Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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' 'No. ' 177" Makes Startling and Mysterious
Statements to Secure His Liberty.
Something Very Queer About Street
ContractorHocl's Accounts Won-
tiers of Wyoming 1'ollco Court
News Oilds null Ends.
Quite oflcn It occurs that a man , after
being convicted of murder or some lessor
oQ'cnsG , makes a confession of his crime
tmd thus secures the satisfaction of hav
ing made n "clean breast of it" before
entering upon the expiation of his evil
Dut it docs not so often happen tliatn
convict makes n confession of Iho crime
of Koine ono else , and tries to use that
confession as a lover to secure his own re-
lease. Such n curious circumstance has
just been brought to light through some
letters received by Selective Charles
Emory of this eity from a prisoner in the
state penitentiary nt Lincoln , who signs
himself "Convict Ono Seventy-seven , W.
F. Duncan. " To fully understand Iho
matter It will be necessary lo recount u
Jlttlo hlstorv : r
In 1832 , Duncan who was nt that tune a
horsclrader and a mau-of-all-busincssliv
ing in that unsavory locality known as
the bottoms , was arrested for committing
the crime of rape upon his own daughter ,
a little fifteen years old girl. Ho was
tried , and upon what seemed to bo tlio
unquestionably correct testimony of Iho
ciri , was convicted. Ho was sentenced
} p a term of fifteen years In the peniten-
Uury and was taken to Nobesvillo the
lamoycar. Duncan always insisted that
Jie was innocent , and there. are many
, vho now believe ami always luivo be
lieved that ho was innocent of the crime
with which ho was charged. Be that as
it may , Duncan always maintained that
Ins daughter had been taught to swear
ngainst him by her mother. This woman
ho declared , had long desired to get rid
of him m order that shoniightscctiro con
trol of his property , which consisted of n
largo amount of stock and some land in
Iowa. In this plot , Duuctm claimed , the
father and mother of his wife wore actu
ally engaged , for , as ho expressed , ' 'they
were dead sot against me. " His daugh
ter , ho says , was young and under the
complete control of her mother , through
fear of whoso threats and menaces she
&ad sworn on the witness stand to a story
A'hich doomed her father lo lifteon years
of a felon's life.
Whether Duncan is a wronged man o
icrluin it is that ho has not given up all
hope of release. In the lollors written to
.Detective Kmory , as already intimated ,
Convict 177 begs him to secure him a now
trial , or in some way to secure
his freedom. In return for this
boon , Duncan not only offers his farm
and all his personal property , but agrees
to furnish some startling information
concerning a mysterious murder which
occurred on the bottoms nearly live
years ago. The letters in which he con
veys the information of this alleged mur
der , are miserably written so uadly in
fact that it was only with the greatest
difficulty that the reporter was able to
make them out. They are , likewise ,
somewhat disjointcdly written , though
they boar , nevertheless , the imprint of tTic
writer's honest conviction.
TIIK cunu ; .
Duncan says that in July or August ,
1881 , two men , , supposed to bo
hunters or trappers , came down
the Missouri river in a. large , two-
oared sailboat , having on board
a load of dried meat. Coming to Omaha ,
they concluded to stop hero and dispose
of their cargo. They did so , and after
soiling the ( Tried moat started to have a
general good time with "tlio boys. "
Among the houses llioy visited 'was
that of Duncan and he had ample oppor
tunity to become well acquainted with
them. They appeared to bo very inti
mate with a woman by the name ot Belle
Myers who lives on the bottoms , and
when last scon were in the company of
her and her associates. The same Sun
day afternoon , on which they had arri-
you , Ihey started up the river again , in
company with two other men , wellkuown
us llio mo t desperate characters on the
bottoms. Both of the hunters seemed to
be pretty well intoxicated.
Duncan suspected that something was
wrong , and watched the boat until it
disappeared around the bend in the dis
tance. Seeing nothing more of the two
Dcadwood men , ho made inquiries and
found that they never returned to their
friends in Montana , among whom llio
impression prevailed that they had been
foully dealt with. This was Duncan's
suspicion , too. and ho determined to in
Ho found thai some two or three weeks
after Ihcso two men had gone up the
river , two women looking for driftwood ,
had found thu same boat r.nd cooking
outfit that the hunters had brought down
with them , on a neck of laud , north of
the waterworks. Near the boat was a
pair of bloody oars. Not n trace of tlio
hunters could bo discovered. The boat
and other property was taken possession
of by the woman Myers and her friends
and sold by thorn. It was noticed neither
she nor her associates would say anything
about the Iwo hunters , or what had be
come of them , beyond the mere sugges
tion that "they guessed they had gone
up Iho river. " '
Duncan quietly pursued his investiga
tions , until as ho chums , ho secured com
plete evidence of the guilt of curtain in
dividuals , in having murdered the two
Deadwood hunters for the sake of the
largo sum of money which llioy
had with them. A portion of tins evi
dence Duncan adverts to in his letters
with so much detail thai il will bo an
easy mailer to at once provo its truth or
falsity. The description of the Iwo men
to quota Duncrn's oxncl words , is as fol
lows : "Neither of thorn was over 5 fuel
D or 5 feet 0 , ages between 35 and ! 50. One
dressed in light , the other in black. Ono
had a wide rim white hat , the other a
wide rim bfack hat. Both had light
sandy hair , and gray or blue eyes. One
had a sandy mustache , llio other had his
moustaoho colored black but there was
about a quarter of an inch next to his lip
that was rod. Onn of them looked pale
as though ho had been sick , "
Additional confirmation of Duncan's
story lies in the fact that two hunters ,
answering this descrlption.did disappear
from Deadwood , as already mentioned ,
in the summer of 1881. DetectiveKmery
has determined lo further investigate tin )
matter , and if possible , sift it to the
Charles Tracy , known as "Indian
Charley , " now in the county jail await
ing trial on a charge of burglary , was
formerly a cell-mate of Duncan's at the
Lincoln penitentiary. Ho told a re
porter last nielli that Duncan had re
peatedly told him thai if ho ( Duncan )
was over released , ho could and would
clear up the myotory of ono of the foul.
; c&t murders ever committed in this
Tlio Street Cleaning Contractor to bo
Investigated by tlm Council.
The striking of the bill of Aaron Heel ,
the street cleaning contractor , from the
appropriation ordinance by the city conn *
, ell , and the statement of the
ugly rumors afloat in regaid to the wages
lie paid hi * iiuni and tlio amount charged
Did city for Iho same , caused consldera *
bio astonishment , and was n subject of
discussion on the slrccls yesterday. ,
Mr. Ford nindo Iho assertion nt the
council meeting that it had been reported
to him that while Hoi'l wns pulling in n
bill lo the city for workmen nt $1.75 n
dny ho wns in renllty paying only from
OOccnts to $1.25 n day. Mr. Thrano and
Mr. Furny also sahf that they had heard
Iho same rumors , and llio bill was
accordingly stricken from Iho appropria
tions and nn investigation ordered.
Chairman House of the board of public
works informed n JJuu representative
that Hod's pay roll showed llio wages
paid by him lo be $1.50 a day , and nol
$1.75 , as charged nt the council meeting.
Ho had put in n bill to the council on thai
basis , claiming under his contract$1.50 n
day tor each man employed and 15 per
cent additional for supervision. If IIoul
has pnld his men $1.50 a dny , the bill is
nil right , otherwise not.
The assertion that IIocl was pnly pay
ing IX ) cents to $1,25 , Mr. House knew
nothing about. lie had simply heard so ,
ns had Messrs. Ford , Furay and Thrane.
Mr. Furay , in speaking about the mailer ,
said ho dfil notbeliovo lloel guilty , but it
was only right to him and lo the city thai
llio charges bo investigated. Mr. Furav
also said thai ho had been in
formed Hint lloel had only worked
his men eight hours a day in removing
thu snow , and had paid them on a basis
of $1.50 per day , which would bo $1.20 for
Iho eight hours.
A reporter called at Mr. Hoel's resi
dence , but ho has not yet returned from
a trip to Iowa , and so nothing could bo
learned. He is expected homo this
morning and will probably explain his
side otlhu ease.
Tlio Promised Ft Dorado in tlio
VOIIIIK Territory.
Mr. 0.13. Solden , ono of Iho oldest set
tlers of lliis region , and for thirty years a
resident of Omaha , is homo from an ex
tended trip into caslern Wyoming , in
the neighborhood of Fort Foltormaii.
Mr. Seldon is nn enthusiast upon the
great resources of the new territory ,
whither three railroads are running their
steel as rapidly as it can bo accomplished.
Ho leaves within a day or two , accom
panied by his wife , lo take up permanent
residence near a mien mine ho has secured -
cured , sixteen miles westofl'ort Fetter-
man. Ho has with him here a quantity
of specimens of the resources of the re
gion , which are truly surprising. To a
reporter lie showed some copper ere
which affords the bonanza yield of 53
per cent copper and ! ? -,000 , silver lo the
ion."It is a wonderful country , " said hens ,
ho displayed his sample treasures , "look
at this silver ere which yields 30 percent.
Hero is some coal which outcrops on a
hill side and is mined as easily as you dig
out a gravel pit. Us quality is perfect.
Ga/.o on this mica which is my pet , and
then undcrshuid that in my claim in
Waring Canon , a perpendicular cleft in
the rocks 700 feet high and 10 feet wide
reveals this valuable mineral to Iho eye.
Thou here is a picco of the incrusta
tions formed on the surface
of Iho exposed oil basins
which cover llio region perfeel Jakes of
petroleum for miles. This crust , which
is formed by the light and heat , varies
from llirco lo seven feet in thickness and
yields to the pick and shovel like garden
M > d. It covers tlio surface of these lakes
like a sheet of ice and covers the inillionsof
money which u few short monlhs will sco
realized iu that county. All that is
needed now is railways , cheap means of
transportation. When I tell you that
there tire men who pack ores mule-back
moro lhan ono hundred and fitly miles
over to the Union Pacific stations and
still make money you will understand
what wealth will bo obtainable Ihere when
paring lo throw out a spur from its main
line , and llio B. & M. has already sur
veyed Iwo hundred miles of line loward
llio region from Grand Island. A few
short months will sco that now almost
uninhabited country teeming with popu
lation and throbbing with commercial
life. My advice to young cnterpiiso is to
pack up and get there among Iho iirst.
The Grist Ground Out In Police
Court Yesterday Morning.
John Kelley , a somewhat notorious
character about town , pleaded not
guilty , rather nonchalantly , to a charge
of disturbing the peace , in police court
yesterday morning. Ho was tried
convicted and senlcnccd lo ten days im
prisonment in the county jail. lie had
just bcon released from a long term in
the county jail on bread and water , and
Tuesday concluded to enjoy a feast in
celebration of his release. Ho wont to a
restaurant on South Tenth street , and
ordered a big dinner , including every
thing from soup to dessert , with side-
dishes and entrees thrown in- When ho
got through ho refused to settle the
llio bill and Iho propriclor ordered his
arrest. Kclloy is Iho man who upon
sentence some weeks ngo startled the
court by boldly threatening lo rob a man
ns soon as ho was released , by way of
revenge on Iho city.
Sam Emorick , a suspicious character ,
was ordered to leave town. George Pliil-
lips was not so lucky.reeoiving a sentence
of twenty days in Iho county jail.
Walter Powers and John Dwyer , ac
cused of vagrancy , were released.
George McDonald , Charles Hosonqutst ,
Philip Sullivan , Peter Johnson and
Robert Irvin wore fined ? 5 and costs for
being drunk. The three former paid and
were discharged.
Frank ( ) \vons \ and Nottio Carpenter , a
colored duo , had been arrested for light
ing , and yesterday were ordered to
contribute $5 and costs to the municipal
The Union sews backwards or forwards ,
Neighborly Troubles.
A Gorman woman , giving her name ns
Mrs. Teresa I.nngo , appeared before
Judge Slonbcrg yesterday , and ex
citedly demanded n warrant for the ar
rest of a certain Mrs. Spicnr.
"Who is Mrs. Spicor , where does she
live , and what has she done ? " calmly
Inquired Clerk Pontzol , preparing to
issue the document for arrest.
Mrs , Lange drew a long breath , and
went on to tell a long story of Iho in-
dignillcs heaped upon her by Mrs ,
Spicer. Both live , it scorns , In rooms
over the Club stables , on Sixteenth and
Ctr , tel avenue , and nro constantly hav
ing neighborly trouble. Ono ot the
things of which Mrs. Lange complains
occurred yesterday. Mrs. Spicer saw
Mis. .Lango on the roof ( so llio latter
says ) , hanging clothes out lo dry , and
locked the door , keeping her out there
moro than half an hour , till faho was
rescued by a passer-by.
To He Arrested 1'or Perjury.
Agent James of the Law and Order
league informed a roporterycsterdiiy that
ho proposed to prosecute Archie McCoy
and III. J. Kenny , witnesses in the Barney -
noy Shannon case , for pcrjiu'i committed
nt the trial of ( hut case. Accord
ingly a complaint will bo filed ngainst
thuso two men this afternoon in Judge
Anderson's court. Tlio witnesses who
will be summoned to appear ngainst
Kenny and MoCoy will bo Judge Ston-
b'-rjr ' , JiTiumi I'ontxpl , clerk of Iho police
court , OlhVi-r Uouovun , Detective Fmery
and Mr , Jumys himself.
The Grand Event Which Will Open the
Exposition Building To-day.
A Deserted ttnuatitcr Sccklnj ; Proof
of Her Parent's Death Paving
Materials Discussed Potieo
JSews Local Happenings.
The I3\po ltlcVi Opening.
The gran l opening of Omaha's mag
nificent and gigantic structure , the Exposition -
position building , occurs to-day and the
event will bo one long to bo remembered.
The preparations for the occasion , \\-lneh
have been elaborate and on a largo scale ,
are all completed , and everything is in
readiness for the grandest and most bril
liant success. In order to secure the
completion of the building work has been
pushed night and day , and now that it is
finished the managers can survey their
work with satisfaction.
The reception and rehearsal in the
afternoon will bo a grand nll'iiir , and the
promenade concert in the evening will
undoubtedly bo the richest ,
ns well as brilliant society event , that has
transpired In Omaha. The immense
structure will be illumined with hundreds
of brilliant gas juts and electric lights ,
and , with the gaily dressed thousands
who will surely ue present , the sight will
bo a magnificent one.
In the nfternoon it lias been arranged
to have a reception of quests from ! ) to ! l.
and the Musical Union orchestra will
give a public rehearsal from 11 to fi. The
music lor the promenade concert in the
evening includes Doth instrumental and
vocal ( -elections , and lion A. J. Popple *
ton will deliver the dedicatory address.
The complete programme is us follows :
I'Aiir i.
Fcst March Steinmaii
Opening Addicsx Hon. A. J. 1'opnluton
Overture Lluht Cavalry Suppo
Double Quni ti'tto "Soinjerfanaii" . . . . Krlliurg
Swedish and Norwegian Quartette Club.
Cornet Solo Love s Dienia lloeli
II. Lot/ .
TAUT ir.
Coronation March from Opera "The. . . .
Prophet" Meyerbeer
" 0 the Sad Moment ot Parting" Costa
Missus IJIiuiclio Oliver , Minnie Jtath , Messrs.
ISicckcuriilge ami I'euiicll.
Selection tioiu Opera "Black Hussar"
Cnvntlimand Alia "Bel Ilaggio"
( ScmlrnmdUO liossini
Mis Mai tin Calm.
r.vur in.
Descriptive Potpouri , Battle of Sedan Mueller
"Tholtaft" : 1'insutl
Mr. Thos. J. Ponuell.
Paraphrase Lei ley Ncsvailba
Double Quartette i'ho Daisy Lintlblad
Swedish and Noiwegian Quaitotte Club.
Combination 20 Stoinhiuiser
The occasion is one which should draw
out everybody in Omaha to properly dedi
cate a new monument to thocity' s'groivth
and pride. The musical programme which
will bo performed by the full Musical
Union orchestra of lifty pieces , is ad
mirably selected. The orchestra will bo
stationed in the center of the building on
a temporary platform built for the occa
sion , which will give everybody an op-
porlunily to hear even the softest
strains. The entrance to the structure
will bo on the Capitol avenue front.
Searching for Evidences of Her Fath
er's Dentil in Omaha.
County Treasurer Bolln yesterday re
ceived a letter from Newport , Kentucky ,
niakinginqiiiryin regard to a man named
Elias Floyd Utterback , who is said to
have once lived near Omaha , and died
hero several years ago. The writer is
Airs. Mary M. Bowen , daughter of Mr.
Utterback. She says that on her being
able to prove conclusively the death of
her father depends her securing from the
government a largo amount of money.
In telling her story Mrs. Itowcn says :
"My father deserted myself and mother
nt least twelve or thirteen years ago. lie
returned to visit some of our people about
nine years ago , and said he had purchased
some land near Omaha , Nebraska , ( west
a few miles , I think ) , and was doing well.
Not jong afterward one of my uncles
heard ho was dead , and for about eight
years wo have not been able to hear any
thing of him. Now , I am his only child ,
and u widow , the solo support of my
inothor , and nothing prevents my getting
his back pay and a pension if
1 can only provo where ho
died and of what disease. There
is 110 doubt ho left some property some
place. Ho was a soldier in the late war ,
went out at the lirst call , mid served his
three years and rc-enlistcd , and was hon
orably discharged at the close ot tlio war.
lie was taken prisoner at the battle of
Chiekamauga and was nine months a
prisoner in Andersonville , Libby and
L'asflo Thunder. His health , both Uodily
and mentally , was ruined. 1 am trying
at this late hour to get justice. "
After asking Mr. Bonn to endeavor to
secure some trace of her father , the lady
states that a rumor had readied her some
years ago that ho was married again hero
and that his wife was Jiving , Slio de
clares , however , that if such was the case
the nwrriajro was illegal. Slio also sug
gests that the old gentleman might luivo
dropped the name of Utterback and
adopted the name of Floyd.
Mr. Itolln has no recollection of any
such person as described in the letter ,
butgavo publicity to the statement in the
hopes of gaining the desired informa
A Talk AVith u Man " \Vlio HalicvcB la
"I suppo&o 5'ou are aware that the
parlies interested in sandstone and cedar
block paving arc exerting themselves to
the utmost to liuvo property owners
adopt their materials respectively ? " said
n Biu : reporter to Mr. J. K'lUloy , whom
ho found busily engaged in his oflico
yesterday. The reporter had called to
learn Mr. KiloyVi vimvs on the paving
question , and in answer that gentleman
responded !
"Of course I am aware of the fact , for
it is plainly to bo seen , lint 1 hardly
ought to express an opinion in regard to
thu paving question , for the public will
consider mo biaseil in my judgment ,
being an interested party. "
"But was not your bid of $2.53 per yard
on granite less than the bid on sand-
stonoy" asked the reporter.
"Yosj it was less by about ton cents ,
and there is no question but that grunitu
is the best material known. Colorado
sand-stone has been considered an ox-
pcriiniuit sini'u its introduction here , and
a porion need only examine South Ninth
street , where the heavy triifllc has been
upon it there , to bo convinced that as u
paving material it is a failure. The
edges of the blocks are splitting off so ns
to round them up in the center , and very
soon it will bo as rough as u cobble Mono
pavement. "
"i Iwvu not yet circulated petitions in
favor of granite , " continued Mr. Kiloy ,
"but let mo tell you. In the lirst place , I
hayo offered the people of Omaha granite
pavement , for which m Chicago they have
to pay about $1 per yard moro. in St.
Louis , whrru they are taking up the cedar
block pavements and replacing with
granitu , the propi'rty'owuers are paying
about $1.05 pur square yard for the gran
ite , while I oiler it for $ . .5U. It U true
ceunr pavements may last live years by
replacing it nnow it woxild last five more.
Hut the two pavementslotting ten yents.
would cost ns much ns 0110 pavement of
granite , which would last 100 years , I
suppose. "
' 'Another thing. The replacement
would necessitate tearing up the street
the second time. Now if the people pre
fer to pay ns much fern pavement of ten
years durability ns they would bo charged
for n pavement lasting say 100 years , the
responsibility of the choice must rest
with them. "
Continuing , fr. lllloy Taid : "Theso
considerations are entirely outside of
matters pertaining to the health of the
city. When typhoid or other fevers break
out In the family , the llrU duty of the
physician is to ascertain the cause , and
this is generally found by a discovery of
some place about the "promises which
contains the deleterious substances cast
off about the household. The causes of
disease of this kind are quite readily
found , and it is n well authenticated fact
that cedar block paving is sure to pro
duce conditions favorable to the genera
tion of diseases of this sort. "
"Are you not going to circulate peti
tions among properly owners lor gran
ite ? "
"I am , but I want the properly owners
to know that when we furnish a granite
pavement for $3.fiJ ! per bqttnro yard , wo
are doing it at about co t , and that wo
cannot nlrord to hire men to talk up our
pavement and solicit signatures. The
property owners are the interested par
lies they are the poisons who have the
paving to pay for. and I shall bo satisfied
whatever ehoico they make.
Moreover , I think if the property own
ers on Sherman avenue would investigate
Telford macadam paving , they would
conclude to take it at * 1.80 per yard ,
rather than wood blocks. The
grandest boulevards known are paved
in that way. The experience on Fnrimm
street with what was called macadam
has prejudiced ( ho people against mac
adam of nil sorts , but that was not mac
adam ut all. It was simply stone piled
in the ftlrcct regardless of .size , method
of Hying or foundation. Telford nine-
adam means nructlcullv a pavement live
inches in thickness lirst , then throe inches
of broken limestone , and four inches of
granite on to ] ) of that. 1 would like to
have the Ur.B ask our engineers and
Chairman House their opinion on this
subject. They have studied it carefully ,
doubtless. These matters are worthy of
serious consideration. It is not the tem
porary benefit of the properly owners
that.should be foremost , but that which
will bo for their lasting advantage us
\\ell as the general good. "
Union sowing machine lasts a life time.
Short Interviews Gathered in the
Hotel Itntundas.
J. W. Kirk , Pitlfiburg , Pa. : "Nearly
all of the iron mills in our city have
started again , the strike havingcome to a
close , as you probably know. The one
hundred or more gliiB ? factories are
also running at full blast. The gla.-s
manufacturers have had but very little
trouble with their men during thft past
year or so , though 1 believe thai some of
the bottle-blowers did iunuguralo a strike
some time since. This trouble , how
ever , has since been sullied
by arbitration. One of the
greatest advantages which Pitts-
burg now nas as : i manufacturing town
is her natural gas wells. Those gaseous
deposits are found in and near PiUsbiirg ,
and now furnish the fuel for every manu
factory in Pittsburg. The cost is about
one-linlf that of coal and the
heat furnished is better by far than
that of coal. The gas isstruek bv borin&r
just as oil is. The discovery which has
been mnac within the past few months
has completely revolutionized the man
ufacturing interests of Pittsburg. "
T. L. Crcary , SI. Louis , Mo. : "I have
within the past few weeks traveled all
over the western country , from the lakes
south to New Orleans , and us far west as
Denver , and I can say that I believe the
condition of trade this year is far better
than last year. Business is brisker.a
fueling of conlidenco is to bo noted in
ovorv quarter , and on the whole the out
look is very bright. This is largely due
to the fact that the people are beginning
to feel confidence in u democratic admin
istration. They are bccjnning to learn
that the country is not going to the "clem-
uilion bow-wows" under Cleveland as
Union machine sows backwards or for
lie Got the Roods.
The replevin suit brought by Freidman
against McCrary to gain possession of n
restaurant outfit hold by the latter. was
decided in county court yesterday after
noon in favor of the plaintiff , Friedman
held a chattel mortgage on the goods
which were in the store owned by Mc
Crary. The rcslaraiiteur failed , and
Friedman , on Jantmrv 27 , started to take
the { roods away , After ho had secured
two loads , MeCrary arrived on the scene
and saying that ho would hold the bal-
cnco ot the goods for rent duo , looked
the store door and refused to allow
Froidman to remove them. The latter
thereupon commenced suit. MeCrary's
defense was that Froidman had made no
legal application to obtain the goods in
thu first place , butJiuIgoMcUulloch ruled
that where n man was removing goods
which rightfully belonged to him , and a
second jwrty attempted to prevent their
removal , it was not necessary to make u
formal application to bo allowed to take
Solf-thrcading Union sowingniaehino.
Wo will take a few more Omaha city
loans at low rates.
J. W. & K. L. 89111111 : ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The noiseless Union sowing machine.
A Ijlxhted lantern.
Five disconsolate looking youngsters
were Charles and Bon Shankor , ( leorge
Bushow and Irvin and Lou Cassidy , who
were brought into police court yesterday
They had been arrested by Ollieor
White in a Ginning street barn ,
playing dominoes lo thu feeble light of n
lantern , The novel churgo of "having n
lighted lantern in a birn" : was placed
opposite their names. Judgu Stenberg
decided that there was no .Eiich erlino on
the calender , and relented- boys.
Union machine has automatic tensions
Will Got ifcr DlTorco.
The Hascall divorce suitwill conio up
for hearing very goon by default , and
Mrs. 11. will undoubtedly secure a
severance of the nuptial tics without any
protest from her husband. It is under
stood that Mr. Hascall will turn over to
her a handsome slice of his property ,
amounting to about ? 1',000. A portion
of this vaiuo is in a house and lot now
held by Mrs. Hascall , while the rest of it
is cash.
Light running Union sowing machino.
No School.
There were no exercises at the Central
or High school yesterday. The boiler
burst , and of course the steam lieutjng
apparatus was impaired. Lyerything
will bo. in. running o.rder for to-day'a
Without an'cqual Union 'so wing ma-
Of a Suit , yon can find your wants , cut in any shape of style , cut and
made from foreign and domestic fabrics for less than half the tailor's
original prices at The Only Misfit clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnani st.
Of an Overcoat , you can find any style cut you may describe , made up
in the highest art , from foreign and domestic fabrics , which are to be
sold for less than one half any merchant tailor would charge to make
the same garment. Make your price on them ; they are to be sold , at
Only Misfit clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnani st.
Of Clothing , of any description , pay a visit to The Only Misfit Clothing
Parlors , 1119 Farnam st. , and inspect those garments now on Special
Sale , which were purely made by a merchant tailor for his special cus
tomer to his order and can be found only , WHEN IN NEED
A m mTy-iGi
New Star at Buckliifilimii Hall.
Joe Critchlicld , "Iho rough diamond of
Indiana , " made his initial appearance at
the W. U. T. U. Buckingham hall last
night. Tall , stately , smooth shaven , face
full of character , he impresses one favor
ably at sight , and the good impression
deepens as ono listens to the irresistible
wit , the tender pathos , the sublime truth
of this temperance apostlo. lie traced
hurriedly tlio rise and apparent fall of
the Washingtonians , llio Sous of
Temperance , the Temple of Honor , and
olhcr associalions , and showed that the
ebb of ono movement was only the re
newed How of a now lorm of temperance
reform. Those organb.nlions have de
veloped prohibition and the advanced
temperance thought of to-day. Mr.
Critchliold has an imagination and How
of language scarcely equalled , an earnest
ness ot white heat intensity , sympathy
tcmlor as a woman's for "the boys"
wanting to reform , and his work cannot
but result in wondrous good. Mr.
Crltchficld speaks every nighl Ibis week ,
and the auspices are most happy for a
grand time. Everybody come.
Tlio "Wild AVcst Show. "
William McCJuno yesterday informed n
reporter upon good authority that "Buf
falo Bill" ( William F. Cody ) had decided
not to take hi * Wild West show to Eng
land this year , as ho had planned to do.
He will remain in this country for a sea-
pen or two at least , anil in April will
ojiuii with his outdoor performance at St.
Louis. The reason for the change in his
plans is nol known.
A IMctiKiint Party.
Last evening a very pleasant party was
given in the Cosmopolitan on Thirteenth
street by Minn and Fred lloyo. There
were twonly couples present , mainly res
idents of the southern portion of llio
city , though several were from other
parts of town. The evening passed de
lightfully , the conveniences of the
Cosmopolitan adding greatly to the
pleasure of llio occasion.
Absolutely Pure ,
Tills po iler iiovrr vntio * . A marvel of juicl-
ty , fctioiiRtli ami vvlioletompws' Mom i-coii-
nomlful .limit Im ordinary kmiK und cm wet bo
boiallKMIllpWltlWII W lll Ulf IHl'llltlUlO Of lOW
{ ( .ttSlxut v , . .jilt * u'uiiHJrplto'l'UiiU ' : ixnulois.
i-olil only Kuain , UOVAI , IUHIMI 1'owtK ( , o. ,
1M ( Wall St.he , VorK
? .Iu iunio.
'The thirty-first programme of Hie
Ladies' Musicale society was given yes
terday afternoon al Meyers hall , as fol
lows :
1. When thollcartis young..Dudley Buck
Jlr. llyjics.
6. You A .Soiii ? i'oein Slcinliagon
.Miss Llllie Chamberlain.
3. ( a ) "Two Drown Eye.- , " 1 r , ;
( b ) "One Summer Nlirlit. " I °
Mr , W. 13. Willdiis.
1. Valsc , C slinrii mliinr , op. M , Chopin
Miss Minute lirown.
C. Good-Night Rubinstein
Mr. Hype" .
0. Pierrot Hutchinson
Miss Katie Lowe.
7. Thou Fairest Vision Lasscn
Mr. Wilkins.
II was decided to charge a sobscription
admission to the niiusieales hereafter , and
a committee to secure subscriptions was
appointed , consisting of Misses Popple-
ton. Hustin and Henry , and Mrs. . Hitch
cock , Dillranco and Squires.
The Contracts Decided.
Ycslonlay , afler looking over the bids ,
the county commissioners decided to
award Iho contract for tlio 70,000 yards
of county grading , to contractor Condon ,
whoso bid is $309 lower than that of any
other contractors. This ifl exclusive of
thoPlattu Valley grading , for which Iwo
Chronic fit Surgjcal Diseases.
PR. McMENAMY , , Proprietor.
hulvcn Jems' Umimul ami 1'rivutu I'rucllca
\Vu liavu Iliu fncllltli'S , npparutus nucl rcumlloa
for llio successful treatment ufe\ cry form ot die-
rasu rciiulrint , ' cither mtillcal or gurclcnl treatment ,
uml Invite all tocomomid Invcttlxutj Cor thcmscUcii
or correspond lth us. I.oncpcrlcuca In trrnt-
In-'coni'S liy letter cnnbles us to trial many casts
Bclfiillficalfy without eci'lne ttinn.
WltlTi : roit CIHCUI.AH on Deformities and
Brncc ? , Club 1'oct , Curvatures of the Spine ,
DI8KASK3 ot' WOMEN , riles , Tumors , Cniiecre ,
L'aturrli , Bronchitis , Inhalation , KkTtrlcilj- , Tarn ) .
yris , Epilepsy , Kidney , DJD , jar : , Skin , JJiootl and
all Eurgicai operations.
IlittlurloH , Inliiiltiri , Ilnici'K , Triunei , anil
till kinds of Medical uud Surgical Appllauccn , man
ufactured ami for fall ) .
The only rellablo Medical Institute making
Private , Special i Nervous Diseases
1 ' A hl'fiCIAI.TV.
from nhatcvcrcaufoprodiued , successfully treated ,
We tan remove SypLllltlo JIUIBOII from the nynU-in
without mercury.
Now re torativo treatment for los of vital power ,
Call oiid commit us or tend iminu and poal-oftlcc
addrex plainly written enclose stamp , and we
v111 send you. In plain uramicr , our
cr , HvriiiLU , floNonumiu , Oi.ttr , VAIUCOITI.I : ,
UniNAiiv OnoANs , or tend history uf your tutu for
an opinion.
IVrtous nnauloto vl lt ui may bo treated at their
homo , by corrcupaudcncu. Mt-'dlcincanml luttiu-
mvnt * font hy null or cxprcw SCCUItCIA' 1'AUv
K ! ) FUO.M marks lo Indicate
content * or Minder. Ouo personal Interview pro-
ft-rivd If convenient. Fifty room * fur this accom
modation of patient ! Hoard mid nttcndancn ct
rc-.tormulf pitci * . Addree * all Letters lo
Oinalia Medical and Surgical ' Institute , .
Cor. ISlliSI andCaiiilol A c..OMA'llA ( NHU.
coiitraelor.s , Messrs. Johnson and Gilmore -
moro are lied ul three cents a yard. Jn
this ease lots will probably bo drawn to
determine which contractor shall have
the work.
A delegation of county commissioners
and eiti/'jns fromltcd Wing , Minn. , were
in the city j'cstcrday inspected the conn-
ly jail. They were much pleased at the
bubstantial and humanitarian character
of the structure and complimented Mr.
Joe Miller , the jailor , upon the cleanli
ness which prevails throughout the en
tire institution. The gcnllumun are upon
u lour of inspection , "jaining ideas for a
county jail which will shortly adorn the
Ihrivingcily of Kcd Winy.
I'rurnrcd with epoclal rcnril t
No Annnoiiln , l/niu or Alum.
Jlrcbitecfs and Building Superinfs
OMAHA , NEB , and DES M01NES , IA.
Oflico , Cor , Hlh lunl I'limum Streets , IlonmlJ
O cEjii-X-a : . , ISTEB.
Ir.onriK llL'HMKniior with r. M. KlIK
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $350,000 ,
SuplusMay 1 , 188B . SO , 000
U , W. YATI-.S , President.
A. K. ToiHCAMN , V'ico President
\V. II. S. HUOIIKS , Cashlor ,
D'"E '
W. V. MoiiSE , JOHN S. COM.IXS ,
H. W. YATIS : , Jiwis : M. llir..u ,
Cor. 12th titid Fnrnam Streets.
Ocucrul llunkliu Ilusluns ] 'lYaruaatol.
3m32 lSLi fa MAIII , ,
( Successors to J. G. Jacobs , )
I > E II TA KE R S ,
the o'd Rtnud , UUt I'd ! 11.1111 bt. Onlrrs b
il tinU ju-"mtnly uituiilt-J to.