2 THE OMAMA DAILY BEE , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 19. 1886. SPECIAL NOTICES , , .Advertl'cincntflunder this head 10 cents per linn for the first la ortlon 7 csnts for each iubmxiucntlnsortltn.nnd Sl.W n line per month. No rt ivrrtitoiiiPiit taken for left ! fl'nn 2.1 cents. Sorenwords trill lie counted to the line ; they mult tun consecutively nnd must bo p&ldln ad vance. All advertisements m-ist bo banded In before 3 o'clock p. m. , and under no circum- Btnnccs will they bo taken or discontinued br telephone. Parties advertising In these columns nnd liar- Jnfftho answers addressed mcn.ro of THE HER. will plcnso ask for cheek to enable them to got their lei ten , s none will bo delivered except on presentation of c.ieck. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO r.noooo tolonn on biislnoM nnd ro lilonco $ property In sums of $ tOWJ and upwimls. Amr > 9 , 1W7 rnrimtn st. iXM ONiV : TO LOAN on her > n , wneon1 * . fur- M nlturo , wntchrs , without romovnl. Terms cnsjr.,1 Cnswell , lloom in , Iron llnnk Ilulhl- Ing , Ktli nnd Fniiinn. . Tnko olovntor. fiOO-inhT * ino.oonto lennon city residence property $ Oco. W. liny , 1600 ttirnnm. 887 _ I ) LOAN Money in nny nmount , T On nil clnewsofKCctirlty. Bliorttnno lunns on ronl o tnto. Ixtit ) ) time lonns on rwil o tnto. Money to lennon clmttcK Money to lonn on colh.tornK Money to lonn on nny Rood security. Terms on y , tlmo to suit. Apply nt thoOmnlm Financial I'xehnnce , Ilnrltcr's hulldhiff. S\V corner of Fifteenth nnd Fnrnnm sts. upslnlrs S8S ONKV TO LOAN on Improved nnd iinlnv M proved city propiiity. Cuinilnglmin Urcnnnn , 1511 Dodge slicct. fur i-vcrybodyl Vou cnn borrow MONKY on furniture , horses , wnirons , rlnnos , stock of nil kinds , diamonds nnd fine watches on your own tlmo. rnjmonts received t nny time , nnd interest reduced pro rntn. Property loft In your own possosilon. Terms Ijiwnstho lowest. Cnll nnd see mo. llnslnoss conlldcntlnl. Nomlvnntniro tnlccn. w. 11. Croft , Jloom 4 , Wlthnoll's NuwllullOJiis , Norlhennt cor ner 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 2K ) ONnT TO LOAN O. F. Dnvls & Co. Heal M Estnto nnd Loan ngonts , 1505 Fnrnnm St CT1 ONEV TO LOAN-On good securities. A MM : SIcGnvock , room 7 Hcdlofc Ulook , lS09Fnrnnm X * M ONKV TO LOAN On real cstnto nndehnt- tels. D. I * . Thoinns. 91 MONHV TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd up- wards on flrst-clnss renl cstnto security. Potter & Cobb , 1H15 rnninin St. 20. . Tlf ONI3V LOANii ) nt C. F. Ilcod i Go's. Loan J'JolTlco , on furniture , plnnos , borscs , wnsons porsonnl property of nil Kinds nnd nil cither ur- ilcles of vnluo , without roinovnl. Over 1st Nnt'l Jlunlt. corner 13th nnd Fnrnnm. All buslnosa Btrlctly conndentnl U"KI BUBIOTSS CHANCES. T71OK SALK To Clothlnff men : I have block J. nud Icnso In liesttown nt sl/o In I own , lor snip. Only cvclutlvi ) stock ; 2000 Inhnliltuntc ; will poll Icn o , fiirnltnronn'l good will without i-tock irprolciTod ; ( food reiXMin forsollmir : i-lo- gantopiiortunlly. Addro&s , C. 13 , Omnhn Heo. ' * "ITIOIt SALi : Smnll job printing ollloo dohif ( JU ( rood ] business. Unison for solllnsr , poor licnlth. Address 012 , Boo ollico. fi'8-11) ) \\rANTii : > To oxchnnsrn for stock of hnrd- it wmo nndffC'iiontl morclmndlao , DHOncrosof flnn Tlmyer Co. , Nob. , hind ; 5 lots In Genoa. Neb. . Bood stoio biilliltiiK' ( liot corner ) ; ( rood dwolllnif ( best locntlon ) In l > sox , la. , nl o 8 ] ncros IS mlle from town of IS : OT , In. , scedod In MUD RrO'W. For furtlirr pnrtlculnra address John Llndcrhulm , Central City , Nohniskn. Co' ) $ ! inno buys n Ronnrnl siook of mcraliunillso Invololiiff $1,000. Ilov 101 , Mnrno. la. 017-20 * Foil SALi : A $ . ' , r/X ) stock of nillllnury ( foods In splendid locution. A biirbnwiln for some < mo us n liberal discount will ho ( rlvnn. For fur ther particulars address H W , line Olllce. G23 WANTKIl Openlne for n umber yard In ( rood town on rnihond.or will buy oslnb- llshcdbuslncsj. Corrospondcnco from huslnos ) men solicited. Address M. H. Lumber Co. , i\- ; clcr. Neb. ngM3 K AdrilffStoroln nrood ( II vo town : n flrstnito locution fora plivslcliin , Ciipltnl rconlrcd nbout SiJ.SOO. Now bnlldlni und clonn Block. Address or call on II. SIosos & Co. . Vnl- entlno. Nch. ! Blmoli3 _ Foil SALK-Or oxcbniiBO Twelve hundred. nnd eighty ncrcsof Mo. , thnbnr nnd Brnss Innd , torty miles cnst of Knnsns City. As rich soil us nny Innd In the Mute , will sell nil or pnrt nt fifteen dollnrs per ncro or will exchnnRO for peed Improved or unimproved Nobinskn Innd. llodl enl i Snuoi- U" 7 130AHDI1TO. WANTrI-Oontlomon wisblm ? tnlilo bonrd cnn ho iiccoinmodnted nt N , W. cor. ICth nnd Hnrnoy. CU'WO * "DOOM nnd bonrd , fSpor week ; very bcstlo- JtV out Ion. 1811 .Daenot St lUShl'J * Dlt. i : . D. A KNOW ) , Oculist nnd Aurist.ro- moved to 1511 Doiurlns street , 8T1 ) 1 * XIX3AX , ESTATE. JI' YOU Imvo property to Boll or o.vclmntro , IK It with O. J. rnswell & Co. , Koom 10. Nol lirnskn NiitlotmlHank Iliilhiln . IlffimlU * ANIirjO ncro Improved fnrms within $000 12 miles of Onmlm ; $2" > per ncro ; thnso nro bniRiilns. Gibson & Archer , looui 3 Wlthnoll block. 131 BTOVZ EKPAIH3. TIIHAV. C. MotznorStovoIlopntr Co. . lit South Htli St. I'Otwri.in Doilvo und Iouilii3. LOST. LOST A mink boa liotwoon nth nnd 20th St. on St. Jlnrv's uvo. Siimlny ovo. Tlio llnilor will lie rownnlod by IcnviiiK nt IIoo ollico. UTO LOST A lii'ly'ssoil oarrinT , Tinder will lie llboi-ally roivnrdod by lonvluars line at Whit- iioy's shoo store. (107-18 ( * UISCELLAJTEOUS. LADIKS m wnnt of cnod ilomestioliolncan bo Biippllod by cnllln ? on the Omaha Em- plovmpiit Ollico , Itooni I. Ilushmnirs llloclc. Mrs. J. W , Morrison proprlutor. 871 OltIiK : your Hour nnd food by Telephone Ii7. Noul & Coiirnd , IHU Dodfo Bt. .TO ZOR TTTi Olt SAI.i : HV ) colds of wood. Inqulro tit JU thu Onmlm D.ilry Association , " 11 N. IGth st. "I71OKSAI.i : OrTrndn-Onollsrht fhroo-pprlntr JL , wngon nml rend curt. 1MT North liith bt. 6'i-ia * T71OU SAI.lSoconil luiiid piano chenn. Z'.H JU ruining st. , incut nnu Uot. f MO * T71OII SAf.i-Furnltuio : for 10 rooms , mid JU l.oiiso fur lent , iMt Dnvonnort ft. ( SO-iM * Tr ( lU KAl.i : Or Riilo , 1 top biirifybriuinow ( ; 1 phnotou top IniKKy nuil 1 pliutnriu sprlntr i , Imiulro nt HOSJIO'H MiibloBtoni , Ji.'jinlil Jruits.vr.K Snud unit jn'avol. 1'rniik J. Iviiv ' jiar , lisa South 11th bt , Ittifcbr ? ' TT'OIl weather strips , etorm sash nud doors , BO J3 to F , D. Mend SOUS. ICthsu 29J WAHTBD-rBMAliB HHLP. WAKTKU At once , nurvo ; irl Ironi'lS to 10 junrsoldto tulto i-aro of child l'J yenis o'd ; ( Jernuui preforroJ. 4'l ' ! Com vent Bt. Ci7 ! W.VNTKI ) uiri nbout 15 yonrs ol 1 us nurse nt S , 15. eor. 2Ut uud l.eu\cnuorth tta. Mis. M. F. Martin. UUi \\rANTI5O-Two first clns dlnlnijr room ( rlrls , )1 M Amorlcan jL'nfo. rnu unJ Howard. Ooti-ib * /VTTANTIJU A plrl lor fin oral housework nt > > 701 South 18th street. KU-ln * _ WANTIiU Good ichUorgenei nl housework. Musi bo irood uook. uermnu pioferiod. .Apply nt 1ISJ Jones bt. C77 \1 Agliito do house woik. S15 N. n ictust. _ AXTKIJ lJjtpurk'nc rToblsr wlth Tofb ? encos , for small fiuully. Apply SRU Hurt CUuct A good glvL 2311) ) pou las si. Jjf-18 ! , \\f ANTKI. ) Inlk s who cnn knit , crochet , or ' > ' ilo tinuydik , ( o miiki ! gnola Ior our tVadu ta thrfr humt'S In city 01 f ninir-j , & > to Sid itvcokly , cnslly ni.ulo ut > .iir Du-uas tioiids tout li ) umll , guni ] I'Jii. ' . silver or flumps , tor ffttmilomta iiottuga Hudson XI 'jj I'o..iiJi Otu WANTKD-nooi frltl * for smnll private famine * . OooJ wnjros. Ulrls for dining- room work , kitchen work , otc. Cft Omnli ( i Km- plormont = llnrniMi. llai 1'nrnam St. _ _ _ * ! ? \\TANTii ) oood KlrM for poncr.il houses > T work. Itoom 4Hnshnimi Illock , ICth nntl Itouslfis. 4S9 _ W"ANTii > ( Tl rl for central libusowork. liT qulro nt 107 South 14th Ft. 835 WAUT&O-2IAX.2 HELP. T\fANTio : A tnnlo or f rmilo cook. Address > > Plntt Vnlley House , I'latt Valley , Neb. 'Wit * \yANTin ; : A peed tinner Hint spcnksPwedp. P. C. Schrncdes , Hertrnnd.Nob. ( W1-S1 * " \\7ANTKli AROodtrninMorsoiioneqnnlntod with Iho streets. 3108. irth. CrtS for troop "C."ntli Cnv- airy , nt Fort Itnliln'on , Nob. ! quartern f ur- nlMiod nnd rnn bonrd with troop. Apply to Tom- mnndlnp Olllcor , Troop "C , " Bib Cnvnlry. ( UiTSS WAJf TKiCrfrst-clnos bolol rook lo lonvo fhoclty. Oood wntr-s and fnro pnld. In- qnlioroom 4 , llucliinnn Dlock. CJl-18 \\7 ANTfin inBr : rotlc mon fo loirTiou ohol < r nitlclos. I'rollts ( ilpc > ri1nr nnd upward. C. II. Whitman , 11S1 K St. Lincoln. 477 \1 TANTlin-ARcnts. 200 N. 10th st. arr A flrst-rln i fnlo mnn to ropro- . font a uull oslnbllslteil liouno to the druv trade , olthor exclusively or In connection with FOIIIO other lino. Address 1 * . O. Ilex 14SS. N. V. atv. ay BITUATIOIT WAJITED , Ti ANTKO SltKnltonhvyonnir hidy us hnu o- ' hcurtror chnrtro of clilldion , mm oC In- vnlld : niirslnif a specialty. Address M. ! > . , 1'ost- olllce. OrniihH. lUM' * _ LADIliS In want of t'ooil lrU can ho sup * piled liv rntllnjr nt the Omaha Kmplovmont Ilincnii.llCU rurimtu St. Telephone Mo. 4.V. . U. O. Hollo-lBlo & Co. 49t T\7"ANTKD OlrH wMilinr torirood pl.ioe In T prlvnto fiunlllos , hotels or boartllnir holt- 801. Inundilcs. otocim nlwnys flnd thorn hv callliurm the Omaha Kmploymont IJuroau , liai Fnrnnm St. 211 WANT3. \T'AXTK , lly nr t elms morchnnt , n fur- > nlslied honso ot from n to 0 rooms. Address CJ4 Iteo olljco. fi 0-10 WAN'THl ) Nowimpor location. A ( food plnnt for n tlrst class llopublirnn nmvs- p IC In n city of 2,030 to O.OJO. Ai1dio s .T. S. Carpenter , Hossvlllo , ICnn. CTO-IO WANTKIJ To rent n small lurnlshed hou o by n fnmlly of two. u Ithln wnlklnir ill tanro of the postolllcc. Address II. W. Ill North 13th St. * WANTUD To lot SOmllo of peed scrnpor woik : free trnnsportntlon. Inqnlro after Friday ntMoliopoltlnn hotel. S. H. aihmi. ) Immcdlutply TO tonmi , 'M sub- I'ontrnctois. Firotrnnsportutlon. Strniiff it Xowcomb , AicnJo Hotel. d-lS * WANTKIJ Too tioanlcH n HlHPoiith IMlTiHt. rostnurniit. First class nnd onlv S3.5) per mok. CJ3 20 * T\T-AXTID : loams , soas. iithBt. WANTin : Sulto of rooms nnd bonrd In priv ate family for man nnd wife. Aildro sR p. O. llox , 501. r > TiJ-lb * 'ANTllO To buy n oconrt-hnnd t\-pn- wrWcr. J. H. Hnvnoi & Co. . Omnhn. 051-SS ron UEUT-HOUSSS AITD tors. KKNT Sovornl houses of nil sizes. FOR Ilnllou Urns , al7 B. 13th st. COS--'l KKNT Hoii o of throe rooms nnd 2 loH FOR fil-to's ndd ; $10 per mouth ; inqulio No. 4 onjlno hou o COl-gl * Foil ISKNT Hoti-o , 3 rooms , collnr , Imid nnd f-oft wntor ; $10. Cor. IBth nnd 1'nclDo sts. * FOIt nnXT 3-room liouso , 2."ilO N. California St. P. J. Crccdon or room 15 , Omaha Nnt'l. Hank. 030-18 TTinil ItlINT Store room , 1 doors south of JU Fmnnm on 11 th St. , $ is. IIouso with nboutnn noroof Kround In 1'nrltor's udditlon , sultublofor ciirclemni ! : : ono block from red cnr line ; will loiv-o for ono year nt $15 per month. Ilmnlm & llrown , 311 Southlltli at. C-.l-30 Oil UKNT Cottnpo opposite Cnthollo churcli , on N. ISth street , four rooms , $13. G. C. lIobhluH13Fnrniim. 007 oh RUNT OK X.KASK 10-RCro jtardcn with 0-room housondjolnlnj ? city ; 80-ncro fnrm , 17 miles west of Omnhn : (1 business lots on St. Mnry's ave. Apply to E. B. Clmpmnn St Co. , 1U17 Howard st. SOU FOKKI3.VT Xowcottuo , U rooms , ou S. inth Bt. C. A. Ilnldwln. 301 _ FOU ItHNT House of 0 rooms , pnntry , closets etc. , Phil Shorldnn nnd Hull sts. , ? 20 per montli. T . T. 1'otort.on & Co. , lloom 3 , S. K. cor. 1.1th nnd Douulns sts. " ( U ' pioil inNT : Three- room honso , ath A : Dodge. nil Ill3NT ! Imise of 8 ronms2.'d nmri InT iioy St liuiulro of Mount & GrllUn 213 S llth 'Stroot ; _ _ Uti 70H JIIINT Thico nouses of 10 , 0 unit 4 F rooms ciiuh. J. 1'nlpps Itoe. 300D FF 71OK HUNT House holonslns to the cstato F of .ludfO ( Chudwick , bOJ TaiU nvonuo. W.J. Connoll. 30. _ rOH. EE1IT-KOOM3. TjlOIl HUNT Nicely furnlsliod rooms in liand- JU fomnnowcottnifofor fC , SO , $7 nnd $3 per month. Mo 4WIVnlnut st , 8 minutes walk south east of U. P. Jopot. CW _ rOK HUNT Furnished pnrlor to ( fontlomon. Apply after 0 p. in. 421 N. 17th St. UOII "T71OK KKNT 2 lurnlsliod rooms , cheap , 014 JJ North 17th St. lj5.Vlb * _ Oil Jtr.NT-Funilshcd rooms , 6'Jl N. IMh St. liiT-18 * _ Oil JtKNT-Furnishod room. 1117 Howard. 501-23 * > OU 11KNT Viirnlshcd rooms. 2203 Dodiro. F 231-20 * FOU itKNT rurnUuoil room. 1510 ITarnoy. . B'J7 _ _ ItKNT NIcelv furnlsho'l jooms , only IilOH 1 blocks trom lloy'dopornhouso. f > 97 s. joih tt. _ _ ; _ rM9 ' ) * TOU U15Xr lloom nnd board In prlvnto JlJ family for two Bontloinon. 14l5Joniu. _ _ KKNT Nlco room nnd boni-d for ( rou- FOIt . 1 10 DodKO. lower door. MU-ia * Foil IlKNT Nleely furnished lonins , with hoar , iras ami bath ; nl-o first-class tnhlo bnnid ; best of references given and ronnlrod. 1S11 o lffOht. _ _ BH _ T71OII HUNT Klosraut fiirnlshol rooms , with JL1 boaid , nil modern convcnlcncos , ntX > 872 _ _ INT-ltoora with bonrd. 1G13 Cnpttol nv jloiillUNT Inr o front room , modern Im- - . provomonts. AddrubS I'.O. box3Ja. 213 FOB BAI.H-IIOUOEa-I.OT3. WASHINGTON' llir.I.-Wehavoufow more ncro lota In this addition , ( 'oinn nt onc'o nnd sea tlioin. The boat Investment nt present oireuiu. Over ( lots sold blnco 1st of .In u'iry , WASiiiNnTONllll.l < IB the bDft.chorpM nml nonro-t nddltlon fur ticro property , See It nud compnio prlcoand locution. WASHINfiTON HIM. If yiu want till noio lot In this lenntlt'ully mtuatod nddltlon , cnll at once , Oiinnlnghain & llrenmm , 1511 Dodge. W AS 1 1 IMITON Ilir.l7-Acio lots , S'lTOs.SlOO a > h , bnlanco 1 , 2 and. I yuiirs. Cunning * hum Si lirunnan , isil Dcdgo , nir.i , nt' o most p \ n iilltlon for ucio piopcrty unit the tiest ! n- voslii o'lt. Cunnlnthiim & llrunuun , 1L11 Dodge. T7\OU [ SAI.i : Chenp lots In nil parts of the .13 city. Cunningham & Hi oininn , 1511 Dodgo. Foil SALIC Some bnrff'ilns In houses and lots. Cuiihiflmm & ihunnan , 1511 Dodiro. C8M8 SAM : i ot oasita , with Imuso 202 ? , ell , cl-lorn , fluids , etc. , on H t'Uoiy , bet. llth and luth tls. The only hiioit c'l.nnoctlnK1 river jnut of tun n with bOath.'Ui part. 1'uhllo school within two blocln ; , Hiowm II I lull ono blodc , pnvcinent on I'.tli ' tuU vl'iduul coniluir. ItUbcom. Atu bnrtfnlu iinlvW.lna ; liiiirc-iL-.ii , balnneu ou montnly pt.yninrlrtiiully uith. out Inti-rci-t. Inqulro of \ . U \ odiouii , iJeoutU 13th 6t. iW _ _ EHl SAI.i ; 10 acres , m lo and hnlf MOM of dilvinypaili , r-5'J. A. 1' . TuU > , la 11 V.\v- num. _ 071 roil KAi.li Cuttur conntv free el.ilm mud bouio.MDiul ndjol ihi" : nUIOMl Icblo Innd ; 40 neres tiiMUen ; jC ( ( T .o homt sioudr , line stock fiirm , no.ir Men iu. inn of tlir t.n l school seitlons In tounty , near lli-ol'oi How , ? . ' , ' ! ji. ( Dr. llruiiuor , Mi-rna e , 171011 SAI.I"Amblur viacr" loisTthu fastest J' bollinjr lou In the imnkut. ilallou Jlioe. , Sole.Ascuts , 817 8. 13th bt. CKKJ1 Foil SAI.r Ilnrtrnlns In houso-rnml loti nnd vnennt lots In nil pnrts of ton n. Cnll on ad dress Ilallou Ilros. , 317 S. 13th st. ' ' _ 171OK SAI.II rticnp. ono of thi > lie < t Improved J ? nnd finest located farms in Douglas county , Nob. , Bmllo * west of Omnhn court liouso. con- tnlnlnfr ino ncros with house , Mnhlo. wcllS , or- chnrd nnd pnsturo , etc. ; onu-hnlf cash , tmlnnco to suit purchaser. Tor further particulars nd- dress Oeo. Llndc , cnro Omaha BCD , Omahn , No- brn'kn. ( xa _ "I71O11 SAIjK AnclRnnnt rosldoncoon corner , JL1 llth st , . ? 4.7.Vl. This Un bur bnwiln. K.T. 1'ctcrpon. & Co. , Itoom 3. S. K. eor. 15th mid DoiiKlaa sts. Cll FniTHAI.K-Houf c nnd lot In KhTiin's mid , 1 block Irom si root cnr Hue , 91,0X1. IIouso nnd } 1 lot near 20th nnd Iznrd streets , $2.5(10. ( 125 feet , ciut front , on 13th street , ( buMnosl property ; . $10/i' fl. Corner lot on Knrnnm 6trcot,8SxlJ2 ! feet. f2fi 000 House 13 rooms , lot 30x1 10 , on sticct cnr Hue , ta.vw. Poo. P. Horn ! ' , li'th nml Douglns st , _ 021 Oil SAI.i : Ono ot tlio finest residences ou F f. IBth st. , lint Mory brlo'c , on corner , lanro lot , S'OJ. ( R T. rotor son & Co. , room 3. S. E . cor. I5tli nnd Douglas st OH _ TT > OlFsAli-Vnoant : lots-Ily Hlro & J ? 12K I'tiinnm. Corner lot , Dwltht& T.ymnn'smld. , SV10. 2 lots , ouo n corner , Divight & Lymnn's add. , Ixt In First West CuminsniM. . . ca h , $253. Lot In I/owo's 1st nild. , special , nt JTiO. Corner lot , IMaluvlnw ndd. , Uin elf Hnuiulcrs , fcm.rinlnvlow rinlnvlow lot , on 2Hil st , SVXJ. Viola in Thornhurfr I'lncc , special , 1.200 , 21its In 1'roMon & Williams' ' mill. . * 8.nno. Ixt In Klrst WestCiiimtiff , spcclnl , t l'u. 2 lots , ,1. 1. Itodlck'4 mill. , ft W. 3 lots In Hanscom I'lnco Virginia nvc. , each , 1'lno corner , II i\n scorn Piece , only $1,100. llnaiitlful lot , Hauscom Place , $1,375. 1/ot nnd n half , W. A. Hodick's ndd. , cnsli , $ so,1. Dlots , block 2 , Hmi'com I'lave , bunch , (3,500. , 100x100 , corner , llnnsoom I'lnce. f 3,000. Ileautiful lot In llurr Oak only S X ) . South and un t corner lot , Dcntso'ssdd. , $ S.V ) . Ilonutilutcornor lot , i : . \ ' . Smith's adj. , $1,700 , 2 fine Inside lots , K V. Smith's ndd , , each , I.VX ) . 3) ) lots , West Cumlnir odd. , $275 to ? i5rt , one- tenth down , hnlnnro IDIIJT tlmo. This addition lays Just south of Wnhiut Hill onCumlmriticct. Thu lots nro trohifr fnst nnd will soon bo sold out. No poor lots Iu the nddltlon. HlcoiVMooio. 122 Fnrnnm street. fl73 ) l HAM2 Two loU on corner In Shlnn'a F 2d. add. 1'rleo f 1,1 OJ for both. This is cheap- Lot on Sherman nvc. , ? 1HW. 'i ncrn with hou'o , In ( Use's ndd. , n very nice plneo. fpoclal prlco. Tineu south fronts In Pelham place , cheap , ou very easy terms. Lot in Prospect Plnce , $000. Houses and lots In nil directions. If you have nny barmilns list with us. Stock- dnlo & rtunchcr )511 ) Dodtru St0751S N'KWPOIIT Ncnrost , best ncro IoM , oloRnnt location , unsiirj.isieil view of the city , rcnchod over Invel roads no hills to climb ; easy terms of payment ; 8 per cent Interest ; price , ? JOi ) nn ncro. AMES , 15011 Knrnam. AMES PJ.ACI : Chcnpcst nnd nearest city lots for the money ; only 1200 to ? 'KJ ) per lot. llEtucK's ( liiovc Just touth ol Km mini st. , 14 block from 2 th and rnrnntn st. pchool house ; only $80J to $1,20) ) per lot on easy toims. AMF. ? , I50J Fnrnnm. NATiniAn GIIOWTII shade tioet on every lot in Itedlck'sOrovo : only2'j ' blocks iiom Park ave. cars. See HedlcK'sClrovo. niiiiniTON Splendid nero lots , $275 per lot ; inostdcdlrabfo nuio lotsnoxtto Konpoit , See this haudsonio propoity. JIur.no'-K HIM. Southwest of Hnnscom Pnrlc 10 mlmites walk Irom P.irk nvc. cars ; lots $ "M ] to § 350 on terms to suit buyer. Jlolroso Hill lots will sell for do-b i present pileesina year's time. Como nnd s.-o thlspiojiorly. AME4,1MJ ) Farnam. WHY I'AY Itr.NT when yoiic'iii buy n lot In Amos Plneo lor S.'OJ to $300 on such easy tcims ? Sco these lots. OAK CIIATIIVM This love tract of land luw not n poor lot In It. The llult i.lno depot has been located on tliHland I its sell for $ ( WO to $ SM ) on vorj' easy payments. Sco Onk Chut- hum. P.AiNVinw Choice lots still for sale In this popular addition nt tnlr jiricos , on easy pay ments. PUATT'S Bininivisiojr Aero lots southwest llnnscom Pnrli , very desirable ( rroilnd , selling ut ffiTii ) per lot. BARKU.OW Pi.cn Thc o lots nro the clioap- o t for sale on I.oncnworth st. Prloo $500 to $000 , on payments to suit.AMCi.lUX AMCi.lUX ) rarnnm St. CAT.II nml see for yourself the chances lor t.nfo Investment otfored. itomomhor , Oinnha's Browth Is solid and lasting. Property will con- timio to advance. Buy now nnd mtiko the Hd- vanco. Auus , 150'J Fnrnnm St. ' ' ' 445 KlMiVl'liAOi : Slots , the nnost In this nd dltlon. $2X ( ) ) cnsh ; must bo t-old in three dnys. 15. T. I'otorson i : Co. , Itoom 3 , 8. K. cor. 15th and Doug-las sts. VII ElVi : lots in Kllby Place mustbooold ntonce , t2f 0cash. E. T. Potoison 4 : Co. , Itoom 3 , S. K. Cor. 15th nnd Dou las sts. BU Foil SAT.i : Ileautiful a story brlo'.c dwelllncr house , lar o barn , on 8. Kith St. , $1,2.1. ) , Will iloublo in \ uluo In n o\t bl v months IM ward T. Petersen & Co. , Kooms 3 , S. IX Cor. 15th nnd Douslns st. ( ill pATTEHSON I'AKK is the lnto t , best and JL clioipost addition ; no ncro iiropeity near Omaha so ehoap us this 8175 to f.lV ) per acre. I'lrat lloor , Iron Hank lluildlngD. . C. Patter- son. 510 Foil SAT i : Finest rosulonco property on Lenvcnwoith St. . $7,5'J , Inwo corner lot. 15. T. Peterson & Co. , lloom 3 , S. II. cor. IDth nnd s. Oil TTNOll SALi : A llnoS-ncro tract on South 10th X' street , only a few blocks liom street car lino. liKjuIro at J aiiffo i : Foltlck,3l8 S. 13th st. 4btl PATTI5IISON' PARK Is the latest , host nml die post nddltlon ; no ncro property near Oinitln. o cheap as this $175 to $ Ti ( ) per ncro. First lloor , Iron lliuilc lluildhi 1) . C. Patter son. 510 I1OIISAr.K Must bn sold in tliroo ilays 5 o f the llnost lots In ICIlbr PliiCd. worth ut l ut FVjurorM10J ) ciwli. 13. T. Peterson tc Co. , llonm : ! , S. K. cor , 15th nnd Doughm ets. Cll T > .VTTiiisoN : ] > AKlC-3i ! miles from court JL house , $175 to $1"T per new ; small o ish pay- inont , balance i > niy Inrnis. Vint lloor , Iron Hank IHilldlns. D. C. Patterson. CI5 PATTJ5USON PAllK-3i ! miles from court honso , $175 to $111 per ncro ; miiall e.iah pay ment , bnlanco easy liirini. 1'irst lloor. Iron Hank HulIdiUL' . D. 0. Paltorson. 515 Foil SAI.I ! Two lots in Polham Place , 0110 block from streetcar truck , Inqulro2183 , 13th St root 5J5 EOll H.VLi : A Konornl inorciinndlso business in n inpldly Kro\vlni ; town not far from Lin coln. Heat trade and locution in town. A splen did opportunity for n party wlahlngr n K'ooil opcnlmr , nnd havlnar from seven to ton thousunJ dollai-Hln c.isli. Will gull for cash only , or part cnsh , bnlanco ronl Citato In Omaha. Addroj ? Merchmit , lloo Ollico. tU5 T71OII SAIi : At n iKiiKalti. Flno buslnosa J. property on H. Uth , Mil5'J ft. This can lie bought for $2OOJ less than actual vnluo If taken at unco. If you want an Inxoaimotit look at tills. Cochrau llro's & Co. . 15J3 Farnum tit. 815 FOU MAMC-lly Pnttor K Oonb. 1515 rnrniun ht. , 1 lot in West Dud and at $ JOO. S lota Iu SlilmraUdndd ut jra'oneli. A tuw cholco lots Iu Mmsli's nt $1,803 oneh , IxtiiSxiaionl3tli,3 blocks from pnvuucnt , oulyflMJO. I'lno aero In Oolso's ndd , f 1000. "of the cheapest lots hi I'liiluvlow , only $153 rnch , nt Foil Cltolco Unrolling in real oamtii , cnll nt the otllcoof thaOinnlinUunl Kstnto i > - Ix > an Co , , rooms ! nml 23 Withncll liulliliiij ; Omnhn. 7tW TTlOlthALi : AtoiVKOod lots 111 Hillside No , JL' onooii Davenport und Chlciiio sts. , ohonii at S7M to f.'SO ' onch. 1'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Fur. nnin st 7117 171OU SAT.IJ CUolcoS or 10 IUTO tniets , 1 miles J- southwest fromeourt house , 1'4 miles from junction of U. 1 * . Ity. ami Holt Mno , niU 1 mlle from atook Ynrds. I.les well ; all under cultiva tion. Cun bo bought for ? 173 nnd (201 per acre , If sold soon. CnoHiioat property iu vicinity. I'ottmCobb , 1515 Fnrnnui st. TJ5 pvOYOUwnutftlota In Kllby Plneo at S-.COO iJ onsh ? If so , call on II. T. Peterson & Co. , Room 3 , S. i : . cor. 15th nnd Douglas bis. Cll FOUS.Vr.E A two story , 2.'r3) , frame build Injj , suitable for a store , na r Utu aai Far- naiuSts. Apply at thli otllaa. VI7 17 < Oll SAI.K An elegant house , jrood harn , 1 IW ft boulh front corner lot , house rents tor * 25 per nioulli , fjb00.V. . II. Gruoii , ever 1st National Hank. IJj T AND SIIKIKS : : , ATruxTio.v-For ruu J-J p'lrtlculara ' about free nnd clioap lundj la Western Nobrasku uddro-i-i TIKH. 0. Pattaraon , Heal EsttttoAwonU North I'latto Neb. 31 f JUJII L'ALE Au closfaiit rosldeaco , with laruo J' lot , 21st , near l.ruvi'jmiuili , t'ii > t front , f5.MO. If bold soon , i : T. Pvtoi-oii& Co. , Itoum a , 8. li. cor. 15th i mid Dou lii t's. ' till Folc C'hoteo HariialiU m rcul o tatnc.ul at the alllco of the Omaha Iti-al i-wio : i ; Loan Co. , rooms 'fiuud 23. \ \ ithueil Uulldrii Oaiuha. 7U6 -irion s.VM-ny : cffc' * Moore , 123 rnrnam J.1 street , -l - tl 1 mprovnl residence nnd business property. An elepnnt Insldo residence propoitysix 8 story hrlck lints , spoelnlt tJ'uOi > , I'lno ImpruMHl huslncs * propertv , Sf , Mnry's Ave. , rout * for Sifts po'r month , $8,000. rino business corner oivlSth St. , rents for $75 per month , f.ririU ( 0 Mno mixlorn rosldnncc , Pnrk Avo. < Ilniiscom Place , $4,000 ; $500 Oow.n 1ml on lonsr time. Vine modern Broom residence , Knthcrlnost. , Uuisoom I'lnco , linrpnln , $4.200. I'lno 13 room modern residence , largo slzo lot , K. V. Smith's nd < lf , J.qoo. Modern 7 room rcsljonco , K. V. Smith's ndd , $1,000. 2 lots. 2 houses , UtH < t.'f5jOOO. Flnohomo , plenty i > f frpft , Rood Improvements , Chnrlo < i8t.t,6eKVI c J2 feet , with house fronting on Sninulors nnd 2-ldst. , $ ! , ttJ. * rt 21ot < . ono a corner , with 7 room now house , Ijood bnln , Pnrkor's ndd. , $3fXX ) . rinoiiropurty on Blunders just olt CumliiRSt. , 42\lft ) , frontinirtnostroutj , that will pay to Im estimate , nt $3,5X1. flcmitlful lot , modern house , Shull's d ndd , bnr- imln , nt3.nw. JlcCnndllsh Place , fi room honso and lot , or will trndofor vnennt lots , $2H03. MH loot on rnrnam t. . w Ith house , $ .1,501. Houro and lot , Heed's 1st ndd , Cnnltol Hill , or wilt tnulo for ncro pioport } ' , fl.ro ) . 3 lota , ono n corner , tog-ether with 4 roomlion o , nowbirn.KooiI well , loontca In Wnlnut Hill ndil , f 1,75'l. ' House i.nd lot , Pnrker's nJd , S1.WO. " " " $2KW. : House nnd lot Hnnscom Plneo. $1,700. Flnojmprovod reildonco profofty Kount7o add , fifomn house nnd lot , HodfOM ndd , $3,000. Hou < o nnd lot.Koum c > VIutirs ( ndd , $1.6)0. 2 IIUKO lots , ! l new houses , 15. V. Smith's ndd , luirirnln'iJ > 00. Cull nnd invest Igato. Itlce & Moore , 1222 Fnr- nnm. fl't EDWA56D KUEHIi , MAGISTKIl OP PAIjMYSTKHY AND CONDI- T.IONALI8T , 803 Touth Street , between Fnrimm nnd Harnoy , will , with tbo aid of punrJInn spirits , obtain for any ono n Klnuco In the pitst nnd present , nnd of certain conditions In the future. Boots nnd shoos nmdo to ordor. Perfect sntisfnctloniruardnlooj. TWO ACHE LOTS FOE SALE. S. S. VAN SEUREN. 10G-108 S. Mill St. GassStlBt32dfi33d$950QO , ] ( SOUTH FRONT ) S. S. Van tteurou , 100 S. Utli. Cass & 32(1 ( Sts , $425 to $650 5Sx14O S. S. Van Eouron , 106 S. 1-ilh. BEST BARGAINS IN TJ EAL 'SSTATfi i CUNNINGHAM , & SHEWN AN , U- | CF TIK | Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. should rend the l'iiAUY ! ISSUKof the Insurance Monitor Just Out. Adilrcss C/C. HINR , PnblMio ShiKlo Copies 21 cts. U" llroadwny , N.V. City FRUITS artf FLOWERS These doolrlnur to put ou" ( Fruit or Ornmncn- tnl Trees , Shrubs , Plants nnd Vines , will Unit It Krontl to their Intorc-t to consult tt. L. Dmory , by letu or In person , in rujftml to Kind , quality nnd pnco , boloioorilurlntfof nny ono. Unloid sliould bu Kheii curly , ( jllico 1JJO Hnrnoy St. , resldunco , OU Farnum St. E. L. EMERY. Ordinance Ho. 089. AN Ordlnnnco ordcrlnir the pavhiff of thnt pnrt of the sovcinl streets , in the city of Omaha , respectively. In I'nvlnir Districts 5To > . 35 , 4I ( , 41 , ! , Ill , m , 81 , 02 , K ) , 51 , 55 , GO. W , 6B , 5'J nnd U I , and nllowlu thirty ilnys to the own- ois of the lots nnd real e tuto In biitd districts , respectively , to determine upon nnd designate thu matorinl to bo u-od lor imrlnir. Ko It ordained by the city council of the city of Onmhn : Section 1. Tlmt thnt part of the sivcrnl streets In the several ] > aviiiK districts heroin named bo and the bnniomo herohy rcvpec'tlvoly oidcrcd piivt'd , the mid parts of said streets bu- Imrns follow ) , to-wlt : Thnt p.ut of SKtconth stioct nnd of Shcrninn nvpnuoln I'livinir ' District N'o. " , ' > ; flint part ol Jiiclcson street in I'uvliu DMrlrt No. 43 ; thnt pait ot Touthstiuut in 1'nviiiK District No. 14 ; that pnrtol I'nrnnui street in l'n\ln District No. 4hj thn * part of IjO.iviinworth ttroet In I'm- District No. 4U ; that paitol Fourteenth stiuot In rnxlni ; District No.S ) ; that pint of Si.xtfcnth stteetin I'nvlnjr District No. fil ; thnt rnrt of Klovonth strrot In I'nvlnir Dhtrlct No. fij ; thnt pnvtof Tweltth street in Piivlnir District No. Bl ; that pmtofJonos street hi I'mliuf DIstrlctNo. Cl ; thnt purl of ( "npllnl urcnno In 1'iivlnir Dlf- trlctNo. ffi ; that put t of Snundors sticct In I'nv lnir Dlstiict No. M : that pint of Tahtconth street In I'uvln ? District No 07 ; flint pint oC Tncntlolh strcot In I'nvlnsr Dlstilct No. 5H ; that pintof Cunilnif stirnt In 1'avlny DHtrlot No. fa ; thatiiartoCDavcnpJit street In 1'nUn ? DIslilcl No. U ) . Poctlon C. Thnt nny person , oompnny , cor- pouttion or ii&soclntlniionnliii ; any htreet r.ill- way vithhi nny of thu said p.ivlnjrill-trletsbo loqnliod topnvo botni.cnthu ralisof nnyrnll- wny track OIVIHM ! by any such company , asso ciation , coiporntlon or pcr-on , nt their own cost , such pivlnff to bo ilouo at the sninotlmo nml to ho IH' the Miuio mnto'lal and thurnctrr us thopnvliiK'tohoiUmo In the district Invhleh Iliosuino Issltimled , iinlosstho bonrd of niibllo works shall othorwls i specially oilier , ns by Jaw roiinlicd , nnd In the inont ot iho noirlect or ic- fiiMil of any sucli pnrtlos so to do snlil pnvlirr between thorallsot nny biich railway Is hoioiiy ordered done tliohamo an the remainder of the pa\lnjr required In the district where such rail- \ \ ny U l.Uil. Hcctlon il. Thnt30 days next nftor the passajro nnd npprcv.il of thlsnidliimico ho nndheiohy is nlloivou to the owners of ml the inal cstnto In each of salI , pnvlm ; districts to doshrnatotho mnterlnl ilnsliod to bo used for such pnUnir , nnd to notify thnrltr counc 1 thereof , it havlnjr boon mil h io'y W'lnir ili'tonnlned by the inni or nnd city council f said city , for I-IMISOIIS which npiioiirrl ht and proper that allthuioiil estate within ouch ot tald puvln districts , IP- sjieclively , blnill bo clmr oil mid iiesosseil with the cost of p'lvlnjr thuiclp , to bo hoicultor ilo- toimlnoduiidfSlntilUliod , ncojidhi ) , ' to the bcn- eCtlfotho uropeity In I'nuh of said districts , i csni oil voly , by reason of paid p.ivliifr. Bcetlon 4. Thnt fids tmiimmco tnko clfcct and bo in force from and alter its passage. 1'nssod Fubrunry Uth ( ltit. Jwo. 11. FIIIIAV , I'rosldonl City Council , I'ro Tern. J. U. SOUTIIAIID. nty L'lurk. Appiovud Fobninry IBtli. IM1. * JAJir.s K. llovn , Mnyor. DlsBoltitlou Hotlce. The pnrtncrhhlp Itcriilofoio oiUtuifr between , J. 11. < ! HHOM , 1) . It , Aichor'nnd ' 13 , Ajlcsu-oilli , undi'rtlio tlrm 11.11110 of filbsou. Arclu.r & Co. U tlilsdnydUfioUo'l by mutual oonsuiit , J , II ( ilbsnn retiring from , snld' firm , D , It , Aichcr nnd II. Ajldswinth rontlnniiiKtho liiiblnosti.iiuy- JiiK nil out tundinjr ! dvlits upd eolluctlii ? nil bills due tlioltito Him , , . > - - AHCHIK&CO. : HfAVWjswo.mr. Notice U hereby K ! veil niy jiutions.rrlouiU nnd thu public , that 1 will ttll | bo found nt flip bume olllcu , Wlthiicll block.wlieri ) I > \ ill etlll coiitlnuu the rcnlestiile , loun nnd Insinniuu biHluu . 'I'lio-oili'sliiiiK-ffBiHii" " bii ahis In mill o-lulo , city or fiirm iioj | > i'ity will do ull to eco mu bu ioio pin cil.isinif blc. Voiytiuly , _ J. II. ( JIlSON' ) , Orituance o. 000. AN Ordliinucu oiUuriiiK thuirrudliiir of Duven- poit btrect Iixiu Hi ill stioct to 2./id / ttrtiot to tlio < fcUblMiod KP"I - Ho if ordulnud by tlio city council of the city of Oimiuii ; tjootiou 1. Tlio BrndiiiK of Duvonport street between JOth nnd nd Miuoib beintf ileemud neeoafiiry , it Uhotcby onleiud ilmt such work bu dene , and that the board of publlo works fnko the iiocessnry steps to cause tnld etiett to buroinudrd. Station 2. This ordinance .slinll tnko elfoct milllio , in furco from nnd iiltur Its pass.iifo. 1'usiud I'uUruury Vth , 18S1JOHN JOHN 11.1'niAv , Presidint f lly 1'ouneil , Pro. Tom. J. II. SniVriMini , I'lty Clerk. Appro\cdFebrmto' Jtltli , IBsO ' I1J C. tloU , Mnyor. THE HISTORY OF A VENDETTA. How Pour Families llnvo llccn Al most Kxtcriiilimtcd , A St. Louis imor : of February 12lh snys : The recent arrest of Tom Hussell in Cnrbonunloi Jnckson conntv , 111. , 1ms revived interest in the went bloody von- dottti over foiiuht In this country , which resulted hi tbo almost ooinpk'to exter mination of four powerful families. Kussoll is now hold on two indictments for murder in the first degree , which have boon pending for ton years. Among the prominent families of farmers Hvinir in the western portion of Williamson comity , 111. , in 187U , wore the Rnssi'lls , HulllnoM , Hendersons , Cranes find Sisnoys. There wore suvurnl grown sons and daughters in caeh family , and trouble between two of these started the fend. Election duy in 187:5 : the two families had a pitched battle nt Crane- ville , in which two Dnllinurs nnd ono Kuosoll wure wounded , Then the friends of the combatants espoused their cause. until a half-dozen families were Involved on each side. In December , 187fl. "old man" ( toorgo Hulliner was shot from nmbmh and killed while on his way to ( Jarbondale , Ho died nailing on his bovs to avenge his death. Jn Mnrch , 1871 , while David Uullinor , ono of the boys , was reluming from churcli with a woman in a buggy , ho w.as shot from a hedge and killed , and his companion dangerousl v wounded. The families were opposed in this wise : The Kitssoils , Sisneys , Detmores and Hendersons ngainst the Ballmers , Hinchclinbs nml Undds. The score at this point stood two to nothing in favor of the Hnssolls. The night of the loth of May , while Joseph Henderson was s > tand- ing on his own doorstops , he was shot and killed and ti man named Jacob Del more wounded. Two days later Detmoro was ambushed and killed thus tioing the score. On October 21 Dr. Vincent Hinchcliftb was shot from behind - hind and killed. One month later Levidits Kudd received a load of buck shot in the side. In January , 1874 , (5. \V. Sisney was shot , but recovered ; August 0 ho was shot w'th ' a rille , but agnin recovered ; December 1' ' , 18M , lie was at home , surrounded bhh cigltt children and a neighbor named , ) ami's Hineman , when the glass in the window was broken by a bullet and Sisuoy fell mortally wounded. Two weeks later John Russell was killed on the streets of Marion , and the year 187(5 opened with the Hitlliner.s one ahead. The sliorin" ap plied to Governor Ilovoridgo for aid to btop the vendetta. Warrants were sworn out against a number of the members of all the lamilies concerned John IJuliiner was bent up for life. Two of the Hen dersons , and one eaeli of the Cook , Coylo and Crane families were sent to Joliet for long terms. Another of the Cranes was hanged. Tom Hus.sell escaped , but returned a short time ago and was arrest ed. Nearly all the witnesses against him are dead. Two graveyards were started in the vicinity as a result of the feud. What the Georgia Uloodhoniul can Do , To begin with , the Georgia bloodhound docs not quarry his game , unless it is a rabbit a small rabbitt. lie is neither fierce nor powerful. A boy can hold a pack oil' with a cornstalk , lint for trail ing a fugitive for hugging him close as his shadow or for Hying along his track when the even grass has forgotten its im press , and the wind has powdered it ever with dust , lie is as relentless as death it self. Let mo tell yon what ho can do , and ho can be made to do this any fair day at Oldtown camp. A convict sleeping in one bunk of a hundred. shod and clad precisely as the hundred convicts about him , may .slip Ins chain and lice. Ten miles away he may moot his frillowvprisonor- ) again , may run to and fro among them , may walk with them a mile and leave them. Six hours after , these hounds put on his track where ho slipucd from the camp , will follow him to v/hero he met his gang , will thread his track in and about with their hundreds of tracks , take it up whore lie leaves them and rim him down , though he cross convict gangs every mile he runs. This escaping convict , clad in stripes cut from the same bolt with u hundred others , may run through the woods , touching weeds and bushes as lie runs. Fifty convicts , clad as ho was clad , may run through the same woods in every direc tion. The dogs will hold his scent run ning full tilt , breast high. If ho makes a curve ot forty-live degree the dogs will not run the line , put will catch his scent thirty yards away and eross the angle , though it were idled with the convicts who had eaten and slept with the fugi tive. Often a dog will carry a scent to gallop , running parallel thirty yards to the windward. An uncanny and terrible little bca t is the red-bone hound , trained for the hunting of man. A. W. TompkinsM. D. , 177 Clinton Place , New York , writes June 3 , 1833 : "In many of those insidious Diseases of the Urain and Spinal Cord , where local stimulation must bo obtained , and where linimunU , blisters and various applica tions fail , marked relief from pain can bo obtained , and the patient greatly benelittod , by placing strips of Allcock's Porous Plasters over the spinal cord , from base of brain to end of spine. In all cases of spinal irritation , weakness or nervous proitration , J recommend All- cock's Porous Plasters. " At Mount Pleasant , in tlio potlorios in StallbnlHliiro , Kngland , is lo bu found a child whoao extraordinary growth excites great wonder. Little Alice , as Mio is hu morously called , is but -1 years of ago , yet turns tlio scale at l.V ) pounds , tlio cir- oiimfurnnco of her waist buing no less than 5 feet , while her height is 4 feet , so Hint literally she is broader than slin is long. She is bright , intelligent , and ro- mnrkably pretty , liorlioadbohui crowned with a mass of golden hair. Her uppo- tito is enormous , How Palo You Avol is frequently the oxeltiuwtion of ono lady to another. The fact is not n pleasant ono to have mention , but still the not may bo a kindly ono , for itsot.s the one ad dressed to thinking , apprises her of the fact that is not in good healfli , and lends her to seek a reason therefor. Pallor is almost always attendant upon thu first stages of consumption. The system is ontcubled , and tlio blood is impoverished. Dr. Piorco'ri "Golden Medlcul Discovery" will act as a Ionic upon the system , will enrich the impoverished blood and re store roses to the cheek. In a lecture on the microscopu Mr. John Mayall said that historians woio al most unanimous in asserting the irrcat antiquity of the instrument , but ho thought the claim would have to bo abandoned. After carefully reviewing the evidence ho found that "it was cer tain that the invention of the microscope was not anterior to Iho latter part of tlio sixteenth century. " The lecturer exhib ited over 200 microscopes of various forms. The pain and misery suffered by thoao who are ulllieied with dyspepsia are In- describablo. The distress of Iho body is" oqitullodor snrptissud by the confusion and tortures of tlui mind , thus making its victims suffur double ullliction. The relief - lief tliut is given by Hood's Sar uparilla has caused thousands to li ) Ihanklul ior this great medicine. It dispuU the caus es ot dy pen iu , and tones up thu diges tive organs. Try Hood's .Sursaparillu. Dr. Hamillou \ \ arrcn , Kfl"f" ' > clan and Burgeon , 70J M l' > t , near Webster. D-iy .w I U " - ' ' promptly attended to THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat and Provisions Featureless , Without Any Ohango of Noto. GOOD SPURT OF LIFE IN CORN. lnjf HcpoHs of Export Inquiry for \Vlicnt Fine Knt Citttlu Com- mainline Hotter Figures General Kcporta , CHICAGO tUtODUCE at A It K 1ST. CincAoo. Fob. 18. ( Special Telegram. ] WHIJAT Cables were conflicting to-ilny. The bull houses and bear house * nllko found comfort In ( lie lntolllKciico they receUed from abroad inl.Ulng to that nil Important question , the prlco of wheat , present nnd ltrosiectl\u ) Locally the wheat market to day may bo described as dull and fit in. Flue- tuaUoii8lnpileosciowltlhnnrnni.'oofJ coii the moinlug session , The principal element of strength was the clearing of about iiOO , 003 bushels of wheat from Atlantic poits and appaiontly lollnblb reports that more was golntfout to-morrow. Crop dnmauo news was conillctlng and not sufilclcutly decl-dvo to constitute a factor In the market either way. Private warehouses weio the heaviest sellers , but the ciowd took the wheat that was offered for sale. The closing at 1 o'clock and the oponin ? weio very close together. Coiix Coin started upward with a insli , 1 We being bid for May not ; very long after Iho opening , which was Jfo under that flcture , but Haxtcr , Dllss and a few other fighting professionals got on top and hammered the mailct. Fleming & Hoyden and Counsel- man \vero the main supporters of the market , being steady and largo buyers on the de cline that followed the raiding. The close was atll @llKc for May. OATS Oats \\ere steady with a good ship ping Inquiry leportcd. Piiovisioxs-Piovlslons were dull and featureless to-day , and prices shifted veiy little one way or another. The tone was rather mm , however , and the closlne was at the top. ArinitNoox BoAim Wheat wns some what o.isler on the atternoon boaid , sellers being the most aggressive. The market only sold down } e , however. The cm rent of out side news continued bullish. No change in the other commodities. 2-lo : p. in. Pats on liny wheat , calls , _ . Chandler , IJrown Co.'s Uoport. Tim following rcpoit of Chicago's specula tive iiiaikels is furnished the Uin : byV. \ . C. Peck , Omaha representative of Chandler , Urown it Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee : Xo now features were developed on 'Cliango this moining. Cables quoted the English maikets steady. Consols were c higher. The amount of uheat on passage lnciea ed 10,003 bushels. Wheat opened stiong with fair buying orders , and the local eiowd were rather inclined to tmn to the bull side. Nothing was taken for export. May opened at Slifc , sold at JKigSj Vc , i eacted to S4 % , clos ing at S-lJj'c at 1 p. in. Xraily all the trading was done bctw con 84@S. > e. Corn was easy. Nine loads weio taken for expoi t. May sold at HJtfc early , but finally closed atIt e asked. Oats ueio ( it m nt yesterday's prices. Provisions were dull and lifeless. 20 : ! ! 1) ) . m. Wheat cased off M@l c , closi n ? alSI'icbid for May. Corn and oats weie steady. Poik firmed a little just before the closing , but finally closed the same as at 1 ) > . in. The following are the opening and closing pilces for the day : CHICAGO , Kcb. IB. fSjioclnl Telegram. ] CArrr.u In iliufalc.ittlu innikut thciowas a better fccllnt ; to-ilay after llio buyers K"t to Pther , anil It was learned that there was not to lie mi ovci whelming Hood. Early in the niornlni ; receipts wuio over estimated and tbo market was Blow to open , many dcalcis untlclp.itlin ; a fmtlior down ward movumcnl In pilces us a itisiilt ot the con tinued heavy receipts. O.rorlnvs weio llnhter than on yesterday , and olfoiiii.i ( of good use ful cattle were fairly equal to the demand. Buyers paid the prices reluctantly , and on interior half fat and lean kinds It w.v ; dUllcull to get hteady piicoi ; but us a rulu tlio lutes were about the same as yesterday. Shipping .steers , IWiOtoViOOllH , SU02V75 ; I'JOO to 1WO ibs , v'0 ; w to i > ° 'J li's , si.-o : < ? ' ) .75. h TliomaiUcl was nut ho and prices a am a stion ; ; 5o lilgliur on all boils. Tlimo \\as uioru of n duiiiaud for Ili lil borts for shipment than for any day this week , nnd that sort nmdo moiu of an advanc"'lian the medium or heavy , JJe t heavy hold nt § 1.10 © 1.50 , and packlng'n soils at Sl,20rt ? > i.in. I'acklng and shlpplii ! , ' , 3.VJ to-100 Ibs , S1.20 ® KINANOIA.I * Now York. Feb. 18. itorfKv On call easy at4l \ < ifl per eont. I'niMijMiJitcAXiii.KPAi'r.ii IQ" per cent. STIIIMNO : KXOIIANOK Dull hut linn ; gl.bT'j ' forhlxty days , ana Sl.bti > f fordeiunml. ( lovi.itxJir.XT.s Dull but steady. SIOOKH htocku fihnwi'il decided weakness at the ojiuiiinif , with declines of ) to overt per cent , owlnic to tlio trouble nmoin ; thu Tianseontlnentnl lines. JJaily ( lading was accompanied hy a fiutliurdeelfnn of fraction- ul amounts , oxwnt In 1'acllio Mall , but tills was scon checked nnd business , which had been decidedly ncllve , became 'inoro nnlet with prices .steady to linn , a condition wlilch continued until ncaily 1 o'clock. A heavy tone luuvniled later until dining thu last liour , when sumo weakness was dovcloped , In which coal btockh weio the most ixoiulnent , Ihediop In Lacknwunna niuotinliiii ; to' ' per cent. All thonctlvohtocks yielded inoioor less , nlthoiiKh the dfcllnes In inuit cases wore only fractional. I'lu-io wnb a icnctlon In sonm CHS S In the llnnl dcallm ; * , anil tlio inaikPt cliiiod iiieitularbiit deciucdly fyvcilah Jor most ol Iho urtho blocks. STOCKS ON W.U.I. BTItKKT. accent bonds. . , lOO'fO.&A.W . . . . . . Up U.S. . ll.J' ' iiii'funea. . . Now 4's 1S.V/N. V. 0 I'aclllofi'sof "J 'J'ran. . Central I'.iclllo 41 ll'acilioilall ' 1)1 ) 1' . , D. itK. . . . . 'prefoireil. . JM1 Ij'.l'.O O.n. itQ. . . Hock Islilllil. . D. , L. A\Y . . . St. J < . &H. K. . D.VfcJt. O piefonod. Hriu. , Vil Illinois Ontr.il. . jkS7 : St , V. , 40 S7 proturre : ! . I'.U'llll- ' ' " ' l.ake.S'ioio ' , , . . Wj5iT"niiiVl'.iuiHo. . . f'i1 ' j , . tV ; rf 41V. , . . . t. \i. \ M 1' . 10 JIleli.tVutr.il. . . . 71 I im'tvijvil . . 1'J Mo. I'ju-iiie lou > , \Vtsti-uil men , .1 I'uu. . . Jij i ( ) . Jl.N.M. . . . US I'HODUOU. Clilunno , Feb. 13. Flour Dull nnd unchanged j winter wlu-at Hour , t'4-10 4.S1. southern , Sl.00 4.0.- ) ; Wisconsin , SV.W @ < . * 5 ; Mlcliltcan soil sprliiR wheat , 8X70C < 4 4.00 ; Minnesota b.ikcrs' , S3.50citl.oo : pal cuts , t.ViM ( oo ; rye flour , S3.30ii.r ( : > o In Imrrels , S3.10n.40 In sacks ; bucKwlieat Hour , $4.00 1.60 per bauol ; S2oo per cwt. In sack's. Wheat Dull : ruled flun nnd quite slendy dining most of the session , nthniirliig < Vo above yesterday nnd closing nbout the snmo nsyestcnlay : 7iil40.si o lor cash ; 7fl > 4C for l-'plininry : wltfc for .Mnrch : St. ic for May. Corn Opened frtrnni ; , but cloM'd SQfUc under vostorday ; rsj lor cash : JttK'Mso for Kcbrumy ; 8So for Maich ; llVfiU'io for Mny. O.its linuccd hlehcr early , Inter roaolod ; EO'sc for cnsh , Kcbiimry nnd March ! tt-yfiiO S3c for May. Uyc Steady nt Wo. llnilcy JXtllatGOc. Whisky S1.10. 1'ork Advanced 5fii7J ( < c nnd closed stcaily nt mediuin tlgincs ; Sll.00vjn.05 for cash ; Sll.ttJUSM.O- Kcbinary nnd March ; I.anl Steady nnd about for rash. February and March ; for Miiy. Bulk Mcats-tShotililcr * , S3.0.-M1.00 ; shoit clear , S.-.SO < ( ? ' ' . ! M : shot ! ribs , S5.W. Timothy Steady ; prime , 8I.UI. Klavseed Unchniigod nt SI. IS. Hullrr Unchanged ; uood to fnney cream ery. 2ivc : : : irood to cholco , is 'lp. Checsp Kiill cream Cheddars , ' 8 > ® tOc ; llat.s , I0@llc ; skims , nwotfp. JCgcs ( lood demand at I2it22c. ( llidtM Unnlmnm'd ; pait cured , S8lc ; preen , t < c ; heavy green .salted , 8fe ; light do , : bull liltlfs. nWo ; dry salted , I'J diy Hint , lil' Hc ; calf skins. ! 0iJc. : 1'allow Dnchanired ; No. t country , No. S country , 4c ; cake. fie. KerolnU. Shipments. Flour , bbh 10.00) l'J,00 ( ) Wheat.hu i-'O.OOO lfi.000 Corn , mi 170.000 178,000 OnKbu 10J.OOO 148,000 Uje.bu -1,1)00 ) 4.000 Barley , bu Jtt.OOO 'i'l.OOO Now York , Feb. -Wheat Modeiatoly active ; options opened higher , later bccniuo easier , closing weak : receipt * . (3,000 ( : cxpoits , r > 7ooO ; Xo. ! i led , We f o b , Wo nnoat ; .March closing nt Uljffc. Coin Knslcr ; receipts , 05OM , ; e\potts 1SO.OOO ; nngrnded , 47@50 } c ; Xo. 8. 4g 43J e ; No. a , K ! i@5lo in elevator ; March Oats Quiet : receipts , 152,000 ; oxpotts , BOO ; mixed western , 37@o'Jc ' ; white western , CUa 45c. 45c.I'clrolcum I'clrolcum Firm ; united closed at S0) ) c. Kggs Higher nnd llriu ; iccelpts , 000 packages ; westcin , " \\jSfir \ \ a. Pork Quiet but very steady ; mess , S10.M ) © lO.'iijforold. ' Laid Dull ; western fitcam spot , 50.33 ® O.i7j : < f ; Mulch. 8ti.3-iiO.3. ( : ! Butter Dull and weak ; western , ISQfl-lc ; Klgin creamery , "MC , Cheese Quiet but steady. St. liimiH. Fob. 18. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 led. cash , Die ; May , ! % c. Coin Higher ; Xo. 'J mixed , cash , 30J/e ; May , a72 < r. Oats Finn ; No. 2 mixed , cash , Jive .We. Whlskv S1.10. 1'nrk Jllehcrat SI 1.2" . J.aiil Finn nt SWO S-PS. JJutter In l.ilr doinaud and firm ; cream ery , U4@0c : ! ; dairy , l O'-Mc. APTII.VIH.V : : llo.MiD Wheat Easy and a shade lower. Corn Kasv and ' © , ' 40 lower. Oats Kasy nnd a hhado lower. Mllwaukeo , Seb. 18. Wheat Quiet ; cash , 81c : Mav , S-IJfe ; June , S5 c. Coin Steaily ; No. 3 , yc , O.Us-iJOc. Jye-.Wc. ! Jlarloy Qnlet ; No. 2 , 5ltfc. 1'iovisloiis Hiijlier : mess poik , cash and Maich , § 11.00 ; May , 81U7K- Mlnneniioiis , jeb. 18. Wheat Sample lots In good demand ; luluics neglected ; No. 1 haul , cash , 87e ; March , b7) e : April , bii' ' c ; May'J198'c : No. l , noithuru , casli.SlXc ; March , S-Jc : April , Sic ; May. SOc. Flour weak ; patents , g4.75@l.l)0 ) ; bakcis' , S3.bOdi3.S3. UecelpU AVhoat , 83,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 10,000 bu ; Hour , 15,000 bbls. Cincinnati , Feb. IS. Wheat Quiet and uncliatiKeil ; Xo. 'J red , 0H c. Corn Steady ; Xo. ! ) mixed , 3'c. Oats Stronger ; Xo. : J mixed , : WKe. ll'iO ' Unchanged ; Xo. 'J. 04aCic. ( IJ.nley Unchangeil ; cxtia No. 3 sining , OCfiW'c. J'oik Dull and unchanged at S11.23. J.aul Dull and unchanged at SO.OO. Whisky Steady at S1.1U. Toledo , Feb. 18. Wheat Steady ; cash , Corn Steady ; caMi. 40c. Oats Quiet but in in ; cash. S2J < fc. Iilvorpool , Feb. 18. Wheat OiTorcd mod erately ; new Xo 3 whiter , 7s J < fd , steady ; spiiug , 8s Kd , steady. Flour Otleral freely at 8s , dull. Coin Olleied moderately ; spot and Feb ruary , 4s OJ , linn ; Muich and April , 4s 'J ) d , linn. ICjuisns City , Feb. 18. Wheat Higher ; cash 7-Jc bill , 7Ic asked ; Maieh , 12c bid , 74c asked ; May. TS fc. Coin Quiet ; cash , 20 > tfc ; Match , 29J c ; May , JJl Tc bid , 82c asked. Oats-March , 27fo ( bid. NcwOrltiuiH. Pcb. 18. Coin 470ISc. Oats Oulctat40c. Com fi-iil Steady al 52.IS. Hog 1'iodiict.s Uiisuttlcd and generally lower. J'ork-SU.BO. 1/aril S5.00. Hulk Meats Shoulders , 53.5 % ; long clear , 55.5'J ' ; clear ribs. 55.00 , IUVK HTOOIC. o , Feb. IS. The Diovers' Journal repoils : -I-1 Cattle Kccclpts. 7,000 ; Meudlor nnd a sliiidu htroiinor ; hlilpjiIiiB htccrs , gi.CO.ri,75 ; ; i btockcirt nnd lenders , S2.K ! ) ( . ' 10 ; cow. , bulls and mixed , S1.75QI.OO ; bulk , S3.00@ii.10. llofjs Iti-celjits , 17,000 ; Mioug and fie liiL'lier ; roiifjli and mixed , SJ.ti' : > @U5 ; pack- Ink' nnd shlppinz. S''JO4.5 % ; light , § 6.70Q 4.15 ; skips , . ! ) @ % ( . Sheep Kccclpts. 5,000 : niedlum crado a simile lower ; natives , S2.00fi5.40 ; TexaiiH , SI.75@i.50 : ; lambs , Sl.00(4' > .0) . St. Ijouls. Fob 18. Cattle Kccelpts. 1.C03 ; Mdpnieiits , MO ; ulcady and faiily actlvii ; cholco Bhlppill ! ? , and nxpnits , Sft.OOJ7,5i5 ; ; common lo ( 'ood , Sl.Otol.W ; bnlchoro1 stceis , fc8.25C'jl.2 > ; cows ami heircrs , 5WiQ J.7r ; stockeirtnnd feeilein , JjiUWMI.iiO ; corn- fed and winter Tnxans. J ; i.W@l.60. ! Hogs-Itecclpls , a.ODU ; bliiimionts , 2.00T : active and a shade higher ; butrhcm' and chulun heavy , Sl/JO&Til.-l'j ; nilxt'd to goodiagk- ) nj,8BMJ.lG : ) : ; lights , W.a'a ( > i.05. Kansns Oily , Feb. It ) . Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , mine ; markia active ; ox- lorlciri , $ ri.l5Cit5.S5 ; common to choice Hlilp- ) liiS.00it5.r)0 ! ) ( ; stockcrs andfeedeis , S3.03 ' 01.00 ; COWH , SS.-lOt'S.IO. llogs-lleeclptu , 5.0'JO ; plilpmonls , 0,003 ; common and mixed , no lo\\er ; good loclmlco , St.GU ! iiri ; common to ini-dliini SU.40t a.UO ; fcklpsnudplgSiCOrf3.no. . OMAHA IAV1S STOCK. Tlmrwlny Kvonliiir. Feb. 18. The roceliits of u.illht ; ir ilnlit anil tewaie chaiiKlntr linnds. Xatlvo steers 1200 to ll'OJ ' mo iiuotcd nt 81.0) ) 1.25 , and liW ) to 14WJ at SI. IOM l.(50. ( Theio is a I'nlr do- uul tor ehoicu Imtclu'in' stock. Choli-u cows nro quoted at WAViVW goodat &atW ( 3.SOs comuirm iitJ.W < ( 'J.7..t Tliehogiiiaiket was not very active and tliu pens \um ) not cleaied until nrar Iho iloi.e. The 'juyi'is ' and ( .ollcis oxpmiwiecd conttldeiable illlliculty In comlnt ; together on Shot'p welsldnir 75 lo 100 Jin. are quoted at Si 1.7543.00 ; 101) ) toli' ) II ) , , Sa.60jil.tO. Cattle 10J Jio i.aoo Ur.I'ltU&BNTA'i'lVi : HALES. COWS. No. Av. IT. Xo. Av. IT. o 10:10 : gi75 i tf 5-.oo ; : ! a w.o 2.b.r a..iby.j 3.00 No. A v. IT. ft 1151 nous , No A v. IT. Xo. Av. IT. 77 J07 ni 2.VJ 7oMo3 ! ; ! CO , . . . .25. ' 87 - 1 M 278 M7. . . , S13 f > 7 H10 3.JI TK . . . . aw lit ! J'.IS aw 51 'ilill Ml S03 U.'JO ft1 ! : : of : 5 ! J.H . ) 4 OJ 277 3.U. ' . 70 . . . , . ' ! \ f til Sl/j / i i.owr.sT. humN if. ; f. i M 11 lovviist prices ] on tinsin. . . ' ! . ' liiniu tlio r. . . . Hi'M'll , ll l > . .lluf I IK'liul lust lUUUlu.