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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1886)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , MAIIOH 2 , 1886. NUMBER 20 ? The Chief Magistrate Transmits a Oatistio to the Souato. WILL NOT YIELD THE REQUEST. A ticiiRthy AVliIlc House Document Which Set j Up nthe Ilul- wnrlc of DcreiiRo the Kx- cotitlvo Prorosatlvo. Mcssnfto From the President. WASHI-NOTON , March 1. Tlio picsldent tent tlic following inessago to thu senate to day : To tlicScnntoof tlm United States Kvcr slncu the beginning of tlm piocoiit session of the senate the dlireient heads of ilcpailincnls attached to the i'\.ecntlvebr.inch ot tlio gov ernment have been piled with various re quests nml dcmniids fiom committees of tlio senate , IKIIII thuiuciuhoi.sofsuch eointiilltees mid at last from the scnntu Itself , to leqiilio tint transmission of reasons lor thu suspen sion of certnln olllclnls dm lug tlm rocos of that loily. nr for papers touching tliu conduct ot such olllelnls. 01 lor all p.tpet.s or docu ments minting to such suspension , or for all documents and pnpeis Illed In biicli dopatt- ments lolatlng to the management and cou- di ct oi the olllces held by such suspended olllclali. Tin ; diffi'ii'iit ( etuis tioin time to thno adopted In making such icquosts and demands , thu order In vvlddi they succeeded each other , and the fuel that when made by thosemilo the lesolutlon lor that purpose wan passed In executive session , have led to n mesuniption the couectncs.s of which v111,1 \ suppose , ho candidly admitted , that fiom the first to thu last the Inloiiuatlon i-oughtnnd the pnpois thus demanded for use by the senate ot tun United States and Its committees weio needed In considering the propilety ol the.suspensionsicleircd to. Though those suspensions aio my execu tive ads based upon consldeiation addiesscd to mo alone , and for which lam alone , wholly lu.sponslhle , 1 ha\e no Invitation fiom the senate to state the position \ \ hlch 1 have felt eonstialneil to assume In relation to some , or to Inleipret for myself mv acts and mo- thes In these picmlses. In this condition of alTalis , I have for borne addiesslug thusen- nto uiion thu subject lest I might bn accused of thiusting injsell' unhidden upon thent- teutlun of that body , lint tlm lepoit of the committee on y of llio senate , lately published and piescnted , which denounces the attorney general Of thu United States for his refusal to tiausiiiitceUaln papets lelut- ing to suspension liom olllce , ami which , nlo , if I couectly Inteipret It , evinces a misapprehension - apprehension ot the position of the executive upon the iiue.stloii ot such .suspensions , will , 1 hope , justify this communleation. The piesldent relei.s to the icsolutlon of tie ! senate calling for the Dustln papers , and the icplv of thy attorney geueial therelo , ami says : Upon this losolutlon and thu answer tlieieto , an issue is thus stated by the com mittee on judlchuy at the outset of thu 10- poit : "Tho Impoilnnt question , then , is whether It is within the constitutional com petence of either house of congress to ha\o access to the ollldal papers and documents in the vailous public otilcos 6f the United .States created liy tlio laws enacted by them- Rclvcs. " I do not suppose that "tho public olllees of the United Slates" aio regulated or controlled in their lelalious to either house of congress by tlio tact that they weio "cie- ated by the laws enacted by them solves. " It must bo thiit these instiumentatlous wcro cicated for the benolit of the people and to answer the general pin poses ot llio government under the consti tution and laws and that they aio iinoticumbeied by any lien In laver ol either branch of congicssirrowing outol their con stitution , and uucmbaiiassed by any obliga tion to tlio senate as the pi leu of their ciea- tlou. tlou.Tlio Tlio complaint of the committee that access to olllcial papcre In public olllccs Is denied tlm senate is met by a statement that at no time has it been the disposition or Intention of thopicsldeiit , or any depaitmcnt of the executive blanch of the government to with hold tiom the senate ofllelal documents or papers tiled in any of the public ofliecs. vVhllo It Is by no means conceded that the henatu has the light in any casu to review the act ot tlio executive in icmovlng or suspend ing a public olliccr upon olllcial documents or otnciwisc , It Is conshleied that documents nnd papers of that natuio should , because they aio olllcial , bo fieely transmitted to the hcnato upon its deniami , trusting the use of : tlm f-amo for proper and legitimate purposes to the good faith of that body , and though no such paper or document lias been speci fically demanded in any of the numeioiis ro- ( ptests and demands made upon the depait- immts , yet , asofton as tliey vveie found In the public unices they Imvo been 1 mulshed in an swer to such applications. The letter ot the attoiney gencialln re sponse to the lesohitlon of the senate In thu p.ntlciilar case nientloucd In the committee lepoit wns wiltten nt my sucgestion and by my diicction. Thoio has been no olllcial pa- liersor documents tiled In thisdepaitmuut relating to the case within the period .speci fied In the ipsolutlon. The letter was in tended , by its dcscilptlon of tlio papers and documents remaining In thu custody of thu dcpaitmcnt , to cuiuoy the Idea that they weie not olllcial. and It was assumed that the lesolutlon called for Information , pnpeis and documents of tlio samu character as were icqiihcd by the leiiucsts and clo- mantls which pieeeited it. Everything that had been wiltten or done on behalf of the semite lioni the beginning pointed to nil tlio lettcis and twpei.s of a private and un- olllclnl natiuo as thu objects ot thu senich 1C thciyciu to lie found in the dcpaitmcnts , and piovlde < l they had boon piesenlcd to the executive with a view of their consideration upon the question of suspension from olllce. .Against the tinnsmlssion of hitch papcis nnd documents I ha\o Intel posed my advice and dliectlun. This has not been done , as Is suggested In thu committee's lepoit , upon thu assumption on my pait that thu attoiney j'eneinl or any oilier fiead of a dcpaitmcnt "is a sei vnnt of the piesldent. nnd Is to glvo or withhold copies ot documents In his olllco nccoidlng to tliolll of tlm e\eeuliv'and ' not otheiwlsi1 , " but because 1 icgatdcd tlio papcis nnddocuments withheld mid addicted tome mo or Intended for my usu ami action , puiely unollielal and pilvatc , not infrequently conlidontial , and hav ing icieienco to the pcifoinraiico of duty cxiluslvoly mine. I conshler them In no inoper sense as upon the tiles of the do- paitiiicnt , but as deposited tluno for my con venience , leinaining still completely under mycontiol. 1 suppose If 1 deslied to tnko them Into my custody I might do so with en lliopioprlcty , and It 1 saw lit todestioy them no one could complain. Thu pnpeis aim docu ments that aio now tlio object ot the semite ' * quest consist of letteis and iupiiv > entatlons nddiessed to the executeu or Intcndeu tor his Inspection : they aiu voluntaiily wiitten and pinsuntedby private dti/ou.s who aio not in the least Instigated theieto by any of- llclal iuvlt.itlon or at all subject to oillclnl con trol.Vlnlu sonm of them nro entitled to executive consldeiation many ot them aiu so uielcvent , or In the light of other liu'ti * , so woillile&s , that they have not been given thu least weight in deteimlnlng tlio question to which they aru supposed to ic- late. Aio all these , simply because they mo pu'.sciu'd. to bo consiuiMcd oltlcliU docu ments mid subject to the Inspection of the senate ? If not , who Is todeteimlno which belongs to this class ? Aio the motlu-s and jimposesof Iho senate , as they aio day by ilny ( | ( ' \olipcdsucli as wuuld.bosatUtled with my fcclcctlou'i1 Am 1 to submit to them at tlmiisk of being charged with making a suspension - pension fiom ulllco upon evidence which wa'i not oven ronsldeii'il ? Aio these papers to bo uv ; ,11 ded olllcial because they have not only been presented , but pin- bervcd in ptibllo otliccsV Their nature nml chaiacteriemalu the bauio whether they aio kept In tlio executive mansion or deposited In thoilup.ulmcnts. Theie is no mystuilous power of transmutation in dopaimental ( custody , nor Is theio ma loluthu undefined and sueird solemnity ot depaitmcnt lile.s. It' thiMiie&eiiai ot tlieso p.ipeis In jiublln of- lices is the btumblliig block in thu way of thu pcifoinmncu of senaloiljl duty , It can bo easily lomovrd. Tlm napers nnif documents wlilcli havu been dciciIbcd derive no otlicinl j-lmr.ictcrfinm any constitutional statutory or otlier reiiuiiement making them ncces-ary tu thu iH'iforuuuico ot tim oDlclal duty of thu oxcfiitive. H will bo denied , 1 supiiu'so , that thu picsldunt may suspend n public o Ulcer In the entlio absenci ! < jt any papers or documents to aid Ids olllcial Imlgment and discretion , and I am quite prc- liirpil to avow tlmt cases are not tow In kliich suspensions from olllee ha\o depended ilorn upon oral rcpic cntatlons mnilo to file ly clti7ciH known to bo of geoil rOplito , nnd > y jnetnbcr of. the , iiou o of representivcs inn senators ot the United Stales , tlinn upon ny letters and documents presented for my vamlnatlon. 1 havu not felt justified n suspcctlni ; the veracity , Inte.- ity and patriotism of senators , mil Ignoilnu their representations ) ccatt < e.of \ \ wcro not In party allillatlon iVllh the majority of their nsioclates , ami 1 ecall a few suspensions which bear the np- irovnl of Individual members Identified dcntlcnlly with the majority In the senate. While , therefore , 1 am constrained to deny ho light of the senate to the nnpeis ami locumcnU described , so far as the light to ho same U tnscd upon the claim that they ire In any view olhclnl , I mil also led tin- . qutvocally to dispute tlm right of the scnato by aid of any documents ivhatover , or In nny way save through ju- llclal process of trial or Impeachment to ic- Icworiovorsotheact of thu executive In u ppnslon. during the recess of the senate , if tedoral oIllelaK t Ix'Ilevo thu power to ie- novo or .suspend such olllcial Is vested In the ( resident alone by the constitution , which In \pies3 terms proudcs that "the executive shall ho vested In apiesidont of tlm United Slates of Amoiicv'and tint "ho hall take caie that tlm laws bo faithfully ) \ocuted. " The senate belongs to ho legislative branch of the govern- lent , When the constitution , by express iiovlsloti , supcraddcd to Its legislative duties he light to julvlso and consent toappolut- ncnts to olllco and to sit as n com t of 1m- iMi'hment , It confericd upon that body all hecontioland regulation of executive ae- Ion supposed to be necessary for the safety of ho people ; andthlsexpiessaiid special giant jf hitch extiaordlnaiy po\\eis , not In any way elated to or glowing out ot general .senato- lal duty , and In itself iv dcpaitmo liom tlm ; encial plan of our covcinmunt , should bo icld , miller the familiar maxim of the coti- tructlou , to exclude every other i Ight ol In- erfeiencc with executlvu functions. In he first congiess which assembled ittcr tiio adoption ot our ennstitn- ion , comprising many who aided in ts ptcparailon , legislatho construction was ; i\uti fo that instalment In which thu lndo < lendcnce of the executive In ihcnntierof cmovals Irom olllcu was fully sustained. 1 think it will bo found that in subsequent llscnssioii' ) ot this question tlieio was gencr- lly , it not at all times , npicfnosltlon pending n bonio way to cuitall tills power ol tlio pioshtent by legislation , widen lurnlshes vldenco that to limit such power it was sun- loscd to bo necessary to supplement the : onstitution by such legislation. Tlio first jiiactment of this description was passed inder tlicstiess of paitlsixnshlp and political ) ittciness which culminated in the ) iesident's Impeachment. This law piovlded hat tim federal ollicers to which It polled could only bo suspended dining a rc- essof the senate when shown by evidence , uislactoiy to the president to bo guilty of nisconduct in olllce , or cilmc , or when" In- : apahlu oi disqualllied to peifoim their duties , ,11 ul that witliin twenty days after the next meeting of thu senate it should bo thu duty of tlio president "to report to the senate such .uspenslon . , with the evidence and icasons 'orIlls action in tlio case. " This statute was ussed in 187i. ( When congiess is oyui\\helm- nly and bittoily opposed politically to the ncsidentlt may boiegauleil as an Indication , hat oven then It was thought necessary by a conctoss to determine upon tlio subjugation pt the executive , to legislate to Imnisli tsclt a law for that puiuoso instead of at- cmpttug to icach the object Intended by an nvoeatlon of any pictended constitutional .ight. The law which thus lound its way to our .statuto book was plain in Itsteims , and its 'nleiit needed no avowal. If valid and now .n operation , It would justify tlio piesent eoursu ot the senate and command thu obedi ence of tlio executive to its demand. It may. however , bolemiukcd in passing that , under this law , thu mcsidcnt had the pihllego orpiesonting to the body which assumed to leviuw his executive acts his lea- sons theiclor. Instead of being excluded liom explanation or judged by tlio papers found in tlio dcpaitinent. Two jears alter the law of 1W5T was passed , and within less than ihceoks alter thu inauguration ot a inesldent in political accoid with both branches of congress , the sections of the act logulating suspensions from olllco during tlm lecoss of the scnatn wcio entirely lopealcd , and In thcirplnco wcic substituted provisions which , instead ol limiting tlmcnscs of suspension to misconduct , ci line , disability or disqualllica- tlon , cxjnessly permitted sucli suspension by thu piesident "In his discretion , " and com- iletely abandoned the leqnirement obliging .dm to repoit to the senate "tlio evidence and icasons" lor his action. With theju modi fications , and wltii all blanches of thu gov- eminent in political harmony , and In thuab- scncool nailisan incentive to captious dis cussion , the law as it was left by the amend ment of lbG3 was much less dcstiuc- slvo of executive discretion. And jet the gieat general and patriotic cltl/.un who. on the Ith day of .Maieh , Ibfi'j , assumed the duties of chlet executive , and lor whose iieer admlnlstiatlon of his high olllco the most hateful icstralnts of tlio law ot IbiiT wcio , on the 6th day of April , ISG'J , lemovcd , iiiindtul of his objection to defend and pro- tectovciy preiogative of hisgieat titist , and apprehensive ol the injury that tlncntcneii tlie public service In the continued opcrntlon of these statutes , oven In their moditlcatlon , in his lirst message to congicss advised their repcaT and f ot foith their uuco'iistltutioiial clmractcr and huittul tendency. 1 am unablu to .state whether or not this iccomiiiendation tor tlio icpeal of thcsu laws has been slnco repealed. It it is not , tlm reason can probably be tonnd In the experience which demonstrated the fact tliat the necessities of the political situation but laicly developed their vicious character. And so it happens , that alter nu extension of ncaily twenty years of almost innocuous desuetude these la wsai obi ought foitli , apparently repealed as well as uniepcalcd , and put in the \\ay ot an executive who Is willing , If permitted , to attempt an Impiovomcnt In the methods of admlnlstiation. The constitutionality of : these laws Is by no means admitted , lint why should the piovisions of n repealed law , which loquhcilnNpculllu cause tor suspension , and a icpoit to thu senate ot "evidence and leasons , " bo now In ell'ect applied to the prosentexecutive instead of the law afterwards passed nnd unrcpcaled which distinctly penults suspensions by the presi dent "in Ins discretion , " and caiefully omits thu icquhcments that thu "evidence ami loasons for his action In thocaso" shall bu ropoitod to the senate. Thu lequcsts and demands which by thu scoru havu fur nearly tlnru months been piesentcd tu the dlffciont dcpaitmcnts of thu government , whatever may bo their foun , have but ono complexion. They assume tlio light of tlio senate to sit In judgment upon tlio exeieiso ot my executlvu function , foi which 1 am solely le.sponslblo to tlm people fiom whom I have so lately us- celved the sacred ti list of olllco. My oath to suppoit nnd defend the constitution ; my duty to thu people who have chosen mo to the executive poweis of their gieat olllcu nnd not to lelinqulsli them , nml my duty to thu chlet magistracy which 1 must preserve unlm- palied In nil its dignity nnd vigor , compel mete to icfusu to comply with these demands. To the end tlmt thu seivlco may bo tin- pioved , thu senate is Invited to the fullest sciutiiiyut the persons submitted to them for public olllce , in recognition of the consti tutional power of that body to advise and consent to their appointment. 1 shall con tinue , as 1 have thus tnr done , to furnish at thu icquest of the conllimlng body all the In- foimntlon I possess touching the fitness of thu nominees placed bcfoio them tor thulr actionbotli when they mo pioposed to lill vacancies nnd to tnko tlio place of suspended otllciaU Upon n letusal to conihm 1 shnll not nssiimo the tight to ask the lensons lor the action of the senate , nor question Its determination. I cannot think tlmt anvthlnir mote Is loquhod to sccuie worthy incumbents In public ufllco than a caieliilaiul Independent di-chaigo u ( our ro- spertivo duties within their \u > ll defined limits. Though tliu pioprlcty of siiapeiislons might bu better asnirud if thu nciion of thu piosldent was subject to rev low by tlio senate - ate , \ft if thu constitution and laws Imvo phtceil this responsibility upon the executive should not bo divided nor the dlscietlon which it Involves relinquished. It has been claimed thnt the present execu tive having pledged himself not to remove otllclals except for cause , tlio fact of thcli suspension implies such misconduct on thu part of the suspended olliclal as Iniiues his character and leimtntlon , nnd theretoio thu senate should mv taw thu ease fur his vuiillca tlou. 1 h.iv 0 taiJ thai ccttain otllcUls t-houk not In my opinion be removed during the continuance of the term for which they AWQ appointed solely for the puiposo of putting in their ) > lacc those In political nnillntloii v\th ! tlio appointing power , end this declaration was immediately followed by a description of ollloliU n.itlisnn * ship which ottgiit nut to entitle those ill whom it was exhibited to consideration. It is not apparent how the course thus an nounced cniilcs with It the consequences described. 1 In nny dcgteo llio suegestlon Is worthy of consideration It Is to bo hoped that there may bo a defense against unjust suspensions in justice to the executive. Kvorv pledzo which I have made , by which I havu placed a limitation upon my exercise of pxccnuvc povv er has been faithfully ledeemed. Of coursu. the pretense is not put forth that no mistakes have been committed , but not a suspension h.xsbren made except it n ) > - poaicd to my satisfaction the public wel- iaio would La Improved thereby. Jinny ap plications lor suspension havu been denied , and adherence to the mle laid down to gov ern mv action as to such suspensions lias caused much Irritation and Impatience on the pnitof these wlio Imvo Insisted on more changes In olllccs. Tlio pledges I have Hindu were made to the people , and to them I mil lesponslblo for the manner Inhlch they have been icdecmed. I am not leopou- slblu to the .senntc , and I am unwilling to submit my actions and olliclal conduct to them for judgment. There are no gionnds tor an allegation that 'ear of being found false to my pio- fesslons Inlluoncos mo In declining to submit to the demands of the senate. I hnvu not constantly milled to suspend ot llclals , and thus inclined tlm dlsplcasuio of political filemls , and wilfully bioken faith with Hie people lor tlio sake of being false to them. Neither the discontent ot patty friends nor tlio allurements constantly of- feied ot continuations of appointees conditioned upon the nvowal that the suspensions have been made on pailv giounds alone , nor the threat proposed in the lesolntlon now before tlio scnatu that no continuation will bo made un less the demands of that body bo compiled with , aic sulllclont to dlscouiagc or deter mo fiom following In thu way which I am con vinced leads to better government lor the people. Onovntt CLEVELAND , Executive Mansion , Washington. OMAHA KlGHTr-FOUR. Rvcrv City In tlic Union in the Pcrccntngc ol * Increase. BOSTON' , Mass. , March 1. Tlio following statement of tlio leading dealing houses in lie United States , shows the gross bank ex changes at each point for tlio weolc ending februaiy 27 , in comparison with the corresponding spending week In 1SS5 : Review oT the British Markets. LONDON , Maicli 1. The Mark Lane Ex- piess , in its weekly review of tlio British grain trade during the past week.says : Snow storms which have prevailed during tlio week have been unfavorable to field work. Tno markets for native wheats have keen more active ; prices nro Cdgls denier. Sales of English wheat wcro GS,622 qis , nt 29s 3d , ngninst 54f > OJ qrs , at 32s dining tlio corresponding spending period last year. Foreign wheats ate liimer. Corn Is 3d dearer. Oats aiood dealer , i'wocnipoes ot wheat were sold , one of them being of No. 1 Cnllfornln , which was , bought for Antwerp nl 34s Od ; ono eai'jto was wlthdiawn and oiic _ icmalncd. Trade for ward is Impioving. At to-dny's mailed wheat wns quiet but steady ; foreign wheat was in favor of sellers ; corn was rnther weaker : grinding baileys mo 3d denrcron the week ; oats nro 3@0d dearer on the week ; pens Oil dealer on the week. Grain in Sight and Store. CHICAGO , Mmch 1. The number of bushels of grnin In stoio In thu United States and Canada on Kobruaiy 27 , and the amount of increase or dcci case coinnniod vvilh the pio- vlous week , will bo posted on ''mor- lovv as follows : . S2l4SS- , Deciease. . . . . 02-7.02S Corn . 11,40 H , 17 Incienso. . . . .2,529,810 OaK . 2,24S,1IU Ineienso. . 245iVJ ) Itye . canr > 'a Incieaso. . . . . 4,751 Uailey . l,4in,8J7 Decienso . 123,033 The amount in Chicago elevators on tliu dntu named wns : . 14,237,789 Coin . : ) , ( KJ.US ! ( Oats . 411,934 Ityp . 2G0.3W IJarlcy. . 145,293 Dnlry Market. CHICAGO , Match 1.Inter Ocean's Elgin ( III. ) special : No was sold on the boaidof trndo to-day , llntter sales aggregated - gated 7.500 Ibs at ! H ( zilKe. : Thcio vveio pri vate sales of 8,760 Ibs of butter. Total sales , So',091. TUB WE ATI inn. A Maine County Jjiihorlni ; Under Thrco Feet of Snow. CALAIS , Me. , March 1. Cilstook county Is snowed under fully three feet on the level. Trains nro blockaded In nil directions. A Inigu pottiou of both the Nuw liiunsvvlek nml Si. Crolx & Pcnobscot inllaoads will have to bo shoveled out. Trains Ten Foot Uenp. ST. JOHNS , N. H. , Maich 1. This city is blockaded bv snow , nnd since Filday nlghl no tialns or mails fiom the west * Imvo leached licie. Trains tluu Satuidav 11101 iilng nnd Satuidny night nio nt Giecn Point sui- louuiled by iliifts ten and lit teen feet high. AVentlior for To-Day. MISSOUIH YAI.I.KY Fair , slightly wanner weather , followed by local snows or mint winds gcucially southeily. THK CliKSS PLiAYKUS. Zulcertort neal ns the Second New Orleans Game. NKW OIH.KANS , Match 1. The chess con test between X.ukcitoit and KteluiU was le- sumed this afternoon. Xukertort having the fust move , chose the white. The game was the double llujo Lope/ knight opening , am throughout the enily part wns a legulntlon "took game. " On ills sixteenth move Zukcitort secured n position which evidently disconcerted Stcinit , who became very restless but ho managed iu sub sequent moves to overcome bib antagonist's advantage , nnd alter foity-tvvo moves had been made by each Xuueitoit icslgnud. /ukrrtoit'a playing l.i ) ; Sleiultz'.s tib'J. : ' XuUertuiisutfejed fiom lusamnia insi nlglit , and complained of not feeling well to daj in consu'pueuci' . The contest will bo ro suiucd on Wednesday nt 1 p. m. iVEAVERON A Very Poor Showing in His Brief Tiled in the Contest Caso. CAMPBELL MAY TURN HIM OUT. Frederick's IHU for Another District in Iowa Sparks' Gooil Work lu the tirtml Olllco Washington Notes. Tlio Cnmpboll-AVcnver Contest. WASHINGTON , Maich 1. ( Special Tele gram. ] Governor Campbell of Iowa is happy o-nlglit , and ( leuenil Weaver Is correspond- ngiy lll-iinlurcd. Tno cause , the weak and limsy case madu by Judge Cook in ills be- lalf filed for Weaver to-day in llio Campbell- Weaver contested election. Weaver lias claimed nil along that ho could show a eleai cnso and an Incieasod vote , but his feathers nre drooping nnd lie cries , "Help me , Cnssius Uook , or 1 sink. " A cnieful nnnljsis of the jilcf shows that all over the district they lavu raked together baiely two iloren Illegal votes cast for Campbell , with all their postmasters - masters and icvcnue ngunts nt vvoik , witli nianufactuml testimony nnd nil. Their at- XMiipt to use Cook's old "coloredcolonization dodge" pioved a mlsciablc fiasco. Thu "car load' ' of darkles failed to materialize , and Idiots and convicts all having voted for Weaver , they nioin a bad straight. They piovo two or three votes of demociats bought U Ottnnivvaby republicans at SI apiece , but Campbell beats this , showing that the dcmo- ciats had to pay SI apiece for republicans In tlio same city. Wcavci's evidence was by apcison giving Ills occupation asclcik , but a cioss-uxamlna- tion developed him into a cleric of a saloon without chaiacter. Weaver's principal wit nesses me , many of them , men wnom lie lias since paid elf with postodlces , sucii as Andei- son ot Alontciuma , llrown of PraiiioClty , Klise of Baxter , Starkmnn ot llichland , and n do/en others who worked for the substaiico of things hoped lor. Ills attoiney in chief Is now happy as commissioner to the Navnjos , and has gone to the happy hunting giounds. The bilcf presented is weak in language , but weaker in testimony , and It Is even hinted Hint It Is a give-away and that Cook intends to run next fall and wants Weaver out of the way. However that may be , Weaver has certainly icccivcd a black eye , and feels It. [ f this democratic house could only ilso above its intense partisanship , Weaver would take Grecloy's advice in less than two weeks and "go west. " FOK A Xr.W IOWA JUDICIAL DISTINCT. To-day Mr. Ficdnricksotlowa , Intioduccd intioduccd his pet scheme to create a judi cial illstiict in iiis congressional domain. The bill piovidcs that the act of congiess'to dlvldo tne stnto of Iowa Into five judicial dis- tiicts , approved July 20 , 18S2 , shall bo uncndod as follows : That the counties ot Cedar , Johnston anil Tama shall bo trans- fwred to the northern district and made a part tlicieof ; and tUat gaid counties and the counties ot Grimily , Bardin , Butler. Brewer , UlackhavvkI3cntonL'ynn ! , Jones nnd Clinton shall constitute a new division In said north ern dlstuct. to bo callcd'tlio ' Cedar Itaplds di vision of tlio norther ilistiiet , and that tlio terms of court tor vvl ich1 shall bo hold at the city of Cedar Haplcts. All provisions of the act of July 20,1SS2 , shall bo applicable to the division cieated by this act. Tlio time for holding court In the Cedar Rapids ilivislon ot the noitlicrii district shall bo the tlihd Tues day of February and the second Tuesday of September. The Iowa delegation Is almost ngainst the advlsabilty of the passage of this bill , and say Mr. Fredericks news it can not succeed. Ihey say there is ono too many judicial districts in the stnto now. SPAr.KS IS DOING QOOD WOIIK. Eighty-six homestcnd , timber cultmc nnd other entries , nud 145 pre-emption filings , were cancelled for fraud liy Commissioner Sparks during the month of Febiuary , and ho held for cancellation upon tlio same ground eighty-one timber cqltuio and twen ty-two pre-emption filings , lip , : ilbo rluiliig that pejlod recommondei } criiYilnSl proceed ings against fifty-seven for timber trespass on government lands , nnd divjl suits lif twenty-two cnses to iccove'r 83 , )1 ) , 05 , tlio vnlue of the timber cut. The largest of these cases which ho has recommended suit to bo brought against , Is the Sierra Lumber com pany of Pan Francisco , for the cutting of 2,000,000 feet of timber. This is the largest fraud that the land olllco has over "had to in- terfeio with. ni-Aiit's nii.i , DOOJIP.D TO nnniAT. Indications do not point to tlio passage of tlio educational bill , which pioposcs to dis tribute among tlio states , pro intn , Inrgo sums lor public school purpose . Indeed , it seems more stoutly opposed In this congress than It was in the last one. It lias lost ground , evi dently , In the long discussion in the senate. The constitutional objection urged by Sena tor Morgan and some others of the debater ! ) thcro have had moio weight than was ox- pectcd by the fi lends of the bill. It may get thiough the senate , but there seems small prospects of getting it through the house. MOVKMIIXTS 01' DAKOTAIAXS. Senator-elect Moody has left lor his homo In Dakota. Governor-elect Mclletto and other piomincnt vvoikeis for Dakota state hood , including Senator-elect Kdgeiton , aio expected hero In a few days. 'Iheio arc sev eral well known demociats heio fiom tlio toirltoiy , among whom aio William T. Love and C. C. Fiost of Huron , at vroilc for the Hnnison hill , which will bo consideicd by the house committee on terrltoiles next week. WANT A VVKSTEIHf 6OUIKns' HOSIIJ. The Iowa delegation presented In tlio lioiiso and bcnatu to-day dnpllcntu copies of a joint lesolution ami memorial passed by their stnto legislatuie , afiklng for the estab lishment of a northwcstein btnnch ot the homo for disabled and Indigent union sol- diets and sniloi.s. The documents woiu ic- f erred to thu committee ion mliltarya ft'ahs of each house. J wubrinx : rqsTAi. CHANOKS. Jnmes , Ncol lins been appointed postmaster nt Neei , a new office in Dundy county. Dan iel T. Kennedy nt Pclilii , n new ofllco in Keyn Palm county ! John Norwood has bjon commissioned postmaster at Laird ( Neb. ) , Peter J. Kor hntPoilsmouth ( luvvn ) , and Itobertson ( Jan 113way nt Pleasant Grove ( Iowa ) . WILD IDK.VS VKOM DOUGLAS. A largo number of Douglas county cill/ens have petitioned congiess to so amend the constitution of tlio United Stntcs ns to abolish the presidency. They wnnt the ex ecutive's functions performed byntilbunal to bo selected by the people or by congiess. FOUTV.MNTH COXGUUSS. Seriate. WAfiiiiNftTOjf , Match 1. The senate com mittee on public , lands voted to lepoit ad versely on tliu nomination of Surveyor Gen eral Dement of Utah. The minority lepoit of tlio senate judiciary committee on tip Dublin casu was pie- sentcd. Ills three or fopr times as long aS thomajoiity icput. It embodies no icsolu- tious. , Mn Pugh nskfd tlinl the ; report be printed nnd placed on tl o caletlila ? . ' It wns not rend In the senate. Tlio report says that\vlicn \ President Clove- ami cnmc fnlo onice lie found nbp 53 i > er ccntoMlio olilccJ Ullcil by jfPl > blcatis | , nfl- pointed aS A rowiiiTforpMlyfeeivlcei. The wrty to whom the president owed lis nomination nnd election had icon exiled from all participation In ho civil administration of the Bovernment Tor nearly n quarter of a ccntuiy. The irlends nnd supporters of tlio president made application for n redistribution of public trusts. No other president has ever been subjected to such a sovoio trial , or had met with so ninny grave dtnioulMc * * . and no oilier liml such an abundant supply ol valid reasons and causes urglne him to the free otorclse of the power of removal fiom federal olllce. nnd none other over resisted inoro than he the lust claims ot his suppoitcis or used his power ot icmovnl 111010 con scientiously , cautiously nml sparingly. Notwithstanding these facts , Hie TOO nomi nations sent to the senate lu suspension cases luttl been allowed to remain boloie tlio committee without eonsidcintion nnd liual discommon. Dustin has made no complaint befoiu tlm judicial v committee , the president or attoiney goneiaH that ho wns wronged by the suspension. Tlm conunltteo was fully Infoimed that Hatred wns recommended to the president by all the mumbeis of eongiess liom Alabama , on personal knowledge ot his high diameter , Stilptied to the naked truth , without any special juending , the casu made for the senntu on thulr i evolution nnd the nnsvvcrof thu nttomuy general is whether Iho senate has might to demand of thoattor- neV general the uansmlssion , ngainst the order of the piesldent , of the only paper or document of the -cilptlon mentioned In thu resolution. That paper or document. It Is stated In the , lelatcs exclusively to the removal of Dustin by thu president , and for that reason alone Is not transmitted , In conclusion , the minority of your eom- mitten nru gratified nt belns nule to slate that In the Foity-.slxth congiess , when thu dunio- erats had a majority in the senate , no such speetndo ns that now exhibited to the conn- tiy was ever witnessed in the history ol its pioccerllngs. Tlio lupoit is signed hv Senators James L. Pugh , Iflciiard Coke , Gcorgo G. "Vest , and llouell K. Jackson. Tlmsennto then went into executive ses sion , nnd when the doors reopened , nd- jouincd. House. Mnrch 1. Mr. Brtiinm asked unanimous consent to have pi luted In the senate a memoilal signed by J. P. Brigham - ham and otheis , asking the impeachment of Daniel Manning , secretary of the treasury , for high crimes and misdeineanois In the ex ecution of the silver law. Mr. Klbridgo moved to suspend the rules ami pass the Mexican pension bill vv ilh a proviso vise excepting from its provisions poisons politically disabled. After debate , and pending action upon the motion , the house adjourned. I < curuary Debt Statement. WAMIINOTO.V , Maich 1. The following is n recapitulation of the debt statement issued to-day for the month ol Febiuaiy : Inleiest bearing debt , principal nnd Interest , S1'J01- 22 500.0) ; debt on which interest has ceased hinco maturity , SUV ( > ,84U.O > ; debt beiiiing no interest , SrG-VH515.7T ) ; total debt , principal and interest. 81,823,331.071.4(1 ( ; decrease of debt dining the month , ? S,70J,153.W , : ; ca h in trcasurv availnble for i eduction of the public debt , S223IGr > 1743.0t ; rescue fund. 6100,003- 030 ; total easli in the treasury , as shown by thu treasurer's account § - ' ' . general accountl'Jl,4b'J. - 053.52. THE OVEnfjAXP AVAR. No Dcoi-oasc In Rates Q Fiercer " " ' " * ' " " " " Fight IjooIccil"P6r ; CHICAOO , iltuch 1. [ Special Telegrnm. ] San Francisco passenger intes are still aslow as they were 89.50 , for first class limited lidliiR from Chicago. Commissioner Mldglcy , wlio went to New Yoilc to Induce the trunk lines topi orate with the overland California lines so that they could better compete with the Sunset route , which takes Its freight by water around to Now Orleans , lias returned without accomplishing his purpose. The Southern 1'ndiic , by having a steamer ionic to Now Orleans , appears to jjo al > le to control a majority of tlio business , ( jo what the otlier roadu may. The Rock Island claims that by not meeting the St. Pnul'S ' S $ cut to Council Bluffs except on thiough buslncbS , it hasgieatlysuipiisedand disgruntled that lend nnd its ally , tlm Nortli- vv'esfcrn. ' On the other hand the St. Paul claims thpt it and tlic Northwcstein aie car rying nil the Council IJIuirs business , and that it wants nothing better than the present state of things. Itallroad men aic expecting moro active lighting on this Mbsouii river business. Tlic Rates Ruling From 'Frluco. SAN FiiANCisco , March 1. Owing to the domami of the Iowa roads that lull fare bo charged between Omaha and Chicago , prices on unlimited tickets have been advanced to New Yoik to 505.25 , nnd ChicacoT2.r,0. No change in limited tickets. The Southern Pa cific made a new move In the light tills aiteinoon hy cutting thlid class tickets. Their announcement was Immediately fol lowed by simllnr action on the pait of all the other ovciland loads , and .schedules ot open rates vvcio conspicuously posted at all the oflices as follows : To Omaha and Kansas City , S12.r,0j Chicago , S17.50 ; Now "York. 5'js.r,0 ; Boston , S"O.M ) . Heavy sales of thiiil class tickets rcbiilted in consequence of this reduction. T/io / Illinois Ccnlrnl's CIIICAOO March 1. Tlm annual repot t of the directors of the Illinois Centinl inilrond for the j'onr ended December 31 , 1585 , shows tlmt thogiosssum received for the year wns,000 ! , an increase of SHH.OOOtor the lines In Illinois und the ( south , and a decienso ot S.'il.OCO in Iowa. The nut e.unlng vvcio S4.7Til.000. The rcpoitattilbutcs the decreased earn ings ot the Iowa leased lines principally to the decrease of business consequent upon thu le.s'-eiiliig of Immigiatloii Into Iowa nud thu stntcs beyond. The causes mentioned are higher taxation , building ot opposition lines ami lowcilng ot freight nnd passenger rntes. A JJIfj Cut IJy llio Sunset. SAN FitANCisco , March I. T. C. Stubbs , ccncinl tinlllu manager of the Soiithein Piieiliu company , made 0110 ceneinl into of 810 per ton on all Height to New Voile iu- of class , lie nUo oideied two latcs lo bo made fiom New Voik to this point of 81 per hundred on freight huietoforucluiigcd SHor over jier hundred , and 75 rents ior freight previously can led for less than S3. FOREIGN KIjASHIOS. Tlio AVITo or tlio Aiuorlcnii Minister Couipllitic'iitcd liy QIIOUU VI o. LONDON , March 1. Queen Victoila spon taneously paid a great compliment to America to-day in receiving Mrs. Phelp ? , wife of the United .States minister , in a pil- ratn nudleiico at Windsor rastle. Mis. Phelps wasaccoinjianied by the 1'nil nnd CouutuKS Itosebeiry. Thu paity met nt Windsor st.i- tlou and weiu coin eyed to the eastlo by .special foil it eaiilnges. Tlio countess pic.scnlcd Mrs. Phelps in the ambassador's loom , Thu ( liieen icieived MIH. Phelps most eoidlally nnd convi'iscd witli liCi somu time. Tlmie- ceptlonofn minister's wifu jnivatelv by Ihc ( itieen 14 almost phenomenal. That honor Is duo only to tlio wives ot nmb.issador.s , Tim honor is more niarkel because thu quern will hold a diawing loom slioitly , nt which it is customary to present minister- , ' wives to her. Mrs. Phelps was ntliied In mourning , Thu paity lunched at the eastlo nnd was conveym buck to thustntion in the same loynl caritaiie. preceded by goigcous iiostilioiis. Mr , Phelps did nut accompany ins wile. Olliclal noHcu is given In thu point clifliilar of the presentation of Mrs. Phelps. " \VeIsli Opposition lo ITnmo Utile. LONIJO > , Maich L The Welsli members of the libeial party united in Intimating to Glndstonu that it will bu impossible ! 1 them to support nny proposal tending to the tstab- llsliiueut of n sepaiato paiilumeut In lielan J. TROUlJLiCS. r McCoriulck's Ileaper Works Kcaitinc CHICAOO , March 1. Tlio McConnlck reaper woiks resumed work this morning , 160 men reporting for duty. Gieat crowds were In The vicinity of tlio works caily In the morn- ng , ami lo lucfr picsence Is ascribed tlio fnct hat n larger number did not npply for work through fear of Intimidation. A largo fotco of police v\ etc on hand to preserve order , nnd nrresteil tin eo or four men who vv cro noisy and aggressive. The lockcdout men me to hold n uassmeeting this forenoon near the works , When thu pient bell sounded nt the works not to exceed 150 men Imd entered the ynrds. Largo numbeis of woiklim men Imd up- icared carrying their dinner" palls , but were akcn In chnrjtis by sttlkois. A pieat many vvoto prevailed upon to icmain out. Gie.vt ciovvus otstrlkeis lined IHno Lslnnd avenue facing the works , with the evident Intention ofintlinidutlngntiy men expecting to go to work , nnd linnlly tlm police oideied them back. They woie slo\v \ to move nt Hist , but winn the order to disperse cnmo a second time and tliu olllceis advanced , they tin licit nnd ran ncioss the prnhles. scnueilug in nil directions. Tliu dlsputsnl ot the ciovvds icstoird couiklonco to the minds of the wavering ones , who had been prevented ftom enteiiiigat tlrst , nnd they slatted htmicdly Tor thu works. In tlvo minutes , nccoiding to Mr. McCormlckM count , ! V > 0 men vvciu at woik in the vnilotts departments , tjnpeiln- [ endent Avei 111 says n number ol men 10- Irnined irom leturnliifc owing to having re ceived Uueatcning notes last night. Hy to- moiiow lie expected tin1 work to bo In lull tpcintion. .Mr. McCormick opened the ynuls In person and declined ho would not shut ilown now if lie only had n lUucn men to The police nt rested twenty men for creating n distuibanec. ono of whom was making n speech advocating that thu htiikors use their icvolvers nnd shoot nny ono cnlcilngthe yaids. They vveio taken to the police station nudairniguedloreniiylng concealed weap ons. They vveio lined 8 > and cosls each. Revolvers weie lound on their persons. The Kljilit Hour Movement. CHICAGO , 111. , Mnrch 1. Tlio eight hour movement Is assuming foimldablo pionor- tlons In this city , nnd promises to bo vciy .encral among vvngcwoikers , both orgnnl/cd and unorganised. Already the Uiicklayers' union have decided to stand for eight horns vvoik at eight hours par , on May 1. 18bO , as recommended by tliu Federation of Tiadu ami Labor unions ot tlio United States and Canada , ami as they number 4,000 men in fact all working at tlio ttado in Chicago their demand is likely to bo acceded to. The I'lasteiefs union , numbering .some 1,500 , have taken like action , as nlso the lath- ei.s , carpenters and all hulhtlng tiades. The Clgai maker's union lias also decided to nuiku a stand tor eight lioni.s , and the Typogiaph- Ical union , numbering some 1,500 members , yestetday decided to lall into line and work eight houis fiom and alter May 1 , nnd in vited the other pi inter's unions in thu eotin- tiy to co-opeiate. The general feeling among the vvoikeis seems to bo to nccopteight houi.s pay for eight houis vvoik , and mnnuiactuiers vud employcis generally do not seem to strenuously object to their proceeding. The Chinese Must Go. Poivrr.ANi > , Oie. , Maicli 1. Uetvveen mid night and 2 o'clock this morning a mob of eighty masked men , divided into Iwosnuads , visited tlio Chinese working back of l ast Poitiandnml Albinn , the eastern subuib'of this city , and diovo them out. There were ISO Chinese in all , all of thorn unpaged In wood chopping and grubbing on land lying one to three miles buck of town. Some of the men v\oro masks , olhurs had thcr | faces blacked , 'and some were sacks over their heads with holes for eyes , and all of them were armed. They came to the camps whcio the Chinese vveio asleep , loutcd them out , displayed icvolvcis , nnd oideied them to pac.c up and leave at once. The Chinese of fered no rcsistniico and nllovved themselves to bo driven to the ferry boat nnd taken to tills city. The mob worked with great secrecy. The night was daik , and the olllcers of the law know nothing ol its nctiou until the Chinese ai rived here , matching uu the street about 2 o'clock in the morning. \VYO3I1XO WAIFS. Substantial BiislilcSsBIeu Incorporate a North and South Railroad. CIIIVINNI : : , Wyo. , Mnrcli 1. [ Special Tel egram. ] Articles of incorporation of the Cheyenne & Northern Railway company wcio filed with the secretary of the territory tills evening. Cnpltnl § 3,000,000 , divided Into 30,000 shares. Tlio Incorporators and trustees for the first year nro Tliomns Sturgls , secre- ictary of the Wyoming Stock Growers' asso ciation and president of the Stock Growers' National bank of Cheyenne ; Henry G. liny , cashier of the same bank ; Francis E. Wnr- rcn , govcinor of Wyoming and president of the Warren Mcicnntilo compnny nnd the Wnrien Live Stock company ; W. M. C. Irwin. vice piesldent of the First National bank of Cheyenne ; Moiton E. Post , banker and ox- delegnto in congress ; Joseph M. Cnioy , pres ent delegate for Wyoming ; Erasmus Naslo and W. Corlclt. The line of tlio load is irom Cheyenne north to Fort Lnrmlc , thcnco northwest to Fort Fettcunan , and through Johnson county to Montana , tlicncu north west to the Northern Pacific. The compnny Isorgani7cd upon the strength ot 5500,000 , subsidy to bo given by Larmlo county to n north and south road. It will probably bu operated In conjunction with tlio Union Pacific. The Lance Cicok Cattle company , with 51,000,000 capital , nnd A. II. Hold and T. U. Iloid , w Ilh some New Yoik gentlemen , ns tiustcc ? , also incoi pointed to-day. TJJIO Ft Kit : ULSCOUfl. Northern Pa u llio Depot at AVimiliici ; Totally Destroyed , AViNNirna , Man. , Mnrcli 1. A fire broke out at an early hour to-day in tlio Canadian Pacific railway depot and tlio stiitcturu was totally consumed. The origin of thu llio Is n mysleiy , unless U was by gas or some com- bustlblu substance In tlm baggage loom whuiu the fin ; Mailed , The building nnd contents were valued nt 87(10,000 ( , nnd thulr only insur ance Is SRtu ) . AH olllcos have been thoroughly gutted , except what may bu saved of the contents ot thu safes. Itnslness was lesimied in tliu uld station today pending the coustiiictlon ot a new building. I ' 'iro in Toronto , TonoNTo , Maio'i 1. A fiio yesterday nt Point Periy destioyed ninny line houses nnd uncompleted bloukn that had been elected hlnee the Iho of eighteen mouths ngo. While tliu lire was in progress a tnirihlu explosion of gunpowder stored In n cellar of ono of tlio binning bttildhigs , tool : place , but noon * was Injured. The weather was very cold and water lioio in thu pipes. Thu fiio spiead so inpidly thnt many poor people were com pel led to lleo from their homes without any thing else than thu clothes they wore. Thu loss will not exceed § 100,000. Now J WisTNivv : ; Union ro.v , S. I. , Mnreh I. A Ihu stalled in Hodlno Dio. 's lumber yaid this afternoon with asttft' gale blowing. En gines from tlm nuighljorln ; towns vu-io called tons-list In lighting the flames. At 10 o'clock to-night thu llio was thought to 1m under conliol. Loss , § 75.00 ) ; insurance , sai.ow , _ | _ At I'liilailelplilii. Pmr.ADin.rniA , Mmch l- Two bulhllngs belonging to the oilcloth works of ( Jooige W. lilnbun > v : Ca. burned to-day. Loss , S'O.OCO ; paitlyliihiUL'd. AfWIillohall , N. V. Tnor , N , Y. , Maich l.-K. W , Hull's ojwia house nt Whitehall , and a number of smaller buildings , were burned to day. Loss , $ S5UOO. jruforo buying got pncos at tlio Central Lumber Yuri ! , 13ti ! anil Culiforniu. A WAIF WITHOUT A FATHER , The Surprise Party Played on a Nebraska Oily Merchant , FOUND AN INHABITED BASKET. .The Covcrlns Ucinovcil Kovcnlfl n SiltmtliiiK Infiint Ho Commences Criminal Action Against the Alleged Mother. A llnbo "Without n P < ipn. r.niiASK.v CITY , Neb. I'eb. US. [ Spcclnl , ] Some person or persons , who aie at present inkiiown , between the hours of 8 and 0 o'clock last evening left n basket containing n male Infant who wns appmontly not over .wo days old , at tlio side door of the rest- lencoof K. N. Itnttmniin. Iho well-known iteichaut nnd landloid of this city. The sot rant ghl employed at the lesldcnco of Mr. tottmanii had occasion logo to the.barn at S o'clock or a little after to look alter acovv which had been ailing all day , Mr. Itottmnnn tot being able to look after thu nnliunl on ac count of being under the vventher himself. On herieturn to tliu house , about live mln- ites later , she discovered n sninll imiket basket on thu steps ot the side leer which she had just passed out o i few minutes before , n white doth being pread ovei It. Placing her hand under the cloth her surpilso turned to flight when slio 'ell something warm. She nt once ran Into the house and notified Mr. and Mrs. Hott- iiiaun , and the basket being biought Into the | mif-e , tlio contents vveiu discovered to ben , "bouncing llltle baby boy , " appaiuntly about ono or two days old , well diesscd , and ovl- .lently then under the InlliTeiico of some opiate. Sheriff McCnllum was nt once summoned , uul in company with Constable Hail began it once to sco it they could tiaco up the mys- : ery. They lound footprints nlong the funco 11 the alloy , and also the pi hit of tlio lottom of the basket , evidently the place ivlicic thepaity was In walling befoio put- Jug Ids or her plans Into opeiatlon , The same foot prints vveio also tiaced for over lalf n mile , nnd also at one placu thu pi hit of ho basket was discovered again. Tliu night jchiR stormy and dntk tlm ollleers gave up ilielrscaicli until this moiuiug. It Is thought that the ic.ison the babe was left nt Mr. Itottmnnn's was from the fact that Mr. It. is 0110 of tlio wealthiest men of our city , and having lest his llltlo bably a few weeks since , the paily thought tlmt t lie little strniiger might receive tlic benelits of a good ionic , and might be 111010 welcome , in a mcasuie filling the loss Mr. and Mis. Kott- mann have met with so recently. inuiASKA CITV , Xcb. , Match 1. JSpcclnl rclegiam.J As an outcome of tlio baby found on the doorsteps of F. W. Uottmnnn's icsldenco Satinday night , that gentleman swore out n warrant atrainst Mrs. F. Diinko late this evening , charging her with mali cious libel and slander against him , by cliarg- ' Ing falsely and maliciously and In n public . manner that ho , Iiotlermnn , wns the father ! of n certain illegitimate child which had 1 [ ) cun abandoned nnd left on his uoor.stcps. _ j The piolimluary examination will take plntfo j to-night or to-monow in the countv court. It Is thought before the matter is tluouzh j with there will boVomo Intorostlng develoii- mcnts. Airs. Dunko denies tlio charge. Some Creditors Got Left. Exr/rca Neb. , Maich 1. fSpecialj W. J. Sullivan's general merchandise stock was sold nt auction licio Saturday for SI,575 to Meyer it Itaapke , Omalm. About S1.-100 of this with notes nnd book ncco\tns \ vv ill cover the fust inoitgagc held by I ) . 11. Mullhollaiii ) . It is genei ally thought hero that the stock brought about full value. Thn other creditors , among whom tire Meyer &Ttanpke , Omaha , and Piiimmer , Pciry & Co. , of Lin coln , § 600 ; Heed , Jones & Co. , Omaha , S500 , will get practically nothing. Tills stock of goods has cnngcd hands six times In the past five yeais with two fnlluiesCi1) ) , nnd during this period of time it has not been nt nil plain who owned the stock. Tribute to JinlKO IMitclioll. NKHRASKA CITV , Neb. , March 1. [ Special Tclegiam. ] Thecouit hoiiso at this place was draped In mourning all day Sunday nnd the great bell kept tolling during the hour Judge Mitchell's fnnoial was being held nt his old lovvu home. The following delega tion from tills city attended the fiiuoral : M. L , . Hnywaid , William Vallontine , W. A. Cotton , T. U. Stevenson , S. II. Calhoun , W , K. Hill , Dr. Ulshop nnd William McLennan. Besides n beautiful homo in this city , Judge Mitchell had 510,000 Insurance on his life. < Died from Xnturul Causes. I'li.viTSMOt'TH , Nob. , March 1. ( Srcclnl.j ' The Moinlng Mall , n dally paper established in this city some three months ngo , died n nntmnl death on Sunday moiuiug of this ' week. It domonstiated'tho long established fact that n moinlng dally without dispatches ' wns a misnomer , and n bin den to Its projeclois. Her Hiislmml Ifcr Murderer. SiMii.voi'ir.U ) , Mo. , Match 1. The coro- nci's inquustln the ( iiniiam wife minder case wns resumed this morning. After novelnl witnesses wcro examined the Jury if turned a verdict that Sarah Uaaham came to her death at. the hands of ( icoitru Ginhnm by means of a pistol shot wound In thu light luenst , nnd otlier unknown means , and that ICinma Malloy nnd ( 'or.i IA'U weiu necessoileu tlieieto. etc. The Herald will piint a fct.UC- incut liom Mis. Mnlloy. very lengthy nnd le- pliiloultu scilptuies. Ilbeais hard on Uia- Iiam , and niotoats thu innocence of lieisclC and Cora Lee , Kxcltement l inniilng hlch to-night. Powder HOUHO Dumollshnil , PAVIO.V , Ohio , Mmdi 1. Tliu dry hou'n of thu Miami I'ovvder company near Xenla blew np this morning , killing three men und blow ing tlio building nnd machinery to atoms. Thu shock was diicctly felt heiu all over tlio city. Thcio wcie a.-iro tvvcnty-livu pound icegs In tlio house when the explosion ocv curied. It was caused by Ihu explosion of the holler used In drying the powder. The loss is heavy , but cannot bo estimated , leather , "Mother nnd Child Drowned. HAMI-AX , N. S. , Match ] . AIox MeDon- aid , wife nnd child , vvhllo crossing Luke Uras d' Dor , Capo iiiolon , Satnnhiy night , bloke thiough thu ire and wuiu diuwucil. An Interestinu Iiuoturn. A good aiidioucu greelud Hov. A. P , Mend lust ovonin c nt the Sewiuil street M. K. church , to listen to his Jeoluro on "Honiancu of tlio Pulpit. " Tlioso vviio wcro present with the expectation of hearing u dry pulpit oration wuro hap pily disappointed , for tlio spi'ilor : ; ex- liihitod u talent ( or interesting liis : iiu1i > cneo in cvorything that liu wild Tlio lecttiro itself is extremely iiiliM'cstiug , and tlus iiKiunor of id iluHvcr.vvasclot ( [ ticiit , full of pathos anil sparkling with intriuttion , Itlioiiinntism loies its grjj ) whenever Bt , Jncolis Oil is applied. 1'ifiy cents u botllq. Low ju'icos , { rood tjrades and a squar , deal. Central Lumber Yard , iUh ; Cala ,