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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , FEBRUAKY 15 , 1886. SPECIAL NOTICES ; . Adrcrtl'omcntstmdor this head 10 ccntspor line for the first Insertion. 7 cents for o ch subsequent icscrtt n.nncl S1..V n llnr ttermontli. No n Ivor , foment tnXcn for lc 9 Umn 25 cents. Bovcn words TV II l > o counted to the line ! thty must run consccutlTcly nnd mustfoo pMdln n < ° - Tanoe. AH ndvortlsomonU m iM. bo handed la boforo" o'clock t > . m. , nnd under no ciroum- ntnnccs will tboy bo Ukou or discontinued by telephone. Parties ntlvortl-lni ? In these column * nnd Imr- Ins the answers nddrc god mcnro ot Tun HKK , vlll plcnso nsk for chock to enable them to get tholr tfttcrs , nsnono will bo delivered except on presentation of cbcck. All answers to ndver- tlscments should bo enclosed in envelopes. TO X.OAU-MOHEY. , to lonn on huplnc'n nnd ro lconco ! $ property In sums of $1WW nnd upwards. Ames , K07 Vnrnnm st. WO ONKY TO LOAN on horvfl , wngoin. fur- M nlturn , wntclim , without removal. Terms easy. C.J faswoll , Konin in , Iron Hunk lliill.l- injf. lUh nnd rnrnnii. . Tnko olovnlor. C 0-iiili7 * $ Ifin.OOOlo lonn on city residence property Goo. W , Day , ISO ! ) 1'iinmm. ! 7 o I.OAX Money in any amount , On nil cliifsos of security. Bhorttmio Indus on ronl citato. I.OHK tlmn lonns on rcnl ostnto. Monuyto lonn on chnttcM. Money to lonn on celL > tural& Money to lonn on nny Rood eocuritr. Tonns oiipy , tlmotoHtilt. Ajply atthoOmnlm Klnnnelnl l.icluinpe , llnrknr'n btllldlnK , S\V \ corner of Flftetntb und Karnnin Bis. upstairs 283 . TO LOAN on Improved nnd unim proved city property. Cunnlnahnni 4 llrcnnnu , 1511 Dodge street , yg for everybody 1 \ou cnn borrow MONKY on furniture , bortes , wnffons , pliuios , stock of nil kinds , diamond * nnd Duo watches on your own tlmo. Payments received t any time , nnd Interest reduced pro rain. Vroporty loft In your own iKJSsusslon. Terms l w no tlio lowest. Call unit fee mo. Hu lncss conndontlnl. Nonilvnntmro taken. W. IL Croft , lloom 1 , WllhnHl's NowlJulltJJiiK , Northcnst cor ner 15th and Hniney. 2TO IONKY TO LOAN O. f. Davis & Co. Ileal M Ketato and Loan agents , 1J05 ! 1'ixrnnm St ' TO IXAN-On good Rccurlttes. MONEY , room 1 llodlck IliJkck , 150'JKarn St. -WJ ONT.Y TO LOAN On runl CEtnto nnd chat- M tols. D. I * Thoimis. ! Ml _ _ MONKYTO l.OAN-Tnanms of JIOO mid up- ward * on flrpt-cln" ' ) rrnl cbtuto ercurlty. Potter & Colh , 1&15 Knriinm St. _ J.M5 TONKY LANii > at C. F. Itced & Co'R. Ixinn L.TJL onico , on furniture , pianos , her cs , > * 1,04,1117 pornonnl property of all Kinds nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. Over 1st Nat'l Bnnk , comer 13th and Fnrnnm. All business Btrlctly confidontnl. "JO BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTiiOpening : for a lumber yard In ( rood town on railroad , or will buy ostnb- llshod fousIiH s } . ComMpomlonco fiom btisinoai men solicited. Address > 1. II. JiUiubur I'o. . Kx- ctor. Nub. GttWM T Stockof hardware nnd Inrin Itn- - ' plomcnts ; hnvoaroud tradu ; the only store of the kliiil in tlio place ; must bo sold soon. Ad- diossCD lluo Ulllce. S2I.17 * FORSALi : A flrct-class ttockof dry poods , cui'iiuls nnil notions , amounting to about flli.OIK ) ; fiom ! K to 40 per cent of the nniount will bo taken In rnil estate. Inquire of I * . O. llox ! )18 ) , Dunkirk , N. Y. S78-13 * "ITIOir SAt.i : A drupstoroln ngood llvolown ; JL' u first riito location for nphvslclau. Capital required nbout 52,800. Now iiulhllng nml clcnn stock. AddrcbS or call on II. JIoscs A : Co. , Viil- cntlnc , Neb. : i3lmcli3 FOIt SAMJ-Or c.xclmngo--Twelve hundred , and olghty aeicsol'Mo. , tlmbor and ginss Innd , lorty miles cast of Kansas City. As rich Boll ns nny hind In the etnto , will roll nil or part nt til teen dollars per ncro or will cxclmnKO for ( rood Impiovcd or unltnpro\cd Nebraska land. liodford ic ! Suuer 207 I.OBT. TltAYJJH Iop found , Fob. IS. Owner mnv havu by jdontfiyJnjr. J. L. rilkiiigton. S. 1' . Sforso & Co. OlIMO" LOST Tuesday night , near cornorof 18th ami Cnpltol nvo. , asqunro , ml.voil groi'ii woolen Bhawl without boarder , frlngo nil around. 1'loaso leave at this oftico for ono dollar \vnra. . KM-13 * ItliWAUIl Bluond or Btolcii fi-om the $5 subscriber A black und tan dog about nlno months old , medium bl o. has a iniiilc ot black luilrs across the ton of the right forward fool , looks ns If it hnd been cut. Thoabovo icunril will bo paid to tlio jicvson returning him Ioll8 ! und tea Faruani st. 8.1C. Fulton. K12-12 POUND. TTlOUNl ) A purso. Owner can have same at JJ tillOlllCO. . BOAHDIITO. ROOSI nnd bonnl , $5per week ; very hcstlo- cation. 1814 Davenport St. lUSfeblO * IJUItSOXAL Aeio pi-operty for aalochoun , r nnd on easy terms ; only n row acres lott. Gallon or address U. C. Patterson , 1221 Farnam t utreep. Wii-15 PUUSONAL-Wi ) Imvo u Inriro ll t of specla1 bargains In Improved ln Ido property on our hooks , of which wo are the polo agents. To parties looking for such wo ask you to call ami hivotlgatoforyourcolvos. lllcoc Slooro , isst Fin num. _ r 50-l3 PI'.KSONAL If you want to pell your prop erty list It with 11. C. I'ntlorton , 1221 Farnam. 67IM5 IKUSONAIj If you hnvo any proiicrty for Biilo list U with Goo. 1' . llnmls , 1MU and Uouglad. I' " ) UltSONAfj I hnvo" $100,000 of cMistoin capl- lalon hand to buy Omulmcitypiojicily . Nothing but llrbt-cl iss biirgnliis will bo consid ered. Mat your propoity nttli mo by cnlllngor by letter. II. G. I'nttirajnl224 I'aniiini. 578-ir > T\Tn i:7T ) . ' A"lJs01.l7Oculht ; and Aurlst , ro- SJ moved to Ifd4 Douglas btrijot. _ b i KKSONAL 1,1st yrAir ] iroporty wlth IL C. 1'alterton. 1221ini : iinm. _ 077-15 ' _ _ BBAZi ESTATE. Jl' YOU have nropoity to soil or exchange , list II with 0. .1. ( , 'ustt oil & Co. , lloom lit , Nebraska - braska National llimk lliilldlng. Uit'mli4 * $1100 AND : iil ! > ncro improved farms within 12 miles of Omnhn ; J25 ] > ur ncni ; tlioMi mo baiiralns. Lilbson k Ai'chor , room 3 Wltlini'll ' block. 134 _ _ STOVE KEPAIEB. TIIIE W. C. MctzncrStovo Itopalr Co. . Ill South Uth SU > > ctwu < m Dodru ( uiul Douglas. MISCELLAITEOUB. LADH'.S m want or peed domestic liotp can bo supplied by railing on tlio Omahn Km- Slorinent Olllco , Itciom t , llUbUiuiiu's lllock. Mrs. , W. Murrlbou jiniprlotor. b'l OlllilMi jour Hour and fi-eil by Telephone U7. Neal > V Conrad. 1111 ! DoilKO si. U7U TTIOlt SALK ( HTiodo OnollKlittluoo-sprliiu JL1 fniron und road c.ut. 1D07 North luth MI. 07M5 * ITumsAI.U-SHvot fchoU'lnar. Inuti ( | < 7Tit lJ JU _ B , 13th St. 670-15 Fcilt SAl.i : Or trado'Oiw"goda fountain : neiulynuw. A jiood C'hnnco. 1'orpaitlcu. lurscallujiouornildio D , M. Ilavorly , 4-.D N , Itthet , Mrt-17 -ITIOli SAI.K-Or Ti-ado-For hoi-so , or two- J. liiiiBr-epilnjf wugon , annltr.ost now i bao'.on. Address O7 IlfoOllicu. KiMJ' FOlt S.\l.i ; At a bargain Furnlf.iro of an 8 vooin house suitublo for boarding hoiibo or roouiuit ; aUo house lor rent at 1201 llownrd bt. Tn > OH SAM : Or snlo , 1 lop IniK-jry.brim now : X ? 1 phaulon top Im gy nnd 1 iilailonu t > iirlnir . jvnsou. Intiuli-oiit llosiiu'biliisloSturii , auunihl - - . tt "s. ipthst. jr.ou Lot in Iliin ooiu 1'lnoii , tmst Jl * front. Inquire OOJP. lotli bt. > l-l.l "IT1 Oil S.Vt.i : and Ki-.ivcl. 1'rauU J. Kas- 4. par , 142J South lull n. IWriib'.T TfTWHl weather strips , storm Bush and doors , BO X toF.J ) . Mcuil SUUS. iciliit. -"JS HELP. -A fflr In l > aiiMi jjlrl for pncral bmitnxorK. ITUSotitl. lotbst. > 7.15 * I Kpcrlt-ncvU with icfc-r- ' Apply SAh TX7".ANTii : Girl to do general bou'owork. T T No children , Slust bo good cook. 1818 Douglas St. 694-13 V\fANTin : A thoroughly competenttrusty 11 voinnn for general hou ework , In a small fnnill ) j references TO inlrcd , 'MSi Chnrloo st , 674-13 * - _ _ "V\7'ANTii ; > A good girl for gonernl liouso- V > work. Inqtino nt ilUChicago , st. ( &V15 \\TAJTTKIJ Hltt ( ode ( fonernl lieu owork In small family. Apply nt 1917 Wousl st. 5S3-13 WAXTii : good Gormnnglrl. Ml N , 10th street. B'7 \\7ANTKn Good girls for fnmll prlvnto families. Good wages. Girls for dlnlng- loom work , klttlion work , oto. Cn Omaha Km- liloymont lluroau , 112J Fnrnnin St. 493 WAMTl'U A good ri'llnblo girl for general housework rt 15 Howard st Uorinnn or Irish preferred. 437 w ANTl'lV Aclrlto iloponcrnl housework. No. 1018 Cnpitol iivoniio. 833 " \\7"ANTKl ) Good jrlrli for general house- TT work , lloom 4Lushmnn ) lllock , loth and Douglas. 480 w ' Olrl for general housework. In- quite nt 107 South Hth St. 8)5 ) T\TANTI1 > Glrli for pcnoral housework ; > > good plnccs andirnoil wnRos ; jilnccs ( riven tree. Cull nt 1IU liith H , , Nebraska Employment AjfoncyCiounco lllock. oss WAKTED-MALE KELP. ' Onloo boy. Itoora 1 , Fronzor ! ( o'e , test l\0. C3.13 _ _ \\7'ANTiiJ : Olllco boy , wages $3 per week. T > Address , In own handwriting , U 0 , llco OfTlco. 5U8 ) A boy nt itlfl S. su 673 WA > 'Tii : > ; good laborers nnd 11) ) teamsters forrnllrond woik. Wages ) , $1.75 nnd J3.0U pordny. Kno transportation. Call Omaha Km- ploymcnt Ilurenu , lisa I'ltrimni .St. 500 ANTii ; > A tailor , wool Iroiior. nt Schlo- Binder's Clothing atoro , No.LHU Farnam st. E45-ia ' \\7"ANTin : Klret-chiRS retail shoo clerk. 11 NOMO need apply but oxporloncod young man of stiiuly habits nnd Hrst-eliiss roforonuug from lust employer. Address 0 , 8 , Heo onicc. 6VH3 "lT7"ANTii : ) Kncrirotlo men to sell household 11 articles. 1'rollts $5 per dav uud upward. C. II. Whitman , 1U11C ! at. Lincoln. 477 "V\'ANTiD : Agents. SOON. 10th St. JJ g WANTKn 20tenm and. toimstors frrall- road work , good wnge j nK < i suhuontrnc- torn ; I reu transportation. 1'or imrtlculniB mil ntll i ) 1'ainamst. II III " \\7ANTUI > A flrst-clnss Biilcsmun to ropro- T T sent n well established hunno to the drug trade , either aM-luslvoly nr In oonncctlonlth some other lino. Addrus * 1 > . O. Uox Ub , N. Y. City. yjfa-30 > TI3I > Men and women to stnrt n now WA business nt their homos ; can bo done ovoulngH uud learned In an hour ; any ncrton milking lo < s than lOo to uOo nu hour should send lUo at once for a pnckngu of eiunples of gooils , miaul woiklngBaiupIe3Coriniilns ( ) tocomineneu on. AddiCMi Albany Bupjily Co. , Albany , N. Y. ftiifl- * BIXUATIOW WAUTED. WANTiu Uy n young man , sltuntlou ns salosinuu In gonernl store. AUo wanted by n young man , situation as milosmau In hard- wnro store , pioforred ; best of lofuroncos ; OAll nt OinuhaKmpIoymuut lluroau , 11-0 Farnnui st. WANTKIJ To do day work In families , washing and Ironing. 1310 Jackson st. CCO-15 * WANTii > Employment by man In whole sale or retail. Apply 'Ml South llth St. 057-15 * \\7ANTiI ) Position ai bookkeeper or cash- 11 lerby a young lady with references. Address - dress lti. . W3-13' LADIUS In want of peed ( jlrls can ho pup- piled by calling at tlio Oiuiilm Kinplovinont Hurcnull20 Karnnm St. Telciihono Mo. 15. . ' . K. O. llellu-Jslo & Co. liH WANTED Girls wishing rojrood ( placa ? in jirlvato families , hotels or boarding hou- BCSInundtivs , otu.oan always llnil thorn liy cnliliif ( nt the Omaha Employment lluroau , 11J Karnani St. 211 MISCELLANEOUS WA1IT3. - . 30U S. llth st. WANTKU-Teaias. COS WANTUU To buy KKCOiuMinnd ayllmlor desk and map of Omaha. Address S. , 1 ,1 N. 15th street. 62S-1U' r\\7rANTED Suite of rooms and board In prlv- i i nto family for man nnd wllo. Address P. O. llox , 6U1. 55j-lb' WANTKO To buy n Booond-lmnd type- witter. J. 11. Ilarnou & Co. . Omaha. U.U-"S UENT-JIOUSES AND LOTS. TTHHl ItKNT CdttliRO opposite Catholic JL' chirrch , on N. 18th street , lour looms , 513. O. C. llobbio , 1413Fiiriiiun. _ C07 " | T < OIlIliNT 7 room hoiiBo , nonly papered J. nnd pulntcil , near Cor. Phil Sheridan und Ixjavenworlh street ; $20 per month. I ) . H. Goodrich , Ifd3 Farnam street. 003-13 To tent u smnll furnished house WANTED by a family of two , wllhln wnlUnir dlstauco of the pobtaflluc. Addicss D. W. 711 North 13tU St. UOJ-13' ItKNT HOUBO of 3io3ins , jumtry , col- lor and out-houses. 1021 S. Itth bt. uMG ) * T Fuvnlshod house with sl.v largo rooms ; liujulroittbJiJS.UlBt. 5Sl-ir > * ol j'iliNT Or Bale-Now building ; flno lo cation for moat market or grocery ; rout ft' . 'Address 01 , lleo Olllce. " "Kll-13' Foil ICICNT Now -loom cottugo. Inciulro HSlJonesbt. 5'J7 Oil ItKNT Ilrlck Htoro110 South 10th st , bet. llnrncy and Howard. S. Luluunn , 1103 i'nniani. Til'J FOK HUNT OB IiASI" : 10-ncro garden with G-rooni IIOUBO adjoining elly ; KU-ncro larm , 17 miles west of Omuha : 0 business lots on St. Mary's arc. Apply to H. II. Chapman & Co. , 1-17 Howard BU LVJ IilOll ItliNT Ily llnllou llos. , 017 S. Uth St. , several detlrublo houses Irom throu to ton rooms at from ten to lilty dollars per mouth. 4ilii : oil HUNT Two nouses. 2310 Capitol avo. IIU-IU J71OII IlKNT Store , corner Iflth nnd Lonvon X worth ; good place for t'rooery ; also i ) rooms. nrnOKllUNT Now cottage , D rooms , on B. 10th JJ gt. 0. A. Baldwin. UOt Foil HUNT House of 0 roomn , pantry , closets , etc. , 1'hll Sheridan and Hull eta. , ! " 0 per month. K. T. I'ctoraou & Co. , Itoom U , P. E. cor. 15th uud Douglas sli. t'tU , Uth i Uodgo. T House ofSroomaS'd nnd ffiir JL1 noy St. Imiulro of Mount & UrIllln21U H Hth btieel. l 2 oil ItKNT Tbrco DOUHOS of 10 , 6 nnd 1 F rooms ouch. J , 1'nlpps Hoc. UOH FFOi FOi ; HIJN'T House bulonglus to the cstnto of Judtro Clmdwiclc , M/J I'ur ) ; uvonuo , WJ , Council. H02 | 7 > ( ) U HUNT S furnUhed looms , sultablo for JU tlirc-o Hcntlemeuur man and wife , HIS Len- \oiinorth street. 007,15' _ limii Illl.vrOlllce , llret lloor. Btenm heat 03 Irt'e. V18f. IMh. 002-K1 * _ | 7tll | ItKNT A fiirnlfilioa pnrlor In n plensant J- locution , sultabojlor ! two or three ( jeutlo- ir.ea. N. W. cor , llth and California BU. COMU * TT10KluXT-"Finiil6hedroom. 1510 Hanioy. . 697 _ 1.1OH KKTi'T KJcelj fuinlMicd looms , only . lour blocks liomlloy'd opera houeo. 537 rt. 10th fct. WMU OK ) nnfurnHlii'J roams. 4th IJ 1 hii'ifcnorth of St.Ma/y'DiiVf.luOlaik'Biiaii. ou 2jtli tit. For itattlculuid cull next door noitlu | TOU | llUNT-Nowly furnished lariro front .L loom with board In prlvutu family. Now rcsMciu'O , southern oxpoMiro. Term * rcim urn- bio. Mi i'lensunt St. , near St. JMnry'a u\c. T ItlINT Hooai nnd board In pilvuto X1 family for two Koutlcuiep. 1115 Jones. KVi-lU- ITVOU iiNT Ono nicely furnished una ono 1 uufuriilihi'd room. B. W. cor. 17th uu J ( 'tip itolu\e. &TJ-15 * iUKNT-iSroiUslrablo. : _ r. 15lh Una liurnoy , . . OW-ia- ltiNT : 10 room house und nil convo- ; 1'UasAut ttitiOt ; $15 per mouth. Four eoUajfi'S to jutit , laiitfiiiK hi "tidcu fniin $ l2.&ilo ISJcaeb , It. C. FuttersOU , 1221 Fur- nfiUbtiect. ] ' F'OU HKNT Klco room nnd board for pen- tlcmon. 1910 Dodg-o , lower door. VU- ' _ _ OH ItKNT Furnished roomi largb room , t3 ; email room. $5. CQj N. 17th st. 431-10- IlKNT Nlco turnlohoJ , south front Foil ! BOS. heated , with use of bath ; chnrpes ren onnblo. Call 1 20 Hurt. MM5 ( ) K UHNT liosk room In ploiuant office. ] . ' Inquire room 0 , Arlington block. 5M itHNT A nlco furnished comfortable JL ? front room , sultablo for ouo or two politic- tnon. 2310 St. Gary's nvo. KM EOirTlKNT-Nlccj- furnished rooms , with heat , tfns nnd bath : nl o n t-cln < ) tnblo board ! best of references given and lomilrod. ISHL'oJgo fit TO _ "IT * OH IlKNT Furnished room , with board. J3 1117 Howard. _ [ 'i ! _ OR IlKNT Largo , nicely urnlshcd front room with bonnl. 711 N.lOtj st. 472-20 FOlt Itr.NT-rurulslicd rooms. 2209 Uodjr sswa * < > 1710 It IlKNT Elegant furnished rooms , with Jbonnl , all moilern conveniences , at 2225 Dodge St. 072 TTUm ItUNT-ltoom with bourd. 1013 Capitol av JL1 ftii-iii * _ fTIOH HUNT Largo front room , modern Im- Jprovcmonts. . Addrosa P.O. box 303. 215 rOB BAI.E-HOUBBa-I.OT3. \\7-ASHIXaTON Hir.l.aeiolotS , Txwpnc , i > ensy terms. Cuuiiliighnm Allronmin , 1511 Drdgo. WASIIINOTON HILL Is the bast ncro prop- orty. Sec It nud bocouvll.Ojd. ( Junninj- hnin & lirennnn , 1S11 1)udgo. t\7ASIIINUTON HIM , U Just west of Wn1- T nut Hill nnd n short dIstantu liorn the licit Line depot. ASIIINOTON HILL h OinahTl's most chnrmlng Rubitrb. Ko\r Is the tlmo to secure an ucto let there. \17AS1I1NUTON HILL Is fie fastest Felling M nidltlon-CO lots sold slneoJnnunry 1st. AHi'lrxmN iui.l. Ciintilnunm * Uron- nan , solo ag > n'.s , 1511 Uodgc. "TTiOH SALi : Dy Cuniilnu-hnm & ttrcnuau. JL' Lot ! In Mnr hi's' addition , f,7i' > . I.ntBln Hnii coin 1'Ince. VT50. Lotiin 1.1 lu B iidJltlon , $1.17.i. Lots In ShuH's uddltluli , tU'l-H Lots In Cuiilnghnni A ; Diennan's addition , f2.)0.Lots Lots In Lowe's nddltlon , $100. Lots In nil the clt nCd tioni. Cunnlnghum & llrenunn , IKlinodgc. "TTIOIt mid lot , ncxl-.O , Sl.OOO. JL' Cunnlnghnin > v llrenunn , 1.MI Dodge. If nil SAM- : : houses nnd lot. rented for ? " 0 1 n month , only , ) , WO. Cunningham x liren- nan , 1511 Dodgo. 17 > OU.SAli : cheap hoiifCB nnd lots In Hans- JL1 com 1'liico. Cunulnehaiii & lltontmn , 1511 Dodgo. $ S.OOO will buy an 8-room hou o nnd 7 lots. Cunningham &lirennnu. 1511 Dodgo. Foil SAl.i : n business lota on Cumlugstreet , nearSuundcrs , SS/iOU for all. Cunningham & Ilreunau , 1511 Dodge. TT Oll SAtK-A lot In Clifton Plnco , $1,003. Cunningham & llrcnnnn , liill Dodgo. SALE G-room house ixnd lot 00x1118 , -L.1 roppluton avenue. South front. Only fi',500. Cunnnigluiiiii ; Ilreiniun , loll Uodgo. EOK SALli A splendid house and lot on Sherman nvonuo. It you want an elegant rosliloiicolioiols yourelmnco. Cunningham & Itronnan's , 1511 Dodge St. 59J-13 T71OII SA1.K An vlcirant ro-ld2iico on corner , JL1 llth St. . S4.1M ) . 'IhH Is n b ! ; , ' barjrnfu. 13. T. 1'cterson , 51 Co. , Koom 'J , S. U. cor. 15th und Douglas sts. Ull EOU SALlC-Gibson A chtr & Co. , Hoom 3 , Withnoll lllock , hnvo lor s.ilu line business lots on Km mini , luth uud SuiindersSts. Uoodlmprovodresldoncopropuity on N. 18lh Street. Improved farms nnd wild lands In all parts of Nou. , Iowa and To.\n < . Vaccnt lotbinall jmrts of Omaha. ] ( i ) ncrcs in siiliiirlw of Omaha sullnhlo nnd sltuntcd lor Imniodliita biib-divlslou. ed tcbool lands In all parts of Xobuisku. Slock ranches , with or without stock. rorSnlo An u > tiibllblicd bnnklng butlni s In Nebraska county seat. l-'or Halo A uoivspti ) or In g-pod Nob. town. For Sale A stock ot $11,03i > 'clothing in Oiniihn KorSalo A stock or ary goods , SJiOU ) , In Omuha. For Sale A stock ot groceries , $3,000 In Omnhu. Forfalo A livery stable outfit in Omuha. For llxclumgo A SII.UCK ) s-tock of general mor- chmullsu In Ioiu for ! i cash , biilnnco land. ForKvchangu A Slu.OJO stock ol dry goods. J3.COO cash , biilanou hind. For Cicliaiifjo Vn fs.uoo stock of dry coeds In Iowa for U t-u li , halanco land. Tor Kxclnint'o A $11OOJ block of hardworo In lowu for U ousli , bnhuiue laud. For r.xchungo A t-UOJ block of diugs In Omaha tor U cash , unlnnco land. For Kichango A 513,000 stock of hardware In Michigan lor luud. I'or Excliaiiffo An S3.503 Block of general mercliHnillto In Neb. fur good Neb. farm. 1'or KMiliiiiifro A 510,000 stock of clothing. FortocliniiHO A $3UOJ btocU of boots and shoos for Jj ciish , b.ihinco lima. List your propoity with us. O.llco open from 8 u. in. to U p. in. CM ( Ono of the finest residences on 77OllSALIi : S. ICth st. , llrst 6tory brick , on corner , Janro lot , $ jlOJ. r. . T. 1 otuiun A : Co. , room U , S. E , cor. lljth nnd Douglus m. Gil K ILltY l'LACK-5 lots , the llnost In thlsal- dltlon , $2KU cash ; must bo sold In three ( laju. i : . T. retcrson Jc Co. , Itooui 3 , S. K. cor. 10th and Douglas bts. Oil ' \rKWrOHT Nearest , best aero lots , elegant ± > location , uiiburpassod view of tho. city , reached over lo\cl roads , no hills to climb ; easy terms of payment ; B per cent Interest ; price , 5300 an aero. AM w , 1590 rurnum. AMIS : PLACE Cheapest and nenrost city lots lor the money ; only 5200 to $300 per lot. llEiiiCK'H ( iiiovK Jubt feouth of Farnam bt. . ! i block from 2iith nnd Fariinm Bt. euhool hou o ; only J30J to S 1,200 per lot on easy terms. Aur.s , 150'J Furnam. NATUHAT. GUOWTII shade trees on every lot Ju Hodlck's Grove ; only2VJ blocks Irom Park avo. curs. See lledlck's Grove. IlltiaiiTON Splendid acre lota , 5275 per lot ; mobt desirable aero lots next to Newport , Bee this huiidsomo pioperty. Jlii.noK : HII.T , Soiitlnvebt of HanscOm 1'ark 10 minutes walk Iroiu 1'ark nvo. cam ; lots 5300 to 5300 cm terms to s-it buyer. Mnlrosu Hill lots will bell tor doub j prctout pilcoslnu ycur's time. Come nnd Hio this property. AMUS , liVJJ Fninarn. \Viiv I'AV HK.VT when youcan buy a lot in Amos I'laco for 620J to fUOO on such easy terms ? t-ce these lots. OAK CHATHAM This levo viut of lund has not a poor lot In It. The I'.olt Line depot bag been located on this lund. Lots boll for 5000 to 5310 on very easy payments. Bee Oak Clint- PJJVINVIKW Choice lots Btlll for Bale In this popular addition at fair prices , ou easy pay ments , ViiATT's Sunlit VISION -'Acre lots fouthwost HiuiKcom Park , very doslrablo'jrround , selling at 5t > 50 per lot. UARKAI.OW I'I.ACI ; These lots are luo ehoap- ei > t for Bale on Louvonworth st. Prlca J'AW to 5UvXJ , on payments to suit.AMES AMES , 1503 Furnam Bt. C U.TJ mid' see for youri > cll the chnuce s lor Mtfo Inveslment o'Jered , Itemombor , Omahn'a growth Is solid and lasting. Property will con tinue to advance. 11 uy now und maku the ad * VUlico. All us , 1WJ Fiirimin St. TTIlVi : lols In Kllby Pluco nifit lti sohl at once , JJ $2 , < XX ) ci-sU. 1 ! . T. Pctei-bOii & Co. , Itnom 3 , S. K. Cor. 15th and Douglas sis. Oil _ f OVGItKN & WILUK JJ'40-iura Water - farm near Weeping , Neb.iuj iieica under cultivation , bal- aiicotlue piibture , all modern Improve- munts it tmriju'ii . (8,000 No.UO-Ilousoiiudkt , Shlnn's O'ldillmi. l.UOJ No. 131 U-room bivck lioiito , largo lot , B. lliihbt. , all modern liiipiovonieuU . 4.r > 00 Jj.:31 2 lou , Pellmm I'lnco ' , both tor. . . 1,100 No. 12.1 Urcoiu hoiuo , fupliol 11111 add. , till modern fuipiovementa . , . 8 5,250 No. J1U House und btislncbs lot , Dodge Btrott . . . 10,000 No. 117room hoiibo and Iniee lot In Ixiwo'8 add. , easy teinm . 1,5X ) No. 121 2lota , lur o house , llunseom l-liico . . . 4,800 No , 111 Kino now IioufO , near Park. . . , , . , 3'JiJ ) No. ) uJ 2 lots , each OJil-'i , ono corner with house , good well , i-to. . tllrt chenp 2iXiO No , 2 K ) Large lot west of Pmk nvo . 1,500 No. 213 Lot on Parkavu frontlnir Paik. , 1,275 No.Sll llotrfon.SaiinJi'Ki tt. , cucU . 7UO Ixiltion Ciunlng Bt , . . , , . . , . , . 6)1 I ots m llunseom Phu-o. . . . , . b50 AUuhuiuhuJs of other burgaiiu , In all parts of the city , on e uy terms. Uiill upon us before buyliitr. Lo-vsrou & AVlldc. Itoom 10 , firjiilto lllock. WM3 _ _ _ _ _ ) Li : llenutlfula-Btory brick dnelllmr houbo/largobarn. ort B. Wtli bt. , 54 W , Will t'oublo in vcluo lu niat clr n ontbs 1'dwurd T. & Co. , Itotiuib U , b. K. Cor. IDtli nn'J lluuglaabt. * fill Foil HALK No6ii lXt 'inOxHB In ml tiddltlon with } iou&o anil fruit , a bargain , Omabu ItiiaJ l iuto & Jxjiui Co. , UoomsiUauu , WUlmtll Ullc ' WJ-U on SALr-nnltoft Moore. 122 ninnm. 3 loll together with 4-room hou o , now barn , irot'd well. Iioca'pd In TTalnut Hill add. Housn nnd lot f ranting I'nrnntn St. , ? , ) ,500. House nn 1 lot irt M6 'inndlsh I'laco , S2.800. Two lot * 127KxtW , torother with 8-room now homo good Inru.oil nud cistern. Parker's add. , croat bargain ) $ .1,100. House nnd lot , good unrn , well , cistern , lawn nnd Mindo trees. 'Parker's add. , very cheap , i bo'usos nnd 8 Iots ( n. V. Smith's add. $1,000 , Lot nnd 7-room modern house , E. V. Smith's mid. ? i , W. . i 13 room modern lmu fr , K. V. Pmlth's add $1,000 House nml lot , Capital Hill. Herd's first add. , * Modern 5-room houfo , I oiutlful lot , W.tlOS , ShuU'fiZndndd. , l > n * < rn ] , 53.0tW. 7-room house nnd ctfrnor lot , Dnvonport St , Cnpltnl Hill , $3,500. I i House and lot. Chnilos St. , Shlnn'p add. Tine business pi porty on St. Mary's nvo. , rrnts for 555 , woitlf $ sOUJ. 7-room modern house , Park nvo. . Hanscom plnco. llnrpnln.only fnou down , $1,000. Houto and lot , Hickory Place , very cheap , House nnd lot , Haiucnm place , bargain , S1V ( > 0. House nud lot.Kountzo add. very ehpap,5'-.700. House and lot , Kountzc fc Kttth add. . $ L',500. S lota and 2 houses , tiotth 18th street , $ > , W ) . Ho Jso , 1 lot , Uojror's ' a Id. . $ .1.000. IMoom house , lit 42xlM ( , frontlnpS streets on Saiiiulcrs St. , Just off Cmulngs. Curs run by the door. HUjr bargain. SOM ) . Hlce t Moore , 1222 rarnain. oon-13 _ TTIOlt SALK-llj- . ( ) , Phriror. JJ 2 lots on I oavonworth. cor.icr , both (1.10. nnstlrontlo : , OeoMln uvo. , near Popploton ! ( South Irout lot on rnrnam St. , $1COO. 4 lots , corner , In Hc.llck's sub-division , 52,100 lo SWJO onch. Vt lot ou 10th near Ilnrnoy. 57.WX ) . 32.XCO feet wllh building , Howard near 10th , 5-1 bOO. Lot. east front , Virginia nvo. , ? lm Full lot wth ; Improvements , rents for ? UOpor inonth , Leavenworth near 13th , easy tonns , 510.000. SSJfeot front , la\rcnport ncnr 14th , with build ing , easy turms , JI.'WO. IHixllklfeot. frontliiK 2 streets , ono mlle from P. O. ' cplendld Iniprovomonts , S3.500. lluslness lots , Cumlng St. , on car line , $1,200. Full lot , good Improvements , Hamilton st , , nonr Satiudcrs , $3fioO. New 4 room cottngp. full lot , $100 cash , bal ance 20 , > or month , 51,550. Property In all parts of the city on easy terms W. 0. Shrlvor , Ops. P. O. 641-15 _ TflOU SALK-No.57-Iotsln Hoyd's nddlllou JJ 5-125. No. US Ono lot in block 2 , Jllllard Place , rlicnp. No. 5J A comer lot In Lowo'e addition. Omaha llenl Kstnto & Jxjnn Co. , Koouib 22 and SJ. With- neil IllonX 537-13 _ _ pATTKltSON PAHIC U the latest , best and J- cheapest addition ; no ncio property near Uiiialm HO ulioapns this S17.1 to frXiO per note , First Hoer , Iron Dnnk Uulldhiif. D. u , Pntter- eon. 510 ITlOUSALi : Vacnnt lots by lllco i ; Jloorc , X1 ISSJ Fiirnam street. Hoautlful lot lu llurr Onk add. , $ ? 00. 'M fectlroiitlugon Biiunders bticet , corner lot $2.000. M lots In Han'com Plnco , fr.mS703 to ? 2,500 ; allots InVo t fuming mid , 5275 to S4.10 : ono tenth down. bnl. long time nt $ per cent Interest stluolois In J. I. Hcdlck'sndd. , 5i"JO , Lot In Plnmvluw add , , f 15' ) . Corner lot In Plalnvlow oirSnuudorn , $3.)0. Lot In I/owo's ndd. , cash , cheap , S350. LotiuW. A. Itoaick's ndd , GjxiaT ; bargain , $7r > 9. Lot on S. 10th St. . Hartmnn's ndd , $2,00 ; ) . : ilotslnTliornbuig Plncc , 51,20) ) , a " " " 51,000. 31oH , K. V. Smith' ? add. ,'O ' each. Corncrlot In Dunlfca add. , &sjO , Corner lot Slilnn'sSnd ndil.C3\123 , 51,000. Hlcu&.Mooio , 122. Farnam Btreot. UOS-Kl "TTIOll SALU I'mi'St residence property ou JJ Lcnvenwoitli St. , 57,50J , laigc earner lot. K. T. Potci-bOii tc Co , , Itoom 3 , S. U. cor. 15th nnd Douglna. _ ; ' * _ Gil TTIOUSALi : Wo''nr'o'iiow ' ' inady to snow you JJ these bpnultfuljptsiu Clark's addition. This the elioi.ojt nviiilAblo rosldcnvo nenr the heart of tlio oity. Vi'o have aNo KOIIIO of the best lots In ilandsoino Place. The time to buy is now. Vfa arc aireiits tor West Hide addition on the loU. ! lluci T.HSJ lots nro non- going rnpldly nnd eiu'ly ifprliur will Ao the best ofthenibolJ. Iiiiv.noi\M Prices low nud terms easy. Houses und lots In every direction. Stock- dale & lluncUcr , 1511 Dci/lgo St. UJO-13 TJ > OK SAM5 AJO'ele ) > uiit rosldcnoo In J. I. JJ Itcillck'sudd. , Jot WxllO , Just completed , ? 5,750. ElwnrdT.TeterfTou & Co. , llooms , S. i : . cor. Uth und DoUglai Oil FOIt SALK-A nneC-ucro tract on South 10th street , only nixdir Mocks Irom ptruot car line. lu < iulruatLange& Folilck,318 S. 13th Bt. p.VTTiitSON'l'AKIv Is the latest , host und Jcho pest uddltiou ) .no aero property near OmaliL o cheap as this $175 to 51"K ) per aero. I'n-al ilour , lion Hank liiilldiug D. C. Patter- sou. 610 TTIOn SAI.i : Xo. 71-100x132 on Ilnrnoy St. JJ No. 72 1 lots In Hanscom Plnco , cheap. No. Jyii Lots In Hupont Plnco tit a bnrgaln. No. 13J Lot in Slilim'6 add. , 51.000. No. J31 A very desirable lot in Illmobaugh ndd. , Ul.UUO. A farm ot COO acres near Valley , good building and everything llrst-clasrt. Hero is u bur- gnln. Umnlinltcnl Kstntu & Lonn Co. . Itooms S ! and S3 , Wlthnell llloclc. 530-13 rJlOUSALIC-Ilyllnllou Uros. , 817 8. 13th It , JJ business property , houses and lots and va- cunt. lots lu all parts of the city , at lowest prices. 47u-13 FOIt SALIC Must b' sold in i three duy * 5 of tha finest lots in Kllby 1'luCo. : worth i at least 53.85J lor { 2iK)0 . ) cash. K. T. Peterson A ; Co. , Hoom 3 , S. E. cor. 15th jmd Douglas bts. Oil PATTKItSON 1 A1K-3M ( miles fioin court heuso , 5175 to $350 per uci o ; small cash payment - mont , buliinco easy forms. First lloor , Iron Hank Iluildliiir. D. C. Patterson. 515 Rt ) , I'ATTKllSON , 12J1 Viirnnm Real t Kitnte. $1,8UO buys now cottugo and lot on monthly pay ments. ? 1,0W ( buys hoiifo and lot , easy terms. 52,50 ! ) buys it tplcnJid 10 aero lot. S300 huj-fa n lot In Patterboii ij lllmobauffh'B sub- division. $500 buys a lot m Patterson Plnco. 5175 buys an acio in Patterson Park. ( 3,000 buys full lot and house , Uoorgfa avs , 67n-15 H. C. I'litterbOli , 1224 Faruum. FOK 8ALi-On easy pnjmcnts , twenty houses In different parts ol the city. Iluy a house nnd 8toi > , payluff rent. Dnllou llros.,317 B. 13th St. 471-1 ! ) _ FtK SALi : Some very desirable property ou South 15th and IGth streets. Omaha Heal Kstato Ic Loan Co. , Itooms ' ! uud 23 , Wltliuoll Hlock. 510-13 _ _ ATTKItSON l'AKK-31J miles from court house , 5175 to $35) per acre ; small coah pay ment. balance onty turms. First lloor , lion Hunk llulldlnir. D.C.Patterson. 515 Foil HALK Two lots m Pclham Plnco , OHO block Irom ctroct car track , Inquire 218 P. 13th street. K _ SALU Ambler Pluco lots , the fastest Foil addition In Onmlia. Some line lots loft. Jlullou IJros. , bole agents , 817 b. 18th Bt. * 473-U VroVOU anT6 loiniri'lliry Place at 52W J- ' cash ? If BO , rail on K. T. Peterson & Co. , Itoom 3 , B. 15. cor , 15th and Douglas sts. 01 1 Tmoit SALK A general mcronaudlso business JL ) In a mpldly growing town not tar from Lin coln. llcst trade and location In town. A splen did opportunity for a party wishing a good opening , and huvlnjr from seven to ton thousand dollars In cash. Will soil for cash only , or part cash , balance roid-eatato In Omaha. Address Merchant. UeoOllioo. v _ H25 H Ell IS IT LS-A splendid fnrm at n btir aln In Southeast tilbruiltu ; 240 acres well Im proved , 13.1 acres uvjtlvu od , bearing orchard , running wnturtlmbo > -tocitoverSiOOJ worth of corawood , to'iool ? 2 mlloj,4 railroad towns 4)4 ) to Smllui chrupoet f m m < n ouo of the best oiiun- tloj. Wo n.'sa Inn u 'r : iutrrest in the best Hleiiin ferr/ -Missouri rlyi-r , doing t-p'.endid bilBlnoSM , for Bnhi , brcntiBa ofiji.TUpvnl ol owner. Ui'll X" JlcCandil h , 1511 DoJge b , Oiiiohti. 6'W-11 ' ! "ITloil SALl'At iV Da'fgaln. Fine business J2 proiicrty on S. 13ih , Wxl5a ft. This cuu bo bought for .yj.UX ) loM.thnil actual value If taken utoiico. If you warn nf ; . Investment look nt Cocliranllru'iiAC6.U Fnnium at. 815 TTtOltKAMi IlyPotter"fcCoiib , 1515 Furnam JJ st. , 1 lot In West til lidrAud at 5m S lots in Shlnu'8 lid , iWd Kf. 5725 ouch. A few choice lots ( uVMnrsh's ut lWX ) each. IxtbBil34onl3th8 ! blof'ks fiom pavement , J oulyjlboo Fine aero in Qciso'i add , 51600. S of the cheapest lots iu pltiluvlow , only 54 > 3 each. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TJ1 77UW Choice Ilargalns in real estate , call at the JJ ollico of the Omaha Heal Ubtuto & Loiiu Co. , roouu 22 uud 23 Wlthnell llulldlnir Omaha. "OS SALIC A few good lots in Hlllsldu No. FOIt on Davenport and Chicago sts. , cheap at S71U to jtfjJ each. Potter i : Oobb , 1515 Kar- naui BL _ 737 SALliCIiolcoS prlO ncro tracts. 4 miles southw eat from court hoiibo , 114 miles fiom Junction of U , P. Ity. nnd licit Line , nud 1 mlle Irom Stock Yards. LleJ wollj nil under cultiva tion. fun bo bought for 5170 und J20J per ucro , if bold soon. Cnoitpojt property In vicinity. liu. 1515 F.irmim bu _ TJJ : A two story , ZJrM , frame build inn , suitublo ( ot u fctJrj , neAr Uta aul f'r- . nainSts. thJ ( ' 175011 s7lu -AH "olejrant lioubc. good burn , ' JJ ISO ft f outlt front corner lot , lieu o ronu for $25 per mouth , fJ OJ. . tt.41. Uicuu , over 1st National Un k. - . . , ta. : T ANO SEEKr.RS ATTENTIOX-FOT . , - full --Jpirtlculars nbout free and chonp land * la Woetorn Nobraskft address The ? . a Patterson , RcolEatato Agont. North Platte Nob. 883 "I OUCholr-o Imrgnlns tn real ostuto.onll nt the X1 offlco of the Omnhn Hcnl K tnto fc Lonn Co. , rooms 23 and 23 , Wlthnell llulldlnir.Oinnhn. 708 C121)All COUNTY'S COAIj FIND. A lionatiza for the People Tlio Need ol' n Knllroml. ST ! Hr.LENA , Cedar Co. , Fob. 10. [ Cor- rospotidonco of Uio line. ] The print-ipnl topic of discussion in this county is rail- rotitls nnd coal mines , The people of the northern part of the county have boon lor hum to in the discovery of good conl nt n depth of from forty lo four hundred nnd sixty-five feet , but tlio thtnkncss of the vein is not ascertained , ns the cold weather put .a stop to the work but it Is supposed thnt the vein Hint was struck four hundred and fifty feet down is from four to seven foot In thickness. The company is making preparations to for ward the work of prospecting as early as the weather will permit. The ooul vein mentioned nboVo win discovered nbout ono-hnlf mlle from the Missouri river , nnd two miles cast of St. Jlclotm. It this coal lind proves as good as nntieipateu , Cedar county will experience the biggest boom over witnessed in any other county in Nobrnskn. St. Helena is situated on the bank of the 'Missouri river nearly opposite the mouth of Jtuncs river iu Dakota ter ritory , is n rich and fertile agricultural country , with plenty of good timber , both below and above town. The nearest rail road point in this county is over liftcen miles and the nearest railroad station is seven miles duo north from St. Helena. Yankton , a thriving city of several thousand inhabitants , is situated on the Missouri river ten miles northwest of St. Helena. A railroad running from the southern part of this state via Omaha to the southeastern boundary of Cedar county on the Logan valley , thcnco in a southwesterly direction down the east J5ow vallov lo St. James , thence along the river bottom to St. Helena and to Ynnkton , would pass through the best part ot the county and furnish transnor- lotion to the largest number of the best farmers and stock growers of this county who now market their large surplus of products in other nart.s , mostly in Yank- ton andjGayvill , Dakota territory. The country along the river demands a rail road und it is bound to come sooner or later. Couaun. Tlio Chicago Herald : "I think , " said a prominent oflieer at army headquarters , yesterday , "that the Apaches who sur- rendcrca the other day in Chihuahua will not bo allowed to return to Arizona. The whole batch , Geronimo included , are likely to bo bundled into a train und carted oft" to IheDryTortugus. It would be very unwise to lot them go back to the San Curios reservation. Geronimo could not bo depended on to keep the peace. and in a few months the army would again be chasing him and his braves across the Mexican border. Geronimo is , by the way , a very superior Indian. He is a Mexican Apache , and as a boy was a military pupil , so to speak , of Old Coehise , the greatest chief the Apaches ever had. Geronimo speaks Spanish as well as his own language , and is a man of a good deal of ability. Now that Crook has him in his corral , he ought never to Jet go of him. And the only way to in sure peace in Arizona is to ship the whole of Gcronimo's band to the Dry Torlngns , or anywhere fur away from the old haunts. Moat ot the Apnclies are now inclined to peace. It is only Geron- inio's and Nairn's old bands that are hos tile. Nuna is dead and his warriors are practically subdued or scattered. If the government Bends Geronimo und his lending men out of the country it will in sure peace in that region. Crook has had to sutler a good deal of censure be cause of his alleged mismanagement down there , but it is not his fault that the Indians are constantly being sent buck to their reservation , ami as constantly breaking out again. Now is the time to inaugurate a new policy with the hostile Apacnes , and 1 hope the government will doit. " PIIK9 ! I'lflSs A sure ciuo for Blind , Bleeding , Itchin nnd Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian Tile Ointment. A sinijlo box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or SO years standing. No ono need suffer live minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lotions and iii.strumcnts do more harm than good. Williams' Indian IMlo Ointment absoibs the tumors , allays tlio Intense itching , ( particularly at nlirht after petting warm in bed ) , acts ns n poultice , cive instant relief , and is prepared only for Piles , ( tchlns of private parts , and for nothing else. SKIN DISEASES CURED. Dr. Fruzier's Magic Ointment cures ns by maKlc , Pimples , IJlack Heads or Grubs , Jilolchea and Kruptions on the face , leaving the bkin clear and beautiful. Also uuicsltcli. Kalt Khuum , Sore Mpnles , Sore Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. Syld by dnlgglsU , or mailed on receipt ot GO cents. Itetnlled by Kuhn & Co. , and Schroutcr & Uecht. ' At wholesale by C. F. Uoodman. A Washington correspondent tolls of u dcn li there recently which is sensational in iw ; detjiilB. A young doctor , hand- 'some , strong and of great promise , was called to POO u lady in u carriage at Ids door , llecoiving no answer to his greet ings to the patient , ho thought she had fainted. Ho stepped inio her coupe and found her already ti corpse. Ilo drove by. the sidu of the dead woman to her house nnd thence lo the hospital , where he was expected to participate in a meeting of the managers. Apologi/.injj to his col leagues for his lateness , he related hip ghastly experience. Then remarking , "I Feel faint , " he fell , struck dead by purul- 3'HiH , _ FAV01HTB HOMlt IIRMUDV Is wnr- THE runte < l not to contain a Mnglo par- tlclo of mercury or nny Injurious sub stance , but U I'ltnni.r vi.diTAiu.i : : . IT WIUTt CUIIK AM , IIKSIIASKH C.\VHKI ) I1V uiitANir..ML.NT : OKTIU : i.ivr.u , KID- JiKVH AMI MOU.tCII. If your liver Is out of order , then your whole system Is dnrumrod , Tlio blood U Impure , the breath ollcnslvc , you have heudnche , loci languid , dispirited and nervous. To prevent a moro borious con dition , take at once HImmons TIVP11 HKOOhATOU. If you lend a sedentary iillull Jifu orbulfur with KIIINKV AITKCTION.S , avoid bUiimlats nud tnku tflininona Liver Ite u- lutor. Sure to relievo. If yqu have eaten anything hard of di gestion , or fool heavy after inenla or Moonless at night , lal.o a docu and you will fuel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If yqu aio u mUorablo biiireror with CONSTIl'ATIO.V , Dyfil'ia-HIA llllll lllMOUS- NHSS , Fcok rcllof at once lu SlminoiH Liver llegulator. It' does not iixnilra ( onllnnal doling , nnd coats but n trille. H will euro you. Ifyouwukoupln the morning with a bltu > r , bad taste iu your mouth , TAlfP Simmons Liver llegulator. It corrects Iflrvfj tlio Ilillous Btoniucli , Sweetens the llr.uth. and Cleanses tbo Furred Tongue. Cnir linr.N iiftfn need some snfuCutlmrlfo undTonlo to avert iipproufliliiif elckness. Klminoiis Liver Kegiilutor will relieve Colic , Headache , Kick Htomach , Indlpostlon , Dysentery , and the ooiu- plaints incident to childhood. tUOo-tU-bUtiW MlCJIIltiKS ANI > AOKNTS or TIIU Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co should read tlio I'lUlltUAl'V ISSUU of the Insurance Monitor Just Out Addrcsa 0. C. 1IIM5,1'ublisho Sliiiflu Coplf.s SO cts. ' . 137 BroadwayJf.Y. City MATOANGSONEICIITY- . ' Saturday's Snn Rose on tlio Familiar and Sot There Too. THE MARKET LACKS INTEREST. The Uco'fl Correspondent Tells of tlio Dny's Business In a Pace- tloiiH Wny Corn , Provisions nnd General markets. CHICAGO OUAiy MAnKIin * . CHICAGO. Feb. 13. fSpecInl. ] WHEAT Wheat appears ( o bo In the position of n young bird which has fallen out of the nest to tlio giound. It cnn go down no further , nor can It rlso without parental aid ; ot least not until Its wings grow. All It can do is to flutter around n little bit nnd mnko the looker-on think that inaybo It Isn't In qullo ns had n llx ns It Is. The market appears to bo on n haul bottom , but on the other hand it evinces no ability to gel away from it by ad vancing. 1 f there nro nny budding wings In sight the trade goncially cannot southern with the naked eye. The stagnation Is com plete , nnd the longer It endures the lesa out- sldo business Is received. Something must he done , and I look for the brokers to stimu late activity veiy soon even If the reality Is wanting. They can't voiy well nITord to sit hero nnd starve because the country Is out of the inaikct. Yo little fishes 1 If Thursday was dull , nnd If Friday was duller , to-day was dullest. Talk nbout silence "brooding o'er n still nnd pulseless world. " You should hnvo seen her do the brooding act o'er the still nnd pulse , less mniket to-day. It wns up the center nud back to your places all day. Three-eighths of lo was the limit of Iluctuntlon. Puts nud calls sold last night at 8l c nnd Kyf@ & ' % c , and neither ono of them was oven touched all day. The market opened at 85@83 > e lor May , nnd that wns the center o gravity. In these mure violent moments prices got 3-lGc away from this point. And the close. An j body could have called the tuin on the close. It was "bllt" In the same hole. Hang In the eye of Mr. Eighty-five. You know our old friend Highly-live. Ho has been on hand every night Mnco Wednesday , and has gmbhcd May to his breast with tlio fervid embrace of n bridegroom. I hope they nro married , as they seem to bo. It would silence .scandal. Itcain and Lester wcro both buyers again , nnd ono or the other of them too ) ; in most of the larger offerings. The sellers wcro principally among the scalpers , who were long and didn't want to stand over till Monday on either side. The big shorts nro standing pat , hut the under tone of the market Is beginning to make some of them ncivous. A general hard lieezo about this time throughout the wheat belt would run most of them to cover. Per haps all except Jack Cudahy. IIo says ho don't caio how high wheat goes , ho will keep out his line of shorts all the time and keep nrnUinc the nvoiago 20c n year carrying charges on It. If it goes tip like a rocket some day It will como down like a stick some other day , he says , and all that tlmo the bull sure gnawing a lilc. But every ono isn't Cudaliy , and the short Inter est is supposed to he so largo that n good sized crop scare would nmko the bears climb over each other to got out. Theie wasn't any export. There wasn't nny increase of re ceipts. No war. No London riot. No noth ing. Puts and calls sold within Jc of the market. The visible supply , it Is guessed , will show 750,000 decrease. Monday's esti mated receipts are 53 cars. Coax Corn moved up a little In the Feb ruary , March and April deliveries , but May closed unchanged. Tliero seemed to bo some good buying by brokers , nnd the offerings wcro all absorbed by n very few persons. A cold snap , which would check receipts , might very easily give n little bjoui to corn , which is regarded by the trade generally ns cheap enough at present quotations. The esti mated receipts for Monday are 335 cars. PnovisioNS The provision list sagged away from a strong opening to a closing that was 15c lowci than the top for May poik and somewhat weaker for both ribs and lard. "Old Hutch" was In the ring ns n bear on the former nnd pounded It all day. There \aa no strong buying observed , and ho had things pretty much his own way. The trade looks for a bulge next week , especially in ribs , which mo very strong ; but light receipts of hogs may have very llttlo effect on the market , which Is supposed now lo bcentlicly under the manipulation nnd the contiol of a lew heavy packers. The estimates vary , but the best are that the week's income will bo about 100,000. FINANCIAL. Ne\v York. Feb. 13. MOMEY On call easy at 14@2 ! per cent. PjttsiE MUIICAXTIIJ : PAI-HII IS-I per cent. STIIIMNOJXOHANOI : : Dull bufbteady and unchanged at 34.87 lor sixty days , nnu SH.8U for demand. GOVEIINJIKXTS Dull , but firm. SIOCKS Stocks were compaiativcly quiet , with only slight Iliictuations until about l o'clock. Alter 1 o'clock there wns a very de- elded incicabo In business , coal blocks lead ing , and prices advanced In many cases over 1 per cent. The highest prices for tlio day \\eie geueinlly made about3p.m. During tlio last hour there was nn Inegular move ment with some disposition to weakness , but the market closed steady to firm , und gener ally higher than yesterday ntternoon. STOCKS ON WAI.Tj STllI'llT. 8 cent bonus. . . lOO iU. &M. W Ill U.S.IK'S 111 % preferred. . " " Now 48 * V.KJ4 N. Y. 0 PaclliuO'sof "J3. KfltfOiczoii . 'I'rnn. . . . . . Central Pacific. . 48 I'nellio Mall r,7 * C.&A M40J. I' . , 1) . &U 21tf preferred. . . . 160 P.P.O 1W ! C.J&U. Hock Island. . . . 1U9 | < D. , U AsW 1ST. St. L. AS. F. . . . 22f D.A-H. 0 . , preferred. . . 40JC Krle tibKO. , SI. fcSt. I' . . . IHJf preferred. . . , i'.iK pitsfm-ied. . liii Illinois Central. . JiJO St. V. & 0 41 % I. , U. &W ! i7 I pivfonon. . . NMK Kansas ATcxas. 81 Tovns Pacific. . . 12 ? LakeShore KVs'.lJnlon . Pacliio. . . { & % L.&y 41MW. : , St. 1 , . it I' . . Uf Mich. Central. . . . 7ji prefeired. . . 18 .Aio. Pacific lll' WeMeni Union. 7:1 : % Noithern P.ic. . . ST jO. " { . .ScN 103) { piefened. . . GO ' Mix. dlv. PKCJOUOI3. Glilunuo , Feb. 13. Flour Quiet and un changed ; winter wheat Hour. H.-IOSW.S.'i , southern , SUXXg-i.C ! * ; WlwniiMn , H .MKicl.TC ; Michigan soil spilng , Sil.7Uyi-l.OOj Mill- GOO : 'ryo "hour , JaJM il.'oo'ln'barrels. s : , ld G > : UO in fim-kri ! Hour , tM.OOifl.W per ban el : SiOu percwt. in sacl-s. Wheat Quiet ; lemained wimu ran go nnil closed biuuii its > cM iihiy ; VJ,1 MSii for cash ; 7U < < e. lor Fehiuary ; 7i > ; fei > 0e lor March ; S'XiS Dkc for .May. Coin Finn ; futini'S closi-d Vc better than ycslt'iday : 'J7k''i'.57ii ' lor ciu < li ; 'I' 'o lor Kc-biiuuy S7l/o forilaich ; 404'@wjo lor .May. Oats Finn : futures J o hlclior ; f,0 > ; o 1'or cash : JiO o tor Fubiuary and AInicli ; W fo lor .May , Uvo Steady at . ' * , H.ulev DullntOOc. Wlilsky-fcLll ) . Timothy U'c-ala-r and la caili-r ; inline , J'orl' Fairly active hut - . . - , , . , and closed at Innldu 'j'"iJ ' ' * , * ; - > < 3SII.Ulf ( lorcasliFebniaryandMinch5 ; > n.-7l'3Hll.0 ( ( Larll Steady \vlth no inuloilal ohniigo ; 50.10K for cash ; SO. 10 0.12 lor I'ebiu.iry and Maii'hs cO/i-i l.'WV ; for May. Hull ; MwitsShouldcrMttHUWiO ; sluut clear. S.'i.tiM&.S'j ' ; t.hoil rihs. t-5.fyj.ifWi. lluttt-r Ki > ier ; good , extiu lani-y ciwim- cry , ! U&8-yf ; choir o dairy , -Me. , . _ , . Cheie - Acti\o ; lull jrc.uiis , O.lfQlOc' young 'Aiuerl MS , li&'lljri'c ' 1X'ubK < ? MXv. Ilides-Unchaiigcd ; part cured , , f'5\c ; giceu , bcJiCAV ; > "o''W" sall > ubJic * HKUIUU , ; bull hides , OVcsdry snUod , drv Him , 18 ? l4c ; c ir skliis. I0@13c. I'Allow UtioliRiittodtXo. 1 country , No. a country , 4c ; cnko , So. Hecolcts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 10,000 fi.ooO Wheat , bu . 21.000 10,000 Corn , DU . 1SO.OOO 8I.OOO OntA.bu . lin.000 , ] tye.bll . ! ' ,000 1,000 Uarley.bu . 6.000 SJ.OOO Now York , Feb. -Wheat llecol * > ls , 0,000 ; exports , none ! spot dull ; options opened Jfc bettor , but later declined ' .fC'i'fc , rallied to best prices , leavlnir oit llrm : un- graded red. WK'tl Ke : No. 3 red , Ul fc In store ; March closliiK at OlKf' Corn Lower and less nctlvo : options , higher , eloslnp llrm ; recelnUi , LUl.OlM ; ex ports" " , see ; ungraded. 470V > oo ; No. a , W'iQ 47'4c ; Xo. 'J , nominal ; March closlnc nt fiOc , Oats Spot , lower ; icei'lnts. 00,000 ; o.xport-i , none ; mixed western , aicsW'Kcj ' white west ern , 4M1.V. I'etroleuni ( Jnlct ; united closed at TrtKc. KKS ( Juict but steady ; receipts , coo pack. apes ; \\estein , CJKc. 1'ork-Ouli-t ; meso , S10.6011.00. Lnnl A shade lower nnd dull ; sales of western steam spot , 80.8 ? > ' , March , 50.15 Hutler Quiet but firm ; western , Klein creamery , ! X5c. Cheese Quiet and weak. St. I > ul < , Feb. in. Wheat Steady nnd higher ; No. 3 red , cash , COVe ; Mny , ifl f(3 ( lO > < c. Corn Easy nnd nbout unchanged ; No , 3 mixed , cash , 3V@U5c ! ; Mny , 87 > sc. Onts-Kasy ; No. a mixed , cash , BOKc ; Slav , 81 * < e , live fiOc. Whisky 81.10. I'ork-FIrm at 511.23. Lard 50.00. liuttor Quiet ; creamery , 2 IGVflc ; dairy , 10 City , Feb. 13. Wheat-Steady ; cash Ti bid , 74 > c nskcd ; March , Ma ; , 7y > c. Com Steady ; cash , 20 e bid , HVasked ; March , SUJtfc ; Mny. : ! l' c bid , 83 asked. Oats No ( inotattons. Tolcilo , 1-Vb. 13. Wheat-Closed steady ; cash , OiQiK'Kc , Corn Active , cah. ! Oats-Dull ; cash , at' Llvorpool , Feb. 13. Wheat Offoiod mod- oratnly ; newNc.3 wlntcrinnd spring , easy at 7s } d. nillxvnukoc , P'eb. in. Wheat Firm ; cash,8te ; May , BlOfe ; Juno , bOJj'c. Corn-vSteaily : 5fo. 2 , : K6. Oats Ka&y ; No. aJ'Jjtfc. ' . Itye Steady ; No. 1 , fi' ' > e. IJailoy-Qufpt ; No.J , Mjfc , Piovislons Kasler : mess poik , cash and March , 811.10 ; May , Sll.UO. Aliancnpoii.s , Keb. 13. Wheat Dull ; demand light ; No. 1 haul. bGVc ; Match , b78'c ; April , ! ) c ; May , 'c ; No. i northern , cash , 81ic ; Maich , S2c ; Apiil , to ; JSIav. b c. Mour Quiet ; patents , Sl.bOiJo.OO ; bnkeis , S3.bO@-l.00. Kecelpts Wheat , 71.000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 7,000 bu ; ilour , 10,000 bbls. . . i i. -.p IilV13 STOCK. Clilonpo , Feb. 13. The Drovers' .lournnl repoits : Cattle IJecclpls , 800 ; market steady ; slilp- jiiiii ; steeis , { f3.00(35.75 ( ; stockers and I'eeder.x , 552.'i > ( S-l.'W ; cows , bulls and mixed , 51.85 © 4.01) ) ; bulk. S2.75@3.00. llo8 Kecelpts. 0,000 ; market stronger : rough and mixed , Si.60@4.15 ; ; packing and I bhlppliiir , S4.15Q-1.SO ; light , 53.COQ4.'JO ; skips , SU.UU 3.ljO. Sheej ) l'eccils ) , " 00 ; market steady ; na- tlycs&ji.01.75 ; Texans , 8 .00(1(3.50 ( ; lambs , St. Ijoitis , Fob. 13. C.ittlo Receipt" , SOOshipments ; , 403actlve ; and 10 ( < tt0c ! hlnlu'r ; common to cholco shipping , SiJ.OOQif..C5J butcheis' stceis , Sa.'JS ® ! . 10 ; cows nnd heifer ? , SU.25@j.7.'i : ; Mockers nnd feeders , S.00@4.20 : ? , Hogs Ki'celpts , 3,000 ; shipments , T.COO ; strong nnd active ; butchers and best heavj' , Sl.SOcfw.Oj ; mixed packing , 54.001.25 ; light , Kiuisns City , Feb. 13. Cattle Itecolpts , 600 ; shipments , none ; active and firm ; ox- poiters , SS.IOQ.I.SO ; common to cholco whip ping , SJ.OOSli.OO ; btockersand lecders , § 3.10 ( < ? 3.b5 ; cows , S2.55rj.2.fcO. Hogs Keeeipls , 300 ; shipments , 1,600 ; choice n shade higher ; medium nud com mon steady ; good to choice § 4.00(34.15 ( ; com mon to medium , § 3.CO@3.l . Trnclo Itcvlcw. The produce maikels are not very active. Duller nnd eggs have sold slowly all the week , the dcmnnd being light. The receipts ot poultry for the past few days have been light nnd prices have strengthened. Ship ments ol fmit mo heavier than last year at this time , and the California fruit is in much better condition. Oranges , lemons , cabbages and e.iulillowers are being received li largo quantities Irom California. i The maikcti'or furs Is very dull ; uiuskrats aio haidly worth handling , Doing quoted at 8 < 25c. Tlio wholesale trade has UPOU very good for the season ol the year , and is rapidly lliereasins. The live stock market , especially the hpc maiket , is very active. Tlio demand Is very stiong for hogs nnd the supply not equal to the requirements of the packing homes. Prices have been forced up and hnvo rallied even above eastern maikots III pro portion to cost of transpoilatlon/ Choice heavy hogs have sold as 'TlUfh ns $4. ? ' . Light hogs do not sell ns well and nro not wanted. Thu run of cattle has i)0t ) begun - gun , nnd only n few natives nro coming li ) , ( iood cholco corn-fed steers have bcoiflu frilr demand nnd have sold fairly well. Sheep , if cholco nnd fat , will sell , but light , thin stoolc Is not waute'd. The prospects tor the coinlnc week aie good , and u gcncial revival of trade Is . anticipated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA JjlVlp STOCK. Balurdny Evening ; , Fob. 13. The receipts of cattle continue light The dicbsed beet maiket Is slow and steers aver aging 1,200 to 1,330 , 84.00(31.2. ( ' ! , and cholco crudes , averaging 1,400 to MM ) , nt : ( iood cholco heifers are In demand nt Sil.OO ® 'i.25 , but common old shelly cows nnd thin hellers aio not wauled at any price. The receipts of hogs for thu past week have not been equal to the demand and prices havG been higher In piopuitlon than castcrii mnikcls on thnt account. The market was. stronger to-day and pilces ranged lilghor. Cholco packing hoes ore quoted nt S4.00ffl ( 4.10 ; good mixed , & 3.)' ) ; ) ; common rougU hogs , Si.75 : : t.bO. Ciood mutton sheep weighing 100 Iba and up are btill In demand at Si.M@l.W : , but common light btult' is not wanted. IIKCIII : > TS. Cattle 100 Hogs 1,200 jiii'iiisi.VTATivK : : : BAI.US. NATIVK BTI'.KItS. No. Av. IT. No. Av. I'r. : < . .1070 S3.75 UO. . cows. No.a. . Av. IT. No. Av. Pr. a. . . .1003 83.00HULL' HULL' ' . No. Av. IT. No. Av. IT. S-J/iO l. . . .1KOO . .BOW ) HOCiS. No Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. W. . SM7K 7. " . . . . ( : ) . . . . . . a n.7k 07. . . 8 ! ) 'i au- m . an 4.05 78 210 ion ri . SOT 4.orK 77 UOO ! i..r 01 . ais 4.07H 00 "JKI ! J''J ' JtKIIir.bT AXI ) LOWB8T. Hliowlng the highest and lowest prices paid on this maiket lor hogs diirlinr thu past bovon ilavs and for the coirespundlng period last month : . January , I'f binary. Satuitlay S3.0 .Monday TiiPFday Thursday , . . . H.HO ( d 1,05 Fildny , . .Salinilay. . . . . . . te.-i.7o i'\ruin's : i _ Showini : thu number of cattle , hogs ami fihcup purulmscd by thu packers on thu m.iiv ket today. lions. .I.K. Uoyd. . . , ? U Hammmiil A : Co. , , 4'i4 Atlnntlc Put-king Co. . , 201 Others ZH Note All bales of block In this market nro madit pcrc\\l. llvo wrlijhl unless otheiwhu | Mated. Dead hoics sell at lo jmr lu , for nil w.-lghts. "Skins. " 01 lings vrult-filnjrleiB tlmii lix ) Ih.Sj no value. Pregnant sows nio doc.kea John .P. Button , ot Lincoln ; national secretary' of the Irish Kutional Leugno , , will rtpeii.k : it ( . 'uiiningaham'fi hall to-in6t ' roiv til 3 6'cloclr. ,