Tobin then
sent his companion to look after
their horses , which they had loft
some rods away , and without
any witnesses , save heaven and
too blooil-Ktaincd rocks of the ravine , do-
liboratuly Revered old Espinosa's head
from his body , drew the long black hair
up over his scalp , lied it in n knot , and
making his way to the spot wliuro his
friend was standing with tlio horses ,
htuck hisEuddlo-horn through the knot 01
hair , and rodq into Fort Garland , whom
he was received with cnthti&ia&m , ox-
Governor Gilpin , then the governor of
the territory , being there with a company
of soldiers , all of whom guvo Tobiu a
hourly reception ,
The reward ode red for Espinosa was
largot but Tobin had great difficulty in
securing It. Ono legislature after another
considcied , or pretended to consider his
claim i'i a weary , "circumlocution olllco"
kind of way , the years falipplng by in the
meantime , without Tobin'd having rok
ccivcd a cent. In the end , however , ho
received half the sum offered , which was
a very comfortable amount. Tnbin is an
old hunter and trapper , and ono of the
central figures in Colorado's earJy his
tory. Ho visited Dunvcv two.years ago.
but spends most of his time in his old
liaiuns ; Kit Carson's sou married his
daughter , and lives in the same action.
Having boon recently elected sheriff of
the county.
As for Espluosa , ho WAJ a boru desper
ado , who never plundered , nnd who did
not commit murders as ( ho means of
gratifying revenge , but simply , it is
Uiougnt , because "he had n fancy for the
tragic. " II is a 'sinssular fact thnt ho
never robbed the men lie murdered ,
money nnd vnlunblcs having been fre
quently found on their dead bodies. His
character is ono of the most striking of
any desperado's over hoard of in the
west , and his memory still lives in the
hearts of a score of early pioneers , who ,
for n period of two years , never lay down
to sleep at night without dreading his ap
Russian Kcnl Kstntc Heavily Inctini-
bored by Debts Duo to Jewish
Who owns the Russian empire ? nsks
thu St. IVtorflburc correspondent of the
Now York Sun. i'hu czar collects taxes ,
dues , fees , etc. , which ho hands over to
his creditors , minus the running ex
penses of tlio government. This year ,
for instance , out of a total ineoinu of
Slin,700,000 ; ) ho takes for his personal use
f dt80OUOwhllo ! the share of his creditors
amounts to $180,000,000.
Imitating their august master , the Rus
sian nobles and other land-owners , ns a
rule , cannot manage their estates with
out resorting to frequent loans. In Rus
sia there arc thirteen land banks which
advance money on land guarantees.
Fully one-third of all private lands of the
empire nro mortgaged in these banks ,
mill the sum duo to the banks amounts to
? 100,000,000. , The city banks , too , of
which thuro are in Russia 258 ! , advance
money on mortgages.
Until lately the peasants were xmnblo
to borrow money on the mortgaged sys
tem. Hut about two years ago tlio gov
ernment opened a special land bank for
peasant , and now they owe to that bank
about 15,000,000 roubles.
Thus a large part of the real estate in
"Russia is mortgaged in the banks. In
their turn all the Russian banks ewe
largely to the state bank of tlio umpire ,
which along with the imperial treasury ,
is far from uoing able to meet the foreign
debts of Russia.
"Who owns the Russian empire ? " I
asked of a Russian banker.
"The Jewish bankers , " was the reply.
A Moral Tnlc.
Little Johnny , the youthful contributor
of the San Francisco Argonaut , records
this moral talc : A preechor wich had
been a wicked gamier fore ho was a
prcccher ho seen a feller wieh was a gam
ier too , and ho sod , thopreecher did : "lie
joht play cants with this pore mizablo
sinner and win ol his monny. and when
Jip is busted may be ho will listen to the
divine trooth and bo saved. " So they
played , and the prcecher won ol the ful
ler's ' mutiny , cvry cent , and then ho scd :
"Now , sec how wicked you have ben forte
to loosyuro munny , andyuro whifo and
babvs haven't got no bred for to cat. "
And the gamier he sod : "That's bo , "
and ho bust out a oryin' . Then the
prcccher ho sed : "Pore sinner , if yau
prommico mo unto your onuer to not
play cards agin. IIo give it ol back , cos
Imu a prcccher. " So the gamier ho was
a slonish , and ho sod : "I never see soecli
a good man ; I prommioo , yes , indeed ,
and haven bless you I" and lie burst out
cryin' again , the gamier did. Then the
prcccher ho give him back pi his munny ,
and the feller put it in his pocket , and
whiped his eyes and blodc his nose
gratotlo , and then ho thot n wile , and
pretty suno he coiled , and he sod to the
preccher : "I feel mity mean taking back
this hendred dollars from a man which
has rescowcd mo from card-playing ; toll
you what lie do ; you put up a other hun
dred agin it , and weel toss up for the
pile , licds or tails , best two out of thro. "
Wnya oTMnlcln ; : n
Now York Herald : Among the foreign
nbiders in Now York there arc scores of
odd means of making a living of which
the public knows little. No one would
imagine that the babot of the French
peasantry would bo marketable in this
land of leather footgear. Yet an old
man on South Fifth avenue xmtil lately
found subsistence in hollowing out an'd
shaping the wooden shoes. Few think
cither of the strange bucolic occupations
the suburbs oiler ; how there are farm
hands in Harlem and people who go
about New Jersey and Long Island col
lecting medicinal herbs and loaves and
watercrcsses , and how from the same
quarters oven frogs nro brought by the
collectors of thorn to the New York mar
ket. Then there are the thousand shapes
in which actual mendicancy hides itself
under a pretext of amusing the public.
Apart from the organ grinders and the
street bands , the acrobu s of the barroom
and the itinerant concert companies of
the German saloons , there are the men
with tlio performing bears who rp.rcly ap
pear in town now , and that exhibitor of
trained birds who causes the little creat
ures to tull fortunes in addition to per
forming other duties of a nature by no
means ornithological.
It is an old , old saying that half of the
world does not know how the other half
lives , and the closer life in New York is
viewed the fuller is the assurance given of
its truthfulness.
A sure cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itchln
nnil Ulcerated Piles luw been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( nn Indian remedy ) , called lr
Williams' Indian Tile Ointment. A simple
box lias cuieil the worst chronic cases of 25 or
iX ) years btandlng. No one need suffer live
minutes niter applying this wondeifiil sootli
ing medicine. Lotions nnd Instruments do
moio liiirm than good. Williams' Indian
IMle Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tlio
Intense iteuiiif ? , ( particularly at nichl after
ccttinir warm in bed ) , acts ns n poultice , elves
Instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private natts , and for nothing else.
lr. Frnzier's Made Ointment cures ns by
inat-'le , Pimples , Ulack Heads or ( hubs ,
lilotclies nnd Krnntlons on the fnce , leaving
the BKin clearnnd beautiful. Also cmes Itch.
Salt lU'cinn , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ot
50 cents.
Itctnllcd by Knhn & Co. , and Schrootcr *
Uccht. At wholesale by 0. K Uoodman.
A western paper Hearing thnt a coon-
cry is about to be established at Orange ,
N. J. , called upon its readers to lay over
Orange by establishing a polocatery.
SICK HEADACHE. Thousands who have
siillcred intensely with siok headache say
that Hood's ' Sansuparilla has completely
cured them. Ono gentleman thus relieved ,
writes ; "Hood's Btirsanarjlln \ worth its
weight in gold. " Reader , if you are Buf
fering with sick headache , give Hood's
Snrsapnrilla a trial. It will do you posi
tive good. Wade by C. I. Hood & Co. ,
Lowell , Muss , Sold ny all druggists. 100
Doses Ono Dollar.
It is not nn usual thing in Southern
towns to iind the percentage of deaths
among the colored population is twice
s ugreut as among the whites.
* * * Delicate Disease
, affecting
male or fmnnle , however induced ,
speedily nnd porniniiiintly cnnAl. Illus *
t rated book for 10 cents in stamps.
World's Dispensary Mi > ditml Association ,
caa Main Street , HuOaJo , N. Y.
' A California Chinaman says they nro
nianufnetnriiig lircarms in Chiniifo'oniiitt
a force to , invade California and kill till
tbu Irishmen.
Angostura nittcrH are Hie best icincdy
for rvinovluK Inillpt'stion nnd nil-diseases
orlgluatlug from thedlicfsih'e organs. Ue
\vuio of counterfeits.- Ask your grocer or
ilriiff ist for the genuine article , nianufuu
tured by Dr. J. G. B. Slegert " "
The old French house in Quobcq which
was used by ISIontcaliu ns liQadqnurters
in 17301s about to bo torn down , to make
room for a modern building.
Cures nnd Why Congestion oftho Kidneys ,
Back 4cht Inflammation of
I tH6 Kidneys.
Cntnrrh of tiio 111 nil dor , Gravel ,
Stone , Dropsy , Enlarged I'rostrnto
Ulntul , Iinpotcncy or General
Del > IHfrliHKiit's Disease.
WHY ? Ucc'fuiqo it is the only remedy
known thnt hris flower lo expel the urio
ncid and urea , of whlch there arosomo COO
grains secreted caeli dny ns the result of
muscular notion , and stilllclcnt , if ro-
taincd 5n the blood , to kill six nion. It is
the direct catiso of all the above diseases ,
ns well as of Heart Disease , Ilhonmatism ,
Appoplo.xy , Paralysis- Insanity and
This great specific relieves the kidneys
of too much blood , frees them from all
irritants , restores them to healthy action
by its certain and soothing power.
IT CUUKS ALSO Jaundice , Enlarge
ment of the Liver , Abscess and Catarrh
of the liilo Ducts , iMIlionsncss , Headache ,
Furred Tongue. Sleeplessness. Languor.
Dobilltv , Constipation , Gall Stones , and
every unpleasant symptom which results
froii ! liver complaint.
WHY ? Because it lias a specific and
positive action on the liver as well as on
thu kidneys , increasing the secretion and
jlow of bile , regulates Us elaborating
function , removes unlicalthful forma
tions , and , in a word , restores it to nat
ural activity , without which health is an
IT CUUKS ALSO Female Complaints ,
Lciicorrlion-'a , Displacements , Enlarge
ments , Ulccratjons , Painful Menstrua
tion , makes Ptvpnancy safe , prevents
Convulsions and Child-Hod Fever and
aids nature by restoring functional activ
WHY ? All these troubles , as is well
known by every physician of education ,
arise from congestion and impaired kid
ney action , causing stagnation of the
blood vessels and breaking down , and
this is the beginning ami the direct cause
of nil the ailments from which women
sull'er , and must as surely follow as night
does the day.
WHY Warner's Safe Cure is acknowl
edged by thousands of our best medical
men to bo the only true blood jtitrijter , is
because it acts upon sciunlilic principles ,
striking nt the very root of the disorder
by its action on tlio kidneys and liver ,
lor , if these organs were kept in health
all the morbid waste matter so deadly
poisonous if retained in the body , is
passed out. On the contrary , if they are
deranged , the acids are taken up by the
blood , decomposing it and carrying death
to the most remote part of the body.
\VIir 1)3 ) per cent of all diseases which
afflict humanity , arise from.impaired kid
neys , is shown by medical authorities.
Warner's Safe Cure , by its dirct action.
positively restores them to health and
full workingrEauacily , nature curing all
the above diseased herself when the cause
is removed and \vo guarantee thr.t War-
nor's Safe Cujfoijs a positive preventive
if taken in time.
AsyouvalWb health take it to avoid
sickness , as it will at all times and under
all circumstancejjjkeop all the vital func
tions up to pan i ,
Wo also gimnmtcc a cure and beneficial
cH'cct for caqli of , 'tho foregoing diseases ,
also that every case of Liver and Kidney
trouble can I/O / cijred where degeneration
has Not takcli nlaco , and oven then Bene
fit will Surely be derived. In every in
stance it has established its claim.
AS A BLOOD PURIFIER , particularly
in the spring , it is uncmialled , for you
cannot fiavcw&.c WooiMvnen the liidueys
or liver are ontororder. |
Look to your rendition at once. Do not
postpone treatment for a day nor an hour.
The doctors cannotcomparo records with
us. Give yourself thorough constitu
tional treatment with Warner's Safe
Cure , and there arc yet many years of
life and health assure ! ! you.
A Freshet of Prosperity in Broivii
County Local Politics.
LONG PINI : , Nob. , March 1. [ Corres
pondence of the BEE. ] The city of Long
Pine. Brown county , is at present making
preparations for an unprecedented boom.
It heretofore has only been growing
gradually and keeping pace strictly with
the growth of the surrounding country.
The development of the city and country
has been marvelous , and still there could
be no alternative for the reason that the
city has its advantages and the country
has boil with productive powers that is
not excelled anywhere'and all the farmer
has to do is to use a little industry and
the unbroken level prairie becomes n
blooming garden. It is without question
the greatest vegetable producing country
in the United States , and the people hero
need never offer any inducements for
canning factories and creameries for
they couldn't keep such institutions away
if they should try. It will bo like thu
mills that arc hero now. People in
other towns were harping for mills but
fates wore against them , but Long Pine
couldn't keep them away and now there
are two mills hero running day and night
and a third ono nearly completed with a
fourth ono six miles down the rivur
nearly linishcd. The mills that are now
in operation ground 10,000 bushels of
wheat hinco the 1st of August , 188 ! > . The
city has the railroad division , machine
shops , round-houses and eating houses ,
also the best hotel accommodations in
the northwest.
Brown county is republican by 400 ma
jority , but like all now counties when
lirot organized , it had men in ollice wfto
worked for their own and their friends'
aggrandizement , but the people last fall
crushed them clear out of political exist
ence and the new ollicors hiiyo reduced
the indebtedness of the county from $12-
000 to $3,000 , and.expect to have the coun
ty out of dobtlMVithin three years. No
county bonds jssned nor expected to bo.
The pooplo''dfi ' Long Pine and Brown
Bounty are , rpgarlle8s | of politics , strictly
van Wyok man'and , the lirst thing every
man hero , wljp is making any pretentious
toward the IcgisFiiture , does is to begin
advocating the cause of Van. The feelIng -
Ing is an undercurrent , but very deep ,
and only requires the excitement of n
campaign to liruuipitato it into a roaring
torrent. Sueii is the case all along the
Elkhorn vaJyy- ! > ' /\nd before November
next every town will have its Van Wyck
organization. ItTseoms tome that there
'a ' a smile playing over the face of the
gods whnn looking at some of the unini
tiated aspirants for Van's place in the
senate , Just'tliiilk a moment wlmta now
member has to learn before ho will bo
able oven to cdtcfi the 03-0 of and bo rec
ognized by the president of the senate ,
'I hey may blow and orate all they please
in Nebraska , but when coming in contact
with the old ostentatious war-horses of
the senate- they are generally sat down
upon until they shed their swaddling
clothes , The people in this neck of thu
woods cannot Iind anything ngainsf Van
Wyck , nor can they BUG anything in print
from liis most bitter political enemies
that will disparage him in their minds ,
, so tlioy are going to say next November ,
"Well done , good and faithful servant ;
wo Will try yon some moro. " , M.
A Burt County Tpwn. '
OAKLAND , Neb. , March ' ! . [ Corre
spondence of the Ben. ] Oakland is mid
way between Oiusiha and Sioux City , is
surrounded by us good agricultural land
as there is .in the northeastern part of the
stnto , nnd all well improved. Prices for
land range all the way from $25 to $15
As a business center Oakland cannot bo
excelled between Omaha nhd Sioux City.
More grain is shipped from hero than
from nolchboring points , only yesterday
over ? 5,000 was paid out to the farmers
for grain nlon'c. Wo have four largo ele
vators owned find controlled by men who
always pay the highest possible prices
for grain nnd hogs.
Many substantial and beautiful resi
dences are being erected ami in contem
plation. A business block of brick will
jo built in the si > ring. With all tlicso
Improvements and business activity , and
the absolute certainty of the county seat
nnd another railroad , wo think a bright
future is before us.
YTfacn Baby waa sick , we RITA her C.utorta ,
VTien she rr.-u a Child , she cried for Cflstorl * ,
When eho becams Jtlis , hs citing to Cutoria ,
When the h&d Children , the g ro them CattoriA ,
Samuel J. Piper and Albert G. Hern-
ilon were IIfu prisoners in the Albany
penitentiary for robbing a mail coach in
Texas. When the recent epidemic of
typhus fever broke out in the jail they
volunteered as nurses , and both rendered
valuable services until Piper himself was
taken ill. Ho is just recovering. Their
licroio conduct induced Albany oflluinls
to ask for their pardon , and n telegram
was rccclvd on Thursday saying the par
don had been granted.
Absolutely Pnro nnd Unadulterated.
And all Wasting Disease * t
Kor ulo by DrneirttU , Oroccri nfl Ie slcrt
l rlcc. Olio Uollnr per HoHlr.
Uo ) < I lrlniu1 < l botfln , M non i'n i . i.
opt iurh il tu r onr tradto rk liUl otlli. ° M oliimlit ,
i tmvo , Dt ( Utt o B ) ofeoDipanr blown tu tttttli.
( Tr rimlM9lofth Bock7 MotlDUIn. ( cxrcpt tilt
Tmiterlei ) , tiiitUt t procure it from thdrdMlm ,
e n tiara luu Dotcn lent. In ( Jute CM * , Dnm rkHJIJi
prew cbArceB prepaid , by remlttior BIX Dolltra to
The Dun * Malt Whiskey Co. . Baltimore , Md.
r.ecnnten COMPANY , ou co , uiux > aWat rn
Belllof A { Qti.
I 'atmtlnlni prlaclf ltf cj nu Mlt'at o d mr nUf
i'ir. tilftut > Jt tar i * < itoaNn , z > v > r'riua * < i
ritortry/rvwt H Waiting DtMiaitt. It fan tt j > r < porrt
tyutvlauanpir. U < ( rtti etr rt l ! in" J'1
! Win/Mr tfUiirln ( titr > lft , i > ailcA ! r-
/Mt fftwtrHi v " JMIitlUrptXmwt. _
Provisions and B. K. Stocks.
1305 Do'iglas ' Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Kxocuto orders for purchase or snlo of wheat ,
corn , poik and rullroiul blocks.
lioier by permission to the Otnnhn National
Itnnk. I'listclnss ntUnt'ou to ordoia fiom in
terior whio'J are solicited. FA1ILK Y & CO.
Asthma Gure.
Thli Invnlunlilo gpocino readily nnd permn"
ncntly euros all kinds of Astlunn. The most
obbtlnnto nnd Ion ; ; standing cases ylold prompt
ly to Its wonderful curhm properties. It Is
known throughout the woild for Its uiirlvnlod
J. L. CAMWELti , city of Lincoln , Nob. , writes ,
Jan. y > , 1881 : Slnco uslnji tr. ) Hair's Asthma
Cure , for moro than ono year , my wife has been
cntitcljMvoli , nnd not oven a symptom of llio
dlBonsu hns appeared.
W1I.1.1AM IlUNNIi'lT , lUchlaml , Town , writes ,
Nov. * ! , 18.S.1 : I have been atlllctod with Hay
Fever nnd Asthma slneo 1859 , I lollowod your
directions imd am hnppy to eny thnt 1 never
slept luittor in my lifo. I urn Rind that 1 am
DinoiiK the many who can Kuoak so lavornbly ot
your roniPdh'S.
A valuable Ot pnso treatise containing slrallnt
proot from every state In the U. S. , Canada nnl
Q rent Uritnln , will bo mailed upon application
Any diugfjlst not having it In stock will pro
cure It
coumny win. eft or cxMmina THU MAP THAT THE
Or nuon of Hi central petition and eloio rotation to
II principal line. Kut and Wett. at Initial and IT-
mlnal polnta. cunitltutea the moit Important mlif-
oontlneutM link Jn tliat avat m of through trantuoiv
tatlon vrlilcb lnTte | and facilitate tratel and tralHa
t twa ncltleiar the Allanllc and I'acino CoaiU. It
I. al o the furorlla and bent route to and from imlnli
l ait , Nortliea t nnd Southeast , and corrofpondifiir
palnli W t , Noithwett wul Huuthwcit.
The Great Rook Island Route
Oiurante IK patron * Ibat tttua ot perional icca.
rHr aaordtil by a luillJ , thoroudilr ballnteil road.
TH | , iinunth tracka of contlnuout trel rail. ub.tan
tlallr built culvert * and tirldgei , rvlllnir ttork at ntur
iwrtectlon aa liuman tklll i u make It , the wretr
appllaju1 * ; ! of pa tint buffeii , pUtrurnia an4atr brakrj
KiidtbateiacUnitdliclplInD wblih coT.rnt th prao'
tlrM opuratlon or all Iti tralnt Olnf r upaclaltloa of
; hlt ruuta are Trunifvra at all counecllnic noluti In
H l.2 ' 'fl1"L ' ° - i'n ' ! | ! l < 1 cemfWu oua
The Fa t Eiiireu Tralni between Chloiro an-1
Ptorla , Council luir ) ! , Kan > a > CUy.Ltaf enwuitli anj
AtchUou ara compoicd of well iflillUlrtJ , nnoly i >
hoUiored Duy Ooacbix. > UcnlHcent i'ullman 1'aliro
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Ji the direct and I " Hue between Cnleasoand
tliimeapolli audSt. < V Otre ronnei lloni are inada
In Union Depot , for all ! . . .nli In tba I.rrllorl. . and
tirlllib I'roTlncei. Orer I Mi ruuta rut Kiptcx
Tralni ara run to the watirlnir iHarei , rummer re ,
orti. plctunnQue localit * % and buiiilnif auit lliKlnir
aroundi of Iowa and U iu > | a. Jt li olio tba mutt
3 lrabla rout * to tbe , .vilieat tlelii ( uul paitoral
landi of Interior Dakolfr *
Still another 1H11EOT I.IN13 , rla Ftnxa and Kin-
e. ai we ai tceti , at a Prncipal Tl
in Uie l/olt il butci and Cuavi j at If
IToj'l & Ocu'l il'ic'r , Oen'l Tkl * I'uj. Aift ,
C 3E3A.1E : > E33II ItT TO
Oneoftho Best awl Ltryast Stoo'cs in the # " , _
to Select from. Y |
No Stairs to Climb. Elegant Passenger Elevator
QKO. nUUKR , Mfinnjror.
KEFEUENCES : Merchants' nnd Farmers' Hank , David City , Neb. ; Ksixrnoy Nallonnt .
UankKearney , Nob. : Columbus Stnle Hank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Bank , North 9
I'latle , Neb. t Omalm Nnttonnl Bank. Onmlia. Neb. . . , |
AVIII pay customers' draft witli bill of ladlnc attached for two-thirds value of stock.
A 111 -111 I
Pull Assortment for snlo to the Trade by
Honnt or Trnilo , Clmtrihcr of Commoroo ,
Cuicngo. DUlwaiikco.
H , C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor.
al Business Solicitor , 1301 DOUR
Cnrrylnstliollolglum Roynl nnil United Stutcs
Jlnllsailing every Sntunlny
Between Antwerp &Ne York
Salon from too to J100. Kvourslon trip from
SllUto S'80. ' Second Cubiu ? JJ , and Uxourslou
S'X ) . Steerage imssuso nt low rules. 1'olor
Wrls'it ' & Sons , Agent ? , M HrouJivay ,
NOW York.
Omaha , Nebrnskn , Frank U. MoorosV. . , St , L.
& I' . tl < ! kct
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Blocfc ,
OmdoSi6tnmsnnd2owi > rno Plnns for
and Towns a specialty. 1'lnns , KhtlnmtCB nnd
Ep9clllcitlons for 1'ubllc nnd ether KuglncorliiR
worUs liirnlslidd. Burvoy.s und Itcpoit mndo
on Public Improvements.
ANniiK7 HOSEWATEH , .Mombor Anicrlcnn Eoolo-
Oty Civil UiiRlnecrs. City Kiifflnocr of Oniatiu' '
no. II. OIIHISTIK , GIUl ilnslnoer.
England. France & Germany.
Tlio btoumslilps of lliixvoll l.nown line mo
built of lion , \MUor-tlilit coinpsrciiiunt8mi < l
nio 1'uriilslied ivltli civury loaulslto to mitko tlio
pussagubotli Bufo utnl itjfrucublu. Tlioy citny
thu United Stales nml Kui'opmiM mitlKiiMil Inavu
Mow York Tliursilnys nnd Saturdays for 1'lv.
innuth , ( LOiNUOW.Chcrlioujf.d'AHls mid IIAJL
llUltQ ) .
Hutiirnliife' , tlio stcmncrslouvo IlamburMr on
WcdnufcilnyH iiuU Sundays , via. lluviu , UiUIni , '
pns-ionguiHiit Boutliatnpton amixindon. .
First ciibln t,7J , ffl ) iind JTS ; Hteornffo S L
Unllrnua tickets from Plymouth lo Itrlslol , Car-
illir. Ix > iidon. or to nny plnco In tlio South or
Knglnnrt , FKIIK. glciomuo finm lUtropo only
Ri5. Bond lor "Tourist ( lu/otti * . "
C. II. ItlL'llAHI ) & CX. ) . ,
Ocnoral I'negoiiKOr Atronts ,
61 Ilronilway , Now York ; Washington uiul Ln
tiiilloKts. Cblcatro , 111.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $200,000
Suplun May 1 , 1885 25,000
U.V. . YATKS , President.
A. E. TOUIAI.IN. Vieo President.
\V. . S. HUOIIKS , Cashier ,
\V , V. MoitjE , JOHN S. COLLINS ,
Oor. 12th and Farnnm Street ) .
Ocuorttl llaucln ! Uuslunsj Traiuiotal.
The Callgrnpb Is rapliUy < ll p1nclnir Iho pon.
Iteusdn bow jou may you cannot ullortl to do
without U.
No inlivr litbor Bavliijf Invention lias HO less
oned drudKury or brain uud luiiij , or auvud
such u lurgu porcinitiiKu of dear labor.
Figure that itlutuaoir but tvrico ns much
\vort Ilia fflvuii tlmo us < iovi tliu pen ( It easily
does tlirro tinisa at ( mucn ) and It gives yon soy
oral tree lioura daily at and. Interest on your-
Jnvoitinvnt , 1'or cln'UlufH und Hpoeliuuns up-
to- II'G. BTUU'K. OmnUn , Neb. ,
iil. Axent for Nobrujku mid We-terti loivu
ItniUU.N' .IUndoi-nood'g liotl for all Uujj'o
nmouluuj , oa hauU. Crlco $1 cioi.
STlHwo VITALITY li falllnf. Hreln IMIAINFDand
r.XH AUi Tiil : or Toner I'lll.M A'l VltKI.V W AST-
E - * iinrfnnt. nnil pnlMlilft nllfn In t.nn I
Artoptoit liv nil rroneli I'nynlclana nnd baln/t / nuilnljr luiij
uiccoRsrully Introduce * ! licio. AUwMfceninfflossoaiuia
drains proni tly rheckotl. TltKA'llsl ; clylni ? news-
lion ( nillco or by mall ) with Fix cmlAnt doctors FJIKI1 .
CIVIALE AUENCr , No. 174 Fulton Street. New York.
The Orlfrl"nl nnil Only Genuine.
flftf-i - kndfclwaji ReltuMft. n.wnreofvortklfM Imlutloa * .
Indl.nciii.bli la LADIES. A k } our Drunlit t > r
"Chlchntfr'n Entlli li" nJ t k no Mher.or Inalou4 < .
to u for rtfilouUri < n Ittttr bf return mall. *
PAPER. Clilclicilrr Clirmlcnl Co. ,
f/J , M tf l on 6 unrc , TbUiula. , P * .
ntil br Irti3tfl U cTvirnltrrr Aik tor 'CliUhea *
tcr' inilli : > k" ' 'cnnyniynl IMIIi. T > nooihfr-
1 PAY nil cjprc ehnrgt" to nil ixilntK wltliln 300
inllo * . l. < lH'rarrl ( ic3 to select from. Rfml two crnl
Btaiup for Illustrated cntaJoi iv. Ivutlon tlila paper.
I'rcp. \ictlmof youth.
ibiu uaanoifiBnay i"1 Impmaoucu cnuslnir
BlfSB * B8BH E 3SuiB1'reiuaturo Toua DoMllty. Uociy Lost , Man. Nan
Imoil. lie. hahu trlod In vulcorory known rraiMlr
tiii dlscovori-il .1 nliniile Rflf.cnrc\\litcU ba will scud
i'lir.l' to bU fnllow.siiirorcn. Adilrcpn
J. II.11KBVKU.4J CU-Uharnitrcct. Mow York Cltr.
Cure without modl'V i
A POSITIVE olno. I'atonted Octo-i1'
bcr 10 , Ih7 .
Ono box will cure \l
the rnout obtlnato ease In four days or loss.
No nauseous doses of cubclis , oopnlbaor oil of
Enndalwood that nro certain to produoo dyspop-
Bln by dnstroylntr the coutlnss of the slomnoli ,
I'rieoSl.fiO. Bold by nil diuw lsts or mulled on
receipt of pricn. lor further pnrtlculars . eont
forclrcnlar. P. O. Hex 1571. -
J. C. jiV.XjXj .IiT CO CURE.
fc3JohuBl. , Now York.
Toil nro nllowrd a/rct ( Hal cftMrty days of tlio ma
of Jlr. Vjo'n Celebrated Voltaic Dele wttb Klcclrio Sus
pensory Appllnnccr , for the upccdy relief and rcr-
mancntouroof.VITOHS PMUtu.oa \ of r alnn | / < l
JJanlwoil , and rll Mmlred trouble. Also for niony
otlirr dlscasoa. Complcto ro > toratlon to liCAUh. Vleor ,
nnd Manhood miarunio-il. o rlslc In Incurred. Illus
trated pntnnhlce in ii/li-niWops / mulled free , Dyad-
drcialDS VOLTAIC XiLXCO.niariiliaU.QHcb'
Railway Time Table.
Tno following la tlio llmo of arrival nnd de.
partinoof tnilm by Central Stiimlunl tlmo nt
tlio local ilopols. 'J'ntlna of tbo C. , St. P. , M. &
O. nrrlvo ntul ilo part from tbolr Uupot , corner
ot Htli nnil WobUoi- streets ; traliitioii tlio I ) . Si
M. , C. . II. * Q. mill 1C. C. , St. J. XC. . II. from tha
11. * M. dupot ; all otlitro from the Union I'flolflo
Drhlgo traliii" wn Icixvo U , P. ilopot nt flJJ :
! J7a3-8:00-HIO-o:50 : : : : ll 10:00-11 : : uoo. m. , 1:00 :
-li'-D-itiiU-li : ! :00 : : i:00 : : U'J-5W-5:3a-Oi03- ' : :
0:10 : 7:00-11:10 p. m.
IASIIVO trnnsfor for Omnha a 7:12 : 11 8:15-0:80 : :
B'J:43 : H IOa- : > -lft7-llui ) : : u. m-i l:3r : 2:13- :
-2rj.-a:3 : : : < > -iJ:37-l'J7 : 5t5 : UJj 7:20-7:60-
11:62 : p. m.
Anlval nnd tluimrturo of trains from tlio
trunsferdepot nt Council limns :
DKl'Al'T. AlllUVB.
0ir ; > A. M . . . . .Mail mid liziircss , , , . , . . 7:03p. : u
I2l0r. : M Accommodiition < : ; )0 i-.M
6S : r. M Uxprcass 0:15 : A. u
0:15 A. M Mall and Bxprob * 7:00 : p.M
7:15 A. M Accommodation . . , . . , 6 Wi > .M
0M p. u Uxpro 9:15 : AU
0:10 : A.M. . Mall and Krpioss 7:00r. : M
OM'Jl' . n Express 0:15A.M :
CHICAGO. miiu.iNOTON fc quiNOr. '
0lXrA. M Mali undKxpresi 6:20r.M :
0 : 0i' . > i EXPIOBS 8lI > A.u
2:15p. : M.Local.Pt. Ix > ul3 Kipross Local
U : OOp.M.Ti-ansferBulxjulal'x.Transfer.3:20 ; : P.M
2:1.1 : A. u . .Mull nnd Uxprow 7 : iP. U
UUO : i > .vi r.xinusa
Will Icavo 0. P. depot. Omnlia , nt fll-3:3I- :
10t5-lUM : : . m. ! 2 : 10-0:50-0:23 : : p. m.
Ix'Bvo Stock Vaixls forOmitliti at T:55 : 10:35 * .
NOTK A trains dally ; I ) , dully except Sunday
O Uitlly except Baturday ; I ) , dally export -