Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WKDNB 3DAY , FEBRUAKY 24 , 1830. THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIlTBLUFFS , WEDNESDAY MORNING , FEB. 24 , OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABL STREET. Delivered by cntrlcr In nny port of thocllynt twenty cents per week. 11. W. TILTO.V , Jlnnngcr. Tiui'HONEg : : : IlusiNr.fS Omen , No. 4-X NIOIIT KDITOII , No. Si. MINOR MENTION. Now spring goods ut Koitcr's. I'ornilt to iiutrryvns irjvcti ycstortlny to Cliuis Killer * mid Labio Hot-lint , both of Miiidcn ; ,1. C. 'J'nnncr ami Anna Uruiill , botli of Carson. Yustonlny Captain L. KIrsclit gave to John Lindt n sword which formerly belonged - longed to Colonel Kinsman , iuid Lindt winnm-cnt it to Abe Lincoln 1'ost , No. SO , ( f. A. H. Ycstunltiy ono \voimn was no sooner givrn u divorcu in the court ro ( > tn tip hi u Irs tlmn her now alliance * ! applied for u tnnrnngu pnnnit in the clerk's olliuu down sliiir.s. Presto change I Judge Connorjyestordity sustained the motion made by ono of the creditors of Cocko & Morgan to lutvu .Sherill' Perry Keel appointed u receiver for the linn. The other creditors are going to appeal from this decision. The jury in the case of Mrs. Stein njrninst the city , in which she claims big damiigua for an arm broken by falling on a defective walk , rcmuincd out twenty- four liutird without agreeing on a verdict. The judge has therefore discharged them. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Clark returned last evening from a visit to Missouri. Mr. Clark , who is locating engineer of the Union 1'iieiliu , has been kupt so much awny from homo and friends that Midi relief from duty and chance to recreate have IJOOM especially onjoyablu. A peculiar case was tried in the circuit court yesterday in which a town trustee , Kinney , socks to obtain the custody of a child , claiming that the father , named Knollor , has neglected : md abti.sed the child. The uvidoncowasall hoard and the case will ho put in the hands of the jury this morning for them to wrestle over in their room. Yestonlay afternoon at 50 : o'clock a happy wedding occurred at the Catholic church , by which Air. Dennis Moynahan and Miss 1'annie N. Dolson wore made ono Kov. Father Hoaloy ollleialcd. Mr. William iUiilonoy and Miss Fannie Scott served ns groomsman and bridesmaid. After the ceremony the party repaired to the bride's homo on North Kiglith street , where a bountiful wedding feast was spread. The happy man is a boiler maker in tiio Union 1'acilio shops at North 1'latte , and is a worthy , industrious young man , who has many and warm friends to congratulate him. The bride has lived in this city for about seven years , and is an estimable young lady. "They will leave this evening for their new homo in North 1'latlc. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , athis coal ollico , 20 Pearl street. A Bluff's Invention. Charles J. Itcckman , of this city , has invented a locking bracket for fences , rail rods , etc. , which promises to make a fortune for somebody. Every mechanic who has examined the invention pro nounces it ono which will almost revolutionize tionize- the system ot fastening fence rails , rods , and railings of all .sorts. It is a very simple arrangement , and does away with nails. While it holds rails in place as lirnily as though of rock , yet any part can readily ho removed or replaced. The invention needs to bo soon and ex plained to bo appreciated , it presenting too many advantages to enumerate. Mr. liockman has lived hero for years , ami is an old soldier who carries an empty slcoye , and it is to bo hoped that he will roali/.o from this product of his inventive genius a competency. Ho is planning to secure capital with which to nianulac- lure , and will soil some stale and county rights , not being able to handle all the territory himself. AH soon as this lock ing bracket can bo placed on the market there is no question but that it will meet with a ready stlo : and come into general use and favor. Like all worthy invon- , tioiis the hardest of the work is in secur ing the iniblie attention. Ho is getting in condition to do that" now , and the outlook is u cheery one. aoo.OOO brink for sale. C. Straub , Coun cil Hlull's , Iowa . _ Stabbing Affray. DKNISON , Fob. 83. Dr. M. Vcttor , the horse doctor , imbibed too much juice on baturday and varied the monotony of town life. Unable to got anymore liquor ho importuned Smith , the bar-keeper , for a drink. Being refused he quietly drew a knife and was about to stab him , when ho was observed by Chri.stonscn , the blacksmith , who caught the wild-eyed veterinary and pulled him aside. Turn ing -upon Christensen , Vottor made a lunge at him , cutting his arm to the bone and dibahling him for some time to come. Vctier ( lien broke in the window of the saloon , severely' cutting his wrist on the glass. After parading the streets and making the neighborhood hideous with his foul curses , ho went homo unmolested. Monday morning the city marshal went to Ins residence with a warrant , only to learn that the solacor of eiiuine woes hail skipped out on Sunday. Why was lie not arrested and locked up Saturday night ? Dost coal and wood in the city at ( lion- BOH 's , W Pearl street. Can n I UK Ksl n 111 Isli moil t , Yesterday arrangements wore com plutcd which ensure the fstahlishincnt of ho canning factory linro , This enter prise will cause a present investment of f'5,000 , , and will employ about fifty per nous. The persons interested in the move are ( I , W. Archer of Columbus , Ohio , who is an experienced man in the busi ness ; Samuel Haas , K , L. Slmgart , ( J. A. Kci\liu \ ! > , Louis Hammer , J , .1. llrown ami .1. P. Weaver. Operations will bo com menced at once , and the order for a mil lion tin .oans has already buon placed. The establishment will this ' t-'enson eon- line iuulf to canning corn and tomatoes , Money to loan by Forrest Smith. Cost of The cost of painting is altogether in the cost of material used. The labor ro quiiod to spread an inferior paint is as expensive of I hat of the best quality. Use tin ) Carter Wliilo Lead Co's. Diamond brand of flrlclljiura white lead and you will bo certain to got tlte best and mosl durable paint hi the market. For sale by all the loading 'dealers in painters' supplies , lie sure and ask for the Diamond mend brand , 1'crNouuI Frank Shinn of Carson was in the city yesterday , A. 11. Itaybutn of Macedonia was in the city yesterday , S , G , Unde.rwood of Keg Creek was in the city yesterday , William ItMiilall has gone for a fen days iMt to Waterloo , Jo\Vu , T ( ) . Cai'lii-lo. postmaster of Missour Valley , was iu the city yesterday. FRAMED THEIR CITY TICKET , The Democrats Decide Who They Want For Oity Officials. A HOT FIGHT FORTHCOMING. The CnmiliiK Kstabllshmniit n Sure StntdiliiR Affrny nt Don- Ison 1'olnts 1'crsoiml .ntul Political. The Democratic Convent Ion , The iluniocrntio city convention was icld yesterday itftornuou nt the city building. J. C. Uolluvcn calll ( ! ( the con vention to order , nnd A. C. Graham was chosen chairman. Scott Williams was chosen secretary. For tellers , J. A. Murphy and M. 1) . ilardin were appointed. The cominlltuo on credentials , James \Vickham , J. C. DcHavon , and P. W. Spotman and Goo. D. Drown , reportcil the list as already published. The I Irs I work of the convention was : o nominate a candidate for mayor. J. tf. Casady presented the nauio of llobert 1'orcival. J. J. Fralnoy tliat of W. C. .ranics. An informal ballot gave 1'orcival 20 mil James 12. The formal ballot gave Porcival 20 , Tames 7. On motion of J. J. Fralnoy the nomination was then made unanimous. Nominations for auditor followed. John Grcun named Lawreneo Kinnehan ; l-ralnoy named Steve MeAtco ; Sam I'aiuo named F. A. Uurko. A formal Imllol resulted in llio noniination of Mr. Kinnchan who received "J votes , Hnrko i , andiMcAteo 0. On motion of L. A. llurgman the nomination was made imnnimous. For city solicitor C. II. Holmes was unanimously nominated by acclama tion. tion.For For city treasurer W. R. Vaughan , A. J1. Elwell , J. L. Forman , anilT. E. Cavin wore named. Thu informal ballot stood : Ehvcll 12 , Spot man 19 , Forman U , Vauglurn 7 , Cavin 1. The llrsl formal ballot was then taken , resulting : Spotman 18 , Elwell 12 , Vaughan 0. The second formal ballot nominated Mr. Spi'tmau , ho receiving 20 , Elwull 10 , and Vaughan 0. For judge of the superior court E. E. Aylesworth , J. J. Stewart , J. J Fraincy were named. An informal ballot gave Aylesworlh 23 votes , Stewart 11 , ami Frainoy 2. The formal ballot nominated Judge Aylesworth , ho receiving ! IO ami Stewart 0. The nomination , like llio otliors , was then made unanimous. The contest for city marshal was short. The informal ballot gave Gnannlla 23 votes , nnd J. A. Churchill 1J. ! The formal ballot nominated Guanulla by 27 toO. toO.For For civil engineer J. F. Brodhnck was named. C. R. Mitchell named Georco S. Miller. Mr. J. N. Casady urged the noniination of Urodbeck as a "man of ability , and ono wlio had been much abused for no fault of his own. The present system of sewerage was prepared by a Chicago engineer , and adopted by the council , which body had instructed Hrodbeuk to follow these plans. Mr. Mitchell urged that Miller be nominated , as ho was the man who had done the work for Urodbeck. The chairman deemed Mitchell's remarks in bad taste , and rather choked him oil' . The ballot was then taken informally , resulting , Urodbeck 20 , Miller 10. The formal ballot nominated Urodbeck ii'J to 1 for Miller. There was hard work iu nominating an assessor. The informal ballot gave II. C. Oliver 12 , W. L. Pulton 12 , H.Jslioemaker 8 , W. D. Ilardin 2 , Mr. Lutx 1. The lirst formal ballot resulted : Shoe maker 1-1 , Oliver 11 , Patton 10 , Hardin 1. Second formal ballot Shoemaker 13 , Pattou 12 , Olivei ; 10 , Ilardin 1. Third ballot Patton 10 , Shoemaker 10 , Oliver 10. Fourth Patton 17 , Shoemaker 11 , Oliver , Hardin 4. Fifth Patton 10 , Hardin 12 , Sohenmker 0 , Oliver 2. Sixth Patton 21 , Hardin 10 , Shoe maker 0. The nomination of Dr. Patton was then made unanimous. For .superintendent of markets F. B. Patton and W. S. Amy were named. A formal ballot gave tlte honor to Amy , who received 27 votes to 1'atton's 0. For alderman at largo a number were named , but several refused to have their names considered. The informal ballot stood : Si Danforth 10. A. C. Graham C , W. C. James 9 , C. R. Mitchell 2. Mr. Danforth was then nominated unanimously by acclamation. Adjournment was then taken. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W. tteE. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Ulufls. The Dnttlo of York. Iii the circuil court yesterday there was rather an amusing and sensational case being heard before Judge Connor. The parties concerned wore Aaron York and Mrs. York , his wifo. It appears that they have had considerable family trouble , and at last they agreed to disagree. He owned one farm of eighty acres , and another of forty acres , located t near Macedonia. The larger farm ho gave to his wife when they separated. Ho was a school teacher , and taught in dilVerenl places in this1 county , and after the separation went to Washington territory , where he taught for a timo. While , there she got a divorce from him on the ground of desertion. The present contest is over the title to the smaller farm , which the claims for alimony , while ho resists , claiming that lie lias given her all the property to which she is entitled. York un the witness stand , proved rather a droll witness. He narrated his matrimonial experiences in a slow , drairging sort , of way , and caused the Binilo to go around the room often. He declared that at ono time Ids wife hit him over the head with a rolling pin ; at an other time with a llatirou ; "M > that I was hardly presentable : " she hit his thumb ho said , so hard that Mie cracked one of bur false teeth ; one time ho tipped the table , and knocked oil * ono or two plates , break ing them , and she wont oil'to the store and bought 0 worth of dishes and had them charged to him. She was ot tin ar gumentative turn of mind , and when she got a little the worst of it she would hop on to him. The troubled husband also went into a rather spicy description of some other chapters in his matrimonial life. He said that ono of the most frequent visitors to the bouse was a man named Henry Do Long , who was preaching in that neigh borhood , and digging wells , etc. Ho used to como there often and stay over night , and sometimes over Sunday. Ho thought that DoLoug was coming there altogether too much and went with Mrs , York too much , Do-Long used to bo there when ho was away. Sometimes when ho was there this man would sleep nn a lounge in the same room where his wife's bed was , York sleeping in another room. York and Ids wife did not bleep together for a long lime. Ho laid much of his family trouble to the presence of DeLong in the homo , ami linally told Do Long not to come there any more. Mrs. York used to drive oil' with DoLong and . be gone some days. .Shu used to come to Council Dlull's with him , and sometimes come here without him. ami incut him here. In fact , ho thought lie had good reason to bo jealous of DeLoii/J. / It was about the lime of this friendliness with DcLong that she commenced to bo anxious to gel the property in her name. York claimed that ho ! nd given most of his wares to Mrs. York , besides giving her the farm , nnd naturally felt that ho had given her all she ought to have. A Orent Record. There arc few things of human con struction so nearly perfect and invulner able that the sharp point of intelligent criticism cannot lind in thorn some weak spot in which it is possible to pick a hole. Hut scarcli as you may every line and detail of the forty-llrst annual report of " ho New York Life" Insurance company , printed in full , no such spot is anywhere visible. Of course , it is passible for men whoso purposeis best known to them selves , if llioy have any purpose at all , to single oul something that may appear faulty to them or that they are disposed to make it so appear to others. Hut such people , if any lliero be , might just as well bo engaged in the fruitless labor of endeavoring to prove that black is white as to sot out on the hopeless taskof trying to convince any intelligent man that the exhibit of the New York Life is not above and beyond honest criticism. Its total income last year was over $10,100,000 , , and its payments to policy holders about $8,000,000. Its interest income was over $3,000,000 , being nearly $400,000 in excess of losses by death. The market value of its securities is over $300,000 , ! ! in excess of their cost. And after providing for its liabilities , both actual and contingent , a surplus of over thirteen million dollars by the .state standard remains as a golden bulwark of security for the policy holders. Here is tlio year's work in a nutshell ; an increase of nearly two million dollars in income , over three million in surplus , over seven million in assets , and over thirty millions of insurance in force. Hut stupendous as these results arc , they are only in keeping with the pre vious record of the company. And iu considering , whether in outline or detail , its record of forty-one years , largo consid eration should bo given to the circum stances under which the results have boon produced , as well as the re.sults themselves. It .should among other things bo remembered that forty-one years ago life insurance was only an experiment and apparently a very doubtful one in this country , while its course in England had been marked by lamentable failures , as well as by conspicuous success. It should bo remembered , too , that this country lias experienced many linancial storms in the past forty years. At the end of its first and at the end of its forty- first year , the business of the Now York ' Life 'during each year respectively was as follows : is-n. issr . Insurance written. . . .Sl iovs , : S OSr > ' 'U.Y > .0) Received , premiums. . iii.iiO. ) W.T.-J.lOJl.oa Received , interest. . . . : u : ! , : K,0,7J.T1 ) , Paid , death claims 3.lKlKiiM ! ) ( Paid , dividends , etc : ! .041.r . ! > ( ) Pnld.cndowiiientsctc l , < Hlo-i : ! : ! Cash assets IT.-lUO nflSiHr , l.w : Insurance In iorcc 2rAOM.miK ) The insurance written during the first ten years was less than one-third of tiie amount placed on the company's books during 183o , and the premiums received wore only about one-sixth of the amount received during 1885. This growth is so immense that it is almost impossible to comprehend its significance. Hut just think of lids $80,000,000 paid to policy holders , nearly $31.000,000 of which went to the widows , orphans and other repre sentatives of men who died. And the proportion which the lotal amount paid bears to the'lotal iccoipts from policy holders , when taken in connection with the cash assets now held in trust for them , is equally remarkable. Of the $1-M,000,000 , received from policy lioldcrg , over eighty-nine millions have been returned and nearly sixty-seven million more stand to their credit on the company's books. Ono item explains , in part at least , how these exlraordinary re sults have been produced. The interest receipts alone showing how skillfully ami carefully the funds have been in vested and managed have paid all ex penses of management , including taxes , and placed nearly twelve million dollars to the credit of policy holders. The men who made this brilliant record for llio New York Life seek not public recognition or personal praise. Hut in the golden results of their faithfulness and ability in the discharge of a great sacred trust , they have the highest anil best and most enduring reward. New York Standard. E. C. Smith , general agent for Western Iowa and Southern Nebraska , No. 000 Broadway , Council Uluus. _ Fifty cents buys a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil , the conqueror of pain. It always cures. SPEOIALNOTIOES _ NOTIOK. Special advertisements , sueli as LostFound , To Loan , Fo- Sale , To Kent , Wants Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In tbla column at tliolow rate of TEN CENTS 1'KU LINK for the tlrBtinsortlon ml FIVE CENTS PKK LINE for ench subsequent insertion. Leave advurtl } mcntsat our otllco , No. U 1'uarl street , near Urouawuy , Council IllnlTs. WANTS. WANTKD Mlddlo nie < l woman , no clilldrcn , to do lltrht housework in country. Mtvj. J. Btollin. 181 ! Fourth avenue , Council Illuirs. WANTHD A good Job and news printer. Olio capable of tuklni ; elnu-Ko of an ollico , nnd who nmlor&tnnds maKIn ? llnuroi on work ami has had u.Y.jcrleiico In "pullliiK' ' a hand p.-o.-s. Addiojs , L. Hallou , Nuwsolllce , Mlssoml Valley , Iowa. MADE In 31 duyx hv a lady a ent of the "Kiiiltublo. | " Wo want lx more live . nmlo or female. App'y In jiuruoii or by letter In Win , Itaiidall , Sujit. oi' atfunclcs , Coun cil bllitU , Iowa. . _ Ir\HSAli : Property on corner 1'oarJ Blroot 1 and Hlxlh avoiiuo. Council UlulM , ronststlni ; of t o story , Iron-roofed brick building ; n Iriuno house of i-lx rooms : all on lotno.vll ; ] . For terms apply to A. 11. McClurtr , on nremlses. FOH SALE-Sealod bids will bo rocolvoU by J" \V. Hoilclor up to February a > , 18 < o , on elvrhty feet front , two story brick block , Nm. Z ! . "l.SI and " 31'eurl Blreet , between Uroudwuy and First avenue. SWAN & WAI.ItKK , No. M Main Street , ( under Citizen's Hank ) , real estate an.t mcr- cluuHllfo excluiiigo Iirokerrt. Our books are full of special bargains , but it Is Impossible to pub lish a reliable lUi from the fact of so many dully What wo ask Is : If you want to ser eli or trudo anything : In our line , write us and wo will bend you a pile of bargains to Miloct from , Ijind.s Improved or unimproved , city or town properly , slocjka of ( foods of any kind In any such yon have or suuh yon want let us lioarfroni you. Bwati & Walker , Council lllults FAlt.M FOH SAI.B Atrt bargain if Bol.I soon , JUilacruj , O'i ' inllos sunthwost of Omaha. 0 room house , excellent well am ) cistern , - barnM. ono for elsht , ono for ) cows : liun , tool and wa on houses : 10J ucres In timothy : ih.OJ ) tore t trees , cotton wood , black walnut , ash unit maple ; Kood orchard , npplos , cherries , plums , Krapcs and small fruits. Never falling' steak water. It. i' . OrriCKii , 6'JO Ilroudway , Council lllutls , Iowa. THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP The public tire Informed that a patent has been allowed to ( ire , II. ( irexory on his Im proved KUS lamps and manufactured by us. Mr. C. A Williams Is our authorize. ) iigont tor Coun cil Illutrs und Omaha. Thu public are cautioned not to buy any of Ihesu gu lamps oxcrpt through .Mr. Williams , us all olheri otluroJ for Kiilouiu InfrhiKMuonts upon our lamp. O. II. Krm.'s V Co. , ilanufacturers ami Solo Western AKents.No. ' . Donrlion blroct , Chicago. Chicago Lumber Co. .Wholesulu and liotiill Lumber , Lnth , Slilii'jloi 6n h , Doors and Illlnds. Solo amenta for the celcti'rated ilarblohead Ca'ncontratcxlVhlte Lllno. _ S. 1' . ilACCONNKLL , Miumr.T ; Telcplioho No. :1 > . Nu. , | G Mulu tflicict , Council Ulu'Js. . . , FRANK NHKLV , Prcst * OEO.W.HAHIII.V , Sco ( l.VcorH | rated , MUTUAL Life and Endowment Association -WATEIIL'OO ' , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT , , COUNCIL BLUFFS , lA. OFFICK IN IIK.NO'S 11UILUINO. llooms Xo < > . 12 nnd 13. $3,500 in case of Uc\ith. \ ? 1,000 Eiulowiucnt at the cntl of ten years. Average cost for year of assessment , first tlirco years of organization , 15 to ao years , ? 6.ti711 ; ( o 0 years , $10 , Circular and Information on application. WM. RANDAMi , Superintendent of Agencies. C ® AuentsAVantod. Grand Reopening ! Corner 5th avenue and 1'onrl street , MONDAY EVENING , FEBRUARY 22 , WITH Sclineller's ' European Tfoiibadors 1NOMJD1NO 1'rof. S. K ) wlnskl-VlolIn Soloist. Mons. Covjran Iron Jawid Man. Ferdinand Uranpuor.Ithtr Soloist. Uildy Von fc'chmnler Contortionist. Mons. ltlvuno-Trn.o ! | o and hlsh wire per former. M 1 ? . Adrlennp Feats of Sword Swallowing. Tau Von Sclinollor. < Acrobatic KeaU. ADMISSION , Including Seat 10o HICSHHVHt ) SKA'18 . 'Xo DOOHS OI'EN AT 7. 1'KUFOHMAKCE 1113- 13 INS AT 8. Ornnd free porfni-iiiiuico on hltth wire In front of Mutcum , by ilons. KUardo , nt 7 p. in. each ovcnhif ; . JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COXTlTOIIj BLTCJIFJ S. Practices In State and Federal Courts. Itooms T und 8 , Siiuu'iirt Ulocilc. MASON WISF , Horses and Mules For nil pun oscs. lo'Jsht'nncl ' ssld , at lotnll and In lots. Council Hlnl'.s , loiva. rnos. orriCEn. w. n. M. OFFICES , & PUSSY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Established 1S03. ONION TICKET" OFFICE J.'L. Do BEYOISE , Agont. No. CO" Broadwar , Council Bluffs. Hallway Time Table , COUNCIL 1JLUFFS. The following is the time of arrival and departure of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains Icavo transfer depot ton minutes earlier nnd arrive ten minutes later : DEPAUT-cmcAao * icoimiwMiBiw.A.IIKIVIfc 0:20 : A. M Mull and Express GMp. : ) M. U:40r. : M Accommodation 4Mi' . M. 0:501M : IJxpross Ua'iA. : M. CHICAGO & HOCK ISLAND. 9-20 A. M Mail and Express 0:50 : p. M. 7:15 : A. M Accommodation 5:15 P.M. 0SOf. : M Express U:03A. M. CHIC.VOO. MILWAUKEE ft ST. PAUL 0:20 : A. M Mail und Express ttMr. : it. 0:501' : . II Express UOoA. : M. CIIICAQO. UUKtlNOrOX & QUINOY. 0:40 : A. M Mall and Exprt&S 6:50 P. 0:60 : P. M Express 0:03 : WAHASII , ST. LOUIS ft PACIFIC. 2:15p. M.Local St. Louis Express Local 3CXp.M.TrunsforSt. : ) Louis tJx.Triiiisfcr.3n : : P.M KANKAS CITV , ST. JOU ft COUNCll. IlI < UFrS 10:10 : A. M Mull and Express li : : > 0 p. M. UOOp.M : Express 0MA. : Ji. BIOUX CITV 4 PACIFIC. 7:15A.M . . .Sioux City Mail Cxjr. : ; il St. 1'aul Express 8l'oA. : u. UNION PACIFIC. 10:35 : A. M Denver Express 6:45 : p. M. Biap. : M..Lincoln I'ass.Om. A : K. V..SU3 : ' . u. 7:031' . M Overland Express 8:15 : A.M. DUMMV TIIAINS TO OMAHA. Lcuvo Council Illuirs 7:05:0 : : U:30-10SO : 11:30 : a. in. ; 1:30-2:30 : : 3JO : : 1'JO : 5i5 : : n:30 11:45 : p. m. Sundays 7:05 : 'J:3J : 11:30 : a. in ; 8:30 : & : M 6:25 OK : : > 11 : ir > p.m. Leave Omaha -0n-7:35-850 : : ; 10:00-11:00 : : a. in : 1:00-3:00- : : 00 JOJ : > : OJ : na.'j-lllO : : p. in. Sundays U:35 : 6Q-llJJ ; u. m. : 2:00 : : ( : ! KJEFSALE STABLES ! so Horses and Mules kept constantly on hand , for gala at retail or in car loads. Orders promdlly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold nn commission. SIILUTKK & IIOLBV , I'ropHetors. Stable Cornel- Filth Avenue and Fourth Bt. , Council lllufU , Iowa. B."RIOE , M. D. nSWPPRQ or oilier tuiiMrs removed wlcliout UflnWino the knlfo or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of nil kinds a specially. Over thirty years' oxporiouaj. No. 111'earl Street , Count II liluiti. FllUi A.C.IiUllNHAU , Pros. L.W. TtiM-cvs , Vlco-1'roa. JAMUU N. Iliiinr.fCashier. 102 MAIN STREET , Capital , . . $100,000 Authorized Capital , , . 250,000 Stockholders Represent. . . . ,1,000,000 Io ) a g-onoral tmnklntr bualn'in. Accounts of bunks , bnirtert. inerchnnts , mini- ufacturors and individuals receive' ! on favora ble terms. Domestic and foreign oiclianso. The very best of attention given to all bust ness coiuiulttoJ to our euro. I'.T. MAY.SB. A. B. HAZELTO.N , J ? . 'JL\Miv\jne \ & Co , Real Estate Exchange No. 103 Pearl Street .Council Illuirs , Iowa. Dealers tn Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska Lund ) LOTS . .IN "COUNCIL BLUFFS AND WHOLESALE AND JOBBING E3IOT7S33S OF COUN'OIL BLUFFS. DEEHE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bnggies , Cni-rlnges , Kto , Kto. Council Hinds , Town. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Gutters , Ulsoltnrrowp , Seeders , Corn Planters , Foot ! Cut ters , Ktc. Factory , Hock Fulls , Ills. Nos. INI , 1WI , 1503,15D7 Main St. , Council ninff * . DAVID 1MADLKY & CO. , Mnnuf'rgnn.1 Jobbers ot Agricultural Impleinents.Wagons . , Buggies , Carriages , mid nil Ulnls or I'nrni Mao'ilnory. 1100 to 111U South Mnln Street , Council lllutlg , lorrn. AXK UANDl.KS. V. O. Qr.nAsos- . H.UotnuiU ) , aco.F. Witimrr. I'rcs.i-Tfeas. V.-1'rcs.tVM in , 8oe.&Counsol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ! Manufacturer * of Axle , 1'lclc , SloJpo rind Small Handles , or every description. CAIWKTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAHl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , ITphoUtoi-y Goods , Ktc. No. 405 llrnnawny Council Hlulfs , lo\vu. CMAttS , TOIIACM , KTC. 1'EHEGOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers in the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nos. i Main nnd 27 I'cnrl Sts. , Council llltifTs , town. COMMISSION. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wholesnlo fruit and Proluce Commission Merchants. No. ISPoarl St , Council IlliUTs. CHACKKttS. McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , ' Council Muff * , Iowa. CIlOCKKItY. MAURER & CRAIG , ImportersftJobbarsofCrockery.Glasswaro . Lamps , Fruit Jars , Cutlery , Stnnowaro , Ilur Goods , Fancy Oood3 , Ktc Council lllulTg , - I1ARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Drueslsts' Sundries. No. 22 Main St. , nnd No. 211 > ourl St. , Council lllulfs. Dill' GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Iiiipjrters and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Etc. Nos. 113 nnd 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 113 und 115 Pearl St. , Council Illuirs. loua. FIWITS. O. W. UUTTS , Wholesale alifornla Fruits a Specialty. General Commlss'on. No. 543 Ilroiulwny , Council Illutrs. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl St. , Council niulTs. anociiiiiKs. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council muffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale. Liquor Dealers. No. 410 liroml- vray , Council UlulTs. JIAUDWARE. V. C. DK VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , HcfriKcrntors , etc. Nos. 504 Broadway , and 10 Mnln street , Council IllnlT. * . JIAJiNKSS , ETG. BECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. K5 Main St. , Council Illutla , Iowa. HATS , CAl'S , ETG. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nosi 343 and 314 Broadway , Council BlulTd. HEAVY KEEL1NE & FELT , \VJiolcsnlo Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood Stock , Council Illulfe , Iowa. 1IIDKS AND WOOL. J ) . H. McDANKLI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Said of Hides , TallowWool , 1'ollB , ( irrahoimd Fura. Counall lllnlfs , Iowa. MLS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesnlo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasolina ETC ? . , ETO. S. Theodore , AKont , Council Itluirs. Iowa. , 1'iiJNa , ETC. A. OVEHTON & CO. , Hard Y/ood / , Southern Lumber , Piling , And llrld u Material gpoclaltlos.Wliolasalo Linn- bcrol all Kinds. Oillco No , 1311 Main .St. , Council Hlnirs. Iowa. H'lXKS AND LlQUOltS. JOHN UNDER , Wlioleealo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Agent for.St. Cotllionl's Herb Illltcrj. No. 13 Main St. , Council lUiUls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , KoCWMaln St. , Council muffs. MERGEN HOTEL , Main St. , Counuil IHiilVH. NcaithuO. , H. &Q.C. ; , M. & St. ! . . and C. , It. I. A ; I' , railway dupots. Street caw pass the door. Everything new and lirst class. proprietor nnil Mump N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. OOlco Over American tJiprusa Uoiupuuy. Forty-First Annual Report of the New York Life Insurance Col , OFFICE : Nos. 346 and 348 BROADWAY , NEW YORK. lot , isee. Amount of Net Cash Assets , January 1,1835 $37,833,093.45 HKVENUE ACCOUNT. Premiums fl.117,431 (11 Looadcferied premium * January 1,1883 liSflX W-$12TSJ,103 03 Interojturd rt'niifliic'uillnf ' ? rcnll/ol ( 'fi'ns ' om nnd rcnlc.-tato sold 3,8Vr > 77 47 Less Interest accruo.1 January 1 , 183,1 4IOM7 70 3nwOC9 71 810,181,173 74 > , Ji. niSIlUUSEMENT ACCOUNT. Losfoilivilo.ith , Including reversionary ad lltlons to same t 2PO.t,109 , 24 lindou incut ? , matured ami discounted , Including reversionary additions tosuniu , 741M 47 Annuities , dividends nnd purchased policies 3,010,939 lit Total paid policy holders S7nslr l 75 Taxoand re-Insurances. , . ' 11,112 R3 Commissions , brokerages , nircney expenses nnd physicians'foes S.njt.d'.nl no oniconnd law expenses , salaries , ttdverllslni ? , printing , utu 48,440 OS ; 1 < MUV > 3 10 $03,513,018 00 ASSISTS. Ca h In hnnk.on hand ami In transit ( slneo recolvod J : , ni.ni3 fifl U. S. bonds and ( ilhor bond * an J stocks , market vnlnoSll.O.M.Mjl S3 .tt.Cin JO M lli-al cstnto 0W5,5303 lloncls nnd niortgnurs , first Urn on real estate , ImllilltitiR thereon Inonrod for $10.VK,0)J ) and the policies alslRtiod to the company as Additional collateral security 18ir > ViQO W ) Tomju r.iry loans , market value of securities held as collatoral.t.Vl.tHii ro 4M,5X , ) 00 * JKIII\S on o.\l lliiT policies , the reserve hul I by the Co.on tluno policies amounts to over $2,0lOXUW 410,011415 'Quarterly nnd seinl-nnninl premiums on existing policies , duo subsu- Hiiont to January 1.1H-1 ! ) 87,101 05 M'r.imlutnflon o.vUtliitf polldin In cncrsoor transmission nnd collection. ( The reserve on thcso policies , Included In liabilities , Is estimated ul $3.Mooo > rt fi7n.6iKi.ri1) Agents'halnnccs t CS.I42 7.1 Accrued Interest on luvostments , January 1,1SSO 4'J5.2SU8 Mn.'il2fllfl 00 Mnrkt't value of seciirille.s over cost on Company's books S331,70.1 ! ! 33 Adetnllol nchcdiilooftlioto Items will iicconipuiv : tliu usual annual report nicd with the Insuranjudepartmontof thestato of .Now Vo rk. Cash assets January 1 , 1880 $00,801,321 , U3 Appropriated as follows : Adjusted losses , duo snbsoincnl to January 1 , 1830 ; SI 11,1-1 00 Heported lossei , awaiting proof , &o "IH.4"1 12 MiUHtrd endowments , duo and unpaid ( elalinsiiot presented ) 4I.K.M to Annuities duo and unpaid ( uncalled for ) 10,5 'S1 Itcscrved for ro-lii'uraiico on exisilnsr pillclea ; pivtidpUiu : : K Insur ance at 4 per ojiit. CarlMo not premium ; iion-partlclpall.iK nt fl , per cent. Carlisle not iirctnluin 60,200,573 OD Itcserved for eontliuent llalillltlos toTontlno Dividend l-'uinl , January 1 , ISSTi , over and above a 4 per cent , rusorvo on e.xIstliiK policies of that class $2fni,7Wl 70 Addition to thu fund during 18SJ WJ.nsi 111 DEDUCT- J3.58I1.I80 01 Itcturned to Tontine policy-holders during the year on inn- tin-oil Tontines 4ft,737 ! " 1 nnhmco of Tontlno Fund , January 1.1SS6 3li,74J : ) 77 Itescrvcd for premiums paid in advance -.i.' Oil $50,709,818 , 19 Divisible Surplus ( Company's Standard ) 7,001,473 13 Surplus by tbe New Slate Standard , at1 } per cent i'J25,033 ; ) 04 From the undivided surplus of $7,031, : the Iloird of Trustees lias declared a Hovcrslonnry dividend to participating policies In proportion to their contnt ution to surplus , available on settle * ment of ne.xt annual premium. Death-Claims l'ald. Income from Interest. Insurance In 1'orco. Cash Assets. ISM , $2ijll,30H mm , 2. ; , , ' > t Jan. 1,188Sini.liD.K ! ! Janl.llWS.f 17 28,781 ItS ! , l.'JIi.V-1- ! 1SKJ , 2.7IM.OI8 | " ISS ! . 17I.41.VW7 " 1BS1 , MI.WOJKXI 18S3 , 'WI.IK'U 1BSI , 2,712,8113 " 1884 , lt'8,7 Ifl.OIII " 1881 , A.V > 42,03 1W4 , SATi.KB 18SI , 2 , 71G2I " ISS-I , JSWKtt.BHl " ISM , 2iaiioa 18S5 , 18S3 , io'B74,500 ) 1880 , During the ycnr IK,5(10 policies lniyc been issued , iiifuiriiii ; $ ( (8,5211512. Jnn. 1 , 1885 : Co.'s Standard , $4,371,014 ; State Standard , $9,890,773 Jan. 1 , 1888 : Co.'s Standard , $7,084,473 ; Stnto Standard , $13,220,053 INCREASE : Co.'s Standard , $2,093,459 ; State Standard , $3,328,280 WM. II. AI'PI.ETON. Iir.NHV nOWRHS. KDWAllO MAHTIN , U. SDVI1AM (1IIANT , WILLIAM A. ItOOTII , LOOM IS L. W11 ITU. I1KNUV TIICIC. ( IKOIlfJi : II. 1'OTTS. EL1AS S. II1C(3INS ( , HOIIKIIT11. COLLINS. ALK.V. STL'DWKLL. WILLIAM U STHONQ. AIICHIHALO II. WliLCIl , HICIIAUU MUSIili , WILLIAM II. 1H5K1IS. William 11. llnrrs. President ! Henry Tuck , N'ico 1'ro ldent : Archil u'd ' It. Welch , id Vlcol'roslj dent ; lliil'ns W. Weeks , Actuary : Tneodoro M. liunia , Cusldcr ; 1) . O'Dcll , Siipoilntcnileiit oi Aj-'uneks : A. HuntlnRton , M. 1)Medical Director. 33. C. SivdHTH , General Agent for Western Iowa and Southern Nebraska ; No. 5O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Z.T. LINDSEY&CO. . . . , RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTICS , RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , AND - - BOOTS. ' * . ' . ' , ' And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St , Office 412 Broadway , Oo-utnoil W. IP. Hrlf-lc biitldln ? of nny kind inicnl or moved nnd eatUfautlon Buariinlecd. 1'rnino houses onLltlloOluut trucks the best In the worlJ. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eiglitli Streak , Council Bluffs. ONLY HOTEL In Council Ulutfa having Fir © Esoa/p © And all mottern Improv'uraonU , call bollj , llr * vlunu bclU , etc. , Is tliu CRE8VON HOUSE I M615. . -17 uud 13 , Main Street , MAX JIOli : , " , 1'ropriotor. LAMPS and CROCKER ! AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. W Mulu Street , Council JJlulTs , la.