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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1886)
THE OMAHA'DAILY BEE. TOESPAY. FEBRUARY ' } , 1886. SPECIAL NOTICES. Adrcrtl'cmcntsunder this hood 10 ccntspor line for the first Insertion , 7 oJnts for o > 3b BUt > scqucntln crt\cnnnd fSf a line per month. Jfonix-fr' ' cement taken for les ? tlmn STicfnts. BcTcnwortlawill bo counted to the llnot they must run consecutively nnfl muBtbo paldln al- Tunco. All lulTcrtlgoraonts must bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd under no circum- etnnccs trill thor bo taken or discontinued br telephone. r/irtlcsftdvortl'lnttln these columns nnd hiv Jnjrtho answers Addressed in cnro ot Tnr. HER , wlllplcnso nBk for cheek to enable thorn to BOt their letter * . M none trill bo delivered except on presentation ot check. All answers to ndx-er- tlfcmcntt should bo enclosed In cnx-clopes. TO LOAH-MOHET. nooOOO to loan on bnplnp n and rc'ldonco $ proportv In sums of flXW nnd upwards. Amis , 1507 Farnam St. WO TO LOAN on horses , wncons. fur- MONKV , watches , without removal. Terms cnsy. f.J ! fniwcll , lloom 1 , Iron Hnnk Ilullil- ing,12th nnd I'nrnnti. . Take olovalor. CfiO-mh7 * [ Ulf.O.OOOto lonnou city residence property i | > Gco. XV. lny , 1KB rnrnum. ' & ! LOAN Money in any nmount , LID On nil clnswa of security. Pliorttnno loans on ronl ostato. Ixmff tlmo lonrm on rcnl estnto. Money to lennon chntteln. Money to lonn on unllhlornUi. Money to lonn nn nny irooa socuritr. Terms cnfy , tlmo to milt. Apply nt the Ornnhn Klnnnclnl llnrkcr'B bulltllnff , SXX * corner of Fifteenth nnfl rarnnm Rts. upstnlra TO LOAN on Improved nml unim proved city propnrty. Cunnlnglinm llrcnnnn. 1511 DoJgo street. 2 9 for uTorytioilyt lou can borrow HON1IY nn furnlturo , borscs. xvncons , plnnnt. ftock of nil kinds , illnmnniH and Ann wntrlics on your own tlmo. 1'nytnonu received t nnjr tlmo. nnd Interest reduced pw ratn. j'ropcrty loft In your own possession. Terms towns the low out. Cnll nnd FCO mo. mnfldontlal. No ndvnntniro tnkcn. W. It. Ci-oft , ] { oem 4 , Wlthncll's NowllullOJtiff.Nortlicnnloor- ticr 16th nnd Ilnrnoy. TO TO T.OAN O. f. Pnvls & Co. Heal M1 Kotnto nnd Lonn ngcnts , 1505 Fnrnpm St. ONKV TO T/JAN--On Rood neptirltios. A M .MoQnvoek ! , room 7 liedlck Illoch , 1509Fnrmun Bt , FONKV TO LOAN On real cstato nnd chat- L tels , D. L. Thomas. 204 TO r OAN In sums of fajOnndnp- MONK on flrpt-clnss ronl cstnto socurity. Totter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm St. 293 MONKY IOAXKI > nt C. P. net-d& CO'B. I-onn ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horspo , wntrons porponnl propbrty ot all Kinds and nil oilier ar ticles of vnluo , without removal. ! ! 10 S. JJitli , rvcr Illnvh un's Commission store. All bus- Jnoss strictly conflilontnU CM DUSIITES3 OIIAITCE3. AnKSIKAHT.IS Roneral stock of niorehnn- dl o to prll onoxclmiuro for land. Address J , . II. Itobcrlfl , I'l ilnvlow. Nob. 733- TTlOlt SAT.i : The furniture nnd lon. oof the JL } Altkln IIotiBO.nlso tlio Amorlfan Iloii0o. In Jfcnrney , Nnb. Inquire nt Altkcnllouso. 73j- SAI.H A sinnll saloon \vltb a xvoll-PStnb- Foil llshpd tmilo. nrnrOmnlin : onlv small cnpl- tnl roqnlrod. Addicts C. 22 , Dee Olficc. 7fit-2l * * | 71OU fiAT.i : Stork of furniture , groceries JL : and dry good * in n thriving conntvsont : will Involfo ul out 2,400. lf/1 ncres of Innd , peed liotioo nnd Imrn , worth $1,000 , Will Foil tlio whole for 50,000. C. U. Mnvno , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Farnnm. 757-i.5 TTIOJI SAT-H .1. Oonrlnor , of Wayne , the JL1 countvsoAtof Wnyno countv. Nob. , olTors JiHontlro fiirnltiiro biiHlnos'bulldhiKS and lot ? JorBnlo. Hcio Is nbnrj-aln. Who mints logo Sa the fiirnltuto business ? 007-23 * n fAJrrnn To cxchnngo for stock of hard- t > -\vnio nnd goni'ral merchandise , 510 acres of flno Thnyor Co. , Nob. , Innd : 5 lots In Genoa. Nub. , good Rtoro bulldlnv ( best corner ) : good flwclllnif ( best location ) In T : SOX. la. , also 80 ncreJ4 mlle from town of ns oir , la. , socdert In Wiio"m'niR. . For fnrthrr particulars nddross John Lhidorholin , Central City , Nebraska. 053 p OlfSA CT ; A fZSoO stock of millinery goods J in splendid location. A big bargain for some one ns n liberal discount will bo glvpn. 1'or fur ther particulars address 11 W , Boo Onico. 022 WANTii > - Opening for n umber ynid In good to\vn on mllroivl , or will bny cstnb- llshort luislncs ; . CorrrFpondonco from business mciiFollcItcd. Address Jt. IL Lunibor ( "o. . Ex- ctor. Neb. 602-23 TjlOK SAM : A drug store In n good 11 vo town : JC n first rate location Tor n phvs'plan. ' Capital requited about SS.R90. Now bnlldlnsr and clean Block. Addicss or call on IL Moses & Co. . Val- cntlno. Neb. ! J3lmcli3 Saturday night nn over- J- coat wns exchanged nt Turner Ilnll. rion o correct the mlstnUo nt the sanio place. 7I1J-22 * I ) U. 1 ! . D. AKXOTJ ) . Oculist nnd Aurlst , removed - moved to 15U Doinrlas stroot. 87.1-2' ] * REAIJ ESTATE. I' YOlT hnvo propoity to sell or exchange , UstitwItliC. J. Cnswoll & Co. , Uoo m 10. No- ni Nntlonnl Uanlc llulldlng. n02uihl * STOVI REPAIRS. Tun W. a MotznorBtnvo KepnlrCo. . Ill South 14th BU i > otwoin ) Dodi'O nnd Douglas. XOBT. I OST Chlld'H llttlo dark bluocapo , trimmed i In dark blno plunli j lost bot. Pnrk Avo. nnd tbo St. Mnr/'H Avo. Consrpgntlonnlchnrcli : tlm flnderof mich loavlng it nt L. C. Enowold's Ftoro vrlllroeolvo n liberal loward. 7KV22 * IJ1BCEI.I.A1TEOU3. , T ADIKS in want ot good domestic holDcmi JLJ bo supplied by culling on tlio Omnha Em- plovnient Olllco , lloonil.Ilushnuiu'slllook. Mrs. J. W. Jlorrlsou proprietor. 7t O | ltl > iit : your Hour nnd food by Telephone 127. Nonl &Cotund. liUIDodtfO St. 270 BAI.B T7 > oURAT.i : A fi-rialTmlleh cow with c-iltby JL1 hcrsldo. No.'J orciilongost. 7M-21 * Fll sAljnors-Viilr of Noinnm and Clydogfldlngs , Ilnnd 4 years , weight 2,1(10 ( ; full hrothui'H , well inatuhdl for Mylu nnd drive ; Found nnd kind : ntiw hiiin snnd ti-platform lUgiy. ( Atwood A. Fox's stable , 114 B. llitli Rt. 701-22 * : Or trnilo Ono f > odn fnuiitnln : iloaily nunA ( rood elinncr ) . Korpnrtlou- lars call upon or nddioss I ) . M. Hiivoily , 420 N. Jbth st. 712-27 TflOHSAI.i : A good ti'inn ol pnnlcs , harness Jt ! und wnuoil for solo cheap. Address 0 15 , Jlco Olllco. 703-2' ) * F oil SAT.U And Uont-1'iut or all of lioucn- hold gools and 7-rootn lionso. Inqulro KJ7 Colk't'o street , two blocks south St , Mury'B nvo. I "IT"011 HAI.U 5 or 0 bead ot good work tiorsesj UiJL' nUo a lot of liousohold fiirnltino , otr. An- liousor-Dusch Itraivlnic Association , vth und Capitol nvo. M , if eniln/r / , Agent , VOtmhlS Tjum SAH5 Orsixlo , Hop buggybmn now. JL1 phnoton top IniKHry nnd 1 pint form spring wagon , lii'inliont ' lIiS)0'sJIiisloPniro. | .liiuinhl I ffrnvcl. Fianit J. Has- i- | mr , lUJBouth UtU sf. iafobrj ! * TjlOK weather strips , storm fcisb and doors , go JL1 to 1M ) . Mend iXOS. ICth SU IMS im.p. { tXTANTiu-fllil : r or 10 , to hdlp tnKo Vaio of VLlilldMji OTN.Jllhbt. 72t "ANTJT > A Elr7 for Heii ( > rnl liimscwnrkl Uunls'i ' pix rprrcd. At l'J17 tVj8 ; St. 710 WAXTJi : llrtt-clas girl lor irencrul hoiiSL-work ; niiut bo good cook ; good mivrc * puld to good trh 1Cull lit 11 { 7ANTI2II Ctrl for ye icral hoiuo oik. 1703 JluitPt. A.t\NcU n , 7U4 = : \T7ANTii > - f T III families , day or wick , MivM W , , Kt S110 Paolllo 81. 770 SI * _ > Arilvu Imly iiircnts to tcli our , i minbliipd ulst nnd corsot. For circular , mM res * Jaclbou Cor ct Co. , Box hl3 , Om.ihu , Kcb , WANTKIi-ln n small faml'y. ' a flrl to do truonil bdiisouotU ; iuu tl > uu Kood Inun- fli'rf" ; a ( Jotman iwforirM , Aji ponxnut at. , brt. St. Mnr > v iiyu.ona H.iruuy M. wi-'ja UlrU foi-plIviltoTiuuniCii feond ! dining rO'iiu iirb. ; 0110 'iiundn b ; " Uii. WAXTliO Oood Rlrl4 for first nnd second work In private families : good wnircs ; p'neoi given tretcnll ; nt Nobnv > ka Kmploy- mcnt ngoncy , 119 ICth street , cor Capitol Avc. 718 WAXTIjn At once , nurMjfrlrl from H to IS yours old to tnk j cnrc of child 1'i ycnrs o'd : Ocrmnn prcforieJ. 402 Con vent sU CS7 \\rAXTKIi-fJl ' nt S. IX cor. Slit nnd Lea ; cinvortli tts. Jtrt. M. F. Mnrtln. mi V f7\XTKl rnTortcncpd cook , with i onces , for small family. Apply 2 rw Hurt Hreot. S8S-2.1 * _ WAXTTn : Good clrls for peneral house work. ItoomIliislitnnn lllock , ICth nnd 489 \ \ rANTJKi ) Olrlforpenornl bou owork ! qulro nt 107 South 14th st 835 WAHTED-KALE HELP. WAXTi : Young men nt successful experi ence ns cnnvns'crs for books , tindulio know how to dn thorough \\nr1c , to oll. hire nnd train ngonls thmtiRhoiit the wo t. Stnto ngo nnd experience In full. Special terms to the rlht men. Fond this , I'nigiH k Comnanv. Llmllcd , 40 Dearborn ft. , Clilcngo. 111. 7 2-Sl * V\7AXTKI ) A competent Hork In n ronl ojtnto , ' nb trnot nnd lonn olftco. Appllcnnt will'nryoxpcclol. Mu t ben ( rood ppnmnn. Address.with references , T. C. Pnttcr on , Noith 1'lntto , Nob. 7S8-22 * \\7'ANTiii : KxpcrlDncciT iloiiutloB for tlio or * dorof mutnnlprotection. In the stntcs of Ohio , IndianaTown and the northwest : n good opportunity for good mon. Addro s n. Del Vocohlo , I iclcdo Hotrl , St. Ixtil3 , Mo. 71M-2I * W ANTii : > Agents nnd erxlcsnmn. 117 ICt'i ftroat. 7H-2- WANTIJU A liarnnss mnkor to po to a Binnll toun In IOHO. Inquire of Chas. Hrcrly , lit I'ojcko llros. 7CO-g3 * _ WANTKn Ilnrncw-mnkors , nt Slomnn Ilio . , cor. 13th aud Dodge. 73.- = ? WANTJllT A tnTt"inan of oxporloncol A Rood man can llnd permanent oiuploymont t N o.310Soutlil5tli St. 743 _ WANTl'.n Thst-clnM carprt snlofmnn , ono who cm sell dry ( toodi If nocrssnrv pro- fprrod. Address Ilarton & Hobboln. Cedar llnpldg. Town. _ 7nO-Z. > A mnlo or f cirnlo cook. Address WANTKI 1'lntt Valley House , 1'latt Vnlloy , Noli. WANTKII A good tinner thnt speaks Swodo. 1' . C. Scliriicdca , ncrtraiul. Nob. OSt-3t AXTJiD A tnllor for troop " 0 , " tlth Cnx-- nlry , nt Fortltoblnion , Nob. : fjunrtcrs fur nished nnd pan bonrd with troop. Apply to Coin- r , Troop " 0 , " Uth Caviilry. ( A9v3 ! WAKTKO Knerjrctlo men to sell hoiicohold nrtlclcs. I'nillts $ , " pcrduv nml upwutd. C. If. Whitman , 1124 K St. Lincoln. 477 TyANTno-Agcnts. SOON. ICthst. * * i _ a3. > WANTii > A flrst-clnss salesman to repre sent n xvoll cstnlillshcd liouso to tlio drui trade , either oiccltiilvcly or In connection with seine other lino. Address P. O. Hot 14SS. N. Y. City. 22I-iO ( : SITUATION1 WAHTED. WAXTI3I > Situation by n plnprlo man ns conchmnn , tlioroilBhlv undcrstunds IIOIFCS and cairlaue ? . nl o tr.udonlnfir. Well rccom- mcndcd. I'lenso aildross U SI , HCo onico. 7&J-SJ * WATs'TlCI ) Situation by n competent yonnff Indy ns bookkeeper , clerk or cnslnor In store or otllco : speak ? nnrt writes Engll'sli nnd Ucrmnn perfectly. 1' . XV. , 8J3 S. 'Ist st 77g-4 * ) A flrst-clnss brrail andcnLo bnkor ' ' wnnts n sltuntlon. Apply or nddr * s 107 N. inth st. .1 nines llu < soy. 7:13-23 : * T ADITS in wnnt of KOOI ! shls cnn bo sup1 J-JplIodliv cnlllnff nt the Omaha Kmplarmont Ilurcmi,11OFiirnnniSt. ! ! Tolopliono No. 45.2. 15. _ O. Ilello-lflo A : Co. _ 401 WANTS. \T7ANTii > Furnished room for gentleman t nnd wlfo ; fontlioin Rxpnsnro : central lo cation ; stuto termsnnl lofoionccs. Io ! r 8 if ) 1' . O. 77-22 ! ! * WANTii ) Paitios needing wells dug , els- torus built orplls cleaned. Address Luther Coon , Bcnl & Ilohrncs' store. 77C-2C * TSfANTKD-Toaras. BOO S. llth Bt. 'AfTii > To bur n Fooond-tmnd tvpn- writer. Unroot & Co. . Omnlm , 3M-23 nEHS HOUSES AKD LOTS. T Two xorides'raldo Unts on JP Ilownrd Street over 101r > with nil moJcrn 1m- prnvomonts. A splendid looitlon to rent fur nished rooms. Omnlm Heal T : tnto nnd Loan Co. , Ilooms22 nnd 23 , XX'lthnoll DIooIc. 7S2 TJIOIt KiXTXp lonFnntoctngon front alcove JU room ; gas , Knth , hot nnd pold water , heatfd steam. Terms lensoimblo , 211 S. 23d stioot near Farnnm. 70 > 2t _ T7\OIl1tiNT A nicely furnished trout room ; Jtj lo\ ely location ; suitnblo for ono or two gen tlcmon , 23inSLlaiy'aax-o. _ 701 TjlOlt K13XT Cottngo of three rooms. S. E , JU conmr23d nnrt ChuOtsts. Inqnlro of Owun StcCnlTrcy , 15th and Dolislns sts. 755 ' Il ItlSXT Qardcn farm. O S. llth St. F'Il F'F F lOH IlKXT-Cottasre No.filHN. 17th. Inquire - brtnoon 12 and ! p. in. $22.50 per month. Olt ItCNT Sovornl houses of nil f.l7os. P Pallou Pros. , 317 S. 13th St. C032t TXOU ] IIUXT llonso of Onoo rooms nnd 2 lots -T In Olso'a ndd ; ? 10 per month ; inqulro No. d ongliio hoiiao. COI-21 * Oil It ItNT Cottngo opposite Catholic church , on N. 1SIUstreet , four rooms , $13. a. C. Ilobblo , U13 Farnnin. C07 T7IOKKI5XT Nowcottaso , 0 rooms , on S. inth JU st. C.A. Unldwlii. BOt Iinxr Hou o of fl raoms , pantry , FOIt closets , etc. , Phil Sheridan nnd Hull sts. , $20 per nirmtlu I" . T. I'ntoi-son & Co. , lioom 3 , 8.E. cor. 15th nnd Douglas sts. 20. ; T71OUK1SXT Throe-room house , Oth k ttodgo. TOIlUiXT House of 8rofims2.'d nnd Har Jc noySt Imiuiro of Monnt.v Grillln213 S 14th Struct. t 2 P ou HKNT Thrpo houses of 10 , 0 nnd 4 rooms each. J. 1'nlpps Itoe. PFOIt IlKNT-rllouso bolonijlng to the estnt/j FOIt Clmdtrlck.WJ 1'aik avouua. AV.J. Connell. " > 0- ItKNT furnished rooms. 2209 Dodge. Pott 281-27 * 1C iNT : Hnll on sccoml lloor ot mv build- POIt , 1HW rnrnuin st.BiiHiiblo for cluli , so ciety or business. 8. Iiohmnn. 7U1 Oil KiXT Finnlshed rooms nt 110 North P 14th St. , bet. Capitol nyo. nnd Dodgo. 7U'-25 ( * TTiblt HiXT Farllcht housekeeping rooms JD lurnlshi'd mid unturnUbod In I'comei's lllock , cor. MlKiith and Howard st. 775 TTHm lliXT : Store rooml n Wlthnoll bloiiV , ' J. betllnnioy nnd I'nrnam on 15th. Imiulie lloom J7 , Wlthnoll lllock. 777 FOIt ItlSXT Doilrublo rooms , elnglo or on snito with bo rd , in jirlwito fumlly. No - rcsldmico : modern cnnvculen.'ca. Terms rcn- sonablo. KH 1'leasniitjt. 71'J-3tt : TJTiOiruKNT'roomo , 0 closets , collnr , nt rU3 JC N. lath . - * OH UKNT Front rnnin wth bonrd for two P ffontlomon nt 1110 Hownrd - > t. 7XK9 "TTIOH UKNT i nlcfdy fnmlsliivl rooms with or JU without board. te'J Vlcnsnnt 6t. 7l&mhlB T71OK UKNT Comfortnblo room with board JL" In n prlviiln fninlly ; wodcnitu tcnn * . Ad dress 017 , line OUlco. 711-25 * TTTOlt KKNT 3 lurulshou rooms , ehcnp. Oil JU Norlh 17th St. TiA TT1O11 IIIS.VT UnfiirnlBhod front room. 1B10 J.1 l74irJ8t. 700-23 . lll'NT Nicely furiilf-hod room * In bnnd- JL' toniMiiow eotti.ii | lor $5 , it ! , $7 and fi per month.Nn. 400Viiinut sU , ti lulnutes walk bontli cast of a , I' , depot. UU3 " 171 OU ItliXT Furnlshoa room , 1117"Howard. -U D01-2U * OH ItliNT runiikhcd room. 1510 Hnmcy. 5 T _ TTUW HI : XT Nlcolv furnUhod I-OOIIH , wltlt JU beat , frns nml bath ; nl o iirst-cln a tnblo boni-d ; best of lul'oronct-j trlvcn and roiilrcd. ( lit niu Jvi Jit. _ & .J1 Tnnii iiiiXT Eiesnnt f-.irnUlisd rooms , with J. Nurd , till i.ioJern convcniciicci , nt 2223 Dodge .st , an rfloi - | . : JtENl'-hobiuvrith Lp\rJ. ! I'AlUCiltUo Intost. best nnd" cliunpcst addition ; no ucro iiropcriy uoar Oniiiha ixi cheap as ibU J175 tu ( X > 0 PCI ? ncie. riif. Hooi.Iruu Dink UulMwir. DC. . 1'mtoi- cou. W SAM -Full corner lot on Fornftm , two Mocks from Court 1iou o , * f frtwlij , bnlnnoo I'modonlilo corner lot on Clilcnffo St. , fern . , . Acre lot with hon o and other Improvmioits , InOKP'snldltlon.orwIllCfll liousi with oitltor ono-bnlt or onopmrtor of the lot. Ppcclnl fnoo. to s In rro pcct p'nw , ? OX ) ; Klrkwood , foOOj rinlnrlew , $ GM ; I'olhnm pin - f'10 ! WcnJ > e ' C < M. Al o 1 n jf.ilns n all the oUsr choice nnd popular nddltloni. wo hnvo over sit liunilrcd thou nnd del nrs woith of ! m t r.n od city property nnd vncnnt lots on our list , nnd cnnnot tall to llnd something to sultjou. Cnllcnily nnd avoid the rush. Stock- dole & Hun 'bet , 1511 Uodgo sj. _ T0'-"l "TTl" " 'SAlTir 'OfV. . T. Umlinm. Cto hton JL1 lllocfc. 1 ot on llcrco St. nixltH , St.liW. Ttln West Omnhn ndd. . * 7iX ) . Fine earner nonr Hnnndcrs St. . f 1 , 09. 40V1408. l.Mh 3US1.000. 1/ots In Hnns om rinco. J810. Ooodloton Vlrplnlanvo. . $ . Cornorlotnnd next one to It , Georgia nvo , cnch $ lr/w. TITO lots on Ooorpln no. . ono block from Lcnv cnwortli. both $ .1,0"0. MlotslnKilbyndd. , cnehSMO. Oood house , 0-rooms , Noith Omnha , f ; ,000. Hoimo 7-rvV > ms , Georgia nro. , fJl.o-xi. Hplendld cottajfo. 5-i-ooins on 23rd St. near Ix-avenworth , f JJBO. rino honso on S. Hits St. , f 2,800. IKxIllJncftvNIehiaisSt. , archouso property for short time , f2/iOO. 7.8 : 5 ncrcs , with liouso , burn , lli FOItSAIYi vines , M nero of rnsplorrlcs , horse , hni nt' s nnd wngontl mlle west of lort Oninhn , all t or fl&in : ( lSUca ) b , bnlnnco lo suit pnrclmsor ! must bo sold before the 7th of March. Inquire on premises. Saml 1) . 787mO .Ipncs OU SAM : rino timber clnlm In Cherry Co. , Neb : ? 2)0 onsb , or will trade for good tonni ; Address , T. 0. , Y. il. C. A. , Oninhn. 7F3 22 * oirSALiT On onsy terms , ilTlotT'l'n"Hnh ? com Place from two to $1,000 i-nch. Lot nn Plensnnt su , with double house , 10 rooms each with all modern Improvements : irntfl for $110 per month. $11,030. Lots In West Cumlng from J275totoS4Voiich. ) Corner lot. Prospect Plnco , Imrgnln. Corner lot , Shlnn's 3d ndd. . bnrgpln. C. J. Cnwcll & .Co. , lloom lit , Iron Hnnk. 774 Eon SATiK InvestlR-ato spoclnl bnrjrnlns in vncnnt lots by lllco A : Moore , 1222 Farnuiii. "filOK SAIjE Several desirable buslnoss lots JU on Iflth St. , nnd business and residence lots In all parts of the city. Also warehouse , holcl nnd fin m propel tv. Houses to runt. Property shown free ol charpro und n Inrjro ILit to select from ut prices ratitflnir fiom f25) to $10,000. Parties - ties desiring to lnro t Rhould look ocr our list nnd prices bofora buying. Coriospondenco BO- llfitud nnd Information nbout the cltv freely Riven. Omahn Heal Kstpto A : Lonn Co. , Itooni 2.5 , Vvithncll lllock , Omnlm. 727 Foil SAI.i : lnro tlfnito speclnl bnrirnln ln improvoil residence property by Itlco & Moore , 122J Fnrnam. ImproveJ stootc inrm , 1300 acres , Morilck Co. , ono of the best in thd stnt o. 300 ncrcs bottom Innd In Supy Co. , $15 per ncio. 40' ) norcs near Council Hlnlf . SV ) per nero. l.liOO acres in Lincoln Co.$0 per nero. K. V. Ulniror. lit ) N. 15tb St. 738 $ 1oon will buy a peed pitying harness busi ness. Tlio only house or the kind In the town. Good rpn on lor selling. For pnrtlcnlnrs ad- dioss O 10 , llco Olllco. 70S-28 * FOR SAI.13 The finest suburban property In Oninhn. Fonr no.'es In est partot city , S2r > 00ln itnpiox-omonts fruit In iibiindnnco u\collont wntrr iniisrnlllcent view Ilrst-clnss Invpstmcnt-forn bomo or to sub-dlvldo ? 14,030. Coshrnn llros. , rcnl catnto , 1509 Farnnm st , 74(5-23 ( POIl SAl.i : 20 lots , Kllby n'd. < . , easy terms $500. Otnhnn.CioiKliton Hlork. 7T ( | POK SAM : 30 lots inVo5t Cuinlnguddltlon , S275tor > 0 oncli , onotonth down , balance long tlmo. Itico & Mnoro , ! - ' rnrnum. TTlOi : SAT.K .Xcro property $131 to Sl.fWO per JJ nero. Call nnd hwdtisntu. lllco i ; Jlooro , 12 1'iuiiniii. T71OK SAr.i : 10 ncros , milo nnd half isp t of -idilvlnpnrk ? , S2.750. A. 1' . TuUoy , ' 1334 Far- mini. 071 POK S.VI.i : 50 lots In Itnnscnm Plneo tumi S700 to $2.500 cnoh. Uieo i ; Jlooro , 1322 Tnr- mini. Foil SAM : "Amblor I'lacc" lot" > , tlio lustost soiling lots In the nuuleot. Jlullon llros. , Solo Agents , 317 S. 13th st. COO-31 "TTOll SAM : Ono of the Ano corners , on JJ Kiunnm , $1R,00 : tj.COJcnsb nmt oisy tornis. Itents lor 51.510 ; n bnnrnln. Itoblmblo lioiiso * nml lot-j , vaunnt lots nnd acres. Miushnll & Lobeclc. r.'U FOHSAr.i : Investigate ppeohilIrnwalns In x-ticeiit lots , by Itlco A : Moaic , l.23 Vnrnatn. FOItSAl K Unrolling in nousas nntl lots nnd vacant lots In all parts or town. Cnll on nd- dross Halloa Bros. , JI17 3. 13th bt. 637-2t T7IOII SAM : fTO.OOO buys the llnest 740 nero * 1 stock farm in Iowa. C.ill or ntlilrcss lor fur ther particulars , Ktco & Sfoore , 1222 I'arnam. IJiOltSAI.i : 13-ixlKninrBWltcli , need ware- 1 house iiroporty , $ JrVJO. Unvluun , Crclnbton lllock. 7BO "ITIOII SAM : Chenp. ono of the host Improved -L nnd llnest located farms in Douglas county , Nob.,15 miles west of Omiihn couit house.con- tnlnlng 100 noros , with licnso , stnblo. wolli , or- chin d and pasture , etc. ; onu-Iialf cash , balance losultpiiioliaier. 1'or further pnitlruliirs d- dross Ooo. Llndo , cnio Omaha Boo , Omaha , No- biaskiu GT 2 Oil SAMC 20 100 nero blosks of holoetod plow land in corn bolt In Hoono.Grceley , Howard , Nnnco nnd Sherman county , woith $ toSH. will taUi ) $1 to SH per nero , half cnsh and long tlmo nt D per cent. Must bo sold InUOduyH. If Fold In a bady will cut the piloo. Marshall & Lobock. 12.V23 TTIOKSAT , ! : Hou oand lotinShlnn's add , 1 JU block Irom pticot cur line , $1,0)0. ) House and J * lot near 20th mid Izuril streets , $2.500. 125 Icot , cast front , on Uth street , ( business property } . 81U,5iO. ! Corner lot on Fnrnaru strcet,83xl3i fpot$2'iOOD House 13 rooms , lot 30x140 , on street car line , sa.-m - Uoo. 1 > . Iomi ) ° ,15th nnd Douglas st. 021 "T71OHSAI < i : ItivastlfMto special bnrgiilns In JL' Imiiroved rcsldenoo pioporty by lllco & Mooio , 1222 Fiirnam. T710K SAW-$1,030 buysn bonso nnd lot in JU Hickory Plnco. lllco & Moore , 122.'Wn-ni . BEM. . sc arCANDMSll , ffcr Saundcrs st. biiQlnofs propoity cheap ; 5'4 acres In popu lar pan of the city for platting : W acres ior fruit ftinn or pl.Utfnp ; 10 acres on Leavenworlh lor platting ; ! JQ nt-ros fin Holt Line lor platting ; Silncro * lor subdlx'Idlnit , very easy terms ; guv- 01 al pi opcrtlos south otrnllioadclionp ; business nnd rcsldonco Dro ] > crly uniting $1,10) ) a your at 11 bartrnln , or for oxchnngn ; tlno rosldonco lot , sinnll housu , nonrRtreot par llnu , rasli payment only $ JOO. Rcll & ; .McCaiidlIsli , 1511 Dodge st 7IIU21 Rn. I'ATTKItSON , Itonl IMuto,122I rnrnuin Largolot und buantlfulootln oonly.Ulio Hnrncrlot , Ijxuiiiort ] and 23d 3/rfk } Now cottntro nnd lot , moiitbly payments , . 1,810 Ton bcautllul acres , cheap USfooton I'nrnam ? t. , chimp , 3,511) ) lOJxlWloot , lIlmebauKhriaco 5MW Knoh ot the above mo bargains nml I huvo Holoiigcncy. It. 0. I'atlurson. 741 POUSAMJ-U. I1 , It'yUnds , $150 und 51 per ucio. llleo Aitoorc12JJ l-'iininin. Nourost , best aero lots , elegant 1 > location , inisiiiniis-Kxl view of the city , reached ox'or level rouds , no hills to climb ; easy terms of payment ; H per ount Inteiuat ; prlco , fJ'JJ ' nn nero. AMES , 1609 rnrnnm. AMES PUCE Clieapojt nnd nourost city lots for the money ; only ? 2JOto $ .TOJ pi > r lot. llEincK's ( litovK Just south or Farnam Bt. , ! J block from -.Slli nnd l''nrmim st. school IIOUMI ; only f J to $1,2JJ per lot on easy terms. AMIS , 15'JJ I'urnuui. NATUIUI. OnoxvTit Bliado trees on every lot In Itcdlck'B ( Irovo ; onlySiJ blocks from Park nvo , eiu-s. Boo Itoillck'riGrovu. BmnilTOS Siilcndlil nero lots , $275 per lot ; most ilfiilniblo act p lots next to Non-port , See this handsome property , MKLIIOSP. Hir.iBouthwest of Hansoom Park 10 mlnulus walk irom 1'ark in o , omx ; lots l.i'U ' to $350 on terms to suit bujt'r , .Mcilrdsci Hill lota will Bi'll for deb ) present prices In u year's time. Come and Sio this property. AMKS , 1VJ Furimm. WHV PAY UKNT xvhen youiun buy u lot In Ames I'lnce for $2iW to fJJJ on such easy terms ? Pee these lots , Oxi ; CM VTIUM This love trnut of land has not a pnnr lot in It. The Holt Line dupot had been located on this land. lxta sell for fiiW to i0 on very cosy jiaymuuts. Hoe Oak Chat ham. I'UAWinxT Choloo lota still for Emlo In this popular addition at Jnir prices , on uusy pny- IlH'lltf. 1'jim's SuunirisiOK Aero lots pouthwoit Hansom i'nik , vcryduslniblo giauud , tclllnjf nt JUViperlot. 1UUK.UOW J'l.ACE TllOBO loU lll'O tbo cllUUp. L'st I'orfulo ou IC'iivciuuoi-li | st. 1'rioo $ J.W to t'JOO , ou pnj menta to suit.AMI'S AMI'S , 1303 rurnam St. CM.T. and coo for yoursilt thu elmncoj for Mifo Invoitniunt oiloivd. Jtenuinbur. Omulm'H Krou tli U solid nnd lusting- . Properly will con- tltmo to ndx'aocu. Hay now and muku tbu ml- vii nco. AMIS , 151A ) I'nrnani St , TTlOll KAI.K improvcxl icsldenco property -U 1mm f 1,7'jJ to $0UPJ. Itlco A. iluro. ida I'ar- TTU1K SAI.H Ir.vrsilnuto sreciul bargains in ' oli'i ) ' ' l1- ! ° * Motnx-lSj { Furnuui. 1 | > oU b/Vl.i : \ tliici-ucroirujt on South 10th 1 ttrccl , only n few blocks from stri'ft our line. Jiunhoi.t Luugo A , KaiUck.'Jlti S. 13th st. TJIOlt SAM : SlotJgooil hbu os , Armstrong JUndd . flT * 1JU.U u. , k . 4i.xl20 4-room honsn , Jlogus * Hill's add 2,100 6.1tl25roomlioii ( lj.flogirsiV . Hill's add 2.TOO 4 -10-rOom hoiisq N. Ht ! St . . . . . . . . . WOO COxIfiT 7-room liottsrtK istli St . fsOOO 44x150 4-room houfe.illnriioy Pt . n,150 flOxISJ 7-room house , HarnoySf . t , 4,0'y ) CfaUT ( Vroora Iion < : > , Kcrol'fllst add . . . . afiOO CSxl50 Finn rPsldonoiuN. l.'th . 0,000 C.U13-Knb . ! residence , Iliirt St . . fi.OTO 60x150 0-rcom house , Cnmpboll ndd . . . . 1 nero , 6-room bonso.l'ntriiik's add . 8,000 Slots.newbonsp , Delik-0 ndd . . . . 0,010 Cor. lot , 8-room houw , nrnr ropplcton's 4,503 SOtir.l -room house , Oeojttln nvo . . n00 Cor. lotliouso5-room .bnrnGo3rglnnX'0 1,70,1 4 lots , house 5-roomslt4dl on nve . 4,700 6ltl5i.Trooni housn , .Virclnln nX'o . . l,27"i 44x151 House 8 rooms' Idfi-wlld . 8V)1 ) ( "Mr. lot.hoii'oO-roonlWlmiirovcmontndil S',03 Ixt01\l.)2 ) Hotifo.H-iqoms Heed's 1st ndd 8.W3 fjflxl20 7-room hnusc , Cilpltnl nx'O. . . . . 5,810 2 lotfl. 3 hou cv Shnn's ' Ht add . 0/TO WK173-III Ickbouie.Shliin'B ndd . C.OOO XVI11 trade for Inn J near Omaha. Blots , noxv housi ) , Shlnn's add . 3 0) Few choice lots In Miush ndd.chonp . Ulots , Hhlnn'e ndd. olio ip , cncli . . . . . . . (0) This is only n partial mt of the many bargains 1 lime. Cnll nnd look ox or my list nt unco. 11 V. Hln jor. 11 N. 15th. 737 TT OK SAM : I'nulsen Co. , ISIS rnrnara st. l.oton ? . SOth st , 140x150with 5-room now housecistern , cellar , fcncfd. uonrcnrlluo , only KI/OO : hnlf cash , bnlnnco nt 8 per cent. A. good bargain. 5 acres , fenced lot , S. 10th st , near car line , ovcellont Ifxintlou , ? S,000. Von * cheap. 300x110 feet , x\lth two-story almost new hon o , near St. Maty's uvo. , $ 1,000. A clianco to malto money. lx > t In Illcliory plnco. south front , good 4-rcom house , cistern , stable , etc. , $1,400 $500 cash , balance on monthly payments. Lot In Iogrs& ! ( HlKV-M add near Fnrnnm st , wlth'-rootn hou o , $ J,175 $ SOO cash , bnlanco on very nasy torms. ConierlotOJtl73on Hamilton splendid loca tion , southeast front , with x'ory substantial 0-room brick liouso , stable for c horses , XMJ ! ! , clstorn , $ , " > ,001. 2J feet on 18th bet. Ilnr.ioy nnd Howard , cast fiont , with largo2 story buildings : rent $ S5 per month , (9.0CO. 2 cliolco lots loft In 1'iuiljnn'fl ndd. Ocholpo lots In Clark Place iU"iO. 2 cliolco lots In Polhani ndd , 1500 , easy terms. 1'auUon & Co. , 1513 I'nrmim st 75I--0 TTlOlt SAM : y nero lot , n good 0-room house , JU n grocery store , with stables , out-hoii cs and city water , M near I > uavonxvorth , lent 35.00 cr mo. , prlco $1,50' ' ) . 1 his Is a llrst rate Invest ment. Omn'm ' Itpnl Ustato & Ionn Co. , Hooms 22 nnd \Vithncll block. 740 SPMX II > Douglas county stool , f aim , 4'i'i noros.3 orchards ; flnui inproxcil fnim , 210 ncrot ; larao amount timber , olionp. Jli'll &Mo- Candlljli , 1411 IJoJgo st. 710-24 Foil hAM : Viipant lots In nil the popnlnr additions in tbo city. Itlco & Moore , 12JJ Fnrimm. FOIt SAM : InvestlKiitospsolal luuvnlns In improved ri-sldunco property , by Itlco Jc Jlooro , 1222 rnrnnm. PATTKIlSOJf PAUIC Is the Into3t , best and oho ] iostiiililldon : no nero property near Omnhi. o cheap ns this $175 to $1" > 0 per acre. First tloor , Iiou Hnnk Uiilkllng1) ) . U. Patter son. G10 171OHSAM : Improved fnnns In lown. Itlco JL ) & Jlooro , 12 J Fnrnnm PATTKItSOJf PAKK-3ii miles from court house , $175 to 8T > 0 pur acre ; small c.ish pay ment , b.iliinco easy terms. First lloor , lion Hank ilulldlii ) , ' . D. C. 1'uttorson. 515 TTlOItfiAM : lnvostlato speciil liartrntns In JL1 vncitnt lots , by lllco , V Mooia , 122i I'ainiim. pATTKUSOX PAlt C u miles from court house , ? I75 to $ 'lTJ.pcriicro : small cash pay ment , balance p.isyjlirins. First lloor , Iron Hunk IlulldlnT. D. 0.1'nUorsou. 615 Foil SAM : Two lots m Pollmm Plnco , one block from etrootcarlirnck. Inquire 218 ? . r 13th street 535 rrnOK SAM-At a1 'unrftfiln. Flno business JC property on S. 13th , 8ijdl59 ft. This can bo bought for s-.OOJ lois tlinn nctual vuluo If taken ntonco. If yon waiitTaiii Jnvostmont look at this. Cochrun lira's xVo. . J53D Kiirnum St. Slj OU SAljS ImproTbM ' farms in Nohraska. Itico & Jlosro , liil Fnrtiini. _ - t , _ ii _ _ _ _ TTIOUSAT.K llyl'ottor'.Xi'uoiib , 1515 Tarnnnf JU Rt. . 1 lot In XVcst Und nnd nt f J)0. 2 lots in Shlnn'H 3d aitiVat $7ri oaab. Alow choice lots In mrsh's atSl.MO each. jAt.l IxUl on Uth , 3 "blouKs from pavement. onlySlbOO. Flno nci o In 0 etsoM ndcl , ? . Snf the cheapest loUlif I'lalux'low , only $150 each. , HU 7J1 OU SAljK Fine business property on ICth Bt. llleo i : Mooio , 12J2 Itanium. 171011SALK A few ( rood lots m HIlUUo No. JL1 ono on Davenport anil Chicago sn. , clus in nt S750 to S3. > 1 encli. 1'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Fur- nam at. 737 FOIt SAM : Investigate special baifjnlns in Impiovo.l loslduncu property , by Itico nnd Jlooro , 1 * ! Farnam. TT1OU SAM : Choice 5 or 10 nero tracts , 4 miles JU southwest from court liouso , l > i mlle ? Irom junction of U. 1' . Ity. and Holt Line , nnJ 1 mlle Irom Stock Yards. Lies wall ; nil under cultiva tion. Can b'j bought tor 817" ) und MM per nero , 11' sold soon. Cheapest property in vicinity. I'ottnr & Cobb , 1515 rarnain st. 735 JTIOKSAM : nusraosaVropCrty on St. JInry's JL1 avc. Itlco ti JIooio , 1222 Farnam. "TTIOU SAM : Invpstlgnto special bin-gains In JU vacant lots by Itico & Mooio , 12"J Fuinain. PORSAT.B A two story , 22t3) . fratno build insuitable : fora store , naar lUth anl Far- namSts. ApplyattuH otnco. U17 J7OII SAM : An elegant house , good barn , JU 180 ft south front corner lot. house rents for Wi per month , $3MD. ) XV. II. Green , over 1st National Hunk. 13j "TTIOIt SAr.i : Inx-Ostlgato fciicclal bargains In JU Impiovpil lesldence propeity by Itlco A ; Jlooro , 12J2 rnrnnm. T AM ) Sii2ICiilS , AT 1'UNTIOX For fuU JLJpurtlonlara ubout free and cheap lands In XVestorn Nebraska ndclrosi Thos. C. 1'attoison , Ttoomstato Atfont , North 1'latto Nob. 3Jd FOHUAMS An ilpgiiiit resilience , with largo lot , 2lBt , near Leavt'n ortli , east liont , S5.500 , If t-old soon. i : . T. 1'ctetpon & Co. , Hoora 3 , S. K. cor. 15tli and IJoughis fcts. Oil ) R SAM : lluslnosspioportj- Sauudurs P 1 bt. IllcOiXr Jlooro , 12" riiiniim. MAQISTEH OF PALMYSTEHY AND CONDI TION AL1BT , 303 Tenth Street , between Farnam end Hnrnoy , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any ono n glance in the past nnd present , and of certain conditions iu iholuturo. Hoots nnd shoos made to order , 1'crfcctsatlsfuolloii iruuninloo U BAEGAIKS. Easy Terras. 4 Lots , Cass & 33d S550-G50 ( Cheapest lot < I" thu city , ) 80x150.Calrorna&33d$700 ! ! ( Kxuuiluc thU ll.irgaln. ) House i Lot , Montana St , , # blk. to horse cars $2400 5 Lots , Walnut Hill $500 GOO ( These faro Cinuing fctrwjt. ) 2 Aero Lots , B # Mine $500 ( None bettcrTA llrookllnc. ) Lot 82xl50.8-reom house barn , well , cistern , fruit etc.'flric'vievy $4000 trees , . . , S. S. VAW BEUHEN , Rees ' ( , ) S. 14tL BEST BAljCA'jNS ' IN EAL fSTAT 1511 TWO ACHE LOTS FOR SALE. S. S. VAN BEUREN. 10G-108 S. Uth SL FRUITS andFLOWERS _ Those desiring to put out 1'rclt or Ornumon- talTrcos , Shi iibs , I'Jitntsnnti Vines.UII tlml ir ( fuuil-oihelr ( inteiust locunsjlt II. U Uiuury , by letu or in POI-BC.II , In luxiiri ) to Ulna , quality and pricu , betoro ordering f nny out ) . Oidura fcliould bo Ken ! early , otllco } . ) > J Hurncy St. , rv Ideucb422iMFuiiiam St. E. L. EMERY. Stockholder1 Meatlnj. riTHK nnnunl nioolliiR ot the utocMioldcrs of JU The Iloo I'lilillslilng Co. will bo held nt their omco. No IU4 1'nrimm it. , on Monday. Mnrch 11 , ISJfl , nt a o'fi'ock p. m. , for the oloctlon of n board of iilro.-lort mrt such other business BJ way come Iweomo before It. Onmhn. Ncbr.iskn , Kelt , IGtb , ISSfl. fcbltknot K. llo KW.\iEH , ProsUlont. _ ArtloloB of Incorporation. T\ni xvhoso names nro hoiounto suliicrlbpil , i hereby nRroo lo nsoctnto oursplvci to gether In n oorimrnto cnpnclty. uiulpr tlio Inu s of the state of Nolirnskn , nnd hax'O inmlo nnd subscribed tlio lollou Ing nrticlus ot Incorpora tion : Aitlele 1. Tut" ? corporation shall bo known n * "Orchnril Hill HntMin ? An nulntlon , " nnd Its lirlnclpnl plnco or liHlno ) s slinll bo nt the city ot Oimilui.stiUoof KcbrniMi. Artlolo2. Tlio binlni > s of tills c-oiporntloii Mmllhoto buy nnd soil real c lnto In the slnto of Nolirnskn ; to Imnvw mono } ' nnd eocino tlio rnymont thereof bjmort nRO upon miyrenl ostnto nxvnod by tlio corporal Ion ; to loan money to RlocUlioUluM In tliu Hi ocliUIon ! to erect bulldinps : to soil o' ' rout tlio MUIIO mid collect mm rott'lvo nil monies recclx'od from tlio s.\Ie or rental tiioieor. Attlolo a. Tnocnpltnl stock of this corpora tion fhi\ll ho ono liundiod nnd txrcnty thniisnnd clolliirs ( $120O.X)00) ) ) , dlrldoJ into slmros of t on- tv-four liundrcd dollar * ( $2,100.00) ) oncli. to tie paid tip in monthly InMnllmcnts of t onty-llvo dollars H8 ) oacb , with Intcrojt on the unpaid Imlanco of such chairs at not moro tlmuoipht per contum per niiinnn. Artlclol. Tlio incotlnT8 ) of the slockliolilorS nf Mils eoi partition Miall bo hrld nninmlly on the III < it Tuesday In Miuch.ntvlilch mcotfnirs tlio BtouXlioklors sliull clout eovendltcclors lor the oniuliiK j cur 1mm ntiuini ; the Ktocldioltlers. At nil nnnunl iiKM-lliiitR t < nch Htco ( holder shall bo on- tlllod toxoto In iicison or by proxy , and shullbo cntlllcd to in many rotes upon nny question na lii ! owns slmros of stock In tills coi poitilion ; pro- x Mod that no MockhnKlnr phnll bo punnlltud to vote in tlio rro\y of nny otlior stochtinldor or Rlro'.iholdr rs , moro than two shares In addition to lili own pr i | o-t Arlldofi. The moTltlKS of the boat-dot ill- rcstoM shii'l IKI us picscrlbcdin the hy-lnws. They fbiill iimnmo the nilnli * of the corj om- tlon.undplmll niiikosuch liy-laws MB they inuy ( Icom piopurfur the conirol of the uUiilrdof the n -socliitlon , not liuoiislitcnl with t'teso articles ortliolinis ol tlio tatool l\obrnsku AttlcloO. 'Jheollloordof th s iiMochitlon sluill conMlt or n provident , llif.t mid sovond vlso pie l ont . Hocrvtar ) * . trfusinor uiul eupcrln- Undent. Tjoyshnll bocloctotl liy tlio tioii'd of dli net 018 nt u inoutln upon iliollinl Tuosdav In SIr.rcli of ( 'iioh j oar , imJ p'.mll held their oIllecH forlbcpoilodol ono jour , and until tliohsuu - envoi's mo elected and qunllncd. Aitielo" . Tim honnl or dlroclois shall nt im tlmo Inoiir IndohtoJiKFS oxcccdliiir the sum of o Klity thotifnad dollars ( ? H ) , ' OJ W ) , or txvo- thlril ( ' { nlsHlio amount of tlio capital block of thn ni'oalntlon. Avttclo ( ! . Thocx'stontcof tlilt rf rjior.itlon nliull lorlnon the llt-st Tnosdny In jitntrli , IBrf , nnd Rlmll eontlnuo until the Turs lay In Match , IS'JO ' , unless sooner < u'crnilncd ' by a d s solution by procohs of liw orn x o'milary dls > o- luMen byn t\\o thlnlsi'al\lfi ) vole of tlio stnck- llolderfliind a dlx'lilon dl the asfuf or the cor poration imionn thu BtocUholdoi s l tor lull pay ment and extinction ot all IndcbtoJuuiE In- cnnod by tlio coipornllon. In w Itno1 a \ \ hereof M o Imvo licroiinto stitisci Ibed ouruanios this nlnutet'iiih ' day ot 1'oliniaiy , of Jioul one thontnuJ , eight hiunoilaud cighty-slv. rn. G. IttLKY , A. K. WIMTNUV , .1.11. 8. OWYNN , XV. A. OAHDNKlt , 3. McOOXAU ) , IA U. MAYNU. In prcscnco of R. AX' . IlltKCICKNltlDOi : . STATE OF XISHItASK'A , D > UI'B ! CO'INTV. I8" On this nlnetocnth day of rcbrunry.A. D. ISfO , hoforo me , a notaiy miullc In and lor B lid cov n- tvatid btato.prr ontlly ciuuo Kd. a. Itlloy , A. K. whltncr. .1. II. 1'ariott , S OxrynnV. . A. Ontd- ncr , .1. McDonald nnd I , . . Miiyno , to mo ] > nr- Binnllvlcnown to bo the identical porco.nswho fiiiiod the lorcroinff "Articles of Incorpoin- turn" and acknowledged the Fiiid iiiMmincntto bo their x-olimtaiy net imJ deed forthopurpotos therein But forth. In wltno \\hoiooflliux-ohoictinto Fet my hand iinJ nllluxl inystinl olUclal at tin city or Oma ha , the d'iy nnd xcnrln t nliiu-o xvrltton. It. AX" . HHiOKUNltIl(5i : ( : , Notary I'nblle , Douglas Co. , Nob. . ' . lobS.'mhl-I-ir. Orado Ortllnaiice Ho 33. AN Ordbmnco oitalilishlnsr the Rrimlo of Tncntlotli street from Dorctis street to Center Btieot , in the city of Oiimhui 3lo it oiclalnod l > y the oily counull ol the city of Oninhn : Section 3. The prude of Twentieth street , from Doicns btreot to ( Junior sticot , in tlio city of Omaha , is hereby eslnbllshod ut tlio lol- lonlnfr < . ' ] \atlons > , the srailo heinjr tniiloiin 'strnlghtlinosbotuoen ' the ] olnNspi > clflcrl : nioyatlonol' Klovationof K. cuih. AX' , cut b. South curl ) of Center Et. . . 117.5 117.5 Noithctirbol Iorca st. .147.5 147.5 Section " . This ordinance shnll tul.o effect mid bu in forcoJiom and alter its passage. 1'nsscd Tobruury 'Jth , Ifcsa. JOHN n. riujAv , President Cltj- Council , 1'ro. Tern. J. 11. SOUTHARD , City Clei k. Approved Tobruary IQIh. 18SO. JAMI' < 11. llovp , ? Iayor. Ortllnauco Ko. GDI. AN Ordinance ereatliis additional 1'nvlnar Dis tricts In thoolty oronialiiu ] lo it oidatuod by the city council of the city of Omaha : Foction 1. Pnrlnfr DMrict No. p2 Is hoicby cjoutcd.thoBauioto eoniprlso nnd Include that ] U't ol rnrnani street , In thu elty oi Omaha , irom the uit line ol 2'th Btioet , In McCotmioK's nddltion to thu cost line of 33th street , in llo trs i : Hill's ncldltlon said 1'avini ? District o. ( . ' to include all thu lots nn 1 ten ! estnto on both bides of said part ol said Kitinain sti ret to tlio lull duiith oi'KU fret buck irnin the 1 nes thercnl. Section . l'a\in District No. ( ills hereby cieated.tho baino to eoniprlso and Include that part ol Siuiiidor-i street , in the city ol' Oniiiha , irom the south line or SowarJ street to the south line of llclauaio strout , tuiil ravins' Dis trict No. I'to ! include all thu lots nnd leal ostnto on lioth sides c f bald imrt ol said Suumlci s street to the lull depth ol IJ-M'oot buck Irom the lines thoieot. Section II. That this ordinance take effect and bo In torco Irom ami alter iU passage. 1'assml 1'obtiinry IJtli.lH fl. AVji. V. IlKCiir.r. , 1'iopldent City Council. J. 11. SoiniiAiii ) , City Clotk. Approx'cd 1'obrunrj' Jlitli , IbSfl. .T.4MCS K. flovi ) , JInyor. ITotico to tlio Public , IN the mnttor of the dissolution of the lalo lealostatollrm oC Gibson , AichoriV Co , wo my that Fob : 17th , .1. H. Gibson volunt-tiily wllhdiowliom saldtlrin wnlch is ovMenco that ho does not succeed wildllnn. Ho la too unsno- ecsifuHo suit lib foroursucccssor , for ho never F oldono dollar's worth of propiTlywhilo uitli said 11 nn. XVo sncouod onr-olvos , and to our patrons , Irlendsnnd the ] iublio who untlholr property cold and biulnuss donu with db-putch will do \\oll1ollBt\vltli our now Hi in , Aiclior. Atbiljfht A : B. 15th t-t. , oppositeHold's Opera liouso. 1) . it. Aiifiir.n , It K. Aviiswoin'ii. : ' Kotlce. OFFICIS , AtrniTOii < 1'onuo ACCOUNTS. I STATII of NMIIUSKA , LI.SCOIA , Teb. isr , 1F80 , f TTlShoioby eerllllod thut I ho htulo Insurance JL Company ot'DlsJI lines , In'thoattitoot Iowa , has coiapllod with tlio iiiMinuico law ol this btatotmd Is iiuthonzcd to traiifeiict thu business ol lliolnsuinnco in this Etato for thucuircnt \Vltiiess my hand ami tlm teal of said office the day and > uur Hi et nb ox o n rltl en. ( HlKiioJ ) 11. A Ilxiicocic , fgUAl.J AuUlttir Public Aojouuti. . . - . ' rcb.--bU-H UNITED STATES i U. S. DHFOSITPR. ST. S , W , Cor , Farnam & 12lh Sts , Capital , - $100,000 SURPLUS , - - - $15,000 C.AV. HAMILTON President , SI. T. 11 AUIAXV , CiuUIcr , C , XVIMjllAMlI/I'DN , Ahbt. Uushior H.M. Oaiawell.C. XV. Hamilton , n , 1' . Smith M.T.Ilarlow C. XVIII Hamilton. ESIABUSHED USED IM ALL , u. . , . ui > s and l'rlcr ou apiillcutlnn. * > < Jd by nil lliu btst rorrl.-tirp ItulUiura mid Jicalcu. CINCINNATI. I' , .s. A. u'uble Aililrtiu , COO CfN , J or or UJ C U pit of ! I MIV..IUIA. 3d colu def of lilts. ll l en Cftltii I'oucbn. UU ) , Dniia Mtiur OalUu. Pumpon , I lumii pwblUi &b > u4 ! < > Ktou. litU Ctnl a . , ' ilea rlp ma J l * * * ft - * LYO.-J U IIEALY. Cliicaaa CAN DOWS CORNER THE C.OB ? The Millionaire Manipulator Has All the Agencies at His Command , HIS BIG DEAL OF LAST WEEK Ooocl Receipts nT Cnttlo , l > ul Bills oil nil Clnsscs Generally Ijoxvcr llojjs Hold tlio Market Sternly General llcports. CAN DOAVS COllNKU CO11N 7 CIIICAOO , Feb. S3. [ Special TclcRrain. ] The Chicago Mall says : Theits Is still enough of n squeeze In corn for February delivery nt Nc\v Voik to keep spot corn about Co n Lmslicl oxer corn duo In March. There was llttlo demonstration In tills iimiket iimile la1 * ! week when Wax Id lo\\s' liouso bought about ri,000,00j bushels for May for the purpose of dlvcitlng the attention of corn shippers. Tim oxvnersof corn v'cio all luuiylng It fohxnul to .Now Yoilc to fill Io\xs up , and so ho coveitlymado a dlveitlseinont at Chicago. lie bought ubout 5,000,000 bushels , and ad vanced the piieo of 3Iny about leu bushel. This AX Rsnory small matter so far ns the pi Ice xvcnt , hut If the talk of the Chicago deal has Induced Ohio , Indiana , Missouri and Illinois shlppcis to ship to Chicago lather than to Gotham , It will boa very con siderable matter to Doxvs. Undoubtedly the nillllotiahe New 1'mKer knows x\lial lip Is about In coin , lie ought to , for "ids house moves moio than any other half do/en houses In the world. It will probably turn up that , x\hllo there Is a vast store of coin In exlsti'iicc , that theiels ically 110X0.3 coin to amount to anything , and , If this docs turn out , vilini Is to become of the people \\lio haxe sold on the sticnglh of a xeiy l.irpo crop an unlimit ed amount of No. 3 for Februaiy , March , Apiil nnd May delivery ? Coin ought to gnulu new , If it Is going to , but on Satuiday , out of 810 caw , only nine graded , nnd out of ! 2 It ) mis the day bofoio only live graded. This Is about txvo and nhnlf tothieo cms out of each lOvl received , less on the average than one 5,000 bushel lot ol "legulai1' out of each day's iccclpts. Theio Is n vejy good demand for all grades of coin at parent in ices t > o that manipulation ot contract coin has the s > uppoit of a veiy bilsk consumption ol the grades which ale not contract. Short sellers hcic and else- xvlicio alfect hullffeicnco as to the designs of Dews , but it Isn't ensy to .see v'hy the shorts feel eo confident. Thoie can bo no better time for a squeeze than xvhen ceitaln that the huliircicnt quality of coin leads tiaduisto bell Ko. 2 , of which tl.oru Is veiy little. Doxxa knoxxs the situation better than anjbody. lie has better lacllitlc.s for handling coin than anybody else , lie , \xlth his Innumer able agents in the country , his inniimciable agents abio.ul , and Jiis millions of money , is In gi.iin xvhat Aimourls in luovbtoiib. Why can't ho coiner corn ? CHICAGO JjlVK STOCIC. CIIICAOO , Feb. S2. [ Special Telegram. ] OATIU : The icceipts to-day xveio mucli larger Uian on last 3Inndny , the libeial run doubtless being caused by the advance dur ing the closing days cof last xvcek. The quality ol cattle olfoied xvas mainly medium. The mat kef ; was Mow to open. Lhcipool was J e higher , and Nexv Yoilc repotted a bliongcr imukct , with light faitppllcs. The maikets In the west , of , weio lower. After healing how dull trade was at this point buyers \\eiu holding back , and caily bids weie 15ii ( ) ' ic loxver. Salesmen \vcio do ing their bcit to hold ] iriccsnp , but most ot them ttcib willing at the oiitbet to bliado last week's wlces 10@l ! > c. The gencial increment was s > low. Jleio and liere xvhon buyers found paitlrnlar- ly desirable lits , tian.sactions dlil not show moio than u 5@10c decline , but in many other cases there xxorc good cattle that could not bo sold within a3c decline fiom Siitiinlnj's rates. Thumaiketwas quite uneven , piiccs langcd about Ific lower , and at a late hour a good many cattle , Including some very good ones , were unsold. Shipping stems , 1EO ! to IMlh ( ) = ; . S-i.0-.50 : ! ; 1200 to 1H50 Ibs , SD.OO ® o.-O : ! W ) to 13 * ) Jus , S3.40CfN.75. lions Tiado was nctlxo and prices steady as compaied with the close on Kalmdav. The best heavy sold at $4.4 : @ 1.U' > , and paclz- eis at Sl.a. ' ( ( ? 4.fO. I'acking and riiipninif. 250 " CHICAGO GKA1X ( From I'cstcrtbtji's Edition. ) CIIICAOO. Feb. to. [ Special Teleginm. ] WHEAT Wheat xvas moio aclivo to.ilay advancing Ic over yesteuiay's close. . on news of export puichases. Half of this advance xvas had In thu first ten minutes the crowd leaving what xvas thioxvn ycstciday after noon to only n fcxv private xvllt housoi that there had been fourteen loadf , taken In New York on Friday. The other halt cent advance came along later in the besslon on lepoitfiof pmchases to-day of about as much moio. So now x\o knoxv jtis > t about tlio mcasine of value of exports. It Is a simple problem In mental ailthmctic. You can hear tlio wheat school boy niurmmhiKitover : "II thlity-txvn loads bought for export put np tlio mat let ; oluht-clgliths ofl cent , how many loads will it take to put np one-eighth of I cent ? " Four loads ? Yes , yon hnxo guessed It light. Now xxomay knoxv x\ hat to o.xpect the next tlmo thcie Is fioino buying of this kind. Thoio xvas no other featuio In tlio maikct , unless tlio picscncoof a good many contiadlctory Ic-Ie- giams about thu glowing crop could bo called a "fcatme. " Some ul them &ald that tlio xx'Vat vaa all dead , and GOIIIO ol them eald it never looked better. Such dispatches don't haxo much effect noxv. Kxen a biokcr hcio xx ho can't tell xvhci-.l xvhen he sees It In a field , knows that the mlddloof Febmaiy is too early for anjbody on earth to gue s xvhat effect Dm xveathei has had on the wheat cioji , and he don't take much stock in bull stoiics now , oven tliough homay chculato them and try and make othei.s bcllcvo them. Another tiling that aided the bulls today xvas the fact that the a Is no Befcblon of the boaid on Monday , and that fiom 1 o'clock Satuiday afternoon until 9SO ; o'clock Monday morning in hixly-elght and one-half hours , dm Inu xxhlchthciomlght bo a blUznul , or a hull storm or txvo or tlneo Kuitipean x\aiH , Jinglaiul having stalled a fleet to look alter thlngH In tlio Archl- plaglan waters , and the scalpers didn't c < uo to ho uncovcied during all that time. So the llttlobhoilfjnll scr.unliled iislioio toward the ciul ol the fesslon , most of them Imxlng to cox or nboyo ! MCvhat thtiy sold yestcnlay doxvn near t > li' . Invlsht , J/eMer , tiillt-t and Jlamlll ite Jiilno veto thu ptlnilpal wllcis to day , bat most of what thuv Jet go of xxas long xvhiMt. lU'.imvis thought to ho buying bought heavily. 1'uts and calls sold at HI. & and WIAC , lilghtetiii loads woo lepurted bought lor uxpoit. Estimated iceeiiiti. lor Monday , 40 cats. C'on.vVluii \ acfreal lm < i o Jltllo self 10- B | > ivt as io IIIDVC only 1-1(1 ( in aholo day'n llurtiiutioiiB I hisoull Inti'iefit In It. ''s xxhutcoindid to-day , and tln'ic In no IIMI In lolling thu Jlir. : leadens tiny moio about It. Estimated icceipts , S7 PIU-H. 'iovibloiis npro quite dull again. Hlba clost l a slmdo higher and hud iibh.ule lower than jcsteid.iy. I'mk clo-cd nncliHiigcd. The fluct tuition * ot the xvholo day xuuilil not li.ivn palil the tubular com- mbshm clntv--'s. ( The pit xvaa Indued , in tlineii , a nh'Q quiet plai'o lo lau < < a nap In , and it any one hail xunturcd it , U Is odds ho u 01. li | not liavo liiu > n dUliubLMl. Thcio is notiiing noxv coiif rnln tlm list , not even gossip , whlcji Is jMtlu-i unusiuil. Monili > 's estimated icoelptsof liog iooo. ( Tumi TcAmniMillion. / . ) NPXT YurU. Feb. --iluSl iOn CA'I I vay nt lU 'iii I.Tcm. . i ! -1 & oer i-ant. ' STKHLINO EXCHANGE Dull but steady : f 4.87'i for sixty days , nnrt S t.soij tor dcuiaiul. GovKitXMKNTS Dull but steady. STOCKS The Interest In slocks centered In the news affecting thd reorganisation of tin ] departing company , and the erteot of that news > \ui upon coal stocks , especially I.neka- wanna. ] .ncKa\Miiina opened ttpcrconljlower nt 1US , nnd before 3 o'clock broke to ! ! ' { , nnd continued to decllno to2.- . Theiowas a quick rally to ICO. another break to IS,1 . and It closed at 12.VV. n net loss of ! f per cent , Tlio remainder of the list was com- p.itlllvely steady. The market closed lr- iCKUlar hut Ronernlly steady. STOCKS OK WA.I.I. STIIKKT. S ccnt bonds. . . 100 0. kX.\\ . . . . u.S.itfs U3W | preferred. . Now 48 urAJ N , \ . 0 Pacific tJ'a of 'aisou Orecon Trail. Central 1'nclllc. . 41 1'acllle Mall. . * C.AA ; 140 1' . , I ) . &K preferred. . . . ISO P.V.O 1M ! C. , R. & 0. * 1.17 Hock - 1MW D.Ui\YV 12.V > , HockUAS. . K. . . , SI D.&JI. O " ' preferred. AV n M t > ; i P wS Krlo \J.f * ll. V Ol. 1 L . . preferred . . . pwferred. . liit Illinois Central. . St. V. .to 40 , 1. , H.&W SflVI preferrea. . . 10.1J , Kansas itToxas. SO iTexas Pacific. . . i'J' LnkeShoro 87-UnionPacllio. , J 4tV. . , St. I , . * P. . 10 Midi. Central. . . . 73 preferred. . . 11) ) ' Mo. 1'aclfic jaUf'WoMurn ' Union. 7IJ | Noitlu'rn 1'ac. . . 27 | O. K.tN 103 l > rcfciicd. . . * Kx-dlV. inconuois. ( From Vfftcrtlitii'f Edition. ) Clilunuo , l''eb. 20. Flour Dull nnd unclmiiKed ; xxlnter xxlieat Hour. S1.40i. < l 4.8.\ southern , S4.tKX.J4.V ( > ; Wisconsin. S4f > 0 0-4.10 - : Mlchlgnn soft Hprinc wheat , 3 .70Cn ) 4.00 ; Minnesota bakers' , S8.MWI.M ) : pat cuts , S4.rMflC500 ; rju ilonr , S8. : ) c < M.OO In barrels , S..10@n,40 ! in sacks : buckxvheM Hour , 54.00(2 ( 1.60 per ban ol2.00 ; pcrcxxUIn sacks. Whont Active nnd stronger ; opened Kc hluhur , nilvanced J < more , nnd closed Jfo nbnvoyesteidny ; bO MSi'sC ' K.r c.tsli ; bO o for Kclntmry ; TO toTfl o for Mnich ; WJ < ® S-X'/c for May. Com Very dull ; 37f.Sp ( for cash ; . ' \ % a Fcbiimiy ; HT&GSttJic ior Aituch ; 4Kjf41 o for May. Oats Steady xxlthout clinuco ; r ojiTOVc for cashWc ; : tor fcbiuary nnd Match ; foi May. Itxe Steady llnrlov UnllntOOc. Whlstty ? Timothy Dull and easy ; prime , 'vfaxseed A shade higher ; No. 1 , 31.12O 'j'oik Sleadv ' and tinclmnped ; 5511.0.r 5i 11.10 for cash ; 'll.05rjU.o : } < f'for Febiuary and Mnich ; ll.a'JHOU'- May. linnl Steady and unchanged ; SO.OT } © 0.10 for cash. February and March ; t0.17 > iI ( § f > . 'M for May. Hulk Meats Shoulders , short clear , S5.BO@5.yi ; shoit libs. . llniter Oidlnaiy to taiicy creamery , IS ® S3t- ; common to choicii dairy , lix &lc. Clieeso Steady anil linn : lull oicam ched- tlarn , l ! WlUe ; Hal.s.t tQlOLcM-ounBAiucil. cas , lU'luVe : .skims , cliolcc.OQfic , Jt'u-s : iic : l2'J > < fe. Hides Ciiecn , 7c ; heax-y ciecn salted , fully cuied , be : light , b c ; liull hides , Oc ; dry sailed , ia > c ; diy Hint , l @ 14c ; calf skins , " Tnlloxv No. 1 country , 4 > cNo. ; 2 coun try. "ic ; ciikc , 4 fc.JteeoinK JteeoinK Shipments. Flour , bills . 10OOJ 0,000 , bu . . . . . . . lii.OOO 17.000 Coin , mi . 17. ' . , ooo . 10 ,000 101,000 ! 13nileybu . 47,000 05,000 St. Ijonis , ] < Vb. 20.VhP.U \ Dull , but Ktionpr and higher ; No. 2 icd , cash , Mnv , W > fc. Coin Steady ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , SO ® OOj/c ; May , : ! r > < ® i7'c. Oats Steady ; A'o. 2 mixed , cash , COo ; Mnv.aiJifo. Kyc Kasy nt 50c. . . 1'oilc "Sle.idyntSll.2. " . Laid Firmer nt Sj.iXK.J. Itutter Quiet but Him ; cieameiy , 24@30c ; dairy. 18@ilc. New York , Feb. 20. Wheat llocelpts. 3,000 : oxpoits , JU.OOO ; sjiot higher ; moio ilolntr for expoil , closlni ; linn ; options opened lOTl clil hcr , i'lo iniiiiiu ; nngiaded , leil , arcrltujfc ; > To. - n-d , Oljgc In store , fej c alloat ; JIaicli closing at IKJ e. C 43'fc ' ; at r > o > e. Oath Receipts , .W.OOO ; cxpoiK 5,1)00 ) ; inivcd xx'cstern , : J"(33'Ju ( ; xvhlto xxchtcin , 4J ( I'etioleuui Steady ; united closed nidi i ; . JC'ir.s ( l-'ltin ; iccelptH , 600 packages ; west- Pork Steady : mess , 510.50@10.75 for old ; now , Sll.7rKrtU2.00. Laid Dull ; western steam spot , SO.S2K@ 0.i7K : ; Mm eh , 50.10(30.J2. ! ! Iiittter Quiet and haiely steady. Chepsc Kirm lor choice * grades ; western flat , ( i ( < lfl > ; c , Milwaukee , ? cb. 20. Wlicat Stronji ; cash , Sl'j'c ; May , 8Xc ; .June , bO c. Corn Jflini : Nn. a , HSc. Oats .Steady ; No. S , SOc. lije-Stcady ; No. I , fitte. Jlmley ( inlet ; No. 3 , nic. . J'lovlslnns Steady ; mess pork , cash and March , SU.Oi ; May , Sll-'J. " ! . MliiiioaiioiiR. lcb. " 0. Wlicat StioiiKcr hut nothing iloln ' : No. 1 hard , ensli , B7Kc ; Jtnivh , 87c ; Anill , fe'Jc ; Mav , OIKc ; No. 1 , noithern , casli , b''c ; Mtucli , 82Jfc ; April , 81c ; Mav , 6GXc. 1'lonr Slowbnl fiinily held : patents , S1.75 @ 4.'JO ; liakei s', Iteceipts Wheat , 10 > .000 bit. Shipnmnls-Wlieat , 13,000 , hu ; flour. 17,000 bbls. Ciiicliiiiat i , Feb. 20. Wheat-Steady ; No. 2icd , H.I&t'JIc. Corn Strong ; No. S mixed , ! Oats .Stionser : No. t ! mixed , oJc , Kyo Firmer ; No. a. 05& 0u. ! 15.uley Uucliangcd ; cxtia No. 3 Burliif , Toil : Nominal , haul Kasler at S'l.OiJ ' ? Wliihky Steady at S1.10 KniiHiiH City , JVb. 20. AVhcat Steady ; cash , Tiljfe Uhked ; Maicii , 7ii > 'tfc bid , 71o Coni Quiet ; /4cash , 2S o bid , 2S ; < o nskcil ; M : iich , asji.'c bid , yu0'c asked ; May , DlJ c hid , Ul c nsUed. ( Tats No Quotations. Toledo. J'Vb. ' 20 , Wheat Closed stioiift : cash , tfcJSKy o. Corn Klim ; No. 2 rash , 40c. Oatrf-Klim ; rasii. aie bid. IdvprpooJ , J'Vb , 2'J. Wheat Supply Kootlt now No "winter , 7s d , steady ; now No. il Bjnlni , ' , 7slMd. Coin Oiiered modelately ; npot and 1'ehrii aiy1.1 "d , steady ? Maich und Apiil , 4s U d , BtiMdy. NcwOrlcniiH , Keb. 20 , Markets generally dull and unchanged. Coin ! 7 < vlbc. . Oats ( } nlet at 40c. Com Meal-Steady al.S3.l5. llo IModuuU Ujihcltltd : and gene-rally lower. l'ork-Sll.SO. iltilk Aieats-Shoiildere , 53.87K ; long dear , SO.fX ) ; clear libs. 85.00. IJVI3 S'l'OOIC. Chicago , l''cb. 2- . ' . The Drovcib' Journal i ( 'ports : Cattle Hecelptu , 0,100 ; market dull and 10u to ir > c lo\\oi ; slilpiilnt , ' steers , S.50if5.SO : ! ( ; htonlvcrs and fccilem , & 2.7.VU ) 4.Ki ; fowH , hulls nnd mixed , S1.M ) J.75 ; bull ; , S2.wij.'x ) ( . " s Itivcljitii , lO.OOO ; maikct Mrmly. g \u-alc ; rouih and mixed , $ -.00i ) ( $ t.ii'i : packing and hlililnir | | ) ; ( S'/ ) " > ( ii4.0.5 ; Shecii Itm/lpl's ,',1 : lu.irliut'btiontrer ; nativfi , si.'JOj'/.ri.OO ; Texans , f2,00iii,70 ; ; liinibb , Si.Wiijt'i.'Z'i. The Dioxuih * Journal special rablegram fiom 1,1x01 pool ( juntos prices hl hur on host AnicilKui cattle , nt I'iUc pel lt < estimated dtuil uciilil. Hupillc.s | of lionlt ) led ciittlo HID u'jioi toil 11 11 , uud iccclpts of Ainoiicun only Jahli hi i i'i' . ( / Vow yesterday's J'dltlon , } Kt. I > uDN. Fisb. tO.CattlcJtccoljiti , 00 ; Hlilpiiu'itH , noiui ; miiikct nominally In in ami hlioiiK' ; ciiolca bhlppliiKiind exiioits , 5.oi > , 0.40 ; cdininun to good , S4.00fflS5 ; butclicrV MeiMS , g3.'J.1alB ) : ; cows and hclfrrs , t3.2VS a ? . ' . ; .stiwlicib iiinl feeders , B'i."l' > @t.y > . Uo's Iteceipts , 1,400 ; shipments. 200 ; n < live mid linn ; hutrheru' ana best liinvy , Si/JftttV * " ' ; mixed iiaebtnc , feU.wa'l.-'O ; light , sauvg-uo. KuiiHiis Oily , Feb. iO.--CRttlo-l'.e'1pts ; , 5'Xi ; bl.lpmonU , none ; utoni ; und fuuly active ; cxpt.uun , t'i.l5ris.2i ; conuiujn t > > ciji'ictt fclilpplntr , 5 < .l" > > .03 ; Htockurs nnd fei < deic , t.'Ja > i . < io : co9 , & 3.10(33.5o. ( lli S-Itwefpt , 4.orx ) ; sblpmer.ta , 8.0CO ; aiUft > i de blfititr ; co&d to'Choice , to