THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 27 , 1886. V STRICTLY PURE. ft CONTAINS _ vo onnar inr ASY iJ iL J . * * 25 CENTS CEKTS 7 fop for Cough Croup IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CEHTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE OK.CENI BOTTLES nro put up for the a ArfOcotninodntlonof nil who doslro a goo and low prlcod Cough. Gold and GroupRemedy TII < > ? K IIF.SIItlNIl A IIEMF.nV Foil CONSUMPTION ' I/ITNG DISEASE , Should eccuro the lur o II bottles. Direction ticcotiipiiiiylnp oncli bottlo. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Is nnluro'B own roniody , mndo from roots Knthercd.frotn forests of tlcorsla. Tlio nbovo cut represents the method of Its manufacture twouty years HBO. The demand linn been crncl- unlly IncrvnRliiK until " $100.000 Inhratory Is row necessary to oupply tlio trade. This Kront Vctr- otahlo lllood I'urlllor ctiies cnnccr , entarrh , scrofula , t-czomn , ulcer , rheumatism and blood taint , hereditary or otherwise , without the use N. Y. 157 W. S3d BU Urmvur U , Atlanta , On _ _ . . DEBILITATED MEN. f Tfou ( ire allowed a/rce Mai of thirty iJaui ot the nsfl of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Dolt with Klectrlo ( sus pensory Appliances , for tlio siwody relief and per. mnnonc euro i > f tfervoua Debility , loss of I'tra/fft/nnd / juanlumi , nnd nil kindred troubles. Also for iimny otherillsonscs. ComplotorartorntlontoIlcnltli.VlKor , nml Mnnlioo.1 pnarnntcnl. No rlnlt H Incurred. Illus trated pnmphlpt In mrnff I emvfoiic mallet ! frpouynd drc33lntVOl > TAIUUEIiTUU.ilUarahalli01lck' 017 Ht. hnrlc St. , St. touts,3to. ArrRaltrgr-iluateor two IftJIeftlCotlegti , bttLtonlooter uiiicd ID lli ifo-l ' Irotaeut o f CBEOIIC. Ilixoui , aim tnd IILOOD Uiiiiiii ihininr other PbTilelin laSLLoull , ieltr parernbow mnislloldrt.ldenlt kaow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial and Physical Weakness : Mercurial and other Affec tions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , r tre.uJ IID un > > r-n.uj luree.i , en Uteit icl.ntlflo prlnelplci , Haftlr , ITIi.i.Ij. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vbieb product romi or iin follonloK rlTeeUl titrTouiOfsi , dcbllllir , dlmmm or antldcreetlreaeaierr , plraplttontb * f ee , pb/ilctldeeajr , ftTcnfontotb * toclei of feiualci , ooiruilotor ld < K > , ! . , rtndorlne Mnrrl-is Improper or unhappy , ' / . J'aDip-ltaftpiEesonthaboYC { ) , font aictledeOTtlope , frccto any mddreo. Comulutloaatof' Cceor bjrraillfr. . . Invited tnd.ltlcllr c.nOdtntl-1. A Positive written Guarantee gitcn tn crirroa. r-ble cut. lledlclDo unt crtrber 117 null ot oiprui. MARRIAGE GUIDE , 300 VifJEB , yiTTB TI.ATE3. ol _ int cloth ( ind cllt blndlol , it-led for BOO. lnpeit.g oruurreo T. Oicr Ottr wonderful pcuploturea , truttollftf nrtlclaioatho followloj Cure without modi- A POSITIVE dim. TatentoJ Octo I ber 18,1870. Ono box will euro tlio most obtlnato case In fourdoys or loss. Hllan'sSolubleMedicatadBougies ' No niuisooiiR doses of cubebs , copaiba or oil ol Etindalwood tlmt are certain to produce dyapop- BlabydestroviniTtho eoutiii 3 of the Btomucli , J'rlco $1.H ) . Sold hi' nil druwlsts or mailed on receipt of price. For further particulars sent forclroular. p. O. Ilnz IfiXi. J. C. ua-.3J3Lj-A.3ST CO. , BSJoliupt. . Now York. tuos-th-sutlyiu&o A FINE LINE O * Pianos and -AT- WOODBRIDQE BROS1 MUSIC HOUSE OMA1IA NEUHASKA. Or ( lie Mquor Iliililt , Cured liy AiliulnNtcrliitr Ur. llnlucit * Uoltlou Hiioclllc. It can be Riven Inn cup of culTveortrn without the knonUilgaot th ponon InkingIIIsntuolulely bannli'iii , nnd will vlTuct a pormonent and speedy cure , Klictbtr tlio patient la a moderate drlnkur or AB nlcohollo nrock. It lint be n given In thou. nanrts ol iune , and In every Instance a perfect euro lias followed. K nnTrr fnlln. Tim syntem once Impu-gnatcil iba Biioclllc , U becomes an utter Impossibility for tlio liquor apprtlto to eilst. ron BALK ny FOLLOWINQ nrtuoaisTSj KU1IM iV CO. , Cor. 15lli nnil Donslu- . and ISth A ; Cum I u a 8t . , Uniaba , Neb.i A.D. FU8VCII ik 1IHO , . Council IllufTv , Iowa. Call or write far pamphlet containing hundrcdi ol taetlmoiiluls from the tct women and mru ( rora nil j rtsnl thecouutrv. Do you \\nnt a iiuro , bloom- in.,1 domnloxioii I Jf so , a few npplfcnUons of Ifugau's W AQIS OJ.IA HALM will grnt > ilV you lo your Jioart's c.ou- ( out. It doi\s mvnyth \ \ Snl- loM'iicss , Ilcdnoss , Viiniilos , Ulolclios , nud nil diseases and fmpc.'fecHoiis oi'Uio slciu. It ororoonicslho flushed : i ] iicar- nuco ol' lioiil , IhU iio and ox- clloiuonl. ItiiuikcKaliulyof T1I111T V apiiour but TM'UN- TYj inn ! so unlural , gradual , nud perfect are ils cll'ods. that ft is impossible to detect ils ujiplicatiou , A MAD MARCH FOR MONEY , Northwest Nebraska Thoroughly Bled by Railway Highwaymen. Specimen Jloltl-ups in the Shnpo of Freight llntcs Bunco Steering of n High Order. RcsnviM.n , Nob. , Fob. 10. [ Corres pondence of tlio HEK. ] It is true , anil it may bo said without qualification , that this northwestern part of Nebraska lias been settled with remarkable rapidity since the spiing-tido of Immigration real ly sot in near the vernal equinox of ' 81. And still they come. . This section of tlio state Is richly endowed dewed , possessing as It does in n liberal degree all the essential elements of physi cal strength conducive to a quick and comprehensive development. And each day only serves to add now testimony to the cumulative evidence of this great fact. It is already old of its age , and high hopes of a grand future for it may ho well and consistently entertained. Yet luminous with promise as Ita future may bo , like a beautiful and fascinating picture , it has its shadows. Hut these shadows , albeit , arc not to bo compared to those of a painting in which they servo a good purpose without serving at the same time and to a greater extent , a bad one. Perhaps the pioneer settlers of this region ought to bo perfectly contented or at least much more so than they aro. They have a railroad , they have fire and water , a productive soil , a pleasant and healthful climate , are , to bo sure , in rath er close proximity to the Sioux Indians , but in comfortable nearness to tlio great and varied mineral deposits of the moun tains. To bo contented anywhere the people Individually and collectively must not only bo safe , hut they must feel sale , ab solutely safe against damage or destruc tion , which is always liable to take place where any destructive force or agency is not held in check and kept under proper restraint and control. No fears are entertained by tlio pioneer neer yeomanry of this northwestern country on account of the lire , and tlio inagnitudo of the conflagration to which a. little of it unchecked will occasionally attain ; nor the water , at times so devas tating ; nor the Sioux , who doubtless would , wore they permitted to do as they please , commit some terrible crimes upon defenceless settlers , who under dif ferent circumstances , might fall an easy prey to the scalping knives of these piti less savages. Tlio people of this section have no fear of these things. Tlio restraints upon them are sulli- cient. All the agencies and forces concerned in shaping the destinies of this favored hind , and that have the power of contributing to the weal or woe , to the prosperity , the contentment and happiness of its people , arc regulated and held under control of natural or statute law , except the railroad. Tlio railroad and the piratical extortions of its operators are heard on every hand continuously. Scarcely a person can bo found among the vast throng of now com ers hither , except possibly a few dead heads , who have not in some \yay felt the application of their galling impudence and the sting of their extortionate rob beries. And to listen to the recitals of the villainous wrongs already committed against the many suttlers by the Fremont , Llkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad com pany in their seemingly mad march for money and mammonis enough to stir tlio fountains of human wrath to the very bottom. These facts , and facts they arc , aa any one who will take the trouble to inquire will soon convincingly learn , are rapidly leading tlio public to think that the free booters of the seas have loft the ancient wave and taken to the modern rail. That the bandits of all Christendom are some how coparceners in the business of rail roading. They are coming to think that these who will systematically steal are no bettor than thieves. That thov have practically no government except .such as the railroad companies see lit to give them , and have no rights that said com panies are bound to respect. That the incubus of monopoly ; oppression has about reached the climax , and that the so-called popular government is a mock- cry and a farce. The creatures of a sovereign people have become the superiors and the mus ters of their creator. Instead of being ruled , they are the rulers. Instead of giving promise of good influences toward national harmony and peace , they are continually giving signs of disturbance , discord , war and conquest. Money is a good thing in the hands of the good. It is equally a bad tiling In the hands of the bad. There are 11111113' ways to got it , included in honest and dishonest ways. There are ways peculiar to honest men , and ways peculiar to dis honest men. Tlio upright business man has one way as distinguiscd from another adopted by professional thieves and rob bers , and tlioir imitators. The latter would bo perfectly satislicd with their mode if they could only manipulate the statute factory to their liking , and make tlioir Kind of stealing and robbing lawful. There is room for more railroads , however , and their case there fore is not hopeless. It is useless , nay , absurd , to deny that of all men who are seeking the possession of money by knavish devices those composing the rail road companies have far outstripped all competitors in the race. They now own , the roads , the state legislatures , the congress , the courts , in short , the entire - tire machinery of government , legisla ture , executive and judicial , with rare ex ceptions. They practically make , execute and adjudicate. They own the roads and with passes ingeniously and directly have , with certain mo.H honorable excep tions , muzzled the press , or secured its services. They are now In a position to bid defiance to till other civil powers. and with the point of their thumb resting on the apex 9f their nasal protnbarnnco , and their spreading digits wiggling derisively In the air , exultingly laugh at outward foot pads and pirates of every color and do- gnio. They can at least practice upon a defenseless public with impunity. A him- plo turn of the master screw ot'oxtortion , which is only n slight advance on rates , will promptly throw into their CD Dors the requisite moans for any litigation any one of their victims might rashly force upon them , They are : n a conscnuonco of bolng themselves destitute of honest principle , and tlio people destitute of of- lioinnt legal defense , extremely impudent and overbearing , and lot no opportunity pass to tilc'h from their subjugated pat rons , knowing as I hey do that the laws are substantially worthless for the pur pose of affording the pcoplo any protec tion against their unblushing and out- rngeoiiii robberies. A poor man or woman cannot nfftml to incur ( ho expense of u tedious luvvjult with these powerful companies to re cover a few dollars of which tlm lattorhas robbed thorn through their undurhundcd and well known methods of "Stand ami deliver. " This fact said companies well know , and knowing it they are embold ened to continue their iniquitous robber ies on a larger scalo. And business men for fear of projudiciujj their relations with these tyramcal consolidations are compelled to sulltiriu silc.nco. The company's methods have by tlio oxporloncii of years been brought to n pretty fair ili-jrroo of perfection and cftloicney , Duriti , ; these years of trial they h-ivo full. , 4 uonstraled the feasibil various schemes expressly devised for purposes of downright and unalloyed extortion. A favorite trick , now quite ex tensively practiced , is to carry goods to some stationboyoml their destination and upon returning them to their proper place charge up for the extra hauling , and for storage while the goods wore at the wrong station , which time. In consequence quence otthoir whereabouts being un known to their owner , frequently amounts to several weeks , more or less , and their charge for storage to several dollars. This dodge was Inaugurated some years ago , and has been found by ample experience to ho an excellent one for squeezing the public. ' Another one of equal nrolicionoy , and perhaps more frequently resorted to , and in fact it is , judging from the ac count of shippers , seldom neglected , is for the agents at stations to which freight is billed under contract at a stipulated price , and prcpaiil or other wise to ignore such contract and de mand moroorlcssabovetho Raid stipulat ed price. When this dodge fails to workas it sometimes does , the company will back down and abandon the eflort to carry out the attempted villiany. But something must bo done to balance the deficiencies resulting from , mid to maintain unim paired the dead-head and free pass sys tems. Mistakes are pardonable , and when made and discovered by honorable men they are promptly and cheerfully rectified. Hut with rogues and robbers "mistakes" nro never corrected , nnd they never refund money except by compul sion. It is useless for these companies to claim these systematic attempts at extor tion are mistakes on tlio part of these who make them. In addition to the frequency of the mis carriages and orchargcs in question is the fact that they substantially and per sistently refuse or fall to refund such overcharges , anil which thov have no more right to retain than a robber has to retain tlio money and valuables taken from his victim on the highway. From those nnd other signilicant facts which might bo given , it must plainly appear that King VnmlorblH's theory , "Let the public bo damned , " is being faithfully anil energetically carried out. Hut the indirect yotccrlaiu result of it all is , great and irreparable injury is fre quently inlliotcd on innocent persons. In their unprincipled dealings outrageous extortions. ' knavish overcharges , and high handed robberies , perpetrated in discriminately on their patrons without legal restraint or moral compunc tion , they unavoidably full in oc casionally with a customer almost 'as mean , as corrupt and depraved , anil consequently us destitute or man hood as thonis-elve.s , which customer wreaks vengeance on his despoilcrs by a stealthy destruction of tnoir property. A bridge js burned , : i rail is displaced , or something of the kind is done to imperil and destroy the lives and properly of the traveling public. Such calamities are often traceable , no doubt , to the guilty conduct of the raHroad companies them selves. Tlio irrepressible conflict now pending between the pcoplo and the railroad companies of tun United States is the re sult of an utterly fcollish , grinding and intensely hoggish policy of the latter , and the aggressive and nefarious methods resorted to for the carrying out of such policy. The people are by no means unfriendly to railroads. On the contrary , they are generally willing , ready and anxious to render all reasonable assistance toward their construction , and to pay such rates for the transportation of freight and pas sengers as will enable their contractors and operators to realize u fair and equit able prplit on their investment. 'I hey recognize and acknowledge not only the desirability of railroads but their indis- ponsubility as well. They insist that there is tin essential and. inavoidablo inter-relation existing between tlio best , interests of the two , and that there should bo an mineable reciprocity of fooling based on the principle of "Live and let live. " Fire , as an element , and railroads as an agency may bo fitly compared. Either is capaulc of contributing greatly to the comfort and happiness of man. IJoth are necessary to a full measure of mail's ' comfort and happiness , lint to attain these ends , proper restraint and control are requisite. Either of the two given freedom would soon became a loarful menace and turn what might bo a bjessing into a curso. It is false and vicious logic to argue that because the people want railroad companies put under proper legal restric tions that they are therefore the intrinsic enemy of such companies. To show that there exists good reasons for such restrictions it may bo well to in stance a few cases , out of many , as sam ples of extortion and robbery already committed by the F. 12. & M. V. U. It. Co. against justice and the rights of the set- tiers in this newly settled section as fol lows : Some goods , mostly household , wore only .shipped from Valentine to Kushvillo about the 10th of last July. The owners , being three separate parlies , to whom they were receipted and consigiiodlooked daily for their arrival hero. Failing to ar rive in reasonable time the agent at this place explained that as a largo amount of freight had accumulated tit the goods would not probably bo forwarded tor some dnys. Accepting this explana tion as true , the owners patiently awaited the coming of their goods. On or about the 15th of August information was conveyed - voyod to the owners of said goods that the same wore at Hay Springs , the first sta tion west and beyond Hiishvillo , their destination , whore they had been since tlio time when they were first expected to arrive at Huchvillo , They wore.accord . ingly shipped back to 11. and extra charges for taking them to liny Springs and back and lor Moraga while there , which to each shipper amounted to sev eral dollars , was danmiuled , and an inso lent threat was made by the dudlsh agent that unless it was paid they ( the goods ) would bo sent back to Hay Springs. A controversy nroso regarding tlio in- instico of demanding * extra charges. finally upon the understanding that they would bo refunded in accordance witn the customary rules of the ollico , they wore paid and the. goods wore removed from the station the same day. No al lowance was made for the loss of homo of said goods on which freight had to bo paid. Although a bill of damages was properly handed inneither the goods nor the pay for them has up to this date been received , Now , If taking these goods to Hay Springs was a "mistake" and collecting extra freight and storage was a "mis take , " lotus see how the mutter of the company's rectifying their "mistakes" fatnmls at the present timo. Since the 17th day of August , when the freight and storage was paid as related , and thit goods removed from the depot at Itubhville , no less than bcvou Jotters have been written by the soveiul victims of this robbery to the company's agents , both local and gonural , whose Imsincas it Is to attend to Mich matters , The * > o let ters minutely explained the nature and extent of the grievance under considera tion. The general freight agent at Mis souri Valley went far enough to secure about the 25th uf October the expense bills from the various injured parties , winch constituted tholr written evidence of having paid the unjust and extorted freight ana storage charges , and Having done that much lie rusted quietly till the Jth of ihinutiry , ' 80 , when , in answer to another latter culling bib. attention again to this subjiict , ho denied having over received any ccmimniiontiou in regard to. this matter , The company yet has the few dollars thus wrung from ittf patroils money It had no r'ght to take awl .which u lias no more right to retain than rt thief has to his plunder. In another case a few goods were shipped from It point in Indiana , on whieh the fremit was fully prepaid to Kushville , IjjSbj , nnd a receipt taken by tlio shipper (6 tAat effect. Upon the con signee's rccnivipg said goods hero an additional charge of one dollar and n considerable4 ! flfictiou was demanded , and to avoid trouble ' and delay it was paid. One hundred and ninolv-soven dollars and $ - ? Lswhnt forty equti ( $107-IO-rclght ) it cost a business firm hero on one car load of fcnco'wirc ' from Sioux City , Iowa , to this point. This Is a specimen of their magnanimity and kindness toward the farmers , and alto suggests to the business man that ho must , whether- wants to or not , go slow. In view of these facts it is not dlflicult to understand why the company are anx ious to have the country , not only along that portion of their road now in opera tion , but far In advance of its construc tion , rapidly and thickly settled ; and to nay for liberally advertising "Free Homes" they need money ! Their merci less ercod apparently has no bounds , and everything they can do to filch money from the impecunious and hard working ploiioers is done with a grim satisfaction paralleled only by that oT pirates. I have In this article tried to bo accu rate , and call things by their correct and appropriate names without ambiguity or evasion. L. P. CUMMINHS. ADDITIONAL OOUNOIL BLUFFS NEWS- .Social lircvltlcfl. On Next Wednesday evening Mrs. W. W. Loomis will entertain her friends at tea and cards. The Imperial club will give their last , a fancy dross , dance this season in Masonic hall on March 8th. Mrs. J. F. Klmhall gave an informal bonnet reception on Thursday afternoon , at her residence on Fourth avenue to the ladies to whom she was indebted. The Married Ladies' Progressive Euchre club will bo entertained this evening by Mrs. McDowell , assisted by her daughter , Mrs. Elwcll , nt their residence : .No. OHtl Willow avenue. The sixteenth and last series of the sea son of the meetings of the Married Ladies'Progressive Euchre club will take place next Friday evening. The club will bo entertained by Mrs. George II. Champ at her now residence. This will bo the first opportunity given the friends of inspecting the many beauties of the now home , which is said to be one of the mostelegant in . CONXtmiAMTIES. An Indiana i.irmor crawled under a corncrib - crib and wept when his daughter inairled an astronomer. "What Is love'.1" inquires Kiln Whuetnr Wilcox. "hove , lilla , is the ilkease which niairiago cures' ' . " bllllaids resemble matri mony , inasmuch as kisses and scratches are common to both. _ They sat upon the sofa. Slowly but smely his stroiis light HUH encircles her sinuous waist. His vtMoe bounded like the iniilHi'd loarof an English sparrow : "Aicyonin favor of consolidation ? " Tlio bill passed by a large majoilty. Miss Mattie Quails , a beautiful young lady of Finest went to ( Jreensboi-o , Alabama , last weuk. anilliilq there suddenly mauled an excellent ynuiig2g.ui of that place , bel'ero the cnteitainnient c.imo oil. She wanted toiini't. No single woman can give a concert nil by herself. } \ $ Mrs. Fair , iBis snicl , wants to marry a well- known nowblVifior man In San 1'rancii-co , but the pone will not grant her a dispensa tion. Mcanwlilld Fair Is urging her to for get the past and live with him again. This hho refuses I'rof. Willlsjrlha plivslocnoinlst , says , ' 'IJcWare of til * i frl thai-lias black ; eyes , shim tlio girl with bluWumt run Innn the fjirl with pray eyes' " This practically restricts the choice of the foolish \ining 111:111 : to the Cir cassian girl with pink eyes who is not war ranted genuine ontshle of tlio dime museum. It is stated at Helena , Montana , that Thos. Cruse , the nilllion.iiie miner , Is soon to bo married to Miss Carter , a dressmaker , in that rlty. Crttso is over 00 years old. Ho worked n single claim , discovered by him in 1600 , lor ovortwenty years and then sold it lor Sl.iiOO- OOJ. The bride will receive u check for 500- 000 , as a piesent tiom her husband. There is not much surprise expressed over the announced engagement of Lord Utirmoylo now , Karl Cairns and Miss Adele Grant. It was goneially thought when Miss Grant sailed with her mother last autumn that with her English piedilcctions , and with her beau ty and grace ol manner , she would hardly go through a winter without lulling captive to somoot "them 'ero dukes and kings. " An unrencaled law of New Jersey , passed while the state was a liritish colony , leads as follows : "That all women ot whatever ago , rank , prolessionor decree , whether vligins , maids , or widows , who Shall alter this act im pose upon , seduce , or betray into matrimony any ot his majesty's subjects by viitne ot scents , cosmetics , washes , paints , artificial teeth , false hair , or high-heeled shoes , shall incur the penalty ot the law now In foico against witchcraft and like misdemeanors. " It was once the custom for tlio bride at her wedding to wear her hair iinbialded nnd hanging over her shoulders. At the celebra tion of her marriage with the palatine Eli/.abuth Stuait woio "her hair disheveled aim hanging down her shoulders. " It lias been suggested that the bride's veil , which of late years hits become nno of the most con spicuous features ot her costume , may bo nothing more than a milliner's substitute , which , in old times , concealed not a low of the bride's personal attractions , and covered her face when she knelt at the altar. An Interesting breach of marriage suit is In progiess in Victoiln , British Columbia. A dashing young man doing business in tlio lf.icllio city happened to get a photo of a young lady living in Nova Scotia , and became * o Infntu- atod with the picture that lie entered into correspondence with the Dlitonese young ' laiiy. Each letter lecolved only'helpod to weld two hearts together. They became on- gaged. The young Victorian , determining that several thousand miles should not any longer keen two hearts apart , sent for his Ulnenoso lady lovo. The marrlatre was to Immediately take place on her arrival at Vic toria. She arrived , but the gallant A'ictor- lan's love wont down to zero at lirst bight , ar.d ho declared that the photo was not a truoiopicsL'ntatlon of tlio original. He re- lusod to allow the knot to bo tied , nnd now the l.ilr one from Nova Scotia has demanded 85,000 , for damages done to her affections. Dipthoria hna no terrors for parents since lied Star Cough was discovered. Tlio Uoston Til-Willow. It was out on K-Wk fence a little tomcat , Sang 'ftlalla ! Mailnl Mai la 1" ' It was out of flic window I tlnow n bilckbat , At MariaiMaila , Maria 1 Not an Inch did Ijo budge , not a bit did ho Till a dynamlf d'bdinh ' raised him high In the And tlio \voidshobnhl In his final des- ra Svero THIS UMUV41.U1H SOUTHIHN- : llmj ji'jpts WAim.lSTE ! ) * , OT TO CONTAIN A ; gll.i ! ] | : Oil ANV Ul.NEll.U. Bl'llsrA.NCB , WJTlsl'UUT.IA'VJvU' It Will Cure all DlsonsoH by Doruiitfoniant ol'tlio hivcr , Kidney and Stomach. If you fool dull , drousy , ilobtlltiitoil havofro Qiiont lioaduclio , mouth ttistus Imlly , poor up iiollto Mini toiitfuu eouloJ , you iiro sutfcrlnjr ii-oiu torpid llvwr , or"t > lll ( > usnoH , " mid nolli nif will euro you ait Miemllly ami pornuuienlh' H1MMO.NS UVKlt IlEGl/LATOlL At nny time you fool your system ni'tulicleauiliiitoning , roxulntlnir wltli- niit violent mirlnor stimulating with out Intoxicating taWu Simmons Liver Regulator I'ltfcl'ABED HV J. II , HRIU.N k CO. , Philadelphia , Pa The Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER. mt/ioNt Harm to FAHllIOor ItAXltS , anil particularly ndni'teJ to ir < irmcima < f . No lamlly. rich or ixxsr. should bo without It. SOU by till Grocers , but beirarc ot Tlio tml tattons. VJ'.AltLlXJS Is manutacturc < only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK : , , , . of tt * It ritif Ornnl. A ft * AT I > I Inrtrl ft d li l fl ( Urcr In n I' ' * * * f rhvMpurfi * . ml to ftll iamnr Jrlnhi. 1 > J It. > n-l _ * f roRtiUTMti. .Ait yont portr ot rtrargiit f'f fcrtiiltftiitn.trVlar < lbT M-J O.D fclbOEtlT A&OXS. j. 77. , CLE Aazir ci jjjzcMJuirjir x. r. Domestic Discord , HIM often arisen from a potti- hint illtciipslon ( ivor bad bioail. As u family pence- maker nothing WAUN'KH'S SAFE YEAST Which used with Judgment NEVEU FAILS. It Is put in packages , 10 cnUcs In a box. 1'rlco lOca box If your ttrocor does not keep _ It , indent by mall , of Warner's Safe Yeast Co. , Rochester , N. Y. OUPSTAl PHEZE , $ i50,000 , "Wo do hereby certify ttint wo sunorviso tlio nrrnnpoinonts for nil the Monthly nnd ( jimttcrly DniwhiKS of The Ixjulslunn Stuto IjOttorv Compniiy. nud In person mnnnifo mid control the Drawings tlictnsolvcs , nnd Hint th sumo are conducted with honesty. Inlrnuss nnil In seed faith toward nil imrtlcs , and wo nuthorl/o the Company to use this cortllloatc , with fac-slmlios olour Blirnuturos nttnohod In Its udvortlamo n COMMISSIONERS. Vi'o , tliounilcr'lRiiod llnnUsnnd Rankers , will pny all I'ri/cs diiiwn In Tlio I < oulsliuiu Stnto lot teries which may bo presented at our counters j. it. OGI.ESIJY , Pres. Louisiana National Bank. S.VMUKr , II. KENNEDY , Pros. State Rational BanL - \ . IIAI.UWIX , Pres. Orleansjational / Bant IINPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. U OVKII HALF A MILLION UiSTninuiCD LOUISIANA STATE'TOTTERY' COMPANY , Incorporated In 1603 for 25 years by the lols- Intiirolor IMucatloiuil nnd Clmrltnblo purposes with n cnpltul ot $1,000,000 to which u rosorvu fund of over $5.JOUU ) lias sluco boon nddcd. lly anovorwholinliiKpopular its Iranchlso wafi iinuloaDartot'llioproFeiit StatoCoiistltutlun ndoitodDcconiDor J. A. 1) . 187U. Iissrriind sluglo numbordrawings will tnkoplaco monthly It novrir sciilos or postpones. ' ' tit tlio followliis distribution : 190th Grand Monthly AND TUB EnRlOHDmikHY OUARTEBLy DHJIWI1G In tlio Academy of Jfuslo , New Orleans. Tuesday , Maicli icth , 1SSG Untler the personal siiiicmson and inanasc- ini'iitol'Unv. ( ! . T. lliAUitioAUi : > , of Lou isiana , anil Gix. : JUIJAI. A. EAUI.V , of. Vlr- " ' " ' 'CAPITAL PRIZE$150,000 Notice , Tickets are 10 only. Halves , S5 Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI- 'VlMOOl. . . . $150,000 IfiltAMll'ltlxnOP 60,000. . . . M.ODJ ! ; oooo. . . . l I.Aiini : I'ui/cis : OP 20 I'UIXCSOf co " MO. . 23.0JO lee " IKIfl. . 110,001 MO xo , ) . . 40,0' ' ) ) 1UU. . 00,003 1000 " W ) . . 100 Appro.\lnu\llon | $20,00) ) 100 " 100. , . . JO.OOC 1W. " 73. . . . 7.60C SS'O I'rl70iimountlnirto . fK.ri03 Application for rates to clubi should bo mndo onlv to the ollico or the company In Now Or Vor' further Information wnto clonrlv , irivm ? full address. 1'USTAIi N'OTIIS , Ilxprcss ilonoy Orders , or New Vcuk Kvulinniro in ordinary letter - tor , currimov bv uxpress fall sunn of $5 and up. wuids at our uxpcu.o ) aUdrossoii , tl , A. HAI'I'IIIN , Or il. A.TATJI'HIN ) , Wiishlngtoii , D. 0. Make P. O. Money Oiilora pnynblo and nddrosi retrlbtunnl letters to NEW OHI.UANS NATIONAL 11ANIC , Now Orleans , l u REMOVED. I wlsli to rospoctf ully call tlio nttnutlou nf my pivtrons iind tlio putillo In Konurnl , tn my rimio- vul from tliu old htuiid Nos. 7 iind'.i , Miiln .St. , to my nmv and coiniiiodlous rjuurtura , \Vlioro I will lie ploiiscd to HOO my ninny frlnnds , With ularKO , now uud coiupluto iibsonmciit of nil tlio very LATEST Fabrics In Spring STYLES And lioliiff loratod In Itirno qimrtora I am better than ever licforo propaiod to servo tlio publlo. lluspoctlully , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO S26 Broadway , Council JJluffs. _ _ _ iffliau VITA 1.ITV Ii falilnir. Drain llliAI > ri > nd | -XIIAL'BTI.l > orl'o cr ritl.SI. I'll ! I.YVAbl - . l hv all French rh r ra wccewfullr lntrudue4 l. . . drain * promi.tly rnccked. TltKAVlt-l. Btylng ne * miKrnndliinlic lenJur 'nipi\t .A < . .rlll-IU Consulla- lluii ( or.u-u or br mill ) lUi < lx unliA nt doctor i i'lt I'.li CIVIALE AlJENCr. No. 174 Fullon SUtttLHeit Yoilb itr rro is Qtieoftfar Best cuitl Lwyosb Stocks in tlio U S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb. Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , CIKO. DUUKE , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. c , Will SPECIAL NOTICES NOTIOi : . Special ftdvortUomonts , such ns LostFound , To Ijoixn , for Sale , To Ilont , W.inti Hoarding , etc. , Trill bo Inserted In tills Iholow ruto of TKN Or.NTS 1'UH I.tNK for the ni-Etlnsortloannd F1VB CKNTfl l'iit : UNI ! for each gtibsoiiuont Insertion. Lonro ndvurtUa mcntsnt our ollico , No. U 1'oarl struct , iitur llroudway , Council Illuirs. WANTS. " \\rANTIJD MMillo njrod woman , no children , > > to do IlKht housework In country. MM. J. Stollln. ISM Fourth uvunilu , Council lllulTr' . W.ANTKO A treed Job nnd now a printer. Ono onpnblu ol' luklnu' chm-RU of an nllk'u , nnd who unilcr.-Uniiils inaKlnir llamas onvoil < nml 1ms hnd ( ) vorloiico In "pulling" n hand . 'O's. Addioaa , It. Hnllou , Ni-u a ollico , Missouti ullt-y , Iowa. MAIRln3l ) days by u lady HKOIU of tlio "K'lUltablo. " We wnnt Blv uioro live aacnU , iniilo or lomnlo. Apply In person or by letter to Win. Itnndnll , Supt. of tiKonclea , Coun cil blulls , lima. FOIt SAMS Property on corner'Po-ul street nud Sixth nvciiuo , t ouncll Itluirs , consisting or t\\o fetory , Iron-roofud brick building : a Irntue housool'sU rooms : all on lot POxllil. For terms npply to A. H. JtcClurg , ou promises. FOIt SA lit : Scaled nld'TwIll ' liorccolvoJ by J \V. \ Hodcfor up to 1'obruiiry , ISM ) , on olsbty foot 1 rout , two story brick Iilock , Nos.J , 24"il and M Pearl street , botirucn llroadwny uud Flrnt avonuu. " S \VAX & WALKI3IC , No. Hj .Mnln street , ( under Cltl/.on's llftiik ) , real estate ana inur- chiuiillso uxohnii o broker ? . Our books lire full ol special bargains , but It Is Impossible to pub lish a rolmblu list from the Inct of so many dally chiingus. What wo ask Is : If you wnnt to neil or trade any tlilntf In our line , wrlto us and wo will sum ! you aiilloof barjralns to select from. Lnnds Improved or unimproved , city or town property. Blocks of woods of ny kind In any such you have or such you want lot us aciirfrom ( you. Swan & Walker , Council lllnirs [ 7 ARM l-'OIl SALE At a bnrffixln if sold soon , J 1M ( uci-03 , ( Hi miles southwest of Omahii. 0 room housoexcellent well and cistern , 3 barns , ono for elBht horses , ono for 20 cows ; hen , tool and wafron bouses ; 100 acres In timothy : 3OX ) foiofit trees , cotton woodblack walnut , ush nnd maple ; peed orchard , upplos , chorrlos , plums , Brapes and small fruits. Never falllntr Block water. It. P. OpriCEit , 500 Hroadway , Council Hlutrs , Town. THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP The public tire Informed that n patent hna been allowed lo Oco. II. ( Iroffnry on his lin- limvod caa lumps and manufactured br IIB. Mr. O. \Vlillnms is our uuthorl od agent for Coun- fll lUiir.-i ! and Omaha. The public nro cuutloiiod not to buy anv of Ihcso pits lamps cxcopt through Sir. Williams , as all others oilurod for fiuio mo infringements upon our lump. G. II. HUITUS & Co. , Manufactures aim Solo Western Atroiits.No. 03 Uoarbon Btreot , Chlcn o. Chicago Lumber Co. Wholesale and Hotall Lumbar , Lath , Sliinslos Sash , Door.i and llllnds. Solo ( iBoutB for the celebrated ilarblohoad Concentrated White Li mo. 8.1 * . MACCONNULL , Munngor.a Telephone No. "S. No. ,10 , Main Sticot , Council Illuffa. LAMPS and CROCKERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 23 3fain Street. Council Bluffs. la ESSEX HOUSE , Cous'icn UnvANT AND Vixn STS. Opposite City nulldlngs , Council llhtlTs. Warm rooms and good board at rcasonablo rates. rates.E.USSBLL&CO llanufuclurcrsof all slzoaof Automatic Engines Kfipcclally Dcalg-nod for Hunnlnjt MILLS , GUAIN ELHVATOUS , AND ELECT1UC LIGHTS , Tubular nud Locomotive Boilers. Now Massillon Threshers. Cnroy nnd Wooilbnry Ilorso Po\vcra. STATIONARY" , SKID , Porlnblo nnd Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Hussillon , 0. Branch Ifouso 510 Pearl St. , Council Blufl's. BEND TOR 1880 ANNUAL. Locking Bracket far Fences ANll OTHJJU UAII.S , HOIM , KIC. FKNOKS JJUILT WITHOUT NAILS , Any pnit readily Inkoit out or roplucoil. Tor picket or mil Iwio .lion orwood , can nut ho er- opllud lur rullliiff of nuy Bint. Tor piulluiilius wrlto C. J. lirX'KMAN , Inirontnr. Counull lilulla. State and county rights for bitlc. MRS , D , A. BENEDICT HANUKACTUUKIt AND CEALCU IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 IJroaclwfiy , Council UltUFs. Jtunl Katnto bought anil sold. I'.T. MAVNB. A. B. J > . X.M(0\ine \ St Co , Real Estate Exchange No. 1W Pearl Struct .Council IJluffs , Iowa. Dciilcrs In Iowa , Kunsai audNobraski * : l.anli LOTS IN COUNCIL. ULUl-'FS AND " OMAHA A JSl'JJL'lALlT. The Cnlljn-nph Is rapidly displacing tlio pon. llcnson how ) on may yon cannot atford to uo without It , No utlior labor suvlnf ? Invention line so less ened drutlffory or brain and hand , or envoi ! such a liirirti piM'oontairo of dsar labor. ' riKiiiu that It turns oir but twice ns rnuch work Inn ( ilvcn tlmii as does tbo pen ( It easily does tlireo times us miieh ) And It jjlvos you gqv cral free hours daily as and Intmost on your } Investment. l''or elronlnrs nurt flpoolincns nj ) ' ply lo II. O. BTUII'K , Omalm , Nob. , uuiil. Ajront for Nebraska amiVoetorn Icunx llIlllli > NHUnderwonrs ( ( bpt t > for an Utnds o wi Hint- machines , nil hand. 1'rleo $1 ouch. A STANDARD MKDICAL WORK FORYOUNQ AND MIDDLti-AGED MEN \ ONLY Nt 1 Y 'MAII. , I'OSTL'AIll. \ ILI-USTKATIVU SA.lll'i.U Jb'iljU TO ALt. A Great Medlon ! Work on Itilinimtcrt Vltilltr. Norrmn nml riimlenl nobilltr Prpnintnrol'wllnoln Mnn , Hrrors nf Vouthnnd thB untold miseries rosiiltinu from Inillscrollon nnfl 01- rpmcs. A Imok for i > very iiiiin , rcnnie. mliWIo-ncod nnrt old. It contains IMnro'orliillniis foriill npntnnntl * . onchnno of wnlcli la Invnlniibln. found by tlio mitlior\vlm o crncrlonre rnr il yo puohn prohiiltly norrr uofnrpfoll lotlio lot of nhyMcliina : i iK ( " . lioiind In bountiful I'rencli nun- lln.ombn icilcovers , fullcllt.BiiiMntPpil to hontlnor work In ovcry uprni'-niocli'inlcnl. ' lltortry nnd profoi * plotiid thniinny other work In this country for WSt\ ortho nionpy will borofitml In nvcry ln tnnco. Prloa onlr ? l by uuiil , | > o tpull. ( IllnntrutPd niiuplo , nil. Fcnnnnw. fiolJ moilnl nwnntod tlio nutliorliy the Nv Ainocliiilon , to thn lion. A. I' . HlMplI , luidusnocintp onicr-rs of tha bo-ird the rc-idorli TO- gnpctrnllv roforrnil ThoHclonroof l.lfol * orlli mnro to the youninn't mM.llu.iiml . inon of this ifunorillon tlmn nil tliaenM inlnp ol Cnllfnrnlnuiiil the ellver uilnos of Nevada comlilnpil.S. . K. Ohronlclo. Thu Scli'noo of l.lfo points nut tlio rocks rind quick. Mnds on IHdi tha pen tltutlim mid IIOIHM of many nyoiinumnn Imvo boon fatally wrecked. Slnnchostor Tlioprlcnooof l.lfolnof arontpr vnluo than nil tlia moillcnliirks iniblHIifittn this country forthopnsc OOvcnm.-Athinla C ni > tltutlaii. 'J'liosdoncoof l.lfoli ainnnrh nnd mi'torly treat > IPO on nervous nnd doblllty. Uotrolt 1'tot Addrc'nUlo Pflilioly Mpdlcnl Instltuto. orlr W. U. I'nrker.No. 4 llullnncli ntrect , lloston , Muss. , wbo mar be consul toil ou all Ulaoiisos requlrliw skill and oxporl * euro. CliriHilciinil niisiniitu ill4tii4i > i tlmt liuvobnr- llod the skill of all otliernljyilclnni u snoclnlty. Such trcatPd Btieci'iifiilly wItliuut un Instmicoot fnlluro Mention umulm IMo. Hallway Time Table , OMAHA. Tno following Is the time of arrival nnd do- narluioof trains by Conlrul Slundtiril time at the local depots. Ti.ilns of tlio C. , SI. I1. , M. A O. arrive and depart from tholr depot , corner ot Hth nnd Webster stroota ; trains on tlio U. a M. , 0. , II. & 0. nml 1C. G. , St. .1. At C. . from the U. & M. depot : nil others fiom the Union I'nclflo OOPOt- nUIDOB llrldivo train. ' wil lo.ivo 0. I' , depot at 0J3- : I1715-8:00-8IO ; : : 8:50 : 1110:00 : 11:000. m. , 1:00 1M 1:50 : it : ! :00-u:00--i:03 : : : 5OJ : 0:30 : uo4 : 0:10 : 7:00 : 11:10 : p. m. Leave transfer for Oranhn n 7:12-H : 8il5-0W : B'jiiu-ll 10:35-1017 : : ! 11:17 a. m.s l:3r : Silfl 2CTIiO'JS7 : : : la : T 0:45 : 0U5 : 7:110-7:50- : : UKp. : ra. , CONNKCaNG , Lwnh _ Arrival and dmmrtuio of tralnl from the transfer depot at Council llluas : Iii'AI'T. : AUlllVB , 0:15 : A. i Hull nnd IJxpross 7:00p. : u 12 : < Or.M Accommodutlon 4:110 : i > .u D'JOi'.M : U.xprcsss Ul5A.ll ; cniCAno it HOCK isr.ANU , fljl.l A. M Mall and Kxprosd 7:00r. f 7:15 A. M Accommodation ritOi\u : : D0 : r. M Uxpross U:15Au : CIIIOAOO , MIMVAUKKS fc ST. 1'AUL. 0:10 : A. ii Mull nnil Kvpioss 7:00r. : it 5IJf. ; H MxprofS U:15 : A. 51 CIIICAOO , imUMMITON & QUINCV. O.IKA. M Jlull and Kxpioss fl-0p. : M 0:401 : * . M li.YDrcss. . . . WAIMRII. Br. ( .nuirt ft i ciriu. " : l.r > r. M.Loral. St. Ixiuls isxpross Jxjcal DOOp.M.TrmisforSt. : Ixulslix.Trnnsler.aa : KANSAS CITV. ST. JOU & COIINCIti 1IUUKK3. 2:15 : A. . . . . . . . . and Uxprcss. , , . . . . 7Mp.M : 'JUO : r. it K.vprons OI JA. M RIOUX CITV Si. 1'AOU'IC. | tM STOCK YAIinS THA1NS Will Icnvo U. P. dopot. Onmlm , nt 0'W-8Ji lOMrlOi.Vm. . m.j 8:10 UBO : G:23p. : in. J.CAvnStoclc Vilids InrOinuliH at 7i55 10:250. 1-OI : 1 : 'f > I M < 5:07 : fl : 'M n. in. Non ; A trains dully ; II , dally except Sunday 0 d.viiy ojtcopt Buturdayi I ) , dully cxcopt llou duv. ITotico to Contractors. SHAM : ! ) llldn will Uo rccolvod by Ibo building 1:1 : liniiitLiM ) ill1 tlio ( 'oriiliir ) Auudoiny , until > liiicli i , I-M. lor the lurnlatiln imitoriul l nd lilllldliu oolloifi ) IjlilldlllK ul Cornlliif , Aduh. , ' Co , loivu , riniiHcii'i lioBnon nt the ollico oftliu Kcuii'liiryor ut lliu oillt-o or 0. H. J.uoiiiuliJtcot , Di'8 Muiiie-s , Ion a. Tliu uoiiiiiiltleo rt-fioives Ilio right to roloit any or nil bids. Aili'roKHi II. JI , , lobl.'dlut Sccrctnry , C'onilng , n MMBM Ci W * * r * wtHmmtm ' "CHICHESTEIrVS ENGLISH. Tiu | Orlliml ( iincl Only ( Joiililnc. fiU mln j Itell.Ut. - Ic1l > M.iibU la LAOIF.S. A. I. } < i a llruil ' < ; LlrUf.lrr' I'iiull"l > ' ' ud Ute ca .bcri > r ( u < iuiuri ) to ui in I'.tilcuUri tn Ittttr by rrturn iniili. 'Mcbctttr t'hnnlr l ( .V. NAME PAPF'Mcbctttr Volrtby llrncirlil * i err l"r . Alt 'or ' * * ' rtEOTOHEr ) . Itrninly I'rcr. A ualuiolycmili. till lun'nidoriro ' caiiKivrf i'reuialuro IWcay , No * \ amJol.lllty , Jx t M t > . J'JII' ' to bin I * ' < "H" TM. AiMrcHi ; J U. ULK\ ill , U lr4JjtMu..l' ct. hew Ycrk Cilr.