Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMAHA JJAlLY BEE , , MARCH .t. 1886.
Ailvortl'omehts tiniliT th 8 licivl 10 cents per
1 no for tlio first In ortlon 7 osnta for ovjh
Btii > KC < lucntlr crtiln nmJ * 1.W n linn jicr month ,
trvturlltonirntt'ikonfor lesi tbnn 2Tccnt .
Bovenwords w II bo count M to thellnoi they
tnuitrun consecutively nnd tmistbo pM'Un ' n1-
vanco. All ndvortlsoraontu m iM. bo Imndol in
before S o'clock p. m. , find under no circum-
etnnccs will they bo tnkon or dljcontlnuoi br
I'nrtlcsndvortlslmr In these columns iintlv } \ -
Inptlio answers nddrc od mcnro of Tnr IlKR ,
wlllploneo n k fpr cheek to enable thorn to uot
their If ttrrs , n none will bo delivered except on
precondition of check. All answers lo ndvrr-
tlscmtntg should bo enclosed In envelopes.
-iOOnon ( n lonn on biulurus nml rr ldono
$ property In Minis of $1,000 mid upwiirds.
Ames , ir/fiVninnm st. _ 18
' . TO LOAN on her ° oi , wnirons. fur-
MONI'.Y , wntrlicn , Itliont ipmoynl. Term *
cnay. r.J rnsnrll , lloomlsMroirllankltti Id-
Intr , 12th nml rnrnnii. . Tnkp olovntor. CCO-mli.
lJOoooio ( lonn on cltyrcsldenco pronorty
$ , Oeo. W.Dny , IWO rninnm. OKI
IO T.OA > Monny mnny nmomit ,
T On nil cliiF softecurlty.
Phort time lonns on renl c tnte.
IxiW time lonns on renl c tnto.
Moiipyto lonn on chiittol .
Monpy to lonn on crliutornls.
Money to lonn on nny peed Eocitritjr.
Terms on y , time toonlt.
Apply ntlhpOmnlm Klnnnclnl
llnrkcr'H Imlldlnir , S\V cornnr of
riftccnth und rnrnntn Bts. unstnlrs
TO T.OAN on Improved nnd unlm-
MON1JY rlty propnrty. Cunnlnglmm &
llnminn , ISll Ted o street. < !
for tivprj-tiodyt % on cnn borrow
MONHV on furniture , liorfCfl. wnorinR ,
plnnos , Mock of nil kinds , dlnmonds nnd flno
wntcheson your own tlmo. I'nymonts received
nt ntiy time , nnd lntorc t reduced pro nun.
1'ropcrlv left In jour own jiowslon. . . Terms
l w nsllio lowest , Cnll nnd POO mo. nuMncss
mnfldnntlnl. Nonilvnntniro tnknn. W. It. Croft ,
Uoom \S'llhncll'8 New HulliMnir , Northenul por-
HIT 15th nnd Hnrnoy. T3
TO T.OAN O. K. Tlnvln & Co. llonl
M Eotnto nnd Txinn RgontB.lCOST'nrnpm 8t
TO I/OAN On roort pecurltlos. A
MONKT , room 7 Jledlck Ulock , 1509Fnrnnm
Bt. < " <
roNiY TO T.OAN On tool cstnto nnd chat-
L tols. I ) . L. Thomns. 010
MONF.Y TO T.OAX-In sumi of $200 nnd up-
ward * on flrpt-plnm rpnl estate Bccnrlty.
Potter A. Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm St. 1)40 )
MONKY I.OANKI ) nt C. T. Hoed * Cn'e. Tonn
ofllco , on furniture , plnno1 ! , horsf. wnnons
porronnl property of nil kinds nnd nil other ur-
tlelcsof vnluo , without romovnl. : iiu S. nth ,
over lllti' > li'mrs romm/es'on "store. All hua-
incis Btrlcllr conndontnl. UI7
BnsiNi : q OHANOn-Tor snlo. fiirnltnro ,
flxtures and coed will of u imrlnT hotel In
peed location , r'irht In center ottrndo. Cull nt
oncn forreiusonsforunnllnff tosrll nnd further
p\illcnlar3 : , on Hlco & Jfooro , 12U rnrimm. Wl-n
fjion HAT.r : Nlco llltlo el nr , tobnrco nnd
J1 olnfpitlonprv stoto on n piomlnont Micot.
Addiess C y ) , Hoe Olllco. HW-fl *
OOK SAT.n Hotel In co-id town ; onlv hotel
Jv In town : I'nlnK1 ' ( rood liu liio s : ovprvthlni ?
nniirly nrw. Oiu o for pelllnu. wlfo's lipnllh Is
poor. I'or pnrllciilnis cnll on or mlili-pss Vf.C.
while , proprietor , Oonon , Nnnoa Co. , Noli.
'ijiOll SAT.K A creed lionr.llnp hoii o cpntrnlly
-U locnted. Addrc s 0 3. > , lleo odlco. 07I1-2 *
FOR r.XOIlANr.i-SUnOO Block of clothing ,
Mpnvh.lialniipoiinlncnmliprcil lanl : S7.WX )
Block ot dryuoods , H cnsh. linlnnco nnlnciitn-
licrrd hind : S9.000 Block of lints nnd rap' , li
cn h , linlnnco unlncnmlprPd land ; Sl.W ) stock
o' lints nnd cups. M cnsh.lnlnneonnlnpiimliprcd
land. Archer. AlbrlBht & Ala < innitli , S11 8.
Kith St. , opposite Iloyd's opcrn house. IC2
WANTip Ifr nn oM ostnlillelird rn torn
firm , n pnrtnor with from S. " > .0,10 to 15 cno
lo join them in ofltiibllMiliiv n liinnch Inhlilmr
lion In Omnhn. 1'nrtnor mnv l > o silent or
rctlvo , but mu t bn ot undniibtril stnndlnir In
every wny. Prlnclplrg only who hnvo the wmis
Jind < ll po | ion | to net momptlv tnnv iiddress
C"7 , ilco Olllco , KlviiiR full niimo and mlilioss.
"Clou SAT.I' llaknrv nnd lunch Rtnnd In town
JJ of nlinut FOO InhiOiltnnU : rhnnco for n peed
linker. Inqulro of Kopp , Diallms & Co. 110P
I'liinnmst. RS7-1
FOIt SAT.i : A epnoml lcoV < iC morolmmlleo ,
lll liuolpo about RIO 000 To miv pnrtv un-
doretnndlnir Iho dn- creeds and ornppry hucl-
rcs" . llrokcn llou-Kllinhnit po'nt In tlinRtnlo.
lull ! rout or sell the hii'llinc. ' TJiilUliifr two
HoorslOOxSJfcot. D. S. Ioir. ! Ihokon How. Nob.
F : Crenmon' bo Fold chenn. on
ytrrms , to nnynno who will rim It the
coming eeiiEon. 0. M. Cnitor , Ashliuid , Nub.
TVANTKn To ovolmnsrn for Ptoelc of Imrd-
' wnro nml crcnnrnl moiThnndlso , fiiiil norrsof
flue Tlmyor To.Nob , Inivl : 5 lots In Onnoi.
Neb. , irrod utorn bnltdlmr ( best corner ) : irood
clwolllns ( bo t locution ) In i : < iov. In. nUn 81
noips 14 mlle Irom town of r.s = ov. In. , sondml In
liliio irriiRq. Tor fuilhnr nrtl'' ndcb-nss
John Miiderhiilin Central Cltv Nohrnskn. 031
FOIt SAT.i : A S.VX ! ) Flock of mllllnoi v coeds
In iplnndld Inpnllnn. A hliliiiiriilii for coino
< mo ni n llhnrnl dHcount will lin ( jlv-on. Tor fur-
thpr pnrllPtilni ! ) nddrcss II ' . , lloo Oillcp. Ml
FOK S.\ri : AdtuirBloroIn atrood Uvo town :
M flr ° t r.itn location for a nlivslolnn. Piinltil
rcnnlied about * 2,810. Now biitldln ? nnd eloin
Fiock. Addi ess or call on II. Mosoa * To . Vul-
piitlnn. Neb. itllinch ?
plpro of Innd Bii'tnhlo '
forbilelMnid purjioses. Cill lit Mlllnril
Hotel. II. II. Pierce. 110 b *
IP YOIF hnvn nionorlv to soil or mclnnorp ,
ll t It with O. .1. fuswoll & Co. , Iloom 1" ) . No-
liriKkn Niitlonnl Hnnk llulldlnir. .IVmht *
P'MtSOVAT. Fnvornl olnirnnt losMonces nn
iipnor Vnrmim Rt bet.Jlrd nud 21th St. , tlmt
volmvn for snlo for n fo r dnjs nml Hint wn
vlll roll nt n linrOTlu. 1'lensn cnll nt nnco or
lo'o'ilmiin us nnd wo w III cnll mi > ou nud If con-
vnnlcnl tnko you to Itivi tlguto these ptonor-
ties. K. T. I'otcrson A. Co. 113
rpm : W. c. MctznorRtovo HopnlrCo. Ill South
JL lull St. I'cnvcon Duilt'O nnd Dou lns.
B OOMS nud honrd. 70-J North 1 Rt.
IOS.T . llrt con S5th nnd Ploiro , iOlh to St.
i Mnry'H nvo. , 1.1th stipet to Vnlcoiter's , hnr
phi with cell tw'st ncrosi llio top , I.PIIVO nt
jl'nlcimcr'b im 1 iceuho ronrd , Oal-0
TOST JJrnwmd. AiPllow colllo pup. with
J ImUhurPoIlnr ; answer * to the nniuo of Ilni-
no. . C. KiiiKiimn.Wll iMonsnut t. OTO-U *
IAUIKS In wnut or oed lrU onn 1m sup-
-JplUulliv cnlllnif nt thaOiiiahu r.niiilovmciit
lUncnuIUOL''iiriiaiuSt. Tolophona .No. ; V. .
O llliil : jour Hour ami fpcd by
1ST , Ncml \ Comml , ItmtoiUo st.
° " SAI.i : I.lsriit ovprpss ntitrou , lor want
of use. 1512Vbitri st. UKl-i
17" " ' SAW ; I'unHuro mill lonso of hoto
Jo'icnp. . AddrcsiOW , llroOIUcu. Hl-l1
TTtOUHAr.K-AlitoTcitnriTno milch cowg.
! lively QOW will lotcild undrr n irumantco.
Oiill nt our j mils on jtu uiu ! Hurt tta. I'uuiiy
& J tcr. fflt5
" | 1OH SA1.K Vrosl cow s nnd Eprlmrcra , 2 of
JHie lalicr , Uolstcm hoifirs ; nUo lluujounjf
llobtulii liull.VlVl nuil'l'opploton mo. C18-G *
Foil SAI.i ; Q or 0 iu'inl nt uoixl work horses ;
iiijo u lot of bousebotd furniture , etc.An -
lientcr-llusQU lliowliijf AajooUllon , Uth und
Cnpltol live. M. Koutlug , AiT.-t. 7Mmnl3
F < > ! { SAI.U Or sale , 1 top bujryy , bran now ;
1 'li'Ctoil top buwy U'l ' 1 1 I'UH'orm
liniiiiout lluijio'a Miitleatoro. l
h'Jicr ftrips , storm siisb and
. U. ilcdU JWJd. Vt'J
rANTin-oirl : forffpnernl housework. Ap
ply nt 1210 fnpltnl nvo. 115-8 *
M > Tii : > oirl to ilo pom-rnl housework.
Apply to Dr. ArnolJ.XK ) North 17th st.
WA Sr'fib A nrsTeln'S
nouo ntlior ncoil npply ; nls J n dlshu ne'icr. '
Occli o.iinl Hotel. IIP
AA "ANTii-U'omnn : cook nt onco. 210 S 10th
Strict. t > SM *
AiXTS ( : Locnlnnd tum-llnfrcfm mnkefioin
S3 , tr $ ) weekly. Aildro s Imperial Klro
Extinguisher Co. , Stoivnrt llulldlng , Now York.
WVI-nprl *
IX MXTljn fiord second fflrl for hou owork.
> 100 South lllh St. 07(1 (
T'l/'ANTKl ) A plil for ( fcncrnl hotisowork
1 > 1007 S. llth 6U nM !
V\7ANTrl-Olrrto in Kt"to do lieu < bnorls
' nud tnlto cnro of chlldrou nt onco. SMI
DjdBOS.W. corner. UflJ-S
\\rANTin : A ( rlrl lo do po lornt lioiKOwnrk ;
i aOormnn or S ode iireforicu. Applj-to
100 Doiiln t. HB
" \\rANTiil-A : peed jflrl for ncnoml hon c-
' work In n smiill liunlly. Apply lit 170" ) Hurt
street. 037-3
\\7"ANTT.l ) A mst-thss dlnlnit-rooin phlnt
> V 1519 Doilpo st. _ l j
\\7ANTr.n flood dining room pliN , 1 spcond
> peek lor rcstniiinnt , trlrls for flr t nnd
pccond work in pilvulo InmlllcA ! plaor * ( flvcn
frco. Omulm I mplojmonl lliuenn , ItiiO 1'ar-
mini st. bM
"l"\7ANTin : Aetlvo Indy nirpnts lo Foil our
' ' coniblnod wnlst and corset. I'or cliculnr ,
rdlrcss .Incksou Coisct Co. , Hot 8lri , Omulm ,
Ni-b. 75.linlillt
\\7ANTiil ( looil ctrls for first nnd IPCOII I
woik in private fnmlllos : iriwidMIVCS ;
p'neoi given tree. : call nt Nolnimkn I'mploy *
mcnt ugt'iiey , 110 IGth street , cur C.ipltol AVI ; .
"l"\7ANTI2D Atonco , tmrsoBlrl from 13 to IB
years old to tnlto cnro of child li ! years
old ; tlormmi | > rofurroil. 4 Convent Ht. OS7
WANTI3U Good clrls for roncrnl house-
\\ork. Hooin 4 Ilnslimim lllock , ICth mid
WAJi'TKD Jiut foity men for rnlhoml work
In Noliraskii ; fico trnn pirtntlon. peed
MPRCS. Cullnt loom 11 , Wlthnoll Ulock ; Ship
Mils \\cok. .1. W. Athlnson. 1JO _
' ) A ( rood cnko hnkor. ltnldnir&
Co. , 10th nnd Capitol uvo. US'Kt *
WANTKl ) Snlosmcn ( liocory I'or peed
pnvlnsr sldo speclnlty : no sum pins ; onsy
seller. Addioss Goo. 1' . Vosbriuk.l'J'J ' Mlchlgmi
Bt. . Chlcngo , Ilia. Pttl-S *
\ T7ANTiiOood bnrbcr In the l'n\ton Ilotol
t Itiirljcrfihop. ITO- *
NTKI > A mnlo or fenvilo conk. Addi oca
Vnlloy Houso. Aslih-ml , Neb. CJ 1-0
WANTI3IJ Enciuollo men to sell hou = ou ! > ld
mtlcles l'ionis"i per chiv mill upwnivl.
C. \Vbltimui , 11JI 1C St. Lincoln. 477
\ \ 7-ANTJi > Affunts. aO N. IBlh st.
WANTii-Sltuullon by iiilrinr clerk : has t
years' experience : nlti ndc d t\\o courses nt
Chlcngo Collogu nt Plmimaoy ; irook ipcom-
mendatloii ; speaks ( U.'iniun. Adlicss Drug
Cloik , 119 S. 10th st , Lincoln. Nob. _ l'78-Ilt '
WANTii : > A position by n Indy na copyist ,
for the purpose of remaining in Oimilui to
look nl piopertyw 1th the intention of buying
In the futuin : cnn turn'sh best of lefcrcne-'s.
Addi ess C.37 Hue olllce , O.ri
) Sltuatfcn by sonng mirried man
' of steady habits : nnvthlng honorable ; best
of references ; Is used lo the euro ot horses.
I. P. 13. , lloo Composing loom. _ U3U-2 *
WANTin-S20.l < l to SJO.OQO Paitnar with
capital from 520,000 to 310.000 In the lum
ber business out west , running lines of lumber
yanls. Slnto amount of pupltal , nnd if active
pnitncroruot- Address II. A. Callaml , ItulTalo
Gap , Dak. b8 4
T\7ANTKIl ficntloinnnwnntsfurnlshod loom
> ' with flro nlirbts nnd Siin.luys. Itnlo mu > t
bo low llpsl ofroforunoo if requlroJ. Addtoss
0 3 , Dee ollico. 071-2'
WANTii : Inunodlatoly , residence property ,
$3,000 to $ . "i.OOO In value.Vo bavo customer
now waiting. C. J. Cnwcll & Co. , Koom in , lion
Hank , 12th mid I'limnm. OJO-3
WANTii : > A lot.impiovcd or unimproved ,
locnted bi'tuocn Cuiiltol live , nnd Hurt St. ,
nnd west of 1'ith St. : also a piece ot'piopoitvon
South 10th or llth fcts. J. W. llobblns , HOY 2.50.
WANTii : > Two rooms nnd bontd for eron-
tlcmnii , wlfcinndtluuvlitnr , cnnvnnlcnt to
rniiinm st. entL Addioss C-t , lleo Olllco. 8J7-3
\VANTii-Tonms. 30'JS. TTth si'
\V ro"
POK 11I3NT A 11-rootn house ; modem Im-
piovcniuiits : good locution. Inqulro 2110
Ciillfoinl.t. Hfl
POIt Itr.XT-CoitnifoNo.iilS N' . 17th. Inqulia
between 13 and 1 p. m. SiJ.50 per month.
731-t *
TTIOli Itr.XT-OrSnlo-A pplomlld highly Im-
JJ moved fin in of 410 ncrcs.y miles west of
Onmlm ; HI ! ) ncics culthatcd , iliiofnovo , imsturo ,
and liny land , iiiiiulm ; wntor , wind mill , tank * ) ,
otc. , two houses , cloL'iuit In wo binn , loom for
Itfl head ol' c.ittlo mid horcos ; PIISV turms. Ju-
niilKi of Mnisholl & I.oboclc , r > W ! I'arunin st- . ,
Oimilm , or of Joseph A. Connor , I'l.itlsmnutli ,
F oil SATjK At n Imrs-nln , duo U-oom hou'su
with modora conveniences : lull lot : ou
llmnoy st. , nou * 3th ; ? 5"iO. rotter ie lobb ,
15ir > 1'iirn mi st. ! IVI
PTMl "llKNT Nlcoly liiriiUhi'd rodnis , H)1J
Doilgo. Kil-1 *
T7initIH3NT nvo vorv di"jlMl > lo lints on
X' Jlou urd Strpnl over inn with nil mo lei n Im-
provoiuciiH. A Rplondid loeitlon to rout tur-
iilshod loom1 ! , Oiiuilm Ucnl Kftiito nud r.oiui
Co.Houms ± 2aml2J , Wlthiioil Illook. 7S.J
OK UJiXT-aaidcn furra. TO S.
_ _
FnitlliSNT N'cw cottnsro , U rooms , on S. llh ! )
St. C.A. llaldu-ln. Itij
JpoiitiXT : Tluoo-iooin house , lUh & Poil o.
IMNT-HHU : O of s rooms ' , 1 "miii im7
roy St. Imiuho of Mount iV UilllluSIJ H llth
1 ri-i-r.
_ . JJi _
.F OH JC13NT Tlnro lioilioi of 10 , fl'nnd 1
. rooms caeh. J , 1'nlpps Hoc. 031
T71OU HUNT Unfiirnlsliuil IOOIUR. J1KH 1'iir-
JJ imiiist. 114-U *
"IT1OII HUNT rurnlslipil rooms , ono laiiro
-L1 iooml .00fmull ; loom * 3.00 , OUJNoilli 17th
Btl OCt. llli-l"
491 N. 15th st.
"rTUUl KKM' A lnr o hniid < ouioly turnlshod
J1 room : nlso ono smnll ono ; modern eotivon-
lonens. 17'A ) Cnpltol in o. fSl- >
1OK HUNT need loom and day bonid. 19U1
streot. 070 *
T7VOU lUNT-Vurnlshod looms. 2209 Dodjjo
I- '
- 231-0' _
FOIt HUNT Handsomely furnished moms ,
ploiisnutly Eltiintnd , with bounl ; bath nu-
conunodntlons. Apply nt U'At ' C'npitnl ave.
-I710H IIKNT With board ono lur o fiont
- * . ' jootuUhgusmui bath iooiunt HHl .louca
st. uti-r. '
* IjiOK ItKNT Tluoo unf iirulshoj looniB.flO.
J ? ISiJl'iUllBI. DIM *
Tmiil KliNxllloom with bourd. 1013 Cupltol uv
J. ' Ul'-ll'
* itKNT Nicely fuiiilshed rooms. No.
1 111 Pouth isth. l-OI
Foil llEXT-FurnlBhod rooms. UVJ N. 1'th.
hu-i :
_ _
"IT > OK KIJNTT.vo nlcoly furnls'iol roociV ,
J nith or without lx > .ud ; lUI comonlciirca.
Foil itKNT rorllifht homulieopliifr rooms
lurnlshPd mid unliiuiblim ] iu JJooiacr'a
lllouk , cor , KlKlith und lloxtnrdet. 77'
] nou Iti\r Store l-oom' n Wlthnoll bloclt ,
Uct. Jlnnipy nud rarnam on 15th. Inquire
Itoqm njVUlj iiellj llock. _ 777
KNT | nicely fiirnlaliod rooinswlth or
- without board. 6-0 ricasnnt st. 715mhH
Foil HJ : > T Nloob' furnished room 3vllh
hont , RHI und ; also Hist-cUb3 table
bourd : lioat of i of orcnc t'i glv on mid rcqulroU.
161) ) lied u tt. fxi )
11'AJj rr.i-\Vpt nuvao jiil u I Hi younir b.iby ,
I i ono \vlluv ! to tn west. .U'vfcsi U. C.
Henry , ViUuuuuc , Nub. 117 5 *
SAT.r. full ncro , new P-rootncil liotlso ,
FOR , ctc.Pfiumlers8t , $ * ,0)J.
wirlM , peed bouse , SnundcM , uoar Cuming ,
fi oi t front lot" , 2 corners , N. 21st St. , with I
Inriro 14-room house mid 1 now 8-inom hou o ,
birn. fruit trcc , etc. , n bnifrnln , f H.n 0.
Iffl innIt-room cottnio , Davenport t. . f jr100.
fiOxiTJcomer. ROOC. " liouso , $ lii > ' .
Choice lots In Mantra ndd. , $1,00) to ? t.00l.
I/its nncl icsldonco property In nllpnitsot
the city. Cnll nud look 01 cr tny list. K. 1.
Illngcr. 110 N.JJtl St. 077
' TiOHSATTlf jiodoin frtooni hou o , line Im-
' iirmnnn'iit . Popplfton nro. Shuir < > ndd ,
benutlfnl lot OWO * . $ JOW ! bargain. Hl-o A
Mooie , 12iJ Farnnnt. 107-3
. . - Plnbivlow$13) nnch.
l'nttor&Cobbljr > 1'tttnnm st. P58 _ _
T71O It SAI.i : 7-room ccttnpo. 1 block from
V St , Mnry's nvo. cnr line , lot 75x110 , only
fl.l.V ) . 1'otter \ Cobb , 1511 Fiirnnni. < w
ijlOU sALi : Sombtliiif oxtrnlii litiirovccl
JL1 resilience ] pioncrH cin Didiro gt. , Cnpltol
HII only $ T > ,00 > . All furuWied In oleirnnt style ,
lllce & Moore , 1222 rnrnntn. 10J-U
TTUHt s.U.U gonioolPOTiit lots In llnnscom
JU I'lnco tlmto \ \ 111 f onfor ? V ) .
\f > \ * In 'Ihornlmrp I'lnco J3JJ.
lots Iu IXDWO'O nlu $ ri. ( )
lots hi llittfo t's ndil fSl.
I itslulln thorn mid SIX ) .
lots In Olio's niM701.
lots In Voiron ) Hill $ r > 0.
lots Iu Newport f.01.
Aero lots In Wnshlnttton Hill $7r > ft.
1/ols oiiRimillmonthty i-nvmonta In nny of
the mldltlons to Onmlm. 15. T , 1'ttoison & Co.
FOIt SAM ! inn ncros of Innd , 20 brol < e , .1
miles from RKortou , in I'rnnltllii coiintv ,
NclCM1I onoriiddirsl NolS II. UcrsbnlleNX ) ,
DU M JU St. , OmuliaNob. BfiO t *
" 171 OU SAM : Ortinde ; Vnrm for Omnhn prop-
JJ oily.a'4ncii ) ln I.ntiiTslorcounty , Non , ! ' {
miles sm.thwi'st of ValiKiniiw : lir > ncrcs cnltl-
rntcil. himso. Miibio. well , : i siirlups on hind ,
fruit nnd shndo tiee 12 jenrs old : n vorv peed
s'o'-k fnrm. Tor Ii.rthor Inrormutioii enll on or
million V. 1) . VoJleknKM 8. liltli st , Omnhiv1
SAI.i : l-iocim hnnso , coiner lot. irood
Foil \ oinonts , 1'mUor's ndd. , $ JoOO. HIi'O fc
Mooic , 12SS rarnam 108-3
AIIIIH ; : , MnVflc ivr. S2.V ) .
Acres , Ilonneld.f ! 7. > .
Aac * , 1'nttcisim 1'nrk , $175.
Acrci , Vnllerrou 1'nrk , $ 10.
Aeio' , I'nltorson Pnik , $ Sr > 1.
Acres , Tntteisin 1'nrk , ? " < ) ) .
Aoioi , I'uttoiion I'nik , f-l'il ) .
Lot with tlcottnuos Millnnl I'lnco. $3.TO3
Lot with 1 cottnsroShlnn'sSd , fl.TO ) .
Sboiiullful lots o\orlco'tlng Wnluill nud Or-
churl I Illl" . onchfiOO.
8 ovti n flno lots , 5 blocks from llnn com I'lne" .
nrltnblo lor tlio boit clissof ic Monoon. each
$ SCO. I ) . C. I'nttorson , lum linilk. M7-0
jrioit SAT.i : The flnnst BUburliin property
Jl' In Omnhn. Tour ncios hi c t pnrt of clly ,
$2500 Iu Iiiipio\emonts ftult In nbmiJiiiicc
cxcollont water-mnpnlllcent vlnw-lliM-cln s
nvi'Stmcntfornhomoortn pulMllvlcIo $ HCOJ.
Cocliinu llios. , totil estate , 1503 rarnam it.
OU SAl.K 50 lots In Ilnnscom I'lnco ndd. ,
from f MM to $ i.r,10.
: ' 0 lots In Wc'tCtmliiff ndil. . 5275 to SiO ) , ou
smiill pnimnnts nil 1 iiaiv teims.
15 lots 111 I'liilnvlou-mld , SI Ml to $051.
A'ncniit lot In Ambler I'lnco. KltUwnod ,
JInr h'pVnlnut Hill. I-owo's , Arbor I'lnco
Dwiprht & I.yinon' * . K V. Smith's 1'nrKern ,
Clarendon. Slilnn's , \ Sldo.Thoriiburjr , I'nul-
eon's nddltloui.
Aciopiopcitvfrnm ? ! " . ! to * l.01i ) per nero.
Onuortwo bni-Bnlns. Should bo Invcs-
1'iopprtj I'slPd ' lth us will bo propoilv nd-
\ortNnclanil soil on vhnrt notice. Wu mnko u
spo.-Inlty of btiRim-ss c'lnncns of nil Kinds ,
ptocKs of mciclinndlso to tnuli * . etc. , etc. Im
proved fnrnis In Nebinska nml lonn. WoMcrn
nnd riillwnv hinds for snlo or Irnile , nnywnv
\on\\nnt. Cull or nddiess Itlco iV Moot o , 1 2
' 1QJ-3
I'm num.
POll chenp and nt prcnt bnrsnlns.
Lots oil Cumins , Uth , Kiuniim , nud other
Lots in every nddltion to Oinn'm.
Jxts on cnsy terms nnd IOIIB tlmo.
Lots lo suit all pnrohasoM.
Lots the clio.ipcst In tlio city.
Lots 1 mm ? 3K > to S10.0CO.
1 ot ? In Klrlcwou Vs ndd. nt SMB.
Let * In Hniiscom 1'laco nt Sl.lfl ) .
Lois In Dwlght .V Lj innn's nild. very chonp.
Lotson'lth street iitlrK > .
Lots In Sniniilurs & HlmobniiBh s ndd.
Lots in Hosprs' niln. ntl iJJ.
Ixtscvorywhoro In tbn city. ,
Cnllon A. Mi.aavoek , Iloom 7 , Hedlck lllock ,
Tin mini st. 007-1
. : Impiovoil rosldonoo land bu l-
FOUSAT.i on Smmders St. nnd.trd Pt.
Lot f2xHO just off Cumins , JO,5'JO. ItlcoA. Moore ,
K12 rnrnam. ! )33-j ) ;
. : A lotcn\HO. nnd dwelling 20\21 ,
FORSAI.i llrownoll Hall , cheap ; linircn h ,
linlnnco Hinnll monthly payments. V. L. Vo-
dlcka,520 8.13th at. OH
. . : 103 acres In city limits of Koar-
FDKS.YT.i bargain , and on peed terms. Ad-
dicss H. M. Woohnnn , U. 1' . Town Lot Aurcnt ,
Denver Junction , Colorado. 8llmh21
SAM ? Full coinjr on rnrnntn , Cvin2 ( ! ,
FOR . Grnhain Cieluhton lllouk. b.iO
SAM : Lots to the no t of town , near
FOR st. nnd Lowe nvc. , in I'otter's ndd. ,
safe und profitable Investment ut S'XJJ and § ( XX )
oath. I'ottoi&Cobb ] 'ilu I'm mini st. WO
SAM : "i-room house , lot r.lxlK , Heed's
FOR ndd. , Capital 11111,83,300. , llico & .Mooro ,
122i numim.
SALi : A now 7-room lioiiso nnd lot on
FOIt St. , a bnrffnln. 4 neio lots In
lllinolinmrh'sndd vcrv cheap. Hou-es nnd lots
In nil pin Is ol Hie city. Iiupioiol nud iiiilm-
pro\oil land for snlo or trndo , It. It , Hull , 1' 2 N.
15th pt. _ 84tmli21
SAI.iSOncics. . Impiovod , " , mlle west
FOIt ator works io > artolr on Military road ,
rorpr'conud termsinldresjl' . O. Ilex 41'.i. SIJ
FOR SAI.i : 5-ioom house nud lot , Clrucndon
add.'I."iO i\eijllilns : In ship slmpn cndor.
Itlco & Moore. ] Z2 Kiirimin. WHO
ITlOlt SAI.i : Tlnco line lots in Sliliiu's ! Id ndd.
-I ? nt $300 each. 1'ottcr & Cobb , 1515 1'arimm.
"TjiOK SM.i : fots In i.ou-y's 1st .nddltlon ,
J. touth frnnl , oi y toims , only fcWO. I'ottur
VCobb , 1J1) rainam fit. b.11
\r.i : Iln5tr ncro trneii ! ; ' ! io mnrkot ,
' onlr f'nil p < T nuro. Imiulra about Ilicra.
1'oller \ Cobb , 1511 I'm num. bjS
TJ C. I'ATI'KKSON' , Iloil Tlslnto , Ii2l 1'nr-
Jl. iinm Ilou os , cottiifes. lots , Biilnulmn
and resident , f or snln lor ensn or on monthly
p lyinents , In nil pm tsof tlin city. Call o ornd-
dusi It. C. ! 'nttnr oii. 1" ! Knrnnm. W >
fj10ICSAr.i-Aoio : lots Rl < n'sadil. . only 81
-f 1'olter & Cobb , Til" ) rurnitm. b37
TORHAT.i : Now 4 room hou > o , good barn ,
U togulhpr with : ) lots , Walnut Hill aid. , M.800.
Itlco A , > looio , 12ijraniam.
FOR SAM : 5 acres , with liausu , barn , Hi
lures grape vines , \ aero -lasplorrles ,
hor.-c , Inn n3 and \vat'on ; I mlle wrst of 1'oit
Oinnlia , nllforfl.SW ; $ la ca li , balance to suit
inn chiisfi ; must bo f-old bolero the 71li of
Maii'h. Imiulio on promises , tiaml 1) . Jones
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TT1OR SAM-On easy terms , U lots In Huns-
JJ L'oml'law lumifhOOto $ liW ) onch. Ixiton
I'iunsnnt ft. , with doublu house , 10 looms e.ich
\vltliallinodorn linirovornont | ; touts lor $110
per month. SII.OW. tats In Wait Uiuntnir from
$27.tolo4 * > 0oaeli. Corner lot , 1'iinpeot I'liicu ,
hurniln. Cornnr lot , Shlnn's > ! d ndd. , bui-fcnln.
C. .1. Ciisn oil & Co. , Itonin 10 , Iron Hank. 774
FORSAI.i : Lots Just south of the piulcin
Clink 1'lncn $551 each , ou easy torms. Tot
ter Si Co bli , 1515 Kiuimm. SM
OR S.VMJ-Stock Itnnch-SW.Oon buys the
llnest Impiovixl eloek innch of 7IOncict > In
Hlco x Moore , IJSJ Fin mini.
FOR.SAM : Hovornl doitrabla biislnots lots
on Ibth St. , ami Inislncis nnd roslilonco lots
In nil purtBof Iho city. Also wuroliouso , hotel
and tm mpionoitr. Houses to rent. Piopoitr
Hlioitnfrooof chuwu mil n liinra list to select
finm nt prices rantfinif liom R..1) to $ IOaW. I'm--
tlc.s ilosli liitf to limtit hhould look oor our list
nml prices buloro liuylnif , Coiiospondenco to-
llcilDil and Information about tliu cllv fioply
glxen. Oinnlm iti'iil IMuUi A ; Loan ( 'o. , Uonm 23 ,
Withnoll lllock , Omaha. 727
'I71OR HAI.K A tow ofthe best oH In Wrtuox's
J-1 add. at 1 030 each. Potter .V Cobb , I51.'i Kur-
iiam st. M5
T7\ll \ SAI.i : Now 4 room house , peed bain ,
-U well and cUtcin , lawn iml sliado trees , I'ar-
kt-r's udJ. , fl,7aO-u L'uiuuln. KIcu
nTtOR SAM : 20lots , inihy ndd , easy turms
Jj f.'iOil. ( iralinn , Ctultrlitdit lllock. 77U
TT'OR SAM : Ono of the finest corners on
4Karnnm , ( ISM > ; t'ifU ) unnd \ \ easy terms.
llonts for ? 1 , W ; n bin-gain. Ucslrablu housui
nnd loU. vacant lots und acres. .Marshall &
J.obeck , 1501 I'm num. 7JU
TTiOlt ri.VI.iciicap : Iota In Ilurr Oak , lust east
J1 of Hansfom I'urk , noarhtiiKtcarj.Si J , uisy
terms. 1'ottor X Cobb , irdu Ftiniuni st. K > 1
| 7 > OR SAT.K nu3lno5S property ou Cumlnir
JJ 6Uc t , Jli'.ao , Jllco .x Muoiu.l niuiuui.
_ _ _ _
TT\OU \ SAM' 11 islili 35 prcpouy Impiovedon
rV St. Miirj's ovo. . $ VVUK \ * Jl ! Jloou12iJ
Vuiualu st. 1'A-U
17rin SAf.rNrfwULot filxien , elpgnnt now
X1 8-room hoiic , NeWn ndd..nenr Cumlnp St. ,
$2 0) : $ ? 00 cnshilmlnnco to suit. U. T , 1'etcr-
pen , V Co , S. K. oar. imh nnd Uouprlns
No. ,121 Ijirgo lot ffndn homes. S. 17th st , easy
terms , fj.ooi. UT. ivtor on .V Co.
No. 125-3 full lots Hnl n fine hnU < PS In Shllll'g
Sd ndd. , modern .Iniproionicnts , easy terms ,
W.CO. I' . T. 1'ertH oil .V Co.
No. ino Lit ToxlfB , liouso 3 room * nnd bn o-
inonl. 1mj > io\cinnt x\s oclfttlon , Iflh St. , ( cor-
iiw ) , $ liO ) , easy payments , li T. I'oto on &
No. 315 Lot 47r"ik ! n fine 3 story brick dwelling ,
stnMf.olc.S.lGtW st.$1 0. U.T. I'ctersont
& Co.
No. 311 Vine (5-rooin ( h < 5u o , full lot , Davenport
st. Jnnwostof U | h school$3"XX ) . l' T.Tct-
or on .V Co. ' , '
No. 3n-fj9tfiOxM.Soiitn ! 10th stroetf.2 two sto
ry houses , very qheni nt f3OJO , U T. I'etcr-
son & Co.
No. M lotfiOxUO.hoiiooof 11 rooms ( new ) ! n
bargain , fl.Tixi. 7 ! . T. I'ptcrson tc Co.
No.HH 2 full lots ami 8 hoti os on 10th nnd
l'l ( rco sis ! \cry chtnp , $ * . & 00. E. T. l'etor. on
* Co.
No. n 10 3 full lots fl\120 , Bownrd 8t ; cheap nt
$ ; , ilonj i-asy terms. H. T. Peterson & Co.
No. Jlin-Iot fOxUi. 10 room hou o , I8lh St. on
car Una , cli np , ( J.iOO , K.T. Petersen A. Co.
No.K2 ! 1'ull lei itnil smnll hou o Vlrgliilnii\o. ,
cheap nt fl WO. r. T. Tcterson k Co.
No ; tn Lntgolotmul clojant cottnifo. 8. lIHli
ncnr vlnduct. Cheap at $3,000. K. T. I'ctcrfoii.
No. W Lot22\GO , 17th near llurt.B-room house ,
ell and cistern , etc. ) S2.3JO. 1) ) . T. I'ctoison
tc To.
No. 310 1'ull lot nnd clegnnt 8-room house , nil
model nlmpioynninnts. \ \ 111 sell for ? 353 If
sold nt once. M. T , l'etornn & Co.
No. 110 Lot50xl ! , fl-ioom house on grndo. 10th
nonrl.cavcnwoith , $3,5W. K. T. Peterson &
No. nni Ifit 45X110 , house of 5 rooms Inrgo bn o-
ment ! will build poich nnd p ckot fence , coed
ell nml cistern ; Hickory place , $1,000. V. T.
1'ctutson .VCo.
No. : tni Ixitsj xlll , houssof 3 rooms , cheap
at fM. ! ) ( n. T. I'otorson .V Co.
No. ; i2 Ixt5 xHl ( , 2ftoiy house , 1st story of
brick cnrnor , S. IGlb nnd Hickory st , ; ehcnp ,
tl.liO ) . R. T. 1'etoison .V Co.
No. : JI7 r.loifimt C Mioin houoo , lot COxt27Bhlnn9
2d add , fence ntul porch ; tills Is worth Invostl-
u-ntlnii ; lot usshow you this piece , $3,30J. 1' .
T , I'otorson & Co.
No. : K2 Lot00x157 , clprnnt ( Hrgo house , S. 1
lloger' ndd , $3iXfl. U. T. l > otor > on .V Co.
No. iiflS Lit 4\lft ! ) , .1 house" , In JleCormlck's
mld.'l.i'"k1. E T. 1'ptprson Co.
No. : r > 7 Lot ni'f l'U , hiiii'O of 5 looms. bn'O-
mcntof ! ! rooms , Diuenpoit st this Is cheap
$1,70) ) . 12.T. Peterson * Co.
No. ! D7 rino lot 2"AL'01 , house of 8 loom' .
Mnble , etc. , Sheimnii live. , $ ! I,000. K. T. I'ettr-
son & Co.
So. ! 1 1 Lot 50\irl'5. now houeo ot n looms ;
line c'oyntlon , p.heup nt $ JOCO. 13. T 1'oterson
& Co.
No. : . ! Lot 75x111) , J.I. lledlck's ndd. , 3 story
boiiM ) of 1't rooms , olernnt surroundings ;
S'l TOO. 13 T. Tottii son i. Co.
No.3iS Lot aiNS-n. house of n looms Rhor-
mnn mo.scl cip. $1,000 12. T. I'cteison j Co.
Nn. 101 lot 140x141 , house of 7 rooms , out
tinuso , ho'iiitltul loeitlon , I' . A' . Smith's ndJ. ,
i-nsv terms , f.l.OlH ) , 13. T. Peterson & Co.
Nn. lls KlPjmnt lot mid house of 8 looms , mod-
prn Iinpiovements ; Ilnnscom place. 13. T.
I'otorson & Co.
No Kit Kor silii. lot fiflxlJSH. Phil SliPrldnn'4 '
block fiom st. , par. house nt 10 looms $1,000. 12.
T. IVteison .V Co.loth nn I llou lns.
Tor snlo Do j ou nut any buslm ss proppity nt
low llBUres. If so call on us. 13. T. 1'otoison A :
Co. 111
"I71DR SAT.12 Clienn. ono of the best Improved
J nnd llnest located liirms In Douglas county ,
Neb..riinilns west of Onrilm court houso. con-
talnlng IfiO ncios with hciisoxtablo , wells , or
chard and pistiiio , ote ; oiii'-h'ilf cnsh , balance
to suit imrphnscr. Kor further particulars nd-
dip-sOco. Iiindo , euro Omaha lleo , Omahu , No-
bllltldl. COJ
17011 SAT.K 7-room lieu p. irnnd lmrn.2 lots ,
1 1'nrkcr's ndd. , fD.'JOO. . ' Hlco i. Mocno , 1223
rnrmim. T ; . icis- ; )
. - ' lot In Khlnu's mid , 1
block Irnmpti opt cir line , SLOW.
Hniisuand JJ lot'ncar'COtli and.l/nrJ streets ,
12Ti foot , cast front , ofl 13lh slroct , ( buslnosa
property ) , $10,300. "
Corner lot on rnrhnm'atiectR3xl' > 2foet$2 i,003
House U rooms , lot 39x140 , on btroet car line ,
* 3 WO. " '
Goo' . P. Hcmls , 15th nnfl Douglas st. 021
FOR SAM-nib < mnliXs for silo lots In Hniis-
pom 1'laco , SHOO to SI,1 .
filbson for sale biuiscs nnd lots In Huns-
coin 1'laco. ll1
C.ibhon 1ms for sale houses and lots la nil parts
f the city. . t
Olb on has linprovcfl ( arms nnd lands In nil
pni fs of Nebraska foi , biilo'or oxchnngu.
( Hhson has tlmusands br nuios of land in
Western Nobinska for sale fiom SJ to $4 per
ncie. *
Oibson would llko to see you if you want to
fiibson'sls the place to list your property. Cnll
nnd seohlmnt lioom.l , WlthnollHlock , cor. 15th
and Ilmnoy etg. SfO
FOUSAM2 Ilnsliipss corner , Insldo piopt-r-
ty. Ilig bargain. § 15,000. Hlco & Moore , 12J2
Fm num. 1000-3
EC. 1'ATTKRSOX , llonl I3stnto,122l Fnrnnm
Largo Int and bountiful collage only.$1 1 J1) )
Comer lot , Dnonport nml 23J ! JW )
Nawcoltairo nnd lot , monthly payments. . 1,810
Ten beautiful ncie * . cheap H.OIW
! W fppt on KuinamSt , chimp SJiTO
lOKro fool , HlmohaiiKli I'lnco O.iWl
Ktieh of the nliovo nro bargains anil I have
solongcney. It. C. Patteison. 741
77011 RAM ? Thtoalots | Slilnn's 2d addition ,
J1 on cnfttoi n slope , onlv ! t blocks Irom street
cars , cheap only 57M. 1'otlor ti Cobb , 15H rar
nam st.
"TT'ORSAM : DusliiP'S corner on riirnnin Rt. .
J. ' S .TOO. Itlco As Moire. 1X1 rarnam. 10M
FOR SAM : A flno r-upro trn3ton Pouth 10th
Btrent , only n few blocks fiom street cnr
line , lucjulieat Liinjo & I'oitluk , 318 S. Uth st.
46 ! )
POR SAM ; I'our lots , cor , California and
intli sts. , 2 blocks fiom proposed imvlngon
Cumlngst.S."jiaiid ) i'.reuc'i. ) ' Potter * Cobb ,
15151'nniam st. 8l'i
Foil SAI.i : Impro\cd roldoucn pronortv
I'Moom moluiii htiit-o , niw , II. V SinltirH
ndd , f 0,000. Spcclnl bniKiilu. Jtlco A , JIooio , 1222
I'nrnnm. ICOi )
'AUK-3'J ' miles from point
J. liouso , ? 175 to 8TO per acia : small e.iih 11 iy-
ment , bill moo eusy terms. I'lrjt lloor , lion
Hank Huililing. D. C. Pattorson.61r ,
TOOKhAM ; Tire lots in Polham I'lucoono
J.1 block Irom etroot oar track Inqulro'Jl ! P.
1.1th sttuot. 5Vi _
FOR SAM : Now moi'orn 7-room house , K.
V. Smith's udd.f , 1000. Itlco & Moo HI , 12iJ
I'nimun. 'JJTll
TOUR SAM : 'i aero lot , a good il-rooin house ,
Jngiocory btoio , with stalilu ) , out-houeus ami
oily water , 22 < l near Loavenworlh , lent fcB.OJ
cr mo. , prlco $ 1,50) Tills H a llr st ratu Invent-
mom. Omaha Itmil I3italo ic Loan Co , Hooms
Samiyj , Wllhiifll block. 740
roK4A M ! A story , 22v5) . frame build"
Ini,3ultab1o fora fltoro , uoir Utli unl Kir-
namsis. Applyat tliU oilloo. U17
T AND SIIKIRS : ; , ATTixrioN-.For : uii
iJp'irtloulars ' about froa and cheap lands In
Western Nebraska , address Tlios. a Patterson ,
KoalUstaloAgonU North I'latto Nob. DM
FOJCUALi : lloaiitllul homo on.Clmilos St. ,
Hlilmi's add. ; splendid Imptnvomcul ; gieut
k itch ; if JSJO. HicoTfc Moore , JiM rarnam.
_ ) \ \ J.I _
"VfUWlMlHT Nearest , best aero Ion , elegant
ll location , unsurpassed view of the oily ,
readied over lo\ol iiiuds , no hllU to climb ;
easy terms of payfnent ; 8 per cent Interest ;
price , $ WJ nn noro.
Anns , 1509 rarnam.
AMKS I'IMPK Cheapest nnd ncuiust city lots
tor the money ; only SJjW to SJOJpor lot.
ItEIIICK'.S ( lllVE-1-Jll5t'JfcOlltl ( | of Fuillllin fit. ,
/i block from 'Ml\ \ and 1'arnam Et. hcliooi
hoiibe ; only JSdj , , ty 1,20) ) per lot on easy
teims. 10 i < AMES , 1503 Kuriiam.
NATtmtr. Ono vTiiahaao , trees on ovoty lot
in Hodluk's Orcivoi anw 2'j ' blocks from Park
in o. cars. Boo ItoUhiHipdrnvo.
llmoiiTON Biilondld ncru Kits , $275 per lot ;
most dudlriiblo aero luU nuvt to Newport , Boo
this haudiioiiio piopart/ .
JlKLHO K SoutlJ , l'st of Himscom Park
10 inlnutos walk noiH Lark uvo. cars ; lots$13J
to f-loOon terms iff ; bujur. Mnlro o Hill
lots will si'll fo" > present [ irinos iu a
jour's time. Coinp au'J am tluspioporty.
* ASIKS , 1M3 Fiirnam.
WHV 1'AV HUNT when youotn buy u lot In
Amos Place for $ < . * 0 < ) to fKJ ) on euch easy
lonns ? See these lots.
OAK CHATHAM Tills love tiaot of lanl has
not u poor lot In It. Thu Unit Ltuo depot has
been locutod on this luivl. I/its boll foi $ 'WO ' to
$ * 0 on \ ery easy payments. Boo Oak Chat-
PI.AINVJEW Choice lots still for sulo in this
popular addition at fuir pilcos , ou easy pay
PJIATT'S Sinmi VISION Aero lots southwest
Hanscom Park , \uryd09lrublo yiouiul , belling
nt ? ] per lot ,
11HKAI.OV Puce ThMo lots are the cheap
est for sale on Leavonnorth st. Price SJJOto
$000 , ou payments to suit ,
AMRS , U03 Fttrnnin Bt.
CAM. and see for joursoit the chuiicos for fiifo
iii\estincnt olfored. Itumombur , Omnhn's
grow th is solid Anil lusting. Property will con-
tiiiuo toud > iuicu. Uuynownnd inakothuiid-
vauco. AMES , 1503 Farnutn St.
41i !
POR SAM : New jcodcrn i-room residence ,
I'uthorlno struct. IIuiiscoiu 1'liito. $1 00. To
i out ( or | Jj p r montlu Hic-od Moore , 1222 Fur-
uaiu. . 1U1-3
Ff > n iAM3-Corncr lotSlnShlnn'a 2.1$500 nnd
'Kv. )
lots In W. A. Kcdlck's ndd. , nenr I/cnvon-
worth st. , $1,200.
hou o nnd largo barn
on North 18th St. , only , $ JyiO ! vnsv terms.
I Ino les.denco property In ghlnn's ndd. ,
Ot't '
Houses and lots Iu nil dltcctlons , nnd many
rnrmsnnd wild land * In nllpnrtsof the lnto.
Stockdnlo & Itunchor , nil Dodge st. i'73-2 ' *
TT1OR SA-M : 7-room ro Monco , 1'nrk n\e. ,
J.1 Ilnnscom Plnco , ? l,0c,0. Hlco It Moore , 1223
lai nnin. _ 10J-3
Legislative Oandidatos Orowcllng to the
Front in Franklin Ooimty ,
Tlio Monoy-Lcmlcrs Force llorrowcro
tol'lctlso ThciiiscH'os to tmlfil
Btipiiortcr.s of A'nn Wyck
Ur cil to Organlr.c.
Xi Nob. , JIarch 1 , 1830.
[ Uorrespondonoii of tlio Even at
tliis early date the nolltlcnl pot is well
llllcd nml ] > lonty of fuel apparently to
keep it burning for the no.\t seven
months. The Ihinio Is being continually
fanned by the breeze created by constant
discussion. Among the humors I Hint n
decided incline toward * Van \Vyck , who
is the undoubted choice of ninuty-ninu
hundretlths of the furmcrd , in fact of
every reputable citi/.on favoring honest
government. Capitalists and monopol
ists , as a rule , favor Luird , anil it is
probable yon.cortninty , that bribery and
coercion will bo resorted to , iif both the
convention and among the people , anil ,
by this foul and deplorable means , many
will experience an apparent "chance of
heart. " How far this corruption will bo
carried , or to what extent tt will in-
lluenco voters and delegates , remains to
be seen.
Prominent among the outrageous and
nefarious schemes of the plotters and
destroyers of jttstie i is the one now a
bornin' in the capitalistic ring in this
eotuity , as follows : It is safe to si.y : that
nine out of ten of the citi/uns ot this
county aie carrying faun or chattel mort
gages , or notes , on which they arc paying
interest at rates of from 10 to 12 per cent.
a year on real estate mortgages , up lo as
high as > CO per cent , oucluittleound notes.
In the majority of case's ' , the makers of
these "instruments of ' "
torliii'o" are una
ble to "lilt" them when they become due.
and instead thereof , they pay part ami
renew their "paper. " Thepnee on which
a renewal is to be made , K that the appli
cant vote for u Land delegation in the
convention , or a Laird representative
from this district. If he fetuses , they
swoop down upon him and rob him of his
house , or take from him his horscb , on
which he depends for a livelihood.
The above simply illustrates one of the
many outrageous and inhuman schemes
which will bo. used , and effectively lee ,
throughout Western Nebraska , to elect
Jimcrax Luiril to the senate.
1" know ot a candidate for the legisla
ture who , to-day , were these brutal liends
lo demand it ol him , would not dare to
refuse to vote for Laird , though ho is an
oitUpokou Van W } ek man from princi
ple , and a positive defender of the rights
of the people , but he is under the thumb-
bcrew of tortiire , and actually does not
own Iiis _ own will.
Promises exacted under such penalties
should not heroine binding , but some
men value n promise , under any circum
stances , as linal.
A section of the compiled statute of
Nebraska makes it the duty of the voters
to declare , by ballot , their choice for
United States senator , at the general elect
tion lir t proceeding the election of a
hcnator by the legislature. I have often
thought that this would be a good plan ,
and 1 still think ho , for Van \vyck \ , under
Mich a proceeding , would bo conclusively
tho. choice of a vast majority , and our
legislature would have to ho corrupt in
deed if il did not heed this proclamation
from the people.
As outspoken and avowed candidates
now , for representatives in this county ,
we have George Adams , a young but as
piring person , who has never bcmi cred
ited with a biiperabundancp of good
seiibe ; 11. 1) . Itciuly , of Washington pre
cinct , chairman of the late icpublican
county convention , and who is on record
as saying that parliamentary rules would
hardly govern such n congregation of cat
tle ; lipbort Glenn , ot West Salem , who
occupied a position iu the last legislature
as an alleged representative from this
distiiet , but who made no record lor bet
ter nor worse. Besides these mon , who
have openly avowed themselves , there
are scores of others who would be more
or loss willing to s.tciilieo lhomselve-
save their country. 0. W , Morrow , it is
said , would not object , though it is pro
bable he will have no cause to. J. 1 ] .
Kollv , yi4io , by means most foul , was de
feated in the convention of 1831 , to let in
Hob. ( ilrnn , would probably not object to
the nomination , though the ring would
ag.iin object to him. Frank W. Harbor ,
a prominent , honorable and pleasant
yonntr man , would , we are informed ,
.submit that barkis is willin' , but , again ,
the ring don't want him. O. G. Bailey , a
sturdy farmer and a Van Wyuk man ,
would make nn admirable candidate. S.
W Swit/er , at present register in the
United States laud olliee , is a positive
Van Wyck man , and would , undoubted
ly , accept the nomination , and with a
reasonably fair sho-.v , would be elected.
A. M. du Clurcq , of Moiine , is a candi
date. Thos. Moore , of Macon , is under
stood to be a ciindidata , Irom force of
eircumstanccHho ( was defeated for coin-
missionnr last fall ) . This does not , in
clude more than half , among the balance
buing Ira Cadinun , the irroprrsiiblo and
everlasting candidate for anything , Jn
the above category , I have called atten
tion only to the republicans.
In HID democratic ; list of candidates , I
have had my attention called to Frank
M. Vanciljirinoijial of the normal .school.
Ynncil is altogether too visionary for a
representative and porhuns u little too
intelligent to attempt to ho dueled. A.
F. More , a prominent young attorney
from Ohio , though imi'jli talked of , declines
clines to permit his name to be used , lie
would vote for a democrat lirat and Van
Wyck next.
Leaving tie | reprosontativcs ONpcctnnt ,
I will give a short digebt of our aspirants
for the county attorney ship. Amoiiir the
candidates positive and prospective
are Sheppard and Hlaek , the present
hanker lncmnbentsappointcd by our too-
too commissioners ; L. A. Fletcher , a not-
' of Franklin and
too-well vpi'retl attorney ,
who 'ins had a ( lhpo Jn his bonnet" ever
faineu ho has been in the county und who
will bo defeated hcforo ho gets into the
convention ; II. Whitmore , a strong pro-
hihitionist and a ciueful nnd energetic
man. A few morn are yet to hoar Irom.
F. A. . Ilannan , better known as "tho
little giant of democracy , " liar retired
from politics. 4 . C. N. A.
It scorns to be common fate m England
for a conservative ministry to pmngo
into flume serious colonial entorprisa and
then leave the bulk of the work of civil/- !
ing to ho done by tliu liberals , who at
jioart never approved of the venture , It
will bo dillieuit now for the liberals to re
linquish Hurmuh , but the work of eon-
filtering it will be far more serious than
was the work of formal annexation.
Stenographers employed in the Ger
man parliament are trying to have their
art made a part of the public school cur
riculum ,
Heforo bnying got prices at thn Central
Lupibor Vtuxl , lath and California.
Pairly Good Export Demand tbo Only Pao-
tor of Interest'in ' Wheat ,
Provisions tlio Only Coiiiuioillly of a
Speculative Clmrnctor Tlmt Showed
Any Acthlty Iilvo Stock null.
General Hoiiorts.
CIIIOAOO , Mtirch 2.--Siieclal [
WHI.AT The in ukclsw etc generally luMilsh
to-day , and speculative hadlne In gialn was
not of n largo > olumo. In tlio wheat pit tliu
pic\allingtono was ono of dullness In fuel ,
ami bnnliic occasional spurts of nctlvlty the
business passing WAS nmleran nveinso vol
ume , outslilo onlois being noticeably scarce.
Itooiu tuulcis managed lo keep tlio ball In
motion , but In the absence of disturbing
Inllueiices the situation was comparatively
tamcftiid featureless. Tor some icason or
othci the clouil lias shoWngieat tndlireronco
to "polnteis" lately. Not even tlio crop
queitlon seems to cut tiny llguro jot. Wheat
opened nt yesteidny's llgmes SMifc for Mny ,
nnd for the Hist two hours lluctuatott between
fOVGIS-IV , the doviiiwnul movement being
checked by the prl\ liege traders. Under the
lead of lliitchliibon the mniket received n
coed deal of pounding , Kent nlso being cred
ited with lice sales tlnoimh Ids backeis ,
whlclloam it HUss wet o quiet buyers , so It
was said. The decrease I repotted vis
ible supply was not fur fiom what
had been counted upon , and the
bulls called attention to the fact that
Ihe-t'lshths ol It took plnco nt Intcilorpolnts.
Consolsvero two points elf , but that wont
for naught , nnd nbottl the only cncouiaglng
feature to holdeiswas posted cleaianees nt
Now Yorlc jesteidny of 103,000 bushels ot
wheat and 171,000 bushels of coin. Toward
noon the market piept back to the opening
pilccson leporled Inking of fouitcen boat
loads iiiniL1. Din Ing the last half hour ol the
regular boaid thcio was a stionger tone on n
icpoit by n local nous bin can that a change
was likely to occui In the head of. the impc-
ilal cabinet of Ausliia , and that the uios-
peels for war in the Balkans wcic thcieby in-
cioased. Ono o'clock quotations stood nt
Sl cseller forMay , or 2 < o abo\o the lowest
point ot the session. The winter wheat niai-
kcts aie i datively stiongcr than our own.
Mixon Gu.vixs Coin and oats weie falily
active In early ti.uting , but speculative Intci-
cst in both deals .subsided. Later pi ices lluctu-
ntcd as usual within u nanow limit.
1'itovisioNi Iu piovlslons Interest was
agalnl aigelyconfined to poik , which opened
a sliaito above l.iit night's closing , but under
a sharp mid bhoitly after tlio opening
the maiket bioko off 2."ic. Subsequently
thciowas somotlilng of a iccoveiy , und at
tlicclose tiado showed qnlto a stiong uiidoi-
tone. The day's range for M.iy pork was
S10.G : ( J10.fiO. and at 1 o'clock the market
stood at SIO.5 % Lard and slioit libs wore
steadier than poik , mid upon the whole a
tiillo sttonger.
. ArriHixoox Ho.utn Modcrato nctlvlty
picvailed on the late boaul in both nnd
piovihions. The louitcon boat loads ol
w heat ropoi ted taken for e\port earlier grew
to nineteen of and six ol coin , together
with ten of wheat on milling account ( equal
to 2..2C03 bushels of wheat ) , and tills gave to
tlio market additional stiength , May piopuity
touching Sx : in the 1,000 bushel ciovvd. Final
closings vveio JJ@lfo better tlian at 1 p. in.
Mess poik was 7 ; e lower , laid easier and
ribsteady. .
2:40 p. m. Puts on May wheat , SjJ c sell-
eis ; calls , 8j ; c bid.
CHICAGO , Maicli 2. [ Special Tele
gram. ] CATTI.I : Kcceipts wcic iiioileiate.
Tliu total for yestei day and today wcio no
moio than liavo boon icceivcd and leadily
disposed of on many a Monday , but bujeis
weio disappointed in not having moie cattle ,
ami weie unwilling to show voiy miicli inter
est in trade , lest they he compelled lo pay
i gher pi ices instead ol getting cattle cheaper ,
as they expected to do this week. Aiiiong
the otroilnes to-day woio miny Texas cattle
which had had moio or loss coin. They sold
atSI.OJ@4.SO. Jhessed beol men paid § . 'i.15
lor some choice cattle , and S" . ! > > was paid lor
some shipping steers. The gcueial maiket
lei tat catlh ) to-day was not qnolably alteied.
Values wuio shong lor useful fat cattle , but
not quota' ' ) ) } " higher. Comnion to fair cattle ,
which \\cia \ qultu plentllul , sold at barely
steady lates. und slowly. Ou tiio whole ,
however , theieviis no quotable cluuigo.
Shipping steeis , KttO to 1MJ Ibs. S ;
1200 to 1ST ) Ibs , § ! . : ! 0@i.l5 ; 115) tolSOJlbl ,
lions Trade WPS falily nctirn and pilces
about a nlcklolilghor than on Monday , but
lOftjlCc lower than a week ago today. The
best heavy niado Sl.f"j ! ( Tl-n. and packing
.soils S4.10Qt.o : ; , with ) Uht and assoited
light nt 5J.IOSl.'l" . Packing and shipping ,
SVJ to JOO Ibs , l.
Now Yorlc , .Maicli 2. MOIJKV On call ,
easy nty Kti per mm.
riiiMr.MmicANM'ii.nrAiwit liy per ecnt , : KxcirA.vni ! Unchanged at
Sl.sr1 ( or sixty ilajs , anil Sl.Wjf for de
G < m.u.vMi.vrs Aeilvo and htiong.
SioL'Krt Ailecidoil elianuo c.iiui ) over the
MiliUnl speciilatfon In htockn. Uiisinesseon-
tinned dull thioughoiit tlio tmeuoon , and
with tlio exemption of somosliovvof weakness
In e.uly dealings , piices went lirm without
nmluiliil I'hangn. The innilcet elosi'd .sttonir
at orneai tliu highest ligm'es ol the day \vllli
a gain of 4K per cent lei Lacknwanna , : W
foi Delawniu ( V Hudson , : > lot ifeadiiig nnd
l for.leiseyContial. Klinpic'.cncd made
n net iidvnneo ot " . , ' j percent.
SUcent bonds. , , lOOKiC. ifeN.V \ 10' ' %
U.S.lli'H ll'ijff piofened.Wi
Now t's 137MX. ' V. C ! lOtlM
1'Aclllo ON of " . . laoj/'oipjon Trail. . ,
Central 1'aollic.I'J I'acllio Mail
: i' . , 1) . &K ,
juofonuii , . . . IM IVI'.O.
o.n.i Itoclc Islanii. . .
I ) . , / . . & \V I'MK St. I j. , t S. K. . . .
1) . i\U. P 17 I mefeiied. . . 45
Erie SStfG. , M. test. J' . . . 01. "
preferred , . . . f > lXpiofuned. \ . . l'J1 . HO St. V. itO W
J. , li. iVs W 27Jf ! pielciieu , , . lOS n
Kansas&Texas. 2'JJ Texas I'acilic. . . 1'JJ
LnKoShoro , . , . . . b7Js Union I'acllic. , . DO
h.&N 4lkW.St. L. < tel' . . 1 % , , . li pieit'ired. . . ISJ
iWcsluin Union.
Northern I'.xts. . . 20 ,0.11.AN , 101 %
prefuued. . . .Wi i
Jlntcl ) ' . ' . Kloui Sleaily , Him
ami uiKlinnged ; wlntei wheat limn ,
i)4.40W.K"i ; .soutliori' , SI.UOftf4.OS ; WUconsln.
044.0J : Mhuiubota bakeis' , 'jftl.ftiV I.SO ; pat
ents. $4A ( < 5.00 ; low guides , M 001 ( > l.O'i.
Wlicat J < ov > or eaily but iwovered and
closed stronger ; TOJ/MsO c tor easli ; 7.14M ' (
Vj ; i ! for MiuchS4 ; > io lor May ; > 01 | ( so1 *
lor June.
Coin llulcd quiet , ruled easier , declined
) { c , lecovered ngaln and closed nbimt tlio
tuimoas } c terday : Mjjfdifii 'ie ' luruisn ; tW o
for Muich10 ; iSo e tor M.iy and Juiiu.
Oatu Dull nnd quieter ; thu only turning
vvHsin May , which opened easy , declined u
trillo , leattiid , and inled steady nt 2t ) --MJife
for cash ; 21fe lei MnieliS'ihiJJ.Ye ; ( ! for May.
K } e .Steady at We.
Uarlo\ Dull at UOu.
Whisky S1.10 ,
Tlmothv-I.ovver ; pijmo , Sl.SSQl.Sl.
Flaxsccd Dull , heavy and lower ; No. 1
c-ish , 'JJ.ox81.0i > ! .
I'oik Active out lirogular : declined 20(2 (
25c , but eloped bte.idy at SlO.oO lO.iil for
cash ; S10.aJM < M0.B : for Mnith ; ? 10.40
10Atyfoi AprilSlo.iA'UO.ri'J1 ; ' ' for May.
Laid { 1'iaUfl ' lower with u iiiotleiatude-
mand ; S5.S7K0'.K > for cash and March ;
SS.WvjQS.OS for April ; 6S.OTijfilfi.03 ( for May.
Hulk Mcftts-Shouldcrs. S .N > ( UKl ; short
clear , 53.75C t5.l'0 ' ; short libs , S5.aiX'M.aV
Uuttcr QnlctJ Rootl lo extift creamery , 33
( Rnoc ; choice to tine dairy , ififtJ'iJc. . . . .
Cheese Steady , \ > Ith n fair Iciuanti ; full
cream chcddars , nv&Jiloirc ; Hats lO Uc ;
YouiiR Americas , li jijiaxc ; Skims , 4@0c ,
ic .i - > .
Hides Urcen. "c : hcavv rreen saltoil. fully
cnrt'dSct ; iRlit , Wo ; bull hides Oc ; dry
salted. ISJjojtlry ( tint , 13@Uc ; catt skins.
No. 1 country cjNo. 2 conn *
try , 3)fc ) ; cake , 4'fc.Jlecolnt
Jlecolnt ? . Khipnipnts.
KIour.bMs . 10.00J 10,000
U' . 21,000 'Jft.OOO
Corn , mi . rWooo
( ) nts.bu . 11S.OOO 6S1.000
KJO.UU. . , . 5,000 tl.OOO
13arluvbn . 57,000 45.000
Now York , March -Wheat Receipts ,
2,000 ; exports , 10 ; ,000 , spot higher nud moio
active : options opened weak anil lower ,
but later uileil stumper , closing tirni ; un-
gi acini red , sx-ft'lc ' ; No. s red ,
alloat ; Aiull closing at fl-t' ' < c.
Corn No. 'J Hpul lower and others quiet
-Ji viu ; ± > li. M , ii'yi-n'-.jr iu. . .
alfoat : Aiull closing nt 9Ve.
Oats Quiet ; iceelpts il.OOO ; expoits , 13j
mixed western , oii'tf X'o ' ; white westcin ,
Petroleum Finn ; \inltedclosed at7i > Vc.
. Dull and lower ; receipts , 5,000 packages -
ages ; wesicin , Hi } ( ! i2Jc
I'ork Dull and lower ; mess ,
10.50 for cikl.
Laid Lower hut falily nctl\o ; wostcm
steam spot , SO.'jy : April. $ (1.22fiO.M. ( ( !
Ihitter Dull anil weaker ; westein , 12(3 (
30e : > ; n crcamery , . .o.
Checsu ljulot but steady ; western tlat , 7
, Maicli 2. Irregu
lar ; No. 1 haul , cash nnd March , 87e ; April ,
bSHe ; Mav lHfe ) ; .Mine , H2e. No. 1 noitliern ,
cash and March , SJc ; April , 81 > < fc ; May , bG)4c ) ;
Juno. bsc.
Flour Steady ; patents , S4.SOQ5.Oi ) ; bak
ers' , S&bOtfl.OO.
Hecelpts Wheat , Hi ) 000 bit ; Hour , 140 bbls.
Shipments Wheat , 12,000 bn ; Hour. 11,000
Cincinnati , March 2. Wheat Quiet ; No.
2 led , We.
Coin Dull ; No. ! 3 mixed , 37e.
Oats-Dull and lower ; No. a mixed , SSJfc.
U.\o-Qulel ; No. 2 , OOe.
U.uloy Steady nnd unchanged ; e.xtin No.
: i spiing , 5'i@ . ' > ( j.
Pi ovlsions Steady and unchanged.
Whisky Finn at 51.10.
Milwaukee , Maicli 2. Wheat Stiong ;
cash , SOKe ; May , Bl c ; June , knc ,
Coin Tame ; No. 2 , : ! 7 < y : > bc.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 2Sc.
Kjo Kasy ; No. 1. We.
] ! .u ley I'll ' met ; No. 2 , fiO' c.
Piovislons Lovvei ; mess poik , cash and
Maicli , § 10.20 ; May , § 10. K ) .
hircrnqol , March 2.Vlieat Fair de-
nia ml ; now No. 2 .spi Ing steady at 7s Id.
Plum Poor demand ; steady ut8s2d.
Coin Fair demand ; spot ami Match
steady at 4s2d : Apiil and Mav , easy at Is'-'d.
St. Loiili , March 2. Wheat Quiet and
easy ; No. 2 led , cash , 003/c ; Maicli ,
Coin Quiet nnd about steadv ; No. 3
mixed , cash , JJjQS'jj e ; Jlny , atWo bid.
Oats stead ; ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 29
"JXv'i Mav , 'Ux'ifc.
Itvci iis : } atilOcbld.
I/ard Kasy nt & . " ) .75.
Uuttcr Steady but lirm ; creamery , 23@30c ;
dahy , ISCJUoe.
Arriiuxoox Uo.vnn Wheat Finn and
JiftJS.Jdehigher. Coin ICasy and © lie lower.
Oats lia-jy and a shade lower.
New Orleans , March 2. Market dull
and nominally unchanged.
Coin Finn at4bc.
Oats Qulot and vvcakatUSc.
llog Pjodticts Dull.
J.ucl Sri.87j . '
Hulk Meats Slioulders , S3.73 ; long clear ,
85.50 ; clean Ib. S5.50.
lEnns.Tj City , Murcli 2. Wheat Ivovver ;
cash 7-'e hid , 7J > < c asked ; Apill , 74 > fS74'a'c ( ; ;
May 7ti > fJ7re. (
Coin Kowcir ; casli , 27V c bid-27 = rc asked ;
Apiil , 2SJ < c bid. 2i ! ) < c asked ; May , iiOJvfc.
Oats Cabli,27c bid , 2S" c asked.
Toledo , Maicli 2. Wheat Finn ; cash ,
Coin Steady ; cash , 39c.
Oats-Dull j
Clilcajro , Jl.uch 0. Tlio lio\crs' Journal
icpoits :
O.itlle Itcceipts1,501) ) ; steady hut slow :
.slilpiiiiiB steers , Si.OJ : . ' 5.00 ; btockeis and
leeileis , Si.00@l.40 : ; oows , bulls and mixed ,
S1.0) ) < .CO ; bulk , jt.OO@J.40 : ; tluough Texas
c.ittle , :
Ho'i Uoceints , 12.010 ; steady anil rather
strong : loiifjh and mixed , $ : ) .M4.15 ) ; n.tclc-
iiiKimil bliinnluir. SUSfS MS ; light , SU.70@
i.'M ; skips. SibOtfHTO.
Sheep Uecoipth1,000 ; steady ; natives ,
S'.50fZ.i.50Texans ' ( ; , ga.50ig4.OU ; lambs , § 4.75
St. I ouls. Maicli 2. Cattle nccclpts ,
700 ; shipments , none ; market active and
stockeisand feedeib , si.CO@4.'JO. :
Hogs Keccipls. : i,2M ; .slilinients ] 2,400 ;
maiket active and lOc liluliei , closing slront ; ;
tmtcheis' St'loetlons , SJ.2"ii5l.r ( > ( ) j mixed pack-
Inp , ta.8- l.20IlKlit ; , Si.b0 : l.l5.
Kansas City , M.ncli'2. Cntlln Receipts ,
1,100 : bliipmentM , 500 ; maiket moio nutlvu
and nun ; ex'porteis , Sr > .O.X'i5.iO ! ! ; common to
elioli'o shipping , S4.00 ' ) .00stockeis ; and
leedeisSi.IMI.l5 : ; cows , SJ.-fO a.'jo.
lion's Itei-cTpts , B.OOO ; sliliimonls , 1.1CO ; ; and slow : good lo choice , $4. ( > 0
( ( /DO ; coiimioii to medium , & 3.70 ( < : ) , 'JO :
and pigs. 8l.50C3y.OO
Tuesday JCvonhiK , AInich ! J.
The cattle maiket was about steady to-day.
ISulclieis * stock. If cholco > ouni ; cow.s
nnd lieifeis , sells well , but old , thin cou.'i
aio not wanted. 1100 to 1200 Ib sti'
aio ijtioted at S034.0) : ! ) ; 1250 to 1SVJ
HSatS.l.tK@l.lO ) ; line lolWO Ihs. ntF4.4V <
l.H ( ) ; bulls , common , at &d.5)0 ( ; cholco
a so
Shnwlns tliu hlgliost and lowiwt | irlcos pnhl
on this maiket tor lioirs ( linlntr the iust
sovc-ji d.iya and for tlio correapondln ; ; poiioct
Jiibt moiitli.
January , i l-'ehruary.
Tuesday a.40 @ 'J.bO
Wednesday , , . . . 8.SO ( ( ? .t.bO f
Thuihday a.75 @i.b,5
1'iiilav. . . . . . . . . ! ) .fi5 ( u .b5
iSatuiday , B.U5 Oia.75
Monday. . . t '
Tuesday. . , s'ii ccjiioo
Note All sales of stock In this inaikct are
niado per invt. live wuiL'ht unless othurwlso
sUted. De.ul hozs sen at In per Hi , for all
weluhts. " .Skins , or lio/svreitlilniliiss than
100 ibs , no value. 1'retjnant sovvu are docUud
40 ibs and btuit bO Iba.
Tuesday Kvcnliif , March 2.
Cenornl JMarkett ) .
J' , ( fis-'J'he maiket continues vory'lov/ :
f > Alo.s of bliiiecaso | luts were made to-duv nt
II' wi2c , while jouuiLlots. went at lIiJllK ! >
Ui 'Jlioico table iylb' '
> rvii ; inu ecurix'i