Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , T III JRS DAY , FEBRUARY 25 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLUFFS. THURSDAY MORNING , FEH. 25. OI'FIOE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by cnrrlcr In nny part of the city at In inly cents per week. II. Vf , TILTO.V , - - Malinger. IlCMSFMOrnrn , No. 43. Niflirr llniTOit , No. si. MIXOH MENTION , Now * fipritiK gooiNJit Roller's. I'r.tnk .Stulibs lias bought out , tlio tailor ing establishment of J. X. Casady. The inaiqiinrado of the Itniiuriul club will bo given this evening In Masonic hull. hull.At At tlm parlors of Kid's liotol Justice Kfliiir/ married Joseph C. Tanner to Airs. Annie ( trnell , bolii of Carbon , Conns and enjoy a pleasant"evening at tlio "Hainbow" sociable at M. K. clinrcli this evening. Oysters in ditl'orcnt stylus and other refreshments will bo served. 'J'ho Irish societies arc preparing to gtvo a dratnatiu entertainment on tin : iTth of March , entitled "Uory O'Moore. " the. proceeds of which are to go to the I'nrncll fund. James Howlctt was yesterday lined $10 for vagrancy. .John Moran and William Morrow were lined for being drunk. Thlt constituted all the business for the fciiperioreowrt. A "Hainbow" sociable will bo held in tlio At. K. church this evening. If yon would hear excellent music by some ot the best talent wu have Inthueilv , attend this sociable. Henry Oiborno Post ( J. A. H. wilj give a grand masquerade ball at Masonic hall on 1'riiluv evening , February J-'O. for tlio bandit of their relief fund. This is a worthy charity , and should bo liberally patroni/.cd. , Nov.V. . T. Smith , presiding elder of this diHtriot , will imM Sunday night do- iiver in the Methodist church at Itlanch- urd his turmoil on "Tlio 1'iblo Tested or Tried , " which is .said to bo one of the ablest productions of llii.s able divine. Three of the candidates for city auditor met in tlio city building yesterdav , Auditor Ilnrko , L. Kinnelian and A. J. Drown. It , is paid that Drown will bo out of the race. Auditor llnrko entertained his two cutlers in as pleabant a manner as though ho was not u candidate him- fclilf. fclilf.The The grand mnsquorado to 1)3 given Fri day night by Henry Osborno post. G. A. K. , jiromihes to bo largely attended , many tickets being hod. ! An opportunity is given the public not only to huvo a merry evening , but to help a most worthy cause , the proceeds of I ho ball to go to the relief fund. All bhotild give hearty tiipport to the enterprise. Lawrence Kinnelian , who has been nominated by the democrats as city audi tor , is a mo-t worthy man to plaeo upon tlio ticket as u recognition of tlio work- ingmcn. Until ho was crippled and his lite endangered by an accident , lie lias been one of the hardest workers in the city , and has always been a staunch and intelligent advocate of the interests of the laboring classes. lie is a man of nioro than ordinary ability and is a most trusty man every way. It seems lo be pretty well settled that if the republican convention to-day does not the nomination of Col. Chapman ho will withdraw from the race. 11 tlio republicans make a wise choice for mayor , and .succeed in getting n good man who will accept , there is an excellent show for their success. The needs of the city now rise above the needs of any party in the minds of many , and there ' ; ; ; ! ; 'j ' ; ; jt' ; ; iiy ' . 'endont voting ing tills year than over before. A number of tlio friends of George S. Miller are urging his name for civil engin eer of tlio city. Ho has been in the engin eer's ofllce for two years , and it is claimed that ho is thoroughly familiar with every detail , lias plans , instruments , and all necessary information , apparatus and ability for performing the duties of the ollico. Ho is a quiet man , attending to his own business , and his character is said to bo above reproach. An effort will bo made to get tlio republicans to nominate him , and it is claimed that many democrats will give him their votes if lie will run. The , mayor has some more billsfor ] | oflicc attendance , fuel , rent , postage , etc. , which ho would like to have the council pay. Ho induced them some time ngo to pay him a goodly amount for fiicn incidentals , tlio bill ncing al lowed at tlio dead of night , when none but aldermen were present. Inquiry of tlio auditor reveals the fact that those now bills , like the old , are not tiled with him , a.s required by tlio rules. If the mayor has square claims against the city why does ho not comply with the rnfcH , lilo his bills one day before the regular council meeting and have them como up in order and openly t A Dow City constable has had an ex perience in the Dlnll's which convinces him that it is not safe to trust too much to humanity. Ho came here after two rnau and some mortgaged horses , and got his men and tlio property all right. The claim was that the men had run the prop erty oil' without settling somn bills for feed , etc. When nabbed hero the men talked settle , and negotiations were pend ing. Those worn to como to an end in the morning , but when the morning came the two men ami the iiad liown the town. The constable wandered about the streets vc.sterday looking rather di&con- Eolato , Tlio mayor does not scorn to bo in any hurry to act upon the report of the coun cil committee which has found his chief of police , his captain of polic-o , ami one of his ollluiirs guilty of indiscretions of rather u serious nature. It was supposed that ho would , in view of Mich a report , suspend tlio ollicer.s until ho could inves tigate inrthor , or else rest content with tlio lindingof the committee and punish tlio oll'endei\s. Spring election has a very enervating ofl'ooton "Iho little mayor of my city , " In some respoots at least. If these men are guilty , as the committee says they are , they nhoiild not bo on the force. If the committee is in tlio wrong , there uliould be no delay in removing the dark cloud which now rests over thum , For llrst ehu-s Missouri wood call on Gloasou , at his coal ollioo , 20 Pearl street. Wyoming Cattle. The Dm : has been shown some private letters from tlio western part of Wyoming and obtained other reliable information very encouraging to those having cattle interests thcie , ami consequently gladden ing to many others here , the business prosperity of this city and Omaha being closely linked with these enterprises. Letters , dated the Sid , from western Wyo ming state that the weather remains line anil , as one describes it , "it seems morn like May than J-Vbrnary , and has for ten days pa1- ! . " Cattle are in good .shape , fat and well. The loss in Wyoming will > iot exceed onu nor cent , nnd in many places the loss has not boon over one- fourth of one per cent. Such informa tion , gathered from reliable persons on tlm grounds , is gratifying news indued to those directly intoiosiod.and to the many others who are indirectly , but 1,0 less truly , interested. Substantial ubitract ; of title and real estate loans. J. W , tcK. L..Siuro ( ! , 101 Pearl street , Council ItUitls. 800,000 brick' fov sale , O. Sinuib , Coun cil JlluJiV , Iowa. BAGGING TWO BAD BURGLARS They Steal Tools From a Judge With Which to Make the Gmck. THE SENSATIONAL YORK CASE. The Ijlttlo Mnyor Forced to Hun A llnoi * Thirty \cnrs Old The Cat- tlcmcn Ilccclvo Unoil News- City Politics WnxlngVnrni. . A Ilntl Ilrcnlc. Vestcrday morning it had been di cov- cred that during tlio previous night an attempt had been made to burglarize the grocery store of Sullivan & Fitzgerald , No ill ! ) Droadway. Several holes had boon bored through a panel of the roar door with the evident intention of cutting out enough to permit of reaching through and slipping the two bolts , one above and one below. The fellows had apparently been frightened away before they had an opportunity of finishing the job. Suspi cion fell upon a young man named Wil liam Hodgson , who had hung around tlio store more or loss all winter , and who had opportunities of acquainting himself with the situation. Ollicer O'Hrien was given tile benefit of these suspicions , and soon had the young fellow in tow. Young Hodgson linally admitted to O'Hrien that ho was concerned in the afl'air. It appeared from what could thus bo learned that an older man , named William Cole , was also concerned , and both were put behind the bars. Young Hodgson claims that Cole planned Iho job , tlio purpose being to enable them to lake a trip west. Cole is u married man , ami his child being taken sick , ho had to go liome , and this caused them to deliberate about ; putting oil'the job fora night or .so , but linally it was decided that Hodg son should try it alone , and Cole prom ised to meet him in the morning. itoth were brought before Judge Ayles- worth yesterday afternoon. Hodgson seemed read.y to give up everything , but the judge did not deem it proper to inter rogate him , until he had been better in formed as to Ins rights. Cole laughed nt tlio idea of Ills being charged with any such crime , and said he knew nothing about it. The ease will bo brought up unuin to-day. One of tlio funny features of the case is that the holes wore bored with a brack and bit belonging to the judge himself. The tools were taken from Judge Ayles- worth's barn , and wore later in the night returned there. Young Hodgson says that Cole furnished him with a glasscutter - tor , lo use in the job. Young Hodgson chanced to know where to help himself to tlio bit and bruce because his father had been sleeping in Judge Alye&worth's barn and the young man had been there alio. The elder Hodgson has been around the city buildings a , good deal this winter , making lires , etc. , and lias been in n bankrupt condition. Jn the kindness of heart the judge had been furnishing the old man food , anil almost wintering him. The younger Hodgson lias also hung around tlio city building _ n good deal , but for n time was at work in 11 packing-house , where lie claims to have first met Colo. According to liis version . . . . . \ % * w * * -w. > V * Cllt ) lftt/f.1 % , M * * would have been into it had not the sick- ness of his child prevented. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. The Woman's Side. The case of York vs York continued to occupy the attention of tlio circuit court . As statcil - the yesterday. j-estorday contest - test is over alimony claimed by the wife , who has secured a divorce from Her bus- jund. The husband gave some sensa tional testimony Tuesday , as to a preach er , Henry Do Long , coming-to tlio house so frequently as to arouse his jealousy , and claimed that le Long had slept in Lhe same room as his wife , occupying a lounge , while liis wife occupied tlio bed. The husband slept in another room. Other acts were testilied to bv tlio hus band which tended to injure botli the fair name of bis wife , and to arouse suspi cions in regard to the purity ot Do Long's ' friendship. Yesterday Mrs. York was on tlio stand , and she testified to an alto gether different state of all'airs , while other circiTmstanccs were explained in such a way as to relieve her from the un pleasant inferences dr.iwn from them. She claimed that Do Long's daughter made her homo with them'a good deal of Hie time , and was sick there for a long time. This fact caused tlio father to visit there more frequently than he would otherwise have done. Mrs. York was also an intimalo friend of the DcLong family , and there was no occasion for such talk. The house was a small one , and had limited sleeping accommodations , and the family had to arrange dillerontiy from what they might otherwise have done. Mrs. York also gave her version of some of tlio family rows , which the husband had described from his point of observa tion. She naturally dillurort from him in homo respects , and told several instances in which lie had hit her and abused her. The cu'.o is dragging rather slowly along , but will probably como to an end to-day. Host coal and wood in the city at Ulea- son's , 20 Pearl street. Forced to Hun. The little mayor can hardly bo censured for running for the position again. In conversation with : v little knot of citizens tlio other evening hd said : "I don't sec why it is that they are so determined on making me run whether I want to or not. They are forcing mo to run. They insist on my running , and I guess I'll ' have to consent to do so , I told them I did not want the nomination , and thai I didn't want to run , but that if they nominated Hob Peroival J .should be forced to run independent , They wont right oil' and nominated Hob Porcival. Now I'll have to run. " It is understood that just ns soon as the llttlo mayor can arrange matters so ns to got his handbills out , which will probablv bo to-morrow , ho will announce himself as a candidate for ru-election and will nominate a ticket of his own. Just who will have places on this ticket is not fully decided upon. Perhaps a connnitteo will ho unpointed , ns oncn before , to interflow ambitious gentlemen and see how badly tuoy want to bo on | ii.ticket. . Unless there are different arrangements brought about by some new pressure it seems probable that \V , A , Mynstor will bo placed on the ticket for judge of tlio superior court , J. J , I'rainoy for city at- tumor , and some smaller olllcos dealt out to ( ialvin. while the murhul hin will go to Tom Skinner. Sticii is the talk. A fltnnooat Kind-son , EMP.USON , Fob. 23. Your correspondent had the pleasure of visiting Emerson for the first time the other day , and found a town fully as live as tlio reputa tion of that place caused him to expect. Hero are seven or eight hundred people , wide awake , sterling , intelligent and evi dently prosperous. Tlio church buildings and school houses &pak well for iho town , while ) ) ot ail sorts is repre sented hero by excellent nun. Ouorgu Nowiand , manager of Taylor's elevator , and S , M. Lyon do tlio grain , business of the country surrounding here and arc now handling largo amounts nt gdotl prices. Dr J D. Aloorc , who is in the drug business , is finding that ho has struck it rich in his "Tree of Life. " a medicine of his own preparing , which is coming into general ue and proving a great remedy. J. W. Wcluton is doing a grocery and Hour business which is won derfully extensive fora place of this size. H. F. Talnmdge is busy in his pork pack ing and live stock shipping and is one of the live men of this place. The lumber business h well handled by H. M. Good. N. Wil ou is the popular tonsorial artist nnd his shop is certainly an oxccllcnt one. Air. Krwin , Mr. Oaks nnd Mr. Kvans are prominent farmers and slock feeders hero , Air. Kvnn * alone feeding 800 head of cattle. C. H. Weible , Iho agent of tlio "Q" here , seems to be the right man for tlio place. C. C. ltciulllonii Caucus. The republicans hold their caucuses liwt evening to select delegates for the city convention to bo licl.l tills afternoon , mul in the first and second wards to nominate aldermen. The following was the result : First Ward Lewis Hammer was nom inated for aldermen by acclamation. The delegates aroN. C. Drown , I ) . Keller , C.K.Taylor , Fred. Davis , K J. Abott. W. AleSadden. The delegates were in structed to support J. W. Chapman for mayor. Second Ward C. S. Hnbbard was nominated for alderman. The delegates are F. A. Sackel. C. S. Hubbardf. . C. Untlmnk , E. W. Dnrnlmm , Win. llopcr , 1) . Al Council , C. 1C. Hesse , H. C. Barnes , J. II. Pace. Third ward John Dennett , William Arndt , W. F. Sap ) ) , jr. , H. P. Warren , George F Smith , L. Dreidenstein , S. T. Walker. The delegates were instructed to vote for John Limit as city attorney. Fourth Ward K. L Shugart. L. Ever ett , George Wooliver , / . T. Lmdsoy , K. K. Fonda , O. M. Drown , N. 1) . Lawrence , John Gilbert , John Green , John Aieryen , llarkncss Dros. have just received a consignment of Hamburg edges and Swiss embroideries , which arc ollurcd at unusually low prices. ' Personal J. K. Smith , of Columbus , Neb. , was in the city yesterday. Col. Sapp and W. II. i\l. \ Puscy were in Dc.s Moiues yesterday attending the re union of veteran statesmen. Mivand Airs. AI. Darrott , of Walnut , were -hero yesterday on their wedding trip. .Mrs. Dairott's maiden name was Aliss Ryan. J. S. Lyon , ot Clarinda , has just re turned irom a visit to his old home in Pittsburg , and yesterday .topped over hero to see liis brother , Chalmer Lyon , of this city. _ _ An OKI Minor. Among the papers on lilo in the olliee of the elork of the circuit court is one which is u curiosity. It is a petition in probate , in which the petitioner , Kobert IJillard. living near Carson , prays that his mother bo appointed his guardian , lie having an Interest in real estate in this county. In the petition he suU forth the fact that he is a minor over the ago of II , "being now of the ago of 30 years and over. " Rather old tor a minor. The document was filed before the pres ent clerk came into ollico. Do nol fail to see the now laces nufl dress robes just received at Harkne-jS Dros. Sido\7alk Notice. "Vf OT1CE ts licroby ( flvcn to tlio owner or own- J _ > era of tlio lollowlng mil cstiito In tlio city of Omnlmto lay sidewalks In Irontol tinil mljnln- injf the sumo within 15 iliiys lioni tlio I'-Hh day or Vobrunrr , IKSl ! . such shlcwiilk to bo con structed tmd laid in t'.ccoidunco with plans nnd epcclQcutlons on lilo In the ollico of tlio llouril or Public Works , and In accordance with resolu tions adopted by tlio oltv council , vU. : Ixitsl. iinndt * , west side or Uth st.blklJ,0 feet wide. Lots 1 and 3 , north sldo of Dodge St. , blk 103 , G feet wide. Lots 5,0,7 and 8 , north tUo of Jones St. , blk 180,0 foot wldo. Lotsl and : ; , west sldo of Saunders St. , blk T , Parker's add. , 0 ieot wldo. Lots M , 52 and 55 , east silo of 18th St. , Hor- bac'a' loot wldo. B. H lot & and N. H lot 4 , east sldo ICth St. , Hor- bach's lstadd.Ui'ctwldo. ! Loll ) , south side Sherman st , blk5 , Ilorbach's 2naadil.,81cotwido. Lots 1 and 8 , west side 18tU St. , blk. 4 , I/iko's ndd. Hupahod. I/ota 1 and .D , soutli Bldo Lcavcnworth St , Terrace ixild.,0 fcot wide. Lot SIfouth stdoLeavenwoith St. , Hood's "d ami , I ! fuel wide. Lots 1 mid 4 , west sldo 10th St. , Kountzo & Uutli'ri add , 0 foot wldo. Hlock ir > , north sldo llorcasst. . Kount/o's add , 4 foot wldo. J. U' HOUSE , Chairman , Koblli1724 Iloaid of I'uhllo Works. Proposals for Fresh Beef. IlRtnqUAHTKItS DEI'.UtTMr.M Ol'TIUJ PftVTTU , ) Ollico Chief Comml siiry of Subsistences , f Oiimlm , Nub. , I'Vlirmu-y 10th , 1SSQ. ) SEALED proposals In triplicate , subject , to the usual conditions , will bo rocolvcu at this olllue , or nt the olUcos of the acting oonunls- Buries ol subsistence , at the lollowlnfr named posts , vlI'orts llrldfrer , Douglas , Luramio , McKlnnoy , Nlobrara , Omalm , Hoblnson , I ) . A. Kurfscll , Sidney , Ft od Stcolc , WnshuMo , Camps Modlclno llntto , 1'ilot Itutto. Cheyenne depot and Omaha depot , until 12 o'clock noon , central etandaid tlino , on tlio Zlfitduyol April , IfM , at which tlnio and pluoo , they will bo opened in probonco of bidders fur furnlHhinir and delivery at these pots of fresh bcof irom the block that miiy bo required by the SnlnlMunco De partment. U. P. Aimy , diiriiifr the tlscal your commoncmx July 1st , 18b ( ! . Hlank propoinU ami instructions to blddorn , Klvlnr infornintion as to conditions to bo observed by bldilers , terms of contract and moment , will bo luinlshnd on application to this ollioo or to the commissaries ut the posts named. Proposals will not bo con sidered unless accompanied by the "Instruc tions to bidders" abo\u referral to. Tlio light IsiCburved toroject aiiy or all bids. JOHN J' . HAWKINS. Miijor und C. S. , Chief C. 8.1)opt. of the 1'liuto. fobiOdlUoprlto SCALL-HEAD ? Illk CriiHt , Dnudruff , ICc/.cnin and All Hcalp lliiiuors Cured liy Cutlourn. I AST Novnnbor. my llttlo boy , awl thico Jyciits , toll aiiulnst the Move wliili ! IICMUIS limning , and out his bend , and , rlK'Mt attor that , hobroKo out nil over his head , lace nnd left oar. 1 had a good doctor. Dr. . to attend him , but be trot worse , mid the doctor could not cut o him , IIU whololicad.lauo and left car wore In a Iriirlul state , und ho Miltoml icrillily. I caiiKht tliodlscnso from himand Itppiujdall over my fucu and nock , nnd even KIH Into my eyes. Nobody thought wo would ever ? ot bet ter , I felt sure woviu dls.lKiuo I tor llfo. I braid of the Cutloiira Hoini'dios , und procuied abottloot Cutlcurii lle-.olvoiit , n bov o' Cull- cuia.nnd a nike of Cnticiira Soap , and m-cd them constantly day nnd nl ht. Alter iislii' , ' luo boilloj of llo olvimt , four boxcaof Cull- cilia and four oaUos ol Soap , wo were perfectly cuit-d wiiliout ascur. Mr boy's kin iHiiowllko Biltill. 1.II.I.IK IClTlNO. Jill Ornn 1 Street , Jersey City , N. J. Snorn to before mo thu "lib day of March , ISvSj. OlMIKUT 1' . ItUlllMJON , J. I * . TJII5 WORST SOUK IIKAI ) . llavi ) boi'ii In thoilriDr nml iiuKllctnu business tnnuty-llvo yi'ars. llavobern selling your Cutl- cnrtt romodii'B Hluco they came \vost. They lead ullothordln tholrllno. Wo could not wrltu nor could you print all no Imvo heard eald in favor the Cutlcuia Keniodlos. Ono your iifc'o the Cull- c-uraaml Heap ouied a llttlo KM ! In our IIOUPO of the woiht sere bond wo over saw , ttud the Kosol- vent andCutlcuruaiiinoir ourin a jount ; t'ii- tleman of asoro leg , wlillo the phyMelans aio trying to ha\o It amputated. It will sax o his losr and purhnii-i his lite. Too much cannot bo tuld in favor of Cutiotira Ilumodlcs. g. 1) , SMITH & Uiio. Covlngton , Ky. Cimrinu HEMFDIKS mo a positive euro for every form of bktu und blood ilbeus-os , fioni pliupii'Bto fccrofula. Bold ovorywhcio. 1'rlco : t'ulicuin , Mo. : Iliisolvent , $1.00 : Soap , ilo. 1'ro- nwrodby tbn I'OTTKII UIIUQ AMD CIILMIUAI. Co. , lloslon , .Mnss. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. " nioniUhos.plmplos , blackheads , und baby humors , u > e Curifuut Sou' . rt'I.IOF ACHP.S AND PAINS which no uunuiii nUlll i-i'i-ina ulilu to .illuvliitu , ii ilio couilitlon or tliou- k.imlg vnu in jet HIKMV 4iotliiiiK " > f tllut now unit oli'trant iilillij 'l'i to imln unU intiuunuutlun. " , . * itio ( 'uri < K A AM * FRANK NEKLV , 1'rest. iOr.o.\V.HA DiN , Sec ( Incorporntca , IfSl. ) EGIUITABLE MUTUAIi Life and Endowment Association OF WATERLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT , , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. orncn IN nr\o-s IIUILDINKI. lloomsXo. * . 12 and 11 ? 2,000 incnso ofUciitli. f 1,000 Knilownicnt at tlio end of ten years. Avcrnpro cost for year of nsscssiucnt , first tlirco years of organization , 15 to 0 years , $0.07 ; 41 to 50 years , * IU , Circular mid Information on application. WM. RANDALL , BiipMlnteiidcntof AgunelM. C3 Apcnts Wanted. Cornur .Itli nvfimo tmd 1'onil ctieet , MONDAY EVENING , FEBRUARY 22 , WITH Schnoller's ' European Troubadors INCLUDING I'rnf. S. K ) wlnsKI-Violin Solol t. MD.-I * . CoVLMin lion Jawed Man. IVr-llnum ! ( Jiat'pnur Xltlur Soloist. Ilddy Vou > : ohneller-Contoitionl < t. Slon . ItlLiitCo-Tiiito o an I hlph wlro per former. M lu. Adrlcmic ViMilsof Sword 8wallo\\liis. Von Sclinellor * Acrobatic Keitts. ADMISSION , Includhufcat - 10c iinsnuvr.i ) sr.A'is ao DOOHS 01'P.N AT 7. I'lIlirOKMAXCK III- : U INS AT V. n i unit free pi'rfoim.imo on hlirh lie In front of MiiK'Uin , by Mons. Itkmilu , at 7 p. in. u.tch uoiling - . JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COTJOSTOILj Practices in Statj and Courts. Hooins T mill S , Snu'wt MASOKT WISE , Horses and Mules For all purposes , houpht " ' " ' 6 ; > 1'U M ictall and la lots. Council HlnCs , lown. . OFFICErt. W. II. M. PU3ST . OFFICES , & 3 j r i\ COUNCIL BLUfFSj IOWA. Established 1M5. UNION TICKET OFFICE J. L. De BEYOISE , Agent. No. C07 Droadvray , Council Illuffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL IlLUFra Tlio following is the time of arrival nml departure of trains by central standard tlmo , at the local depots. Trains leave transfordopot ton minutes earlier and arrive tuu minutes later : BEl > AUT-cincAoo * N0UTnwK8TKHK.Almlv& 0:2iA. : ) M Mall and livpress 0:0)1' : ) . H. ] " :40 : r. M Accommodation 4:5011. : M. 0Ml' : . M Express 0:05A.M. : CHICAGO & HOCK ISLAND. 0:20 : A. M Mail and Express 0:51 : P.M. 7:15 : A. M Accommodation 5:4.1 : p. si. ( itor. : M Express 0:03 : A.M. CHICAGO. MII.WAUKKK .4 ST. 1'AUL , 0:20 : A. M Mull and Kvpross ( i.riOi : > . M. 0:501 : * . M Uxprc'ss UOjA. : M. CllICAOO. lUIUUKdrOK & QU1NCV. 0:40 : A. M Mall nnd Express ( iMi' : . ti:50i.M : Kxpiess HOJ : WAI1ASII , BT. I.OUIS & PACIFIC. : :1l : > p. M.Local St. Louis Express Local UXl'.M.TransforSt. : ( ) Louis Ex. Transfor.Il-.W P. M KANSAS CITY , BT. JOB Hi COUNCIL. DLUFM 10:10A. : M Mall and Express n : " > np.M. U:05p. : M Kxpross 6:25A.M. : BIOUX CITV S PACIFIC. 7:15 : A. M . . .Sioux City Mall BTOp. : M. U-'Ml'.U St. Paul Kxpross 82oA.M. ; UNION PAOlriC. 10:33A.M : Denver Kxpross 5:4fiP.M. : ZM p. M..Lincoln Pass. , Om. A : K. V..12:03 : v. M. 7:50p. u Overland KxnroM 8:15 : A. M. DUMMY TKAINS TO OMAHA. Lcnvo Council Illuirs 7ar : 8Os-UW-10:30 : : : : llt : u. m , ; 1 : : 2JO : ; 33J ; 1:33 : 5'J5 : (1:10 ( : 11:4G : p. m. Sundnys 7:03 : U:3J : tl:30 a. m ; aw : : : i : : 5:25 : < Jao : 11:13 : p. in. Leave Omaha -0K-7:35-8:30-10Oa-U:00 : : : : : a. m : l:00-iOJ- : : 00 1:0) 5 : OJ : (1:01 ( 11:10 : p. in. Sundays i > : U3 UOJ : 5OJ-0:03-11:13 : : : p.m KIEL SALE STABLES ! 09 ! = 0 | f F" & HoiM'S and Mules kept constantly on bund , for MIO ! at retail or in car InailH. Oiders promdtly Illled by contract on Bhoit notleo. Stuck Mild on coimnlB'ion. SIlLIJTHIt & UOL15V , 1'ronrlotorn. Ftablo Corner Filth Aveiino and luurtli St. , Council IllnlTH , ioua. R. BIOB , M. D. < > r other tumira removed without the knlfo or drawing of bloid. CHRONIC DISEASES of mme * a BPeciuitr. Over thirty years' uxporlouaj. No. 11 1'euil Street , Count il llluili. " A' . TUI.I.KVH , Vlco-Pios , JAMES N. nnojivsftCushlor. Council Bluffs National 103 MAIN STREET , Capital . . . . . $100,000 Authorized Capital , , , 350,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do a gonoial banking buslnnu. Accounts or luniks , bunkers , merchants , iiuin- iifactniorauna InJIvldunls rojclvt-'U on fiivoru- bio torins. Domeetio unJ foreign oichungo. The very best of iitttntlon glten to all bust ncsdcominlttctl to our euro. E. R. Oadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVOHCE LAWYJEB. ' No. 604 Broadway , - : Council Bluffs WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COX7S33e OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. D1J12HK WlvLLS &co Wholrsnlo Agricultural Implements , Buggies , CairlnRCJ , Ktc , lUc. Council IlluuV , town. KEYSTONK MANUFACI'UIUNG CO. , Corn Shellars , Stalk Cutters , UfcltarrovScodors ! , Corn I'lantrrs , rood Cutters - tors , Utc. Fiiolory , Kock Tails , 111 * . No" , ifioi , twi , 1.VB , 1537 Main St. , Council "DAVID UIIADMJY it ca rsau 1 Jobber * of Agricultural IniploinentsW , igon3 , Buggies , Carrlneo' " . an-1 all kin ti of Kami M lo'ilnnry. 11W ) to 111J South MUn Struct , Couull llluifs , tovr.i. UAXDLKS. r.O. UMV : ON , T. H.Driuotv , duo. ! ' . WIIIOIIT. Pr .Vrren . V.-l' Sco Counsel. Council Bluffs Handla Factory , ( Incorimratod. ) Maniifnctnrnsnr A\lo , I'luk , Slo.lffo i\nd rfinnll Handle ? , of o\ory description. COUNCIL HLUITS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , ruilnln Plxiurps , UjiholMcry floods , ite. : No. la'i Itromlniiy Council Illulls , Iowa. CWAltS , TOlACCOKTC. PE11EGOY & MOORE , Wholcsnlo Jobbora In tlio Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. iMMnln und 27 Pearl Sts. , Council llliiiri" , lown. COMMISSION. SNYDER oi LKA IAN , Wholcsillo fruit andPfodnc-3 Commission Merchants. No. II Po.xrl St. , Council llluirs. CRACK IMS. McCLUilG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine CracSers , Biscuits and Caies , Conned Ulufl * , Iowa. CltOCKKltl' . MAUREH & CUARJ , Importers&JobbersofCrockeryGlasswar6 , La i)8 | , Fruit .Tais , Cutlery , Stoiui.vare , liar Goods , I'ancy Good1 * , itc. : Council Illulls , lown. DliUGUHS'Ji'S. 11ARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Tic. No. U3 Main St , uml1 No. ai Pearl St. , Council Illulls. nitr aoons. M. E. SJIITII & CO. , and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , lUc. Nos. US and 11 * Main ft. , Nos. 113 und in Pcail St. , Council Dliills , Io u. O. AV. HUTTS , Yfliolesale alifo rnia Fruits a Specialty. General Commission. No. 512 Jlio.idwny , Council llluirs. WIIIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Noa. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council GIlOCliniKS. GRONEWEG & SCI1OENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 nnd 121 , Main St. , Council IJIuHs , Iowa. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Dread way , Council Illutls. Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Itcfliberators , etc. No9. 5)1 Uroadway , and 10 Main stioet , Council ' UAItKBSS , KTC. IJECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Do.ilcM in Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. G25 Main St. , Council Illutrs , Iowa. JMTS , CAPS , KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves , Nos. Ill" and 314 Uroadway , Council Illulls. KEELLVE & FELT , Wholesale Iron Steel Nails , , , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council lUulfa , Iowa. HIDES AND WOOL. 1) . H. McDANELI ) & .CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Polls , flicuso and Purs. Council Itliillt ) , COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale DcaloM In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline EJTO , , E3TO , 8. Tln-'oiloio , Attont , tiouncll IlliilfB. Iowa. KTC. _ A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Y/oad / , Southern Lumbar , Piling , And Ilrldjro Material Spocl.UII' > , Whole : lo Lum ber or all Kindd. Ollleo No. 1 n Main St. , Council lllulfs. Ion i II7.Y/JS AND LIQVOllS. JOHN LINDER , Wholesale Imported aud Domestic Wines & Liquors , Atfcnt for St. Cottlmrn'd llorb lllttCH. No. U Main St. , Council lllulTd. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JS'oCOO.l/liln St. , Count U HOTEL , Main St. , Council Hlnfis. Neat the C. , U , A < 2.0. ; , M. & St , 1' . . and O. , It. I. it 1' . railway depots. Htieot oars riabstho door. Kwiythliig now and ni&t class. 1'ioiirlctor and N. SCHUSZ , Justice of the Peace. QOitcOvcr Amcrlcau li press Company. Z.T. LINDSEYcfeCO. , M RUBBER BOOTS , ' - . AND ARCTICS , RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , ' AND BOOTS. STOOIK : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. > * i Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 H. Main St. Office 412 Broadway , Oo-u.3n.oil BlizfTs , - lo-wa , . w. : P. . Itrlcl < Imildlnyor nnv Ulnd niKed or mnvcd nml Patlsfactlon Rimiantced. Krnino houses moved . on LlttluCiiaut trucks the best In the worlJ. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Struct , Council Bluffs. " SPECIAL NOTICES NOTIGIC. Special nJvcrtlscmnnts , such M Lost.Found.To Loan Fo-Silo , To llont , Want * Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at i. - * " ' ' -t'a Pli'.lf r TXTU or Ino ] tholorr rats or inn vi w * . _ . : Crstlaserllon and 11VE Ci\r3 PCK LING for each subsequent Insertion. Loivo advorttaj mcntsat our ollico , No. 13 Pearl street , Jioar llioadway , Council Illutrs. WANTS. " \\7'ANTBD Middle HBCilMiininn , no children , T T to do lljtht hont-ewoik In country. MrJ. J. Stollln , 18J1 roiirth avenue. Council HlullB. WANTED A peed Job and news pi Inter. lno ) capable ol tnkincchitiKO ot an ollico , and will ) unilOi'Ktmuls inaKin ? tl uios on woik and has had ov.iurlonco in "iiulllng1' n hand p.-O'-s. Addioss , lj. llallou , Now u ollico , Missouri valley , Iowa. _ ( NOfl MADE in 31 dnyfl bv n liuly njfcnt of the tJ)14V ) "Uiultnblo. " Wo want sK raoio live male or tomalo. Apply In person or by letter toS'm. . Kandall , Supt. of agencies , Coun cil bluaXIowa. _ ! Property on corner Ponrl street Jj and Sixth iivonue. Council llhilfs , coiisiMIng nl two story , Iron-roofed brick building ; it frame h on so ot six looms : nil on Iotli0.\lii. : Per terms npply to A. H. McClurg , on promises. FOU SALK Scaled 1)1(18 ) will bo rocolvoJ by J W. Itodofor ui > to February , 18sO , on eighty foct front , two btory brick block , Nos. " 1 , " ) , " ! ) nml8 Poiul street , between llroaduuy nnd yirgtuvonuo. WAN & WAMCliK , No. ! 13 Main snoot , ( under Cltl/.cn'H Uank ) , leal estate linn inur- clmndlco exchange brokers. Our books 1110 lull ot special bargain ? , but It is impossible to pub lish icliablollst fionitliolaetof BO many dally changes. Whatwoiisk is : If you want to soil or trade anything in our line , write us and wo will send you a pile of bargains to select from. Lands Improved or unlmpiovcd , city or town property. Blocks of goods ot any kind In any place. It Biicli you have or such you want lot us lioarfrom you. Swan & Walker , Council lllulfB FAIIM FOR SALK At n bargain if sold soon , IliOacresay miles southwest of Onmlnu a room liouso , oxcollcnt well and cistorn-bar'i" . ono for eight horses , ono for 'M cows : lion , tool nnd wagon houses ; 10J ncros In timothy : i i,0) ) ) lorcftt trees , cotton wood , black walnut , ash.nnd mnplo ; good circhurd , apples , cliorrlos , plums , Kriipes and small fruits. Never lalllng Block water. II. P. OKflciiit , &V > Ilioudivuy , Council llhillH , Iowa. THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP The publlo are Informed that a patent h is lioeii allowed to Oco. II. Gregory on his Im- pio\oil gns lamS | and nianurm'tnrcd bv iix. Mr. IX A Willliims Is our mitlmrl/ml uifoiit for I'oun- ell illtilTs and Om.ilm. Tlio imhlla iuc < u.iutinueil not to buy miy ol tlii-su ITUH linuiis I'M'i-pt tluough .Mr. Williams , as nil ether olloiu 1 Inr Hiiloaio inlrlngoimmts upon our Limp. ( ! . II. llui rim C'o..Manulactiiriis anil Koloc lrin AgontB.No. ( ijDoaihon sticct , Chicago. Chicago Lumber Co. Wholesale nml Itctall Lumber , r/Uh , Slilniflol Pabh , Dooia nnd Illlnds. Polo a-fonts for the celehr.itod Marhlehoud Conccntrntod Wblto Mine. S , P. MACCO.NNUirt. , JIanagor.a Telcphono No. - * . No. 710 Main Htieel. Council Illulfn. TO THE PUBLIC AND OLD PATRQHS. J Imvo bouaht what U Known as the A.N'D TIIA.NSFHH Ll.N'US. And will ttlvn my pt' intention to calls u prlvato rL'aldoncui lor p.v-iuiiifri'i and tngjugu lor all tialiib , huliidliudumm > liul.M. Ollicuat i'aclu lionet' . Tolophouo \ . Tliuiiklul for pan Invars , 1 am io poctriilly youri , H. BEOBOFT. Successor to J , Hoaris. LAMPS and CROCKERY - AT- REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , Xo. 2l ! Haiti Street. Cuimdl Hliiffr. fa ONLY HOTEL In Council llluira Imvhi ; And oil iiitKiera ImnrtivcmontJ , cull bolls , flr alunn bglU , etc. , Is tlio VltESTOX HOUSE I MAX .Mtill.N , I'l prlotor. 21 I wHi to respectfully c.ill the attention of my rmti-o1 ! " : ' : : ! ji-e public ' > " 'i ral. to mv ro'nio- val fiom fiio old stand NOS.T Ami 07 TfilliT'Br.T" to my now and commodious quarters , N0. 226 Broadway , Where I n 111 bo ploaso.l to FOO my many friends. With alarffo , now and complete assortment of all the very UTESTFafeinSpriitgSmES And being located In lurpo fin\rtcrs ; I am bettor tuun over before prop.iro.l to servo Iho public. Respectfully , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 228 BroadwayCouncil Blufffe. ESSEX HOUSE , . COIIXBU HllVANT AND VlNH SrS. Opposite City lluildlnjs , Council ] Warm rooms nnd good board nt i onsonnblo rates. Northwestern Hotel. Newly fitted nnd fnrnl&hcd. Opp. Ilroadway Duniiny lciot. ) Sl.W per day. 8AMUKI , TATK , Prop. L. II. HKUSIIAW , Mnnnser. RUSSELL&Oo Jinnufncturcrsof all sl/csot Automatic Engines Esjicclully Designed lor Kunnlnv MILLS , GUAIN KLKVA'J'OItS , AND ujj- Tubular nnd Loconiotivo New irnssillon Tl Curcy and Woodbury Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable nnd Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , K'l'C. Factory Mashillon , 0. Drnncli House MO IJpnrl St. , WlulR SEND FOB 1880 ANNUAL. Loskin ? : Brackol far Fences AM * O'l IICU ItMI. . l D ? , I.H' . J'KNCKS Ilt'iLTVITJU ' ) 1TT NAILS. Attp.llt l.Hli' ' > IMki ii < ii | 01 HMli'ri ) I. Tor pkkct o ml ! fei n > . ixni 01 wood , c'niu ut l.o px- cflli'd lor tftilii' ) . ' i.l ui'V -il I'm pntt"iilurs wrllo C. J. Hl.lKV\N lini-iiltir. I ouncll Illulls. tilitlo nml ur.inlj rljtlith lot mile. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT JlAHUI'AClt.'liil ! AND HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Iteul Kslutu Louglii and told. f. T. M.tV.VU. A , B. Il.W.llt.TON , P. ! C. May > ie < tC'o , Real Estate Excliange. No. 103 1'cnrl Htro < > t , CouncH' lUutH , Icura. Dealers In Iowa , Kunsui and Nfbraik l.muM LOTS IN COl'NCIl , JJLl'l-'FS AND - . UMA11A A SIMiC'IAI/JI'V. '