Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Showing tlio hlglicst and lowest price ? paM
on thli market for hoes durinir the past
MJVW days and for tlm corresponding i > erloil
Inst month.
January. February.
Wednesday 3.7. " , @ .C5
Thursday. , . . . . s.ra M3.M
Saturday luo' ( Sato
Tuesday iuo rani'o
Wednesday * n ) . , fJJt JV .ou
Sliowlncc the number of cattle , nogs nnd
filiecp purchased by tlio packers on tlio mar
ket to dny.
Harris * Fisher K !
( } . It. Hnminond A Co 88
Others 25
J. K. Hoyd f > 5'2
llniiinioinUt Co 2bO
Others 03
Note All sales of stock In this innrket mo
niado per cwt , live velirht tinless otherwise
ulntcd. Dead hozs Boll at Ic per ll > , for nil
\seluhLs. "Skins"orhocswelKnlnjr less Ihan
lOOIbs no vnlnc. rret'iimitso\\.saro docked
40 Ibs and situs bO Ibs.
Wednesday icnliiif , Fob. SI.
As the end of the month draws near retail
de tiers nto Inclined to buy as little as possi
ble , which In part explains tlio present dull
ness In the product ) markcK A few clmiiBCS
in prices will lie noticed. ICttus have tone
don about 3e since > cstcrday and ponltiy Is
also weaker. Checso lslinnlnttii | and young
America Is quoted Ic hluhcr to-day.
I'liif ? tobaroo continues In Its downward
tendency ; Climax was icduced'-'c peril ) , to
day. In dried fruits , prunes are ( ill about
} fe. Canned Roods nro linu nnd canned
oystcis nro quoted r c higher.
Ocncrnl Mnrkctfl.
Eons The receipts continue heavy nnd
the market vent down to l'.yiic : to day. Sales
nrn not very heavy anil. stock Is accumulating.
Utmnit The maiket Is Hat and thcio Is
little demand for any grade , hut moro es
pecially tint inferior grades. Choice ; Kills mo
quoted at l10c ! ! ; fair to good , 10@lic : in-
lerlor. 7x5 ! : citnmeiv , : ! 0c.
Cinisi : : : Knncy full cicam chcddar.s. Oc
tober make. HKc : Hats I''ffll'J.'jujjonngAni-
erlea.lilKc ; Hr tnnalltvS\vTss cheese , inc ! second
end quality , i@Hc : ! ; wick cheese , I0cljlm- ;
I'out.Tiiv While iccelpts nro not very
heavy tin ; demand Is light nnd tlm market
weak. Chickens can not be quoted above ita
nnd only choice stock will brine that ptlcc ,
Tnrkejs aio slow sale at tJui.l'c.
OAMK linbbits constitute the bulk of the
receipts. ( Jeeso and ducks will bo looked lor
shortly. I'ralrio chicken * , per doS2.50
quall. per do/ . Sl.2-TOl.fX ) ; jack rabbits , per
do83.00iJii.M ( : ) : inallaid ducks , S'J.'ir > ; teal
ducks. St.i'iOl.rjO ; ml.xptl ducks , S1.2.i < n > l.Gl ) ;
Binnll labhlts. 75cil3t.OO ( : ceese , s.00Ti.f : ( : > 0.
I'liKir.KVKS. JKI.I.IKS. JTO. IMeservcs.
all kinds. 20-lb. pails per lb. , lO' c ; do 1U pail
lots per lb. 10c ; assorted 5-lb. pails per crate ,
C pails , 88.7S. Jellies , all kinds , liist giado ,
EO-lb. pails , per lb. , 8c ; assorted , liisl giailo ,
5-lb pails , per crate , 0 p.ills. S'.M ) ; do ,
1-lb pails , per case , 2 doz , § 'J.'JO ; do , tumb
lers , nor case. 2 doz. . 81.-IO. .Jelly , all kinds ,
spcona grade , SO-lb. pails , per lb. oe. Jiinco
Meat , best gradn. > bbl. per lb. , 7c ; do , IS ,
as and 08-lb palls , per21b. , 7' < c ; do. Mb
palls , per crate , (1 ( pails , S3.75. Apple butter ,
extra line , J libl. , tier lb. . 7c ; do 10-lb palls ,
per lb. . 7K ; do. 5-lb nails , per crate , n palls
$2.7fi. I'eacn and olnm butter. 40-1D pails , per
lb. , OKc ; peach , plum and quince butter , as
sorted , G-lb. p.tils , per crate , fl palls S ; ' . " . " > ;
catsup ] > er case , 2 do/ . Hint bottles. So.OO ;
liorso radish , pint bottles , pel doSI. . BO.
i'los FKET , TIHPE , KTC Pigs' feet per
bbl. , 84.75 ; do. X bbl. , 52.40 ; do.
pe r kit , Sl.OO. Lambs' tonuucs , per ' (
bl. , 53.W ) ; do. per kit , S'-.75 ; do. quart
iars per doz. , 5.00 ; do. pint Jars per c.ise ,
2 doz. . S7.00. Tripe , per X bbl. , 5H.50 ; do. per
ibbl. S3.25 ; do. DCI kit. iBo.
SAUEH KHAUT Uest ( iiiallty , 45 gal bbl ,
87.50 ; SO gal bbl , 50.50 ; IS gul bbl. S4.00.
NITTH I'ccnns , largo imltsiinl , Hoi pecans ,
medium , Oc ; KiiElUh walnuts , 14c ; almonds ,
TairnRonn , 20c ; do , i < anguenoe , 17c ; Ura/lH ,
I'Jo , filberts 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy
"Virginia. 7cdo : toasted Oc.
Coin Ho.vnv California 2 ID frame 00 Ibs ,
In case per Jb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska.
ditinii Michigan rcflncd , per bbl. , SO.W ) ;
do. half bbl. . 554.00.
VI.MIOAU White wine , ICc ; elder , 12J e
COCOA-NUT * At S4.A > 5 : . .00.
Nmv l''ias , UATKS , Krc. Lajcr figs , 5 nnd
8-lb boxes , ju-r lb , NXffil'c ; I'mnclles , 2,5-lb
boxes , per lb , Ifc'c. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb
boxes , per lb , He ; do , lancy I'eisian , CO-lb
boxes , per lb. lie.
IJE.MONS Fancy Messina and Palermo , per
box , 55.1X1 : do. choice Messina and I'uloiiuo ,
per box , 51.50 ; do. per H box lot. 84.00. Fancy
California lemons have armed in the
maiket nnd mo selling at 33.50 per box.
UANAVAS Supply moio liberal. Demand
good. TliH facilities tor handling bananas
nr constantly Impiovlng in this maiket.
SSomo line ilpo stocl ; is now being turned out
of banana loom for shipping purposes.
GnApES Walaca per bbl. S7.00.
OicAMins Choice Los Angeles , per box ,
S2.15 : do.S-box lots , purbo\S2.fX ) ; do , 10-box
Jots , S2.W ) ; laney ItiM-rslde , ga.75 ; do , 5-box
lots ! t.MNiivi'l8. : (50. (
CiiANiir.iinius Capo Cod cianborrles. per
bbl , SW,0 : Capo Cod do , 5 bbl lots , per
bbl. ? H.O ( ) : Hell and Chony do , per bbl , 8S.75 ;
Bell and Chciry < lo , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. S5.50.
Ai'iM.i'.H Theio Is a liberal demand tor
cholcu htoelc. Last lull's siiipllos | are about
exhaustiMl. FnneyN.Y. B.xldwlns and green-
Ings , 53 50iW.7. ( : MIssoui ! Heultous. per bbl. ,
P2.40 ; do , 5-bbl lots , 82.2.V do. 10-11) lots ,
S'.00.MIsoiiil ; ! Willow-Twigs , Hen Davis , etc ,
82.75 ; do , 5-bhl lots , Sa.r ; do. 10-bbl lots ,
82.40 ; fancy Michigan stock. S.003.25. : ) (
I'o TA N ono nro comlmr , and prices
am nominal at OSr COo foreholcu stock.
ONIONS The nmiket Is almost b.ire of
on oils. A carload of choice Salt Lake , ex-
pcit id to nulvo next \veok , will probably sell
ntc2J c per lb.
\pKiiirAin.KS : Cnlllornin cabbage , ! 5c i > er
lb ; Callloinla colciy. 82.00 ® . > .riO per do/ ;
Jersov sweet potatoes , 4c per lb ; paisnlps
82.00 per bushel ; Michlirnn rutabaga , 82.50
per bid. ; c.udltlowcr. 82.00 per do ; horse
radish , 7c per 11) ) .
ItiA : > 's Hand nicked navy , (51.75 ( ; haivl-
piclccd medium , riO'l.75 { ' : uood clean
countrr. Sl.2.V l.ffl : Inferior. 75c.00.
( iitAi.v KluMilorpilccs : Corn , 22' < o : oats ,
21 'io ; wheat , Ol } o ; rye. 45c ; bailey , 4bc.
if I.UIHI and Mii.i.sTtii'i'H Winter heat
Finn ; best quality patent at St.OO@3.iO. :
Heeond iiuallty.WXuil.OO. .
Spilng Whcnt-Hcst quality patent nt S2.50
( ffi'.T.'i.
Jlnekwlieat Flour In banels , 85.75 ; ready
iitlsedUlb paekages , S4.00 ; 0 lb packages ,
. ,
11 1 all Wo nor cwt.
Chopped Fivd IVr 100 ) bs.70o.
Coi n .Meal White , hOe ; yellow. 70i ! perewt.
Kcieonlng No. 1 , 75c purewt ; No , 2 , HOo.
Hominy Sl.WjicrcwU
Shoith-OOo perewt.
( tnihain SI. 75 per wt.
Hnr llnlfs. 8.VX ) < i0.iio i > cr ton.
OvhTi'.iis-I'ilees nip sleaih ; New York
couiitn : , I5c ; extra sulrots , 4M ( ; selects , Ii5o ;
Mandaids iiOc ; medlimis 'i" > i <
1'novisioNS. Ham. lO tOl e. breakfast
bacon , > ( iyl ecliMr ; sfdo IMCOII , 7o ; < lry sailed
frldos , Oc'.hliouldeis. sugar ruled , 5 > fc ; moss
1101 k per bbl. . S1M.OO : laid. 40 lb. eaiis. ] ier lb.
-4@Tc : 10 , 5 and S lb 7JfGSo ; diiedbeef
hams. P-'o
l-'uus Af < i > biuNS I'nces on furs and
fcklns tuo hti'iuly. Mink , each , 10ftiOc * : ;
innskrat. winter , 2 ( < ? 5c ; ilo. kits , Ic ; Otter ,
i2.50ViO.OO ( ; ( .klink , bhplt fctlijied , 15fa"i'c ; do.
tiioml striped , lo&lS ; badger. 2550 ; hac-
cooii , No. llargi % ( iVf 5 ; do. No. 2 , 'MtKU ;
do. Mo , It , 10i. 2.c ; wolf , piahio Ml i)7.'ic ) ;
do.niounliiliiS > . ' . ( ioi.3.oowlldi-ntl.Vji-JObea- | ( : ;
\er , Sl.fAX 2.M per lb ; fov. cacli , o ® l. 5 :
deerskin : , drvwjnter , lO lSo perlbjUo. fall
and bumim-r aHiiyso
HliiKS Uieen butchcis , CQJOifc ; pieen
rnrcd. ( UO e ; diy Hint , lldci'lp ; dry
salt , W.nlflc ; damnceil lilihii two-tnlids pilee.
Tallow S c. tiiraso , iiiiinu whltu , ii ! > ieol ; -
low , ! V ; blown , -.Vie. Miecn Pelts 2.Vi 7.x3.
HKAVT ilAisnwAiiK Iron , rates , 52. 5j
plow steel , special cast , 4e ; erueiblo steel , Cc ;
cast tools do , 1213160 ; wauon spokes , per set.
: hubs , uer net , 81.25. tulloes. sawed
lmrs.6 ; liarnnvtctitu , 4c ; snrlns steel , 7tSo ;
Bunion's hoi si ) shoes Sl.sA ; liuidcn's nuiln
shoes. 55.85. Uaibed Wire In car lots , 81.00
iH-r 100 U.s. him Nulls-Hates , 10 to 00 , $3.00.
Shot SJ.M ) ; imckshot. 8l.h5 : Oriental pow
der , kegs S3.50.jei.0i ) : do , half kegs. S2.00 ; do ,
quarter kens. Sl.OO : blasting , Kegs , $3.85 ; fuse ,
Tier 100 feet. 6Cc. Lead Uar.SUOj.
I.KATUKI ; t\v. 11'iltbbutg harness J. 0. L.
ASous , Sfic ; No. 1 Plttsbure , K. & S. Sic ;
No. 1 lui-o leather. Oto ; prime sluncliter
solo leather , V-V : urlmii oak s > ole leather.
JKXsJMVr. Ujiprr leather. > er foot. tti 25c ;
Hem kip. 7W8.Vj ; oak kin , txXur c : French
kip , $1.0031.15 ; lleni calf. Sl.OtV41.IO. oak.
calf. Sl.OOiai.K ; French calf , Sl.avai.85 ! .Mo
rocco boot Ics. SDGKBei Morocco oil pebble.
SXii&c ; topplnes and linings , eo.WfeUO.00
COAL Anthracite grate , S8.50 : epR , S8.50 ;
ranee , S8.73' chestnut , 8 .75 ; Iowa. SIM ;
Walnut block , $3.73 : Illinois , 3.00 ; Mis
souri Sl.ui
JIIY PAINTS Whlto lead. Be ; Krenuti rtnc ,
lie : Paris whltlntr.flXc : whiting gilderlic ;'l , I'iclampblack.iennantown. : (
12c ; Iftmnblack , ordinary , lOc : Prussian blue ,
& 5c. , u tramarlno Ibc : Vandyke , brown. 8c
umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ; sienna ,
burnt , 4c ; sienna raw , 4e. : Paris ereon. irenu-
Ine , 20c : 1'arn creeti , common , iWc : chromo
preen , N. Y. 'JOc ; chr mo'ereon , K , 12e ; ver-
mlllion , Knsllsli. In oil a. st l-x ; ; raw nnd
burnt umber lib cans , loc : raw ana ournl
sienna , lOc : Vandyke brown , We ; rehiid
lampblack. I2c ; coach black and Ivory black
lOc : drop black , ICc : Prussian blue. 40c : nl-
tramarlno blue. lixr cluoine creen , L. , .M *
llfic : blind and shutter creen. L. . M it I ) .
lOc ; Pans creen , .be ; Indian red , tfaVene \
tian red. Oc Tuscan led . -
: , K.-C ; American ver-
mllllon , li. & D. , 20c ; yellow ociire. l > c : u M
A : O. IX , ISe ; golden ochre , 10c : patent dryer
be : praliilne color ? , llchtoak dark oak , wal
nut chestnut and ash Ibe. . .
PAINTS IN Un , \ \ bite lead , Omaha. P. P
7'cwliltolead ' ; , St. Loul. , utiro S7. ti ; Mar-
so les preen , l to 5 Hi cans. 2/c ; French ZHC ! ,
preen seal , 12c ; French /lie ( , red seal , lie ;
French /Inc.ln varnish nsst , 20c ; I'leiichzino
75c : Aermllllon. Amerlean. ISc ; Indian , red
10cro : o Dink , lie : Venetian , led Uooksnn's
25/c : Venellan led. American , Ijfe ; red leail
7Kc ; chrome yellow genuine , 20c ; chromo
jellow , K , 12c ; ochre rochcllo : 'c : oclirn ,
French , 25 c ; ochre , Ameilcan , 2c ; Inter's
mineral. UHC : Leliliih brown. 'J c ; Snanlsii
brown.U c : Prince's mineial'ic
\ AK.VISIJKS Hariels , per trallon : Fnrnl-
tine , extra , IM.10 ; lurnlture , " No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
concli , extra S1.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.20 ;
Uamar , extra , S1.71 ; Janan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra , S5c ; shellac $3.50 ; imra oil linlsli ,
tOILS lioearmm , perg.iilon.lOc : 150 i noad
light , per callon. lie ; 175o headll < ? nt , per gal
lon , 1 c : l.jos water white , I4c : linseed hard
per gallon , 4ic ; linseed , boiled , per Ballon ,
47c : laid , winter str'd , per trallon , S.'c ; No.
1 , 4Hc ; No. 2 , 4 c ; castor XXN" , per gallon ,
81.55 : No. n , 81.44swcot , per trallon , Sl.OO ;
sperm , W. l . , nor c.ilion. 81.00ish \v. H.
per gallon , d5o ; ncatsfoot cxtm , per gallon ,
'ioc ' , No. 1. hoc ; lubrlcatinc. zero , jiorgallon ,
No. summer. I5c : colden niaclilnc , No. 1 , per
gallon. HOC : Ao. s , 2r c ; sjierm , signal , pereal-
ion , 75c4 turpentine , per gallon , ulc ; naptha ,
per Rallon. 7 c.
Dni'ds ' AND CIIKMICAI.S Acid , carbolic ,
Wle ; acid , tnrtnilc , 5i5c ; balsam copaiba , per
lb. , 50e , bark , sassalias , per lb. , 12c ; calomel-
per lb. , V-'c ; clnchonldin , per oz. , 40c ; chlnio ,
foini , per lb. , C."o ; Uoveis powders , jier lb. ,
81.25 ; epsom suits , perlb. , Jijifu ; gljccilne ,
liuri' , peril ) . , 2Je ; lead acetate , per lb. , 20o ;
oil , castor , No. 1 per gal. , Sl.OO ; oil , castor ,
No. a per gal. , SI. 4) ; oil. olhe. per gal. , 81.10 ;
oil. origanum , 50c ; opium $ : i.73 ; quinine , 1' .
i\c W. , and II. it S. , per o83c ; potawlnm ,
Iodide , per lb. , 8S.OO ; sallcln. poroz. , 40c ;
sulphate moiphlnc , per oz. , 33.-0 ; sulphur ,
pel lb. , 2lo ; stni'hnlnc. per o81.50. .
bi'iuiTS Cologne splilts , IbS jirooT , 81.12 ;
do 101 pi oof 81.13 ; spirits , .second quality
101 pi oof. 81.13 ; do. 183 proof , 81.11. Alco
hol. 188 pi oof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Kedis-
( ioldeti Sheaf bom Don ami iyo wiusKies ,
S1.50 ( < ? : ! .oo. Iliandlcs linpoitcd , 83.00@S.5o :
domestic. Sl. : @ : i.OO. ( iins Impoited , S4.50
QO.OO ; domestic , S1.2Yii.OO. : Ki'ins ' 1m
Iiorted , 84.5oms.oo ; NowEnKln
domestic , 81.2 : > ( : : ! .oo. Champagnes Im
ported. per case. S23.OOCd31.00 ; Aiuuilcau , per
case , 810.00@10.00 _
SuxniiiKS Domestic Holland herrings ,
Icegs. 50c ; Uusslan saidlnes , 4'5c ' ; Ancho
vies in class. Oio Hull brauu. per an/ . .
Sl.OO ; spiced Hamburg heirings , skins and
heads oil , per pall. 81.00.
irr ins o r iihis.i'ii icts
. VOOirr
HEW nsa. VOO 100 00 60 40 12 10
Munn'sS'tNo.lL'bfl EOS 75.1 til 12 I CO fxJ
I/go Glb'cil Fnnoy.n . OO.iJ . BO : i 03 1 SO 1 W ) no
T.'go U'dSli'ioFVylS fiOja 233 1)7 ) 1 07 1 40 ! 47
No. 1 Whlto Fish. . . . 7 00,0 30 a 803 101 01 H )
Fuuiiiy " S fu,5 , 1.Y3 U3l ! fO ! f.2 I B5
No. 1 Trout. . 4 B0.4 00a KiS 10 74 J 05
No. 1 1'lekorcl 400'3 ' 60 a 801 UP 631 CO
MICK Kill ! I. .
llbls. 'Half ' IJbls'O'rUbls' ' '
. M
a icw oo IM to i =
IllontcrMess 35 00 18 00 10 S."i 0 05 7 30 1 03
KX.NO. IBh'r U 00 K 50,11 30 0 30 5 10 1 40
No. IShoro 18 00 , a 50 , 8 00 4 t-0 3 HO 1 10
Mod. No. 1 Shore. . . 13 00. 7 00 o : trt ; : IB a no
" " Hay 11 00 C 00 fi 45 3 05 S 50 75
I.argo Family 9 00 5 00 4 65 2 55 3 10 Ki
1'at " 7 00 4 00 3 OS 2 05 1 70 65
Hills HIC llbls ' I'alls
NEW ft FAT Q'rllhls or kits
200 100 CO 50 40 15 IS 10
lllood Itod
AlllBKIl. . . . 13 1007 000 853 55 a 90 03
lllood Hod
Cul 13 I 007 000 :353 55,2 , 90 03
Tongues &
Sounds 15 00 8 Oi7 ) | 2Ti 4 OO'.T ' 30 1 10
FISH , llhls Hlf UhU O'r Hhl9 Palls
i 1XJ ( 50 40 I 15 10
Norwoelan , ,
KKK Ilor'liiffs 12 00 0 505 00 3 303 71 91 83
KK Horrlnifs. 11 000 005 4.V3 U 2.50 85 75
8 03 4 5U 4 ( TJ. ! M 1 03 08 GO
SMOKED FISH Halibut , new. lOo ; now
scaled lierriiijjs , 2Je ; salmon , He : smokcU
Oroccra JUlat ,
SYIIUI No. 70 , 2'c , bbls ; Xo. 70 , 4-snllon
keps , Sl.OS ; N uw Orleans : te4 cpcrcnllon ;
Jlnplo Synui , M barrel. 1 Jc CJ. stilctlj'pure ,
TOcper gallon ; 1 callon cans , 0.ii5i > cr Aoi :
yt gallon cans , sri iiortloz ; ouart cans 3:1.00. :
bTAncii Aiacaragloss , 1 It ) , Oj p ; Niagara
ploss , 3 lb , Go ; Niaijaia gloss , 0lb , 7o ; Nlaerara
coin , 1 lb , ( ! > < c ; Kingstoril's corn , I lb , .e ;
Kingsford'B gloss , lib , : o ; Kln sford's gloss
Olb. ; } rfc : Kfnsford's ure aib.'c Klns-
foul's bulk -Ic
ulaled , 0 < c ; confei'tloiieiV A. o ic : Stan
dard extra C. 6ci extra 0 , G4c ; medium
yollow.Oll'i ' ! : New Oilcans. 55/ftOWc.
PJ.UO TonAcco Climax,42cperIti Ulorse-
Fhoo , ! Wc ; Slar , : rc : tjnearhcad. * . Me ; told !
Itoll , 40c ; Pliicr Holdslck. OOc : Piincli. : ! So ;
DIUKD Knurrs No. 1 Quarter apples , * 4J < e ;
evaporated , boxes , BWc ; bluckbcrrlos ,
boxes , Ui4i3IUc ( ! peaches : Kastein , 4uW5'o " ' ( ; ;
peaches , evaporated , 15 > f@17o ; Halt "i ako ,
now , iK@'c ; rasiibcrries , now. 2@aie ! ; cur
rants , now.7inss ; jniines. new. 4@l'fc. ( *
CAK.NKU HOODS Oysters , Standard per
case. S3. ft ; fitrawbeilies , ! Mt . , pcreaso. 82.75 ;
ruspbuiiies , U-lt > . , per case , S2.I15 ; Caltfornht
jieare. per case , S'i.GO ; apricots , per case ,
4.'W ' ; peaches , per case , 84.75 ; white cher-
ritis , jvr case , $0.00 ; plums , per case , S4.00 ;
whortleberries , ixr ; case. S2.40 ; cga i > hims ,
2-it ) . . pereiiso. Si'O , reon BaRC % 3-lb. pop
case , S2.'uj plno apples , S-Jb. , per case , S3.20J4
UANDY Mixed , OJf@l2c : sties. Oi.jOille.
SODA In lb papers , 83/J3 a case ; "salsoda
ke ? iicr Hi , 'J c.
PJOKI.KS Medium In barrels. SVOjdo In
half bairoh , $ l.i \ small In barrels , S7. 0 ; do
In half bariels , 84. 5 ; gherkins lu bauds ,
6 i. 0 : do in half barrels , § 1.75.
SoAVrt-Klrk's aavon imperial. 82/8 ;
Kirk's satinet , SU5 : ; Kirk's standard. M.ilO ;
Kfik's \\Miltu Kusslaii , 54.'J5 ; Kiik's Whlto
Can. S'.f ' ) > 0 : Dome. 54. .5.
MATCHES Per eaddio , 85o ; round , per case
45o ; siitiaro cases , 51.70 ; Obhkosh cases , r. ,
fl.-ii ; mule Hiiuaro , Sl.-'i.
SALT Dray loads , jier bbl , S1.55 ; Ashton.
In sacks , ti.S5 : : % sacks , Ashton , WobbU
25c.TKAS (5nnpo\\der , fair , SOQ37 ; good,45O
5.'ic : chulre , COJiTSu ; good Imperial , 40a'43c ;
cholco , C070oj ; Voting Hyhon. peed , SOW-ilc ;
dioleo ! ttk good H-V Oo Oi
. Ooi Oolong , , - ; -
peed , 5 < $ i5c :
Tea .Sltthns.
viNKOAit Ciur.n ISQiSc ; white wine , 15
& 30C.
CitACKEits Oarueau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5Ke : criunis , b > ic ; glnsor snaps , " '
CUv t.oda.7Ke.
COFFEES Ordinary Rranes , H'jc : talr ,
5A" Mocha , 2 > c ilc : Aibucklo's roasted ,
I3 c ; McLauditlti'j XXXX roasted. 13'4c ' ;
. DiUvuttli's ifa ; Hi'dCioss. IfUfe.
OAKPI.KS-BOXOS , < olb. os it'jc ; Ss , llc ;
boxes,40tt. , 10 oz , 6s , lli c ; hall box , SOa ,
1 HC.
UoitSlsal. . K Iticli nud larger , 805f
| Jiicu , IHs : * i Inch , Uic. '
FINF. CUT flartl to Heat , 70a ; Charm of the
West , OOe ; Fountain , TOci Golden Thread ,
C7c ; Favorite , COc : Hnds , .As ; Hooky Moun *
tain , 50c : Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; North Star ,
70c : Good Luck , Me ! Our Hest , OJ'ic ; Uojil
XcWe. \ .
Dry Uooili.
1 ? American , 5 } < : Arnold' ? , Cc ;
Cochrco , Cc ; Mnnclic < tcr , Go ; Jjjnau ,
6c ; Gloucester , ! > XcDunnell \ Jacatmrd ,
Ce ; Dunncll , 5\o ; Windsor. Oc ; Pacific ,
fie ; Harmony. 4Vc ; Anchor iihlitlng . 4Wc ;
Merrimack Slilrtlnjrs , 4 ic ; Uerwlek. 4c.
lit.r.ACiiKn COTTONS. Farmeis' choice ,
Ck-c ; Cabot. CJfc ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7c ! ;
HlllK.GJfc ; Lonsdalo,8 ; ; 1'rultSc ; ain-
stitta. 10 , c.
ConsKT JF.ANS Kear arijo , 7c ; Annorjr ,
7e ; Pcnporcii , 7 > < c ; inatnn Orchard , OUc ;
N'aumkeaz , 7c.
HnowN COTTON'-Lawrence LL , 5c : Shaw-
TICKINOS Ativ-Kcac ACA 12 , ' c : Thorn-
ilkoOUO. 7 c ; Thorndlkelancy. u'ic ' ; rork
lOi o ; Vork fancy , lUi4c : Mlllhury , 12 > ic ;
IVarl Itlvcr , HKc ; Hamilton. 12c : Swift
IMvcr , c fc : blietucket s , snc ; Sliotnckct S3
OKc : MoiitaukAA , Mo ; Jfontnuk UU , I'o ;
Omeea ACA , luo
FI.NI : Hitowx COTTOXS rcppcrcll U , OVc ;
Pcpprroll 0.5ijc. Atlas , C , cStatuo ; ot Lib-
crtv , Cc : Saranao U , flJte.
DK.VIMS Heaver Creek AA. lie ; Heaver
an CT. iJKc : ; Kvcrett , 13c ; Haymaker's blno
and uiown. 7 ! < c.
Lucic-UnlleacliCt ) ( ( ) Soz. .Maznolla , 10' c ;
lOor. Jlaitnolla , V-'c ; 8oz. West 1'olnt , lOKo ;
10 o/ . West Point ISUc.
DUCK tcoloiciD Uoston 0 or. brown and
dial ) . KMc : Hoslon 0 11 brown nnd drab , c ;
Ho tou XX brown anil drab lOc : Hoston
XXX tiiownana drab. iic ! ; UostouUl'bluo ,
; \VarrcnTrlcot lac.
Ui.voitAMS ItPiitiew Ul0 > fc ; Amoskoa
dress. DC ; Amoskcatr. staple , 7ic ; Iv.uilio
0 > < c ; Wnmsutia. b'fo ; Kcar ;
wick. 8'aoVhittundiin.Ho : llatos. dross 8c ;
Kates , staple , t fc ; Itantlolnli staple , , OKo
Laiwlownc. 7c : ( Uoitcestur , 7He.
Oncviois Anunkoa ? , ciiccks.OXc : Amos
ksas , < .tilpes , s > J c ; Slater , stiipus , bo : IMin-
bun ; , li' c : WhlttenUon , stripes. 8c : ( Jlcn-
lose , ! 'c ' ; Otis , chocks IJ } o ; OIK stripes , ito ,
Itoyal OJ/o : Amoskoas , napped , lOJfct Lu-
ray , book fold , 13c ; Oberon , book fold , ll o ;
Endurance , book fold 1'Jc.
Dry IjUiubor.
K ft 14 ft 10 rt'is ' ft 20 ft' ' ? ' ftt24 ft
13.00 13.00 13.00 10.00 17.00 IS.Oj ! 10.03 ) H.fklll.iW 1-1.60 lll.TO 1U.50 20.50
L'JiS I3.1H In.OI 15IX ) 1110017.01)18.00 ) ll.03 !
2x10. 13.01) ) 15.00 15 00 10.00 17.00 20.00,20.50 ,
C\12 'iri.00.11.00 15.IK ) 10.00 17.00 19.0020.00
li4-R.\3 115.00115.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 IH.OO
Clear , % Inch Yellow Pine . S2J.OO
Clear. ? 8incli Norway . 11.00
2d Com. , % inch. Norway . 18.00
1st and 2d Clear , UIndus. . 2s . ? SOO ! )
IstaiulM Clear , 1 > and .illicit , s'Js. . . . 6000
: id Clear , \ } < inch , s'Js . 4800
SilGlt-ar , IHand'J Inch , s 2s . 4800
H Select. H ( , 1 and 2 inch. s. 2s . MOO
1st and -Jd Clear , 1 incli , s. 'Js . WOO
Bd clear , 1 Inch , s 2s . 445' )
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 4000
13 Select. 1 inch. s. 2s . 2950
No.lboards , 12 , 14 It . and 10.0J
No.2boanls , 12,1411 . and 10.75
No. 3boauls , 12 , 14 ft . ind li.T3 !
No.4boards , 12,11 ft . and 14.23
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 nndS10.r > 0 14 feet , rough. .
No. 1 , 4 , fe 0 inch , 1(1 ( feet 14..TO , rouu'll .
No. 2 , 4 it G inch , 1'i and 12.53 14 feet , lough. .
No. 3 , 4 Jc 0 Inch. 10 feet 10.50 , lotish .
Clear Poplar box bils , J ins , 2s . Si'.OO '
11 ' ' > < in , panel stl : \ \ ulc , s 2s. 27.CO
Combated Collinir " , ; . . . 29.00
* AStandaid . . . S2.CO
G Inch , clear , S1.50 ; Cincli , clear . 1.00
No. ! . . . . . . . . . 1.10
Lath . . „ . „ . ' , ' .20
1st Com. , ? V Incinviono . 830.00
2d Com. , X inch Whllo Pine . 23.50
sun * LAP.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Incli . 517.00
No.VJ , Plain , 8 and 10 inoh . 15.00
No.l , O. G . 17.50
Whlto Cedar , Cinch , halves . 9 11
" " " " '
5K amlSinq'rs 0
" " 4 " round . . . . . 11
Tennessee red crdar , split . 14 }
A 12 inch , 1 s 12 , 14 anil 1(1 ( leet . § 40 00
U " " " > i . 41 oo
0 " " " " " " . 30 03
I ) " " " " " " 2IJ 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. . 17 50
No.l " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. 1850
No. a " " la , 14 and 10 ft. 1550
Qulncy white lime ( best ) , 85e ; cement
Akron , 81.7.1 ; plaster , S2.30 ; hair , per bushel
SOo ; sash , CO jier cent off list ; doors , blinds ,
mouldings , rxi per cent elf list ; tarred felt , per
cwt. , 81.7o : straw board. 81.00.
T1ONALIST , 303 Tenth Street , botweou Farnam
and Harnor. will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any ono a fdnnco In the
past and present , and of certain conditions la
the future. Hoots and Bhoos mnJo to order.
I'orfcctsatlsf action ( ruarantooil.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountzo , President.
John A. Crclghton , Vice President.
F. 11. Davis , Cashier.
W. IL Megquler , Ass't Cashier.
Union TrustCo
216 S. 13th St. , Omalia , Neb.
School , County and Municipal Bonds
Hour. L. flAiiMciiB , F. n. JOIINSO.V ,
Sceietary. Ticnsurtr.
CoitNUtt 13th AND Douar.vs BTHEKTS.
Capital Stock . $100,000
Liability of Stockholders . . . . 300,000
Tin- only regular gavlnira ImnU In the state. Five
per cent Interest paid on deposits.
James K. Hoyil , Prosldontt Win. A. Paxton.VIco
1'reildont ; I * . M . llennett , Mana lnif U | .
_ riftorj John K. Wilbur. Cashier.
Painters and Decorators
1515 Douglas Street.
Plumbers ) Steam and Gas Fitters
Estimates t uriilshod. or will call perbOiially.
AKcntEforlholiapciial OasMachlno.
Sla b.liith St. . Omuua NoU.
X K K O fS ll M i CLir ftB fftiTTSl FW
quick scre
* * ' " * " ' " '
'Vf"WAfeIP "A'CO1.1" 1 K0
Billiard Tables ,
THE nnt'Nswiciv-iiAi Ki-x-oLuiNnnnlt Co
Manufacturers of Billiard 5 Pool Tables ,
AndPaloon. omcVtand IHnk Fixture" . Market
and Huron Sis. , Caicigo , 111. Xmahi ) : ofllcefi9
P. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc ,
lilrtSI'IUNTlXO CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Manufacturer. Noo. 10 and
108South lllh Street , Omaha , Neb.
Bridge-Steam ! Pile Driving.
11AVMON1) X CAMl'lir.M , . "
Itafflnrors ind Conductor * .
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam PileDrlfiaj
Iron Combination and How * TFIIM Hrldifp ,
Plllmr nnd Oak Timber. 15tb St. , near Karnntn.
TolcphonoXo. * 34
Cigars and Tobacco.
* "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Gun" ! and Ammunition. SIR to 231 South llth
Ettcct , ineotoio. ! rarnain Street , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Anil Wluilo ale Dcalor Iti Loaf Tobaccos. No *
10 ( > and HON. I4lh Street , Omaha Nob.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Epcnotcr , Proprietor. Mnntifnrturor of
Gnl\anl7 ( < d Iron and Coinlro. tut Dnduo ntulUl
nnd 105 North Uth Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , PiuaK Ktc. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdono
In any pan of llioeoiinlry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Galvnnl/cd Iron Cornices , lite. Ppcehl'i Im-
rro\ed PatentMetall'c Skylight. COS mid 010 a.
12th St. , Omaha , NcK
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
The Gate City Pltn'ng Mill.
Doors , Sash anil Hllmls. Also all Umls of
tinning. Sci-oll anil Stair woik ol c\cry ilo-
Manufacturer anil Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , MouldiDgs , .
Stnir Halls n Bpcclalty. Telephone No. t'2 '
Idthauil Miucy Sts , Omalia , Ncl ) .
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. WoiJi-'B & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Mlock , Omaha. llurRlar Alarms , llolh ,
1'lro Alarms , rioctilo Mnttimr , Spoaklnjr Tubes ,
Gold , Silver and Nickel 1'latlnjf , tie.
Iron at d Nails.
NAIL sLi JUFAcruiaNd"co. . "
Cut'.Kails and Spikes ,
nro Nulls r. Six ; ! nlty. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Castings , Steam Knirlncs Holler' ,
Architectural Iron Work , lion llrldiros , Mlnliif ?
and Mill Machlnory. Odlco anil At oiks , Union
1'ncltlo 11. It. 17th mid Ibth Stioots.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th and Jiit'ltson Sts. , prepared to do all
kinds at Iron and lliass ( a'ilims ; also , 0 , U.
Dannlstei's Uocklni ; Orate liars manufactured
Mattresses ,
OmaaSaf6 Works ,
Manufacturer of Fit o and BurRlar Proof Safes ,
Vault lloors. Jail \VOrk. Phutters and Wire
Work. Cor. Uth and Jackson Sts. , Umaha , Nob.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office and factory , near Powder Magazine ,
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
3315 and 1317 Hainoy street , Omaha. Nob. Bole
Nebraska forJonou' Celebrated Split
Bhatt Sulkies.
Ef tabllsho < jl 18.VS.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
J109 mid 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
While Lead.
Corrodcrs and Grludors of
Perfectly Pore White Lead ,
Omaha , Neb. Levl Carter. Free. ; C. W. Mead ,
Vice 1'rcs. : H. W. Yutes. Soc. and Ti cas.
The Millard ,
B. Shears , J. K. Mmkcl Thos. Bwobo , Proprietors
Arcade Hotel ,
James Casey , 1'ioprlotor.
j215 and 1J17 UuiiKlas St. , Omalia , Neb.
TliopntioiiiiifOol'cDiiiNicrclnl inon rtHjiuctfully
Hollultcd. They will llnd this the best J.'uot.y
houEa ctt ot ciiUajro.
? Ianters Housa ,
Hatesei.rx ) per day. Strri't cars tioni U. P.
depot , \\ltlilu onu block of hoiibo. Corner
Uodyo and ICth ttrcote , Dimilm , Noli.
The Cozzens ,
P.nuraSoy * Co. , Proprietors.
Rates < 2.CO pur day , no darK lounip. Omalia ,
Nob. Aluo piojtnotors of 1'alaco Hotel Saiitu
fo , Now , 'loiico.
Gandeld House ,
Cor. Nlnih nnd mroam Eta. The beft $5 per
day hotel In Omaha , ' ItonioddLd , rrlilrnlshoJ ,
rcdi ojiatcd ; ono block Irom ai my iioadquaiicrs ,
oppodtu Union rm'Ulo licadqiiartcri ; bluet ciuj
tats the door. Qooiio l.'iinncld & Co. , pi opt jo
{ ins. Also UnKm Vloclc Yards Hotel , South
Omaha. ;
de Gees
IIotc.1 ,
l'GOO.-J , , Proprietor.
Kuropcan Plmu The only centrally located f 1
ndayhouko , Thteo iloom from iloyd'b Opor.l
HouBound oiiii-hoir block from the 1'o-tofllto
mul i ho Court House. .13X1 1510 , 15LJ romam
n. M. iirasn ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturlncr Matlicssos , lloildlng' , Feather
I'iliov , B , Cots , 1200 and 1203 Doiiflus Street ,
Omaha , Nob.
_ , .
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Panta , Shirts , ito. : , 1102 and 1101 Doniflas
Street , Omaha , Neb.
Kal'sSafesVauItsTimelocks ! '
and Jai ! Work.
1020 Farnarn btrcot , Onmlm , Neb.
Agricultural Implements.
11 "
Dealers in Agricultural Implement * ; .
Offlco , Corner Clh and 1'aclflo Sts , Omaha , Nefr.
Wholes-Io Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , \Yagons
nnd Ilujrglcs , Omalia Ncu.
AVhoUsnlo Denier In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carr.nges and llucRles. Jc nSt. . , bet. th nnd
nth , Omaha , Nib.
Boots and Shoes.
V. v. MOI I : & co. "
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
11 rnninm Ptiret. Omaha , Ncl > . Manufactory ,
Summer Street , lloston.
" "
"s. A. ouciiAitn ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlngi ) , Curt.iln Good , Kte. , ItU 1'arnam
Stuet , Omalia , Nob.
_ Coal , Lime , Etc.
JKI'T W. 1EDKOU1 ! > ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Omco,213S. 14th ft. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Oth
mid Dr import Streets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
ncttarlctlcs. . Onico,213S. Mill Pt. Tclcpliono
No. 14MOinnhaN 'b. " _
NEIlltASKA I'Unii CO. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SH S. 13th St. , Omaha , Nun.
GFO. r. TOWI.K , 1'icslilnnf.
Oro. PATH ifsov , Sec. and Trea .
a. ii. iiuMtcnT , r. A. ,
Pioptlctor. Miu
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OITlce , X17 S. laih Street. Telcphono4D.
GEO. r. IJAIIAOII , Prc . C. 1' GoomiAN.Y. Pica.
J. A. SuNtiiuANiiicc. : nnil Tieas.
Omaha Coal , Coke'and Limo Company ,
Jobbcia of haril and < o ronl.SOOS. Uth St. ,
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Exclutlyo dealers In Houliler Colorado Coal , 217
fcouth Uth treut.
_ Coffee and Spices.
ciiAHKi : nitos. &co. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea' ' , Coireos , Spices. IluKliiK' Powder Vlnvortnnr
Kxhacts , Laundry lllmi , Ink , etc. 141MU Har-
ncy Street , Omiiha , Nob. _ _ _ _
Commission , Etc. _
Wholesale Fruits1 , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 1'armun St. , Omaha. Apples Our o n , .ack-
tf I'latt & fo.'s Tiitcr llninil Ojbteis , llutter ,
, Game , Poultiy , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Pioloim ! , rrults , Tlonr and Peed , 133
8. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. ConslKumenta sollcltcJ.
Itcturns mnde jironiptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cliccie , SausnKO * . Trulls , Ilutchcis'TooU and
Supplies. 1215 Jouct ) St. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIAI.TIKS ChccbP. lluttor. Eegs , Poultry
nnd ( iiinio , 112 S. llth. , ( Jnmlm , Neb. Telephone -
Commission and Jobbing ,
Duttcr , Uptcs and Produce. A full line of Stono-
vaiu. Conbl nmenta bolicltcd. 14U Dodyo St. ,
Omaha. _ ' _ _ _
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , EWH' ' , Checso and Conntiy Produce Ron-
orully.aoa S. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Jlcfrlrerator and Pncklnir HOUBO , Uth i Li-aven-
woiihStonU. P. It. It. Track , Omaha , Neb.
Establlhhcd 1670.
General Commission ,
211 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Ilutlor
_ EBUB , Poultry and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Priilta , I'roiluco nnd Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dealer In country produce , fruits ,
butter , CPKS , etc. Goods on consignment n
sjiccialty. U2J H. 10th bt. , Onmlm , Nob.
( Succesfors to A. I' . Sclmck.T
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South 12th Street. Omaha , Neb.
" TltOXELTT * WJfMfAMS ; '
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits , I'lour , Apples , Stonowarn , Cldor.Vlnt'frar ,
CiMfS hri'dK. Huttur und EWS. 313 und U5 Houth
13th urcct , Omaha , Nebrabka.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultiy , llutter , Game , Piults , Etc. 2208.14th
St. , Omaha , NcbiaEka.
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
i , I.iinl , JclbuH , llutlcr , ) ' ( rs. ; Chcoho , Uta
No. M' H. 12th St. , Omalia , Neb.
wis'raiFir.iD nnos. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
" " t , Omaha , Neb. ConelKimicnts
B15 12th Strict , Omaha , Neb. Specialties : Hut-
to r. K 'UH , nnd ChicKens ,
Dry b'ooils.
' ' " ' "
j. j. IIHOWN' & ro. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1323 Douglas Slioct , Omaha , Noli.
Wholesale Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
, I.iicen , Eml'rolilcry mul Wliltu C oo5s ,
1020 Doujjlaa btiett , Omaha , Ktb. _
Engines ,
h & C
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary ami portable en Incx , boilers rnd
( licit Iron uoik , niront" , ii ncullunil liuplo-
inents , puinpa etc. 1211215 l.oa\enworthbt ,
Leather , Hides , Etc.
' '
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jackson Stieet , Omaha , Nub.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddltry und Ehoo rindlnirx , HUlca , Wool , Turs.
1'tlts , aicubii , Tallow , IHc. , Omaha Ncl ,
Flour , Etc ,
Y. 4i J'KtsTON. OLO.
Wholesale Flour- ,
KS , ' 1C mid 6U 1'Urco Struct Omubn , Ki-ta.
nncxo TZSCIRTK , .111. ,
ApentforJ C. Hortiimrr & Co. ,
Hannfaclnrers of Highest Grades of Plonr
liy Holler nnd Hiinprirlnn 1'ixjcess. Warehouse ,
1213 Jones Stii'ct. Uinalia , NcK
W. J. wr.1 lt ANS .V CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturerof W. J. WcUlmn * A Co.'s Quick
liaising llucku heat Hour and proprietors Omah
t'lly Mills , cor. f tit and 1'nrimm Stivcts , Oniaba.
Fis'i ' , Lie ,
Enccc sors to lck"ii Slcm cn fi Co ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Verdun Vlsli , No ? . Plt-fln Janet
. _ bticit unil I' . 1 * . Tt nek , Uinalin , Nob. _ x' .
_ Furniture. Etc , _
' " ' " "
Y/holesalo / Dealers in Furnltara ,
_ _ _ rnmnin Slicct , Omnhn , Nob. _
Groceries ,
At.MJN 11HOS. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ _ 1110 find 1112 Douglas Street , Omaln , Nrh. _
1 ! . . CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco iiiul Smokcis' Ai tick's , 121 , llovrnnl SU
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Cigars nnil Tnbucrw , 1317 niiil 1319 DOUJT-
Ins Stu-ot , Utuiiha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th mul I'urimni Streets , Omnhi , NcK
1'AXTON , QAUiAOHClt A : CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
K08.J05 , 707 , 709 nnil 711 3. 10th St. , Oinnlin , Neb.
Hardware ,
"w. J. 11HOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
ru , Wiurou Stoclc , Hardwood Lumber , etc.
lauand 1211 llnuicy etioo. Oiiiului , Nub.
Wholcsala Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnrrlagro Wooil Slock , Heavy llnnlwnro ,
Ktc. 1217 and 1210 Ie.x\c'iwoith SHoot , Onmlui ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tool * nnd Ilnffalo Scales. HOJ DOUR-
las Sticol , Omaha , Nob.
ui : : , FIHUD & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinwaro ,
Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for llowo Scales and
Miami Ponder Co.Onmlm Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Giutos , llra s Roods , 1J21 and 1J2J I'M *
mini Strcot.
nnCTOIl & WlUIELMV'"coi
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Utncrson Stool Nails. Cor. 10th and Harnoy
Streets , Omaha , Ni'b.
& co. , CHICAGO ,
Mnnufr.cturcr of tlio
Deerlng , Harvester Goods ,
SVrlte to Win. M. Lotlmrr. ( Janeral Agent ,
Omnha. Telci > hunuC10.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers in lion I'lpo lion H ttlnjra. Iron and
Irays ! Oooda. Eiifrinuors' tjupjdlus. lltli mid
UodgoStirots , Oinnlin , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam. Water , Unlhvny and Milling Suppllrs , Kta
VM , 'JSi and 1K4 Km nam St. Omalia , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Etcnm nnd Water Supplies. Headquarters fo-
Must Foost Co.'s Uooils. 1111 Farnam Sticot ,
Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Bllvcrwaie , Diamond * , Watcha ?
Clocks , JowelorB' Tools and Materials , Uto. , lot
and fat , 15th Street , Cor. Uodno , Omalia , Neb. ,
live Stock ,
Bridge Stock Yards , OmahaT
No Yardage Charged.
Close to U. 1 * . Hrldtfo. Opcclal nccominodatlon
nnd a good market for Imgn. K. ( J. Cooper , Man-
agcr. Ollieo , South Mil Stiect.
Live Stock Commission
( Jeo. llurko. Mamuror.
Dnlon Stock Yards , S. Onmlm. Telephone C83
W. V. I1HOWN k CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Office K\uhanio llulldinir , Union Block Yards ,
South Omaha , Nob. TclephonoNo.C03.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , III. , and Omaha ,
Neb. Knmk CliIllciiJcn.Mnimnei-Oiimlm llriinch.
Telcilione ) No. Wvl. Efetablif.licd IfftJ.
W. I * I'ATIUCK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
.IddiccB all communications to us at Union Ktork
Vmils , South Omaha. Advances madu on Block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
. Limited. John ! ' . lo\d ! , Suporliitondenl.
Live Stock CoinmissJon Merchants.
Sh ) | inuntB of any und till Kinds of block hollclt
i cd. Union bt ck Ym Us , Omaha , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
BBEh , Uoorb , Ktc. Yaids Oir. Tthimd "
Cor. Uth and "
Manufacturers of Sash
, Doors , Blinds ,
MouliUnifH , Stair Work and Intel lor Hurd V.'im. )
I'inlhh. Just opened. N. 1' . cor. fctU untl J.CUMHI-
vcrtli StiLitt ) , Omaha , Nib.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Eli 8. 14th Slruut , Oirmlm , Nub. I' . Colpouer.
Lumber ,
38th and California .Street" , Omaha , Nub.
WED W. Q It AY ,
Lumber , Liine , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Douglas Stiecle , Omaha , N'eU
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
_ Oiuaba , NcbiasUa.
CHAS. It. I.KC ,
Hardv/ood / Lumber ,
\\'a \ ti Stock , I' Woods , Ilildtfo Tlmborii.
ic , 3. W. Cor. ttli und Douglas , ( Jinalianl ; .
G. j ? , LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Bliuds , Moulci ? ,
Julldlnir 1'upur , Uto. South Uth
Nebraska Lumber Co
fajil In Capital Stock , . . .
& .iiianutucluiurs and wholuanle deal
MilUa.McuJi , Wit. WhoU ale mid roiufi
OMAHA Ii 'Mlir.ll CO ,
Donlor * In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb Slicct and L i on 1'ao fl Track , Onialit
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
10th and Itanl Street t , Omnhn , Nebraska. _ _
J. A. WAKIU'IP.U ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shinglas ,
tlulldlnK Paper ? , Sa h , Doors , llllnds , Monlf
Inns Pickets , Post" , I.lme , l'ln tor , llaf ,
Cement. Nlmn mm June' , Onmlm Nob.
Millinery ,
' " * ' * " "
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1213and 12U llarncy Street , Onmlm , Nch.
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
etelnwiiy VlanoVebrr , Decker , llnlnosnml
III iKirt l'inno , Pneknnl Ournii , Cha o Urifitnt.
lOHuid HUlotliMieot.
Notions ) Etc.
"j. i , . nit.vNDir.3 ( c PON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Good * , Notlom , Uonts * rurnlMiln ? OoO'lJ.
Goods fi-om Now York. Triulo s'tlcs dail ) ' . 6Jl
mil rp9 Koiitii 1 'ti ! b' . Uriah - . .
Acpiits for P. A. Whitney CairlaRO Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jowoll'd Celolitatcd Ho ilifcrnlor" . Pcml
pu 01 pilco lists. lll"i I'arnam tt. , Omaha.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , (
m and JM S. inth Pt.Oniahn , Nob. '
Wbolcsalo Dealers In Notlona and Goats'Tur.
nlsbln Ciiioils. i
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , '
Gasoline , Mica Axle Grease , Kto. A , II. Illsbop ,
Manaijer , Omaha , Nob. ,
Pork Packing.
" "
"JAMES u. i m >
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nobra l.a ,
HAiiuis tc rtsiunt ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Oraec , Union Mnrknt.lBlT Ioiliil Shoot. Paoklnir
house , U. 1' . U. H. Tiaek , Omaha , Neb. Tolu-
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
" "
P. 110YE11 * CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Hi o and llnrfflar Proof Sufos.Tlmo UokPVmilta
and Jail \\inlc. ICO ) rarnmn stieut , Omalia , Neb
"j. HVANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Airrlciiltinnl. Ve etiiMe , Klc. Oilil 1'ollowH1 Hall ,
N. W. Cor. llth and Dodmj f-t . , Omaha , Nub.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jnliliers of Paints , Oils , Window Gl-iss Etc.,1111
Hainey Slicct , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Druggists
And Dcnlor In Paint's , Oils and Wludow Glas % '
Omaha , Neb. , _ ,
: r : * " '
r ' - -
. T"
V/ines / and Liquors. _
" '
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , '
1202 und 1 ' 04 Douglas St. . Onmlm , Noli. Tao-
toilcs-Nos. and aui , 3d N. Y. , |
ilto. : w. ,
Successor to MI-NAMAIIA & DUNCAN , Importer *
and Wholot-alo Dealers In
Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars ,
211 and 10 S. lltli St. , Omalia , Neb.
It. It. GllOTTE ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wcbtcin Aprcnt J1) * . Fchlllz llipwlujr Co. 7108.
VIli StieotOmalia.
I HI3NUY iioitNiinnann ,
1 Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
Uil Douglas Sheet , Omalia , Neb.
ILEll tc CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And I.tiiuois. Solo nmmiluctuioi-g of Kounoily'g
Nob. lastlndlallltteis. ; 11W Hainey Street , Ouiafia ,
Wholesale Dealers In Whiskies
And CltrarH , nnd Gennal Affcnts for the Philip
Hi'btb' ColobiatoU Mllv.auKco llccr , Omaha , Neb
Harness , Etc ,
WELTY & rANnuoctr ,
Manufacture ! s and Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tuif Goodtf , IllanKets and KobiH. 1121 Faiimni
Oniului , Neb.
W. I , . WItrOHT ,
Aiicnl for the Munufaeturors and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , CliliiniojK , Kto. Onicy , Sit Poutli 13U >
Street , Oinali * , Nob.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
Mill Stand U P. liy. , Omalia , Nob.
ivr7 KE
Antasef-Bisli iiewin te'n '
Bpcclal bran U 1'uiist , Iliiil nlsur , Dilanyo
( oi.iHIi and Capitol Avn Omalia.
(63 ( & St , P III
The Siort"liiiie
and Besfc Rcmte
From Omalia to the East.
Chicago , MliinoaiioIU. Mllwaukuo ,
Kl. Paul , Codur HaplJi. Davoiipon ,
( 'llnton. Diibiiiiuo , llockfoiil.
Hock Island , 1'ieopuit ,
Hlwln , MadNoit , J.a Croaso.
llcliiit , Winona
And all other Important polnla Kust , Northo t
Ticket ollico lit HOI I'arnain sheet , ( In Piulon
lloti'll , and at Union Paclllu Depot.
' the 1'lmtu
In tlm Woildaruruii on tlio main llne < i of tlio
Ciiin.uio.Mii.wAuir.iArSr ; : PUT. lUii.WAY.imJ
uvury mtentioii Is paid to P isuntr"r3 by cimtto-
It. Jln.i.Kii , ( Jcnonil M.
J , 1' . ' 1' , A . htant Gi-ii'iral Manager ,
A. Y. H.CAiii'K.srr.n , ( jentral I'asienjor nnl
llultct A ont.
Gr.o. K. IlEmoito. AsslstaulGenuralPjiSBCU
J'cr and Ticket A
R. E , ftlQare , Lincoln , ftab. .
e * Inrkut Price Paid.