Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
1 .THE OMAHA 3DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , MAttCft 4 , 1886. I SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements tinder th s head 10 cents per 1 no for the first Insertion 7 Mnts for ovjh BubecquentlcscHiln.imd tl.W n line per month. Fonflvcrtl'omrnt taken for teal than Z ! cents. Borenwords w'll be count-xl to the line ; thty TnttttTWi consecutlrely ixnd must bo paldln 1- vnneo. All ftdvertUementa m a t bo handed In before 2 o'cIocV p. m. , and under no circum- etanccs will they ba takoa or dtscontlnuo-1 bv tolet > hone. rnrtlcsadvertl'InR In thoio columns nml hir ing the nnswcM addressed in euro of TUB Hun , wlllpleneo nOc for chock to enable them to fet their lettcrc. as nona will bo delivered CTcept on prcstntntlon of ctccV. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO J.OAN-MOHEY. -oo.OOO ; to loan on bu lnp ( i nnd rr'ldonco $ proprrtr In Rims of fl,000 nnd upwards. Amta , I'M rnrnam st. _ _ 18 roNUYTO I.O.VN on horse * , wnsons. fur- nlturo , watches , wltliout removal. Terms rnsi' . r. .1 raswelt , Itoom III , Iron Hunk llullil- ing , 12th nnd rnrnaiu. Take elevator. cno-mhT * lnoooofo loan on city residence property $ (3eo. W. Day , 1500 Fnrnnm. KB mo T.OAN Money many amount , JL On nil cln M > sofpenurlty. fitinrt titno lonns on real ostnta. IxiiiR tlmo loans on real cstatou Money to tonn on chattels. Money to loan on ml'internls. Money to loan on any Rood security. Terms ensy. tlmo to suit. Apply ntt ho Omaha Financial isinhnnjB , IlBrker'H bulldlmr , S\V corner of Fifteenth und Varnam sts. upstairs 010 TO LOAN on Improved /ind unim proved city property. Cunningham & Dirmum , ir > ll Dodgosticct. 041 . fur ovcrynodyl ou can borrow MONP.Y on furniture , her cB. wngons , plnnos , stork of nil kinds , diamonds nnd One watches on your own tlmo. Payments received nt any tlmo. nnd Interest reduced pro rnta , Properv ! left In jour own possession. Terms low ns the lowest. Call nnd pee mo. nuslncM confidential. No mHnntnuo taken. W. R. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthncll's New : , Northeast eor- ner 15IU and Hnnioy. 112 T1TONET TO T.OA Jf O. I' . Pnvls * Co. Uoal J.WL Bgtato nnd Loan agents , 1505 Fnrnnm St TO LOAN-On peed securities. A MONRV , roomTHcdlck niock.irxfl Fnrnnm Bt. QU TO LOAN On real estate and chat M tels. D. I * Thomas. Plfi MMOJJKY MOJJKY TO T.OAX In anma otJMOnndtip- warils on flrst-rlnes ronl cstnto Bccm-lty. Potter * Cobb , 1515 Fixrnnm St. 1HO MONRT r.oANnn nt c. r. ncni .v ro's. r/inn olllco , on furnltum , plnnns , hnrcoa , wntrona pcrconnl property of nil kinds anil nil cilhor nr- tlclcsof vnluo , without romovoL : U9 S. nth , over fllnffh'im's romni/ss'on / store. .All ting- Jnoss Etrlctlr connilcntnl. W" itusiincss CHANCES. TTinn SAT.I : A eood lionrillnjr lion'o contrnlly J : located. Aildrnss C 3'i , Iluo olllco. or.Kl * BIISINI'.SS OII.\XOK-rorlnlOfitrnlturoi flxturos nnd rood will of n pnvlntr lintrl In peed location , r'sht In ccntorortrMdp. Tall nt onoo foripacoiiKforwiintlm ' , to soil nnd further pirtloiilnrs.on Hlco & Monro , l ± i rnrnnin. B'U-S T71OTI RAT.T : Nfco llttlo cl nr. tolnoco nnd J. o infer tlnnrry stnio on n prominent street. Address 0 : r > , lloo Ollico. TTIOU r.XCIIANfiK-Sll.OOOMncknf olothlnp. .Jcnoh.linliuiroiinliiciimborcd Innl : $7.WO plockof dryjrooda , H cish. tmlnnco unlnciim- lieml land : St.OOO stock of lints nnd rnpi , 'X en h , linlnnco unlncumlirrcd land : St.OniRtoclc orimtsnnilcnpi. M rnih.bnlnneounlnoumborpd Innd. Archer , Alhrlght & Ajlosuorth , 210 S. 15th St. , opposite Herd's opera house. P2.J TTUm SAI.K llnVrrv nnd lunrh Btnnd In town -U of nbout POO luhnbltnnts : chnnco for n good Tinker. Tnqulro of Kopp , nrolbus & Co. . 1100 1'nrnnm st. S87-4 T7Oll SAT.K Creamery will bo sold chcnn. on J oniy terms , to unyono who will run It the coming1 seufon. 0. jr. Carter , Ashlnnd , Nob. 818 _ _ _ _ _ " \TMNTKn To oicnnnro ? for stock of hnrd- ' wnro und irciiprnl morrhnndl o. WD nercs ot flno Tliayar To. , Nob. , hind : 5 lots In Genoa. Nob. . Rrocl store building ( best corner ) : ( food dtv. > lliii < r ( host location ) In Knsor. In. . nNo 81 . ncros " 4 mile from town of Tssoir , Tn. , ooodml In nlua irrnss. For further nnitlculars nddress John Umlorliolm Ccntrnl Cltv Nobrnskn. txa , i _ F011HAT.K A $ ? .V10 stork of mllllnnry ( roods In splendid loontlon. A blif Imnrnln for someone ono ns n liberal discount will bo prlvcn. 1'or fur- tliorpnrtlculnrs nddrcss HIM , Hop Olllco. ( 3 REAL ESTATE. WANTii > To buy n piece of Innd su'tublo ' for brlck-vnrd purposes. Cull nt Mlllnrd Hotel. II. II. 1'lorco. IP YOU hnvn nropcrtv to sr-H or oxclmnire , ll t with O..T. Cnswcll ft Co. , Uoom 10. No- Ijnifkn Nutloiml Bank Dulldlng. . 30.'mlU PEKBOITAI. . T. Several cloinnt rrslilonccs on J upper Fnrnnm St. hot. Slrd nnd 31th St. . thnt wohnvnforsnlo for n fn\v dnjs mid thnt wo -lll Ml nt n bargain. 1'lonso cnll at once or to'nnlmno US nnd wo will enll on you nnd If con- vonlcnt tnkoyon to tnvpstlgato these proiior- tles. 13. T. 1'oterson & Co. 11,5 , BTOVB ZIEFAIBS. . C StotznerStovonopnlrCo. lllSouth JL UthSt 'otwoon Dod o nnd Dou lns. TT * HOABDIIfO. ROOJIS nnd board. ,00 , North ± M . U10mh27 I , LOST. TOST Hot weon 2.1th nnd 1'lorrn. aith to St. , JT * Mnry'B HVO. , Will street to Fiileonor's. bar | ) ln with eoll t ' 'st ncioss the top. I , < > nvo nt .Jiiilfonor's nn I receive rewiird. OJ1-0 MISCEI.IAJ7EOUO. ADI US In want of qood ulrU cnn ho pup- plloilbv enllliin nt thoOmihii Kinplovmout iciui.lLM KauuuuSt. Tulophono No , 1W. OUDKIt your llour nud food by Telephone 1J7. Konl & Conrad. UUDodeo st. sw EALT-MIBCEI.IJUIEODS. film : entire contents of tlio olofrnntly fur- JL nlshed hcniBo. 1S14 Webster nttoot , consist- Inproftlno Upright Chlrkorlnir riimo ; onk nnU cboriT licdrooinFeta , French pier mlrrorH , I'nr- toll pnlMtliiKH. Mo'iiiutto mid llnissuls carpets , cliorry ilinlntr room sots , Monitor eooKlntr raneo , | ebony cnblnrt. In nss fonder and firo-lrona , iinn' mimy other articles , nil nenrly now and In jrood co'ulitlon. vlll 1)O aold nt auction , on the prom ises , without ivorvoon Fildor , Jlnrch Mh. Sale ( o i-ouuncneo ut 10 o'clock. Intendingpur - chtifors rany view the properly any thuo Iwforo tlio B llo liv npiilyhifr on thu piomlscs. Torras push. A. W. Onn an , Auctioneer. 12S-4 " * < TJ1OK SAt.K A splondldsnuuro plnno , nanood , JL' us nn\r , of ono of Iho best raaniifuctur r8 TlO tlio countrr. lUscoit fnoa. Will bo sold at 'lowtlKure. ToboKconnt my olllco , N o.iSOl S. 6U Charles llrandor. 8UO-4 * Foil HAI.K Ail almost new delivery \\airon , used only ono month , will soil on ttmo , Bmnll cnsh piivment. liuiulro lloom 20 , Omaha National Dunk. lam TJVHI BAM : Lhrht express wagon , for want JJ of uso. 151S Wcbstur st. 1OII SAMC-I'uriiliuro and lease of hole 1 olienp. Address C 2.1 , IJeo Ollleo. E43-4 * S A lot of extra flno milch cows. P.very ctiw will b cold under a Kimrnntco. Oallnt our yiuxlsouuatli and Unit ets. Pouny & JValer. tot-a _ FOK SAI.i : Tiesh COHB nnd sprlncrcrs , s of the latter , Holstolii hoifci-s ; also Uno joung liolituln bull,2M and Popploton nve. Ulb-C * SAI.K S or A head of gtx > d work horses ; FOIt also a lot of household furniture , etc. An- Jiciiser-lliibch llruninj : Astoclatlon , Uth uivl Cujiltoluvo. M. Kentini ; , Agent. 7U4inhlS FOIt SAI.IC Oriyilo , 1 top buegy , bran now ; 1 phaeton top bug y and 1 platform inrlntr Inquire ut Ilo8 | > o's JIusloStora UO'Jmlit 'OK tvcnthcr strips , storm sash mid doors , go ti F , 1) . Ucnd .VJ a ICth st. WJ WASTED iPEKAI.1 : - A Klrl about ISrrlO year * old to nureo. Apu'y 3. W. cor. 2Ut and Loaven- 131 _ \\rANTHU-A uo-nuii todo huusonork : must I t'O compitent undecruo'ne/J rcsximuiantlol. jJrjfcs. . 6J1 a. JOtU , WANTED A jflrl for general homework. 1K Farnntn Bt. lf.M ! > . , > -Mlddle-nged girl t small family. Inquire of 8. Jonnson , 13th and llnrncy sts. iso-3 * "II r ANTED A lady lonelier to give private In- strnctlons In common branches of study to a RI | 1 in years old who will como to tenchcrjs homo two or three hours cnch day. Address Alis. J. W. Holmes , Lock llox 1 % Omaha. 138-3 * it)1 ) ANTED Wet nurse girl with young Imby , ii ono nllllng to com o west. Address H. 0. Henry , Valentine , Neb. 117-6' WANTED Girl forgcncrnl housework. Ap ply nt 1210 Capitol n\c. ll.VS * WANTHD Girl to do ponornl honsowork. Apply lo Dr. Arnold , 323 North 17th st. WANTED A flrst-dn'S dining room plrl , none other need apply ; also n dishwasher. Occirontnl Hotel. no \\7ANTED Woman cook nt onco. 210 S. 10th t V street. PKM * A < 1KNTS Ijocnlmul traveling cnn mnkefrom fll to $ J weeklv. Address Imperial Flro Extinguisher Co. , Stewart Uulldlng , Now York. 004-nprl * " \\fANTED Good second girl for housework. 108 Southlllh St. C70 WANTED A girl to < lo uonernl housework ; n Get man or Swede preforiod. Apply to 1C20 Douglas St. HU2 TTTANTKD A peed jrlrl for gineral house- IT work In nsruall family. Applj'at 1703 Hurt street. U87-3 WANTED A nrst-iln s dining-room plrl nt 1513 Dodpo st. M ! ) WANTED Good dining room gills , 1 second cook tor restaurant , plrls for flr-.t nnd second work in prlvnto Inmlllcs ; places given froo. Omaha Emplo > iucnL Uurcnu , 1120 Far- limn st. 8M WANTEI ) Active lady agents to sell our combined waist and corset. For circular , nddtcss Jackson Corset Co. , llox B4" > , Omaha , Neb. 75'lmhli ) * WANTED Good girls for first and second work in private families ; good wnies : places given : at Nebraska Employ ment agency , 11010th street , cor Capitol Avo. 7 IB WANTED Atonoo , nilrso Rlrl from IS to 10 vcnrsoUlto tnko c.iro of child 1H years old ; flormnn prefurrcd. 452 Convent st. G37 WANTED Good elrls for Roncral house work. Itoout 411ushmnu Ulock , 10th nnd Douglns. PM WANTED-MALE HELP. WANTED A boy nbout 18 years old who understands how to take care of hoi sea nnd cows , nnd tmvlcn himself useful ; mutt brim ; good lofuronec , nnd bo a nlco smart and willing liov , dtronir nnd lollnblo ; steady work. Inqiilro nt Edholm i : Eriuksou's. K5 I WANTKD-lii'-Blnoss men with glOO to MOO to establish nnd mntmjro ponornl nirrn- clesfor thosnloof SlhorOIlt Ilnkliu 1'owdor , in InrKO cities. Can show you more manor In It than nnythlm ? j ot otlorod. Cox Chomlcnl Co. 1315 Ilnrnoy street. _ lll-t ! * WANTED Dor for kitchen work ; German pi orcrrcil.215 nnd 317 S. 12th st. 130-5' TlT'ANTno Just forty men for rnlhoml work IT In Nebraska ; fieo transportation , peed wngcs. Cull at loom i ) . With neil Ulock ; Ship thlsucck. J. W. Atkinson. HO TOTANTKD A Root ! cake bakor. Iladuir& ! > > Co. , 10th and Capitol iivo. US'l-3 ' * A nmlo or fcmnlo cook. Address WANTED Flatt Valley Ilouso. Ashliin I , Nb. . C'lM * Energetic men to sell household WANTED articles. Profits $5 per dav und upward. C. H. Whitman , 1121 1C St. Lincoln. 477 Vy-ANTED-AgcntS. SOON. 10th St. WANTED A double-entry bookkcopor nml Ronernl onico man of tlflcen years n vpori * cnco clcsh os u position In his lino. Snlniy.mod- Uiinucstlonnbla ro'orcnoos. Address Hook- Uocprr , caic Clark & Hatcher , 107 S. llth st. 127-5 * _ ANTKISltuntlon by n drug clerk : has 4 years' experience : nttrndid two courses lit Chicago College of I'hnrmaoy ; cook lec-om- mendatlon ; speak1) Gorman. Address Drm ; Clerk , 11 ! ) S. 10th st , Lincoln , Nob. 078-31 WANTED A position by n lady us copyist , for the purpose of romalnlnjrln Onmlmto look nt property iith the Intention of buying in the futura ; can 1 urn's h best of references. Address C.37 Boo olllco , 03j WANTiD-20fJOO to $50.000-Pnrtnor with capital from ? 23,00rt to S',0,000 In the lum ber business out west , running lines ot lumber yards. State amount ot capital , and if notlvo partner or uotAddros > s H. A. Calland , HiilTalo Gnp , Dak. _ 88S-4 MISCEII.AIfEOUB WAHTS. \\7ANTKl ) Gentleman wants furnished room II with tire nlirhts nml Sundays. Hate must bo low liefil of references if requlroJ. Address C 3f , Hco olllco. _ 071-4 * WANT13D Two orthrcounfurnl-hoil rooms tor light housekcoplnsr near business cen ter ; must bo reasonable. C 41 , Ueo Olllco. J U'4-4 * _ _ _ _ Funiishcd bod-room nnd slttliiR- WANTHU loom , with or without boaid , tor mart led couple : tcims must bo moderate. Send partlc- ulara. 0 4U , lloo Ollleo. _ 120-5 * TV'ANTKD Immediately , residence property , i ,0)0 ) to fj.ODO In value. Wo bavo customer now alttiiR. C. .1. Caswoll & Co. , Uoom 11) ) , Iron Hank , U'tb and 1'ainnin. _ U-M-a WA > "Tin Two rooms and board for Ron- tloman , wlfo and daughter , convenient to Furnnni St. ci U Address O i , IJeo Olllco. 837-3 IANTED-Teams. BOOS , llth St. wIANTEDTeams. BUT IlEItT-HOIJSES AND LOTS. Oil lir.NT Smnll cottage on S. 10th ft. . $3 ' per month.V. . O. Shrlvor. 12VU * Foil IIKNT A Il-room house ; modern Im- piovoments ; good location. In'iulro ' 2110 Cnllfnriilit. S4 Poll UKXT-rottagoNo.niUN. I7th. Innuho bctwcon 12 und 1 p. in. t lM pur month. I Xl-t ) TT10II RKNT-OrSnln-A splendid hlsthly Im- -t ? proved farm of 400 ncros , 3 miles west of Oinnhn ; 310 ncios cnlth ntod , line grovu , pa turo , and hay land , running wntor , > > lud mill , tanks , ote. . two bouses , elegant largo barn , room for 100 head of cattle and lior.-os ; easy toiins. In- qulro of Mai-fihall & Lobouk , I.- * ) rarnam St. , Omaha , or of Joseph A. Connor , Plattsmouth , Koo. | UJ7-0 SAL.1' At a bargain , flno D-oom house Foil moJern coinunlencoi : full lot ; on Ilnrnoy St. , nour 2jth ; SS 'OO. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fiirnuin st. U > ! l OK liNT Nlttoly furnished rooms , 1G1J Dodge. Kll-4 * Foil HUNT Two verv rtoslrablo lints o n Hownrd Btroot ovdr lun with all inoJoni Im provements. A splendid looitlon to rant fur- iihhort roams. Oinnlm Houl IMnto and Ijoan Co. , Hooms J nnd 23 .Wlthnoll Illook. 7b.i F 1011 KKNT-Qardou farm. 303 S. llth St. Fs1 ' : rooms , ou a lath , C. A. HaUhrliu OoJ F Oil ItKNT Throe-room house , Oth i Dodgo. UVi - ofSroomsfd and liar FOIlUKXT-IIuuse Mouut iUrlllliiSM.SlUh Street. OJU F OK HKNT Three nausea of 10 , 6 und i rooms oach. J. Pnlpps lloo. HM TOB KSVX BOOMS. FCtllllKNT A largo handsomely f mulshed room ; also ono small ono ; modern convou- lonces. 1A ) Capitol avo. 884-4 * 1 011 HKNT-Furnlslio 1 front room with us o JL1 of batb room. Imiulru ut ouiro of C. E. Muyne , UtU and Farnum. 121 OIl JIKNT A "furnltihod room with board 1 : tor ono or two gcntlomon at 1512 Davuu- | rt et. 120-ft * OU KENT ThioaiinfurnUhcd rooms with F closets. InciulieaJia Itarnoyst. 123-5 * FP' P' 1011 IlENT-lTnfurnlshod looms. 1WH Far- nnm et. 114-3 * P'Poll Poll IlKXT niruUhod- rooms , ono laruo room I'J.W ) ; Eimll room I3.U ) , Ouo North 17th stroit. lltf-4 * _ TTibll HUNT Furnished room , 401 N. 15tb st. 1 [ _ 024-3 * Tno It UU.NT flood room and day board , luul -C Kamaiu street. W72-6 * _ OK HKNT l"urnlshod'rooms. . 8203 Dodge 2jl-fl ) Foil HKNT Handsomely furnbhod rooms , pleasantly tltuatcd , with Iwaid ; bath ac commodations. Af/ply ut liiAl Ci.pltol avo. 8 l-4 _ _ T7W11 HUNT With board 'ouo laruo front -L1 room with KOS and bath roocnt 14uu JOIILS ft. _ KH-5' FOIt ItKNT-Uoom with board. 1613 Capitol av. * till-U _ _ _ _ m\T-Mccl7 : furnished icoius. No , Foil 111 South Itth. Wl RENT-rurnlsho4 rooms. 1C6 N. tfth. FOR 84M * _ TnoilllKNT ForllRht housokooplnsr rooms JJ furnished nnd unfurnished In llocmor's niock , cor. Eighth nnd Hoivnrd St. T7S OU IlKXT Store room In Wlthnell Wookj bet , Harnoy nnd Farnam on 15th. Innnlro Itoom 17 , WlthncU UlocH. _ 777 HUNT 4 nicely furnlshpd rooms with or Foil board. 1US ricosnnt st. 713mhU TTIOR nKXT-Nlecly furnished rooms , with JU host , ffas nnd bnth : also tlr t-clns.s tnblo bonid ; bostof roforoncoi irlvon and roqiilrod. 1S14 Hoilvo st. f-33 TOB BAI.E-HOU3E3-I.Ora. JTlOIVSAt.i : Atnlowprlso , a lot onVlrjrlnln JU avcnuo , cast front nml nit ; nl.'oono of the chnloest rarnora In Hawthorne , ndilrcss C 42 , lloo Ollico. _ 12 6 * iriORSA&K-nrnssrnrm In rikhom X'nllcy nt J3 Uwlmr. Holt Co , Neb. , 11) mlles northwest of Fremont : prlco , SVWo ; 1 niilo from town nnd rnlliond10l ncrcsof hay meadow nnd pUsturo enclosed , with timber nnd river : Rood hoiuo , cnttlo shols , barns nnd outbuildings. A tloslr- nblo plnco for breeding nud shlppini ; stock.or for a email much nud ho pnaturo ; 100 ncros of good farm land ndlolnliiff cnn bo bought chonp. Apply to Ldward Stringer , Ewing , Holt Co. , Neb. _ 111-5 * ITIOIISAI.H Full ncro , new H-roomrd Uoiiso , JU bnriictc.,8nundorsst. , $ SOM fjPxlft ) , Kood house , Snundcrs , near Ciimlng , $1,100. 5 cist front lots , 3 corners , N.21st it. , with 1 lanto 11-room liouso nnd 1 now H-room house , b irn , fruit tree < , etc. , n bargain , $14OLO. 1U9 lin.R-room cottR70 , Dnvcnpoi t st , f > ,500. 50x150. corner. oo6 house , $1,7(10. ( Choice lots In Marsh's add. . $1.00) ) to $ I,90 > 1. Ixts und rosldonco property In all pnrt of tlio city. Cnll nnd look over my list. E. F. Hlngor. 110 N. 15th St. _ 077 . Modern 5-rooin hou o , line Im provements , Popplrton nvo , Shull's ndd , beautiful lot 60x103l.UJO ; bargain. Hlo & Slooru , 12 ± i Farnnm. _ 1Q7-3 FOKHALK-TwrolotsIn Plalnvlow , ? I5) onch. t'otlcr & Cobb. 1315 Fut nnm st. ais _ EOIl SAl.K 7-room cottage , 1 bloctt from St , Mnry's avo. car line , lot 75x140 , only tl.lV ) . 1'ottcr & Cobb , ISl'i Farnnin. OCO | 7\OIl \ Somoth'n ; oxtia In Improved -t residence propcity on Ucdiro St. , Capitol Hill , only f35Kri. ( All furnished In vlegnnt stylo. Hlco & Moore , 1222 Fnrnnm. 103-3 Prm SAl.K Snmo elegant lots In llanscom 1'lnco thnt wo will sell for $ STiO. Lots in Thoinburir 1'lnco $30. . tots In Ixi\o's ndd ? 00) . Txits In llnitlo'fs ndd ? < T,9. Lotslnliii tliorn udd $1X1. Tx > tsln r5l o'sndili.n ) ) . Lots In .Volro = o Hill SIM. Jxits In Newport $ : ' ( * ) . Acre lots In Wushluston Hill $7.V. Lots on small monthly nnymonts In any oE the additions to Onuiluu B. T. I'ctcison & Co. 112 im nrres of Innd , SO broke , 3 JL3 mlles from Rliorton , In Fianltlln county , NcK Call onoraddus ) Nols II. llorsbiUlc , 50(1 ( , UU Islou st , Omahn.Nob. _ UCO-4 * Foil SAM * Or trade : Furm for Omnlux prop orty. 214 aci es in Lnncnsicr county , Nou , 4'i tnllos southwest < > F Valparaiso ; US ncrcs culll- viilrcl , hou o , stable , well , II springs on land , fruit and slmdo tiers 12 yenrsold : n > ory good Etok lu : in. 1'or further Information call on or nrtdross V. D. VodicUn , KO S. l th st , Omaha1 Nebraska. O.iS-0 _ Foil SAI.K t-ronm house , corner lot. peed Improvements , I'uikor's ndd.S.ViOO. Hlco & Sloorc , 1J2J Farnam. lOii-3 AsllsMnvfleld , S'-'W. Acres , llntitlcld.7Ji. Acres , I'nttprsnn 1'ark , $17 Acres , Pnttor on Pnrlc , $2)o. ) Acres , PattorKou Park , * y.V ) . Acres , Pattui sin Pnrk , WO ) . Acios , Patterson Piulc , $ ,150. Lot with 2 cottage * , Millnnl Plnco.$3.rM Lot with 1 cottage , Shlnn's 2d , $ liOU. ( 8 beautiful lots overlooking Walaut and Or- cluir.l Hills , o-ich ? .m K o\trn flno lots , G blocks fiom Hnn = com I'lnon , suitable lor the bostclissof reslileuous , cno h $ SlO. 1) . C. Patterson , Iron Hank. bC7-0 NAT.I : The llnnst submban property Foil Oninlin. Four acrus in west piirt ot city , 52 501 In inipiovcinonts fruit In nbundanco excellent water maKiilllcent vlow Hi-st-clii"S nvcstmcnt for a homo or to sub-divide $14COJ. Coclnan Hi os. , real cstutu , 1500 Farnam Ft.JSC8 JSC-8 3OII SALE jO lots lu Ilnnscom 1'lnio adil. , Ft ' SHOil to SJrTi ) . - ' " * i0 ! lots In West Cumin * add. . $ i73 tOMSMJ , on snuill pn > monts anil rasv tornis. 15 lots In Plain view mid. , SIM to $051. Vacant lots In Ambler I'laco , Klrkwond , Marsh's. Walnut Hill. 'Ixiwo's , Arbor Place , Dwifrbt & I.ymon's. B. V. Smith's. Parker's , Clarendon , Shlnn's , West Sido.Thornburp , Paul son's additions. Acre property from SIT ) to $5,0,10 per aero. Ono or two special bargains. Should oo Invos- tiirateil. Property llstod with us will bo proporlv nd- vortl'i-d nnd soM on short notice. Wo innko n specialty of business chances of ' ( ill kinds , BtocliS of merchandise to trtido.-ctc. , rto. Im proved fnrms in Nobntska and Iowa. Western nnd railway lands for sulo or trade , any \\iiv you want. Call or address llloo i : Jlooro. 122J Farnnm. _ 1UU-3 T710K SAIF.-lols. X1 Lots cheap and nt front bnrsnlns. , Lots on Cumin ? , Uth , Farnam , and ether strt'ots. Ixits In every addition to Omaha. I/its on easy terms and Unf ( tlma. Ixjts to suit all purchaser * . Lots the cheapest In the city. Lots fiom S3JO to SIO.OU ) . Lots In Klrkwood's add. at $100. Ix-ts in llanscom Place at SI , 103. Lots In Dwlsht ii Lymnn's add very cheap. Lois on 9th litrcet at ? lri > ' . Ixjts In Faundcrs & Hlmubaugh'3 add. Lots In Honors' ada. nt $ l'Jif. I/ots ovcrj-n-hnre In thn city. Call on A. McQuvoclc , Uoom 7 , Iledlck Hlook , Fiunamst. U07-4 T71OH SAT.i : Improved residence and busl- J ? nc'flspioporty nn Pnimilers St. and 23rd St. Lot 12x10) ) jubt off Cumlng.fU X ) . Illco & Jtooro , 12.-2 Furnam. 033-3 _ THOU SAM : A lotnaiuo. and dwcliiusr 2nv2 < , JJ near future Hiowuoll Hull. cheap ; hnlf each , balnnco Hinnll monthly payments. V. L. Vo- illcka , B39S.mii st. _ OU TJloilSAf.i : 101 acres In olty limits of Konr- JJ noy nt u bargain , and on peed torms. Ail- dress IL \Vooliimn , O. P. Town Lot Accnt , Denver Junction. Colorado. _ Blinh24 | . : Full cornsr on Farnnm , UlxCB , FORSAI.i Ornliiim Crclglitun Illoek. HJO SALi : Lots to the west of town , near Foil st. and I.owo nvo. , in Potter's ndd. , safe and prolltablo Investment nt JWJ nnd JUOO each. Potter A : Cobb 1515 Farnam st biO SAr.l ! 5-room house , lot r.tx32. Hood's Foil add. . Capital Hill , $ > , : ! 03. Illco & Moore , 122J Farnam. 032-3 _ SAM : A now 7-room house nnd lot on Foil ft. , a bargain. 4 ncro lots In Hlmobainrh'sHild. very uncap. Houses nnd lots in all parts of the city. Improvol nud unhn- proved land for sale or trado. It , It , Hull , 1:3 N. 15th at. _ 814mh24 oil SAl.K- ) acres , Improved , ' 5 mtlo west F of water work * ro ortolr on Military road. For prlco and terms , nddress P. O , Itox 41' ) . 81. ) Foil SAI.K 5-room house und lot , Clnrondon add. , f 2.350. K.voi-j tiling 111 ship ahapo order. Ulcu & Moore , 1222 Farnam. 034-3 HALK-Tliroo fine lota in Shlnn'a 3d odd. Foil at f SOO oaoh. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. B47 _ IjiOIl H.vr.K-Lots In ixiwo's lit addition , J-1 south fronts , easy terms , only $500. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fariiam st. _ Kil SAt.K Dcst 5 aero tracts In tbo market , Foil f J03 per aero. Inquire about them. Potter .V Cobb , 1515 Farnam. _ Boa . FATTEIISO ! * , Real Estate , 1224 Far- RC. Houses , cottages , lots , suburban and lobldont , for halo for cusii or on monthly payments , in all parts of the city. Callo orud- ilicsi K. C. Patturton. l'J24 Farnam. bUS Foil SAT.U-Aoro lota. Oiso's add. , only 81,500 Potter It Cobb , 1S15 Farnam. _ B57 "TjiOKSAljK Now 4-room house , good barn , JJ together with 3 lots , Walnut Hill add. . fl OJ. Itloo tit Moore , 1222 Farnam. VJV3 _ ncroa , with house , barn , 1 < 4 JP ncrosgiapo vines , } ncro of raspberries , horse , Innno s und wairon ; I mlle west ut Fort Omaha , ullfor J1.8JII ; $1,200 cash , bulanco to suit purchasnr ; must bo sold before tbo 7th of March. Inquire on promises , Saml I ) . Jones 787mO * FOH SAIK-On easy terms. U lots in Hans- com Place from $ iuoto $1WJ each. Lot cm Plcasunt St. . with doubla house , 10 loums ouch w. > i all modern Improvements ; rents for 6110 ncr mouth , $ IOX ! > . Lots In West Cumlng from li.jtotoll'iOdiicU. Corner lot. Prosoucc Place , barziWn. Corner lot , Shlnn's 3d add. , bargain. C. J. Caswoll It Oo. , Itoom 1'J , Iron Ii'unk. 774 THOU HACK Several desirable buslnoa lota JU on llirli SL , and buslnt'ij und ruslJuncu lots In all parts of tbo city. Also wuruhou&Q , hotel and farm property. Houses to rent Property shown free of charge and a large list to sulect from lit prices rangm ? from 125) to $10,000. Par. ties deilring to Invest should look over our list and prices buforo buying. CorioSpondonco .so- Ikrltod and Infonnntlon about the city frcoly given. Omaha iteal I'.stnto & Loan Co. , Hoom 23 , Wltlincll Ulpck , 727 TT > on SAtC No. ifcf-Lot CSiiee , elegant now JL1 5-room IIOUFO , Nelsoitndd. , near Cumlng st , $2 0J ; $800 cash , balance to suit. K. T. Peter son St Co. , 8. E. coraMh nnd OouglM. No. 321 I/irno lot nndn houses , 8. 17th St. , easy terms , $5OW. E. T.'Vctorson St Co. No. 1212 full tots and 3 flno houses In Shull'a M ndd. , modern trrtrrtvomonts | , cosy terms , $ , Wfl. K. T. Pptercon JeCo. No , ! 3Lot 7.1X163 , . liouso 0 room's and bn e- mcnl , Improvement Association , loth St. , ( cor ner ) , tl OJ , easy payments. E. T. Peterson & No. 815 Lot 47xKiO , n flno'i-story brick dwelling , stable.oto. , 8.10th St. , $4JJOO. E.T. Pctersont A Co . , { No. 341 Flno fi-room liouso , full lot , Davenport st. JiiRtwostof hlgri scloolJ,500. ) U. T.Pot- crpon & Co. , , No. 043 TjotCOTWJ.Srfath'fCth street. 3 two sto ry houses , very chd.lp nt,0oa E. T. Peterson - son tV Co. No. ini LotfiOxMO.lroiisoof 11 rooms ( now ) ; n bargain. $3.7iW. E. T. Peterson \ Co. No. 3-Ji 2 full tots and 6 houses on inth and Plcrco sis : > cry cheap , SS.500. E. T. Petersen Nn. 340-1 ! full lots 00tl20. Seward et : chonp nt f WXXi ; easy tcnns. P. . T. Prtorson A Co. No. 330 lot 00x145,10 room liouso , 18tb gt. on cnr llno.choap , $ . ' , SOO. n.T. Patorsonfc Co. No. 322 Full lot nnd pninll house Virginia are. , chenp nt $ l,30a . Ii T. Pcter on & Co. No. 323 LntKolot nnd elorant cottntro. S. Ifitn near viaduct. Cheap nt $3,000E. . T. Pctorf on. A Co. No. 109 Lot SJtCD , 17th nonr Ilurt.5 room liouso , w eU and cistern , ote. , JJ,3JO. E.T. Peterson ft Co. No. 310 Full tot and clegnnt 8-room IIOIIFC. all tnnilnrn Improvements. Will son for $ 'JP15) if sold nt onco. E. T Petcr > on ft Co. No. 119 Lot&OxUi. 0-room house on arndo. lotli near Lcnvonworth , f3ja E. T. Peterson & Co. No. 303 Lot 45x110 , house of C rooms.lnrgo base- inonti will build porch and picket , fence , ( rood well nnd cistern ; Hickory place , $1,800. E.T. Petersen Jk Co. No. 304 LotMStllO , houssof 3 rooms , chcnp ut f 000. E. T. Peterson S : Co. No. J172 Txt58.xl40,2Btory house , 1st story of brick corner , S. Iflth nnd Hickory st , ; chonp , * 6,0ta K. T. Petersen * Co. No. ! H7 Elegant i > r com hoii o , lot CO.xt27Shlnns 2d ndd , fence nnd porch ; this Is worth mve tl patina ; lot us show you this piece , fl,30J. I' . T. Peterson & Co. No. a" > 2 Lot 00x157 , elegant Inrpro house , S. E. Ilopcr's add , f 3,000. E. T. Peterson * Co. No. 355 Lot 4'ixlM , 3 house , in McCormlck's add. , $3,260. B. T. Prtorson & Co. No. .Tii Ixt C-ttx132 , hoii'o of 5 looms. Imm inent of ! l rooms , lnrnport st this is cheap S3.701. E. T. Potcrou & Co. No. 317 Flno lot 2."iv20J. house of 8 rooms. stable , etc. , Sherman nvo. , $3,000. E. T. Peter son & Co. No. nT3 tot RQxIM'i. ' now house of 0 rooms ; line oto ration , cheap at $ JOJO. E , T. I'otoryon te Co. No.Hi3 ! Lot 75x140. .LI. Ilcdlck's add. , 3 story hotiM } ot 13 rooms , eloimut surroundings ; f V700. E. T. Peterson &Co. No. 3)8 Lot 30x25" . liouso of 6 rooms Shor- mnn nvo. : cheap. $1,000. E. T. Peterson jr. Co. No. 403 Lot 1411x140 , house of 7 rooms , out house , beautiful loeitlon , P. V. Smith's ndd. , enav terms , frnoo , U.T. Peterson i Co. No. 418 Klojmnt lot nnd house of 8 rooms , mod ern improvements : llanscom place. E. T. Peterson & Co. No. ini-For sale , lot Mxll2M. Phil Sheridan Y block from St. , car. house ot 10 rooms 31,000. E. T , Pctoi8t > n& Co , 1'ithnnil louIa . For sale Do you want any business property nt low figures , if so call ou us. K. T. Peterson & Co. Ill FOUSAT.K Lots Just south of tlio parkin Clark Place $ "ui ) each , on easy terms. Potter - tor & Cobb , 1515 Furnam. Kifl Foil SAI-i : Stock llnnch $ .10,030 buys the finest Improved stock ranch of 710 ncros lu lowu. Illco i : Jlooro , 1J2J Farnam. 09T-3 Foil SAM : A low of the best ots In WUcox's udd. at $000 each. Potter A ; Cobb , ISH Far- nnm st. 855 _ v _ Foil SALi : Now.ff-ioom hou o , peed barn , ell and clstoinjUiWn hn 1 shade treos. Par- Kor's a < ld. , $1,750 , a biu-gnhi. Illco to JIooio. 1S2 Furiuim. ' ° OU3-3 POK SAT.K 20 lotf , Kftliy mid. , easy terms $500. arnlmn , Crojshtiyi lllock. 770 Foil SAMS Ono of the llnost corners on Farnnm , f 18,000 : So,003cash mil oisy torms. Itonts for $1,590 ; n bargain. Iioslrnhlo houses and lots , vnonut lotj au3 acres. Jlarsh.ill & Lobcck , 1C03 Fnrnaiu. 720 ( jtq FOR SAM- : Cheap lots In IJurr Onk. Just cast of Ilnnscom Park , , S75J , nisy terms. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Farnam st. 851 F OR SAT.K tlusliooa property on Cumins sticet , JIO.OCO. luco &JloorolXX'rurnnm. SAFK Uuslncss property Improved on J - St * Mnry's avo.S8.0UO. Itlco Sc MOOIH , 122J Fnrtuun st. ' ( ill lOVil "filOIl SArK Chenp , ono of the hot Improved JL , undllnost located fnrms In OoiiKlnseounty , Nob. , Ginilos west ot Oinutin court house , con taining 1BO ncros , with hcnso , stiiblo , w oils , or chard und pnsturo , etc. : one-hnlf onsli , bnhineo tosultpiucha'H.'r. For further particulars ai- dross Goo. Llmlo , care Omaha lloo , Omiiha. No- bniskn. 00 FOIt SAIiK 7-ioom liouso , peed bnrn.2 lots , 1'nrkcr's add. , ? 3,500. llluo A : .Mooro , 1 Fflmiun. TTIOUSAr , ! : House und lot In Sulnn's ndd , 1 JD block from lino. Sl.flW. House und Ji lot neur 20th nnd Iznrd streets , 125 loot , en t front , on 13lh street , ( business property ) , SlO/i'jQ. Corner lot on Karnam streotS3\n3fcctSi5,03D House 13 looms , lot aOtHU , on street car line , SUiOO. Goo. P. Bcmls 15th and Douglas st C21 FOUSALi ; niirllargnln Corner In Isnno i bullion's nddltlon , only 2 blocks from l.env- ouworth St. , lO.'xlil , only S1.5DO. I'ottor A ; Cobb , 151"i Furnnm st. 85.1 forsalo lots In Hans- J ? comFlftco.riiHtoJl.'W. Dibson has for sale houses and lots In Hnns- coin 1'lnco. Clbson hns fot-salo houses nnd lots In all parts f the city. Gibson has Improved farms nnd Innds In nil parts of Nobrnska lor gala or oxcluingo. Gibson hns thousnnds of ncros ot Innd In Westotii Nebraska for salu from $ * to Jtpur acre. Gibson would Ilko to sco you If you want to buyorfchll. Gibson's Is the plnco to list your property. Cnll nnd sco him nt Hooni U , Wlthnell Clock , cor. loth mid Iliirnoy sts. B'O FOIt HAr.K Ilnslnci'3 corner. Insldo proper ty. niff bnrffuln. Jir. xX ) . Jtleo cX Mooio. isa Fnrnnm. RC. PATTKUSON , Ilenl Kstnto.l&M rnrnnin T.iir o lot and bjautltiil cottage only f'J lJi ) Corner lot , Divonpoit and aid . 3IX ) Now cottage nnd lot , monthly payments. . 1.800 Ton beautiful ncros , chu.ip . : iXM ( Slfcotoii FnriKim ft. , ehenp . 3rM lOlAlSOfoet , lllmolmiiKli I'lnco . ri.tiOJ Kuch of the uliovo nro bnrgalus unit I liavo solongcncy. It. C. 1'attorson. 711 FOK8Ari-Throo.lots In Shlnn's2d addition , on eastern slope , only U ulouks fiom street cars , clioap-only fc'uO. 1'otlor & Cobb , 1515 Far- nnm st. 8j'i Foil ! SAI.i : Biifilno'S corner on rarnum Rt. , 5U'KJU. Hlco & MojroZ2 \ Farnam. 10U4J FOIt SAI.K A flno 5 ncro trait on South Iflth Btroot , only n few blooks from street oar line , luquiru at J.uiitro & I' 8.13th st. 4bl ) _ FOIt SAI.R Four lots , cor. California nnd O-Jth sts. , S blocks from proposed paving on Cmnlntfet. , JSMiuid f'J3aurtoh. 1'ottor ic Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. I'll mn _ Foil HAr.K-Impi-oVod'rosMoiico ' property IJ-room moiloin Jt < . > , nt w , K V. Smlth'a add , 16,000. Social bnryaUv Iticu i Jlooro , l Fttrimin. j ltO-3 _ _ P.VTTKIISON l'AUIC-3 mik from court house , (1T5 to fcm txxcncro ; small cash n.iy- mont , bahinoo oasyitveiiiw. I'h-dt rloor , ( run Hank Uulidlmr. U. 9i lcraon. ( 51S Poll SALE Two ilou'iti Polhaia Place , ouo block trom street car -track. Inquire 213 ? . 13th street. . _ . . ii _ &jj FOU 8Ar.K-Now''modo'rn 7-room hott * .B. V. Smith's udd.f 4 000. lUco AMooro ; , 1 J2 Farnam. mont. Oiiinha itoal Hitiitii & Loau Co , Itooms 2and23Wltlincll blocki 740 FOJISAM5-A to story , 22rM. frame build Inif , suitable fora store , near inu an4 Far- namSia. Applyat tlili oiUjo. 947 LAND SEKKEUS. ATTKNTION-For fuU Particulars about free and cheap lanJJ la Western Nebraska addroM Thos. 0. Patterson , u ii > , . . . _ . . xT.i , pjatto Nob. U55 ' . llenutlful homo on Charles St. , FOIll'AI.K Shlnn'a udd. ; bplcndldluipruvemoiit ; great kutcb ; fj,5ja. Itlco & Maori ) , lii. Furnam. TpOIl SALK-Coruer lotslnSUinn's 2dMO and Lots in W. A. Itedlrk'g add. , near Lcavou- woitli St. , Jlm ljJtUil5il ; wlillS-rnoin bouse and Inrgo barn on Nortu ISth st. , only. &M ) ; easy terini. Flnu resldcuco property In bUluu'd add. , , , . Ho uses and lots lu all directions , and many . Tarnia and.wild lauds In alj parts of tbo state. Stockdalu & . Uunclier , 101) ) Dodge at. . IT5-2 * Nmvronx Nonro tpest acre lots , elegant location , tinsitrpnsol vlow of the city , reached over lorol rends , no hills to climb ; eniyicrnuof pnymonti 8 pop cent Interest : price , $300 nn ncre. . _ . AMES , 1509 Fnrnnm. AMES Puct Chospest nnd nenrost city lota , for the money : only fXO to $30J per lot. RdurcK'a GnorE Just south of Fnrnnm St. , M block from 28th nnd Fnrnnm ft. cclmol house ; only J800 to fl,200 per lot on easy terras Avns 1B09 Knrnnm. AATtinAi. QnowTii snndo trees on every lot InHcdlck'gGrovo : only 24 blooks from 1'ark nvo. cars. See Hcdlck'sGrovo. BnionroN Splendid ncro lots , $375 per lot : most do jlrnblo ncro lots next to Newport , Sco this hnnd omo property. MKi.itosr. lliLi , Southwest of Ilnnscom Tnrk 10 minutes walk trom 1'nrk nve. cni-s : lotsfJJ ; to $350 on terms to suit buyer. Mnlro o Hill lots will soil for do-.b ) pre < ont prloos In a rear's time. Como nnd so this proporty. r. . _ A.MBS , 1S03 Fnniam. nv PAV URST when youcau buy ilot In Amos 1'lnco for tJW to fJ-W on such easy terms ? Sco these lots. OAK CHATIIIV This love trnet of land h s not n poor" lot In It. The licit Uno depot bus tpen located on this Innd lots soil Tor $ rt to $ * COon very easy payments. See Oak Chat ham. rnuNviEW-Chotco lots still tor ? nlo In this popnliir nddltlon at fair nricoj , on ensy pay ments. PHATT'S Stmmvisiow Aero lots southwest . Itnn com Park , vCry dcslrabto ground , selling. nt ftJuOiicrlot. llAnitALOW PI.ACB Thcso lots am the chonp- cat for snlo on Lcayonworth st. Prlco tJOO to I9UO , on payments to suit. suit.AMES , 1503 rurnnm St. CvVt.r.Riid see for yourself the chnnces for safe Invonmcnt olTorod. Itumcmbcr , Onmhn's srowth Is solid nnd Instlng. Property will con- tliiuo to ndvunco. lluynow und mnkuthond- vnnco. AMES , 157J Furnnm St. _ | _ * 44& FOIISAM5 Now modern 0-room resldonoo , Catherine street , Hnn eom Plnco , 11,200. To i out for $33 per month. HIco&Mooro , l - l' r- imm. _ lin-3 FOIt SAI.13 7-rootn rp ldoiice , Pnrlc nve. , Hnnscom Plnce , S , OCO. IllcoJfc Monio , 1AH Pin num. lft-n ! , & MAUL , ( Successors to'J. a , Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKERS , AND EMHALMERS. At the old stnnd , 1107 FRinam St. Onion by tclogrnph "solicited mid promptly nttcudod lo. TelouhonoNo.2J.-i THE PHENOMENA OF DEATH , Ignorance of People Concerning the Mys" teries of Dissolution. Sitting Up Jn Grave Clotlics A "WomanVIio Treasures Her Coillti Plate. Every year adds a mnss of tcsliniony more or less convincing of the popnhtr und professional ignorance prevalent concerning tiic phenomena of dc.ith. Ac counts nro published from time to liino of premature burials , of suspended tini- umtion , and of coflincd corpses which liavo nt the last moment olcctrilicd tliuir respective circles of mourners by giving some sign of vitality just suiliciont tores- cuu them from the unyielding grave. Some people read these stories , others pass them over , and in a few instances they are cut out and pasted into scrapbooks - books devoted to a collection of data bearing on the subject. Within the space of sixteen years , for example , tno amount of such matter Hint may como to the notice of the average casual newspa per reader is enormous. It will bo enough to 111 ! many a large scrap hook , and it will embrace testimony relating to all the phenomena conuccte'd with the mystery of iihy.sical dissolution. Such a collection would include case after case of premature burial , simulated death , and resuscitation of those supposed to be dead. In case the collector were disposcdttotmuke tv hobby of this subject he would Imvb no dillicuHy in completing his data with testimony as to the dfllercnt phases of death by starvation , by drown ing nnd by hanging. Such a collection not only might bo made , but actually has been made , anil in all instances where it AVOS praciicablo every case has been care fully authenticated. Any one who will take the trouble to review such a mass of testimony will bo pretty thoroughly convinced of two things : The is the lack of under standing of the multitudinous details of death. The second Is the ignorance of thu bimplo methods of resuscitation and restoration that nwy be effectually em ployed under certain circumstances. Tlio inevitable conclusion to bo reached from these premises is that there is no absolute proof of death in one case out of a hundred , ns no scientilic tests arc applied. In the majority of cases after respiration ceases the attending phys ician is called. He pronounces the patient dead The minister is summoned , then the undertaker , and tlio body is interred. The evidences of dcatli in Mich a case arc fouud simply in the appearance of the body. The limbs nro stark and rigid , the under jaw is fallen , tlio eyes are .set. tlm lips discolored , and an ashy pallor lias swept over thu countenance. Yet for this the vital spark may not have been entirely extinguished. A prolonged period of inanition , cataleptic condi tions , syncope or trance may account for those appearances. This i.s proved by the numerous instances in which o\- Immed caskets have given indubitable evidence of tin apalliiu ; struggle , in which lining , pillows , and shrouds have been torn to shreds. A curious fact connected with one form of inanition may bo found in tlio trival circumstances necessary in some instances to recall the ebbing tide of life. In one case as tlio attendants were re moving rings from the linger of a sup posed corpse the hotly straightened up and In another on accidental puncture by .a lancii. and in another a sudden shriek , served to arouse persons just before buried from a state of trance. In other in stances the terrible spectacle of the clos ing colliu lid has been millicicnt to re- leasp the victim froiullio cataleptic state. One man snt bold upright in his cotlin nnd exclaimed , "What is it all about ? " A little girl said : "Papa , please don't leave mo. " And n woman screamed , " 1 am not dead. " A singular instance of sudden restoration is found m the case of Miss Ciarn Munco , of ( irconpoint , Conn. , who has in her possession a largo .silver plate on which is engraved her name , together witlrtho date of her birth nnd tno date of her supposed death. On the last mentioned date fiho was lying in her collin perfectly conscious of the funeral - noral ceremony that was going on about her. As hortrlcnds passed round the conin to vic\r her remains for the last time many of them stooped und kissed her. Suddenly one noticed that the corpse's nose was bleeding. Mental agony hnd fetipormduccd this sign of life. Decomposition is said to be tlio only Infallible sign of death. By using modern appliances of ice and embalm- iluids , bodies may bo kept dava after decomposition has set in , all doubt of death wing thus removed. The (3reeks ( and Romans beom to have realised this fact , for laws existed nmoiijj them forbidding interment for from three to eight days after death. The lirst recorded inatanco of the restoration to life of nn individual about to bo buried was that of a woman in Ajrrigentum , in ansciont Kreeco. Her funeral was arrested by Empedoeles , who restored her to life. Lilwl laws bid fair lo be bettered in Japan nt least. Says the San Iraueisco Chronicle , in its Yokohama notes : "A revision of the press Jaw now in force is expected tw be eilected shortly. In the present law the writer of any defamatory note or article in a newspaper is pun ished , no matter whether his note or arti cle is fpnnded on fact or not ; but in the expected revision ho will bo made punish able only when Jie cannot prore the truth pf what he has published. PLENTY OF LIFE IN PRODUCE , May Wheat and Prepared Pork the Centers of Attraction , THE FORMER HOLDS ITS OWN. 1'orlc Rushes on the Downward nt Break Neck 1'nco Speculation ns to How Armour Stnmls General Reports , CHICAGO GUA1K MAUKET. CIIICAQO , > rnrch3. [ S | > octal \VHIAT : > Iny wlicAt ami pork occupied the tinillvidcd attention of traJcis on 'Chaiiga to-ilay. The "crowd" was bearish on both. A decrease of nbout 1,000.000 bushels In wheat imported Into tlm United Kingdom nnd con tinual , nnd reported i > incltnros by New York exporters of \\onty boatloads or such n mat ter , bull weapons. " Tele grams trom the seaborn il with icgnid to this export business worn cnnlllctlnc ; . Mny wlicat opened nt & Kc , sold up io 8J @ 3jfc ) , back to IJ c , nnd tlien tip to S5J < e and down to WJ c , closlnc at 1 o'clock at tMJfcgSoe A larjje amount was bought just before the bull tupped nt We. Two or three he.wy local scalpers botiuht l.irgcly nit the momlng. Alatthows talc I MR about 500,003 huiliels at tliu vco'toii. Trad Ingbstwoen 1'J and 1 o'clock was on rather a limited scale. StiNouGitAiN's Corn and oats wcro not lifted out ot the rut to-day ; lluctuntlousciu slight. I'novisio.vs jraj * pork opened anil sold down to StO.SO , lallj Ing to drupphiK oil a fraction , and closing TliuArinourpoonltiwcru talking bulll lily , but theio was a suspicion abroad that boiling \\as jiaitly on their account. On the other hand quite a huge number of opeintois in thu piu- vision pit think the "country" Is doing the selling. Olid ot the brightest observers In the trade said to-day : "Tho country made money on the udxancc , and for once it took itspiolitsand went the ether way when tlio ni.iikctcothc.ivy. The professionals have got \\orbtufltbotli ways tip to the present wrlllns ; . " Another broker , speaking on thu attitude of Armour toward provisions , said : "It Is nonsense to talk about Armour being a bear on pioviblons for any length of time. lie may not inn the Ucal this jear , and prou- ably will keep out of the speculative matket as much as poviible , but if thu counliy or piovision cro\\d bear the piico of the pioduct to a point wlieio it becomes unprofit able for him to distribute nctnal property ( nnd lie distributes more than 50 per cent ot thu production of the Chicago houses ) , 1m will rally to ills own protection , llo thinks he ought to bo consulted about the sale of hh own pork and meats as much as nbout his bonds or his house , and when the sneculalois get reckless and depre- c'ate ' values ho is Interested In .sustaining , he will be heard fiom. It may bo set down as a dead certainty tiiat Armour 19 not doing bns- Inev } lor the fun theio is In it , and that ho will not supply meat to the world at a loss un less it be to buy twice ns much nt cheaper ligmcs and put prices up later. " AITTKUXOO.V UoAiiWheat : was weak on the afternoon board and sold down to 81 < e lor May , where it closed. The poik ciowd was large , and the bears hamiueicd prices down lOc per bairel , though the close was but 5e under 1 o'clock ligures. Laid and i ibs wore about steady. Corn and oats were fairly steady and without material chance. 2:10 p. m. Puts on Jlay wlicat , SJj c bid ; ealls , 84c selleis. _ Chandler , Drown itt Cp.'s Report. The lollowing report of Chicago's specula tive maikcts is furnished the 15iu by W. P. Peck- , Omaha representative of Chandler- Brown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee : Wheat started with a spurt , and .May went quickly fioui8ij c to K > Kc , and June fiom bc ( to S7)c. Thu jubilant bulls were having a high time on the tact of eight lo.ids being taken for export , when the report of a bank failure in Uostoii blasted their happi ness , and rapidly rctiicd their favorite into the pit whcio it has linnc so long. Just say " 15ooi" to a wheat bull now. and ho drops his load as though frightened to death. A holid , legitimate cxpoit demand may put wheat uu , but buying wheat tor cxpoit to day , and selling It to-morrow in the same mnikct whcro bought , will never supply the much-needed stiffening. Oats for May 33c , coin 40c , and both of them as quiet as possible. The la-st "visible" supply showed considerable of an Increase In corn and oats , but the foiclgn demand for them continues , and may pull them well up j ct. Later In the day the bulls claimed the boars wore selling wheat on ac count of a steamboat company's failure In stead of a bank's fallinc. A poor excuse is better than none Pork , was very weak and declined from 510.45 at last night's close to SIO.UO on close to-day. The largo dcaleis liavo evidently concluded logivcpoik a good shaking , and it is only a question how much the holders will stand. The decline has already been moio than S1.K ! a bairel in ten day.s ; and it docs .seem as though the deal is In ray near ly good enough .shape toslait an advance. \V hilo It may go loner the limit must soon bo reached. The chances for largo prolits ate presented against thu danger of a very small loss. Oddsaut in laver of the buyer. CHICAGO ItlVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , ilarch n. fSpcclal Ttilexram.J CATTLIJ The supply to-duy was again llglit , \\litcli gave buyers homo i\dvautif'e , us tlio run for tlio week thus far lias been light eotn- paied with last week. huu < been al > lu to hold Hie market : at least uteaily , though neatly everybody had expected lower prices. The market to-day was stronger as n ruli ) and fallly acthc. Hero and theruvery prime cattle sold a bhado higher , but cenerul prices are nbout the NIIIIO as a week atro. A car of extra beeves sold at 36.M ) , being about the same ns the two cars of extra bt'ovea \ \ hlch sold at that pricu last week. .Salesmen v\hu had leui and rou li cattle complained that nobody wanted them , but that Is always the case except In times of ( rreat scarcity. SOIIIQ 12S7 to Mi ) Ibcattlu bold at ? ' , OOQVJU , witli I'-Ol IL > Hteers to dressed beat men at 35.10. .for SXi3 lb Texas cattlo54.40 was paid. Shippers bought some ifl : ) to 1400 lb eattle at SS.KKgJ.-JO , with half a do cu stcerd at S\G3 > f , and many 12JO to UOO lb e ttlo at 8 .W ) < & % 00. Shipping steeis , 13.V ) to 150J Ibs , SI.'JO@-.CO ; law to isaj los , S4. xir .40 ; to v iJ Ibs , gal ' ( .4U. Tffclvu extra 1003 lb bcovei bOUl at 8 < 3.rx ) . IJoas ActU'c and'Oc lifghcr. The jccunt rnltl on provisions 1ms rntlicr shut out Ilio packing dcmaiul , nnd ono or two houses tliat started up this week shut Aav , n again to-ihy. In fact , with the low prlco of production ou the ono hand and the competition of eastern shippers on the other , there seems but n small chnnco for the packing Interest. To day the best heavy sold nt S < .40@l.50 and packing sorts nt S4.155KSO. 1'ncklng nnd shipping , SttO to 400 Ibs , S4.aXffr .60. FINANOtAU. Now York , March 9 > MONKY On call , easy at 8$3 per cent. I'IIIMK MKIICAXTILF. PAPER 4Z per cent. STinu.t.N'Q EXCHANGE Dull but steady at S4.ST > < for sixty days , ana S4.M ) > 4 for do- inanu. STOCKS Coal stocks monnpoliVcd tlielarg- est part of business In shares , but they were soery nctivo thnt the total transnctlnns nmnumcd to ( ilS/JiXl shines. Reading and Lacknwnnna contributed ncnrlv iM ! < .O.X ) ihaies , the other two coal stocks 4"VO ) , nnd l.ako Shore , SI. 1'mil nnd Westein Union 108.00J shalesvhtlothn lest were very dull nnd altogether featureless. Towards 2 o'clock th market was decidedly quiet , but renewed activity and somu strength In ( Im last hour catrled quotation ? somewhat above Iho lowest ot the day , and Ilio market closed steady. STOCKS ON WA.t.1. STIICKT. Slfccnt bonds. . lOO C.&A.W . . 100V U.S. } < > pteferred. . . Now 4's N. Y. O I'acilic C's of M > Orecon Trail. . . Central 1'aclilo. M" C.&A ,1) . &E. BO ; | preferred. . . i'.P.C 122 ' Rock Islann. . . 120tf ' ' ' ' ' S'.h. & & ; : . . . St. L. , tS. K. . . SI D.A11.U nrcfened. . 4.1 Krle. 0. , M. * St. R. 4.1Wtf pre.feried. . . . niefcued. ! ' " } ? Illinois Control. . ' . OCU -10 I. , ] . &W prefcrri'u. . . 10 : ? ' Kansas A Texas. ' LakeShore Union r.icllic' ! ! MX L. & N w. , st. h. , t r. . uv Mich. Cential. . . . preferred. . . Mo. I'acilic Western Union. . . Northern I'nc. . . O. 11.&N fflf preferred. . . PRODUCE. Clilcn o , Jr.uch a. Flour Steady and linn ; winter whuat Hour. Jj4.lOI.S'i ; sottth- cin , S4.WXWI.ttt ; Wisconsin , 54.n < g4.70 ; Michigan soft spi Ing wheat , $ : > .T " ' ' " iiebotn bakers' , S3.fiOiflfU ; patents , 5,00 : lowKindes , fr'j.X ( ) ( < ii.O" : . 'Wheat Active bulimsettiedwithin n high- rri-aiiRn : opened llriu. advanced nbout We , decllneil ? 6iMc. ( later advanced 9f@J < c , < lo- cllned 54xe , anil closed JfCe abovn jestenlay : NM ) ® > ' - ' < ! lor eash ; bOx' < elor Maiuli ; &lh < & We. lor May : Wl c for .Mine. Corn ( inlet ; caily ruled fit in , advancing Jfc , Intel easier , and outside liguies weie not sustained ; : i7fffti7Ji ! o for cash ; : ! * e lor .Maich ; : ! 7.c lei Ajirll ; lO O c for Mav-I0'flc for.Iune. Oath btioniei- ; May ti .shade hkhcr ; near fututes noiiiliinl ; SWKc for cash ; 'JDc for March ; : MW : 5 < c for May. H\c Ste.idy , with a moderate cash demand al nOc. Uarley About steady nt COc. Timothy Dull and heavy ; prime , S1.S1Q Lew. Flaxseed No. 1 , on track , Sl.OTiiQl.O'la. Whibky-Sl.lG. 1'ork Actl\u but unsettled , nnd ruled with considerable it regularity : opened stionster mid pi Ices 10@l'Kc ! , later fell oil 25@i ! > Je ; lO.'JOfoi cash ; S10.15 © 10.17 for Match ; S10.i2K@l ! . " " ' for Apill ; SIO.1JI ! @ 10.5 ! ! for May ; 510.87W&5 10.10 lor June. Laid In moderatodemand ; no Important clianue ; steadier eaily ; S. > .b7 @ . "i.Wlor casli and Maich ; SS.OiKtiC.OO for May ; SO.Oo ® 0.07J < f for.Iune. JJulk M eats Shoulders , SS.'WW.flO ' ; short clear. S5.00ig5.i.shoitribs ( ; , < . JUittcr Moderate tiadn and unchanged ; good to oxtia creamery , UJQDOc ; choice to line dairy , lS@i e. CheebU Active ; full cream clieddars , 10@ ( fJ'lOJ.Y'c ' ; Hats , JOffilOj e. ; Young Americas , llj/tisl-c : skims , .igKc. Hides Uieen. 7c : hcavvcreon salted , fully cuied , Ucl : ight , 8 > < Jc ; bull hides , Oc ; dry salted. lcdry ; Hint , 13@llc ; calf skins. Tallow No. 1 country , 4'cJfo. 2 coun- tiJ.Wc ; cake , - JJfe.Kocolnts. Kocolnts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 11,003 0,000 Wheat , bu . -7,000 8,000 Coin , mi . 510,000 2012,000 Oats.bu . 101,000 TO.OOO Hebu . 15,000 1,000 IlarhTtbu . C 1,000 Now York. Match 'J. Wheat Receipts , 3,000 ; e.\poits , 1(4,000 ( ; spot , modciatoly active ; options opened a shadq easier , ar- terwaids ruled stronger and advanced X ® } { c , later tell back ; L'c , leaving oil firm ; No. 3 rod and Apill closing nt 04 Vc. - Corn Less active ; receipts , 211,000 ; ex ports. 20'J,000 : ungraded. aWiO o ; No. 3 , 4TJf@lbtfc ; No. 2W.Jj'c in elevator ; Apill closing at We. Oath A shade stronger ; receipts , 27,000 ; cxpoits , 2,000 ; mixed wcstcin , 30 ( ; j'Jc ; white western. 40til4'ilc. Petroleum Steady ; united closed atTOc. Eggs Lower and dull ; receipts , 4,000 pack ages ; western , IHKc. Pork Dull and wcnlc ; old mess , SlO.a1 ; ; now mess , $11.50r$11.7i. ( ; Lard Moderatclv active ; sales ef western steam , SO.'Jr.0.'J7K ; April , SU.-.W@fi.24. Butter Dull and weak ; western , 12 ® 3'ic : Klgln ereamery , fK@3-lc. Steady ; wehtern Hat , TCtO c. St. Ijcmis , March a. Wheat Quiet easy ; No. 2 icd , cahh , Ooy < j ; March , W. . . Corn ( inlet nnd about steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , ! i5irij ( ; : ! e ; May , ! ! 0'ic ( , Mil. rOdti Steady ; No. 2 mixuu , cash , 29 > @ " ' e-Kns'y ? tit COc bid. Whisky 31.10. I'ork Weak tit 810.70. J-aid ICasy at Si.7.1. ! Hntter Steady und linn ; creamery , 25@n,0c ; dairy. KCS1. . ' * . Ai'TintNoo.v HoAnn Wlient ) @J-40 low er. Coin Siiado easier. O.Us .Mo lower. Knnsas City , March . ' ) . Wheat Strone- er ; cash 7c : ! bid , 74c asked ; April , 75o bid , 75c asked ; May 7Se bid , 73 e asked. Corn Stronger ; cash , "OJfo bid , 371fc asked ; April. ys2'.io ; May. no @uO > fc. Oats Noiuinal ; cash , -Tc bid. Wvcrpool , Jlarch 8. Wheat Supply good ; now No. u winter steady nt 7s Id ; .spilng steady at 7s id. Flour Supply good ; steady nt 8s2d. Corn Supply good ; spot and Maieh steady at la 2d ; Apill and May , at Is 2d. Toledo. Maich ! ( . Wheat Closed flint ; cash , Vrtyi&ityfv * Corn Dull ; cash , SSJtfc. Oals-Dull ; cash. : c. Olnuliiiinil , March 'J. Whuat Firm ; N * 3 red , UX < We. Corn Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 37@37Ke Oats Kasy ; No , 2 mixed , ii'JKCsSuJ 'c ' , Uyo Klrtii : No. 2 , ( ( Vi ic. Uatloy Fair demand ; extra No. 3 spring , Pork Hull nt 810.75. Lanl i'alr demand nt 85.00. Whisky-Steady at 81.10. Mllwaukoo , March . Wheat Weak ; , bOKnMay. ; : 8JV , < fc ; June , BOtfc. Corn Firm ; No. - ' . ar > fc. Oats-Dull ; No. 3,20c. Hye StrongNo. ; 1 , 07c. Barley- ' h m ; N".2 , Oljfc. Provisions adier ; mess pork , cash and March , 810.30 ; May , SIO.IW. MlmicapoiiH , March 3. Wheat Firm ; good duimiud lor mlllliig with futures neg lected ; No. 1 hard. 68 lor canh and March ; 8'Jc lor Apill ; DlKc for May ; No. 1 northern , We I or oil-ill and Match ; We lor Apill ; BOJfo lor Maj' . Flour Steady ; patents , ei.60Q5.OOj bak t ers' . 83.fiO@J.OO. ItecelptaVheat \ , 165.000 bu. ShlpmentbWheat , 11,000 bu ; flour , 13,000 bbls. bbls.New Orlf.-iiMH , March 3. Coin Dull. weak nnd lower at 4Hc. O.its Steady at 3Sc. HU ProdUL-t.s-Dull. Bulk Meats Hluiuldcrs , SX7."j ; long clear , efl..iO ; clear lib. SX50. MVK HTOCIC. Chicago , Mnrcli3. Thp Drovers' Journal reiuiiis : Cattlii Ilccelpls , 4SX ) ; steady and strong ; shipping steers , irlt.OO Q.ftO ; 1'j c\tin l.UA lb. beeves sold at &VGQ : btockerw , b.J.00514.40 ; slii-rd tmlla , S3OUi3.Xj ! ( ) through Texnna , 84.00.iiMi > . llo s Itiicelpt.s , 13.000 ; strong and llrmer : rough and mixed. S3. > Og4.2A ; packim ; and fahipplir- . S''JOQO.rx ) ; light , Sa.TO l.'O ; skips , ej.oo ; < pi.7a | Sliecjlvelpts ! , fi.100 ; Slow and IWKa lower ; natives , $2.7r < /5.T5Tpxan ; , S--J 4.O ) ; lambo , S4.0dfit 5.M ) .