Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Ci7ii-Uool , demand ; No. 3 mixed ,
"ontKasIor , ' Jo. 3 mtxtd , TOKc.
Ityp Fair dcinniiu ! An. a r 'ic.
llulcy Ki y ; exlm 1 0,3 spring ,
- . . .
J.nrd Moderate ( trinnnd nl 80. .
AVlilslty-Uood ilcmnnd nt S1.10.
o , Feb. 23-Tlio Drovers' Journnl
llozs Rpcclnt.i , ? .000 ; slow nnd
h nnd mixed , 83.00 < M.iM ; jwcUIng nnd
, 3 . .ao.305 light , S3.70il. ( ! ! : skips ,
. . .
Hhcen Receipts , C.OOO ; steady ; natives ,
S2.00S-1.00 ; Toxnns , sAoo O.Tr ; lambs , 34.CW0
B.03.St , T.o-ili. Prb.3.1.-Caltlc-Uccclpt9. 1,503 :
hnlchcrs1 stcrrs , ; cows nml
helfei.s , 32.QX33.C5 ; stockcrs nnd feeders ,
lIoKs-lteccipts. 400 ; shipments , 3.0DO ;
market active nml steady on light and cholco
heavy : mixed packing lOc lower ; butchers'
nnd choice he.ivy , S4.20@.20 ; mixed pack
ing S.'UXtfl.l5 ( ; llRht , 8A85@4.15. !
ICitnsn * Oily. Feb. 2.1. Cattle Receipts ,
: iOUO ; shipments "M : shlpplnir Kindo- )
low , butchers' faltly active , feeders stromr ;
oxtmitcrs , ? 5.00ii5.2.15 common to choice
slilpjilnif , S4.0X < ir > . < )0 ) ; stockeis nnd feeders ,
iloKs ltccclplHVu'obo ; 'shipments , 2,003 ;
Mow , weak anil lOo lower ; good to choice ,
sa.o.'X&UO ; light iml mixed , S3.05@:5.83 : ;
skips nnd plus , tf J.CO-iilJ.uO.
Tuesday Kvenln ? , Feb. 23.
The offerings of choice cattle were very
nicagro and only a lew chanced hands A
low odds and ends of butchers stock \\cie
denned up. Prices cnntlnneil about steady.
Steers averaging l.-OJ to l.iOOaie quoted nt
SI.10@I.W : ; a\eraglnK 1.S50to 1,451 at 8I.83 ®
' 1.50. Choice yottm ; cows and heifers are In
demand nt SJf.OOQD.fA ) .
The IIOR market opened steady at ycstcr-
d ay's prices and u few sales were made on that
basis , out later the icported decline In cast-
em nmikets caused n corresponding decline
hcioot about lUc. The iccelpts weio In ex
cess of vcsteiday's nnd the demand fairly
uood. The pens weioclcared with thoexrep-
lion of llvo loads , which weio left over.
L'ood choice packing ho s are ( | iiotcd tit
S.'I.U'iiHO.'i ; good mixed nt S3.bO@i.l)5 : ) ; com
mon iotnli , ntsi.'T)3ri : ' : ! ,
Thniccro n few shi-fp on the market but
not ( it tlio urado wanted. Thcie Is no nm-
tethil change In quotations.
Showing the liiglicnt aud lowest prices paid
on Ihis market for ho s diirinsr the past
seven daytj and for the corresponding period
last month.
January. February.
Tuesday n.40 ( fJEOr .70
Wednesday " > ( § : ) .70
Krlday 8.7.
Satuiday : i.40 S.75 W4.0U
Monday. : t.40 4.00 ( d4.15
Tuesday : i.40 r-f : ! . U.1X ) ( 1.10
Showlnc the number of cattle , hogs and
fihecp purchased by the nackeis on the mar
ket to day.
Hauls AFIsher 63
. 11. Hammond & Co 23
Others CU
J. K. Boyd S.r >
Jlniiimond & Co bT > 7
Others 119
Note All sales of stock In this market are
made per cwt. llvocluht unless otherwise
stated. Dead boss sell at Ic per Ib , for nil
weights. "Skins , " orhoKswclKlilnjr less thnn
300 Ibs , noaluc. . Pregnant sows are doukcd
40 Ibs und blairs to Ibs.
Tuesday Kvcnlnj ; , Feb. !
The produce markets were generally quiet
onlay , the demand for most kinds of produce
being rather light. The change from cold
winter to mild spring weather has a very pcr-
ccptlbio elfcct upon the market. Aspiices
nro tending downward , the retail dealers aio
not inclined to buy 111010 than Is nccc saiy to
supply their wnnts from day to day. Them
Is more nativity In fiults such as oranges nnd
lemons limn In country produce , caused by
the outside demand , llonm grown nppleb
nnd potatoes m o moving very slowly.
While Urn inicus on lumber lemain 1111-
rhanged , they niu very Him , with n prospect
of going higher. Kioight rates nt n apparently
nt their lowest cbl > . The great amount of
building to bo done this beabon nnd the con-
beiiut nt lieavy demand for lumber would tend
to raleo pik-es oven If tlicru were no advance )
nt the chief points of production.
Prices on Mnun's No. l Labrador nnd the
largu led hhoie licrnu s havu declined 60c on
U ban el.
The war among the manufacturers of plug
tobacco , gtowlng out of tlio pitMiiluui or gilt
scheme , Is homllng prices dounwaid on tlio
General MarlcotH.
KQOH The heavy loceipts and compara
tively light demand has weakened piic.'S.
Tim bulk ot sales weio nitulo to-day nt Hlo
while many went ns low ns I5o.
HuiTiit ; Tliu niaikct Is Hat nnd them Is
little lU'iimnd tor any grade , but moro es
pecially thi ) Interior grades. Choice rolls nio
imoted nt IHoJKJc ; fair to good , 10l2c : In
ferior. 7tfho ( : citniinii v , : KC. )
OIIKKSK Fancy lull cream Cheddars. Oc
tober niako , llUo : llat.s li ® 12'j'o ' ; young Ama -
erica , Ule'a ; liixt iiuality SwTbS clieebe , lOc : sec
end quality , niello ; brick cheese , 10a ; LI m-
burgwr , lldtlLV.
I'OUI.THV Tlio lecoipts of poultry weio
light to-day. Chickens mo quoted nt 0lOu
nnd tuiUuys , gcc ! > u und ducks can not to
minted nbovu thai.
< ! AMK--llnbbIts constitute the bulk of tlio
jot-eipts. Ccosu and ducks will bo looked for
bluntly. I'rnlilo chickeiii. per doS2.M )
quail , per do/ . Sl.snon.M ) ; jack ndilills , per
do/ . 83.)0ii".l.W ( ) ) : mallard ducks. W.M : teal
ducks. Sl.&Vtfl.-'iO ; mixed ducks , Pl.iV.fl.50 ;
Binall i-nbblth\7' > er < { SI.OO : west' . sa.KXn3.flO. (
1'iiK.sKiiVKR. : : KTC. 1'u'sei ves.
nil kliKls. ilO-lb. ] ) ails per Ib. , W ode \ lu pail
lots , per Ib. lOc ; as-.oif.ed 6-lh. jiaiis per cr.ito ,
0 falls , SM.7.V Jellies , nil kinds , liibt giadc ,
CO-lb. palls , per Ib. , be : nssortiM , llist giadv ,
6-lb palls , iHir crate , fl palls' S-.M ) ; do ,
Mb palls , pt-r rase , U doSVJ5 ; do , tumb
lers , wr case. 2 do/ . . SI.40. Jelly , all kinds ,
second grade , CO-lb. palls , per Ib. oe. unco
Meat , tx'st Kiaile , Jbbl. . per IK , 7e : do , IS.
iti and f > sib palls , per'Jlb. , 75 c : do. .VI b
palls , i cr crate , tl palls , ! t7. ' > . Apple butter ,
extra line , > r ubl. . ner Ih. , 7c ; do 40-lb jialld ,
iier Ib. , 7tf ? ; do. 5-lb pails , ] > er cnite. ti palls
S2,7 < t. reach und plum butter , 40-10 palls , per
Ib. , Wjc : peach , plum nnd quince butter , as
sorted , 5-lb. p.uN. tier wnte , 0 pallsi.T5 : ;
catsup \wr \ cn e , - do& pint Untie * . fc-VUO ;
hoi > o radish , pint bottles , per do/ . 3l.'iO.
i'jos KKF.T , TIUPF. KIT Pigs' feet jwr
H l't ' > ! . , 4.75 ; do. > / bbl. . 3.40 ; do.
per kit , Sl.OO. Lambs' toiiu'ttes. per ' , '
Lbl. , sa.H ) ; do. w-r kit , g'J.75 ; do.quart
Jars per doz. , S-VM : do. pint lars per case ,
5 doz. , S7.CXX Tilpe , per Mbbl. , Sl.M ) ; do. per
tfbbl. 52.25 ; do. Wr kit. 1 > .
b At ; Kit KitAUT iiuallty. 45 sal bbl ,
57.W ; SO L-al bbl , SO.W ; 15 ual bfif. S4.a .
Nirrs1'cciins , Iano polhhwl. lie ; pecans ,
ucdlum , Oc ; .English ualuuts , lie ;
Tnrraeona , 2Ce ; do , iangnenoc , 17c ; Hrazlis ,
lac , filberts He ; jieannls. hand picked , fancy
Vliijlnla. 7edo ; roasted Pe.
COMII lloxr.v California 2 Ib frame ( V ) Ib * ,
In ca o per Ib , , 15c ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska ,
C'IDKH .Michigan refined , per bbl. , SO. 10 5
do. half bbl. . S4.00.
ViNEUAii Whlto wine , ICc ; elder , 12jfc.
Coro.Nt'T.o At S4.f > OCrt5.00.
Nr.w Fios , DATI-.S. Krrv-I.ajer figs 5 and
8-lb boxes , per Ib , lVrfl7c ( ; Pnmelles 2.V11)
boxes , per Ib , luc. Dates , fancy rnnl , 12-Ib
boxe-s , per Ib , Ho ; do , fancy Persian , W-lb
boxes , per Ib , lie.
I.KMONS Fancy Mc < slnn nml Palermo , per
box , 85.00 : do. cholco Messlua nnd Palermo ,
per box , 31.59 ; do. per 5 box lot. SiOO. rancy
California lemons have nrrivctl In the
market and are selling at 83.60 per bov.
BANANAS Supply more llbeinl. Demand
good. The facilities for handling bananas
nro constantly Improving in this maiket.
Some line rlpn stock Is now being turned out
of banana room for .shipping purposes.
OitArr.s Malaea per bbl. S7.00.
O n ANiir.s- Choice Los An coles , per box ,
82.76 : do.Miox lots , perboxS2.fiO ; do , 10-box
lots , S2..W ; fancy Klverslde , 53.75 ; do , C-box
lots 3..M ! ) : Navels. P4.60.
UitANHKnnir.4 Capo Cod cranberries , per
bhl , SS.60 : Capo Cod do , ft bbl lots per
bbl. S8.00 ; Hell nnd Cherry do , per bbl , 83.75 ;
IJcll nnd Cherry do. 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 85.60.
Ai'i'i.r.s There Is a liberal duiuand for
cholco stock , hast fnll's supplies nro about
exhausted. Fancy N.Y. Bildwlnsand green
ings , 52.50(32.75 ( : Sllosmul ( icnltons. per bbl. ,
82.40 ; do , 6-bbl lots , 82.23 ; do. 10-lb lots , ,
S2.00.Missoutl ; WIllowTwIgs , Hen Davis , etc ,
82.75 ; do , 6-lihl lots , 52.60 ; do , 10-hbl lots ,
52.40 ; fancy Michigan stock. fi:5.00i.'i5. : ( :
1'orATor.s None nro coiulmr , and prices
are nominal ntft'XftCOc for choice stock.
O.NIOXS The market Is almost bate of
onions A carload of choice Salt Lake , ox-
cctcd to aiilvo next \ seekI11 probably sell
12J < c per Ib.
Srr.oiTAni.r.s : California cabbage , 3c per
b ; California celery , S2.00i ( 2.fiO per dor
ersey sweet potatoes , 4c per Ib ; paisnlps
2.00'per bushel ; Michigan rutabaga , 52.50
or bbl. ; caiillllnwcr. S.MX ) per do/ .
Br.AXH Hand tricked navy. 81.75 ; unntl-
icked iiiedluni , 81.60 ( ! 1.75 : irood clean
conntrr. SIAV LGO : inferior. 75ci,00. (
GiiAix Klovatorpriccs : Corn , 22 > < fc : oats ,
[ c ; wheat , ni 5 Co ; rye , 45e : barley , 4Sc
Vi.ottnandMtM.STUFrs Winter Wheat-
Inn ; best quality patent at S3.00@3.10.
, S ccoml mini I ty-S2.50@t.OO. :
Spline Wheat-Best quality patent at 82.50
(2.75. (
IJttnkwhcat Flour In barrels , 85.75 ; icady
alscdSlb packages , 84.00 ; 0 Ib packages ,
IJraii 5.1c per cwt.
ChopDcd Feed Per 100 lbs.70c.
Corn Meal White. SOe ; yellow , 70c per cwt
Screening No. 1 , 75c per cwt ; No. 2 , 50c.
Hominy S1.50 jier cwt.
Shorts-OOc per cwt
Urahain 81.76 per cwt.
llav Hales. S5.W < < tO.OO ccr ton. ate Eteadv ; New Yoik
loutits : , 4x ! : extra selects , 40c ; selects , 33c ;
tandards : ! 0c : mediums. 25e.
1'jiovisio.vs. Ham , 10W10Ke. ( breakfast
jacon , t@SKcclcar ? ; side bacon , 7cdry ; salted
Ides , Cc : shoulders , sugar cured , 5 > c : mess
pork per bbl. . 813.00 : lard. 40 Ib. cans , per Ib ,
> Jf@7c : 10. C amis Ib /8c ; dried beef
lams. 12c
Funs AND SKINS Prices on furs nnd
Jdns are steady. Mink , each , 10Zfluc ( ? ;
uuskrat , winter. 2@5c ; do. kits , Ic : Otter ,
2.50(30.00 ( ; skunk , short striped , I5@25cdo. ;
noad striped , 10@15 ; badger , 25@.V ) : Jtac-
coon , No. 1 large. r,0@ 5 ; do. No. 2 , flOfitao ;
lo. No. , 10ii2c ? : wolf , prairie fiOTJiToc ;
lo. mountain , S2.00@3.oOwildcatir40bea- ; , :
vcr , 81.5UGJ2.60 perlb ; lov , eacii , 0 @l. 5 :
deerskin : , drv winter , 15@l8c perlbdo. ; fall
nnd suninifr 20ii'Jac (
llinib : tiieen butchers , Cf'lOJi'c ; preen
cured. ( 'M$7c ( ; drv Hint , llGiWc ; dry
salt. 0@10c ; damased hides two-thirds price ,
fallow 3Jc. Giease , prime white , ft Weel ; -
ow. : ! e ; brown. 2l < fc. bheco Pelts 23 ; < 97 ; > c.
HEAVY jlAiinwAitE lion , rates , E2.5j
ilow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ;
cast tools do , 12@18c ; wnson spokes , per sot.
; i.75@3.00 ; hubs , ucr set , S1.2. " > , felloes , sawed
dry , 51.40 , tongues , each , 75c , axles , each , 75c ;
square nuts , per Ib. , 7@llc ; collchaln per Ib ,
Ijl2c ( ; mali'ableii'8c ; Iron wedgcs.Oc : erow-
jars.C ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7@Sc ;
Jurden's hois.0 shoes Sl.iia : Burden's mule
shoes , 85. ! . Barbed Wire In car lots , 5H.OO
per 100 Ibs. Iron Nulls-Hates , 10 to 00 , 83.00.
Shot 81.60 ; buckshot , 81.b5 ; Oriental pow
ler , keps 88.60GTH.00 : do , half kegs. S2.00 ; do ,
quarter kees. 31.60blastine : , kegs , $3.35 ; luso ,
uerl001ect.50c. Lead Bar. 81.0 .
1-iEATiiKit .No. l I'lttsburg harness J. C , L.
iSons , SCc ; No. 1 Pittsburg , K. J : S. c ;
No. 1 lace leather. C5c ; prlmo slauchter
sole leather , 2So : nrlmo oak solo leather.
Ti@39c. Upper leather , per foot. 20@23c ;
1cm kip , 7j@85c ; oak Kip , 85@95c : French
kin. 51.0txai.ffi5 ; Hem calf , 51.0001.10. oak
calf. 51.00(721,25 ( ; Kiench calf , Sl.a 1.85 ; Mo
occo boot leg , SOQ32o ; Morocco oil pebble.
b@83c ; toppings and linings. SC.OOMIO.OO
per do/ .
COAI , Anthracite grate , 58.50 ; egg , 58.50 ;
.range , S8.75 ; chestnut , 59.75 ; Iowa. S3.50 ;
Walnut block. 53.75 : Illinois , 85.00 : Mis-
iJiiY J'AINTS Whlto lead. Be ; Frenun zinc ,
l'-cPnris whltlng,2Xc ; whiting gilders.lJic ;
whiting. com'l. lHclaniDblnck.icrmnntown.
12c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue ,
63c. , utramnrino 18c : Vandyke , brown , bo
umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , : sienna raw. 4o. : Paris ereen. jrenu-
Ine , 20c : 1'ans green , common , 20c : chromo
pieen , N. Y. 20c ; chr mo green , K , 12c ; ver-
nilliion , English. In oil asst lao ; raw and
burnt umber 1 Ib cans. lOc : raw and ournt
slennn , lOc ; vnndvko nrown. We ; remid
lampblack. 12c ; coach black and Ivory bhvk
lOc : drop black , lOc : Pinsslan blue. 40c : ul-
tramnrino blue. IBc : chromo green , L. , Ji < te
D.,10e : blind and shutter crecn , L. . M. & 1) .
lOc ; Pans gieen , * bc ; Indlnnrcd , 15c ; Veno-
tlan red. He : Tuscan red. sac ; American vermillion -
million , L. & D. , 20c ; yellow oonre. He : u M
it O. D. , ibc ; golden ocliro , I6c ; patent dryer
fe : pralning colors , liglit oak , daik oak , wal
nut chestnut and ash l&c. _ . .
J'AINTS IN On , White lend , Omaha , P. P
c ; white lead , St. Loul ? , wire C7. o ; Mar-
so lies green , l to 5 it cans. 2Cc ; * ranch zinc ,
green seal , 12c ; Ficnch zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zlnc.ln vnrnUh nsst , 20c ; Fienchziuo
75c : vermillton. American. 18c ; Indian , led
lOcsroso pink. He : Venetian , red. Cookson-s
25fc : Venetian led , Amciican , lfc ; red lead
7Ko ; chrome yellow genuine , 20c ; cluoino
yellow , K , 12c : ocliro rocliello : 'c : oclirn ,
Fiench , 2Kc ; ochre , American , So ; Wlnter'a
mineral. ' % c : Lehlirh brown. \ ioSpaiiisn \
brown. 2 } < c : Prince's mincial 3c
\ AKNISHKS liarreis , per ca'lon ! Furnl-
tuic. extra. Sl.lO ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra 51.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.30 ;
Damnr , extra , 51.75 ; Jnnan. 70c ; nsphaltum ,
extra , 65c ; shellac 83.50 ; hara oil Unlsli ,
OILS liucaroon , per gallon. 10c150 ; nead
light , per gallon , lie ; 17So hcndllgni , per 'gal '
lon , 1 c : 150o water white. I4o : linseed hard
jcr gallon , 44C ; linseed , boiled , per gaium ,
47c : lard , winter strM , per irallon. We : Mo.
1 , 4i"c " ; No. a , 4''c ' ; castor XXX. per gallon ,
81.55 ; No. 3 , 51.44 : sweet , per jrnllon , Sl.OO ;
epcriii. W. it. , noreilinn , S1.CU : lish W. II.
per pnllon.osc ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon ,
7UcNo. l.OSc : lubricating , zero , iK-rgallon ,
NO. bummer. K > C : colden nmchlno , No. l , per
eallon , We ; No. 3,25c ; sjicrm , signal , per gal
lon , 75cturpentine : , per tallou , ulc ; uaptha ,
per KBllon , 7Jc.
Diti'iis ANI ( jjniMiOAi.s Acid , rarbolle ,
! X5e ; ncld , taitailc , 53e ; bals-am copaiba , per
It ) . , .We , batk , snssatras , per Ib. , 12c ; calomel-
per Ib. , 72c : clnchonhlia , j > er oz. , 40e ; chloro ,
foiin , pt-r 11) . , 15.V ) ; Dovers poietc < , per Ib. ,
81,23 ; I'psoni jsalts , perlb. , uj o ; ghcerlne ,
puu , per Ib. , 2io ; lead acetate , per Ib. , 20c ;
oil , eahtor , No. 1 per gal. , Sl.CO ; oil , i-astur ,
No. 2 per gal. , 81. ; oil.ollvo. per gal. , Sl.lO ;
oil. origaiiuiii , fiOc ; opium 53.75 ; quinine , P ,
AV. : . , ami It , A : S. , i > er obTx : ; putasslum ,
Iodide , per Ib. , $ . ' 1.00 ; ballcln , luir o/,40c ;
sulplm'o nioiphlno , per oz. , 3.20 ; biiliihur ,
per lbtlo ! ; strychnine , per or. . . 81.60.
biMitiTS Cologne spliits , 188 proof , SI.Vi ;
do 101 proof 81.1,1 ; bpiiits , hccund qiulity
101 pioof. 81.12 : do. lt > S pioof , 81.11. Alco
hol. 1SS proof , S2.10 per wine gallon , liedls-
tilled \\hihklos , Sl.00 1.50. ( Jin blemied ,
fl.5XW.oos ( ! Kentucky bouibons , S2.ooWD.Ou ;
Kentucky and Pennsvlvniila rjes. S2.00Q0.50 ;
( iolden Sheaf bourbon and jyo wmsKics ,
S1.5W(3.00. ( Hmndles-lmportud , 55.00@3.fx ) ;
domestic . Sl.UOtfil.UO. Ulns Impoited , S4.50
010.00 ; doniestii' , S1.2.V < J3.00. Hums lin
1)01 ) toil , S4.50 ( < S.OO ; New England , Sl.75@2. < ) ;
doinestlo , 81.2-VJifn.03. Champagnes 1m-
potted , per c.ise. SJS.00 31.00 ; Ameilcau , per
tate , Slo.oo.iiio.oo
BusniiiKS Domestic Holland hcrrlns ,
begs , 60c ; Husbhvu said I lies , 45o ; Aneho-
virs In class Om Hull brana. ncr ant. ,
S'.OO ; spiced ! Hamburg herrings , skins und
leads off , , uer pall. Sl.oo.
MACKnnrt , .
SMonnn FISH Halibut , now. ifc ; new
scaled herrings , 2c ; ; salmon , 14c : smoked
fcttirvcon. 17o.
CODFISH MOW larzc (5. ( U. whole cod , 4c ;
C. iV 1' . , ( icorzes chunks , "c ; clover "leaf ,
Georges stilus OJ c : 1 Ib rolls , 5 Ib boxes ,
0 > .c : pralrioflower , 21b brlckG | c ; wild rose ,
Grooora Litat.
SYIMJP No. 70 , 2 c , bbls ; Xo. 70 , 4-znllon
.ees. 81.03 ; New Orleans 38 40 per g !
ilaplo Syrup , y barrel. P. t 0. stilctly
Oc per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , SO.'ilper loz ;
M gallon cans , 85.25 pcrdoz ; quart cans
STAnoii Macara gloss , 1 In , 0o ; Niagara
Gib"Wo , : Klni
ford's bulk -Ic.
bU < JAiis-l'owdeicd.7J4ccut ; loaf.7i , .
dated , 0 fc : coniectioners' A. 0'sc : Stan
lard extra C. Oj e : extia C. 0sc ; medium
yellow. O'i'e : New Oileaim. SJ/ojfd 40.
1'i.uo TOIIACCO Climax , 44cuer Ib : Horse
shoe , Mtc ; Star , . " ' 'c : Sncailiead. i-ic ; Hold
toll , 4c ( ! ; Piper llcldslck. OOc ; Punch. lis'c ;
oungFilt40c : SilverTne.40c : .IT.I , Sic.
OANDY Mixed.iX@12c ! : stick. O' Mlle.
SODA In Ib papers , 33/45 a case ; "salsoda
leg per Ib , 2 .e.
I'IOKLES Medium In barrels. SVOdo ; In
lalf barrels. S.T : : small In barrels , 57. 0 ; iio
n half barrels , S4. 5 ; gherkins In barrels ,
JUO : do in half barrels , S4.75.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial. 82/3 ;
Kirk's satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. S3RO ;
ICirk'sWhito Uussian. S4.35 ; Klik's White
Cap. 80.50 ; Dome. S4..r : > .
MATCHKS Per caddie , 35cround ; , per case
45c ; square cases , 81.70 ; Ushkosh cases , gr. ,
J1.20 : mule square. S1.2\
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton.
In sacks , S3.i5 : ; X sacks , iVshton , OOcbbU
dairy. 52.00i5i2.75 (
SPICES tiround Hlack pepper , boxes , 15
© 2-'c ; allspice , 12@lOc : cinnamon I8@ > 5c ;
cloves , 15@25c ; ginger , 15@25c ; mustaid , 15 ®
choice , C0@70c : Oolong , peed , ax § c ; Oo-
, clmice , 40@CCc : Knirllbh Krcnkftist , tjood.
Vtr > ,
pood. .
Tea SlltTlH.s. Iba
VINHOAIS CIDEH 13@18c ; whlto wlno , IB
@ 2ltc.
CUACKEHS Ciarncan's soda , butter and
Elculc , flKc ; creams , 8) c ; ginger snaps , 8j c ;
itv soda. 7Kc. . . .
DitiEU KUUITS-NO. 1 ouarter apples , 4'c ;
evaporated , boxes. 8@ c ; blackberries ,
boxes. O/'fOJICc : peaches ; Eastern. 4 @ 5l < c ;
peaches , evaporated , 15 @ 17c ; Salt l ake ,
new. lM@ic ; raspberiies. now. 22c : ; cut-
ranis , new.Tti ; prunes , new. 4 < @ 5c.
COFFEES Ordinary graaes , 0)40 ) : fair , 10@
20c : .Mocha , 22nJilc ( : Arbucklo's roasted ,
WMc ; aioLaujjliiara XXXX roasted , 13&o ;
Dilworth's Wo ; Kcd Cross. ISi/c.
CAN.\in : Goons Oysters , atandard per
case. S.V.O : strawberries , 2-tJ ) . , percase. SJ.v > ;
lu&pbcnies , 3-lh. , per case , S3.35 ; Cnltfornla
pcnrs. per case , S5.60 ; njiriciits , per casa ,
S4.00 ; peaches , per case , S4.7."i ; wliito cher
ries , per case. 50.00 ; plums , per case , 84.00 ;
5.50. * * "
CANDT.KS Boxes , 401b , Os ll'jc ; Ss , HKc ;
boxes , 4016 , 10 oz , Os , 11 " 40 ; halt box , SOfc ,
l i c.
HOPE Sisal. % Inch and larger , 8 .c ; %
Inch. Oc : ' 4 inch , O' c.
FINIS CUT Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the
Weat , COc ; Fountain , 70c ; Golden Thread ,
07c ; Favorite , COc ; Uuds , SOc ; Kocky Moun
tain , flOc ; Fancy , 4.5c ; Daisy , 40o ; North Star ,
70c : Good Luck. 53c : Our best , ti 'c ; Good
News , ioc. _
Dry Goods.
Pnurrs American , 5 < : Arnold's , Co ;
Coclirco , ( ! c ; Mnnchcfatcr , 6u ; Lyrsan ,
5c ; Gloucester , SJjc ; Diinncll Jaciiu.nd ,
Cc ; Uuiincll , OJ c ; Windsor. Co ; I'nciiic ,
fie ; Harmony. 4Kc ; Anchor Shirtings , 4)-sc ) ;
Merrimack ShlitlnKS , 4 > , 'c ; Berwick. 4r.
lii.r.Aciir.D COTTONS. rnrmi'is * cliolco ,
Cc ) ; Cabot. C c ; Hope , 7c ; 11111 4-4. 7Kc ;
11III % ,0c ; Lonsdalo , 8.- ; Fruit , 8c ; TVain-
sutta. 10 jC.
COIISBT J KAXS Kearsartje , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; i'enperea , 7 c ; ludmn Orchard , 6ic ;
NmimUeair , 7c.
Unowx Corrox Lawranco LL , 50 ; Shaw-
mnt LL. Be : Heaver Dam LI5c : Atlantic
Llj , 5c ; Indian Head , \Vaiicliusset : 0c ;
Crown XXX. i c : Clifton CCC , 0 > | c
Utica C. 4fc } : Atlantic P. VAC.
TICKINGS AmoskeacACA ISKc ; Thorn-
dkeOOO. 79 c : Tliorndikolanuy , 0 > ic ; jerk (
Vork fancy , I35 e ; Miflbury , 12Hc :
1'earl Klver , H c ; Hamilton. I2c : Swift
lUver , Jfc : ahetuciset b , bkc ; Shetuckot SS
OKe : JlontaukAA. I2c ; Montauk 13U. lie ;
Omega ACA. IHo
FINI : JJitowN COTTONS 1'epnerell K , C/c ! ;
I'epporell O. 5Hc. Atlas , O c ; Statue ol Llb-
crtv. Cc : Saranao It , CHc.
DKNIMS Heaver tieek AA. lie ; Heaver
Creek , Ml , lOc ; Heaver Cieek CC , 'Jc ; Jnltroy
XX , lie ; .falfroy XXX , 12c ; JalTroyU.tT ,
12 | c ; Columbian , 12)'c ; Yoik , Wo ; Yoik.
nn cv , iiXc : : Kverctt , 13c ; Hnyinaker's blue
ana brown.
DucK-Unbleachcd ( ) So.Macrnolla. .
10 01. Magnolia , 12c : 8 oz. West Point , 10) < o ;
10 eVe > t I'oiht ISVtfc.
DUOK ( eoloiedl Boston 'J oz. brown and
drab , lii'tfo : Boston O II brown and drab , 9c ;
Boston XX brown nnd drab lOc : Boston
XXX In own and drab.HKc ; Boston Ol'Dlue ,
UKo : Wnrrcn Tricot loc.
tiiNOHAMS-Uontrew tKJilOXo ; Amoskoa
dross. Oo : Amoskeaz , stajile , 7 > n'c : Ivanho
> c ; Wamsutta. el < c ; Nubian , ; { c ; War
wick. 8Kc : WIiHU'tidon. Oc : Bates , dress 8c ;
Hates , staple. ofc ; Kandolnh staple ,
Lnnsdowne. 7c : illoucester , 7J < c.
Ciir.vims Amoskca1 , ' , checks , 9 > jc : Amos
ksatf , stripes , Wfo ; Slater , .Uripcs , c : Eilln-
Bure , UKo ; Wlilttoiulon , stripes. 8c ; Glen
Endurance , book fold 12c.
Dry Lumber.
12 11 ft'lfl ' tt 20 ft 23 ft 21 tt
2x4 15.00 15.0'J'15.XJ 10.00 17.00 18.03llO.OC
2x0 lt.6J1l.SO H.6U 15.W1B.6U ll .60bJ10 )
2.XH 15.00 Ift.dfi 15.00 18.UO 1T.OO 18.00 19.00
2x10 15.00 15.001VOO lO.Otl 1T.OO 20.00 20.50
2x12 Ifi.WJ 15.W ) lh.00 10.00 1J.OO 19.0020.00
4 ix8 15.U ) 15 00 15.0U 10.00 17.UI 18.00 19.0 (
CiiMNCr :
Clear , # Inch Yellow I'ino 832.00
Clear. & inch Noiway 14.00
2d Com. , % inch. Norway 13.00
1st and 2d Clear , ijf inch.s. S3 , 85000
it-t and .M Clear , 1 > < and 2 Inch , s Us. . . . 50 00
: id Clear , \X Inch. s2s 4800
SdOar , lViand2 inch , s 2s 4800
] { Select , Ul > i and U inch. s. 2s ! 00
1st nml ad Clear , 1 men , s. 2s MOO
Sd clear , 1 Inch , s Si 44.V )
A .Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s. . . , 4000
B Select. 1 Inch. s. 2s 2350
No. Iboards , 13,14ft and 10.00
No.2boards , 12 , Hit and 10.75
No.8boardE , 12,14ft and 13.75
No. 4boaids , 12,14 tt und 14.25
No. l , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 andSldSO 14feet , rough. .
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 feet 14.50 , loncli.
No. 2 , 4 .to Inch , 12 and 12.50 14 feet , rough , .
No. a , 4 & 0 Inch. 10 feet 10.50 , jouKh. .
I'Ol'I.AI ! I.U.MIIKII. i l
Clear Poplar box bds , ins,2s . $ . .00
" " Kin. panel stk wide , s 2s. S7.CO
" " CoiriiBated Ceiling , K. . , 29.00
Slll.\iLK3 , LATH.
A * Standard . . . 82.CO
5 Inch , clear , S1.60 ; 0 Inch , clear . 1.00
No. 1 . , . ; , . . .i . . ' . , . I.K
Lath. . . . . . > . , . 2.20
HtCom. , 9tnci \ \ White 1'inej . t. . . . § 30.00
2d Cour. , / lucliWliltePiflti. . - . . C3.W
Billiard Table * ,
Manufacturers of Billlaid & Pool Tables ,
Ami Saloon , Ofllco nml Hank Fixtures. MnrXct
nnd Huron Sts. , Chicago , III. Uinnlm office , &JJ
3110thSt. _ _ _ _ _ _
Book Binding , Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Ulnnk Hook" Manufacturer * . No . 100 nnil
_ lOUSouthlllh Street , Uranbn , Nob. _
_ Bridges-Sleam Pile Driving. _
Engineers nil Contractors.
Bridges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Drlriaj
ron Combination nnil How * Trum
'illiiir nnil Onk Timber. 15tli St. , ntur Karnam
rclephono No. 734
Cigars and Tobacco.
" " ' " " " '
MAX Mr Y nil Se CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns mid Ammunition. 215 to E23 South llth
Street , 1IKO to 1024 Tornam Street , Oinalin , Nob.
Manufacturers of Pine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tolmecoi. Nos.
108 nml 113 N. HthSti cot , Oinnlm. Ncb. _
Eagle Cornice Y/ork /
John 1'ponotcr , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
Gi\hunl7ul Iron iiml Oornlco. Id Dodge and 101
nnd 105 North 1 Hli Street , Umnhn , Nob.
Mnnufaeturorsof Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , FinalsEtc.BIOS. 12th St. Workdono
Western Cornice Works ,
a ErnCHT , Proprietor.
Galvanized Iron rornlco' . Ktc. SpcohlN lin-
roviS rnlciit Mi-tnll'o ' Sltylluht COS nnd BIOS.
12th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
The Gate
Doors , RnMi nnd Ullmls. Also all IdmU or
iniiiK' . Sci-oll mid Stair work of every ilo-
A. ItOSENlinilY ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Halls n specialty Tclcnliono No. KJ
IDth nnd Mnroy St s. , Omaha , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnpoulo niock , Omaha. Hurjrlar Alarms , Hells
Fiio Ahinns Rlootrlo .Mnttln r , Snunklnjr TuboJ ,
Gold , f-ilvor and Nickel 1'lutlnir , 1'lc.
Iron ar d Nails.
% "
Cut .Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Nails P. Spc jlnlty. Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Ca'stlnprs , Steam Engines , Hollers ,
Aivhltccturallcpn vjork. Iron Hrld/es / , MlnltiK
nnd Will Machinery. Olllco nnd works , Union
Pnclllo 11. It. 17Uf auQ 18th Strcols.
& nuo. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th nntl Ja'ck oti Sts. , prepared to ilo all
kinds of Iron and Urass CnstliiRs ; nfoo , O , C.
I'.ninilttcr's Hooking Oruto Bars inanufacturod
i Mattresses ,
email Safe Works ,
Waiuifncturor of Flro ami Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault Doors. Jail AVoik. Shutters and Wire
Work. Cor. Hth und Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Dfilco nnd Factory , near Powder Mag-azlro ,
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
3315nnd 1317 Ilmney strcot , Omaha , Neb. Bolo
ABcnts in Nebiasku forJonus' Culobratud Split
Bhiift Sulkies.
Established 1353.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
KGOand 1111 Dodso Street , Omaha , Nob.
Corrodcrs and Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omaha , Neb. Lovl Carter. Pros. ; C. W. Mead ,
vice Pros. : II. W. Yntoa. Bee. undTrciw.
Tbe Hillard ,
B. Shears , J. E. Markcl.Tliog. Swobc , Proprietors
Oaiuhu , Xcbrusku.
Arcade Hotel ,
James Ciiboy , Proprietor.
215 nnd 1217 UouBlua St. , Omulia , Neb.
The patronatro of commercial icion rosiioc'tful'.y
solicited. They will Hint this the bust $ JuUuy
hout'3 wc of Chlnjo.
? lanters House ,
Hates , 81.00 per iluy , Street card trom U. P.
depot , within otio block of liouso. Conic. '
ICth streets , Omaha , Nub.
The Cozzons ,
P. Rurasoy & Co. , Proprlotora.
Rates < .GO per day , no dark rooms. Omaha ,
Nob. AUo ) iroirwiora of I'uluco Hotel , Buuta
Fo , Now ilo.\ico.j
CanQeld House ,
Cor. Ninth nnd iuinmm Bis. Tlio best $3 per
duy hotel in Omalm. Homodcloil , rclurnUhoJ ,
rouuo Ji'iitcd ; ono block 1 1 om army noadiiuurlcru ,
opposltu Union Pucilio huadnuuitoii ) ; Ktroot curs
PIIFS the door. Ocorpo CantloM & Co. , proprie
tors. Also Union Block Yunls Hotel , South
_ t _
Hotel de Gees ,
P. GOOi.Proiirlutor.
European PlanS Tnuonly contrullylocnto < l$3
n day house. Three doors from Uoyd'a OJIUIM
llounound oiio-hulf block from tlio 1'ostollioo
and the Court Hoiuio. 15 Xi 1510 , 13U 1'uruuia
E. M. HULsn ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Jiattrcssos , llcddlng1 , Feather
1'llloH g , Cots , Htc. 120(1 ( and 120S Douflas Strcut ,
Uinuhq , Neb. _
_ _ _ _ _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Bhlru , Kta , Ufci undllOi Douglas
Street , Omaha , Nob.
and Jail Work.
1020 Farnam Street , Onialia , Neb.
Agricultural Implements. " .
Dealers In Agricultural Implements.
Office , Corner 6th nnd PnclfloSts , Omaha , Neb.
AVbolo&.to Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
niut llupgles , Omalm Nob.
Wholesale Dorter In
Agricultural Implements , \Yagons \ ,
Carriages ami Hiiedle ? . , lrne St. , bet , J > th nnd
loth , Omalm , Noli.
Boots and Shoes ,
w.'v. Mousr. .v co. ,
Johncrs ot Boots nnd Shoes ,
Mil rnruntn Street , Omalm , Nch. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , Doston.
_ _ _ Carpets , _
S. A. OllCHAUD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlnpn , Curtain Good * . Klc. . 1123 1'nniiim
Street , Omnlm , Neb. _
Coal , Lime , Etc.
li1 W. EUFO1U > ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 2138. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Oth
nml Dp . enpoit Streets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
llcftvnilctlcs. OIHoe.2l3S. HthSt. Telephone
No. 14ROinnlinNvb.
" "
rjETco. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
14 , S. 13th St. , Oinnlm , Nob.
( JKo. U , Towi.v : , 1'resUlont. PATTrnsos , fco. niul T rcas.
3. H. lltrr.nciiT , P. A. ,
Vioprlotor. Slnnasor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Omcc , KIT S. ISth Stl ect. Tulcpliono 13.
Cto. r. T.AiiAnii , I'rcs. C. r. GOODMANV. 1'rcs.
.1. A. SUNtiuiiiANl ) t-ec. nnilTreas.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers ot hurt ! niul oft coal , 09 S. Uth St. ,
Omnha , Nob.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In lloutdor Colorado Coal.217
touth Hth street.
CofTeo and Spices. _
CLAlllvB llHOS. &Cor" !
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Coilces , Spiers , IlaKlmrl'owdcr 1'lavorlns
KxttactB , Laundry Hlno. Ink , eto. 111MU liar-
noy Street , Omalm , Nob.
* Commission , DC. _ _
" " " " " m
11UANC1I & CO. ,
Wholesale Frnitb , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fnrnum St. , Omalm. Apples Our own i-ack.
ins 1'lntt & To.'s Tijjor Hiand Oysters , lluttor ,
w , Game , Foiiltiy , 1'otntocs.
General Commission Merchant ,
Trodnco , Provisions. Fiutts , Flour and Food. KT >
P. llth Pt. , Omalm , Net ) . Consignments solicited.
Jletiirns mndo in-omplly.
Jouber and Commission Merchant.
Chtcco , Sausage ? . 1'rults , llutcbors' Tools and
Supplies. 121ft Jones St. , Omaha , Neb.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES Cheese , nutter. Ktrs . Poultry
nnd Uiimc' , 112 S. Hth. , pinalm , Nob. Tolc
pliono ffq. 335. .
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Kfrtrs mid Produco. A full line of Stono-
wiiio. Coiibliriiiiioiits solicited. 1411 Dinlfo St. ,
Omaha. , _
" r . JIOHONY ;
General Commission Merchant ,
Dultcr , KKITS , Chceso and Country I'roduco gen
erally , KO S. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilcfrlsrcrator nnd Puclcin House , 14th & Leaven-
worth tit. , on U. P. II. IS. Track , Omalm , Neb.
Kstnhlishcd 18TO.
General Commission ,
Sll S. 14th St , , Omaha , Nob. Specialties lluttor
, Poultry and Uamo.
Commission Merchants ,
I'rult ; , 1'rnduco and Provisions , Omiihn , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dealer In country pioducn , fruit ? ,
butter , egprs , etc. Hoods on consignment a
specialty. U-X ) N. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob.
( Successors to A. I * . Sclmck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South l-'tli Stiect. Omalm , Neb.
THOXEIa7& " WIl7l7l"AMS7
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Trulls , Flour , Apples , Stonowuio.Cldcr.Vlncjfar ,
( Iras.s Seeds , lint tor and KHHS , 313 and 315 South
13th street , Omutiu , NohrusUiu
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Iluttor , flame , Fruits , Ktc. 220 H. Hth
Et. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
McutB , Lurd , Jcllius , Ilntttir , I'.HrK. Cheosu , Ktc.
No. ! )05 ) a. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
" " ' 1 , Oinnlm , Nob. Consignments
Sin 12th Street , Omaha , Nob. Specialties ; But
ter , Enx ; , and Chlcums ,
Dry b'oous ,
" "
j. j. uuo\VN & co
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
1UTJ Douulaa Street , Omalm , Nob.
j. . niNsitnita & co. ,
\Vholesalo Uoulcraiii
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Motions ,
Linens , J-nros , Eml'ioldory ' and Wliito C'oods ' ,
1CCO Douglus ritrcct , Oiiiuhu , Nob.
Engines ,
nnOWNKLh A CO. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary and portable eii lnc's , bollors find
EhDut Iron work , WUKOIIS , agricultural liiiplo *
incnlB , pumpa t-tu. 1 213-1215 Lcavcnworth bu
Leather , Hides/ / Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jackson Stiect , Omaha , Nob.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddlcry and Bhoo MnJlin-'n , Hides , Wool , Fure ,
I'elte , Ojeuet ) , Tuljow. tc. , Omuha. Net.
Wholesale Flour ,
tOS , 40 uid tu l".ticu Struct Omaha , Kak . '
nnrxo TZSCWCIC , Jit. ,
ApcntforJ a Hoffinayr * Co. ,
Hanufacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr
By Holler ntnl llnnpirlnn 1'roecss.Vnroliouso ,
_ 1213 Jones Snoot. Onmlin , Neb.
W. J. WP.LSIIANS & a ) . ,
Wholesale Plour , Feed and Grain.
Unmifncturersot W..1.Vrlslmns & Co.'s Quick
llnlflng Huckwlipiit Boiirnml proprietors Oiimiii *
rity Mills , cor. Mb. niul rurnnra Streets , Omaha.
su co.r
Successors to Ickrn Slom sen A Co ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers , "
importers of 1'orelRn rish , Nos. Oil-Oil Joncf
= * _ Street ixnd U. 1' . Truck , Oinnlm , Nob.5
Furniture. Elc.
" "
Wholesale Dealers In Farnlltira ,
Farnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 nnd 1112 Douglas Street , Omnrm , Nob.
E. n. CHAPMAN ft CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobnccu and Smokers' Articles , 1217 llownnl St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplces , Clgnrs nml Tobaccos. 1317 nnd 1319 Doujp
las Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd Fiirnnm Streets , Omnlm , Nob.
PAXTON , OAU.AaitKHi : CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707,709 nnd 711 8.10th St. , Omnlm , Nob.
. J. nilOATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Springs , WIUHJII Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc.
Kuuand 1211 llarm-y gtrcut. Omnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Carrlajro Wood Slock , Heavy Hardware ,
ito. 1217and 1210 Loarunnorth Sticct , Omaha ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools and Ilullalo Scales.
las till cot , Omaha , Neb.
LEE , J'lUCD A CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agents for Ilowo Scales and
Miami Powder Co.Oinnhti Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mnntles , Qiutea , Urn s jroodo. li ! l nnd 1'Jil F.vr-
nain Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Kails ,
Emerson Stcrl Nails. Cor. 10th mid Hanioy
Btioets , Oinnlm. Nob.
Manufacturer of the
Deoring Harvester Goods ,
Writs to Win. il. J-orlmor , General Agent ,
Omaha. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Enginesrs ,
Jobbers In lirm Pipe Iron Kttlmrs. Iron mid
llrass Goods. Kiurlneers' Suppllos. 14tn and
Uodgo Stioets , Oimilm , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplies
SKU , K2 und tt4 ! Farnam St. Omilhti , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Ilcndiunrtois fo
Mast Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 rurmim Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware , Diamonds , Watelus
Clocks , Jewelois' Tools nml Materials , itc. : , 101
und Ml , 15th Stiect , Cor. ItodffO , Omaha , Neb. ,
live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynrdnio Charged.
Close to U. 1' . DrldKO. Special accommodation
nnd n ioo l market lor hogs. E. C. Cooper , Man-
Offer. OHicc , South 6th Stioct.
Live Stock Commission
Guo. llnrko , Manager.
Union Stock Yards , 8. omnti.l. Tolo.iliono 883
W. F. imOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco Exclmnifo Itulldiiip1 , Union Stock Yards ,
> . South Omaha , Nob. TclcphonoNo.Oill.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , III. , and Omaha ,
Neb. Frank Chlttc'iidfii.ManiiRcrOtnuuu lirancu.
Tclcjihono No. SU. llbtubllshod IbffiJ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Address nil communications to us at Union Stock
X'uids , South Omaha. Advances made on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . Itovd , tiupcrintcndunt.
' Live Stock Commission Mer bants.
fihipmunts of any ami all Klmis of otock solicit
i cd. Union btcck Yin Us , Umahu , Nob.
Lumber , Elc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime ,
Boeh , Doors , Kto. Yanls Cor. Tth and Douglas ,
Cor. Uth niul U
Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , btulr Work iui'1 Interior Kurd Wood
1'iiilfh. Jiibtopunoil. N. M. cor. bth and Lcuvcii-
worth Streets , Ouialia , Neb.
cinoAoo uiMiinu CO.MPANV.
Y/holesale / Lumber ,
B , litb gtiuut , Omaha , Nob. T. Colpotzcr ,
Lumber ,
13th and Calirornlu Stiot-ls , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Limo , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor , Oth and Douglas Stittts , Omuhii , Nch.
Y/lJolesale / Dealer in Lumber ,
Omalm , Nebraska.
CHAS. It. l.r.K ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrcn Block , Woods , llrid o Tlmborn ,
&c. , S. W , Cor. 'Jtti and loiii'la ) , UiuuUi ; , Nib.
O. F , LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moffilafc
Uulldluir 1'upur , lite. South 13tii
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
Paid In Capital IStock , JIIOO.OOO.
LogBcru.iuanufiitturrri und Mholcsulo clf
rra. illllsiit MurrUI , Wla.Vliolc > -alu und rotuij
, Owuhu. f.ll H. UU > St.
OMAHA 1. 'M11KU CO ,
Building Material at Wholesale.
18th Stioct i\ml L n.oiil'nc ttiTrack.Oniah * .
V/holesalo / Dealer in Lumber ,
JOth nml If nnl Streets , Omalm , Ncbmsfco.
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
ulMliifr Paper ? . Sa h , DOOM , llllnds , Monlf
t- ? , rickets , Posti , I.lnio , l'lti trr , Hftf ,
Ccmcnu Nlntn mm.lonos , Omnlm Nob.
Millinery ,
) iiiiiriiu
Importers nml Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
llinnntl 1211 Hartley StreetOnmlm , 3
Musical Instruments ,
r.niioi.M & KIUCKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Btclnwny 1'lanos , M'ohcr , Decker , Hnlnoa find
llrlpfrs I'liuion , 1'nckatil Organs , ChiibU OrffJlnt.
101 niul IK ) 15th street.
Notions Etc.
_ _ ,
j. u nuANnina .v SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Go < nl , Notion" , Gents' l irnlshlnpr Ooo < l ,
Goods from Now York. Tnulo eulus daily. & 3)
nnd COS South 13th St. , Oinnlin. .
c. s. uuuimirn & co
for V. A. Whitney Carriage Co.'s
Children's Cirriages ,
Jowetl' < fi'lulirnt il Ho ilgorators. Bond
pu or prlco lists. Hit 1'aumm tt , , Omalm.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , j1 *
4(111 ( unil IW S. loth St.,0mnha , Nob. " )
Wholesale Dcnlois In Notions nml Ucntr Fur >
Ojls , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gnfollno , Mlrn A.xlo Oroa'-o , Ktc. A. 11.
Mann vr , Omaha , Nub.
Pork Pncldng.
JAMES i : . iiovn ,
Pork Packer and Shippur ,
Omalm , Xcbraslai.
1IAUU1S & FlSIir.lI ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
o , Union Mnrlcct. l.'l" Doiltro Htrcnt. I'acldnn
honto , U. r. H. U.Tiack , Omaha , Neb. 'Jolo-
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
p. nornu & co.
Bgenls for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
I'iro ami llin-fflar Proof Safcs/Tlmo U > ol < sVmilU
nnd Jail \\oik. 1O.M l-'aniiuu Bticut , Oniiiha , Nub
" "
J. 15VAN8 ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds.
Airrlcultiirnl , Vivctablo , Ktc. Oild follows' Hall ,
N.V. . Cor. llth und Doiliro St. , Omaha , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Dragdists ,
Jobbers ofl'aliits , Oils. Wlr.iluw Ulii j itc.ltll
, . . Hanioy Street , Omaha , Nob. .
THE nooraiAN DUU co '
Wholesale Druggist2 ,
Anil Denier in 1'alnts , Oils and Window GlaoS ,
Omaha , Nub. , t
Wines and Liquors.
THANK DELtONr. & CO. , "
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
K02 imcl 1201 Douglas St. , Uiniilin , NoK Fno-
torlL-s-Nos. 4 ana UU'J , Uil Dint. N.Y./ _ .J .
' or.o. . "
Successor to JIcNAMAHA & DI-NCAN , Importer *
anil Wholesale Dealer * in
Yflnes , Liquors aud Cigars ,
11 aiul'JlOS. llth St. , Omaha , Nub.
Wines and Liquors.
Western At'cnt.lijs.SclilltK liowing ) Co. 718 a
Oth Struct , Omalm.
Wholesale Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars.
1321 Douglas Btruot , Omaha , Nob.
1U5II & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Liquors. Solo miimifuctinoM of Kunncdy'a
Ciitl Jiiilla llltteru. 11LJ Harnuy Street , Omaha ,
I * P. LARSON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Clears , and General Atrunts lor the Philip
HUMS' Celubintctl Mlhraukeu Hour , Omulia , Nub
Harness Etc.
_ _ , .
Manufacturers nnd JoblioiM ot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf floods , Illankots and Holio * . li.'l Fanmin
Hticut Oinalin. Nob.
Agcni for the Manufucttirors ami Importora ,
Crockery , GlassY/are / ,
Lampi , Chlinnnyg , lite. Ollice , 317 South 13tb
Btifut. Oiiuilio , Mob.
While Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
Mill Stand U. 1 * . lly. ,
Aoheuser-Bish Biewing Jss'n '
Bpoclal bnmJs I'aust , Iliidt. ulsor , Ilrhngu
Ilacr ,
Cor. Dili nml Cnji't > 1 Ave .Omcliii.
Chicago , Milwau'/.sp ' / & SI , P u
The Short Idiie
and Best H.onto .
From Omaha to tlie East ,
ChlciiKO , Mliineiuiolls , Mlln'iuiKt'ti ,
Hl.i'uul , f'odiir Itiiij4. | | ] ) iiM'ii"irt | ,
Clinton. Iliibii'iuu , Itcc'lifonl ,
lloi.'lt iSlHIlli , I'lVOp'M't , .Illlll'SVlllU ,
Dljlln. Jliulison , J.ii L'lOsic , '
Ili'ioit , Wlnoiiu
AuJull other Important points Hast , NoitboAS
Ticket odlco lit HOI I'arnam stir ot , iu | Paxlon
llotuh. and at Union Patilla ; Depot.
I'lillnmn > lucpc'i i4iul tlio I'lnt-bt Dining Cnrj
In tlioVoild aiii run on llio miiln llni'H o ( Inu
CmcAaoMii.WArwinA/ST. : Tu-i. intMVAV.aiid
every lUtuntion IH paid to tmbifnt'i'iJ by couitO'
tiusoiiiploycbol thuuninpiiiiy.
It. MiM.iill , Uimcial .MimiiKui' .
J. K. TIICKKII , Assistant ( iuncnd Manasror. '
j\.V , H. OAin-KSTiin , IMsiuiifor aal
Ticket A Kimt.
( Jtii. li. llKAfiouu , Aseistaiil
R. , Linoolt ) )
Jiihcg ( , Price Paid.