Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24,188G. A Pll DRIVERS' ' C08GRESS , Meeting of tlio Nebraska State Press As sociation at the Capital. NEW SEWER SYSTEM PROPOSED. Two KciuMo Cooni In Court Two IVnywnrd CJIrls Brought Homo Urokcr Dntilclfc' Mistake Minor Notes. nun's i.i.vcor.f IIURBIU. ) A largely nttotulod meeting of the Nc braska 1'rcf.s . association w M hold at llio Commercial hotel lust evening. As it was tlio first gathering Of the kind in three years , it partook largely of tlio nature ot a revival , the principal ohjcct being to infuse now life in tlio old organ ization. None of the oflicers were pres ent , and tlio convention was called to order by , T. I ) . Calhoun , who made it the occasion of a humorous address. Some seventy-live editors paid membership fees for the year , nnil after a liltlo c.\perionco meeting , In which Messrs. Gere , Cal- hotm , Morriisoy and Whltcomb par ticipated , an election of olllecrs was had. The luuky men arc : 1'rcsideiit , K. M. Corrcll , Hebron ; secre tary , II. M.lJiislinell , Plaltsmoiith ; treas urer , \Vhitcomb \ , Friend ; executive com mittee , 0. W. Pool , Frank 11. Mornssoy , ] ' . 13. Uisloy , W.N. King. J. A. MaoMnrphy nml L. A. Slovens. Will S. Jay , of the ialalo Journal was chosen orator , and II. I\I. \ IJushnoll , ot the I'luttsiiioiitli Herald , ] ) oet. A rcs-olutlon was passed thanking the daily press of Nebraska for kind ness toward the weeklies , and commend ing especially these which have been liberal in the matter of exchanges. A committee was appointed to make ar rangements for an exouraion next sum mer , and the convention adjourned to meet this morning. A NIW : snwr.u svsrr.jr. At the council meeting Monday night Mr. Webster presented new plans for : v sanitary sewer system in the central por- lion of the city , prepared at his request by Mr. McNuir. These plans provide lor a forty-two inch Main from Salt crook up O street to Seventh , with a tile branch of thirty-six inches on Seventh street to the nlloy in block 5'J. through the alloy to Eighth street , up Eighth to N , and up N to Ninth , connecting with a thirty inch tile branch along Is'inth street , gradually reducing In si/.o to twelve inches at block 120. TiTo branches on the Davis survey to the alloy in block 10 at O and Seventh streets , and east to Eighteenth , are also provided for. The estimated eoat of this work is iJ4j,000 ( , and it is urged that the property owners in the district men tioned can well aflbrd to make the investment , which would eall for a special tax levy of lifty mills. These sewers will give ample drainage to the business portion tion of tlio city for homo years , and when necessary can be worked into the Davis system should it over bo adopted. Tn pre senting tills plan to the council , Mr. Webster said ho was confident that the failure to vote the 8100,000 in bonds for the Davis system was duo chiefly to the lack of interest taken by those mostly concerned , and he would suggest that the matter bo now properly laid before the business men , and tnoir co-operation so- jlited. This drew out a resolution author- l/ing the sewer committee to confer with Iho class named , and report at the next session of the council. Under this reso lution Mr. Webster has called a meeting of business men for Thursday evening , at the council chamber , when the sewerage problem will bo thoroughly canvassed. A MATIXKK IN COUUT. "I want dat child , " shrieked Mary Johnson , u saucy looking wench in Judge Montgomery's court yesterday , after be ing arraigned with two other colored women for lighting in the Kelly block over the ownership of a measley looking kid. " 1'er can't have it , " retorted the other dun colored principal. "Yer know ycr BIIVO mo the child a yeah ago , and I'm gwino to keep it , 'loss ycr pay me a. dollar ji week. " "Yer bet yor sweet life I'm going to tiave dat chile , " retorted Mary. 'I'm no common coon , I ain't jedgc , for my hus band's owned twelve thousand dollars' wuth of nigger , an' it makes mo tired to lie 'hoeiated wid such miserable trash as dese. " When Juilgo Montgomery succeeded in rapping tlio disputants to order , he fround that Mary had given her child away some months ago , and now , on trying to gel it , was confronted by a bill for its keep , which she would not pay. The party wcro referred to the county court , whore they adjourned in force and nearly drove Judge Parker wild with their clatter. Both the wenches wcro yoluablo and abusive , and the modest magistrate breathed easier when they toolc his advice mid wont homo to steep over it. Mary's last words as she shot out of the door were : " 1 earn an 'oncst living , I do. an'I want that chile or I'll ' cut homebody into shoestrings , dat's jest the kind of a coon I am. " TWO inutiNO DAirairrKits. Liz/.io Uodil and Fannie Lanjrtow , the young girls who ran away from their homes Tn this city Sunday , were found at Fall-mount yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Beach , having a sort of spring picnic with the bloods of that western metropo lis. They had no excuse to make for their escapade other than a do&iro to bo free from parental supervision and to have a good time. The Dodd girl , who Is the elder of the two , has had tlio reputation of being fast for some tlmo past , but her companion seems to bo an innoceiityoung girl jiibt stepping into the path of evil , more from bad associations than from serious desires or intc'iitions of her own. Both the girls wnro held in the county court all day yesterday , awaiting a decision by their parents as to whetliui they should ue sent to the reform school at Kearney or not. HIlUKEll DANir.I.S1 MISiTAKn. . Win. O. Boll swore out a wanant yoS' tardiiy for the arrest of J. Daniels , the money broker , on charge of obtaining $ .Y ) by false pretenses , Boll , In his com plaint , alleges that Daniels told him thai lie held two notes made by Sarah ant John Minick , on which there was a balance anco due of * ? 55 , ami oll'ered to sell then for that amount. Bell paid Daniels tin money and the latter agreed to semi tin notes to him. Subsequently Bell nseor tained that Daniels did not hold any biiol notes , and demanded his $55 buck , i satisfaction which Daniels refused. Ui to i ) o'clock yesterday afternoon the war rant had not been returned , but Danluh was running about town trying to lim Boll , so as to make a bctllomont , and tlm ; keep tlio matter , as lie supposed , frou these d d newspaper men. imir.v Mr.NTiox. Ot course no one thinks for a momen that the pro.-ouoo'of the B. & M. olliciali at the council meeting Monday night hai M 14VI V lti4V > * t &UV > tIllf A < * UIItk J Itlp llb iiill an ) * eoniiuctiou with tlm voting down o tlio ordinance giving Iho Nortliwostcrt rtiilwuy tlio right of way alon g ICiphtl from b to L btrcots. It was merely : btrango coinrlilcnro. S. K , Hostullcr of Central Citv anplict to thu su pt oaio court yu&tortiny for i iiiiuuhumis to coni | > ol llio town board o trustees to reorganize the village Into i city of the hecoiui chtss , under section 1 chnutur II , compiled statutes , which pro vldes that all places containing inor than 1,000 nnd loss than 25,000 inhabitant shall bo o organized. The trustees fo eomo unknown reason have thus la refused to comply with the law. L Governor Danes tJgucd c trndltloi papers yesterday for the return to Wood bine , Iowa , of Arthur W. Curtis , a young 1ml wanted tlioro for a stiiall robbery. Cm Us was found at Seothi , ( Jrcclcy county. A waller girl In ono of the city restau rants created 11 sonation at tlio Mncnncr- chor ma qucratlc Monday nipht b ap- pparhiK in the costunio of n circus rider , willi tights , short skirts and other acces sories. The commercial hotel begins to assume n inotropolitnn nnprnrntico , the partition between the ohi ollicn anil Ihc ladies' parlor having been removed , ami the space used as one largo room for oflleu inn poses. It will be some two \\ceks yet before all the changes arc mnde , and the work of Iho mechanics ready for com- mt'iil. llornnrd Dolan ptillcil his lent peg and noneto Omaha , where IIP intends to practice law. When Hit1 romtniUrc appointed bv .May or Burr got through investigating I'olice- man Smith , they might givu a little time to Jerry Snwdnry of the night force , and inquire whv , nntl bv whose authority , he spends liN hours 01 dulv loaling uuout IJutl Kinsley's rcHtaUranl. Judges Montgomery and Parker had n little coon matinee Alomlay , at which both magistrates WITO coin fnectl that an angry wench is undoubtedly the most in- fcolent and foul-mouthed person in tlio world , and no respecter of judge or law. A call of the docket occupied the linio of the district court yesterday , and when this laborious duty was dom- , the judge ami lawyers decided to take u rest until to-day. Txvo Chinamen AVlio "Want to l > c A merion us Minor Iiocals. San Goon and Charlie Ling , two promi nent Chinese rcMdenls of Omaha , yes- tcrduy made nnplieation at tlio district court for the llrst papers necessary to become - como citizens of Iho United States. The pnpers have not as yet been granted. A Swede named Slrumpfmoyor yester day complained to Police Juilgo Stonborg that Itruno Actomaycr , a Tenth street bartender , had boon making improper ad vances to the former's wife , which she had indignantly ropcllod. Ho was desir ous of having Aclomayer arrested , but nothing could be done for him , and he departed with throats of taking the mat ter in his own hands. George Thompson , tlio notorious young tough , was before Judge Stenberg yester day afternoon as n suspicious character. HU mother was also present and made a touching appeal for his release , which was granted after the judge had given the offender along lecture as well ns warning. Fan ton Thompson , an aged gentleman with long llowing white board , yesterday celebrated a $10,000 sale of property by getting gloriously drunk and landed at central police station. A hundred-dollar mishap occurred at Poyko Bros.'s storu last ovcning , one of the doors falling from its hinges and crashing through a pinto glass window 8\5 feel in dimensions. The residence of Mrs. Julius lloss on Twelfth street , between Ilowaid and rackson , was entered by a sneak thief 'Chterday afternoon and $130 in money tolon. Mr.s. Uoss was absent from tlio louse only about fifteen minutes during ho afternoon , and the money was evi- lontly stolen at that timo. No clue to he thief. The city council committee on fire and vater works yesterday began the trial of L'onv Herald who was discharged from he lire department by Chief Uutl'or. Twenty-seven witnesses have been sub- ) ocnaed for the defense in the case of 'owcll , the Florence murderer. The bank clearings yesterday were ? 07G,003.83. Marshal Ciimmings was out yesterday or the first time since his illness. Tlio body of Gottlieb Moycr , the floater bund in the river Sunday , was taken to the Blnfls yesterday for interment. Judge Dundy is confined to his home j.y illnobs. If lie recovers sullioicnlly he ill .start for Lincoln Wednesday night On February 0 , the Concordia will lold their seventeenth annual private masqucrado party , which promises to bo a thoroughly elegant affair. Grover Cleveland arrived in Omaha yesterday in company with a lady , who intends to make this city her home. He is a well-trained parrot. Information was lodged yesterday at police headquarters against Private Hanson , a soldier at the fort who stele n blanket belonging lo Private Grosbaeh , und soltl it to a third party. The thirty days for petitioning for pavement have not expired , and parties who have already Mgned petitions have the ri ht to change their choice of ma terial if they see lit. Mrs. Phelps , head nurse at the Child's hospital , who has been ill for Bomn recovering slowly under the careful treatment received tit St. Joseph's hospital , where she is a pa tient. They Were Union Dinars. A statement which appeared in ono of the moining papers that the cigars sold at the ball of the Knights of Labor wcro uon union goods , is utterly false and was undoubtedly the work of mo unprincipled rival of tlio linn of Max Moycr & Co..who are the proprie tors of the cigar stand. All the domestic cigars which were sold last night were union labeled , and the only ones without the label were some which wcro imported and , hcnco. could not have boon made by the unions. The gentleman who had charge of the stand last night is himself a Knight of Labor , and ho declares that there was no dissat isfaction with tho" cigars sold , but only words of pi also. In fact , Max Meyer Co. nra in perfect harmony .with the Knights of Labor , ami since the recent labor agitation have not purchased a single - glo domestic cigar which was not made by union mi'ii , A Tmst Son. Mrs. Elizabeth Nowbold , the nurse of the Woman's Christian Homo on Farnam street , near the oily hall , arrived in this city from Patterson , N. J. , a low days ago. On her way here , she stopped oft' ' at Solby , Iowa , at which place she ox- pooled to meet her son Alburt , 18 years of ago. He was not to bo found , having mysteriously disappeared , no ono know ing whither ho had gone. The latest in formation that could bo obtained was from an ex-convict who claimed to have seen tlio younj * man four months before the mother's visit. Mrs. Nowbold fears for Iho safely of her son ami anxiously uwails tidings ot his whereabouts. A Hoi i ilny Contest. The Omaha Gun club celebrated the holiday Monday by a shoot at Sports inan'd park , the conditions being twenty clay pigeons , eighteen yards , sinylu rises , Lane nnd Parmaloo chose sides , the for mer coming out victorious by the follow ing scores : Lime l.Vl'armnleo l-i Itrucker 'J Simpson 1 ! Kny 10 Kennedy , , . . , . t lltmlics U 11 Cotter. , . . , . . . . .lOSpilsns , . , .11 Woiley , 10 Smith. Total S Total , 7 ! JAMES PYLK'S PKAKLINE ia higlilj indented by housekeeper * and oilier : who have tried it , No soap is required and cleaning is done with a saving oi much time und labor. All housekeepers should uio U. STATED BY A MASTER MIND , The Irish Homo Enlo Detaand of Parnoll and His WHAT JUSTIN M'CARTHY SAYS. Xot Absolute Separation , Nor Mere Local Hoards , Hut n Native 1'arlla- incut Working In Harmony With Westminster. What tlio Irish Demand. Ninv i'ottK , Fob. 23. The Independent of the 2ith lust. , will publish an article by .Mr. Justin McCarthy , member ot parliament , setting forth In Intelligible twins for Ameri can tenders wlml Pnrncll nttit his confreres Include in their demand for hot * o uite. lie begins by sajlnu that the nationalists do not demand separation , but would not bo satis fied \\lth mcio local bonuhs that very many Irishmen would ho plixd oC sepaintlon , but they iccognlzo that lliesphlt of theatre does not favor small in dependent states , but rather an agglomera tion of stales , and that therefore- the ques tion of sepaiatlou does not como into practical politics now. He says all responsible Irish men mo well content to see Iicland apart of ( Jront Hiitaln , provided she Is n paitner on talr terms. They wish the ilcht In manage tlii'ir own nITalis thos.imo as the American states and the Kngllsh colonies in Canada ami Austialla do. .Mr. Mcl'atthy . njs : "As to Impel lal affairs uu could easily nirange. My own Idea of a satisfactory system \\oulil bo to have a homo rule parliament for England , another for Scotland , another lor Wales If It needs one , and an Impcilat pal ( lament in which all Mumid bo lepiosonteil , tor Imperial affairs. Although neither England or Scot land wants a homo into parliament lei hcisclf yet , the need \\lllcoiiu ! sooner or Liter. Englishmen say It Is unieaMinalile that Ireland should take p.irtln tliogomnini'iil of their affairs wlillo they aio nut allowed to have any hand in affairs. " This objection Mr. McCaity does not think theio Is much In , but he for one Is quite willing to pivo tip his scat in Westminster for one In a paillamout In College ( ircon , Dublin. "Oho us an lilsh parliament , " sajs he , "and wo will show that \\eaic ready to meet England on fair and icasonablo grounds of compromise and airaiiKeinant on other matters but it must > bo an Iilsli parliament , not a system of local boauK In principle the dif ference Is a difference between what wo want and what we do not want Wo want to have tlio existence of the Irish nation lecognlrcd and want an Irish national parlla- lucnt , lice to make what taws it will tor the Internal administration of Ireland. The conliol of an English ministry over Ireland's domestic p.ullamcnt would bo a very leal and altogether intoleiable control. Ireland would bo qullo willing to give any requisite gimiantco lormotoclloii of the minority in nil their freedom of conscience. With the exception of O'Conncll , all the great Irish leadei.s ha\'e been Protestants , and some of O'Connell's most powerful supporters wcro I'lotestants. I a k my Ameilcan rcadcis to get well Into their minds the fact that a mujoiltyofthc meml'ors retained topailia- inent tiom the northern province of Iieland , wliloh wo hear of as 'Protestant ULster , ' are nationalists , and devoted followers of Par- uell. Nothing is faithcr from the mind and lieartof Catholic liolaud than to do the slightest wrong to the Protestants of lie- hind. " THIS IIATJ3 WAR. Open Cut FlRiires Rule ou All the Overland Honda , CUICAOO , Feb. 2) . The railways out of llilii city , running to the Missouri river , are openly .silling mt > t-olass limited tickets to Sail Fiauolsco , In connection with the Bur lington & Mlhsomi , lilo Urando or Union P.iolllc roads , foi § 40 , and second-class lim ited for S'27. ' 1 he .same rntes are quoted In connection with the Atchison it Santa Ve toad , though In the case of the latter com pany the full late Is Imposed , and a lebato allowed the passenger on reaching San i'lan- ci.sco. LATKII. The Atcliison. Topcka & Santa Fe , Union Pacific and Burlington & Missouri wlthdiew the rebate to Kan Fiancisco from the Afissomi liver of $10 limited lirsl-class , and SZO emigrant , and the above llguios be came the ruling ligiuo. ONIjY THE POQlt GO. Origin of the Chinese Imperial Killct Story Explained. SAX FIIANCISCO , Feb. 23. An Associated Piess repiesentativo called at the ollico or tlio Chinese consul general to-day to ascer tain the oilgln of the published report that he had Issued a proclamation advising the Chi nese to return home. The consul general's secietary emphatically denied any hiich proclamation being issued. It Is stated that Chinese Consul Bee made airangements with the steamship companies to cairy poor , sick and unemployed Chinese back to China for fourtilpsat half latos. Notices concerning this were sent out requesting the Chinese to take advantage of these cheap rate. * , and these facts piobably g.ivo liso lo the ( list mentioned report. The Cincinnati Election Muddlo. COI.UMIIUS , Fob. 23 The court to-day af firmed the decision of Judge Wylio in the Dallon contempt case , and It will bo taken to Iho supreme court on ciror this afternoon. The senate committee Investigating the October election frauds , has had the poll- book ami tally sheet of precinct A , Fouitli wuid , photographed and will now bo able to icturn the oilglnal to Daltou to be used by him In freeing himself from contempt befoie the house committee. Another War Veteran Gonn. Ss. Louis , Feb. 23. John I. Cavemler died lu this city to-day , nged 62 years. In the early history of tills state ho flgiucd as a frce- seller and subsequently during the war of the rebellion ho commanded the federal forces at the battles of Ft. Donelson , Ft. Henry and Shlloli , serving successively as captain , ma jor , colonel and brigadier general. At the time of his death ha was a member of the Uiand Army of the Kumibllc and this organ- iratlon will conduct the lunnral sei vices of their dead comrade. Protest AnahiHt Imprisonment. Kr.v WIST , Fla. , Feb. S3. The following pi o test , has been tulegiaphed to the secretary of the imvv : "General Dellado and his friends aiu treated as pilsoucrs of war by the naval ofllccrs In chargn of the steamer City of Mexico. No permission Is allowed them to confer with legal advisers or take any steps tosecuroa heating , as entitled by law In their behalf. Wo protest against this course , and loqueat tlm eamo in Ivilcgcs be ac corded these patties that are granted all per sons charged with violation of the laws of tlio United States. " COM1.VQ I3VBXT3. They Cant Tholr Shadows Before Thorn. February promises to go out in a bluzo of social glory , so to speak. Following are some of the events to occur during the next few days ; To-night the Apollo club will give their last parly of the season. On tlio same evening tlio Metropolitan olub will hold forth at their hall on the cornei of FouUeunth end Dodge streets , Thursday night the Thurston Iloso company will give a second grand mas querade party at Mctz's Turner hull. The Homo circle olub gives a private party ut Light Guard hall on Friday even ing , the SOtTi. The Vusta Chapter , Ordei of Mai ons , will also hold a strictly ox- elusivu dance at Masonic hall , On Saturday evening , at Gennania hal will bo given the concert by the fedora tiou of iiorman Singing societies , Includ ing the Macnnorchor , Swiss Singing so ciely , Turner quartette , and Arion club. The proceeds will bo devoted to building up the German-American school Those who wish to Invest their inonoj in valuabla real estate should call on W II. Green , at 213 South Thirteenth fctiect ns ho hub always a. number of good bar gains for" purchasers. A few Clarke estate lots arc fatil ) left. ONIiY TUN YKAKS OLD. Youthful InebrlatCq Scenes In lo- llcto Court. Ono of the most pitiful sights ever wit nessed in police court was that of a 10- rear-old boy , arraigned for drunkenness , -cslcrdav. The youngster , who is rath- sr a bright-looking little fellow , is named Patrick Ward , ami is the son of a well- iiiown and respected citizen hero. Ho was found by tin/ / police Monday , lying on the ground , ikVid drunk. Placed upon the stand , Patrick testified that lie and lirx-o other boys , bought a pall of whiskey Monday , "just to have some fun and get drank like big people. " The boy was eleascd. Special Olllcer James , of Iho .aw and Order League was notified to ook into the case , and if possible have he saloon keeper arrested who sold the bovs the liquor. .lames T. Brady , the belligerent bar- .ender , who o exploits are recounted else where , was taken to jail in default of $ J5 and costs. Frank Muchnor , intoxication , was lined $5 and costs and sent to jail. "A railroad man from Fremont , "said Tom Furroll the next victim , when isked who ho was by the judge. The irisoner was accused of drunkenness. tie went ou to tell a story of how ho had como lo Omaha to buy a suit of clothes with .something like 'fit ) in his pocket. After he had nmile the desired purchase 10 still had $23 unit started out lo "paint .ho town. " He was picked up by an of- icer , helplessly intoxicated and without a single cent left. Ho was released. John Down , charged with stealing clothes from a woman on Twelfth ami Doilgo streets , was convicted. He was lined § 13 and costs tiuul as ho couldn't liity he was sent to jail. Alexander Lowry and Charles Severs , icciibcd of being suspicious characters , were upon examination released. Joe Gorman acknowledged that ho had no mission to till in Omaha , and agreed : o leave the city by six o'clock , or sutler 100 days imprisonment in the county jail. AFFAIUS AT SAIjT LiAKK. Gen. McCoolc'H Version of the Recent Trouble K\nnilnliii for Pro motion , Gen. Howard yesterday received a re- ) ort from Gen. McCook , commandant at I'ort Douglas , relative to the recent arrest - rest of George Q. Cannon. Dispatches from Salt Lake City state that the action of the military in assisting the marshal .o make the arrcsl , has aroused no lillle udlgimtion among the faithful , most of whom denounce it as an outrage. Ac cording to Gen. McCook's statement , iiowovcr , the measure was simply one of justifiable precaution. It seems that the marshal who was going lo arrest Cannon at Promontary feared personal injury uid asked , for his own protection , that a ; uard bo sent with him. Gen. McCook complied with his1 requisition and sent liim a guard of tfroiify armed men under a commissioned ofltccr , who wont on the train to Promontary. Gen. McCook says that the soldiers did not arrest , nor aid they act as a pos o comitatns. The re port has been forwarded to Gen. Soho- field for perusal. "This action1 of Gen. McCook's appears to haVe aroused a good deal of feeling , " n remarked ( Sen. Howard. "The * Mormons claim that it was unwarranted and outrageous , while the genlileJ are equally loud in their protestations that the measure was perfectly justifiable. What do I think about it ? 1 prefer to say nothing. " Major Robert It. , Hall , Maj. Danger- field Parker , Mai : iKent , Capt. Powell , and Capt. HusbOil entered yesterday upon their work as a board of promotion upon the applications of Hospital Steward Al bert rensch. Corporal Lrank Owen , Cor poral Walter McMillan anil Maj Odcn Gurovits. Robbed tn a Dive. A j'oung man named C. H. McCandlish reported to the police last night that ho had been robbed in a house of ill-fame on Fourteenth slrcct , near Jackson , of $83 by a supposed frieiut named Bill Collins. A search is being made for the thief _ and the girl whom McCandlish was visiting at the time , as she is .supposed to be an ac complice. _ _ Ro'l Estate Transfors. The following transfers were filed Fob. 20 , with the county clerk , and reported for the BEE by Ames' Real Estate Agency ( ieo N Jilcks and wlfo and othets fo.Kdgar 11 Scott , It 5 blk 2 , llanscom Place , O nafia , w d , 3750. David O Tunlson. single , to Mailha Tiout , n 70 ft of It 0 blk I , Shlnn's Sdadd Omaha w d , SOOO. John T Bell to the public. Fahvlow In w yt of sw > < ot sw K o bee JM-15-13 , Douglas Co. , dedication. U. P. K II Co to Andrew S Egbert , soi of sec 13-10-9 , 100 acies , Douglas Co , w d , Sl,2 0. Clifton K Mayno and wite to D C Patter son and others. Its 3 and 4 , blk 29 , Weat Oma ha. w d , 84,200. Harriet Uoynolds fo John Magulro , w % of so > f sec 10-lMO. Douglas Co. n e , SI. Clara K Nell to John A Mesliano , pait of sV M of sw soc 20-1 5-13 , Douglas Co , w d , 82,000. KvertV Smith and wife to Jehlal It Bar- num. It 12 , blkO , K V Smith's add , Omaha , w d , S550. Mrs Hosa McCaffrey , widow , to Henry Joseph - soph Ilaogen , 10 aeies of nw and v sec 8- 14-13. Douglas Co , w d. Sl.OOO. John Baiimcr and wlfo to Bvron llccd and John Campbell , It 8 blk S10 , Omaha , w d , S5m David S Guild , single , to Francis B Bar- rowclough , It 13 , ulk A , Sauudcrs As llliuo- baugh's add. Omaha , w d , S3K ) . Euceno O'NolIl ' and wife to John L Biown , W 48 47-1LO U of 11 150 f I Of it 53 blk 2 , Lowo'b 2d add , Omaha , w d , gl.400. Samuel J Chambers and wife to Htcha'rd 0 PatteiMin. pait of s kfof Itll.iflllard&Cald- well's add. Omaha , w d , 81,800. , Samuel S .Meicer and wito to Omaha Belt K H Co. all of llsl , 20. 21 and 23. blk 17 , Wal nut Hill , within M ft of located line of Beit U H fo. : w d' M.MK ) . SUll Claik , tiustee , to Omaha Belt H U Co , paitot no cor of so. . of so sec 10-15-13 , Douglas Co , w d , Hero Is u' By Bell & MoClamtlish. 1011 Dodge street , house ami two lots south front , line view near WojU Leaven worth street , for $2,700. WdUuko team of hoites as part pay , i Albert. Vowuolfl. Any information regarding Albert Ncwbold , nn Knglhb'boy ' about 18 years old , will bo gratefully received by his mother. Mica . E. Nuwnof.u , care of W. C. T. U. , rff Omaha. Nebraska paper * ulw30 copy. New M'upjiir ' Omaha Showing streets , blocks , additions , Bolt railway line , etc. , 25c , J. M. Wou'i ; & Co. , 120 S. I4lh SU Omaha. Dr , Hamilton Warren , .Kolectio Physi cian and Surgeon , 703 N. lUth slrcct , near Wobslor , Day and night call $ promptly attended to. You can buy iurmturo cheaper of A L. Fitch & Co. , 12lh st. , bot. Farnam and Douglas , than any olhor place in the city. Wo will take u few moro Omaha city loans at low rates. J. W. & E. L. 89111111' , Council Blull's , Iowa. A IJcautiful Store. The finest and 'most complete Art Store west of Chicago is Hospo's , 1518 Douglas. Just received I A choice lot of Figs , Prunolls , Uaisias. and Dried Fruits ; also titfull line of Queen Olives. ' C. U. Moom : & Co. IT E 816 South 15th street. 5Sl3S&Ja zE 22S5is WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS "I PLEAD NOT GUILTY , " Lauer's ' Answer to Formal Arraignment Yesterday Afternoon. THE CITY AND WAGE WORKERS. Can Contractors be Mndc to Pay n Stipulated Price for Lubor the Question to lo Decided Other Local NOWM. Prisoners in Court. Just at2 o'clock yesterday afternoon n line of &ix prisoners , accompanied by duputyslioritlti filed into the dNtricl court , which was completely filled with specta tors. Leading the line was John W. Lauerwhose , arraignment for the mur.lcr of his wife , was the cause of Iho largo altcndancc. Judge Neville , occupied the bench , and as court convened Dirtrict Attorney Estollo stopped forward to arraign the prisoners. The first case called was that of Charles Tracy , and after the indictment had been read the prisoner entered a plea of guilty , Patrick Boyland , the bo3' burglar , was Iho next prisoner arraigned , and also plead guilty to the indictment hrouglit against him. James B Campbell and James Christie wcro then arraigned on the charge' of highway robbery. Both entered a plea of not guilty. The state of Nebraska against John W. Lauer , for murder , was then called and as the prisoner arose and listened to the reading of the indictment all eyes turned upon him. The prisoner stood erect but his face was pallid and his eyes turning restlessly from place to place showed that ho was ill at case. When the react ing of the indictment was finished Judge Neville put the stereotyped questions to the prisoner , "What do you plend.guilty or not guiltyr"to which Lnuor responded in a low voice : "I plead not guilty " Layfayetto Powell , the Florence mur derer , was Ihcn arraigned for the kllliuir of Charles Leslie , and plead not guilty to the indictment. This completed the arraignment of prisoners , and District Attorney Estollo announced that ho would bo ready for the trial of Lauer on Thursday. Judge Thurston , however , preferred that the case bo not set until a week from noxl Monday , March 8 , as his health was such that ho could not at present proceed with the trial. The latter date was according ly agreed to and the trial set as the special order for March 8. The criminal case of the term was taken up yoilorday after the arrigmuent of prisoner * * , the culprit being Adolpli Peterson , the alleged fiorsothiof of Flor ence. The crime with which Peterson is charged is that of stealing , lust fall , a horse belonging to Michael Grillin. The animal was afterwards recovered in Oak land , where Peterson was trying to dis pose of it. Peterson plead guilty to the charge and was remanded for Mnitenco. TIII'3 CITY FATIlKrtS. They DlBUiiPs the Laborers' Wages from I'lirtlKuu Standpoints. The regular mooting of Iho city council was held hint evening , with a full attend ance of members. A largo amount of routine business was transacted and the session continued until a later hour than usual. The most interesting feature of the evening was called up by thu rcpoil of the committee which investigated the charges brought against Aaron Hoolfhc street cleaning contractor. As already stated in the BKE the commilteo found Mr. Hool's bill correct and so 'repoited. In discussing the matter , the Mibjocl of the wugus which Miould be paid by the oily to its laborers was brought up and the opinion of City At torney Council was biibmltlcd , holding that the city could not compel contract ors tojwy laborers $1.75 a day. Council man I'ord insinuated that the opinion was a biased one. Mr , Council being a re publican and in favor of paying small wages. Thereupon Councilman Furay moved that the matter bo referred lo Mayor Boyd , whoso democracy la undis puted , who should solnct two democratic lawyers to thoroughly investigate the legality of the caso. This inoiion created considerable political difcussion , in which packing and slaughter house do- moeracy came in for mention , but finally prevailed. A number of grade ordinances were passed and business of minor im- porlanco transacted , after which the council adjourned. Weather J"'or To-day , Jlissot'M YAI.I.UV. Fair weather ; fol lowed by local rains ; slightly voider weather southerly winds in southern pm tlou ; winds bliiftlng to westerly in libithein poition ; . ilsing b.aromctcr in noulnnfi rtuitlpii ; tailing baiumeter'iubouthcrn puitlou. . . , RAILWAY. sx-zo : RT Omaha , Js Council CouncilAnd And Chicago The onlr rend to talco for Dos Molnos , Mur- shiilltowu.CcdnrltaiiliK Clinton , nixlo. Clilciuro. Mllwixiikco nml till pointsonht. To the pooploof Nelnuslai , Coloiticlo , Wjouilug , Ulali , lUiiho NovnUii.Oicaon , Wti hlngrton nnil Ciilirornlu U olleissupoiior iidvnntag-o * not po sll > ) o uy nny other line Among : n row of the niuncioiis points ot sitpo- rloiity oujovcilby the patrons or this foiKltiu- Iwc'OiiOin.Um unil OhIciiwo , arc its two tnilnsu dny ot DAY COACH Ed which nro the llnost that human art and Indemnity can create. Its I'AI- ACi : SI.r.HPINO OAKS , hlen nro models of cninfoit nml ologuaao. Its 1'AULOIl DKAWINO 1WUM CAHS , uusurnnssod by nny , mid Its wldo- ly cclcbintod PAhATIAIi DINING UA113 , the cqunl of Ahch ! cannot bo found clsowhoro. At Council Hluirii the trains of the Union Puci- llo Uy. connect In Union Depot with these of the Chicago ik Noithwostoin Hy. In ChlcaRO the tiiiins of this line inuko close connection with these ol all eixstcun JiiiL'S. For Octiolt , Columlmn. Indianapolis , Cinoln ntitl , Nlnvnra 1'ulK. lluilnlo , Plttabitijr. Toronto filontronl. Uoston , Kow Votk. I'hlladolphlii , Hal- timore.Washln loii and nllpointsln thuoust , ask the ticket nffont tor tickets vln the " ' " "NOHl'Il-WKSTKUN. If you vehh the l > u-t iiccoinmodatlons. All tlolcot MuPHiVaCtSVmthl811"0 - ( 1.S.HAIH , , Uonorul Mauugor. Gou. IHiss. Airunt. A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN OX1.Y 81 J V .MAIL , I'OSri'AlU. SA.til'/.U V1CUU TO Ar.I , A Gront MnllcalVork on nfnnhnoil. nzhmmtPrt Vltnlltr. Morrom nnrt IMixulcul nnliilltr I > ronmtnrol > ( " 'llnoln Mnn.Irrors ot Vuutli.nnit tti9 nnlolrt mli-Tlcs reiulilns from ln < lhcratlim und nx- eo i' < . A book lor i' ory iiiun , youna , mlilitln-nEfld lind old. It contains ri'prp8 ) < Tlptfnn for all urntannd rlironloillKeiuox.oailionoot wlilch M Inrnliinliln. Ha found bT tlmtintlinrwio80 ] ntuorlnnco for ! roirals moll Hsprnliiihly novcr uofnrc fe'.l tntlin lot of nr | .hy > lclnn : . li''o , bound In bortutltnl h'rcncli mu . lln.cmbomoil covers , fullL'llt.unarantPo.l to Iiontlnar vrork In nvcrjr soiu < i-mnchnnl' ' l , lltornrr nntl profm. elonul ilmniiny iithor wnrX In tills nountrr forlJ. l or the nionejr will bo rnfiind In ovary tnnfinre. l rl'0 nnlr II bf rnnll. poitpalrt. lllnitrntod nimtiln , 131. Send now. Gold moilul awarded thoiiiithor by the NX- tlonal Medical Anoclatlnn. tn the I Inn A ) ' . MlMi-ll. inul iwiiopi Ho olltcor of the board tlio rnnlarfi ro- BUOdfnllr rnforrnil The Sclenoo if l.lf l worth moro to tli o rounit nnd tnlilillo-nvRil rocn nf tlilt couur.itton tlnin nil tlioiroll iulnc < of CnlllnrnlHimil llio ellvermlnos of Nov. > Ja combined. S. r.Chninlnln. ThoHclonpeof Ufa polnH out tlio rocki n > l iiulcfc. inUton wjilcli th roiiltltutlon nnd hnpa > of niunr n yuungmnn liave baeii futully wrockuil , * il inchnster ' Ti'orsclenco ? ' of I.lfol of proitnr v.ihm tlian ulltlii meillcjl wnrki | nibll hail In thlt cuunlry Jui-tliuiujl ta rcnrH , Atliinltt ( Jnrutltiitlon 'DiuSclonPoof I.lfol * it uiori3 nnl m marly Iroit- l u on iinrvmi8 mid plijr l'\l ! ilobillty.-Detroit 1'ini Add'rc the I'eibody Modlcil Initltulii. or Ir W. II. 1'nrker.No. 4 llulltlncli itroct , lloiton , .Mu < i.wlij ( may te eon iltuit on alt UUeuicjirugulrln/alilll mill axparl- unco. Cliriinloanil obilintu dl cu iil 111 it luvoUaf. nod Ihu Bklll of nil oilicriiliriloi inn u spoclnlly. Knell trcntod iiccp | iilly without mi InsunCJ or lallurJ Mention Onuba ODD. BOYD'S OPERA. HOUSE Wr.Dxr.snAv A.\U TIUMWDAY , Fehrunry 24ih and 25fh , -THH COMEDIANS- ROBSON & CRANE In their goorstous piodui-IIon of ShtiKfaiioiro'a COMEDY OE EBRORS. I'ndcr thudlrcctlun of Mr. Joseph llronl.g. U\OjOJtix ! In riiilutnlur , llottuty mid Artlftllo Vin til unit iiiodiiuilun uvur iilnced on llio Ainu-loan or IJiiroji.'un ' 'tiiifc. Biculloitt Cub1 o Cliui.u'lorn , Mnnlloont ! ( ci-n.o potuiu ! < Ku'riiniurj littllut , ( inoiy'o m luoutBiluii. 0/ruu i liniidrol puopUKiiiift 1 In ibu imuufei trillion rtculo nl 1'rlwvi I'.ir- quttt nml C r.-lii , $1 tu , II ilucnr W" . ( Jnllory S'jo. No extra chniKu toi-iiw 'ivud wntt , Hnlunt sc t onnnifiifot Tnuidjy. 1 ul > 2J ! , at tlio box ulliuo. B HENDELSSOHH & FISHER , TECTS -ANH IJ. U.BUANK Suueilutjundeiit. National Bank Northwust. corner 1'iinmm utiil 13th Streets. Paid up Capital , $200,000 Surplus Fund 50,000 FRANK MUUPHY , SAM'h K. ROOKIIS. I'losldotit. VIce I'rcslUont. iinx n. woon. urnim DUAKU , Cn-thlor. Asst. Cnahlur. Accountsollcitod ami prompt nttoatlouglvou to all Ouslnosj antrustuil to IUj euro. Pnjs Fivn per t-pnt on Tlmo Deposits. I. F. STOETZEL. Has iirovou that he soils the best Stoves in the city. Ravin ? no rent to nay and no expense , ho is enabled to niuko prices that Competition Cannot Compete With. BRICK BLOCK , HOWA11D , BETWEEN lUth uiid 17th Streets. Sli-MllIUS : AND AUUNTH OF TMIi Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Go , should loud the FiniltlJAHY l.SSUICof tlio Insurance Monitor Just Out. Address 0. C. I11NR , Publlslui JW UioadHiiy , N.V. O.t . O. F. DAVIS & CO. Nebraska Land Agency General doalura In Real Kstnto and IlonlKatata s. 13U5 I'luntim at. Unmhii , Nub. rur stnnd strongest Natural Fruit Flavor * . Vatillhi , l < oinoii , uran H. Almond , Itnso , rtc. , lliivonu dt'llcattly nnd nuturnlly us thu fruit , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO , , CHICAGO. ar. LODIG. The Greatett jJcdlcnl Triumph of tUe ABO ! SYMPTOMS OF A Ior ornpj > riUc , 1 tlie liunil , with n dull eensntlun In Hie l > uck pnrt. 1'aln uur'or llio olioulilcr- ulailo , i'ullitota nl'ter ejllnif , irllU ndli- Inclination fo extrilnu of liuAr or mind , IrrltaUlltyoririnper , F - - - \Voarlucn9 , ] > l77liiUH , I/lu tiering lit dm Ileait , Dot * belttrptlio eye * , Iluuiluclio over the tight rj-o. Jteill * * neia , vllb fllfuliheniii9 , Jllu-hlycolorcilUrluc , uud CONSTIPATION. TDTT'y I'ilvr.OaroL'apecinlly adapts J to each CHSOS , otio iloso cirucu siicli a chnngdOdcolliiiriistonitctnUlithoBiiirurnr. IB Aiiprl Ito.aml cauae tlia hcily tn Take ou J'li li. Uiui tbo 7itcm 19 notirljElieil.cni ! y tliclr'l'uiilo Action on tbolilae " , ullrKiilarHtouUara firortucril. . 4 * triii-rjivNt..IV.V. TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SfiRSAPAHILU ltcuotatr.8 tlm I'ojy , nuiki-s healUiy , f.tieiiKllum tlio veak , rfimlnKlio wu > U-a of Xlio } - > . ( om ith puiu l > lou.l and hanl nuucla ; ttinr.-i the noriotui ryttom , In liorntts tb tralii , ami Inipm-M the vjgor of uiai-tiood. $ I. Hold bv i .iiiiuHj-Hi.c\V York. .