Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
nr- * -r" - T * 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , MARGE 4 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIlTBLUFFS , TIIUHSDAV MORNING , MAUC1I. 4. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABL STBEET. Htll\crt < l liy cnrrlcr In nnypnrtof the city nt tw t nly cents per wctk. II. W. TILTOX , Manager. UtfsiKr 8 Omen , No. 43. NimiTl'.iiiTmi.No. S3. MINOIl 31 Now spring goods at Holler's. Thpre Is talk of u cantllo factory being started hero. A boxing iiiateli is being planned for the skating rink to-night. Two drunks constituted the business of tlio police court yesterday. A liltlo daughter of Fred. Ncumc.yor , nged about-I vear * , died yesloiday. She had been ill for .somo timo. .Tolin Nicholson's two fast runners , lied Buck unit Needier , wcro shipped last night to Memphis nnd will enter races in tlio south. A business inun of this city says lie saw llniulnll , the skippint : insurance agent , in St. Louis hist Satin day. He did not look much like a dead limn. There wns si big ruh at thn tran&fcr yesterday , tlio cheap rates lo California causing passengers from all points to rush tluough hero to tlio western .shore. Harry COY , now of Omaha , but who formerly lived hero , yesterday brought to tliis city tlm remains ot his child and placed thorn in the family burial ground Jiero. In the superior court yesterday the at- lornuyH were wrc tling with the techni calities of the newer ditcli controversy. Demurrers and oilier motions were be ing disju-'Sod but no decisions reached. Charles Wilson , who was arrested for attempting to chloroform a fellow and rob him of his watch , wns yesterday bound over lo the district court , bail be ing li\cd at $ : ! 00. FreddieGer.stcnberg says ho re ceived $1.100 from Germany , ami is going to leavoCouncil Hlull's for tlio west. The city will rejoice in his good luck , espe cially that part of it which takes him out of town. The junior class at ( ho high school met with Mis-- Mary Tinloy at tlio family resi dence on Main street Tuesday evening. Thu literary part of the programme was u discussion of tlio works ot Hums , after which tliero was a social time , enlivened by music. Ono citizen who holds about $3,000 of oity warrants say * ho will not pat t witn them for 10 cents on thodollar more than he oD'orcd them for before Chapman's election. IJeforo the election he offered them at 80 cents. Now lie will not sell for lea-j than 00 cents. The jury in the rase of John Dohany against Cooke & Morgan have decided in favor of thi ! defendant. In this case Mr. Dohany sought to recover about $500 rent , claiming that Cooke & Morgan va cated ono of the .stores in the opera house before their lease was up. and that ho ought to be paid for the full term of the lease. The defense was that Mr. Dohany had consented to their leavjng , and Unit they hud paid for ail the time I hey had occupied the More , nnd were hold by no lease for nny more time. The A. O. II. js preparing for a grand ball in Masonic hall on the night of tlie 17th. Excellent music lias been en gaged and other arrangements made to in Run ; a good time for all. The sanio evening there will bo a dramatic enter tainment given by seine of the young .Irish folks in the opera house. Those who attend the dramatic entertainment can go from there to the ball room , while those who do not want to go to tlio opera house can attend the ball earlier in the evening , as music will bo provided be fore the dramatic entertainment is over. A merchant sent out the other day a youth to collect .some bills for him. The youth had occasion to call on u lady atone ono of the hotels , and , meeting a boy in the hall , asked of him the room occupied by the lady. After getting information 4ft thu youth witli the bill didn't wail to knock , but went in , with more zeal than judgment. Tlio lady was in anything but reception condition. A .shriek fol lowed , the lady wont with u rush to the next room , while the young fellow , not wanting to retreat , hold his own until her return in proper garb for attending to business. Theyoutli is less zealous now in rushing into hotel rooms to collect bills. Now begin the conjectures as to what will bo done about the police force. It is expected that with the incoming of the new mayor there will bo miito a radical change in tlio force. No doubt the present chief , tlio captain nnd others of the foicc will have their resignations ac- ceuted , Tlio report of tlio council com mittee in regard to the charity clothing is a shadow over the record of some ot the force , and tlio present mayor has done nothing to help them out , simply Jetting them remain with tiie probability of their leaving the force with the shadow still over them. It'they are not guilty , nnd there are reasons for not believing the report of the committee , tlio matter fihouhl have been straightened tu > betoro the men slop down and out. If they are guilty perhaps Mayor Vanghan pursued thu best course in neglecting to take nny further action. Some are expecting that thn new mayor will combine the ollico of chief of police and marshal by appointing Man-lull liuanolln as chief also. Others predict that K. Jackson will be made chief of police. Personal V. F. Gilman of Davenport is in the city.C. . C. N. Hayes of Grinnoll was in thu JJlulls yoitorday. DtL.Davis of Missouri Valley was in the city yesterday. 7i. T. Llndsey lias returned from a business trip 1 1. rough Nebraska. Henry Graswahl of Audubon was among those at the Ogilen yesterday. Judge lionil loft last evening for Mis souri , and will go from there to Denver. J. C.Yetxor of Atlantic is in the oil v , looking after some business in thu circuit court. L. L. Delano , an' attorney of Atlantic , is in the city , having some cases to look after in tlio circuit court. A. S. Churchill , an attorney , formerly located at Atlantic but now of Omaha , is bore looking after some legal business. George P. Moore is showing consider able ingenuity and a good dostl of enter- prito in attracting public attention to tlio goods of the tailor M'iilto Lead com pany. Ono of his latest devices , and ono of the best ever seen in this line , has just been llnishcd nt \ \ ' . W. Chapman's. It is designed bv Mr. Moore himself , ami is intended to display the various colors nnd similes of the company's strictly pure lead , oil and zinc prepatcd paints. It is n very ailiaetivo sample case , about two feet by four , tlio whole resting on tin easel standing about six feet in height , each shade being on asopaiuto piece of board , three by ten inches , showing ; nil the shades as on their color cards , and so liung Unit all can bo seen nt n glance , while any one cui : bo examined separately nnd inspected closoly. The intention is to furnish this style of beautiful case to the trade handling this brand of paint It certainly will be an ornament for any ttoro , and at the same time form a con venient arrangement for displaying thojr colors , In design and taste of linish it is a happy hit , ujulwill prove n bij ; card for thu house , IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , The Death of One of the Pioneer Settlers of tha Oily , A HEAVY GRAIN SUIT BEGUN. A niB Wcildlng KIcctlbn llcttirns From SitrfuuiulliiR Towns \c\vsy Items ( Mtlicrcd liy the Ilusy lice. Now n Olty. IMissoi'iu VAI.I.IY , March 3. Tito city election \vt < ? a most c\citin one. The town has just boon organized as a city of the second clasi , ami this was the first election of city olllccr.s. The result showed that the wards had been pretty well divided , llio number of votes being , First ward 1M , Second 171 , Third 178 , making u total of 41)1. ) The two candi dates for mayor were both democrats. F. M. Dance was llm regular nominee of the democratic convention , and O. li.Dulton was called out by a citi/ens' ticket , ho having been nominated for one of the aldermen on the democratic ticket. Dutton - ton carried every ward in the city , his total mnjority being 18o. Dance received a very small vote , the First giving him 39 , the Second 51 , and the Third 02. There was much and many iicrsonstl clashes preceding the election , but now all seem pretty \\cll satislied over the re- suit. Mr. Dntton is the president of the First National bank , and Is a man who is respected and trusted. The aldermen elected were as follows ; First ward , Henry Tlmrber , Clark 1'ralhard ; Second , E. F. Jamiw , R. P. MeTwifrgin ; Third , Mr. Lo ( ! row. The other alderman in the Third will have to bo decided by lot , or some other way. Mr. Middloton , G. 1 } . Smith and Mr. Edgeomb tied , u singular result , which piu/.les all. L. Massio was electtd treasure , J. S. Dowcll city solicitor , S. II. Morgan ' ' . ii'-sos'-or. No.\t Monday occurs tlio annual school election. There is less intercut taken in this , and few candidates have been men tioned. It is not unlikely that F. M. Dance will bo one of the candidates. A nnmbei of the attorneys are attend ing court at Logan. Mrb. 1'ouil. wno baa been very sick for Foino time with a lung diiuaso.ilicd Tues- dav morning at 11 o'clock. Iler funeral will take place on Thursday. Tlio doctors report a good deal of f-ick- ness at the present time. Travel on tlio western trains is getting to bo quite heavy , all the trains going out loadcu. The Fremont As Elkhorn road is doing a rushing business. During the past week there has been ( | iiilu a number of births in ( own , among whom there has been a boy at Mack Hants' , a girl at S. II. Morgan's and a boy at Donnalioo's. Host coal and wood in the city at Glea- son's , SO Pearl street. Death of Sain Pnlnc. Samuel L 1'aine , one of the oldest citi- yens of this place , and widely known hero , died yesterday at his home on Grace street. He was 70 years of ace , and had lived here for very many years. Ho was a delegate to the recent city democratic convention , and .several times made the lutiKU'k to other delegates that it might be the last limo for him. This strange foreboding of the approaching end was _ supposed lo come from bis feeble condi tion and advancing age , but there seemed no cause why it should bo ko soon ical- ixril , and the announcement of his death will come with surprise to many. It hccms that the old gonlleman caught a severe cold , and in his feeble condition was unable to ward it on" , and with other complications aggravated by it , death came. He leaves one bon and one daugh ter. Mrs. U. W. Price. The funeral will be liejd at the Catholic church to-morrow morning at 0 o'clock. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , athis coal ofliee , 20 Pearl street. Merrily Married. Last evening there was a merry gather ing at the St. Louis house , the occasion being the marriage of the proprietor , Mr. Adolpii Doerllingcr to Miss Li//.ie Wag ner. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Docrlllcr , the pastor of the Lutheran church. There were about a hundred friends present , and the occa sion was a joyous ono. A grand supper was served , and then there was dancing until a late hour. The liavarian band furnished the music. Button-hole bo nnets were furnished all the guests , and tlio hospitality in all details was un bounded. The congratulations and well wishes were as hearty as they wcro numerous , and the newly wedded ones were the recipients of a largo number of elegant gifts. * Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J.V. . XsE. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Hind's. ilcnvy Grain Suit. In the circuit court yesterday a heavy case was opened up , but has not reached an end. It is entitled Gilman & Co. vs Yet/cr As Rapn. The dilllculty arises from the burning of an elevator in At lantic in which was stored a largo amount of wheat , which Oilman & Co. claimed to have Mld to the defendants. Before delivery was made the fire came and the wheat wni destroyed. The plaintiff now bocks to recover the amount for the wheat , which is in the vicinity of $10,000 , A number of prominent attorneys are interested , and the light promises to bo a hard ono. Dontsoii IOIIIH | , DENISON , March 3. Archer Steel , jr. , a young man of 10 , leaves no.\t Friday for the Congo country , in the wilds of Af rica , as a Methodist mibsionary teacher , Hon. II. C , Laub ami Mr. Grccnough supply htm with funds. Representative Roberts , whole working hard to sccnro the soldiers' homo in Don- isoii , Is to be reinforced by a pledge on thu part of our citi/.ens to furnish desir able grounds and oiler other induce ments. Hpeoinl Sale , At the Bankrupt store , 18 Main street , special sale of linen this week , Turkey red table linen , GOincliof. wide , at25 cents ; ( ! U inches wide , guaranteed fast colors , 37 cents. Bleached linen , OS inches wide , line patterns , -in cents. Brown ( able jiiiens , 25 cents ; damask linen , good qual ity , 3o cents , Linen toweling , IS inches , 8 cents ; 20 inches , 1) ) cents ; Russia crash , 8,10 and 13 cents ; towels , 18x30 inches , r cents ; 23x3(1 ( inches , 10 cents. Turkey red napkins , fast colors , 5 , 8 and 10 cents. Bankrupt store , 18 Main street. J. Gold berg , llccollcctloiiH of n Cowboy , "Lynch law is better than no law , " re marked n Texas cowboy to ft Chicago Daily News reporter at the stock yards. "It's well enough for yon follows that live in cities , whcro they hang just enough man-killers to keep yon quiet and give you some respect for the law , to ob ject to Judge Lynch , but you would have a better opinion of him if you lived any where within lifty miles of the Mexican frontier in cither Texas , Now Mexico or Arizona. WUy , if it wasn't for that or nament to tlio bench no man's life would bo safe against the pistol of any man who wanted to kill him and didn't mind pay ing a few thousand dollars for the prhi- logo. "I'll give you an Idea how the racket is workciFdown on the Mexican frontier. Down in the liltlo town of Slmk pcro in the I'yramid mountains' ' , New Mexico , it miner named Hob Fnunbo was killed by his partner , Hill Carroll , in n saloon , Tlio boys wcro all out working on their prospects or Hill would have stretched liomp. As it was ho mounted his horse and rode over to hiker City , whore lie gave him elf up. A justice ot the peace held him to bail in $2.000. Hill had plen ty of money , so ho gives $1,000 lo u cat tleman who was in town and another $1,000 to the proprietor of Iho biggest ho tel , nnd they go on his bond , while ho takes ills horse ami cleans out for old Me.xico. When tlio ease was called tlio bondsmen paid up , and that was the end of it. . 'Ton can't put the tapaojos over the ovcs of Judge Lynch in no sneh way. Thn tapaojos is a blind wo put over the eves of kicking mustangs or mules. No , sir. Judge Lynch ain't never partial an' he'd as soon string tip a Vnnflorhilt as ho would the meanest cuss that ever stole a prospector's burro. "There wr > s Joe Fowler. Do you think New Mexico law would reach him , with his ? ' 50I000 cold coin in the Hank of So corro. not to think of other lixin's ? You see , 1-owler hud a daisy little ranch in So corro count v , with a good bunch of cat tle on it anil a number of cowboys. Ho was quiet enough when sober , but when he. got drunk lie was ugly. In the space of three years ho had killed half a dozen men , an' when lie came into Socorro on a hoorah respectable citizens who didn't care to stop his stray bullets hunted holes. When ho entered a saloon in tlio depth of winter oven the man around the stove lit out to enjoy tlio stoim. As the oligin- eor-in-ehiof of a private graveyard lie was enjoying quite $ t reputation when ho bit oil more nor no could chaw. "Ono of Fowler's cowboys was a young fellow named Jack Calo , an' if the cuss over had a liking for anyone it was thought ho hud itfor this youngster , who was just terncd 20. When Fowler sold his ranch to some Colorado men for $50- 000 lie invited Cale and all the boys into Socorro to have a good timo. Joe was whoopin' her up an' lirin' oil' his gun when the landlord of the Grand Central hotel , whore they wcie sta\ing , asked Cale to get him to go to bed. Cale and some of the others got him into tlio street , when Joe suddenly turned on the boy and slabbed him to the hcatt. Joe bud an examination - amination an' was committed to jail , an' as there were rumors of Judge Lynch holdin' court the militia were called out by Gov. Sheldon to guard the jail. Well , the boys lay auiet until the irial , when Joe was found guilty and sen tenced to bo hanged. Joe never" heard of a rich man bein' hanged in the territory and when Judge Hell sentenced him lie laughed in the judge's face. His lawyers took an appeal to the supreme court. The court petitioned tlm governor to remove the militia , as it would be two years before the appeal could bo heard , an' the expense would break the tax-payers all up. The gov ernor removed the militia , an' three nights afterward the jail was broken into , and .loo Fowler wns _ before a court where writs of havc-'is-carcass don't count. The boys took the cowardly wretch , who was yellin' for help , up a green lane that leads to the Hillings smelter. They had thrown the rope over the limb of the first cottonwood they'd come to , when some one remarked that it was in front of a private liouso where there wcro women folks , an' the sight of the stiff might kind of scare them in the early inornnt' . So they took him a few hundred yards higher up and ran him up , yellin' till the rope tightened. " "I presume you wcro there , by your vivid description ? " broke in the reporter. "You may presume what you like , but I'll toll you one thing , young man : You can travel along the frontier , from the month of the Hio Grande to Tin Junnn , Cal. , an' you'll not find a man who over saw a lynching , oxcoptit was away back. "I think as how I said , " resumed the cowboy , "that I never knowed of Judge Lynch bein' partial , an' , as a general proposition , that's so , but I think i know of one ease where he was a trillo oil' the right trail. That was when they hung Russian Hill , him as turned out after ward to have been a count inviiis own country , though ho never counted for much on the frontier. He was a handsome , dark-complexioned man of about ! ! 0. rigged out in one of them fringed bhckskin suits j'ou see on the stage. He took up with the 'rustlers , ' but thcv didn't bank much on him an' I don't think they ever took him along on a raid. Von see , men who have got sand arc down on blowers , an'to hear Russian Bill talk when ho well an' full you'd think he'd blown holes through half a county. Ho was a superior kind of fel low , though , as ono could see when lie was sober. Ho could talk Gorman , French and Mexican like n native , and at such times as he was sober spoke and acted like a gentleman. All went well with him until the country commenced to fill up with tendcifeet who believed in tlio poor blower's stories of the men lie killed and Cattle raids ho had been on. Ono day ho rode into Shakspero when the ucoplo were in no humor for toolin' . Several hor.scs had been stolen from old Smyth's corral , and a vigilance commit tee had been formed. A well-known young 'rustler' named Sandy King bad been locked up in an old adobe on sus picion , when Bill Tettorborn arrived. Nothin' would do the darn fool than go to Kocksey's saloon , fill himself full of cowboy's cordial , an' denounce the vigilantes. Hocksoy tried to stop him , but it were no use an' sure enough in an hour he was kcopin' com pany in the old adobe. About ! ) o'clock next mornin * there was a necktie party , and Sandy and Bill were the principal guests , Sandy died game , but Hill begged for mercy , said it was all a mistake , an' that he never stole no man's stock nor oven killed his man ; but ho had told dltlbront stones so often Unit the boys wouldn't believe him an' ' strung him up with tho. other. I believe he told the truth though. I don't believe ho ever killed any tiling bigger nor a mos quito. ! The Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER' , ! Without Harm ( o t'AllltIC9rUAXD8c , and particularly adapted to frrmcUmat < i , No family. rlct > or poor , tdwuW hi without It , sold by all O6c rs. but > r < of rile tot IT * kit fir Ftncii ANUOTHEU HAIl.S.'KODS , ETC. FENCES' nUILT WITHOUT NAILS. Any pwt'readily taVcnout or replaced. For picket or mil lencas.lron or wood , cannot bo ex celled tur lulling of uny soil. For paitloulnrs vrlto C. J. lll'.CKMAN , Imcntor. , . , Council State and county rights for gale. SPECIAL - y OTIOE S NOTIcn , SpocUl iKiTcrtUe-nonU , Buoh as Lost.Foun.l , To Loan , Fo 3llo , To lloit , WanU Hoardingoto. . , will bo Insortoil In this column at tholow rate of TEN 0EMT3 PKll MtfG for the flrstlnscrtlon nd FIVP CBNM PEN LING Tor each subssiuont Insertion. Leave ixJroriUo mcntBftt our offiao , No. 1J Pearl street , near llroadwajr , Council Dluffs. WAJTTS. WANTKD A Rood JoU mid news printer. Olio cnnnMo of timltfc clmrpro of nil olllcc , ninl who mi IcrMnmU milking flftm03 on work mid lias liml . " " linnd experience. ' In "pulllni ? n 11o s. Address , U llalUm , N'uHsolllce.MIS'oiul Vnllcyon. . i M.VDUInSlilnjr * by n lady nffetit of tlio "Ejultnblo. " Wo want six more llvo nscnt , mido or fomnlo. Apply In person or by lem r to Win. Umidnll , Supt. ot ngcncloj , Coun cil Muffs , Iowa. IiUlKSiYM. Vropcity on corner t'o.itl street 1 mul Sixth nvonuo , Council IlUUh , consisting * of two story , Iron-roofi-d brick ImlMliijr : n frnino lioiifoofiMx rooms : nil on lot 10x111. Tor terms apply to A. 11. McClurff , on | ircml cs. SWAN & WAI.KIMt , No. 33 MnhTltrootT ( under Cltbo'i's Hunk ) , rciil estate nnn mar- chiiiulisp exchange brokrrs. Our books nro full of special ImiftnliK , but It Is Impossible to pub lish a reliable list from tlio fnct of so many dolly chnnjfcs. Wl\nt \ wonsk la : If jou want to poll ortnuloiinj-thliiff In our line , niltoui and wo wlllecnd jouniilloof imrtrnlnf to select from. Lands Improved or unimproved , city or town property , stocks of goods of nny kind In nny place. If such j on luuo or such you want lot us lionrfrom von. Swan & Walker , Council Illulfs NOIlCn Tlio Him of Miiiflcl * Thompson hiivlnir d'siolU'd , I hereby Kl onotlco I nm no lomror io ponslblo lor unvtliliiK con- trnctcd by.1. K. Thompson. A. J. Mnn lei. REMOVED. I wlih to rcoppctfnlly call the attention of my pntrcms nnd the public In Kcnoiul , to inv letno- % nl tiom the old stand Nos. 7 nnd ! i , Main St. , to my new and commodious ( No , 2 28 Broadway , Whpto 1 will bo pIciMiM to son my mimy fiIcnJs. With nlnrro ; , now mid complete ussoriinciit of nil the very LATEST Fabrics in Springs And boliiff locntoil In lnwn qumtors I nm boiler tliuii ovorbcloro pri-pttroJ tosoivotlio pnbliu. Hcspoctlnlly , J. II. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JAOOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW rractlccs in State and Com Is. liooins 7 and S , Siuu.xtt lilonk. LAMPS and CROCKERY -AT BBDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , Xo. 211 Main Street. Council muffs. la R. RIOETM. b" fiiwpljpo or othur tuin irS romovoJ wlchout unliuullu the kulfo or drawing of bloo.1. CHROHIC DISEASES of all kinds a specialty. Over thirty jciirs1 oxpoi'loujj. No. 11 Pcail Street , Coilui U pluJi. , Vleo-Pres. JAMKS N. IlitowtfCashier. 102 MAIN" STBEET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 260,000 Stockholders Beprcsent 1,000,000 Do n gcncinl bnnl.ln ; ? buslnss. . Accounts of banks , bunkers , merchant4 , man ufacturers und Individuals received on favora ble tci in 8. Domestic and foreign exchange. The very best of attention given to all bus ! ness committed to our euro. inos. OFFICER. w. n. M. OFFICER & FUSBY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Established 1E05. MASON WISF. Horses and Mules For nil purposes , lioiipbt nnd sold , nt retail anil in lots. Council Illutre , Town. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Real Estate and Probate Law a Specialty , ODlco No. 38 Muln St. . under Citizen's Hunk , lllullV. Council _ _ RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all sizes of Automatic Engines Especially Designed for llunnlnz MILLS , GllAINiELKVATOUS , AND ELECTIUC LIGHTS , Tubular and Loc'omjbtive Boilers. New Massilloiji [ Threshers. i t Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. j STATIONARY ; SKID , r Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. { I Factory Massillon , ,0.J Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. BEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. STABLES ! CQ t-rj S' CD n 5. 3 s e F" 2- . _ . . Horses nnd Mules kept constnntly on bund , for sulo at retail or In cur loads. Ordure protudtly nllod l > y contract on short notlcu. Block sola mi commission. SW.UTEH & HOIKy , 1'roprlctorg. StnUlo Comer Fifth Avenue uud Fourth St. , Council JJluHe WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ZSOXJSEJS 03P COUNCIL BLUFFS. DJEEKE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implenunts , Bodies , _ Carriages , Kto , Uto. Council lllulTs , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Cora Shelters , Stalk Cutters , ll ) Harrow , Seeder * , Corn Planter' , foo.l Cut ters , Kto. Factory , Kock Fulls , 111 * . Nos. IfiOl , 1VJI , 150J , 1537 Main St. , Council muffs. DAVID HKADLKY & CO. , Mnnuf'rannl Jobbois ot Agricultural Iraplements.Wagons . , Busies , Carriage" , nnd nil klnl % of 1'arm M-io'ilnarv. 11UO to 111) ) South Main Street , Council Illutfj , lo-rra. AXK P.O. at.r.Aiov , T. H.Doudi. , ano.P. Wiiiniir. Prcs.ATroas. V.-l'res > VMtn. Ho3.A.Couniul. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axlu , 1'iek , SloJifn and Small of every Uoseilplloii. CAlll'KTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAIU'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain rixtures , UpholMory llooM , Kte. No. 403 llrond\vay Council limit's , Iowa. cittAits , ron.icco , UTC. PEHKGOY & Wholesale .Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. S3 Main mid 27 1'enrlSts , Council IJIulIa , lo\va. COMMISSION. SNYDEll & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Conmilssbn Merchants. No. H Pearl St. , Council lUinr- ) . McCLUlUt CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Craciers , Biscuits and Council llttfs ( , ftmu. CHOCKMir. MAUUEIl & CRAIG , Importers SJobbsrs of Crockery.Glassware . Lamps , rruit Jurs , Cullciy , Stoneware , IIi\r Good ? , I'uiicy Uoods , Kte. Council lllutfs , lo\va. 11ARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggist * ' Simdilt'S. Et3. No.'J Main St. , and No. 211'eail St. , Council IllulTs. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Ktc. Nos. US nnd III Main St. , Nos. in nnd 11" ) I'ciul St , CouiiLlI Iliulls , louu. nwirs. O. W. IJUTTS , Wholesale alifornia Frails a Specialty. Goncrul Coimniss'on. No. G13 Iliaiduny , Council WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. NOB. 10 and IS I'onrl St. , Council Illulfr. ailOGRlllllS. GRONEWEG & SOHOENTGEtf , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council Dlulla , lown. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale T.lcjuor Dealers. No. 41rt Ilroiid- way. Council lilutls. Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Refrigerators.cte. Nos. 5JI llrondway , nnd 10 Main sticet , Council llliilfii. IJAllXESS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Donlors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 62.1 Main St. . Council Illulfe , Iowa. HATS , GAPS. irrc. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 312 and 314 Dioadway , Council Blutrs. HEAVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Hind's , Iowa. 1UDKS AND WOOL. JX II. MuDANELD A : CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tullow.Wool , 1'olts , OreaFonnd I'u r a. Council llliilfr , loivn. 0///.S' . COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealcra In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline E3TO. , 333TO. B. Tlicodoro , Atfont , Council ItlulTa. Iowa. , i'iufia , nrc. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Ilridno MutDrlal SnoaiultlndWhoUi3ilo : Ium- hcr ot all Kinds , oniuo No. iW ; Main St. , Council IllutlH Iowa. WINKS AND LKjUOltS. JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent forSt. ( lottlmi-d'a lluib HlttorJ. No. 13 Muln St. , Council lllulie. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ko C03 Main St. , CuuncH IHitffi. UNIONTIKET OFFICE J , L , DO BEVOISE , Agent , No. CUT BroaJwar , OouncU lllu ? * . IMS. D. A. BENEDICT. MANL'riCTUHUn ANU PXAI.CR IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Forty-First Annual Report of the ' I " New York Life Insurance Co , , OFFICE : Nos , 346 and 348 BROADWAY , NEW YORK , . -Sr 1st , 1SSS. Amount of Net Cash Assets , January 1 , 1833 . f 57,805,093.45 HE VENUE ACCOUNT. Premiums . | I3M7,4C M IxxscloCcrrnl proinnimi .Inmmry Msai . 70.VT3 00-112,753,103 03 Interest mid irntadnoHillMK renlbcl en ns on sourito4 ! iiiKlrciilnstntuoold . , . . . . n.8.Vr,77 ) A * Less Inlcicst ncciuoJ Jnauaty 1 , IBM . 4tO , ! > OT 70HnOOC9 ! ) n-tin,121,173 7t $73,057,171 Ifr niSlWllSEMENT ACCOUNT. TxM04t > rdonth , Including rovoralOTirniUlton ! < to Ramo . * 2,00.t09 21 limlonmonts , nvvtuml nmt discounted , Including rororalonnry mldltlons tnstino . . . 741,7(11 ( 47 Annuities , dividends nml purcluucil policies . O.OIO.TOJ . Ct Totnlimld policy lioldoM . . . . . . . . . $7,031 , S7.1 7" > Tixxosniiil 10 Insurances , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C50.H3 T3 ComtnUMoni , btokctngc" , nuenoy oxponsiM nnd iihjslclnns' Tecs. . . , S.aJt.O1 * ) KO Olllccntul huv expenses , 3-lltulcJ , u Ivuiilslntr , prliitliitf , eta . 4S8.4IO KI $10,4(4 ( AM 10 W ASSISTS. Cash In b.intton Imml nn t In trnnslt ( since rceohod . . . . . . . . $ 2OI2 , I3 ( XI U. S. liniuUnndntlioi bomUuml stoBUs , m-irkot vnIiio ? , ! nitM ) 83 . tOlii. ! M Ml Kent est'llo . . . 0W5,53J GJ llomls itnrt mortffngcs , llrst lion on i-onl estate , liullilltics thereon loomed for $10,5 Xt.tnj nnd tlio policies nts'Riieil ' to tlio company us nddltlomil collutornleccuilly . . . . . . 1S,1.V > , W > CO T.'tnpCNry lonns , tnnrkct vnlc oC fcctlrltles hslil ns coltntorn1. i > i,4SO | 00 4M,5W 00 'Uwusonoxlstlnir pollclo * . thu reserve liol I by tlio Co.o.i thinu policies mnounts to over J2.0JO.OX ) 00 . 4 10,01 ! I 15 'Qmuturly niul scml-niiminl premiums on oxUtlnir policies , due subso- quoin to .Tiimmry 1. mi . . . 878,101 05 Premiums on oKUtfngiiollclejtn conrioof tratumwlonnml collection. ( Tlio io < or\o on the v pollclos tnclndo.l In liabilities , Is estimated nt $ ov.ojo ) . . . r > ! ) ARpntV Iwlnncos . M.H7.1 Accrued Interest on Investment" , Jnnunry 1 , 1S30 . 4'n.2 ! < t.l8 ? ( U.ni319 ( ! 00 Market value of soemitlcso\ur post on Conu > an > 's books . S3a. l'OJ 33 * A dotillol Mj'ioliilonhoo ! llnms will nco > > iiititr | Ilio uaml minimi rupoitllliU wit'a tholnstmuiudcpnrtinoUor t'lcstittoof Nmr Votk. Ca h assets. January 1 , 18SO . ? GO,804BJ1 , 83 Anpiotiilaleil as follows : Adjusted lo'ses , duo snbsonttMt to Jnmwrj 1 , 1830 . fill , I1 1 no ItL'iiortnl lo 8C4 , ir.uiltlmrirJor , &c . SIK.42J U M.itnml enilmuniMits.diic n id unpaid ( claims not prolcn'od ) . 41Nil 10 .MimiitlMiltK ! utul mnnld ( unc.illnd lor ) .'u "I Heiened lor ro-lnsur.uu" > on ntlsilnir p > lleles ; pn-tiuIo.itinK Insur- tuuuiit t per cont. dull-la not premium ; imn-pnulclpallig nt 5 pur font. CnrlNlu not premium . . . 50'JWS73 UD i \ ed lor cnnlliucnt llutillltloi t ) Tintno ! Dlvl Ic-id Fund , .Intitmry 1. 1H85. oor nnd nil > vo n t per cent , insorvo on r.\lftin r pollclisol Hint ulnss . f..Otl.Tliil 70 Addition to the I unit din injt 1835 . lli-.USI III niiDrcr w/istusn ) 01 Itotmned to Tontlnp polley-lioldcrs during Iho jonr on inn- lined Tonllni'S. . . . 4CJ.717 24 llnliincoorTontlnuriind.Jnntmiv 1.1SSO . 3li,7l2 : 77 piuinlums paid in luUitnco . W.UIIOJ 5-39,700,818 10 Divisible Surplus ( Company's Standard ) ' " 7,0M-i73 ( 13 Surplus by the Now State Standard , atIJ per cent 13.025,053 04 1'ioin tlm undivided siupln * of $7,011,471.ii : 1 ho Ho ml of Trimeo * 1ms declared n Hovorsloniry dividend to piitlclpntlntr policies In piopurllon ( o thulrcu itrtLiltlon to surplus , nvrtlhi b lo on tfltlo munt ot next unnuill pnMinutu. Dcntli Cl.ilms Paid. Inromo from Inteitut. livuimco In I'nrco. Cu h Ap ot . ii > si'iiMi ! ' issi , si.ttti.t ! . Jan. i.m : , sir.i.vii.sjt jnn i.isss , t-tf.- $ If8 ! , l'irrt ' B 1WJ , ! ! ,7.HOH | " ISM , 171 4lil'lT ( , , " IMvf , . lhiJ.1 , yMWti 1SS.J , -,7lihG. ) " 1881 , 1IH,74I ! , M1 'u , " IfcSt , 2 , a . ' ' ' ' , 8 , * IIKI 1SRSJ ' ' ' " 1883 1S.4 , L'Z'i'.KS ISij J1 ) , l.'I'C.'iSO , During tlio year tHnoo itnltulci have been Issued , innurinc $ O8,521-152. Jan. 1 , 1885 : Co.'s ' Standard , $4,371,014 ; State Standard , $0,890,773 , Jan. 1 , 1883 : Co.'s Standard , $7,084,473 ; Stnto Standard , $13,225,053 INCREASE : CO.'B Standard , $2,093,459 ; State Standard , $3,328,280 , WM. II. ArPl.rjTON. IIKNUY nOWUItP. P.DWAltD MAHTIN , II. SUVDAM OHANT , Wll.MAM A. IinDl'lI. 1.OOMIS \VHlTtt , HK.N'KV TlHJIf. OlIUIHli : II. POITS , KI.IAS 8 IIKIUINS , HOlllIllTli. COI.f.INS , Al.KX. STIJDWEf.rMlJjIAM I. . STHOXO. AUc'iiuiAi.n ii. : , UICIIAHU Jiusiit : , WII.UAM n. UEIUS. : William H.lleiMS. Pic ldont ; Hcnty Tuck , Vice I'rc idoiif Arohlln'd \Velch.2d VIcoPicM- ilent : ItiiruV. . Wuek-A , Artnnry : Tneodoio M. llanta , Cashier ; 1) . 0 Doll , ijupotlntendent of Ai'L'iickH : \ . lliuiilnxtnn , M. U.Medlcn ) Ultoctor. E3. C. SJ niTia ; , General Agent for Woslorn Iowa nnd Southern Nebraska No. 6OO Brondway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Rubber and Oiled Clothing STOCK : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office 412 Broadway , AND RAISER llrlck liulldlnif of nnyltlnd inl od or moved nnJ satisfaction guaranteed , Piumo UOUBC& movaJ ODt.UtloQlaut trucVs-tbo Ijest In thu vrmU. 808 Eighth Avenue nnd Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUPFSj Baggages Transfer Line. 'RUB and bHggago wngons connect nlth nil trains , to all hotels , lojldoncee , etc. Kpodul-u- tontlonloCOMMnUCIAI.MKN' nnd T1115AT1II. CAIj T1IOUIT.3. I'ronni > t intention glvon nil cills. : Ofilto lit 1'uclUo llnufc , Tcl'vliono ' No UO ; ulso Telephone No. l ut Odilen I louse. H. BEEOROET , Tropriotor. ' N. SCHUBS5 , Justice of the Peace , OfllceOvor Aniurlvnn Krpioss Coniiiuiy | , ONLY HOTEL lu Council llluffalmvluj And all modern licnrovomcuti , call bij'i , lr ! . itlarm lifllb , etc. , Istuo GltJSSTON HOUSE t Kot. iil ! > , - 1 uJ 21 , Main Street , X IOIN. ! 1'ionriela