THE -i DAILY BEE , FR DAY , FEBRUARY 10. 1886. iinnuary. ftiurnary. flumdny. @ 4.03 Friday 3.85 M4.0U Snttiiday 3.fO ( T3- ? ' v .Monday 3.4 > " 3.Vi ( JfrUo' Tuesday " "Wednesday 3r- > Thursday. . . . aw I'ACKisirs I'tinjiiAsiis. Showing tlio number of cattle , hoga and sheep purchased by the packers on thu mar ket to-tiny. itoos. J. K. Hoyd 490 JlamiiKiiul & Co. , , , , BS J Others CT Note All stiles of stock In this market are made pcrcvvt , llvo wcicht unless otlierwiso stated. Dead hozs sell nt le per Hi , for all weights. "Skins , " or hoes weighing loss Ihan 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs and stags bO Ibs. OMAHA WllOljUMAIjn MAKKKTS. Thuisclny Evening , Feb. 18. General Markets , Eons The lecelpts were liberal to-day mid strietiy fresh Mock sold readily at peed prices. The laiger propoitlon of the icceipU me held stock \\llh fresh caps mixed In. Such stock Is minted at IbMWc. Choice flesh laid eis ; sold readily at 20c. I'leklcd or limed stock will not hell ntnnv prlru. Ilr n r.n The demand Is light and the mar- kulilow. Choice Kills are quoted nt iJ@Uc : ! ; fair to good , iodise : Infeilor , 7Qbc ; crtsim- ei v , In bricks , ! ! 0c. 'i : Fancy full crcjim cheddars. Da- : see- " " " " " ' ' burger , ii ijIilcT" J'OUI.TUV Chickens continue In fair do- maud , choice stock selling icadily forl"10c. " There Is not mnchl den.and for tin keys nt lOtfMlc. ( iecsoaud ducks t'10V. ' ( : - of thoEiiiuols not In season hut 4 still sold to some extent , the prices remain- In for the most pait steady. Ucer , nntelojie , pi uli le chickens and quail woio out of season on January 1 , nnd socry lew are coming In. Piaiilo chickens , per doz , S2.f < 0@t.75 ! ; quail , per do/ , Sl.'iirai.W ) ; jack rabbits per : mallard ditrk.s , 52.25 : teal ducks , 8l.urxiBl.50i mixed ducks , S1.25CM.50 ; small mlililIs. T > c@S1.00 : , S3.00 ( < i.f : ! > 0. I'linsnnvKS. Jii.tus. r.rc. Pieseives nil kinds. 20-Ib. palls per lb. , lO c ; do lu pail ots , per lb , lOc ) assnued 5-lb. palls per elate , 0 palls , 8i.7fl. : Jellies , nil Itlnds , Hist grade , 20-Ib. palls , per lh. , Se ; assorted , Hist grade , Mb palls per crate , 0 palls , per doSi.M ! ; do , Mb palls , p r case , 'J doz , S--i5 ; do , tnmb- lers , per case , a do/ . . PI.-IO. .Icily , all kinds , second Brailc , 0-lb. palls , per 11 . be. Miiien Jlcat , besl cuido. } { 1)1)1. ) ) Per lb. , 7c : do , IK , KS and CS lb palls , per'J 11) . , 71 c ; tio. fi-lh palls , par cralc , 0 pulls . * 0.7.Applo butter , extra line , ! / bbl. , usr'lb. . 7c ; do 40-lbp.illa , per Hi. . 7K : do. 5-lb palls , per crate. ( ' palls sa.7. " > . Peach and plum butter , 10 ID palls , per lb. , DJ e ; peach , plum and quince butter , as sorted , 5-lb. p.dl.s , ncr ciatiJ ( J iialN , S'.7S ( ; eatsup per case , adoiiint bottles. S.1.00 ; liorse r.ullsli , pint bottles , pel doSI..W. . 1'ios Knur , 'lutt'R , KTf 1'lRS * f et per X bbl. , S4.75 : do. % bbl. , 2.40 ; do. per kit , Sl.oo. Lambs' tongues , per k bbl. , C3.W ) ; do.jier kit , 82.75 ; do. quart per do/ . , S.50 ; do. pint Inrs per case , a doz. . S7.00. Tilpe , per X bbl. , 54.W ; do. per 3 < ; bbl. Sv.'J5 ; do. DOI kit. uv KIIAUT Ucst quality , 45 cal bbl , $7.r > 0 ; 0 nil bbl , S.0 ( ) ; 15 imi bfil. St.O ) . XI'TS I Venn s , Ini'fjo imlNlied , lie ; pecans , medium , ! \ : : KnirllMi walnuts. I4c : almonds , Taiiauoiisi , 20c ; do , Lnntpicnou , 17c ; Hr.izils. I'-'c , lilboits , lie ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia. 7c : do roasted 1'c. ' Uojin lloxiv Calltornin 2 ibtnmo TO Ibs , In case per Jb , , Uic ; 10 lb. frames , Nebiaska , Ibc. Ibc.CIDKII Michigan rcliucd , per bbl. , 50.60 ; do. half bbl. . H.OO. ViXKfiAii U'hlle wine , lOc ; cider , 12) ) c. Core A N r rs A11 ? l.f)0j(5.00. ) NnwKias , lATis. : Krf. I < ajcr fiss. Sand fi-lb boxes , per lb , IGfJiTc ; Pninellos. 25-lb boxes , i ei lb , I'-'c. Dates , fancy Kard , 12-lb boxes , per lb. He ; do , fancy Persian , 50-lb boxes , pel lb , lie. LIIMONS Kuucy SIcsslna nnd Palermo , per box , 5.00 : do. choice .Messina and Paleimo , per box , 31.5'J : do. per 5 box lot. 31.00. OiAN' ! < us : Cliolco Los Anceles , per box , S2.75 : do.Vhox lots , perbr > x.r > Q ; do , 10-box lots , S2.W ) ; funcv Hlverslde. SU.flO ; do , 6-box lots W-5 : do. 10-box lots. S3.00. CiiANiiiiiniis : : Cape Cod cianbcrries. per bb/ / , t > . ) : Capo Cod ilo , 5 bbl lots , per lib ) . PS th ) : Jlcll nnd Cherry io ! , per bbl , 85.75 ; Hell and Cheiry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. $5.50. Ai'i'i.iN Notmneh nlock is inovlnir. Il linois L'enllous , pur bb ! . , SJ.40 : do , 5-bbl lots , S'.VJ5 ; do. 10-lb lots , S'J.00 ; Illinois Willow Twi s Uen Davis , etc. S2.75 ; do , 5-bbl lots , 82.50 ; do , lObbl lots , S-V ; fancy illchlL'an stock. s.cou'i- : ! : : ) . Gnxrr.s Xtialnca per bbl. S7.00. HVNAXAS AruuKlIni ; to hi/.o , per bunch , 52.50iTi-l.tlO. 1'novisioNR. Hnm. lOfiiini c. breakfast bacon , ir 'ieclear : side bnconr7cdiy ; salted Bides , Ccfsliouldeis. emed , r > > c ; mess pork per bb ! . . Slil.OO : lard. 40 lb. eaiis. per lb. di@7e : 10. 5 nnd 3 lb 7 @Sc ; di led beef hams , l-c 1'oTATor.s None aio comlnsr , nnd prices mo nominal t 53BOOc ( forcholco stoclc. VIOITAIII.I.S : : CiillloinU cabbuje , So per lb ; Calitoinln eoleiy. 82.50 jier doz ; Jersey sweet potatoes , 4c per lb ; par.snips , 52.00 per : : inlab.iKa , § 2.60 per bbl. ; caulilliwer , 82.00 per do/ . ONIONS Salt Lake htoclc , 53.00 per bbl. ; red Welheisileld , y-J.50 per bbl. UiiAN's Hand picked navv. 51.75@2.00 ; Imiui-uiekcd medium. 81.501.7.'i ( ! : coed clean countrv. SlAV ( t.nO : Inferior. 75cc.00. ( ( ! it.i.Klevatoi piiccs for car lots : Corn , 22'4'-M1 ' < 'e ; oats , JlJ di'i'i'fc ; wheat , ( iii ( GlUc ; lye , 4re : bnily , 4 ! < c , I'l.oi'ii aud ilii.i.sTurr.s \ inter Wheat- Finn ; best quality patent nt S.CO@3.10. : ! Second iunllty-S2.50@t.oo. : " ' ; liust quality patent at S3.CO Uiickwhcat Klour In bnriels , S" .75 ; ready raised ! ! lb packages , Sl.OO ; 0 lb packages , S3.IIO. Uian 'Mcpcrcwt. ' Chopped Keed Per 100 lbs.70a. Corn .Meal While , bOc ; yellow. 70opcrc\\t. Kcioi'iilnic No. 1 , 75o per owt ; o. a , 50c. Jlomlny 81.50 perc\\t. bhoils COopercwt. ( I'lalmm S1.75 per c\\t Jiav IJales. SOOJuer ton. iVhTiim-tuotatl ) : | 01 to day are : X. Y. counts : , I5c : extra selects , lOo ; M-lects , S3c ; bliindnids. : iOc ; mediums' o > uits AND OKINS I'ru-e.s on fins ami skins me Meady. Mink , each , I00c ! ; . 11(1 * 4.1 ' ' Jl/VY " " * > > HI | MKI11IU tl.moiiiilalii.S2.00@.00\viia'iit. : ) 15 40 ; bi-iv : \er , SI.BOOi'J.BO per lb ; fov , each , 0 @ 1. 5- depuskln : . di V\N inter , 15tiJc per lb ; do. tall nml hiimmoi 20 ( < t2M lllin.h ( i.pon Imtehcrs , Ct OUr ; pipcn cuiou , 7)iiJt-c ) ( ; diy Hint. iMflao : dry Mil. 'AJTK'n ' ; damasriHl hidiw Iwo-tiilids price. Tallow " "ic. Ciuasu. lit nun * A liltp , . . .iliiol - low. i-hiiwii ; ( - ; > i % tlipii ! > 1'clts 2-V < 47. " > c. hnATiinn fio. I nttsbure lurm-sH , i. o. I ; . A-honii , s c ; No. 1 I'ltlsburt ; , 1C. it S. : i c ; No. 1 lacele.itlu > r. ' - ' > o ; urlino Manulitcr leather , ! > p ; iirlmo oiil ; solo Ipalhor. . oc : ' . . Upper lealher , per font. : iOi2 ( > c ; lli'in kip. 7xSis 5c ; onk klji , S.VuU5o ; Ktencli Kip. Sl.lKWl.U.'i ; Hem calf. S1.00CU.10. oik calf. fel.OOtffl.'AV. Kreneh Mil , Sl. l.bS Mo- iiicco boot Icy. iXltSll.'a ; Jiloiocco oil pebble. j.'ttTJttc ; topmca | nnd llninu's , iO.iXJ.'iilo.OJ per do/ . COAI. AiitlnacHouttito , SH.50 ; egu , S8/ ; rauce , § b,75 ; clu-stniu , frSlfi ; low.i. S.1..V ) ; Walnut Meek , s.75 ! ) : lillnoltf , S5.00 : Alls- UKA.VV iIAii WAin : lion , nites , S2. 5 ; < Xil'-'o : nialeiiiJlo , to ; lion weasiis , uo : piow- ; haitow troth , 4e : spring steel , 7 ; IJtirden's lioitfl MUK-.S s'4.-j litirden's rnuln times , fc.'i.'JS. ILulied Wlio n ear lots , f 1.00 iwr 1W l s. Jiwi Nidlh Kate.s , 10 to CO , $3.0i > . . , . , ena po\\der , kes | PM.fAVaM.O ) : do. half li'BSS3.00 : ; do , quarti-r Ki' ' 's. Sl.fx ) ; blastlnu' , Ku 's , Sa.JJS ; lll.Vlin lUMi'ct.Mn. Jlar Sl.01 Onv I'AiNis Whlto lead , bo ; 1'iencn ' zinc , Uctl'ailshltinc , 'JKc : vhiUntrgildprs.lJic ; \\liltlinr , coiu'l , Ujc : lampblack. tiermantown. 12c ; lampblack , onllnary , lee ; I'russiaii blue , 60c , , untramailiip , lt > o : vanJyko. brown , bo umber , burnt , 4a ; umber , raw , 4e ; sienna , Imrnt. 4o : wonna raw. 4n ; I'arls erpen. cetiu- Inc , S5os I'aris uu-en , common , UUc : chrome pie ( n , N. V. tOc ; chr mo jrrpen , K , l''o ; vermillion - million , l'.U''H-li. in oil usat lao ; raw nm liiiint umbi-r lib cans , lee ; row anil uurn sienna. lOc ; vuiutylvQ Drown , Ibc ; n > un c lamiililaclc. l'- < ' ; rnach black ami Uory bla K ICv ; dtii > black , lOc ; Prussian blue. 4'c ( ' : nl luliliou , I * . A ! > . , 2 c ; ypllow ociiri'.Uc : .u A : u. I ) . . 1 * ) ; CCWUMI iH-hro. 10c ; patent ilryor bo : L-fnliiiliL'ciilDrt , llt'lit o.ilc dark pak , \\9l uui chpslnul aim txsii Uw. . , . _ . ! ' JNTS IN On. \ \ hlttjleatt , Omaha. 1 > . P 7c ; ntkitckml , St. J.oub.uuiu gioJj.Mai U cs prccn , 1 to 5 ft cans , 2Cc ; French zlno crecn seal , I2ct Ficnch zinc , red seal , lie ; rcnch zlnc.ln varnish nsstac ; Frcnchzino r5c : vcrmllllon. American. lSc ! ; Indian , ml Ocro : o pink. I4c ; Venetian , red Cookson s e fc : Vpnetlan i-prt , American , l fc : red kc ; clironip yellow genuine , 2 c ; chromo rellow , K , I'-'c ! ochre rochcllu : 'c ; ochrr- , L''ipnch,2 fc ; ochre , Amciican , Sic ; AInter's mineral , 2Kc : I.ohlsh brown. ! ' . 2fC ; Snan'lsn ' H wn.a > c ; Prince's mlncial c < ) it.s llOcarbon , pcnju on. llcilM J head Ight , pcrEallon. lie ; IToo heftdlU'.ti.pergal' on , 1 c : IflOo water white. I4c : llnsoei hard xr ; Rallpii , 440 ; linseed , boiled , per pallon , > 7c : lard , winter str'd , prir irallon , fl c ! Ho. l,4lic ; No. ' . ' , 4'c ' ; castor XXX , per cation , S1.65 : iVo.3 , Sl.44:8weot , IXT callon , ? ? i.oo ; sperm. W. u. , Dt-r cil'on. ' Sl.C'Jilsh ' \ > . II. ier ealonC. ! > c ; npalsfoot extra , per paion , iOc , No. 1. GSc ; hibrlpatlne. zero , pcreallon , .N < > summer , IOc : colden niaclilno. No. 1 , per rallon. 30c ; No. 2 , 2. % ; sperm , signal , per gal * on. 75c : turpentine , per gallon , 5 e ! naptha. \ AKSISHES Uarrnls , per pallon : Furnl- re , extni , ; Itmilturo , " No. 1 , 81.00 ; concli , extra S1.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.20 ; Uamar , extra , S1.7."iJauan. ; 70c ; asphaltum , ; xtra , 85c ; shcllao S3.50 ; ham oil finish , ) : - AXi ) CIII.MICAI.S Acid , carbolic. Uj ; acid , tartmlc , 5c ! ! ; b.ilsam coialbn | , | cr b. , M > c , bark , sass.ifias , per lb. , 12c ; calomel- ier Ih. , 72c ; clnchonidia , pet or.10o ; cliloro , ' 01 m , per lb. , 05c ; lu\ers powder ? , per lb. , SLBS ; ppsom salts , peril ) . , % : ; eljcerlne , inn1 , peril ) , , 2c ! ; lead acetate , pei lb. , 20c ; ill , castor , No. I ppr'al. ( , 31.00 ; oil , castor , No. ! ! { tergal. , 81.4) ) ; oil. olive , per pal. , & 1.40 ; ill. origanum , 50c ; opium $ 'J. > ; ( uilnlnc , P. V ; W. , and It. A : S. , pur oz. , Me ; potassium , Iodide , ppr lb. , Sil.OO ; sallcln , iiproz. , 40c ; sulphate morphine , per o/ . , g.l.M ; Kiilphur , ppi lh.,2lc ; stnchulnc. per or. , Sl.W ) . biMtttrs Cologne sjili its , ibS proof , Sl.12 ; do 101 pi oof SI , i : > ; wpiills. second duality 101 proof. 81.12 ; do , Ittf proof , 81.11. Alco- liol , IbS proof , S2.10 per wine gallon. lU-dls- illlPd wlilsklcd , 81.00 ( 1.00. Uin blended , Sl.fiO\i2.M ( ; Kcntnrky bourbons , S2.)07-i.ou ( ) ( ! ! ; ICeiitupkv nnd Pennsvlvania ryes. s2OOWi.50 ; ( inldcn Slieaf bourbon and rye wlnsicip.s , 81.Mi.OO. ) : Drandlea imported , s : > .00 < v8.f > o : domestle.-Sl.Wi'W.OO. ( ilns Impottcd , 84.50 © ' .00 ; domestic , 81.2.y < tt.OO. : Kiiins lin jioitcd , S4.rxxtW.oo : NewKnelandSl.7r2.oo ; domestic , S1.2.'trfi.OO. ( : Champagnes Im- porti-d. per case. bMS.OMlUl.OO ; Ameilcan , per case , SIO.IXIG.OO Klsh. SMOKKD FISH Halibut , now , ire ; now Ecalcdheninss. 2)e ) ; mackerel 12c ; salmon , I2c : smokpd Miii eon. ITc. Su.vnuiis Domestic Holland herrings , kens , We ; Russian saidincs , 45c ; Audio- vies in class , ( Ho Hull brand. Tier mu. , SiUiO ; Aiicliovlc.s hi Itegs , ) f Ole Dull brand. rl.OO ; spiced llumlmrc herrlnss , skins and leads oil , per pall. Sl.W. . Ill's Il'f irugi-ilbls I'isKts KEW risn. 200 , 100 IK ) 60 < 0 15 12 10 Muim'8 S'tNo.l 1/b 7 00 4 003 ( l.L1 ( K 1 70 Til G2 K L'KO niircd I'imoyurni : M ) : > > i MH M7rnn so l/KU H'd Sh'io I-"c-y , < ! 00 ! 1 53i : 2 > I 70 1 607568 50 llbla. Hair NEW HSU. iS'- 100 l 60 40 ' HloatovMo s . 35 00 18 flO 10 2. ' , 0 ( V' > 7 311 05 Kx. No. ISh'r . 24 ( X ) 13 60 11 30 0 i)5 10 1 40 No. IShoi-u . 18 00 0 W ) , S ft ) 4 tOUUOl 10 Mod. No. IShoic. . . vi IH , 7 oo o 83'n ' r 2 HJ , K > " Hay . 11 o ) o o'Ji 5 4B.a ojjro r > 1'amily . ! ) 01) ) 50)4 ) 61 2 Ki2 | 10 0" , 1'at 7 00' ' 4 W ) | 3 t--2 ' O.-,1 ! 70 K I.AKI : FISH. n'f IlblsO'rBbls'r'ls ' . ICts JX ( ) JOj , u 1/ ( / No. 1 Whuorish 7 on o : iu ; i N ) ; i 101 04 o Family " 3 60 S IB a 031 70 62 I 65 No. 1 Trout 4 ) i oo 2 5' . : : 10 , 74 ' ta No. 1 Pickerel 4 00 3 CO 2 SO'l ' UJ ( W | 00 riCKI.ED SAUION . i FAT ! llllls , IIIr "bis Q'rHbls Pulls . . or , kits M lia M m 4J ( j. j. JJ ( lllood Hod " WOO 7 00 033 n5.T3 80 Blood llod" Cal 13 00,7 , 00 0ai 3 65 a 00 Sounds & )17 ) 2. " > ! t 03 3 30 1 10 1Ulls Illl'ltblsO'rllbhl'alls nrlla ( . g w M 40 13 j3 10 Norwojian KICK Her'insrs 12 OD 0 50 5 00 3 33J3 70 ' 11 ooo cos 453 or's no H 004 Ml 002 U01 91 CODFISH .Now larl'O bank cod , 4cT sea king , Gcorires chunks , 0 > 4c ; clover leaf , Georges .stilus. 0 < c ; 1 lb roils , 2 lb boxes , PC : prairie ( lower , 21b briclc.Ctf ; wild lose , a Ibbiick , 5c. Holland horrlncr , now , perko ? , 75c ; now Jon ; , ' spilt stocklisli , lOc , new short split stockfish , 0 > fc. Grocers lilst. SYKUI Standard C flic , bbis ; Standard , do 4-callon kens , Si. 10 ; Now Orleans : ; sffi4'o ' ) perpallon ; Mnplo Syrup , Jifbairel. P Aj G. strictly pure , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , 11.25 per doz : H gallon cans , S5.25 per doz ; quart cans S3.00 1'ioKi.ES Medium in barrels. s"5\0do ; In half barrels. S',7 ; small in binds , S7. 0 ; ao in half barrels , 84.5 ; gherkins iu barrels , 5 0 : do in half barrels , 4.75. SOAPS Kirk's tiavon imperial , S.f.1 ; Kiik's satinet , 53.15 ; Kirk's standard. 60 : iO ; Kirk's Whlto Itiissiau , S-I.S5 ; Kirk's White Cap. S0.50 ; Dome. r4. . ilATCHKS Per caddie , Soc ; round , per case 45c ; square cases , 31.70 ; Oslikosh cases , gr. , Sl.O : imilo soiiare. 81'J" . SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 51.55 ; Ashton. In sacks , S.'i.iiS ; 4' sacks , Ashton , OOc' bbls dalrv. S2.COraj2.75 hricns Ground liiack popper , boxes , 15 © --'c ; allspiee , 12@Klc ; cinnamon 18@i" ; cloves , 15f ,25c ; ninger , I5@i5o ; mustard , 15 ® * "TIA : 55ccl : choice , CllOlCO , .nJ'tJi\ni , V/1IJII11 , t7UVI , . .twjiwuJU * „ choice , 40rt'iOc ( * : Hrcakfastgood. i.ujSlOc ( ; choice. .M ) ( < f < wc : Souchomr , good. UO S5c ; eliolcn , a l o ; Japans , fair , Uj'ijiljo ; coed iis jric : choice , 55&Q75c ; Tea Dust , 15o ; Tea iii OANDY-Mlxcd.flM@12c : SODA In lb papers , ? f3.-i5 a case ; salsoda kos per llS2.2. . > . VINEOAU CIDIK : 13@18c ; wlilto wlno , is Garncau's soda , butter and picnic , Slfo : croims , s c ; Kln er snaps , 8 } c ; Oltv soda. 7Kc CANDI.IH : Boxes , 401b. Os IPifc ; Ss , lU.fc ; boxes , 4011 > . 10 oz , Gs , lljjc ; hall box , 'J0b ! , 12e. , filb. 8 0 : KfiiKsfoid'tjpinii , ajliO o ; Klnjw foid'blmlk. > c. Dninn Kituirs .N'o. I nuarter apples , 4)ie ) ; cvapoiated , boxes , H'J.d ; blaekbeirie. ? , boxes , 0 < ifilic : peaches : Kastein. 4 < ( iWuc ; ppachP.s. evnponitud , 15 ( < il7c ; B.ili "i aUe. nu\v , i i' $ ' ' ( j ; new. " ' © aio ; currants - rants , now. 74f ( < J'n : piiiui's. now. COFFERS Oidlnary friadcs. i 40 ; lair , 10 < < 5 I0.i-c ; priino. ll'sWWo ; choice. is &M'J c ; fancy uipi'ii and jollow. li'swl' ' ! ! ; old cov I'inmeiit .lava , wviWn ; intmi-ir .lava , Vi nT ) Slk't MnclitiJitfJIu , : Ailmcklu'H loasteil , ll ! < 4c ; .Mdl.amjhlln'a XXXX in.isted , W/o : Dilwuith'u Kn ; ItPd Cio . ij'4'o : ' MMiAiiM-VuxMleieiUT cscntlonr. ? ; ! ) ! - nlntPd , 7c ; coiiioi-tiiini'in' A , u 4c ; Stan. dnid extra ( ' . il u : o.xtr.i ( . ' . O p ; mcilium ypllow. O'jo ; NVw . . . ' * ( i ! ' < c. UANMH : Coono OystPis , fttanaarrt per CO.SP. bi : , 0 ; tra > sboiiiet , 'J-lb. , pcrciso. SJ. I.i ; iiispbciiius. 2-11' , , pur ( MSP , S' ; puars. per case.M ; aiirlcots , per paso , Sl.'K ' ) ; peaches , per case , t4.7. > ; whllo chor- lics , ppr ca e , SO.OO ; plums. ixr ? c.iso , SI.IH ; whortk'benlps , per case. SJ.-IO ; 0 5 plums. u-ffi. , percasn , f2. 0 , frflm ; Base ? , 2-tt > . . per § , ' , DJ plno apples , 2-lh. , per case , SA'20 } . . 1'i.uo TOIIACCO t'llmav , 44oporlbllor ; e- fihoe , t'c ; Hlur , o : Spearhead , 40c ; Hold Hull , 4fc ; I'ipcr llpldsick. iWo ; I'unch. ! ! Sc ; iouiul-'iit/ ; Silver Ta'.4na ; .ITJ , S-Jf. Kopu tilhil.H Inch aud Urzor , 8fc ; Inch , 0 c : K Inch , U o. 70c : Uood J.uck. S > c ; Our JJest , iiJt'c ; ( iooil Nu\t- f > 'c. lli.KACiiKD C'OTIONS. 1'aimnrs' cholc ? , ' - - ' " ' fi c ; Hope , 7o ; Hill 4-4 , 7'o ; i Loiisdalo , 8'j Fruit , 8cYam ; - bllttll. 10c. UoiisKr. JKAXS Kearsar e , 7 < s ; Armory , 7c ; reuppieli. 7 > ic ; uminn Orchard , O cj Nuumkeiii ; . 7e. lliou.\ : OOTUOXl.awivfice LL , 5c : Sliaw- mm LL. f < : Uea\or Uam J i , 5e ; Atl.iiitlo LL , 6c ; Iinliuii Ue.iJ , Tova : ehusspt fij/o ; Crown XXX. V : t'Ufton CCU , o > fo ; Uuca C , 4 > iC ; Atlautic 1' , . ican niver , ii c ; Hamilton. I2c ; Swift Ulvcr , C'fc : bhcnicketa , sue ; Shetuckct SS 9'ic ! iJontaul : AA , I2c ; Jfontauk 11 ! > , l'c ' ; OmceaACA. Ion FINK BIIOWX COTTON'S Peppcrcll II , C'/c ' ; PcpperellO. 5'jc , Atlas , ctfo ; Slntuo of Lib- crtv , Cc : Sarannc It , 0 ! c. JDK.N1M ? Ueavcr Lreek AA. lie ; Beavot freck , BB. lOc ; Heaver Creek CC. Oc ; .Jaffroy XX , lie ; Jalfrey XXX , 12c ; Jaffrey D * T , WJtO ! Columbian , 12JVc : York , 13c ; York , an cv. I3j < c : Kvcrctt , I3c ; Haymaker's blue aim brown. 7Uc. lUcK-Unblcnchcel ( ) SOT. .Maznolla , lO c ; 10 oz. Magnolia , 12c ; Soz. West Point , I0 ; < e ; 10 oz. West Point 12V < Te- DUCK ( colored ) Boston 1) ) oz. brown and drab. ltf ) c : Boston O II brown and drab , Do ; Boston XX blown and drub lOc : Boston XXXbrownnm ! ilrab.ll'ic ; Boston 01'blue , llKc : Wnrrcn Tricot It * . OISOIIAMS Kentiew U lOJ o ; Amoskoa dress. ! 'c ' : Anioskea ? , staple , 7)ic ) : Ivanbo OVo ; Wamsiitti. s 'c ; Nubian , sue ; ar wfck , SUc : Wlillloiidon. Oc ; Bates , dross Sc ; Hates , staple , i > Jc ; KandolPli staple , ,0fo Lansdowne , ic : Gloucester , 7' < , e. Cnr.viois Amoskcax , checksOHC : Amos k2ac , stripe , 8) ) < c ; Slater , .itrlpes , ! < c : Kdlti- burg , S ) c : WliHtendon , stripes , 8c : Glen- lo.-e.Oo ; Otis , checks , li } c ; Otis stripes , ite , I loyal G/c ; Amoskea ? , napped , lOKc : IAI- ray , book fold , 12c ; Oberon , book fold , llj o ; Endurance , book fold 12c. Dry unibcr. ANi > _ Tntnnns. _ ' ' ' ' ' t n'w rt'is n'ra ft'sa 112 ft'u ft 24 tt . _ ' 15.00 isoci ir..oo'in.oo ' i-.oi'i8.oo in.od J.\fi 14.M 14.50 14.0015 iiU Kl.M 111.30 'M.M . ' \8 15.0) ) 1S.OO 16.00 10 00 17.1X)1 ) .OU1U.W ) JxlO. lr > .00 15.00 15.00 1(1.01117.1W ( 20.1)0 ) ) . ) 2\I2 15.00 15.110 15.W ) 10.00 17.00 10.00 20.UI ) 1x4-8x8 . . . . . . . 15.0U 15 OJ 15.00 10.00 17 HO 1S.OJ 1U.OJ cnii.ixu Clear , < Incli Yellow Pine f22.00 Clear. & Inch Norway 14.00 2d Com. , & Inch. Norway 1S.OO F1N1H1IINO. 1st and 3d Clear , iIncli ; , s. 3s 550 ( W 1st and 2d Clear , lf } and 2 inch , s 2s. . . . 50 00 ! d Clear , \f \ Inch , s2s 4S03 id Clear , I'innd2 inch , s 2s 43 00 B Select. 1 > A 1J J and 2 Inch. s. 2s 3(100 ( 1st and'Jd Clear , 1 nidi , s. 2s 5000 rd clear. 1 inch , s3s 44i > 3 A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000 B Select. 1 Inch. s. 2s , 2950 IIOAltDS. No. Iboards , 12,14 ft and 10.00 No.Sboards , 12,14ft mil 10.75 No. Sboards , 1'3,14 f t and 13.75 No. 4boards. 12,14 it und 14.25 No. I , 4 A0 Inch , 12nmlS10.oO 11 feet , rough. . No. 1 , 4 0 Inch , 10 feet 14.50 , rouah Mo. 2 , 4 A ; 0 inch , 1'i nnd 12.50 14 leet , lougli. . No. 2,4 & o inch , in foot , louali i-ori.Au i.r.Miiini. Clear Poplar box bds , 1C Ins , 2s f:5fi.O : ) " " } < ln , panel stk wldo , s 2s. 27.10 " " Coniiu'ated Cellini ; , ; . . . 29.00 sinsoiis : , I.ATII. iV > Standaid S2.CO 5 Inch , clear , $1.50 ; o inch , clear l.CO No. I. . 1.10 Uith 2.20 . 1st Com. , 5f inpii White I'inc . g.TO.OO 2d Com. , f inch White Pine . 23.50 8IIII > TA.r. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 517.00 No. 2 , Pl.iin , S mill 10 Inch . 15.00 No. 1O. ( J . 17.50 POSTS. White Cedar , Clinch , hahes . 11 " " ' 0 nw andSiiiq'rs 0H " " 4 " jouiul . . . . . H Tennc ° seeied cpdar , split . STOCK liOA A 12 inch , is 12 , M nnd 10 ; -io oa 41 00 3000 23 00 ' ' ' ' ' No. 1 Com. 12 in. 3. 1 s. 12 , 11 an'd'l'd Vt. . 17 53 No. 1 " " " 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 1850 No. 2 " " " 12. 14 ami 1C ft. 1553 I.IMI : , I.TC. Qiiincy white lime ( best ) , Sue ; cement. Akron , S1.75 ; piaster , S2.30 ; hair , per bushel IXIc ; bash , i"0 iiercpiit oil list ; doois , blinds , mouldings , 50 per cent oil list ; tailed felt , per ewt , , § 1.75 : stiaw board. & 1.CO. THE AKD RA51AVAY. E3 Omaha , CouncilAnd And Chicago The only road to take Dos Jlolnoa , Mar- pliiilltown.Ccdni llaplds , Clinton , Dixie. Chit-two , Mllmiukco and all points cast. To the | > coilo of Nebraska , Coloiado , Wjoialmr , Utah. Idaho Novudii.Orcvoii , Wasliln ton and Caliroriila It oltcrasupoilor advantages not nossiblo by any other line Anions n fo ' o tlio numerous points ot snpo- ilorltycnjo\od by thu patrons ot tills load between - twoon Omnha and Chluiigro , tire UB two tnilnsa tiny of DA V COAOHK3 lilch are tlio llncst Unit human art and Insrunnlty can cicntc. Its PAL- ACK Sl.HEI'lNCl C'AUS , hili are modnU of comfort anl oloKimco. Itsl'AKLOK UUAW1NG 11OOM CAItS. nnsiirna'-sod ' by uny. ami Its wlJo- Jy cclobiatod 1'ALATIAI , DiNlNO C'AHP , tlio equal of wbloh cannot bo loiiml cliownoro. At Council HlullM tlio tnilns ot tlio Union Paci- flo Ity. connect in t'nlou Ucpot with those of the C'liicafcoi ; Nortlnvi-btcin Ity. In Chlc.uro the tinlns of this line niuku close connertion with tliosoof all eastern linos. For Detroit. Columbus. Indianapolis. Cmuln null , Niagara 1'iills. llmralo , I'ittbburs' . Toronto Montreal , lloiton , Now Yoik. Philadelphia , U il- Ilinoro.Wusliin lon and all points In th'jeast , M't ' tlio ticket ascnt lortk-kctB via the " . " "NOKTll.WBSTKItN. If jou wl h the Iieht accommodations. All ticket ' 5 ' 111311'1- ' ri m K.B.1IAIB. General -Manager. , r5Scnlluss > Ascut. ClilCAuOt MHO II UNC < 3 JAUITCD WITH TMC OECGIIAPFIV OF THIS couiaiir V.H16EE oy EXAMIHINO THIS W P'TMAT THt [ O t1lVS.K ? I k\IIIU AIOI&Z \ } r C"5 , " Je5'jT n v * ivffc wtoWP - u-i5ax'.I-tiSL r4 r' C4T ? * i . , IJgsci ) \y * * & * m ? 38 $ $ % rstis - U jA m rs O r < 1 " M" 4 > nlllifntil ItnU In Hint i-illnu < it Ilirouiili tinnpoi % illuil tvlilrli luvlti-i anil faillltnto Iruit-l nr.d IrolT.o r Um Atlnnllo : uul 1'aclflo foa.t . It nlio tlin rnroiKo auJ hot ( ion to tonnil Tram iiolntt l.u t , Nortlicitiit iHld boiillienn. mid cuni < pl > n < llng ; > ul.iU Wont. Norllnvcit nnd Honlli i' t , The Great Roclt Island Route Guirantefs IK luironn that nento of Lrrcontl ctr'i. rlir ntTuiclr.l ly a hell. I , thoiauvMy l ll > lcl i-oail- ) il. uioi.lli truck * ut < H > ullmioui ttrtl nil , mbklon- lljllvbulltruhfru uuU I'.IKV | , H-lllii > nk o nctr IK-irt-fllim M linnmn > klll tnu maku It , the 'cty PI'llaiicciorti-Tti-nt l.iiroi , | , : .ilti > nii nnrt lr l.riitij. niultliftt x eilnirulwlplliiii wlclih coTcnn the pracl I ealuiomtlonot all lt > Invlun oiirr tlcilallltof ul luuto arc 5i n ffra nt all ccuiioclliiu' I uliin In 'nlon lieiiuli. uni thu lomiuiti ami uiuilenol Utl'AUcnEcr . The VV t Kiiirc-fi Trulin httnrrn Chlroeo rrt Pforli. Council lllnai , Kaiuni Clty.l aicani.illi orj a cunipowU uf veil Mntllale.l. iliulr ut > .ulMrrml Hay l6iihcii MaKulllctnt 1-ullmmi I'nUio Ictprnat lb | > te < t dttlen. iul niiu.tliou | . MuliiK . HH. In nhtclii'ltiioiiittlr i-ookirt IHH | ( ui lil.urcly < wn. DelwraiiUhlcairu ml K.nw cltj tnlAtchl ( , a tut aUo lint the Cfli'bratiHl llt-cllnlncl'J.Alr Carl. The Famous Albert Lea Route the dligct nd f ; orlte line Utuim CUIcaBo nJ 'a.muliolUHiidM. l' iilvlitre connrrtloiuaicuiade in I ulun Itepuu for all points In tun Trirtlorlri and .ritUli 1'ioiincei. Over Ihli route r' it Kspriti Iraloi aio lun to tlio watering ( jltcei. uinui - ref - f ITU , plctiir aud loi'Alllle . ai > 3 Iiniitliiir mill tlililng vnnlf of Iu & ami lllnnoata. It 1 > uUo the mu t . .IrauUrouii-to the ileli whi t lit Mi and imsturU * in ti of Interior liakoti htlll inotli.r lillihl'T LINK. TU | Fenjcu nnclK n- > ikc liu Iwcn OIH-II | t-etwrrn riiiFlcnatl. IndUn- i -llianill r irltv > na Council liluffe. KunmCUy , Uiurifapoiu nml bt. I'uul > nd lul rmoill.- iwlntu ' tor Uoulled jnform-itlon > re * lup mid loldrrf. I lilnnble. well i < tickrli , nt nil vHncp ! ITtcUr { > ! Rt- < < In ( he Uulttd bUtti nd CaoaSai ur liy fid' ; . R , OA01.E , E. ST. JOHN , i- mm Uiird ! ! Tables. Manufacturers of Billiaid & Pool Tables , And Paloon , Omco nml llnnk Fixtures. Market nml Huron Sts. , Chlcitgo , 11L Omnha ofllco , 5JJ S. 10th St. Book Binding , Etc , hr.ns Printers , Book Biudcrs , And Illnnk Hook > Mnitnfactnrcr . No . 100 nnd _ 103 South Hlli Street. Omaha , Neb. _ _ Bridges Sleam Pile Driving , _ 11AYMON1) & CAMl'lir.1.1. , Unglncors nnd Contrnclor < ? . Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Jron Comblnntlon.nnd . Howe Trus * nililcos , PlllnirnndOnkTIinncr. loth St. , near rarnim. Telephone No. .34 Cigars and Tobacco. 'MAXMIYIU& : : co. , " Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns nnd Ammunition , 215 to .1 South llth Street , ltt.1) ) to 11KI 1'arnam Street , Oinnhn , Nob. iNTKIl-OOHAN Ctll Vn TACTOItV. WKST & rurrscHnii , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dcnlcisln I cut Tobaccos. Nos. 10S und 110 N. mil Street , Omnha , Ncb _ Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John Kpcnotor , Proprietor. Mnnufnctitror of Gahnni/i-d Iron ami Coinlco. lKlod ! ; o andlJI nnd 103 North llltli Street , Omnlm , Nub. & Manufacturers of Ouminc'iita ! Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , I'lnal" , Klc.niOS. ISth St. Vorkdono in uny paitof thocountry. Western Cornice Works , C. SPnCHT , Proprietor. Oalvanl7cd Iron Cornier * , Spocht'slm- rro\cd PnlcntMetall'cSlrj light , EOS nnd 51UH. kill St. , Omalm , Nob. _ Doors , Sash. Etc. Tie Gate City Pltn'jig'iil. Doors , Sash nnd Illlnds. Al o nil Ina of tinning. Scroll nnd Stair vork of uvery do- Ecrlptlon. A. KOSEXI1CUY , Manufacturer nnd Denier In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Etnlr Itnlls n pneclnlty Telephone No. 03 loth nnd Marcy tUi. , Oinalm , Neb. Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Omahu. Uurglir Alarms , llolN , I'lio Alarms , P.lcctrla Mattlnir , Srualiliisr Tubcj , Gold , SlUer and Nickel I'latlnir , Ktc. Iron v d Nails. Cut Kails and Spikes , Flro Kails p. SIK ; ! alty. Omaha , Nob. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , Casting , Rtciun inilncs : , Hollers , Aix'hlttctural Ir n Work , Iron llridffes , Jllnhiff nml Mill Machinery. Olilco nnd works , Union Pacific H. It. 17th' ' inul 18th Streets. & nuo. , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th nnd Jnuk ° on St . , prcjiaicd to ilo all Idmls of lion and llris : Ca tiiiB ! ; also , O , C. llannlstcr's Hocklu Oralo Itur.1 tiumuti'.uturo.l Mattresses , T Safes. _ OmaSa Safe Works , G. ANDHKBN. y.anufncturor of 1'lro and llnrslur Proof Sires , Vault DOOIR , Jail Work. Shutlort nml Wlro Work. Cor. Hth nnd Jackson Sta. , Omaha , Neb. Soap. P. J. QUEALEY , Soap Manufacturer , Dfileo nnd Factory , near 1'owdcr Mngazlco , Oinalm Neb. Wagons and Carrhges. & DHUMMOND Hannfactni'ers of Fine Carriages , 1315nnd 1J17 Iliunuy sti cot , Omaha , Nob. Solo AijX'iithlii Nubniikit forJonca' Cclobratud Split fclmttSnlkleH. Established 1SS3. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , JiCUand 1411 Dodge Sticct , Omaha , Nob. White Lead. _ OMAHA WHITE LEAD COMPANY , Coirodcrs r.r.d Grinders of Perfectly Tare WMte Lead , Omnlm , Neb. J.evi Cniler , I'rcg. ; C. W. Mead , V'ito Pich. : H. W. YaiLS. bcc. andTicas. rsi DSREGTQRY. The Hillard , P. Ehccis , .I.E. Jailcl ! Thos. Swobc , Proprietors Oaiaha , NcbiasUa. Rrcade Hotel , Casey , 1'iopilclor. ji"i nnd 1217 Itoui-'ms tt. ! , Umalia , Neb. Tlippationairoof coniincicirl men lojirc t < ok ! > lltl. Thuy will mid thu the best 2 liout j v , tet ut Chl.Niuo. Banters House , c. E. niiiitis , I'lioi'iiiirroii. ItatcsU < liicr ) dr.j. Street cars tiom U. P. depot , Mltliln oiio Mock of houseCornc ; - Ilodjo and 10th fcticots , onmlia. Nob. The Gozzons , soy Co. , Propilotors. Hates i-.W pcr'da ) , no dark looms. Omnlm , Neb , Also i ixi'iioiurjof 1'alato Hctrl , Santa To , . ' .o f . > ic.\co. ; ' Canflold House , Coi.KJiuu nnd rauiaia Sts , The l > cst f2 pp ? day hold in Omul.a , ItumodclcJ. ipiun.ithov' , i ecu o > i atrd ; ono blot k ti 0111 m my lu-adijuurtera , opponitu Union 1'ncltlu li-adaiiiii ti'in ; UK ut C.UM pass tlio door. CJi.unro Canntld & Co. , pioju'lo loia. Also Unlou fctyclc VunU Hotel , Eouth Umaha. , IJotol da Gees , I'.GOOB.l'ioprlctor. European Plan. Oliis only ccmrally located SI ndayhoubo. Th.-co tlooid from lloyd's Ojirt.l llousound ono Hall ! block Iroia tlio X'o&tollieo nnd the Court Homo. .13 W1510 , i'jli E. jr. Kattress Company , Manufacturing JlnllitbbC'i , Itrddln ? . Teather rjllous , Cot , IHo. IJUi and 120J Douylas Street , Uiuahu , Kcb. Overalls. OANriiii.i > Ti.nn'ACTiriiiNo co. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans 1'imtb , Kliirts , Ktc. , lite andllOt Douglas btrcct , Omuha , Kob. Alif cjrlea i , Cci trttM tud qatclc CXrti. TrUlpaok- " 'D rVVABD CO iATWbuSAlHO. JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Implements , MMXOr.H & METCALF CO./ Wholctnlo Dealers In Agricultural Implements , i Ofllcc1 , Comer Cth mul ratine Sts , Omalin , Ncbt t 1'AKUN , OHKNnOHlT k MAHT1X , j 'liolcs .io Dealers In ' igrlcnltoral Implements , Wagons nml HugRlcs , Omaha Neb. _ CHl1 CHILL"rAIlKCli7 \Vliolcsilo \ Ds-nler In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Ciurinjesnnd lliiffBlrs. Jdi-a St.bct.lthnnil 1 "th , Omaha , Neb , _ Boots and Shoes , AV. V. MOl'SU ' St CO. , j Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , i Hll Vnrnnm StreetOmnlm , Noli. Mnnufnctnry , , Summer Street , Itostou. i Carpets , _ " s" " . A. ouciiAiin , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtain Oood . Klo. . Ita rarnnm Stioct , Omaha , Neb. _ Coal , Lime , Etc. Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Onu-c , 2138. UtliCt. , Omnlm. Nb. . Yards , Otli nnd Dr.'enport Streets. COUTANT & SQUlllKS Dealers lu Hard and Soft Coal. Best \arlctles. Oniro.210 ! ' . IHIliPt. Tclephono No. 14l"2 " , Omaha , Ntb. rvr.i , co , , Shippers of Coal and Coke , j ? .HS. 13lli Pt. , Omaha , Neb. I tJr.o. r.Towi.u , I'rcsldcnt. Oto. 1'ATirnsoN. See ami Ti cus. J.It. , 1' . A. n u.cit , | 1'iopiU-tor. Manager. < Nebraska Coal and Limo Company , OMAHA , Nr.HKASKA. . 'JlTS. imiiEticct. Telephono43. OEO. T. LAIMOII , l'rc . C r. OonpMAV.V.l'rea. J. A. SUMihiti. 4M ) fccc. nnd Ticus. Omaha Coal , Coke and Limo Company , Jobbers othaid and ioft coal , SOUS. llh ! St. , Omaha , Neb. _ OMAHA COAL AND rilODUCK CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclutlvo dealers In llouldcr Colorado Coal. 217 Louth Hill street. * ' CI.AHKI : nuos. Aico.r Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tea" , Coffees , Splcos. IlaUinjT 1'owtlcr 1'lnvorlnsr K.xti ccts , Laundry llltio. Ink , olc. Ull-lu Har- ncy Street , Omaha , Nob. _ Commission , Etc. _ _ " " " " ' " HllANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruitb , Produce , Oysters , IICl rarnani Pt. , Omaha. Apples Onr own i-ac'c- ' Injr 1'lntt 4 : CO.'B Tiircr Itrmul Oyeturs , lluttur , 23 , Game , 1'onltry , I'otulops. JOHN F. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Fioduco.riovWons Kiults Klour and feed. 105 P. Hth St. , Omnha , Neb. ConsUnracnts tolicitod. Itctuinn nuidu promptly. LOUIS HHLLRIt , Jobber and Commission Merchant. ChccBO , Sansapes. Fiults , Ituteheis' Tools and Supplies. l-lJJoiu.3 St. , Omaha , Neb. w. n. IIIDDKU , , General Commission Merchant. EPCCIALTIES riii-c-H1 , IJntter. K.JIH , Poultry and ( Jamo , 112 & 14th. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone - phone rfo. 335. D. A. Commission and Jobbing , fiuttcr , npifs and Produce. A full line of Stono- wue. Coiibjfc'iiinonta Eolicitcd. lilt Uodijo fct. , Omaha. _ E. SIOIIONV , | General Commission Kercliant , Butter , EBKS , Chocaoand Countty Prodncu ecu- t rally , a-J a. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob. McsiiANi : &icimoiDEiti ; Buyers of Bnttcr and Eggs. I Itefrlpcrntor r.nil Packintr ilonso , 14th & T.oavon- ' Hoith St. , on U. 1' . It. U. Tiaclt , Omaha , Kob. ' ItOlJEUT PUP.VIS , General Commission , JUS. llth St. , O.-naha. Neb. Specialties Hutter E3 , 1'oulti y and Game. 1'EVCICfi 1UIOS.7 Commission Merchants , ViuIU , Prcdnco and Provisions , Omnha , Neb ISAAC GKIKKITII , Cmmission ) Hircliant , and wliolomlo dealt r In country pinduco , fruits , butter , CKK , < ! ( ' . Goods on eonalfc'nmcnt a BJH clulty. 'M N. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. KlUSC1IIIHAUN i ( Suee ? = or ? to A. P. Fe'mulO Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South 12lli Stieot. OmahaNeb. ' TllOXKLi , & WIUJAJIS , ' Storage and Commission Merchants. Fruits , Hour. Apples , Stnnovriiin. ( 'Idcr.Vlncxnr , Giagb b'ccds. lluttor nml i : < are , SU nnd UlS South 13tb etiect , Omulm , NcbinElm. Wir.DEMAN & CO. , Frouiice Commission Merchants. Poultry , Hutler , Oaino. Krulls , iic. : 220 S. lh tit. , Oinah'i , Kcbrasha. A. V. 1 Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , Wcatb , I.ard , Jclbus , llutler , Kns , Cliccse , Ktc. Jio. : K)5 ) S. 12IU St. , Onmlm , Nth. 1 linos. , General Commission Merchants , i 1400 llodffo Street , Omalm , Neb. Cons > lnmcnts ( Solicited. ii. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCUABT. 215 mh Stioet , Omaha , Neb. Sj-eelaltlos : Hut. ier , IVt-'H , nnd Chleltens , Ury Uoous. " " " " .1. J. 1)UO\VN & CO Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , 1CCU Uouulab Etiuet , Omnha , Neli. i , . ciiNKiunta fc co , Wholc&.ilu Dcaleisln * Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , LSnene , l.arot' , EcibioMcry and \Vliilu O'oods , CTODouglas btrect , Omalm , Nib. Engines , - > ' - " v ' ijnoWNKMj ft CO. , The Balicr Automatic Engines , Stationary and portal.lo ciiilnca , boilers r.nd eLeet Iron > > oiitairons , aiirlculturiil iniJiO- | wents , jiumpa etc. U1J-12I5 > emvorlliSi. Leather , Hides , Etc , L ! C."lIUNTJNGTON b BOx7 " * Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , lilt Juclt son Sticet , Omaha , Nob. SIX.MAN IJUOa , Wholesale Leatuer , Saddlory Hardware , Cajairry and Fl.oo 1'IndUij.n , Hides , Wool , T'urs , _ _ J'cJts , GicaseTullow , lllc.jOraalm Kui. Flour , Etc. V' . 1'IILSTON. Ol O. WM. rnusTON & co. Wholesale Flour , ACS , ' 10 and 6121'icrio Street Omalm , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY' T7.SCHUCK , Jit , Agent for J , C. llofTmnyr \ Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour lly Holler nml Hmifnrlan l'rcce s. Warehouse , _ _ 1213 Jones Stre ct. Omnlin , Neb. _ W.JW1U.SHAXS & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed aud Grain , Mnnufacturcrsof W. J. Wclthnn * .VCo.'s Quick linliliurlluckvrhcat Hour and proprietors Onmhn City Mills , cor. 8th mid Parimni Streets , Onmbn. ' " " " " Fis'i , He , " co. Successors to Ickcn Slom < scn ft Co. \ilholosfllo \ Fish Dealers , ] Importers of Foreign Tltli , No ? . Plt-nn Jonoa _ Street inul U. I1. Track , Omah.i , Nob. _ r\ Furniture. Etc. "nr.wnv & STONH , Wholesale Dealers in Fumltora , _ riirnnui Street , Oinnhn , Neb. Gloceries. * " " " " "AI.T.UN nuos. . Wholesale Grocers , _ _ _ 1110 nml 1113 Douglas Street , Omixhn , Ntb. K. 11. CHAl'MAN' A , CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolinci'O and Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St. MKVKH & HAAPKH Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Epices , ClBiirs nml Tobacco' , 1317 nnd 1319 Done- Ins Ptieot , OmaSa , Neb. MLCOlll ) , 1IHADY & COMPANY Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd 1'arnain Snoots , Oinnha , Neb. PAXTON , QALLAGHKH ft CO. , Wholesale Groceries anil Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707,709 and 711 S. loth St. , Omalm , Kelt. Hardware. \f. 3. lUiOATCH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Sprlmrp , Wntron Stock , Hardwood I.undier , oto. 12t/J and 1211 llarnoy etroex. Oinalux , Neb. r.INHY& GHII10X , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnrrlna-o Wood Htoclt. llrnvy Hardwnro , itc. : 121V and 12l'J ' I.caven orth Sticut , Umuliu , Neb. i 1IIMEHAUGH &TAYI.OU , Builders' Hardware , Mechanics' forth nnd IlnlTitloSc'ilea. H03 nonp lus Sti cot , Uuiulin , Nob. " " _ Luu.vunm & co. , Jobbers of Hardware aud Kails , Tinware , Sbect Iron , Etc. Agcnta for llowo Scales nnd Miami Pun dur Co. , Omulm Neb. MILTON HOGEU3 & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Gintcs , Hunu poods 1J21 and 1J-J FM > nam Micet. nr.cTou i. wiLiir.LMY co , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , llmetson Stcnl Nails. Cor. 10th nid llarncy bti rots , Omaha , Nub. Harvesters. WM."nnEI NO & CO. , CHICAGO , Mnnufuctuior of tlio Deeriug , Harvester Goods , \Vrlto to Win. M. Lei liner , ( ii-noriU ARcnt , Omaha. Telephone ( J1U. Iron Pipe , Etc. " " COWING & CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , In I um Pipe lion t t tlnirs , lion und Hrass Hoods. Knfrlnccrs' Supplies. Htn and Uodeo Streets , Onmlm , Nob. _ A. L. STHANG COMPA NYi Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etenm , Water , Itnlluny and Milling Supplier Etc. V-0 , 822 und KM Fill nani St. Omalm , Neb. CHUKCHIUi Pl'MI1 CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam und Wutcv Supplies HeadquurU'H fo * Miibt Koost Co.'s Goods. 1111 I'aniam btreut , Onuiha , Nub. Jewelry. EDHOI.M & uiu Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Silverware , IMunonds , V.'atchos CloelvJcttoloirt' Tools and MatPilals Etc. , 1U1 und IK ) , 1Mb Sticct , Cor. Ikxlffo , Oinalm , Nob. _ tive Slock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Yardajro dunged. ' Clofo to U. P. Hrldso. Special accommodation nnd a jrood inarltrt lor hop * . E. 0. Cuopur , Man- cgcr. Ollxo , South 6th Sttcct. M. UUHICn & SONS , Lire Stock Commission Gro. llnikc , Miunv'er , Union Stock Yardj , B. uiimlia. Tolo ) hone 583 w. imowN & co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stocfc. Ofllcc i\chaiiKQ : llnlldiiitr. Union Stock Yards , t. bout h Omaha , Neb. TelcphonoNo.COl. ' , MAU.OUY. SON A : CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , Onmlm , Neb. l'nuiiiIIoiil'nMiiiuisc'rOiinihu ! ; ( ( lii.uicli. Ti'lephonu No. US ) . Uitnbllsliud IBCi W. L. PATU1CIC i CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , . ' .ddicbsallcommniilcntlonslo us ut UnlonStock Via els , South Omalm. Advances made on otoc ! ; . Union Stock Yards Company , or OMAHA. , Limited. John 1 * . Ilu > l , Hiiporlntendonl , HAVACKA ( JltEKX , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Ell ) | ini'iils of any and nllKm.lioi' stock tollclt . td. Union bl ck Ytuds , Umalia.Nob. Lumber , E'.c. , " " " 8 HUADFOlin , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , , Doois , Klc. Yards L'or. 7th ami Douglas1 , Cor. Dili nml 1I01IN MAJJUrACTU'Ill.NG CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding , fitulr Woik and Interior Hard Wood J'iuldi. JiiBt opened , N. 11. tor , tilh unU Leaven- vcrth Sticete , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMIJCH COMPANY , Wholesale Lumlier , ei * S. llth Sticct , Omalm. Neb. T. Colpet or , Manager , C. N. WKT2. Lumoer , 3Sth nnd CuliroinluStroctt , Omaha , Nob. I'ltED W. G KAY. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Cth and Doujlaa Streets , Omalm , Neb. GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omalm , NUnuilui. " CHAS. It. I.CE , Hardwood Lumber , Wn-cn Woods , Dililso Timlior ? , & .C. , ri. W. Cor. vth und JJoutrlas , Omulmub. . " G. V. I.YJIAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Bliuds , Uulldhut Paper , Utc. South Wtb _ HeTraska Lumber Co , Paid In Capital Stock. $300,000. Lopt-iTs.umimfacturerS and , bolcsal deaV ere. Mills ut Mfirlll , IVIs. Wholesulonnd ratafl dlbtrlbuUuiomd Oumliu.Ncb. OUH. 'Jth U ' O HA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR * OMAHA 1. MIIKUCO , Dealer In All Kinds of Bnllding Material at Wholesale. IFth Sli oot nnd i n.o.i I'ao fl Track , OKI1MAN' D. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , roth nnd Iraitl Slrcctj , Omalm , Nobj-nskn. * J. A. WAKKl'IEM ) , Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , ttnlldlnff Papers. g li. Door * , llllndMonl ) * liifro , Plckots , Post * , I.lmo , PU'tcr , llnf , CVntent. Nlntii nna.Ione9Omnht ! Nub. _ _ _ Millinery. i. oar.iuT.unsH , Importers nnd Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , ISinnnd 1211 Hamey StreetOmalm , NoK Musical Instruments , r.mioi.M st r.iuncsox , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. FU-lmvay I'lano ? , Wolicr , Decker , Ilalnosnnd Hi | ( TK < I Piano- ! , 1'at'niml OiK'iius , Chase Organs. lUland IK ) 15th Mrcot. Notions , Etc- . " .1.1. . ISUAN'Dir.S.V SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Oood , Notions , ( louts' rurnlshln ? flood * , ( lood.i iiiim Now Yoik. Trnilu sales daily. WJ ) mid t.03 youth mill St. , Omalm. C. S. UOODUK'Il , v CO Agoats lor I' . A. Whltm-y Ciinlago Co.'s Children's ' Carriages , Jcwptt'i ! Ololratod HoiilReiator.o. Soml pu or prlco lists , Ul'i runmm St. , Onmlm. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' 40H and 4W > S. 10th Bt.Omaha , Nob. ' Wlmli'salo Dvalcis In Notions and Ucnta rur > Oils , Etc. * * % " CONSOLIDATED TANK 1.1XK CoT Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gntollnc , Mica A\lo Grcare , Etc. A. II. Illshop , , Omaha , Nob. Porl < Pacldng. " 1AMES E. IIOYD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , NcbiasKn , 1IAUUIS & riSllEll , Packers and Provision Dealers , Office , Union Market. 1517 Dodge Street. Packing IIOIIM ) , U. P. It. It. Track , Omaha , Nob. Telephone phone No. 157. Safes nnd Lochs , P. HOYEll & CO. agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Piio and Iturglnr Pi oof Pafcs.Tlmo I.ocU , Vnnltj und Jail uorl , . Jlt'O rainam btrcct , Omalm , Nub Seeds. j. KVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seads. As-iloiiltural , Vt-jretalilo. Etc. Odd Fellows' Hull , N. W. Cor. lllh and Dodgu ! 3t . , Omiiln , ? fob. _ _ Drugs , Etc , II. T. Cf.AltlvE DIIUO Wholesale Druggists , Jouhcrs ofl'iilnts , OIK Wlu-l.iw Rlnsi Etc. , 1111 Haincy Stioot , Omaha , Nob. THE GOODMAN 1)1U ! ( ) CO Wholesale Druggists And Dealer in I'alnts , Oils and Window Gils * ' Omaha , Nub. , j Wines and Liquors. j ' " " FIIANK DEI.LONK & CO. . ' Dealers in Liquors aud Cigars , IKS' and lail St. , Onmlm , Nob. Tao. torics-Nos. 4 and 3JJ , lid Dltt. N. V. , _ _ OHO. w. DUNCAN ; Successor to ? lcNAMAli\ & lu.X'VK ) , Importer * and Wholu&alo Dealers In Y/Ines / and , Liquors Cigars , 11 and : : lil S. 11th St. , Omaha , Neb. U. II. dUOTTU , Wines and Liquors. YVrstoin Auunt .l-js. Bchlltz liiowlner Co. 71391 'Jib bticot.Oninlia. | IIENHV lIOHNIJEItGElt , Wholesale Yflnos , Liquors aud Cigars. 1.U1 Douglim t-hen , Omulm , Nob. ILIU & co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors. Polo iniimifuctiirorsnr Kennoly'a iatt : India lllttors. 111J llainey titicut , Omafm , Null. I. . ] ' . LARSON fc CO. , Y/holesala / Dealers in Whiskies And fl.'fin' . and Oenpial Auonls lor tlio I'hlllp licMA' L'f.-lclnulLcl MllivauKcu iiour , Omaha , Neb _ Harness , Elc. wnr/rv & I.ANDIIOCK , Mamifactuiors nuJJobbursof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Tuif ttoodh , IllanlcolB ami Kolim. 1U1 rumnin Htitct Oimihii , Ix-'b. trocKery. " \v. i , . w i „ a i IT , Agcm Cor the Manufact.irci. nnd Inipoilora , Crockery , Glassware , f.arap , nilmiioic , itc. : ORIcn , 'IIT ijonlh IIIU Minn , iJ'iml.a , Nub. Chicago , Milwautea & St , P.ul , Tlie Sliortfliisis nd Best H/onto From Omaha to the East. TWOTUAlNSDAll.Y lilil'WlUIN \1IAANI ) Clih'.igo , Mlimnapolls , MllunnUou , Kl. i'nnl , I'udar HupMDavciiiiort ) , l.'llnldii. Diibiiqno , llofl.ldrd , I Hock Ivland , | 'i tiopid I , .Inuo . 'illo , < Kli/ln , Muill'on , iMCioif.u , ! IK'Inlt , Wlnnna ! Ami all other hnp'ii ' taut points IIa t , Xoitfica ll and Suiilhoijt. Tlc\Pt onico ut li'jl rainam sliooi.iin I'.ITIOII Hoti b. i.nd at Union 1'aciiio Depot. I'nllnnm hli'fi'isuni ] ( | Iho rincst Dlnln.f CIUM In tint Woild iiiiMim on tlio iiiulii lines ot th riUMoMiiwviMiK\-Sr ( ( ! : IMiu , HMI VAV. nnJ civury uiiunthm ! K paid to iia < . .ntiiifiby ( ; uouitci nt-i'iiiiiioyehof llioooiuii.iny. it. , Mmwirt.T. .1 , R TirpKmi , Antl < timt ( Miune.'or A. V. II. CuiiMtYrhit , ( lenmil I'tuionfir ail Tlikot Air'int. I.1. lliMMiiuii. AbBls'.mit Ocu r.ill'ii > cn. eur nnd Tlcliol AB nl. _ P. BOYER & CO. and Jai ! Worlt. 1020 I'ariiain Strcut , Uiiuiha Nob. WANTED BY R. E. f oorc , LSncoin , Higboa. ulnrkot I'rtce Paid. "CHJOHESTCn'G ENGLISH.- Die Oriiuil nml Only ( Genuine. . loiUHiii - ' * i LA . A.L jour llruirRl > t < r ( rliii' a t . U < oaoili'r tr fuiU > > < e. i ui f r t , * tltf f I'j nlurn iru NAME PAPEf { , . , l.irhi-.liTC'hrn.liil . . . ' , 23IU Hi t'l- i "uuur , Koldlir IlruczNU tiirrirlv * " * . ' " ' ' " " < blrl > M < tcr'i iu.-i ! U" I'rj. it ) ' , . ! 1 iu TUtunoUu.