Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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OKCEN I BOTTLE * nro nut P for tlio n
AuJcommoiiiulonof all who Ooslro a goo
and low prlml
Cough. ColdandGroupRcmedy
TllOtP. IILSmiNO A tlKMKDV mil
Should eccuro ttio largo $1 bottles. Direction ,
accompanying each bottlo.
Bold by all Medicine Dealers.
IB nntiiro'd own lomcdy , mndo from roots
pnthoic < lfrom forests ol ( leoipiii. The nbovo
cut ropiocGntR the tnctlintl of Its tnnnufncturo
twenty ycnrs DKO. Tbodonuind Ims bcon ffrnd-
imlly fnciunsliiR until u siWl.OUO inbrntory IN row
iH-cpFsnry to mipplv tlio trndo. This jrront VCK-
oliiblo lllood 1'urlflor riircs crtncor , catnrrh ,
Bciofuln , oc7omu , nicer , rliouinntlsm nud blood
tnlnt , liorcdltnry or othonvlsoi without tbc use
ol Iuei'jrfi. ' ; > st\VlFr SPECIFIC CO. ,
N. T. 1G7V. . SUd et. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , On
You are allowed a free triai afthMv days of the nso
'of Dr. Vjo't Celebrated Voltulo Belt with blcctrloSus
pensory Aiplltnue , for the Bpcedy relief nnd pc > i
uianciitcuroof Afermu * HehtUtv. loss of n/aWtfimd
JJanlwod , and all klnrtred troubles. Also for many
otlir diseases. Complete restoration to limit i , VlRor ,
and Mnuliooil imurniiteed. No rink Is Incurred. Illus
trated imm.hlrt In wuM enn lajie mailed free , by ad
dressing VOl/TAIUUKIVT CO. , Marshall , Mlcb'
617 St. ehnrleiNk.Si. tonls.Sfo.
A r ol rir d < ut of l o Uedlc.l Collff.i , till bcin Ion in
rt.t.Jln IL. ip : 'lttr ' tra nt of Cnnonic , Ilmon. SIM
nd BLOOD Diuxu Ihintnir otherPbjilcliulaSt.Loulf ,
u tltr p p bow i 4 ill old r M li know.
Nervout Pro.lratlon , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other AHoc-
tlons ol Throat. Sklnor Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcers , ro trtatiul with nop.r.llel.l
lucceai.on Uteil leltQtlat principle * . Hr ! r , 1'rlMtel/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which produc iomi ' ;
followlnf ir eUI uerrouiueM. debtlllr. dlmoeil af light
mJdertcllTinitiuorj , plopluoa Its net , pbriitil ( ! > ; ,
Trnlontolh loclilfor femtlci , eonfuiloi of Ideal , etc. ,
rendering Ifurrlag * improper or unluppy. u *
. / cuni ) . rmnphlet ( p 8 ' ) " lbi bo , at
rmuan.ull/ , fresto anj dilr ii. Conioll llon Jof.
Her or bj mill rrr .lriUJ [ anil iltlcllj c nOdinll U
A Positive Written Guarantee iiT n In emjea.
r Mc oui. Medlclns tent trirjwinre bj null ot cipreii.
300 PACiES. yrWE PLATES , olitint clolli n4 cut t af rOOo. lnp t. or Birenej. Of r iflj
wonderful i nplclur.i , true ( 11' ° ; irlleUion tbi follonlDic
iubj t < l wbo rn.y m rrj , > .liJUt , br ! ra nbooi , woiiiaa.
riooJ , rhtilf.l d > c r , . ! . olc.llbac ; and eiomithe phj >
lolelrorrepr.auetlon , clm.HTnior . , lliuu ia "lid |
conumrutliu m.rrlat mould re.d It. i i > vl r udlilo ,
IM33. l > WrooT > r,33o. JLddrei 3l > H. < > ' WhtlM
Cure without modi-
A POSITIVE clno. I'nlontcd Octo
ber 10,1870.
Ono box will cure
tlio most obtlnatocaso In fourdftys or loss.
ftllan'sSolubleWledicatadBougies '
No nnuflcous doses of cubebs , oopalbnorollof
( iiindnlwood Hint nro cortntn to produce dyspcp-
Bliibyclostrtiylnprtho oontlnifs oC the stonincli ,
J'rlra Sold by all ilrumrlsts or mulled on
receipt of prlco. For furlhor Honiara aont
forclroulnr. P. 0. llox 1KH.
7. O. .XjXj \ . T -CDRE.
W John f.1. , Now York.
Piaoos and
Or Ilio Iliiiuillulill , l
C'uroil by A < liiilrilHlorliK Ur ,
llulncv' ol < li > ii Npt-rUir.
It can hHKhen In a cup of colli > o or tenrrltliont
the knowledgoof tli person taking lttinbcululcly
barmluM , nnil will elTvct n pi'rmnnrnt aud npfedy
Cure , Hhutlitr thepatlunt tun motlcraludrlnLcror
AU ulcohullo wreck. It lias been nlveti In tliou-
noada ot ciaei. and In every Intuncon perfect cure
ban followed. It nnvor Tnll * . ' 1 lie system once
ImprcxnalCHl with the becomes an uttet
Impojilblllty ( or the liquor appetite tooilit.
KUIIN iV CO. , Cor. ISlli nnd DouclaH , nnd
IHlli A : CumliiB HIM. , Omulm , Neb.i
A. i ) . i'o.vrju : iv into. ,
louncll ! Itliillv , Iowa.
Call or writ * for pamphlet containing hundreds
ol tCHllinonluls ( rein tliu t > C"t nOUIPII and men ( reiu
nl\l \ > rrt < otbucoimttv. .
Do you want n pure , bloom
ing Coimiloxiou t If so , a
i'Qvr niiiilications of Hngnu's
MAGNOLIA liALM wlllgrat-
iiy you to your heart's con
tent. It docs mrny with Hal-
lowness , llcdncss , IMinpIes ,
MlotcJics , and all diseases anil
imnRriectious oi' the skin. It
ovorooinestho Hushed appear
ance of heal , fatigue aim ox-
eiloinont. It makes n lady of
TlflMTr appear but TWEN
TY j nnd so natural , gradual ,
aud pei-rect uro its ellbcts.
that ft is impossible to detect
its application.
Affairs at Pine Eidge Agency A Dra-
nmtlo Situation The Two Parties.
* _ _ M-
of lr. McGllllcuildy's Work
The School System Indian
1'ollce The Will to In-
dlnti Problem.
Elaine Goodalc , writing to the New
York Evening Post , from Pine Uidgo
Agency says : If Lower Brulo Agency
possesses the elements of dramatic inter
est , tlio conflict at Pine Uidgo is a fully
developed "situation. " Tlio first repre
sents tlio blind chaotic struggle between
barbarism and civilization ; at tlio second
the two forces are played off against each
other , and accurately weighed and bal
anced by n cool and powerful hand. Dr.
McGillycuddy , Itcd Cloud's famous
agent , has been called an autocrat and a
, \ rant , but his is not the mere arbitrary
xorciso of power. His will is practically
.bsolutc ; yet he is an agent in the fullest
enso of the word acting under author-
ty of government , of law , of civilization ,
.o put down tribal authority. Ills policy
s to use the progressive party as a check
ipon the other. So soon as the chiefs
nut leaders of the people accept civiliza-
Ion , the church , the school , the plough ,
.hoy are enlisted upon its side , and cm-
lorcd directly or Indirectly , by stVategy
or force , by special privilege or delcga-
ed authority , to restrain , compel , subdue.
There are then at this great agency two
ully organized parties on the ono side
liis remarkable man , all coolness , nerve
xnd oxccutivo force , with a backinrr of
ifiy Indian police , well armed and disci
lined , under Capt. Sword , an almost
equally remarkable Indian , and a mnor-
* ty of the chiefs with their bands of fol-
ewers ; on the other the famous old malcontent -
content , lied Cloud , obstinately fighting
Tor his declining influence , and sur
rounded by a little band of dissatisfied ,
turbulent and non-proirrcssivo Indians.
The "Hed Cloud faction" is a rcfugo for
every Indian with an old enmity toward
Iho government or a personal grudge
against the agent ; every lazy Indian who
docMi't want work ; every objector to the
schools , who wants to keep up Indian
dances , dross and customs ; in a word , all
the chronic grumblers and "coffee-cool-
era , " and the whole "opposition" clo
ne nt.
Dr. McGillycuddy , with his superior
force , organization , and discipline , and
with the overwhelming weight of law and
order on his side , naturally commands
the situation. His ultimate triumph
would be certain but for the vaciljating
policy of the department , the unwisdom
of committees and inspectors , who give
undue countenance to Itcd Cloud , and
the detraction of his enemies , which
last , however , is so ridiculously overdone
that it does him , perhaps , as much good
as harm. The results of his six ycaas'
administration are effectively indicated
by a few flcurcs. In 1878 all the Indians
8.0CO of the wildest Ogallala Sioux-
lived within a milo of the agency , in
lodges or tcpocs , doing no work , and
spending their nights in dancing and
feasting , and their days in sloop. Now
1,000 log-houses have bcgon put up by
the Indians themselves , with a little as
sistanceand over three-fourths of the people
ple are living in houses and away from the
agency. In 1879 there was issued 60,000
yards of canvas for lodges , last year only
0,000. Two hundred freight wagons
are driven by Indians from the railroad
to tlio agency and the Black hills. Last
year they earnctt $15,000 by freighting
hiipplics. In August the Indians sold
0,000 worth of beef cattle of their raising ,
and this year produced 10,000 bushels of
corn. Now that a largo proportion of
Indian families are living in houses , Dr.
McGillycuddy is concentrating his fight
upon village lite , which tends to keep uj
the social customs of barbarism , am
oilers thorn every inducement to "scatter
put" and take up so-called "claims'1 at
isolated points. The remotest settlement
is now on Corn Creek , fifty miles from
the agency.
The school system is probably more
generally ellicicnt here than -any oilier
agency in Dakota , and the policy of com
pulsory attendance better enforced. Tlio
doctor says that ho can got as many Any-
schools as he is prepared to ask for , and
ho is rapidly placing all children of
school ago in school. The school houses
are of logs , substantially built and com
fortable , in the shape of the letter T , with
teachers' rooms in the addition. The
main difficulty is the chronic one of ob
taining huitablo teachers in these isolated
and unattractive posts. Those whom 1
saw wore men , somewhat rough in up
poaranco and uncultivated of speech , bu
apparently dolncr fairly vigorous and
conscientious work.
Tim government boarding school a
the agency is the largest and most thor
ouglily equipped on the reservation
Thuro are now ICO children in school
and it is expected after Christmas to no
commodato about 100 more. The thor
oughness with which wo wore invited t <
inspect every detail of the menage wa
aii Indication of Us completeness. The
close personal superintendence of tin
agent Was everywhere evident , and hi
mechanical and inventive genius dls
played itsulf in the ingenious arrange
inent of lire escapes and portions of tin
heating apparatus. In the girl's domito
lies ho pointed out to us tlio faulty con
struction of the "hospital bedstead" sup
plied by contract to the Indian bureau
and then took us across the hall run'
tested with a vigorous kick the moro sub
stantial make of the ones purchased In
himself in the open market at a saving o"
60 cents. His knowledge and Interes
extended to the baking of bread then in
the ovens , and to the style of the girl'f
now uniforms dark ifluo flannel am
gold braid which littered the sowing
Wo visited the school-rooms and hear
soitio ready recitations in arithmetic
There were boveral strangers present
and wo were told that it was a common
occurrence tor people to drive ever from
Rushvillo , the nearest railroad station ( a
distance of twenty-four miles ) , to visit
the agency. The "singing" on Sunday
ovunmg was very pleasant und homelike ,
and so it was to t > oo the procession formed
to march up stairs , and to hear the pret
tily chorused "Good night ! " The school
owns and cultivates for its own use a
farm of twnnty-livo acres sonio of whoso
products wo saw and very creditable
they ware and now industrial training
shops have just been put up for twenty-
five apprentices. Here the boys will
learn all the principal trades , nmf manu
facture goods for the Indian service , It
is in tlds very important point of indus
trial education for boys that the agency
schools are almost invariably weak , and
it would bo well for other ugonts to imi
tate , in this respect , the enterprise of Dr.
The general appearance of the agency
is the best that I have seen. It
is cvquKitely ne'it. Everything
is methodical and ingenious , from
the sj-ntem of olllco calls to the gate which
"no Indian has over yet succeeded in
passing on horseback , " and from tlio
complete contrivance of the doctor's invention -
vontion for protection against lightning
the storms hero are vury severe to liio
wise collection of all imUaninmhlo materials -
rials in ono isolated building. A walk
around the Agency with the doctor enlightens -
lightens us on a great ; many points , TJio
interruptions are especially instructive.
Wo start from the doctor's residence ,
which , like almost all houses here , is one
story high , but is furnished with an unu
sual di-gr'o of eicjfao.ce. The doctor
himself long-limbed , wcll-drcsucd , with
a careless stride and an easj % almost in
different manner which does not deceive
us in the least as to the expression of that
powerful cold gray eye Is a remarkable
presence. Ono fuels somehow that in
touching him one would receive an elec
tric shock. Ho is a rapid , careless , often
exaggerated , but always interesting
The police quarters , mess and guardhouse -
house arc all well kept and orderly. Dr.
McGillycuddy is the originator of the In-
aian police system , which was inaugur
ated under Secretary Schurz in 1378. Ho
says that his fifty police are a great
deal better than an army post and a com
pany of militia to keep order on the re
servation. Tlio presence of soldiers
irritates tlio Indians ; they are proud of
their police force. There are ten sta
tioned at the agency : the others are
scattered through the villages. The de
tail is changed every week. "An incen
diary council could not bo held in the re
motest village but thai I should hear of
it the next morning. " These men are
faithful and vigilant , prompt to maHo
arrests when necessary , to compel at
tendance on the day schools , and to per
form all the duties of their important
positions. So far as the other Indians are
concerned , theirs is often a thankless as
well as an arduous uost. It Is no wonder
that Dr. MoGillvcuddy advocated the re
cent increase in the pay of Iddian police
from $5 to $8 , and from $8 to $10 a
mouth. About two years ago Secretary
Teller issued an order that all the Indian
police &Hould bo disarmed of their rillcs ,
leaving them only their revolvers with
which to inspire terrror among cowboys
and wild "blanket Indians" fully armed
with Winchesters of the most approved
pattern. Agent McGillycuddy disobeyed
this extraordinary order on his own re
sponsibility , nmf threatened if it wore
carried out to disband his police force
and resign. It is perhaps needless to add
that the stacks of glittering barrels still
furnish tlio guard-room , and that the Pine
llldgo policemen are able to back up au
thority with force , whenever it may bo
At this point the doctor is addressed by
a sallow , dark haired women , neatly at
tired , with scarcely any distinguishing
marks of race , who informs him with
perfect coolness and self possession that
she has como to stay , and probably de
mands ration tickets for herself and a
largo family. "Hero is a peculiar case , "
says the doctor as she turns away. "This
quarter-breed family from Iowa they
have always supported themselves ana
arc perfectly capable of doing so. Why
should they bo foisted on the public in
tills way because of a few drops of In
dian blood ? " These are questions which
will fettle themselves when the Indian
becomes a citizen , and instead of confer
ring doubtful privileges wo grant him
equal ritrhts. Ono of the freighters , n tall ,
splendid'looking specimen of an Indian ,
decked out half in working clothes , half
savage finery , and with the antique
folds of the blanket dropping carelessly
from his shoulders , plants himself direct
ly in our path. His gesturc.s arc quite
magnificent as ho displays his long buck
skin pouches beautifully ornamented
with uoads , and demands in a sort of
"pidgeon Indian" the silver dollars in
payment for his work. The agent , in the
same jargon , directs him to report at the
office in an hour. His off-hand manner
and unconventional salutation , "Hello.
Indianl" seem to be accepted in good
by these strange beings. This one
Cart himself oil" with a curious , indul
gent smile , and is soon installed on the
office stops , smoking immovably. Patience -
tionco is an Indian virtue which almost
amounts to a vice !
Wo pass through the great storerooms ,
with boxes of bacon and sacks of flour
piled from floor to coiling , and go into
the issue house for a few minutes , for this
is "ration day. " The actual issue of ra
tions is a picturesque and a painful sight.
I never realized the degrading features
of the system so keenly as during that
quarter of an hour in which wo watched
the sharp , eager , pitiful crowd of women ,
in their gorgeous untidiness of dress and
uncombed black hair , jostling each other
to push the cabalistic bits of. paper
through the little window , and kneeling
on the floor to gather up greedily the
measure of sugar , coffee , beans- into an
unsavory looking sack , and bear it tri
umphantly away. The loud rhythmic
cries of "nonpa-topa-yamni-sappc , " and
soon , indicating the number of persons
in a family and the corresponding num
ber of pounds of flour to bo doled out
the great open ledgers on whioh every ra
tion is entered as soon as issued every
feature of the strange orderly , busy , com
monplaceyet , phenomenal scene is indel
ibly stamped upon my memory.
The beef is issued fortnightly "on the
hoof" and the cattle are chased and shot
down by the Indians as fast as they leave
the corral. This is said to be a brilliant
spectacle. I shall not see it. The Pine
Uidgo Indians receive very large rations ,
three pounds gross of beef per day and
other things in proportion. Dr. McGilly
cuddy favors their gradual reductions
and the substitution to some extent of
vegetable for animal food. "Increase
the ration of beans and rice 30 per cent , "
ho says , "and cut off the beef ration -10
percent. " Ho also believes in refusing
luxuries , such as sugar and coffee , to the
persistently idle and improvident.
XTliUher vrtttaont Fuiel Oil ,
OTrom Uu Fhfl4ialplil fftwt )
It to a fact not generally known that
tbora la not a medicine to-day that enters
o largely Into tbo practice of the modloal
profession for the treatment of the elok
and debilitated as aloobol In the form of
whiskey. There la uot an Intelligent
physician in the country that has not bad
occasion to prescribe It dally , nor a hospi
tal , Infirmary or cunitlv Institution that
docs not keep it eonutuntly on hand as a
need. In its pure state It la acknowledged
to be the best stimulant , tbo beat curative ,
and the only cure for consumption , hem-
orrbnge malaria and dyspepsia. It will
no doubt astonish onr readers , when Informed -
formed and sustained by statistics , that
nearly one-sixth of all the whiskey told In
this country , at thU time , la dispensed by
druggists and grocora 60 Important la
alconol in the treatment ot disease that
Profeseor Austin Flint , of the Bcllovue
Hospital , Medical College , New York
( ProfeMor of the Principles and Practice
of Medietnc ) , sayui "Th judicious use of
alcoholic BtlrauUinU la ono of the striking
characteristics of progress In tha practice
of mcdlcln * during the lost halt century. "
Two onncsd of alcohol contain moro
nutriment than ton ounces of lean meat.
It la the only thine that enters the blood
direct , without digestive effort of the
etomach , and It IB , therefore , peculiarly
lilted for the wiek and debilitated. Whis
key has always been recognized by the
medical profegclon as the best form In
which to take alcohol , only one objection
being urged against it , 1. o. , the presence
of fuuil oil. The elimination of tills
deadly pol&ou has for centuries been the
cause ot more Investigation and eipcrl-
went among Bcluntlnta und chemists ,
owing to the Important part whiskey
plays In the treatment ot disease , than
any ono medicine known to the pharma-
copoMa. It i > as not until within the lust
decade that the secret of elimination was
accidentally ditco\oieil In Canada , by
old Mr. Duffy , \ > ho bequeathed It to Us son ,
u ho organized the Duffy Malt Whiskey Co ,
of Baltimore , MJ. , which company now
po 8C3gtbo eecret , and lt , is to day the dls-
coverer and ole manufacturer la the world
of nn absolutely pure whUkey , Already
famous , It Is familiarly known as Duffy's
para malt whUkoy , which , aside from
Lelnp pnre , combines a food aud etiuiu-
lunt quality.
There arc a vast number of houses ,
both old ami now , in London and , its vi
cinity ready to tinnbln dovyn at any mo
ment upon very slight pro-vocation , and
whosecollnpse would Lo attended with
UtO mot seriou * results.
Regarding the Junctions of an Important
Orlilch ) 'tli Public Knows but
Mttlo , yofthy Careful Con
To the EdHor of ttii Sctcnltjx Amtrtcan :
Will yon permit us lo make known to the
public the jacts we have learned during
the past 8 yrs \ , concerning disorders of
thcniiman Kidneys and the organs which
diseased Kidneys is so easily broken down' }
You arc conducting a Scientific pnjycrand
arc unprejudiced except infavoroftHnu.
It is needless to say , no medical journal of
"Code" standing would admit these facts ,
for very obvious reasons.
II. II , WAttXERA 00. ,
Proprietors o/T ] < mier's Safe Cure. "
That wo may emphasize ami clearly ex
plain the relation the kitinovs sustain to
the general health , and how much is de
pendent upon them , wo propose , meta
phorically speaking , to take ono from
the human body , place hi the wash-bowl
before us , and examine it for the public
You will imagine that wo have before
is a body shaped like a bean , smooth and
glistening , about four inches in length ,
two in width and ono in thickness. It
ordinarily weighs in the adult male ,
about live ounces , but is somewhat light
er in the foinalo. A small organ ? you
say. But understand , the body of the uv-
erase size man contains about ten quarts
of blood , of which every drop passes
through these filters or seiucrs , as they may
bo called , many times a day , as often as
through the heart , making a complete
revolution in three minutes. From
the blood they separate the wa < * to
material , working away steadily , night
and day , sleeping or waking , tireless as
the heart itself , and fully of as much vital
importance ; removing impurities from
r > 5 gallons of blood each hour , or about 41) )
barrels cacli day , or 0,125 hogsheads a
year ! What a wonder that tlio kidneys
can last any length of time under this
prodigious strain , treated and neglected
as they are I
\Vo slice this delicate organ open
lengthwise with our knife , and will
roughly describe its interior.
Wo find it to bo of a reddish-brown col
or , soft and easily torn ; tilled with hun
dreds of little tubes , short and thread
like. starting from the arteries , ending in
a little tuft about midway from the out
side opening into a cavity of considerable
size , which is called the pelvis or , roughly
sneaking , : i sac , which is for the purpose
of holding the water to further undergo
purification before it passes down from
hero into the m'otcrs , and so on to the
outside of the body. Those little tubes
are the liltcrs which do their work auto
matically , anil right hero is where the dis
ease of Iho kidneys first bcains.
Doing the vast amount of work which
they are ojligijd to , from the slightest
irregularity in our habits , from cold ,
Irom high liting , from stimulants or a
thousand and ono other causes which oc
cur every day , they become somewhat
weakened in their nerve force.
What is the result ? Congestion or stop
page of the 6uiTcnt of blood in the small
olood vessels surrounding them , which
become blpgkcd ; > these delicate mem
branes are iuntaed ; inflammation is set
up , then pusti is formed , which collects in
the pelvis or sae ; the tubes are at first
partially , nnij'sdtm arc totally , unable to
dp their work. The pelvis sac goes on
distending with this corruption , pressing
upon the blopiLycssles. All this time , re-
niombor , thobl6od } , which is entering the
kidneys to bo filtd'rod , is passing through
thin terrible , disgusting pus , for it cannot
take any other route !
Stop and think of it for a moment. Do
you realize the importance , nay , the vital
necessity of having the kidneys in order ?
Can you expect when they are diseased
or obstructed , no matter how little , that
you can ha.vo nitre blood and escape dis-
ease' } It would bo just as reasonable to
expect , if a pest-houso were set across
Broadway and countless thous
ands were compelled to go
through its pestilential doors , and es
cape from contagion and disease , as for
ono to expect the blood to escape pollu
tion when constantly running through a
disosead kiduoy.
Now , what is the result ? Why , that
the blood takes up and deposits this poi
son , as it sweeps along , into every organ ,
into every inch of muscle , tissue , Jlesh
and bone from your head to your feet.
And whenever , from hcriditary influence
or otherwise , some part of the hotly is
weaker than another , a countless train of
diseases is established , such as consump
tion , hi weak lungs , dyspepsia , whether
a deliicate stomach , nervousness , insan-
ity , paralysis or lioart disease in those
ww have weak nerves.
The heart must soon feel the effects of the
poison , as it rcgnireijnire blood to keep it
in right action. it increases its stroke
in number and force to conipemsalo for
the natural btimnlus wanting , in its en
deavor to crowd the impure blood
through this obstruction , causing pain ,
palpitation , or an out-of-hreath feeling.
Unnatural as this forced labor is , the
heart must soon falter , becoming weaker
and weaker until ono day it suddenly
stops , and death from apparent "heart
disease" is the verdict !
But the medical profession , learned
and dignified , call those diseases by high-
sounding names , treat them alone , and
patients die , for the- arteries are carrying
slow death to the aMcclcd partt constantly
adding tuol brought from those suppur
ating , pus-ladpn kidneys , which hero in
our wash-howl are very putrefaction it
self , and which should have ooen cured
But this is not all the kidneys have to
do ; for you must remember that each
adult takes about sovnn pounds of nour
ishment every twenty-four hours to sup
ply the waste of the body which is con
stantly going on , u waste equal to the
quantity taken. This , too , the kidneys
have to soparjitq from the blood with all
other decomposing matter.
But you say , "my kidneys arc all right
I have no pajn in the back. " Mistaken
muni Poopfe ijm of kidney disoa u of so
bad a character that the organs are rotten -
ton , and yot'they ' have never there had a
pain nor an < [ ch $ !
Why ? Hpcanso the disease begins , as
wo have shoyn'in } ' the interior of the kid
ney , where r/ierbffre few nerves of feeling
to convoy the pensation of pain , Why
tills is so wonay never know.
When you , consider their great work ,
the dolK'aey of their structure , the ease
with which they are dcranircd , can you
wonder at tlilfi/I-licalth / of our men and
women ? JIiMUli and long life cannot bo
expected when so vital an organ is un
paired. NaTwandor some writers say
wo are degenerating. Don't you see the
great , the extreme importance of keep
ing this machinery in working order
Could the finest engine do evt-n a frac-
tjonal part of this work without atten
tion from the engineer ? Don't you see
how ( langcrouii this hidden disease is ? It
is lurking about us constantly , without
giving any indication of its presence.
The iiicM skillful phj'sit'hins cannot do-
toet it tit limns , for the kidneys themselves
cannot be examined by any means which
wo have at our command. Kvcn an
analysis of the water , chemically and
microscopically , rovoaU nothing definite
in many cases , oven when the kidneys
are lairly broken down.
Then look out for them , as dieasc , no
matter whore situated , to 1)3 ) per cent , as
shown by after-death examinations , lias
its origin in the broking down of these
puri'bng. tubes in tie | inteiior of the kid
ney. .
As yon value health , : is you .desire Ion ? ?
Hie frco from sickness anil suffering , give
those organ * some attention. Keep tncm
in Rood condition nnd thus prevent ( us is
easily done ) nil dfconso.
Warner's Safe Cure , ns it becomes year
after year better known for its wonderful
cures and its power over the kidneys , has
done and is doing moro to incrcaso the
average duration of life than all the phys
icians and medicines known. Warner's
Safe Cure is a true spcoilic , mild but cer
tain , harmless but cncigctio nnd agreeable -
able to the taste.
Tnko it when sick as n cure , and never
let a month go by if you need it , w ithout
taking a few bottles as .1 preventive , that
the kidneys may bo kept in proper order ,
the blood puro.'that health mid long life
mav bo your blessing.
II. \NAUXEll & CO.
Courtship nfn Gnllnnt 1'ollco Ofllccr
An Amusing Trial.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : For about n
month back every meeting of the police
board lias been enlivened by an invo ti-
gatlon of omo club swinging Konico or
Lothario These cases all come from Iho
outlying district , whcro the gallant of
ficers , having little to do but watch the
vacant lots and report nuisances , are
forced to turn their fancies to thoughts of
lovo. The force bears an unusually largo
percentage of mashers and it begins to
look as if n position on the force Is not
made especially desirable by the oppor
tunities it oilers in ttiis direction. The
Inst man charged with having givou way
to liis feelings is Olllcor Ketchum , of the
Second district , and as ho appeared before -
fore the board in the role of defendant
yesterday afternoon it appeared that ho
was really handsome enough to break up
the hearts of tlio entire population on his
beat. Miss Hachacl llo'ttig appeared
against Ketuhum to substantiate charges
slic preferred against him , and as she sat
down before the board her blushus wore
rollcctcd In the face of the honorable
gentleman to whom she told the
ale. She said that Ketchum had been
n the habit of coming to see her at her
louse and meeting her on tho"'beat and
exchanging with her the sweut nothings
.hat prove so distasteful somethings
vlien they como out in evidence. Sao
charged him with having called on her
and treated her in a manner calculated
o deceive her , und that she might have
jeon fatally deceived had the news not
jpcn borne lo her that Ketchum was n
married man. Ho was in the habit of
jailing her "my love , " "mvdovo , " "my
loney , " "my darling , " and "my sweet1
nnd drew to her delightful pictures of a
: iomo in which ho and she should bo the
principal figure t. "Never mind , dear ,
next summer we'll have a little homo of
our own , " ho said to her. She told her
btory very straightforwardly and then
-ho ollicer examined , her. The cxuini-
lation was long , ami excruciatingly
[ tin 113' .
Tin : "DAIIUNO novn. "
"Did you over threaten. " ho asked ,
looking into her eyes , "to shoot yourself
ou my account ? "
"Indeed I didn't. I wouldn't shoot
myself for any policeman. "
'Did yon threaten or say you'd like to
kill me and then kill voursolfV"
"I did. "
"I called you 'Dove' and all that ,
did I ? "
"Yes , you did. You used to come to
: ho house and ask mamma if your dove
was m. "
"Did you over kiss me ? "
"Yesldid and you kissed me. loo. "
"Didn't you como up to mo and pat mo
ou the cheek , and bay 'Ain'tyou sweet ? ' "
"Yes , I did , and didn't know you were
married. "
The otticor and the girl had met under
strange circumstances. She was Mfs-
poctcu of stealing a ring irom a Mrs.
Ilickman , and ho was sent to investigate
the matter by Sergeant McNamee. lie
liad caltod there seven or eight times. "I
thought it was ray duty , " he said , "to call
there , because I thought 1 might see the
I'ing on her hands or tlio hands of some
one else in the house , lie never got the
ring , but ho came pretty near making
Miss Rachel believe that ho was going to
give her a ring. These tactics of recov
ering stolen property will at once com
mend themselves to every policeman
from ono end of the country to tlio other.
There's something suggestive of conli-
donco and confession about them. When
the girl had asked him if he was married
he had placed his hand over his star ,
looked in her eves , and begged the
question : "Do I look like iv married
man ? " She didn't know exactly how a
married man looked. Ho said the same
thing in answer to a question by another
young lady in the neighborhood. Thai
young lady , however , frankly admitted
to the board that she didn't care whether
ho was married at that tirno any moro
than aho did now.
A brother ollicor was called in and ex
amined by the board , after which he wa
put through the following by Ollicer
Ketchum :
PltKTTV Olltl.S OX Tlin 11EAT ,
"Did you ever hear inn say I was not a
married man ? "
"I never heard you say that. "
"What did you hoar ? "
"Well , ono night I came to relieve you
and you told mo that I mustn't give i
away that you are a married man. '
"Didn't you ask mo that night , 'Aro
there any pretty girls on the bout , ? ' "
"lilid. i often do that. "
"Didn't I say. 'Don't give it away ? ' "
"I understood you to moan that yoi
were not a married man. "
' Did I look like I was joking ? "
"No ; you looked serious. "
Other evidence was to the ufl'eet that
ho had called upon other ladies in the
neighborhood , but that the elderly ladles
in the neighborhood thought all along
that ho was a married man , but they worn
never interested enough in this to ask
him. It was shown that liachul used to
know what time her star of the evening
would burst from the gloom , and she
would walk by his side upon his lonely
beat , helping nim generalv ! in tlio per
formance ot police duty. Tlio ciiio mid
como to the ears of dipt , lleroulus by
means of a rumor that a girl was going
to commit suieido for an ollicor. It was
easy to lind out who that ollicor was and
thooaso was brought before Iho board.
The trial of the ease occupied about three
hours and was as funny a proceeding as
the very funny board over went through.
The ollicor was lined $ 'i5 and severely
reprimanded by Mr. Blair , and when this
had been done it was suggested that for
tlio hi'iiullt of imnressiomiljlo females the
board got up a tab for the married men
labeled "Dangerous , " or something of
thu kind.
A HalM'itoliur'H
J. Winhur Dorfcny of Ijtimsyiilo ,
Frederick County , Aid. , a swimmer ami
basu-b.ill pitcher , has just inherited a
fortune , l rsoy spent a couple of weeks
last August in Atlantic C'ity , N , J , , and
while bathing ono day rescued a young
woman from drowning. She was from
ono of the western cities. She formed a
great attachment for her rescuer , al
though ho know nothing of it except that
she and her friends were profuse in their
thanks to him , Dorsey thought no more
of the matter , and was surprised a few
days ago to receive a letter from a law
yer informing him that the young woman
was dead and had beqiiuathi'd him $00-
0)0 ! ) for his heroism , Dorsey refuses to
give the name of the woman , as her law
yer in Ida letter says that one of thu con
ditions of the will is that Dor.iey shall
tint make known thu name of his bene
factress. Dorsoy last season pitched for
a Maryland base-ball club.
"During tlio late storm , " says a Kansas
paper , "a. llock"ol felieou in Clark county
crowded .oloso together. Tha snow
nHtod foV awhile , and ( hen.
fastened , the entire Hock tosfct
QneoftliG Best ( tuft Largest Stoo'as in the U. &
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb. Elegant Passenger Elevator. '
OEO. liUIUCn , MnnnRor ,
UF.VEItENCES : Merchant * ' and Fnrmors' Hank , DnvM City , Nob. ; Kearney National
Hank , Kenrmiv , Neb. : Columbus State Hank. Columbus , Nob. ; McDonald's Uiuik , North
Matte. Neb. ; Omnhn National Bank. Oiniihn. Neb.
Will pay customeis' draft with bill of hdlnc attached for two-thirds value of stock.
A Tnlc In Short Meter.
Merchant Travelers "My fins bill ,
notice , " said n citi/cii noing Into thu li
company's olllco , "is the same this month
as it was last. " "Yer , sir , " responded
the clerk , "wo try to do the fair thine. "
"That now meter you put into my cellar
is a wonderful invention , " continued tlio
coiihunu'r. "Oh , I don't know about
that , it doesn't dilVcr much from the old
ones. " "IsthathoV Well , do you know
1 thouchtit was something remarkable. "
"In what rosppct. sir ? " "Why , it not
only measures all the coal gas wo burn ,
but" it has u way of getting around the
house and converting all the iallow
candles and lamp oil into gas and regis
tering it right along , 3ust the same as if
it came from headquarters. Can't you
arrange it some way so that a line of do-
markation , IIH it wore , may b drawn and
my share of the profits on raw material
furnished bo put to my credit ? " Tlio
matter was referred to the Board of
Not an llatt ns He Thought.
Chicago Herald : "Take it away , " said
ho tall , solemn passenger to the train-
boy. "Take that book away. I want
none of Ingcrsoll's writings near mo.
That book is an abomination. It is a sac
rilege. Ita very presence in this car is
enough to call upon this train and all of
thcbo passengers the vengeance of the
Almighty. Take it away , I say. "
"What's the matter with you ? " in
quired the train-boy , with a scowl.
"I'd know " retorted the
have you , pas
senger , "that I have u right to speak as I
do. lamaD. D. "
" that all " the "I
"Oh , is ? was response ;
thought you wrco a D. F. "
Sltingling All Around.
"Where is your mother , hub ? "
"She's in the back kitchen shingling
sister Annie's hair. "
"Where is your fathir ? . "
"lie's out in the woodshed giving
Johnnie a shingling for bleating through
u hole in the ico. "
"Where is your big brother ? "
"He's shingling the roof. "
"Where is your sister Mary ? "
"She's in the dining room shingling
my pants. "
When B by wan sick , wo garo her Oastorta ,
When ake waa a Child , she cried for Castorla ,
When abe became lllss , sh clung to Uaatorla ,
When iba bad Children , eho garo tbem CMtorla ,
Astlinia Cure.
This invnluablo spoclflo rondlly nnd pormn-
nontly cures all kinds of Aslhmn. The moat
obbtlnnto and lonir standing ensos ylnld prompt
ly to its wonderful curing properties. It IB
known throughout the woild for Itauurlvalod
J. L. OAI.DWKIJ , . city of Lincoln , Neb. , writes ,
Jnn.2.r > , IbSl : Since unlnir Dr. Hair's Aslhmn
Cure , for moro tlmn ono year , my wife has boon
entirely well , unit not oven n symptom of the
dlhcaeu has appeared.
WILLIAM IICN.NUTT , Ulchland , Town , writes ,
Nov.iid , Ib8.I : I have been ullllctrd with Hay
Tuverunil Asthmn blnco 18J9. 1 lolloued your
dlreeilonn and am happy to say Unit 1 never
elopt bettor In my life. I am ftlad that 1 nm
umonir the many who can spealt so tavor.ibly of
jour rcim'dlcR.
A vnlunble C4 pnso Ireatlso containing nlmllfti
proof from every state In the U. S. , Ciinada anil
Great Hritaln , will bo innllnd upon application
Any drngrglbl not bavin ? It la stoclt will pro-
euro it.
, uiii
x ii
. . . . . . , Atn . 4 . .1
b.l. v.rli Mtrra Dy.i'rpjU. ItLrrt. * Irftf tL4 * t >
l.ri f Ih. Vlft.Uf . Oriul A f < Oi.p. I M'I I > f .r
L > Ui > | u < ° < . > U " " * ' " " Tir It , > > i
! f c.uuurf t. A.i | mv .r druittit It , IL | * aiuM
M * U.U Mfutun4br LO.J U.I1 klLUtlllJiftUMI.
; . w. wnrrauAHiT , CO B iosa ? .
ii ; TO A
A Rront Ji Work nn jMrmliooit ,
KrtinnrtP < t Vltnlltr. Ni > rrnm Ond riirilril n 'tlltr |
Prpnmtiirol'fllneln Hun , lCnvr of Voulh , nnd tlm
untold nilnnrle * ro nllln/fnira Inllxrotl'in nnd or-
ce p . A nook for Torr man , yoiini. > nl(1 < 1ln.ntel
nnd old , It contains 12j pnii rlptlon * for nil umton'Kl
elironlpdl eincn. ciirlmno nt wliliti ll Inrrifii ihlo. Si
found hr the'iiithor ' whnne oxocrlnnro for 1 roitJilf
HKhnni.rot'Ubljr norer Deform full In tlio lot of ur
phjflrlnn ! Ifllpiinni. Imiind In bcniitlful frcnoli mm.
lln.(1iniou"'Uori'ri | , ( ullcllt.Kiinrnnlooil to hn Hnnr
work In \ery icnuft niB < * liaiil < * ; il. lltorarr milprnrHi *
rlnnil tlinnnnirother work In Hill co'intrr for'-H !
cr the money will bo rotund In frcrr ln tnnre. I'rt'i
imly 11 tir mull. no tpild. llluitrulel stmnlo. 11 * .
t-emlnow. Oold molnlnir.irdBil tboauttioriirthi Nv
tlonalMcdlcul Aitoclatlnn. to Iho lion A I1 I1I 1I.
nnd ui'i ( late oRlo r of the bounl tlio roderlt ra-
fno Ifnllr rofcrrixl
'I ho Solenoo of I IfiiK worth rnore totna fnnnitin \
rnldillo-iuu I men of thl > icuuunitloii thin nil tlio ol'l '
rnln of Cillfornlaoml the Mirer mlnoi of KoraiU
cnmlilncit S. K rhronl'Ic.
llioHrlencoof I.lfo imlnttnut the rockt un < 1 qnl"k.
sandt nn which the < u > naUtullou .ind Imtiai at niinir
n roung man hare been latnll/ \ rrui.liiMunohottur |
Th Science of Llfaltof creator v.iluo '
uublltned In UiU country ( orlUepait
iyrnmAtlanta Countltullon
'J onScion" - * o ( I.ltuU niiiaecbiinl mutorlr trait-
lie on nerrout and pbrtlcal Ju'jlUirUulroil 1'rei
Addroitho 1'aiUodjr Mealcul Initltntn. or lr W. II.
l' rker , No. I llullrtiu li tr oi , llonton , .M.m. .wbainir
tiecantulieilou a.ll illieuiet rfjulrin.nklll onJ oipitrl-
enc k. Ciirtmii. antl uOtiuaiu UH'1 i < i ttrii i TU bit-
Hod theiU'luf ' nil 'JtIK ruhrnl > nin n H'f milhui.U
trtiiif.l " " i-Kif dlf witUaut via latUiicd af Uiliu *
Tlio Cnllurnph Is rnplilly dl < plnclnir tlio pen.
Itonson liow ) ou nmy you cannot afford to da
without It.
Nn otlior Inlior siivlna Invontlon tins so less
oned Uiiultfoiy or binln und hnnd , or suvod
stu'li n Inriro pciccntiiRo or ilcur Inbor.
I'lKiiro tliin U turns oil but txrloo ns much
work Inn ( rivun tlmonailnc iho pen ( It easily
dotiti tincc tlinoi us much ) nnd It ghee s on sov
crnl trt-o lioiua daily us nnd Into red I on your-
Invui-tniom. Tor clrrulnr * nnd poulnionsnp-
Ply to 11. O. STItll'K , Oinnlm , Nob. ,
( it-ill. Apont for N'obiiiskii nnd Woitotn Io\vn
HIIIHONS. ( Underwood's best ) for all kinds o
writing mnuntnoj , ou linnd. 1'rlco SI oaoli.
WE * WV X&'UIAXMUHVWIVI Bfcl * * J * ' " " '
SVnoift VITALITY Is fnlllnf. nrnln HIJAINni' '
r.X 11\IIHT It I ) or rower PIIKM A'l UltKl.Y . . Ail- :
11 m T Und R pi-rf ct nml rcllnMo wire ln _ _ 1
DrlRlnMrd hr f'rot. J LAN < ) lALI.uf I'nrln , Irlncft
Adopted hr all French PliT ltlan iui < l tf Inflf rnplulr Una
lucfcssfiilly Introduced hei * AllMonkfmnfcrlosKSAOil
drains iiroinMIr iUceLnl. TIIIIVIIMR rlrlnff ut < v -
paper and inWlc.l PnJorMmcnUtn , OltfiK. ConiiiHy
llnn ( onice or l > r mail ) irllh rlz f "iliitiit doctors FUCK ,
CIVIALE AGENCY. No. 174- Fulton Slmcl. Ne _ Yotk. _
Netoska National" Bank
Paid up Capital i $250,000
SuphisMay 1 , 1805 85,000
H.V. . YATKS , President.
A. E. TouzALijf , Vice President
AV. H. S. HUGHES , Cashier.
\V. V. MOIUK , JOHN b. Cor.LiN8 ,
Cor. 12th and Forniira Streets.
O o ncral Unuklnjr Business Trnnanotol.
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED Hide will bo received by the building
ccmiiiltlL'C oC llio CorntiiK Academy , until
Miurli : M , 1BK.1. for the tiirnlshlnv miitorliil niut
liiilldlnir a college bulldliiK nt Cnrnlnir , Admus
Co. , Ion a. J'liinrfcim liosuun nt tbo olllco of the
fiocirtiiry , oral lliuoflleo oCC. II. J.oo , tirchitect ,
DVB Molncs , Iowa.
Tlio committee reserves the right to rocct |
any or nil bids.
Aildross : H. M. TOWNUII ,
fcbl-'dlOt Sccictary , Coining , lown.
Hallway Time Table.
Tlio following Is the time of nrrivnl nrtd de
parture ol truing by Central Standard tlinp at
the local ilopntH. Trains of the O. , St. P. , > ! . &
O. nrrlvo unit rtopart from tliolr dopot. corner
ot lull nnd WobHtor st roots ; trains nn tlio II. &
M. , C. , II. k Q. und 1C. C. , 6t. J. & C. H. from the
U. & M. depot : nil others from the Union 1'aolQo
d ° POt >
Ilrldso train' win louvo ( J. I' , depot nt 0J5 :
n78K : : ( ) Hin : 850inO:0011:00 ; : ft. ra. , 1:00 :
1:20 : 1:60 : 11 fl:00-i:00--l:00 : : : : 5UO : 5:110 : 6105
0:10 : 7:00 : 11:10 p.m.
Leave trnnslur lor Oinnbn n 7:12 : 1 ! 8lfi-0:30 : :
110:12 : 11 10Ti : 10:37 : Ili7 : n. m. : 1:37 : 2I3 |
2S73 : : ! 10--J:37-1:37 : 6:15- : : 5 7:20-7160- :
11:5' . ' p. m.
CONNEcrrlNa jjNjjg ,
Arilvnl mill donnrtuio or trnlus from tuo
tinnsfurdcpot nt Council Bluns :
nci'AVT. Alinivjt.
CHICAGO & NoivrmrcsTKntf.
nor , A. M . . . . JHall nnd Kxpross . 7:00i : > . u
12 : < 0p. M . Accommodation . 4:30 : p. u
0:16 : A. M . Mull nml Express . 7:00i'.u :
7:15 : A. M . Accommodation . & ; 39i'.M
6:20 : r. M . . . . i\pio-ii : . Oil5An
0:10 : A. M . . .Mull and Kxpross . 7:00 p. M
5l'Ji' : . M . lxpioi ! < a . 0:15 : A. H
! i.aJA.M . > lnll mid Hi-pita : . 0:20 : p. M I.OOI1 fc I'AUIPIU.
2:15r. : M.//ocal.St. Iinls lixii-o s Ixicnl
0Xi-.M.'l'iunsfcrBt.I.ouH : ( ) Ux : i'niiiarnr.U:30r.u :
2:15 : A.M Mull mid Kxprosj 7:35r.u :
U.UU I'.M KxiHCort. , 0JA.M : )
OftlA. ! ! Hlntix City Mull 7:00 : rs M
< > : l > . M . . . . HI. I'unl Uxinesfl 0:35 : A. M
Jcimrt. ) WKSTWAUU Arrive
A.M. P.M. UNHJ.V I'AUinU. A.M. C. M.
' . . .I'itclllo nxpniiM , . . . 7Wa :
. . . * ) \ tixiiro's 4ilO
.Mull and litinoa. . . 3:10 : *
11. &M , IN N1III.
Mull and UvpruiJ. . . fll < 0 *
. . Nit In I'.xprma lOiiOii
Popart. KOUTUWAItn. Arrive.
' ' ' ' ' ' ! . bT , I' . . > l. & O. i A. H. i v , u.
b':30'ij..l. : ! hloux City Kxpress . 6:30o :
_ ' ' Accnininod' 'iilQOiJo | : | . . . . . . .
[ KAS'nVAUl ) . An-lvo
A. M. I r. M. 0. , JI k Q. I A.M. I r. M.
u 20 I 6:00 : . . .Viu l'latlsnoutli.l : UrJU I 718
Will leave IT. 1' . floruit. Oniulin , nt 0:10-8:35- : :
lUl5-iaVin. : : in. ; S : 0 .l:50-r : ! Jip. in.
J.eaviiBtouK YiinU for Oiivilin nt 7:53 : 1021a. ;
13:01 : lRi-ll' : ! ' IS : 7 flSO : p. in.
Norn A Ir.iiiiBiInllv ; IIdully i > icfit | Sunday
fl dally except flaturdrtyi I ) , d'lly ; except Moil
, France & G&miany.
'J'lif hUuinsljlp * ' r t.ilufll liiinun llnu aru
built or I'on , in > rt < or-'lulit cunp utniunis , mid
iiiufurnl 'ailviiu iiviirj iiniulsuu lo inukotuo
lia sii/e 'mill ' Milo u ul n ri'uiul" , 1'liuy curry
tin 1 nitu'l - > ! ' ! ' < i n I I i\ \ ijii' ' i in U.IIIH ! Imtvu
JS'nv Vinl. Thuradiiya and H.iturJriyi for IMv.
inoulii , { IONOO.NOhorouUirl'AKlb ( und HAM.
HI-IU. ' Intr , thu ituninurs | c.iv Ilumbtinr on
W. d'l-'n 'ays ' iiiul rfninlii ) - , > l llilVH ) , UiUltlir
tmsionx1 r nt bi illinntitou mid ( xindon.
I'M ul culmi KJ' * , tV undi ; btMniiguM. .
Ilullio4d lia.LU Iioin I'lyinuutU lo Krlstiil , Cur-
illir : lrdiii. . or to any iitm-o In thg Koutli of
Kimlimd , rldin Siorni u froin lluropo only