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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BJSE , THURSDAY , MARCH 4 * 1886 St , IiO'ils , March a Cattle Receipts. 1.500 ; shipments 700 ; market active and ntroncer ; cliolco shipping and exporters , Sr > .00@5.50 ; common to medium , 84. > S4.80 ; butchers' steers , S3.25@4.K ! ; cows and heifers 8J.2Xg3.75 ; atoekcrs nnd feeders , 83.00(3 ( .ffi > . Hogs lU-celpts , 0,000 ; shipments , 8,000 : market active and t@10c lilijlicr : butchers' selection 84.20@4.Mj mixed packing , ? 3.00 04.15 ; HBU , slTrXfJI.lfi. Kfinsna City , March 3. Cattle Receipts , 1.000 ; shipments , nee ; market strong nnd a shade higher for shipping nnd butchers ; ex porters , SS.O.ya.'i.iSO ; common to choice shln- plnir , 84.W@r ) .oo ! Mockers and feeders , about steady at sTiO4.20 : : ; cows , S2.50ti3.80. Hogs Itccclpfs , 0ooo ; shipments , 2,200 : market steady and strong ; choice hca\y 6c Jilghcr : good to choice , SXi)3@4.lO : ) ; common to incdhnn , S8.70Q3.OOj skips nud pigs , 81.60 OMAHA MVI3 STOCK. Wednesday Evening , March 3. The receipt to-day weie light on b > th rattle - tlo and IIOKS and when compared with last Wednesday show n decrease of W)3 ) hogs nnd ICO cattle. TJio recent drop In the prices lias evidently caused shlppcis to hold laak their lions. The giatlo of hosts recclv cd Is not the best by any means , there bilnir a good many light , thin nnd coarse lines. Tim statement comes from Chicago that never before , In February , was the average weight of hogs so light as during the past month. There were no new features In the cattle market to-day , nrlcesromalnlncabontstcady. The offerings wt'io light nnd tlw number of head , changing hands , small. N.UIvn coin- fed steers averaging 1100 to 1275 Ibs. arc quoted at S3.10S4. ( : ; 1KOO to lir,0 Ibs , at 8 1.40 @ 4.fi5 ; bulls , common , at 52.255J2.M ) ; choice at 83.00g.2.i ( : ) : choice cows are quoted nt St.S5 : (33.50 ( ; good , 53.00(23.20 ( ; common , S'.SO ® 3.00. 3.00.The hog market was not very aotlvo though the pens wuru entirely cleared. Tito market was steady nt yesterday's quotations , though one load went as high as & 3.00. JteCKlFTS. Cattle . 400 Hogs . , . 400 Horses . U4 MEPiir.sitNTATivn SALES. NAT1VK STKKltS. No. Av. 1'r. o. Av. Pr. 34 . 10JO 53.75 ! r.HJ8 Sl.M No. Av. Fr.CmNSNo. . Av. Pr. 41 . 1003 82.85 SO . 1 8'WO STOCKr.l ! " . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. SO . 1030 S3.COnoas. noas. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 61 . 241 83.75 73 . 200 S3.77 71. . . . . . 220 3.75 GS . 239 3.K ) fi . 413 3.75 CO . 218 3.UO 03 . 2b5 3.77J4 IIlOIlr.ST AND T.OWKST. Showing the highest and lowest prices paid on tills innikot for IIOL'S durinir the past seven days and for the coiruspoudlng period last month. January. February , 'Wednesday. ( JKI.80 Thursday. . . , 3.75 ® W 3.70 @I.OO Friday , 3.05 ( a 8.85 3.05 Saturday 3.05 © 3.75 3.75 _ February Marcli Monday. 3.r0 ; ( S3.M ) Tuesday. . . . . Wednesday. 3. 0 Note All sales of stoclc In this market are made per cwt. live weljrht unless otherwise Btnlcd. Dead hoqs sell at le per It ) , for all weights. "SUl\s"orhoswelgliliisless ! } than 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 10 Ibs aud stajrs bO Ibs. OMAHA AVHOLiKSAliE MARKGrS. Wednesday K\enliic , Match 3. Goncrnl Markets. Eons The maiket is quiet at ll@12c , and tlicro Is very little stock tieiuj ; sold. UuTTKit Choice table lolls ate scarce , wliilu Inlet Inr grades are In abuiitlancc , anil will only brluueiv low pticcs. Choice rolls are quoted at ii@lfle : ; fair to good , ( ; @ 10c : inferior , -Iffffic ; crtameiy , ! JCc. : Tlio cheese market continues about steady , with llttlo or no changes. Fancy full cicain Cheddars. October make. HKc ; Hats liJ@rJ.Wc ; young America , ii5 : < c ; lirstnuality Swiss cheese , Kic ; second quality , 13@Hc ; brick cheese , 10 ; LUnburKcr , 11 - l'ouirnChickens nio bringing ; 7@9c ; tuikoys , SfiJIOe ; ami ducks , l @ 10c. OAMI : There Is none coming in and prices remain unchanged. Prairie chick ens , per doz , S2.50 ; quail , per doSl.SXig 1.60 ; jack rabbits , per do/ , 83.00(33.50 ( : mal lard thicks. S'iaft-.fiO : teal duclcs. S1.U5 ® 1.60 ; mixed ducks , S1.2.ri < { 2l.50 ; small rab bits. 7VSI.OO : : t' , VK < . JRI.LIER. ivrc. Preserves , all kinds. 20-lb. pails per lb. . 10 > ; c ; do 10 pail lots , per lb , 10c ; assorted Mb. palls per crate , 0 pails , $3.75. Jellies , alt kinds , fust grade , 20-lb. palls , per lb. , bcassoitcd ; , first giittle , 6-lb palls , per crale , 0 pails , S'.M ) ; do , 1-lb palls , per case , S doS2.25 ; do , tumb lers , per case. 2 do/ . . S1.40. Jolly , all kinds , second grade , SO-Ib. pails , per lb. oc. Aitnco Meat , best grade. X bbl. per lb. , 7cdo ; , 18 , 88 and 08-lb palls , pei-aib. , 7Uc : do. 5-lb palls , per crale , 0 palls , i3.7."i. A ] > plo butter , extra line , tf bbl. . per lb. . 7o ; do 40-lb palls , per lb. , 7K : do. 5-lb palls , per crate. U palls S2.7fi. Pcacli and plum butter , 40-lD palls , per lb. , 9J c ; peach , plum and quince batter , as sorted , 6-Ib. palls , per crate , " catsup per case , 3 do/ , pint horse radish , pint bottles , per doz. . S1.6U. 1'ios FKET. TKIPE , Krr Pigs' feet per X libl. , S4.75 : do. > / bbl. , S3.40 ; do. per kit , $1.00. Lambs' tommes , per ' < bbl. , 83.60 ; do. tier kit , 5$3.75 $ ; dor quart 5ars per doS5.60do. ; . pint Jars per case , 2 doz. , 87.00. Tripe , per K bbl. , 4.50 ; do. per Jabbl. S'ASS : do. uer kit. UV. SAUKU KIIAUT Uest quality. 45 cal bbl , S7.M ) : ! K ) pal bill. SO.M ) ; 15 iral bbl. 84.00. NUTS I'ecnns , largo polUbcd. lie ; pecans , medium , Oc ; Kncllsh walnuts , 14c ; almonds , Tarragona , 20c ; do , ijanguenoe , 17c ; Hra/.lls , l"c , HIlHTts , 14o ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia. 7cdo ; roasted Oc. Cojtn HONEY California 2 inframu i)0 ) Ibs , In case per lb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska , 10M17C. Michigan rcflncd , per bbl. , 80.50 ; do. half bbl. . 84.00. Vi.VKOAit White wlnti , ICc ; cider. 12Kc. tiOPOAMTTH-At S4.f 5.K ( ) . Nr.w Kias , DATT.S , KTC. Layer flgs , 5 and 8-lb boxes , per lb , IfiXifUc ; 1'runelles , 25-lb boxes , ] ) er lb , lkc. Dates , fancy Katd , 12-lb boxes , per lb , 14c ; do , fancy Persian , 50-lb boxes , per lb , lie , LKMONB 1'ancy Messina and Palermo , per box. 500 : do. choice Molina and Palermo , per box , $1.50 ; do. per 5 box lot , 84.00. Cull- Joi ula ICUKIIIS , 83.50 per box. UHAPF.S Aialaca per bbl. 57,00. UUANIIKH Choice htis Angeles , per box , 82.76 : tit ) . S-box lots , perbox,5 > J.CO ; do , 10-box lots , S2.r > 0 ; fancy Hiveislde , S3.75 ; do , 0-box lots ! RI.W ) : Navels. .f4.5i ) . CiiANur.nuiKS Cape Cod cranberries , per Mil , ss.f.0 : Cine I'od do , 5 bbl lots , per lib ) . SS.IK ) : Hell and Cherry ie , per bbl , S5.7fl ; Hell and Cherry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 85.50. UVHTKIISPrice - , me Rteadv ; New York counts : , 45c ; oxtta selects , 40c ; selects , 35c ; Maudards ! lOu : medluuis. 'i'xi Ari' : Kuncy N. V , Uild\\lnsand green ings. i2.JiOi.7fi ( : illh.somi Cenltons. per bbl. , S'J.40 ; do , 5-bhl lots , S'i.iT ; do. 10-lb lots , S'.onsMlh-ouil Willow TIgb , lion Davis , etc , 8'.75 ; tlo , .Vhlil lots , fr'J.60 ; do. 10 bbl Jots ? 2.40 ; faiiey Michigan stock. P3.iXv ) < i < l.yfl. I'OTATOKS Nuni ) mo cniulnir , and prices nrti niiiulnal at .V < ( aOOo furchoico btocl ; . \ OxioNo Ited WeMetlleld , 51.00 per bu ; Salt lale , We per lb. VKOKTAHI.KS Calltornia cabbige , .To per lb ; Callfmnla celery , S-J.oOyf-.r > 0 ] > er ilo/ ; Jeisev sweet iiotatues , 4e per lb : paisnlps , S'.M jier buhliel ; Michigan nitabag.i , S'.SO per bbl. ; caulllluwer , S-.OO per duhorbu ; radlHh , 7e pur lb. IlKANs-lland picked navy. Sl.75 2.03 ; haiul-picked metlluiu. S1.50 ( < n.7.r ) : uooil cltmu countrv , St.&Vi l.60 ; Inferior. 75c I.OO. ( iitAix Klevator prices : Corn , 'J.'c : oats , 2lc ; wheat , flft : ) ; i > e , 4.50 ; barley , 4fec. J'l.ot'ii ' ami AUI.T.STUFKS Winter wheat Hour best quality patent saoo SJO ; bccniul tiuallty , ti.&Oii't.w ' : L'est inmlity hpilug wheat lliiur , patent. ? J.fiOa..7. ( > : Hour , In bauds , 55.75 ; re.uly ruNed : ilb pack ages. S4.00 ; 0 lb packages , fc3.W ; bran , & ' * per cwt : chopped teed , 70o ter c\\t ; white coin meal , h0ojellow ; euin meal. 70opercwt. bcivenlng , iiOcper ut t ; linminy , Sl.wiper e\\t ; bhoit , ( Ate per cwt : graham , $ > l. 75 per cwt ; Jmv. Ill bales , Si > .iiO\ < i < 7.oi ) tier ton. PKOVISIONS. Ham. llKaSiu c , breakfast bacon , H < s'e : clear sldo bacon , 7cdiy : halted Fides , Cc ; shoulders , biigar cuied , 6 } u ; me s pork per bbl. . S1H.OO : lanl. 40 lit. cans , per lb. ii-4sj7c ! ( : 1U. 6 und 3 lb 7 42So < ; dtiedbeef haiiib. I'-'c s G-een butchein , C0CKc ; green cured. dry Hint. ll l13e ; dry salt. l ( aWc ; damaged hides two-thirds price. Tallow y4c. Grease , pslmo \ > Mltu , itjfc : x el- tow. } ! e ; brown. ' . ' Sjheno Pclts-25'i7l . Fviis AND SKINS I'nces on fuis ami slcins 1110 hteady , .Mink , each , lOfflnoo ; juuskrat , winter. Sffftic ; do. kits , le ; Otter , f2.MK.iO.00 ; bkunk , short striivd , 15di-ipxs : do. broatl striped , 1K ( < * 15 ; bailger , 25fAW ; Hac- t-oon , No. 1 large , < ( ) ( < t ! 5 ; d" . No. 2 , iKK'oi'W ; lo , No. 3 , lO&Uc ; wolf , praliiu Wa73c ; do. monntfttn , 82.003.00wlldcat,15@40be ; ; - ver , 81.60Q2.60 per lb : fox. each. * 0.1.75 : deerskin : , drv winter , 15@18o pcrlb ; do. fall and snnimcr yffiyte HKAVT ilAitnwAne Iron , rates , S2.r5j plow Ftecl , special cost , 4e ; crucible steel , Cc ; cost tools do , 12@18c ! waiton spokes , per set , 81.75fl3.00 : hubs , oer set , 81.85 , felloes , sawed dry , 81.40 , tongues each , 75c , axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per & , , 7@llc ; coilclmln per n , X l2c ; malcabio. ( XaSc : Iron weciges.oc : crow bars , 0 ; harrow teeth , 4e : spring steel , 7(35c ( ; Uurden's horse shoes 84.S5 : Uurdcn's mnlo Bhocs , 55.25. Uarbetl Wlro-'n ' e-\r lots , 84.00 per 100 DK Iron Nails-Hates , 10 to CO. SS.oa Shot-SLfiO ; buckshot. 81.M : Oriental pow der , kegs. S3.50 ( .00 : do , half kegs. 82.00 ; do , quarter kees.81.Mbla : tlii ? , kegs , 3.35 ; ftiso , ucr 100 feet. Cflc. Lead JJar. 81.03. LiRATiinu Ao. 1 nttsburg harness J. C.U Aijons , socNo. ; l Plttsburg , K. & S. me ; No. 1 lace leather , C5c ; pi line slaughter leatlier . , use : nrlmo oak solo leather. " ' - calf. 81.00 1,25 : ' Krencli calf , S1.U5M1.8.V. Mo rocco boot Icir , S032c ; Moiocco oil pebble. BSQKMc ; loppiniia and linings , SO.X'cZilO.OO ( ) per 007. COAT. Ant hraclto grate , 88. 6 ; egg , SS.'i5 { rainre , 8460 ; chestnul. sy.5) ) ; Iowa. 83.59 ; Walnut block , 83.75 : Illinois , $5.00 ; Mis souri Sl.txi DIIY PAINTS White lead , tto ; Kronen tine , H'cParls whiting , 2Xc : whiting gilders.lJic ; whiting , com'l , lUo : lampblack. Uormaiitown , 12c ; latnublack , ordinary , 10c ; Prussian blue , 65c , , n tramnrlno l c : Vandyke , brown. 80 umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna raw , 4n : Paris crcen. couu- Ine , 20c ; 1'aris creen , common , auo ; ciiromo crcen , N. "V.20o ; chr mo.creen , K , 12o ; vermillion - million , Kngllsh. In oil osst lao ; raw and burnt umber 1 lb cans , loc : raw and mirnt Rlcnnn. lOc : vandvko Drown , l c : rettnd lampblack. 12c ; coach black and Ivory bla-k ICc : drop black. iGc : Prussian blue. 40c : ul tramarine blue. IBc ; ciiromo eiccn , ' " . M < & D.,10c : blind and shutter creen , 1 * . M. < k D. 10c ; Paris green , ifcc ; Indian red , l" c ; Vene tian red. ito : Tuscan red. 2-jc ; American ver- mllllon. I/ . & D. , iiuc ; yellow ocnre. c : ij. M & O. D. , IBc ; golden ochre , 10c ; patent dryer Vc : pralnlni : colors , lluht oak datk oak , wal nut chestnut and ash inc. On , White lead , Omaha , P. P ? Kc : white lead , St. Loul ? , utno 57. u ; Mar- Bo lies procu. 1 to 5 lb cans. 20c ; French zinc , crcen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc.ln varnish osst , 'JOc ; French 7.1110 7r c ; vcriullltoii. American. ISc : liullaii. ri'd lOc'.rose pink. He : Venetian , red , Cookfon's EJi'c : Venetian ictl , American , lfc : red le-xd 7Mc ; chioiuo yellow genuine , Uoc ; chroma yellow , K , l-'c : ociiro rochellu Kc ; ochre , French , 2&c ; oohre , Amciican , "c ; winter's mineral.lJ ! < c : l.elili'li blown. 'JHo ; Spanlsn brown. Kc : Prince's inlneiaiac \ AiiNtsiiF.a narrels , per cation : Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ; coacii , extra S1.40 ; coach , No. l , 81.20 ; U.nnar , extra. SI.1 * ; .lapan. 70c ; osphaltum , extra , 85e ; shellao 53.50 ; hara oil llnisti , Dir.s HUcaroon , per gallon. I0c:150 : : neatl light , per gallon , lie : I75o beiulllgut , per gal- Ion , l c : isoo water \\hlte. He : linseed hard cr gallon , 44c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , ? Jo' lard , winter btrM , per irallon. OJc ; .No. 1 , 4Ue ; .No. ! i , 4 ( > c : castor XX. X , per gallon , 1.55 : No. 3 , 81.44 : sucot. per rallon , SUXi ; spcim , U.M. , neririliiin. SUM : llsh W. H. per pallonr > 5c ; neatsfoot extra , per canon , 7Uc.N'o. 1. CSc ; lubricatimr. zeto. per gallon , Nn summer , l&c : coldcn machine , A'o. l , nur pallon. SOo ; .No. s. 25c ; sperm , signal , per gal lon. 75c : turpentine , per gallon , 0 c ; iisoiL'iin per eallon. U'c. DIIUCISyn CunMiCAT.s Acid , eaibolic , 'Me : add. taitailc , Kc ! ; baNam copaiba , per lb. , 50c , balk , Bassatras , per II ) . , lie : calomel- per lb. , TX'c ; cinchoiililia , per or. , 40e ; cliloro , form , per lb. , OOc : Doveispouderp , per lb. , Sl.'J- ) ; epsom salts , perlb. , ; y-fe ; { tlvceilne , pine , per lb. , 20o ; lead acelnte , per lb.Oc ; oil , castor , No. 1 per gal. , Sl.OO ; oil , castor. No. B per gal. , SI. 4'J ; oil. oll\p. porpal. , 81.40 ; oil , orlijanuiu , r > 0c ; opium S.75 : ) ; quinine , 1' . iVs w. , and K. it S. , uer o85e , ; potassium , Iodide , per lb. , $ : ! .00 ; .sallcln. poro/,40c ; sulphate moiphinc , per o . , S'.i.w ; .sulphur pel lb.lo ; htnchnliie. per oz. . S1.41) . bmtirfe Cofofrnespliits 188 pioof , 31.13 ; do 101 proof 81 .K ! ; spirits , second Quality 101 jiroof. 81.13 ; do. 1S8 proof , Sl.ll. Alco hol. 1SS proof. 52.10 per wine trillion. Ucdis- tllled whiskies , Sl.00fal.50. Gin blended , fcl.60 ® > .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S'J.OO@0.00 ; Kentuokv anil Pennsylvania ryes. S2.00T > . 'iO ; ( lOltlcn Sheaf bom boil ana lye wiusKies , SLBOfiZaoo. Brandies-Imported , S5.00@8.)0 : domestic. Sl.yO ( i:5.00. : Gins Imported , S4.50 © 0.00 : domestic. S1.35W..00. ( ! Ilums-lm polled , S4.50O8.00 ; Nowlflicland,5I.752.00 ; doinc.stlc , S1.S503.00. Champagnes Im- jiortetl. per case. 5'J8.00@34.00 ; Ameilcan , per case , S10.0010.00 Flsli. SuNninna Domestic Holland herrings , kegs. 60c ; Russian sardines , 45e ; Ancho vies in class. Om Bull brana. cer do/ . . S'.OO ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and heads oil , ncr pall. 51.00. IIEUUlNttS. ni'BlIPf Il'ls Q'r nils ) Pis Kts NEW FISH. 200 100 90 I 50 40 I 12 10 MumVsB'tNo.lI/bB 503 7B34.11 f2l | tO 00 Kl LVo Glb'cU Kancy II o'3 ' 503 ftll HO , I 50 55. 6T I/KQ U'dSh'io F'cylft 5Ul Ma 7 1 Oill 401 5.J1 47 LAKE F1SII. MACKF.IIKU IJbls. Illalt Ubls'O'r ' 200 100 SO 50 40 . - . nioatorMoas . 35 00 18 00,10 , 2. " . 0 05 7 30 1 95 BZ.NO. IBh'r . 24 03 12 50 11 30 6 IK ) 5 10 1 40 No. 1 Shore . 18 00. B 60 H 604 h03 110,1 , 10 Med. No. 1 Shore. . . 13 00 7 OJ 0 & > 3 Ml' 00 | 85 " liny . 11 00 B 00 6 45 y Of ) | : : 50 Family . U 00 5 UJ 4 5Ti 10 Fet 700 ] 4 00 3 C. ' 2 05 1 70 FICKI.ED 8M.MO.V. MEW & FAT 1Ulls 1Ilf II1)ls Q'rlltila Palls or kits 200 100 00 60 40 15 13 10 Blood Hod Alusua. . . . 13 00 7 00 0 35 3 65 2 90 Olood Kcd Cal 18 007 00.0-.15 3 65 U TO Tongues & Bounds 15 00 8 Otll : 2.5J4 00 a 30 1 10 IMl'OKTEI ) Ilblsllllf ' 111(18 Palls or kits NEW HSU. libh.O'r ( 2UO 100 90 60 40 I 15 12 10 Nonvcplan T KKK Hcr-lngs 12 030 505 90S 303 70 Norwegian KK Horrlutrs. 11 00800645I3 Of 3 50 8 004 60,4 00,2 , 'Ml , 0) ) SMOKKD FISH Halibut , 10c ; scaled herr ings , U e ; salmon , He : smoked bturgeon. lc. lc.CODFISH CODFISH l.arzo (3. 11. whole cod , 4e ; fi.T , Georges chunkH , 7c ; clover leaf , Georges snips. OKcl : lb rolls , 5 lb boxes , Oi.'c : pralrlollower , 'Jib brlcko , ; < u ; wild rose , 3 Ibbilck , 60. Grocers Mat. SvilUI No. 70 , 'J'c , bbls : No , 70 , 4-jallon u's. Sl.Oj ; NewOiIe.ins 3s t4'o per callon ; JlaploSynip , > < fbaiiel , P & ( S. strictly pure. 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , S'J.'i1) ' per def / ; ) f gallon cans 8S.sipcrdoz ; quart cans shoo , Holl. - . , . , - loung Kilt . . . UA.NDT Mixed. liK@l'Jo : stlclt. SODA In lb pdpera , WM a case ; "salsoda keg per lb , " e. PioKLEa-Mcdlum In barrels. SVO ; do In half barrels. S. . ' ; small In barrels , 87. 0 ; do In half barrels , 8 . 6 ; gheikins In barrels , e-.iO ; do In half barrels , SI.75. UltiKn KituiT.s-.No , 1 quarter apples , 4' ' < e ; evaporated , boxes , t > ( fi'o ; blackbe rie , boxes. U > 4isl'c ( ; jxiaches : K.istern. 41 , 5 0 ; peaches , ovaponited , I5 > ( ( | i7o ; salt Lake , iitw , 4 @ -e ; i-aspberiies. new. ti'aio ! ; currants - rants , new,7jticpnnitw. . new. 4 ! ( , . . . UA\Nti : > tioons Oysters , btanoanl per cas-o. S3. I ) ; strawberries , U-tfj. , percasu. SJ.7 ; rasjibernes , 2-ttj. , jx > r ctse , S'i.3 ; California pears , pt-r case , f5.fXl ; apricots , per case , ? 4.wj ; peaches , per cose , S4.75 ; w 111 to cher ries , jx'r oJiso , 0.00 ; plums , per r.iso , S4.00 ; whortleberries , per cose. S'l.w ; 0 5 plums. 2-ii > . , per case , ci0 , green gages , 2-b. ! , per case , Si .u ; plno apples , 3-n > . , per case , Si'W , MATCHES Per radtllo , S5c ; round , per case 45c ; square cas.cs , S1.70 : UMibosh cases , sr. . gl.80 : mul suuaro. gl.3\ SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 51.55 ; Ashton. in sacks , S3.i5 : ; } f sacks , Ashton , 'Mabbls dairy , fcittVcM.73 SoAi-3 Kirk's tiavou imperial , SJ.P3 ; Kirk's satinet , S3.15 ; Kirk's standard. 3.30 ; Kirk's Whitellusslaii , 4. : > 5 ; Klrk'a White Cap. 80.50 ; DOIIHI , S4.A \ \ asliudiinl , &H.15. . - ' . ' . j.AiiH-owfretc'.cuoa.c'.gnui- ulatwl. 0 iccouuvtliinen. , \ . ' A. iie : htan- durd extra lB'.c : extra C. OTic ; iiiedliiiu } cllo\rCUc ; New Snores Uronnd iJlack pepper , boxes , 15 @ 22o ; nllsnlco , I2@l0o : cinnamon 18 ® " " cloves , l6@C5c ; ginger , 1632505 mustard , : TEAs-onnpowder , fair , so37 ; goo 6T c' choice , 00@7oc ; good Imperial , 4 , . , , Xj jOe ; choice , 60C3c ( ? ; souchong , good , sea C5c ; cholco , 35iai,5o ) Japans , fair. 2533jc ; cood,3545cs cliolcc , 655475C5 Tea Dust , 15o ; Tea SlftlnkS. Ida ViKKOAit Cinnn 13Q180 ! whtto wlno , 13 CnACKF.ns darnean's soda , butter and picnic , 6 c : creams , 8'ic ; ginger snaps , 8 05 Citv soda , 7Kc. COFFEES Onllnary grafles. 0Vc ; fair , I0 < a 10)fc ; prime , H Ml-Jo ; choice , 12 l3 fc ; fancy creen and yellow. 13 > j@14)c ) ; oltl gov crnment Java , 2ogr2Co ; Interior Java , 10) ) < r ? 20c : Mocha , 22@-Mc : Arbuoklo's roasted , WJfc ; McUughlln'3 XXXX roasted , 13 , c ; nil worth's Iftc ; Kcd Cross. 13 c. CANnt.KS Boxes , 40Ib , os ll'c ' ; Ss , _ , _ . boxes , 40tt , 10 oz , Cs , 11 " 40 ; halt box , 20U > , UOPK Sisal. K Inch and larger , B , 'c ; * ( Inch , PC : ' 4 inch , 0 c. FINE CUT Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the West , COc ; Fountain , TOcj Golden Thread , Dry oods. American , 5K : Arnold's , Cc ; Cocheco , Cc ; Manchester , 6c ; l.ynan , 5c ; Oloucestcr , 5 c ! Diinncll Jnchnnid , Go ; Dunncll , 5 fc ; Windsor. Cc ; p.icliic , Cc ; Hatmony. 4Kc ; Anchor Shirtings , 4)10 ) ; Moirlmack Shillings , 4jfc ; Berwick. 4e. BI.IACIUD : : COTTONS. Farmers' choice , n c ; Cabot , c c ; Hope. 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7 ! < c ; HlllK.ojfo ; i-onsdalo,825 Fruit,8e ; Warn- sutta. 10 c. COUSKT JitANo Kearsargc , 7o ; Armory , 7e ; Pennereii , 7Ko : inaian Orchard , 0)40 ) ; Naumkcae , 7c. BIIOWN COTTON 1/iwnsnco ] , ! , , sc ; Shaw' TICKINGS Aino-Kcae ACA 12 } e : Thorn- dkcUOO. 7c : Thenudikofancy , v c ; xork I0 > vfc ; Vork fancy , W'c ) ; Mlllbury , 12 'c ; 1'earl Itlvcr , HKc ; llamlllon. 1 % : Swift itlvcr , O'fc ; alietuckct b. Mu ; Shetupkot S3 tu c : MontntikAA , IL'c ; Jlontauk HB , lie ; Omega ACA. Vin FINU BIIOWN COTTONS I'epperell 11 , C c ; Pepperell O. C'4c. Alias , Gtfc ; Statue o Ub- ertv , Cc : baraime it , OHe. iKNMs ! Heaver Cicok AA. lie ; Beaver Creek BB , lOc ; Beaver Creek CC , Oc ; .lafTroy XX , lie ; Jallrey XXX , I''c ; JalTiey I ) * T , I2 } e ; Columbian , ISJ c ; Ytnlc , Kic ; York , an CT. liiKc : Hvcrett , UJc ; Haymaker's blue aim biown. 7J < c. Uucic-Unblcaclicd ( ) Soz. Magnolia , 10' c ; 10 oz. .Magnolia , l-c ; b oz. West Point , lOJ o ; 10 of. . West Point is'.ifc. UUOK ( colored ) Boston 0 oz. brown anil drab. 13 { e : Boston O 11 brown and drab , 9c ; Boslo XX brown nud drab lOc : Boston XXX brown and tlrab. iih'c ; Boston O P blue , HKc : WarienTiicot l&c. UINOHAMS Keutiew iHi410 > ic ; Amusboa dross. ! > c : Amoikca1 , ' . staple , 7 > ic : Ivaiilio 0 ! c ; Wamsutta. ts oi Nubian , b c ; War wick. SMc : Whlttondou. DC : Bates , dress Sc : Bates , staple , > > ic ; Jtandolnh staple , ,0 > io I ansdowne , 7c : Gloucester. 7J < c. Ciinviots Amoskear , cnuck < 5,9-4c : Amos ksag , stripes , 8Ko ; Slater , stripes , be : Kdlu- tiuri ? , UJ c : WliittPiition , btrlpes. 8c : Glen- lose , Uc ; Otis , checks , 9 > ic ; Otis , stripes , Uc , Ko al 0c ; Amoskcag , napped , lOV c : l.u- ray , book fold , 12c ; Oberon , book tola , : " ' Endurance , book fold 12a Urr Jjuiuber. AND TlMlinUS. 12 rt'u ' ftjio J23 ft'22 ' Sx4 2.XO 2x8 2.\10. 2x1 : . . > . . . . 4.\l-8x8 15.51) ) 15.nO 15.50 lB.rjOll7.oU IS.r.l ) 19. 0 . Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. PJ. 11 aud 10 It . S17.00 No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and HI It . 15.00 No. 3 " " 12,14 anil 10 it . 13.)0 ) No. 4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 H . ll.CO FHNOINd. No. 1 , 4&0inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. .510.50 No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 leet , rou--li . 17.0 ) No. 2 , 4 & G inch , 12 antl 14 feet , lough. . 14.00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch. 10 leet.rough . 15.00 MIHXfl. 1st Com. , 12 , 14 und 1C feet . : ; d " " " " . 15.00 Fence , " " " . ll.oo CEILINO .VXD PAliriTIOX. 1st Com. , % In. White Piue Partition. . 8 * .00 2nd Com. , % In. . ' . . 27.0 ! ) Clear. f in. Noiway " " . 14.50 2nd Com. > 'd'in. ' " . 13.- FLOORING. A 0 Inch , white pine . SS'.OO B G inch , " " . "KM ) CO inch " " . 20.50 D Cinch , " " . 2050 15 Oineh , " " . 17.10 STOCK HOAlinS. A 12 inch , sis 12. 14 nnd 10 feet . § 40 00 jl u M u it U .1 . 4200 " c " " " " " " ! ! ! . ! . . . so oo p u i 11 ii ii yi ! 00 ' ' No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 aiitVio'f'r. . is 00 No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 It. . 180. ) No. 3 " " " 12 , 14 and 1C tt. . 1000 FINISHING. 1st and 2d Clear , Iincii , s. 2s . 55100 1st and 2d Clear , 1 and a inch , s 2s. . . . fll 00 3d Clear , \ } { inch , s2s . 4 ! ) OJ Ud Clear , IJi ami 2 inch , s 2s . 40 00 A Select , W , lf ! and 2 inch , s 2H . 43 00 B Select. 1J { . IK and 2 inch. s. 2s . ! 00 1st and-Jd Clear , 1 men , s. as . 5100 Cd clear , l Inch , 2s . 4iX ( ) A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 4000 B Select. 1 inch. s. 2s . LOOO tA.P. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 817.50 No. ' _ ' , Plain , 8 mid 10 Inch . 15.50 No. 1 , O. ( ! . 1SOO I'OI'I.AK Il.MIIiiI. ) : Clear Poplar box bdslns,2s . gW.OO " ( t kin , panel htk wide , s 2s. 2.SOO " " Coiumated Cellin. ! : , % . . . 2'J.OO SHINOLCS , I.AT1I. AStandaid . . . 52 fi inch , clear , SI.5r ; Glnch , clear . l.i' > " > No.l. . . . . . . . . 1.25 Lath . 2.25 M.MK , r.TC. Quliicy white lime ( beat ) , S5c ; cement , Akion , 551.76 ; plaster , S2.bO ; hair , per buihel WX- ; sash , 50 per cent otf list ; doors , bllnd'i , mouldings , 50 per cent elf list ; taued felt , per cwt. . Sl.-iS : straw board , 81.05. * CHICAGO * Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only road to take for lies Slolnfi , Mar- Blmlltott n , Cedar lUplds , Clinton. Dixie. Chluiuro. Mihvinilvt'e inn ) nil pulntseiist. To Iho ptoploof NcbrafcUa , roloiudo , Wyoinlnir , Utah. Idaho Ncvadn.Urcrian , WuHhlnirton und Ciillfornlu It ollerseupeiloiuclvniilntfos not possible by any otlicrllnc Amonir n few of the numoious points ot supe riority enjoyed by the putrous of Hilt ) rondbo. tu-ten Uniiihu and Cblcairo , are Its two trains a day of DAY COACIll'.S wlilcli iiro tlio llno.-t ilmt human nit and Inuonnlty can crcato. llal'AI/- ACi : SMJKI'INQ CAH3 , lilcn nra models of comfint iin.l I'U'triinto. Us I'AHUMl DUAWINU HOOM OAUS.ui unm M < d by any , nud its wide ly oolobratwl l'ALATIAM.NIN& ) | G'AHS , tno iHjtml of ] iicli cannot bo found cUowlinio. Al Council lllulfs tint trains of tlio Union Paci fic Hy. connect In Union Depot with tlioso of tlio L'hicuRO & Nort hwcstorn Hy. InCliluag-o the trains of tlili line make clo-jo couucclloii wllb. thobcof nil oaitoru linos. 1'or Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cinclii natl , NUiifuni KiilU. lluifalo , 1'itlsliurToronto Montreal. Ho > lon , Now York. Plilltidclphla , Hal- tlmnrc.Wusliliielonand nil points In the east , ask the ticket utfunt for tlckuts vln the "NOltni-WlUTKHN. " If you wish tlm best accommodations. All ticket upi-iiis koll tlekuta vitl this lino. M. HUUlUTf. It S. HA1H. Qeuorul iUnujfer. _ Gen. Pu:3. Aicuut. CHICAGO. EDWARD KUEHLT" MAQISTBH OP PALMYSTKUY AND CONDI- TIONALiar , 3O1 Tuiub Struct , botwooa Faruam uud Harnoy , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for uity ono n KUmco In the l > Mt and present , nud of oortam conditions In i lie future. Hoots and shooi uadu to orJor. Perlvct entWaotlpn KuarantooX Billiard TableSi Manufactured 6f Billiard & Pool Tables , And Saloon. Ofnce nnd Hank FWurM. Market nml Huron SIS. , Clilcn o , III Omaha B. 10th St. Book Binding , Etc , UEta PUINTINO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , AntHllank Hook \lnniifucturcts. Noo. 100 nnj . _ _ _ 108 South 11th Street. Omaha , Neb. Bridges Steam Pile Driving , 11AYMOND & CAMPHtU. ! , , l.nglucers and Contractors. Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Drlrti * Iron Combination. nnd Howe Trtun rduos , riliiiK nnd Onk Timber. 15th St. , nuar Knrunm. Telephone No. 734 Cigars and Tobacco _ _ _ , " " " * " " MAX MEVEH ft CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , nuns nnd Ammunition , air , to 2 3 South llth Street , HIM to 1021 Ktirnnm Street , Omaha , Nob. INTEII-UCEAN Ciiun FACTOIIY. WKST & FHITSCnRH. Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers 111 Leaf Tolmucos. Nos. 108 nnd HON. 14th Street , Omnhn , Noli. Cornices , "Eagle" Cornice Works , John Kpenotor , Proprietor. Manufacturer of Onlvnnlrod Iron nnd Cornice. V i Derive nnd 101 nnd 105 North 10th Street , Omnhii , Nob. HUEMl'INQ MnnufocturursoC Oiiinmcntnt Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , lite. , 3103. 12th fit. Workdoiio in any port of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SJ'ECHT. Proprietor. Galvanized Iron Comlci" , Etc. Spcelit'slm- t.rovi'd . Patent MotiiH'cSkjIlnlit. ' 60S nnd BUS. Ktli St. , Omnhn , NcK _ _ Doers , Sash. Etc , The Gate City Plin'jfg' Kill , Doors , Pnsh nnd Hllnds. Also nil Until of tuuilnir. Scroll audfatttlr work ot o\cry do- Fcrlitlon. | A. ItOSHNHEUY , Mnnufncturor nnd Denier InDoors Sash Blinds Etc. Doors , , , Mouldings , . Stnlr Rnlls a specialty Telephone No. 02 liith mid Mnrcy Sti. , Omaha , Neb. _ _ Electrical Supplies. " ' L. W. Wo"LrE\'cO. , Elcctrlcinng , Electrical Supplies , Masonic Hloclt , Oninliu. Htirjlar Alarms , Hells , I'll o Alarms , Kluctriu .Muttln r , Hpeiikln ? Tuboj , Gold , Silver tiuil Nickel I'ltuiiifcEtc. . Ironard Nails , OMAHA NAIL > U 'JUFACTUUINQ CO , Cut Kails and Spikes , Tire NnllB r. Spc ; inlty. Oranlm , Nob. Omahailron Works Company , Mnctiinory , Cnstlnsra , Steam Engines , Hollers , Aichltccttiral Iron Work , Iron Hridi cs , Mining nnd Mill Mncblnoiyv Oflico nnd works , Union 1'nclllo K. 11. 17th nnd Ibth Streets. : & Foundry Works. Cor. lull nnd Jackson Sts. , prctiarod to do nil Kinds of lion nnd llrnps Castings ; nlso , O , C. llimnli-tcr's KocslnrGr.Uo ! : liars manufiicturoJ Mattresses , , , Safes. TSafo'Works , G. ANDHKEN. Manufacturer of Fiionml Iltirfilar I'roof Snfos , Vimlt Doors. Jail Work. Shutters unil Wlro Work. Cor. llth nnd Jackson Sts. , Omalm , Neb. Soap , P. 3. QUEAXEV , Soap Manufactarer , Office nnd Factory , near Powder Mngazlco. Omaha Neb. Wagons and Carriages. GRATTON & DRUMMONI ) Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , ISl.l nnd 1317 Hnrnoy street , Omaha , Neb. Solo Agents In Nebraska lor Jones' Celebrated Split Bhaft Sulkies. Established 1853. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , liCOnnd 1411 ttodgo Street , Omaha , Nob. OMAHA WHIT1S LEAD COMPANY , Corrodcra nnd Grinders ot Perfectly Pare White Lead , Omahn , Neb. I.evl Cnrter. Pros. ; C. W. Mead , VJco Pros.i II. W. Yutui ) . Sec. and Ticiw. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The HHlard , S. Shears , J.E. Mr.rliol Thos. Swobo , ProprlotcrB Omulia , Arcade Hotel , James Cusoy , Proprietor. j215 n nil lu'17 DuiiKlns St. , Omalm , Neb. hnpalron.DJ-dofioniiiiorelnl men respectfully Kolicitud. Tliey wlllllnd tlila the beat fc-IiiUi.y houta wubt oi'Clii.'iit'o. lanters Housfl , . 1'UOl'HIETOH. C. K. FKUHIS , Itntcs.H.H ) nor Uiiy. Street earn liom II. P. dvpot , ullliin DUO Mock of Mouse. Conic. ll luth bluets , ( ; iuuba. Nob. The ' Cozzens , P. llumsoy & Co. , Proprietors. Rates f-.W ) ] > ci Our , no durU rooms. Omaha , Nub. Alee i i.ijLrioinrsot 1'iilnco llotol , fatita 1'c , Xiii < .ui'\co. GanQeld House , Cor. Nlnili audl'nii-iiam Ste. The best $3 pr ? day hotel In Omiilnr. Iteinoilcl ) u , ri'lurnislioo , icdto i utcclouu bloolc trom iirray lii'udiiiiurter ? , oppositu Uiiltin I'aclt'oliemlntiMitnid ' ; meet eurj puss tin ) Uoor. ( leer u Canllcld A ; Co. , proprlo- iois. Also Union Block YimU Jlolel , South Uniulia. " , _ _ Hotel de Gees , l1. COfii } , Proprietor. European I'lun. 'fbuonly cciitrally located S aduy bouse. Tl on doois from llojil'B Opci.i llotifound ono-luUf.blooli from tlio 1'o'itotlluo und tlio Court Homo. U& 1519 , 15U ! Tciuaui E. M. IICLST ! , Mattress Company , Manufacturing Jlattiebsos , HcitlliiK , Fentlior 1'illowB , Cols , it& : WW und I'M ) Dougluu Blroct , Oinulin.Nel ) . Overalls , CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pauls , PlilrtB , Kto. , 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas blreet , Omaha , Kob. "PrBOYEB & OOf DEALEUS IN Hafl's8afGSVaultsTinielQGks and Jai ! Work. 1020 l-'iu'uam Street , . Omaha , Kob. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIKEGTORY Agricultural Implements , * MNINOKH A , MKTCALF CO. , XVholcsalo Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Offlce , Corner Oth nnd 1'aclflo Sts , Omaha , Notx rAUMK , OHKNDOUFF A MARTIN , Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons ' ' es , Omaha Xob. Wholesale Dcirfor In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Curr.'ages nml IlupRles.i nej St. , bet. Otli nnd 13th , Omaha , Nob. Boots and Shoes , ' Vf. V. MOUSE ft CO.r Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , HllFaninm Street , Omaha , Nob. Manufactory , Summer Street , Itoston. Carpels , A. OllCIIAHD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matting ? , Curtain Goods , Etc. , H23 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb- Coat , Lime , Etc. JLFPW. HEDK011H , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , 2138. Ilthr.t. , Om < vhn. Neb. Yards , Bill and DivenportSttccts. COUTANT & SQU1IIES. Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Hcst varieties. Onloo. 213 S. 13th SU Tclophono No. 141C , Omahn , Neb. " NEI1UASKA FUEI , a ) . , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Oro. C , TOWI.E , President. < ! r.o. PATrritsoN , Seo. and Trcas. J. II. , F. A. HAT.CII , Ihoprlrtor. Managor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NE11KASKA. Onicc , KIT B. luth Pticet. Tclephono43. GEO. F. LAtiAflii , Pics. C. F. GOODMANV. Pica. J. A. SUMiKHUNti Sec. nndTicns. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard and nft coal , IOS. loth St. , Omnhn , Neb. OMAHA COAT , AND PRODUCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Exclusive dealers In Ilouldcr Colorado Coal , 217 fcoutli lllh Btrcot. _ Coffee and Spices. " " " "ctlAHlCE ilUOS. & CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten" . Coirecs , Splcca. linking Powder Flnvorlnfr Eitrncts , Laundry Illuci. Ink , eta 14H-lb Har- ncy Street , Oinnlm , Neb. _ Commission , Etc. Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 Fnrnnm St. , Omaha. Apples Our own | .nck- Ine Plntt ft To.'a TI IT Ilrnnd Oysters , lluttor , Ejrgs , Game , Poultry , Potatoes. _ _ _ JOHNF. FLACK , General Commission Mordant , Produce , 1'iovlslons , I' rults , Flour and Feed , 105 S. 14th St. , Oinnlm , Neb. Consignments solicited. Kcturns nmdo promptly. LOUIS HELLER , Jobber and Commission Merchant. CliccBO , Sausages , Fruits , Ilutchors' Tool * tind Supplies. 1-15 Jones St. , Omaha , Nob. W. 13. IIIDDELL , General Commission Merchant. SrECiAi/riES-Checfc. IJuttcr. Eg-gs , 1'oultry and Game. IK & 14th. , Omalm , Neb. Telephone - phone No. ! Ki. > . D. A. : iUULEY , Commission and Jobbing , flutter , Efrp-s and Produce. A full line of Stono- -/me. Compliments solicited. 1414 Uudgo St. , Omnhii. _ _ E. MORON V , General Commission Merchant , Ilutter , Etrres , Chcct > o and Country Pioducotfon- orally , M ) S. 12lh St. , Omaha , Neb. McSHANE &SCillibEDElli Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Hefrlgerator and Packlntr House , 14th ft Leaven- w 01 tli St. , on U. P. It. It. Track , Omaha , Nob. * Establlehod 1870. HOUEUT PUl'.VIS , General Commission , 211 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties nutter Ejfgs , Poultry and Game. nitoa Commission Merchants , Trults , l > nduco nnd Provisions , Omaha , Neb ISAAC GRIFFITH. Commission Merchant , nnd whole wlo dealer In country produce , fruits , butter , t't'KS , otc. Goods on consignment it specialty. a ± J N. 16th St. , Omaha , Nob. KlHSCHmtAUN & SONS , ( Successors to A. P. Schack. ) Produce Commission Merchants , No. 213 South 12th Sticot. Omnha , Neb. THOXEL & " WILLIAMS ; Storage and Commission Merchants. Fruits , Flour , A pplcs , Stonowiuo , Cldrr.Vlni-gar , < ! i ass Seeds. Butler nnd EWS , : ) ! , ! and ! iS Soulb 13th street , Omaha , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Dutter , Game , Fruits , Etc. 220 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nebraska. A. 1' . JIETIIGK , Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , Meats , Lnril , Jellies , lliitter , T.KKH , Cliocso , Kto. No. .105 S. 12th St. , Omahu.Nob. WUSTEUFIKLD J1KOS. , General Commission Merchants , t , Omaha , Neb. Conslt'iimcnta Bol'.cItuJ. K. McDONALU. COMMISSION MERCHANT. B15 12th Street , Omuhn , Nob. Specialties : Hut- ter. E urt , und ChlcKoiib. Ury ( ioous , ' " " " J. J , 11HO\VN & CO. , Oolesale Dry Goods and Notions , US' ! 1 Douglas Street , Omaha , Xfnt. . Ih GINSIIEHG & CO. , WliolcBttlo Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , 1-aces , Eml > roldcry and Wlnlo Co > is. U > 20DoUL'lnsbtice ( , pmalm , Nub. Engines , " " " " " " "IIUOWNEI.L & co. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary and portnlilo ciiBlni'S , bollerH r.nd Elicot lion \toik , UKOIIS , impio- menu , pumps clc. 121J-1215 Leather , Hides , Etc , L. C.'HUNTING-TON & SON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , 1114 Jackson Btioot , Omaha , Nob. BLOMAN 11UOS. , , Wholesale . > . Leather , Saddlery Hardware" , " Eadillory and hhoo FludlUKS , IIMcc , Wool , Fure. I'elts.tJrcMsoTallow , Etc. , UmulmKiil. _ _ FJour , _ Etc. _ _ \VK. 1'jiKhioN. " GKO. iticii WM , PRESTON & CO , Wholesale Flour , 60S , 10 sud 6UJ Tierce Struct Omaha , Neb OMAHA JOBBERS' DiREGTORY TZSCIIUCK , jn , Agent for J , C. HofTinAjrr & Co. , Hannfacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr By Itollcrnnd HtinpArlnn l'rocc s. Warehouse , 121U Jones Street. Omnhn , Nob. W.J. WKLSHANSJc a ) . , Vholesalo ? Flour , Feed and Grain , Mdnufncturorflof W. J. WrlMmns > V Co. ' * Quick ItnltliiR tluekwlu-nt Hour nnd proprietors Omahn City Mills , cor. 8th nud rnrimui Streets , Omntift. cor Successors to Ickcn lemen & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of I'orolRii 1'lsh , No ? . 011-011 Jonci . _ Sticct and U. 1' . Ti.ick.Umali.x. Nob. / . Furniture. Etc , . _ . _ . _ . . . _ DRWEV \ STX1NH , Wholesale Dealers In Farnltars , Knrnain Street , Omnhn , Neb. Groceries. nnos. , Wholesale Grocers , Doufflns Street , Omaha , _ K. . CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolmcco nnd Sinokt-rs' Ai'tlclcs , 1217 Howard St MEYKll & UAAVKR Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , fc'plci-s , Cigars and Tobaccos. 1317 and 1310 Houir- Ins Street , Omahn , Neb. _ McCOIin , tlUADV * COMPANY Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nud Fnrimm Streets , Omaha , Neb. PAXTON , QALLAOllRH & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707 , 709 and 711 B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. _ W. J. IIUOATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Bprlnpn , WIIRIHI Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc. 1M/U / nnd 1U1I lliuiu'y Btreev , Omnhn , Neb. _ EDNRY & GIIH10N , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Currlaaro Wood Stock , Heavy llnnlwnro , Kte. UlTuud 131U Lcavunwoith Sticcl , Omnlut , Neb. & TAYI.011 , Builders' Hardware , Mcclmnlcs' Tools and llutrnlo Scales. 1405 Doug- lusSticct , Omahn , Neb. LKE , rainn & co. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agents lor Howe Settles and Mlnml 1'owdt r Co. , Omnhn Neb. MILTON KOGEKS & SONS , Stoves , Range ? , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Grilles , Ilinss ( roods. 1321 und 1112J I"f > r- niuu bttcet. HECTOK & WILHEI.MY CO.i Wholesale Hardware and Hails , Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th nnd Hnrnoy faucets , Omaha , Nt > b. Harvesters. " ' "viI.'fKEHIXG ) & CO. . CHICAGO , Manufacturer or the DeerinA Harvester Goods , \Vrlto to Win. M. Lorhncr , Gonornl Agent , _ Omnhn. Telephone 010. _ Iron Pipei Etc. COWING & COJ Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , JoblK rs in lion 1'ipu Jiou ! ttlnira. Iron and Goods. I'lurincors' Supplied. Htli nnd UodKO&trouts , Omulm , Nob. A. L. STIIANG COJIPANV , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , AV ntor , Itnllw ay and Mllllnff Supplies , Etc. _ VM , ( CimidlKMynimunSt. Oimilin , Neb. CHUllCHILL PUJIP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Sloam and Water Supplies. Headquarters Jo- Mast Foout Co.'s Goods. 1111 Fitinam Stiect , Omuhn , Nob. Jewelry. - ERHOLM Sc EHICKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlcrs In Sllverwaro , Uliiniunds , Watches Clockc , Jewelers. ' Tools nnd Mntciials , Etc. , 101 and Ida , 15th Street , Cor. Dodfjo , Omnhn , Nub. ( live StocFt. i Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Yunlngo Charged. Close to U. 1' . Ilrldifc. Special accommodation antl u good market lor hogs. E. 0. Cooper , Man- nger. OIIico , South 5th Street. M. Bb'HICE & SONS , Live Stock Commission Goo. Iliuko , Mnnaijer , Union Stock Yards , B. Oaiuha. Tolo , > hone 583 W. F. llItOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Offlco EvehnnjroIlnlldiiiK , Union Block Ynrds. j. South Omaha , Nob. TelophonoNo.OOt. MAU.OHY , HON & CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , nnd Omalm , Neb. 1'rank < JhlttundfnMiiimi'crOinaUu itr.iiicli. 'Jclcpliuno No. 8J. Established 180. . W. L. PATRICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Address all communications to 113 nt Union Stock VTutdg , South Omaha. Advances inado on stock. Union Stock Yards Company , OP OMAHA. , limited. John ! ' . llovd , SuporlntcndonU [ SAVAGE & (1U1CF..V ( , ' Live Stock Commission Merchants. BhliuucnlB of nny and all kinds of BtouU solicit , cd. Lfnluii biLck Yards , Omaha , Neb. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS BHADrOllD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Basil , Doors , Ktc. Yaids Cor. 7th und Cor. Utli und I10HN MANUFAartntlNG CO , . Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blindc , Mouldliifs , Etnlr M'nikimd Intuilor Hiu.l Wood I'Jnlpli. Juet ( ipcncil. N. i ; . fui- . bill mi J Lcavcu- wcith Street ! ) , Oiuuha , Nob. CHICAGO UIMUER COMPANY. Y/holesale / Lumber , 811 S. lUh Stikut , Oinnlm , Nub. V , Colpot/er , C. N. Lumber , ] Sth mid California Streets , Omahi , Nob. FHED W. GHAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Gth und Douglas Mioctrf , Oinulin , Neb GEO. A. IIOAGLANn Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar , Omaha , NLbrn&ka. " " " CIIAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Flock , 1'nncy Woods , Ililtlco Tlmbors , \c. , o.V. . Cor. 'Jill und , Omaha , .Null. G. P. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouMi2& Uulldlmr 1'uper , Etc. South lath btroetc JCna , Nebraska Lumber Co , Paid In Capital Stock , $300,000. /xifi.rurginitiiiiucturerd und MholcKile dm- i > re. Mills tit iluuUIVis. . Wholcmlo nnd retail Olotrlbutiuif j tuil Ouiuha , .NtLi. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR ! OMAHA L- Dealers In All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , IPth Street nnd i .1 on I'nc flj Track , Ornah * . GEI1MAN n. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , roth and linrd Streets , Omaha , NebrnsKa. _ J. A. WAKRFlRIjT ) , Wholesale Lumber , Lain , Shingles , K I'npcnt , Sash , DOOM , llllnds , MouW 'lckotj , t'ostfl , l.lnip , P.nslor , Haf Cement. Nlmn ana Jones , Omnha , Nob. Millinery , 1. Importers ami Jobbers oC Millinery and Notions , 1213 ni11214 llaruoy Street , Omalm , Musical Inslrumcnls. imioiM : Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Slclnway I'lnnoflVobcr , DecUcr , Unifies ami HrlKK * I'innoa , I'ni-kanl Ortruu : , Chnso Organs. 101 nnd 10315tU street. Notions , Ett , t SON , Wholesale Job Lots , \ Dry Oot > ilc , Notions , ( louts' Kurnlahliifr'flooiH Uooil from Now York. Trntlo snlos ilnitr. Wi anil ftis South llth : St. , Omaha. C. S. ( JOOimiCH & CO Agents for V. A. Whitney Carriage Co.'i Children's ' Carriages , Jewell's Cololnateil He rljrorators. Pond pu or prleo lists. 1115 rnrnam St. , Omaha. _ J. T. Robinson Notion Company , * < ( V1 nntl 4KiS. 10th St.,0nmha , Nob. j \Vliolestilc Dealen In Notions and Gents'Fm > nUhlUfrdooils. Oils , Etc. CONSOI.1DATKI ) TANK MNK c6I ! Wholesale Dealers in Oils. QABOlluc , Mlra Axle Grea , Etc. A , It. fllsbopj Malinger , Omnhn , Nob. Pork Packing. 'JAMES E. novb , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , NebrnsKn , HA1UUS & rtSHElt , Packers and Provision Dealers , Onicc , Union JInrket , 1517 Dodpe Street. Paoklnsr liouso , U. P. 1U U. Truck , Omaha , Nob. Telephone - phone No. 157. Safes and Locks , f P. I10YEH & CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Flro nnd llurithir Pi oof Safcs.Tlino lAek , VnultS und .lull work. ICt'l ) rnriuun sticcl , O-iinba , Neb Seeds. _ _ " " " J. EVANS" , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Amlciilturnl. Vt > Kotnl > lc. Etc. Odd Follows' Hull , N. W. Cor. llth and Dodyo St . , Omaha , Nob. Drugs , Etc. ii. T. CLAIUCI ; nuuo COMPANY , | Wholesale DrQggists , Jobbers of I'ulnts.OIK Wlmlv Olitss Ktc. , Utl llaincy Street , Omaha , Nob. THE fiOODMAN D11U ( ! CO Wholesale Druggist' , Ant ] Dealer in Paints , Oils mulVltulow Glass , ' Omahn , Nob. , j Wines and Liquors. FIIANK DELLONU & CO. . Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , , 1202 nnd 3201 Uomrlns St. , Omaha , Niiln Fao { torles Nos. 4 untl WXl , Uil Dial. N. Y. . tuti. w. uuwOAN. Successor to MPNAMAIIA Si DUNCAN , Importer * anil Wholesale Dealers In Y/ines / and , Liquors Cigars , SU and 2111 S. 14th St. , Onmh.i , Nob. 11. K.GHOTTL' , Wines and Liquors. Wrstoin Acont J'js. Sehlltz lliowln ? Ca 1100. nth Street , Omnha. I HHNiiY iionNDiutaint , Wholesale Wines , Liquor's and Cigars. JX'l Douglas Blrecl , Omaha , Nell , II.KU & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines Anil Wiiuors. Solo uiimufiicttirors of Kciiiiody'l bact India lilttoid. 1112 Hunic'y Street , Omnfm , L. P. LARSON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And Cifrnr.s , iiiul tJeiieiill Aleuts for tlio Philip IlogtH' t'olubinteU .Mlhuiukuo llccr , Omaha , Neb Harness , Etc , WEI/TV & iANnnocic , Maiiiifueturcrn and Jobbers of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goods , lllaukols nud Itobcs. Ktrcet Oninliii. Nob. trocKery , " W. L. Aucni for tlio ManufucturuiH and Importora , Crockery , Glassware , l/ompe , ClilinuuyB , lto. ! Onico , 317 South 13lb titruot. Oiimlic , Nub. White Lead. CAUTKR W1IITK LKAD CO. , Strictly Pare White Lead , 201 b Stami UI > . Hy. , Omalia , Nob. Beer. M. KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Hpt/clal / bninJs I'aust , lludnolsor , Uetr. Cor. Oth nud fa-.i t Ivo I , , Omalia. Chicao , Milwautec & St , The Short Line and Best Route From Omalia to the East. TWOTHAINS DA1I.V IIHTWHUN U.MAIIAAND L'lilfiitto , MliiiitiillM. ! | ( Mlluniilioe , HI. I'attl , C'v-lur KupUj. , 'Union. liiliiiiiu ) | , Itucktord , Ilduk liiliuiil , l''ii ' > uinit | , Jnnest'lllu , Klxln , Miull-on , Z.U Urobso , lli'liilt , M'inonu Ami ull other Impoiiiini | nail , Ticket olllcojit HOI rinnaiii strcot.dn P.i\ton Hotel ) , und at Union 1'm-ltla Depot. I'ullmnii hli'opvidiuid llio Finest Dining Cars lu the Win Id muiiin on thu innlii lines of llio t.'IllCAIIK.JItl.WAUKKI-.i.Hr I'\UI. lllll.n'AV , llllJ uvury iitiuntlon U paid to D.thitinucrs by c/ouilo * ouBL-mplnycH of llio company. It , .Ml 1. 1. Lit , General Mami er. J. I' . TtJCKiiii.AHslstiint Ouneral Miumiror , A. V. II. t/\iii'i.sreii , Uontral Pussuii or ail Ticket A runt. OKU. i : . IlKAfioiiu. Asiistuul GuuciMlI'iissoa < fcr und Ticket At'euu MENDELSSOHN & FISHER , ITECTS -AND D. 1 ; . SHANK. Superliitcnduut.