Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Terrible Story of Domestic Unhnppiness
Told in a Divorce Petition.
Annto lirowti Pcrclicil on tlio Stool of
llcpcntnncc SIIIIIK the City for n
"Whole Street Matters of
. Minor Import.
frnoM Tttr. DEE'S LINCOLN nunn.tu.1
A horrible tale ot domestic unhappl-
ness Is disclosed in a petition for divorce
filed in tlio district court yesterday by
Lizzie M. U.icon , of this comity. The
petitioner alleges that she wns married to
Alouzo II. Bacon on the 23d of April ,
1885 , and until she left him on the 17th of
January , * 1SSO , he was guilty of
the most excessive and fiendish
nets of cruelty. It is specifically
alleged that Bacon not only prevented by
force his wife from going to church , but
when she attempted to pray at home he
would grab her by the nock , and putting
one hand over her mouth , ( ry lo choke
her Into submission , indulging at the
same time in the most profane and Inde
cent language. When the couple were
married , Mrs. Bacon's mother gove them
n house to live in and furnished it , and
for a great deal of the time supplied
them with food. Baron , who is described
a.s a large , able-bodied man. refused to
provide food or fuel for his wife ,
spent all his money in drinkingund gam
bling , and while eating the victuals fur
nished by plaintiff's mother , would damn
her for not providing better food. On
the Mlh of January last a child was berne
( o plaintiff , and defendant instead of
looking after her in this helpless condi
tion , left her absolutely without food ,
lire , or attendance. As soon as Mrs.
Bacon was able to move she went back to
her mother , and now n < ks ( he couitto
give her a legal separalion fiom Iho man
who , while swearing to love , honor.
cherish anil subport her , lias blighted
her young life and lillcd her cup ol sorrow
row to overflowing.
Tlio following opinions were handed
down in tlio state supreme court yester
day :
Wrifihl vs ClilraRO , Dnilingloii & Quiucy
liidho.ul company. Ktior from Deuclas
c.oWjy. ! Allljmcd. Opinion by Miis 5H.
\Jn. v
1 The wages for sixty days' services of
laborers , mechanics or clerks wito are
heads of families , in the hands of those
by whom such laborers , mechanics or
clerks may bo employed , are exempt
from execution , attachment or garnish
ment , whether the employe is a resident
of the stale or not. Such wages are ab-
bolulcly exempt.
2 A foreign corporation having no
property of the debtor in this state , nor
owing money to him payable ( herein , is
not subject to garnishment in this state.
51 When an employe is garnished for
wages for sixty days' services of a la
borer , mechanic or clerk who is the head
of a family , ho should state the facts in
Ida answer , showing that such wages are
L\oiiipt : and that ho is not liable as gar-
1 Whore a debt was contracted in
Iowa , the parties icsiding there and a
creditor of the debtor not subject to gar
nishment in that state , the exemption
will continue in this stale in case an ac
tion is brought on the claim.
Itoberts vs Taylor. Knor from Hurt county.
Iteu'rsed nisi. Opinion by Maxwell , Cli. J.
1 Where ( ho allegations in a petition
filed by a wife and minor children
against a saloon keeper for loss of means
ol support caused by liquor sold to the
husband and father arc , that liquor/ / , were
sold to the husband and father in quan-
lilies sufficient to produce intoxication ,
which Win. II. T. drank and Ihereby became -
came intoxicated , and while in this
drunken , condition , II , the saloon keeper ,
continued to furnish him biicli intoxicat
ing liquors , and allegations thereafter
nittdo that by reason of [ the use theeof , "ho
lias become an habitual drunkard , " is
not irrelevant.
2 The words "in a great measure"
qualifying the allegation of loss of labor
and support by the husband , held suf
ficiently itolinito.
! ) Where objection is made on the
trial of a case lor the first time that the
petition docs not slate facts sulliciont
to constitute a cause of action , the couit
should , if possible , sustain the petition ,
or permit an amendment thereto , to be
made instanlor.
-1 Evidence examined , and verdict
hold ( o bo excessive , leave lo pluintilfs
to remit from judgment the sum of $2'i- ! )
( Kll.
Thomas vs Thomas Appal fiom Dous-lixs
county. lo\ers ! > ed and ili'cree oideitd toi
iilnlutin' . Opinion by Cubli. J.
Under the pleadings , the burden ol
proof being upon the defendant , and the
evidence not being sufficient to sustain
tlio verdict in her favor , the decree
tlioreon reversed , tlio verdict set aside ,
nnd a decree for the plaintiff in tin
supreme court ,
TrnplniKen V8 Sheldon Appeal tiom Lnn
crater county. AflluueUr Oplniyu bj
Cobb. J.
1 There was no question of law iiv
volvcd in this case.
2 Tlio evidence upon the solo qncs
lion of fact at issue being conlridic
and nearly equally balanced , the find
Ing nnd judgmoiit of the trial court up
Dr. Sponro , who has been attcndiiif
Annie Brown since her attempt to suiciih
by eating rat poison Tuesday night , re
ports his patient as out of danger , am
says he now looks for her spooiry am
complete recovery. To a friend who win
-with her yesterday -morning Mfcs Browi
said that she was impelled to take hoi
life by remorse for her conduct , am
especially because hho had scandali/.ci
the family , and was afraid that her twt
young sisters would be taunted by mi
thinking people for her wrong-doing ;
The unfortunate girl appears to be real ) ;
penitent and ashamed ot her actions am
lias made solemn promises of reform , au
uounciiig her intention of breaking awa ;
from her old associates and trying to loai
n good life. Ivnuffnian'sattompt tothrov
all responsibility for the escapade on Un
girl Is not kindly received here , wlicri
both parties are known. His story o
meeting her on the ( rain may bo true
but ( bathe refrained from ( oniptiug he
is not believed by those who understaui
his obtrusive , loud-mouthed , swaggeriuj
nature. As stated in yesterday's ' HKI :
Miss Brown is a victim of the skatiii )
rink , having been led Into evil ways ! > .
associations formed in that hotbed of cor
ruption on wheels.
The case of Suinuol W , Lyttlo vs th
City of Lincoln , now on trial in th
United States court , involves ( ho title t
what is now known as Fifteenth stiee
between O and P. Lyttlo in his potitioi
alleges ( lint on January 1 , 188'i , ho wa
the owner of ( ho property in question
whun defendants unlawfully bound it am
now hold possession , and he therefor
asks the court to put him in control , an
award damages of $2,000 and costs ' 11 1
defendant hay ( hat the property di
scribed has been used as a publio higli
WIIJ' f ° r ton j'ears , nnd Iho city has | iu <
open , notorious and exclusive pos&casio
during that time. The question at btak
Is really one of priority in platting. Lyl
tie holds title by a tax deed from Nelso
I , , i/ O. Brook , under which ho made a plat c
l.i ( ho ground , setting oft'a twenty-foot allo
for highway purposes. The city , alluge
that some yeur.s before the Lyttlo plu
was made , n Mr. ftnrln , who then owned
the addition , plaited il and conveyed to
the cily for a street the 100 feet now In
dispute. The value of the property is
nbout $20,000 , so that the aellon Is quite
nn important one from a financial view.
nunr ; MUNTION .
Ti A. Carolhors nnd other officers of Iho
Nebraska S'oek ' Yards company have
been cited lo nppear before Judge Pound
to day nnd show cause why Ihey should
not bo punished for contempt in neglect
ing lo remove the dam from Oak creek
on January 1 , as commanded by the
The News gelsovor-cxcilod became Iho
BIK : mndo ( he simple statement of fact
that the ( Jrand Army reunion would
probably bo located either at Grand
Island or Norfolk. The But : is not given
( o sentinionl ; it is printing cold trullis
for the infornnllon of the public , and the
reunion matter was handled in that
Aihllson Barnes began nn action In Iho
district court yesterday lo recover posses
sion of a certain piece of land situated
in Iho northwest quarter of section 27 ,
town 10 , range 0 , Lancaster county , of
which ho claims ( o have buen unlawfully
deprived by James and Major Holiannon.
The Midland Guarantee company filed
articles of incorporation with iho secre
tary of state yesterday. The company is
an Ouinlin concern , tlio promoters being
Nathan Shellon , Otis II. Ballon , C. if.
Ituslln , Howard Kennedy. O. F. Unvls
and George I Gilbert. The capital is
placed at f ! ! 00 000.
( locrgo Fletcher , the chap accused of
omhex/.llng $20 from Charles Shulery ,
was up in the county court for examina
tion yesterday and was bound over.
Andrew Mentis , a shilling light In the
Baptist church , anil Stephen Hoover , a
similar luminary in tlioMethodistsociety ,
wero1 sued before Justice Cochrnno yes-
( onlay by Milton S. Starr , who claims
that the deacons owe him $10 stake
money on a game of chess. It seems that
Starr was matched to play another man
for § 5 n side , and the stakes put up with
Hoover and Mentz , the winner to donate
tiie money to either the Methodist or
Baptist church. Thogamodid not come
oil' , but the good deacons refused to sur
render tlio stakes , and Starr now sues to
P. Boyer , Chicago ; O. N. Cecil , Brown-
villoC. . ICeekley , York ; J. G. Southwiok ,
Bennett ; Thomas Stevenson , Nebraska
L. Sexton , Seward ; U. T. Clarke , Omaha.
The Grand Jury.
Aft r.nr03Lflf thrnn lnyfl 010 gi'iuitl
Jury reconvened yesterday morning. After
disposing of some odds and ends of bus !
ness they entered upon the deliberation
of tlio cases of Charles Tracy , Jerry Ker-
nan and Pat Boylan , who are accused of
Tracy , otherwise known as "Indian
Charley , " is.not nearly as bad as ho has
been painted by some of the local papers
Ho has never been convicted of but one
crime , and as ho himself says , he paid
dearly for that , by a term in tlio peniten
tiary. Ho lias never served a sentence in
the Jollct ( III. ) penitentiary as has been
erroneously stated. He claims that he
did not burglarise Stootzcl's store ,
though he admits that ho handled some
of the goods.
I'avlnc for 1880.
Tlio property owners on Sixteenth
trcet and Sherman avenue hold a meet
ing last night to discuss the question ol
what material should bo used lo pave
tiioso thoroughfares during the coming
year. A petition for cedar block pave
ment had been circulated among the
property owners , and three-fourths of
thosointerested had signed. Accordingly
a vote was taken and it was decided that
cedar block .should bo laid. The work
H. Cotter , secretary.
A majority of the Cuming street prop
erty owners nro also declared to bo in
favor of wooden pavement.
Damming the Klkhorn.
The county commissioners are deter
mined to protect exposed settlers along
the course of the restless Elkhorn. Every
preparation is being made to avert the
devastation to public and private prop
erty which occurs with the spring break
up of the stream. Strong dams are being
built near all the bridges to save them
from tlio destruction which has hereto
fore attended every season. Thcsodams
are built of massive timber , and will bo
armored with heavy hon plate , so that
they can resist the pressure of the heav
iest gorge and moderate the damaginp
speed with which the river usually rims
The regular meeting of the Douglas
Comity Medical society was held last
night in the St. George hull , Fourteenth
and Farnam streets. The fentnro of the
evening was the paper read hy Dr-
Stmimer.s , Jr. , on the case of Mr. Park-
hurst , who lost Ins lc" as the result of a
coasting accitlont on Dodge street boniti
mouthy ago. The history of the case and
the diiUeult operation of anipntrttion at
tending it wore fully oxplanod , and the
amputated niemhor itself was exhibited.
After other intormal business the so
ciety adjourned. Tlis mooting was at-
tondc'd by about twenty ineinbors.
V. M. 0. "A. Social.
The Y. M. C. A. people entertained
about 170 of their friends atthoir monthly
social last night. It is hardly necessary
to say that all enjoyed themselves.
Organ nnd harmonica duet
Mlb3 Kitchen and bi other
Solo ( vocal ) . . . Air. II.H. I'ayuo
Deaf anil Dumb "baud"Mr.
Mr. KlbchtT and othcia
Ilccltatlonof tlio "The hold's I'layt-i" in
laugmiKU . * . . .Mr. tiloaiio
Itcadlng sulnct Mr.U. U. Smith
Kufre.shmcnts and n general soca 1 time
constituted the balance of the evening's
John Lovoliuly , tlio gambler arrested
on Sunday for beating his mistress , was
released yesterday there was no ono to up.
pear against him. The woman , Edna
Kirk , had refused to prosceuto him , nnd
had goiio to the Hinds.
The Great Invention ,
trllliout Jlartn to F UBfOvrll JfDS ,
ftud particularly adapted to Warm Ctlmatt *
No family , rich er poor , should be without it.
Sola bjr all arocws. but beware ot vile Jm
tatlons. J'J.M/flZ.YJi' is inan\i \ acturc <
The Party Tendered to Their friends by Mr.
and Mrs. W. A , Paxton.
Prisoners to l > o Arralsncd for Trial
To-morrow A Hound's Career on
tlio Stnjje Other Interesting
Iiocnl News.
Air. and Mrs. William A. Paxton
tendered a reception lo a largo
number of their many friends in
the parlor ? of the Paxton hotel last oven-
ing. The broad salons of the handsome
hotel which aptly bears the name of the
hosts , were Illled with the society people
of the city and presented an appearance
of brilliancy seldom seen In all llielr
festal hintory. Fesloons of flowers and
drapery were hung along Iho
walls stretched in heavy mn sos
between the pillars of the gallery colon
nade. The dress of the evening drew out
the proverbial taste of tlio ladies of
Omaha , but their great number forbids
detailed mention , while selections from
Mich equal matches would be impossible.
The evening opened informally at 80 : ,
and for nn hour , pending the Hood of ar
rivals , the Musical Union orchestra per
formed the following programme :
Omtmc ? . . . . . " Hach
.Musical Uulou Oidiestia.
.Selection , lolaiilho Sullivan
Cm net Solo Lniunr
Selection , IJewar .Student Mllloccker
Oveituio. Figaio's Wedding Mozart
Mr. and Mrs. Paxton performed the
ollleo of host and hostess with that tact
and good cheer which missed no olio and
insured all hearty welcome. The orches
tral programme linislfed , the dance en
sued without formality , and the card
below was obseivcd :
1. AVnIU. 8. Hippie.
'J. Landers. . D. l/meleis.
: t. ( Salop. ' 10. Pollsa.
I. Landers. , . „ It. SdiottNchc.
" > . WnlU. 12. Lnncleis.
i. Landers. la. WalU.
7. Scliolllsdic.
At 11 o'clock ( ho entire assemblage ad
journed to the dining hall and filled
every chair before the 180 covers. The
banquet was magnificently served and
Ihe tables dresseilwith an art at once" in
genious and superb. The spread was an
everlasting tribute lo the resources of the
hotel's cuisine and tiie wisdom of its pro-
lfiJoj's , At Us. close , the Utuicu was re
sumed and continued to an hour , season
able within fashion. Many were Ihe con
gratulations extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Puxtou and many Iho expressed wishes
for the frequent return of co pleasant oc-
casionsut Mich clever hands.
The Prisoners to bo ArralRiioil To
morrow Small Suits.
To-morrow all the prisoners who have
been indicted by the grand jury and
against whom information has been filed
by the district attorney , will be arraigned
in the district couit and ordered to trial.
There are .some liftccn prisoners to bo
thus arraigned to bo tried on criminal
The case which will undoubtedly at
tract Iho widest attention and deepest
interest is that of John W. Laucr for the
murder of his wife. In conversation
with a HEU reporter last night General
J. C. Cowin , who is to assist the district
attorney in the prosecution , said that he
was anxious lo have the trial come off
next Avook. Whether the council for the
dofen- would bo ready and willing to
go lo trial at that limo ho did not know.
Tlio opinion is expressed by those who
are intimate with the case that Lauor's
counsel will not apply for a change of
venue , although from tlio wide publicity
which has been given to the facts of the
murder it is antioipaled that jt will bo a
tedious task to secure a trial jury.
A replevin suit for a consignment of
belting was commenced tn the district
court yesterday by Hofleld & Co. against
M. Howard and Crain Bros. ' Manufac
turing company of Chicago.
Argument in tlio Peabody suit against
the city was completed in the district
court at 5 o'clock last evening and the
case given lo the jury.
Tlio call of cases to-day before Judge
Neville is as follows : Damon y Omaha ,
Paxton ct al v Edgcrlon , Richards v
Smith , Stanley v Zucca ct al , Walsh ot aj
v Reako , Welchans ct al v O'Conncll ,
Hornborgor v Omaha. Frenzer v Ameri
can DL-.trictTclcgrai > h company , Fo tnor
v Ambler , Itrown v licrnslom ct aj , Gray
v Hawley , Heed ct al v Svacina , Fleming
& Co v Aller. Omaha Post Publishing
company v Hitchcock , Omaha Packing
and Provision company v Stein , Gould
et al v Cunningham , Hougland v
Omaha. Sullivan v llapp , Nolan v Hawley -
ley ct ul , Hardy v Hrpiik , in the matter of
the assignment of William Snyder. Iloag-
land v Ouiahti , Fritcher v Nason , Jones v
Jones ,
Before Jiulgo Wakcley to-day's call is
as follows : Merchants National uank of
Ueadwood v Mellugh , Pcabody v Omaha
( on trial ) , Peabody v Omaha , Murphy
ct al y Omaha , Howe y Omaha , Chubb v
Omaha , Hoagland v Van Etteii , Black-
more ct al v Omaha.
Now the Property of Ralph Aloiljcska
ol * this City.
Ralph Modjeska was recently presented
by his mother , Madame Modjeska , the
renowned actress , with u magnificent
bloodhound of the Siberian breed. The
dogarrivedin Omaha Tuesday , having
boon shipped from Philadelphia several
daj's ago. Ho was delivered at the resi
dence of Mr. Modjoska , 2303 Hurt , early
in the afternoon. Joe Manchester , of
the Pacific express company , performed
the deed and lives to toll the tale. The
mastiff is of dimensions bupposcd to bo
heroic in tlio animal world. Ho is well
formed , agile and strong , and looked
horco enough to frighten Pasteur's
hydrophobio theories out of his head.
I to was expressed in a box , to a staple in
the interior ot which he was chained
when shipped. His lugging at tlio chain ,
however , had bent open the clasp ami
allowed him to tumble unrestrained In
his kennel.
\N \ ith seine dexterity and not a little
amount of trepidation Manchester suc
ceeded in attaching tlio chain to the ring ,
which was no sooner accomplished than
the brute slarted on a scliotlische iiroitnd
Mr. Modjcska's yard. At the other end
ot the drain Manchester endeavored to
keep slop witli his partner , occasionally
varying the monotony by breaking the
dance into a waltz bycircling convenient
trees with the chain and inducing the
animal to do likewise. After some delay -
lay , ( ho pleasure of which may bo appre
ciated by anj- person who has attempted
to discourage the gambols of a frisky
calf , Manchester got the dog Jnsido the
house. There the brute displayed a pro-
pen.sity to inspect every apartment and
unwittingly compelled Manchester to
accompany him. Mrs. Modjeska wit
nessed the flying examination with much
alarm , and wondered what use she
would be able to make of tlio animal. It
was a relief to her , therefore , when the
dog was finally chained to a post in the
This dog has a little history. When
Madame Modieska introduced tlio piny
of "Prince Zflah" into her repertoire ,
she imported two Siberian bloodhounds
to appear in thcpiece. . These wore In
troduced to attack -the villain of the play
as ho ntlemplR lo force his way into tlio
apartments of Ids mistress. The dogs
never worked \v6ll , and after making a
failure of the sbeno on several ncca3ioii9
( ho countess was forced to cut them out.
When the play was produced hero the
dog * did not appear , and the effect of Iho
villain being lorn to pieces was created
by tlio barking of stage hands behind the
scenes. On the rtny Madame Modjeska
had decided to-send tlio dogs from Phila
delphia one of thorn was found dead ,
hanging from the door of the baggage
car upon which ho was being conveyed
lo the city nanicd. Ho had jumped
through the ddonvny unnoticed and was
foundstrangled when Iho train stopped.
Some people ? aid ho committed suicide
because of his failure lo satisfy Iho
madame in his role. The mastiff received
by Mrs. Modjeska is the surviving mem
ber of ( ho pair of histrionic canines.
Stray I envcs Gnthcrcil from the lie-
porters' NoteISoolcn. .
"People who ( hiiik that all Indians are
fools make a great mistake" said nn old
Indian territory catlle-herdor lo a repor
ter last night. " 1 have lived in the lerri-
lory a good many years , and I know
whal 1 am talking about when I tell you
that some of the Cherokee and Choctaw
Indians are just as sharp and shrewd
business men as you can Iind anywhere.
Some of those old redskins are immensely
wealthy , having become so by stock-rais
ing , farming and trading , Some of them
are worth a million or a million and a
half : the wealth of a largo number of
them ciiiiuol bo estimated at loss than
$200,000. Generally an Indian gets
wealthy by rnisinc stock , though some of
them lake naturally to farming and pros
per in It. These Indian cattlemen have
under them a lot of half-breed whites ,
greasers or negroes , who are
known as peones. These pconcs
arc practically slaves. They are always
kept in debt to their masters and thus
are constantly in his power. Yes , some
of the Indian stockmen have very largo
ranches. Sometimes a large number of
them will throw their ranches together
and put their cattle into a common herd.
The only system of' metes and bounds"
among the Indians is that of the furrow
Each Indian ploughs n deep furrow
around the section of laud which he
wishes to reserve for hiuifcclf and chil
dren , and Ihat section is his forever. "
"A person who behaves himself and at-
lends to business " remarked an ex-con-
viel , "is always well treated at the Lin-
colny pomlcnliary. olhcrwiso ho receives
prelty rough usage. I can say for my
self that I never had anything to com
plain during the three years' .sentence I
served there except the miserable ventil
ation of the prison. I sulfered not a little
from this cause. When I went to the
pen I was a strong , healthy man , weigh
ing 189 pounds. When I came out 1 had
fallen to 13 ! ! , and was nearly wrecked in
health. The men in the stone yardswho
have more or less 'out-door exposure , are
about the only- ones whose health is not
impaired by tub wretched ventilation. "
A clerk in the Union Pacific headquar
ters who .had 'been indulging quite ex
tensively in the ardent last evening , en-
the Millard for the purpose
of being shaved. Before seating himself
in the chair ho''rcinoved his coat , hanging
it upon the rat'k ' on the wall. After his
face had been 'scraped by the artist , he
deliberately wAlkcjl to the rack , and tak
ing dowji , anulhcu customer's coat pro
ceeded to put it ) on , together with the
other man's hat , and walked out. When
the second customer's toilet had been
completed he failed to tint ! his coat , and
on investigation , jt was discovered what
Ihe Union Pacific clerk had done. A
number of hotel employes and others
were sent out to skirmish for the inebri
ated young man , but at a lute hour last
night liis whereabouts could not bo dis
covered. As the victim of the trick was
unable to wear the clerk's coat l o was
obliged to borrow garments from the
hotel men until he could go to his room
and obtain another coat. Ho vowed
eternal vengeance on the young clerk ,
and in no gentle language declared what
fate would befall him bcforet ho ides of
Gen. Howard in discussing Gen
Sherman's latest utterances concerning
the newspapers , quoted in n telegram
elsewhere , told a little incident of Secre
tary of War Stanton , which while hardly
new is worth repeating. "Mr.
Stanton , " ho said , "at the time
I speak of , was practicing law in
Pittsburg , Pa. IJy some means ho had
incurred the enmity of the editor of one
of tlio papers in the city , who assailed
him every day , heaping the most virulent
abuse upon him. These articles , or near
ly all of them , called Stanton by mime
and really made it very unpleasant for
him , Finally ho hit upon a plan to put a
stop to the persecution. Ho bought
out a rival paper , small to be sure , and
of inconsiderable circulation , and quiet
ly assumed the temporary editorship of
it , without making any public announce
ment to that olfcct. Every time that his
enemy on tlio other paper would attack
him editorially. Stanton would reprint
tlio article in his own journal , merely
substituting tlio name of the writer for
his own name. The public caught on to
the joke and enjoyed it immensely.
Stanton'senoinygrew wcakorund weaker
in his attacks , and finally ceased Ihem
altogether. "
The now city directory , as usii : , re
veals some surprising multiplication of
names , on which fact a few points might
bo interesting. The Smiths , who are
generally in &ueh majority , are being dis
counted by the Johnsons , whioh latter
runs up the strong muster
of 400 , Smith , whioh , of course ,
is never lo bo denied a prominent
place comes nwct with 290 , of which ,
strange to say , only twenty carry the lire-
fix John. Thou > llvo good Scandinavian
people of the eijty tuck up their similar
family titles. The Peters and Petersons
loom up with Sfft subjects , followed by
the Christlansoiis and Christian
sens , Nelsons and Nelsons and
Olcsons and Qlosens with 200 each ,
the Hansons amj Hansons along with a
good 150. Theij tjie very familiar Jones
stops forth with , a following of 65 fol
lowed by CO whites and as many
moro combination1 of Whlto and other
things , such as M'liitoliouso , Whitesides ,
Whitesoll , etc , Tho'WUliamsandThomp !
sons , with tlioij-10) each , were almost
forgotten. IIo\yaydr \ , the tribe in
which a similarity is found , is tlio Mc'g.
There are 812 of 'those and fifty moro
Mao's and Mack's. ' The directory is full
of interesting bits of unexpected things ,
and an hour or two spent in its study wilt
prove both of interest and profit ,
Airs. Dr. McMenamy leaves Juoxt week
for an extensive southern trip.
Kdwin H Drown , editor of the Sioux
City Sunday Telegram , was in the city
Yesterday on iiis way east ,
C. F , Mansmr of Santa Anna , Cal. , who
represents a large syndicate ot coast
fruit growers , is in the city.
If you buy lumber anywhere without
flrso getting Hoaglands prices you will
lose money ,
Raymond & Campbell are propafcd to
furnish and drive piling in any quantity
for foundations. Quick time u specialty.
Ofllcu room B , Barker block , 10th , near
Fiirnam ,
The Romance nnd Traeody of tlio Ca
reer of Miss Aunlo Voss.
Her Iontirnlllortrmlatlon , nml Mis-
cry nml Trnijio Hurt AnilU
Klro nmt Finnic.
Along in the spring of 1881 , n .young
woman who although nnnttcmlcil sccmod
to bo Jn independent circutnstfinct'S
moved to this city from Chlcngo. She
wns evidently just entering the twenties
in years of life , wns piotty , intelligent
nml lustefuUv dressed. Merely allowing
that her immo was Satlio Voss , from Chicago
cage , nml utlbrding no further informa-
lion of herself , she quietly took lodgings
In a lioif-o on Cliicngo street between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Tlint young
woni.m was to bo the central tiguro in u
romiintie drnniu of mo.l distressing tie-
t H , and which , with a stage play of less
limn two years , was to culmlmilu In n
miserable tragedy.
About the snmo limo two men arrived
on the Fccne , Solomon II , und Robert S.
Cotton , of Chit-ago. There was no asso
ciation of motives in the advent of Miss
Voss and the lust nnnietl of these two
men into Omaha that is nouo apparent ,
for the fates which brought these two
lives together hail n malign intent , albeit
unknown to the actors. Robert Cotton
was a young man of some education and
no principle whatever. In person he was
tall , iilhletiu and handsome. Ho was
lilted for occupations of an intellectual
nature , but he hud tied Chicago , leaving ,
us it isNiitl , a young wife , and here with
out friends or nilluenco was forced to en
ter the lirst pursuit obtainable. He se
cured work on the Union I'ucHio railway
as a brukeinan. Ho managed to keep u
supply of genteel clothing and theho ,
backed by cleverness of address , gave
him a very respectable appearance when
on" duly.
How Miss Voss , with her retirement
nml modest manners , ever mot this man
is not , and perhaps will never be , known.
Sulllcu it , that they became acquainted
as the fates willed il and shortly grew
intimate. From the tirnt , Cotton exor
cised over the young girl an inlluence
which mastered her ho completely that
her honor became his for the asking. Ho
doubtless , at the beginning , felt sonic at
tachment for the pretty toy that fell to
his bert | ) and treated her fairly She un-
fpiGitjojjably loved liiji\ trustingly and
uevolewjy. " 'hoy took up lodgings to
gether in another p"art of tlio city and her
money afforded them both support , while
Cotton indulged himself in long rccrca
lion from work.
A Hairs ran on thus for Ihe greater part
of a year until the February of ' 8. " ) , when
on the -Hii day of Unit month a child was
born to lior. The infant was a , boy and
she named him , Harry J. Cotton had up
to tlds time made no scruple of his con
duct and entertained no fear of results ,
but with the birth of the child , an au-
prehension of the troublesome consequences
quences which must follow his manner
of life , entered his mind and ho thought
it bust to remove himself to deeper seclu
sion. He prevailed upon the girl to go lo
Cliadron nnd live there where , he saidhe ,
would find employment and they would
bo married as she had often
begged , and ho as often promised
but delayed. She yielded to his wisli as
humbly as in all things and they moved
to that frontier town. On reaching their
destination she informed Cotton that her
money , which had largely boon their
means of support , was nearly exhausted.
It was here ( hat his true character re
ve.-iled itself , and ruviling her with oaths
and taunts of her shame , ho abandoned
her anil returned to Omaha.
She was able to follow him , but be
ing penniless she was forced to seek
work , which she found at last in the
house 9f Frank Day , a man living near
the military post. Site endeavored to
iind her cruel betrayer , but was unable
to do so and , as a last expedient , put her
ease in tlio hands of Attorney D. Van
Ktten. Action for bastardy was
on JuneOth , 1883 , instituted
in Justice Selden's court , and
u warrant issued for the apprehension of
Cotton. The papers -wore put in the
hands of a thick-headed old constable
named King , who let the man slip , and
redress at law was lost to the girl ,
A month Inter she was forced to public
notice again by a suit which she brought
against Day , in Justice Wright's court , to
recover her wages. She won the case ,
but through a complication of legal
acrobatics she did not get her money.
Alter this she changed service and wont
into Uio family of a baker in Garncau'6
cracker factory , living at tlio corner of
Nineteenth and Hickory streets.
There on October 11 last , her child died ,
and was decently interred on 1'rospect
Hill. The cemetery register will show
the inquisitive that a little namelc sgrave
among the many tombs covers the body
of Harry J. Voss , aged 7 months and 7
days. The loss of her child was a griev
ous blow to tlio woman , and half-dis
tracted witii accumulated misfortunes ,
she lied from Omaha and entered the em
ploy of the Pacific hotel company.
She was sent to North Plutto and there
met the end of the singular drama in
which site had so well sustained the lead
ing rolo. On November 14 , while work
ing in the laundry of the hotel , her cloth
ing caught lire , and although every effort
was iiiuuG to save her the mimes quickly
wrought fatal work. She was dead when
her blackened nnd blistered body was
picked from the floor. As no one ap
peared lo discharge the friendly ofllees
of her burial , she was quietly lain away
among the poor and unwept who fall in
thi ) busy and active town.
Here H stock for a romance , sure
enough , or a theme for moralizing. The
breath of the living truth is on this narra
tive , and the evidence of its verity is at
hand. Cotton's whereabouts might bo
learned from his brother Solomon , a
very respectable gentleman , who Is now
in the service of the 0. , M. & St. P. at
Stansbury , Iowa.
Omaha's Great Haniturluni.
"liusincss is booming , " said lr. Mc-
Monamy , the proprietor of the Oinnha
Medical and Surgical institute , to a lira :
reporter on his round for news yesterday
"Never had BO many cases to look after
in my life before. 1 am busv night and
day in keeping up with the work , "
A tour of observation through tlio In
stitution furnished to the inquiring scribe
aim > lu corroboratiou of the doctor's
statement. There are at i > ro cnt in the
hibiltnto a largo number of patients , suf
fering from every manner of disease ,
all of whom under the care of Dr.
McMennmy and his skilled corps of as
sistants , are making rapid progress to
wards recovery. These patients are not ,
by any means , all of them from Omuha.
They are gathered from all parts of Ne
braska , Iowa and Colorado , the terri
tories , Wyoming , Montana , Dakota ,
Utah , Idaho , and from other points ,
eastern and western , oven inoro remote.
The cures accomplished by Dr , Me-
Monamy , binco hu midcnco hero and
connection with the institute , are at
tracting attention far and wide. His old
patients , who are only too glad to tell
their suffering friends and neighbors
what ho has done for them , are the doe-
tor's best advertisements.
The reporter had Jioped to bo able to
lay before the readers of the HKE a short
sketch of 60IUQ of the rematkable cures
that ciimo under his observation : but as
Dr. McMonamy is at present too busy to
fnrnibli the desired information , the ar
ticle will have to Iind its way into print
at a later day.
lie Discourses out lie Stormy Period *
AI.BU , lown , Feb. 18.--'To the Kdilor.
In view of the coming great storm
period of February SO , March a , t ) and
115,1 will give your readers a concise
statement of Iho common law of storms.
The storms I predict Will appear in oast-
cm Nebraska and Iowa within twenty-
foni hours of the dates I give , nnd with
the well known wcalhcr Indications , the
reports of the weather bureau and the
common law of storms t give below , It
will bo the fanll of your readers If they
fall lo know In advance where those
storms will be heaviest.
I Imvo notified Iho weather bureau at
Washington of iho coming storm period ,
and if tin ? signal service is diligent if will
give us quick warning of the lirsl approach
preach of these storm1' . The weather
InireiMi docs not forecast these storms ,
but gives warning after they have icnch-
cd tlio United States.
The wind storm does not always moan
n destructive storm , Wo have rain storms
hail storm * , snow storm * , ete. All storms
are whirlwind' * , very much the nature of
little whirlwinds that carry np dust and
leaves. Clouds in a htorni whirl in n cir-
clu like dust nnd loaves in n whirlwind.
All storm * whirl from right to loft. Place
: v watch with the face up and the stoims
whirl contrary lo the niovemont of the
watch hands. In the center of every
fitonu is a calm , and lliu atmosphere rises.
Almost universally the weather grows
warmer as the .storm approaches and
colder after the storm has passed. The
south wide of the storm is fed bv warm ,
southern winds ; the north bide by cool ,
northern wind * . As you face the storm
tlio winds blow Into the right side of it.
Its north and west purls are coldest ; south
nnd east parls warmest >
Storms move from north to cast. For
lliu upper Mississippi and Missouri val
leys nnd the lake region limy generally
come from tlio nortlnvest. Alter moving
in a semi-circle toward tint Gulf they turn
toward the northeast , leaving the conti
nent near the mouth of the St. Lawrence
river. They pass across the continent in
from two to four days.
lili/.znrds occur on the west side of
storms , and after the main storm has
passed to the onthoast cyclones , or tor
nadoes , occur in the southwest side of the
storm. In winter the north side of the
htorni generally precipitates snow , the
ponth fiido rain. Gales occur between the
high barometer and the storm.
Storms nrcfiomlOO to 1200 miles indiam-
no sinfljlnjilorin.ill reach tlio
. . . . the United States. For this reason
many worsens who never sec or hear beyond -
yond their own door yards , would , if 1
gave forecasts of small storms , declare
that my predictions fail
There arc live kinds _ .
cirus clouds make their appearance before -
fore , sometimes uftor tlio storm. They
nro thin , white , fan-like , far up in the at
mosphere , full of curls kinks and bends.
When these cirus clouds apnoar before a
storm the weather soon grows warmer
and the wind begin ? so blow towards the
storm. If the wind changes by way of
the north it i blowing towards the storm
as it goes by the noith of yon. If it
changes by the west , south , etc. , it is
blowing toward the storm us it goes by
10 the south of yeA \ \ steady wind from
south to east indicates that the storm is
approaching yon from the north or west.
when the'storm i caches you the wind
will blow in accord with the part of the
storm you are in. Kamr.mbor that in a
storm the wind blows in a circle from
right to left around the center and that
near the center is a large calm.
Storms e.iuse. the extremes of heat and
cold. When the storm path is north of
your locality the weather , following
the storm , will ho warm. When the
storm path is south , cold weather gen
erally follows.
Generally cadi successive storm passes
south of the preceding storm path til ) Ihe
storms have reached Uio gulf. Then they
go back into the Hritish possessions and
make their trips about as before. Fol
lowing this cliange from south to north
is the time our winter thaw.s occur.
Extremes follow each other. When
the January storms were heaviest the
next storm period will be lightest.
Storms me heaviest in succession , begin
ning in the northwest , then farther
toward the southeast , east and northeast.
W. T , I'osTKu , Meteorologist.
"Gold has been found on the river bet
toms. " f P. S. This is an April fool joke ,
though a little ahead of time ] .
Branch & Co have thrco white ferrets
and two brown ones which are quite u
curiosity in their way. Their ability to
catch rats is wonderful.
The third private masquerade party of
C. C. Fields , took place hist night at
Masonic hall , and furnished thorough
enjoyment to all present. About liny
couples , on masque , attended.
Tlio Tliurstons are training vigorously
for the coming tournament in Now Or
leans. They will do some drilling in the
now exposition building this week ana
during the succeeding weeks.
The funeral services over the remains
of P. H. W. Cooke , who died Monday ,
will be held this morning at the late resi
dence on Twenty-fifth street. The body
will be taken to Cincinnati , Ohio , for in-
The South Side Pleasure club will
give its next sociable at No. 4 engine
house , corner of Hickory and El oven tli
streets on next Tlnu'ftduy evening. Two
weeks from that date they will give a
grand masquerade , and this will be the
last party ot tlioir'.s before Lent.
Mr. W. A. Paxton is negotiating with
Peter Gees to secure the 00-foot lot imme
diately east of Mr. Pnxton'd property on
Sixteenth and Farnam streets , together
with the buildings thereon. It is under
stood that Mr. Paxton desires to put up a
magnificent hotel if he can secure the
necessary frontage.
Fcnnylmnkcr'tj ' Disappointment.
Texas Sittings : Judge Ponnyhtinkor
is not n happy man , He is a gourmand ,
or ' 'an ' opicac , " a.s Mrs , Partinglon says.
11 costs money to buy the delicacies of
tlio season , and Pennybimker is not
Ho happened to sea n splendid saddle
of venison in u butcher shop window.
Ho went in and asked the price of it.
Then ho came out and sighed. Ho wants
it very badly , but $2 was too much for it.
Ho made up his mind that ho could not
all'ord to pay so much.
On his \yay homo Pennybimker met
Unsdo Smith.
"For Heaven's sake , Pcnnybnnkor ,
lend mo $5. I am so pressed for money
that I am almost crazy , " said Gus.
"Hut , Gus , yon have not paid mo back
what 1 lent yon last week. "
"No but I'll ' do "
, so pretty soon judge.
Kind hearted Judge Pcnnyhnnkm1 took
out his pockctbook and handed ( ins a $5
bill , ( ins wept tears * of gratitude and
hurried away.
In the meantimePonnybunkcr's hunger
had increased , His Aearning for venison
became stronger and stronger , At last
he said to himself , "a man only lives
once anyway so ho might as well enjoy
himself while ho can. I'll ' havn that sad
dle of venison for dinner. " Ho hurried
ba > k to the butcher.
"I'll take that Middle of venison now. "
"I'm soiry , judgu , but it is sold. Mr.
Gus do Smith bought it only a few min
utes ago. Ho thought it was very cheap , "
To-morrow between the hours of a and
4 p. m we will sell all the hustles from
llickninn'.s bankrupt stock at Do each ,
They are worth from fiOo to t)0o ) each ,
501) ) and 008 S. lUth St. '
A. Sunday Evening Concert.
One of ( he interesting events In Sab-
balli school circles was ( ho concert given.
lu .t Sunday evening by the Seward street
M. E. Sunday school. A largo number ol
the friends and families of tlio little ones
assembled lolUtontothc exorcises , filHiiR
( ho church until standing room was at u
premium , and , judging by the close at-
tcntion that was ghcn throughout the
evening , they were amply repaid for go-
Ing. The feature of the evening , and de
serving special mention , was the closing
piece , cntillcd "A Pile of Promises , " In
which a cla of nine boys look parl. It
consisted in the building of a cross , each
part of which was a promise , Portion *
of this exercise was very touching , ninny
in the audience being moved to tears.
Tlio singing was excellent nnd the speak
ing good. Credit in due the olllcora anil
tcucnors for the ollleien ( preparation
which made this , ( heir lirst concert , A
success. Helow wo append lliu
Singing , by the school.
Heading of the Scilptuic.
Penycr , ; I. W. Ilotrman.
Utcltntlen ( ir.iolo Child * .
biiiffliiK' ' > i the Infant class led by Walter
llecttnllon Kalph l.lbby.
Sliming by UNO rlns cs.
Mediation ( iinire Sldner.
blnglim-Duct j Adlo Uobliisnn and I
| Jewel McCime. f
Recitation , Laura .McXalr.
Itecltntien , Andiew Oidchcr.
Recitation , Kate White.
Recitation , Miulo Ihown.
Clnss Kxeiolso.
'I ho 1'lloof Piomlses. Cllimlmr to the Cioss.
Uoiiedtctloii , by Rev. 0. W. Savhlse.
Getting on First Unto.
"How are yougeltingonV" asked Yeast
of young Crimsoubcuk , whom he met on ,
the street the other day. "First rate , "
was the young man's reply. "What nro
you doing ? " further inquired Youst.
"I'm a medical director in an institution
down-town. " "A medical director ! "
"Yes : you see I direct envelopes in n pat
ent-medicine house. " "Ohr
Hit tirontest Medical Triumph of the Ago I
lion nfnppriltc , Howe ! * coitlvo , 1'aVn In
tlio bead , trlth a dull actuation la the
buck part. 1'ala unrter tlio ilioulder-
hludo , FallnoBB after w.itlnntlth nillt-
Incllnntlon to ozprtlon of body or mlml ,
Irrltnbllltr of temper , Iow nplrltn , with
nfeellnotof linTlnanesloctcd omo < lutr
, UlxzlncBB , Fluttering at tlio
Heart , Dot * bofoiotho ores , Hoadacba
OTtir the right ere , Ilcntlos ne s , with
fitful drenms , Highly colored llrluc , and
TtTTT'S l'IL.1,8 nro especially adapted
to inch cases , one doao effects euoli a
They Inrreaio tit Appctlte.nnU cauio the
body to TnUo on Fleili.thu * tbo urdtcm la
iioiirlihiil , nml by their Tonic Action on
the IHget live Oroan , KjKiilar8tool nro
produced. I'rlroil.'lc.14 Murray
llnnovntei the body , makes healthy flesh ,
strengthens the weak , repairs the nnstes of
Uio system with pure blood nucl hard muscle ;
rones the nervous system , Invigorates Uio
brain , and Imparts tlio vigor or manhood.
81. SoMhrdmcelitu.
. . ? ; nw Yors.
ONLY SI IIV MAir , , I'OSfl'AII ) .
b.Ull l.U Vlll'M TO AfcE ,
A Croat Work on Mnnliood.
K hin tortVltnIltT. Netrons nml Physlcnl T > oblltr |
Prjmnturo Decline In Mnn , lrror of Vmith.nnrt tha
untold nil crlr resulting from Inillicrotlon nml or-
rrMM. A book for every man. yonni , ml < 1dlo-n ort
nnd old. Itoontnlni IZi prosrrtpllorn for all nnito nd
chronic dl pine ; , onchona of whloli U Invniunblo. Ho
found by the nntnorwhoto pxpnrlnnre for 1 TOimlj
uch uj protmbly never ooforo fell to tlio lot of nny
rliyflclnni 3no p ue . bound In beautiful French HUM-
lln. cmbosfoil coven , full allt , minrnntoert to be n flnor
work In every nenno-inochaiiliMl.llior/iry iinrt nmfni.
tlonnl tlmnunr other work In thin country for ll-'ii
ortlio rncmoj will h rofimil In ovorr Initnnce. 1'rlio
pnlr II by ull , ooitpnld. Illnitrxted mrawlo , mi.
pondnotv. Hold medal awarded the author hy too N -
tlonnl Medical Amoclntlon. to tlio lion , A. P. lllmpll.
nnd ujsoclntc. alflcan of the board tiie render Is ro-
Tlio Hr lonoo of Ufat \ worth innro to la o rnnng nnd
mlildlonue ] men of this uencnitlon nil the Bold
mines orCfillfnriilmiml the ellvpr mlnoi of Nettldu
combined. S. V Chronicle.
The Science of l.lfP points out the rock * and ( julclc-
cnndstm which the ron tltullon nnd hnpo * of ninny
n yoiinu mnn hare been futility wrocked. Manchester
TlieHclcncenf Ufoltof urontcr vnluo tlinn till the
modluHl wiirkt pulillHhcd In thin country lor the pint
do vcnrH Atltintii Cnnutltullon.
'Ilm Hi-loiuo of Ilfol < H Hiiperbnnd nmnli > rly trnst-
lo on ncrroiii nnd phynlcil doblllty , Detroit Kreo
Add'ren * the Ponbody Mcdlcsl Initltute. or Dr W. II.
1'nrker , No. 4 HullHnch struct , llontnn , MIIHI , .who may
lie coniultod on nil dUeiisea roqulrlnu skill nnd ozparl-
< > nce. Chronic anil nbilu.itt * nltu > i A4 A thiit have hHf *
llod the hklll of till olhcrnhyslclnns u Mpoclnlty. Knell
trcntcd succcHsfnlly without un * liifitniiLuuf failure.
McMllon OnmhH Hoc.
England , France & Germany.
The btriimslilpHof this well known line nro
built ol Iron , In wiiuir-lltflit uompiirtimuitb , and
nru fiirnlehod with uvory iciiiilsltu to mukit iho
I if-Sifri ! ) both sufn niul mm-culilo. Tliny curry
the United Htntcannil Kiirnpfim rmillx.Mtiil lc'i\o
Nuw Voi k Thursdays nnd Hatiinlnya for I'lv.
mniilh , ( IXJNUUNJ.CtiOrhoutr.U'AUItt mid HAM-
Ili'lmnlntr , the 6toi\mornl \ < mvo HiimlmrK nn
und riuiulu > N , vln. liavrci , t
Southampton und London ,
cnhlii ( A ) , ? OJ und f75 ; rStooruifo
IttilliOIK ! llckota from I'lyinnuth tn Itrlstol , Car-
illir , London , or to any phieo In the Hontli of
Knrlniid ; , FltKi : . titucrauo fiom Huropo only
J-3 , Bond Jot "Tourist tlu/otlW1
( / ' . II. Itlt'llAltn A : CO. ,
Qonuiul rahhC'MKur AKontri ,
Cl Iliondn-ny , Now Yoik ; Wubhliitflon nntl la
Pulluhts. Chicago , III.
Red Star Line
Carrying Iho IloliInm Hoyal and United SI at 03
Mnll , sidling orciy Hntiirdiiy
Between Antwerp & New York
fialnn from t&1 to $100. Kxuuinlon ttlp from
SltUtoJlBJ. Second t'ubin * * . ) , und Ilxotn.loii
( ' ) . MuoiiiKu j > ubMito ut low laics. I'otur
WilghtHoiiB , ( ioneral AgontH , K Jlroiidwny.
Now Vorlc.
Onmlia , NuhniPUn , Frank II. Moot us , W , , HI , L.
41' . llikcl assent.
National Bank
Korthwost corner I'm-mim und 13th Sttcotl.
Paid up Capital. - - $200,000 ,
Surplus Fund - - - C0,000
I'lC'aldont. Vlio I'loalilont.
( v.valilir. Abit. Cuslilor.
Accnuntd Bollultud mid prompt at tontlou Klvvit
to nil tnibluujij oiitru.ste.1 tu Its euro.
] 'n > b 1'lvtt | > er cuut un Tlmo