Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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iVctino mv Ji\cii' isr , I'cb. 17.
CJcits al Markets.
Ken < ! 'llic iccolpi.1 ! were liea\k'r to-tiny
nnd Mitctly frcsli stock sold readily nt jrood
liricai. The Inr cr iiropoitlon of tlie ietcipts
me hold stock with fresh c-fgs inlxwi } n.
Such stock Is ( inototl ( it lb@19c. I'lckletlor
limed "topic will not sell ntnny price.
f iTI : -'I'lio denmnd Is llRlitnnd llio mar-
KctMow. Choice rolls mo quoted nt ij@lCc : ;
fnlr to Rood , I"fil2c : Inferior , 7 ( > c ; cicniu-
eii , In brick" , 30c' ,
O KISI : : J'lincy full cream Cheddars. Oc
tober nmkp. ll'4 ' ; Hats l"@li'jo ! ' ; joiins Am
erica , I''c ' ; llrst quality SwT s pli ' 0' c , lOc : second
end qunllt > , lJX Uci utlck cheese , iCchim- ;
btirscr , lUrfK'c.
P l'oui.inChickens conlinnn In falrde-
innnd , choice stock fcellhiK readily for IK lOc.
Thrio Is nut iniirlil dcir.nnd for tmkcjsnl
10'rillr. ( Icesuniul ducks , U@lUc.
UAMI : Thcio Is a very ndr demand for
pint1 hut not much coming In , except rab-
l > it , . .Much of ( ho KIIIIIC \ not In season hut
Is still "old tn some extent , the pi ices icinnln-
Ing for thn most part straily. Deer , antelope- ,
prntilechlcl.disnndcio \ \ \ \ \ out of beacon
mi Jniniiuy 1 , nnd \etvfew me coming
In. I'lftliHs ehlpki'iis , per doS'J.i > a < J'.J.7r > ;
( inall. ner do/ . Sl.'iVfU.M ; Jack rabbits , pi-r
do ? . Suwvti.uo : mallntd ducks , s-J.'i" > : leal
duck" . Sl.' ) ; mKeil ducks ,
small lahblK " > 51.00 ; Keen-.S
l'nisittVK' : : . .Ir.i.ur.s. J-.TC.
nil kinds. 20-lb. palls per lb. . 10' c ; do lu pail
ot , iitr Ih. 10c ; assorted Mb. pulls per irate ,
6 palls. gi.7."i. : .lellle-t , nil kinds , Hist pinde ,
20 lb. palls , per lb , , be ; nvsoitul , lirst Ki ado ,
5-lb palls , \i-r \ ) cr.ite , 0 palN , ppr doSifiO ;
do , Mb palls , per c.w. 'J doz , S2.-5 ; do , tumb
lers , pc-i c.i e.'J doSUO. . .lelly. nil kinds ,
MTOiul ijrndo. wO-lh. palls , peril ) , fxMlnco
Jlcat , best made. ' hbi. per lb. , 7c : do , IS ,
lb. , ii5v } ; pe.ich. plum niul < ) iilnce butter , ns-
KOI ted , 0-lb. palls , per ciate , 0 palls , J.7.i ( ;
rntsup pet ease , 'J do/ , pint hotlles. S5.00 ;
iimsu ladlsh , pint bottles , jiet do/ . . S1..V ) .
I'los Knr.r , 'luii'E , Kir rips' feet
per ' < bll. . S4.75 : do. bbl. ,
S3. 10 : do. iicr kit , Sl.iW. Lambs' tongues ,
. . . v : l. l bill. PO..W ; 15 UM | brl. S4.00.
Xris Pop-in' , laigu polished , lie ; pecans ,
mi'dliuu , Oc ; Kuzllsh walnuts , lie : ulmonds ,
Tmrnvonn , SOc ; do , l.angucnoc , 17r ; linulls ,
1'Jo , lilbrits HP ; pe.iuuts. hand picked , fancy
Yiiilnln. * cdo : i ousted l'c.
COMII llos'iv : Onllloium3 ibframis 00 Ib3 ,
In ca pei Jb. , 15c ; 10 lb. finmes , NebinsKn.
IS- .
ISCHIRK Michigan refined , per bbl. , S0.50 ;
ilo h.ilfbbl. . SUX ) .
VIXIOAII : White \\IiiL1 , Ific ; elder , 12Kc.
Corn \M" rs At 3-U,0rf5.oo.
Nr.w Kids , IATIS. : Ktr. l.ajcr lists. 5 nnd
S-ll ) boxes , ncr lb , Itl-UTo ; I'lUiiclles. 2511)
boxes , per 11) ) , 1'c. Dates , fauev I'aid , 12 lb
boxes , per lb , lie ; do , fancy rciMnn , 50 lb
boxes , pet lb , lie ,
LEMONS Kancy Jlessina tiud Palermo , per
box. J-5no : < ln. oliok-u Medina and V.ileimo ,
per'box , S'.S'J ' ; do. pci'5 box lot. 5 .GO.
OitA > ( iis : Choice l os Anuulrs , per box ,
S2.75 : do , 5liolots , pel loxS'J..0 ) ( ; do , 10-box
lots , S2.50fnnnv ; Hlscisltlc. ? :150 : ; do , 0-box
lots. si.5 : : do. it ) box loto , S'l.OO.
CiiANiiniiiiii' ' Cape Cod craubcnles , per
bbl , Sf.fOfnpo Coil do , 5 bhl lots , pei
bbl. S .11) ) : Hell nnd Cherry ( ! o , per bbl , S > . " 5 ;
Hell and Clienydo , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. S5.M ) .
Ai'i'iis : Not much stock is inoviiitr. Il
linois I'enltous , per libl. , s'J.-IO : do , 5-bbl lots ,
' ' -
Illinois Willow
5-bhl lots ,
s Aialncn ner bbl. S7.00.
HANAXAS Aixoidini ; to si/e , per bunch ,
. . .
PROVISIONS. Hnm. lOfriini c. breakfast
bacon , l 'je. ; clear .side ba'con , 7cdiy ; salted
sides , Or : ctncd , 0) ) < fc ; mojs
pork per bbl. . 81B.OO : laid. 40 lb. cans , per lb ,
UiQ7c ; 10. D mid 3 lb 72'QSc ; diicdbccf
hams. V-'c.
I'orATor.s Nonoaio comlm ; , and pilces
me nominal at.VMtOOo lei choice stock. : : Calitoinla cnbbiic ; , ! ? c per
Hi ; Ciilitoinia ccleiy..f)0 jiei do/ ; Jersey
s\\eet potatoes , 4c per lb ; parsnips , ? t.oa ! per
bush ; illchlu'an rutabaga , SJ.50 per bbl. ;
c.uilillo\\ei , 5. MX ) per do/ .
ONIONS Knit hake stock. 8".00 per bbl. ;
red Wetlieislield , S'if.0 per bbl.
li5A.Ns-ll.tnd ! nicked navv. ? 1.7.r2.00 ;
Hand-picked niedlun : , Sl.50Jiil.75 : uood clean
countrv. S1.2.vai.SO : inferior. 75c(5..00. ( :
( iiiAiN iiev.itorirkeslorcai : ) lots : Coin ,
2J'f@J-J' ' < fc : oats , a4Xf'W5Jfc ; wheat , fi'Jrti
lye , 4ns ; Iwily , 4bc.
| f r.ouii nnd Mi i.i.sTUfKS Winter Wheat
Finn ; be-,1 qii.illty patent at Si.OO@3.lO. :
Second nimlIty-8J.M < Hi.OO. :
Spline Wheat Best quality patent at S2.50
( < Z'J.T" ) .
Huckwheat Klom In banels , S5.75 ; icady
inlsed alb pat-Ungos , 84.00 ; C lb packages ,
. .
Hran S5c per cwt.
Cliopped Feed I'er 100 Ibs.70s.
Coin Jle.U White. bOc ; yello\v,70cpetcwt.
Scieeiiing No. 1 , 7" > c i > cr cwt ; Xo. 2 , flOc.
Jloinlny 51.50 pei cwt.
Shorts -GOc per ewt.
( ii-.iham S 1.7.1 per cw t.
llnv Hales. 0 Oi ) iicr ton.
OYsrnus-CJuotatl ortodayaro : N.\ .
counts : , -l c ; e.xtr.x selects , I0o ; helects , 5c ;
Mnndnids. : ! 0c ; medltmis , iV
i'uus ' AND OKINS 1'rices on furs and
skins aio .steady. Mink , each , lOO'iOc ;
muskrat. winter. 2@5o ; do. kits , Jc ; Otter ,
SS.50fiO.00 ; skunk , .short btiipcd , irKJKiic ; do.
bioad stiiped , 10VJlfi ( ; badger , 25 50 ; lac- !
coon , No. i laige. roB ( ; do. W 2 , to ) ;
do. No. a , I0iiwr > e ; wolf , piaiiio noiffl7. > c ;
do. mountain. SJ.lK ) 3.00wildcat,15 ; ( < WOb'n ; ( :
\er , S1.5(1J.5 ( ( ) per Ib ; lox , each , 0 @ 1. 5-
decrbkin : . drv winter , 15@l8c per lb ; do. fall
mid suuimi'r 20 ( < i'j&c .
limns Git'cn butchers , C(30 ( > < fc ; pieen
cured , 7M@e ; drv , Hint , 12 fllc ! ; dry
f-alt. tKllDc ; damnged hides two-thlids prke.
Tallow ' % & Cileasc , prime \ \ Mite , Wfi'i v el-
low. "t" blow n. 2 > f. bheep 1'elts 2.V < ? 75c.
UBAIIIKK Mo. 1 1'lttsburg harness .1. C , L.
&Sous , ksNo. ; 1 I'ittsburff , K. & S. : ! c ;
No. 1 Inco leather , ( Tic : prim ; ) bl.uiL'hti'r
wile leather , & < , urlmo o.ik solo leather.
; mtruc. Upper leather , per foot , 20-5e ;
Hein kip , 758'c ; oik klji , STCJirxj ; Kiench
kip. Sl.obffl'l.s.'i ' ; Hem calf. Sl.ooftJl.lO. oak
cnlf. Sl,000il,2S ; J'leuch ' calf , 'Sl.WrfH.W. Mo-
jocco boot les , iio ific : Morocco oil pebble.
! ! t > ( iiiUc ; tonplnss and linings. SG.OOutHO.OO
nerdo/ .
COAL Anthincltofrmtc , SS.50 : egg , S6..W ;
rnnge , Sh.75 ; chestnut , bS.75 ; lowu. &n.5J ;
' .Vnlnut block , ta.75 : Illinois , § 5.00 ; AIls-
M > url SI.IHI
HKAVV ilAiinwAiiK Iron , rates. 53. 5j
jilow htoel , bpi'clul cnbt , 4c ; ciuciolo btcel , Oc ;
cnst tools do , 12ftilbc ; wii'zon spokes , pei hot.
fcl.75ii.oo : ) : hubs , per het , Sl.'ii , tclloet. . sawed
dry , 51.40 , tongues , c.icli , 75c , nxles , each , 75c ;
pnunre nutrf. per U . , 7 ( llo ; coilchaln per lb ,
tXifl'-'c : maleable , txs ; lion wedges , i > c : ciow- ; hariowtfcth , 4c ; snilng btcol , 7gbo ( ;
Jiurdoii's lioisu hhoes S4.S' ) ; lluidcn's inulo
hhocs. & 5.S5. U.ubed Who n car lotH , 54.00
per 11X ) tt > s. hoii Nails Hates , 10 to ( JO , 8:1.01) : .
bhot-Sl.50 ; buckshot. , Sl.Ni ; Uilontal
J'-ctl'nris whltlng,2'Jc ; whiting gliders , Wiu ;
whiting , coiu'l , UjiclnmiblnclJ.iiuiiininto\\ii. :
I''c ; lampblack , oidlnary , lOc ; Pitisaiaii blue ,
Me , , untraumrlue , Ibo : Vandyke , brown , bo
umber , buint , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; siennn ,
buint. 4c ; bienna raw. 4n ; 1'arlscrcen , cunu-
ine , 'Joe : I'aus ciuen , common , ixc ) ; ctitome
nuen , N. Y , MOc ; chr mo meen , 1C , l'cur ; -
iiillhoii , l.mlKi. ) In oil nsst lao ; niw nud
buint umber 111)cans ) , liu : law nmi ouuit
hlciina. Ido : Muul\lo uiov.u , l c ; rcmud
Iniupblaek. l-'e ; roach blacl ; and Ivory bU It
luo : ( hoii blank , llio ; Prussian blue.We : ul-
trntnarino tilnc. Ibo : clnoiuo creen , L. , 31 \ :
llfio : blind niul Miutter ureen , L.M .v 1) .
llic ; Paris HIPCII , NJ ; Indlsin led , lr ovna ; -
linn ieil , l o : Tuscan led , i.'uo ; Ainoriuan vcr-
million , IA1) ) . , iHcjt'iiowociiio..KJ ) ; : u .M
V O. D. , 1 0 ; colden ochre , lOo : patent dryer
hrrnliiliu : ( : rolois. licht o.jk ibik oak , \ \ ali -
| i % nut cbestuutftiidnsii Ibc.
PAINTS IN On. \ \ lilto le.ul , Ompha. P. P
? c ; \\hltu lendSt. Louis , juuu 67.w , Jlni ell
Je pieeu , 1 to ft lb cans , .M' < : ; Krcudi zlno
green &enl , I'o ; Fieuch zinc , red bi'.il. lie ;
Piciich vainibhabat-'Oc ; Kieuchziuu
75cormllllon. ; . Aininlcan. Ibo ; Indian , itnl
10orohU ; iiinlc , He : Venetian , red Cookbon s
} iot Venetian led , AIUCUC.III , lc ; led lent
7Mc ; cliiomu ycllougenuine. . 'Joe ; chromu
lellovv , K , I'-'o ; ociiro rochellu : 'c ; ochrn ,
Fieudi , UWcoclne ; , Amerie.ui.2c ; Inter's
mineral,2 c : l.ehiuh blown. 'Jio ! ; Hpanibii
bro\Mi. " > { o ; Priiieo's inlneialiic
tlii.s HUcaruoii , jicrei on. lloiw ; : jmad
Jlght. per irnllon , lie ; Ksa lic.itlllii it , perg.\l-
Jou , l c ; Iwioaterlilte , no : llntced hard
per pnllon , o ; llnsecil , boiled. IH.T irallini ,
47c : laid , winter str'il. i 'i irallnu 5 c ; Mo.
1 , I''o ; No. 'J. 4'c ( : castor XXX , ixr ; gallon ,
fcl.55 ; No. 3 , Sl-UM\eet ; , ner cnllon , il.OO ;
siHHiu. U . U. , HIT e > l Hi Sl.tWlisli U. li.
per pnllon,05o ; ncatsfoot extia , per fiaiion ,
UcXo. l.fiso : Jiibrlcatlni : . zero , i ; rgallon ,
.N. summer. l&c : colden machine. No. 1 , IHT
callou SOc ; > io. 2 a. ' * ; sjicrm , signal , p rtral-
Jou 15cturnoiuino , ner gallon , 5 c ; naptln ,
per KntlOii. 7 IP . , . ,
\ AiiNibitts uarrcls , JH.T gallon : fuiul-
turc. extra , ; fumlUirc , No. 1 , ? 1.00 ;
coacii , extra 61.40 ; coach , No. U SL20 ;
Dam&r , extra. 81.75 ; .lapan , 70c ; nsphaltum.
CJtra , 85c ; thcllao J3.50 ; hara oil nmsh ,
DISKIS ) CIIFJIIO vi.i Add , carbolic ,
Xi ; acid , tnrtnrlc , Wo 5 baNain rouaiba , i < et
lb. , 50c , bark , sassafras , per lb. , 12c ; c-t'Oiucl-
pei'J1' ' . , 7Jc ; clirlionldia , per oz. , 40c ; cliloro ,
fonn , per lb. , 05c : Do\eispo\s < ler. , per lb. ,
81.15 ; rpsoiit enlts , i > crll ) . , ? J " ; ghccrltie ,
pure , per Ib , 2-'c' leainceta'o. \ . per IV.i eec ;
oil , castor , No. 1 iitThAl. , ? t.Gu ; oil , easter ,
No. 2 pcrgnl. , Si. 4) ; oil. olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil. 01 50c S-5 ) 1'
iganiiiu , ; opium - ; quinine , .
.feW. , nnd It. AS. , per o85c ; potassium ,
Iodide , per lb. , $ : t.oo ; sallcln , poro/,40c ;
sulphate morphine , per o/ . , SH.20 ; siilhur. [
per lb..3lc ; stivchnlne , per o1.50. .
friiiiTS Cologne slrlts ) ) , 183 proof , 81.12 ;
do 101 pi oof 81 .Hi ; splills. fccoiul Quality
101 jiroof. S1.12 ; do , 1 3 proof , 81.11. Alco
hol. IBS proof. 4-2.10 per \ \ Ino gallon. Itedls-
tilled whiskies , 81.00 1.50. Uln blended ,
S1.50i,2.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , 8'AOJ wi.txi ;
Kentucky mul IVniisvlvniiln r > cs. SJ.OOc l.50 ;
( olden Sheaf boinhon anrt iyo winsmes ,
81.Wn.W. ! ( Urnndlcs luipcrtetl , ? 5.0oc 8./)0 / ;
domestic. 8UOf ! .00. ( ilns Imported , 81.50
f C.OO : domestic. Sl.25r5.00. Hums 1m
ported , 84.WXuS.00 : New iniIaiidS1.755)2.X : ; ) ( ) ;
domestic , 81. 'iVi 'l.OO. Champagnes Im
ported , per case. SJAOOCcts l.oo ; Amciican , per
case , SlO.OOQlO.Ofl
SMOKKD FISH Halibut , now , ire ; now
scaled herrings , 2c ? ; mackctcl 12c ; salmon ,
I''c : smoked sturgeon. 17c.
SU.VDUII : Domestic Holland herrings ,
kegs , 50c ; Kusslan sardines , He ; Ancho
vies In glass. Oio Unll branu. per ito/ . ,
Sn.X ( ) ; Anchovies In Kegs , Ole Hull brand.
S4.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings skins mm
heads oif , jior pall. Sl.O'J. ' _
rinn . inl'Bll'f It'll Or Illllf I'll Kt3
nsn. 100 , w J0 4Q 15 13 , „
Munn's S't No.l I/b 7 CO 4 00 a 03 2 < tt 1 70 V.I C3 Ki
J/KO Olh'oil FiuiC ) 0 INI SI M il t 1 W 1 W ) 75 M 50
' UM aii'i o K J , o oo : i 63 : t '
. llbls/llalf
UOJ i 100 W )
Bloater Mess 35 CM 18 00 10 25 0 ttl 7 HO 1 SH
Kx. No. ISh'r. . . . V'4 mti 50,11 , .Id 09) 6 10 1 40
No. IShoiu ( X ) , U 50 , 8 njU HI ) ; no i 10
Mod. No. IShoic. . 13 CO 7 tX ) n iiva r > . - > a w. . 85
" " Hay . . 11 ( W " < W 5 ii.y 05 M ro
I.nrtfo Fmnily U ( K ) 5 0) ) 4 a > 3 55.2 10
Tut " _ 7 00 4 00 ! 3 aV2 O5'l ' 70
H1)1 ) < 'Int HblaO'rlllils J'nlls or l < lta
Illoodltcd ,
. . .AhiSKa H 007 00,0 , 353 C5S 00 . . . 98 , 85
Blood Ited
Oil 13 00,7 OOCjM J 65 00 . . . . 85
Tonsues &
Sounds ' 15 00 8 0117 2.V4 03 3 SO1. . . 1 10 0' .
risu. llblallir Iltils U'r llbls Pails
,0 I 100 IK ) | 00 40 | 15 14 10
Non\ off Inn
KKK ller'inifs 11 03,0 506 1)03 ) 333 70' ' . . . 80
NorncKlun I
KK Heiiln s. 11 DJO (05 45.T 652 OT. . . 81 75
CODFISH > cw laicb bauk coT ( , Tc ;
sea kiiif ? , ( 'CoiL'es chunksGifc ; clover leaf ,
" "cs snips. ( ! ; ; e : l lb rollsa lb bo\es ,
iiaiilo ( lower , 21b biickGj ; wild lose , ' 3
Holland heiilne , new , rorkez , 75c ; now
IOIIK split stocklish , 10e' , new bhoit split
stoeklisli , Oj c.
Groccra tilat.
SYHUI Standaid C 2V , bbls ; Standard ,
do 4-calIon keirs. Si.10 ; New Oilcans"
pergallon ; MapleSjiup , J < f bancl. r , \ : ( { .
htnctly pure , 70c pei gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
80.23 pei doh gallon cans , S5.2.J per doz ;
ouart cans E U > o
i'lOKLES Medium in barrels. S\0 ; do In
half biirels. S. . < ; small in birrcls , 87. 0 ; do
In half barrels , 84. 5 ; gherkins In barrels ,
g. 0 ; do in half banels. S4.75.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , 82. ' 3 ;
Kirk's satinet , SU5 : ; Kirk's standard. S3 : ;
Kirk's White Uusslau , § 1.85 ; Khk's \Vhito
Cap. 80.50 : Dome. 54. 5.
MAI cans Per caddie , 35c ; round , per case
45c ; stjuaro cas > es , S1.70 ; O&hkosh casus , gr. ,
Sl.-'O : inulo wiunre. Sl.'J' . .
" , per bbl , 51.55 ; Ashton.
saclcs , Ashton , tKobbla )
bricns Uround Ulack pepper , bows , 15
2ic ; allspice , 12@lCc ; cinnamon tbtrjix ; ;
cloves , I5@25c ; Ringer , 15@25c ; mustard , 15 ®
lonif , choice-lOvfZCOcEnglish : Hrcakfastood ,
! iO ( iOc ; choice , 50tC5c : Souchong , good. 30,3 !
a5c ; choice , 8.5@l5c ; Japans , fair , a 3J.lic ;
peed , li'xn-i'io ' : choice , 55rt75c ; Tea Dust , 15c ;
Tea Iba
Mixed. OM@12 < 5 : stick.
SODA In lb pnpeis , 53.25 a case ; ealsoda
keg per Ib , S2.25.
CIDKR 1318c ; white wine , 11
s Gaineau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5Kc : cieams , b } c ; ginger snaps , 8' c ;
Citv faoda. 7Kc.
CANDi.ns Uoxes , 40U > , Os HJ < fc ; Ss , HH'c ;
boxes , lOlb , 10 oCs , like ; half box , 20m ,
, ,
C lb. c : Kfiigsfoid's pure , 3 lb C c ; Kings-
foul's bulk. Ic.
UniKD FIIUITS No. 1 ouauer apples , 4ic ;
evaporated , hoses , 8'c ; bl.ickbetrics ,
boxes. UlttiSlOc : peaches ; K.islcin. 4 sr l c ;
peaclies , evaporated , 15ji ( l7c ; Salt Lalce ,
new , KO'u ; raspbcuies. new. 2.3lc ; cur-
iniits. new. 7Jfi > : prunrs. new. , ' . @ : .
COFKKES Oidlnary graces , u c : talr ,
ulatcd , 7c ; coniei'tiont'ra' A. djfe' : 'Stan-
daid cstnv C , 0' ' < c : exti.i C. C ? c ; medium
V > llow.G'/e : New Oile.ins. S'
UAXNKD tioons Oysters , btanunrd per
case. Sf.0 : : str.iwberiles , 2-Uj. , porcase. S3.T5 ;
rnspbeincs , 2-lti. , per case , SJ. . ; California per cnso , 55.00 ; mirlcots , per case ,
SI. ' * ; jieaclies , per case , 84.75 ; white clior-
rles , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , 81.00 ;
whortleberries , per case , 82.40 ; egg plums ,
2-51) . . per case , S2. 0 , green gages , 3-Ib. , per
ease , 52/0 ; pine apples , 3-n > . , per case , 33.20 $
j.oO.1'i.uo ' 1'on.vcco Climax , 44c per It ) jllorso-
shoe , JHc ; Star , : i'c : Spe.ulicad , 40c ; Cold
Itoll , 4Cc ; I'iper Heidslck. iVa\ Punch , : a ;
oung Kilt41c : Sll\rrT.v- ; .IT. ) . Ji.Sc ,
HOIT. blhal.4 Inch mul larger , BXc ; Inch ,
0 , c : i lnch , i ) c.
FINE CUT Hard to Heat , 70a ; Charm of tha
West , COo ; Fountain , 70c : Uoldon Thread ,
C7c ; Favoilte , OOo : IJuds , 50c ; Jtocky Moun'
tain , Mo ; Funny , 4"ic ; Daisy , 40c ; Xoitli Star ,
; oc : Gooil l.uck. 55c : Our Ik'st , oy e ; ( ioud
Dry Goods.
1'itiNis Amctican. 5 > < : Ainold's , PKJ ;
Coelii'co , fie ; Mmichostei , fie ; J.jnau ,
60 ; ( iloucester , 5 > < c : Duunoll Jncmiaid ,
Oc ; Dunni'll , Mc\ \ Windsor , fie ; J'.idilc ,
TKHaimony. ; . 4Uo ; Anchoi Sh itiugs , 4 > ' c ;
Mi'nlmnckSliiitlugs. 4 < fc ; Hmwick. 4c.
il.i\f ! : 111:11 Co i MINI , 1'aimeiV choice ,
R'JC ' ; Cabot. Otfe ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-1 , 7Wo ;
Jllll , i9/c ; LoiiBdalo , 8 j Fruit , be ; Vam-
suila , lOc ,
Coitsiir .IIIA.VS Keaisarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7e ; IVnpeit'ii , 7Ko ; iimmu Orchard. 0 > c ;
fiaumkeas : . 7c.
llao\i.f l' > riox l.nwr. nco Ll < , 5c : Shaw-
mut LK. fie : Ue.\\er Dam \A , 5c ; Atluntlo
l.Jj , 5c : Indi.iu Head , \\atcliussta : \ 05fo ;
Crown XXX. > Ke : Clifton CCO , 0)Jc ) '
UticaC.4Uc : Atlantic l'.5-c.
I 1 Hl\ur , 0 4o : 8'ietueKct ' h , hko ; bhutuuket SS
tic ) ) : ifontaubAA. U'e ' ; ifoutauk U , lie ;
I Omeira AOA , l n
I FINK liitowx Cone > s 1'epperell Jl , O'/c ;
I'cpjx'rell O. 6 jC Atlas , 0) c ; statue ol Lib-
citv. Co : Saranau K. OHe.
ji-NisiR licavcr Cieek A A. lie ; Jleaver
ana brown.
Duric-tbnbU'ai'hed ) Soz. Magnolia , lOkc ;
10 oz. Magnolia , 12c : b oz. West Point , lO c ;
10 oz. Wit Point 12V..1. .
Di'cu ( coloriHll Hoston U oz. brown ami
drab. 13'ict Uoston O H brown und drab , Oc ;
lloston XX broun and drab lOc : Koston
XXX uiowif anti arab. HHc ; Boston O t'blue ,
IPjCiairenTricot lac
GINGHAMS Iteuucw. 'AiilO'fc ; Auioskea
( Ires * . Oc : Amoskeaz , st.iplc , 7'jc ' : Ivnnho
O'tc ; Wnrn < mtta. ' ( c ; Nubian. Vc ; Wnr
wick. s' < c : Whlttondon. t c : Bateq. dress ! ? < :
Hates , staple , bjfc ; llandolph staple
Lnnsdowiic , 7c ; Gloucester , 7' ' c.
CHEVIOTS Amoskea-r , ciiecksfl'c } : Amo *
KMS , stripes , S ( c : Slater , stripes , sc : Kdln-
bur nj- yi \Miittvmion : , Mrlpos , 8c : Olcn-
rose , po ptls cheeks , o' ' e ; Oils , stripes , PC ,
novel ujfct junosKca ? , IIP '
ay , book foul , lA > | UOcron , ik' fold , ll di
Endurance , book fold I3c.
Dry umber.
12 ft'l4 ' f t'l6 ' ft'lS ' ftJ20 ft'S3 ' ft24 | ft
rn is oo IToo 1500 in oo 17.00 liioi in.oa
I4..V ) 1I.M 14.M 15.W 1B.BO IU.W aO.fiO
15.0) 15 OJ IS ( W 1(100 ( 17.U ) IWO 19.00
2x10. . . . . HUH ir > .iw IB oo in m n.oo 20 W 20.
2x1. . , IS l 15.00 15.0J 10 00 17.00 19.00 20.00
4x1-8x8 15.00115 OJ 15 ( W 10 00 17.0111S.TO 19.00
Clear , < Inch Yellow I'luo . 22.00
Clear % Inch Nor\\xy : . UOO
i.M Com. , , Vf Inch , Norway . 13.00
Ut and 2(1 Clear , 1U Incii.s. 2s . S5000
1st and 2d Clear , 1 > and u Inch , 823. . . . WOO
M Clear , \f I nch. s'-'s . 00
Rd Clear , 1 ( { and 3 Inch , s 2s . 4800
U Select , 1 % IK anil 2 Inch. s.2s . 3000
1st nnd ' 'd ' Clear , l men , s. 2s . W)00 )
8d clear. 1 Inch , sSs . 1450
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2 < ? . 4000
13 Select , l Inch. s. 2s . 2060
No. Iboardi , 12 , 14 ft . and 10.00
No. Sboards , 12 , 11 It . niul 10.75
No. Sboards , 12 , 11 ft . and 13.75
No. 4boards , 12 , 14 it . and 14.25
No. 1 , 4 An Inch , l3RmlS10.M14f.ect , rough. .
No. 1 , 4 A0 Inch , lOfeet 14.50 , rouch .
Mo. 2 , 4 A 0 Inch , 13 and 12 60 14 feet , loim'h. .
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch. 10 feet lO.fiO , i oush. .
Clear Poplar box bdt , k Ins , 21 . fc'W.OD
" ' ' Kiu. panel stk wide , s 2s. 27.CO
" Uorruaatcd Celling , % . . . 2U.OO
, I.ATItt
* A Stamlaid S2.CO
r. inch , clear , Sl.SO ; 0 Inch , clear 1.CO
No. t. . 1.10
Lath 2.20
l t Com./Inch While Pine S30.00
2d Com.inch White Pine 2J.50
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch $17.00
No. 8 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 15.00
No. 1O. ( J 17.50
Whlto Cedar , flinch , 'halves S U
" " " " ' "
flj < andbinri'rs
" " 4 " round 11
Tennessee led , split
A12Inch , Is 12 , Hand in leel S-N5 00
J { n 11 u u' u , . 41 00
SO 00
! SJ 00
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 ind 10 ft. 1750
No. 1 " " " 10 , lb and 20 ft. . ia . -
No.3 " " " 12 , 11 and 10 It. . 1550
1.1 MI : ,
Quincy white llmu ( best ) , t > 5c ; cement ,
Akron , si.75 ; plaster , S2..W ) ; hair , per bushel
80u ; sa-ih , 50 per cent oil list ; doois , blinds ,
mouldiuus , 50 per cent oiT list ; tarred felt , per
c t. , fl.75 : stiaw board. Sl.CO.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to tnke DPS Molno , Mnr-
slialltownCedar HapldsClinton. Dixie. Chicago ,
Milwaukee nnd all points east. To the people of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wjomlnjr , Utah , Idaho
NovtulaOie-on ( , Wu-hlnifton and Callfouila It
oilers superior advantages not possible by any
other line
Amonjr n few of ttie numoious points ot supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons or this roinl be
tween Omului and Chlea o , uro Its two trains a
day of DAY COACUKj which nro the llnoit that
liurnan art and Ingenuity can create. Ital'AIr
AOK SLUKPINO OAKS , whlcti nro mode-K of
coinfoil an.l elowanco. Its PAHLOK DKAWING
HOOM CAHS. unsuni.ispod by any , and Its wldo-
ly celelnalod PALATIAL DINING CAItS , < ho
cqunl of which cannot bo found ol owlinro.
At Counell llluirs the trains ot the Union Paci
fic Hy. connect In Union Depot with tlio o ot thn
Chicago & Noithnostorn Uy. InClileaifO tha
tialns of this llnu mtilco close conueutlon with
thoboof all onstern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmcln
null , Nlaifiirn FiilK llnlfalo , Plttsbury. Toronto
Jlotnioal , llo-ton. New York. Philadelphia , llil- :
tlmoreWn9hlm'ton and all points In the east , asls
the ticket agent for tickets via the
"NOUl'H-WiaiT.UN. "
If yon wish the best accommodations. AH ticket
HffuntH tell tickets via this Hue. „ .
M. Huaiinrr. . s. HAIU ,
General Manager. 'Gon. ' Pass. Aifout.
lly reason of Itn control poslllnii nnd cloxo relntlon to
oil prlnclnal llnus ( ait nn > \Vrrt l , nt Initial urnl tor-
lulnnl polnlii , ( uiutltute the mnrt Jntiortnnt | IlifiT
Lontliantnlllnlila tlmt Kvtlrrn or Iliiuuirh tronnpor.
tntlon nhlcli Invltim on < l rndlltulfff dnit i nnil tralltn
bcluwiicltlriiiir Ilia Atltinllc niul 1'arlHci Coaita It
lit aUa iho fnvoiltt ) nnd hent loutu to ard from points
L.avt. Nnrtli n > tt uml Bontlionut , end corucpondlntf
liulnti Wtitortlincit and tiouthweit.
The Croat Rook Island Route
Guarantor * III patrons tlmt fcdiBo of prrronat eecn *
rlty nfToi-dtd by n Killd. tliaroiiulily ImlloFlcil rnail.
ui'il , kinuolh trnikt , n ( onllnnuiu fetl ml ) , vubfetun *
tlallvlnillt cnlverU and In Id n , rolllniiBtudc an in nr
porfirllon ua liumin t > klll ian inako II. Ilifl fuffty
appliance ! of pattnc bulleiii.jilitfurlniiAIld ftlr bluki * * ,
and that rxacflii illnilpllno uliltb i'otciiin the pmc >
Ural npsinlloii rf nil In Irnlin oilier .pedallln of
lil lonle nro Trail.feu nl all connntlni ; iiolnn In
union Depots , and thu uiimirpu i.iU ioiuioiU ftiid
luzurlovof Its PAfitenfivr Dinlpturnt.
The Kait Kjpr * Train * lx > t en Olilfoeo and
IVoria , Council 11IH1T0 , Kansas Oily ,\\firlh and
AtclilMin aiu tonipniied cf will vtnlllatfcl. llndj lip.
linlfiiTccI Day Couches llueiilllcint I'uilinuii I'vlutu
Mcepu-Kof Ilia Intvit ilc'.lsn , and rnniptunu lllnlliK
fart. In whlcli ( liboi atcly i noki d nil uln at c li Inn i ly
oaten Hi twttMiChlcMiro and Knnvnk ( ily and AUhltbU
oiu l o run the eelebraied lleilluliiBehah Unu.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
If the illrfct and fnyorite line between cl.kaKoanil
lilnncapollsAlidHI , I'milMlitre ronnirtlonxareinado
III Union lieuou for all points In th 'Irnlloilts and
llrlilsh rroiliuos Oiti IhU ronlr fan r MC
llatni aie rim to the ualcrlnir placvs , Miinniti ru-
eort..plUun > . | iio loealllks , and linnlluir nnd llvlilnu
PI milll of luna anil JHnnc otu. It Is ii ) u llm inukt
drtliiMc-ronlii lo tlio ihliuhcat IlilJiiiiiJ nn.torul
lauds of Interior riakali
hlltl nnoihir lilltwr UNI ! , rla Ronwaand Kan.
kakiilias been u | ni.Hl brtwrrn I'lnc Innnll. Imllnn-
> ixiljiiiiill.iratrlp | uiiilfnumllllliiirt. Kulun.e'lty ,
lllnncapoilsanilbt I'aul and lntrrmidl.o points.
t or detailed ( nfoimatlon i a Maps end loldrrs ,
pyilnalili.oa uell ai tuktts , nt til principal ritkvi
( im > c > In ( be United btatti uiid Canada ) 01 by ad-
dl < IIIB
I' : s't . 'c Ocn'l MV-'r , Oin IT Jit ii 1'ass.e't ,
General Insurance Agent
rhcciilx Insimuico Co. , London , Cash
WeMthester , N. V.Absets l.UOO.OUO
( iluiib Tails , Assets 1,275,011
( llrartt FIio , Phlladulphla , AtsbCts 1 00,000
Nenv Humi ) > lilfu Cu-sh Assets 1,010,000
Saunders Street Market
1'irslr , Suit and Siuoktxl Meats , Sansaare , Po'ul-
to , it ( . 101U Suuudcrd klri-ot , Toft's I'luo i ,
Tilophenio Cyi.
1 Billiard Tables.
Manufacturers i of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
Anil Snloon , Ofllco nml llnnk Fixtures. Market
nmlllurn Sts. , Chljiifolll. ( ( , Omaha oni o,5jj
S.10thSt. _ _
Bctk Binding , Etc ,
iinnsruiNTixa co. ,
Printdts , BooK Binders ,
And Ulnnk Hook Mnhiifnotuicrs. No . 103 nnd
US South 11th Strost. Oinnha , Nib.
Bridges Steam Pile Driving.
11AYMONI ) A. CAMl'Ill'.I.I , ,
llnglncrrs niul Contractors.
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination ami HOMO Trnii Hi MUM ,
1'lllmr and Oak Timber. 15th St. , ueiir Tainim.
Tclcpbono Xo. JJ4
Cigars and Tobacco ,
" _ _
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns nnd Ammunition , an to 2S1 South Itth
Street , 1KO ( to 1024 TaiiMm Street , Oinalia , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wliolc nlo Doiilcraln Leaf Tolmucos. Noa.
IPS mid HON. Hth Street , Omaha , Ncb. _
Eagle Cornice Works.
John KponcterProprietor. Manufaituicr of
Oahmilzeil Iron uml Ooinluo. ( ( SI lo ) < Uo ; and 101
nnd 105 North Uth Sticct , Omaha , Nob.
ftl & ItOLTE ,
ManufactuiursoC OmnmcntM
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Wlndous , rinals Etc. , 3108. 12th St. Workdono
Inniiy pan of tlio country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECIIT. Proprietor.
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Ktc. Spocht'slm'
rio\od Patent Mctnll'oyk ) light. 608 and 510H
IJth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Tlio Gate Ciy : PiGn'cg Mill.
, Ba ° h and HllncK Alco nil kinds of
turning , Scroll and Stair work of o\cry < lo-
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Doors , Sasb , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc.
Stair Itnlls n specialty Telephone No. 16 !
15th and Marcy Stl , Omaha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
Maeonlc Block , Omaha. Ilur'jlnr ' Ahirms Hells ,
Kho Alarms , Eleetilu Mattlnif , Spcnklnjr Tuboj ,
Gold , Silver and Nickel PlatinglUc. .
Iron ard Nails.
Cut Mils and Spikes ,
Tire Nnila r Spr 3alty. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Mnclilneiy , ra tluir , 'Ptcam ' Engines , Holler * ,
Anihlttctiiral lion Woil : , lion Hrldircs , Mlului ;
nnd Mill Machinery. Oflko and vorlcp , Union
I'aeilio It. It. 17th and litli Stiucts.
Cor. Hth nnd JaclAon Bts , , prepared to do nil
kinds ot lion and lira's Tastings ; also , O , C.
llannlstcr'ti HoeUini ; Cvnto li.irs mamilucturod
Omaha Safe Works ,
o. ANDiinnN.
Manufnctmerof 1'ho ami Ilnrglar Proof Sifoi ,
Vault loois. ) Jail Woilc. Shutters and Who
Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omnha , Neb.
r. j. QUEASY ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Dfllco and Factory , near Powder Magozlna ,
Umiilia Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 and 1.117 liuniuy stieet , Omnha , Neb. Solo
Agents bhalt Sulkies. in Nehirtskii for Jones' Colcbiute-d Split
established 1653.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HCUand 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
White Lead.
_ _ „ _
Coitodcrs and Giludcisof
Perfectly Pore White Lead ,
Oniahn , Neb. LcU Ciutci , Prct. ; C. W. MeaJ ,
VJco Pios. : H. W. Yutttf , tee. undTicus.
The Millard ,
B. Bhcnrs , J.n. Maikcl.Thos. Snohc , Pioprlotcrs
Omulia , NebraRka.
Arcade Hotel ,
Jnmcs Cn ij , Pi "I" Ictor.
< S15 and 1-17 Douglas St. , Oiimhu , Neb.
Tlicpatiotiunoorc-oiiitiioiclal nil-it icspuutfuKy
Mille-ltcil. Thny will IhKl this the-he-bt t-
1IOI1E3 WCbt Ot
" 'lanters ' House ,
c. K. rKitniP , piioi'itnrroii.
.sl.f/l per day. Street turd liom U.I' ,
dtjiut , Mlililn ono I'loik ' ol hotitu. Cirne.
Uoclyu mid llth bticets.Oinnhii , .Not ) .
TheCozzens - ,
P. llumsoy & Cp , Prorlotori. [
KatcB(0 pur duy , no ilatU roouiB. O.milia ,
Nob. Also pi. iMiiiniuof Palace Hotel , Sanm
Te , No'loxVo. .
_ _ < i _
Canfiold , House ,
Cor , Nlnih nnd TnHianl Sts. Tlio belt f2 pC7
dny holil in Oiimiiit. lUmiodoloU. irlurnUIiu I ,
ledio iuietlionublocKlt'om'uinylioadqmiitcrj ' ,
oppo ltu Union P.iei o licadciuaiu is ; Micet cm a
iiu-,3 the door. ( ii > ( inu t'imtlelil iV Co. , piopilo-
tois. Alto Union 'stock ' Vmtb Hotel , Koutli
Umahii. _ _
Hotel do Gees ,
P. UOOrf.Pjoprlctor.
Kuropcnn Plan , jiuuiileditrallylocntcrtC. .
adayboUbo. Tlco dojii from llojd's Upoi.i
lioupound onolmir bloeli fmm tlm PoMolllco
nnd the Court lloinc. UM 1510 , 13U
Mattress Company ,
Maniirftclurlm , ' MatlrtssdS , Iluldlnir , rpnthcr
Pillow H , Cots , itc. : UOO and l.'US Ddtifl.i.s Street ,
Oiimhu , Neb.
" "
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , hhhts , Ktc. , 1103 nnd 1101 Douglas
Street , Omaha , Neb.
IILUILITI HVtcsiii.ivi
Alif ci | < crU > cs. BncaiUtloMil 1"lt
Ujes. Bcnl Sump for cU d l articular
Agricultural Implements.
" " "
i.iMNor.u .v MirrcAtr co. ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
Oflko , Corner Cth nnd rnclQoSts , Umulia , NC'J.
Wbolcwio Ic.\lcr3 ) lit
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd Uupfflcp , Omaha Xcb.
AVholesnlo Dpn4cr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
C.irr.nR08 nml Hupile' ( > . .It nf Ft. , bet. I'lli ana
10th , Omnhn , Net )
Bools and Shoes.
" "
MOI'SI : & co. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Hit Fnrunm Street , Omntin , Neb. Mnnufnctory ,
Summer Stieet , Hoston. _
Carpels ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mftttlnps , Curtnlu Gooild. Ktc. , 14S1 rnrnnm
Street , Onmlm , Neb.
Coal , Llmo , Etc.
hfr \ \ \ miroin : ) ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Onieo,21J8. 14th rt. , Omnha , Neb. Yards , Oth
and Di''ciipoitSticcts.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Host \arlctles. Olllro,2np. 13th Bt , Telophons
No. 14U- , Omaha , Ntb.
" *
NKHKASKA run , co. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
2148.13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
0 to. C , TOWI.F , I'rcsldnnt.
. 1'ATTFlisoN , Sec. and Tieas.
J. 11. 1A. . UMII : ,
I'roprictor. MnnnBor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OWCC.217S. Uth Stieet. Tclcphono43.
CEO. V. Ian Kill , Pies. C. V. Goonvts.V. Ties.
.1. A. SUMii.ui.NI ) Pec. nnd Tieas.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of haid and < oft coal , 201) ) S. Uth SU ,
Omaha , I\cb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Houldor Colorado Coal , 217
South ItthEticet.
Coffee and Spites.
" "
t. . nrr. . . . .4 n-,1- . nu ,
tta ; ; ointo ? .
Tea' , Coffees , Spiers. Hal.lnj ? 1'owdcr. I'lnvorlnc
Kxtrncts , Launiiry lliun. Ink , utc. 1411-1U liar-
noy Street , Omaha , Neb. _
Commission , Etc.
nilANCH & CO. ,
Iffholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Knrnain St. , Omaha. Apples Our own , . .iek.
1'latt As Co 'a Tlifor llnind OjhtciB , lluttur ,
S , Oamu , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Herchant ,
rrodueo , Pio\ Mono , nults , Hour mid Teed , 105
B. 14th St. , Omalri , Neb. ConslKiiiuunts sollcltud.
llutmns iniulo piomptly. _
" "
Jobber and Commission Herchant.
Ee , Snisacs ! , fruits , Hulchei s' Tools and
Supplies. Uin Jones St. , Omulia , Neb.
W. E.
General Commission Merchant.
ErECJAr/rn s Cheese , llutter. ESVN Poultry
nnd Oamo , 112 a 14th. , ( ) mahu , Neb. Telephone -
phone No. yja. _ _ _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
Uiittcr , r..iiifi nnd Produce. A full line of Stono-
" ; nie. Consignments bollcltocl. 1411 Uodifo St. ,
Omaha. _
General Commission Merchant ,
nuttor , K.TKS ChcCbO nnd Countiy I'roduco iron-
nully , UUU S. 12th bt. , Omaha , Neb.
JtcSHANi : &SCIIltOiDKH : ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Hefrlffemtor nnd Pncklntr Honpo , I41h .V Ltnvcn-
worth fat. , on U. P. H. li. Tiatk , Onuiba , Nub.
Estnhllshcd 1870.
General Commission ,
I11S. 11 tli Bt. , Omaha , Nob. Spoclultles llutter
E Poultiy and Ciiunc.
Commission Merchants ,
f rnlt , I'rrduco nnd ProUsions , Omnhn , Xob
Commission Merchant ,
and wliolos.ile dealer In country piodnco , t'l ultp ,
butter , CHK" , < 'leUooiN on consignment n
specialty. OM W. lflh : St. , Omnba , Neb.
( Suecps oi i to A. P. Ptlmck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South 1'Hi Plroct. Omaha , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
FrullR. Flour , Apples , Slonov nio , rider.VIni par ,
( JinsH See d9. Hntti'r and IVj . 31J und IJC ! Pouth
1'llh bttcot.Omjha ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultiy , llutter , Oamo , 1'niitp , Ktc. 2L'OS. 14tli
bt. , Omahu , Ncbiaska.
A. r.lllITHOE ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Mints , Im < l , .Tdlii't ) , lluttur , Circs , rhoeso , IHo.
No. ao5 S. l.'lh St. , Omnha , Neb.
General Commission Merchants ,
J4COHodgo Street , Omaha , Neb. CoiiblBiuncnti
SID 12th Street , Omaha , Nch. ppcclaltlos ; Hut-
tcr Kfet , mul Clilci-.t in.
Dry ( joous.
V7holesalo Dry Goods and Notions ,
Jli.i Douulnu Si i cut , Omaha , Noh.
I. . OINfllir.IiU A.CO ,
Whok'bulo Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Lii.cna , Luces , Knil < roldrry nndVlilto Ccods ,
, Omnha , J.'tb.
IIRO\VNII. : | ( JL ro. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines , jiortnl lo ( whirr , boilers rnj
Fheet Iron orl : , IMIROIIP , n ileulluial inv-c-
incuts , pumps etc. l.'tJ-l-l5 Le'a\e'iiwoilhb' . .
Leather , Hides , Etc.
u c. HUNTUOTOJ : & , M > : ? ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
lilt Juekcon btiert , Omuh.i , Nob.
HliOIi ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddh ry und Mioo rindlii | i , llldts , Wool , I'u-g ,
_ Pclrn , ( Jicat.0 , Tallow , Ktc. , O.-nalm Net. _
Flour , Etc ,
Wholesale Flour ,
{ 66 , r0 uid C12 1'Jireo Street Ouiuhrt , Neb.
I nnnro Tzsciircic , JR.
1 , Apcnt for J. C. lloffmnyr * Co ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
By Holler nml Hunpxilan 1'roow * . Waiehoufe ,
, 1J1J Joins micel , Umnhn , NeK
I I Wholesale Flonr , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturerof W. J. Wolslmm .V Co.'g QtilcX
UnMiiR HuckMlioiU flour nml proprietors Omnna
Cit ) Mill * , cor. Sth niul rnrnnm Streets , Omaha.
Fis'1 LtC ,
Eucee ors to lelten Sleiii $ eii .V Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers , 1
Importer1) ) of I-'orclsn Kl h , No . Oll-Oin Jonci
tStreet _ nml IM * . Tiack , Omaln. Nob. _ / ; .
Furnilurc. Etc.
. . .
" . , .JJJ- . -r
nuwnir A STUNK ,
Wholesale Dealers la Farnltnra ,
_ _ _ Knriinin Street , Oinnha , Xcb.
" _ _
"AI.T.KN iiuos. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ lllOnml 1112 louglM ) Stroct , Oirmha , Neb.
U. 11. CHAPMAN & CO ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobnixo niul Smokers' Articles , U17 Howard Sk
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
b'plcts , Cigars mid Tobacco" , 1.M7 and 1319
lasStrcutOiiuiha , Nub.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th mid rarniun Streets , Omnhn , Xcb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Kos. T05 , 707 , 709 nnd 711 3. 10th St. , Oiualin , Neb.
* *
W. J. 11KOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
EprlnpR , WIIROII Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc
VAN mid 1U1I Hitrnvy btiecx , Onmlia , Neb. _
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrlnso Wood Ptock , Heavy Hardware ,
Uc. U17 mid l-'W heiiveiiHOrthfctieet.Oinalm ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics * Tools nnd lUilfnln Scales.
InsSticot , Oniahn , Nob.
& co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , itc. Aprcnts for fTowo Scales and
Miami Po dctCo. . , Oinnha Neb. _
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Guiles , Hi ass | rood . 10U and 1J2J VM-
n.xm Sticet.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Cmoisun Steel Nnll . Cor. 10th and Hainoy
btreuts , Oinalia , Nob.
vSi.'nninuxci & co. , CHICAGO ,
Jlunufacturer ol the
DoerM Harvester Goods ,
\VrIto to AVni. M. Loilmcr. General Agent ,
j Omnha. Telephone. 010.
| Iron Pipe , Etc ,
" -
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbrro In lion Pipe lion 1 Hint's , lion and
fira s Roods. Kiifrlnoci V Supplies. lltii and
Dodijo fetieets , Oinalia , Nob.
i A. L. SritANQ COMPANY" ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Fteam , Water , Hullw ay and Milling Supplies , Tito.
VM , ( XSi nnd IBM I'm nnni St. Omaha , Xob.
, cnuitcmuj PUMP co ,
1 Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Ileniliriiattcii fo
Mut Fonst Co.'s UooJs. 1111 Fiumuu Stioct ,
Omului , Neb.
| Jewelry.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In SiUerwnio , Jilnmonds , Vi'ntchas
Clockx , Jen rlois' Tools mid Mulct lull , I'.to. , 101
nml HO , IMh Sticct , Cor. Dodge , Omaha , Neb.
Live Stoc ! < ,
i Bridge Stock Yaids , Omaha.
No Yardnpo Ch.UKcd.
Close to U. P. Hrldftu. Special nccnmmoilitlon
fiul u ( rood muiLct lor liojrs. 13. U. Cooj/cr / , Man-
Ollite , South Dthbticet.
Live Stock CominisslDi
Gco. Huiko , Manaifcr.
rJnlon Stock Yards , H. Uni.Uri. Tolu 1110 to 583
1 \r. r. intowx & co. ,
i Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofi'.co KxchmiKO Hulldmjr , rulciii Stock Yaids ,
i j , i-'outh Oinalia , Xob. U'oicphonoXo.Oj : ) .
MA1UKY. ) fcOX .V CO.
Live Slock Commission ,
Union Stock Yaid * , Chicago. 111. , and O-niilm ,
Ncli. I'liuiK I'lilttoiKli nMiuiir ! : < 'i Ihnuh.i Hianuh.
'j'clcj > liono No. : > : ! . ijtiilillhiiu : < l iwj.
) V. I * PATIIICIC i CO. ,
Live Stocli Commission Merchants ,
. ' . ( Ulrrisiilh omimiiilcitlon : > t ( > itsat ( JnlonStoo'c
Vmda , South Omaha. AiUauccs nnulo on noc't
! Union Stock Yards Company ,
. tlmllcd. John 1' . ll.nil. ! 5iiperlntcndcnl.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ehli Hitnts ol im > am ! Mlll-nclbuf ) irto''k Miiiclt
\ cd , L'nlon hi'ct ! ViuiH Oinulia Nib.
Lumber , E'c ' ,
; Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lima ,
Ecth , IJoots , Klo. Ym d Co7th and Douglas ,
Cor. Uth ami Uuuyl.u ,
i Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
1 MouldUm1. Ftulr Work mul Inteilor Haul Wood
llnlth. Juvl opi nc-d , N. H. LOI. bth and l.ciucii-
Mcrlli fctin IE , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
E14 3. Hth Btrtut , Omaha , Nob. V , CoJpouor ,
C. N. nillTZ.
Lumber ,
13th mid California Btitet , Oamlri , Nob.
rani ) w. GHAY.
Lumber , Llmo , Cerasat , Etc , , Etc.
Cor , Cth i.iul Douglas bticttb , Omulin , : 'uU
Gi:0. : A. HOAGia.Vl )
Wholesale De3ler in Lumber ,
Omaha , Ncbiusku.
CHA3. 11. 1.V.K ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
n'cn Ptotk , 1' Woods , lltldfo Timlcr < ,
Uc , B. W. Cor. nth mid Uoiil.u [ > , Omaha , .Nil' .
G. . .LYMAX ,
Dealer In Sash , Dcors , Blinds ,
llLliainir Pupci , lite. hnutU Uth
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
Paid In Capltul Stock , JW,000 ! ,
t.iiiniiufutlurcrd and wholesale deal
ere. .Mll'itu ' .MeriJl , WU. WliolcMilo nnd relu
ii d OmuUu. Ntb. GUti. UtUat '
OMAHA 1. MUlillCO ,
Dealers In All KlmU of
Bnildlng Material at Wholesale ,
Jf th Sticct nml i nial'iicfl Track. Omiln
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , i
Efllh and linrd Streets , Oinnha , NobrnsVfl.
J. A. WAKUnr.M ) , * t
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
tlulldlni ; Vnpci * . SuMi , Doorj , llllnds , Mi.'ll/
liiRS , Pickets , Po t , I.liuo , Pln tor , Hnf ,
Cement. Nlntn aim Jones Oinnlm Neb.
Millinery ,
i.oniitni.ii5it. :
Importers and Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
12llond ! 1214 Harncy Street , Onmlm , Nch. _
Musical Instruments.
nuuoMi & \
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Stolnuay l'lnnoVebrr , Decker , llnlno anfl
lltlgffs 1'ianoi , 1'nckiml Organs , Clmso Orjraas.
1U1 and IK ) 1MU Mioet.
Notions , Etc.
J. U ItllAN'UIKd .V SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Hry Oood , Notion * , Dents' rurnlMilnir nomlg ,
( loodifiom New Voik. Tiado sales dnily. Wj
nnd CW South lllth Ht. , Oinuhn.
c. s. uoonmcn & co
Agcats lo. > I' . A. Whitney CanhiRO Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jowett's Cclo'intNl Ho'ilKotators. Send
pu or price lists. HI ) I'limnm it , Oiimhii.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company , \ '
4KI and 405 S. 10th St..Omaha , Noli.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions mul Gents' rur >
nlshlnif Good" .
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Caroline , Mica Axloflieaio , I'.lc. A. II.
r , Oniahn , Neb.
Porl < Packing. _
JAMES E. 110V1) ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmlm , Nebraska ,
HAItltlS riSHEIt ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onico , Union Mnikel , 1617 Dodco Ptreol. Puolln
lioiiho , I' . P. It. II. Tiack , Oiiiahn , Nob. Tolo-
. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
p. noYEH & co.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1 '
I'll o nnd llnrRlur Proof Safes.Tnno I.oeksiViiuHs
mid Jail uoilc. 1020 1 iiinnm bticot , O-naha , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sos3s.
AKilciiltiual. Voirutidrlc , Etc. Odd fellnwi1 Hall ,
N. W. Cor. llth and Dodge St . , Omali i , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Dwggists , >
JoWicisofl'nliiti.OIKWInduW ( llmi Etc. , 11U
llniney Stieet , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer In Palntp , Oils nnd Window Glas\
Omaha , Neb , _ _ .j
Wines and Liquors. _
THANK DEM.ONI : & co. ?
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
J202 and 120-4 Douglas St. , Omalui , NoU Tno-
' toilea Nos. 4 and ; iuii ; : < l Dbt. N. Y. _ J
C3EO. W. niTNPAN ,
SucccB or to MeN \MAIIV .V DUNCAN , Importer *
\Vholetiile Dualeis In
Y/incs / , Liquors and Cigars ,
211 and 210 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb
It. K. ailOTTK ,
Wines and Liquors.
Westoin Afent.loH. Sehllt ? Ilioulnt ; Co. ID
9th Slieut , Omnha.
IIEN'KV IIOHNltnilGnit ,
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
KKl Douglas fcti eel , Omaha , Neb.
1LEII i. CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And I.lquoiH. Solo niiinufiictiiioi4of Kruno Ir's
K.iM InUiii llitluirt. HU Huinuy Stieet , Omnha ,
L. P. IvAHPON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And ( In'iii14 , and (5 ( < nriul Atfimlrt Tor thol'hillit
Hosts' Ce'lobinted JIlhMiukeo llcor , Omului , Neb
_ , > . Harness , Etc.
Mimufaetuirib and JobbcmoC
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardwara ,
'Juil Goods , lllankcN and Kolicn. IL''l 1'ranii'H
_ Stieet Qinali i. Neb.
* "
W. L. WHICH'I' ,
Agcni for the Mantifuetiirciii am ] Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
LainpB , riilinneji ? , llio. OlI'w ' , : )17 ) Fouth lit !
Miii-t , OmaliK , Nob.
Ciiicap , Mmh 6 SI , P ul
The Short I ine
and Best
From Omaha to ffle East
, MliiniMioll | < < . Mfluaiilico ,
HI I 'mil , ( "oJm- ijii it , Dau'iil'on ' ,
( Million. lliibiKiuo , KiHliloid ,
Itock Maud , I'i < u | > 'iit , .limoJUIIo ,
ICIvIn , .Muill-iiii , LnCiDM-o ,
llilolt , Wlniina
Andullothoi linpoiiani points r is > l , N
Tlekcl ollko tit 1401 I'aiiiniii hlicot.dn Piixton
Jloti I ) , and ut L'nlou IMeiHu Depot.
Pullman Mucpe-is mul thu finest Dliilnydi
lu \\oildiiioiuu on tlm iiiiiln llui'n of thu
( 'iiiCAioMu. ( AUKn.Vrr ; ! r\iit , lnu.w\vnnJ
ex'iy attention ! > , p ild tniiastuiitfoia by eoutto-
ouRemiilo > ( 'nol llmco nininy ,
It , MII.I m , Gencial .Miinajccr ,
J , f. TULUI it , AisMaiu General Mamucr.
A. V , II. t'uti' , Gout ml Piwoiiffr ml
Tidiet Agent ,
Gli ) . l : lltAI : toiii ) , AsbUtaiil Gun i.ill' . . n
t er mid Tieke-t At'e'iil.
( jt.Aia.ub ix
Jai ! Work.
1020 rainuiu Strcut , Omulia Neb.
B. E. Lincoln ,
-w jlurhot Price Paid.
Tlio Orl luul und Only