Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY. FEBRUARY 15,1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLUFFS , MONDAY MORNING , 1-'E . 15. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAHL STREET. Delivered by cnrrlcr In nnypnito ( tliocltynt twenty cents r > cr week. II. W. TII.TOX , - - Mannsjer. JlW8isr.MOmcK , No. 13. NimiT niinon , No. 21. M1NOUIIKNT ION. _ I'nnts to order , from ? . i up , at Rcltcr'fl. The city council is to meet this even ing.Tlio Tlio funeral of Mrs. Delia F. Dodge was hold yesterday-afternoon. The slating of the roof of the new Episcopal church Is completed. The ferry pars begin their trips this morning between hero and Omaha. Col. John Fox lina presented to Abe Lincoln post , ( ! . A. It. , a line portrait of General Grant. The Bavarian band has been secured to furnish music for a ball to bo given by the German society of Dcnison on the 82d. 82d.Charlie Charlie Liobolil reached a birthday Saturday , and was presented by Henry Wagner with ti handsome gold watch and chain. The charity concert committee are re quested to meet at the olllec of lloberl rurcival this evening at 7:80 : o'clock. A full attendance in de.sirud. The Henry Osbortic post. G. A. It. , is preparing to give a grand masquerade nail in Masonic hall on the 0th , for the benefit of the relief fund. There is a nightly rush of applicants for lodging at the city jail. Most of tin-so needy ones are young men , and seem halo and hearty enough to work. There is a dead dog on Fourth and Story streets waiting to bo removed. With three coroners it socniH that there Bhould bo no delay in getting an inquest and burial. An Easing doctor has been arrested for stealing a human skull from a drug store. Hu threatens to dynamite the lirstparagraphist who intimates that ho is guilty of such skullduggery. The Hiifl'alo Bijl show at the opera house Saturday night drew a crowd and pleased the gallery gods , who were en thusiastic. There is little to the play ex cept an excuse for Ilullulo Hill to be seen. The Des Monies llegistor says : "Coun cil Ulutl's realized ! ? 3,0)0 ( ) from its charity ball. Des Monies should do better. " This city has realized more than that since the police investigation. It is to bo hoped that the capitol city will do bet ter in some respcets at least. It is proposed to give a concert in Dohany's next Saturday evening for the bunelit of the poor. The same committee who had charge of the selling of the tickets for the charity ball are wocking up tiic concert and if , at their meeting this owning they conclude to hold the concert , it will no doubt bo a brilliant alair. ! The insurance men in this city and all the proiH'rty owners on Main street be tween Eleventh and Sixteenth avenues have signed a petition to the council to place .No. 4 hose in that , vicinity , the in surance on property in the neighborhood being far greater than any other part of the city in the same territory. " " The old Main street uGStJsat is used for a 'street car has been sent over to the Union Pacilic shops to bo again "re paired. " Superintendent Burns sa'ul the car is "a complete wreck and no use at all" to a BEE man a week ago , but now it Is proposed to "make it answer the purpose. " George Chriss , the colored man arrest ed for stealing a microscope from Dr. Rico's ollice , was discharged Saturday , no prosecuting witness appearing. It Bccms strange that the fellow should get off so easily , as the police claim that lie had the stolen property in his possession when arrested. On Saturday night Henry DeLong cave a short street talk at the entrance of the Y. M. C. A. rooms , gathering quite a crowd , whom at the closp ho invited to accompany him to the rooms above. The sound of his stentorian voice , and the gathering of the crowd on the corner , gave rise to a report that the salvation army had struck the town , the army hav ing been expected by some. 1'cter C. Miller has been making some marked improvements in his wall paper and painting establishment , No. IS Pearl street. A new front has boon put in and over it appears one of the most attractive signs in the city. The letters are so largo and so clean cut that anyone passing anywhere - where in that vicinity cannot but notice that there is a "wall paper" house on Pearl street. Mr. Miller is preparing in all ways to have his full share of the business this spring , and ho will doubtless - loss succeed as ho has in the past. One of the evening papers killed a Macadonia man Saluniay night. At least it gave notice of the death otJ.J. Uolia of Macadonia , and had a meeting called of the Odd Fellows to prepare for the funeral. Alderman Shugart had the gratification Saturday afternoon of shak ing hands with the alleged deceased , and Mr. Bolin himself turned uj > hero in the evening ready to prove that ho was a long ways from being dead. Mr. Holin denies emphatically that he ever died , and his word i.s certainly not to bo doubted about a little thing like that. How the report started is a mystery. A young lady who is employed in one of the most prominent ollices in the city , received a check from her employers Saturday , after banking hours , and do- Hiring to get it cashed made that request at one of the Broadway retail houses , where she was in the habit of trading. The young man to whom she presented the check doubtless had been so thor oughly alarmed at contldenco games , that ho lost all idea of courtesy , and ho replied to the lady's request by saying , "A fellow would bo a fool to cash that chock , and nobody but a fool would ttuk to have it cashed. " The insult given the lady will not only cause her to buy hoi- goods elsewhere in the future , .but the young lady's brother has blood in hisoyo. It scorns that while it is necessary to bo cautious about cabhing cheeks , tlicro is no need of a man to so tar torget himself as to thus lU'odk'hsly insult a lady. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. Stock and fixtures of the late James Frainey for sale away below cost. AVImt Do Von Suspect ? WANTII : > Saloonkeepers , please KO to Council UlulVs. lu\\a. 37dlm The above advertisement is appearing daily in one of the Dos Moincs pnpurs. It is a mystery as to who authorizes it , or what its purpose is. It may bo that the prohibitionists of Des Moines are trying to induce the MIOOU ] men to join in an enthusiastic- exodus to this city , It may bo that the mayor of Council UlulVs , in one of his imtliusiuntiu vi.-its to the gathering of liberty lovers , has had the advertisement inserted. Ho lias queer ideas about advortiMing the- city , ami this causes suspicion to fall upon him. It may be that some of the prohibitionists of tlds city , alarmed at tlm scarcity of saloons hero , have taken this way ot get ting more worlds to oonquor. ( inches are in order , it's a free for all. Duo mini's guess is as good as another's in thu abbonco of any reliable information. Substantial abstracts of title and real c&tato loans. J.Vr. . &E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl tlrect , Council BluUs. SQUABBLE OVER THE SEWER Contractor Vincent Oalh on the City to Stop Into Oonrt. BRIDEGROOM CAST INTO JAIL. The Vrtcrnns Dctioiinco tlic Hull Hun I'anorninn n1 ? Trcnson Queer AUvcrtlsliit ; for Drills City He- cent Social Events. A nriilpgrnoni Vlncril In Inll. DUNLAIlawn. . , Tcb. 13. Considera ble excitement wns caused by the nrrcst of Cnlvln Bunco infit cvcniiif ; for stealing twenty-eight licail of fnt steers from Iho feed yard of W. and 11. F. Carpenter , thrc < 5 miles south of Dunlap , and felling them to parties at Panama. Although the theft was committed about the mid dle of December , they were not missed until n day or two ago. Diligent investi gation resulted in the apprehension of the party mentioned above. His brother , who lias gone to the eastern part of the slate , win also bo arrested as an accom plice. The party the cattle were sold to ( inspected everything was not right from thu fact , that they had been driven very hard and that tlie parties worn wishing to take half price for them. The buyers refused to pay more than -150 down , the balance amounting to about $ .3,000 in all , to bo paid later. On the strength of the forthcoming money the prisoner had purchased a livery warn and many other things on credit , and then turned around and mortgaged them to other parties. The worst features of the atl'air Is the fact that Utincn had but two days ago married one of the worthy young ladies of our community. Tlio prelimi nary trial lias not yet come oil' but in all probability ho will have to lie confined in the county jail until the August term ot court , ntvliicli time it is hoped ho will receive his just deserts. for u Now Trial. The recent investigation of the charges inailu against certain of the police force , is still the theme of talk among the of ficials ami many others. Tito action of the committee places Chief Skinner , Captain Walters anil OJlicer Kirk under a cloud. The mayor is left to take such action as ho may ilcem best in the matter , as his position makes him the head of the police force , anil gives him control of it. lie has not decided what ho will do about the matter , and it FCCIIIS that ho will not act at all until further light is thrown on the cases of these officers. It is under stood that the ofliccrs who have been censured by the report of the committee , are not satisfied to let the matter rest hero. They arc anxious for another in vestigation , especially Chief Skinner. The former investigation was held sec retly , and those "gainst whom charges are made now insist that they should have a hearing , and that the investigation should bo made openly , and they should have the opportunity of hearing witnesses testify against thorn , mid cross examine them. In fact they look upon the last investi gation as a star chamber , grand jury ar rangement , and they want to be tried now on the bills returned by that grand jury. jury.Chief Skinner , by the report of the committee , is charged with getting drunk. He thinks ho should not have this record made against him willl Ut ha-vlnc a. chance to face and examine the witnesses whoso statements led the com mittee to this conclusion. Ho i.s also charged with conduct unbecoming an of ficer , for having told his men to stay on their beats , ana thrcatcn'ms them with discharge if they obeyed the summons of the committee , and appeared to testify. Ho attempts to justify this in part , at least , by claiming that it was not safe to hao all the night police pulled oft" their beata at once , leaving the city unpro tected. Ho wants to have a hearing on this , as well as the charge that he used lilthy language in regard to the council. Tlio probability is that there will bo steps taken forgiving these men another hearing , if they continue to desire it. The charges which tlie report of the commit tee virtually lind to bo correct are serious ones. If those concerned desire to have the matter aired up moro fully they should bo granted the request. If the re quest is for the mere purpose of smooth ing the matter over until after election and then letting it die out , then such a scheme should be killed by having a prompt , full , public showing of all the facts , hit whom they will , and no matter how hard. Best coal and wood m the city at Gloa- soii'g , 20 Pearl street. Tlio Dull JMuii Panorama. At n , meeting of Abe Lincoln post , G. A. 11. , Saturday evening , the follow ing resolutions were adopted : Whereas , It has come to the knowledge of Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 , G. A. It. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , that there is about to bo established and opened a panorama of the battle of Bull Run at the national capital , showing the Miccess of the traitors and the defeat of the loyal men , therefore be it Resolved , by the above named G. A. It. post , through its committee appointed , that wo as ox-soldiers and soldiers of the union , hereby condemn the action of the traitors and all their friends in opening the said panorama , as the same only seeks to glorify the traitors' can so and treason. ln ! it further Resolved , That wo as ox-soldiers and sailors request and demand of all loyal members of congress that they pass tin act immediately prohibiting the display of treason on American soil , at the national capital , and that a copy of these re.-olutions uo pent to the National Trib une at Washington , ( irand Army Advo cate til lies Moincs , and to Council Hi tills city papers for publication ; also n copy of those resolutions to be sent to our members of congress and the senate. Be it further Resolved , That Abe Lincoln post re quest that every post of the ( J. A. R , pass resolutions of condemnation on the tore- going panorama , and that they tend a copy of their resolutions to their mem bers of congress. JOHN LINDT , F , A , SACKETT , JOHN Fox , Committee. 800,000 brink for sale. C. Straub , Coun cil Bluffs , Iowa. _ The Sewer Ditch War. The tangle about the new sewer ditch is now to get into the courts. Mitchell Vincent , who had the contract for the work already done , has claimed that his contract covered the proposed extension of the ditch , which has been known as section 23. He has made different propo sitions to the council , so as to bo allowed to go on with the work , and the city at torney 1ms given the opinion that he had the contract as he claimed. The council , however , decided to advertise for bids for doing tlie work of extension , and after receiving some , rejected all and decided to make a temporary extension , which would servo as an outlet for the ditch this .spring , and to do this under the suiiervibion of Urn city olliclals , and with a force paid by the city instead of by any contractor. On Saturday Mr. Vincent , by his attor- ney ? , Wright , Daldwin & Hahlcno , com menced action against K. L. Shugart , William Sicdcntopf and John Uennett , the committee on sewage , and in his petition claims that His the- duty of Jho defendants to cro s section that portion of Indian creek improvement , described as section 23 ; that the plaiutill Is ready to proceed with the work , and has de manded of.defcndants that they cross sec tion 23 , and that they refuse to do so , wherefore he asks the issuance of a per- emutory writ of mandamus compelling them to perform their duties under the contract. The ca o is brought in tiio superior court , and an attempt will be made to get an early hearing. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , at ids coal ollice , 20 Pearl Street. Social Doings. On Friday evening at the residence of her parents , No. 101 Park avenue , Miss Clara Hcfllngton entertained about forty of her lady and gentlemen friends at a progressive ton and Nowmarkct in honor of her guest , Lou Gilbert of Dtt- httquo. and the Misses Minnie and Pau line Wadlelgh of Clinton ( la. ) who nro the guests ol Miss May Haas. This being the first Newmarket party over given hero much interest was manifest among the young society people. Seven tables accommodated the card players , and at eleven o'clock a line supper was served which lasted until nearly 2 o'clock , dur- Mamiu Gaggo of Ljonsc Miss Ida Tostevin , Miss Lou Tostovin , Miss Mollie Rice , Miss Mary Haas , Miss Nettie Gor- nor , Miss Lou Jones , Miss Jessie Walker. Miss Hello Hatcher , Miss Maria Phillips , Miss Kmma Phillips , Miss Anna Merkel , Barbara Mcrkcl , Miss Kate Ptisoy. Miss Mollie Larimer , Li//.io Hrown , Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Kcelinc , Messrs. \V. W. Sherman , Charles Haas Bert Kvans , George C. Hrown , W. II. Slierra- den , W. F. Sapp , jr. , Harry Howiuan , James Howmaan , N. W. Ravloy , F. W. Voswinkle , Oscar Kcelinc , Alex. Malm- rose , Henry Atkins , G. II. Stillman , Car ter and Carrier of Omaha , and Merrill of Des Moincs. Tlio ladies first prize was awarded Miss Jessie Walker and the second to Miss LouTostuvin. The twills' first was won by Harry Howman , Iho booby being given Henry Atkins. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Montgomery will entertain her lady friends at supjier at 0 o'clock and the gentlemen are in vited for 8 o'clock. Dancing will bo in dulged in from 8 lo 13 ! o'clock in the spacious ball room at the residence of General G. M. Dodge on Third street. Miss Nellie Chapman wilV assist Mrs. Montgomery in the entertaining of the gue.sts. The Married Ladies' Progressive Kitchrc club was most hospitably enter tained Saturday evening at the residence of Mrs. G. A. Kobin.son , by Mrs. Jennie McCouncll and Judge A. V. Larimer. F. A. Converse won the gen tie man's prize , an elegant picture ; Mrs. Gault won the lady's prizo. a handsome porcelain teapot ; Mr. 1) . J. Rockwell won the booby prize , a cup and saucer , and Mrs. Champ the lady's booby prize , a novel iitllo jug. The prizes were all very fine and the entertainment was elegant. The Brooklyn Favorite And distinguished tragedienne , Miss Lilian Olcott , supported by a talented company , will appear at Dohany's opera house February lo and 10 in "Pygmalion and Galatea " " " , presenting "Lynnwood" . ! . , , - ' ! ' ! , , tnu iui Ttiii-r CT LIIO Eagle says of her : After last night's performance tlwrc can bo no doubt of the success of Mis > s Lilian Oicott as a dramatic actress. Her Partlicnia surprised and delighted every body. So pure , gentle anil maidenly , with the childlike traits of the character so naturally and sweetly brought out , and the whole figure so full of dignity and re finement , and yet freq from conscious ness and beaming with innocence , it was a creation that challenges comparison with the best Parthenias wo have seen on our slagc. Even the friends of Miss Olcott were surprised at the change from the evening bcloro. It was hardly the same figure. Erect , graceful , this Greek maiden trod the stage us proudly and gently as a Hellenic miss nii"ht have done in the days of Pericles. The audi ence was largo and grow enthusiastic. Mis Olcott was called before the curtain after every act , and was applauded again and again as siio went through scenes that stirred the audience. If she makes another such a .stride from last night to to-night as she did from Pauline to Par- thonia she is famous The Firemen Want a Hearing. The members of No. 4 hoto company have requcsled tiio council to give them an investigation. Thcro have been in timations that tiieir convivial habits and their own carelessness were the causes of the lire on Main street , in which four of llieir number wore badly burned. The boys feel Ihatsomo action should bo taken to set them right before the public , and arc very anxious for borne sort of a hear ing. Tlio council does not seem inclined to have any investigation because there does not appear any evidence to warrant going to this trouble. If thu firemen cannot get an investigation they are desirous of having the lire committee or the council as a whole inquire into all the facts which they can gelatin an informal way , and then if lliey find no ground for an investigation to pass a resolution to that oiled , or lo lake some other action which they can present to the public as a vindication. They scorn moro anxious for an investigation than did the police , but the council does not scorn as willing to go into it. Something ou"ht lo bo done for llic firemen , however , bill there seems to bo no parties willing to prefer any charges or anxious to testify in support of thorn. Registration Notice. Notice is hereby given that the board of registration for thocitv of Council Hind's , Iowa , will meet at the council chamber on February 15 , 1880 , for the purpose of completing the registration list of said city for tins animal election of said city lo bo hold in said city on March 1 , i860 ; that said board will continue in session from day to day until said list is com pleted as provided by law. Dated tins 18th day of February , 1880. Hy order of the board , A. DAi.iiVMrus , Clerk of Hoard of Registration. Personal Prof. G. S. WyckolV , of the deaf and' dumb institute , is made happy by the ar rival of u boy. Miss Maud Oliver is to ontorlain about forty of her friends on Tuesday evening at her homo , No , YiH * Park avenue , Louis Ulum , n"Chcago ! attorney and ono engaged in numerous liquor cases in Ibis slate , is in the city visiting relatives , Mr. and Mrs. Frig 'man. Ho will remain several days. D. Malt by , George Swan , Charlie Har mon and Robert Willy , arc off for Arkan sas on a land exploring trip , and Mr. Maltby is thinkin" strongly of locating there , if a good c Dining presents itself. There is no objo ion to Council Hlull's citizens going aw to maku a fortune if they \yill only j . 'omiso lo rclurn and spend it hero , but all will regret to have the city lose Mich u man as Mr. Maltby , and it is hoped ho may conclude to re turn. turn.A A Washington , special after noting the fact that Congressman Lymun and wife nro making their homo'at the Portland , snys : "Mrs. Judgq LTinan , the bright and vivacious wife pf tie | member from Council Hluffs , perhaps moro than any ether lady of the Iowa delegation , gives herself up to the social life of Washing ton. A few days ago she received with Mrs. Senator Voorhces aiitl on Tuesdays , the regular receiving days of the mem bers' wives , her rpoms are constantly crowded. " ? ltilcs for Bale. 1 have for sale thirty-six head of line mules , running from li'ftcon and one-half to seventeen hands high. ' MASON WISE. She AVI11 Not bo Imily Sullivan. Now York Correspondence Cleveland Plain Dealer : A private letlct received hero to-day from a London theatrical manager says that Sir Arthur Sullivan , the musical composer , is engaged to Geraldine Uliucr , the "i'um Yunv'of ' the Mikadoi now balng played at the Sland- ard theater llicre. The story is not cred ited in theatrical circles hero. Miss Ulmcr left the lioston Ideal company to marry n Hoston millionaire. When Sir Arthur Sullivan was hero last fall ho be came infatuated with Miss Ulmcr , but ho was not permitted lo press his suil as she was constantly attended bv her affianced. On his return he visited lioston and this city , and did all that man could do lo im press himself on the lady , but still met with rebuffs from the fair singer. His letters to her were returned to the Ilruns- wick , wliero ho stopped , and ho was given emphatically to understand that she could never be his bride. Tlie most stubborn oases of dyspepsia and sick headache yield to the regulating and toning inlluence of Hood's Sarsap- arilla. Try it. KitANK NKEI.V , Prest. QEO.W.IIAIIIIIN , Sco. ( Incorponitcd , 1831. ) EatTITABLE MUTUAL Life and Endowment Association OP WATERLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Ol-'KICU IX linNO'S IIUtT.DlNG. Hootns XfH. 12 nml la. $2,500 iii case of Death. $1,000 Endowment at the end of ten years. Average cost for year of assessment , first three years of organization , 15 to UO years , ? O.G71.1 ; to 50 years , $10 , Circular uml Inl'ornmtlonon nppllciitton. WM. RANDALL , Superintendent of Agencies. C .Aecnts Wnntoil. mm ran HOUSE , 2 NIGHTS 2 Monday and ; Tiiesday , FEBRUARY J5 'AND ' 16. ENGAGEMENT OF THE. DISTINGUISHED TKAGEUIUNNU ' MISS LILIAN" OLCOTT Supported by her own tacntcd | company In PYGMALION AND GALATEA , by the popular author , W. S. GILBERT , authorof "Pinafore , " the "Mikndo , " etc. TUESDAY EVENING presenting the over Tor tl f "Vow V PIUCES : $1.00 , TSc.COnndWc. Ke&ervfd Seats on sale at UushncU's Drug Store TO THE PUBLIC AND OLD PATRONS. I have bought what is known as the COUNCIL IlLUFES OMNIBUSBAG GAGE AND TRANSFER LINES. And will Rive my personal attention to calls a private rcHldcncos for passengers nnd bag-fuso lor all trains , including dummy t ruins. ODIco nt 1'aclo House Telephone 14) . Thanlclul for past favors , I am respectfully yours , H. BEOROFT. Successor to J. Rogers. Kiel Sale Stables I B CO llorcosttnd Muled kept constantly on hand , for M\lo at retail or In ear loinls. Orders promptly tilled by conduct on short notice , stock Rold on commission. SCHLUTEH A : I10L1JY , Proprietors. Stable Corner Tilth Avenue and Fourth St. , Council Illnlfs , Iowa. UNION TICKET OFFICE JL , Do BEYOISE , Agent. Mo. COT nrondwny , Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL lILUl'Ta The following Is the time of arrival and dopartuio of trains by central standard tlmo , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten minutes earlier and arrlvo ten minutes later : D - * * PAHT-CUI WHITIIWIMTKIW.111111 Ano * . 0:20 : A. M . Mall and Express . flSOi : > . u. 12:40 : r. M . Accommodation . 4AOi : > . M. OMl'.tl . EMU-OS . Ul : A.M. CHICAGO & HOCK ISIA.NI ) . 9MA.M : . Mall and Evpii-ba . flr : > Ji > .M. 7:15 : A. M . Accommodation . 54.rj ; | ' . M. 0:60 P. u . Expires . UU3A. : M. CII1CAUO. MII.W.U'Kr.B ' t HT , 1'AUI , 8:20 : A. M . Mall and Expicss . HsfiOp. M. OiUH'.U . KxpU'SFl . U05A.M. ; CHICAGO , nuiu.i.Miros ! k qui.Mjy. n:40A.M : . MiiUiindUxprtss , . Oi.vm OiWi'.M . Kxpri'sb.,1 . 90o ; WAIIAHII , ST. l.OUIH H I'ACIHO. 2:15 : P. W. Local St. I.ouls Express Local . asWJr.N.TrnnsferBt. Unils Kx.Transtor.&UO i % M KANSAS C1TV , hT. OOK * OOUMIII , UI.UtTri 10:10 : A. M . Mall and Express . ! > : : ) r > . M. V:0av. : M . EiprubB.6 . O : JA.M. moux CITV 4 i-Aciria 7:15A.M . . .Sioux City Mull . f > :30i : > . u. BiO ; ; v.u . fit. Paul IJxi'ieis . B : 5Au. UNION 1'AOJ KlO. 10:35A.M. : , . Dourer 4 1ire8 . 5 : < 5r. M. asiap. M. . . Lincoln Paf9./Oni7& / H. V..2:05 : v. M. 7Wv. : M . Overland KxinobS . 8:15 : A. M. nUMMV TlUINIiTDIDUAIIA. Leave Council llluu"8 TUj : 8u : > ! 'J:30 : 10:30 : u. m.j 11:48 : p. m. Sunda - 7u5:3lUao : : : a. mi 2U : < > U : ; :25 : 0 : : llslfi pjm , Leave Omaha -fl:3V-7:35-b:50-10:00-UOU : : : : a. in : 1:00:00 : - 00 1:03 : 5 :03 : : 8:33-11:10 : : Pvia. Sundays Ua5 : 60-UOJ : a. m.2UiOJ6OoJ:05ll:10 ; : ; : ; < : p.m HOTEL , Mtiin St. , Council Bluffs. Near the C. , 11. & Q. ; C. , M. & St , P. , and C. , 1 ! . I. A ; P. mllwnr depots. .Street earn pass thu door. Kvurytliiug uow and llrst class. Proirictor ] uml Manager. P.T. MAV.NE. A. 8. UAZELTOS. P. T. Mtvyne . & Co , Real Estate Exchange No. 103 Pearl Street .Council Bluffs , Iowa. Dealers In lowu , Kansas and Nebraska Lauds LOTS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS , AND ' OMAHA A SPECIALTY : . . WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ZIOTTSES O31 COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEKItE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bngjles , Carriages , Kto , Council IllulTs , lown. KEYSTONB MANUMn7Ult7NG ( CC)7 ) Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , DiscHarrows , Seeder. * , Corn Planter * , Koctl Cut- ten * , Ktc. Factory , Hock Fulls , Ills. Nog. 1S01,1VSI , l.Vn , 15D7 Mnlli St. , Council llliilTs. DA'vll ) HUAIIKY ifc CCXi Manuf'rsanl Jobbers ot Agricultural Implcments.Wagons . , Buggies , ( "nrrlnii ) , niul nil Vlnls or Turin Mncftliiory. 11UO to 11M South Ma'n ' Stro = t , Council lllutls , town. AXK IIAXDUIS. 1 < \ O. U i.t : ISDN , T. It. Doom.v , Ono.l' . Wntnnr 1'res.i.Trciis. V.-I'ros.&Mini. Soa&Couuoll Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of .Axle , 1'lck , Sloilpo nml Snmll Handles , of otory description , ftARPKTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths. Cuitnln Fixtures , Upholstery 'looda , Ktc. No. 4'Jo ' Uroiiilway Council Bluffs , Iowa. C1UARS , TOUACCO , KTC. PEUEUOY & MOOltE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Kos. 23 Mala uml U" 1'oatl Sts. , Council IllulTs , Iowa COMMISSION SNYDElt & LEAMAN , Wholesale. Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants No. HPcarl St. , Council llluirn. CRACKKRS. McCLUIlG CUACKKR CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , Council liluffeOHM. . CROCKKRY. MAUKBll & CHAK'r , Importers & Jobbers of Crockory.GIassware . Lamps , Fruit Jura , Cut lory , Stomnvaro , Uar Goods , Fancy Uoods. I'.tu. Council l Iowa. DRUGGISTS. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils. Paints Glass Druggists , . , , Druggists' Sundries. Kts. No. J Main St. , and No. 'Jl 1'onrl St. , Council lllnlls. DltY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , laipjrtors and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Ktc. Nos. 113 and 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 and Hi l'cai-1 St. , Council lllulls , lown. WHIT & DUCJUBTTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. aaocKitws. GRONEWEG & SCIIOENTGEtf , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Mala St. , Council Uluffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCI1T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 110 Droad- wiiy , Council Illusrs. HARDIVARU. p. c. 5is vou Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Koirigcrutoi . etc Nos. 501 llroiulway , and 10 iMnlu sticct , Council HlulN. JIARXKtiS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Mumi'ncturorH of and Wholesale Dealers in Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. ffi. " , Main St. , Council Illuir * , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 312 and 314 llroadway , Council HKAVY HARDWARE. KEBLINB & FELT , Wholesale Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood Stock , Council lllulls , Iowa. 7f//WS AKD J > . II. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , ( Jreafonnd Furs. Council lllutfti , Iowa. COUNCIL IJLUFFSlcO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline ETC. , E3TO. S. plivodoro , Atfcnt , Cimiicll Illnffs. Iowa. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , Ami Matui'lnl Spcc-laltlos.Wliolu nlo l.uin- l > or ol nil Kinds. Ulllco No. I.MMaln St. , l.'ullllCll I till it H. I'JH'II. KVA'K.S AND LIQUORS. JOHN UNDER , \Vholesalo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Atront for HI. Cotllinrri'a llcrl ) Illttcrd. No , ID Main tit. , Council Illuirri. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Kama.Main til , , Council llluffi. A.C.DUUMIAM , Pros. L.W. TUM.KVB , Vice-Pros. JAMES N. nitow.vCushlor. Council Bluffs national Uan ! { 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do a general banking Im&lnois. A coounta of bankj , Imnkurs , nicrciiants , man ufacturcrs and Individuals rood veil pn favora- to rms. Domcbtlo and forql n oxchaiife. ! Tlio very beat of attention t'lveir to. all 'busi ness committed to our cure. 2.T. LINDSEY&CO. . . . , RU SHOES AND ARCTICS RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , AND - - 3300TS. And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse aud Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Offlco 412 Broadway , Oo-u.ri.oil Bl-u.ff3 , - lo-wsi. .W. P. kill riUilor rm7Jt . anl mUCiotlon y nrintJD 1. rr.iraolioajsj onl.IttloQInut trucks the best In the \vorlJ. ft' * { " 808 Eighth Aveiuic and Eighth Street , Council Bluffe. SPECIAL NOTICES \ NOTICE. Special advertisements , such ns Lost , Found , To Lonn I'o" Sale , To Itcnt , Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo inserted in this columnnt Iholoir rate of TEN C13MTS PKlt UNE for the C each subsequent Insertion. Leave ndvortlaa mcntsnt our ollice , No. U Pourl street , near liroadwny , Council Iii nil's. WANTS. OH SALK Property on corner Ppnrl street F niul Sixth avcmu ; . Council Itlnlt- ' , consisting of two story. Iron-roofed brisk bnllUliic ; n f rnmo house of > lx rooms : nil on lot W3vllW. For terms npjily to A. 11. McClinx , on premises. FOK SAf.i : Senlod bids will bo rocoJvoJ byTf \V. Uodofor up t ( > Fobriinry JM , 1838 , on eighty ft'ut ' front , two story brick block , NOJ. " - ' , 24,20 and 23 1'cttrl street , between Uroiuliviiy nnd First avenue. WAN \VAI.ICKU , No. M Main street , ( under Cltl/on's llnnkl , real ys'iite nnn mer chandise exchange brokers. Our books are lull of special bargains but It Is luipo-sliilu to pub lish u reliable list Iroin tholuct of so many dally changes. What wo usk is : If you want to soil or trailo anything In our line , write us nnd wo will send you a iillo of bargains to select team. Lands improved or unimproved , city or town property , stocks of goods of any lilnd In any place , if such j on have or such you want let us hoarfrom yon. Svan & Walker , Council Illuir.s 0OVMiido | in . ' 11 days by u lady ujont of the ff > . .LJ "lcUltnblo.'r ! Wo want nix more live agent" , mule or lemale. Apply In person or by lotlor to Win. Itandall , Supt. of agencies , Coun cil lllnlfi * , Iowa. Alt.M roil SALE -At n bargain if Fold soon , F 1H ( ) acres , 04 miles southwest of Omalm. 0 room house , uxuollunt well and cistern , burns. ono for eiirht horses , ono tor ) rows : hen , tool and wagon houses ; IOJ acres in timothy : OVMd lorest trees , cotton wood , black walnut , ash and innplo ; good orchard , apple , chnrrios , plums , pnipc'S nml small fruits. Never lulling Flock water. It. l > . OmcKii , 5UO llroadwiiy , Council Illu lib , Iowa. _ _ THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP Tlie public iiro Informed that n patent lins been ullowuil to Clt'ii. H. CJregoiy on his Im- piou-d gns lumps and inuiiiitncliircd by UH. Mr. C. A Williams Is our uutliorlreil agent lcr ! Coun cil Illutrs ami Oinnlm. The public are cautioned not to buy any ol thrso giw lampi r\ccpl tluoiigh. Mr. Williams , as all others ofieio.1 for snloiuo inlrliigomcnts upon our lamp. I' . II. Itui nm & Co. , Jlunutm'liirors unit Solo wostrrn Agents , No. IIoi rlum street , Chicago , LAMPland CROCKERY -AT- REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. ii5 ! Main Street. Council Blurts , In , . OFFICER. If. II. W , P03BT OFPiCER & COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. EstiiUlfliuil 1M1. " JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTJitTOIIj Practices in Statu and Federal Courts. Jtooius 7 mid S , fjiiuxurt Jilui'.k. E. R. Oaclwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. No. .604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs R. BI E , M , D.h niirnnpn or oilier tuni'irs removed without ItAflVlillu iho liulfe or drawing of blond. C1IRONIC DISEASES of oil klndg a spcclaltr. Over thirty years' iiriiut.oal uxiiorloiu-J. Kb. 111'earl Sucet , Couiii II lllulli. IVCO.NSUI.TATUJN I'llKf. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace , Offlco Over Aincriciui Ksjrcss Couiimuy. _ I wish to respectfully call the attention of mv natrons and the public In ge mill , t ynl from the oM stand Nos. 7 ami V m ' .Lom ? . " " " ' " 10 my no-.v and commonioiis iluaHbrg , " " HQ , 226 Broadway , ' 1 will bo . JJ.J'oio ploase.l to t-co my " 0 > " 0 > V aml C ° 1 all th UTESTFaliricsinSpringSTyLK n.nnov.1 . ' " 110"1011 ' larffo nuailers I nm better ° ' ' ' ' ° t0 Mrvo tlu > lc I J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 226 Broad way , Council Bluffs. "ES'SEX HOUSE , CoitXEIl UllV.VXT AXI ) Vl.VIJ STS. Opposite City llulldinrs , Council Illutfi Warm rooms nnd uood board at roasonaulo Hortnwestern Hotel. 4 Newly fitted anil furnlshoil. Opp. Broadway Dummy Depot. 31.M per day. SAMUEL TATli , Prop. L. H. BKKSll.VNV , Manager. ONLY HOTEL In Council Bluffs havinir Fire Esoa/pe Aud nil moaern liaprovutneuti , call belle , lire alarm bells , etc. . islhu CREST ON IIOUSE1 Nog. MID , JUT and Ul'J , Muln Street , MAX MU1IN , Proprlator. Chicago Lumber Co. Wliolcsalo and Itctall Lumber , Lutli , Hlilntrlni Snsh , Doors and Dlliuls. Bolo wonts for the ci'lcbralod Maibleliiuid Concontnitvd Wlilto LIlllO. S , P. ilAIX'ONNKLI. , MllUUffU Telepliono No. 8. No. ' 1C .Muln Stro ot , Council U lull's , RUSSBLL&Oo Mniiufacturcrflor nil sizes uf Automatic Eng-ines Kepeclnlly Dcblgncd for Kunaiiu MILLS , CHAIN KLKVATOKS , AND KLKCTH10 LltJIITS , Tubular and Louoinotivo JJoilors. New irassillon Threshers. Carey and Wooilljury Ilorso Power- S'l'ATIONAHY , SKID , Porttiblo and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , KTC1. Factory Miussillon , 0. Hranch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Uluild. 8E1TD FOB , 1880 MRS. D. A. BENEDICT MANUrACTUIIUII AND UfAI.KII 1.X HAIB GOODS No , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffa. Heal I'.stutc bought niul bold ,