Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1886, Image 1
THEY ALL WANT TO GET IN llino Railroads Glamoring for Eight of Way Through Indian Territory. THE ROUTES THEY PROPOSE Education Statin tics of the West Kpnrks Decides a hand Cixso AKalitst n Kcimtor Senator JOIICH' Hind Ijove Freak. for Korhlddeii Fruit. WAHIIINOTON , Feb. 22. ( Special Tele gram. | There aie pending in this cou ei ess nine petitions to grant rnlhoads right of wny through the Indian territory. The Knnsas City , Fort Scott & ( Suit desires to nm ncrosa the northeast corner of theteriltory , cnteilng the foibldden lountiy just south of Haxtcr Spilngs , In Kansas , nnd pursuing n favorable ionic to Fort Smith , nnd Iho Knnsas & Ai kansas Ynlleyvlshesto enter nt Fort Smith nnd extend In n noilhwcstcily direction to AiknnsnsClty. The pioposcd route of the Wichita tAiknnsas Valley Is fiom n point near Lisbon , In Chautnqun county , Knnsas in n southeasterly dliccllon along the geneinl COUI60 of Coney rlvoi to near its Junction with tlio VeVdegils , thence southcastcily to Foil ( ilbson , thence to the bonndaiy of the tcriltory , near wheio the Aikansas river crooks into the slate of Aikansas. The Southern Knnsns. if Its bill passes will enter the tenllory near Aikansas City nnd follow a practicable ionic to Foil Smith. The company binds itself to build 100 miles within thrco yeais , and lo luither bind Itself to observe stilct neutiallty on nil , questions 01 movements looking to the ox- if tlnguisliiimntof the Indian tilbes. The St. Louis & San Finiiclsco light of wny bill Is already GO far on its wny Hint it is nlmost ns good as pas'-ed. This bill authorizes n louto tlnough the Choctaw and Chlckasaw nations from Foil Smith In the direction of Pails ( Tex. ) . Mr. Shullhis' road-tho Dcnl- son fc Wasldta is to bo tonstiucted liom near Dcnlson ( Tex. ) across the Indian teiiltory In a noithcastcily dhection until It stilkes the Filsco's Pniis route. The Pacific AGicat Kastoin contem plates a llnu liom ncnr the town of Cincin nati In Washington ( Aik ) due west through the cntiie length of Indian tcultoiy , emerg ing near the sKth paiallel of latitude. The Foil Worth & Denver City wishes to extend noithwaul acioss the tciiitory to the south ern boundary of Knnsas , cnteilng the toni- tory somewhere the mouth ot lilg Beaver creek and the mouth of th ! north fork of the lied river. The St. Louis. Uaxter Spiings & Mexico wishes to get in near lax- tcr Spiings nnd build south totlioTexas boundary , with a blanch extending to the wottein boundaiy of the tcnltoiy. DIS : MUIXI.S' I'umjo BUiudNo. The sub-rommittco having In chaigo Mr. CoiiKCi'b bill , appiopilatlng 520,000 lor Hie Impiovement ot thegoveinment buildlngat DCS Molnes , has ngiccd lo icpoit lavoiably. The lull committee Is so slow to act , how ever , that It innv be delayed until its passage will be Imperllul. Thcio has been no ques tion nbout the mcilt of the measure , nnd when It comes up It will be so stiongly en- doised by the entire lown delegation that It will undoubtedly pass. I'KKso.VAi. Axn oinnnwisn. N. W. Wells of Schnylei is In ( ho city. Mis. George Chase of Fnj ettev'illc is the guest of hci cousin , Gcoigo K. How , 431 P btiect , noithwcst. EDUCATION FIGURES. The Commissioner's Koport oil Six of the Western Suites. AVASIIINOION , Feb. 22. Thorepoit of the commlsitoiier ot education for Ibs ! nnd 1SSI has just appealed. It contains the follovvlmr biimmailcs of western school statistics : Illinois , with over 1,009,000 youths of legal school ngo (0 ( to M ! ) , loported in lbbJ-SI ; an en- lollmcnt ot WS,0 l in the public schools nnd J85,0'-5 in avcrago dally attendance , or about GS per cent ot the school population en- lolled and ncailyJO pei cent In average attendance. There vvcio also TujWl attending \nlvate or church schools , vv hlch , added to the number In public schools , would give 75 per cent of school population undci instinct ion during some noitlon of the jear. Ncaily 12,000 public school childien \soio taught , the aveiauo toim lor tlio state being 151 dajs , anil S'J.l i1 was expended on them. The statistics , as for ycais contlnuo to show an advance In nearly nil the Items icpoi ted. .Michigan , with about 65 7.000 youth within the legal school ago (5 ( to 0) ) , re ] > oitcd that over -lOJ.COO , or 70 per cent , weio eniollod In public schools , besides UT.'JIX ) in pilvato schools. I'nblic schools weio taught lei a teim ot l.Vi days at a cost ot overSl.WJ.tO ) In schoolhoiisesalned , with other school piopcity , at nearly 811,000,000. 'Ihoilguics show an Incieasoot ! moietban 1HUOO , in the number of pupil nttendlng pub lic schools , and of nbout V > 00 In tlm attend ance of private schools ; ot loin davs In the nvciage public school U'liu tluuii liuut the state , of about tf.W.t.lX'O in the valuation of public school piopcity , ami ol SUT0.10J In the amount expended on publlo schools. There was nUo a .slight advance In the pay of teach- 01 H , the a\oiao ! monthly salaiy of men being Sl.lK ) moio and that ot-vvomon ? 1.10. WlH'onsIn statistics show that of ft S.TSO youths of U'gal school ago ( t to'JOi In IbSJ-SI neai ly : U7.UU , or about i-o per cent , eio on- lolled in the publlu schools , an I net ease lei thojeai ot ovcr7,000 In the emollmont , nnd IH.t'Mi In school population. The lepoited tittendnnce in piivnte schools (15 ( , < > lS ) de- ciensed cou ! ilui\bly dm Ing tiio jear , but theao statistics \\tsio Inc < imilcto , many huge cities lulling to tepoit on this point. About 8. ! pci cent of nil childien between 1 ami 13 i cms of age attend the public tchools , nn Incic.iM ) foi the > car of VAti ( , and tin twc years ot W.tcJl ; and tin ) MiperlntendeiittldnU * that the tuller stnlUtics on this iiolnt would show that ncaily all of that ago uttundcd diu Ing 1 01110 portion ot the vear. Mlmiebota with ! > , SO'J > outh-5 to SI yeais of IIKO In it a i , ciuoUad ! UC09 , In hoi pnbllo tchools , orG'J percent , and had 10iiKl7 ) orS iicr cent , of tln > school ) onth In aveiagt dally attendance. The schools weie tnughl an nvciagoof UUd.ijs thionghout the ntah nt a cost of S2a.71L in1,7.11 school build Ings , of widen J01veio new , val \icd , with sites nnd other property nt SMIS.&O'J , These llgincs filiow ai Incieaso for the sear of abou it,700 : in enrollment nnd 8,5 in avei-.i.u-o at tendance , HKnlnst an lnciea o of y..OOO li j outh of school ago. Thcio was also an In cic.iso In the number ot teachers omplojcd In the number who had taught Unco years o more , nnd In that of nonnat school graduates In the average pay of both men and women as wellns in thoexpendltuie lor nil schoo inn poses , and \ahmtiouolsdioolprop city , luwa H'poitod over ( Wt.oOO of school ngo ( I to-'l ) In ISMMviih nbout 40H.&OJ emollei in the public schools nnd ! XXOOu ) In nveiagi dally attendance. Thu schools tansht ai average of 14) ) days , in it : , < jM uiiildlngs \ahutl , with other scoool property , nt eve 5)0,4 ) < Xi,0Xnnd ( ) nbout i'i.b.'jO.OCO wnsexiicmlei during tliej ear for public school puipobes 'J'licseliguies show an advnncu of 8 per cen in the pionortlon of school population en lolled , and 0 pei cent In the ptopoitlon o bohnol population In uveraco nttoudance. Nelnaskallli her ' . ' outh ot , \ \ 'MO,4.'A > lega school age (5 ( tout ) reports 137,018 , or nearl ; Ol | it1 1 cent , cmolled In the publlo school ? amlM.iiiO , or ncaily ffJ jiui cunt , in nvemp dully attendanus an fncien e during th j ear of 11-lS'J in enrollment , and 10.3 ii average attendance. Wlth"4a7U inoiojoulh of school age , moio school dlslilcUs wcio it potted nnd moio In which schools weio- \ \ - laliti d fm six months , the average teim fo II. o statemoio ; schoul houses wcio biitll Tlmaluntloii of school inopcrly Incte.iseil AD did. ( lie number of teachcib einplo ) cil lielr avcraec pay , the whole nmount expend- d forpnblfc schools , and that of the schools ) crnmncnt nnd lemporary. SIMItKS GIVKS Ivcti TliotiKh Ills Uecislon in n United States Senator. WASIII.VOTO.V , Feb. 3 ! . ( . 'oinmIslon'r 31 a ks hits novoltj Isa decision In n hoaic- tenit entry made by Senator C ill of Florida. > y which the "senator loses tlt'o to n good ) lecc of liml and n poor ci lireil man galm v hat the senator lusos psrlmps a qood norc , for the latter has Ids homo on the land n question , wldlo the ocnator a loof hcio n Washington to shelter his he.i-1. No vein .orll , isro , U'ib'rt Svv aim , an Ignorant eal- otcd man , lllcd a proemptlon declaratory statement at tlu(5dnc-ivlllo ( ( Fla.landofllco ) or n certain tract of land , alleging f-ettlcment ) ctobcr 10 , 1S7B , and the register gave dm the usual certificate , wherein he wns lotilled that ho had thirty months from date of his settlement within which to pay for his and. Svvalm was living on the land and tad a house nnd olhcr valuable impiovc- iients upon It. December 17. IbH ) , nearly eluhtccn months bcfoie the expiration ot the hlity months mentioned In Swalm's rettlll- ente , Wilkinson Call , then and nown United Mates senator from the state of Florida , 'titcicd this same land as n homestead. There Is no evidence that ho o\er had n esldence on It , and If the last comriesiional lliectoiy Is cornet ho cerlnlnly lives clse- vhere. Ills entire claim was based upon the isscrtlon that , notwithstanding the certill- cato given Svvalm , the latter had foifolted his claim because he had not paid lor it within n j ear. A contcstensucd , evidence wns taken , nnd the case icacheil the Kcnural land olllce. The commissioner unhesitatingly decided the case In tavor ot Swann and ictuscd to icctde , although Impoi tuned by Call , who theicupon ippealcd to Secietary Teller. Judge Mc- . ' .imiiion , assistant attorney general , and one .1. J. JJn\tei , Ids Hist law clcik , weie prac- Ically nutocrats of the law blanch of Tcllei's olllce. While the contest between the senator foom Floilda and Swalm vas pending In the secrctnry's olllce another impoitniit matter was jund- ) iig In the senate the legislntlvo nnd execulivo appioiiriatlon bill , lixing , nmone other things. .Mr. llaxtei's salaiy. The StuR of .June , Ibs'J , Senator Call , nppi llnnt in the indecldcd case in the depailmcnt , moved nt > uuendmentincrcaslnc 15a\tei's salary fiom SJ'r > 0 to SU,500 , and In suppoit thereof deliv- eied a llatteilng tribute to his capacity nnd woith. CnlUs motion boloroSccietaiy 1'ellcr for a loveisal ot the commlsslonei's decision was cairfully iilgconholod until Sccretaiy Teller left the city upon his summer vaca- .lon. \\nstlion taken out , and. it is al- cgcd , against the positive udo and practice ol the olllco , was removed liom .Imlgo Jlowe ind clven to I3a\tor. lie held in so nianv w ordstliat Swalm had fortclted bis light by not pa > Ing within a jcar , noUvithstaiidlm ; the olllcial ccitihratcs gave him thirty aontlistodo it. This decision was signed bv As-jIstantSecictaij- and wcntlnto tllcct. Commissioner Spaiks , acnualntlng ilmsclf with all the facts , has ic\ei eil 13a\- cr's decision , and Senator Cidl doesn't get the land. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SENATOR , OONKS' INFATUATION. So Bfjidly in Iovo His Friends Fear Ills Mind is Affected. WASHING-ION , i'eb. 22. The filcnds of Senator Jones of Floilda aio > eiy much con- ceincd about his conduct and can only be lieve that ho must be out of Ids mind. Ho lias been In Detroit nowneaily three months. nt the principal hotel , doing nothing but piomcnadc the sheets upon which the young lady lives who has so lulatuated him , trying to catch a glimpse of her. Kvery itny ho sendshcr a letter declailng Ids Tovo lei her , and a laigc sl/cd bouquet. She never sees the Icttcis or tlio piesents. The most icmailcnbio feature of the case Is that Senator Jones has met her but twice. In the most casual manner. Ho de clared his love on the street at the second meeting in such an impassioned manner as toiilghlcn her almost out ot her wits , and she appealed for pi election to her lady com panions. who liui lied to their homes and dammed the door in the senator's lace. The next day ex-Jtaj or Thompson of Dctiolt , by whom Air. Jones had been intioduccd to the lady , called at the hotel to demand an ex planation ot his conduct , and became con vinced that the senator had lost his icason. Ho told Mr. Thompson of Ids adoiation and declined that ho would never leave Detroit without taking his cousin as n bride. Ho seems sin- ceic In his intention. The Indv In the case is a .Miss Palm , the daughter ot a French Ca nadian , who was one ot the eaily settlers of Dctiolt. and made an iaimense foitimo by piudcnt investments In city pioperty and pine timber lands. .Miss 1'alm is neither very \oung 1101 very boautitul , but will un doubtedly inherit 62,030,000 at the death of hei fattier. Senator Vance lias srono to Do- tioit to see \vliat ho can tlo towaid bilnglng Senatoi Jones to icason , and hopes to bo able to ncisuade him to abandon a hopeless suit and retiiin to Washington. In this cltoithe will bo assisted by Senatois Palmer , Conger. Avails , Logan , Sherman and others , who will boln Dctiolt to-night to paitlclpnte in the banquet to bo given by the Michigan icpubll' cans in honor of Washington's bhthdny. THE AS'JUT DUNIKD. Cleric Dnl l on AVill Have to Produce Or Stay In. COI.USUIUH , Feb. 23. Judge Wyllo of the common pleas court this moinlng decided the case ot Dalton , clcik of tlm com t of Hamilton county , on application for a wilt of habeas coipus. Ho was arrested nt tlio order of the house of icpie entatlvcs for contempt in io > Itisingto produce bcforotho housoor honst committee thoiotui n fiom piecluct A , Komlh waul , Cincinnati , for the puipo o of being ihotographed. nnd also lefuslng to bilng .hem out of Hamilton county without nn eider - der fiom court. The application was dis missed and Dalton lemalncd In tlio custody of thoscueaiit at aims. Dalton Is not in town , and thft attorney general states that un less ho ai il\t-s heio by tliollist train ho will lortelt his lerognl/nneo , which Is In the sum of Thoiclatoi has the alteinatUo un der the house lesoHithm of either producing the leturns as leinosCiucd or seivlng o speclllcd lei in In jail. CINCINNATI , Feb. 2J.Tho decision oE JiulEo Wyllo of Columbus In the habeas coipus case of Dalton , eieates lively Interest hee. The Fouith waul icturns which nu the subject of the contiovcisy aio now In the handset tlm chuliman of the senate coin1 ndttee , whiclils hcio tnlclng testimony con cernlng the election. The motion to photo graph the iclnrnsls now pending botoio thai committee. The luiuois ot an attempt tc cieato a distm banco in the comnillteo and tie stroy theietuins , has biouzht a numbei o : peisons Into the hotel lobby. Dalton Is hou and says ho will do as Ids nttoinoy says nbout going to Columbus. His attorney pie poses to appeal the case to the biipicuio coiut Don't Know the ainidon. Nr.w YOIIK , Feb. M. Counsellor Wlnslov 8. Plerco. of this city , who Is a nephevv o the 1 de Vice PiOhliloiit HendiU'ks , wasasket by a icporter what with the lelatlonsldpo Miss ( ! race llomlilcks , the joiuig lady win cowldded her traducer In Anita ( Iowa ) , ft his family. "I luivo never henid of such i person , " ho icplicd. "If she bo any lelative slio must belong to n lemoto branch of tin family , or 1 would bo likely to know some thing nbout her. 1 have no lelatlves that nm awaie of In the section of town that > o\ \ iota to , or Indeed In any other section of it. ' The Day \Vo Celebrate. Nr.w YOIJK , Fob. 2) , Washington's bhth day wasobseived ns n holiday to-day In tin usual quiet tashlon. The lings which li.n bfcn lloattng fiom tinlf-mnst nlmoit contlnu ouslyof late wcio raised to tlm top of th ] x > lo nnd enjuvment \ariousfoimswa sought afliT. Patriotic organizations com mcmorato the day , An Old Prcauhor Dead. JACKSONVII.I.I : , III. , Feb. 2-3. Peter Akerj ono of the oldest Methodist mcaehcrs in th west , died at Ids home in tins rlty Sunday Ho wast > 5 je.u-sold , nnd has pleached blue The IJOSH at WII.UINOTON , X , 0. , Feb. 23. Tlio lo's b ; jc'teulni'n the is now estimated at JOOOC ( nnd the Inbiirance at i luO.CO J. A BANQUET ON HIS BIRTHDAY ilichiganders Honor the Hero of tlio Hatch et With a Eoyal Feast. THE POST.PRANDIAL EXERCISES IlcstJonaos to Toasts by Evnrts nnd IioRnn Mtmdcrson Ivooks AHcr tlio Ilowdy West in E\ ccllcnt Manner. A ncpnbllonn Kcnst of rtcason. DITIIOIT , Mich. , Feb. 23. The Jlichigan club , n icpubllcAii organbntlon hnvlng Its iicmbershlp throughout the state , held Us irst anniversary hcie to-night In the shapool i bannucL Senator Palmer , Its piesldtng olilccr , sat In the center of a lalsed table at one end of the hall. On his light wcio Sen ators Kvarts , Conger , Mnnderson , cv-Uepic- jcntatlvo Ilorr and other Michigan men. On ds left sat Senilor J.ogan , Goveinor Algcr , ( lovernor Foiakcr , c\-0o\ciuor Jerome , Con- jicssmnn Uucnthor , nnd others. At 0 o'clock sonntor Palmer called the nudlenco to order. In Ids Inttoduetoryicmaiks ho explained the > bject of the club , saying that \Vash- ngton , If nllve , would probably be > resent. He said It Is composed of those v. he icllcvo that the republican party still has work to do , teunliig It properly the party ol God and of moialily. William M. Kvaits , of New York , re sponded to the toast , "Washington the Na tionalist , the Federal Union the Consumma tion ot his Woik. " When the stoim of ap ilauso had subsided , Kvaits returned thanUs x > r his lecentlon and lor being Included in henuniDcrof those Invited to p.utlclpate in ho exercises of the anniversary. Mr. iivarU consldcicd tlio Chicago convention of 1SCO as tlio supplement and fullillmcnt of the convention and declaiatlon ol ndcpendenco. Then we were out of power. Wo are in power now. Thedemociatlcpaity was In power then and is now. We knew what wo did then. What nbout now'.1 Arc now the same Incentives at work among the icople ? He could not foictell a stoim , but 10 believed the duly now Is the same as In .bGU. The same motives should voile upon .hopaity and the same loononslbllltlos as sumed. All else must bo laid aside , ami w 1th unselfish devotion the icpubllcans should legain power fiom the same icasons that led [ oil then. The demociatlc piity had no piinclplcs woithy of the name at that time , mil now they have nothing to piopo e foi the wellaie , Impplness and good name of the eountiv. Do said the icpubltcan pally must avow its holding to the piincipleoi piotec- tion of Aniciican industries. Education must bo unlvcisal and sullrago must be cM'ivwlicio an absolute and unchallenged jUllrago. If in the nc.\t campaign vfctorj1 Iocs not lie with us , It w 111 bo our weakness , but not the demociatlc stiength. " "Tho American Citi/on. Native nnd Adopted ; lie should bo made happy nnd pros- pciousat home and secuio abioad , " was the subject of the toast , towhich Congicssman KIcluud Gucntherof Wisconsin , lespondcd. Ho said he was a lepublican because that unity was the paity ot humanity , the paity ol equal lights to nil , and opuosed to slaveiy. He loved it ns n fiicml ol labor nnd the givci of benefits to nil citizens , botli native and adopted. Senator Palmer stalled to intioduco Gen- cial John A. JjOgan , but was Inter- inpted by lienity applause. As soon as Senator Logan nioo the entho audience leaned to their tect , cheering and waving handkeiclilefs. Ho responded to the toast. "Wnshlnglon.'ctho Jtupubllcnn. " Ho be lieved In the voice of the ppoplo , which can only bohcaul tlnough n fair ballot nnd nn iionest count. Ho came not to tench , but to be taught. No Oracle is needed to tell the Fntuie. Parties cannot live on past rccoids , but the rceoul made In the way ot liatiiotlsm is not to bo forgotten. Thcio is no action to bo ashamed ot in the past histoiy of the icpubllcaii p.uty , and the light fiom its past is the glory of Its pathway , Theio exists In the republican party the | iow er to defeat itself , when it was put on the dolonsive. defeat followed. He said that in the uoi th the people looked too much to their Individual Inteiests and not enough to the interests of the countiy nt laige. The light must bo made on live issues. Thtf dem ocrats , in peace , had shed blood in older te secure power , while the icpubliraiis have opposed bulldozing vvheiever and whenevci known. Ho denounced it both In the soutl : and thonoith. Hcgavo lignies show ing the difference between the sizes ot the noi them niulasouthcin cnngiesslonal dlstiiets , and made a pica lor the liccdom ot the ballot in all parts of the countiy. IIo lenred lor the Inline unless this is stopped. Ho consldeied the democratic paity was simply pictoiidlng to leform the civil sen Ici1. Tlio people wcu entitled to hem how tlio government wa < being cairicd on , and , ho said , they slml ! know. Senatoi C. F. MandcisonotNebiaBka , re spondcd to the toast , "Our New Kmpiie , tlu Howdy West. " Owing to the late hour tldt speech concluded the exercises ot the e\'en ing. llespoko lor a vlgoinns west , asklni the admission of Dakota. He believed all the elements of the icpubllcaii piity will b ( thoiouglily united lor tlio next campaign. A mimberof letteiswoieicct'ived , but tin Inck of time picvoiitcd leadiiu them. James G. Dlalno wrote expiesslnt legietsnthls Innbillty to attend , in which IK said : "It will give pleasuie to the lepubllcani tlnoughout the countiy to observe the oijiaii Ued determination on the part of thelrMichl gan bicthicn toie-cstablishtlielroldsticngtl nnd picatago In the stnto. 1 am sine you w 11 liml complete victory within yourgiasp , am it f do not mistake the signs of the times \oi will iccelvo in j our good woik some v alnabli aid tiom our political opponents. " Senatoi ! Shi'iman , Ilaiilson , Mihone , Hale , 1'rye Kablnc , Kdmunds. Allison , and Congiessmei Pholpsi , Kelly and othcis sent Icttcis ot ic Riet. _ THE JILTINOUS Cayrnln nnd Crow of the FranI Thnyor Arrive hi Now Yorlc. Nr.w YOUK , Fob. i."J. Captain Itoboi Claik , Ids wife nnd daughter , nnd fouitcci teamen , smvlvois of the American shl ] Frank N. Thajcr , which was burned at se ; oji Januaiy i TOO miles from St. Holciiii icachcd this city to-day from Liverpool Captain Claik Isa tjplcal Aineilean salloi \ ery tall , w ith coal black beaul , hair and oj i Weio It not that ho occasionally placed hi hand on an ugly plnstoi-covuied cut upon hi one would suspect Umt h still sullcied from the elTects of his cncoui ter with the two .Manilla snnmcn whr bcfoio tiling tlio ship , endeavored to wlpo on oveiy white man on boaid. When the lepoiter spolcoto hlmhlseyci brightened , ' nnd alter a long pauRe , hound " 1 nm not in n mood to tell > on all about in oxpeiiencoi , lor 1 nm still snllcilng gic.i ngony. Atter my in rival In Kngland I wen tosomoofthn bcit plivslclaiis , but bejon co v cling my wounds they did nothing My wife heio , " pointing to n small , palo , bu pretty womnn"ls just ns bad ns 1. Shoh.i no wounds , ills tiuo. but her mind wns si upset by the mutiny niiditshouiblo cITectr that 1 tear she will never loeovor. " "Weio thoMamlllassailois ill-tieated b ( fore the attack ' the captain wns asked. "Thoy weio not beyond tlm lact that the leeched a curt tiom the chief ofticer for h : subordination. " A Ft loudly Sounlo Ends Fatally. ST. Louis , Feb. 23. Two \oung met sti-angeis , named Clia' . Norman and Hcnr Knoller. lejUtcied last Satmday night at tli Mlama hotel , this city , nnd have spent tli time since then until this morning cnjojin themselves gcncrallv. Knrly tills inornln Noi man was found Iv Ing ncross tl.obaiml teis of the staliway on the tourt lloor , mortally vvouiuled with n bullet In tli left breast. A pistol was loan a short distance from tlio body. Ho was ca lied Into Ids loom , and died fiom the ulTecl of his wound In n short time , without gall Ins. consciousness. It is supposed he nnd h ft lend rotui ned catly in the mornhnj to tl hotel "and In a 1 1 loudly smtlla the pistol wt arcldi-ut.dly discharged with Uis above cflcc Knoltci has been attested. NEBRASKA AND IOAVA. An Importnnt Ilullng In n tilqnor Seizure Case. ATLANTIC , Iowa , I'eb. ' ttJ. [ Speclnl Tele gram. ] A very Important decision \ > as ren dered In court by Judge Loofbourovv this norning on n question never before decided .n this state. Several weeks nco twenty-four cases of beer belonging to Chris Melchcr , a Uugglst of this place , were Attached by J. S. McCormlck & Co. of DCS Molncs , to sccurp pa > incut for them. Mclchei's attornejs Hied a motion to lm\o the goods released , as the sherlu' could not sell the goods according to llio Bcncrnl statute , on account of the prohlb Itory law , thoslieilfT having no right under Hint law to sell Intoxicating liquors. The mot Ion was sustained nnd the liquors were released. _ _ An Importnnt Declstnn , DUIIUQUK , Iowa , Feb. W. The suit for damages ngnlnst lids city by ono Wondovcr , n peddler of Urooklyn ( N. Y. ) , for Sio.OOO , was to-day dismissed by Judge Shims ot the United States comt. The case Is ono of great Impoi tanco , not only to Dubuque nnd Iowa , but nil other stntfs and cities therein ns well. Wondover claimed damages because - cause , ho was nucstcd on a chargoof ucddllng without n license. The comt luted that the oidlnancoienulilng peddlers to pny license wns not In ronllict with that part of the con stitution of the United States , and tlio city is not liable for damages even If the ordi nance be unconstitutional. 1IO < DlfiOflHOR. TncuMsr.n , Neb. , Feb. 22. M a meeting ot the Johnson County Fmmeit , ' Institute. among the many Important subjects dis cussed was ho < | diseases. 11. A. Wilson of IJtuo Spilngs , waspiesentby request of the society , and gave his Icctuio on the swlno malady. He succeeded In convincing many that ho has found the true cause of hog chol- cia. Will some i ostensible parties that have used his lemedy vviile to the president of our society. M. V. Kasteiday , Tecumsch Neb. , giving the lesnlts of their oxpciliucntsV OAtnTAti AND IjAHOK. A Bljj Strike AinoiiB Hoot nnd Shoo " \Vorkors ol' Milwaukee. CHICAGO , Feb. 23. The Inter Ocean's Sill- wakco special sa > s : A general strike among the cmplojes of the Mllvvaukco boot and shoo inanufactuicis is imminent. Aticcent meet ings of the assemblies of the Knights of Labor , composed of cmploj'cs of the boot and shoo manufacturers , icsolutions were adopt ed to ask nil the manurncluieis to ngico upon n certain scale ot prices similar to that in cllect in 1)1 ) ad ley & Mctealt's factoiy. The icsolutloiisvveio put in the foim of a loimal demand , and vveio to-day seived upod the manufnctuieis. The notices contained a scale of prices , which it was nsked be established , with n demand that the vailous shop committees be nolillcd of thein- tcntlon of tlm cmploycis on or betoio 0 o'clock this inoi nine. At the hour named six maiiufacliners notified the committees that they icfuscd to comjily with llio demands , F. T. Henbcit te Cos doing business on Pialrlo street , alone consenting to ndopt the scale ol pi ice. Toinicd by the men. Immediately upon ic- cclvlnc the leplies of the miiintacluicis , the pxecutiv e committee ol the Knights of Labor was notified by the shqp committees , and a meeting wns at onro called to decide upon the ne.\t step. 'Die matter had alicady been liscusscd at length , and as it had been de- : Idcd tooulern general stiikc in the shops vUieio the demand was ictuscd , aboutCOO men will quit work. Ijabov JTrou 1)1 es Settled. Mr.Pi.nASANr , Pa. , Feb. 22. There was a general icsumption ot work in the coke ic- gions to-day. It wns feaied that the llungar- ans would rauso tioablo , but they weakened this moining and placed no obstacle in the riath of the workmen. At the Valley mines .lie men went in and came out In a body on account ot some local grievance. The Hun garians arc Hocking to the ofliecs for clicsks to-day and nianv < jt thorn have icfnsed work. They are angry because any compio- inlbo wns made. It is thought an ollei will jo made to freeze them out , and compel theme [ o leave the regions. A Connellsvlllo dispatch siys : The Him- gailans paiaded throughout the nortlicin paitof thu legions nil night , tliioatciilng violence to all vvlio returned to vvoik. The Itolico are on gunid and no serious trouble is apprchontU'd. AtMciiills & Wheeler's mines the men have stuick ogn 1 n bccauso the company ic- fused to icduco the sire oLtlio wagons. PirrPiuTiici , Feb. 2J. At a largely attended delegate convention of the poke woikers at Scottdnlo to day , it wns decided to accept tlm advance oflcied by the operatois and letuin to woik at once. In n minority iciioit t.'io Himgniiaiis decided to slnnd out until nil the prisoners aie iclcasd tiom jail. THE PAN ELilJUTmO STOCK. The World Keeps Up Its FlRhf on At torney General Gavjnnd. Nnw YOIIK , Feb. 22.--Special [ Tcleginni.J The Woild'S Washington coiicspomlent saistUatlho ; fa\oilte defense'of the Pan KJcctilc stockholders is that tlio stock is wbilhlc&s ; Is no good. It has nlicady re- tujncdalaiRouciccnbgoii'ifon the oilglnnl Investiiiont. Dr. Itogjis estimates the re ceipts in cnsli from lei ly-fivo to litty thous and dollnis which have been divided as divi dends. The company also holds a largo amount of stock in local companies width has not been divided among the stockholders it was the icfiisidto divide this stock that led to the quail el between Itogeis nnd his as sociates. Gailand has paid tlnco assessment upon Ids gift stock. These amounted tc S105.80 and up to July , 181 , ho had received overS2COJ. Hauls Hogeis says ho basic- cclod between § 0,000 and 58,000 , and Gai- land was upoa exactly the saino footing. Till : CAN WAS LOADED. A. 0)iai'i ) ; a Blatoli , and n I'owdorCnn Ionl Out Dcatriiution. LEXIXOTON. Ky. , Feb. 22. A special to the Picss fiom Winchester says : At noon to-daj a powdci explosion occuiied In the gioccn store of MaivWlls. | A clerk was In the acl ot weighing some powder fiom a cnn when i man standing near the counter struck ( match to light a cigar , This Ignited the povv dei , which exploded with tcrilble violence The house was badly wiccked and eight per sons Foveicly vvquiidrid. Two of them , Jamci Hopnnrnnd Will 31uriiy | , me In n dyint condition , and several pthers will probablj not icrovci. Tlo : man who stiuck the matcl ; Obcaucil unlinit. ila y Wills and two otheu weicunliuit. 'Iho house took the tint tin llames weie soon extinguished. Thu Injuici mo : Bird Wldto. Thomas Mail in , , Iame : NowKiik , Juinc Hojper , Win. Mm ray. Join Judy , James Cuiriclc and Uutoul Smith. Change In Customs Itulcn. M OXTHKAL , ( Jueboc , "Fob. 23. Snpei Intend cut Ktephenson of the Grand Tiunkinll way lecHiitlymadonppllcatlon to tholicasm ; department at Washington to have tin customs legulations which apply to passcn pers nnd baggage now In force In the Nov England sta'M ' extended to the middle western nnd siuthvvostern states. The np plication lias jist been granted , and on am alter the 1st of Match next all passenger dcatlned for any part of Iho United btale over the Grand'l rank railway can have thcl baggage examined by a United States cus tniiiii oflioei l cattnl at Montical. Picscott Toronto , London and Stratfoid , after whlcl thubaggnge will go through without fnrthc examination alho ( United States tiontlci. \Voatl cr For To-dny. Missouia V4i.i.Ey. Fair weather ; wind becoming vaiiable ; slightly colder in south ern poj lion ; .al | | it changes In noitheinpor tion , except ID exti-emo noithurn uoitlou blight IIP" In tutupcratnrc. KUlJJIJiUlVAD Eiord Rantlolph Ohurchill Has a Rojal Ec- coption at Belfast. IRISH LOYALISTS RUN WILD Ills Cnrrlngo Dragged by the Enthusi astic Crowd Through the Streets His Speech In tlio I3vonlnR Uoncrnl Foreign , Churchill Knynlly Greeted. Ur.u-AsT , Fob. 21- . Large bodies ot Oiangc- men wcailngicgalln , dlspla\lng bnnnci.s and lieaded by bands of music , met Lord Ran dolph Churchill at the depot here. Ho wni cscoited by a huge procession to Ulster hall , whore addres es weio presented to him. Uc- phlng , ho said ho wished that those contem plating the dissolution ot the union were only 'pie-sent. They would then peiculvc Ihat IJelfnit would no\ei sulnnilto disunion , The town Is excited. 1'Mensivo police pie- cautions have been taken to piovcnt ilotlng , Ilni.r.vsT , Feb. 2-J. The enthusiasm wit- nested in Uelfnst to-day bus not been equalled hero in many jean * . In Iho numeious pio- cessions whfcli p traded sticcts weie many women , \\lionll dlslaved | ) oianiro colois. Sn dense was the ciowd that tilled the principal thoionghlnies that Untile wns blocked toi seveial houis. No sooner had Loid Kan- dolpli scntcd himself In n cauii'o thnl wa waiting him than the ciowd made a nish foi thec.uilage , nnhainessed , nnd pio- cecded to dr.u ; tlio vehicle liom the "tntion to the hotel. The enthusiasm displayed along the line ot maich was prodigious. This evening Loid liandolph nddicsscd n meetliiL' , when the eiilhuslasm upon hlsar- ihal was icpcated. The hall in which the meeting vas held wns tilled to its utmost ca- picity. When Loid Randolph are -o to nd- < licss the audience checilng beaan and It luted fully seven minutes. When ouloi was icstoicd Loid Randolph bc.riii his nd- dress. Ho said It lay with' Ulster to say whether lieland should icmnln pait ot thocmplie. Ho denied that the Painellltcs wcio the true repiesentatlvcs ol the will ot the liish people. Asto Pninell hlniscll , his only title to bo continued as lender In the party lay In actions ol which no one could b justly pioud. Hy playing upon the teirois ot the peasantry , and by means of bintal out- lagcs upon human beings he had seemed live-sixths ot the Irish members of p.ullament. Loid Randolph appealed , to all icciidlO'.s ot cieed , to declaio In fa\oi ol n Irco and closer union. It appealed to , he said , ho would not mind leaving the Issue to the people of Ulster. Ho believed the stoim would blow over , however , and the union would eineigi ! stionger than it had ever been , but if tlio nation was o apostate as to hand over the loyalists to the Painellltcs theio weio plentv of men in England who would stand oy the the loyalists. Loid ChuiclillI exvnessed the hope that the stiugdo would be Kent within constitutional limits , but added that they must bo prepaied foi the woist. The meetIng - Ing adopted a icsolutlon to oppose national ism ami to call upon the people ol England and Scotland for help. Cable BrloCs From London. LONDON ; Feb. 22. It is stated that Moiley , chief sccictaiy for Iicland , has so inshucted the police and military authorities as to ren der it vhlually Impossible to cllect evictions. Aichbishop Walsh ot Dublin Imwritlen to Gladstone that the Iilsh bishops considci that homo rule would not cllect the union 01 supiomacyot the ciovvn. and urge the sus pension ot evictions until the land question lias been settled. Count Von Hat/feldt , German ambassa dor , has notified Loid Kosoborry of the estab lishment of a German piotectoi.itooverMni- shall , Pi evidence nnd Uiovvn islands. The .Greeks "Want War. LOXDOX , Feb. 22. The Gieck ministers ol war nnd marine threaten to icslgn unlcsE war against Turkey is declared. Tlio pco pie of Giccco , who aio anxious for hostilities to begin , nro much excited. Torpedoes have been suneplitlously icmovcd from tlio harboi of Salonlca. Biitish authorities bonrdcd tin Gieek steamship Omonla and aiicstcd Hit captain on suspicion of having been con cerned in the icmoval. They then seaichcd the \csscl , but tailed to llnd any toipedoos , Tlio captain was thereupon released. Jjondon's Police Marshal Resigns. LONDON , Feb. 2'i Colonel Edmund Hen- dcison , head of tlio metropolitan p 'lco ' force , who has been severely cunsuicd foi the in- ofllclenoy of the police dining the iccenl i lots in London , lias resigned. This action is supposed to bu duo to the conviction on his pait that the commllteo appointed b\ Chllders. homo secretary , to investigate tht cause ot the ilols , would blame him for the couiso of the pollco. A Suiiiiiionn IteCnsoil. LONDOX , Feb. ' i. The comt has icfuscil to giant a summons for tlio editor and pub Ushers of Punch , whom the socialist leader desired to have committed for contempt ol court. A 31 OHM ON ASS AULT. Untied StntoH Attorney DioJcson At tacked by Cannon's Son. SAT.T LAKI : , Feb. 2J. About 7 o'clock th ! ' evening , as United States Attorney Dlcksoi wns leaving tlio dining room nt the Contl ncntnl hotel , whcie ho bonids with his fain ly , three men asked to see him at the onto door. Ho went , when one Miuek him in tin face , it is supposed with a stone , the othc two aiding. Judge Povvois , thinking tin action of the men peculiar , and Majo lUby , Inndloul of the hotel , followed am got to the door just nftcr DIckson had beei btiuelr. Fiank J. Cannon , son of George Q Cannon , nnd Angus Cannon me two of th assailants. Thu otliei. not known nt ltd wilting , inn. Judge Povveis put the otlie two under aiiest. Polleemaii Smith tool Frank Cannon conuary to the dhec tlons of Jndgo Povveis , but Unltci Stiles Maishal lieland presently aiiivc nnd took ehaigo of Angus Cannon , win when seaiched was found lo have a sell cocking pistol with all Iho chambuirf loaded Agieatcrowd collected , among them som vvomon. oncof whom wns licaid to say : " 1 served DlcKson light : she wished they bin killed him , lor he had most killed the ! father. " DIckson Is not seilonsly Inn I Theio Is consldeiablo excitement and tin thu trouble Is not Impiobablc. The Cut Goes Deeper. CHICAGO , Feb. 27. The Santa Fo road tr day issued instructions to all the agents t glvo oulcrs for a icbato of S20 on the Sr 0 lira class limited cut rates , nnd § 5 on second das and Immlginnt cut tales. The same wci quickly distributed this alteration. The llin hiigton , nnd Denver A ; ItloGrando , nccldci tally he.irlngot tills , liiiiiiedlalely Issued oidei malciiii , ' n lirst class open into tiom the Ml1 souil liver to San Fianclsco of SIX ) and SJ second class. It Is undcistood that th Union Pacllieolllcois , who have been not lied of this last icdiictlon In ovcilnnd intei will meet It inomptly. A Valuable Train. CHICAGO , Feb. 22. A twin of sixteen rni loaded with law silk Is en louto ovorlan fiom San Francisco to Now York , nnd passe tlnough Chicago to-tlay , The i onto taken I the Cential nnd Union Paeltlc. St. Pnu Michigan Central and New York Centra The value of the shipment Is over 31,030,001 nnd tie time schedule fiom ocean toozca thirteen days. An Appalling Alternative. "May I dance this wnlU with you , Mis nsmeraldaj" said Ivosehifko Murphy at recent ball ono of the fairest belles of Austin. "Oh , please excuse mo , Mi' . .Muriihj' , do not care to wall/ . " "Then allow me to conduct yon to scat nnd entertain yon witli my convci salion. " "Gracious heavens ! No , lotus wait/ , exclaimed Hsmuralda. THE CLKAllANCE HKCOIU ) . Omnlin Third on the liNt With' nil Increase of 55 I'or C ! iit , BOSTO.V , Mass. , Feb. 22 , The followin K statement of the leading clearing houses In ho United States , shows thoRro3 bank ex changes nt cnch point for the week ending February CO , In coinpaiison with the corresponding spending week In 1S35 : The EnKllHli Cirnln Trade. LONDON , Feb. 22. The Mnik I.ano IX- IHOSS , in tills week's icvlevv of the giain : rade , sajs : Wheats were fieely m.uketed , jut values wcio lower. SalcsolKnglish wheat luring the wcckweic7V " ' " qnutcrantsm-ld ier quarter , acalust.r 0,10D quailois at ! )2s4d ) lining the coiicspondlng week last year. D.irlcys woio liimer. Foiclgn wheats MCIO without Icatuie. Flour was slow nnd diag- ; ing. Aineilean mai/o Is fid dealer. lai- ! ejs and oats weio firmer. Ono caigo ai- hcd , ono Callfoinia caigo was sold , and two caigoesiemaiiied , ono bolngnn Oiegon mgo. Cmgoesin pas aeo weioveiy Arm. Flour Is steadier. Aniciican nnd Canadian oatsaicCd deaicr. Dairy Jlnrlcct. CIIICAOO , Feb. 2-J. The Inter Ocean's El gin special says : The buttei maiket to-day was active and very firm , with regular sales ) f ! ! J,100 pounds at 33 ccnK Cheese wns quiet ; skims , 5 cents : lull c'icams , 10 cents. 1'iivate saleof OS,70 J pounds ot butler AVOIO icpoited. The total sales aga'icgnted S3 , lll. COIU'SE COUNTING COIN. A Tlinndcrstruck Baltimore I'lilliui- throplst nnd n Live StifT. UAT.HMOIII : . Md. , Feb. 22. Sevcial days igo a pretty little woman went to ono of the laigcst Methodist chinches in Hallliuoic and iskud lei money tobmyher dead husband. She gave her name as Hester Giccn and said that she was ashamed tg ask the city to bttiy Idin. Two woithy woman were se.nt out'to" investigate the case. They went to n house In P.nkin sheet. Thcio was ciapo on tlio door , nil the blinds weie closed nnd the stillness ot deatli blooded over the place. They entered the house. In one corner ol Ihodaikencd loom lay thocoipse. and near It was the wile bowed In gileh The vlsltois looked at the body and tlien comloited tlie beieavcd woman. The pathetic stoiy so tombed the health of the bicthicn that 517 wns lalscd to give him a Christian bmlal. Next day one ol the women who had Inves tigated the case went to the house and louiid the w lie a little more "resigned to the will of Heaven , " as she i'\prc.s Pd it , and thecoipse Mill thcie. The money was loitand the visitor depai ted with the consciousness of having done a good deed. She louml alter vvnlkini ; a lew sqnaies that she had lelt her umbiella. She ic- tmned to get It , opened the door , and theio bat tlio cjipse counting the money , clinking one half uollai against another to .see that It was not counteifeir. The woman was tlnin- deistiuuk , and. although she was " .sold , " was dutcimincd not to bo bealcn out ot Ijl7. So she compelled the coinst ) toietinn the money that had been conlilbuted lei the purpose of bin j Inu him like n ehilstlnii , A liad 31 mi Fi lits. John IJrady , an ev-bartendor who has been out of work lor some little time , and has been supported in part by con tributions from wom"ii of the town , last night entered Mollie Gibson's house on Ninth street and assaulted the landlady. After striking her a tcrrillic blow in the eye , knocking her down , Urady turned his attention to two male visitors and succeeded in giving them a lively set-to. During the melee , Ollieer O'Gr.uly nut in an appearance and sewed lirady. The latter made a strong light against the policeman , but a few heavy raps from a club soon put a quiotiis to his Ktrnggles. He was then taken to the cen tral police station and locked up. IP Rc-l Estate Trnim fora. The following transform wore lilod Fob 10 , with the county clerk , and reported for the Hue by Amos' Heal Esluto Agency. Joseph P. Dove and wile to William G , Moinehead , It ! ) , blk 12 , Dvvlght ! c Lyman'a add Omaha , vvd 5D-J5. Uauy Johnson and wlfo lo Ficnmnn 0. Uullock , w5i n of o W ft of It ' . ' , blk 2) ) , West Omaha , w (1-S475. ( Floilan .1. Btngol' ' ) ( slnu'lo ) to Adallna Wlith. It 1 , Uarkatow's subdivision Omaha , w d S State of Nebiabka to Andicvv J.Popplcton , ClOacies , siioail JU-10 , wd Si'ilO , John C. Ilowaul ( slnslo ) to Kiank L. New- comb , nJ4oto > ot n 10UU of Jtyi.Huu Oak. Omalia , w d 5bOO. Dennis Cunningham and wife lo John Car- mody.lto.blk 0,1 : . V. Smith's add Omaha , w il-10o6. Henry llieck and wife toMargniet V. Uai- omen , sojj' of seK sec 0-15-W , 40 acics , Doug las county , qo si. FiedProchnow and wlfo to Henry Itleek , soJf ot svvjf sec O-10-i : ) , 10 acies , Douglas county , wd S An AllPROd Joke Irom Washington. Washington Critic ; They were upend ing a weekin Washington on their bridal tour and were over ono day looking al the monument. "There is nothing fie high In this city as this , is there , lovoV" MIO asked witli bride-liKe confidence. "Ves , darling , " ho replied , "there is.1 "Whv , love , f didn't Know it.Vhal is itv Take mo to see it , won't ' you ? " "Yes , darling. It is the price of bean : and lodging , and 3011 may see it when J get the bill,7' ' A Singular "Pawpaw , " said a Now Jersey yonnj lady , "will you look into the dictionary for 'mosquito' and let mo know how it r spelled V1' ' " Tahi't there , " said tlio old man , aftci a search. "Jt must bo , pawpaw. Have yon lookei carefully * " "Pvo been through the Ss live tlma an * there ain't notliin * that even look ) like 'skeotcrs.1 " _ _ _ Union Sewing Maclnuo , SCO N. IClli Si THE CHINAMEN CALLED II011I An Imperial Edict Commanding Their R turn to the Ilowery Lnnd. A SLEEPY CITY SENSATlOt * Falls to rind Substantiation AVI tie Ijcndlng Chinese Olllclnls Another Enforced Oiodns of 1'la- TnlU From Oregon. An Imperial Command to John. ST. Louis. Feb , 8i 'llto Chlnnso com- mildly hero Is excited over the arrival from [ long Kong , \la Sun Francisco , of a copy of nu imperial pioclamntlon stating thnlon niul beloio the fifteenth of tliu llftli moon of the nescntoar ( .May 15) ) nil tlm subjects of tlio 1'nl Tsflng cinplio ( China ) \\honto now re siding In the United Stales of Amorlcn , nro cqucsled to irtnin ; anil Dial upon nppllcn- lon to tlm consuls fioo transportation will > o provided Horn nny mil ot the United States to any pait of tlio Chinese cmplic , ixecpt tlm elti'/cns ol tlio piovlneo or Junng Time , who , on account oE Iii'lt Mipoilormmihois aio icijiilioil to pny mil f.ui1. Hy Urn somewhat dl 8Ul ctl Inn- gu.igo of tills pmclainatlon It Is Intlmntotl hat mi oai ly ictallntlon In contemplated by ho Chinese gov eminent upon tlm American u\poit tmdo niul Anieilenn losldonts in riiltm , tor tlio continued outrages inflicted ipon her citizens hcic. This , If successfully IMIIled out , \\lllsliut otV nn niinual o.xpoita- tlonol some 880,000.000110111 the Amoilcnn shoie . Thcio nro In Ohliiii at least 0,000 Aint'ilcaius who would lui exposed to Impe- ilal prosecution. The Chinese In this conn * tiy ntrziegato MJ.OOO. The impression pie- vails "lieu-that tlio major number ol them \\lll take advantage ot the pioclnniatlon. NnwYouif , IVb. ' ) ) . The Mnll and Kx- piosspunllshe.stho lollovvlng Intuiview with Jhliiiy Hey , Chinese consul In this city , jised upon thu St. Louis dispatch sajliiK h.Utlm Chlnesu Impeilnl government con- : cmplaies ictallatoiy moasuios on nc-ount ot : hotic.itmcnt accoulcd Clducso sitbjtcts In this countiy. " 1 cannot hay that 1 nm nd- % I < : ed that nn impel ial proclamation has liuen issued compelling nil ( Jliliuimon In this conn- tiy to letuin liomi' , but 1 ciln say that the consul gimcr.ll nt San Francisco has sunt out notices advising all Chlnamon to leave. Wlictlii'rtho govoinmont is back ol this I j cinnots.iy. Asto the suggestion of lotnlla- I Ion. 1 have no doubt mo.isuies of tlila slim will bo taken by the goveinmonr. It Oliliiamon aio driven out and outraged . lieicliy can't our people drive out nil tlio \ AmciicausliomChfiiaV The peed name of this countiy has been dlsgiaccd by the lecent I outlaws , mid the question has become my sciions. Tlieic Is no piotcctlon to Chinamen nt all , but Aineilean mcichants niul mlsslon- uics aio well ticatcd In China , nnd when- o\oi ill tieated the government takes piompt action , not only paying damages , but re- ( liesslnpr the vvumg itono. What 1 don't im- ( lei.stand is why the peed people of the east luw lomain silent. It ccitalnty was not tlio Intention of congioss that merchants and others should bo treated In this w.iy. It ! nothing Is done , the comiiicico between the tvvocountiies , amounting to SbO.000,000 an- niially , will bo destroyed. Another Chinese ) 13\odns. PoiTrANi ! > , Oie. , Feb. 22. About 2 o'clock lids nioinlng the Chinese wcio dihcn out of Uicgon City , tlihteen niilcb south oC here. They \\cio nwalti'neU by n nibb of tbhty or foily whites , cuffed about , their nuouas twisted , and all their money about tliolr per- tholr fates being paid out of the money stolen fioni them. Forty-two Chlncso in all wcio tlrlvcn out.Vltli exception of thiceorfonr , nil wcio employes of the Oregon gen City woolen mills , which employs nbout eighty \\liltes. It is imdcistood a piominont I'oitland agitator heads the movement. Tlio iminosol many of the mob nio known , nnd tlio Chinese mciclmits heie say they will make an effort to have them indicted uefoio the United States comtheic. A FALSE ECONOMY. _ _ _ , _ _ . Baldwin Pnjs More for Kissing than for Advertising. Carson Appeal : Miss Perkins. in * her breach of iiromiso case with Lucky Hald- win , leslilicd that ho paid her $20 for a single kiss. This recalls n circumstance in Mr.Bald- win's career tluxt shows how a false Econ omy brought so much liouble on liis inex perienced head. I 1 About tlio tinio Ualdwin { ? ot into his Perkins trouble the advertising agent of tlio Appeal eallod upon him at the Tallao house. Lake Tuhoo , nnd solicited the tut- vi-rtising of the hummer report. Mr. JJaldwin was anxious to insert the adver tisement , for which the agent asked $20. Mr. Ualdwin refused to give more than ? 5 , and thus negotiations were discontin ued and the adveitiFoment not accepted In a few days the old follow went down to Los Angeles and oJl'orcd this woman ? 'JO for a Meanwhile , his business was neglected at the hotel , and it was not known by reason of an in- snlliciency of advertising , and sick of the business , ho leased il to another party. There is no doubt that Mr. liuldwin has paid out a gicat many $ , ' 0j for kisses , and ho spent the Kinno amount in advertising the merits of his business and hedged on the rosy lips of the g'u Is , his hotel would have been a household \voul wherever the English language is spoken. gijWo do not claim that a man 'must ( -.chow the fair se'c entirely and stop ki = sing pretty girls. Far from it ; but it' JJaldwin had divided the tiling up nnd paid > 5 for the klssos and ? 15 for the adver tising ho would doubtless have secured about as much kiting and also laid up n vast amount of advertising for a lalny day. day.A man who is well advertised doea not have to pay out much money for Kissing , for everybody knows that women Hock about a well known man llle : illes around a molasses barrel , while an obscure in dividual is compelled to almost break himsoll to gel any recognition. U'o hate to f-un a man practicing this lidicnlons faKe economy with women and nowsp.ipors. Jf Ualdwin had spent more on the press and less on that I'or- kins woman she would not have the money to attack him in the com ts , nnd the press would have hem defending his character fiom calumny. It is indeed a sad , sail world when n man gets to lie nti old as Lneky Ualdwin and pays out money to designing women that ought to go into the channels of newspaper ontorpilso , and asiist in building up the growing and mighty west. JA HuucosHfiil Cnrocr. "How Is your son doing , Mr , Smith , who went to Now Yoik a low yctu'd ago ? " "I In has made a name for himself , " said Mr. Smith. ' "Imlocdy In what way } " "I understand ho calls himself . " Smylho. _ _ Hotter Thun n Htovo. "Madam , " said a shivering tramp , "w-will y-you give a p iioor fellow a Cili'Ohani'ii to get w-wai niV" "Coitainly , " replied the woman kindly , "you can carry in that ton of coal , bit | don't burn yourself , " I have the agency at Omaha for tlio sale of largo blocks of lands in Ruth and Cheyenne counties , NitbiasUu , and in Wyoming. Also of lots in Selmyler , Kimball , Pa\ton , J5ig Spring * , hidnny , I'otter , JJonvei1 JnncUon ( Coloradoj Alder ( Hall C'u ) and other points. \V II.Uiir.r.N. 21J S. 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