Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    I 1
falttnlny Evptilng , Feb. IS.
Cicncrnl Market9.
Knos Tlip ket Is slow tit 10 * il7o.
yn strictly frrsh stock U coming in.
Ht TTKU-Tlio tnaikct cotillnws glow anil
tltcie Is not initeh demntul for btiKor of nny
prndc. Choice rolls nto quoted at l-TWlCc ;
fair to good , 10@l'2c : Inferior , 7@bc ; crtnni-
cry. JiOc.
Citr.nsi : Fancy full crcmn clicilaats. Oc
tober make , lie : llatfl 12c ; youne Atncrlca.
12c : Ihst ntmllty Swiss cliucsc , 10c ; second
qtinllty , 13 ( Hc ; brick cheese , lGcLlniburKcr ; ,
rot'l.THY The ranrkct for clilckcns is
strong at 8aOc. Kales of choice sleek liavo
liccn made nt 10c or even lilBhur. Turkeys
nrosloady at lOc. with nn occasional salont
lie. ( iocsi ! nntl dttcks , @tOc.
UAMI : Thcro Is ncry fair demand for
L-aino htit not much coming In , except ran-
hlt . .Much of the Knmo Is not In season but
Is still sold to some extent , the prices remainIng -
Ing for the most part .stonily. Deer , nntclopp ,
prairie chickens and quail were out of season
on .tanuary 1 , nnd so very few are roniltn ;
in. 1'ralrle chickens , per doz , 82.WXcJ2.75 ;
otinl ) , per doz , S1.2.Vctl.M ) ; Jack rabbits , i > cr
do/ . 5t.K4.00 : ( ) : malfaiil ducks , 82.25 ; teal
ducks. Sl.-iXiJI.M ) : mixed ducks , S1.'J.V 1.50 ;
smnll rabbits. 7f < c S1.00 ; geese , SH.OOiJiii.oO.
I'liKsr.nvKs. .JII.MKS. : KTc. 1'iescrvcs
till kinds. 20-lb. jialls JMT lh. . 10' ' c ; do 1U lull
otc , iitr II ) . 10c ; assorted 5-lb. patis JMT cnitc ,
(1 ( jialls. S.7o. : ! Jellies , all kinds , llrst gtaijc ,
20-lb. palls , per lb. , So. ; assorted , lirst iiradr ,
Mb imll.s , per crate , 0 jialls , per doJfiM ) ;
do , 1-lb palls , per case. 'J doSW5 ; do.tumtv-
Icrs , m-rca c. a doSUO. . Jelly , all kinds ,
i-strni "lino , bbl. , per 11) . . 7e ; dolOlh palls ,
per 11) . , 7M ; do. ft-lb palK per crate , < l pnlls
. ' . Pencil nnd wluui butter , 40-to palls , per
lb. , tUje ; peach , plum nnd quince butter , as-
Miituil , 5-fb. pallx. per date , 6 mils , S'f.7. " > ;
rntsup per case , 'Jiloz. pint bottle * . S5.00 ;
liorso indlili , pint bottles , per do ? . . Sl.Bi ) .
I'ta FEET , Imi'rc , KTC Pigs' feet
per } < ? bbl. . 84.75 : do. Jf bbl. ,
2.40 : do. ) ) crku _ , Sl.OO. _ I < aiilsMpnipies : ) , per
jars ] '
J do/ .
KIIAUT Host quality. 45 cal bbl ,
57..V ) ; : ) pal bbl.50.50 ; ir > mil bnl. S-t.OJ.
Ni'TS 1'i'Ciitis. larne Dolishcd , lie : pecans ,
medium , Oc ; Kmillsh walnuts , Ho ; almonds ,
Tnrraeoim , EOc ; do , l.anmienoc , 17r ; llni/.lls ,
I''o , llllicits , He ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy
Virginia. 7c : do roasted tic. ,
Cojin HONMJY Calllonila 2 lb frame RO Ibs ,
In case per lb. , 15e ; 10 lb. frames , Xubraska.
Ibc * .
Ciiinu .Mlohltran rcflned , per bbl. , 0.50 ;
do. half hhl. . 54.00.
ViNinAii : Wltlto wine. 10c ; cider , ISVa'c.
CCOANt'TS-At S4.005t-l.50.
Miw : Kins , DA-ITS , KTC. Layer IIRS , 5 and
S-lli boxes , i > cr lb , ir , ( < U7c ; I'ninolles. 25-lb
boxes , per lh , Uc. Dates , fancy l ard , l'J-lb
boxes , per lb. Me ; do , Inncy I'cr&iun , 50-lb
boxes , per lb , lie.
LKJIONS Kancy Jlessina and Valermo , pur
box , 5-5.00 : do. choice.Medina and Palermo ,
per box , 31.50 : do. per 5 box lot , 81.00.
OHANOIS : Choice Los Angeles , per box ,
St 'fit do , fi-bnxlotit , per box , S2.HO ; do , 10-box
lots , S2.WJ ; fanev Uiversldc. S.50 ! ! ; do , 5-box
Jots , Si.'J5 : ; do. 10-box lots , 8:1.00. :
CiiANiiEitnins Cape Cod cranberries , per
hhl , SS.fO : Capo Cod do , 5 bbl Jots , per
bbl. . .00 : Hell and Cherry do , per bbl , § 5.75 ;
Hell nnd Cherry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. S5.50.
Ai'i'i.ns Not much stock is moving. Il
linois Konitous , per hbl. , S2.40 : do , 5-bhl lots ,
- - - -
Illinois Willow
per bbl. S7.00.
UANAXAH According to sl/.i > , per Inincli ,
. . .
PHOVISIONS. Ham. Wtl'Mc. breakfast
bacon , t'@SUc : clear side bacon , 7c ; dry salted
sides , Cc : shoulders. smrar cured , 5Ko ; mess
pork per bbl. . fclS.OO : lard. 40 lb. cans , per Hi ,
uai@7c : 10. 5 and lb 7@Sc ; Uiied beef
hams. 1'Jc.
1'orATons Xonoare comluff , and prices
are nominal at 55 ( 00p forcholce slock.
Vr.OKTABi.cs Calitornla cabb.ijje , Sc per
lb ; California celery , S'J.&O per doz : Jersey
sweet potatoes , lepcrlb ; parsnijis , 82.00 per
uueiil Slichican ruttiuniu , S2.uO pS ! ' bJ1. . ;
caullllower , Jj'-.OO per do/ .
ONIONS Salt Lake stock , Sf-.OO per bbl. ;
led Wethcrslield , S-J.50 per bbl.
HHAXS Hand Dickod navy. S1.75@2.00 ;
hand-picked medium , 1.501.75 : treed clean
country. Sl.23r3l.SO : inferior. 75cl.OO. (
( ittAiN' The following are the prevailing
prices paid for wagon loads on the streets
and at the mills to-day : Corn , ! & ; oats.25@
arc ; wheat , Xo. 2 , OOc ; rye. 45@ t7c. Elevator
prices for car lots : Corn. © i'JKc :
oats , BI-tfOgKc ; wheat , OiK 'Sc ; rye , 45c ;
barly , 4Sc.
Jj'r.otni and JMtr.i.sTUFFSVinlcr Wheat--
Finn ; best quality patent at S3.00Q3.10.
Second nnalIty-S2.50rr ! . .
_ , . . .nL'Whual Hest quality patent at 82.00
( ffi'J.75.
JJuekwhcat Klour In barrels , $ r . ' , > \ ready
ralpcdllib packages , Sl.OO ; 0 lb packages ,
Jlran 5Sc per c\vt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 lbs.70c.
Corn Jleal White , SOc ; yellow,70cperc\vt.
ScrcenltiB No. 1,75c per cwt ; Xo. a , COc.
llomlny S1.W per cwt.
Shorts-OOc per cwt.
( iiaham fcl.75 per cwt.
1 lav Bales. SO.OJ uer tors.
OvhTiuw Quolatl or to-day are : N. Y.
counts : , 4.rc ; extia helcclslOc ; bclects , 8oc ;
btandards , iiOc ; mediums , S5 .
Mm ) AND .JKINB Prices on furs and
skliiH are steady. Mink , each , lOfflSOc ;
nniskrat. winter. Sgnc ; do. kits , Ic ; Otter ,
S2.r > 0SrO.OO ( ; skunk , snort btriped , I5t arie : do.
broatl striped , 10@15 ; badger , i3@50 ! : Itae-
coon. No. 1 large , Ml@ ( ; do. No. i ! , 20 ® ; ;
do. .No. 3 , lOu tiSc : wolf , pralrlo. WS)7.o ( ) :
do. mountain , S-i.OO@3.00 ; wildcat , 15@lObea ; :
ver , 81.50@a.rxi IHT lb ; fox , each. 0 @i. 5-
deerskln : . drv winter , 15lSo perlbdo. ; fall
and Buuuuor iWd'-&c
llinis : Oieun butehers , Cif ( > Mc ; preen
cnicd , WdSSc ; drv Hint. rieeWc : dry
Bait , iK&H'c ' ; dninnpcJ hides two-thirds price.
Tnllow ajjc. Grease , prime white , s ? : > el-
low. c ; brown. 'J f. bheon Pelts S.Vc75c.
ijEATHKn Mo. l I'lttsburu linrnchs J. < J. L.
itSons , JiOc ; No. 1 Pittsburg , K. ite S. ! 'c ;
No. 1 Inco leuther , U5c ; piinm bluticliter
FOlo leather , J8e : nrimo oak solo leather.
Miyji'Jc. Upper leather , per loot. 20@25e ;
Jlt'lii kip. 75@85o ; oak kip , 85(39.o ( ; French
kip. S1.00C l.ii3 : Jlom calf. S1.00@UO. oak
calf. Jl,00rai'J5 ( ; Kicnch call , gl.'r.fcM.b.'i : Mo
rocco boot Icjr , : xxjo : ; Hoiocco oil pebble ,
sbttiUc ; toppiuca and llnluxs , fO.oorceio.00
per do/ .
( 'OAI , Anthracltograte , SS.ftO ; egg , 5R..V ) ;
ratipo , SH.75 ; chnstiint , PS.7.r ; Iowa. 5f-'l..r > 0 ;
Walnut block , S3.7& : Illinois , W.oo ; Aiib-
hOllli SI.IKI
IIKAVV jlAimwAitE Iron , rates , 53/5 ;
plow Rteel , Kpi'clal cast , -Jo ; crucible bteel , Oe ;
fast tools do , I' djltio ; wauon spokes , per sot ,
S1.7ni.oO : ) ; hub.f. per Bet , S1.B5 , felloex. sawed
dry , § 1.40 , tongues , each , 75c , axles , each , 7rc ;
Miuaronuti ) . i > cr H > . , 7@llo ; collchaln per It ) ,
C ( < jxllio ; iiialeablo , Kc ; Iron wedges , Oc : now
batft.O ; lianow teeth , 4c ; spring bleol , 7@Sc ;
Durden's hoi-so shoes S4.V.S ; liurdcn'u iniilo
bhoes , S5.'J5. Jiarhed Wiio 'n car lols , { ji.oo
per 100 fts. hon Nails Uate10 to CO , 8.oo. ; )
fehot Sl.&O ; buckhhot. H\f > \ Oiiontal
powder , kegs S3.50i.oo : do , half kegs , v J.OO :
do , quarter kegs. Sl.CO : blastlinr , kegs , sj.i5 : ; ;
luso. per 100 teet. S8c. Lend llar.Sl.03.
DHY PAINTS White lend. Bo ; frenun zinc ,
V cU'nrls whitlnc , " } ; wliltluggildersIJ e ;
whltlng.coiu'l , ljjolauiiblack. ; ierninntown ,
T 'o ; lampblack , ordinary , 10o : I'russlan blue ,
( Ac , , untraumrino , l c : Vandyke , brown , bo
umuer , buintic ; umber , raw , ic ; sienna ,
burnt. 4c ; sienna raw. * G : Pailscrcen. cuuu-
Ine , We : rans green , common , 'JOc : chrome
preen , N. Y.-'Oc ; chr mio creen , K , I''c ; vermillion -
million , I'.ngllsh. In oil nsst lao ; raw nnd
burnt nmber 1 lb cans , lee ; raw and tnirnt
bleiina , lOc : vandyke Drown , l o : reinc d
lampblack. Wo ; roach black ami ivory bla k
ICc ; diop black , lOo ; Prussian bluo. Wo : ul-
tranmrlnobluo. Itc : chromo creen , L. , M &
IlCn ; blind and fihutter creen , h.M. . iU. .
Ific ; Pans crj-en , * bo ; Indian red , 15c ; Veno-
tlan red. We : Tubt-an red , 'ic : American vor-
nillllon , I , . & U. , iiOc ; yellow ocnre. Uc : u M
k U. D. , Ibc ; colden oehie , ifio : patent dryer
ci ( 'rainlnc roloig. light oak dark oak , wal
nut clicbtunt and asn Ibc.
PAINTS IN On , White lead , Omaha. P. P
7c ; white , St. Louis , juuo g7.0 : ! ; JIarsell
les greeu , 1 to 0 lb cans , 'JCe ; French ziuo
Kreen seal , 12 < j ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
Ficncn ziue.ln varnibh asst , 'Acj ) Krenehzino
? c ; verndlli'in. Aiueriean. J8c ; liutlau. red
10croso : pnik , Hn : Venetian , icd Cookson's
ti c : Venetian red , Amencan , IWc : red load
7Kc ; chromo yellow Kenuine. ajo ; chtomo
yellow , K , lc : ochre rochcllu KC ; ochrn ,
I'leiuh , ! | IA" o-'hrp , American. Sc ; > \ luu-r'a
nilr.enxl.-'hct Lehlirh brown. J o ; Spatilsn
brown , u c ; Pnuce's mluotal Be
UII.K UOcarb'iii.perc.iiion , liclMs nead
Jleht , per crdlon. He ; l 5a heaallgiit , per gal
lon , 1 r. ; 1500 water \\hlte , lie : JinscfJ. hard
per gallon , 4 < c : linsceJ , boiled , per gallon ,
7c : lard , winter istr'd. per irallon. 5 c : No.
1. 4Vc ; No. is , isv ; castor XXX , per tullon ,
I.U ) ; No. . 11.44 ; vret , p r fifton , JI.OO-
jpeno.v. . u. , pfiii . : IJ.W : fish > . M ,
ocr p Hon.fiip ; neAl > prt i ia. per jtAiion ,
Me , .So. I. Wo ; lubnr-itinir , wro , uereallon ,
S - . suwuier , Ut ; eoUe ; iuaitita. ; . Xo. 1 , ver
rnllon 30o ; No. 2 2 , " ; sprnn , signal , per cal
lon ioe : turpentine , per gallon , ft o ; napth.i ,
per gallon. 7t.
\ Ar.xtsnr.s Barrels , per callon : Furn
ttnc , extra , El.10 ; furniture , ' No. 1 , SUM !
coach , extra $1.40coach , No. 1. Sl.'JO ;
Uamnr , extra , S1.73 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra , ssc ; shellac 53.50 ; hara oil finish ,
Ultra1) ) ANJ ) CIIFMICAI/J Aed ! , carbolic ,
'Mr ncid , tartarlc , Me ; balsam copaiba , per
lb. , fiOc , hark , sassafras , tier Ib. , l-'c ' ; calomel-
per lb. , " ! Jc ; clnchonldin , i > cr oz. , 40e ; chloro ,
form , per ib. , O."xj Uovers powder ? , per lb. ,
Sl.'i'i ; cpsom salts , perila c ; plyecrine ,
pure , per lb. , We ; lead acetate , per lb. , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 per gal. , Sl.OO ; oil , cntlor ,
No. U per gal. , 81.4) ) ; oil. olive , per gal. , S1.40 ;
oil , oilganutu , fiOc ; opium S3.75 ; quinine , P.
& w. , and H , & S. , per oz. , 8T > c ; potassium ,
Iodide , per lb. , S.'UX ) ; stllcin. peroz.,40c ;
sulphate moiplilnc , per oz. , § : i.2o ; sulphur ,
per lb.,2lc ; Mrjehninc. per oz. , 81.00.
fct'iiurs Cologne spirit * , 1S3 proof , 81.13 ;
do 101 proof SI .13 ; spirits , second Quality
101 proof. S1.12 ; do. 1 J proof , 31.11. Alco
hol. IbS proof , S'ilO ) H > r wine gallon. Hcdls-
tlllcd whiskies , Sl.orxcll.5t ) . ( Jin blended ,
SM.50i ( .ooj Kentucky boutbons , S'J.OOCN'.Oo ( ' ;
Kentuekv and Pennsylvania ryes. 52.OOCctO.50 ;
( lolden Kheaf bourbon and rye wiiisnies ,
SUiOrvyux ) . Urandlcs-lmporlcd , Si.OO@8.W :
domestic. Sl. : CcM.OO. ( ilns Imported , 84.50
@ 0.00 : domestic , SI.25fcJ3.00. Uums 1m
ported. S4.50@S.OO ; XowKnu'laiulS1.75ji)2.00 ) ;
domestic , fcl.aXci-3.00. Champagnes Im
ported , per case. S28.OOiA31.00 ; Ameiican , per , S10.00ci ( 10.01)
S.MOKKD Fisn Halibut , new , ICc ; now
scaled herrings , 2)o ) ; mackeiel 12c ; salmon ,
lie : Mnoktit frturi/onii , irn ,
Su.Nnnir.s Domeslle Holland lienlngs ,
krcs , 50c ; Itusslan saidlncs , 45c ; Ancho
vies In glass , Ole Hull btaiui. per do/ ,
S3.00 ; Anchovies in Kegs , } ( Ole IJull bnind ,
S4.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and
heads oil , per pall , Sl.OJ.
CODFISH .New larzo bank coil , 4c ;
sea king , Georges chunksGKn ; clover leaf ,
( ieorses stilus. OKc ; l lb rolls , a lb boxes ,
fc : prairie ilower , Bib brick.Co ; wild , a
lb brick , Sc.
llolland lierrlnc , new , rer ke ? , 75c ; new
lonj' split stockUsli , lOc , new'short split
stockfish , , < ( , .
Grocers JLIst.
SYiiur Standard O 2e ! , bbls : Standard ,
do 4-culloa ki'irs , 81.10 ; New Orleans 38@40c
per gallon ; Maple Synni , } barrel. P. < t G.
strictly pure , 70e per gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
SO.'Jo ner doz : Kirnllnn cans , 55.25 per tint ;
Qllfttb ctlita c" .
I'IOKLES Medium In barrels. SVOdo ; In
half barrels. 5.r.i ; small In barrels , $7. 0 ; do
in half barrels , SJ. 5 ; gheikiiis in barrels ,
S < . < 0 : do in half barrels. 54.75.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , S . S ;
Kirk's satinet , S8.15 ; Kirk's standard. 63.30 ;
Kirk's White Hussian , ? 4.y , ) ; Kirk's White
Cap. S0.50 ; Dome. S4.-A
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , per case
45p ; sciuaro cases , S1.70 ; Oshkosh cases , gr. ,
81.20 : mule souaro. Sl.a .
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton.
In sacks , S3.i5 ; ; % sacks , Asliton , OOcbbla
dairv , S2.COfcie.75
SPICES GroutKl Ulack pepper , boxes , 15
-Jc ; allspice , 12@lOc ; cinnamon I8@i3c ;
cloves , I5 ( ] 25c ; ginger , I5@25e ; mustard , 15 ®
, .
, JVIVf \ f | J-Utlll &J DU11. UUU ( tJ\J\w 3tnj i
cliolce , .rKf70a ( : Oolong , good , 35@10c ; Oo
long , choice _ _ , 40g _ < 50c : English UreakTast , good ,
* * * - - i. t , . r/l/ , " _ / _ . "ii „ . . _ ! . , .1 nnr i
CANDT Mixed.OK@12c : sticfc
SODA In lb papers , 83.25 a case ; salsoda
keg per lb , 82.25.
viNuoAH CiDr.n is@18c ; whlto wine , 15
@ 2lC )
CKACKEHS darneau'H soda , butter and
picnic , 5Wc : creams , 8 > < fej ginger snaps , 8 > c5
Citv soda , 7 } < c.
CANDI.KS Boxes. 4011 . Os ll } c ; 8s , like ;
boxes , 401ii , 1C oz , w , Hj o ; half box , -00. ' ,
KliiKStorU's gloss , 1 Ib , 8c ; Kingsford's ploss
C lb. 8' < c : Kfiigsford's
pure , 3 lb 0c ; Kings-
ford's bulk.ic. .
Dm ED FIIUITS No. 1 quarter apples , 4
new , .K@"e : rasjiberries. now. tt'@aio ; cur
rants , new.7 ' ( ci ( u ; prtiiiL-s. new.U .V.
COFFF.ES Ordinary graaes. Utc : lair. 10(3 (
UANNIU : GOODS Oysters , ataimard per
case , Sitf 0 : strawberries , 2-lb. , per case. 82. ? ' ;
rasiiberrios , 2-b. ! , per case , S'J.HS ; Ciililornla
pears , per c.ise , S5.CO ; apricots , per case ,
S4.00 ; peaches , per case , S4.75 ; white clior-
Pi.uo 'J'oiiAcco Ullmax , 44cperId ; llorso-
shoo , Wo ; .Star , : ' . 'c : Spearhead , 40o ; Ciold
Itoll , ire ; Piper lloidsick. COc ; Punch , ! Wo ;
Vouns Fritz , 41o : SllvurTasr , 40o ; .ITJ , SJc.
Itoi-K Slhal. J-j inch and larzer , 8Vc ; Inch ,
0 , o : Kineh , U c.
KINK CUT Hard to Beat , 70o ; Charmof the
West , GOo ; Fountain , 70o : Uoldcn Thread ,
07e ; i'avorite , f 0c ; Jtuds. fiOc ; Kocky Jloun-
lain , WJo ; Fancy-I5o ; Daisy-JOe ; NoithStar.
70c : liouil l.ncl ; , SHJ ; Our Uest , ( WVc ; Ciojil
Now..Vc. .
Dry Goods.
PIII.NTSAmerican , isHs A mold's , n-
Cocliei-o ; Co ; JIanche-ter , ' - - -
sutta. lOc.
COIISKT JKANs-Kearsargo , 7c ; Armory ,
7e ; PuDpeieu , 7 c ; ludiau Orchard , 0 > ioj
NaumkeaL' . 7c.
UIIOWN COTTON -Kavronco L ] , , EC : Shaw-
itiver , C'ju ; SheiucKet fc > , bUc ; Shetucket SS
OKo : MontaukAA , U'c ; Montauk UU. lie :
OmeeaAOA. liio
Fixu llitowN COITOXS Penperell It , 6Vc :
Pepperell 0.5i4c. Atlas , 6&ciStatuo ; ol Lib
ert v , Co : baranais It , CHu.
Crook , nil. 10o ; IJeaver Creek CO. tks ; Jaflrey
XX , lie ; Jatfroy XXX , 12c ; JalTroy 1) iV ; T ,
12fu } ; Columbian , 12 > c : York , lac ; Yurk ,
aiicr. l3Kc : Kverett , 13o : Haymaker's btuo
ana brown , 7kc.
lUcic-VjiiUlcnche ( < t-5oz. ) Marnolla , lOJfu ;
10os ilajtnyitii ISciboz.Vtot I'oint , Wwc ;
K ) 01. 'Vvi-t 1'oui , V.u-
Oucn ( ri-i'Jfe1 ; ' t'o'ii-tf * .n. I' . va , xlj :
! c. ito.wa O U i.o'AU liivJ Ur 'j , 'J : :
Boston XX brown and drab 10o : Boston f
XXXbrownand drab , ll'ic ; Boston Ol' blue , I
llKc : Warren Tricot lac.
ui.voiiAMS-ltcnirow. vc lokc ; Amoskca
dress. Oc : A'.ioskeas. staple , The : Ivanlio
ti , " < fc ; Wamsutta.8lic ; Nubian. 8Ke ; Uar
wick , 8Hc : Whlttendon. Oc : Bates , dress Sc :
Hates , staple , ojfc ; ItandolPh staple , , C } o
Lansdowne , 7c ; Gloucester , 7 } < c.
Cur.viois Amoskcag , checks , OKc : Amos
ksasf , stripes. SVp ; Slater , stripes , sc : Kdln-
burg , UXc : AVhtttendon , stripes. Be : Glen-
rope , ? c ; Otis , checks , O'ic ; Oils , stripes , tte ,
Itoyal OJ/c ; Amoskea ? , napjied , 10c } : Lu
ray , book fold , 12c ; Oberon , book fold , HK 35
Endurance , book fold 12 < x
Dry umber.
12 ft'll ' ft'lO ' ft 18 ft'so ' ft 22 ft 21 ft
2x4 , 15.00,15.00 15.00 IB.iTO 17.00 18.00 19.00
2X < ! 14.OT 11.50 14.W 15.BJ 1(1.50 ( 111.50 131,50
SxS 15.W 15.03 15.00 10.00 17.W ) 1R.OO 19.00
1B.OJ 1.1.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 39.00 20.50
15.00,15.00 , 15.1M 10.00 17.00 19.00 20.00
4.\4-s.\s 16.1)10.00 ) ' 15.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
Clear , Inch Yellow Pine . 527.00
Clear. % inch Norway . . . 11.00
2d Com. , ; V inch. Norway . 13.00
1st and 2 < 1 Clear , 1'f ' Inch.s. 2s . S5000
1st and 2d Clear , IK and 'J inch , s2s. . . . COOO
3d Clear , \ } * Inch , s2s . 4800
3d Clear , 1 and U inch , s 'Js . 4800
B Select. W. 1J and a Inch , s. ' - > s . Sfi 00
1st and 2d Clear , 1 nidi , s. 2s . 5000
B l clear. 1 Inch , s2s . 44W
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 4000
B Select. 1 Inch. s. 2s . SO 60
No.lbonrds , 1 ? , 14 ft . and 10.00
No. EUoaritt , IS , 14 ft . f.i ! 10.73
No.Sboards , 12,14ft . and 13.75
No. 4 boards , 12,14 ft . and 11.25
No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , P3and 10.5011fcct , rough. .
No. l , 4&Gincli , 10 feet 14.50 , roush .
No. 2,4 & 0 Inch , 13 nnd 13.5014 feet , rough. .
No. 2. 4 A : Cinch. 10 feet 10.f,0 , lough .
i-ot'i.Ait i.t'
Clear Poplar box bds , H Ins , 2s . ? .TO.OJ
" " J.5in , panel slk wide , s 2s. 2UO
" " Con imalcd CeilhiitJf. ( . . 29,00
A * Standard . S2.00
5 inch , clear , 81.60 ; 0 inch , clear . 1.00
No. I . . . . . . .
hath 2.20
1st Com. , U Inclt White Pine . SHO.OO
2d Com.finch White Pine . 23.50
No.l , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 517.00
No. a , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 15.00
No. 1,0. G . 17.50
While Cedar , flinch , lialvcs . 3 11
" " " ' -
5if mulSiliq'l-S
" " 4 " mum ! . . . . . 11
Tennessee red cedar , split . 14 > i
A 12 Inch , 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 reel . 54(5 ( 00
B " " " " " " . 41 00
C " " " " " "
. 30 00
D " " " " " " . -JIJOO
No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 17 50
No.l " " " 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 18.10
No. 3 " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. . 1550
Qulncy white Hum , _ . . . S5c ; cement ,
Akron 1.1.75 * ; plaster , S'J.30 ; hair , per bushel
30e ; sash , 00 pur cent olt list ; doors , blinds ,
uiouliliiitrs , 00 per cent oil list ; tariedfelt , per
cwt. , S1.75 : straw board. Sl.OO.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to take for DPS Molnc-i , Mar-
shulltown , Cedar llaplds , Clinton. Dlxlo. Chicago.
Mlltraulico und all points cast. To tlio people of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho
Nevada.OrcRon , Washington and California It
offers superior ud vantages not possible by any
other line
Amonfr a few or the numerous points ol aupo-
riority enjoyed by tlio patrons of this roail bo-
Uroon Oraahn and Chicago , are its two trains a
day of DAY COACIIKS whioli are the llne t that
human nrt und injfoiiiilty can create. Its PAlr
ACE BliKKPINO OAKS , whlctj nro models of
comfort and oloffanco. Its I'AHUJll UltAWINU
KOOJI CAKS. unsurpassed by liny , und its wide
ly celebrated VALATIAIj inNINCl CARS , tno
ccjual of whloh cannot bo found clsowhoro.
At Council Ulutrs the trains of the Union Paci
fic Ity. connect in Union Depot with those of thn
Chicug-o & Northwestern Hy. In Chicago tbo
trains of this line make close connection with
those of nil eastern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis. Cmcln
nntl , Niagara Falls , ItulTnlo , I'lttsburfr. Toronto
Montreal , lloston , Now York , Philadelphia , Uul-
timorp .Washington and all points In the east , usic
the tlokot agent for tickets via the
- ,
If you wish the best accommodations. Alltlclcot
iKTlWl 8 VlR tlUS lln ° -
- 8. HAIll ,
General Manasor. Gen. 1'ass. Agont.
The Croat Rook Island Route
Guarantees It ! rations that 0ensA of pernonl seen.
HIT utronltd by a solM , tliorintfhly Imllmtoil road-
beil. rniuotli track ! of coiitfinioua bfeol rail , nititAn *
Hilly hull tciihertsnnil In Idttcn , lulling nn.'U cs nciir
Iterfectlon n liumnn rklll tan make It. the Bfifrt ?
appliance ! of pittnt tHilfeifilatforiiiOliu | air blaUt 0 ,
alul that exacting tllaclpllnu which govern * tlm nrac.
tlaal operation of nil It , traliu other i > peohiltli'of
.hlj roiitu are Traijif ra at nil conntctlnir iiolnts In
Union Depot ! , and tlio uiuiirpabseti cuuirarta anti
luiurioiot IK rivssenprcr Equipment.
blocMnof the latctt dralRn , iul BUIIIIHUOUI Dining
OOM. In which elahorntcly cooked inoaj ar If l.urelr
oaten. llotwcenChlcnKo and Kanin Cly ! nd Atthlsoa
are alia inn the Cclcuralixl XecllnliiBChair Car .
The Famous Albert Len Route
If tlio direct nnd fayoilte line between Chicago and
MlnncapolliandSt. I'aiil.wheie connectlon nru loncla
In Union Depou for all polni In the lerritoiln and
lirltUti 1'rovlnces. o\er thli route Kott Kirret *
Iralns are nin lu the walerln < | plain , ruinmvr ie-
Eorti.plcture < cue | localltlei , an.f Inuillnunml tuhlnsr
Kroundsof Iowa and Ulntioota. It 1 > alto the mutt
ileilrabl * roul to the iKli h < ; t llddi nnd puntoria
lamliof Intoilor nakou
Still another UlllClif LINK. TlaSeme * and Kan-
kaloe , has been opined betwmn Clni-innall , Jniilan-
onolll and Lafayette , antl Council lllulfn. K n a Cltr ,
Miuncapolu and Bt. 1'aul and lutcrniodute polnt .
for deuiled jufonuatlon * o Alapi and rol.len. well n tlckctl , at all iMlnclpnl'Ikkn
omce ln the Uoited bUtca anil Camilla ) ui by ad-
R. R. CADLE , C. &T. JOHN ,
1-ra't & acn'l M'g'r , Oen't T'M A rtt. Ag't ,
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 25,000
U. W. YATKS , President ,
A , E. TOU/.AI.IN , Vice President.
W. II. S. Jiuauus , Cashier ,
' '
\V. V. SlotiTE , JOHN S. COLLINS ,
. Cpt.4fti-.nn.rt Farnim Stri > nts.
I Billiard Tables ,
' ' '
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
Ami Pnloon , Ofljcp rind Hank Fixtures. Market
nnillluron Sts. , Chicago , 111. Omnhn onice,5'Jj
8. IW h St. _ _
Book Binding , Etc ,
* * "
UlltSl'lUNTlNO CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Jllnnk Hook Manufacturers. No * . 108 nnd
UH South llth Str-ot. Otnnhn , Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile Driving.
liirliKcrs ; ( nml Contractors.
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnj IIowo Trim Ilrhlires ,
IMIItif ? nml Onk Timber. 15th St. . nunr Fnrnnni.
Tolcpliono No. 734
Cigars and Tobacco ,
M"V \t wr * t > ( fYi .
* * -V PlnlJ Ih iv W. (
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
fluns nnd Ammunition. 215 tn 22:1 : South llth
Btrect , ItCO to 1021 rnruain Street , Uninlm , Nob.
iNTEitOcRAX CtdAn FAcronr.
Hanufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Ami Wholesale l > ciilorg In Lent Tohnccos. Nos.
10S n ml 110 N. llth Street , Otpnlm Ncb.
Cornices. .
* + *
Eagle Cornice \Yorks. '
John Kponotcjr , Proprietor. Mnntlfnnturcr of
fliilvmilml Iron niul Oorulco. Id Dnilgo uml 101
nnU 103 North IDth Street , Omnlm , Neb.
Jlnnufncturcraof Omnmcnlnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Fluids , lite. , ! ! IO f ! . 12th St. AVorkdono
In nny pint of thocountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Gnlvnnl7cd Iron rornlcoa , Kto. Speoht's l-n-
inovril I'.ilcnt.Melnll'oSkslight. Mb nnd 51oa.
12th St. , Oniiihn , Nel' .
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
The Gate City Planing Mill.
Doors , Fnsh nnd llllnds. Al"-o nil kinds of
tuiulnsr. Scroll and Stair work of every do-
Mnnufncturcr and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Halls a specialty Telephone No. 52
15th mid Marey St 8. , Omaha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
LwTwOLFE & CO. , Electricians" ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omaha. Hurgliir Alarms , Dells ,
Flro Alarms , F.leclrlo Mnttliu , SpeiiUIng Tubes ,
Gold , Silver nnd NlcKel Platiinr , Etc.
Iron ar d fiails.
" '
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Nulls n Spr ; lnlty. Onmlm , Nob.
Omaha : iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Castiinri , Steam Engines , Boilers ,
Architectural Iron Wort : . Iron llrld'es ; , Mining
nnd Mill Machinery. Olllco nnd works , Union
Pnclllo It. It. 17th and 18th Streets.
WEA11NE & HUO. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. Hth and Jucksqn Sts. , prepared to do all
kinds of Iron'and 1 trass Castings ; also , O. C.
lliinnistcr's Hoekitiir GnUo Hars innnufneturod
_ _ _ _
" ' A ' "
'Omaia'Safe "Works ,
Manufacturer of Flro and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault Doors. Jail Work. Shutters and Wire
Work. Cor. 14th and Jnckson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office nnd Fnctoii' , near Powder Magazine.
Onmlm Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 and 11)17 ) Hartley Btrcot , Omnhn , Neb. Bolo
Agents In Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split
Blmlt Sulkies.
Established 18.-.S.
The Leading Carriaga Factory ,
liOO and 1411 Dodge Street. Omaha , Nob.
Corrodera and Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omaha , Neb. Lovt Carter. Pros. ! C. W. Mead.
Vice Pics. ! II. W. Ynt ? , Soc. niidTrcoa.
The Hillard ,
B. Shenrf , J. E. Markcl.Thoa. Swobc , Proprlotori
Omuha , Nebraska.
Arcade Hotel ,
James Cusoy , Propi Ictor ,
jS15 aid li'17 lou Ia ! , St. , Omaha , Neb.
Thopaironapoof oommcrclal men rcbpuctf-.ilTy
nollolti-d. Thuy will tlnU thin the best ti n dry
IIOUF ; < \ \ cst 01' Clilcugo.
lanters Houss ,
o. K. FKitiiis , I'Hoi'iur/ron.
IlatCE.Sl.50 per day. Street earn tiiini U.I' .
ilcpot , within OHO block of house. Conic-
Dodgu und IGth blrcels , ( Jmnhn , Noli.
The Cozzens ,
T. Humeoy Ss Co. , Proprietors.
Rates # 2.CO per day , no dark rooms. Omaha ,
Nob. Also proprietors ol 1'nlaco Hotel , Huntu
Fo , Now > le.\ico.
'Canpeld House ,
Cor. Xlmh omf Faiiuun Bis. The lest f3 per
day hotel in O nahu. Itomudoluil. iclurnlslioj ,
red tcuriitcdonoblrtolclroin : army ln-'Uilfjuailtrti ,
onposlio Union , Pacilloheadiiuarterd ; biieot car.i
puss the door. ( Jeorco Canlleld i ; Co. , piopiio-
tors. Also Union Stock yards Hotel , Houth
'Hoel de Gees ,
V' GOOS , Proprietor.
European Plan. P"hu only centrally located $3
a day house. Three doors from lloyil's Opera
llousound ono-hulf block trom the I'ottolllco
nnd the Come IIoiwo. 15 B. 1510 , 15U Fiuiium
E. M. HULSI5 ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufncturhifr Mattresses , lleddlug' , Feather
I'lllows , Cots , Ktc. fOO and li-'US Douglus Btrect ,
Omuha , Neb ,
_ _ ' Overalls , _
CANl'IIJIJl'sulSul-'ACTUlUNa CO. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JeanaPaut3Silrs ! | , Ktc. , 1102 nnd 11IH Douglai
Ktrcut , Oinulm , Nob.
a'lOXAUBT.Uia Tenth Street , between Fornum
und llnrner , will , with the iilil of guardian
tplrlts. fibtuin r0r 'iiny ono a yl-mco In the
VAti--l i > ii-9r.ii. Mid ft I'cMnui > litions In
sit * . t.i * . .tr. ' % .1 . ,1.1 ! IHJ'nil * b * orUor.
Agricultural Implements , . .
l.NlNOim * METCALV C0.7
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
O nice , Corner Cth hud 1'nclflo Sts , Oninhn.Xob
- PA1IUN , OltKNDOlirF ti MARTIN ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd Hugglcs , Omnlm Neb.
Cill'UClIlLL ' 1'AHKKl ? ,
AVholesnlo Dctrlor In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Civrrinjcs nml lltitrfflcs. Jrnc-s St. , hot. Pth nnd
10th , Omnhn , Noli ,
Boots and Shoes.
" " " "
w. v. jioi'si : & co.
Jobbers of Boots and Sices ,
Jilt Fnninm StreetOmnlm , Nel > . Mnmtf ctory ,
8umnu'r Street , lloston.
_ _
Carpets ,
" ' '
& A. OHCHA11D ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttiuga , Curtnln Goods. Etc. . 1123 1'nrnnm
Stieet , Omnhn , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Ctc.
JUKI' ' ' W. HE1
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Onicc , 213 S. Hth n. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , Oth
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
HcFt vnrictics. oniro.SMR. 13th St. Tclcphona
No. H92Omnhn , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14S. 13th St. , Omnhn , Neb.
Gun. C , TOWI.E , I'rcsldont.
Gto. PATTT.lisox , Sec. andTreas.
J. II. 1' . A. II u.ctt ,
Proprietor. Manager.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Onice , : M7 S. Wth Street. TclcphonolD.
GEO. F. LAHAGH , Pics. 0. r. GOOWIAX.V. Pros.
J. A. SltstiKiu.AM ) Sco. and Tieas.
Omaha Cos. ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard and * oft coal , 2U9 S. lUth St. ,
Omnhn , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Boulder Colorado Coal. 217
houth Hth street.
CofFee and Spicesi
CLAltKE rtllOS. & CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . CoITrcs , Spices , lltililnsr I'owdcr Flnvorlnir
Extmcts , Lnumtry llluo. Ink , etc. llli-lti Hitr-
ney Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
" 'llUANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
3121 Fiirnam St. , Omalm. Apples Our own ti.iek-
in/f / 1'Intt A : Co.'s Tiger llrunil Oybturs , lluttor ,
Kygs , Omno , 1'oultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Flour and Feed , 103
B. 14th St. , Onmlm , Neb. Consignments fcolleited.
Itctuins inadu piomptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cliccpc , Sansntrc1 ? . Fruits , Butchers' Tools nnd
Supplies , lu'l.'i.lonta St. , Onmlm , Neb.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES Chec o , Butter. Eg-rs ( , Poultry
nnd Game. 113 a lltb. , ( ) nmhn , Neb. Telephone -
phone No. ; K)5. )
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Jiggs and Produco. A full line of Stono-
varo. CoiiElBiiments tolicitcd. 11H Dodso St. ,
Omnha. _ „ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
E. MOHON1- ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Egps , Cheese and Country Produce fren-
crally , UU S. l-'th St. , Onmlm , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Befrlifcrnlor nnd Pnckinir Hoiipe , I Itli & Lt-avon-
ivorth St. , on U. 1' . It. IJ. Track , Onmlm , Neb.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
HIS. Hth St , Omalm , Neb. Specialties Butt or
_ Efe'gs , 1'oultry and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Onmlm , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wliole-nlo dealer In country produce , fruits ,
butter , ijfRS , i-le. Goods on eonslKiiment u
specialty , y.'o N. ! 0th ft. , Onmlm , Neb.
( Siioco oi" > to A. P. Bulmuk. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South litli Street. Omnhn , Nrb.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Flour , Apples , Stonownrn , ( 'ldor.Vlnwnr ,
Grass Feeds. Butler und KHK yi.'i mid uU South
13th Etreet , Onmlm , Nohru&ka.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Butter , Game , Fruits , Etc. 2208. Hth
St. , Omnhn , Nclmitika.
Wholesale 'Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , Lard , Jellies , Butter , EjrtfS , Cheese , Etc.
No. BUS S. l''ih St. , Onmlm , Neb ,
General Commission Merchants ,
HOC Uodt'oEtJcet , Omnhn , Neb. Consignments
] .
l-lli Hlri'cl , Oiiialir. , Vob. Specialties : But
ter. K\tKf \ , mid Chickens ,
Ury ( joous.
- - , ,
jntowjf & co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
l -'J Dou his Street , Omalm , Nob.
Wholesale Deiilcrsin
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , J.Hces , Embroidery nnd While t'oois ,
_ 1U.'U Doubles Bticet , Omaha , Neb. _ _
Engines ,
* * " * " "
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary and portable engines , boilers r.nd
fhcct Iron v > aik , wiiuone. iwiuultural irn-o-
munts , putnpa etc. l U-1215 Ixiurciuvortlibt ,
Leather , Hides , Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
HllJaclcEon Stieet , Omaha , Neb.
' " "
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Caddlcry nnd Shoo I'lndlntrti , Hides , Wool , I'urs ,
Pelts , Greaio.jl'allow , Etc. inuha Ncl.
'Flour , Etc.
Vfir. PittsTOx. Gno. r.iciiiiiDb'si ;
WM. PUISTON i ; co.
- , ' Wholesale Flour ,
, U& , ' 10 pud JilJPitjfD nrcet Omr.l'ti , KtU . . .
Agent for J. C. HolTinaj-r *
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flow
By Holler nnd Hmifr.irlnn 1'rccess. Warehouse ,
1213 Jones Sticct.Oinnhn , Neb.
Wholesale Flour , Feed aud Grain ,
Mnmifnrturersof W. .1. Welshnm & Co.'s Quick
ItnlMtiK lluekwhrnt Hour nml proprietors Omnlm
City Mills , cor. Sth nnd I'nriiuin Streets , Omnlin ,
Fis't ' , Lie , _ J _ '
Succefsors to Ickcn Slom son & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign VIMi , No s. Oil-Oil Jones
< s - _ Street niul U. 1 * . Track , Omuha , Nob. / .
Furniture. Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnam Street , Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110nnd 1112 Douglns Street , Omnhn , Nrb.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolmcco mid Smokers' Articles , 121 , Howard St.
niiOlwalO vauwj uiw , . ; . ; iy.tts :
Spices , Clgurs nnd Tobaccos , 1317 nnd 1319 Ooilff-
Ins Street , Onmfia , Neb.
McCOHD , I1UADY & CO > lPAMr ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd I'nrimm Streets , Omaha , NcK
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707 , TOT and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Sprlnps , Wnirmi Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc.
12W ) nnd 1 11 Hartley Rtrcex , Onmlm , Neb. _
KDNKY & G11U10N ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cfirrlnro : Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
lite. 1217 und U1U ! Lciivcnworth Street , Onmlm ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools mul Iluirnlo Scales. H05 Donpr-
laaSticet , Onmlm , Neb.
L15I2 , FH1ED .t CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet lion , Etc. Agents for Howe Scales and
Miami 1'ottiler Co. , Omaha Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Giatcs , Hrnps goods. 13S1 nnd 1XU Fnr-
mini Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th nnd Harnoy
btreots , Onmlm , N ( > b.
Manufacturer of the
Deering harvester Goods ,
\Vrlto to Win. M. Larimer , General Agent ,
Onmlm. Telephone 610.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers In lion Pipe Iron Filings. Iron nnd
llrnss Goods. Engineers' Supplies. Htu anil
Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe aud Engines.
Steam , AVmcr , nullwiiy nnd Milling Supplies , Etc.
_ 101 , va uiut O.'l Fai'nnni Ht. Onmlm , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
6tenm nnd Water Supplies. Headquarters fo-
Must Foost Co.V Goods. 1111 Faumm Street ,
Onmlm , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Ucnlcrs In Bllvcrwnro , Diamonds. Watches
Clocks , Jcweleis' Tools und Material' ? , Kto. , 1U1
nnd 103,16th Street , Cor. Hodtru , Oinnhn , Neb.
live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynrdiiffo Cliiirjfcd.
> Close to U. 1' . llrldfjo. Opcclnl nccommodatlon
nnd n good miuJct ; lor hotrn. H. C. Cooper , Jinn-
ngcr. Ollice , South Gth Stieot.
Live Stock Commission
Hco. llurko , Jlnnn er ,
Union Slock Yards , S , O.mitia. Tulu.ihouo 583
W. F. nitOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Office KvchniiBo Unlldinp. Union Stock Yards ,
I , South Unmliii , Nub. TelephonoNo.iXXJ.
1 Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Ynrds , ChicuKO , III. , mid Oinnhn ,
Neb. Frank Chlttundeii.MunatfCi-Oiiiuhu Ilriinuli.
Tflcphono No. 28. ) . Kstabllslied Ibii , ' .
1 W. L. I'ATHICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Addrcsbtillcoinniiinlciilionsto us lit Union Stock
Vuids , South Oinulm. .Ailvancca mtido on block ,
Union Stock Yards Company ,
, Limited. John F. Iloyd , Kiipcrlnlendcnl ,
Liye Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ehlj munis of nny nnd nil kinds of stock tollelt
. cd. Union Ymdj.Oinalu , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
. .
v - > <
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Fr-flu , Doors , Elo. Ynnls Cur. 7th and Doujjlas ,
Cor. 8th ami Douicl.i3.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldiiuni , Htalr Work nnd Jnturlnr Haul Wood
1'jnlrh. Just opened. N. E. cor. fctU und Leuven-
vcrlli Suet-Is , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
EH S. HtU Eticct , Oinahii , Neb , F. ,
Lumber ,
13th nnd CnliroriiUi Stieet ? , Omnlm. Neb.
Lumber , Limo , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor , Cth und Doiib-liia Btiuctn , Omalm , Nob.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Ouiiihu , Nebraska.
CHAS. It , I.ii3 ; ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
. . Stock , Fancy Woods , Ilililgo _ . . .
c. W. Cor. Vth und IJjUb'lua , Omaha , 1
0. P. tYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
nuildhurl'npcr , Ktc. Bouth 1 ; "
HebrasKa Lumbe ? Co ,
JPnlU In Caii.tiil | Stock. S , C
iV > ; riri > , iiumu ! a < luiorrf nidi whn.
ret. Mlllsu' . Mi-rrul , Wls. VVIiolctulo and rotaG OiauUu , N b. ull S. lilU J4.
Dealers In All Klml * of j
Building Material at Wholesale , ,
lth Street ami n on > Me II Track. Oinnhtiijl |
aniiMAX n. WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
tOth niul Iznril Street ? , Onmlm , Nebraska
J. A. WAKKnr.l.T > ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shinglas ,
HulMliiK 1'npcw. Push , Doors , 1111ml * , Moutf .j
Injrs , I'lokctsi , Posts , Mine , I'liMer , Hnfi'
Cement. Nlmn rum Jotic * , Umnlm Mob.
j. 6hr.iiriiiM'.n : , *
Impoitcrs nnit JahhcisoC
Millinery and Notions ,
1213nntl 1214 Hnruc-y StreetOnmlm , Nob.
Musical Instruments. 1
j + s * -.vs ws f
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. 1
f tclnwny 1'liinos'ol > or , Decker , HnlnM nn ( |
llrljrifs I'miins , 1'ncknnl Organs , Cnnso Orsans. !
101 mid HU 15tli street , t )
Notions , Etc , J
J. U nilAXDlUS * SON , t
Wholesale Job Lots
, , J
Pry flnoil , Notions ( louts' Furnishing Ooo < 1 . '
( tooita from Now York. Trodo gnlos ilmly. 60J
niul f < BSoiitli llltli St. , piniiliu.
C. S. HOOliKK'H A. CO. , f
Ago.its tor P. A. Whitney Ciirrlngo CO.'B
{ jfliidreirs '
wr'nagcs , fc -
.lowottV Cclu'orntiMl Itorrlirorntor * . Bond ,
I'M 'if price lifts. 1413 Km-iinm ft. , Onmlm.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
403 nnil 40. ' . S. lOlli St.Onmlm , Neb.
Wholcgnlo Dunlcrs In Notions ami U cuts'Puts ?
nlshltiff(3ool ( ! < .
Oils , Etc. J- ;
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gnsollnc , Jllcn A.\lo Gronsr , Etc. A. H. lllshop , *
JInniiKcr , Oimthn , Nob. i
Pork Pacliing.
" " " x " " '
"JAMES E. novn , '
> Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omnhn , Nebraska ,
11A1IUIS & , j
Packers and Provision Dealers , '
Omce , Union Market. 1M7 Dodge Strent. Packing
liouso , U. 1' . It. 11. Track , Omaha , Nub. Tclo
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks. |
* "
1' . Sc CO. ]
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' !
Flro nml lluwliu- oof S.ifoq.Tlmo LocksVnuttt
nnd Jail work. 1020 Fariinm btrect , Omuha , Neb
J. P.VANS , '
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds :
Atrilcultnrnl , A'nsrcluhle. I2le. Oilil Follow * ' Hull ,
N. W. Cor. llth niul Doiltfo St . , Oinnhn , Nob. _ ,
Drugs , Etc. i
Wholesale Druggists
Jobbers of Paints Oils , WImluV Olnsa,1114 J
llauiey Street , Omiilin , No ) ' . ' |
Wholesale Druggist' , ,
And Dcnlsr In Paints , OIN and Window GlnsS
Omnhn , Nob. ,
V/ines / and Liquors. \
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , \
1203 nnd 1201 Douglas St. , Oinahii , Noli. Fnoj
torlcs-Nos. 1' and TOI , Od Dlst. N. Y. ,
am. w. DUNCAN I ]
Sutccsbor to MoNAMAltA .VDi'NCAN.lmportort 1
and Wholesale Dealers In
V/ines / and
, Liquors Cigars ,
SllnnUUlOS. llth St. , Oinahii , Nob.
n. n.oiiorrn ,
Wines and Liquors.
Western Atrcnt Jos. Srhlltz Itrcwhis Co. IMS ,
yth Street , Oinnlin.
1 Y/holesale / Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1 1321 lloiifjlus Btioot , Oimilni , Nob.
IhER & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Mjnoi-j. ( | golo immul'iicturoraof Kunnodjr' * .
llnst India Hitters. HL'J Hitrney Street , Omaha ,
L. P. LAHSON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Y/iiiskies /
And ClKtire , nnd Oonornl Aprents for the Philip
lulls' Celobinted Jlllwauliun Hour , Omuha , Noli
Harness , Etc.
Manufacturers mid Jobbers of.
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Ciooils , lllnnkcta nnd Uobt-n. ItJl rnrimni
Stiout Oiniilni. Neb. i
"w. 1. . W1I1011T , " * " * . ]
for the Manufacturer ! ] and Importer/I / , J
Crockery , Glassware ,
tamps , riilmnnys , Ulc. Olllco , ! J17 Eouth 13tli
titioct , Oiiml'.o. Nob.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , PaiH
The Short Idne
and Best Eoute
From Omaha to the East
Clilcnjo , .MIiinuiii'lla. | Mlhvuiilico , .
Kt. 1'ntil , CodiuHnpIdJ. . Davenport ,
l-'liiiton. Diibiuiuo , ItouUfinil ,
Jlock Jbinnd , Froaporl , Jniu-iivlllu ,
1-lKifi , Jliullt'Oti , Ju Crosse , <
llelnlt , Wlnonn
Andullothor Impoi-iant po | iu ntist , J
'JNt-ljet Olllco m 1101 1'iiriiam alioet , ( In 1'nxton .
llotc'li. nml lit Union 1'upiiio imiiut. *
I'ulliiiiin hluopcisiuiil tlui 1'huist DlulatrOlrs
in the Win Id uroiiin on ilio nuiln llnua cil llio -
CiiHMi ( ) , > ltitt'.vuifii.v5T : : ! I'un , itAir.w.xv , un-1-
cvuiy uiioiitioii H pulil to p.ix < ioiiior4 by uouiUi *
miBuiniiliij-usor thuconipuiy : , : , ( ioneiMl.MiiniiKur. =
I. KTiti-ici.-ii. lstani Oiiiiornl Maimyor ,
A. V. H , ( jAKi'i.Ni'ii ; : , Oniiiriil I'asionjar al
Ticket A < mc.
Uuo , K. HuAUOiii ) . AsBhlmil
P. BOYEB & 00.
and ' ! ' .V
1020 I'urnuzu u . Omalm , Neb ,
I. E. fclfwe , Lincoln , Heh.
s , ojlarkot Price Paid ,
WW I IHU UJTCK * r IbiEatf
Tlio Orliclnnl and Only Uriitiliie. ;
R ffl D < ] ftU jl K U M . Iletaftortrurfbtr * * 1'uluiUni. * *
Ii.dl < i Dttl > l ( In I.AIUE3. ' Ark )9uc llruial.l lar
"I'Ulcht.lfr'riicll l."ioj like n > Uer ur flckit .
( > UuH > ) ut ui for i' rtlcu.n | ( n IiHtr b/ rrlurntt.iall ,
i&IUAIUill > uh9uurr , I'lillvilH. . * ,
BolJ . . _ . br . . lrutil.l cvrrrwlirrr. . . 4tkr "t :
u.mfc T IIBI