Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The Special Bale Investigation of the Un-
lojal Loyal's ' Methods.
A Fresh County Trcnmirer Held for
Contempt State Supreme Court
Notes Mnto "VVnnts lo
Trade Uncle.
| rno TUB BEE'S uscot.x IIUHEAU. )
To the surprise and pleasure of all con
cerned , tlio Colo-Miller litigation , which
n day or two ago seemed nlmost inter
minable , is drawing lo a close , and un
less present appearances nro deceitful a
verdict will bo reached before supper
time to-night. Yesterday the plaintiff's '
counsel , lion. J. M. Woolworth , went on
the stand and told of his connection with
Lowy , which ho maintained was strictly
of n proper legal nature , disclaiming
utrongly any knowledge of wrong doinc
on the part ot Ids client or the giving of
any ndvlco hearing on it. This closed
the case for the plaintiff. Iktcssn. 1'rit-
chctt and Montgomery , of the defend
ant's counsel , then testified as to their
conduct and actions during the appraise
ment of the stock , the evidence of the
former being so that cross-examination
was waived. President Murphy of the
Merchants' National bank related his
conversation with Lowy at the time the
latter had his letter of credit cashed , and
denied Lowy's statements on several im
portant points.
Francis E. Smith was introduced to cor
roborate the statement of Cook , who had
been impeached by the opposition. Smith
Was expected to prove that Cook had
told him about hearing the conversation
between Smith and Cole on the day it
occurred , but the plaintifT objected and
Judge Dundv ruled it out on the ground
that it was merely horesay. John Cowie
and Kd Crowcll were recalled , and
their testimony directly substantiated
Cook. It will bo remembered that Cook
swore he was sitting between two piles
of blankets on the third lloor of Smith's
Htorc when ho overheard the latter tell
Cole that he could not hold out longer
th.m Saturday nlglil , and the trade must
be made by that time. Tliroo witnesses
for the other side svvoro that the blankets
were only tliroo feet high , and Smith or
Cole , if there , could easily have seen
Cook. Cowio nnd Crowcll test ! lied
that the piles were fully live
feet high , and that a man
sitting between them could not have boon
seen. This wound up the evidence , and
the lawyers began their arguments. Mr.
Woolworth talked an hour nnd was fol
lowed by Mr. Pritchett , when court
adjourned until to-day.
Treasurer Hildretli of Franklin county
was bound over in $1,000 yesterday by
Judge Dnndy to appear on Tuesday ami
receive his sentence for contempt oi
court. Hildroth's offense consisted In
trying to levy by force for unpaid taxes
on some lumber at Bloomington after thu
property had been placed in the hands of
: i receiver , and Hihtreth had been notified
to send his bill in to the court. Judge
Dundy said ho "was determined to break
tip the custom of thus interfering with
the orders of the court , and would
certainly sot an example in the present
The supreme court adjourned yesterday
day morning to meet Tuesday" next ,
when all cases from the Fifth district ,
not otherwise disposed of , will bo called.
The following cases were disposed of :
State ox rel Globe Publishing Co. vs
commissioners of Saline county. Man
damus judgment. Opinion by Maxwell ,
Ch. J.
State ox rel Hosteller vs trustees of Central -
tral City. Mandamus writ awarded ,
Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J.
Lincoln v Woodard. Error from Lan
caster county. Judgment alllrmed.
Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J.
Ex parte Mnulo. Habeas corpus. Writ
denied. Opinion by llcese , J.
Julia Marshall is the plaintiu" in an ac
tion begun in the district court for Lan
caster county yesterday ngainst Theodore
F. Ilardcnberg and A. I ) . Kitchen , which
in many respects will bo as interesting
nnd sensational as the Bookwalter-Lan
sing litigation. The plaintiu" asserts in
her petition that herself and husband are
both deaf mutes , and on the ICth of February
ruary last hold title to lot 1 , block ir > 6. in
this city , the value of the property being
$4,000. , On that day the defendant ,
1) . Kitchen , with intent to cheat and defraud
fraud the plaintiff , proposed to trade live
certain lots in llardenberg's sub-dlvisioi :
for her city property , putting in tlio I'm
lots at $2,000 , assuming the incnmbrancef
on her homestead nnd giving her f 100 in
cash. Mrs. Marshall wont with Kitchor
to look at the lots in the Hardcnbor
division , and being satisfied with tlu
proposition , the trjulo was made. Aftoi
the deeds were passed Mrs. Marshall al
leges that she discovered that the fiv (
lots deeded to her wore not the OUCH sin
was shown by Kitchen , and wore figurct
at fully double their real value. Now slit
petitions the court to order Kitchen to receive
coivo back Ills $100 and the deed to tin
Ilardonbcrg lots , and surrender to he :
the title to lot 1. block ICO. on the renta
Of which she and her family are depend
cut for support.
Congressman Laird passed througl
Lincoln Tuesday afternoon on his way t <
Hastings to attend the funeral of hi
brother Alonr.o , Mr. Laird tiays the atop
of "Lon" being killed by the cars wldli
intoxicated is false , nnd was oirculatoi
for the purpose of covering a oownrdl ;
crime , His theory , based on the circuni
stances and advices from responsible pea
pie , is that his brother was murdered
robbed and thrown auros.s the track jus
before the train came along. In supper
of this is the fact that Lon had just received
coived pay for some surveying contract
and was Known to have the money ubou
him that afternoon , yet none was fonm
on tlu ) corpse. His watch , which wa
battered by the curs , had stopped at U:3C
allowing they came along about that time
Less than un hour before Lon was scon b ;
u number of men who arc confident thd
ho had not been drinking. And if ( lies
lacls are not enough to destroy the "acci
dent" tale , thn woiiiul.s made by the us
sassins are plain , not haying been oblil
orated by the car wheels as the wrotchc
had hoped and believed they would b
when they put the body on the track
The tragedy occurred near Albuquerque
Kow Mexico , on Saturday , anil Congress
man Laird proposes going there to mves
The board of public lands and build
Jugs at their meeting yesterday voted | 7
for the purchase of a glass case in whinl
to keep the buttle Hags of the First tun
Second Nebraska regiments and sue !
other war relics as the state can obtain
The freight handlers at the 1) ) . & M
local depot quit work in a body Thur :
day night because Freight Agent Me
Clintock would not pay them for ovei
time. There has been a great rush c
freight recently , and thu men have bee :
kept going until 0 and 10 o'clock u
night. They are willing todothucxtr
M-ork , but insist that the company mm
l > ay for it.
Under the order of ; com
the auditor and sot-rotary of state hav
' tor registration the two lots c
Vends voted by Iho city 6f Lincoln to the
Missouri Pacific railway , $70,000 in all. .
John Miller , an innocent rustic of 21
year , who was traveling from Sterling
toSeward , mot n couple of confidence
men at the H. & M. depot here Tuesday
afternoon. Ono of them "was postmas
ter at Seward and wanted to borrow $40
to pay freight charges , " probably on
his commission. Mil lor was clad to ac
commodate such nn important person
age , and was highly indignant when the
police told him ho nad been swindled.
The contract for building a brick addi
tion to the Townloy house has been
awarded to Jj. Janseii at $10.200.
HQNclsonVcslovor , a Lincoln black
smith , was made happy Tuesday by the
birth of an eight-pound daughter. Shortly
after the docter informed him ( hat a six-
pound son had arrived , and within a few
minutes more startled Nelson by tolling
him that another boy had been added to
the lot. Mother and babies are doing
nicely , nnd Nelson looks na if ho might
pull through ,
U. W. Liming , the McCook carpenter ,
who robbed a drunken man in that town
sonic days ago , of $000 in cash and securi
ties , wan taken back by Deputy Sherilf
Dennett lo Hcd Willow county yesterday.
Liming was arrested at Hcatrfco , and held
by the authorities there until Dennett ar
The Lincoln police are congratulating
themselves on having gotten rid of Josh )
Smith , the wcneh vagrant , who skipped
away to Omaha after stealing $ 'JO ' from
; i too inquisitive white man.
The mother of Archie ft. Brooks , n
young telegraph operator , has brought
s'tit ' against tlio Lincoln Street railway
for $2.500 damages for personal injuries
sustained by lirooks on the 10th of Feb
ruary , when ho was run over by one of
Icfendant'H cars on O street , lirooks , it
is alleged , was riding along the street iu
front of the car when his horse stumbled
nnd he fell on the track. The driver of
lie car , James Kelly , made no effort to
top It , and as a consequence Brooks was
run over and seriously hurt.
S. M. Young , the young man arrested
> y Ofllccr Fowler for stealing $1,000 from
ho American Express company at Glen-
wood , Iowa , was taken in chanro by the
company yesterday. Fowler did a good
"ob , but as there was no reward ollered
10 will got only a nominal sum.
The jury in the case of Dawson vs
Williams , on trial in tlio district court ,
returned a verdict yesterday finding that
the plaintiff is is entitled to the possession
of 07 hogs , 11)0 ) steers , 2 bay horses , 2
farm wagons , 403 bushels of corn , 1 stack
of hay. 1 cultivator and.l corn-plow. The
defendant is ndjudged entitled to the rest
of the goods , the value of which is placed
nt $ ! ! 00 , and is awardeu 50 cents damages
: igainst the plaintill'for detention.
Governor Dawcs yesterday morning
appojntod M.'L , Hayward ot Nebraska
City iudgo for the Kccond judicial district ,
to fill tlio vacancy caused by Judge
Mitchell's death.
Candy , Tobacco and Pee Balls.
John Nichols came in from Fort Calhoun -
houn yesterday to lodge information of a
theft that had been perpetrated upon
him last week. Ho is proprietor of tlio
Temperance Billiard Hall in that place ,
nnd his establishment was entered on
Thursday night b.y some miscreant or mis
creants , who carried off a largo quantity
of tobacco and candy , besides a lot of
pool balls. The parties are thought to be
in Calhbun at present , and Mr. Nichols
is determined to bring them to justice if
Federal Build Ins Notes.
United States Marshal Bierbower loft
yesterday morning for Lincoln.
W. B. Wood , a postal clerk who has
been on the run from Omaha to Ogdcn ,
has resigned. Ho will bo succeeded bv
W. H. McCombe.
The case of Gsantner vs the Belt Rail
way was given to the jury last evening ,
nnd tlio trial of tlio case of Hunt vs
O'Keefc was begun before Judge Wake-
Real Estate Transfers.
The following transfers were filed
March 2d , with the county clerk , and
reported for the BEE by Amos' Heal
Agency. ,
Martha B. Flsk and husband to Llzxlo A.
Mount , It 5 blk 10S Onialm , w d 810,000.
Timothy Clarke and wlfo to Charles O. Lo
heck , Its o and 7 blk 3 Patrick's 1st add Oma
ha. W d 81,700.
Elizabeth A. Mount and husband to Samuel
A. Sloirmi , o 44 ft of It 0 blk 115 , Omaha , w ( I
Jacob Williams and wife to Benj. F. Trox-
ell , part of It S Capital udd Omaha , w d
52.iO. > .
IJouJ. F. Troxol and wife to Jonn P. HawkIns -
Ins part of It 3 Capital add Omaha , w d
John Morrison and wife to Elmer Stryker ,
U 14 blk IS Improvement asso add Omahaw d
Elmer Stryker ( single ) to Christiana Klein
n DO ft of sw cor of It'l4 blk 15 , Improvement
asso add Omaha , w d 8075.
Lizzie M. Smith and husband to William
E. Cliirlc , It HI Itees place add Omaha , w d-
\V. T. Seamen and wife to Albert II. Frazier
zior It 12 blk X , Sliluu's 3d add Omaha , w cl
SCO ) .
William A. Paxton and wife to Peter Goo ;
It 9 see XA-15-13 , 45 acres Douglas Co. , w d
Win A. Paxton and wlfo to Peter Ooos , Its
6 and 0 and \vK of It 10 blkS subdivision ot II
5 Capital add Omaha , w d S20.0CO.
llattle E. llentlcld nnd husband toAnmi
Bruncr , It 14 blk 20 , Mlcox's ikl add Omaha ,
w cl S500.
Frederick Schncllseii ( widower ) to Clmrln ;
S Ing , It 11 Sclmell's add Omalm.w d-Sl.BOO ,
Nelson B. Herron and wife to Isaac M ,
Pierce , Its SandOSoldon's subdivision blk 1 !
West Omaha , w d 82,200.
Thos Wolleson and wife toDltlef Klx , sojj
of see 2-15-lllouglRS Co. , w d § 6,030.
Larmon i' . I'ruyn nnd wife to John A
Waloott , It 11'rnyn's division of It 25 jMillan
6 Caldwcll'a add Omalia. w d-gl , JO
An absolute euro for chicken chole'n
has boon found in St. Jacobs Oil
Price , 00 cents.
Ilia Farewell Address.
The friends of foreign missions an
urged not to forgot the farewell meeting
nt the First M. K , church , 1711 Davenpor
street , this evening , Rov. J. L. Judson
the colored missionary from this city t <
the Congo valley , under the auspices o
Bishop 1 aylor's solf-siipportintrplnn , wll
at that time deliver his farewell address
A cordial invitation is hereby oxtondei
to all who may deign to honor the occa
sion with their presence.
No modlclno U tf
unlvurtally usud u :
Simmons Liver Itc-su-
lalor. It won IU wny
Into every homo by
nitre , sterling moilt.
It takes tUo plaoo nf a
doctor ami costly pie-
tcriptloiiftl is n family
mr-dlclne coutiiliilnif
but purely vpzotublo ;
gentle IU action and
cnti bo eixfcly jjlven to
uuy person no mittor what ago.
can tnko Blmmons Mver Hestihitor wltliout los
ol tlmci ordnntrur from oxi > os\iru , and thuby
tern will l i built up and invliroratud by It. J
promotes dljosllon , ill lp.urii tl'k Uomlnclin
nnd trlvosu ijtrontr full lone to thu gyslera. I
has no equal as a 1'llKl'AU.VTOItV NBOIUINv
Hii'l ' can bu safely n'eil In uny liioUnt-iS. It net
trvntly on ilio howoli uiul kidneys and correct
tlio r.cllonof iho llvur. Indorsed by portoiu o
the blxlicitcharav-tcranj cinlnonco as
It a child has the rcltlo It Is n lure nnd euf
remedy. It will iotoro BlrcnRtli to thonvut
' ' fslbur and lollovo the wlfo from lov
iptfltf , hofi'Mchp ' , lyciH.'iisla , conptliiatloii uui
m.c 1115. Uennlnu huj our Z stamp in rod 01
front of 'wruupiiriirep red only by
J. 11. 21UUN Jt J.-0 , , . rWJa'leljihla , I'a.
Ohoyonne's Future as Viewed in the Light
of Legislative Events ,
Two Measures Which Ilnyo Passed
the Territorial Council onVhloti
She Hopes to Mnltc or Ilrcnk
What They Are.
Cheyenne To Bo or Not To Be.
CIIKVK.YXK , Wyo. , March 1. [ Special. ]
Cheyenne's fortune Is cither made or she Is
"bnstcil. " "Dusted" inny not bo nn elegant
expression , but at thn present time it about ,
convoys the meaning. The cause whereof 1
speak Is the IntroJuotlon ami passaeo
lirough ( lie legislature oC two measures , ono
of. which Is a bill providing for the erection
tero ot a. capltol at an expense of 3150,000 ,
.his year , anil a hopeful anticipation of re
ceiving S100.0JO as a "completion fund" from
a subsequent legislature. The way It
was done Is this : From the cogi-
attons and conferences ot certain of
ho brainiest citizens of Ohcyonno
emanated a "scheme , " about tliroo weeks
nco. The purpose thereof was the sectir-
ncnt to the southeastern metropolis of the
orntory , which rejoices in the noni do
> lumo ot "Malc City of the 1'lnlns , " of all
.lie substantial benefits of which n republican
cglslnturo could bestow. The first part of
: ho project developed In a railroad bond bill
which , strange to say , fits the necessities of
Ihe Union I'acllic ton nicety. The bill pro
vides that any railroad company In the terri
tory ( the Union I'acllic Is the only ono ) might
apply to the commissioners of any county
Tor a subsidy In the way of bonds , In
such application the company should
state Us proposed line of road
as accurately as possible , and should
particularly designate the starting and
terminal points of the line and the distance.
Upon receiving such application the county
commissioners should give notice of a special
election , and sucli election should bo held
within twenty days. If at such election the
qualified electors should vote to grant a
subsidy to such railroad company , the com
missioners should issue bonds ol the county
in the amount of 55,000 per mile the total
amount of the subsidy , however , to not ex
ceed B per cent of the assessable valuation of
the county. The bonds are to Do paid , as
provided In amendment , In the following
manner : Ono-lifth when oiio-llfth of the
entire distance shall have been completed
and equipped ; and each tenth as each addi
tional tenth of the distance Is completed and
equipped. Uy another amendment the com
pany making application shall give a
bond In 15 per cent of the
amount of subsidy asked for to complete
the entire length of road In the thno specified
by the application. The last section of the
bill provides that It should bo In force from
and after Its passage.
When this generous subsidy bill was
brought before the legislature all the counties
in the territory except two Laramlo , in
which Cheyenne is situated , and Albany , of
which Lanunie City is the- central place excepted -
cepted themselves from Its provisions. Sub
sequently Uinta county returned to the fold.
The bill passed Saturday night , It was signed
by Governor Warren , and It Is presumed that
a proposition will be made by the Union Pa-
clllc In a few days for the subsidy to assist it
in the construction of a railroad from Choy-
cnno northward , with a terminal point prob
ably at Fort Fettorman. It may bo ndaed
that the construction of such a railroad is just
what dm originators of the bill were
after ; for the originators are first , last , and
all the time emphatically Cheyenne men.
They have become alarmed at the extension
of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad into central Wyoming whence
Cheyenne lias so long drawn Its best nutri
ment. Uy a railroad such as the bill contem
plates , It is thought that the Union Pacific
can retain a part or all of Its cattle shlpme nt
business this year from the richly stocked
ranges of the Platte , and that Cheyenne will
be able to maintain its commercial prestige.
The second part of the scheme bids fair to
be as successful as the first. Last Tuesday
notice of a bill to provide for the erection of
capltol buildlnga at the capital of the territory
and "for other purposes" was given in
the lower house. On Thursday the bill
was introduced. The capital was to bo
constructed at Choycnno and to cost 8150,000.
' For other purposes" proved to bo an uni
versity at haramlo City , to bo erected at a
cost of 350,000. For the first time In the mem
ory of the oldest inhabitant Albany and
Laramlo counties were to join hands over
the bloody chasm. The tiling was "fixed , "
and to say that It worked beautifully is to
draw It mild. The bill was printed between
days , was referred to and discussed In com
mittee of the whole on Friday , recommended
for passage without amendment , and on Sat
urday morning It passed. There was opposi
tion at first by all the counties outside of the
two which were to bo beneflHed directly ;
but it was fruitless. Mr. Lobban of John
son county lead In the fight on the bill. lie
contended that the location of the capitol In
the extreme southeastern corner of the terri
tory , although It was at the largest city In
population , was a gross Injustice , and would
proyo to bo a still more grievous burdens as
central and northern Wyoming , where
was the place for people to live , became popu
lous. Ho moved amendments to the effect that
the word "Choyenno" should bo stricken out
of the bill ; that the commissioners provided
for to select the site and superintend the
construction of the capltol should come from
all the counties In the territory , ono from
each ; that before the bonds were Issued the
people should Imvo a chance to vote upon
them ; and from a Carbon county man came
the amendment that a 7.5,000 penitentiary ,
to bo erected at llawllns , should bo Included.
Hut each and all of the amendments were re
jected by the combination vote of Albany alid
Laramlo counties , which together have a ma
jority of 2. On Saturday afternoon the bill
was Introduced in the council. There Is
little or no doubt ot its passage , and by the
time of adjournment of Tuesday's session It
Is probable that the bill will have become a
law. [ The measure passed both brandies
Tuesday , and was promptly signed by Gov
ernor Warren. ]
Now I como back to my first remark , that
Cheyenne cither has Its fortune assured
by thla legislation or will "go broke. "
Should the railroad to the north prove a
feeder to Cheyenne and not a feeder to the
town which wilt probably spring up at Its ter
minus , one-hair the fortune is assured.
Should the i > cole ] of the territory acquiesce
In the location of the capltol at this city the
oilier halt is mfo to bet on. But thorn are
those who , although they reside here , are not
blinded by local egotism and who , while con
ceding that "all roads lead to Homo , " can get
above the atmosphere In which the majority
of the present legislature seem to live , move
and have their being , and see that with the
coming years will come a great population to
Wyoming who mav not know there Is such a
place us Cheyenne except by looking
on the map or when their business
calls them to the territorial capital. Along
the fertile valley of the PJatte , In ( lie great
oil basins of the Shoshoue and the Ilattle-
annke , in the beautiful basin of the Wind
river and amid the smiling verdure-covered
mountains and vales of Johnson county these
men see , in the near future , a population
to which the ragged 40,000 along the line of
the Union I'aollio will be a bagatelle ; a popu
lation ( hat will not uecd Irrigation ditches to
raise-wheat or outs or potatoes ; a population
that will And mineral wealth where It has
been scattered by nature's capricious hand ,
and will not have tit * put ntorq dollars Into
the shaft than are taken out ; n population
that will grow with substantial , prosperity.
Will that population believe that Cheyenne
had a right to appropriate to Itself tlio seat of
Government of so vast an empire as Wyo
ming ? That Is the question. And
will not this lipytlny of Cheyenne's
prosperity bo Its last dayv That la another.
Both can bo answered ns the sympathy of tlio
reader may dictate. On the principal that "a
bird In Die hand" Is worth six or seven In the
bush as the proverb Is stated out here
Cheyenne has put.Us money on the winning
card. The f ntiiro wll | tell whether the bet Is
a good ono or ought lo have bwm "coppered. "
The Northwestern Uallrond company will
liavo no reason to be highly tickled over this
legislature's woik. The time of residence
required for the exercise of the franchise has
been extended to six months In order to keep
the laborers employed on the advancing
Fremont , Elkhorn A Missouri Valley rail
road from voting. The railroad bond bill
will Impose a half million Indebted
ness on Laranno county for the boncllt
as Is Intended of the Union Pacific nnd
Cheyenne. Tlio appropriations out of terri
torial funds tliroush the Indebtedness cre
ated by the capltol and university bills , nnd
another bill giving Evunston , In the extreme
southwestern corner of the territory , an In
sane asylum , will aggregate S170.0JO , with n
probability of adding at least 8100,000 two
years hence. There Is no tclllnc , too , what
may not bo done In that legislature besides
thisas ; , by thesis mouths' bill referred to ,
the country along the Northwesteru's pro
jected line will have no legislative represen
tation , because the members of the
tenth assembly , to convene In 1SSS , will
bo elected next fall. Thus the Northwestern
will Imvo the pleasure of paying taxes
on three-quarters of a million Indebtedness ,
which will have been created for the bcnellt
of the Union I'acllic and towns along Its
line. No ono can blame the southern part ot
the territory for tills , because It Isn't any
more than lint in nl. But It does look n little
touch on the Northwestern to have to pay
the fiddler and not have a chance to dnnco a
The irrigation bill , which has been be
fore the legislature for several weeks , will
probably become a law. It is substantially
and this Is fortunate just as It wns Intro
duced. For practical and general effect it
bids fair to prove the most bcncliclent act of
the legislative session.
A Tumultuous Time Caused by New
York Street Car Drivers.
Niw : YOIIK , March 3. The strike of the
employes of the dry dock street railway
lines continues , nnd travelers by the Grand
street ferries arc put to much Inconvenience
thereby. The hearing before the state rail
road commissioner was continued this morn
ing at the company's olllce. V Ice President
KIchardson made rcpljes to the demands of
the men , taking up. , each ono separately.
The company Is willing to allow twelve hours
to constitute a day's work , Including one
hour for meals. Blithe employes who work
more than twelve hours are to receive
extra pay. lUchardson asserted that
no outside organization should have
the right to dictate to the company whom It
should or should not employ. There was a
loiip debate In regard to the discharge of
certain men who luulfremaincd faithful to
the company during thn present dittlculty.
The superintendent replied that the company
would prefer to go to pieces ratnrr than dis
charge these men. Tlio conference ended
without any agreement bolng reached.
An attempt wa.f made to run cars during
the afternoon , unt the strikers put sucli obsta
cles In the way tliat , the trial was aband
oned. During .the. attempted progress
of a test cat a huge load
of barrels crossed thO'track ' In front of It.
The strikers cut the 'ropes that bound the
barrels on the truck , and they rolled to the
street and caused a delay. A coal wagon
containing two tons of coal was dumped and
Its contents spread before the car. A car of
the Grand , liouston and Forty-second street
line was stopped by the strikers. The har
ness was cut and the car placed square across
the track. Each one tlmt arrived was thus
derailed until six cars were standing across
the track. The passengers were turned out
and travel 8topi > ed. Fifty or sixty cars
linaliy were moelced and thousands
of persons were part of the scene.
Finally 120 policemen arrived and souvht
to protect tbo trial trip car. The driver held
his reins steadily nnd maintained his compo
sure miililst the jeers and Intimidation of the
mob. The conductor was surrounded and
dmgecd on * tlio car. lie disappeared and
sought refuge In the company's olllees.
Finally word came from the company to
take the car back to the stable. The strikers
construed this as a step toward victory , and
there were tumultuous shouts and the course
of travel was permitted again to bo resumed.
Another attempt will bu made to-morrow.
Superintendent White said : "We intend
to carry this thlntc through ; wo met the men
half way , but they want too much. " The
trouble Is not ended. 1 am told all the lines
In Brooklyn and Now York will tie up to
morrow. The strikers assert the end Is near ,
and that it will bring victory to them.
Bouncing Knighta or Labor.
SrniKOFiKM ) , Ohio , March n. There Is
much excitement hero caused by the action
of the Champion reaper works last
night. It was the sudden and wholesales
discharge of several hundred employes
known to belong to the .Knights of
Labor or other trades union organ
izations. Whltoloy , president of the com
pany , says : "We are compelled to take
this course In the cause of human
liberty. So far as wo have observed the oper
ation of this organization In other cities , it
has boon ono ot terror , Intimidation nnd violence
lence , and It seems to be a question whether
the factory shall have all or none of Its em
ployes members of. the organization.Vo
prefer to have all olir men Independent of all
organizations , and believe such a course will
bo for the good of the community. "
They are advertising for men to flll the
places of the discharged men.
CINCINNATI. March 3. The Times-Star's
Springfield ( Ohio ) special snys there were
about live hundred men discharged from the
Champion Reaper works last nliiht and that
! ! 00 more refused to go to work this morning.
Meetings have been held to discuss thu situa
tion , but no line of action has been adopted.
There l.s no Indication of violence.
Chlucga Knlds.
Ni\v : YOIIK , March1 3. A Washington
special to the Herald says : "Tho following
cable has been rocofrelTby the Chinese min
ister from the govfrnoi ; general of Canton.
The lawlessness In California Is evidently
breeding trouble for'our people In China :
CANTON. Fob. 2.WHIH Excellency Chang ,
Clnneso Minister , Washington Cablegram
received from Ciincso ) merchants at
San Francisco , stating the Chi
nese In the United States have
been outrageously -attacked. Iloarlng
of this news the Cantofi people are furious.
Ketallntlon Is tlirenttuied. How did the
American covonuiicntl net In this matter' , '
Can von not ask the presjdont to adopt meas
ures for the prevention of these Inhuman
acts , In order to preAerVe the good friendship
of the two countries'/ { Otherwise the consequences
quences here may -icrjfiiiH. .
CIIANO Cm Toxn ,
A Co-operative C'nnl Find.
BI.OOMINOTON , 111. , March 3. The Co
operative Coal company this morning struck
a four-foot vein of coal at a depth of 2S9 feet.
They celebrated the event by wlii&tlo blowIng -
Ing und the tiring of camion. The stiaft was
started some months ago by dissatisfied
miners who left the other shaft here. They
were aided by ono or two farmers , on whose
land the shaft was sunk , west of the city.
They have spent 815,000 and blasted through
lifty foot of rock before striking the vein.
1 lie coal Is of good quality and those Inter
ested are Jubilant. This gives Bloomington
two shafts.
Another Firm Gives In.
MILWAUKEE , March 3. Another boot and
Bhoo firm , Amazon & Haley , employing sixty-
five hands , signed the scale of prices de
manded by the striking shoemakers and work
was resumed this afternoon. This leaves but
three factories closed. |
A Traveler Tftlks of the Latest Dovolopmemts
in the Indian Troubles.
A North Oinntia flnnit Arrrstcil for
Burglary Martin Jlnyrs1 Death
The Military Succession lies-
He's Djrlng Statement , Ktc.
Indian Troubles.
Mr. N. C. UulT , of Albuquerque , New
Mexico arrived in the city yesterday on his
way south , lie was met nt the I'nxlon
hotel by a reporter for the Hun , who
gained from him some interesting fuels
about the situation in Now Mo.xlco ,
"Tho feeling in our country , " saitl Mr.
IlalV in answer to the loading question of
the newspaper man , "is very bitter , nntl
Is divided pretty equally ngninst the gov
ernment , against ( Senornl Crook , anil
ngninst the Indians and Greasers.
The general sentiment is that Ihogovern
ment Ims not realized the oxlgonulos of
the situation and hns failed to provide
enough troops to quell the Indian upris
ing. So far as the fueling against Gen.
Crook is concerned , 1 think It is unjust.
I beliuvc that he Ims not been .sufllelently
supported by the United Stales govern
ment nml that ho has done tl.o best he
could under the circumstances. In a
conversation with mo the oilier day , ho
expressed himself as hampered by the
limited number of man lie had at his
command , and the general lack of facili
ties to successfully eopo with the tricky
redskins. And , as 1 said before , 1 believe
he is right.
"Ono specific point of complaint upon
which the popular feeling against Crook
is bused , " continued Mr. llnll1 , "is this.
Some weeks ago , Lieut. Mans , who suc
ceeded the lamented Capt. Crawford ,
cornered the Apache bucks , some lifly
in number , and brought them to
the consideration of a surrender. It was
agreed to by Lieut. Mans , that under a
Hug of truce the Indians should meet
Gun. Crook at Doming , N. Max. , to con
fer concerning the recapitulation. Well ,
the conference was hold last week , under
the truce-Hug' ' , but no delinilo agreement
was made. The Apaches wanted to bo
allowed to go back on the White Moun
tain reservation in Mouthuastern Arizona.
( Jen. Crook wouldn't listen to this
but demanded a surrender without con
ditions. Accordingly , nothing was ac
complished. Now a good many people
arc inulined to blame Crook because he
did not lure the Indians into ambush and
capture them , even though a temporary
truce had been agreed upon. Such a sen
timent us this is plainly foolish , and
there can be no doubt but that had that
policy been carried out the result would
nave been , In the long run , disastrous.
Yes , in refusing to allow the Apaches to
return to their reservation , Crook de
parted from the policy which ho fol
lowed out some years ago in the former
Indian troubles. At that time he disposed
of marauders by planting them on their
reservation again and seeing that they
stayed there. ' '
"How many Indians arc there on the
war path ? "
"There have never been over 100 bucks ,
and there now probably less than fifty.
People not acquainted with the Apaches
are at a loss to understand why it is that
such n handful of Indians can make so
much trouble. The fact is that the red
skins know the country so llioroujrnly
every hiding place , every point of am
bush and defense and can travel on their
lleet mustangs so rapidly from place to
place , that our soldiorB , with their heavy
accoutrements , being nnaccuaintcd with
the "lay of the land , " find it ini-
extremely dillioult to scope with them.
As a consequence , the Indians sweep
from place to place , destroy life and
property , and our troops are unable to
run them to the ground. During the last
raid , I presume , one hundred white settlers
tlors lost tiioir lives , to every Apache
.that was killed. "
It Lcails to tlio Arrest of Young
Burglars Goods Recovered.
Yestorflay a , complaint was hied in
polioo court by Marshal Cummings
charging Frank Van Ness , a well known
North Omaha tough , with burglary.
Van Ness was immediately arrested and
placed in jail.
The crime iu which Van Ness is
charged witli being implicated , is that of
breaking into the grocery store of A. J.
Qvistgard , on Seventeenth and Capitol
avcnuo , and stealing therefrom among
other things a barrel of soda , together
with a lot of other groceries. The rob
bery was committed on Monday night.
Tuesday Special Ofliccr James of the
Law and Order league , made an examin
ation into the circumstances and found
that there were sled tracks leading from
the grocery store down Seventeenth
street north. Ho followed the track and
after a good deal of trouble , found that
the trail led to the rear yard of a saloon
keeper on Cnming struct , and that
hero it was lost.
A few hours afterwards Van Ness wan
heard to make some mysterious remarks
about knowing where the plunder was
planted. Ho was at once placed under
arrest , though he denied being directly
implicated in the robbery. The police
secured other pointers from associates of
Van Ness , aim linally secured knowledge
that the stolen groceries had been boxed
and buried in a refuse heap in the back
yard of the Coming street saloon
man , Hill , When confronted by
these facts Van Ness pave in
and made a confession of the crime ,
complete in nearly every detail. His
statements implicated n number of par
ties of good , bad and indillbront reputa
tions , and resulted in the arrest of his
younger brother , Jumus Van Ness , and
Walter Forrest. Two other young lads
were also arrested as suspicions charac
ter but while it is thought they are not
connected with the crime they are sup
posed to have a knowledge of its com
After the arrests the police detailed on
the case James , llorrigan and Mosty.n
began to pump the boys , and from thorn
learned that they had sold considerable
stolen property to Zontis Stevens , a gro-
ceryman nt U17 North Twonty-lirst street.
Oflleers accordingly visited the place and
recovered a sack holder which was stolen
from Winspoar , the Cuming street grocer.
Htovens at lirst denied that ho know any
thing about the matter , but linally ac
knowledged having bought the property
for ten cents , but said ho'did not know ft
was stolen. He also said ho had a lap-
robe , also bought from the boys , and a
number of hitching straps and weights ,
which ho agreed to return in the morn
The hoys also informed the police of
where numerous other stolen articles
were hid , and it is expected that a rich
haul will be the result. The buried soda
barrel and groceries were found about
four foot under gromul between Hill's sa
loon and Stevens' grouory store. Other
arrests ure oxpcutail.
Martin Hayes , tlio Victim of tliolllust-
log Accident , Dies Yesterday.
Alter sixty hours of intouso suffering ,
Martin Hayes , the victim of thu powder
explosion at Valley , died early yesterday
morniug at St. Joseph's hospital. It- was
thought for a time that ho might recover ,
but the terrible shook sustained in the
shattering of his limbs and side and the
loss of blood , coupled with the In-
tojtinnl injuries , caused the reaction
which proved fatal.
Tuesony evening the mother and sister
oftho | unfortunate man arrived hero from
Chicago. The mother was recognized by
the dying man , though the sister was
not. Hayes lived but a few hours after
the meeting. His mother remarked to
him just before he died that his brother
would bo In from the west today. "It
will bo lee late , mother , " ho replied , "my
brother will never sue mo nlivo. " His
prediction was sadly fulfilled within a
very short limo thereafter.
'I lie deceased was a man about -11 years
of ago and unmarried. Ho came hero
from Chicago n year or two since , and
has boon for some time past in the em
ploy of tlio Union I'acilie.
The remains have been embalmed , and
are now at tlio undertaking establish *
ment of II. 1C. Hurkct. They will bo
shipped cast for interment this afternoon.
Terry Nominated for the Vacant Ma
jor Generalship.
Advices from Washington yesterday
afternoon stale that President Cleveland
has nominated General Alfred H. Terry
to the major generalship made vacant by
the death of General Hancock.
A reporter at once visited army head
quarters for the purpose of interviewing
General Howard , who , it had been conli
dently expected , would bo nominated for
the position. General Howard
was found in attendance upon
tlio meeting of the retiring board ,
but a nolu informing him of the nomina
tion was quickly responded to. After
being assured that the news was correct ,
the general said :
The only reason I can see for (5cn. Terry
receiving iirefercnci1 over myself Is his claim
of seniority. 1 suppose the president has
considcicd that claim and concluded that he
was entitled to the place. I have nothing
further to say about the matter.
Tlio news was evidently a shock to
Gen. Howard and one which was hard to
bear. Ho has all along expressed confi
dence that ho would receive the apppoint-
inent to Gen. Hancock's place and his
friends Imvo strongly Imped that his am
bition would bo realized. Gen. Howard's
next chance is in securing tlio major-gen
eralship to bo vacated by Gen. I'opo on
his retirement this spring.
THE A. O. U. W.
Something About the Great nml Grow *
inft Order Local IMaiis.
An informal meeting was held last
evening , by the members of the two
lodges of the A. O. U. W. in this city.
They wore met by P. P. Ellis , grand or
ganizer for northern Nebraska , who
stated that ho expected to organize n
grand lodso for tiie state of Nebraska
about the 10th of April next. Plans were
discussed without any definite action
being taken.
Since Mr. Ellis' first visit in August
last several hundred have been added to
the membership of the A. O. U. W.
throughout the state. Ho is a worker of
whom the order may well be proud , and
Ins whole time for the next month will bo
devoted to instituting new lodges and
building up old ones. He will visit all
the most important places , with a view
of instituting lodges , previous to the 10th
of April. All communications addressed
to him care of Dr. S. R. Patton , Fremont ,
will receive prompt attention.
The place of mooting of the Grand
Lodge nus not yet boon decided upon , but
it will probably hold its first session either
ie Omalia , Lincoln or Grand Island. This
fraternity has established a firm footing
in tins state , and is growing rapidly.
The principal objects of the order are to
relieve the suffering , care for the sick ,
bury tlio dead , and to boqueatho to tlio
widow and children of the de
ceased brothers the sum of ? 3,000 , which
is paid to them within thirty days from
date of death. It is purely mutual in its
operations. Each member bears his just
proportion , and no more , of the whole
expenses , and shares equally in its privi
leges and benefits. It is , in' the strictest
sense , an order founded on one common
brotherhood of sympathy , fraternity and
allegiance , and is composed of the best
and most prominent business men of the
state , representing every branch of in
dustry , from the mechanic and husband *
man to the highest grade of professional
There are two lodges of the order in
this city , Union Pacific No. 17 , which
meets the first and third Wednesdays of
every month , and Omaha lodge No. 18 ,
whiish meets every Thursday evening in
St. George hall. A now Gorman lougo
will shortly bo instituted here.
Leslie's Deathbed Declaration JPro-
dnacd 111 Evi'dcnco.
The trial of Lafayette Powell for the
murder of Leslie was resumed yesterday
The accused appeared mo > ; o com
posed than ho has at any time yet , but
ho watches tlio progress of the trial with
the closest attention.
The most important evidence was giv
en by Dr. J. J. Solomon , of Florence ,
who testified to the dying statement
which Leslie had inadu to him , concern
ing the tragedy. The young man had
been notified that the end was drawing
near , and after saying to his mother ;
"Dear mother , your boy must die , "
made his statement , in the presence of
Rev. Smith , Dr. Solomon and a notary
public , Hansome by name. The deposi
tion was formally trken down by
Ransomo , but was carelessly mis
laid mid can not now be
found. Dr. Solomon , howovw , gave tiio
gist of tlio dying mun'o declaration. Ho
stated that Leslie had said that he and
Powell had an old "rudtfo against each
other , and that he ( Losliu ) determined to
light it out. Ho went to thu church on
thu night in question , and called Powell
out , challenging him to a fair fist fight.
While Powell was near sixteen feet away
he drew a revolver and IIrod the fatal
.shot. This was the substance of the
statummil made by Leslie on Ids death
bed , and really throw no additional light
upon the occurrence.
Abraham Thomas swore that Powell
said to Leslie when he slopped nut of the
church , "If you touon mu or crowd imi |
you'll bu carried homo to your mother a
dead man , " at the same tlnio drawing u
revolver. Several other witnesses testi
fied , but their ovidoncu revealed nothing
new.This closed the evidence for the Mute ,
and in the afternoon testimony for the
defense was begun. The first witness
called was Mra. Itebecca A. Powell ,
mother of the prisoner , who related the
circumstances of the shooting. Her evi
dence difTured in only onu point from that
of the stale's witnesses , Site declared pos
itively that when Powell ordered Leslie
to stand back he still continued to ad
vance , and was only a few feet from the
accused when the shot was tirutl. Other
witnesses previously sworn had testified
that Luslln was standing still when the
shot was fired.
Other witnesses sworn for the defense
were Mrs. Mary E. Timmons , Mis. Hank-
hart and Guorgo Foster. Their testimony
related entirely to thmits made by Leslie
ngainst Powell , and was admitted only
lifter a lengthy coutrovorov by opposing
counsel. When court udjoumud for the
night the examination of Mrs. Knnkhart
was In progress and she will resume the
stand this morning.
Dr. Onlbraith is ill.
O. II , Gordon came in from a success
ful trip on the road yesterday ,
O. J. , of Dowitt , is nt the
lion , J. K. North , of Columbus , is stop *
ping at the Pax tun.
A. T. Gih'hrist , of Harvard , arrived in
Omaha last evening and is registered nf
the Mlllard.
Mltehcl Ladlsh , manager of the Little
Dueljess Comedy company , is in the city ,
stopping at the .Mlllard
Miss Alice Gates now wears a bandagiJ
on onu of the lingers of her right lintnl.
She had it mashed yesterday by a falling
Mr. N. C. linn" , of Albuquerque , N. Al
ls in the city for a few days , visiting his
brother , Mr. E. S. Hall' , of the Omaha
Savings bank.
Mrs. A. Johnson , of Carbon , Wyo.
territory , is visiting with her imrunts. Mr
and Mrs. C. Olson , 1011 North Twenty
second street.
George Kay will lonvo for St. Joseph
on Saturday to confer with the North
western league men about Omaha's ad
mission into the organization.
Special Policeman James presented to
Marshal ( Jammings nineteen new
wooden clubs , to bo given to those mom *
bors of the police force who do not now
possess them.
Mamie Rnuch , the jorng lady whoso
mysterious departure for the west has
attracted some attention lately , has been
brought back to Omaha , and will for a
time at least make her homo with rela
tives hero.
Tlio programme of the Ladles' Musi
cal society at Meyer's hall yesterday
was composed of several brilliantly per
formed instrumental numbers by Miss
Fannie E.Loomls.and a solo by Mrs. Mar
tin Calm. It was thoroughly enjoyed by
those present.
Faschlngsschwank aiis Wlen Allosrro Ho-
nmiize Scherzlno Intermezzo Finale. 1
. Schumann
Partita Pracltidlum Allemande Courante
Uarabande Menuet -Menuot II ( ! Icuo
. Uach
( a ) Ktmlo . Carl Bacrnmnn
Ui Impromptu HI . Chopin
W The Mill . Tonson
The Angel at the Window . Tours
Sonata Opus ill , No. : t . Ueclhovon
Thu programme was arranged by Miss
Popplcton and Miss Jones.
Licensed to Wed.
Marriage licenses were Issued yester
day In the county court to Frederick C.
Treat , aged 'W , and Elizabeth Humbnrd ,
aged U7 ; Frederick Guldner , aged 28 , and
KrcBlnnov Thranc. aged 23 ; Jena Ander
son , aged 37 , and Mary Seaman , aged 20 ,
all of them of Omaha. A fourtb license
was also issued , but was concealed from
the public gaze.
The promptest and safest medicine for
lung troubles is Red Star Cough Cure.
The English summer South Cambria
has brought from thu V.ottom of the sea
an interesting relic of the war of the re
bellion. Running short of coal , she was
compelled to nut into the harbor of Newport -
port News. As the crow were hauling
tin the anchor they found the bowsprit
ot a war vessel attached to it , The spot
where the South Cambria was lying was
exactly whore tlio great naval duel took
place between the war vessels Congress
mid Merrimac in which the former was
sunk. This was in 1802 , and the bow
sprit brought to the surface is supposed
to bo that of the Congress.
For infant's toilet is an indispensable nr-
iclo , healing all excoriations immediate-
y. Mothers should use it freely on the
ittlo ones. It is perfectly harmless. For
ale by druggists.
A sailor named William Roche entered
a butcher shop on Fourth street , Sacra
mento , and asked for 15 cents' worth of
soup meat. The butcher cut off a piece
of meat , and while ho turned to weigh it
the stranger took up the knife and drew
11 across his neck. The butcher rushed
upon the would-be suicide to take the
knife from him , but was unable to do so.
The stranger then walked to the door of
the shop , cashed himself several times ,
and then fell to the sidewalk , exhausted
from the loss of blood. He died in a few
Ti Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago I
I.OM of appetite , lloweUcoBtlve , ruin ! In
tlie head , wllb a dull onintlonlu tfa *
back part , I'aln unrisr tbo iltnnldBr-
blndet Fullnom nftcr natlng , vrltU n < ll -
Inclination to exertion of body or mind ,
Irritability oftcmpcr , Jo\r iplrlti , wltti
afocllneof ImTlncnegloctca nmodtitr.
W mrine t DIzzloeM , llutl rlnvattbe
Heart , Voi bofaretbB eyoillealaclia
oror tbo rlElit eye. Ueitlotmneis , with
fltful dreamt , HUtitr colored Urine , ana
TWIT'S riljI/Hnrn especially aflnpUd
to uch cases , ono dose effects eucli n
cbangn offeel In g na to aitonlih tlio sufferer.
They Itirreaietlic Appetite , and cauio the
bcdy to TcUe on * 'le li , tbtii tba iritcm li
nourliheilt.nd tylliolrToiito Action on
the l > lKeuiveOrirantItrjtulKrHtool ara
produced. Fried ano.iVt afiirray Ht..N.Y.
Renovates thn boilniuke.s lu-allhy llcsli ,
strengthens the wrAk , repairs tlio wastes of
Via liyBtcm with pure blood and Im
nines the nervous Hybtcin , Invluoratea Ilia
brain , ami Imparts thu vigor ot manhood.
81. fiolil .
! UiirriySr. . Now York.
i.usTu vrivi ; imiu : TO
A Croat M ( MllonlVnrk on Mnnliond.
KihniuteilVltiiUtr. Narroni and rnmml ne > iiltr |
I'rpninturqllfollneln Man , lrrnri ! of Youth , nui ! tin
untold nil crlre iiltUu from ln < lhrrnllon mid of
CCMPII. X bonk for ovnrf muti , jrnunr. midule-nyn-l
nnd old. UcuiiUIn * Ui iireirrlialnni for all umiiu nml
chronic Jlf n . ritrliono of wliloh li InrnfnVjIci H'l
Iminil bf tna nuttier whoo Bii > iirlnnci for 71 roir | ! li
v.rli HII proliatilf imvor Ij'fornfoll Intlia let or "Mf
nhrilrtnin Ml panes. Uomiil In brautlful Krnnch "i'H-
lln.i > mbo 0'l-overt , full ( tllt.B nriintoa < l to l > nn ( ln f
work III cvorr tunm iB nliiulni ) . Illoriirr nn'l nrirox
Inniil IhhnHMf ntlicr < r rk In Ilili ranntrr fnr 11.71
( irllienqnojr will bnrafuml In overjr ln iiinr . I'rl1 *
onlf II by m U. p'ntnnlil. | lliitrnta < l mmnlo , ( in.
Fendnow. Onlit mo.lilnmnlcit UiO miltuir br tbt > fl\-
tlonalMndlrnl AiioplntlDn. In the Him. A.I' . HlniVu ,
? . ' . ' ? -J. ' . ? . ' JL1-l1.c.ri ! ? of " 10 'O'lf'1 tl > o r Jf r li r -
'riiiiBoii'icoof IJM1' worth more lo the rounsorl
ffto'l mi > n of llil ccaorntlun Itiaii Hll tlio mil I
of ( Mllfnrnlii ami the tllreriulnei of NoruiU
coiulilne'1. . S. riironlcl * .
Tli 8cleiir nf l.lfo point * out MIB rocki n1 quick-
andionHhlrh Ilia con lltiitlou Hiul linj t of inauy
u rouii nun liuvo boon tut ;
Tl'o Hclence of Mfultof Kroator Yhluo thunullthi
intxllcal worki iiubUtlmD hi tlili couutry f < > r llio pan
M > p r . Atlnntu Conillt'tlloii. '
The Hc-lenee nf Llfult u tuuorb iinl n iterlr Uent *
l o on nor ou nd pUrtlcal ilubllltjr , lclroH VVon
l'AilS'rc ttie I'eabotlr Mallcal Institute , or Tit W. IL
1'arker , No , I Uulldncli lroou llaiiuai , Mait. .wbo mir
beconiull dou nildUe > ec > rcqalrtai ; iklll mid orperl-
oncu. < ; hro lc iui < l uUnluuta < iiBea e4 llmt tuvebjf-
OCil tlie Iklll of Mil otherubjrtlclitu * , > l > orlaltr. ' Huclf
trcHtoil mcccuJullr ultb'ji-.t aa liutunco ot fallaa
Weutioa OuiuUa 104.