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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FRIDAY , FEBRUAK Y 20 , 188(5. ( SPECIAL NOTICES. TO Z.OAJT-MOWEY. MONKV tn lonn on mojUnjrociirlty. . Hen O'lfilo ' niul i-onimnrclnl paper bought nnil fold. .T , II. rruiMlmnn , c.iro Slomnn lire * . , 101 N. 18th ft. SOirahl , -500,000 lo loan on bu > lnoM nml ro Moneo $ Tiroperty In Mimn of fl/WO nnd upwHrda. Ames , ri07 rariiain st. MM Y TO LOAN on her e * . wniron * . fur- nllnro , wntchc * , without romovnl. Term * sr , ( " J Cn-nwell , Iloom Ifi.Iron Hank Hnlld- Int , nnd I'urnnn . Tnko elevator CftJ-mhT * " to lonn on elty residence property $1 Geo. W.Ilsiy , IWOFnrnnm. 'J'7 ' l ) r.OAV Money many nmount. On nil eln < - . - > of cfiirlty. Plinrt timn lonn * on real otftto. Ixwif 1lmolonn on rrnlcMnto. Money tn Innn on rhaltel * . Mnncv in lonn on rrbtternl * . Money to lonti on nny jrood frceiirttr. Terms ei'sy.llmo loiiilt Apply nt tlieOmnhn flnnnclnl Ktchnntfo , llnrker-B biilldlmr. S\V corner of riftecnlh mid Fnrnnm Rl * . upstnlM 2 TO r.OAX on Improved nnd unlny MONKV prou-tl clly property. CunnhiKhnm * llrcnnnn , ir.ll DodKuMiect. g for uvcrynodylou cnn borrow MONKV mnnoy on Mrnltnrn , her p . wawm * . iilnnn * , Mock of nil kinds , ( llninond * mid line wntrhoon jour own time. I'nvmonts teeolvod nt nny tlmo , nnd Intrrcit rediice < l pro rnto. 1'roperlr Irft In your own po * c > loii. Terms l w ns tlic lowest Cnll nnd FCO me. lUijjncss confidential. Nondx'nntntro tnken. w. It. Croft , Hoom 4 , AVIthnell's NovItulli'lnir.Northenfileor- tier IMh nnd Ilitnioy. s * > ONKY TO T.OAN-O. I' . TJnvl * * Co. llcal M Itotato nnd Lonn neonts , 1/J05 / Fmnum St. ONKY TO LOAN-On ( rood Kcnnrlllos. A M McOnvock , room 7 Hcdlclc lllock , 1509 Fnrnnm Bt.M I ONKY TO r.OAN On real cstnto nnd dial- Bt.M tola. D. U Thomns. -"Jl . ONKY TO KOAX In sums oftSOOnndun- M wnrds on first-class rent cstnlo security. Teller & Cobb , 1G151'arnam St an I.OANKI ) nt C. F. Ilct-d * ( Vs. I/nn MOXBY olHro , on furniture , pianos , hews , wnifons vornotiiil property of nil kinds nnd all oilier nr- tides of vnluo , without removal. : il S. 13th , ofiItlnihun'R Comm/ss'on stoie. All bus iness etrlctly conddontal. 2W EUHIHESS CIIATTCKS. TJiOItSAM" I'lnn biMm-fs enrnoron F.vnt'im JL"M. . , ? l2riOU for a low dnj'S. Illjr linnrntu. lllCttVMooro , 1 2 I'nrimm. _ 8t'-7 lly nil old ffltabll hocl oactorn WANTKII partner u Illi from M.OTO to sn.fn.1 . tnlnln thorn in cstabllOilmr n branch . lohlilnir liouso In Omnhn. Pnituor mav lie sllt-nt or ncllxc * . but inii t bo of iindonbtod standing In o\ory ay. Pilnclplcs only who have the mnnns ' nnd 'illspoKlMon to net promptly mnv nddrcss C * , llco onico. Kivliif ? full naino nnd nddi ess. R22mh2 17OU SAI.i : A ( rcnnnil'IncVof merchandise , J1illllnolcnnliont $ IOiOO ( To any paitv tin- dorstnndlmr the dry ioods and grocery linsl- " . Iliokon How istlinbe t po'nt In tho'tnle. 5ICS" icnt or sell the bn'l ' limr. lliilMinjr.tuo Uoors 10J.t22 fcot. D. H. Lolir , llrokon Dow. Nob. SlSmhS S OIl.SAI.IJ Cronmrrr will bo sold chrnn , on Jt n y terms , lo nnyone who "III inn It the coming * cn on. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Nol > . 818 TTIOIt SA1.1Ptork of fnvnlturn. ( rroreiles Ju nnd drv poods In a thrlvlnir count v Beat : will Invoice nl out 2CK > . Iftl acres of land , good lion = n nnd liarn , worth Sl.OHP. Will poll tlio T-liolo lorS.1,1100. C. K. Muyno , S. W. cor. loth find I'm nnm. 757-S6 Foil SAr.K J. P. Oeartnor , of Wnjno , the countvsontnf Wnyno coimtv. Nob. , olVers hisniltlro fiirnltnio buslnrss , buildings and lots Torsnlo. Ift-ro Is u barjnln. Who wants to if" In tlu'fuinltuio business ? Ii < l7-S'i _ " \"l ANTKI > Tooxchnmro for stock of hard- t wnro nnd ifoneral tnorchandlso , TiTO nerosof flno niayor Co , Nob. , hmd : fi lots In ( lonoa. Kt'lu. imoA ptoro bullillnif ( best corner ) : Rood d ollimt ( best location ) In lev. . To. , nl o fl1 ncros Vi mlle from town of llianv. In. , scndoil In t > luo BTH S. For fitrlher imttlrnlars nddrnss John Llndorholni Central Cltv Nebraska. fiT,1 JJlOIt SAT.i : A $3.510 stock of inllllnory ( roods J in splendid location. A hlirlmririiln for someone ono us n liberal tlNcount will bn plven. For further - thor partlculiira nddrcss Itun. lleo Onico fi23 "ITIOIt SAI.I ! A drnfTBtoroln acood llvotown : JD n llrst rnto locution for n plivlolan. CnnltHl rcKinluxl about 2,800. Now bnlldlntr and clnnn Block. Addicss or call on II. Moses .V Co . Val entino , Neb. IKllmrhS * jr OST ( ) > i the ffroou cir irolmr north fioin J-j ( Tnss st. . nbont r , p. m. Monday , --d. Sir , In cnrronov. The Under will bo rowaidcd by re- tuiiiliiRtlio sinnoto Mrs. Toncll , 1821 Clark Ft. PEtlSONAI. . OlCItKONAI. If you want vour pi operly sold J Jorcosh.Ilst Itwlth 1U C. Patterson , 12-JI Far- " " tOfl-"i _ * r > V.nsONAT , Speolalbaiffaln of now cottano i nnd lot on monthly payments , only si , soo. II. C. Pattoison , 1224 Faiiiam. Snn-Ti ESTATE. II' YOU Imvo property to poll or mchnna-o , list It with C. .1. Cnswoll It Co. , I loom in. Nc- lirnpka National Hank llnildln ? . iUiinlil * BTOVE EEPAIHD. TIU'W. aMotrnorStovo opalrCo..lllSouth 14th St. I'otwoiin Docl/o and Iou las. MIBCEltANEOUS. T AHIKS in wnnt.of peed dome tiohclDcan J-J bo supplied by cullint ; on the Omaha Rm- tiloi-nicnt onice , Hoom i. llushmuu's Hlock. Mrs. , J. W , Morrison proprietor. B74 : u your Hour nnd fcod by Telephone IS7. Neal .V Conrad , lllll Ootljfo st. WO TOR BAI.E-KIBCEIrJi.irEOUS. F Oil HAT.K 1'uriiltiiru nml lo.iso of hoto clienp. AddrcBBOa ) , llooOnico. KH-SC * moic HAf.K Ixt of fiiinltnro no.uly now , 17H Cnlllornlii st. POH HAI.n-uil fresh milch cowj. Cor. 13th nnd Mnrthi ) , rfouth Omalm. Watson's. ttJ.V.6 _ FOKSlM-Or tiwln-Ono sodii fdimtuln : nonrlynow. A ( rood clmnnu. Tor p-irtlcn- lars call upon or uddroaa 1) . M. Hnvorly. 43) ) K , Iblhat. 7la7 _ FOIC8AI.1C Oorfl hcjul ol pooil work liorsos ; nUo n lot of honsuliuld fnrnltnro , otc. An- lieiisor-lluscli llio ln ? Assorhitlon , tUh and 1. Kontlmf , Atfont. 7Mmhl8 S.VI.i : Or sale , I top bmrity. brnn now ; 1 phiiotnn top biiffvy mid 1 platform Bprliur Inquliti ut llospo's MualoBioro. liu'Jmht rOH SAI.H ? iiml mid gravel. 1'rnnk J.'lxiis- 1 par , It2l ! > oiilli JllthBt. in.'fch37 _ TT1" " wcnthcr flrlns , storm snsh und doors , no J.1 to V. I ) . Meml ao a iCth st. m WAlITED-rEMALE IfELP. WANTii : 1'lrst ClnM ( llnlna- loom nud iil o some k-ooil conUu. Hoom lliiRh- mnn block. MIB. J. W. MoirUon. 8777 Till , ujro U to 10 for light house- TT work , KKi 1'lonsnnt EI , i)78-j ) ; WANTIJIJ A Blrl lo do fuiioial houti-work , 11 per w ook to treed iflrl. Apply nt once. P. 1 Cor.Mel nnd Lomuimorlhst. 1-711-20 dlnliiir-ioom fill ut 1102 Davenport tit. B71 3i > Two flrst-cl.iss Blrli. Ono lor i t kitchen , thu olhur lor Bi < eondvoi I. ; * Uturn prcfoirod. Mr * . Win. proitoii,2Ut mid llouurd. ll-30 _ * W ANTii : > A good uli ) for Kcncml lionso- \iork lu u small lumlly , Apply at I'Ou I lint. ir.vNTiCilrllorgenorul : houscuotk nt U31 I CmUoiInoslieol WO-'f I AUTKI' Good jfhl forconeiul liousimork I Mn > . A. 1' . Tukoy.SUl CUIcuio ; fct. K ! > SI -iTfTANTiin - r ; dlmng-ioom elrl > Y Cl'jHotel. . 'l\7-ANTKI > - A lilll-SC ! fill. liupjlio nt T i Douglas f bllmlil' TT7A > "niAcilvo : lady avmts to sell our combined wnlet nnd corset. For clivulur , nlrvu Jucl.Hin ( , 'oi-aot Co. , llox MJ , Ouiiilia , Hf p. 751111111111" \\rANTiii : Oil In lor iiihatolnmihes ; iood \ \ wuifcs ; dliilutt room clrU. ouu Uiundie ; callll.XI l-'ornuiu t > t.Ouidm Kuipluymcut llu- J'OIUI , 719 WANTI'.n 0w > lrir ! * fyr Hist nnd second work lumillca - , - m prlvcto ; a--cs ; irlve-u lreu.u.ii ; | ut Kobrii > ku Kmiiloy- meary , I1U liittisticgl , coi Otipltol Aio. WAXTnn-Atotice.niiwoRlrl from 15 to Ifl j-cnrs old to tnko cnro or child 115 yenrs omucrmRnprofcrrcl. ; 4tlConvcntst C97 WANTKU Oood girl * for pcncrnl house work. Hoom 41lushmnn Illock , ICth nnd Douglas. 489 -\\TA > Tii Girl forgenornl housework. Itv qulront 107 South 11th st. 8Ti TAXTin : Ono or two nrst-cln s lininU to work on n Irult Innn nnd gnrden. Bm- ploymcnt by the yt-nr will bo given to n com petent nnd Indiisulous mnn with A family. llou'f1 wllllo rnrnhhcd. Address I * A.lll - Inm * , Glonwood.lown 8D-20 * \\TANTii : ) Inimcdintoly , n first cln s winto > Imrlicr ; wnxc , $17 per wcolt : permanent employment : none but tlrst-clnM need npply. Willo or telegraph to Louis 0. Ilayer , Noith I'lnlto , NoK 811K C > Agouti nnd salesman. 117 Kth street. 7H-37 * WANTKD lncr : otlc men to sell hou eliold aitlcles. Prolltsfipprtlivnnd upward. C. It. Whitman , 1131 K SI. Lln"ohi. 477 _ tf. ICthsU \\TANTii-A : nrsl-olfiss snlosninn to repro- sontn well established hon ototho drncf triulo , cilthor ntelu lvoly or In connection with pome other lino. Address P. a llox UW.N. Y. SITUATION WAITTBD. KriSTrinlloil | To aifjoTio wl < liliijf to cmlDynyoiin | f man of ( food nddre s , 17 yrnrs of nwo , with n common ednraMon , nnd > fi\o ns relerenee , the pojtmnstor or nnvol the Icndlnu meichantR of thN place. I vould roopi-ciriillr ben li'ii vo to stnto that I wish to onmo ost. nnd woultl Ilko to lm\n n ollun- tlon ns uio < l bcfoio 1 flnrt. i clerk Inn slouior do farm nork.or mo t nny other kind ol work. For fiutlirr patllciilnrs.pleaso iiddioss ( stntlmf pny.boanl Inrlmlcdl , Karl A. Iliicliniinn , llerkoley Springs , Morgnn Co. , W. Vn. 8liJ-gi't "l"\7"ANTii : ) Situation by n Komi bookkoepcr mid nccoimtnnt ; bc l of roloicnccsrnu bo KloiIB to rlimiiclci nnd nbilltv.i'.in uomim'iice orl. Match 1st ; luldro.'sC.IH , Ilcoolllce. 87 < ! - " * "VTT'ANTUn Rlltiatinn by .voiinjr lady ns typo > wrllrr ; t-nn liirn sh mnchlno If nccnssary. AdditssC. HJIleo ofllct- . bS2-'J7 TADIKS In wnnt of uood ulrH can bo up' Jpllpil bv calllmr at Ilio Oniili.t : Cinpliivmcnt Ilnrcmi.luO KiirnamSU Telephone Wo. 4V. . II. O Ili-llo-Isle & Co. IH1 WA1TX3. W A"NTii : > Pocoiulhiuid"cjllmlcr ilosk. Wrltn S. . 42.1 N. 15th. _ NVj-Sil * WANTIIO To Kent I \ \ \ - \ \ to lontlorono or two joiu-s n jrord 10 room dwelling ; must be in peed icpnlrnnd peed locnhtv. Ad- ilicss II. 1' . Cudy , caio Chicago Lumber tV ) . WANTKII Two moms nnd bonnl lor ( f on- tlomnnltn niiUilaiifhtur , convenient In ] 'mnmn tt. east. Address C2S lice Ollico. bJ7-'il > Tliroo rooms fin nlshed for light TI housekeeping. AddicssC 21 , llco Onico. 71)4-25' ) WANTI3II Parties neodimr wells dmr , cis terns built or wnlls e'cmied. Address Luther Coon , Heal & HolnneV ploro. 770-20 * w IANTEIJ-Tcams. 300 S. llth st. AN'TKD To buy n sooTiul-lmnd tvpo- wi Her. J. II. Ilnynon * Co. . Omaha. ail-SS FOK RENT HOUSES AND OTS. Foil IUNT Cottnso Mo.filSX. nth. Inquire between 1- und 1 p. m. $22.50 per month. T7IOII IlKNT A Broom cotlntre , furnished or JL1 unfurnished. IngulioKKIS. 81st. bM-27 * Foil IlKNT 5-roomoJ house , nnd furniture lor snlo : also new sowlmr machine. Adilt ess 03) ) , HCO oniee. tat-so * Foi : IlKNT ; rncro truck farm ; has ono 2- storyD room hou o. 1 nml 1 room ooltnso. barn , fruit , otc : Rood olmnco for countiy resi dence. B. 1' . llhuur. 11H N. l > tlu bQ9 FOR HUNT A eottajro ulth4 rooms , citv wntor mid t-IMorn , at HIS South Mtli St. , hot. Ionvciiworlh nud SInson. Inquire of A. ICnlisli , 310 South Itlth. 807 "TT OIt IIHXT Two vorr rteglrftblo tints on J-1 Hou-nrd Street over 1015 with nil nioilorn Im provements. A splendid looitlon to rnnl fur nished looms. Omaha Uoal K tnto nnd Lonn Co. . ItoomsiB nml va , Wlthm-ll Illook. TKi TTIOIl IlKNT-Qiudon furm. 303 S. llth St. j 1 * 71 T7lomiiNT Nowcottago , U looms , on S. lllth J. ! St. C. A. Baldwin. ! Bt 77 011 HUNT-Thrco-rooin liouso , Oth * Do-lffc. OllIlENT-Houso ofSroomsi'd nnd noy SU Imiulro of Mount & Orllllir213 S llth Street. iib-i Foil lli.VT Tlnoo liouiaf of 10 , 0 nnd 4 rooms each. .1 , Pnlpps Hoo. iSOOD FOB KE1JT KOOMS. Oil ItKNT HnndFomely fuinffitied imd pluuinntly situated , nlth board ; bnth uc- coimuodntlons. Ajiply nt 1CJJ Ci.pilol nvo. TTIOIl linXT Itoomsom bnhud.'i b'ozksfiom JL'the post'illlco , on I'nrniuii Bt , ly tuo or tluec pLrson * ; no tblldion : terms lotsonub'o. liiijiilri'lit Kuutinim I'.io's.clfarstoro bTV-7 Foil IlKNT FinnUbod room for two. with or without board. 1017 Cupltol uvo. Bjj-27 * 1TUW IIISNT runilshcd rooms. 5'14 N. l.llh st. 1 Wll-SI * Foil IlKNT ruinUhed rooms. 103 X. istli. DJo Foil KKXT Tloslrablo looms on 1st and 2d lloors : stieot cur pjsscs door. 8. W. cor. 21st and Webster. 815-27 * T71OII 11I2NT Funilslioil Ullehon , bed loom JL ? nnd illnlmr loam.OJ. ) N.'Tth st. KIO-2iin Foil HUNT A plcusant octnson front nleovo room ; nsbntli , hornn I cold w.Uur , heated by steam. Tcnun roastuinblc , 211 S. 2 < d troet ncnr 1'nninm. 70S-20 Oil KKXT-TWO nicely fnriiishu'l ' \vltli or without board ; till coiuonlcnuw. aaa'i Dotigo bt. HJI _ TT'OK ItRNT Ituom Ith liotinl forfrontlnimin. J. ' 701 South isth. llofcrcnccsoflmngoil. t-l.r | > * 'TTlDIl It INT 2 furnished rooms , f 0 ixirmniilh J oixc'li. 1118 Doihfo. _ Nl7 ) * F Oil JUSNT-Unfnrnlslicd jooin. or. N. 17th. HXI ' . ' 5 * FF F on HiiNT Two nicely furnished rooms 10.3 Do l o. 7K ! ) j' -IJIOK nUNT-Uuf urnlahua room. 1810 1/nrd st -lv TOO-'JJ * F oil ItKNT-l'urnlshoil rooms. 2300 lo < lo. POH ICKNT Hull on sccoml tloorof my ImlKl- Illy , 110S rnrmim st.sullUilo : for clnli , eo- clotyorliuslnrsi. B. Iiohtnan. 791 llUNT-l'unilslioil rooms nt 119 North Foil 14th Et. , bet. Capitol avo. uiiJ DaJtro. 7GJ--J5 * Foil itKNT For lUfht hoiisekoopluB looms furnished and untiiriiUhod in llcumur's Hlockcor. K ! > : lilli und Howard st. 775 171011 itKVT Store room n Wltlmoll block , Jbut , Harney and Faumni on 15th , Inqulru Hoom 17 , Wllhnell Hlock. 777 HUNT 1'iont room with board for two Foil k'cntlomon ut 1116 Howard ot , 7U3-2ti ITioit KKNT 1 nicely fiirnlsHC'd rooms with or J-1 without board. K8 rioasiini st. 7l rnnhl8 FOIt lliNT : Cpmtortublo room with board liiai'ilvato ' tamlly ; modvrato term * . Ad- di o s C1 , . Hoe Ollloe. 711-25 FOH Itl'.NT-Nlcely furnUhod rooms In hand- omnnowootiiiso for S3 , $ < ! , $ ' und (4 per monthNo 10-1 Walnut bt. , & mliiutoi walk touth east of IF. P. depot , ti'jj "TOOK KKXT-Nlocly rurnlsl > d rooms , with JLJ boat , ( -ai unit buth ; ulso tlrst-cluhs lublo board ; best of rutcioucui t'ivou aiU rojuiioJ. 1611 DoJi'ii bt. ( M HAr.-E-HOUSB3-I.OTS. Till ) K'S A IoT iicTes in oily IIiiilifToMveur- -L' noy lit 11 buruuln , mul on peed terms. Ad- ilross 11. M. Woohuun , U. I' . Town IAJI Aircnt , lon\ur Junction , Coloi udo. bllinhil T71OKSAI.U 1'ulJ corujr on I'arnaui. uU JJ12500 , Grnhuiu Crclghtou Ulouk. K 1/U > K SAI.i : Ixits to the west of lonn.neiir .1. I'unuun bt. und lao uve. . in roller's add. , snfo mid iii-olltubtu luvoniicm at SMj and $ JO each. 1'otiur & Cobb , lOI'i I'lirnum st. b'O 17lOKSAi.i-lloiuo : and barn , cor. S'lth and ITiOlt SALK , \ uow 7-1 oo in house nnd lot on 1 Kiunders M. , u bnifAiti. 4 ucro lots fn llimtlmuirh'gudd. > ery clii-u | > . Houses nnd lot * in till puns ul the i-lly , liui > to\oJ nnd unhu- iuoed hmd' for suitor tnulo. It. 11 , Ball , U2 K , lolli su moil SALK-nnrgnlns byV. . O , Shrlvcr. llcnutlful rc'ldonco on Bonth SOth street , ncnrcnr line . . . . $0,000 Twoboii'os , hnlf lot , on 20th , nenrl'aul street . . . . . . . . . ISOO roll lot , cottngo , well , clslorn , on Illondo street . . . . ? W 1'nll lot , cottage , well , cistern , on Dcc.itur street , . , , . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0 X ) I'ull lot , cottnffo.chtcrn , on urnnt street 1,3-w Twclve-roomtxl uouso , olstorn.w oil , cellnr , etc. , on COM , nenr loth strrct . . . . . 0COJ Twelve-roomed hoiuo on St. Mnry'snie- line , ncnr ath street . GOjO Fonrcottn eson Ifith , I.onvcnworih Mrect.cnch . l.COJ Cotmire , four rooms , cellnr , cistern , on rimrlei street , monthly payment * . . . . . . l,4i , > rottmro , llvo rooms , cclliir , cistern , on rimrlof street , monthly payments . . . Coltnpe. four rooms , eellnr , cistern , on I'ntrlcl : nvcnuo , monthly pnjmcnti . . . . 1,0X1 Cottnge. three room , eellnr , clatom , on Pntrlckmonno. monthly payment * . . . 1,200 Two-Moiy house , Mi teem , nnd cottage on IMh , nenrt'nnl street . H/iOl Corner lot In Pnrkor's nddltlon. . l,0iO Iii'ldolotlnl'nrkcr's nddlllon . l.'l'O ' lltnutlful residence 1 it on Cnii street . . . l.-W Thrco lot , cornerof Hurt n ulSOtli streets n.103 1'nll lot on Cnpltol nvcnuo , nonrlMh St. . . . 5aw I'ull lot on ( Joorfflnn\cnuo.en9t front . . . 1,000 Two comer loin on I/envenworthsticot. . . 1,10) 1/jlg on North 17th street , nonr Iraul . SJM Thlrly-threo feet on 10th , noir rnrnnmst.S < i6TO I'ul lot on 12th nnd Icivcnworth : . OT.iO JfcolconiPr on Sauth llth street. . . . fi.CO ) 1'nll lot on Dodite , nciir U'th street . 1.0UO Thlity-two feet on Howard , w oil of 10th. . S/iOO Vort.v-iRht Icot lotsonC'umliiff street. . . . 1'JOO 1'onr-siory bilck. 44xw ) Icol , basement , elevator , on lltli und Dodgo. . 13,000 Ono hundred nml sixty neres In Vnllor Co. to trmlo for cottmra nnd lot In Ommm. j\croiu-oporty noithuost of pnMollluo. . . . 125 Aerolot neiir liiiriHcU , pnjmcnts WW Improved and unlmpnned propoity In nil pnilsof the rlly to poll nn nuy term * ores- clinnno for lands , otc. Call nnd sco mo. \ \ . 0. Shrlver. Opp. 1'ostollico. 7W5-21 SAI.i : Small now stoto room. Aildrejs Foil , lleo Ollico. 8I5-20 * T > ATTiil : O.V I'AHK Is tlio Intost.bnst nnd J. cho-ipoit addition ; no aero propoity near Oimihuw ehenp ns till * S17" > to fllV ) per acre. First lloor , Iron Ilnnk llulldlny. 1) . C. 1'nttor- goii. BIO Foil HAI.iaacres : ) , Improved , ! { mlle west of water -woiks on Mllllmy rend , 1'or pr co and terms , address I1. O. llox 4Hi. 8H oil SAI.I ; New eiwrnnt no torn 1:1 : loom roxldonco. 12. V. Smith's udd , JO.OOO. Itleo rjlooio , l ! rnnmm. 874 E7 SAT.U-Threo nno lot * In Slilnn's ! W mid. FOIt nt ? itt each , rottar & Cobb , 1515 rnrnnm. OKSAl.i : $1,800 ,1 Iol , now4-mom bouse , prod bain and well , Walnut Illll ndrt. lllru AiMooio , 12iJ I'm num. E7i- ) " "Ijioit SAI.K flnxlli on corner rarnmn 6t..only J4 liloeKs from Iho coinlnir miunmolh hotel ; Hcio Is n eliunco lor nialilii , ' J..OOJ to .1,0)0 with In thlrtydiivf. Kluiritnt lot < In the Clark estate close to St. Miuvs nvoime. ( iilxl'JOon SmndcM tioot , with 7 room lion o , aIlrstcln sinvestment , only SIGO ) , lorn few da\s. "CxlViulto 5 room house on I'utk Wild n\o. , for only fJ.'jOO , Tno tlnu lot ? lit \V. A. Itedlck's ndd. , Sl jO. I'orthe novt fourdma wo can sull > ou ono of thollncstlotsln R. V , Smith's add for$1,3 MX. Wo lm\o any amount of first class pioporty nnd 1 mi tin 1111 in all direction ? . Heinember If you buy lieforo Jlarch 1st you will mnko money. Stookdalo A : Hunchcr. 1311 led c street. Bl-'r ) > SAI.i : fots la Uiwo's 1st addition , Inoil 1 south fronts , easy tcims , only ? WX ) . I'ottcr & Cobb , 1313 Vnrniun st. h31 Foil SAT.i : SO acres line land IVJ mlles from postolllco ; f IV ) per aero If sold nt once. I'.T. Utnjjcr , llli N. 15th tticct. 810 FOIt SAMIloit : r > acio trm-ts In the market , only fJOO per ncro. Inqulro about tntm. I'ottcr & Cobb , 1115 Furnnm. b" > 5 Foil S.VI.i : in acios. UW miles from post- ofllco , hrino and stublo ; easy touus. A.I' . Tuhoy.ltiHFurnamst. SOS RC. I'ATTKIISQN. Heal Kstnto , 1221 Fnr- mnn House * , coU-if'OS lots,1 suburban nndicsiilont , for snlo lor cnsh or on monthly payments , in nil pmtsoftlin city. Cullo orad- dtcsi It. C. Puttui > on. 12'l Fat-imm. SO" . Foil SAI.i : House nnd lot. Sth street , Just off Farimm ; IIOIIEO icnts for $17 per month ; f2'iVJon easy terms. Hlce & Mooi o , 122'J Par- mun. 808-27 FOll SAT.i : A boiutlful homo In p1omlld condition ; lawo lot with line shade tree' ' . This Is u special bargain. 11. C. Patterson. 1221 Fnrnnm. 804-25 Oil SAI.i : ByV. . T. Ginham , Ciolghton Illuek. Lot on Plcrco St. 03x103. 1IOJ , Lot In Woit Omnlm add. , S70J. Finn corner near Suundcis St. . 81,50) . 4U\UO S 15th St. . S1.0.X ) . Ixits In Hnnsc'om Plaeo. $8 > 1. Good lot on Virginia uvo , 5W , Comer lot and iio.xt oqo to lr , Gcorjli avo. , each Sl/iflO. Two lots on Goorjrln avo. onablock trom Lenv cnworth. both SLOW. 20 lots In ICilby add. , onch S * > 00. Good hou'o , il-roonn , Nottli Omnha , S-'WJ. ' Hou o7-rooms , Georgia are. , $ .1,000. Splendid cottage , 5-roouis on 2JrJ St. ncnr Lenvenworth , SIAIO. Flno liouso on 8. lr > ts St. , $2,8 < . if.'xlJ2nenrNichoUsSt. ; , waiohouso propoity for short tlmo , ? 2r > 30. 778 FHlSAl.l-Acto ( lots. Gl o's add. , only filJMO 1'otter i Coub , 1515 Fnrnnm. 857 FOIISAI.K 5 ncros , with bonsn , burn , li ! ncicsfnnpo vines 'i ncro of raspberries , lioivo , hiirno-s and watron : ! milo west of Fort Omaha.nllfoi-fl.S'V ' ) ; fl iWciish , balance to suit purshn&nr ; mnt bo sold boioro the 7th of March. Imiulro on premises. Saml U. Jones 7b7m * I neil hAI.i : 10 noi o tian 4 mllea west ot post olllee , ? iaj per acre. Hlco A.Moore. . 12Z I'lirnum. H727 FOKSALK-Oncnsy turm , l ) lots in Hnns- com Place from ? * > ! W to fl,03J cucb. Lot on I'lcasiuit St. . with double hoimo , 10 looms o ich r.-lth nil modoin Impiovnmunts ; rcnlH for-JHO per month , HIOK ) . I.oUln West Ciiintiifrfrom ? 275totoflV ) each. Cornar lot , 1'iospect I'luco , Imiunln. Corner lot.Shlnn's lid ndd. . barrel n. C. J. Cnswcll A : Co. , Hoom 11) ) , lion Hank. 774 FOll SAM'-TxtS Just south of the park in Chirk 1'lnco ) J'lich , on easy ternw. I'ot- tcr S. Cobh , 15ID I'm num. b5fl POIISAI.K Several do lrnb'u buslno s lotB on ICth St. , und business and rosldmtcn lots In nil parts of the city. Also warolioiiM ) , hotel mid lurm property. Houses to rent. Property shown free ol uhaijro unJ u IAVKO li t to guloct liomiit jiriei'i1 r.mirhijr fiom ? 'i5) ) to if IO.O.W. 1'ar- tlea ileshlng to Inve-t should look o\or our list nnd prices bofoVo biiyinir. Corrospondeuco so- licltOd nnd Intormntlon nhont the city freely L-lM'M. Umuhu llcnl ICstatu .V Ixjan Co. , Hoom 23 , Wlthnell Hlock , Omaha. 727 F : $15,000 In ldo buslnos.8 proper- . IV. Cnll for particulars on Itlcu A : Moore , I''Fnrniim. WKi-27 ITlOlT.s.\I.i-A : few oftho best 1 ) t in Wliuoi's J ? ndd. nt $ OJO each. I'ottur A : Cobb , 1515 Fur- luiiil St. K55 FOIISALK Lund Impiijvol flocu jarm , 1 UiOucies , Mori Id ; Co. , ono of theltestln the state. ; i.ri'Waoi ' os bottom laiul In Sarpy Co , (15 per ncio , 40J acres nenr Council HlulfA , $ V ) per ucio. 1.IXX ) ueres In Lincoln Co. , fU per ucro , 13. F. Hinder , HU N , 15th St. "W FOHHAI.K 2 lots , & room ho'iho. good barn , Alborl'Jiicoudd. , (1,850 ; bargain. Itleo & Mooi o , 1222 Fui num. H72-27 $ IOlio will liny a good jmylnar harness bust- nets. Tiioonly house or the kind In the town. Good icnroii lor bollln.f , For particulars ad dress O M , Heo ( ) lllco. 703-20 > F roil .SAMSO lots. Kllbr add. , easy terms (5UU. Gruuun.Crcighton Illook. 77U FFOR FOR SAI.i : ( ) uo of Hie llnoit corners on Kurnum , S IH.iwo ; f3COJuii > h and owy torms. Items for fI,6JO ; u lurtniln , Du lruhlo houses und loH , vuciint lots anJ acres. Muibhntl & , 1MJ Fiuiium. TM FOIt S.VI.i-Chcip : : lots In llurr Oak , just cust ot Ilimscom I'arK , noiirMtreet c-nrs.Ji&'J ' , cuuy I 01 ins. 1'ottor 4 : Cobb , 1515 I'uinuiu bt. KV4 "IT1OU SAI.i : ciiciiu , ono of tlio \ > est Improved JniidmiOEt loculoil furnu In ! > OUKIS ! : county , Ncb.,6mllc C8t of Omuhn court liouso , cxn- tiilnliiy : Itiu nc'icj , with hgiibo , blublo , wella , or- oluiul mul pajliiry , otc. ; onu-hulf uush , bulunco to suit imrohtiscr , for further particulars nj. ilra-gjtO. Llndo , care Omaha lloo , Umuhu , No- brnkii. . 042 ti OU hAl.i : 3J 160 nero blocks of wloctod ploir lund in corn bolt In llouno , ( Jieoloy , llowurd , Nunco mul Shcrmim comity , woith JO toi . III tHko tlto < lpor ucro , lulf ciibh ami IOUK tlmo at U iivrccnU Jliut lie sold lnW ; duyt > . II Klil In n badv will cut tlio prlco. Mureluill & - lot In hhlun'd add , 1 lilockfiim tiei-t cur line , flIJU. ( IloutfCHiid 1 , lot near 20tU und liarJ , . lii loot , east fi-ont , on 13ih etrcot , ( business propcrlyt.flO/lA I'm ncr lot on l'nrntim sti e tStixtJ3 fcct.f-o.OU House Ui-ooiuf , lei JJxUJ , ou btiiH.-t cur line , ion' 1' . IlcmU , ItHU and DouVlus 8t. 631 F < IK nAl.i ; Iliflar'uiir-Corufr ! ! in -Iduu'tiiuld ) Sbluiks from enwurth t . r 'xl 4 , ouly f 1.SX ) . I'oltcr 1S15 Inuiroibt. biJ n Ir you wnnt to buy n lot , If you want n lie i o ntl lot , If j on nut aero moperty , Cnll nnd oxnmlnn Our ll l. CunnlugVinn , Vllrcnnnn | , 1111 IrionsAi.K-Choip lot * In llnn com I'lnco. " r.My terms. Cimiiinghnm & Urcmmn , 1511 Uodco. - > SAT.T : A ho = o nmllot on SruimlcM ft. , -L1 ncnr Cumin ? . A bargnln , Cunntnghnm & Itremmn.lMl Dodga. OIldALi : A liouso nnd lot on S. fith street , f2,10i ) . CunnlnehnmiAc llrcnnnn , 1511 Dodgo. 3 hnvo n few tnotu ncro lots for snlo In Wellington Hill. Sociiro ono In this lionullful suburb. Clmiimglinm & llrcnnnn , 1511 Uodgo. $ aoo will buy sown choice lots In Hnn com I'lnco. Till ? . few . Cun- - A.itw * ni j price | only for n days. nlntrlnim & llroimnn , 1511 Ifdll SiVM : Coiner lit mil brick liouso on 1 Hamilton sticct : lot IKKI7J. .lust tlio plnco to build. Will l > o ell clioau. Ciinnlnglinm St llrcnnnn , 1511 I j > OH SAI.H A IniHo nnd co.'nor lot near . ' Cumliiif street , 51iiUJ. Cuiiiiiiiulnuu Si llrcn- nan , 1511 I71OH SAI.K A peed hoii'o nnd lot on Irani J. stieot. only &J"iGQ. Cunningham > V llroii- nan , 1511 \\7-ASIIlNr.TON ill i.f , Is tlio bsst ncro prop- IT crty. Yon cim buy mi tioro them for loss than you will Imvo to pay for n city lot In IU ImiiiDdlnto vicinity. Culnln/lmm A , llronnnn , 8K-X4 T7\OK \ SAI.K-Ollnon Ims fors'Uo lots In Hnna- J coml'liieo , $800 to $ Isou. Oilxon bus forsnlo houses nml lots In linn ? , com 1'lrtco. Ulbson has for sulu houses and lots In nil parts f tlio clt.v. Olbson 1ms Improved tnrms nnd lands In nil pnrt , of Nulirn kii forsnle or o\elinngo. : Olbson 1ms thousands of ncro * of Innd In Wtntorn Nobrnskn for snlo from $ ! to $1 per ncre. Olbson would llko to see jonlf yon want to b\ry \ or si.ll. Gibson's Is the plnco to list > our property. Pnll nnd sco him nt Room a , Wltlmoll Hlock , cor. 1 Mil nnd Hnrney sts. tiiO FOlt SAI.i : At n biirsalti. Kino business property on S. IStli. Mxl50 ft. This cnn bo bought for 53.000 Injs than netnnl vnluo If tnken iitonco. If yon want nn Investment look nt thij. Oochrim lira's & Co. . l&n FArnnnuSt. 815 FOKSAl.i : $11,000 Half Interest in n line Ins'do residence pronoity , ol.\ 0 story bilck tint' , till iLMitid lor.VJ to f.V > n month t ncli. Itleo X Moore , 1 . ' Fiuiium. 8T1-"T TJ C. 1-ATTKKSOX , Ue-\l r.stntc,1 ! < ttlrnnm a X > TjtirKololniul boaullfnl eottnffc only $ tU ) Coiner lot , Divenpoit mul U a.VXI Now cottiiio ( nnd lot , monthly payments . 1,8W Tim beautiful line ? , clienp 3WO ( .IS loot on 1'iiriiimi f-t. , olii-ni ] S.VX ) 10Klrfoot ) , HlniuliaiiKh 1'lnco IiWM Kneh of the ntioro mo ImrKiitns nml I hnvo solo lurcnoy. It. C. 1'utterson. 711 \flJ\VPOKT I 'cnrot , best ncro lots , oloffimt JL > location , unsurpassed view of tlio city , ronchod over level rends , no hills to climb ; easy terms of payment ; 8 per cent Interest ; price , fJUO nn ncio. A.MBS , 153Q rurimm. AMR * Pr.ACR Chonpot nnd nonicst city lots for the inonoy ; only 5200 to $ ! WO per lot. ItEDiCK'4 OHOVK Just poiith of Furimm St. . M block from 28th nnd Fnrnnm st. school housa ; only $803 to $1'MJ per lot on easy tcims. AM , 1509 Fiinmm. NATUHAT. GIIOWTII shndo trcos on o\ery lot in Kc-dick'u Gruvo ; only I1 ! ! blocks from Park nve. curs. See HodleX's drove. niuniiTON Splendid ncro lots , $27"i per lot ; mo t desirable aero lots no\t to Newport , See this ham ! ° oinc propeity. Mrr.nosR Hn.b Sotttltwust of Hanscom Park 10 minutes wnlk trpmttirk , uvo. ciuv ; lot * $ WO to $ .150 on teriim toi suit buyer. Mnlroso Hill lots will eell for do b present juices inn j car's time. Coino'und'srO ' tlnspmiiorty. , AMES , IfiOJ Fainum. WHY PAY Hrcrnfienyouc'in ! , ( buy u lot In Amos Place for fM , to $33-j on such easy terms ? See these Iota. ' ' OAK CHATHAM This ld.\'o \ tract of land has not a poor lot hi ItTlio Holt LhiD depot 1ms been located on thlslnnd Lots soil lor S JO to $8 Oon very eos payments. See Oak Chat ham. Pr.UNYiKW Cholcpilottti still for sulo In this IKipiiIar ndditlou ut fall1 pilces , on ciisy pay ments. ' * PiiA-n's StrnniYisT N 'Aero lots southwest Hanscom Park , very tlMr.iblo giound , Belling nt SU per lot. HuiKAixtw Pr. uTlle | o lots m n the cheap est for siito on Lo'ive'nworth ' st. Prlco S500to t'JUO , on ptiymonts to suit. 3 AMKS , 157) Farnam St. CAM. and see lor yourself tlio elumcos for Mifu Investment otforcd. THomoaibur , Omaha's Kiowih is solid lUKVInntinir. Pionorty will con- tlnuo to advancu. liny now nnd inuUo the ad vance. VMES , 15'jy Furnam St. . 44.-I TJIOIl SALi : paulscu & Co. , 1513 Faiiiiim st. Lot on ? . 20th t , 140x150 , with B-room now house , cistern , cellar , Irneod , near car line , only .5,100 : hnlt cash , balance nt 8 per cent. A food bargain. Siicics , fenced lot , S. 10th st , near car line , excellent location,81,000. Very cheap. JfWTHOf cot , with I wo story almost now house , near St. Miuy's live. , $ ' ) ,000 , A chanuo to malcn money. Lot In Illclvory place.south front , good 4-icom house , cistern , stiiblo. eta , $ l,40tl iOOcnli , balance on monthly payments. Lot In llo tfsA : Hills 2.1 add ncur Tnrniim st , vltliT-room houio , $2,175 $500 ciibh , bnlnneo on very easy tennis. Coiner l t UJxl" ) on Hamilton splendid loca tion , Ronthoast front , with very substantial 0-room brick home , stable for U horses , well , oMornK,00) . "i feet on lllth bet Hnrnoy and Howard , cast f i ont , with largo S story building's ; lent $83 per month , $ i.OCiO. . 2 choice lots loft In Paulson's ndd. ficholpo lots In Clark 1'luco at $ " . ' ) . 2ohoIcolotsJn Pelhnm add , $533 , easy terms. I'nuUon i Ci ) . , 151U Fitrnnm st 754-2G P.VTTKllSON I'AUK is the latest , best nnd che post addition ; no ncro property near OmnliL o chonp as this 5175 to SiV ) per ncro. First lloor , Iron Hank Hulldlng U. C. Pallor- boil. fdfl Foil SAI.i : Flno corner on Fnrmim , C0\ia2 , fl2.r)03. Oriihnin.Crolghton Hlock. b3. ' > Foil SAI.I5 Tluoolots inShlnn's Sd addition , on castorn Blopo. only U blocks liom street curs , cheap only * > 750. Potter & Cobb , 1511 Fur- 1IUI11 bt. 652 tTiOIS HAI.K A flnoS ncru trnst on South Iflth -L1 street , only a few blocks Irom street eiir line. Imiiili-o nt Lunge A.'I Foltluk , 318 S , 13th Bt. Oil SAM ! Four lots , cor. Califoinlu mid . ' 10th sts.,2 hloL-Ks tnmi piopased pnvinifoii Cumlnrbt.f8Viiiid ( ) JU5)cacli. Potter & Cobb , 1510 i'lirmim st. 61 ! ) TAKK,1'inllo ' ? from court Jhousn , f 1T5 to ffi ) per ncro ; small oosli imy- mont , bnlincQ easy Uirms. First lloor. Iron IiankllulMlmr. D. C. Puttorsan. 615 PATTKUSON I'AIUC-3',4 ' mlles from court liouso , $175 to ? 'V > ) | Ki'UL-ro : small cash pay ment , balnncu easy terms. First lloor. lion Uimk llullilln ? . I ) . O. Pnttoi-son. 6I5 _ F OK SALK-Two low m Polham PIHOO.ODO block from Direct car traak , InejulroilS e. I3th Btrcot 5 _ | 7UK BAl.B 5.1 ncra lot , a wood H-rooin housn. -L airiocorVHtoio , with stables , ouMioii os niul oily water , SJil near lx > . vonworth , rent * 3SM IT mo. , prlcn t-ISM Thbt Is n llrjt nito Invt'ht- mom. Onm'm Hual INtnto i Loan Co. , Itooms aSiinl23Wltlintllblock. _ 740 OUSALK-A to etorr , = 3i31. fMmo build lUK.sultabla for ii > Wra , now Utti uul Far- ApplyitttrU oi& > a. UlT LAND SHHKKKS , ATTKNTIOX-For Tull pirtlanlars about cfroeand cheap lands la Westnrn Nebraska aildreu Thos. CL Patterson , UcalKstaUj Ajrent. North Plotw Neh. 'J3i ED WAKP , , JKUEHIi7 : MAGISTEU OF PAlMVaTKIlV AND CONDI- TJONALI ST. 003 Tenth Btrout , betwuou Farnam und Harnoy , will , with tlio aid of guardian spirits , obtain for aw oho a ( danoo In the past nnd present , and of bortam conditions In the future , lioou arf < ) Bhboj made to order. Perfect satisfaction inianifUuu L BAEGAIHS. . 'Baey Terms. 4LotsCass'33d$550 650 ( Clieuictl | lot < iiv ( lie city. ) 80xl50Callforna&33d$700 ! ( Kiunilno tlili Uorguin. ) House & Lot , Montana St. . % blk. to horse cars $2400 5 Lots , Walnut Hill $500-600 ( TbcM face fuming btrect. ) 2 Acre Lots. Brpokline $500 ( None In'tlcr In llrauklluv. ) Lot 02x150. 8 room house barn , well , cistern , fruit trees , etc.i fine view , $4000 8. S , VAN BEUEEN , Uees 1'rint. Co , J06 S. 14th. BARGAINS IN T1 RBEST ESTATfi OTJNNIWGJIAM & BRENNA1T , 1911 UOUUK STUKI.T. Nevmln'n Scnntorn. The \nshlngton corresponilcnt of tlio Cliicngo News says : Speaking of Fair reminds mo tliat ho has not appeared In his seat this winter. Ho is engaged in n now railroad enterprise in California , nnd a ? his personal interests are of much cvcfitor Importance to him than the stale he represents , or rather does not rupro * sent , it is not probable he will put in an appearance until the session tins been much further advanced. Novndn is un fortunate in tlio influence of her senators lo the interest of the state. William Sharon , whom Fair succeeded , occupied his sent just thirty days during the six yours of his term , It is said that ho used to come to Washington , draw Ills salary u number of months in advance , anddisnppcaruntil he wanted some moio money when ho would return again and repent the operation. Jones , 1'uir's colleatino in tlio semite , is almost us negligent. lie wns hero two weeks ngo , and remained four days. He has not been seen since. 1 : un told that Jones is rapid * ly winning back the fortune lie lost a fo\v years ngo. llo is tlio principal owner of nn Alnskn gold inino which is said to bo immensely profitable. It is located on the coast near Jnnoan. Grout expectations arc cntortnincd of its productiveness and wealth. But lo return to Fair. Everybody is fuiniliar with his wifo's suit for divorce three years ngo. Fair acted very generously in the matter , nnd divided his fortune , with ids wife when they separated. Ho gave her f 1,000,000 , which is suid to bo exactly ono-lmlf of his possessions. The gossip from thu Pacific slope is that Airs. Fair , who is a handsome , well-preserved woman of forty-live , is desirous of marry ing a well-known nowsnapcr man in San Francisco. The pope refuses to grant her a dispensation , and as she is a strict Catholic , she is afraid to marry without it. Meanwhile Fair , who i.s devotedly al to his wife , is urging her to forget the past and live with him again , but this lady refuses to do so. Sliu will marry the newspaper writer or no ono. If Fair would marry some ono else , Mrs. Fair could receive the. desired dispensation , but not unless. Fair says ho will not re marry unless ho can hnvo his wife again. Tlio complication will probably end by each of them rcinaining single during the remainder of their Tlio legislature to be elected in Nevada tliis fnjl will choose a senator lo succeed Mr. Fair. Fair is unxious to sttioucd himself. llo Imih Washington a very ugreeablo place of resort when ho desires to spend a few wcokK or months during the .season here. lie is wealthy , and , ul- though ho livqs in bachelor nparlinents , entertains in fine style. He gives a great many theater parties , and is immensely popular with the young girls and their moneyed mammas. Pro-sent appear ances indicate that Fair's return to the senate \vill not be accomplished without n jjrent ellbrt. Ho and his former partner J. W. Mackay , are _ sworn enemies. Mac- kay ha" " ) no political ambition himself , but lie is determined to destroy Fair. Mac- kay is a republican and I-air is a demo- cint. Nevada is about equally divided politically , but as hhe. only polled about twelve thousand votes in the last presi dential election it will be seen tliat the state is little more than a pocket borough which a person with tlio largest purse is pretty sure to capture. Mac kay , who is worth $30,000,000 , can outbid Fair if ho chooses , The situation , it is said , has resolved it self squarely into ono of barter ami bale. Mackay is determined to win. Fair says ho hluill not do it. Business lias been dull in Nevada for several years past , but ( ho political market will soon receive its long anticipated boom in the shape of several hundred thousand dollars thrown into the legislature when that body convenes. As the numerical strength of the assembly amounts lo only a baker's/lo/.on all told , the outlook lor the iuturo is extremely promising. PILES ! PILES ! PlfjES A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itcliin and Ulcerated Piles has been -coveicd by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian lemcdy ) , called Or Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A simjlo box lias cured the woiil chronic eases of lii or IJOjenis btandin ? . No ono need suffer live minutes after apmyins this wonderful sootli In1. : medicine. Lotions and instruments do moio harm than pood. Williams' Indian L'lU ; Ointment absorb ? the tumors , allays thu intense itching , ( particularly at nicht after pettint ; warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves instant relief , and i.s prepaied only for Piles , Itching of private parts , and for nothing else. SKIN DISEASES CUKHD. Dr. Fraziei's .Magic Ointment cures as by rnnsic , Pimples , IJlack ile.uls or Grubs , Hlotches ami Eruptions on tlio face , le.xving the hKin clearand oeautifnL Also cuiesltch , Salt Kheuin , Sere Nipples , Sere hips , anil Old Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of 50 cents. Hetailctl by Kuhn & Co. , and Scliroctcr * Iiccht. At wholesale hv G. F. Cioodman. Guihhi LaChapollo , the fcinalo pedost- shin , now keeping a saloon in San Fran cisco , has accepted the challenge of Miss Kate Drown , ot England , who dc.siros to walk against any Indy pedo.strian in the United States for § . "ioO or $1,000 a side. ( itiilda requires Kato to visit San Fran cisco as a condition of her acceptance of the hitter's challenge. C. W. Dyer , No.15 Fulton Market Is'ow York , a gentleman of seventy-two years of ago , has been using Hr.mdrcth's Pills for upward of thirty years , llo Kays they have cured him of inllunimiUo- ry rheumatism three times when physi cian's prescriptions were in vain. Ho took ono or two pills every night for a fortnight. A Belgian firm has given -the king of Congo a daintily painted china toilet set , occompanied by a jwlito letter. Hu does not know the n .o ol tlio present and will probably cxclmngo it for rum. Someone sunt him some bottles of Belgian liquor , and , declaring that it was can do cologne , ho rubbed ( ho contents on his hair. But later ho exchanged that for rum. FIve Hundred Dollars is the sum Dr. Pierce oilers for lie | doteo tion of any calomel , or other mineral poison or injurious drug , in his justly celebrated "Pleasant Purgative Pellets , They are about the K\YM \ of a mustard socu , therefore easily taken , while their operation is unattended by any griping' pain. BilhoiiBiioss , kick-headache , bad tubto in thu month , und jaundice , yield at once before these "little giants , " Of your druggist , _ In thn course of a late philological dis sertation , Captain Cavanaugh hald there worn about D.OUO people in Bullalo who could spunk the Irish language , The old folkb have handed it doun to ( ho chil dren. But though so many can fepeak the ancient tongue , there uoio not tuenty- live in the city who could read it. Tlio worst case of rjicumati&ni yields to tlio magical influence of St. Jacobs Oil. The .society editor of a Tombstone , A. T. , jiapor publiblies-n lint of dunces at a grand Dull given bv the cowboys. Among them are : Catch-lior o wallbuddleup laneiors , broncho rncquet , cut-out behot- tihchot branding quadrille , cow und calf racquet , day herders' wait/ , maverick polka , bull calves' medley , stampede all. Tlii-co Jteusons Why every onti needs and should lake Hood's Sarfiaparillain tlio spring : 1st : Bpcau e the syetom is now in its greatest need. Hood's Sarsaptirilla gives . . 2d ; Because the blood is fclnggUh and Impure. Hood's ' Sarsaparilla purities. Mi Because , from the above fact ? , Hood's Saraajmrilla w > ll do a greater amount of good now thai ) at any olllqr time , Tuku it now. THE HOG'S ' STAR ENGAGEMENT Prepared Pig Prodnot Monopolizes tlio Attontlou of Traders. A FORTY CENT DROP IN PORK. A. Griulunl Slii-ltiknRC of Values In " \Vhent SltRlitly Hotter Vcclliitf Ucrinrtcd In Cnttlo Trndlnj ; CJcncrul Itepofts. CIIIOAOO I'UODUOK StAUKKT. CniCAoo , Feb. 2.V-fSiieclal Telegram. ] \VitKAT-Oralns looked stioiiKUibiuoiiiliiK , but they were dUnjmolntlni ; to the bull crowd. The advent of the long expected suowMoriu was o\jectcd to bilnjj about a buluoeqtlal In nvciy ic jicct lo tliat of two days ago , but It spent Itself bcforo getting baiely under way. The vlo\\s of the cuili ciowd were iiioie or le s unsettled , but traders Rcncrnlly had eoniidenco In bliher pilcos. Korthco 10.110118 they opened Mav wheat at Sfi fc , and by an eltnrt forced It a sjiltt higher. Tliclrcrop damage icpoits began niilvlnu' , ami It was found the lei m w as not ofeiy larije pi opoi t Ions. Values bccan to shrink , and May leaded to 81Jtfid c. At this HK- inu Letter took 100,000 bushels of Schwartz & Diipec , which vllh other .M/.e.iblo tnuisac- tlons In dllfeient pails of thuciowd , held the iiiniket tor a time , and caily scllcrn bccamo thopilnclpal bnjei.s. Crop > atns nuidotheh nppeaiauco In the usual ininiDor , and repoit- 'd a dnmaKu of about 40 per cent to winter In thcuoithein paitslillo the condi tion In the southern poitlon Is abontas usual. Hefoio noon the tone was so weak that Jlay had chopped to brtjjfe , but It buhsequontly ie- coveied to bOJfQ fc , and at tills llgnie was tolerably firm. Latei , however , the eiowd began jumping onheat pielly liea\lly , and for aVoeond time woiUed pi lees back to the lowest point ol the day. l'novis > ioNs JIny pork opened at $11.13 , but inn qnllu steadily down to ? U.oo. The weakness In poik was In nait duo lo UiOM-t- lllng up of sumo of tlio mj.stcilous llouo Jlarch poik. Laid was ielatl\oly liuiier , but tin oiiah sympathy with pork dioppedoff fie and closed rather easy , aiound fell.CO for Afay. .Such laigo quautitlea wuio bionght out as to cause a fmther diop 10810.00,250 under theoipenlngpilcos. Evciybodyantcd to sell. The deal 111 poik , which F. A. Howe of the Gianil Tiunl : lias been ciedlted with i tinning for s-oino my.stcilouspiinclpal , and \\hich has been tlio niattcr ol most InleiCbt to piovifclon sjiecnlatora for two monthis ; said to lia\o been closed out. The ] )0ik bought by Ilowo is said to have been settled up , especially Maieh poik. Ilowo is sup- po&cd to Imvo held 75,000 bands ot pork for his piinclpals. Who they weio nobody knew. Inasmuch as JIowo was connected in n business waywilth \\IIt , the millionaiio dieted heel shipcr ] ) , it was at iirat set down as hit. speculation. Ills said that he denied Inning anything to do with it. Then it was said Uo\\c icpiounkd a cioud of ilch Cana dians. Coisx There was very -little doing in corn. 1'rlues opened stiff , but tended | > iadually dinMiu.iul wllhin IKUIOW limits , the market diaA\ing IN inspiration , as Uiiuil liom wheat. Ar-icn.voo.v lioAitii iluy pork bold dente to within S10.0.- with u rush on the aUcinoon Iwaid , but reacted and closed at SIO.72' . It was generally believed that Ilowo had after all unlotdud ; lliat liib deal was lor Aiinour , and that that gieat operator was now hhoit instead of long. The feeling was decidedly nuivous it > vas a veiltablo In tlio innilcet. ijomo thought tliat Aimonr was bieaking the marUel to jiiclc up a lot of cheap proppity. The loss for the day on poik is 40 @l c , on ribs lOc , and on laid ISJife Wheat sold down Jfc and coin and oats weio lower. The Interest centered In piovisions. 2:40 : p. m. Puts on May wheat , SS c ; calls , Cliniicllor-nrnwii Co.'s Report. Tlio following icport of Chicago's specula tive markets is furnished the UIK : byV. . 1' . 1'eck , Omaha repiosontativo of Chandler- IJrown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee : The. tain of labt night , followed by the cold simp , bent wheat tor May .sailing skywards at the opening tliat deal selling at bGXc , or ytc above the close of last night. J5nt Jones , Ciosby and other bears soon blonped tlio mill , and In a short time so ovcrloodcd tlie rampant bulls that liiey weakened badly , umliiom 60ctit the opening , JIny wheat closed at MJfp , or Ic lower. 1'oik closed 40c lower , and corn nndi oats also Jell elf a fraction. Unless a decided cx- poit demand Kprlugs up , or a gicat "ciop scaie" legitimately occurs , wo see nofntuio lorifay wlieat hut a lurthcr decline , i'oik bought and stood by will pay , and corn and oatsaiogfiod piopeity at piesent prices to keep mound the house , but whcal needs help lo lemaln wheio it is. OJIICAOO lilVK STOO1C. CIIIOAOO , Jreh , S5. ( KpccJal TcleKiam.J OA'11'I.K Itecc-ijits Wiitinuo to inciease , the number BO Jai this week showing an excess of about -1,000 ns poiiijiuied with the same time lust week. At the stall the outlook v < as not at nil fuviuablu tor salesmen , nnd u lew early bales hhowed a hllght < Iecllnu on the 125u to ISOOJb class of tteeis lliat nio iisually taken for fchlpment and dieoteil | jui , > i tju.dc , but as tlio foienoon jiaijbeil the demand fin- l > i \uil , jimlat thouloso thuniaiketKoneially was ijuoted steady ascomparcd willi the dobu jesteiduy. Then'was a better olderandf > hip- phiK demr.nd tli.ui lor any day this week , jet tlio hlilpplnj ; demand was limited tothobui > t inedlmiMM-lflit-i. The demand for blgliist- classc.dtlo was limited , and uxpoiieiseio not opetatlnsj to any git-at e\lent. Cow stoclf , canning ttpclc ami hulls aiu In good demand anil steady. Htockers and tecdcjs iniifjueit ; Hltlo or no chaimo. Veal calve * , when suitable for fancv ictuil dado , will mak tieuiehlRhpiItes. A carol vviy f.'Xia | lb. cattle biogght SUO. bliilplili ) liiWto JVX ) ! ! ) , , S-J.'fO OlO ; JiUJ ty'M \ Jus , gj.OO . 'i.-JO ; OjO to I % II- , , fea.i I.f * : a c.US of cx.Ua liTO and 20V5 lb. cattle , &i.W. Jlooh KeceljitscgnUimo to iiu-ieu e , be ing now about 21,000 In excosh of th < tt > uuo time last vu-ck. Tiatle opened blow , \\llh the ihstWdifactions l ° c luv cr , and \uth Hut sales show Jnjtudiop of WiilOu , ; ud luuaul tbo t-lO'iO the t ; < 'm ral muikotNUj > ubi lOo lower than at the elo elnst night , innklm ; u decline ot lOc In Jlio p.r4 tVii-nty-Jour lionis. Tiu-ie wcie but few oideib tor 1.nicy - > > oj led hea > y r pi Innbutc'her | > ias. ) icnce > ucli wjld ut 34.4Ufa4.-j9 u-alnrt * 46'Xfl.iXJbteilij the waj luui e-4.1" < MO , vIth odds nnil ends ns low ns S8.OMil.00. Packing anil shipping , i 0 to 400 lb ? , S4.20jJ 4.60. . F1NANCIA.U. Now York. rob. 3- . MONEY On cn.ll , easy nt IWrt'J per cent. l > iiiMiSliiir.\NTii.ii'At'iii-4 : : ( < r > per cent. STKIII.INO KxcitANOK Steady niul n- clmtiRcd nt S4.8Tia for sixty dnjs , ixtut S4Sit/ forilonmtul. , . . OOVMIXXIKXTS Quiet but fitlOUCT. eM > 0- clally for 4 * , \ \ hlihMIO % per rout higher. Stoi K blocks Vtero \ crj dull nnd huM- up. * < iVtldelv distributed , \copt St. P ul nnd I.nk Shore , which tmuHii'il ol.WOshnrr * . Flucluntlons In values wcio about ns unlm poitniit ns the nmotuil of business done. Aa n rule the open ( UK 1'flcccio ' ' to ' 4 per cent lovun than jcMeula.v's closing , and the lowest pilots tony were mmlo during the last limn , but tln-io \ > ns n uiotleule display of strength in final dealings , and the closing iptotutlona weic at medium llpme * . STOCKS O.V WAI.l. STItl'.r.T. 8 cent bond * . . . 100 0. A : iN.W U. S. 4 s m < k ( puifcried. . , 1K > | New Is ISO1 , N. \ . 0 I'nclllctV.sof 'iv . l"MOrruon Tran , . HI Central 1'aclllc.TJ's I'ucllh' Mall fcA 110 1' . , 1) ) . uieferrod. . . . 1M ijw & . * ! ! I > liook Islniiu. . . . . , . St. 1 , . , VS. K. . . ! JIV U.\t K. (5 ( . jiioforrod. . < " > Erie . ' 'S C. , 51. A St. 1' . . w pioforinl . , . piofeuod. Illinois Central. . 1WV St. I1. .V O 1. . prvfoirvu. . Kansas t1- _ aiV Texas raellie. . 1 hakutjhoro Union P.ieltlc. . L.&N -ujiiw. , st. h. vi . . i Mich. Ceiitial. . . . 7a piufcned. . . H Mu. 1'acllle HOJfVesteiiiUulon. . T Noithcrn I'.ic. . . O. U.fcN . pivfcrrcil. . . ruomjcli Vliluneo , Feb. 2. > . Flour Stonily niul unrliatiKCil : winter wheat Hour , 5f4.40\rf4.K"i ; soutlii'iu , ; Wisconsin , S-4.WX3 1.70 ; Michigan boll bprlnghent , SILTOyfl 1,00 ; Minnesota lialtt'rs' , sn.Wcl.r ) ( > ( ) ; pat- cuts. si.aXf ! > 00 ; lour.ules , S'i.txifttii.O'i. Wheat OiHiueil slroncanil WLfc ( ( higher , iveeded c , iiilvaneeil ) .r , i uleii easy lo eloso nnd closul c miller jehtciilayN close ; NiJ < o lor l-'ebiuaiy anil JIinch ; S"iJjiiMlo ; ( for May. Coin Dull nnd latet became vu-ak anil ilc- clined'e , closhur iiishlool pi lees Md ; 'i'lso foi Kehiuniy ; UiJstJ",1 for .Mnich ; 10 > , @ I0.3fe : lor Mav. Dull and quiet ; 20' < c for Fcbiuaiy nml Mai eh ; niif'W \ ( ! fc tor May. Kye Sto.idy ut G' ' . c. liailcv-CUc. Wlilsfty S1.10. Timothv Slu.uly ; pilinc , S1.S9. Fl.u.seeil Kasv ami lower at ? l.tO. Toik IJulcil'5@Xo lower und closed easy nt a i eduction ; Slu. To foresh , 1'obrnnry mul Winch ; lOT fellUH ) lor Mav. J.aid Weak anil 7' < iiJ10 lower nnd closed steady ; S. > . ! > 7 } foi cash , I'Vtn mil y niul March ; SO.O.Xi.07K , ? ( lor May. Hulk Meats Shoulders. st. : ! > r > @I.OO ; sliort clear. S5.7.V'i > > > .i > 0 : hhm t ribs , S.l. It ) . Jiuitiii- KJISJincdlum ; to o\tia creamery , CO tli'to ; cholco lo line dairy , 150c. Cheese Finn ; choice lull cream Cheddars , fancy , ! > ; f@10Lfc ; tints , 10tf@llclight skims , is 10@lSc. ilides Ciieen , 7e ; heavy ijioen salted , fully ctiied , Sc ; IiRlit , 8 > c ; bull hides , ( ic ; dry salted , lUjKjc ; diy Hint , lU@14o ; calf skins , Tallow .No. 1 country cjNo. 8 coun- tiy , : % e ; cake , We.Kceeiuts. Kceeiuts. Sliipnicnts. Flour , bbls . 11,00.1 12,000 . 17ooo 18,000 Coin. Uli . SiM.OOO lb'J.000 . mooo , Jlje.bu . 1,000 1.000 Uailev.bu . 2t,000 ! 18.000 Now York , Feb. -Wheat Easier , no iceculpts orcxpoits icjioitcd ; No. 2 red , We f. o. b. ; Maicii closin ; ; at U-Wc. Coin Spot lower and heavy ; options un- hottled , dosing weak ; iceelpLs , n.'i.OJO ; ov- ports , 21,000 ; Hiirailed. 47lMlc ( ; No. 3 , 47 f@ 48' c : No. ii , 5' elevator ; Match closing tit fiO 'e. Lower nnd dull ; : ecu'lptH,2TOO pack ages ; 82c. J'oik-UulL Laid Loner , with InvRe speculative trans- nctionsvcstein ; stunm spot , SWJ'X- liuttcr Dull nut ! oibicr : ; wcbtern , 27@32c ; Kiniii creamery , 3lc. ( Ilici'M' I'll in but lalher quiet St. Louis , Kcb. 25. Wlii'dt Fairly ncllvo hut lower ; Xo. 2 red , cash , 0sfc ; Jlay , Corn Sternly and higher ; No. 3 mixed , ush , 83 > < < gKiVc : ; AIny , 30 e. Oats Quiet but .steady ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , 2 ! > > ' , ( ; ; Way. 3Wc \Vhisky-S1.10. roilc-Sll.10. J.aid-Stcadyat 55.07 . HutliT Quiet but steady ; cicameiy , : ; 0c : ilnliy. iS Jfle. Aiti'inoon JJo.tid Wheat Easy and e lower. Coin * 4u lower. Oals Sliiuie vnsier. JtllniicapoiiH , Seb. 25. Wheat Firm j fu- tuici lu-Kli-cted ; Is'o , t Imid , cash , Sbc ; Maich , bS c ; A pi 11 , POc ; Jlay , ftJ e : No. 1 not them , c-.ibli , bUc ; March , fcWJi'c ; Apiil , 83c ; A ay , B7J < c Kioiii Steady ; patents , J.60@1.S5 ; bakers' , Kc'celpts-AVIieni , 101,000 hu. .Shipments Wheat , B,000 bu ; Hour. 16,000 bbls. Mllwnulcco , Kth. ; 25. Wheat Weal : ; cash , 81Kc ; Jlay , bS c ; June , B7e. Coin-Sttiadv ; Xo. ! ) , 87 'c. Oats Dull ; No. a,2Hc. Kyis-Dull ; No. 1. f.'Je. IJailuy-Qulet ; No.SSIc. I'lovibloiiH Kasier ; uii'ss pork , casli nnd Slaich. S10.8r ; .May , M1.05. OinclniiailKub.23. Whuat Unchanged : No. a led , ! > yiMf. ( ! Ooi n Kusler at ! l7K ( 3Se. Oats-Steady. Jlyo-JJull. Uailoy Unchanged ; oxtia No , S . aJ'oik-K.islcratSJI.00. Laid-Lowerat3.VJ3. Whi&ky Active and linn at SI. 10. Toloilo. J < Vb. -Whcat-Closcd active : cash , \Ktucitmifc. \ Coin Hliailulowor ; cash , 40uaslctl. Ont Ktoady ; cash , ifcj.j'c. IjlvorjMxil , l''cb. 2.V Wheat Fair ilomand ; nisw No. a winter mid 8 | > i liiff , steady at TH id. I'lonr 1'oor demand ; tnniUct btcady ut fas'Jd. Coni'-Spot In fair demand , futures In poor dnimiiul ; hpoi anil Kelituaiy , Inm at Js li Mnirlinnd Apiil , lirin nHs'-iKd. Now Orleans , Feb. 25 , Corn Dull at O.Us Coin Meal-Dull at SU.1S. Hog I'lodiitits Dull and n shade lower , J'oflc-Wiailc and lower at 310. % . . Hulk Jleats Dull-Shouldeis , S3.8W ; Jong clear , Sft.fX ) ; cle.irillH. I otr.lll v , utinii , o > u , 4iiijrila7Mi ; i'lll , asked : Apiilti > ie bid , WJ/o ) asked .ill'tfoBskca. 27Hc bid. JjlVK HTOOK. Feb. ' . ' . The ' yo , 5. Diovers' Journal reiioiiH : Cattle lieeelpts , 0,000 ; active and a hlmdo lovsei.lilpiiiii' ; ' ' bUt-riJ , S.WC : ! ) < . ' . .7U ; 2 oxtia , 1770 tvSiMHncattle , SO.Wjeows , hulls and mixed , fcl.-54l.CO ; ; bullc. { ri'JJl.0 ! ! ! ! : jiloekeiR , k'-MKI. ) , ; ; ( ) ; thiough Texas catllo , Kheep li celils. | (1,000 ( ; slioiigamllijplifr ; luinbs , S4.0 < J5./X / ) . ' HI. l o'ilo. reb.Sl.-Cattlo Her Ipts. 1,100 ; hhimi''jit.-i | , SOO ; nun Let u bhiulu : aslii : ; cliolc'j ' bhlpiilng and iixjioil , & ) > I , < 0 ; common to good shlpjiliin , lii. ! > ) ' . ( 'il.7S ; butcliiuti' slfois3U > fU / ; ; < 'owfcuiidheif in , ,8-.8Vif'i.C5 , ; htocla-is and fwders , , U > K < H.Li. ! HoKeceipts , 'J.bOO ; c.ui.i.ivjii. , , j'v. mniket arthuuud blrou ? ' , hufelieis'nud best hciivy , fel.MJggl.'Xi ; in I \ id pacldnt' , " KuiiHiiM Oily , Fob. ii5. { 'attlrt-JJncolpt- ? , 1,100 ; shipments , none ; shlppluir and ijiitch- tiia' bieci-j Mcndy ; stot-Ucib uud Jydu < suc- the and sdon . Ho s JJeceihts , S,0 > X ) ; none ; active and & 03IAIIA rilVK 'J'huibday JJvcnJjijc , Foil , S Thy eaUly muilet continued nhoui * U > ' ' u. Mi' < 'j- < i > ei irliig | 1,1.00 to UOO 1 ii.u iuotul | at i ' l.OW tu 1W )