Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1886, Image 1

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MeaEiires Introduced in the House By Mem
bers From the Hawkeye State-
The Work Done By Nclirnnkn nml
Iowa Senators An Kxniuliilnff
llotml orStifRCotis Appointed
for Council HlulTH.
Jltoiise iVreniuros Uy lown Momlirrs.
WA .IIINOTO.V , Feb. 15. [ .Special Tele
gram. ] Iowa members Intioduccd bills In
the to-day as follows :
My Mi. Frcdeilck-l'rovldlne that all per
sons niiiiiufacturlng , .selling , orolferlng for
sale , nny substitute or Imitation of butter
or pliccso other than that manufactuied
wholly out of pure mill : or cream , shall pay
an Intcinal nnenue tax'thercon of notless
than live cents a pound , and all packages con
taining such substitute or Imitation shall be
stamped as i > roIded for by the liilemnl rev
enue laws of the United State * . ( Senator
Allison to day Introduced n. similar bill In the
senate ) .
Uy Mr. Conger Donating condemned
oulnaiice for monumental pin poses to the ( ! .
A. H. posts of Dallas county ( Iowa ) .
IJy .Mr. Stiuble T Mionsion Joshua L.
Mori is.
Hy Mr. Weaver To pension Mrs. A. J.
I'ope , Whlpplc Jlamly , Itebccca V. lltishy ,
Mi-s. Catharine .McCarthy , Nathaniel Uia\j- ,
Clay bom n Colllbon and Henry D.uton.
Mr. Muijiliy Intioduccd a memorial to-day
Irom the bar of Muscatlno county , ( Iowa ) ,
asking for an Incicase of the sahnies of
United State ? dWi let judges.
riesIdeiitClo\elandM'iit to the Leimto to
day a communication from the secrctaiy of
the Intel lor , submitting n bill piepaied by the
commlsslonei of Indian alTahs to amend the
thlid section of the act ot Maich , 1SS5 , pio-
\lillmr for the ( .ale of the Sac and Fo\- and
Iowa Indian icscivatioiis in Nebiaska and
Kansas. The bill provides that any member
of the Sac ami Foor lown tilbcs of In
dians piopeily eniollcd at I'ottawat-
tamlo ami ( Jicat Js'emaha ngencies ,
who shall elect to icmaln upon the rcsotva-
tlonoC his rcspccfne tilbo , shall bo allowed
tosclertlCOaricsif hobo the head ot a fam
ily. If a silicic poison over 18 years of ago ,
or an oijiliau child under 18 , eighty awes.
It n minor child under 18 , foily acre' . The
heads ot lamlllei shall H'lect for themselves
and minor chlldun , and the United States
Indian agent for oiphan childien. The
lands .so Delected shall be accepted In full sat
isfaction ol his Inteicstln and to said icsoi-
vullon , but his light to .shaie in the other
funds and eiedits ot the tilbo shall not bo
impaiied. The lands selected \\1I1 beheld
! > } thc > K"\ciniiiciit in dust lor twenty-live
jcms , at the espliation of which time pat
ents will Issue.
Senator Wilson today inlioditced in the
sctnte rations matlcis fiom Iowa , among
them petitions from 11. 15. Wood nnd fifty-
se\cn other leading cituens ot Spencer ,
asking that congiess submit to a vote of the
people the question of woman suffrage ; from
U. F. Coon and twenty-Unco other Io\vans ,
asking for absolute torfeituio of tlio 1111-
eained lands within the giant of the Sioux
wfityA St. Paul lallioad company , and fiom
/lie Knights of Labor o DCS Moincs on
Chliios-o Immlgintion.
wonic OF xinuvc.KA's E.VATor.s.
S"iiatorMandeibon Intiodneed a bill in the
senate today , liom clthens of Kebiaslca ro-
sldhi } , ' at StoclaIlle , pmying for woman suf-
irago ; also a petition from the eltl/eus of
llanton ( Neb1. ) , In favor of pension legisla
tion as iccomiiicndcdby the G. A. 11. national
pension committee.
Senator Van 'Wyek'.sbills , establibhlngland
dlstilets In the stale of Nebiaska , wcio to-day
inporled fa\oiably fiom the senate commit
tee on public lands , and since the senator Is
ghing them Ills attention , they will
11J\cli pass hot It houses at this coming Missi
JIOPM : 3iiAst'tis : ! : nv xinit.\sicA : jnjinins. : :
Nebraska membeis Intiodticed bills In the
house to-day as follows :
Uy Air. Wearer To pay John Palmer
fS.-XKs ' , losses Inclined on account of Indians.
To par Henry Orebo oC Omaha 8215 for mis
cellaneous expenses of comts inclined In the
in test and piosecutlon of couutcifeltcis. To
pay II. S. Jenkins of Pawnee county § 1,500
for piopuity taken by the United States and
nppiopilatcd to its benefit.
A noAiiti roil TIII : murFS.
Itcpiesentathe hyman has seemed the
establishment ot a boaid of examining sur
geons at Council Dlutls , which will consist of
Dr. Donald Maciae , Dr. T. I ) . Lacy , and Dr.
F. S. Thomas. The now order takes clfect
at once.
WASIIIXUTO.V , Feb. 15 , [ Picss.j Thoscn
nte , in executive session on Thursday , the
10th lust. , continued n largo number of nom
inations , but determined not to notify the
piesldont or to make them public until alter
iho following executive session , in older to
glvoan oppoiunity ( foriceoiiblilciatlon. The
continuations made to-day arc still under In
junction ot bcciecy. The tollowlimaieamoii ,
the continuations of the 10th inst. : Francis
11. West , United States maishal tor llio east
PHI dlhtilct of Wisconsin ; S. S. Patteison
Indian asent lor the Navnjos , Now Mexico
po-stiiiasteih , Frank Sliutt at Litchneld ( HI. )
AmbiosoM. Mlllerat Lincoln ( III. ) , John C
Geoigo at Dwlght (111. ( ) , James Haliics a
IVkln ( ill. ) , ThomiiH JlPiinsbeny at Binhl-
wood ( III. ) , John Wcbteimoler at Caillnvlllo
(111. ( ) , GeorgoS. Witter at Ida Giovo ( Iowa ) ,
.lumps V. Wnid at Choiokcu ( Iowa ) , Then-
doio W. Ivory at Gleiiwood ( Iowa ) , J. J.
Haiteiibowor at Sheldon ( Iowa ) , A. "
minimi ? " " at Burlington ( Iowa ) . Samuel
llpiideison nt Mount Ayr ( Iowa ) , T. O. Cnr-
JNo at Mlsbotirl Valley ( Iowa ) , Claionco
Snyder at Itaclno ( WIs. ) , C. B. Draper at
OconoinowooVIs. ( \ . )
Theroscemstobo no douut us to General
Teny's promotion. It Is n question In the
minds of some , however , whether General
Hovvaulwill bo the other hutuiiato otllcer.
Should he fail of piomotion ( lenciul Miles is
counted upon. Ho bus a good lecord. and Is
backed by Sheiman's Influence. General
Cioolc comes next In order , with Shmldail's
bncklmr. lllscliaucpsnrogpiierally icgnidcd
ns Miiull. Jt Is very likely that General bclio-
Hold , the senior major gpncial. will ictnln
commnnd of the division of llio Missoml , the
must active comnuiiid of the in my. General
Howard will doubtless go to Governor's
IMand as the ImniPdlnte successor of Goncrni
, Ham'ock. General Tony in slated lor the
command of the division of the Pacific. He
Is post-eased of legal nblllly , nud will
ben good comiiinndur of the division , in
vvhU.h delicate questions rcquliinc ; cniclul
action mo continually mlblng in connection
witli the Chinese mutter.
Tno silver light wnsiemnvcd In the house
rcmmlttce on rohuge , weights and measures
to-day , Tlio bill entitled "An net to main i-
tain the purity of silver and gold" was In- ii
lioduced as a substltuto tor all the other bills
on the .silver question. It piov ides that as
the tnlth of tin } United Stales is pledged tea
a ipsloratlon of hllvpr to an equality with
gold , that tiie prcshlpnl bo authorUcd to
limUon liPaly with torcigii POWCITS toopcn
tliplr mints lo tlui lice colnaco ot
silver , etc. , f.iiJ .11 point coaimlssloiicisto
conduct tlie negotiations. Alter
di-ciisMon Ihv 1)111 wns clofcatid byavotoof
! > to y. Mr. .flciunhlll , in Older to U'st the
rcu v of the couiiufttt'o ' , raid nt tlie same time
dlailaholug sinpidhy tvltii tlie object of ( bo
I-11 , iiioveUT to icport favotnbly ltepre enta-
tl > e IlPagun'b bill to pipvide foi the ficu nml
"J.u.lU' coinage ot silver. The motion
was lost jcas 4 , noes 8. lleprcsonlatlvc
B > iium then moved to repoit adversely lei ! > -
iPsenlatlvp Walt's bill to suspend until fur
ther legislative action so much of the act of
Fcbrnaiy 8i. iss , as provided for the coinage -
ago of stniiilnrd .silver dollar ) . Mr.
Bynum's motion was lost > pas 0 ,
nooiO. Representative James then moved
to rppoii ndvcisaly tlio bill Intiodiiced by
Ilcprcscntativn lilnnd this morninc pntltled
"A bill for the free coluaire of silver nnd
other purposes. " It provides that holders of
silver bullion thall no eiillllcd to have It
coined upon llko terms with gold , ami that
silver dollais HO coined shall bo legal tender ,
etc. It also piov ides for the repeal of the act
niuhorbliig the purchase of silver bullion to
bo coined monthly Into standard sliver del
lars. Mr. James" ' motion to repoit the bill
adversely was cairled jcas7 , noes 5. Hop-
icMMitatlvo James will unite a majority 10-
portnnd llppre etitatlve BInud will make a
nilnoritr ipport iccommcndlin ; the passage
ol the bill.
six fiPT.vnv's nr.rr.v.
The sccieUiry of the tieasmy to d.iy scntto
Colonel Moi il.soiichairman ot the committee
on wajs and means , a communication In re
ply lo the letter from that committee , asking
Ills opinion on llio proposed joint icoliilon !
oiderlug the payment of tlio sinplus in the
lieasmy In excess ol S100.000.00J . on llio
public debt. In his teply the sccie-
taiy quotes the language of the
resolution , which piovldes that whenever
the surplus or balance In the tieasmy , In-
pliidlmr thp amount lipld lor ledemptlon of
United States notes , shall exceed the sum of
SIOO.OW.OOO , It shall be llio duly of the sccie-
tury of tliotrpasmy to apply Mich excess , In
sums ot not less than Sio.000,000 per month ,
dming tlie existence of such suinlus. lo tlio
pavmeiit of thp intoicst bearing indebtedness
ol the United States , payable at option of tlto
government , nnil ! > ays : .
"The lanqun-u on this icsolntton Is such as
to Include In the sinplus or balance in tlio
tieasmy the amount held for the icdemptloii
of United States notc . This is in no sense
itMiipltn , but Is set n pott and apinopilated
as tlio minimum bccmity and rcseivo
lor the ledemptlon and payment
of ST-IO.OSLOIO ol United States notes
which have been issued , both of
which me specifically piomibcd in tlio act
ot Mulch 18.1KV ) . (15. ( S. tel ! ) , This levcnuc. :
aniouuting to 5100,000,000 , should ot couit > o
bo held abovonll possibility ot an encioacli-
incnt like that which my distinguished pieile-
cc.ssor , Mr. McCulloeli , in his last
annual ippoit , ( page ! ! J ) 1 am con-
slialiipd to o.xliiblt and tloploip. llio
ipsoliitiou now befoio mo requites that there
should beat no tlmo a sin plus in the tieas
ury available tor tlio general needs ol the
goveinment , to exceed SlO.tOJ.OOO , and that
when this sum is icaclied It should bo imme
diately paid upon the public debt. After
neaily twehp months experience In the con
duct of tliisdcpartiuent , and loifeasting as
well as I am able the futuic lequliomcnts of
the tieasury , as now denned bj existing laws
and as llicy may bo affected by legislation yet
to come , and consideiilig tlie couibO of inline
leeclpti , vvhich are liable to Influence liom
many causes , such as the iluctmtion of im-
porfs , a prolonged depression ol
undo ami the uutikeum ; ol moio
or less of our agiicultuinl pioducts
nbioad , I cannot nowtoieseo a state of thing- '
which will make it prudent to limit tlie sur
plus ic eive in the treastirv to a sum ranging
iiom nothing to a maximum ot SIO.OOO.OJ'J.
The legislation now befoic congiess iclatlng
to pensions will , if pcifccted , inciease the
demands upon tlie tieasury to an
amount vvhich it Is impossible to esti
mate , and tlio late decision of tlio siipciior
juilgc ot the Mipieme court subjects the gov
ernment to a repayment of duties collected ,
the agirtegatpol which is laigp , but altogether
indefinite. Those tilingaio mentioned to
lon'ilnd tlie committee that neither tlio calls
upon the tieasury nor the exact time that
such demands must bo met can bo pre
cisely foiesccn. It would eem to lollow.
as a business pioposltiou , that it tlie govern
ment is to maintain Its cicdlt In the sense of
being prepaied to meet all just demands ,
vv Iiicli aie impossible , or ascertainment in ad
vance , theic should be a icasonable sum laid
by or kept on hand for that pin pose. He-
spectruliy joins , DAMUI , MANXINO ,
Evan IJcivis Displays Ills Inhumanity
in n Contest With the t1np.
CHICAGO , Feb. 15. [ Special Telogram.J
Pttlly : i,500 people , reprcsnnting laigely the
icspectublo element , assembled at Central
Music hall to-night to witness the second
catch-as-catch-can vvicstling match between
MaUada Soiakichl , tlie noted
wicstler , and Evan Lewis , appropriately
named "The Stianglcr. " In this match
Lewis' favoilto hold , the strangling
lock , was baircd. Hauy Palmer was
chosen icfeieo and at 8:57 : the men
shook hands lor the fiist bout. After a cou
ple of unsuccessful maneauvies on both sides ,
Lewis got Soraklclii on Ids stomach , and
placing Ins knee on the calf ot the Jap's legs ,
sei/cd his loot with botli hands and began
bending the loot In such a manner as to
wicncli the ankle out of the socket. A
shout of indignation went up Irom
tlio crowd nt this inhuman tieatment ,
and ciles of "Hung the scouudiel , "
"Pilch him in the lake , " "Kill the big
cowaid , " etc. , aioso fiom tlio audience. The
Jap , compelled by pain to give in , was
tinned over on his back and lay tlicio unable
to ilso to his feet , anil was carried off the
stage In the aims of his trainer , Edwin
Blbby. Lewis stood nppaiently taken
aback by tlio tumult ho had
occasioned , while loud cites of "Shame" and
"Foul" hand. The lefeico
rose on evciy an
nounced that ho could do nothing but award
the match to "The Stianglcr , " but it is
bafo to say Kvaii Lewis will nevei
draw another ciowd in Chicago.
Ho appears to liavo no science ,
and icllcd solely upon his supe-
i lor weight and biuto foico to carrv his
point. The Jap's ankle was found to bo dis
located , and ho was carried to a can Inge
alter the doctors had attended him.
nunn IN mnxico.
A Dispatch Sayn a Council IllulTii
In the Victim.
Kr , PASO , Tex. , Feb. 15. J. T. Picston and
Captain H. Hawser , vvlillo etiiouto fiom
Slnslon ( Mox. ) to this city , weio attacked by
two Mexican bandits near Panel ( Max. ) .
Hawser v\as killed and Preston wounded In
tlio arm. Botli men weio from Council Bluffs
( Iowa ) . They wore heavily Inteiesled In
mines In Mexico. The defense made by
Pieslon caused the bandits to Heo.
[ The above dlspatcli was iccelved at a late
hour this morning. An inqiihy ol the ldi's : :
Council llluft's BTiieau fulled to elicit any In
formation as to the paitles named above.
Their being' residents ot Council Bluffs Is
doubted , as no one who could be leached at
the hour of publication 1 a. m. had any
lecollcctlon of any peisons of the above
She Sujs Slit ) Won't Toll.
SALT LAKE , Feb. 15. The wife of Geoigo
Q. Cannon , Martha Sully , before the giand
jury this afternoon icfused to answer the
question whether she was a ptcgnant woman
with childien by Gcoige Q , Cannon. iSho te-
portcd the matter to the com I which In-
Gtiucted her these wcio pioper questions and
she should answer. Shoieltiscd , whciaupon ,
In view of her delicate condition , she was
given till to-morrow afteuioon to consider ,
her bonds being made § 2,503 additional , 01
S'i.OOO In all.
Killed hy the Curs.
iAxn , Feb. 15. A grocciynian do
ing business at 40 Wnbaslm , and an unknown
man , while crossing the track of the New
Yoik , Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad , at
Woodland Hills was struck by the
eastern pxpiess , killing both men and horse
and wrecking the wagon.
Gor < ) uInio AVnnts Moro Tlilio.
KI.PASO , Tox. , Feb. 15.-0no of CiooU's
hcouts heio says Geronimo has nsUed untt
the -1st lust , to meet Cioolt.
The Business Transacted Yesterday in
Iowa's General Assembly ,
Up Criminals A. natch of
Uree/.y Items IVom Xecuinseli
ISnpllst Clturuh Destroy oil
by Fire.
The Io\vn Ijejjlslnturc.
Dr.s MOINP.S , Iowa , Feb. 15. In the senate
to-day several petitions wore Intioduccd ask
ing for a soldieirt' homo ; also , for a sewerage
system for cities of the second class ; also ,
asking for tlm passage of a law putting
mutual bctiellt associations under conttol of
the state.
Amomj the bills Introduced wcio one to
extend the juilsdlction of chcult courts
In piobato matters ; also , for levyIng -
Ing n tax on all patented articles
piodttced In the stale ; also , to pievent fraud
In sales of cattle by mlsiepiesentliiB their
pedigieoor condition ; also , to Increase the
salaries of the deputy stile olllccrs and the
goreinor's private secictary to S1SOO.
A resolution was Introduced by Glass , ask
ing congi ess to appoint a boaid of inspection
to examine and license railway conductors
nml engineers.
AmotiR the bills introduced was one
establishing a nnlfoun gauge for cicam at
two quails loan inch.
Dodge's bill forblddinz the transportation
of the bodies of poisons who have died fiom
smallpox , Asiatic cholera , typhus and yellow
fever , and requiring all other bodies to bo
shipped In antiseptic sacks , lieimetlcally
.sealed , was put on Its passage and discussed
at lenirth , but without being acted upon was
made the special oulei for Wednesday.
In the house a largo number of petitions
were Intioitnced , asking for a soldier's homo ;
also , for the prevention of adulteration of
dahy pioducts.
The pilncipil debate was on Uorijhlll's
bill to exempt liom taxation the team , har
ness and wagon of a laboici , fanner ,
physician or public officer. The bill was In
definitely postponed.
The IJiown investigating committee has
commenced woik nnd Is now collecting > c-
poits floin the banks ami Insurance compa
nies as to the fees that have been paid to the
auditor's oflice , whether icsaided as oxoi-
bilant and whether uiu'or ' piotcst or not.
The committee expect to make a icpoit In
ibout two weeks.
Disposing ° r Gafrc County Croolcs.
Un.VTiuci : , Feb. 15. [ SpecialJ Judge
heady Is slowly gilndlngawav at the dis-
ilct coiut docket for tlio Febntary term , and
will hold com I until some time next month ,
few criminal cases base benn disposed of.
The case of thu state vsA. 15. Mot-.0 goes over
because cx-Coioner AValsh , the most Impoit-
ant witness lor the state , has skipped. A
short ielew of the case is that intliesum-
ner of 1SS1 Mrs. A. H. Mm so , aged about 80 ,
tiled suddenly iiom the e'Vect oE stiychnlnc.
The post moi tern examination and subse
quent tiial showed that the poison was piob-
ibly administered by her husband , A. U.
Moisc , aninn nearly 75 yeais old. It was
icneinlly known that they did not live hap
pily together. At the last tcim of couit
Morse was lonnd guilty ot minder in the
first dcgicc , but owing to an informality in
the verdict , a new tiial was emitted to be
liolcl this teiin. Walsh was the officer before
whom the inquest was held and is the only
witness who can identify tlm stomach of the
deceased. It is thought that he has been
paid for leaving.
In the case of M. "Worl , who escaped from
thopenitentiary last fall , bioko into a store
utCortlnndand exchanged his conrict suit
for one not so noticeable to tiavcl In , the
couit finished his case up in about the short
est manner on iccoid. lie was captmcd In
Iowa in a few weeks alter Ids escape and ret -
t in tied to Lincoln. Waiden Nobes brought
him down Thursday night nt 8:00 : , and by 10
o'clock the following mointiig his prelimi
nary examination had been held , ho had been
committed to the distilct comt for tiial ,
pleaded guilty , waived all delays and been
sentenced to a fuithcr tcnn of one year in
the pen.
Satmdny W. II. Illcliauls , of Libeity , was
found guilty of selling mortaged piopeity ,
and also of cmbaz/.loment. lie has not yet
received his sentence. Ho was a sohool
teacher and dealer In musical instruments at
Libeity , and was thought to bo honest.
One or two other minor ci ( initial cases were
disposed of this week. The case of the state vs.
Mis. Emma Hoin lor malticatlng a child and
causing its death , was continued until next
teim on account of the delicate health of Mis.
I loin.
The smvoyors for the Hock Island road
arilrcd heie with their line yesterday.
Affairs In Tccuinsoh ,
TrouMfiuir , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special. ] Wo
aregolnajto have the lallioad commission
visit us in the near futuio , as allldavlts hare
been sent in. It seems a car fiom Vesta ,
eight miles west , to Obcilln ( Kan. ) cost 818
less than from Tccumsch , One party paid II
last week , and some paitles cast of town aio
going to load a couple of cais this week.
This makes § 18 per car for an eight mile
haul In wagons. Wo await their reullct to
bco If things arc allowed to go on In thi
way. This would bo a good point for a com-
petjiiK'llne , as our folks would \otu bonds.
There Is no lot up In the pobtolllco tight.
The blauirhter-houso domociats seem to be in
alaigomajoilty. King Jumps hied himself
to Omaha last week to reconcile the ele
ments , but keeps it bo mum you can't findoui
what ho did.
The 1) ) . & M , have put in n steam pump to
keep thqlr tank supplied at this place
A hotel to cost § 15,000 Is talked of fora
staiter for the boom of 1SSO opposite the
Sbeiman , _
CItur6h Destroyed by J.'ire.
Dn.v.viso.v , Iowa , Feb. 15 , [ Special Tele
gram. ] The First Uaptlst church ot this
place was fully deshoycU by lire Sunda >
nHit. The tire was dlscovcicd about 1C
o'clock , shortly after the church service , It
is supposed to ha\o been the woik ot an In
condiary. There has been some bad bloo (
glowing out of the settlement of the McKIn
estate which gave the church suveial thous
and dollnid which was claimed by the hehs
Some nttilbuto the fire to the negligence 01
the janitor. The church cost oiiglnally
50,000 , nnd § 1,400 were added for Impiove-
nienU lust year. The lnsutai\co was § 3,000
It also destro > cd three altars , the Suuda >
fccliool llbiaty valued nt3- , and thopastoi's
private library allied at 81,000. Itov. W. W
A very , the pastor , lost all his private prop
erty , Including his commission as captain ii
the army , his manla o certificate , aud otlie
papers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Admitted Its J'aternlty.
BLOCJIINOTO.V , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ 'Specla
Telcginm.J A MUs ItcjnoUK btepdnuchte
of M. Duerr. living near this place , last wcel
gu\o birth to a child. At nist the i of used to
say who was Its father , and it U said wa
semi'ly treated by her family. At last sh
lade a sworn statement Hint Stephen Dncrr
\ns the father. The latter is a son of Michael
) uerr , and Is married. Jle denied the charge
t first , but to-dny pcttlcd the matter. The
ffnlr created quite a .sensation , as both par
ies have been considered highly respectable.
Hen Hrtpnu t'ersttatllnjr.1
I'IIKMO.VT , > 'cb. , Feb. 15. tSpcclnl.1 Bon
locnn spoke In the beautiful new Congrcga-
lonal church last night to about 1,000 people.
Lpoitionof the asscmblaco was composed
f the uoii-church-goliiR people drummers ,
nloon keepers and sporting men and they
vcro deeply interested. Ills subject , "Do-
Honiara , " was handled In a mastcily man-
tcr. About fifty stood up for prayer at the
mem lu-jyoN'n TUB SKA.
\fTalffl or tlio Itrttlsh Umpire liriclly
LONDON , Feb. lf > . The Hiltlsh steamer
Douglnss , trnillni : locally In China seas , has
been wiccked at Swatow. One Kutopcaii
ndsoxonteen Clilnnmen wciediowucd.
Loid Diiffeilnlccioy of India , hns de
cided to garrison Unrmnli with 10,000 tioops
tinier the command of Gen. Piendecast.
Military occupation and maitlal Inw will bo
continued for some time , as lor < l Duffcrlu
Iocs not think the counliy Is rlpo yet for the
sstabllshmcntof civil law. Helms decided
o send a milllary expedition lo Shan
The commltteo appointed by Chllders.
lomo secictary. to inquire into ( lie causes ot
heiecent liotloiis tieimmstratlous In 1-ou-
Ion. held Its Hist meeting this nioinlng. The
Icliljoiatlous wcieconducted hecictly.
Vi'-count Kdwnul Caldwell Is dead.
A dispatch Irom Yaimotith says the uncut-
ilo\ed workmen of that city aio making
riotous demonstrations.
Many inteiestliig leatuies ate piomlsed at
hohcailiiK on Wednesdir , befoio Justice
Ingliam. ol llyndsmaii , limns , Champion
ami Williams , wliohn\e been summoned to
answer ihoehniiies of inciting to tint , con-
empt ol law , etc. , dining the disorders In
ondon last week. Gladstone , Chunibcilnln
iml lleniy Hioadhurst have been subpit'iiaed
) y the socialists , and the examination ol
hose men will bo-watched by all paitles with
nteiise Intciest.
Illsnmrok nnd the Pntc.
liniiLTN , Feb. 13. Theio is great excite-
uent in Ueilin over apiiaicntly well authon-
Icatcd icpoits that Prince Hismaick Is pio-
[ lailng to yield entlicly to the Vatican In the
ellglotis dispute which nas been waged by
i'russla and against papacr for tlto past
iftcen yeais. A bill has been deposited by
hpgoxcinment wltli the unpoi house of the
aiidtag , levokimj. wltlia lew tilvial exccp-
ions , all featmes of tlie many laws which
ia\o been soodio usto the Catholics ot Gei-
The Tories Caucussiiij.
Feb. 15. A meeting of couserva-
Ivc leadeis has been called for next Tluns-
lay atCharlton club. The Marquis ot Salisbury
t\ill pieslde. The : meeting will be in tlio
mtmo ot a caucus , to determine what policy
IIP conservatives shall puisne in pailiamenr.
I'ho ptiiieipal question to bo consideied will
10 wnat st.uidaie the conservatives to take
n icgaid to Ireland and the pioposed kylb-
atlon of the liberals.
A Itirminghniii JCob Suppressed.
JniMi.vouAM , Feb. 15. A meeting of un-
cmnloyed woikmcn was held heie to-day , at-
ended by eight thousand poisons. The ud-
ilicsscs tlclivcicd weie of the most Iiitlam-
natoiynatuie , and the assemblage degener
ated into a mob. which attempted riot in the
btieets and plllaircfUthe. shops. The police
weie prepaid ! and accorded hi suppressing
hoiioting and preventing any act of pll-
agc. '
A Chicago I'ricst Hpcnks.
DUDT.IX , Feb. 15. A numbci ot the nation
alists assembled at BallydulT to-day and bull
v house for an evicted tenant. Mr. Ityne ,
member of parliament , and Itev. Father Hod-
nett , of Chlcaeo , made speeches. Tlie latter
said the landlouls had obtained possession ot
licland by minder , rapine and plunder , and
theicsult of the iccent election was mcrclr
an evidence that Englishmen iniloised the
lustness of tho'lilsh national cause.
The AVater Kccpdinjj in Now Enjj-
liuul Slorc Dninauo Expected.
POUT JAIIVIS , N. Y. , Feb. 15. Miles of
lands In Orange county , and extending on to
Sussex county , Xew Jeisey. aio inundated
by the overflow of the Wnllklll. The roads
aie Impassable. Thousands of ties , to bo
used in tlio constitution of tlio old South
Mountain lailioad , have been washed away.
Several mill dams have been destroyed by
the flood.
BOSTON , Feb. 15. At 1 o'clock this
moining tlio water had icceded twelve inches
slncolp. m. yesteiday In flooded dlstiicts.
Tlie damage to piopeity here is estimated at
§ 1,000,000. At Newton Upper Falls , 833,000
woith of inachlnciv and finished woik wcio
flooded with great loss. At Maiden tlio flood
abatedpight Inches. The damage njipioaclies
S50CO ) . At Brookllne the floods aio subsid
ing. Xo tiiithei damage is tcared. Farmers
aie letuniing totheli homes. At Mulllold
thniaihoidbildgo Is down , and Campbell's
ralhoad isiepoi ted washed avvay.Several other
biidges weio washed away. Tlio condition
of affairs at Noith Middleboio Is woisc. In
that part of the bt'do wheietho Newmaikct
and Biidgowutor unite , lonning tlioTuuntoii
river , which i.saioiilngtouent.lsovciflowcd
in homo places a mile wide. Losses to factoile.s
nml dwellings approximate S150.000. It is
repotted that the loss to mills at Geneva is
S-ii.OOO. The Turkoyroildlo vvoiks at Bellp-
lony lost S50.000 and at Atlantic mills 8130,010
Bosio.s . Fpb. 15. At noon to-day the level
of the flood was twenty-two Inches below the
highest point leached. It Is now thought
that the tegular outlet of Stony Biook will
cany oil the water In toity-elght hours. At
Kabt Dedham the dam connected with the
Merchants' woolen mill is In gieat danger.
Should It fall an immense volume of water
will bo piecljiituted upon ( ho bildgo below
and upon the dam at Noi folk mill , which is
in n valley at a much lower level. Tlio fall
ol the latter would involve tlio dpstinctloii ol
Xoifolk mill aiidgieat Imvocln Hyde paik.
FIIANKI.IN' , MUSH. , Feb. 15. Tins morning
tlio dam at the factory jleldod to the pnoi-
mous piosbtiro ot the acciimnlated floods and
fell with a Clash. The countiy below Is
flooded , but full paiticuiais of the extent ot
tlio damage have not yut IIPPII received. The
load between Wiqnbam and Franklin Is Im
passable. Fears aie cnteitaincd that dams
below will give way.
Proceedings olitlKTThlrd and Fourth
ClasH Guthorinc
OiucAflo , Feb. 15 , The tlilid and fourth-
class postmasters pf ( ho United States met
licro this moinlngto , consider rations mat
to bo hi to 'tho attention
IPIS ought ; of con
gress for tlio betterment of their condition.
About400delegates in all lespomlcd. Thlity-
thieostates and throe teiritoiles WPIO rcpio-
pontcil. Among the delegates v\cio twenty ,
two tiostmlsticssps. J. L , Saciloto of Illinois
was named temporary chairman , and attei
the appointment of a coiiimittto on perma
nent organization the convention adjoinned
until 2 o'clock tliLs afternoon.
Upon leasseiubllng in the aftcinoon the
following olllcers vyeto elected : J're&idcnt.
J.H. Giubbot Alabama ; vlco piosldPiitb
Mrs. Kmma Poiter of Jvew Jeibcy , J. C ,
Johnson of Kansas. A. G. Lackey of Mlb
semi , audT. J. PickPtt of Nebraska ; becre
tarv , Thomas Brady of Wpst Yhglnla. Tlio
aftpinoon was taken up in the lormatioii of
conimdtces as follows ; On resolutions , on
mailing letters on tiains , on boxes and box
lents at thlrd-clabsotllcp.s , on Impiovinglho
regibtry sjatem , on the njoiiey older svbtcm
on coiiimlsslons and fho cniicellatfon ol
stamps in fourth-clubs ofllces , on posimast
cr's bonds , on postal ravings bank and tele
graph , oa appiopil.itions forcek ! : hire , on
bpeciafdUlveiy bybtem , on the di-llveiy of
mulls to and Iiom trains , and on llnS oigun-
i ation ot a | ) oatmasteijs mutual benevolon
absiiclatlon. Thu eoiivcntlou , without any
fillther action , ndjbtiizcd till to-mouow foic-
noon , j
Eiiilroad Lauds nnd Nebraska Land Dis
tricts the Senate Discussion ,
Secretary IjanmrTratoinlts Called for
I'npcrs Itmilmck's Swccpliifj
llcsolutlon or Inqitlry In
the Telephone Case.
WASIIINOION , Feb. 15. The following
Otter was sent to the picsldcnt pro tern of
he senate :
Depai tmont of the Intel lor , Washington
[ 'icsfdent Pro Tempoie of the Senate Sli : 1
lave the honor to acknowledge tecelpt ol the
senate icsolution ol thooth hist In woids as
"ollovvs : "Kesolved , That the secictaiyot
hcliiteiloi. tiodhected to communicate to
he senate all copies and all papers which
mve been Hied In thelnlcilor department ,
ind all papers which liavo been piesented to
any olllccrof that depaitment. touciiiiii : the
illlclal and pciMinnt conduct ot Henry Wind ,
Indian Inspector , dining his t-ontinuaiice In
said otllcc. " 1 trnnsmit all thp otllclal papcis
on lile In the department whleli 1 umleisiaml
o bo embraced by the resolution. The oHIclal
cpoits made to this depiilment by lleniy
Ward as United Stab's Indian inspector aio
voluminous , and as the clerical foice of this
olllce Is limited and othei wi o fully employed ,
[ have deemed It best to tiansmll tlio
> rlginal reports. As they aio liequciitly
consulted In tlio ttaiisactlon of the business
ol this department , 1 have the honor lo ie-
Hiest they bo letuined lo Us tiles when they
no no longer leaulied by the bonntois. I
1111 directed by the piesldent to say that it the
object of the icsolution is to inquiio into
; lm icasons for the suspension of Waid !
Iheso papeis aie not to bo con
sidered as constituting all the evidence
submitted to him in relation theieto. 1 am
also dliectcd by the piasidcnt to bar that lie
lees not consider it consistent with public
inteiest to transmit ( lie copies ol unoHlcial
liapeisfiom piivatoclll/cn.sheld In my cus-
[ ody for him , which iclato exclusively to the
suspension of incumbents. 1 have the honor
to be , veiy icspcctfully ,
L. Q. C. L.v LV.lt1 Secrctaiy.
Thcic aio 2b'J eticlosuics. The letter and
accompanying paueis weio icferiod to the
committee on Indian aaitfis. '
Senator Van Wvck submitted an amend
ment to the house bill to incieaso the pen
sions ot widows anJ dependent relatives of
deceased soldteis and sallois. providing that
minor childien shall iccelvo § 5 per month
when one parent is deceased ami § 10 w hen
liotli p.uonts aie deceased ; that the pension
able ago be extended to 18 yuais. and that
lathers ami motheis only boiefpiiied to
endence at the time of application
for pension.
Mr. Van Wyck , iiom the committee on
public lands , icmnted lavoiably the bill to es-
tnlillbh two additional land districts in the
state ol Nebiaska , and authorising tlio piesi-
dent to appoint icgibteis ami icceivois tncie-
for.Mr. . Havvley piesented a bill , which was re-
foucdto tlio committee on public land1 ! , ie-
lating to tlie taxation of lallroad lands and
tor other put poses. Mr. llawley said tlm bill
lelated to avensoie subject. An exceed-
ingl > huge quantity of laud pcihaps 00,000
Mfnaro miles had been giauled to the Xoith
em Pacific Hallway company , but it was mo-
vided by an ameiulatoiy act of caugiess that
no patents should be Issued lor the land until
after the navmeut by the company of all the
lees relating to siuvoys , etc. The fee was
only about tlneo cents an ncie. The laihoad
had paid lees upon only about 80,000 acies ot
its immense grant. It had. nevertheless ,
pioceedcd to jive to scttici8vvarranly ,
deeds lor millions upon millions of acres ot
land. The company had ingeniously got
piopeity enough to try to locate villages and
cities upon its own selected facetious.
lands that tlie company convoyed by wai-
tnntr deed had been settled and impioved.
and in many cases thriving villages had
giown upon tliem. It tinned out now that
by the iccent decision of tlie supiemo court
ot the United States none of tlicbe millions
of acies were taxable. The reasons given by
that court WPIO iiiclragnblc , but comricss
should immediately piovido by law a remedy
lor the difficulty involved. The laihoads
had tcftibt'd to pay the thice cents an acte ,
and the communities inteicsted thereioio
lonnd themselves without tlie powei of tax
Mr. Van Wyck added that but one-half
the enoimlty ot the outrage had been stated.
AH the landgrant laihoads In the west weio
gulltv ol thu .same offense. lie was glad to
see Haw ley's bill Intiodticed.
Mr. Teller said tlie fault lay with congiess.
Tlio executive departments of tlm govern
ment had tor years been reporting to congress
the full measuio ol the evil leteiied to , and
icqiiested legislation to enable the executive
to piotect the settleis. In thieo reports
made to congioss by himself , as secictary ot
the imcrici , had called attention to these
The senate then went Into executive ses
sion , and wlien the dooisieopencd adjoin ned.
WA.HHINOTON , Feb. 15. Mr. Hanbackln-
tioduccd a bill lor the most sweeping inqiihy
concerning the charges made icllectliii ; on
the integrity and oflicial action ot ceitaln
olllccis of the government In connection with
the Pan Klectiic telephones.
Under the call ol states the following bills ,
etc. , vvoio Intioduccd and loleired :
Uy Mr. Moiilbon To icdiico taiiff taxes.
By Mr. Hanback A icsolution calling for
the appointment of a special committee , con
sisting ot eleven membeis ot this house , to
makeinqtiliy into any expenditure on the
part ol the oveinment inclined iclatlvo to
the lights ot the Bell and Pan-Klectiie tele
phone companies to prloiity of patents ,
said inquiry to include all the organl/atlons
or companies thill have spiitng outol the
Pan-Klcetilo Telephone company , or lot-
any other pmpobo ; ami also to make lull
Inquiry Into the Isbinnco ot the stock known
as the Pan ICIeclilc telephone Mock , or any
block of any oilier rompinv , companies or
oigaiiUntlon Bpiinglng out of tlio Pan
Klectile telephone company , to anypeison
or peisons connected with either the legisla
tive , judicial or executive depaitmeiits ol the
goveinment of the United htntcri , to whom ,
when , where , nnd In what amount , and tor
what consideration In money or influence
Mid stock was dellveicd. Also , as to what
opinions , decisions nml oideis have
been made by any ofliccis con
nected with tlie government , ami by
whom , and all clicunistances connected
therewith andailslng theieliom. And , also ,
v\hat bull or suits , If any , have been biouglit
In the name of the United States to teat the
validity of the patents Issued , or nny other
light In coutioveisv between the Bell and
Paii-P.lcctrie Telephone companies , what
contracts liavo been made , what moneys
paid to any person or persons as assistant
counsel to the attoinev u'Piieial or solicitor
geneial of the United States , the icnson or
authority for constituting llio United Stnt"s
a party to Mild wilt or suits. Jtefened to the
coiiiinittcoon iidcs.
By Mr. PnllUer The following lesolutlon ;
Itosolvcd. That the resolution creating a
select committee , submitted by Mr. HnnbacI ; ,
bo bo amended as to authori/o lliosaid conv
mlttco to inquire whether iny ot the tele
phone companies have in anyway iniliienced
or attempted to Influence olllclals orolllcial
action thiou''h iiewbjinpeis acting from inter
ested or improper motives ; nnd also , vvlicther
any corpoiutions , or tholr iiianigoi& : or repie-
sentativps , have coutiibiitcd laige sums ol
money lor political campaign put poses
upon the agreement that n ceitaln pcibon
acceptable to them should be appointed a
judge of one of tlm comts of tlm United
States which may have to decide the litiga
tion conceiiilng the telephone patents.
Also , n bill giving a pensl m ut ' 5,009 i to the widow ot the lute Geni'.Tj
The house then went into roniu > ltten oi IA
whole. Spilngcr iu the chair , on i o Filt
Joan Poiter bill , and Wolfoul ip lib *
bpi ech In favor of the bill.
Ncutcy bpoke against the bill , as did
The committee then rose and the house
AVoatiier Tor To-day.
Mi Boi'Jii VAU.CV. Falrvvt ilicr , winds
rulli sliiltlfig to suiitheil , ; . 'slut' , l' ' c
i'tl In Koiitliciii tiors'ii ' ) by jr-.s.y station
iVll the JjcatlliiK Cltlon Show n Pcr-
contiiKo or Increase.
BOSTON , ' .Vn-t Feb. 15. The follow lug
statement of the leading dealing houses In
ho United Slatesshows thogioss bank ex
changes at each point for the week ending
I'ebruaiy ii : , In comparison with Hie cone-
pending week In ISA'S :
CITIUS. bt.r.Aitixo .
New Yoik g 715,102,000 tO.'J
loslon 77i'.xiiv ' >
Philadelphia r > ioooooo
'hleago ro.s
St. Louis is. i
San Francisco
New Oilcans V..S
; incimmti 10.0
Mtlsbunt 7r : > oin7 , 21.1
\ansas City
Minneapolis 05.11
'lovldencp , 0.7
) enver : itTtiU , ) (
) etiolt to.n
Milwaukee l.l )
) nulm
Cleveland S.-i'i.tHIO
'oliimbus ir,7iur : yi.o
Memphis 2IJ.5
Untfoid. . . . . IHKOOO : ) 10.1 '
ndhiimpolls 'aw
Vew Vmi.t Haven IJKOMO ( ju
' 01 Hand f.t
iVoicester 7IO000' ; ' 10.7
it. Joseph
Spilnglleld 1505,000 , II ! . 1
Syiacuse < ovvcll Mllilfj
Outside New Yoik. . . .
Philadelphia Cleveland , llaitford , New
.laven , Poitland. Woicester and Sjiiinglield
no paitlv estimated. Denver and Galvcslon
are not Included In the totals ,
Owing to tliu fipshets , vvhlcli have Inter-
upted comimiiiicatlon in New England , the
exhibit of dealing liotiso ictuins Is ncces-
arily Imperfect. This Intcriuption lias do-
ayed icccipts of official leturns liom Plilla-
lelphla , Cleveland , lliutfoid , Now Haven ,
Poitland. WoicPstcrandSpiliiglicld , and the
iguics given for these points aio pattly
Ilovlevv of Enutlsh Trade.
LOXIIO.N . Ftb. 15. The Mail : Lane Kx--
[ ness , In its weekly review of tlio Biillsh
; rnln tiadc , says : It Is too cailyto make a
foiecast of crops. In the meantime Kngltsh
wheats can bo supplied. Sales of Kngllsh
tvlieat ilurlng the week past wcio 02,072 quar-
teisatS'JsOd. against r 3,811 at 82s lOd dining
tlio sanio WPC ) ; last year. Flour Is lieely
supplied , nnd undeibids toiolgn flour. For-
'Igii wheats aie more inactive , but thomar-
; et is linn. Tlio Amciicaii option is the
cuiseot the world and pnralv/es business in
London and Llveipool , Tiade in cargos
has been very lestilcted ; thpic wcio two ar
rivals nnd out * 5.1)0 ) ; two raigos weie with-
liawu and two iciiialncd , both American.
Attodaj's mailcpt there vvasonlv a retail In-
niiiy lor wheat. Corn and barley wcio 3d
dealer. Beans and peas weio Cd dcaicr.
Grain in Slfjht Store.
CIIICAOO , Feb. 15. The number of bushels
.if grain in store In the United States and
Canada , Febiuaiy 12 , and the increase or
.lecreaso compaicd with the previous wcjjk ,
will be posted on 'Change to-morrow as lol-
lows : " * *
Wheat 5V 02-S2 Decrease. 0.14,500
Corn 8,17i,7'Jl ( Increase DUVKW
Oats 1,801.2-12 Incieaso : ; nfi.l (
| { > e 700,408 DpcieabO l-ObS )
[ { alley. l,0.SSil ( Dccic.aso HJ,8lfl
The amount in Chicago elovatois on tlio
late named was :
Wheat 14,409iV2 :
Corn 2,7lb,25J !
Oats 3rasT' ,
live 2111,1111
Bailey. 150,233
T > ah-y
CiiicAfio , Feb. 15. Inter Ocean's Elgin
special : Butter niled steady today ; legtilai
sales , 15,720 pounds at " > < : . Cheese shows
more firmness ; icsular sales , 35 ! ) boxes at 5c
lor haul skims and 10j foi one pound skims.
Private sales,810 pounds ot butter and
150boxes of cheese weie icpoited. The total
sales aggiegated 812 , ITO.
Senatorial Homes Provided with
Costly Edifices.
Xnw YOIIK , Feb. 15 Special Telegram. ]
I'lioTiibiine's ' special says : In one day last
week thespiiato passed tw'onty-niuo bills ap-
piopilatlng1,415,003 tor thoconstiuctlon of
public buildings In rations p.uts of tlio cotin-
liy. Altogether theio have been US such
bills intiodiiceil in this congiess calling for
an asgiegateappiopiiatioii ot about S30.000-
000 , and theio me many counties yet to hear
The homo of Secretary Lamar Is at ) .xfoul ,
Miss. , hence In that vlllagp , witli only 15,030
inhabitants , nnd the entlio postil receipts ,
which amount to only § 3,4" > 0 , tlio gov-
cinmcnt IB erecting a SW.OOO building.
Abeideenl1 * , another village of no
greater Impoitaucp. and theio a § 75,000 ,
building Is to b3 elected under an appiopila-
tlon made last year. Dover , Del. , Is the homo
of Senator Sattlslmry , and Ihoti h It has only
10,000 Inhabitants , It has a postofllco building
which was elected at a cost ot ? 010OJO. Sen
ator Coke's homo Is at Waco , Texas , the pop
ulation of which , according to the census ,
was 7,20'i. For tlio unit of Its postoflieo theio
the govprnmcnt paid § 913 , but last year
5103,000 was nppiopilnted for a public buildIng -
Ing In the place. In iiblmilar way the ma-
joiltyot apiopilations ] for buildings can bo
accounted lot.
A Olti/cn f ISnlVafo Gap ( .
the Ghost.
Ik'ri'AJ.o G.vr , Dak. , Feb. 15. jSpccIalTel
eginin. ] Geoigo Hawkins of Saratoga ( N ,
Y. ) , a eaipouter , 2-1 yeais of aiovsiiicided ; in
a tragic manner in Buffalo liiU'.s balonn on
Main sticct , this city , today. Nocausois
known. It is supposed to bo a rate of tem
poral y Insanity. Ho was well known In
this vicinity and boio a good lepiitatlon.
Itendy UespoiiKO With Aid.
DIKVIH : : , Colo. , Feb. 15. At 1 o'clock llila
aftcinoon , while the board of trade vvn'i In
session , the following tclcainin was received
by them : 4
Thociti/Piisof FlagbtalT lAi I/ . ) appeal to
you for aid , ns they aio made de.stituta by a
iavaging fire dpstioj Ing all llio business poi-
tlon of the town , leaving the pcoplu without
food , clothing , beiiding or hlielter. If an >
contiibutlons can bo bccmcd , bend tlio same
to us at once. H , C , A YJII. :
Trcasmer Itullet Com.
Inside of half an hour the members of tlm
boaid donated piovlsloiib and clothing biilil
cient to fill a car , which will bj loiwaidci
Ihcm by uxpicbs train to night.
Han Away from Omaha ,
A letter from the chief of police of
Atchinson , Kansaswas ipcoived by C'apt.
' , ' 01 iv nck , to-day , which stated that a boy
jipr..f.Villiam ' Dawfon , from Omaha ,
vt.rtiovvin jail there. The boy Halms
-o n.ivo tun away Irom his homo in thi *
city , uiul says that his father , John Dawson -
son , works in thoUnion Pacilio shoiis.
The police ilo not Know of any such n
person , but will investigate thu matter.
Wewilllukoa few ntoro Oiuahu city
l6iiii.ut lOi'v juu-i ! .
.J. W. & K. I , SJuiii ( ! : ,
Council lllnllj , Iowa.
TLo Out Horizontal Bill Proposes to Mnk
in the Nation's ' Revenue.
$10,000,000 ON SUGAR ALONE.
iVn Estimated Aggregate Kcductlon
of $ UOOOO,000 Would Follow
II the Hill Should lie
A Slash at the TarllT.
WAMHXO-IOX , IVb , Monlson's tailff
) H1 was liilioduccd In the house to-day. Mor-
ilsoii says the bill will ellect nn estimated rt >
luctlon ofS2J,000OOOlu revenues from cus-
: nms based ( in thcicvenuesof last jear. The
greatest icductlon In any one attlclc Is In the
casVj of MiRar , vvheio the new duty w 111 icsult
n a decrease of 810,000,000 In receipts. The
additions to the fieo list will involve a loss
of 55,600,000 , and the icdiicllons mnde by the
bill on other aitlclcs about 5,000,000. , Added
o the fico list aie : Lumber , timber , wood ,
! uiimnnufncttiied ) , laths , shingles , sill , hemp ,
tile , lion , sulphur , lead and copper oies , ami
coal. Besides these tlteie me many articles
of less consequence to the lovenue , such as
lolutoes , hay , coin , bilslles , beeswax , dye
vooiN , tiunianufncttncd caiths , undressed
tone lor building put poses , acoins nml dan-
The bill piov Ides that fiom nml after Inly
1S > 0 , the following i.ites of duty bhall take
elleet :
Wood ( manufaeluied ) , for each sldo
ilancd or llnlshed , 50 ccnls pci thoiibaml
'eet , boaid measure.
Coltou thiead , yam waips or waipyam ,
valued at fiom 25 cents to St.00 per pound ,
cents to 50 cents per pound accenting to
quality ; when valued at over $1.00 per pound
40 pei cent ad valoiem.
The pilneipalieductlons on cotton clotha
ite in the po.ii.ser uiatcital.
Metals lion In pig * , lion kentledge ,
jilegelisen wiouglit and last scraps , Iron and
sciap s-tcel , 'f. ot 1 cent per pound ; lion tail-
ivay bais , weighing moip than 2" pounds to
Hie ynul , S12.50 per Ion ; blecl railway bars
and lallwiiy bars made in pai t ol bteel , vvclgli-
ng moru than 25 pounds to tlio itud ,
$12.50 jier ton ; lion or steel T rails , weighing
lot over 25 pounds to the yaid , ami
lonorbtcol flat lal's ' , punched , s-15 per ton.
Tlieie is a sllglil icdiiclioii on bar and lolled
lion , lion beams , girdcis , etc. Thcie is also
some icductlon in lean and copper.
Smrar On all sugarbO percent of the sev
eral duties and rates of duty now imposed on
oaid sugar , inoperative ns to fiom
countiies levying exnoit dtilleo.
Wools and Woolens Wools of the ttiltd
class , such as Doiwkol , native South Ameii-
can Coulova , Valiaiaiso | , native Smyina ,
and Including nil such wools of like character
is liavo been heietotoiousually impoited into
ho United States liom Tuikey , ( ,
Egypt , Suiiua and elsowheie , ! JS-10 cents
) ei pound. Woolen cloths , woolen .
mil all inannfactuips of woolol eveiy do-
seiiptlon , made wholly 01 In pait of wool not
speclallr enumeiated or piov ided for In this
act , valued at not exceeding bO cents pev
loiind , 25 centb per puuml and 10 ! pei cent
ill valoiem.
Flannels , blankcls , hats of wool , knit
goods and all goods made on knlttlngtiames.
Balmorals wool and woi&ted jams , nnd all
iianufaetuics ol oveiy description , composed
wholly or In paitol woiMed , thehalrotthp
alpaca , goat , 01 otheiianlmals ( except such as
aio composed In part ofwool ) , not bpechiUx
enumeiated or piov Ided foi in lliisuct , valued
nt not 6xceediiiiyo cents pel pound , H cents
per pound ; above SO and not exceeding401
cents , 10 CPIHSper pound ; above 40 and not
exceeding fO cents , lOcents per pound ; above
! 0 and not exceeding W ) cents , 20 cents per
pound , aud in addition thPieto , npon all thp
ibovo named niticles , 15 per ccutum all
Woolens and chlldicn's die&s foods , coat
linings , Italian cloths , and goods 01 like
description , composed in pait of wool , wors
ted , the hail ol the alpaca , the goat or other
nilmals , valued at mil exceeding 20 cents per
Miuaro yaid , 5 cents pci Mjuaioy.ud , ami in
addition theicto ; ; o pur cent ad valoiem :
valued at above 20 cents per squaio yaid , 7
cents per squaio yaid and ! ! 5 per cent ad
\aloiciu. It composed wholly of wool ,
worsted , the uair ot tlio alpaca ,
the coat or other nnlniaH era
a mixture of them , S cents per squaio yaid
and5 ! ! ppr cent ad valoiem. But all such
goods with selvedges , made wholly or in init
ot othei mntciials , or witli tlueads ol other
inatuilals Intiodiiced for tlm purpose of
changing thoclassllicitlon , shall bo dutiable
at S cents per bquu.iu yaid and : tt per centum
ad valoiem ; piovlded , that all such goods
weighing ovei 4 ounces per .square yaid shall
pay a ilut > of : r > centb per pound and 33 per
cent ad valoiem.
Sliclit but general ledtictlons run tlnouph
the wool bcliedulp , and have also been niado
In the cases ot flax , linen and hemp , vvlmtyw
glass , pialo glass of high quality , puilhcn-
vvaie , Klnssvvaiunnd clilna , vUieio the duty
Is believed to bo excessive. Tlio duty on
ilce , maiblo , castor beans and a few chem
icals Is also slightly reduced.
Tlio Orcnt OOFRO Hrculc at St.
Injures River lioatB.
ST. Louis , Feb. 15. In addition to the
damages siibtained yesteiday morning ami
us CM ing by shipping inleiestn at that point
horn the break up ot the ice gorge , It has just
been leained that the government lleut
anchoied behind Cauol 1. si. mil , consisting of
thieosteaineis , loity baiges ami about twenty
pile dilveis , valued at about & 2"0OOP. The Ice
caused the boats to luualc awav limn their
mooilngs ami float down thoilvcr. Major
Kinest , oftho i-oipsot civil eiiglnecis , states
that he lecelved dispatches tiom CliCbter , III. .
that MUCH b.uges had been lecovored ut that
point In good condition. No estimate of the
total damage can IK : made , as only a few ot
the whole numbci of vessels liavo been heaid
fiom. Nnseilons damage In this haibor ban
yet resulted in addition to tliatlnlllcteilyehter
The steamer Oilmoio has gone aground at
the loot of C.inoll Island wltu six baigen.
Ills thought slid will escape with slight dam
age. Jlumphieysls still floating down the
thcr without yet having been InJiiK-d.
w tlio I'nrnoll Fiiiul.
Piiir.Anin.iMiiA , Keb. in. At ft meeting ot
the Cnthollu Total Abstinence union ot I'hl
ndolphla held Sunday aftcinoon , the branch
boeletles made lesponse to the iccont chculur
calling for contilbiitlons to tlio Irish parlla- fund. The rotmns uggregatud .
hf,517. A'cnblftgram was nt once sent to ifr.
J'ainoll , announcing that over i'1.700 had
been contilbutoil by the meeting. The con
tributions leeched by Air. A. J. Du'xol.
ticasiiier ol ( he cltl/cns' committee , In nlu ot
the I'.uncll luiid , amount to SIJ/JW.
! ( ) coitln - H
Dt'iii.ii'i JVli. IS. The loid mayor Jms In
vited a deputation of tradesmen to attend a
banquet to bo given on Tuesday to Joint
Moiloy , llio new cbM pecrclaiy lor Ireland ,
Since tlio linltntlon wat issued anonymouo
placatdb ha\o been posted , uigln ? tiailcsiiutn
to boycott llio banquet on thcgiouiiil Dial Ilia
loid majoi Is a tialtor to thu imllom ! caut > t. < ,
In having joined the attempt ut Oalay to
hamper Air. J'iuin'11.
Another Ileinoprnt BcrluiiHly II ) .
LOUISVII.I.I : , Ky , , Feb. 11.lion , IJentv
Wutleison Is ii-ting easy this Morning unit
hlbphyhlcl.iusaio ni'iielupulu ! , At a cpn < Ion at IloVIooU It n.r ilMlCit tl& ! hia
rjiniitoius wciu moio tavoiidiht. Ills : > tcv
cut tunimcnt is lor acule munln ltU.
Death oJ1 JMshop Hut. ! '
ST. Louis , Keb. 15. A spcrKtl to th ? Tt
Ulbi > atch jiom Alton , III. , a ' Itivii ( > 1 * . it
JUIU , Uiblu > r > of tl.edioi cof AJtou , A\td \
Uilb mmultitf at a--j i > , ; ! M U , ss'ler au 'iuj !
ol bourn l.-r . , itii , 1,1 ri. .o-i'.hJ'.i u-ij ui
III { M * Jl. l ,