Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1886, Page 5, Image 6

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Attorney General Loose Tiles His Brief in
the Mandamus Proceedings ,
Uraml Island nnil Norfolk Sinking n
Fl lit to Secure tlie Ornnd Army
Itcitnlon Mst of DoloRntcs
from Lincoln Posts.
Attorney General Loose yesterday filed
liis brief in behalf of the respondents in
the mandamus proceedings brought by
Iho city of Lincoln to compel Auditor
Habcock nnd Secretary Roggon to regis
ter and certify $25,000 in refunding
bonds lately Issued. The ollicials named
refined to certify to these bonds , and
nlso i O.OOO issued in aid of tlio Missouri
racillc , on the ground that the bonded
Indebtedness of the oily is already nearly
80,000 in excess of Iho 10 per cent limit.
Mr. Field , the city attorney , assisted by
Hon. J. M. Woolworth and J. R. Web-
Blur , on behalf of the railway , brought
the mandamus proceedings mentioned.
l\lr. \'s brief liled yesterday deals willt
the refunding bonds only , the railway
issue bciuginado the subject of a separate
proceeding. In this brief Mr. Lccso
relies mainly on two points. The first is
that Ihorc Is no law requiring the secrc-
lary to certify to city bonds , and conso-
qucnlly the court cannot compel him to
perform a duty not made Incumbent or.
him by law. The bonds souuht to be re
funded. it is further claimed , were never
registered or certified , and are consequently
quently invalid. The second argument
is that Lincoln has authority to issue
bonds in any case , as the
legislature of 1883 mndo a nnw l yCV -
crnlng cities of the second class , with a
population of over 5,000 , , and Lincoln un
der this act is as distinct from an ordi
nary city of Iho second class as a village
is. The defense is also set up lhat the
ciy has no power to sell funding bonds
which are intended for purposes of sub
stitution and exchange only.
The delegates representing the G. A.
II. posts in this city will start to-day for
lied Cloud to attend the annual enci'inp-
inent of the order. Farragut Post , Mo.
bo , sends John C. Honnell , C. II. Gould ,
11. Hoagland , II. Maslerman , W. Harris ,
O. C. Bell and D T. Cook. Apponmltox
Post , No. 21 1 , sends S. J. Alexander , B.
P. Cook , B. 11. Goulding , II. A.-llabcoek ,
C. II. Gere , George B. Lane and E. S.
Dudley. The mosf important work of
the meeting will bo the location
of the reunion for next summer.
A dozen towns will send in bids and
make a light for the prize , but the real
struggle in the end will bo between Grand
Island and Norfolk. The railways are
interested in having the reunion held at
the first named place , as it will give them
a more profitable haul , and it will not bo
surprising if their influence- seen and
lull in the encampment. The Lincoln
delegates , with a few excep
tions , are supposed to bo m
favoi of pitching the tents at
Norfolk. They argue that Grand Island
lias had the reunion lately and should bo
willing to stand aside in favor of a town
which is fast becoming the metropolis of
tlio northeastern part of the state , a rich
section that cannot bo ignored. Besides ,
Norfolk is easy of access from Lincoln ,
the route via Omaha being only 185 miles
and by the propossd Northwestern , which
will bo built before the reunion is held ,
considerably less. This is how the Lin
coln delegation talked yesterday. How
they will vote to-morrow at the encnmp-
mentis "ono of those things which no
follow can find out. "
Mr. Trcstler , ono of the parties whoso
land has been condemned by the Mis
souri Pacific for right of way , has ap
pealed from the appraisement of $3,500
entered in the county court by the com-
panv. Mr. Trcstler is reported as hav
ing " demanded 810,000 from the railway
if it crossed his land , or $5,000 if a route
over that of his neighbor was decided
Austin Riley and William Mcaghor
were arrested by the Law and Order
League yesterday for violating the excise
law.Mr. . Higby , of the Windsor , received a
line and very expressive valentine Sun
day morning. As ho was the only hotel
man in Lincoln thus honored , ho felt very
proud , and acknowledged the congratula
tions of his friends in a haughty , Imperi
ous manner.
George Fletcher was held in $200 bail
by Judge Parker yesterday for cm-
bcz/.ling $20.25 from Charles Slattery. a
blacksmith , who had entrusted him with
some bills for collection. The case will
bo heard Wednesday morning.
An appeal has been taken bv defendants -
ants in the case of Adolph R. Talbot vs.
W. II. 11. and Louisa Dunn , tried in the
county court last fall , when Tulbott got a
verdict of $75 for commissions oti tlio
sale of real estate.
The fourteenth anniversary of Charter
Day was observed at the university to-
Bight bv a largo meeting of students and
Citizens , at winch speeches wore made by
ox-Mayor Chase. Dr. Mcrriam and Rev.
Mr. Shenll of Omaha , Allen Field of
Lincoln , and Will O. Jones , George B.
Frankfortor , and Miss Nora Gage , repre
senting the students.
Dr. J. II. Gray , David City : Tom II ,
Noble , Omaha ; Champion S. Chase ,
Omaha ; II. T. Clarke , Omaha ; Dwighl
Hall , Miss Sadlo Booth. Omaha. T. R
lltirko and A. D. Cro'ut , Blue Springs : J ,
W. Small , Fail-field ; Major Birney , Crelo
J. W. Holmes. Gmalrn ; J. A. Cooper ,
Mllford ; Ed. Mclntyro , Seward.
Postoflioo Oliangcs
In Nebraska and Iowa during Iho wool
ending February 13 , 1880 , furnished bj
Wm. Van Yleck , of Iho postollico depart
limit :
Established Carlyle , Dawcs Co. . Free :
crick W , Millek , postmaatur ; Gray
Wayne Co , Emma E. Gray , postmistress
Porch , Drown Co. , Robert W. Cameron
postmaster ; Sartoria , Buffalo Co. , Adolpl
Gooriiia , postmaster ; Shafer , Buffalo Co.
Win. W , Wallers , postmaster.
Postmasters Appointed Cherry Crook
Buffalo Co. , Ernest A. Fnrr ; Cuba , Browi
Co. , A. M. Brmkorhoff ; Cumminsvillo
Wheeler Co , , Jas. L. Diffondorfor ; Da
kola , Dakota Co. , Henry llprwig ; Gothenburg
onburg , Dtnvsan Co. , James R. Holcomb
Waverly , Lancaster Co. , George E
Uragg ; Willow Springs , Garfield Co.
David W. Pcttor.
postmaster ; Paralta , Linn countyMicujal
O. Plummor , postmaster ; Payne , Fro
inout county , Nettie V , Jones , posturis
Nixme Changed Yircqun , Jones count j
to Morlcy ,
Discontinued JJeotraco , Appanoos
connly , Lee , Union county.
Postmasters Appointed Itrazil , Aiipj
noose county , Joan U. UcUjlSulValoParli
Kossuth county , L. C , Smith ; Connu
, Grundy county , D. StoeLsmitli
rant City , Sno county , T. II. Iltmsnkoi
I owis , Cass eounty , V. M. Conrad ; Liv
inc Spring , I'ottuwattnmiu county , \V. A
Wilbar ; xylondaiiiin , Huriisou county
-Jnmcs D , iStuurt ; Morrison , Gruud ,
county , Reuben Bly ; Osslan , Powcshlek
county , Charles W. Boanchnin ; Plato ,
Cedar county , F. A. Baldwin ; Pleasant
Grove , DCS Molncs county , Robertson
Gannawaj * ; Hock Falls , Cerro Gordo
county. Lev ! Helm ; St. Paul. Lee count } ' ,
Otto 'FritAnker ; Watkins , Bcnton
county , Cliarlos G. Turner.
r- i
The bank clearings yesterday were
$ .V.22,203.fl. ) Tlio clearings for last week
were ? 2-i22&J 1.00.
Matthew McNnmarn , an old citizen of
Omaha , is 1 } ing dangerously ill at his
homo on Seventeenth street.
Col. E. F. Smytho was assaulted while
entering his office in Rcdlck's building
about 8 o'clock Sunday evening by two
men. Ho sustained a severe gash
on the forehead from a pair of
brass knuckles in the hands of ono of the
thugs. His wrist was also badly
sprained , in a short but severe tussol with
his assailants. The identity of the two
men is bollnvcd lo be known.
Messrs. Troup and Cowln , attorneys In
the the notion brought inquowarraiitoby
D. J. Seldon , to lost the constitutionality
of the three-justice law , have prepared
their answer to the petition of tlio plain
tiff filed with the supreme court. The
brief cite.s the law passed at the last ses
sion of the lugislnlme , authorizing throe
justices , and cites many facts in support
of its constitutionality.
Anna Smith , the paralyytic invalid
whoso case was mentioned in the Bin :
some days ago under thu caption of ' 'A
case of destitution , " died yesterday
at the house near the corner of Four
teenth and Jackson. She was JW years
of age , and for a long time has led a lifo
of shame in this cily. The remains will
probably bo buried by the county.
A Farewell lice-option.
The vestry of Trinity cathedral , on be
half of Iho congregation , has tendered to
Dean Millspaugh and family a farewell
reception , to bo given in the parlors of
the Millard hotel , on Friday next , the
IDtli instant , commoiicini : at 8 o'clock , to
wl' ' h all tl''ji1 ' : frit-nils , m ami out 61 the
church , are invited.
Hrrl Ksiato Trans Tors.
The following transfers were filed Feb.
13 , with the county clerk , and reported
for the UKK by Ames' Real Estate
Anton Haiullcck and wife to Joseph Stel-
gnr : WK of lot 4 , block 8 , Kounuo's 3d
add. Onialm. w d 8750.
GcorireT. Cornish and \\ife toPeuorPc-
dersoiK Lot 8 , Isaac As Ui Kiln's ndd,0malia ,
w d-SMOO.
John Chrlstopherson and wife to John A.
McSbano anrt others : SJ4 of lot 0 , block 8.
Jmiinncmuut Association add , Oiaalut , w d
? y,80o.
II. Eva Lowe ( single ) to William Morrison :
Lot in , block 13 , Jlanscoin Place , Omaha , w
d 51,100.
Geoice 51. Ha/anl and wife lo John R.
lla/nitl : Part ot uwof'Sec. 10-15-Kl ,
Douglas county , w d 51.
( leorco M. llazaid and wife toJlaryllax-
aid : Parr ot iiwlf of se > sec. lo-15-ii ) ,
Vouqlas county , w d SI.
John Edw.ud Miush and othois , cxceutors ,
to Charles A. Nelson : Lot 4 , block T.JIarsh's
add , Omaha , executois' deed S700.
Cliailes A. Nelson and wife to Peter Clove :
M of lot 4 , block 7 , Marsh's add , Omaha ,
Charles A Sherwood ( single ) to Willis (1.
lemon way : NK ot wX of lot 0 , blocks ,
Park Place. Omaha , w d 81,000.
Delia L. U'ardner and husband to Mlllaid
> " . Seais : Lots 8 nnd 4 , block 7 , Omaha
flew , Omaha , w d 81,000.
JJMillaid F. Bears ( single ) to William Mor
risen : Lot S , block 7 , Omaha View , Onialin ,
v d SGOO.
William V. Morse and wife to Jacob G.
Joliver : Lot 13 , block 5 , Syndicate 11111 add ,
Omaha , w d S125.
GeoipeM. Hazard and wife to Lena Hazard -
ard : Pait of mvf } oE bO # sec. 10-15-13 ,
Douglas county , w d SI.
Dinner Sets in fine wire and hand
minted decorations at $12 and upwards.
Jets are made up in any number of pieces
; o suit , and urokcii pieces can bo
matched. Prices so low as to permit
Lhcir use in every day servico. Moody's
China Store , 803 North Sixteenth street.
Sign of the Big pitcher.
The "Fool's Mooting , " preparatory to
the Turner masquerade of next Saturday
night was held last evening at Gormania
liall. The programme was novel and
entertaining , consisting of literary and
musical ellorts , and terminated in a
danco. All parties present wore fancy
costumes and fool's ' caps.
Choice Salt Lake and native potatoes
and Hutabago turnips at WM. GENTLE
Smith , Kennedy & Co. , 313 North
lOth Stroct ,
Are selling Fairbanks White Star Soap 25
bars for ? 1.00.
Fairbanks Dandy Soap , 30 bars for
Lard in 50-lb pails , CJc.
0-Gal. Keg Syrup , only $1.25.
MuHlcnl Knightf ) of Imlior.
At n mooting of the Musical Protective
union yesterday the following olllcera
wore elected :
President , Harry Jackson ; vice-presi
dent , A. . T. Irwino : treasurer , A. Lessen-
tcmj secretary , Julius Moycr.
Eggs , Eggs , Eggs ,
12Jo , ,
at George Iluimrods' .
I have the ngonoy at Omaha for the
sale of large block * of lands in Keith and
Cheyenne counties , Nebraska , and in
Wyoming. Also of lota in Sclmyler ,
Kimball , Pnxton , Uig Springs , Sidney ,
Potter , Denver Junction ( Colorado ) Alder
( Hall Co ) and other points.
% . H. GitCKN.
213 S. 13th St.
Union Sowing Machine , 20U N. 10th St
Aueostum Hitters , the world-wnnwno-
nppetl/crand invigorntor , imparts a deliclou-
ll.wor to all thinks and owes dyspepsia , dlai
iba-a , fovorand nguo. Try it , but beware ot
counterfeits. Ask your grocer or your ctriiB
L-M tor tlio uPiiuliio Aiigostur.imaiiutactuieil
by J. O. U. Slufcit As Sons.
Tlio Concord In Alnslc.
The Concordia will give its soventoontl :
annual Grand Subscription Masquoradi
Hall on March Olh , 1880 , nt Gornianin
luill The committee consists of Goo
Iloimrod , L. Haapko , Geo. 12. Stratmauu
A. Meyer , L. Grobaekor , Julius Meyei
II. Siuyers and Jinx liooht. Tlio eon
mittco is making special ollbrts to makt
this "tho" masquerade ball of the season
The Great Invention ,
Without Ilarut to FAllKlOor HANDS ,
and particularly adapted to irarm Climate *
t\o family , rlcti or poor , should be without it.
Bold by all Grocers , but Icicure ot vllo tint
Utlons. I'EJUtLlXX : U m&uutacturt
only i > y
A Oonespondeut bescribes the Prosperous
Fntnre of Sheridan Oounty.
Hacked by n Mnn After Ills Own
llcnrt AVIio Jlnlls From tlio Con-
flues of Blielton A Good No-
lirnskn Citizen Dead.
How Shcrlilnu County Rooms.
UrsiiviLtE , Sheridan County , Neb. ,
Fob. 18. [ Correspondence of the Unr. . ]
Knowing that the people of the state
would like to hear from this part of Ne
braska 1 take this opportunity of describ
ing our county. Shorhhm county Is lo
cated in the northwestern part of the
state. It Ls bounded on the north by Da
kota turiitory , on the west by Dawes ,
on the south by Chcyuiinu , and on the
east by Cherry county. This is one of
the most healthful spots on the globe.
hying at HID base of the Itocky moun
tains , the summers are long enough to
niaturo corn , and as for whunt , oats and
vegetables , wo defy competition.
The wlntor thus far has been open ,
tliurc not being to exceed olio week of
cold weather , and no enow worth men
tioning , Stock has lived well and fat
tened all winter without being fed grainer
or hay.
Sliorldan county Is thirty-six miles from
east to west and sixty-nino miles from
north to south , and contains 8,481 : square
miles , or 1,580,700 ncrps. This is inter
sected by rivers and creeks , whose banks
are fringed with trees suflicicnt for ftiol
and building purposes. The whole north
ern portion o ! the county is ; v solid forest
of pine timber , growing upon what is
mown as Pine Itidgo. Stone suillcicnt for
milding purposes is found in many local-
ties. The water is soft , mid is usually
cund at a depth of irom twenty to sixty
eot. The soil is of a black sandy loam ,
leep , easily tilled and conducive of very
rapid growth.
The Froinont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vul-
cy railroad reached this section in June
ast. September 8 , 1885 , the county was
lennanontly organized , since which time
here has been a steady ingathering of
lie sons of toil to procure for themselves
mil families ti strip of Undo Sam's do-
No bettor proof of the rapid develop-
nont of the country can bo produced
han the auditor's report , which shows
hat during the past year 20,000 acres
wore deeded by the United Stales to pri
vate citizens , and the same ratio is kept
i ] ) still. School districts have been or-
* ! ini/cd and churches are spontaneously
appearing. The people are thrifty , ener
getic and intelligent , and the land that
Mit two years ago was occupied , by the
coyote and the cowboy , and was consid
ered a desert , now blooms and blossoms
is the rose.
Kushvillc , the county seat , is beanti-
'ully located near tlio center of the
county , in the famous Rush valley. It is
i nourishing town , reprCaSentod by every
kind of business and by men who are
alive to the interests of their town and
county. Buildings have been going up
all winter , and at present a llouring mill
with a capacity of iifty barrels a day is in
course of construction.
Pine Ridge Agency is twenty four miles
uorth of Rushvillo , and a tri-weekly mail
is carried between the two places. It is
now understood that the Indian supply
depot will be established hero in the
spring , thereby saving "Poor Lo" not
less than twenty miles freighting. Gov
ernment lands are disappearing , and ere
the summer is gone they will be known
only as ono of the "has boon's. "
One great backset to the rapid develop
ment of the county is the exorbitant
railroad tariff. About ttio first of No
vember the railroad commissioners , no-
compnnied by the railroad oflicials , visit
ed this section. The company had look
ed well after the wants of tlio commis
sioners , having furnished an "extra , " a
palace dining car , and all the modern
essentials which go to make the heart of
a railroad commissioner rejoice. This
group made a lasting impression on our
people for the following reason : When
they reached Gordon they worn engaged
in a game of draw-poker. Quito a num
ber of citizens had assembled at the
depot for tlio purpose of seeing the $2,000
statesmen , out the commissioners
adhered strictly to the national
game and sat it out , paid their
assessments , and jnst n few minutes
before leaving the place , came out and
for about four or five minutes walked up
and down the platform , and then hast
ened away to other fields of conquest.
It is tlio general opinion hero that iv set
of railroad cappers are not the proper
persons to look after the interests of the
The paralytic howls of the subsidized
newspapers against Van Wyck are hailed
with exultation. It is the spur that
makes the broncho kick. In the coming
campaign no anti-Van Wyck man need
apply for a seat in our legislative halls.
Yonic , Neb , lob. 14. [ Correspondence
of the HER. ] George Murry Hnrrl&on
was born in Clark county , Ohio , Novem
ber 14 , law. Ho emigrated with his
parents to Iowa in 1850 , was married to
Miss Etta Jackman August 31 , 1870 , came
to Nebraska in 1875) ) and settled in Sarpy
county. Some months ago ho was taken
with that fell destroyer , consumption.
All that medical fekill could do was "done
for his recovery , but the disease bafllct !
the physicians. In hopes that a change
of climate might do what medicine hat
failed to do , ho went in December last
with his wife and youngest child to
California. It was soon discov
ered , however , that the disease
had gotten such a hold on
him that climate , as well as medicines
had lost its power to heal. IJut there , in
the land of llowors and sunshine , ho
found tlmt which is far bettor than health
or gold. On the Oth day of January , 1880
ho lound Christ , to thu joy and comfon
of his soul. The same mouth ho roturnci
to his mother's homo in York , and on the
Hist day gassed peacefully and triumph
antly to his homo in heaven. The daj
before his death ho said to Ids mother
"Don't you think Jesus will call mo to
day ? I want to go homo so bad. " The
night before ho died ho said to tlio
writer : "I am almost homo. " Without
a murmur or a fear ho loft mirth and on
tcrcd heaven. His funornl sermon was
preached by Rev , G , A , Smith , his text
being 1 Cor. 15:57 : , after which his bodj
was laid away in the York cemetery , to
await the general resurrection. A wife
and three children and many relatives
and friends mourn his loss.
_ _ _
Hliolton Politics.
Snr.LTON , Nob. , Feb. 15. [ Correspond
cnco of the HUE. ] As the months glidu
by , bringing nearer and nearer the cam
paign of 1886 , public men and measures
arc beginning to bo discussed by our citi
zens. The HEE struck the key note of the
coming campaign when it said that ttic
issue would bo Van Wyck or aiati-Vai
Wyck. Judging tfom the expressions of
our voters this co'nmiunity can be classed
is for Van Wyck by a good majority.
Vith but few exceptions the republicans
of our town , wliOj arc Icnown as workers
at the polls , and y\o ] \ have been promin
ently identified with party caucuses nutl
conventions , are solid for Van Wjck , and
even the democrats admit that ho is n
sound statesman and an able advocate of
ho people's rights. United action on the
wrt of the people will return him
o the seat which ho has so con
spicuously honored. It will nl o
lofcat the railroad cappers' and laud-
grabbers'henchmen. Iheir chances for
incccss arc diminishing daily.
Laird's attempt to lariat the senatorial
> rlzo by posing ns the settlors' friend is
oo thin to take with thono who are ac
quainted with his manipulations of the
amis lying near tlio odorous Stinking
Water ; and Church Howe's recent com-
ng forth from his ground-hog hole of
> olitieal retirement to aet as a dispenser
) f railroad passes will handicap him
icavlly should ho attempt to make tlio
The fact that It Is understood In rcpub-
ican political circles that Shclton is to
'urnish one of Buffalo county's reprcseu-
atives will give additional local interest
o Shalton. As to who this will 1m there
las been as yet no conjecture. Hut with
such mnn as hue , Tutu , John P. Smith ,
Ilosleltler , and Oliver to choose from a
rood man can bo furnished. Of these
Tale would undoubtedly bo the strongest
nan to nominate , unless ho should re
ceive , as he deserves , both for party ser
vice and ability , some higher recognition.
0. D
'When B by was slcV , wo gave her C.utorl ,
VHien iho was a Child , she cried for Cnstorlft ,
When slio became Hits , she clang to CnatorU ,
Wbou she bad Children , she gave them Caatorift ,
Dr. Hamilton Warren , liolcctio Physi
cian and Surgeon , 703 N. 10th street ,
icar Webster. Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
A Bountiful Store.
The finest and most complete Art Store
west of Chicago is llpspe's , 1613 Douglas.
You can buy furniture cheaper of A
L. Fitch & Co. , 12th st. , bet. Fnrmim and
3ouglus , than nnv other place in the city.
If you buy lumber anywhere without
Irso getting llotighuuls prices you will
lese money.
Eggs , Eggs , Eggs ,
ll iC '
at George He'inirod's.
Suitable For Platting.
Fine tract of thirtytncrcs near the city ;
cast slope and especially desirable for
slatting m city Idts. )
BILL : & McCA.vnusn ,
> i 1511 Dodge street.
For crockery , , hanging lamps , and
bird cages , cheap , go to WM. GUXTLU-
MAN'S. ,
Raymond & Campbell are prepared lo
furnish and drive pdijig [ in any quantity
for foundations. iQu\vc \ ) time a specially.
Dfliee room 3 , I urkpr block , 15th , uoar
_ _ _
Eggs , Egg& , Eggs ,
IB jo. ,
at George Hoimrod's.
Union Sewing MacCjnc , 200 N. 10th St.
The ladies of the M. E. society on Wal
nut Hill will give a sociable at the
residence of Frank Johnson in West
Walnut on Wednesday evening , February
17. All triouds of this now society and
Sabbath school are earnestly invited.
No collections.
Hon. George W. Mayfield , edilor Louis
ville Observer , was a guest at the Puxton
3'esterday. Ho left for St. Paul last night
to take in the ice carnival , and will at
tend to professional business while ab
The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago !
IJOIB of nrpct lie , HuwoU costive , I'u'in la
the head , wlih a dull aonnatlon In tlio
back part. Fain nnrrr tbo ( boulder-
blade , I'ullnciB after edtlne , with ndU.
Inclination to exertion of body or mind ,
Irritability of temper , I > ow aplrlti , with
a feellnc of bavin ? noclectcd noino dutr.
Wc rlnc , Dlzzlncet , Fluttering nt tbo
Heart , Dots before tbo oyei , Hcadncbo
OTer tbo rlffht cjro , BeitloasnoM , with
fitfal dreams , Illtrlily colored Urine , and
TUTT'S flliftB are especially adapted
to sncli cases , ono dose effects euch a
cbanga of feolingas to astonish tbo ButTcror.
They Inereaie the Aiipctlto.ancl caueo the
body to Take on Fleili , tbus the Bintem Is
noarlib.etl , and by their Tonlo Action on
the UlBeiUTeOrornng.llejiiilarStooliaro
rrnclucf(1. Pi-lea aBc. 4 * > Iurrqy Mt..W.V.
Renovates the body , makes healthy llesh ,
strengthens the weak , n'palr the wastes of
fee system witli pure blood and hard muscle ;
cones the nervous system , invigorates the
brain , and imparts the vigor ol mauhood.
01. Bold br ifnifeists.
niurrtrSt. . New York.
215 S , 13th $ . „ Omaha , Neb ,
School , County and Municipal Bonds
lloiiT , L. flAiir-iciis , I a F. B. JOHNSON ,
Secretary. , Treasurer.
Toebo\v \ > ou the
Union Sewing Machines
The machine t at was awarded the
At the World's Exposition , Now Oilcans , over
nil competitors , ami the only bawlnt ; machine
without changing or stopping thu machine.
If your dealer does not handle It make him
jfot it , and It' ho has not eutorpilso enough to
accommodate j ou , send your addiessto
206 North 16lh Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
for circulars , terms and prices. The Union
Bowlu ? Machine , as its name Implies , combines
all the good points of all first class machines iu
ono , und U undoubtedly the simplest am
best for family purpose : . The best argument
that it is the best is that it commands a higher
price than any other machine In the maiket.
Na machines sold except to dealers at less than
retail price.
Union Man'f g Co. ,
206 N , lethSt , , Omaha , Neb.
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
o Q Q
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill.
Orchard Hill.
Orchard Hill.
Orchard Hill.
Orchard Hill.
Orchard Hill.
Orchard Hill.
General Asrmit
OnicoCor. Mtli nnd Demons st ? .
loiucs Ordinary Ufc , Kmlowmpiit , Limited
JImloiMnont , Tire , Year IWIdrncl 1'lnn ami the
ropulnr Xon-rorreltliijr Tontono I'olldos. AS-
Fire Insurance.
Sit South Thirteenth Struct , Tolophoiio Xo. SJ J
Northern AsMiranco Co , Iiomlon , Kngtaml.
Orient ItHitrnnea tIliulfortl , Conn.
Union Insnnineo Oo i San I'mm-lsco , Crtl.
National I'lra Insilnuivo Co. , Hurt Timi , Conn.
rircmnn's ruiul Ins. Co. , Snn I'nincl'co , Cnl.
\Voitorn AsiurnncoCo. . Tat onto Out.
Ocncinl Agent
Provident Savings Life Assurauca Co.
of New Yolk.
107 South romtconth Strrct , Omaha.
Clicnpctt liKiirilnvo ovur oik-rod by nil "old
line" cAmnany. Actual n\ora o j curly cost
duilnfrtlionilenilarycAMim 1831 nliil 1S83 , at
US" 40 , lor $10,000 , was f S-1.07.
AL11KUT 11.
Grocery &Grockery Store
1 * the ) ilnoo for the people of N'orthwcU Omaha
to tnulo because It Is cvntinlly loentotl. nt tlio
cornurol Ciimliij ? nnil Siuinduis sm. The slock
IB tlio liept mill the prlcej 113 cheap us tiny. _
i' . M. BACK & CO.
General Store.
This nbiUblm-nliilicS your goods near homo ,
lljoulhuln South Oniiihii. M ) Hint when 3011
Kcta umiifrslroln n lamp chlpinuy oru Httoiitf
pmaulof Inittur , you wont In fuiccil to unlk u
inllo and irot inn t.vcr by the mm to trot It ux-
chanscd. ll ) , llai mid llil S. 7th sU
Books and Stationery ,
117 N.lOth street ,
nollRlous books a specialty.
PrescriptionsPerfumery ,
03 SixteenthSt. . corner slorn , M.tsonlo Hall
Livery Stable ,
No. 2108 Cumin ? street. The lending feature ot
tills excellent stable 19 its \ \ \ ory , but a special
ilepaitmenttohlch tricut cute i given is tlio
bum ding of hoibos. A slock ol' botj-es loi-Milo
or exeliaUL'p w 111 bo Ki-pt on liuiul. Don't lowet
lie plam , Uumlnif gtiuot , ' No. 2103.
Eucccssois to Samuel Itoos.
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. IOC und
108S. Uth btrcot.Omaha Nob. ! < - . Varllc , Super
intendent llliulory. Telephone No. ! S3. Mtinu-
1ucturorfl ) f rubber stamps.
Tltc Best of Worlt at Remunerative Prices
Latest styles of
Artistic Job Painting ,
1308 Farrmm Street , Itoom jB. Omaha , Nob.
A. W. COWAN & CO. ,
Auction and Commission ,
Coniifiimoiits solicited ; furniture bonphtand
Fold. Bales of live Block ami household fiirnl-
tuic at private losldenccs Is a sjioclalty with us.
llcmnmbcr the place , We&t & Fiitschur's block
N Hth gt , No 110.
Photographers ,
I'or tlio best , the cheapest , and the most TO
rled btylesof urtlptfu portrait work In c-rnyou ,
pastel , and all kinds ol photos , fro to Tollman le
Mnynard's gallery 7tW and 701 N. 10th St. l''Jno
cnblnots for $ . ' 1 ] iordo/.en.
Piactlcal house , Blsn and fresco painters. 1'apor
hangliir ; , grnlnlngr , knlsoinlnlny : .
1013 OU.M1NG ST.
ISTew England Bakery
No. 221 North lOtli Street
G Iron Ilio largest nnd best Co loaf of bread In
tboclty. Cakes , pics and warjji tolls daily. Homo-
jiindobioaduppoi'ialty. Many lailloi have ijult
baking for thomsoU os sliico tbey can tt. this
inaKo of homo-niado bread.
UKO. .1. AlOIUllUi'T ,
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Etc. Also Tin Hoofing , fluttortng.Bpoutln ) ; , and
Ocnornl Job Tinning. Tlioliont of work and roa
Bouahlu eharfroi. Milk onus and other tlnwuio
In Block.JUUICumliurBt. . , Omaha , Nub.
W. BOE11L ,
linprovod nwnliiKB , gltcn and hell hanirlng , Btool
work. ABfiit lorilesnifr bpatont iiremliini bt > er
lauectsandxtundaiduterpieisiue pumpi.NW
cor. lull ) anilllovviud fit i. , Omaha , Nou.
i'or store work , euch us shelving , conntrrs
and Hue cabinet tun-lr , and aitUtlu
tlinrolsnooiioln thucjty t > u well nnallilu.l by
OAperlonco , this havhw been Mr. Waddell's bpo-
ciulty for \ ears , l-'fj Dodye tt , cor , lil li.
Contractor , Builder ,
Telephone No. 51. Olllco HOS N. 15th St , Over
tnenty-ouu yc'itrd ago Mr. Donuckun UOKIIH bus-
luoss in hU city and ho has monuments to liU
skill us u mechanic on almobt every feticut In thu
Notice to Contractors.
Sr.AI.Kl ) bldiwlll l > o rewhoj by tlio bu Idiup-
ciuiimltteoot' iho Cornltur Academy , 'Mitil
March 2Jtlil foi , lor the furnUlilntriuatoilal aucl
building u oolloi'o bul'daig tit Coming , Adams
Co. , Iowa. I'luut can lie scon at tlio otllcu ol the
Hwrctaiy , oral thool ltuol'C' . ; aixihltcct
Dos MoliK'o , Ion a
Thu ( Oinniittco rcser\-cs the ifeht to .riijoo
any or all bids.
Address H , M. TOWM'.II ,
Sccittury , CornlugIowa.
" "
JAS. bllAAVb
Horseshoeing , -
TliU It the shop where all the fancy hnrsoMioo *
Inp is dono. nud if yoit hac n racer , trottot- n
her otlmt Isirpitn anthlng ) you \yant to bo
pilruamltakohliu toSlnuv's to be shod. No 111
S- Kith St
Horseshoers ,
The best wet kiueu. Tlio very choicest male.
rials. I'rompt attention. Coincnlont for the
riortli Oinnlm pooplo. rarrlnvp uud wajrona
Iniiduand ropnht < d. ( Innetal Jobblnir douo to
onler. No. ffilS Cumliuf ptrcut.
} tniiiirnctilrorot
Light Driving Harness
Hcn\ylrnrt lmrno , Collnrs. etc. The mo s
dutnhloMork and theory bevt work Riiaraii >
toil , llnetry top * tilmmed tootilor. Hepalrlnir
lientlv done , llemcmber the place C5S 8. Uth st.
Mnnufncttiror and dealer In
harm" ) ' * , t.nddK" , hip' , hormi
clotlilnjr , oto. All Kmdoa of
Inn ii ( ' nlvMiys l ipl on hand
or liuidn lo older. HopnlrltiK
a socially. III ! N. lOtli St. ,
bet. Diklxu and Capitol Aro.
Peoples' Meat Market ,
lias umiiicMtonnbty tlio noato't , rloanoM , now
i-st , mo t ppacloiis and cleintiit market in the
City , llousos the Stevens roDlInn room , which
H ell Known as the bi'bt rcl i iKeralor for meats.
IVlnphono GiM. No. KUl llowaitl St. , eor. St.
Kelllo t endui cit lout lard Is n specially.
13th Street Market.
All kinds of fresh and salt meats constantly
on hand.
Poultry , truimi , otu. , in season.
K. Huiiiii.UTZ , U So. 13th street.
ED KUPPIG , Proprietor ,
804 N. Sixteenth Street.
FicsliSalt and Smoked Moats. Geiinuu Sau
sages a specialty , flame , I'oultiy ana Vegeta
bles iu season. No cheaper iimiUct Iu town.
E. II. 11ELMAX & CO. .
Large Meat Market.
810 South 10th St loot.
Tlil3 is a locality whoio U. 1 * . xliopmen can
stop and Older meats or plclc out tlio plcco tlioy
M ant.
California Meat Market
Uculcis in Fresh and Salt Menlo , Poultry and
o. Telephone U8.
C04 Noi-th 10th Street
The neatest and best conducted cuisine In the
noitlii'in pint ol town. Try us tor ono week.
No. ITS 10th near Chicago SU
The Morris Restaurant
Is the very best entlmr house in the city. Try it
and you 1U bo mtiblled.
Hill < of f ire on t . .omo ican t nd Buiop an
a u.
u.A fs.60 coinii utrtlon ticket f < r S ) .
Tickets for 21 meals SlfiO.
lloai-d by the n eck S > 4i.j. Meals , 25o oacu.
16th Bet. Douglas and Dodge Sis.
Foricnl homo stjlo with homo-nmdo broad ,
home cookinar and home style of borrico go lo
Mis. O. W. Ka'-tman'H Homo Itestaurant and
J.uncli Itoom. Keirular muiil tlekots or board by
the day or M rck. O > Btcrs served to nnler.
The Heal Genuine CHINUSK TBA , In quarter
pound , half pound and pound packages. Jteal
imported Hist class genuine Chhieso diink and
not the humbug painted teas.
Sold only by SAN GOON ,
No. 416 N. BUteonth ritr oto
1'ioiiipt utloritlon Kivon to lopalrln ? Guns , Ho
volvors , Sunint ; Machine ! ] , etc.
. Hth Bti-cnt. Omaha.
To'ephonu 410.
Plumbers , Steam and Gas Fitters
KstlmutcKlurnlEhed. or will cull personally.
Agents lor the Imperial ( JagMathlau.
' \t \ > a.Hith Rt.nmuUu Neb.
Painters and Decorators
1615 Douglas Street ,
M. n. E&IS'DOI * ,
General Insurance Agent
1'luiMil.x Insuruncu Co. , Ixiiulon , Cubh
. ,
WuMchiMlor. N. V. , AbMtn . l , X > , tfJ3
Glens 1'Mlls , Ahsols . . . , . , , . , 1AJ75.VJJ
Olraid Aiio.l'hilttdelphla , ABh-jls . IftWJKH
iu CJiisli Assets . 1,010.000
Saunders Street Market
Fin.Mi.Sitli and Smoliod Meats , SuueaKi 1'oul-
irj , otc , 101U Buundvcs elicit , Toll's I'lise ,
rcit'phonu out.
O. P. DAVIS3 & CO.
Nebraska Land Agency : l
General dealers ) n Itcal Kslato and Heal Ktat
i Ulij Fiuiutm tt , UumUti , Neb