THE DAILY BEE. COUNCRTBLUFFS. TUESDAY MORNING , FEU. 10. OI'FICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. llfllured by cnrrlrr In nny pnrtof thoclly nt tiv tnty cents per wtck. 11 , W. TM.TON , . . . Manager. UBLKl'HOHUS : ni'BiNr 80iricn , No. 43. NlnitT KDITOII , No. St. anxoiiju I'atils lo order , from $5 tip , nt Halter's. I'armit to wed was yesterday given to Kd. Maurice nml Mrs. Mary Ktilil. both of this city. An application has been made for the aiijiolntiiK'iitot a receiver in the case of Coeko Aj Morgan. The Insane commission was yesterday trying to hetlln the < iucstion as to the sanity of Richard Harlow. The ladies of the Episcopal church nro planning on serving the supper for the grand ball to bu given by the Knights Templar. The polien have made no arrests slnco Friday last. The investigation has made cither tlio public unusually good or the police unusually bad. The board of registration opened the books nt the city building yesterday. Every voter should see to it that Ins iniinu is written on the list. The Episcopal church entertainment , to bo given In Urn storeroom on llioad- wiiy lately occupied by Ilonry Eisenuin , have boon postponed until next week. A rillo club has been formed among sonic of the best shots in the city , and n second club is now talked of , so that there llH'y ' be 591119 lively team .shooting. Kov. Mr. Maekcy , rector of SI. 1'auTs church , is to speak next Sunday night on the labor question , lie is one of the pieachers who cannot bo charged with confining his thinking nnd talking to dead issues. Tlio "IMizxard" is said to bo the fastest traverse in tlio city. The "Alligator" has always had that reputation , but the "Hli//ard" has lately been passing every thing , oven the ponderous but swift "Alfigator. " On Sunday Justice Selling was called upon to tie the knot making us one Mr. J. L. O'Ncil and Mrs.Li/.zio SehiekotaiiH. Mr. O'Noil is foreman for Mr. Kponcti'r , in Omaha , and the bride is a lady who lias many friends hereto wish her well. Mrs. Samuel Unas is to give n gortnan on Wednesday evening at nor residence , No. 121 Sixth street , in honor of the Misses Pauline and Minnie Wadlcigh of Clinton , Iowa , Miss Mamio ( lairc of LVOIIIowa , tuyl Miss Mny gtcfiG 01 " I "Chi'cago , all of whom are the guests of Miss Alary Haas. One of the kitchen employes at the Pacific house sneaked oil with some clothing belonging to .some follow em ployes. They gave chase as tar as the depot , and while one tried to hold him the other came tip town after a police man. ISy the time thcollicer reached the place the fellow had got away. The rumor that J. J. Bolin , of Mace donia , had died , which was so eagerly picked up by the evening papers , seems to have started from the fact that his daughter received a telegram Saturday informing her of the death of _ her father- in-law , the telegram reading that her father was dead. Air. ISolin is in usual health , and smiles as lie reads the obitu ary notices written by the twilight scribes. -The ease of Wills vs Kulils , which at tracted much attention in the superior court last week , has ended in the jury bringing in a verdict giving the plain- till' $ M2. The plaintiff Micd. on two notes , amounting to about $500 , and the chief question seemed to bo whether the two notes were legal obligations or not. The jury could not agree , except by coming to a compromise on the amount , which verdict will not bo satisfactory to either party , and both seem anxious for a new trial. trial..Miss .Miss Lillian Olcott appeared last even ing at the opera house as Galatea. She showed heself to bo very strong , es- .pecialjy in the emotional passages , and an artist of great dramatic genius. The company was an excellent ono , and the play was presented in a manner winch called forth much enthusiasm on the part of the audience. This evening tlio same company appear in "Lynnwood , " The miblic should show its appreciation by allowing : no empty seats. The circuit court is to open to-day. It ii is probable that the saloon cases will be given an early hc.iringt and much interest is felt as to whether injunctions will be granted or not. The prohibitionists are confident that Judge Connor will order the writs issued , and tlio saloon nifin seem to be afraid that such will he the case , as none of them are paying any of their good money into the city treasury license , under ( lie pop ordinance. So fai ns the revenues of the city are concerned , the city i.s not getting any such direct from the saloons as they have for months past , all refusing to pay any more license lor the present. KejilHtrntioii Notice. Notice is hereby given that the board of registration for thoeitv of Council Bluffs , Iowa , will meet at the council chamber on February in , 1880 , for the purpose of completing the registration list of said city for the annual election of said city to bo hold in said oity on March 1 , 18SO ; ( hat said board will continue in session from day to day until said list i.s com pleted as provided by law. Dated this 18th day of February , 1880 , Uy order of the board , A. UAI.IIVMIT.K , Clerk of Hoard of Registration. Substantial abstracts of title anil real nstuto loans. J , W. AiK. L. Squire , 101 btreot , Couuuil IMnll's. lariifriiiiliH. lr , J. liookut , of Oiualui , was hi tlio cityypsturthiy. Chnrk'.sXiuiiuor has rcuoivnit a bouncing boy us his valentine. Kx-Slioriil'GuiUnr is planning to soon cngn ; i ) in nioruantilu business horo. Miss Iowa Hall , of Omaha , spout Sunday - day hero with her friunil , Miss Oarrlu lllllltillgtUll. 1 * A. W , Cuur&on , roprcsontlnsc Hiram \V. Davis & Co.'s earriago fiuitory , was in the city yvstonlny , Miss Maud Olivur untoitniiiyn company of liur I'rh'iuls at her homo on Park ave nue this uvening. M. O. and A. L. KJICKQ loft yostonlay to visit Nebraska in the iuturcst of the Mtuillur Musiu conipiuiy. 'Aid. ( Juisu is still csonlincd to liis homo by illness. So soon as lie is able ho in tends going to Colfax for ticutinent. M. J. Suars , who is with ( 'arson & Harlo. goes to Neolu to-day , to try a civil case tliuro boforu JtisticoHiioy Clark , and inaku ills maiden speech to n jury II , E. Sanford , business manager for Maggie Mitchull , was in thn cilv yester day and leaves to-day for Sionv City , Ho lias madu arrangements with Mr. Doliuny for "Littlo Uuru 1'oot" on Tues day next , * Mules Tor Snle. 1 Imvo for bale thirtv-Mx head of line rnuliw , niniuug from Jifteun und ono-haif to suyontcun liands high , MASON WISH. Stook and li lunis of the Into James y for sale mvay below cost. POLITICAL TALKERS AT WORK The Prattle About Town ns lo the Doming Oity Election. CHIEF SKINNER IN DEFENSE. Trjing to Confidence Two Slotirtters clnl nml I'ersonnl Notes Dearths of 1'ollcc Xcwa. Political Prattle. John Jay L'ralney deiiisi that ho has any aspirations for tlio position of judge of tlio superior court. If ho keeps out of the race Judge Ajlesworth will have little trouble in securing the democratic nomination for that place. Ho will brcatlio easier , no doubt , on account of Krainey's declination. There will probably bo little struggle for ono olllcc , that of city auditor. There seems iv general concession that the pres ent occupant. Squire Itnrkc , will bu allowed to retain that place. Ho is an old and faithful servant of the people , is accurate and honest , and whatever trust is placed in his hands is never betrayed or neglected. So far as street talk goes , there seems no disposition on tlio part of anyone to make objection to declaring Auditor Uurko elected unanimously , even before a ballot is cast. There seems to bo a great deal of trouble in getting good men started in tlio mayoralty race. There is a general desire to get homo representative , active , honest man for mayor , irrespective of parly. Many names are mentioned , and of those talked of many would refuse to have their mimes considered for u moment. I ! : " ! ' " Mutn ! I Tronit ! * C VCIT acceptable to many and could bo elected without hardly any opposition , but it is generally understood that lie stands just where ho did two years ago , and that ho would absolutely refuse to consider tlio the matter in any ways favorable. J. W. Poregoy is another 'business man whom all would gladly sco made mayor , but ho is said to bo as firm in his refusal as , tlio former. 1) ) . C. lUoom- or , Dr. Lawrence , Aid. Siedcntopf , J. C. Dollavon , J2. T. Lindsoy and other business men of excellent standing hero are mentioned , but so far as known they have no desire for tlio ollicc , and such talk is made by the people and not by themselves.V. \ . C. James is strongly talked of as the probable democratic nom inee , while others predict that Robert 1'croival will bo given tlio nomination. Tiioro seems some doubt as to whether tlio present mayor will run again or not , but the clitmccs tire aaraiiiSt inin mm lie is probably sharp enough to keep out of the race " It is said , however , that if Robert Percival should run for mayor , Vaughiin Will step out as an independent candidate and try to defeat him , tlioro being some personal feeling back of this. A number of citizens in tlio Fourth want have suggested the name of Lucius Wells , o ? Deere , Wells & Co. He is a democrat , and is a sharp , active , sound- bcnsnd business man , who is by no means a politician , and is not ambitious or en tangled in polities. If ho could bo in duced to allow his name to bo used ho would receive tlio haiuNomo endorsement of many of the leading men of both par ties. ties.Tlio oflico of city marshal is a rich plum for sonic one. The present incum bent , Gnanella , will gladly receive a ro- noinumtion at tlio hands of the demo crats. J. A. Churchill is also talked of as a probable candidate. The old marshal , E. W. Jackson , is talked of as coming to the front again. Ho has a htrong follow ing , and if ho enters the race it will take a speedy candidate to pass him. Tlioro is a strong probability of tlio oflico of chiet of police being united with that of city marshal the coming year. If it can bo arranged , whoever is elected city mar shal will oo appointed chief ot iiohee , as is done in oilier cities. This will do away with much of the friction which lias al ways been caused by attempting to keep up iwo forces having much work in coin mon. It will make the ollico of city marshal a more important and lucrative ono , and the prospect of this union will cause a sharper contest to get Iho oflico For aldermen ihero is a bwarm of can didates too many to enumerate. Many names are whispered , the owners of which are not anxious , and some of them would not accept. There are enough , however , of those having aldermanic am bition , so that the race will not be declared oil' bocanso it did not fill. Aldermanio candidates are as legion. For first class Missouri wood call on Ulcason , at his coal oilico , 20 Pearl street. Tlio Chief's llcply. The report of the committee on the police matters was referred to the mayor , for him to take such action as ho might doom Lost , bo being the head of police by virtue of his oflico. Ho sent a copy of tlio report to his chief of police , accom panying il by a note , asking Iho chief lo make Mich an explanation as ho should desire before judgment was passed : The chief has answered as follows : Corxcii. Hr.uiTS , IOWA , Feb. IS , 1SSO. Hon. W. It. Vniiglmn , Mayor of bald city. Dear Sir : Tour letter contninlni ; cluuces osalnst myself , Captain C. 1) . Wallets anil Olllucr Kiilc , has liL-on iiMil with much c.ue , anil yourdumaiKl that 1 at once submit to you a full and detailed .statement of the charges made , hhall iccelvo my piompt attention. Mills , however , should b * as you my , "a lull anil complete statement , " that you and the pulillu may judge the matter coiu'ctly. hui'li an Investigation should bo made before a iustlco or a jmlge , say Judge Aylcs'woith. Tlio witnesses should Uo M\OIII nml their testimony piopoily leeoided. led that wo Imvoa iiRht tonsk that this bo done. U'e leel sure you will find the seciet investigation has benn veiy iintnlr , and VM.V damatfiij ; ? to those accused. 1 will mention n few facts here that will tend tosho\v you that tliK enliio nir.dr Is Hlmply Hiuoke. Olllcer Khk has a e lainlly. lie is veiy poor , and with a salary of S.Via iiionln it Is nlinnst im possible lor him to Ihe. He did exc'lnniijo a IlKhtovvrL'uiit lor a heavy one , Mr. Khk is one ol the must faithful ollleois on the foice , ami the iroodseio collected lor the woithy poor. Captain Walters has a little ( ieni.ui ) Kill at hU > heir > a us a nuisosliols veiy poor , .Sheliadasuniincrsliawl ; he RIXVO tills litllo gill a cloak , and 1 think he did iliht. Those K'xiiUwi'io ' bionzht to my or- lien alter the bulk of the nitides Kntheied up hnd been tumud over to the ladles' commit tee. Captain Williams , one of our policemen - men , \\as among tint number ot pci > onb who umuilit clothing to my ollice. As to the chaise that mv lan u.ige was liisultlni ; to tlio couiiui ) and tluU 1ns diunk , 1 deny the biuiiu In Into. Jly men weio just icady to eon on duty , and it did tinker mo to leave the city \\itliiiut police for several IIOIIIB tor an In- VOitlu'atiou tli'it had not lieon or legally ouleicd nt a council meeting. The language used uv mo was in tended lor no ono especially. Soveial gen- tlcmou weio pic.sent , and will bear witness Unit my statements aio tiuo. As to my being diunk , It is lalhU , and 1 Miall seek tliiough thu couitb to icfovor damages lor the falbo . . Tiiihliug that this may bo satisfactory to you until 1 can maku a lopoit moio full In detail , 1 urn , veiy lespcctlully , THOS. KuiNNKit , Chief of 1'ollcc. 800,000 briok for silo : , O. Struub , Coun cil 1 ! lull's , Iowa , Mourners , An attempted contidence game lias just leaked out as having occurred on the Kansas City roud , just tlio other side of Pacific Junction , A young man and his sister were coming lo Council Ululls , called hither by the bad news of the death of a relative , ono of this city's business men. In the binokingcar the joimgumn fell into conversation with a man pre tending to bo a wholesale liquor dealer , doing business in the Ulufl's. On learn ing that the young man was coming to this city he became very communicative and agreeable , and when the young man told him his sad mission ho was struck almost dumb with surprise and sorrow. Of course he know the deceased ; ho had done n great deal of blisinc s with him ; ho was shocked to learn of his death ; in quired all Iho particulars , and Urns so gained the young man's confidence by liis showing of sympathy and sorrow that the latter was thrown oil'his guard. Soon the pretended liquor dealer asked the young man to cash aiiheek for him so that ho could settle some freight bill , The young man found that ho had not quite enough money to cash the chock , and .stopped back into the oilier car to get the additional amount from his sister. J'ho sister s.ivcd him. She aski-d her brother if ho had gone cra/.y entirely , and told him it musl be a confidence gamo. licing put on his guard by tlio feminine good sense ho returned nnd told the liquor man ho could not accom modate him. At tlio next station , Pacific Junction , tlio confidence man got oil' the train and disappeared. Best coal and wood in the city at Gloa- son's , ' . ' (5 ( Pearl street. True Charity. COUNCU. Hi.ui'KS , Fob. 14. To the Edi tor of the Hun Will the reporters of tlio Nonpareil who gave such an elaborate display of words about the Wood family pleuso define tlio word "charity ? " Not only the word , but the meaning , islofton misunderstood. Those that are the loud est to talk charity are those last to help. To say the least , that is a poor kind that sends a family round tlio country to shirk responsibilities. In Kansas City , crowded as a big city usually is with poor , they could not get a house. If the ou'iii' ! , " llC"1 them they would have to Do' separated. They1 WeN5 5nl1n lo tllc depot to stop when their money was gone , They were passed hero to go on their way to Stewart , Hut their lurni- ture was getting mortgaged for all it was worth by treight charges. The child was very .sick , and something had to bo done. I doctored the child , gave thum room and board for three < lays till they got a liouso. Now , by the help given they have a chance to prove themselves. The old man is nearly past work , but tuo wo man promises to work. Lot them com mence life hero without tlio usual un charitable kick. 1 think if wo employed ourselves by following the great Master's teaching by kind actions it would be bet tor than insinuations. The family in question live near the high school , and will bo glad of work or Mich assistance as the charitable are in clined to give. Mits. B. , Money to loan by Forrest Smith. Uooni. The project of organizing a company with $100,000 , capital , for the encourage ment of manufacturing in Council Blufls , has been allowed to rest for several days past. The committee having it in charge have found it is too slow work to raise tlio necessary amount in small subscrip tions , and t is now thought that an effort to get twenty men to take the whole of it will succeed. There are a number who will not go into the company if it is to bo so cumbersome , but who arc willing to take a largo slice of the stock , if the com pany is composed of a few only instead of being made unwieldy by the member ship being to large. There are surely twenty men in this city who could take $5,000 each , and not feel any strain in making the investment. If this enter prise can bo successfully started it will be one of tlio greatest helps to the city. Many fool that Council HI nil's needs such impetus , hut those who are moat enthusi astic about it are not the ones who have the means to invest. Tlio matter is not to be dropped , and ought not to be , until at least one more effort is made in this direction. _ _ There was no quorum at the city coun cil last night. A meeting will bo hold next Saturday afternoon. Do White Polks All Now York Dispatch : A colored gen tleman , apparently a dominie , entered a sbino-'cin-up emporium near the city hall , Brooklyn , ono day during the week. "How lie do sab ! " saiu the chief pol isher "sit down Bah ! " Brother Pounder sat down and shoved out a gang plank to bo operated upon. "Dis am a bii'ful day , sab , " suggested the Knight of tlio Brush. "Yes , sah ; worry bu'ful. How's yo' business , my young friend ? " "Oh , kinder oxcrooshyatin' , sah. " "Dat's good ; IVo pow'ful ' glad to hcern ' ' "Thank yo' , sah. " "Yes , 1'bO pow'ful ' glad to hcorn it. 'Spec mos' of yo' cursomors is white folks ? " "Yes , sah ; 'bout fi' hunncrd pcs centum ob 'cm. " "Yes , sah ? " "Yos , fiiili " "Now , as I was jcs a passin' do co't house obor hynr , hit struck mu dat if do white folks would only pay as much Imt- tontion to shinin' up dar upper stories as doy does to dar lower stories , dcy would bo much mo' significance. " "To wat does yo' prefer , sah ? " "I prefers to dar lack of knowledge .in do larnin' world. " "Will yo' gib us an explanatory ob yo' desertion , sah ? " "Sartinly ; yo' jest stop hyah to dp do. Now wet is do prefix" oil the po'tcullir ' ob do co't house ! " The boot-friotioncr read aloud : MDCCCLXI. "Yes sah. Uat's prc/.axiy wet him f-c/s. Now do man wet slapped dat up dar miiiser bin as drunk as a bile owl , " "How's dat sahi" "Why dut's der yar , presuniptionall.v , when ilat Co't ' House wus built. ' , "Yas sah. " "Yns tali. Now 'M1 means a tousand 'D , mean li-linnnord tree 'Cs' ' means tree hunnord 'L , Stan's fur fifty an' XL Stan's fin lobbcn. Now when was eighteen hunncrd an' lifly-lcbbon ? ' Dat man was drunk an'you h'r ' my liumbul shout. " And as the second gang-plank was fin ished ho pulled it aboard and started on his voyage. * B. II. DOUGLAS i SONS' CAPSICUM COUGH DROPS are tlio result of over forty years experience in compounding cough mixtures. They are the beat. Ho Ate the Killtor and Then Aban don oil tlio MlwHionnry FJclil. The Roy. Mr. MatteraOii , thu well- j own missionary , has returned from tlio island of Xookalnro. At a meeting of ministers the other night Mr , Mattel son said : 'Gentlemen , I don't care to go back to that country. " " " asked. "Why * some one "Well I'll tell . after , you. Shorllj ar riving in the island I began keeping house. I employed a follow who could speak English to take charge of my household affairs. Ho seemed to bo a very intelligent fellow and I trusted him. Ono day an Englishman who published a small paper wrotn an article slandering mo , I was very angry and , in the pro.s- once of my man Keclo , said that 1 was half inclined to go over and eat tlio editor up. I was anxious to see the next issue of his paper , but it dtd not come out. Kcclo , noticing my anxiety , said ; "Paper will not eomo out again , " "Why ? " " 'C'tuiso ' you help eat editor three days ago. " How Pnlo You ArcJ { s frequently the cxHnmmation of ono lady to another. The fact is not a pleas ant ono to have mention , but still the net may bo a kindly one , for it sots the ono addressed to thinking,1 apprises her of the fact that she is not hi good health , and leads her to seek a reason therefor. Pal lor is almost always attendant upon the first stages of consumption. The system is enfeebled , and the blood is impover ished. Dr. Pierco'si "Golden Medical Discovery" will net as a tonic upon the system , will enrich thu impovciishod blood , and restore roses to the cheeks. If ono wore to ' cnlcr the parlors of Colonel and Mine. Jerome Bonaparte any Sunday ( netting ho would imagine he was in Paris. The language and the surroundings are all Frenoh ; even the servants belong to that nationality. Mine. Bonaparte , although an American , has lived so long abroad that she lias become thoroughly French. Her Stindnv evening receptions are the favorite resort of the diplomatic corps , who find there much to remind them of their native land. 'Tis vain to seek n powder that defies detection , but use Po/.zoni's to improve the complexion. A peculiar ceremony was performed in Toronto recently. A marriage took place , both the bride and bridegroom wearing narrow black masks over their faces , which were removed just as soon as the ceremony was over. It is alleged that the adoption of tlio masks was a freak of Iho brido. Another vagary she insisted on was that no mention what ever should bo made of their nuptials in any of the public prints. The bride groom without a murmur acquiesced. A sure euro for Uliml , Blccdlm ; , Itehln and ulcerated Piles lias been dlscovoieil by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian lumcdy ) , called lr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A simlo box 1ms cured tlio worst chronic cases ot 'J."i or JJOj cars standing. No one need suffer llvo mlnutcs.nfter applying this wonderful sooth Ing meiticinc. jotons ! aim mr""UHts u moio Inn in than good. Williams' Pile Ointment absorbs tlio tumors , allays tlio Intense itching , ( partictilatly at nicht after gcttlnc warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves nstamiollot . . . . . , . ami isprcnaicd . . . only for Piles I 1 ! t\ I ! 1 1 itching of private partanil for nothing else. SKIN DIH10AS10S CUU13D. Dr. Fia/ici's Made Ointment cuics ns by masric , Pimples , lilack Heads or Giubs , Jilotches and Euiptlons on the face , leaving the skin clcuratid beautiful. Also cuiesltch. Salt Kl'cmii , Sine Nipples , Sore Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulceis. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ot SOceiits. detailed by Kulin & Co. , and Schroder < Sr llicht. \7holusalo by C. F. Uoodnian. FIIAXK NEUI.V , 1'rost. Gco.W.H.vumx , See. (1ncoiiorntcit ( | , 1SS1. ) EQUITABLE MUTUAL Life and Endowment Association OF WATERLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Ol-TICU IN HHNO'S HtJlLDING. Kooins Xo1 ; 1 i nnd 1.1. $3,500 iii case of Uoiith. $1,000 Endowment atthc | cud of ten years. , \ Average cost for year of assessment , first three years of organization , 15 to 30 years , ? G.G7LI ; t0 50'years ' , $10 , Circular and inlonmition on application. WM. RANDALL , Pnp"iintoiulontot Agencies. 1 .Ascntf Wanted. i S OPERA HOOSE. . 2 MIGHTS 2 Monday anil Tuesday , FEBRUARY 15 AND 16. ENGAGHMENT OF THE DISTINGUISHED THAGEDIKNNC MISS LILIAN OLCOTT Supported by her own tnlontod company in PYGMALION AND GALATBA. by tlio popular author , W. S. aiLBUItf , author of "Pinafore , " the "Mikado , " etc. TURSDAY KVEN1NQ presenting the ever popular Now York Success PIUCES : f 1.00 , 7Gc , CO nnd 2Tic. Iteservi d Boats on sale nt lUighncll's Drujr Sloi o TO THE PUBLIC AND OLD PATRONS. 1 lm % o bought what is known as the COUNCILBLUFFS03rXIHUSHAGGAOE AND TRANSFER LINES. And will give my peitiomil ntluntlon to calls a | ) rl\ntoicslacneeslor passeiigors and bufe'SMffe lor all trains , including dummy tialns. llHiuo at 1'nclo llon o. Telephone 140 , TlmnUul lor past fa\or. < , 1 am icspoctfiilly yours , H. BEOROFT. Piiecos&or to J. Honors. HNIONliCKET OFFICE JL , DeBEYOISE , Agent. No. 507 Droadwnri Council llluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL IlLUWS. The following Is the llmo of arrival aii'l departure of trains by central fUandnid time , at the local ili'polH. Trains leave trunslerdojiot ten inlnuliBcaillor and univu ten minutes later : IIKMUT-cuioAno i MOBTiiWKiriiix.AKKim : 9:2JA.M : . Mail nnd Express . 0Mi : > . u , } " :40i : * . M . Vcc < niimodatloii . 4"iilp. : f. tiMi : ) > . M . Expicss . UO.JA. : M. CIIICAnO U HOCK JSHNl ) . B:20A.M : . .Jlnllund Express . fl:5-lr. : M , 7-I5A.M . Vecomm'xtntlon ' . bU'iv , u , CiroP.M . Kxpiess . 'JiO.ii. . CIIIUAUO. Mll.W.lUKKUiSi HI' , 1'AUI. lU'JOA.u . Mail and Kxpiesb . U:50i : > . M. OlDOr. M . E.\pH'a.s . 0OoA. : U. ciliUAno. IIUKI.INOTOX i yui.Miv. 040AM ; . Mall and Express.- . . . 6rjOl % :03 : WAlUbll , hT. I.OUlh I'ACltlC. 2:1f. : r. u.Ioe. l St. Louis Exjubss Local . a.UOr.Ji.Trun'iforSt. LouUr.r. Tr.itigicr.3'n : l" . M KANKAS CUV. ST. JO1) ) t COU.NCII. IIMUtS 10IOA. : M , . . Mall and Eipneas . 5'JJ ; p. M. VilffiP.M . E\ | > ltCS . , . . , , . UlijA.M. FIOUX CITV1 * I'AOUIC. 7:15 : A.M . . .Klous I'ity Mull . tOOv. M. li'JO : J' , M . . M. Paul U | < re s . brtoA. M. UNION 1'ACMflC. 10'J5A. : M . Denver Hxpies .5:15 : P.M. 2ia : r. M. . . Lincoln I'nss.lOiif , A , 1U V. . . _ ' * ' > r. M. 7Wv. u. , . . . .Ovvtlund KMtross. . . .8:15 : A.M. DUMMY TIIAIK.S10.UMAIIA. Leave Council Illutr < , ' 7Uybui9:30103 : ; ] - 11:30 : n. in. ; lJo-2:30i-3M-4:3.-5l5-fl:3J : : : : . : 11:15 : n. in. Sundaj 7.QJi ! 3J 11'JO- : , in : 2'J ; : iIK : > 5-5 : < 1 : : > llli : P.m. Leave Oinnlni -fl:3S-7T5-b:50-10:00-U:00 : : : a. m : lUO 2:0u- : 00 1:01 : 5 : OJ : < J'jj-ll:10 : : ii. in. SnndaysT-UU.'i : 60-llJ : ) a. m.:8i03-3:0 : : > J-3.0J- < : HOT5 ! ! MSSLG-EH . , Main St. , Council Hlufl's. NmrtlioC1. , U. AQ-jt' . , M. As .St. I1. , and C. , U. I. it 1 * . railway depots , street cai pass tlio door. Kmytliins now and iirst class. ProjirU'tor aiid B. HI E , M. D. or other tuinira removed wlcliout UiuXnlfnordtuwlnsof blogd. CHRONIC DISEASES of U kinds a Utcrthiit ) jearo1 priet n-d exnorioajJ. Kc. 11 1'uul hiiiiui , Conn' il Hluiti WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ESOTTSES 0 ! * COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEKlli : , WKLLS &co Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Boggles , Cni liases ito : , ito. : Council IIIulTs , lown. KEYSTONE JIANUFACTUUINtTcoi Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , Dlsollariowi , Seeders , Corn Planters , rood Cut- tcis , iic. : ruciory. Hockrails , Ills. Nos. 1M1IIWVUjtn , 1537 Main St. , Council lllnlTs. DAVID 1MADLKY ATcoii Mnmif'rsmilJobborg of Agricultural Implementations , Buggies , rarrnjro ! < i. nml nil Unls of Vixr.n Mno'ilnorr. 1100 to 1113 South Mnln Stro.M , Council lllnns , AXK HANUMSS. r. O. GI.IUSON , T. II.Dourir.vp , ( li-o.R WitiiniT. I'rcsATrens. V.ProsMnti , SooAConnsel. Council BlalTs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. * Mnnufnclurcrnof .Axle , rich , Slc.lpn imd Smnll llunilk's , or u\ cry ilcscrlptlon. CAHl'KTS. COUNCIL ItLUFl'S CAHi'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Cnitnln I'lMures , Upholstery fiooils , Htc. Ko. 105 Urundnny Council lllnlls , iouit. CIUAUS , TOUACCO , r/fc. PEHEGOY & MOUHE , Wholesale Jobber ? In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. i-'SMnln nml H7 Pcntl Sts. , Council lIlutTs , I oii. . SNYDEIl & LEAMAN , Whulcsnio Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. _ Ko. UI'oJil St. , Council IllnlTs. CltAVKKltS. _ _ McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Mimutncturoi * of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , _ Council Muffs , JUIM. MlOCKKliV. MAUUEIl & CRAIG , Importers & Jobbers of Crocker/.Glass . ware Lumps , Fruit Jais , Cntlory , Stoneware , Iliir Goods , l''uncy Goods , IHo. Council llluirs , Iowa. _ _ nituaaiSTS. _ HARLB , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Diiigglats' Sundries. Kte. No. 22 Main St. , and No. ill 1'ciul St. , Council Illulls. nnr GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importer and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , itc. : No . 112 mid 11 1 Main St. , Nos. 11. ) unil 115 Pearl St. , Council llluirs , lown. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 and 18 Pearl ft. , Council lllulle. OltOCHItlKS. GRONEWEG & SOHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 nud 121 , Main St. , Council Hluffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Denlori. No. 410 llrond- way , Council Blairs. 1' . C. DK VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Hcfrlycrators , etc. Nos. 501 llioadway , and 10 .Main street , Council I lIAltKKSS , ETC. BECKMAN & CO. , Mcnu'nctnicrs of and Wholesale Dealers in Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. 525 Main St. , Council Illuire , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves , Nos. 342 and 314 llroadway , Council llluirs. 1WAVY JIAlinWAlll } . KEEL1NE & FELT , Wholesale Steel Nails Hardware Iron , , , Heavy , And Wood Stock , Council llluirs , Towa. 11WKS AXD WOOL. J ) . 11. McDANELD to CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , Pelts , Oieaso and Knrs , Council Illulls , Iowa. COUNCIL IJLUFKS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasollna ETC. , ETO , S.Thoodoiu , Agent , Council Dlutla. louu. , I'lhixa , arc. _ A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Hi Idpro Miitfi lal Special ! li'flWholo-alo Lum ber ul all Kinds , tmii-u NoM .Main St. , Council Illulls. IDun. ir.v/s .ixn MQUOHS. JOHN LINDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. .Ayenl for St. ( lOltbairt's Herb Milters. No. 13 Main tit. , Council UlulU. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Xn CM Minn St. , Ciumttl lilnfft. A.C.11UUMI ui , Pros. I..W. TUM.tirs , Vice-Pros. J.v.'ir.i N , IIww.N'Cashier , Council Bluffs Rational Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Capital. . , $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 Stockholders Represent , . . . . 1,000,000 , Do a gunciiil ImuMnir l Aoiomitri of banKs , linnXiTH , ntcrchnntu , man- utnoturoigitud individuate received on favora ble terms. i ointtthMiiM IOIOIKH pvrlmntru. fie\t-rylest of ititimtiuii Khun to all busl ine eomi'iitlel to i.u i ft iu. Z.T. LINDSEY&CO. , MR BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTICS , RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , AND BOOTS. STOOIK : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write- for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , ii N , Main St. Office 412 Broadwayx , - - lo'wa , . . llrlclc unl'illnzof nny k'ml ' mhod or moved nml sutlalnction guaranteed. Finnic houses moved onl.ittlL'GIunt trucks the best la the worlJ. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE Special mlvcrtlsemonts , such ns LostFound , To Loan Fo * Sxlc , To Kent , Wants , Boarding1 , etc. , will bo inserted in tills columnnt tholow rnto of TEN CBNTd I'EU LIMU for tlio flietinscrtiouund FIVE CKKTS 1UIU UNB fop ench subsequent insertion. Luavo ndvurtUa incntsat our ollico , No. li 1'carl stioot , iioar llrouilivay , Council IJIulfs. WANTS. 1'rojioity on cornur I' street IJMHIHAM2 luomio. Council Hlnirs , consisting of twostoiy , iron-root ud hi icklinlldlnsr ; iifiiunu bou eel clx looms ; nil on lolPOxlU. 1'or terms ilpply to A. 11. McClniVt < ) n premises. SALH Scaled bids will bo lojolvo 1 by. I POH W. Itodefcr up to IVurmiry 'M , 18B , on ciKlity t'cct front , two story biick block , Nos. - - , J4a ! nnd 8 1'uuil street , between llioiulwiiy nnd 1'Iret avonuo. & WAMtnit , No. ! H Main stieot , SWAN ( Citizen's Hunk ) , iciil estnte una innr- euimdl'-o I'xctmiuro brokers. Onr books mo full of ( .peclal iMirKiilun , but It U impossible to pub- IMi n rolinlilo 1M fiom tbofnut of so many imlly changes. What wousk fe > : If you want to sell ortiudu nnythinjr In our line , \v rite us and wo will send youanlloof bnrjrnlns to select fiom. Lands impiovcil or unlnipioved , city or town property , stocks of woods of nny kind in nny such jou have or such you want let us noiirfrom jou. Swnn & Walker , Council Illiills FOH SALE Atn bargain if sold soon , FAHM , UJi mllrs south wcAt of Uinalri. 0 loom house , excellent well and cistern , a bnr'is , ono lor eight horses , ono for a ) cows ; hen , tool nnd wagon houses ; 100 ncies in timothy : oj.OJU forest trees , cotton wood , blao'c ' walnut , ash nnd maple ; good orclmid , iiiplo | < , cliurrlos , plums , Krnpos and bimill fruits. Never fulllnir slock water. 1U 1" . OH-ICUH , f > 00 Jlio.idway , Council llliills , lown. _ _ THE GREGORY IHCANDESCENT GAS LAMP The pnbllo uro informed that a pntcnt has been allowed to ( leo. II , firojfoiy on his lin- piovcd K"S lumps nnd inaiiiilactiired by us. Mr. C. A Williams is onr nuthoil/od agent for Coun cil Illulls nnd Omaha. The public mo cautioned not to buy any of tlicsn JMIH lamps except thinugli Mr. Williams , us all otlicrsoiroieil for Mile me InlrliiKenients upon onr lamp. (1. ( I > . Itui rus tc Co. . Mnnnliietnreis unil Solo Western Agents , No. U.I Dual boa Btieet , t'lilciigo. _ AT- BEDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. L'it Main Street. Council' IHufls , la. rnos. orricen. w. n. u. rusur . OPPICEB & PUSEY , SANK COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Established JAOOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW rractlcps In State ami 1' Com Is. I'.ooins 7 uiul 8 , Hiuuuit llloiilc , E. R. Cad-well , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE fcAWYEB. Ko. 604 Broadway , ; Council Bluffs I'.T. MUJ.B. A. B. llWbMOH. J > . fJL\j\Iiyne & Co , Real Estate Exchange No. IffJ 1'earl Btroetj ouneil llluirs , Iowa. Peulcrs In Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska L-xnJi LOTS IN COUNCIL HLUFl'S AND OMAHA A SVKC'IAL'JT. Justice of tlie Peace , Oflico OTIT American I'.xprflsi Coiupauy I wl h to respectfully call the attention of my patrons nnd thu public In my lomo- vtil liom the old bland Nos. T iiudl ) , Jlnln St. , to my uctt and eommo.tlous fiuiuturs , Wlioio \\lll bo pleased to foe my many friend * . \ \ ilh a larco , now and complete assortment of all the very UTESTFatainSpringSmES And boliiff located In lai/ro / quaitcis I inn liHIer than ever before piepuioJ toFerxotlio public. Itetspcctlully , J. M , SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 220 Broadway , Council Bluffs. " ESSEX HOUSE , Couxnii HHVAXT AX VJNK S rs. Oposlto ] City Bulldlns-3 , Council Hluifa. Waim rooms and board nt lonsonnbln rates. Northwestern Hotel. Newly fitted ami fmiiMiPd. Opp. Hioailwa Uiiiiuay Dojiot. 1.W ) pei day. SAJIUI5L TATU , Prop. L. II. UHIISHAW , JlaniiKfr. ONLY HOTEL In Council lllufTfl liaving Fire Esoa/pe And nil modern Improvoiuouty , call holla , flr . ttlnrm liclls , etc. . Is tlio CRESTON HOUSE ! Nos. > 15i"17 and SID , .Main Strout , MAX MIII1N , I'lupilotar. Chicago Lumber Co. Wholesale and Detail Lumber , I/ith , Slilulei Snsli , Doors and Hllmls , Boli > nnoiils for the celebrated Maibluhrad Conconlrnlud White Llmo. .S , I1. MACCONM.I.I. , Tclepliono No. "f. .No.1C .Main Muut , Council llluirs. RUSSELL&Oo MannrnctuicrsofnllEl/.u3or Automatic Engines KbpeUally Designed for Ittmnlujr MILLS , (515A1K ( KLKVA'J'OHS , AM ) KLKCT1UU LIGHTS , , Tubular and Louoniolivo lioilors. Now lla. sillon Tiire ior . Curc'j'aiul ' AVooilbury Uojyo P STA'l'KJNAUV , SK.ll ) , Portable anil 'JVaulioii Kiigii SAW MILLS , Kl'O. Factory Masdillon , 0. 'JJranch Ilousa 510 Pearl St. , Council JJlulfr. BEND FOH 1880 AirilUAL. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , * lUMJi'Airnmtii AM- Dii..r.Lii it HAIR , GOODS Wo. 337 BrofiUway , Coxmcil BlutTa. i't'i.l J. t-Uu Ijou l.t ami hold.