Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , XtlURSDAY , FJEfcRTTAlt Y 18 , 1880.
AdrrrU'ementsundcr this head 10 cents per
line for tlio first ln ortlou , 7 cants for owh
subsequent lr.sortnnfindfl.'iCn line per month.
NOT rii'oment tnkcn for 1cs limn SiortnK
Seven words will bo counted to the line ) ttuy
must run consecutively and mtifitbo p&ldln ad-
Tftnoo. All adrertltoraonu must be handed In
before 2 o'clock p. ra.f nnd under no circutn-
etnnces vrltl they bo tnkon or discontinued br
Parties advertising In thogo column * and hav
ing the answers nddro3 od mcaro of TUB HKK ,
will plcftBo nsk for check to enable thorn to got
their tetters , M none will bo delivered except on
presentation of chock. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
d-Boo.ono lo Jcr * " biiFhio s nni1.r. . . ° ' 'L'onc ' ' , °
P property In Minis of I , A "L" ' UW ! -
Anus , I'lOT rnrnntn 8t. MW
_ _
MONI3Y TO I.OAN on horses , vngon' . fur-
nlture.wntchoi , without roniovnl. Term *
onsj- . ( \ .1 Cnsvuill , lloom It ) , Iron Ilnnk llnlld-
Ing , 12th nnd rnrnnu. . Tnko olovnlor. bOO-mliT *
, to loon on city residence property
0 co. W. Dny , 150-J rnrnnm. 237
Fill ) LOAN Money innny amount ,
JL On nil clashes offeoctirlty.
Ehorttmio loans ori ronl oitnto.
Ix > ng time lonns on real ostato.
Money to lonn on chattels.
Money to lonn on erlbstornls.
Money lo Innn on nny ( rood security.
Terms enty , time to suit.
Apply ntllioOmnlm Financial I3jrchino ! ,
Marker's building. 8W corner of
fifteenth nnd Knrnntn st . m > 9lalrs 238
TO LOAN on Improved nnd unlin-
MON13V city propnity. Cunningham *
nrcnnnn , 1511 Ikxlgu Btroct. 289
MONKV for ovcrybodyl \ ou cnn borrow
money on furniture , horses , wnctms ,
plnnos , Block of nil kinds , diamonds nnd line
watches on your own tltno. Pn > mont3 received
nt nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rato.
Property left In your own possession. Terms
l.wnallie lowest. Cnll nnd ceo mo. luminous
oonflilontlnl. No ndvnntniro tnkcn. W. H. Cioft ,
lloom 4 , Wltbwll's Now lIullcMni ; , Nortlicnct cor
ner IBth nnd llnnicy. 210
'ONKY TO LOAN 0. 1' . Dnvls & Co. llonl
M Kotnto and Lonn agents , 1605 FurnnmSt
TO LOAN-On good securities. A
MONKV , room 7 Hedlcklllock.lSCW Fnrnnm
ONIIV TO LOAN Ou real estate nnd chat
tels. I ) . I * Thomas. ' >
M ONKY i o i , < > AN-in sums of $200 nnd upwards -
wards on first-class ronl cstnto security.
Potter ft Cobb , 1515 Farnnm St. S !
MONKY LOANED nt C. I' . Ilccd& Co's. Loan
ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons
pcrFonnl property of nil Kinds nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
Ilnnk , conior inth and'Farnam. All bualncea
etrlctlr contldcntnl. sea
T71OK SAI.i : Smnll job printing oHlce doliiff
J ( rood ] Inialnos" . llon on for folllnir. poor
health. Address 0 12 , Pee olllco. t,7iMl )
\\rANTl"l > To oxchnngn for stock of hnrd-
IT wnro nnd ffciii'inl niorchtttidlso , WiOncrt'sof
flue 'Jhnjcr Co. , Nob. , land ; G lots In GetiO'i.
Nob. . Kood store bnlldlmf ( licst cornet ) : peed
duelling ( lost ) location ) In Kicv , In. , nl-o bO
lido ? y mlle trom town of Eesox , In. , seeded In
Mno innss. For fuithor pattlculars nddioss
Jolm Llnderholm , Central City , Nobraskn. CM
T.hnolclnffSJ.OOO. " nT Mock of TiiorcTmndlso
hnolclnffSJ.OOO. Uox Ifll , Mnrno , In. liK-TO *
T ) irS7TiA,500 slock orTnllllnciy poods
J In splendid locution. A hlffbiuxnln lor someone
ono ns n llbeinl discount will bo ( ilvon. 1'or 1 ur-
thor pin tluulnrs nddrcss 11 00 , llco Olllcc. G i
WANTKI-Opening for n umber yard In
( rood town on mlhondo . will buy cstnb-
lislied business. Correspondence from business
men solicited. Address M. II. Lumber Co. , 13x-
clcr. Nub. 5IW-23
13 Stock of hiirdwara and farm Im-
JL' plomcnts ; havongood trade ; the only store
of the kind in the place ; must bo sold soon. Ad-
liossC6 Iteo Olllcc. 621-17 *
TTHHl SAT.K A drngstoioin ngood livotown ;
JL' n llrstinto location fern iibvslclan. Capital
looiiitcd nbout $2hX ( ) . Now building nml clean
stock. Addt ess or cull on II. Jloses * Co , Val-
online. Neb. .tllmclt2
FOK 8AI.R Or o.vchanKO T clvo bundled ,
nnd eighty aeicsof Mo. , timber nnd ginss
liind , forty miles cast of Kansas City. As rich
sollns nny land In the Mate , 111 sill all or part
ntllttccn dollais pur ncioor will exchange for
peed hnpmvcd or unimproved Ncbraskii land.
llcdford & Sutler 20T
B1 IOOM nnd bonrd , $5 per week ; very bcstlo-
cation. 1814 Davenport St ICSlcblU *
DIl. 13. I ) . AKNOI.1l , Oculist and
movcd to 1514 Oonulas stteot. h7J-2J *
IV YOU hnv'o propoity to sell or exclinniro ,
list It with O..1. Cnswell A Co. , lloom 1' ) . NebrasKa -
brasKa Nutlonnl Hank Hulldlng. ; ai.'iiilil *
$000 ANO nyoncro Improved fauns within
12 miles of Omaha ; $ J > per acre ; those nro
tmigatns. Gibson i : Ai-chur , room 3 Wlthnell
"block. 131
1III3 W. C. Metznor8tovollopnlrCo..lllSouth
. 14th St. I'elu mm Dodge nnd Douglas.
EOST A mtnk boa between I'tlfhiid 20th St"
on 8t. Jlnrv's nvo. 8 imlny ovo. The titular
will bo ro\\nrdod by lorn In ? nt lloo olllco. G70
* | - OST A fiircollnron Wmt 0 niltnl nvonno
J-Jriiulor plciii-o rutuin to W. M. Vntc ? . Mi-17i
LOST A liuly's ffolil onirlnV. I'imlor "ill bo
llboinlly io inilod bylcnvbitf nt 'Whit
ney's shoo storo. ( U7-18 *
PAUUNTS shonM tnki ) ndvnntiiifo of thollio
Biilo of clothlilK' nt PeliloshiKOr's clothlnsr
Btoic. 1210 Pnrnnm' ' St. 1IJO boys suits slUrhtly
diuiuuioil by vtiitur. ii" > .l-17
T AUIIC.S in wnnt of wood domostio help c-m
; JJ do supplied by ciilllni ; on tlia Omnhn Km-
plovmcnt Olllco , lloom i. llusunmn's Ulock.Mrs. .
J. W , Morrison proprietor. B7t
OKI > iiC : your Hour nnd feed by Telephone
1S7. Ncml ii Conruil. 14 1H DoJt'ii Bt.TU
! ui-lrndo Onollirht tluco-sprlni ?
wa on nnd roiul cart. 15'J7 ' North loth M.
671-1'J *
HAI.n-Sucona hnnd jiluno cheap. 2u'll
CimiliiRht. , immt imukot. UJMO *
Ifi I'lltlJ hilo lit SohUwlriKor'B Cldthlns
Store , l-'IH rurnnm Bt. llurjiilns In clotli-
ly ( htimtiroil by vuitor. K'il-l"
* TT\ntl \ SAI.i : rurnltiiio for 10 loom ? , nnd
Jhoiisoior lent , 3M4 D.ivcnpoit Et , IUI"0'
FOU KAiny Or tindo-Oiio "widli fonnlnln :
notulynutr. A ROOI ! chnncu. 1'or pnrtlun-
Inrn mil upon or address I ) . M. llnvuily. 43) ) N ,
ISlhst. filC-17
11' YOU wunt n bnriraln In clotlilni ? nltcnil
Hfhlo.-limliir's llio Milo of clothing , Blluhtly
by wtitcr , l"ll > rarnam St. ( ' " > - ! 17
Poll HAI.i : Oruulo , 1 top bmriy , In an now ;
1 phiicton top litiinry nd 1 platlorm
n. Imiulroiit llospo's MusloStoro.
U-Sloro uxturcs. OJO 8. 10th s.
an-n *
3r > OH SAr.K-Simd Uthmid KravoU Finnk J. Ivus-
imr , 14S3 South Uth ItUfebH *
* I71)1 ( \\cnlhrr strips , btorm mid doors , go
J tor. u. Momi LI/J a. tciii su sat
Ww\NTii : Good Blrl for Bimcrnl house voik. .
Muel bo Rood eook. ( jcriimn iirclonud.
Apply nt 11:3 : JOIIOB et. 077
* lT7ANTii : > Good , lellnblorainnn to tnkn
I > curnof bubu tmd nssL-t hi hoiibov\oil > ut 010
Eoutli lutli Bt.
T\fANTJ3l > Uxpcrlonced look , with lofer-
1 uncos , tor small family. Apply X103 Hurt
etiuet. CbS-Si *
TT7ANTKH-A good Rlrl. 2510 Douglas et.
\7i rANTKlOlrl for gonciul hoi U1C
V bouthlHlibt. tll-17
\\'ANTii : ) Ladli s vUio can knltciochotor
' do Iftnoy wink , to nuike tools lor our
tntde 1 1 their homes in city or count rv , 85 to $10
vicKly , easily iiuulo at our uuMiicsClimdj
cent b > mull , t-nul 1UO. . tilvcr or t-tunips. for
iaitiiluund po&tutfC. Hudeou JllV Lo.tS
BVP..N. V K4-3J *
WANTKO-iOoo.1 plrb for mftlt private
fnmllles. Oood wngc * . Girls for dining-
room work , kitchen work , etc. Cn Omnh n Km-
I'loyniont Iliircnu , 11201'nrnnm St. 4ai _
WAM 1311 UOoiT rlrliTTor jroncrol house
work , lloom 4 Iliishmnn Block , ICth nnd
Douglas. 480
W CO ( iirlforifpnornlhousowork. In-
qulro nt 107 South 14th St. KVi
ANTKD A good tenmstor : ono acquainted
with the streets. 0168.15th. WW
WANTii : > Stondy young' man In our ictnll
ohoo f tore : ono with sotno oxperlt-neo and
wllllmito lenrn : none need npjily but strlctlv
lcni | oralo In their hnblto , Jlorso's , 14lh ind
I'nriiain. C7W7
WANiiiU A tnitor tor troop " 0 , " Plh Cnv-
nlry , nt J'ott Hobln ou , > foh. ! qunrter * fur-
iilihcd nnd cnn bonrd v , Illi troop. Apply to Com
manding onicor , Trooji "C , " Vth Cm nlry. C69-23
WA NTiu-rir : ! > r-cla "hotel eook to Icnvo
thoclty. Good wncos and fnto ] ind. ! In-
oulrc I-OOIH 4 , Duchmnn n'ock. ' 001-18
WANTii-A : rood fiesco pnlntcr : Rood piV.
Inquire nt Qoos Hotel lor S tlnva. I' ,
rnvoslch. 040-17 *
WANTii-A : fford solicitor for oil Ilnolllo
compuiy. on now nnd onsf plnn. To the
rlfflit purty will Klvo llburnl terms. Cnll nt 107
South t4th street during this week , 5 to Op. m.
WANTiu : liiictRPtlo mnn to Bell liousohold
nrtlclos. 1'rollts $ * pordnvnnd upward.
0. H. Whitman , 11J1 K St. Lincoln. 477
irANT13O-Agcnts. 200N. ICthst.
WANTUU A flrst-cliKs Bnlosmim to rcpro-
dcutn vvullcMnblUUcd lioiiso to the driiff
trndo , cither exclusively or In connection with
porno other lino. Address P. 0. llox 149N. Y.
WANTin-Mon : nnd WOMCII to start n now
business nt their homos ; cnn be done
cvcnliiRS nnd Icnrned In nn hour ; nny iioron
milking io 3 than lUo to DOe an hour Bhould penil
lOo nt onoo for n pncltnRo of pnmples of poods ,
and SI worlilnff nmple > ( formulas ) tocommenco
ou. Addtcss Albnny Hupply Co. , Albnuv. N. V.
W,7fl7 *
, . , . J3I Situationbvjoungliidvns bou'o-
. . kcuitror charge ot clilldicn , cam of In
valid ; nursing n specialty. AddiojsM. I ) . , Post-
olllco. Omaha. R1J-17 *
LAllis : Inwnnt of Rood Ktrls cnn bo sup'
piled by cnlllnir nt the Omnlin UmplovntPiit
lUireuu.lUO FiirnamSU Tulophono No. 4W. H.
O. Helle-lBlo d : Co. * !
WANTK.n Olrls wlshlnif tor ( rood pliccs In
prlvnto fiimlllus , hotels or bonidlni ? holt-
BCSlauudilca , ctc.uan uhvujN tliul them by
culling nt tlioOumlm Employment Dureau , 1UO
rninnm St. -H
WANTii : > To rent n sum II fiirnlahcd hoiiFo
by n family of two , within niilltln dlstiinco
of thu postolllco. Address 1J. W. Ill Noith ISth
St. C03-17 *
WANTIID To let 'JO miles of peed semper
nolle : fieo trmiBpoitutlon. Inqiilfo nftei
rUdiiyntMotioiJOlltnn hotel. S. H. Ollson.
- - COD lb'
\\rANTii : ) Initnodlntoly 51 tcnmf * , " 0 hub-
V > contrnctois. Kicotinnsportutioii. Stiimg
& . No comb , Ann lo Hotol. Colb *
WANTi100 boarders n tllB South nth St.
rostmtrnut. rtrst cln s nnd onlv 5U.5J
per wcolf. O.B2U *
WANTii-Tumns. : 300 S. llth st.
WANTI3D Sulto of rooms nnd board In prl v-
nto family lor mini andwlfo. Address P.
O. Mov , 501. 65Mb'
ANTii > To soc-jiid-hnnd
buy n - tvpo-
wrUcr. J. II. Hnynon & Co. . Omnhn. 831-28
TTIOU ISKNT 3-room house , 510 N. Cnhfnrnln
JL ? St. P. J. Crccdonor loom 15 , Omaha Nat'l.
Tj OU HUNT IIouso of 5 looms , pnntry , col-
Jj lor nnd out-houses. lO-'l S. Ibth ht. COl-17 *
FOH HUNT Stoio room , 4 doors south of
1'iumim on llth et. , $ ls. HOUEO with
nbont nn acio of ground In , Parker's addition ,
Millnbloforgnrdcmnir ; ono block from rod cnr
line : will lon o lor ono year nt $16 per month ,
llninhn & llrou n , 311 South llth st. 0 l--0
FOR ItUNT Cotmpo opposite Cnthollo
church , on N. ISth street , lour rooms , $1U. G.
C. Hobble , 1413 rurnnm. C07
Foil HUNT Illicit RIOIO,410 South 10th ft. ,
lict. Uiirncy tmd Howard. B. Lchnmn , 1103
Knrnnin. 5l3
ITtOKKKNT House , ! ) rooms. 1317 Webber ,
-K J. llonnor , 1311 Douglas St. Cll-17
FOK IlKNT OK MASE 10-ncro garden
with C-room housendjolulni ? city ; fcU-ncro
Inrm , 17 miles west of Omnlin : n buMncss lots
on St. Maiy's ttvo. Apply to i : . II. Clmpmnn i ;
Co. , 1217 Ilownid sr. ffM
OKHINT : Nuwcottngo , U rooms , on S. ntTT
Bt. C. A. Baldwin. TO1
FOU IU3NT House of 0 rooms , pnntry ,
closets , etc. , Phil Sheridnn and Hull sts. ,
$20 per month. E. T. Pcloisou & Co. , lloom 3 ,
S. C. cor. 15th und Douglas sts. 20J
THVIOU3NT Tlnco loonfhouso , I'th ' &
House ot a loninsi'il nnd liar
FOUK13NT of Mount X Ullllln213 S 14th
Street."s" '
FOK III3NT Thico I10UB03 Of 10 , 0 and 4
rooms ench. J. Pnlpps Hoc. tlOOD
ItKNT llonso belonging' to the cstnto
FOIt .TmUo Chndvvick.WJ I'uik nvoiiuo. W.J.
Council. 302
FOH HKXT rnrnlshccl parlor to ( rentlomoii.
Apply niter p-m.4Jt N. 17th st. fiO I
Foil KINT : 2 furnished rooms , clump , OH
North 17th St. OM-lu *
TmoilllKNT I'm nlshcd looms , 031 N.15tHSt. _
Oil K13NT Fiirnishua room. 1417 Howard.
FOU HUNT rurnlshod rooms. 2-iO ! ) Dodiro.
281-2t )
F tnc HUNT rurnlshed room. 1510 HIM noy.
710H HUNT Nicely fiirnWiod rooms , only
? four blocks liom lloy'd oporn house. 617 i ? .
lh tt. MI-IB'
OK itlJST lloom nnd bonrd In prlvnto
family lor two iruntlomen. mj.Tones.
OK HUNT Nloo room nnd board for iron-
tlomon. IfllODodjfO , lower door. 504-lb
FOK IlKNT Nlcolv furnished rooms , with
boat , mis nnd bath ; nlso flrst-c'lnfas table
boaidi host of rcforuncos grlvon nnd
1SII Doilgn ft.
POIt KiNT I-nrpo , nicely iirnlslicd fiont
room with bonrd , 711 N. IDin st. 47'-2U
171OK ItKNT IIlc ant fuinUhad looms , with
X' Iioard , nil modern conv onlcncivi , nt - >
Dodffo bt. 37J
FOKKKNT-KoomwIth bourJ. 1C13 Capitol nv
FOK KIINT Uiif'o front room , modern Im
provements. Address I'.O. box 'KM. 215
FOK SAM ; lOnciep , mlle nnd Imlf weft of
dilvlnppnik , & ,1W. A. 1' . Tukoy , 1894 Jui-
num. Oil
FOK SAI.i : Cuslor county tioo claim nnd
homestead ndjolnln : nil level inblo land ;
40 ncus bruKtn ; t7UO Tuo boinrsteud ; , line
stock fnrm , ncnr Mui nil , iinu of thu liost bcbool
tuitions in ( ounty , near Iliokou IJowW.OX ) ,
l > r. llrohuor , Morna , Neb , too 1'J'
" 1 neil HA I.I : Client ) , ono of the best Improv ed
X nnd llncet locntcd farms In J'oiiKhi * county ,
Nob.,6 inllciLSI ol Oiiuilui court boiieo.con-
tiilliliiK HiO ncicji , with IIOUEC , sliiblo , VMilltor-
uhmil nnd pnstuiii , etc. ; oiuluill ciish. bnlnncii
to hull purchaser. Kor further ptiitlculais ml-
ilioss ( ito. J.indo.unro Oinniui'lltif , Uinnlia , No-
bnifcki. ( ua
T71OK SAI.i : Coiner on S. 15th sr. . with houte.
1 ? 1'ilco , fS.'fca 1'ropeity In this vicinity la
now advancing inpidly. Mockilulo ii lliinchir ,
1611 Doilgoel , 6IV10
TilOll SAI.I-- -An ck > Hiit ro-idunco on corner ,
-1A llth bt , . f 4,750. This is n bic Iinitrnln , U. T.
1'etuixon , & Lo. , Itoom'l.S , 1' . cor , 15lh nnd
Duiiglasit. . oil
I > ( > K .SAI.I-B. : inth st. , Iotfi0ii48. ltn no ,
1 ohiop. lilt ? bargain. W. 11. Grton. SU .
i : > th st. U41-17
lot hi bhlnn's add , 1
J- block from s-ticvt cur line , fl.OjO.
JIousonnd H Jot near 20th nnd Izurd cticcts ,
( w.GOU.
li'i feet , east front , on 1'Jth street , ( buslncsi
Corner lot on rurnnm f cct,68\lil feet , $25.003
HHU-.C M rooms , ! ot'JJJil4J , on Hiuut car line ,
lieo * . 1 > . IleinlJ5th nnd Douglas st. H-'l
Fen SAM -Vncnnt lots-Ily HIco k Jtoorc ,
122 rnrnntn.
Corner lot , Dwljfht & Iiymnn > ndd. , f Va.
2 lots ono n corner , Dwight & Ij man's ndd. ,
fxjt'ln Klrst Wc t Cumlnjf ndd. , ca h , $ J50.
IM In I/JWD'S l t add. , MH'clnl , nt $ .TiO. !
Corner lot , I'lnluvlow ndd. , Just otf Bnundors ,
$ COO.
Plalnvlow lot , on 2M t. , * TOO.
Illotn In Thornburff I'Inco , special , S1.200.
2 lots In I'roMon * Williams' ' ndd . f0TOO.
Txt In I'li t West Cuminjf , speclnl , $373.
2 lots , J. I. Itodlck's n < ld.4 ; 0.
2 lots In Hnnscom 1'Jnco Virjjlnln nvc. , cnch ,
$ Wrt
1'lno corner , Hnnscora Pl.icc.only $1,300.
Dmmtlful lot , Hnnccom I'lnce , f 1,37\
Ixit nnd nhnlf , W. A. lloc.l-k's ndd. , cnMi , SSOO.
niot . block 2 , Hnnscom I'Inco , bunch , $3,600.
ICOTlOOcorner , llnnscom Plnco , $3,000.
llenutlful lot in llurr Oak only $ soo.
South nnd onst corner lot , Ucnlso's sdd. , $ s.0.
Roautlful corner lot , K. V. Smith's ndd. , $ l,7i ,
2 line Inside lols , R. V. SjnltH'9 nddcnch ,
$ I/KJO.
3J lots , West Cnmlnff mid. , $27S to $430 , ono-
tenth dim n , bnlnnco lonir thno. ThU nddltlon
Injg Just poutli of Wnlnut Hill onCumlnastreet.
Ihc lots nro going fust and will soon bo sold out.
No poor lots In the nddltlon. Itlco .V Moore , 1ES
Fnrnnin street. fiTJ
SAM ! Two lots on corner In SI i Inn's
FOU ndd. Tilco $1,000 for Iwth. This Is chonp-
l.ot on Shorrann nvc. , $ tCOO.
M aero with house , In UIso's ndd , , n very nlco
place. Spcclnl price.
Thico eouth fronts In rclhnm place , cheap , on
very onsy terms.
Ixjt In I'rosjicct Plnco , $000.
Iloupcs nnd lols hi all illtecttons.
If you hnvo nny bnrifnlns ll t with us. Block-
dnlo > V Ilunclior , loll DodgoStGTMt )
FOK SAI.K-OIbsou Atchcr * Co. , Itoom3 ,
Wttlmcll lllock , bavo for snlo line business
lots on 1'nrnam , Kith nud SnunilcrsStg.
Good Improved residence property on N , 18th
Improved farms nud wild lands In nil parts of
Nob. , low n nnd Tcxa .
Vnccnt lots In nil parts ot Omnhn.
ICO acres In suburbs of Omnhn suitable nnd
situated for Immcillnto sub dlv iaion.
leased tcbool Units In nil pnrts of Nebraska.
Slock rnnchcs , with orwltbotit Mock.
I'm-Snlo An cstat > llslicd ImnkliiR business in
Nibrn ka county coat.
For Snlo A newspaper In peed Nob. town.
For Snlc A stock ot Sll.OOJ clothlnp In Omnhn
For Snlo A stock ot dry goods , 5J.OUO , in
Omnlin ,
rorSnlo A stock of giocorlos , $3,000 In
I'orf-'nlc A llvory stnhlo outfit In Om.thn.
1'or KxcliniiBL A $ ' , 1,000 flock of Binuinl mor-
chandlso In lonn for 'i cashbalnnce land.
I'm UvclmnRc A $ loOJO stock of dry goods.
$3 000 cash , bnlnnco land.
for Kxclmiiffo An $9,000 stock of dry goodj
In Iciwa lor U cn < > h , bnlanco land.
1'or Kvclitmpo A $11,0011 stock of hnrilvroio In
lownfor H cash , bnlnnco Innd.
For r.xclmiiifo A S2.00J stock of drugs In
Omnlin for ' 1 cnsh. bnlanco land.
For Uxchmifro A $ IJOoo stock of Imrdwino
In Michigan lor land.
For i\clmiiRo : An SS.600 Btook of Rcncrnl
tnei chandlso In Neb. for Rood Nob. fnrm.
For i\cliiuiKo : A S10.COO slock of clothing.
For F.xcliaiiKO A $1,000 Mock of boots nnd
shoos tor 'i ' c'ish , bnlnnco hum.
1,1st jour piopoity with us , O.llco open from
& a m. to ti p. in. t > ' . *
" | \J i\VrOKT : Ncaiest , host ncio lots , cloRiuit
J.1 location , imsnrna fuil vlow of the city ,
reached over luvof roads no bills to climb ;
easy tcims of pnymont ; 8 per cent Interest ;
pilce , $ .100 an aero.
AMHS , 1501 rariinm.
AMES Pf.lCB CUcnpo't nnil nenrost city lots
for the money ; only $ 00 to $300 per lot.
KUIUCK'S GHOVK Just Miilli ol 1'iirnaiii St. ,
! J block from 28th and Fiiinam st. scliool
hoimo ; only $ S03 to $1,200 per lot on onsy
toimi. AMPS lliO'i Farnam.
NATIIUVI. GnowTit shade tiocs on every lot
In lledlck'siovo ! ; onlyU'J blocks trom Park
avc. cure. Bco Hedlck'sGiovo.
BiiimiTON Biilcndld aora lols , $275 per lot ;
most dcdhablo ucio lots next to Newport , Sco
this hnndoomo property.
MUMIO I : HIM , Southvtvst of llnnscom Pnrk
10 inlinilesnlk lioin Park nvo. cms ; lota $ . ! 00
to $ JjO on terms lo suit buyer. Mnhoso Hill
lots will sell for deb j prevent pticcslnn
> cur's time. Como und 8:0 this piopoity.
AMftS.l.VIJ Fainnm.
WHY PAV llnxr when joncau buy n lot In
Ames Place lor00 to $300 on such easy
tci ins ? See thc-JO lots.
OVK CIIATII VM Tills love traut ot land has
not n poor lot In It. Tlio Holt I.lno depot has
been located on this Innd hots soli for $ BOU to
{ WO on very easy pnymcms. See Oak Chat
Pi.AiNVinw Choice lots Mill for snlo In this
popular addition nt fair prices , on easy pay
I'IIVTT'S SuiiDivisiox Aero lots southwest
Hanstoni I'm It , very dcsliablo ground , bulling
nt TCTiU per lot.
BVHKAIOVV l'ij\CE Those lots nro the clump-
cstfoi-palooii Loavonwortli st. Prlco $ VX ) to
$900 , on iiiiymonts to suit.AMI
AMI : * , 110 ! ) rarnam St.
Cu.r , nnd sco for yourtcll the chances for safe
Investment offered. Hcniombur , Oinnlin's
Rio\vth is solid and lastlmr. I'toDcrty will con-
tlmio to advance , liuynow nnd make the ad
vance. AMhS , 150' ' * Fainam St.
Kll.r.YI'T.AOi-- , the finest in this a 1-
ilillon. J2nOO cash ; must ho sold In tluco
il > H. K. T. Peterson & Co. , lloom 3 , S. K. tor.
15th und Doii'lns sts. nil
T7UVK lots In Kllby Place mi8tbosold | ntonco ,
JC J2.WOcash. II. T. Poluison A ; Co. , Kooma ,
S. II Cor. inth and Uouirlas sis. Oil
ITiOKSAT.K Honutifnl 2-story bilck ilvrolllm ;
1 hoiiFo , luwo b-u n , on b. Ihtii St. , fli'lj , Will
iloublu In value In next f iv months Kdwnrd T.
Pcteison & Co. , Itooius 3 , S. E. Cor. ICtli and
nouulosst. till
T > ATTIKSO.V I AKIC is tbo latent , best and
- 1chunpcst addition ; no nuio piopoity near
Omaha so cheap as tbU S175 to f.KO pur ocie.
Fiistllooi' , Iron IJank Huildhiff. U. C. Pattei-
son. 510
Foil S.VIU Finest icsidouco property on
Lcnvcnwoith St. , $7r , > i)0 ) , lawo corner lot.
13 T. 1'etoiKon i. Co. , lloom 3 , a. H. cor. llth and
Douglas. Oil
Foil SAMC An eleffiuit residence In J. I.
Hrdlck's add. , lot 7'i\110 , Just completed ,
S'i,750. KduardT. Peterson A ; Co.Hooms3 , S.
13. cor. l th and Douglas. Oil
FOK SAM : A line 5 aero tr.iot on South ICth
stioct , only a few blocks liom street cnr
line. Jnmihoat LaiifO . .V Foltlckil8 : S. 13th st.
PATTKKSON PAICIC Is the latest , best and
chc i > est addition ; no auro property near
OinaliL oulicapaslhls $17.1 to SJ-Vl pur acio.
First lloor , lion Hank llullilliiff U. Pnttor- -
BOH. nil !
TTIOIISAT.K > rust hi sold In three ilnys " > of
-L thollnoit lots In ICIlbr I'ltico. worth ut least
$ lVllor , ) * . ' . ( K)0 ) cash. 13. T. Pttoison te Co. ,
lloom3 , S. 13. cot. lith nnd Douglas gts. Gil
.V i > 'fiom
AKK-tVi ; miles comt
JL honso , $175 to SJV ) per ticio : small cash pay
ment , Iml.iiicu nn-tv ' terms. First lloor , lion
Ilnnk Ilulldhiflr. D.'C. Patterson. 615
OATTI3KSON i > ARK3i4 miles from court
JL house , fl7i to $ .15 } per acre : small cash pay
ment , balance easy toiins. First lloor , lion
Hank IlulldlnI ) . U.Pat ten son. 515
FOK HAM : Two lots in Polhnm Plneo , ono
block ft on : etroot cur track , Inquire 218 P ,
13th etrout. 535
T71OK hAl.n A fc'oiiornl moicnandlso business
JL' in a rapidly Crowing town not lar trout Lin
coln. Heat trade and location In town. A splou-
dld oportiimty | ) for n party wlshbij ; a iooil
oponintf , and hnvimr from seven to ton thouaaiU
dolluiB In citsli. Will sell for cash onlyor part
cash , balance real eatnto in Omaha. Address
Merchant , IJeo Olllco. ua
T71OK SAM3 At n tinrtraln. Fine business
JU property on S. Mth , Wxl5U ft. This can bu
hoiib'ht tor iKX ) loss tbnn nctnnl valno If taken
nt OIKe. If you want an Investment look at
till * . Coehian llro's A ; Co. , 15'jU Knrnara St. 815
T710K b.VM ! Hy Potter iV Coiib , 1515 Farnam
JU et. . 1 lot In West F.nd and nt $ 'JJO.
2 lots In Blilnn'6 Ud ndd nt f 7J5 each.
A low choice lols In Maish'a ut $ IbOO each.
Ixt inixlil ; on Utli,3 blocks fiom pavement ,
line acre In Golto's ndd , $1000.
Sol thothoapcstloUiln Plalnvlow , only $150
ontli. _ 731
Foil CholcoTlarsalna m ronl estate , call nt the
olllco of the Omaha Heal Kstntu A Loan Co. ,
rooms 2J and J3 vyithncll llullillnif Omaha. "IW
: AfewKOOd lots In Ulllsldo No.
oiuion Davoniioit and Chicago sts , chenp
nt $750 lo $950 envli. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fat-
IHllll Bt. 7J7
FOH Cholcoft ortu acre tracts , 4 miles
fanulhucMfinmcoiirt boiinu , l' mlles fiom
Junction of II. P. lly. and licit I.lno , mil 1 mlle
1 rom Stock Vurils , l.los w nil ; all under cultiva
tion. Can bu boimbt lor $175 and f-IU per acre ,
If sold MIII. CDuajHiat pmpei ty in vicinity.
Potter A Cobb , IMI I'arnain st. WiDe
Do VOITMint Mots in Kllhy Place nt $ , ' ,600
cabin * | f bo , lull on 13. T , Potci&oii & , Co. ,
8. 13. cor. 15th und Douglas sts. Oil
FOKSAMS-A two story , S3r . fr.irao build
lux , suitable fora store , ncur VJtli auJ Far-
namSti Apnlyut thU otUoo ail
17011 SAI.i : An olctnrt house , Kood bnrn ,
X1 ISO ft ( .outh front corner lot , house runts for
&J5 per month , $ JSOJ. W , H. Uroen , over 1st
Niitlunal Ilnnk. 1J3
LAND Sii3KnilS : , ATTKNTIOX Fo * full
Particulars about free and cheap lamia in
VVcKtorn Nebraska ndd rom Tlios. 0. Patterson ,
llcal Uatulo Anout , North Platte Nob. sa
ITvOIlHM.i ; An eli'jranl raildcuco , with Inrtro
1 Jot , Slat , near Ix-uvenvtoith , cu > t I rout ,
tn// l , 1 ( tiuldEOUU. 13. T. I'L-teieon & Co. , Kuoiii
3 , ti. li cor , 15th Ulld lOU ) lOb eta. Oil
Foil SAli-ny SJ-d T i Moore , 123 Fnrnnm
Improvid residence nnd business property.
An elegant Inside rcsMnnco proporty.slx 3 story
brick lints , 8peclnl.l3JuOO. . , . . . ,
Fine Improved bUFliics ) property , St. Mary s
Avc. , tents for $16 > per month , $ S , < XX ) .
1'Ino business corner on 13th 8U , rents for $73
per month , f5/iOiT ,
Fine modern rcMdcpce , Writ Avo. , Ilanscora
Plnco , $4C03 ; $509doivnlml on IOIIR time.
Flno modern 9 room residence , Knthorlno st , ,
mocom Place , brtrpaln. $1.200.
1 ino 13 room modern residence , larjro elzo lot ,
K V. Smith's add. $9,003. . _ , , . , ,
Modern 7 room resldoncp , B. V. Smith's ndd ,
* ( OOU f
2 lets , 2 houses , 18th t , frooO.
Flno homo , plenty of fruit , good improvements ,
J2 feet , with house tronthig1 on Snundors nnd
23d St. , $ . , fOJ ) ,
2 lots , ono n corner , ( th 7 loom now house ,
BOOI ! bnrn , Pnrkcii ndd. , $3,5oa
line property on Saumlcrs ju t off Cu
42x100 , frontltiR two stiects , tlmt will pay to
inrestljrntc , nt $ n,5no.
llcnutlful lot , modern house , Shull's 2d ndd , bar-
pnlnntOiX ) ) .
McCandllsli I'lnce. 5 room house nnd lot , or will
trndoforvncnnt lot ? , f 2,800.
.104 foot on Fnrnnin EL , with house , $3,500.
House nnd lot , Heed's 1st ndd , f'npltol Hill , or
will t iiuls tor ncro property , $1.WO.
3Iot , ono n corner , together with 4 roomhoupo ,
now Inrn , good well , located In Walnut Hill
ndd , $1,750.
Housu t.ud lot , I'nrker's ndd , $ tWO.
" " " $ IM .
" " " $2m
House nnd lot Hnnscom Place , $1,700.
Flno Improved residence properly Kountzo ndd (
n room honso nnd lot , Uodf em ndd , $3,000.
Housu and lot. Kountzo & . Hutli's add , $3,500.
21niRo lols. 3 new houses , K. V. Smiths add ,
bargain , $5,600.
Cull nnd Investigate , lllee & Moore , 1222 I'nr-
naiii. G74
240-acrj fnrm nenr Wccplnir Water ,
Neb. . 10J ncres under cultlvntlon , bnl-
unco flue pastiin ) . nil modern Improve
ments a bnrftn'n
No. io-Hou : o nnd let , Phlnn's nddlllon. 1 , 0
Nn.:3f : 21ot , Polhnm Pln'o.lKith for. . . 1,100
No. IS ! U-lconi hotifo , Cnpllol Hill add. ,
nil modern Improvunionls $ 5,259
No. llil House nnd business lot , Dodge
fctroot i 10,000
No. 117 4-room hon ° o and largo lot In
IXIHO'S add . cn y terms 1,5)0 ,
No. 121 2 lots , lar o house , Hanscom
I'Inco ' 4,300
No. IM 2 lolf , each Cflxl24 , onn corner
with house , peed well , etc. . dirt cheap 2,000
No.200 I.arjro lot o tof Pnrk u\-o. . . . . 1,500
No. 213 Lot on Pnrknve. fronting Park. . l,27.r >
No.2111 4lolsonSnundotsRt. , each 700
No. 13 ? Ixt nnd o-roomod house , Wai-
nut Hill 1,000
No. IWf t-roomod house and lot , Mt.
Pleasant nvo 1)00 )
Lots on Ctimlnir St DM
I ots In Hanscom Place ssn
Ako bundioJs of other bargains , In nllpmtsof
the city , on easy tcimfl. Call upon ns before
buying , l.ovuron & Wilde , lloom 10 , Gr.mlto
Hlock. WO-17
Foil Choice Ilargulns In rcnl ostatocall nt the
olllco of the Oinalin Heal 13ttnto & ; Loan Co. ,
rooms 22 nnd 2.1. Wlthmill llUlldinv.Omiihn. 7IW
TIONALIST , 303 Tenth Street , botwcoti Farnam
nnd Hurncy , will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtuln for any ono n glance In the
past and pre ont , and of cortaht conditions in
tholuturo. Hoots nud shoos mndo to order.-
Perfect satisfaction gunrnntood.
.1 A
S. S. VAN BEUrtEN. 106-108 S. 14th St.
California and 33J St. , $700.00
V 'II '
S. S.Tmi Boitrou. 100 S. Uth.
Cass & 32d Sts , ; $425 to $650
- South Front ,
S. S. Van Bourcn , 106 S. 14th.
mi noiwn
Sidewalk Notice.
Is huruby given to the on ner or owners -
. ors of the lollowlng rcnl c-tiito In the city ol
Omnlin to lay sldanulks In fiont of nnd nojoln-
ing the Biimo "llliln 15 days tiom thu Hltli ilay
ot robrunrr , IKsil , such sldovrnlk to bo con
structed and laid In nccordnnco with pinns nnd
Fpccillciitlons on Ilia In thoollltoot the lloind
< rf Publlo VVoiKs , nnd In dLcoidnnco with resolu
tions ivlopted by tlio citvcouncil , vl/ . :
Lots 1.2 nnd 8 , o-t side ot flth St. , blk 100,0
foot wide.
Lolsl nnd 3 , noi th fl'doof Dodge St. , blk 103,0
feet w Idc.
Lots 15 , i ) , 7 nud 8 , north tUo of Jones St. , blk
1Wmeet ) wide.
Lott.1 nnd2 , west side of Snurders St. , blk 7 ,
I'm kcr's ndd. , ( i i eet vi Ide.
lots 51,52 nnd 56 , cnst f Uo of 18thst.Hor-
lincirH 1st add. , 0 foct wide.
S. ' , lot S nn I N. > i hit 4 , tast side lEth st.Hor-
bach's 1st ndd. , 11 fcot wido.
IxjtH , tomb ldo .Slitrimm st , blk 5 , Horbach's
2ndnilil.,11 foct wide.
I/tsl nnd 2 , west side 18th St. , blk. I , Lake's
add. Kcpnliod.
Lots 1 nnd i.0 , south sldo Leavcnnoith St. ,
Ten HCO ndd..O leot Idc ,
1/it "I.Miutb sldoLctucnwoithst. , Heed's 2d
and , n feet wide.
Ix > ts 1 nnd ) , west sldo lt > th St. , K'ounl/.o &
Huth's udd.Ofout wldn.
llloclt 11 , noith side Dorcnsfit. . ICount/o's add ,
4 foot wido. .1. W 1101'SH , Clmlnniin ,
-Sl Hoard of I'ubllo VVoi ks.
TO Owners or Useis of steam boilers nnd
htatlonnrj'englnoois or persons In o'largo '
of tbOKiimo :
Vour nttuntlon fs called to Ordlnnnca B" ) : "An
oidlnnnto piovldlng tor lint iispectlon of steam
hollers nnd thu o\nmlnntlon ol onizinccrs In
clmrgo ot the snmo In the city of Onmtm , Not ) . "
You in o Inn oby notlllod to ( .end mo ) our nddrcss
nnd plnco of bu lnts ttluit nn Inspection or ox-
unilnntlon may bo liud.
fobl.'dnt Cityllollor Ingpoctor , City Hall.
Notioa to Contractors.
SKALVI ! > bUUwlllboiccoholby tlio building
ooiiiiullti'uol' the Corning AcJdmny , t'ntil '
Mnrc'li 'othl > bi ) , for tIm lumlhhlngmutoriul nnil
building n collorfo bill ding nt I'oinbig , Adnins
Co , lonn. 1'liuin cnn lie seen nt tlio olllco of Hut
sccretuiy , or attho olllco or LX 11. Leo , ntchltcct
] ) n-i tlolnes , lovMt
Tlio lonimlttoo reserves the light to jojco
nnv or nil bids.
Aildiess II M. TOWNKH ,
lolil.'dlOt Secrotnry , Coining , Iowa.
Proposals ( for Crosswalks.
SKAI.KU pioposnls will bo iccolYud by tlio
imdoisignod until 11 o'clock n. m. I'eli. lutli ,
1KSK , rorthuconstriicHiinof crosswalks on Imtli
sldosof rnimim iind'lntiiraecllng streets from
th to ISthsticots , Iiubinlvo , ucuoidlng to pIuiiH
nnd Bpccltlciitlons on lllu In the ollico ol thu
Honid of I'uhllo Works.
llliln will buicceljod l urstono llngglng , shoot
nnd bloik nsphnlt , niMduh blocks , or nny otliur
stiltnblu n.fttcilul , .mill Ihoy t-hall fpcclly thu
price per eiiuuru j'Uid , n Tilth prlro falinll Include
thn p tvlng stones mul mntcrliil lomovcd.
Tlio bomd reserves tln\ \ light to reject nny or
nil bids. ; , , J. 13. HnusK.
Chahmnh HOhrd of 1'nblloVoiks. .
Otnci : OK MitRui bSHiiN \ nsiint , I
Archltocts , I'uxton.iHulullii , Oiniihii , Nth. I
Si\iii : : ) plopos.iS ) ivJ ( ! ho icoohod at thU
olllto until nooif/l'lU'sday ' , 1'cb. 1(1 ( , ISNl , for
the erection nnd completion of n foodlngbain ,
UOStect by Ob ! foot , containing il.'Xiu ' stalls ; nl o
udwdllng boiiEO , otlico building , bouidlng
hoiihu , hay burn nnd other buildings , nil to bo on
Mood. Diawlnggnnd tiirtberpartlcul.irscun bu
ohmlncd at tlio olllco of tbo uii-hltccts.
The right is recOlTol to iciott any niul nil bids.
fel8-7t Jlr.MiKi oii.s \ 1'i ui itAichitoct.
Ordlcauce No. OG5.
A N Ordlnunui cionting 1'uvlng District No. 01.
Ho It Ordained by tbo CU > ' Council of the city of
O in ah a :
Section I. 1'avlng District No. 01 Is hereby
citmtul , tlio suinu to include Unit portion ol
'It-nit , fhoct.ln ihb city .fl O.imlm , tiom north
llnuof Contor&tiLft to tbo noith ILnoof .Martha
hlioot , and to nl.-o Ircludu nil lota and real cslutu
uionif Buld iHiitioiiol tad Tenth btret't buck to
the full depth of 1'iJ fti-nroin both lire * thereof.
Section 'i ' Tbnt thU indliinnco take olfett
uiul bp In foi yd I ro < u and aflur lt p * s i o.
1'ussid FuUruai } t'Ui'tWI. ' * „
J.NO. B. Kl-HAV.
I'rcsldent Citj C6unoll 1'rp. Tcra.
J. II. SoniMini , C'ltyt'kirk. t
Ajiproved Fubruary V
VjAMts K. Ilovv , Major.
Ho Calls Himself n Oaucnnlnn.
The Washington correspondent of the
Chicago News snj-s :
The president ling risked Fred Douglass
for his resignation ns recorder of deeds ,
nnil it has been londorod , to tnko eflect
March 1st. Mr. Douglass will go to
Europe some time in the coming spring ,
lie will probably bo absent a couple of
yenrs. Prior to Ills departure ho will bo
given a banquet by tv number of Ida
white anil colored friends in and out of
congress. Mr. Douglass has lost caste
witn tliO more prominent members of
his race hero since his marriage with tx
white woman n COUple of years ago. The
match hns been an unustiiiHy haupy ono.
but the colored people nro not tlisposcu
to overlook his notion In not marrying
one of his own race. The "swell" col
ored laities of the district such , for ex
ample , as the wife of ox-Senator Urnco ,
Congressman O'Hara , nud others of like
standing taboo the Douglasses entirely.
Nearly all their friends and associates are
whiles. It It not probable that Mr.
Douglass will ever hold another public
oflico. Ho is nearly 75 years of ago. Ho
has one of the most magnificent physiques
of any man in Washington. Notwith
standing his robust appearance his triends
say they can detect evidence Unit his
menial and physical powers are begin
ulng to fail. Mr. Douglass's financial af
fairs arc very creditable to his thrift ami
industry. Ills wealth is variously estimated
mated at from $150.000 to $200,000. The
ollico ot recorder of deeds , which ho has
held for four years , Is worth about $8,000
per annum , Ho stooped into that from
tlio marshnlship of thu district , which ho
held under Hayes , at a salary no less
largo. His lectures invariably paid him
$100 a night , nnd tlio royalty for the sale
of his books netted him also a handsome
sum. Mr. Douglass wUl not admit that
lie is aiicgro. Ho said to mo once , when
I talked with him on the subject : "I am
not a negro. 1 tun live-eighths white and
three-eighths colored. If I am to bo
judged by the unequal mixture of my
blood , I may fairly call myself a while
man. But I am not prepared to do that.
I call myself a Caucasian instead. "
Evnrta' Cadaverous hooks.
Chicago News : Everybody who has
seen tlin Hon. William M.Evarts of Now
York will remember his cadaverous ap
pearance , for , although a man above the
medium in height lie will not weigh to ex
ceed 110 pounds. Ono of the senate
door keepers says a few days ago n solid ,
substantial-looking-farmer from the in
terior of New York state seated himself
in the gentleman's gallery nnd nskcd to
have Mr. Lvai'Ls pointed out to him. It
was nt the hour of noon , and only a few
membets were in the chamber. Pretty
soon Dan Voorhces emerged from the
clonk room and strode majestically to his
"Is Hint Evarts ? " exclaimed the old
man , enthusiastically.
"No " said the "that
, door-keeper , is
Mr. Voorliecs of Indiana. "
When Gen. Logan a few minutes later
entered the chamber and deposited an
armful of books upon his desk the old
man clutched the doorkeeper excitedly ,
and said :
"That's him that's the great Mr.
Evarts , ain't it ? "
Again the doorkeeper explained his
error. When Mr. Evarts did enter the
old man looked at him long and earn
"Hy Gosh ! " said lie in a commiserating
tone , "I'll bet ho boards. "
If yon have the catarrh , use the surest
remedy Dr. Sage's.
Paper napkins of a thin but strong
tissue paper arc largely used in the
restaurants and hotoK of the largo Ger
man cities , the consumption amounting
to many thousands daily. A difTcrcnt
tint or color of ink is used in each nap
kin , neutral tints being apparently the
fi : = hion , though shades of blue , green ,
chocolate and red are the most prominent
in the score of patterns before us. The
piclmos are all evidently reproductions
of antique designs , ana with the quaint
typography , grotesque arrangement and
novel tint-9 of the ink used in the printing
are at once effective and attractive.
Hut lew articles have ionclm ! .such a woilil-
wideioputation Angostura HiUcrx. For
overfiO je.ins that they have been the ne-
knovvledKed .stundnid rrgul itors of the dlgus-
tiveoipuis. Their .success has Incited imita
tions. 15e fiiiio you get thn genuine niticle
manufactured only by lr. J. ( J. li. ijicgcit < fc
Sons. .
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity ot the refined toilet in this cli
mate. Po//.oni's combines every element
of beauty and purity.
The youngest performer in the London
theatres is the infant that takes mitt in
the baby song in the last act ol "My
Sweetheart. " It is eighteen months old ,
and is the fourteenth child of a working
gunmnkcr in Edinburgh. It is put lo butt
every afternoon at1 , is brought to the
theatre at ! ) , and is is in bed airain a half
nn hour litter , earning for this duty , it i.s
mild , more than his father.
is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis
agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to
develop into serious consumption. Ho
ng a constitutional disease , it requires a
constitutional remedy like Hood'H Sarsa-
pnrillu , which , acting through the blood ,
reaches every part ot the system , efl'oot-
ing a radical and permanent cure of
catarrh in even its most severe forms
Made only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell
Wild dogs are tloiug much damage
near the head of Wind river , Washington
territory. Ihoy seem to bo a cross be
tween the cur lOid the bulldog , and are
very lieico , powerful and intelligent.
Their last o\plolt was to chnso a man and
his team three miles. They have in
creased largely in mtmbor.s in three
years. _
Coughs , Colds and Sore-Throat yield
readily to 15 , H , Douglass & .Sons
Capsicum Cough Drops.
They toll in Louisville of a citi/.on of
that town who went to Now York re
cently and lived at ono of the most expensive -
pensive- hotels there. Ho stayed four
days and asked for his bill , ' 'l-'ifty-onn '
dollars , "said the clerk , "Guess again , "
said the Kcntuckian. "You haven 't ' si/.ed
my pile yet , 1'yo more money than
that. "
A sure cure for llllinl , Jlleoillii' , ' , Itchiti
and Ulcerated Piles has been discoveied by
Dr. Williams , ( : m Indian lemedy ) , called Dr
Williams' Indian J'ilo Ointment. A slnglo
box has ctiied the worst chionlc eases of ifi erNe
, No one need MI ire r llvo
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
Im ; medicine. Lotions and instruments do
more hnim limn pood. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays thu
intense Itching , ( p.irtlcuhuly at niirht after
cettlnu' vv.irui In ! > cd ) , nets ns n poultice , uivcs
Instant lelief , and i preji.ucd only for Piles ,
itoliiiiK of mivato iiails. and for nothing elbe.
Pr. I'l-azier1 ! . liifrle Ointment cuies as by
imiL'ic , I'imples , JlJack J leads or ( imbs ,
1 Hutches niul Eruptions on the Ineo , leaving
the bkln clcarnud beautiful. Also ciiuMtcli.
Salt Jtl'eum , Hoiu Nlpnlcs , Sere Lips , nnd
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
Itcttdlcd by Kuhn .t Co. , nnd Schroetor iv
IJeclit. At wholesale bv 0. F. Uoodnmn.
I have the agency at Omaha for the
sale of largo blocks of lands in Keith and
Chojenno counties , Nebraska , and in
Wyoming. Also of lots in Schuyler ,
Kimbnll , Paxtpn , Uig Springs , Sidney ,
Potter , Denver Junction ( Colorado ) Alder
( Hall Co ) and other points ,
V. H. Gitnw.
213 S. 13th K
The Loading Speculative Oentora Report
Firmness in Wheat Trading ,
Provisions Opened AVcnk , but Har
dened Before the Close Both
Cnttlo nnd HORN Itcportcd
Ctcnornlly Ijovvcr.
CincAao. Feb. 17. ISneclal Telegram. ]
Witn AT Tlicroflsmoro genuine flimiiesi
to wheat to-dny thnn linsbeeu seen for ninny
n tiny. Continental cables cnttio In llrni , ac
companied In seine Instances by Instructions
to cancel previous selling orders. Knglisli
cables \\cnt In nccord with these fioiu the
continent , luut continued to be dull nud
heavy , but the domestic markets showed Im
provement every vv beio , New Yoik , Dulnlli.
Toledo , Milwaukee nnd IMiolt pileea reflect-
liiK the trading temper nl tlioso points. Com
mission houses icporled more round y business
ness 'and an nlr of chcoi.f illness pre\nded the
exchange sensibly different from that of yes
tordny nnd the past foittilirlit. Dcforo 11
o'clock the taUlue ; of eleven boat load.s for expert -
port was reported from New Yotk , niul dis
patches began to como In touching thu con
dition ofvlulci' ulical. , Nothing
FcnsiUlounl was developed , "and HOWS
from the vvlicatcountiy v , as ot n conflicting
diameter , but rcpoits as a rule \vcro that 1C
no actual damngo had as yet resulted fioin
the liccze , the plnnlvvns In Jeopaitly. May
opened nt Sic , sold nlT ? ifc nud advanced to
SJJ S-l c , from which point It slowly cased
olTtoS4'fc. The closing at 1 o'clock was
Coitx Com was firmly held all the morn
Ing. Tiadlngasonainoiomodoiato sealo
than ycsteiday and business was douo In
smaller lots. May ranged fiom-llc to 41-
most of the trading being done at or abovu
OATS Oats were quiet and without Im-
poitant change.
I'KOVISIONS Provisions began sliding
down liill this morning on fair receipts of. n
better grade of hogs than have been
coming In lately. . Pork sold down to
Sll.07 , and the picssuro was fiom
the top. The packing companies offered
pioperty In big lots at the mailed , hut values
seemed tocakcn. . Stone nnd others eamo
fornnulnml took all the pork that was ot
tered , picKIng up 1S.003 or0,000 baircls.
.1)11 ) } lug then became nnd juices
climbed to SU.17 © 11. ' . It subsequently
dropped to 811.12) j , hut the maikct haulened
somuwliat niul theclosinirnt 1 o'clock was at
vciy neatly the bestllgurcs of the moiniug
tor all tlio pioducLs.
on the afternoon hoaul , and the oilier articles
on the speculative \\eicbteady. . Jiuslncss
dm Inc the last half hour of the regular ti ad-
ing vas lively. Some of the bear houses had
cables contiadlcting icpoits of a better feel
ing in Liverpool.
! J : 15 p. in. 1'uts on May wheat , 84Yc ; calls.
CHICAGO , Feb. 17. [ Telegram.J i.i : There were a peed many cattle left
over lioiu ycsteidny , and the supply to
day was > ThPio vvere too many c.ittlo
of the common to incdlum kinds. The mar
ket to day was very iueguhr , but iicucinllj
dull nud lower. Pikes avenged 20@25o
lower thnu Monday , nud trade nt that decline
was extremely uns.iUifaclory to ( talesmen.
Tlieio vvcio many ? n.OO@i.OO cnttlo hcic ,
which could not bu sold for moio than cotin-
tiy cost. 'J'hus the shippers \\cio losing a
good deal ot money. A lot ot pi line
heavy cattle hold at $ AO , some 1503 lb ? ship
ping cattle .sold nt S4.00 , nud .some 1087 Ibs
cattle &old to a dies'-ed beef buyer at S-1.53.
Among the late sales of cattle vveic 2S distil
lery bulls , ire ; HHat S3.Sj ; 13 Tcxans , 702
Ibs , nt 53.30 ; 141 Iniliau-Te\ans , bOS Ibs nt
84.00 , nnd inoindlan-Toxniis 103 Ibs , nt SI. 15 ;
also 03 distllluiy steeis , 117(1 ( Ibs , nt1.25. One
lot of 21 choice lOiO Ibs Texans sold at S 1.05.
Iloob There was a laiger per cent of bit :
he.ivy hogs among the nnhnls to-day than
foi any day this week. The Itiipiovcmeiit in
quality was one of the noticeable le.ittuesof
the day. Hlg , heavy hogs wetoa stiong ffQ
lOc lower , and In n general way the medium
and oidiuaiy mil ot packets sold 5e lower ,
while the onllnniy run of light underwent
little 01 no change. At the close of the day
the geueial maikct was n shade Ihmcr
nt the opening. Packing and flipping , 250 to
400 Ibs , 8I.05M'5. '
Now York. Feb. 17. ilownv On call
easv nt 1KGJ2 per cent until near the cloe ,
when tlio demand became active , and ad
vanced to 4 per cent , closing stiong at : i per
cent.PIIIMI : Mr.itoAN'rii.K PAi'int 1@5 per eent.
S t niti.txnExciiANOit Dull buUteady and
unchanged ; $ l.b } { for sixty Uajh , amt
Sl.b'JJ 101 dcinaiul.
( lOVUUN.Mn.N'rs Dull but steady.
SiofKh Stocks weio eompaiatlvely dull.
Them vvna a steady opening , nnd In enily
de.ilingsn iiioilei.ito ndv.iuuc. Fiom thnt
time until ! ) o'clock the movement vvas
nlternntoly up nud down , although quiet nud
iiiegularas to Individual Blocks , and the
market closed on ono of the declines nt
neaily tlm lowest ligiuos of the day lor many
ot the usually aetlui stocks.
S cent bonus. . . lOO } U. &X. W lit
U.i3.4l/H lUIX profeired. . . 110
Nevvrs 12.VHIN. Y. 0 100 %
PacHicO'Hot 'HI. l-JOKIOiciroii Tr.m. . . JWJtJ
Central P.willo.11 I'aclflc 'ilnil
C.&A 141 P. , 1) . &K
piefeued. . . . 15-i P. I' . C
O.n. itQ IS'.l Uoelc Jslann. . . . I'M
! > , , L. . .tV I'AiX St , L. AS. K. . .
' ' " ' ' ' ' ' '
Krht1. ! . ? . . . . . . . . ' c 5r ' tt st P. . '
piefeued. . . , p'lefoued , . llil'
Illinois Central. . 1 st. 41 :
' lin'feiteii. . . 105
Knnsns it'i'oViis. 80)g'IV\nVPacilli | ! .
IjakcShoro bS 'Union ' Pacllio. „
W. , St. I , , ifcl' . . 10'f ' . . . 70 pietencd , . . . . . .
Mo. Pacllin . .Western Union. 7.5
Noithetn I'.io , , . ' . ' 7 > 0. Jt..t N 103
piefcned , . .
Feb. 17. Flour- Dull and
unchanged ; winter vvlieat Hour. S1.40VJ
5 , boiilliein , S1.00(2 ( .0.'i ;
( < l 1.75 ; Michigan hotTspiIng wheat , 83.70 ®
l.OJ ; Mlnnusota bakcis' 3.ri0 < : pal
eiits , ei. v < i5tt)5 ) rju Jlour , 58. : ) : In
h.uiulK , S'.10@U,40 ) in sacks ; buckwheat
Hour , m.Wji 1,50 per hairel ; 5'J.OO percvvt. In
Wheat Falily nctvoopened | ;
closing liguiesyi"tei day , pi Ices advanced
above Insldo liguius. later leceded about
for May anil I4a foi other lutuiei ; : .8o tor
cash and Felniiaiy : 3XjJ-'W o lor Maich ;
Oats * i ( ? ehlu'heraud in good demnud :
80iiSO > tfo tor piibh ; SOo lor Fcbiuaiy and
Match ; avusijie lor May.
Jtyo Steady at We.
Uailov DullatCOc.
\ VhlsIcyfl. . 1(1. (
Timothy Weak , blow and heavy ; prime ,
Kla'xpetdSteady but dull and easier ; No.
1 , cash , SUS.
Pork .Moderately actlvo and irregular ;
opened ( aim * at f ® doclinu , hccaino
btionijer , i.iilied lO lJ'ie , near close quiet ,
ea cd oil SJj Jouuil cfoaed steadj : SIO.U'-Q
11.00 tor cash' 510.y > WlO.U7 ; foi Fcbuiary
and Match ;
Laid-Oulet but steady ; ruled a > < c lower
pailj' , lallicil again ami closed hhii ; Su.O'i for
easli nud Feht uarj : D.ftV'tfi.orVi foi Maieli ;
50.17' j tor Mn > .
Hulk Meats Shoulder * . oy.fl.oO ;
deal , SS.bO'sS.y ; ; s > hoit libs , t'5.1i ( . 3.50.
Huttor Steady and uuchanijed ; peed to
fancy creamery , SltrJ'Jcj good to choice , 12
< 221c.
Cheese Actho and firm ; full cream cheddars -
dars , PH ( lOo ; Hats , iO ( < MO\c ; jouue Ameil-
cai , ll'i ' llUc ; skimmed choice , ( HJ7c.
lUdus-Unchanged ; part cured ,
crcen , so : heavy green suited , s fcllgnt ; do.
0' ' < C l5'iCJ ' ) bull hitter OVc ; dry salted , 12lfC5
dry Hint , laQHo ; calf skins , iCHVjinc.
Tallow Unchaneed ; No. 1 country , 4'fc ;
No. a country , 4c : eako , fx * .
AfTKiixoo.v HoAitilipat VP lilgucr.
Corn , oats , pork nnd lard unchanged.
Kceolnt. * . Shipments.
Flour , bhh. . . 23 , < XM lO.OOi ) . 2VCKW 10,000
Coin.bu. . . . , . Osji.OOO 24S.OOO
Oat-s. bu . . . , . 10.1,000 I4o
llyobu..f * . .1.00)
llarley.bil . 0-3,000 14,000
Now York , Feb. -Wheat Finn nnd
higher ; receipt * . : i.OOO : cviioitM , 110,000 ; un
graded icd , 8t ® > vN ? ; No. a ml , m ' 40 fob ;
Match closing at tUp. .
Com Spot Vle higher , closing weaker ;
options opened MttfVe- higher , cloiliuj vvitli
Ilin ndvanceloM ; leeeipts , : ws.OiW { expoits ,
b-Jooo ; ungraded , 4 < w-.M < lic ; No. , in frB
4 ! Ve ; No. s , 6iifl55a | ( fn elevator ; Match
closing nt fil e.
Oats J Uglier and moro active ; icceltits ,
01XK ) ; cxpoilx , a < 0 : mixed western , ai > i ( < 4
40e ; white wrstern , 0 45c.
Petrolenm Firm ; united closed ntSl A'-
Kggs Higher nnd llrm ; rct'ejpt.s , 1,000
packages ; western , 22i4iM5c. (
Pork Finn nnd moderately active ; old
moss , SlO.r.OotlO.'io . ; new mess. S1I.7512. ( > 0.
Lard Higher nud moio nctlvo : western
steam spot. sn.StU7M ( ; March , SO.vStQO.isi.
Hittlet Quiet but lit inly hold ; vestein ,
12 34e
Cheese Steady but quiet ; wcstein tlat.
St. IjoulH , Feb. 17. Wheat Finn and
higher ; No. 2 ml , cash , M ! < fc ; May , WKe.
Corn Strong and higher ; No. U mixed ,
cash , KOJYe ; .May , ! lXe.
Oats Finn nnd higher ; Match , ' 37c ; May ,
Hyp Nominal at COe.
Pork Knslur at SU.12K@H.2. > .
Laid Kaslor nt ? . " > .SH ) .
Huttet Steady nnd unchanged.
Arnit.\oo.v : lloAHD Wheat. Him nud V@
? , e higlier. Coin , easy nud )8'fe ) ' lower.
Oats , easy and n shade lower.
Toledo. Fob. 17. Wheat Closed acllvo ;
Coin btrong ; ensh.IDc. . Fit in ; cash. n2) ) c.
Ijlvcrpool , Feb. 17. Wheat Offeiod mod-
cutely ; new No a winter , 7s > s'd , steady ;
spilnu' , SsKd , steady.
Flour Offeied fieely ntSs. dull.
Coin Offeied mndeintely ; .spot ami Fcb-
itiary-IsGil , linn ; Match and Ani II , Is liKd.
KniiHiis City , Feb. 17. Wheat Quiet ;
cash 7l fc ; Maich , 72c bid , 72 > < fc asked ;
Slay , 7t > c.
Coin Steady ; cash , 2s > J o bid. 2J ! e nsked ;
March , Bic nsked ; May , ill&c bid , OUfc
Onts No quotations.
NcwOrlcnns , Feb. 17. Coin 17 ( < ? 4-e. ;
Oats Quiet nt 40e.
Coin Meal Steady at S2.15.
Hog Products Unsullied and generally
low or.
Lnnl S5.W ) .
Jltilk Meats .Shoulders , PH.S7U ; long clear ,
S5.50 ; clear libs. ST.fiO.
Milwaukee , ! < eb. 17 , Wheat Strong ;
cash , bO e ; May , bl > ' c ; June , bSJfc.
Coin Quiet ; Xo. a , : ise.
Oats Fliinur ; No. 2 , : ; oc.
Itje Senico ; No. 1 , fi'.k1. '
Hatley-IJiill ; No. tt , rV < gc.
Piovisious bteady ; mess poik , cash nnd
March , SUMtt ; Mai , § 11.15.
Minneapolis. l < eb. 17. Wheat Slc.idy ;
No. 1 bind , cash , iJ7c ; Mmch , tttc ; April ,
Sli'i'o ; Mnv , Ol'4e ' : No. 1 , nnilliein. Sic cash ;
Maich , MKe ; Apiil , 8.1) < fe ; Mav. N > Ke.
Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.bOjJ5.00 ; bakcis' ,
SJ.M : ) M.OO.
Receipts Wheat , 78,000 bu.
Shipments. Wheat , 0,000 bu ; flour , 17.COJ
Cincinnati , Feb. 17. Wheat Light de
mand ; No. a led , 01J e.
Coin Klimi'i ; No. ' ! inKcd , " 7Sj ( < (3Jc.
Oats ( iood demand ; No. 2 , y24'e.
Jtjc Film ; No. 2. MlfiGjc.
liuloy Quiet and uiichniigcd ; cxtiaNo , 3
Potk Quiet at
haul Dull : it Sl.
Whisky steady at S1.10.
iiivn STOCIC.
Chicago , Kob. 17. The Dioveia' Journal
remit ts :
Cnttlc Hecelpts , 7.SOO ; .slow nnd lOc lower ;
Rcneinl mniket closed weak ; shipping .steers ,
S3.50@ri.50 ; stockets and feedeis , S2.W)5M.j ) ! ( )
cows , hulls and mixed , 1.50 ( < ; : ) .75 ; bull : ,
Ilo < ; s Kecelpts , 21,000 ; slow and Sc lower ;
ioiili ( and mhed , S'.7@l.)5 ' ! ( ) ( ) ; packing and
hhlppinc , S .OJ ( < i4.45 ; light , 1.00At.lO ( : i
Sheep Iteeeliits , r,203 ! ; brisk nnd finner ;
natives. S2.00GZS.10 ; Tcxans , S2.00@4.03 ;
lambs , J4,00 ? ( 5.25.
St. liOuiH. Feb 17. Cattle Receipts , 0,203 ;
shipments. 7CO ; active , but SWlOc lower ;
best .shipping , nnd exports , 55.r.0005.0 ! ; com
mon to good , Sl.00 ( < j.t ! ) > 5 ; butchers' sleeis ,
g3S5f5l.2i ; eows nnd liulfois , SJ.21Ci3.05 ;
btockeisand feeilcis , !
Hogs Receipts , 7.200 : bhlpments , 4,000 ;
netlvo but lOc lower ; butchers'nnd best heavy ,
S4.20M.4 ( ? ( ) ; mixed packing , : ; ligh't ,
S3 05 1.0 ! ; closing ste.'idy itli all sold.
Kaunas City , Feb. 17. Cattle Uecelpts ,
2.2JO ; shipments , 1,000 ; slow nnd lOc lower ,
except for stockets nnd feeders , \vhlch were
Hun ; exporleis , S.l > .10i(5.0 ( : ! ; cominon to
choice shipping , S4.00it5.00 ( ; stockcm und
Icedcis , ? 3.oO4.00eows ; , fc2.404in.yo.
Hogs lecclits ! | , 8,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
slow nnd lOo lower , closing vveakjgood to
choice , 5.0"-I.10 ; ! ; common to medium , 53.70
Tuesday Kvcnliig , Feb. 17.
The iccelptsof eattlo weio lirnvh'r to-day ,
but the imuKctcontinucd dull. Kativo steers
, to KOJ mo quoted nt $4.0
„ „
4.2'i , and 1BO ! to 1450 nt fe.4l4. ) ! < W , Tlieio Is
a lair demand lei cholcu biitcliuiH1 stock.
Cliolcocows nroiiuotcd nt 8't.25iii.'X ( : ' ) ; good
nt Su.000l.20 ; common ati.W@'J,75. i
The lecelpts ot hog-s wemluiavier to-dny
nud nil sold. The market was lower.
Choice well tutted Mil-en vveie In demand.
Sheep weighimr 75 to 100 Ibs , J.75@.00 ; 100
to 125 Ibs. 3.503l.iO.
Cattle . ,00
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. P'- '
. . IHX ) 7 1017 P'I'l. -
No Av. Pr. No.M. . AV. I'l.
M. . . . .27 8.75 ! ? M. . . . . 'Jrtl
75. . . . .200 H.7S
221 flu ! ! iil'-'Tii
M , , , . . .270 H.W )
SI.MJ ftl. . : i.uo
71. . . . .253 M. . , . .21U
m. . . .201 01 . , , . . . .rxKn 3.0 J
n 2V ) B'J . , . * < ( MHJ Kn ( ltl/\J *
71 .TI t * n fi ifl * > * * I t , < KI
01 2il > > J1.S5 oo. . . . .iiio : i..n
7i aw ' 01.M. . . . . .815 a.U >
I/J 210 ; i.87 ; M. . . . .JI12 4.00
m 277 : ) .b7 ( 6'J. . , . . , :5io : 4.05
(11 ( 2S1
iiioiirnT i.ovvr.sT.
Sliowlug the hlglmst and lowest price ; paid
on this miulvct for hogs iluiliiL' tlio pist
bcven il.iy.s und for thu corresponding purluJ
last month'
January. rehrmiry.
5:1.00 : ioo
Thm silay. ! ! .NJ C l.05
Filday . . . '
K.itiuday , , ! i.fO iuiH 'i ioi ! < ;
MoniKiy . , . ' ( .ni c
11.70 ( < \.0' > \
\Vtilncsiliy. JI5 > @i.70 il.75 @l.(5 (
Shinvliiir tbo niunbjr of e.ittle , hogs and
Mieeii purchased by tbu nnukeidon thu mar
ket to dny.
J. K. Uoyd 4V >
liiimmond . 'c Co , 40i
11 in ris & Kishi-r. .2. ' > 'J
Olheis 81T
Note All balM ol hloclc In this tnnrkotnro
niiuli ) i > ercvvt , llvo wekbt imleos othcivvUo
6taUul. Dc.ul hoes sell nt lu iKir Ib , for nil
weights. "Skliu"oflio 'swelKliliiKlfSi tmiij
100 Iba , no value. I'rcjjiuut BOWS nro dockuj ,
40 Ibs itml bt.uto Ibs.
\ \ II. Crecti , the. ronl cbtttto dealer , 313
Smith llith fcl , lias a I urge list of IjarKsiinu
in iirojierty , cpiilrally loutited us won as
lots in evei'i tlesirablu part of tlio city , A
f < w lots In tliu Clnrlo ostnto yut for salt ) .
Call and ccti him. Ujstair .