HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUAHY 10 , 18SG. NUMBER 205.1 FROM THE COUNTRY'S ' CAPITAL Measures Introduced in the House By Mom- bcra From the Hawkeye State- BILL TO ALLOT INDIAN LANDS. The "Work Done LJy Ncbrnskn nnd Iowa Sciuitr > r.-t An Exnmlnlu Hoard ol'StifKColiH Appointed Tor Council ItlitlTs. -louse Measures Uy lown Mouthers. WASIIINOTOX , Feb. 15. [ .Special Tele gram. ] Iowa members Introduced bills In the house tmlay as follows : By Mr. Frederick Providing that all per sons manufacturing , celling , or offering for Hale , any substitute ) or Imitation of butter or cheese other than that manufactured wholly out of pure milk or cream , shall pay an Internal revenue tax'tlierion of not less than live cents n pound , and all packages con taining such substitute or Imitation shall be stamped ns nrovlded for by the Internal rev enue laws of tlio United Stato.i. ( Senator Allison to-dny Introduced a similar bill In the senate ) . By Mr. Conger Donating condemned ordnance for monumental purposes to the (2. ( A. It. posts of Dallas county ( Iowa ) . By Mr. Slruble T < 9 peii3ion Joshua L. Morris. By Mr. Weaver To pension Mrs. A. J. Pope , Whlpplo Handy , liobccca E. Bushy , Mrs. Catharine McCarthy , Nathaniel Biavy , Clayboum Colllson and Henry Barton. Mr. Murphy Introduced a memorial to-day from the bar of Muscatlno county , ( Iowa ) , asking for nn Increase of the salaries of United Slnte ? district judges. AN l.VDIAX LAND AI.I.OTMKXT MEASirili : . President Cleveland bent to the senate to- dny a communication from the secretary of the Interior , stibiulttingn bill prepared by the commissioner of Indian affairs to amend the third seel Ion of the act of March ! ! , 1SS5 , pro viding for the sale of the Sac and Fox and Iowa Indian reservations In Nebraska nnd Kansas. The hill provides that any member of the Sac nnd Fox or Iowa tribes of In dians properly enrolled at Pottawat- tamlo and ( treat Nemaha agencies , who shall elect to remain upon the reserva tion oC his respective tilbe , shall bo allowed to pclcrt ICO acres If ho bo the head ot a fam ily. If n.shield person over IS years of age , or an orphan child under IS , eighty netes. If a minor child under 18 , forty acre. ' . The heads ot familtiM shall .select for themselves and minor chlldun , and the United States Indian agent for orphan children. The lauds so selected shall ho accepted In full sat isfaction of hi.s interest in and to said reser vation , but his right to share in the other funds and eiedlls of the tribe shall not bo Impaired. The hinds selected will bo held by the government Intrust for twenty-five yearn , at the expiration of which" time pat ents will Issue. WHAT wn.sox or IOWA Bin. Senator Wilson to-day Introduced in tlio senate various mailers from Iowa , among them petitions from II. U. Wood and fiftjr- bcvcn other leading citizens of Spencer , asking that confess submit to a vote of the people Iho question of woman suffrage ; from B. I' . Coon and twenty-three other lowans , asking for absolute forfeiture of the un earned hinds within the grant of tlio Sioux City & St. Paul railroad company , and from the Knights of Labor of DCS Moines on Chinese Immigration. WOllli OF JfKIlUASKA'S SEN-ATOUS. Snnator Manderson introduced a bill In the fconate to-dny , from citizens oC Nebraska ro- .siding at Stockville , praying for woman suf- I'rago ; also a petition from the citizens of Hanton ( Neb' . ) , in favor of pension leslsla tion as recommended by the 0. A. 15. national pension committee. Senator Van Wyck'sbllls , establishing land districts In the state of Nebraska , were to-day reported favorably from the senate commit tee on public lands , and since the senator Is giving them his personal attention , they will likely pass both houses at this coming session , uof-i : MIASITKIS : : ny XIJIIHASKA MKMIIKHS. Xchm.ska members introduced bills In the house to-day as follows : By Mr. Weaver To pay John" Palmer ? 2SO $ , losses incurred on account of Indians. To pay Henry ( Ircbo of Omaha 5215 for mis cellaneous expenses of courts incurred in the nrrest and prosecution of counterfeiters. To pay 11. S. Jenkins of Pawnee county 51,500 for property taken by tlio United States mid appropriated to its benefit. A I1OAUI ) FOI ! THU BLUFFS. Iepre ! entatlvo Lyman has secured the establishment of a board of examining sur geons nt Council Blurt's , which will consist of Dr. Donald Macrae , Dr. T. B. Lacy , and Dr. F. S. Thomas. The now order takes effect at once. once.HO.MI : SHX ATI : COKFIIIMATIOXS. WASIIIXHTO.V , Feb. in. [ Press. ] Thosen ate. in executive session cm Thursday , the loth lust. , confirmed a largo number of nom inations , but determined not to notify the prcMdcnt or to make them public until utter the following executive session. In order to give an opportunity lorn-consideration. Tha continuations inado to-day are still under In junction of secrecy. The tollowiimaroamong the confirmations of the 10th lust. : Francis 11. West , United States marshal tor thu east i-rn district of Wisconsin ; S. S. Patterson Indian agent lor the Nnvajos , Now Mexico postmasters , Frank Shutt at Lltehfleld ( Ill.V AmbiosoM. Mlllerat Lincoln (111. ( ) . John C , ( icorgo at Dwlght ( in. ) , James ilalncs at Pekiu ( III. ) , Thomas Hi-nnsberry at Braid- Hartenbowor at Sheldon ( Iowa"A. ) C llutclilnton at Burlington ( Iowa ) . Samuc Hendeison nt Mount Ayr ( Iowa ) , T. O , Car lisle ut Missouri Valley ( Iowa ) , Cluioiicc Snyder nt llnclmi ( Wls. ) , 0. B. Draper nl OconomowooVl.s. ( \ . ) HAXCOPK'H AND roi'K's strccrssons. There seems to bo no douot ns to Genera. Terry's promotion. Ills a imostlon in the minds of some , however , wlielher General Howard will bo the other fortunate olticor. Should ho fall of promotion Uenornl Miles Is counted upon. Ho has'11 good record , and Is backed by Sherman's Influence. General Crook comes next In order , with Sheidan's [ baeklin ; . IllsclmncesarogtMiornlly regarded ns small. It Is very likely that General Scho- Held , the senior major general , will retain command of the division of the Missouri , the must active command of thcaimy. General Howard will doubtless go to Governor's Island as the immediate successor of General . Hancock. General Terry Is stated for the command of the division of tlio Pacific * Ho Is possessed of unusual legal ability , and will be a good commander of the division , In which delicate imestlons rcqulrine careful action mii ! continually niislng in connection with Urn C'nlmise matter. WOJIK OP TUB rOMMITTT.KS. Tno silver light was renewed In the liouno ncmmlltcc on wilnage. weights and measures to-day. The bill entitled "An act to main tain tlio purity of silver ami gold" was In- tioducod ns a substitute for all thu other bills on the sliver question. It provides that as the tulth of th United States U pledged to n restoration of fcllvi > r to ar. oquallty with gOUl , that the president be authorized to lunkn a treaty \vltli foreign powers to open theli' J liU : to Ilia tire cnlnauo ot sliver , etc. , nuU , u.point commissioners to "conduct the negotiations. After a warm ' dl > ciiK.ioii ! lh f 1)111 was defeated by a votoof S to ! , Mr. Jlcupuili , In order to lest the FC.IUW of ilji1 committee , end at the same time diBci.iliului ; sympathy with the object of the Kit , uiovptl to report favorably Keprcsenta- tlfe Itr'ngan's bill to provide for the free and ViJ.'oiiti'd coinage o ( silver- ' The motion was Io3t yeas 4 , noes 8. Itcprcscntatlve Hynum then moved to icpoit adversely Kei - respnlatlvo Walt's bill to suspend until fur- "her legislative action so much of the act of 'ebruary ! H 1878 , as provided for the coin- igo of standard silver dollars. Mr. Jynum's motion was lost yea * 0. 0010. Ueprc.'cntatlvo James then moved a report adversely the bill Introduced by toprcscntntivo Bland this mornlne entitled 'A bill for the free coinage of silver nnd thcr purposes. " It provides that holders of illvcr bullion shall no entitled to have. It lolned upon like terms with gold , and that liver dollars s-o coined shall bo legal tender , tc. It also provide * for the repeal of the net .iithoriv.lng the purchase ot silver bullion to 10 coined monthly Into standard silver del lars. Mr. James" ' motion to report the bill diversely wns cairled yeas 7 , noes 5. Hop- . csniitatlvo James will make a majority re port and lippre.scnlallvo Bland will make a Minority report recommending the passage if the bill. SKrilKTAIlY MAXNI.Vn'fl IlKPLY. Thn secietary of the treasury to-day sent to Colonel Morrison , chairman o the committee on ways and means , a communication In ro ily to the letter from that committee , asking ds opinion on the ( imposed joint resolution mlurlng the payment of tbo surplus In the .reasnry In excess of 5100.000.00J on the iiiblic debt. In Ills reply the secre- .ary quotes the languairo of the resolution , which provides that whenever "he surplus or balance In the treasury , In- Indluir the amount held for redemption of thiltril States notes , shall exceed the sum of SI00,000,000 , It shall bo Iho duty of the secre tary of the treasury to apply such excess , in suiiisof not less than Sio.000,000 per month , luring the existence of such suriihis , to the jiavment of thu Interest bearing indebtedness of tlio Untied States , payable at option of Iho jovcrmuont , and says : . "Tho iaiiguairo on this resolution Is such as .o Include'in the surplus or balance in tlio Ireasury the amount held for the redemption , t'United States notes. This Is In no sense a sunilu'j , but is set npait and appropriated an tiie minimum security and reserve for the redemption nnd payment of $340,031,010 of United Stales notes tvhlch have been issued , botli of ivhleh are specifically promised In the act of March 18.1HV > , ( It. S. : V. ) , This revenue , amounting to § 100,000,000. should of course lo held above all possibility of an encroach ment like that which my distinguished preile- es.ior , Mr. McCulloch , hi his last annual report , ( page S3) ) 1 am con strained to exhibit and deplore. The Hwohitlon now before mo requires that there should bo at no time a surplus in the treas- iry available for the general needs of the overnment , to exceed S10.COJ.OOO , and that when this sum is reached It should bo imme diately paid upon the public debt. After nearly twelve months experience In tlio con- .luctoftliissdcpartment , and forecasting as well as I am able the future requirements of the treasury , as now defined by existing laws and as they may bo atl'ectcd by legislation yet to come , and considering the course of future receipt * , which nro liable to liilluenco from many causes , such as the lluctuntlon of Im ports , a prolonged depression of undo nud tlio marketing of more or loss of our agricultural products abroad , I cannot nowforcsee a.statenf things whleh will make it prudent to limit the sur plus reserve in tlio treasury to a sum ranging from nothing to a maximum of 510,000.030. The legislation now before congress relating to pensions will , if perfected , increase tbo demands upon the treasury to an nmnimt which it is impossible to esti mate , and the late decision of the superior juilgc of the supreme court subjects the gov ernment to n repayment of duties collected , the aggregate of which is large , but altogether indefinite. Thee things mo mentioned to remind tlio committee that neither tlio calls upon llio treasury nor the exact time that such demands must be met can bo pre cisely foiefccn. It would seem to follow , as a business proposition , that 1C the govern ment is to maintain Its credit in the sense of being prepared to meet all just demands , which uro impossible , or ascertainment In ad vance , there should be a reasonable sum laid by or kept on hand for that purpose. Ke- specttully yours , DAXIUL MANXINO , Secretary. TvRESTLEH. Evan Lewis Displays Ills Inhumanity in u Contest With the .lap. CHICAGO , Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram.J Fully : ir , > 00 people , representing largely the respectable element , assembled at Central Music hall to-night to witness the second catch-as-catch-can wrestling match between Matzada Sorakichi , tlio noted Japanese wrestler , and Kvan Lewis , appropriately named "Tho Stranglcr. " In this match Lewis' favorite hold , the strangling lock , was barred. Harry Palmer was chosen referee and at 8:57 : the men shook hands for the first bout. After a cou ple of unsuccessful manoeuvres on both sides , Lewis got Sorakichi on Ids stomach , and placing his knee on the calf of the Jap's legs , seized Ids foot with both hands nud began bending the foot in such a manner as to wrench the ankle out of the socket. A shout o indignation wont up from the crowd at this Inhuman treatment , and cries of "Hang tlio scoundrel , " "Pitch him In the lake , " "Kill the big coward , " etc. , nroso from the audience. The Jap , compelled by pain to give In , was turned over on his back and lay there unable to rlso to his feet , anil was carried off the stage In the arms of his tiaincr , Edwin Blbby. Lewis stood apparently taken aback by the tumult ho hail occasioned , whllo loud cries of "Shame" and "Foul" rose on every hand. The referee an nounced that ho could do nothing but award the match to "Tho Strangler , " but It safe to say Evan Lewis will nevei draw another crowd In Chicago. Ho appears to have no science , and relied solely upon his supc rlor weight and brute force to carry his point. The Jnp's ankle was found to bo dis located , and ho was carried to n carriage after the doctors had attended him , 2HUIIDEUHIUIN MEXICO. A DIsiiatoh Says a Council III u ft ) Man In the Victim. V.i , PASO , Tex. , Feb. 15. J , T. Preston am Captain II. Hawser , whllo onrouto froti : Slnslon ( ilex. ) to this city , were attacked by two Mexican bandits near Parrol ( Mox. ) Hawser was killed and Preston wounded It the arm. Both men were from Council Bluffs ( Iowa ) . They wcro heavily Interested li mines In Mexico. The defense made by Preston caused the bandits to flee. [ The above dispatch was received at a late hour this morning. An Inquiry of the lii.s ! : : Council Bluff's Bureau failed to elicit any In formation as to the paitles named above Their being residents ot Council Bluffs Is doubted , as no ono who could bu leached a the hour of publication 1 a. in. hint any recollection of any persons of the above namew.J She Says Sim Won't Toll. SALT LAKE , Feb. 15. The wlfo of Georg < Q. Cannon , Martha Sully , before the gram jury this afternoon refused to answer th < question whether she was a pregnant woman with children by George Q. Cannon. She re ported the matter to. the court which In etructed her these were proper questions am she should answer. She refused , whereupon In view of her delicate condition , she wa given till to-morrow afternoon to consider her bonds being made 52,500 addltio.mil , o § 5,000 In all. Killed by thn Cars. Ci.KVEJ.Axn , Feb. 15. A groccryman doIng - Ing business at 40 Wuhasha , and an unknown man , whllo crossing the track of the New York , Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad , at Woodland Hills nver.us was struck by the eastern express , killing both men and horse and wrecking the wagon. Cicronlmo "AVa'rits M'oi-o Time. . Ei , PASO , 'fox. , Fub. 15. Ono of Crook's couU hero says Ucrnnlmo lias asked until Die lst iubt. to meet CiooU. ' DAY'S ' NEWS OF TWO STATES The Business Transacted Yesterday in Iowa's ' General Assembly , GAGE COUNTY'S ' COURT WORK. Sending tT ( > Criminals A natch or Ilreezy Items from Tecuniseli Buptlst Cliurch Destroyed by PI re. The Iowa Dns MOINUS , Iowa , Feb. 15. In the senate o-day several petitions were Introduced nsk- ng for a soldiers' homo ; also , for a sewerage yslem for cities of the second class ; also , isking for the passage ot a law putting nutualbeiiollt associations under control of ho state. Among the bills Introduced wcro ono to .xtend the jurisdiction of circuit courts n probate matters ; also , for levy- ng n tax on all patented articles iroduced In the state ; also , to prevent fraud n sales of cattle by misrepresenting their Hidlgrco or condition ; also , to Increase the salaries of the deputy state ofllcers and the governor's private secretary to 81,800. rV resolution was Introduced by Glass , ask- ng congress to appoint a board of Inspection o examine and license railway conductors ind engineers. Among the bills introduced wa ono establishing a uniform gauge for cream nt wo quarts loan Inch. Dodge's bill forbidding tlio transportation of the bodies of persons who have died from smallpox , Asiatic cholera , typhus and yellow 'o\er , and requiring all other bodies to bo shipped In antiseptic sacks , hermetically sealed , was put on Its passage and discussed at leiiL'th , but without being acted upon was nado tlio special order for Wednesday. In the house a largo number of petitions vcro introduced , asking for n soldier's homo ; also , for the prevention ot adulteration of lalry products. The principal debate was on Berryhlll's > 111 to exempt from taxation the team , har- less and wagon of a laborer , farmer , physician or public ollleer. The bill was In- tclinitely postponed. Tbo Brown Investigating committee has commenced work and is now collecting re ports from the banks au.il Insurance compa- lies as to the fees that have bjen paid to tlio auditor's olllci. ' , whether regarded as p.xor- jltant and whether under protest or not. i'he committee expect to inako a report In about two weeks. Towa _ _ _ Disposing of Gage County Crooks. DU.VTIIICI : , Feb. 15. [ Special ] Judge Uroady is slowly grinding away at the dis- rict court docket for the February term , and will hold court until some time next month. A few criminal cases have boon disposed of. riiocasc of the state vs A. U. Morse goes over jccauso ex-Coroner Walsh , the most import- nut witness for the state , has skipped. A short review of the case is that in tlio sum mer of ISSt Mrs. A. U. Morse , aged about SO , died suddenly from the effect of strychnine. The post mortem examination and subse quent trial showed that the poison was prob ably administered by her husband , A. U. Morse , a man nearly 75 years old. It was generally known that they did not live hap pily together. At the last term of court Morse was loiind guilty ot murder in the first degree , but owing to an informality in the verdict , a new trial was granted to be held this term. AValsh was the olliccr before whom the inquest was held and is the only witness who can identify tlio stomach of the deceased. It Is thought that ho has been paid for leaving. In the case of M. Worl , who escaped from tlioponiteutiary last fall , broke into a store ut Cortlandand exchanged his convict suit for one not so noticeable to travel In , the court finished Ids case up In about the short est manner on record. Ho was captured in Iowa in a few weeks after his escape and re turned to Lincoln. Warden Xobes brought him down Thursday night at 8CO : , and by 10 o'clock tlio following morning Ids prelimi nary examination had boon held , ho had been committed to the district court for trial , pleaded guilty , waived all delays and been sentenced to n. further term of ono year in the pen. Saturday W. II. Richards , of Liberty , was found guilty of selling mortagcd property , and also of embsz/Joment. Ho has not yet received his sentence , lie was a school teacher and dealer In musical instruments nt Liberty , and was thought to bo honest. One or two other minor criminal cases were disposed of tills week. The case of the state vs. Mrs. Emma Horn for maltreating n child and causing its death , was continued until next term on account of the delicate health of Mrs. Horn. The surveyors for the Kock Island road arrived hero with their linn yesterday. Affairs in Tcoiiinsoh. Tr.cuMSKU , Keb. , Feb. 15. [ Special. ] Wo are going to have the railroad commission visit us in the near future , as allldavits liavo been sent in. It seems a car from Vesta , eight miles west , to Obeilin ( Kan. ) cost 818 less than from Tccnmsch. Ono party paid it last week , and some parties east of town are going to load a couple of cars this week. This makes § 18 per car for an eight mlle haul in wagons. Wo await their verdict to sec If things are allowed to go on in this way. This would bo n good point for a com- pet.lng'llno , as our folks would vote bonds. There Is no lot up In the postollico light. The slauifhtcr-house democrats seem to bo in a largo majority. King James hied himself to Omaha last week to reconcile the ele ments , but keeps it so mum you can't find out what ho did. The II. < fc M. have put In a steam pump to keep thqlr tank supplied at this place A hotel to cost 515,000 Is talked of for a starter for the boom of 1SSO opposlto the Sherman , _ OJiurfcli Destroyed tiy Firo. DKNXISO.V , Iowa , Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram. ] The First Uaptist church of this place was fully destroyed by lire Sunday nluht. The lira was discovered about 1C o'clock , fchortly after the church service. It is supposed to have been the work of an in condiary. There has been some bad blooil growing out of the settlement of the McKIn estate which gave the church several thous and dollars which was claimed by the heirs. . Some attribute the lire to the nc llgcnco of the Janitor , The church cost originally 50,000 , and 51,400 were added for Improve ments last year. The insurance was 8,000. It also destroyed three altars , the Sundaj school llbruiy valued nt $250 , and llicpastor's prlvato library valued at 81,000. Jtov. W. W A very , the pastor , lost nil his prlvato prop erty , Including his commission as captain ii the army , his marriage certilieate , and other papers. _ _ _ _ _ _ Admitted Us J'litoruity. BUKSIINOTONNeb. . , Feb. 15. [ Specla Telegram.- ] Miss Iteynolds , Mepdauchte of M * Duerr. living near this place , last weel guvo birth .to a child. At iir t bho 'refused to say who was Its father , and it is said wa severely treated by her family , At last she nadc a sworn statement that Stephen Duerr vas the father. The latter Is a son of Michael ) ucrr , and Is married. JIo denied the charge t first , but to-day settled the matter. The .ffair created quite rt sensation , as both par ies have been consldoreil highly respectable. Itcn Ilngnti I'crsuadlng. FUEMONT , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special. ] Bon logan spoke In tlio beautiful new Congrcga- tonal church last night to about 1,000 people. A-poillonof the assemblaeo was composed f the non-churcli-golng people drummers , aloon keepers and sporting men and they vcro deeply Interested. His subject , ' 'Do- nonlaos , " was handled in n masterly man- icr. About fifty stood up for prayer at the lose. , FUOSI KYOXI > TH12 SUA. YTali's of the Itritlsli Umpire. Hricily Told. LOXDO.V , Feb. IS. The Urlltsh steamer 5onglass , trading locally In China seas , has > een wrecked at. Swatow. Ono European ml so\ontccn Chinamen wcro drowned. Lord DttlTerln , viceroy of India , has de cided to garrison linrninh with 10,000 troops mdcr the command of ( Jen. I'remlecast , Military occupation nnd marllal law will bo continued for some time , as Lonl Dulfcrln Iocs not think the country Is rlpo yet for thu istnbllslimcnt of civil law. Ho has decided o send n military expedition to Shan Tlio committee appolnled by Chllders , lomo secretary , to Inquire Into the causes of ho recent rlotlous demonstrations In Lon- lon , held its llrst meeting this morning. The IcliUcrations wcro conducted secretly. Viscount Edward Caldwell Is dead. A dispatch from Yarmouth says the uncni- iloved workmen ot that city sire making riotous demonstrations. Many iutciestlng features are promised at ho hearing on Wednesday , before Justice [ nghnm. of llyndsman , Hums , Champion and Williams , who have been summoned to answer the charges of inciting to riot , con- empt of law , etc. , during the disorders In London last week. Gladstone , Chamberlain ind Henry Hroadhurst have been subpa'naud > y tlio socialists , and the examination of hose men will be-watclicd by all parties with nleiisc Interest. _ nisiuaruk nnd tlio Pope. ItanMX , Feb. 15. There is great e.xclte- iieut In Ilerltn over apparently well authen- Icatcd reports that Prince Bismarck is pre paring to yield entirely to the Vatican In the ellgious dispute which nas been waged by "riissla and against papacy for the past IftCL'n years. A bill has been deposited by he government with the upper house of the andtag , revoking , with a few trivial cxccp- ; ions , all features of the many laws which lavobecn soodio iibtotho Catholics of Her- iiany. Tlio Tories Caiictissing. LONDON' , Feb. 15. A meeting of conserva- Ivc leaders has been called for next Thtirs- layatCharltonclub. The Marquis of Salisbury will preside. The ; meeting will bo in the laturo of a caucus , to determine what policy ; ho conservatives Miall pursue in parliament. The principal question to bo considered will 10 what stand are tlio conservatives to take .n . regard to Ireland and the proposed legis- atlou of the liberals. A niriiiliiglmm Mob Suppressed. uiMixniiAM , Feb. 15. A meeting of un- cinpluyed workmen was held here to-day , at tended by eight thousand persons. The nd- iresscs delivered wore of tlio most inllain- natory nature , and the assemblage degener ated Into n mob. which attempted riot in tlio streets and pIllagcHitht ) shops. The police ivero prepared andjsucceadeit in suppressing : ho rioting and preventing any net of pil lage. ' ' A Chicago Priest Hpcaks. .IX , Feb. 15. A numberof the nation alists assembled at Ballydulf to-day and bull a house for an evicted tenant. Mr. Ityno , member of parliament , and JJcv. Father Hod- nett , of Chicaco , inado speeches. The latter said the landlords bad obtained possession of Ireland by murder , rapine anil plunder , and the result of the recent election was merely in evidence that Englishmen indorsed tlio lustness of tho'lrish national cause. THE EASTERN7 Fit US HIST. Tlio "Water llccodlng in Now Eng- liind Moro Dainauc Expected. POUT JAIIVIS , X. Y. , Feb. 15. Miles of lands In Orange county , and extending on to Sussex county , Xew Jersey , are inundated by the overllow of the Wallkill. The roads are Impassable. Thousands of ties , to bo used in the construction of thu old South Mountain railroad , have been washed away. Several mill dams have been destroyed by the flood. BOSTO.V , Feb. 15. At 1 o'clock this morning the water had receded twelve inches since 1 p. in. yesterday in flooded districts. The damage to property hero is estimated at 81,000,000. At Newton Upper Falls , 338,000 worth of machinery and finished work wcro flooded with great loss. At Maiden the flood abated eight Indies. The damage approaches § rCO ( ) , ) . At Brookllno tlio Hoods are subsid ing. No fin ther damage Is feared. Fanners are returning to their homes. At Mulflnld the mllronil bridge Is down , and Campbell's railroad Is report-.1 d washed awav.Several other b ridges were washed away. Tlio condition of alfairs at North Middleboro is worse. In that part of the st'ito where tlio Newmarket and iiridgawater unite , forming tlio Tuunton river , which Is a roaring torront.ls overflowed In some places a mlle wide. Losses to factories nnd dwellings approximate S 150,000. It is reported that the loss to mills at Geneva is S'Jti.OOO. The Turkoyroddlo works at Bolle- fony lost 50,000 and at Atlantic mills S130.0CO BOSTO.V. Feb. 15. At noon to-day the level of the flood was twenty-two Inches below the highest point reached. It Is now thought that tlio regular outlet of Stony Brook will carry off the water In foity-elght hours. At Kast Dedham tlto dam connected with the Merchants' woolen mill Is In great danger. Should It fall an immense volume of water will bo precipitated upon the bridge below nnd upon thu dam nt Norfolk mill , which Is In a valley at a much lower level. The fall of thn latter would Involve the destruction of Norfolk mill andgreat havooln Hyde paik. FHANKM.S' , Mass. , Feb. 15. This morning the dam at thu factory yielded to tlw enor mous piossnro of thu accumulated floods and fell with a crash. , The country below is flooded , but full particulars of the extent of the damage have not yet been received. Tlio road between Wrqubam and Franklin Is 1m- iiassable. Fears are entertained that dams below will give way. THE POSTMASTERS' BIKKTINO. Proceeding orttIiTTliir < I nud Fourth CJnsH Guthcrin _ . GIIIOAOO , Feb. IS. The third and fourth class postmasters of ( ho United States met hero this mornlngjo consider various in alters ' ters to bo brought * to'tbo attention of con gress for the bcttoronmt of their condition. About-100 delegates In all responded. Thirty- three states and throe territories were repre sented. Among the delegates were twenty- two postmistresses. J. L , Sacrloto of Illinois was named temporary chairman , and alter the appointment of n committee on perma nent organization the convention adjourned until t o'clock this afternoon. Upon reassembling In the afternoon the following ofllcers were elected : President , J. II. ( irubb of Alabama : vice presidents , Mrs. Kmma Porter of New Jersey , J. C. Johnson of Kansas. A. C ! . Lackey of Mis souri , and T. J. 1'ickett of KebrasKii ; becrc- tary , Thomas Brady of West Vliglnia. Tlio afternoon was taien up in the formation ol committees as follows ; On resolutions , on mailing letter * nn trains , on boxes and box rents at thiid-classolllces , on improving the registry system , on the money order system , on commissions nd the cancellation o | stamps In fourth-class ollices , on postmast er's bonds , on postal Favings bank and tele graph , on appropriations forelek : hire , on bpeelal dull very hystem , on tlio delivery ol mails to and from trains , and on tlio organ isation of a postmaster's mutual bcnevoleiil association. The convention , without any ' further action , adjourned till to-uioirow : foie- noon , Lauds and Nebraska Land Dis tricts the Senate Discussion , HAWLEY HAS A SORE SUDJECT. Secretary Ijnninr TrntismltR Called Pur 1'nitcra llaiihack's Sweeping llcmilulinu of Inquiry in tlio Telephone Case. Senate. WASIII.VOTO.V , Feb. 15. The following oiler was sent to the president pro ( cm of ho senate : Doparlinmitof the Interior , Washington I'iesfdent I'ro.'roniiioro of thoSenate Sir : 1 i.ive the honor to acknowledge loeelpt ol' the senate resolution ol' thoMh lust In words as follows : "Resolved , That the sccictary of. ho Interior. t > o directed to communicate to : ho senate nil copies nnd nil papers which linvo been liled In the Interior department , nid nil iiapcr.s which liavo been presented to niiyotllccrof that dopuitmcnt. tonclilni : the illlclal nnil personal conduct of llonryVnrd , Indian inspector , during his continuance In said ollieo. 1 trnnsinlt all tlic otliclnl papers on Illo In the dcpartniont which 1 understand to bo embraced by the resolution. The otllelal reports inado to this department by Henry Ward as United States Indian Inspector are voluminous , nnd as the clerical force of tills ollice Is limited and otherwise fully employed , I have deemed It best to transmit the original reports. As they are frequently consulted In ( lie transaction of the business of this department , I have the honor to re- ( itiest they bo returned to Its tiles when they urc no louver rcqulied by the senators , t nm directed by the president to say that if the object of the resolution is to inquire Into [ ho reasons for the suspension ofVimlv \ these papers are not to bo con sidered as constituting nil the evidence submitted to him in relation thereto. 1 nm also directed by the president to say that ho does not consider it consistent with public interest to transmit the copies of unofUcial papers from private citizens held In my cus tody for him , which relate exclusively to the suspension of incumbents. 1 have the honor to be , very respectfully , L. ij. C. L.VJLVII. Secretary. There are 2S'J enclosures. The letter and accompanying papers were referred to the committee on"Indian nalffre. ' Senator Van Wyck submitted an amend ment to the house bill to increase the pen sions of widows nn J dependent relatives of deceased soldiers and sailors , providing that minor children shall receive ? > 5 per month when one parent Is deceased and S10 when both parents are deceased ; that the pension able ago bu extended to IS years , and that fathers and mothers only bo required to " wiideiiee at the time oC application lor pension. Mr. Van Wyck , from the committee on public lands , reported favorably the bill to es tablish two additional land districts in tlio state of Nebraska , and authorizing the presi dent to appoint registers and icccivers there for. for..Mr. . Hawley presented a bill , which was re ferred to the committee on public land ? , re lating to the taxation of railroad lands nnd for other purposes. Mr. Jlawley said the bill related to a very sore subject. An exceed ingly largo quantity of land perhaps ( ,0,000 Mfuare miles had been granted to the North ern I'acllle Hallway company , but It was pro vided by nn amendatory act of cangress that no patents should be Issued for the laud until after the tiayment by the company of all tlio fees relating to surveys , etc. 'Hie fee was only about three cents an acre. Tlio railroad had paid fees upon only about 80,000 acres of Its immense grant. It had , nevertheless , ' proceeded to give to settcrswarranty. ! deeds lor millions upon millions of acres of land. Tlio company hail ingeniously got property enough to try to locate villages nnd cities ujpon its own selected sections , Ihoso lands that the company convoyed by war ranty deed had been settled and Improved , and'in many cases thriving villages had grown upon them. It turned out now that bv the recent decision of tlio supreme court of the United States none of these millions of acres were taxable. The reasons given by that court were irrefragable , but conirrcss should Immediately provide by law a remedy for the dilliciiity involved. The railroads had refused to pay the three cents an acre , and tlio communities Interested therefore found themselves without the power of tax- ' Mr. Van Wyck added that but one-half the enormity of the outrage had been stated. All the laiKlgrant railroads In the west weio guilty of the frame offense , lie was glad to see Hawloy's bill introduced. Mr. Teller said the fault lay with congress. The executive departments of thn govern ment had for years been reporting to congress the full measure of the evil referred to , and lequoMcd legislation to enable tlio executive to protect the settlers. In three reports made to congress by himself , as secretary of tlio intcrlcr , had called attention to these abuses. Tlio senate then went into executive ses sion , and when the doors reopened adjourned. JlUllSC. W.VHiiiNcrrox , Feb. 15. Mr , llanback In troduced a bill for tlio most sweeping Inquiry concerning the charges made rollecting on tlio integrity and oflicial action of certain olliccrs of the government In connection with the 1'an Electric telephones. Under tlio call of states the following bills , etc. , wore introduced and referred : By Mr. Morrison To reduce tnrlll taxes. By Mr. llanback A resolution calling for the appointment of a special committee , con sisting of eleven members of this house , to make inquiry Into any expenditure on the part of the government incurred relative to the lights of the Hell and 1'an-Klectric telephone - phone companies to priority of patents , bald Inquiry to Include all the organizations or companies tlutt have sprung out of tlio I'an-Klectrio Telephone company , or for any other purpose ; nnd also to make full Inquiry Into the issuance of thu stock known as ilia "Pan Klectrie telephone stock , or any slock of any other eomp.inv , companies or organization springing out of tlio 1'an Klectrlc telephone company , to any person or persons connected with either the legisla tive , judicial or executive departments of the government of the United .States , to whom , when , where , nnd In what amount , nud for what consideration in money or inllucnco paid stock was delivered. Also , ns to what opinions , decisions nnd orders have been made by any otlicors con nected with the government , and by whom , nnd nil circumstances connected therewith nnd nrising therefrom. And , also , what suit or suits , if any , have been brought in the namu of tlio United States to test the validity of the patents Issued , or nny other right in controversy between the Hell nnd Pan-Klcctrio Telephone companies , what contracts have boon made , what moneys paid to any person or persons as assistant counsel to the attorney irencral or ( solicitor general of the United States , the reason or authority for constituting thu United States a party to Mid suit or suits. .Referred to the committee on rules. Uy Mr. Pulitzer The following resolution : Ifcsolved , That the resolution creating u select committee , submitted by Mr. Ilnnback , bo so amended ns to authorize thu-said com mittee to inquire whether any of the telo- phone companies have In anyway influenced or attempted to Inllucnco ofliclals orolliclal action through newspapers acting from Inter ested or Improper motives ; nnd also , whether nny eorpoiations , or their managers or repre sentatives , have contributed largo sums ot money for political campaign purposes upon the agreement that a certain person acceptable to them should bo appointed a judge of one of the courts of the United States which may have to decide the litiga tion concerning tlio telephone patnnts. Also , i\ bill giving a pension ot T ,008 year to the widow of the lute ( ienrnJ Hancock. The Iiouso then went Into ronitnittui * o't tfto whole. Springer In the chair , on the Klli- Joiin Porter bill , and Wolfonl le urr.cd bin speech In favor of the bill. Nejjley spoke against the bill , ns did Fuller. The committee then rose and the house adjourned. "Weather Tor To-dny , Missovm VAM.iY.- Fn-lrwfnlhcr , winds generally shifting to southei I , ; . ' sin- ' , pro cerit < id in Kjiitlic.ru imri'oii ' by ninny station1 , ; iy tciupfratiue ; i.il'u' hromcji-r , IllK COUNTRY'S CIiliAIUNGS. All tlio J/cfulIng Cities Show n I'cr- contuse or Inorenso. BOSTOM , "Ma * * . , Fob. 15. The following statement of the leading clearing homes In ho United Slatesshows thogioss bank ex- ; hanges at each point for the week ending February 1" , In comparison with the corresponding spending week In 1SSA5 : C1T1K9. Now Yoik -tlVJi. . . . lloslon 77-UWlW > Philadelphia r.i , 000,000 Chicago it. l.ouis l-l.TWM 18.1 Jultlmoro. o.u San Francisco Now Orleans 15.S vincinnati lo.r. U.O I'lttKlmrg 2M Louisville ! ! .7 ivnnsis City 2-s.l ) "Minneapolis 05.H I'rovldenco . . Denver ! ) , I71I,7H ( Detroit 10.0. . . . Milwaukee " " Omaha wo" Cleveland iwisLi ! 'olumbus irTitr : ! ' tnlvcston L-- Memphis Unit font i.'iioo.'uoo iiuT. . ' . ' Indianapolis Now Haven iltxoioro i'eoria 7HI.-.T5) ) ! ! 5.H I'orlland l.-t Woieestcr 7-iolooo1 K ! . St. Joseph Sprlnglleld t)5,000 ) lii.l Syracuse ' „ ' . : ! Lowell U.3 Total 5 OS7'ATOT4 ! S5.fi Oulshlo New York. . . . SnS78.g.V.)1 ) ! 24 I'hlladelphh ! , Cleveland , Hartford , New Haven , Portland , Worcester and Siiringlield iropaitlv estimated. Denver and ( ialveston nro not Included In the totals , Owing to thu freshets , which liavo Inter- tinted communication In New Kngiaud , the exhibit of clearing house returns is neces sarily imperfect. This interruption has de layed receipts of oflicinl returns from I'hila- lolphla , Cleveland , Hartford , Now Haven , \Vorccsterundbprlnglleld \ , and the figures given for these points are partly approximate. Kovlow of ICiinlIsh Trade. Loxno.v. Ft-b. 15. The Mark hano Ex press , in its weekly review of the llrltlsh rain trade , sa.ys : Ills too early to mnkon forecast of crops. In the meantime English wheats can bo supplied. Sales of Kngllsli wheat dm Ing the week past wcro < WJ ! ) quar ters at 2'J.sfid. ' against W.SH at S'3 lOd during the same week last year. Flour Is lively supplied , and underbids foreign Hour. For eign wheats are more inactive , but the mar ket Is linn. The American option is the curse of the world ami paralyzes business In London and Liverpool , Trade In cargos has been very restricted ; there wcro two ar rivals and one sale ; two cargos wcro with drawn and two remained , both American. A.I to-day's market there wai only n retail in- uuiry for wheat. Corn nnd barley wcro Od dearer. Jicans nnd peas were Od dearer. Grain in Si litnul Store. Cmc.vao , Feb. 15. The number ofbushcls of grain in store in the United States and Canada , February 12 , and the increase or decrease compared with tlio previous wejjk , will be posted on 'Change to-morrow ns follows ' " lows : - Wheat . M , Kr.S3 Decrease. . fl 4BGO Corn . 8,17iTOl ( Increase . 01 , K S Oats . 1,801.212 Increase . : Mii , ( : Kyc . 700-1'J3 Decrease . M.OS9 Barley . 1,038,8(11 ( Decrease . Si..aiO The amount in Chicago" elevators on the ilato named was : Wheat . 14-lOO.l.TJ Corn. " ' . 2,7JS,25'J ! Oats. . . ajros , < J Itvo . 2'.Hltlt ' , Uarley. . 1.10,255 K1ln Dairy Market. CHICAGO , Feb. 15. Inter Ocean's Elgin special : Butler ruled steady to-dny ; regular sales , 15,7-0 pounds at IKSe. Chccso shows more firmness ; regular sales , > 5'3 ' boxes at 5c for hard skims and lOj for one pound skims. Private sales of 33,810 pounds of butter and 150 boxes of cheese were repotted. The total sales aggregated S12.-ITO. . ' Sciinlorial Homes Provided with CoKtly KdldocH. 7S'iw YOJIK , Feb. 15 Special Telegram. ] TJlio Tribune's special says : In one day last week the senate passed Uvonty-nino bills ap propriating § 1,415,003 for the construction of public buildings in various parts of the coun try. Altogether there have been MS such bills introduced in this congress calling for an aggregate appropriation of about § 20,000- 000 , and there arc many counties yol to hear from. ' The homo of Secretary Lamar Is at Jxford , Miss. , hcnco In that village , with only 15,030 Inhabitants , nnd the entire postal receipt. * , which amount to only $3 , IV ) , the gov ernment la erecting a § 50,000 building. Aberdecnis , another village of no greater importance , and there a § 75,000 building Is to ba erected under an appropria tion madolastyear. Dover , Del. . Is tlio homo of Senator Saulsbury , and though It has only 10,000 inhabitants , It lias n postollico building which was erected at a post of 5020,030. Sen ator Coke's homo Is at Waco , Texas , the pop ulation of which , according to the census , was 7,205. For tlio rent of Its postollico tlioro tbo government paid SSIO , but last year § 103,000 was appropriated for n public build ing in the place. In u similar way the ma jority of appropriations for buildings can bo accounted for. A Citizen of ISntValo Hap Gives Up the Ghost. UtTj'i'AT.o OAI' , Dak. , Feb. 15. ( Special Tel carom. ] Oeorgo Hawkins of Saratoga ( N , V. ) , a carpenter , B-l years of ago.vfiulelded in a tragic manner in Buffalo Bill's saloon on Main sticct , this city , to-day. No cause Is known. It Is supposed to bo a case of tem porary Insanity. Ho was well known In this vicinity and bora a good reputation , Itondy KesDoiiMO With Aid. IKf VIH : , Colo. , Feb. 15. At 1 o'clock this afternoon , whllo the board of trade was In session , the following teleeram was received by them : , The citizens of Flagstaff ( A rlz. ) appeal to you for aid , as they uio inado destitute by a ravaging flro destroying all the business portion tion of the town , leaving the people * without food , clothing , bedding or shelter. If any contributions can bo secured , send the same- to us at once , II. C. A vin. : Treasurer J toilet Com. Inside of half an hour the membcri * of the board donated provisions and c-Iothlng milli- dent to fill a car , which will ha forwarded them by express tinln to-night. Itan Away 1'rom Omaha , A loiter from the chief of police of Atohinson , Kansaswas , received by Capt. Couv/iiok , to-day , which stated that a hey iififix-r ) William Dnwrou , from Oinuhu , Vh ? dow in jail there. The boy duims , o nnvo run awayirom his homo in this city , anil sayo that his father , John Dawson - son , works in the .Union J'acilUi shops , Tiio police do not Know of nny such a jierioii'but will investigate thu matter. We will take u few nuro. Omaha eitj ( < ri9. . J. W. &B. I , . SQUIKB , .Council Wiilfc , Iowa. MORRISON'S ' TARIFF MEASURE Tbo Out Horizontal Bill Proposes to Mnk iu the Nation's Revenue. 310,000,000 ON SUGAR ALONE. An KsUmntcd Abrogate Itoiluctlon of $ UO,000)00 ) Would Follow U the Hill .Should lo 1'asscd. A Slash nt tlio Tariff. WASIIINOTOX , IVh , ir . Monlson's tavlft bill was inlroducod In the house to-day. Mor risen says the bill will clfect nn estimated rc- htctlon or&ijKX,00aln ! ( ) revenues from cus toms based on the revenues of last year. The greatest ieduction In any ono nitlcle Is In thu case of Migar , where the now duty will result n a decrease of S10OU,000 ) In receipts. The additions to the free list will Involve n loss of 55,600,000 , and the reductions made by the bill on other articles about { = 5,000,000. Added o the free list are : Lumber , timber , wood , iunmnnufaclured ) , laths , shingles , salt , hemp , ule , Iron , sulphur , lead and copper ores , niul 'oal. ' Besides these there are many articles of less consequence to the 10venue , such nn mtatoes , hay , coin , bristles , beeswax , dye oods unmanufactured earths , undrcsfcd .tone for building purposes , acorns and dan- lellon. Tlio bill provides that from anil after July 1 , ISM ) , the following rates of duty shall tnko elTeet : Wood ( manufactured ) , for each sldo ilaucd or finished , 60 cents per thousand 'eet , board measure. Cotton thread , yarn warps or warp yarn , valued nt from 25 cents to § 1.00 per pound , cents to SO cents per pound aecoi ding to quality ; when valued at over § 1.00 per pound 40 per cent ml valorem. The principal reductions on cotton cloths' are In the courser material. Metals Iron In pigs , Iron kentledge , plegelisen wrought and last scraps , Iron and scrap f-leel , > / of 1 cent per iioniut ; Iron rail way bars , weighing more than 25 pounds to the yard , § 12.50 per ton ; hteel railway bars and railwuy bars made in part of steel , weigh- ; ng more than 25 pounds to the yard , l'J.no per ton ; iron or steel T rails , weighing lot over 25 pounds to the yard , ami ron or sleol Hat mi's ' , punched , & 15 per ton. Tlieio is a slight reduction on bar and rolled Iron , iron beams , girders , etc. There is also some reduction in Icau and copper. Sugar On nil sugar So percent of thoscv- ral duties nud rates of duty now imposed on ald sugar , Inoperative as to sugars from countries levying exnorl duties. Wools and woolens Wools of the third class , such as Uouskol , native South Ameri can Cordova , Valparaiso , native Smyrna , and Includingall such wool * of like character as have been heretofore usually impoitcd Into Iho United States Irom Turkey. tJieccc , Kgypt , Smyrna and elsewhere , " MO cunts iior pnund. Woolen cloths , woolen shawN , ' ind all manufactures of wool of every de scription , made wholly or In part of wool not specially enumerated or piovided fur in this icr , valued at not exceeding M ) cents per pound , 25 cents per pound and 'M per cent ; id valorem. Flannels , blankets , hats of wool , knit goods and nil goods inado on knlttlngfrauios. Halmornl.i , wool and worsted yarns , and all manufactures of every description , composed wholly or In pait of worsted , the hair ot the alpaca , goat , or othciianiuiaH ( except such as are composed in part of wool ) , not specially enumerated or provided for in this act , valued at not exceeding SO cents per pound , 8 cents ! > cr pound ; above SO nnd not exceeding401 cents , 10 cents per pound ; above-10 and not exceeding 00 cents , lOcents per pound ; above ! 0 and not exceeding bO cents , 20 cents per pound , ai'd in addition thereto , upon all thn above named articles , l:5 : per centum all valorem. Woolens and children's dress troods , .coat linings , Italian cloths , and goods Of Ilka description , composed in part of wool , wors ted , the hair of the alpaca , the goat or other animals , valued at not exceeding 20 cents per snuaio yard , 5 cents per sijuaro yard , anil in addition thereto IIO per cent ad valorem ; valued at above. 20 cents per Mpiaro yard , 7 cents per square yard and . ' 15 per cent nd valorem. If composed wholly of wool , worsted , the iialr of tlio alpaca. the coat or other animals , era a mixture of them , 8 cents per square yard and in per cent ad valorem. Hut all such goods with selvedges , made wholly or In part of other materials , or with threads of other materials Introduced for llio purpose of. changing the classilicalion , shall bo dutiable nt 8 cents per sipiiire yard and : 5 per centum ad vnloicni ; provided , that all such goods weighing over 4 ounces nor square yard shall pay a duty of ! V cents per pound and U5 per cent ad valorem. Sliuht but wneral reductions run through tlio wool schedule , and have also been iiuulo in tlio cases ol llax , linen and hemp , wlndpw glass , plato glass of high quality , earthen ware. ghioswaro anil china , where tlio duty Is believed to bo excessive. Tlio duty on lice , marble , castor beans and n few chem icals is also slightly reduced. DAMAGED V IOK. Tlio Great Gor o lircuU'nt St. Iioula Injures Klvcr Itoals. ST. Louis , Feb. 15. In addition to the damages sustained yesteiday morning ami evening by shipping Interests at that point from the break up of the Ice gorge , It has just been learned that the government lluot anchored behind Carrel Inland , consisting of three steamers , forty barges and about twenty pile drivers , valued nt about 200,000. The Ice caused tlio boats to break awny irom their moorings and llo.it down the river. Major Kinest , of the corps of civil engineers , states that ho received dispatches from Chester , III. . that seven barges had been lecovored at thai point In good condition. Xo estimate of tlio total damage can bo made , as only n few of the whole number of vessels liavo been heard from. 2sro serious dnnmgo In this haibor has yet resulted in addition to thntlnlllcledychtcr day.Tho The steamer ( illmnro has gone nijrmindat the foot of Carroll Island with six barges. His thought she will odcapn with slight dam- ago. llumpliivvfl is still lloaliug down the river without yet having been Injured. Swelling tlio I'nrnell Piur.Aiiin.iMiiA , Feb. 15. At a meeting of the Cathollo Total Abstinence union of I'hl udelphia held Sunday afternoon , the branch boclotles made response to the recent circular calling for contributions to the Irish parlia mentary fund. The returns nggregutuil , fe8.ril7. A 'cablegram was at once sent to Mr. 1'nrnoll , announcing that over 1.700 Imd boon contributed by the meeting. The con- liibutlontt received by Mr. A. J. Divxel. treasurer of the citizens' committee , In alu ot the I'arncll fund , amount U > S12'Ji ; ! . u lniiU't | > Fell. IS. The lord mayor has In vited n deputation of tradesmen to attend a banquet to bo given on Tuesday to John Morley , the new chief secretary for Ireland , Slncn tbo Invitation was issued anonyinouo placaulii have been posted , urging tradesmen to boycott the banquet on ihcgiound Diattha loul mayor is a traitor to thu nalloinl ran so , In having joined the attempt nt Oal.vay to hamper Mr , J'arne.ll. Anoilinr Deinoornt BorlotiKly 11) ) . IoiMsviM.i : , Ky. , Feb. 15.--Hun , 1 Jewry Watlerson Is I'lV.tlng easy this Liuniln un < ( his physicians are nuiro hoput'u ! , At n ci' ! -iiitatlouat Un'dook it ' .MUidH-llcit the , his jjmiitwns were moro favorable. Ills ; n- ! cut treat nielli is lor acute meiiliigltU. Death of nisliop Haiti- . ST. LWM , Feb. 15. A special to lh ? P. st Dispatch from Alton , III. , ay < ( i\id'\ \ : \ > 1' , i , Kii.lU , Ulsliop of Ilis iHor e of Aitou , 1l"J thlb niiiiiiing at 3 , " " 'i oV..i I ? , .a 'lei au 'V n-r. % Of bOIIIU iTi'itll , Cl C.Mi-.OI'.hlll li'i i UM'.VIUJI * lUi.t ol t > 'i ] i..fi ,