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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1886)
r A IT \TTjVKTCTC. ) . SATTTKDAY. FElUfTARV 1R9R. AllT1LEI.EAilliFL'RO\VN ( ; ( ) ( ) \ I ( for . , n I.dr-r MkM n IVwUmUon - II. 1HI OM ADI NO ( II DO A CIA IN. 'Miryd lo Im AiltPilltPil liir AII MV niiM. tied n HiMi'fiplu - The Kill MI Mi Null ) right l n. Hi i nii'l Cuiii'l Vote * , nr tin1 \ . i , n Mmof ll'e UKT nmde a Ii ' ti. . i ttir inimm tui'ti vcoli'rday In li'i' i . i > HI in. iiNon lln iiif ! | ol of III" Oi.l . n ii" . .lucid . l y ( 'iillllrllliliill l.i' Ii It I i f t "Mllli'll IIIPHilltf. Tlili tn I i i in i\ IHI rciucinhi-rcd , pro Y' I 11' ' ( in .limn . , ftlirtll ! > < allowed In fim i" h , i inMi ml of lii'liiRe-oinpellcd l < n' T'ndii ( M tt nl prcxi'iil , and furl' ' i | i"1 "I' Hml III'1 ' H.\bbnth closing I in Hi. iliti-K tint mecl with nny- lliinf I i ii. . . In iirly mippni'l of the mi- li .u . I'M ' M In f irl , Ille IliajnrltV of them tin in ln.i.l in \n \ \ II wild dUfnvor and ill -I i t HU < ll i I t'.i ' i i.lin.iiii'c' , hceailio he Would r.itl 11 ki. p "i" n liii eitnlill.xlmti'iii on hull.I iv III 111 ' " ' "i f''ll 'bat ' prh liege and KIUII III H pi i > ! ( lie privilege of keening IIH | u til r in linglii. "t prefer to hav o tlilM ) lUiinn u- .ii invent than lo have MIV h | ' 'llingl ' Illilllli , " III'sjllll ; " | | sri'tllS In uii Ill it il , HII'liaiiK'1 ' Is tniide at all it ought In In In Hii. eH'cel that hHie pay- lilfill of till I'Mi'ii license , ia.f'JoO nr $ K > a111 r U".11 who wanted In could run ( In ir sjilni-iix after la o'clock. " ( il I Injd Mid ( hut hn didn't can * to all ) chiinue made In the present order of thing-- adding that l.ccdor't nrdilitilii'i1 ' "MM clearly Illegal , and he did not i.oo . how ii ciiiild I in pasted. 'I In1 in tiiigei of ( ien W. Duncan's cs- tabll hint lit on I'uurti'eiitli Hired , c\- ' - -i-il himself us decidedly opposed to Jn- ic ordinance lie did not caic In keep open hi i pluce after nildulghl In prefer ence to rnnniug nu Sunday. Ilo wound up with the K | ileinnnt that l.ccilor was a foul In Intioitiiccsuch an nidiuance , an It WIIH plainly iigniiist the law on the .sub jectMomrs Momrs WIMig and Mauror tire onpOHcd to "I.eed'-r'H lalesl. " Col I'ratl of the "House of Lords. " while tin uonld not declare hinisclt in favor of the ordinance , Maid that he was In fuvornf aii\llimg that would give the niloon men mine latitude , ' 'lien1 the llminrtiU'iinf ' Omilia"ho said " , , "pay an- tiualli ft 111,000 Into the coll'crsof theeity. They virtually upport the school sysit > ni. An contributing this amount they arc cut tied In some consideration. They ( Might not to be smiec/cd or ground down an > more thiin nn > otlicrehtssof luisines's men The fuel I.s thai sonic peodetako | u delight In nerseeuling us jnsi for the mike of a little cheap uoloiicty. " Mr I'M wan I I.eeder , Ilio doughty eoun- cllmiui from the Filll ) , was found in his c t.ilill liliirnl on thccorncrot Fourteenth and Douglas measuring out a quart , of Krng'.s bc'il Me received the reporter gracefully and easily submitted to the in ter viewing operation. "I'll bo .turned . , " lie started oil1 , "if Homo of \ou fellers ain't mak- ing foids of ycrsches about this oidi nanco business , Why , thai "or nnli- naueo that I introduced is not against the city statutes nr the stale laws. The Slo- eiimb law says that saloons shall bo closed on Sunday ; M > docs my ordinance. 1 bollovo In a day n' rest , you belcher life , and I'm willing to do my part ( o M'u ' that it's observed. I'lirthermore , the oidinaiicc I introduced provides thai wo shall be allowed to keep open after midnight , and I claim there aiu t no law- no , not even a clause in theSloeumb law whbhsa.vs that saloons shall bo olo'od at midnight. Now I introduced that ordinance to lind oul something , and yor can belcher life I've lumui il out. " "What's that ? " "Xover mind .just now , I'll tell yer after a while It'll be another mighty in- esling page to my book. " fc s'Htih. " concluded the councilman , "thoM ) smart i-llcek- the Law 'n Older league are m.ikiug threats thai if wo sa- loiuis don't shut up and quit our kicking , they'll make il mighty hot for us by en forcing the law against treat * . Only , .see h'yer , the minute them fellers try that game , we'll irivo 'em a tinii that'll knock 'cm .silly 'I he \ or.lirst . men to bo pros ecuted under that law will be them Law'n Order men themselves. We saloon men have got a little league of our own , ami we're going to show ihem order men a thing or two. " Mr Lceder's ordinance will probably come up for hearing ; at the next meeting of the city council , nut it is believed that u majority of the body are against its pus- ItlDK 1'OK ait.YIMNG. icr Tlinino Wants to Ail- vertlst ) I'or Them Ajaln. The Hii : : a few days ago recorded the faet Ihnt the county commissioners had opened bids for Iho grading to bo done this yonr in Douglas comity. There were four blddei.s Kli Johi ou and James fiilmoro bid for the turnpikin ? , each at three cents per yard. H. I1. Knight , OK- county eoinniii ) ioiior , ami Daniel < 'ondon of Columbus , in this state , bid for long- haul wotk the Inlter being the lower. It is entimatcd that this year at lens * ? r > ,000 will bo expended in this work , which will open to tins city a nunibci of roadways which are now in an almost impassable condition. At .m avenge of 15 cents per yard , this would make a showing of about 100,000 cub'o ' yards of grading , which would a fiord work to a largo number of men und horses. Although the bids were opened , iho contract has not yet been nwnidid When the propositions wcro opened there w ere but tw-o commissioners present. I'luy were Corliss and Tiiumo Mr O'Keoilb'was out at Hlklinrn and failed lo make oonneotioas with the train und consequently w.ib nnablo to bo pres ent. It has MIICO turned out thai ho had two bids given him , ono of ; which ho re turned to the bidder when the train was mliued. The other the maker oiiep.ed and showed the figures for turnpiking to bo U } cents per yard. The ligurc.s of Iho bidders are ba = od upon the gratuitous 110 by the successful applicant of the grading machines now owned by the county- Thus far , 11. J' . Knight lias been running this gearing and plough1 ng work , and his bid on Monday l.i.-t showed that ho has a strong do.s're ' in eouiiiiuo in the same capacity Mr , Condon , however , has beaten him ou several csseuti-il features , and this , in all reasonable grounds , may bo pre sumed to give that gentlumuu an ad vantage over Mr Knight. To day Mr Condon was around the county I'Uildiug. somewhat annoyed by tlioauDotiueenunt that lliero vyas a prob- abil.ty of the bids lwiu" rejected , and oth-i-s ad-ertised for by tlio county. Ho tell a hill" like an injured man and was nn\lou ly socking MIIIIO ollicial who could givjlnu s-i > .sfu.'il < m as regards tbe ru- Tlie Ih E reporter learned that Com- nnss-rtmr J'.iumo waa responsibKi for the ttlltg-.l ni v.'tnent. Jlo learned from the j ; . nt. . mm Hi it ho hful thought of intr . Ii ng a resolution in iho COIHP.US- cion r > n < . ' ng lo advertise again for buUui I o Wv nl tl.e a-lverti emeut as to a w i. o 1- l re.sidiMils of iho ure the euatiMct. ) \ ulo ht re nihcrtUcmeiil , ho s nld lie would tint nduicittc it if bi-tli Messrs. ( 'nih ' n and O Kcclfc should oppose it. II'm * felt , hnwiUT , that il was nothing more than right thai the lax payers of the ennnlv MIOIIM In the iiiantK r lie assisted , letting the contract to outside parties inennt nothing inure nor less than scud Injc a Inntc annum ) of the coiiut.\.s money lo be spent or herded in oilier localities. When the same might he kept at home , he thought Mich a practice to be injurious mid rir , trmn commendable. Two years tiRi ) , he > ald , this thing had been done ) j in city affair * . 1 oreign con- tniot'iiM had graded a nmniier of our Ktrecl . and llicii skipped elf to other pnrM I In eiijo.\ the money they had taken from the eltv. llofu\orod readvertising nlin for the H-IIMUI thai the bids this jear IllK ' higher than the o of last , \car. Mr. Knight up to the present time has been lining his grading at H ) conl pel yard for the lirsl ( IMO feet and 12 cent * pi i1 yard for any diMailco bnoud Hint. Mr Knight's figures lij cents forthc lirst 'oo feet. I'J rent * for any number of lect between fine and 1.000 , with an increased rate for each .ion feel up to 2,000. Over the last mentioned distance his rate would ho ' . ' } cent * per .Mini. For the lirst . " 00 tect Mr. Condoii'.s bid is 10 cents , and for the i-cniul 000 feet I'J cents , with but D cents per . \ard for any dlstanco liejond that. It will be pen Hint Condon's ligures , which aie the lower , arn still higher than those of Ktiighl of last year. According to these , Knight has- done grading sometimes to a distance of I"UO loot , and received for it but ! ' ' cent-whereas " , nowCondon would expect II cents per yard. As most ol the grading done is about 1. ! ! < ) ( ! feet , the instances beyond thai do not enter very materially Into the consideration. Snob being the ca e , Mr. Tinime thought that another call for bids , after rejecting the old ones , would induce the graders to drop on their ligures and insure a competition which would result to the advantage of the tax payers of the county. lloth Commissioners Corliss and O'Keell'e have vet to express themselves on the snbjcct.but Condon seems to think that ho ought not now to be deprived of tin1 contract , to which ho is entitled , and feels that if the commissioiier.s intended In exclude outsiders they Miotild have mentioned the fact in the advertisements , SN.VTCIIKI ) A SCAUP 1'IV. A .liucnllc Thicr Jnllrd MornhiK I'o- Ilie : Court Itusiiicsi , I'ranK I'urcell , a tough lilllo rascal who has frequently figured in police court , ap peared again yesterday to answer to the charge of larceny. The witness against . . him was Sherman Osborue , a lo-year-old boy. Thursday afleiuoon Sherman was watching the parade near Iho corner of Fifteenth and Farnam , when Purcell came up to him and wilht out a word , .snatched a scarf pin from him. Osborno made a few iuen'oelnal attempts to rescue the pin , and 1'iireell ran away , lie was arrested shortly after wards bv Ollicer Mike Wlialen. Yes terday .Judge StenDerg sentenced him to ten days imprisonment in the county jail. I'urcell had made the remark that ho would make Ins accuser pay for every day thai he was confined in jail , and the judge warned him thai if be attempted or threatened vengeance after he got out of jail he would receive a thirty days' dose on bread and water. A seedy looking stranger , slightly un der the inllncnco of liquor , stopped into the Paxton and asked for a room lie w as told that the house was full , and re quested to move on. He refused lo com ply and the negro porter summarily bounced him. lie returned soon after wards and commenced to heap all man ner of vituperative abuse upon the night ( clerk. Just at this juncture Policeman llilov stepped tip and carried him .strug gling oil'to jail Ho gave the name of M. O'Connor. Yesterday morningho was lined $ " > ami costs. James ( tarvey and James Henderson were lined the usual amount for into.xi- calion. Oo. A. Hill , the CumingIrcct saloon man , appeared boforn Judge Stcnberg ycsteiday a plead guilty to a charge of Felling liquors to minors , which was preferred against him by the Law and Order league. Ho was lined ? 23 and costs. KIljKl-LV AND HrXATjIA" . Omnlin Men TryhiR to Arrange ti MeotiiiK IJotvvoeu tlio Two. For some time past the sports of this city have been endeavoring to arrange a light between Patsey MeNally of O'Neill and Pat-oy luloon of Chicago. The latter is the especial protego of "Parson" Da vis , the well-known sporting man of Chicago cage , ami is said to bo a pugilistic won der. Ilo has already fought several bat tles and has eomo out the victor every lime. Ho is now with Jack Itnrke , who endorses him as the coming heavy weight champion. Physically he is very like MeNallv , being tall and heavy. The battle , if it is ever arranged tor , will doubtless bo a hotly-contested and high ly interesting ono. u Yestciday , however , Mr. Fallen received - ceived a letter from MeNallv , who is now in Hapid City , Dakota , which makes IVr very doubtful whether the fight will over be arranged. He says that lie is now on the Kapid City nolioo force ami is loth to enter the prize ring , for fear ho will have to give up his position. This may put n stop to Iho pending negotiation- * . The light , if it lakes place , will occur in or near Omaha. Harry Is a Hail Hoy. The lirst complainant in polieo court yesterday sd terday was Mr. Sohrauer , who wauled to have Harry Sincere arrested. His story was to tlio effect that when Mr. Sincere ills cere wont east some time ago to place his children in an orphan asylum , ho loft Harry in his ( Mr. S's ) care. Coupled with the power of temporary guardian ! > , ship , Mr. .Sincere left a request that if Harry should run away , or in nny way comport himself in u manner unbecom ing a dutiful ward , ho should bo ll'j resU" ! and placed in the care of the police. Mr. Sohrauer claims that of late the boy does not eonio homo , keeps very late hours , runs in the worst of company > and is altogether fast becoming an v icious youth. Accordingly he requested that that the boy bo arrested Judge Stonbergg.ivo him authority to have his unruly ward arrested by ono of th < i po licemen and the boy will probably bo be hind the bars before nighl. The charge preferred ngnuM him will bo that of va- Awaiting Trial. Charles Traoy , Jerry Kernan ami Pat rick Hoylan , the members of Iho gang ofS burglars whoso arrest was chronicled yes ! terday , are still in jail awaiting trial. Striimpand Cornblad.who bought iho cut tj lory stolen from the store ofV. . F. Stoet- tt zel , are likewise awaiting trial. The ev t- deuce against the entire gang is very ron- cluivo and it is not at all unlikely that they will tike a trip "over Iho road. 1) ) The police are certain llial the o arrests will break up the band of burglars who have been operating in Omaha lately. The County's Coal Kill. The county commissioners yesterday allowed the bills for' coal consumed by Die county and its chanlj dependants. i g ugate cost of this one item for 1 11'niru vvat fr'Jl'MM , by far moic for [ the s.iiUL period thau ever before , NOTES OX RAILROAD MATTERS A Few Reflections on Out FintesPersonal nncl General. LITTLE ' MAIDS IN DLACK. The l'cnle < i Sis-torsi at the Nortli I'l-e * liytrrlnii Cliiireli A Uiillrniul AoeliU'iit .Mlsjliucil Uhur- lij Oilier Now * . ItnlUwij "Wliy Is it that llie rate wn * out from riili'iiKo to Omaha und not from Omaha to Chicago during tlit1 laM \n- \ souger racket * " asked n stranger pur chasing n Chicago liolxol at ono of the lo cal otlleos , "It might In * a long story If I were to toll .MIII all , but sinee my roail win not in UK * row , 1 will try to briolly ° explain , " replied i ho good tempered ngcttt. "Von see Hint il is tin1 custom of railroads to pay commissions to agents of liui" soil- in } , ' through tickets their way. I'or in- j-tanco , Union I'.iciliu agents west of Omaha in .selling tickets to Chicago via any of the trunk lines are paid l\\o dol- hirsbythe road gelling the passenger. Then cast of Chicago , the same commission is held oul by western roads lo secure business. Well , at the last passenger meeting of the western trunk lines , ( he Milwaukee asked the Hock Island lo slop the commission on St. Paul business. The Milwaukee per haps felt that as its line from Chicago to the Minnesota capital was the shorter , it would get the business any way , forget ting , doubtless , that the Hock Island by a faster schedule covers the distance in about tlio same lime. The Hock Island refused to accede to the proposition and Milwaukee j went homo and slashed the rate , from Chie.tgo to St. Paul. The Hock | Island followed suit and the neutral iSorthw extern was dragged Into the con flict. | Hv n peculiar tralllu sympathy. Omaha j business shared the cut , ami there you have il all. You perceive that the fuss was about bnsim-ss cast of Chicago , and did not concern matters eastward i'lom Omaha. " MUT.S AND : < ) XAi.s. P. II. MeLrod , traveling stationery clerk for the Union Pacilic , loaves today - day for Kansas City. Col. II. C. Dawos. general passenger and ticket agent of the Kansas City A : St , Joseph , is in the city. D. M. Collins , who built the Oregon Short Ijinc , arrived from the east os- lerday and is stopping in the city. Mr ! W. F. C.rillitts returns Irom the oasfyestorday afternoon. General Superintendent Smith , ol" the Un'on ' Pacific , has been presented with the .skin of a big brown bear , killed a mouth ago on the line of Hie road in Colorado. An cinigiant excursion car wont out with last night's Union Pacilic train. MaUres = cs , curtains and oilier comforts wcro added , so that the travejer will make all iho transcontinental trip with nil the comfort of Pullman passengers. The caisson for the third pier of t lie new Union Pacilio bridge is being sunk The work is being pushed to put everything oul of the reach of high water. Union Sowing Mac me , SOON , tlitli SL K 3IAIDS IN H TIic Peakcs Siqtors at tlio Nurtli Presbyterian Clmrcli. The Poakos sisters made their appear- anoo at the Xorth Presbyterian church , on Saunder.s street to an tut- dionecvhieh tilled every nook and cor ner of the auditorium. That tlio Motors succeeded in delighting their hearers was attested by the applau-o which grouted their every ufl'ort. The preliminary exercises wore brief and interesting. After prayer by Kov. Mr. Ostrom , Mr. Charles Watts , worthy lodge , I. O. G. ' . .intro duced MiShAnna M. Sanmlcrs , grand worthy chief templar of Nebraska , who , after a few preliminary remarks , gave a recitation , "Poor IIoii o Nan. " Tins was followed by an instrumental solo by Miss Lottie Pliolps. a , male quartette song , "Kid alio , " by the Messrs. Uiiiley , OstromMcCulloeh and MoKwing , a violin i and piano duet by George Cooper and Miss Pliolps , all of whirl ; wcro well re " ceived. Mr. .folin K. King entertained I the audience with declamation " a , "Hog- ulus Address of the Carthaginians , " and then Iho Peakos .sisters wore announced. The entrance of the seven sisters caused suppressed murmurs of Mirpriso and ad miration to run through the audience. The young ladies were neatly attired in the regulation black and white costume , with the peaked bonnets which give them their name. Their appearance was very unique and as tlioy stood on the platform before tlio audience they presented a charming picture of demure him- nlicitv. Their songs wore all do- lightlul , and many of them wore encored. The closing incdloy was especially , line , eliciting tlio heartiest ap- plausc from 'the audience. The sisters were represented by _ the tollow ing young ladies : Misses Allio and ( iiacio Pratt , Miss Sue King , Miss Addiu Hurlburt , Miss Florcneo French , Mi. s Minnie lla/cn , I\IiNs \ Mollie Knowles.with Iilrh. 1) ) . II. Pratt as accompanist. Allio Pratt , as leader , admitted herself admirably. The exercises were hold under the aus- plow , of Lifo ISoat lodge of ( iood Tem plars. ( Julto u liandsomo sum was real- i/.ed for the bunotlt of the organisation. The noisilo. = s Union bowing machine. A TAUi-KNO CltASII. Tlio Knif.iih City I'aKBonKer Dtit > lic.s Into a I-'rcluliL Train. At about 1:80 : o'clock yesterday morn ing train Xo. jl the regular pa scngorof the K. C. & St. . ! . , duo bore at U:15 : , collided with n iroight train near St. Josopli , Mo. The train was pulling out at a good pace and in the daiknoss of the night the engineer was unable to see u freight train run- lining slowly in the same direction ahead. An lubtant later the locomotive of the passenger dashed into the caboose of the freight , knocking it Into match-wood . and derailing u half do/.on cars ahead. . ' The passenger train checked with a sud denness that pitched tlio occupant * of the coaches from their berths and scats. hi the forward day coach a lo ensued and il is reported that a lady IS trampled upon and injured in the scram ble. Nearly every passenger d olV at the lirst fright before the extent if the damage-or further danger was know n. The freight train sutlered by far the worst. Tlio caboose and two. of the cars were wrecked and a line of bo\ cars were turned upside down in the ditch. Three ! of the crow were sleeping In the cabooje ut the time , They were spilled In every direction and ono of the lirakemen was seriously , it is said fatally , hurt. The wreck was cleared in a short time and the pa-r-iongor with a now locomotive went on , arriving about an hour late. Particulars were dilllcult to obtain yester day. Peed nml Fortune Telling. The county commissioners of Douglas , like other commissioners the world over , . are frequently approached bj uiiserupu , lous people in search ol relief It re quires a great deal of care to prevent fraud ' being exercised hi this mannor.and as a con < iciiciiceit | need not bo expected thatcM-rj unscrupulous applicant falls in Ids or her attempt to Foourp relief , One of the mo < l recent nnd at the amo time , singular evidences of this deceit was discovered ycMrrday in the case of . a Mrs. Arnold , living it'is believedon the corner of Nineteenth and llarncy streets. This woman made piteous ap peals to the commissioners for -istuneo and finally succeeded in inciting their economical hearts. She recchcd ome fuel and groceries and Ilicu disposed of them in order to gel her fortune told. The commissioners feel thai Mrs. Ar nold's tii-xt appeal will be a failure. Lighj running Union M < w < ingniaehiiui. AVc'fp I'alntlii ) ; the House Illuc. The Helmut club , which bids fair to bring much happiness into dissolute homes , because so many husbands and fathers have signed the pledge , held another rousing meeting at the \V. C. T. I' ' , , Uuckingham hall last night. Mi.isprague opened the mooting , and Mr. liiehardson , a prominent prohibi tionist , offered an earnest prajor. The .song sen ice was enthusiast . Mr. Holt gave a stin ing address * . Among thcgood points ho t-aid.-u la Sam .loucs "I don't ' care for polities half as much as for home. The party that protects the homo is my party. Then ) arc two gati'S in this | ifi. ( One gate leads to heaven , the other loads to hell. The one is the church ; the other the saloon ; and a mighty Mire wav , too. Which \ \ iliou , t'ikc , bo\s ? Did > ou e\cr see a man that drank whisky that was glad of it ? Did joii over see a man that didn't drink that was sorry ? 1 tell you , boys , yon may wrestle with alcohol il will down , \ on every linu1. You can't keep Your pledge sitting on lop of a whi-ky barrrel. Keep out of the saloon. " ThoM ) epigrammatic .sentences hit the nail on the head every time. Messrs. Spraguc , Itannister , O'Neal and Hider , olhcers of the club , made sonic "rattling" good speeches , and the old Hnekingham shook with applause. Mr. HicliariUon spoke wittily , and then made a plea to "Save the boys. " Mrs. Hryant , treasurer of W. C. T. U , in a most graceful manner invited all the memberof the Hefonn club lo bring their wives and daughters and sister ? , to the reception Saturday night. Mr. Holt speaks to-night from a' uusinoss standpoint. Everybody come. Army Heports , from Salt Lake City received al army headquarters show thai trouble is again brewing in thai quarter. A com munication from a well posted individual in thai place states that the more con servative classes fear an outbreak at no distant day. The rank polygamists are asserting themselves very loudly at present , ami an1 pushing forward for the ollices of mayor and marshal , the very men who were convicted .some time ago of trying to entice the federal olli- cers into houses of prostitution. ' 1 hey are doing everything in their power to precipitate hostilities by persecuting the Mormons who have plead guilty to charges of polygamy. Furthermore , these leaders arc s.vstem- atieally dividing up the church property among the members , so as to evade tins provisions of the Kdmunils law to the oiled that church property shall be sei/.od by the Utah commission , and disposed offer for the benefit ol the territory. When asked about the militaiy side of the question as. to whether the troops at Salt hake would be increased at once ( Jen. Howard replied : "You can draw your own conclusions. I will say this , that we only fight when they make Us light. " Col. Jones , the recently appointed Indian agent al theShoshono and Arapa- lioo agency at Fort Washakio , is reported as doing well in his new position. The statements made by certain local journals to the eflect thai Gen. Croon's friends are quietly working to secure Ins promotion over ( Jen. Howard are regarded - ed al the army headquarters as ridicu lous , ( Jen. Howard and ( Jen. Crook are the best of friends and such statements are unpleasant to both. Il is not at all probable that their claims will bo brought into conflict in the present question of succession. Without an equal Union sewing ma- chine. Ijost Ills Contract. Some two years ago Willis K. Hull , a carpenter , while going past Hascall's park savT Ids wife or a woman whom he imagined to bo his wife riding with a .strange man. The twain appeared to be having a gay old time , and as Hull was naturally siisnicious of his wife's fidelity , his passions became enraged by the siglit beyond all control. Ilo fired al the couple , narrowly missing hitting them , was thrown into jail and prosecuted. His in carceration lost him n contiaet of house building which he had partially com pleted for .John O'Kooflo. Tlio contract was turned over byO'Kcoll'o ( o another earponlcr , and when ho settled up vyitli Hull ho held back a certain portion of the original price determined upon , on ac count of his ( Hull's ) failure to complete the contract. Hull at once instituted .suit against O'Keell'o ' for this amount and yesterday iho case was tried before Judge Wakoloy. Union machine has anlomaiio tensions. Tin * Now ( < as House. The Omaha ( JasManulaeluringcompany have al length completed their mammoth receiver on the corner ol Kle vent h and Jones. It is a huge , circular , iron struc ture , about seventy feet in diameter , and supported on column.- , about fifty feet in height. It has a capacity of ; ! 01),000 ) feet. It was tested yesterday byhot air , and found to bo perfectly air tight. The tank is painted dark red , and while giving every evidence of being a solid and excellent picco of workman ship , presents a handsome- und imposing appearance. The hot air was inserted early in the morning , and although a constant stream was maintained , yet it required about twelve hoiirK lo ( ill the im mense receptacle. Giis will bo run into It in a day or two , and this inflation will require but ten hours. This building , with ifsgreat capacity , willsupply one ot the long toll wants of the gas company. lUrtliilay I'nrly. On rimrsday evening : v party of friends assembled at the residence of Mr. Edward Hunnigan , on Cathorinu street , on the oc casion of the twenty-third birthday of his son Edward , Jr. Tlio whole affair passed oft" very pleasantly , great credit being duo to Miss Aggie Haiinigan for the ablu manner in which she .superintended the affair. Dancing and rotrcslimeuU wcro the main features of the evening nitor- tainmcnt. These present were the fol lowing : Misses Milodho , llanscn , fialvan.Shan non , Fecncis , Whitney , Dwiro , McGtiv- ern , MtCanu , Monaghau , Dee , Nora and F.llio Welch. Clifford , Maggie and Ainu Calbighan , Mrs. Floorkeo , Mrs. StrciU , Mr J. Mahoiioy. Clifford. Golden , Mona- glian , Maher , Dwyre , Porter , Ilan en , Kec and , Miclhdo , McGui.crn , .Soldi , MeUar , Milcdho , Streiu , 1'loorkto , To- pr- The Union sew s b.u-kw ai ds > or forw ards Economy can be practiced as well as it is preached. You can save a WEEK'S BOARD by securing a pair of & y Xn > _ -L-J AT FOIl'AT I'OH ATJ.8I J.8I Thnf was nuide to order . 'f O.iM ) if ! -10 That was imulo to order . . .f It 00 I.CD do do 7.75I ( iO do do il f,0 UK ) do do 800 n 1(1 ( do do 1000 1.00 . do tin 8.10 fiSl ) do do 11 Oil 1.15 do do 87u ( l.'tll dn do 10.00 EcoiiomT-se ; save your month's rent and wear the best. G-o at once and secure , if you need A SUIT AT FOU AT FOH if 11.80 That was made to order _ $15.70 That was made to order. . . < : fi 00 11.00 do do 17110 po do . . . JI700 is.oo do do . . . IS SO do do . . . .10.00 K ) 10 do do . . . JO.OO do do . . . -IfUM ) 11.70 do ilo . . . J.I.OO do do . . . JW.OO You can save the price of your winter's coat , if you are thinking of buying clothing , by coming to the Misfit Parlors and purchase an OVERCOAT AT FOH AT FOK -flO SO That was made to order ? 2i.til ; ( § lii 00 That was made to order $ ! I.VM ( ) jo so 11 ' , ' 8.00 iu.50 " " " ; ir oo lij 10 . . . . JIO.OO iH.oo " " " . . . . : is.r.o . H.10 M.10 " ' ' " . . . . t'J.OO You can economize. If you will ponder for a moment you can save considerable of your expenses. You are in need of clothing of any description , cut the above price lists out and bring it with you for reference. If you cannot at once realize the truth of the above state ments after inspecting these garments now on sale , you will not be asked to make a single purchase. T y " * " "Tf PC"f Y TT AA. . mo FARNAM STREET. AMUSEMKXTS. TO-NIGHT'S MI.\sriii.S. ! : McNisli , Johnson & SlavinS minstrels lold the boards at the 15oyd to- light. This companv wbioh is remcni- K'l-od from lite beginning of the season , etunis with its same old strength and several important improvements. Among ho new features is the appearance ot Mr Frank Howard , the author of "When he Holiins Nest Again , " "I'll Await , My > ov.o , " and other ballads now worn hreadbarc by ' their immense popularity. Mr. Howard'will sing some of his new joins toniglil. . HOIIsON AN'D rKAXi : . Hobson and Crane apijear al Hoyd's opera house on the evenings of the 'J.Jd mil 'Jlth in their great spectacle built upon "Tlio Comedy ot Errors. " Union machine sows backwards or for wards. Tobacco in His ! I < ye . The county poor house lor some lime back has been sheltering n man who was so alllietiul witli sore eyes as lo bo unable to work. Under the care of the attend ing physician bis sight improved , and his eyes were in aiipiiaranco restored to ' their' normal healthy condition. lie was about to bo discharged , because of his imnrovcment , but finding his dismissal ; iud a cold winter staring him in Iho face , the fellow deliberately lilled his eyes with tobacco , ami is now in a poorer con dition then he had been before his admis sion to the Union .sewing machine lasts a life tlmn I in a Cellar. t The fire department was palled out about sjo'clock jcsteiday to an.swcr ii call from the Chicago lumber yards. It appears that there the elevator pipe bad bur-t and flooded a largo quantity of wafer upon a thousand barrels of linu ; stored in tlio cellar. Thisc'iiiscd a bla/.o , which , however , was soon extinguished. Ten Darrcls of lime and a .section of the flooring were destroyed by the lire. j Self-threading Union sowing machine Important lo Hatters. Col. Striker has been hero and we are satisfied that ho secured oider.s lor the .Stetson Hat company. Uemombor that the Stetson hat is boycotlcd , and dealer in hats should take warning before it is too late and countermand their oidurs. Tlio "Xo Name lint" is also u J. U. Slot- bon hal and is boycotlcd. COMMIIIU : or K. orL. J. W Higglnbottom , mining cxpoit , who lias been hero investing British capital , left for Kngland last night. IViOST PERFECT IVIADE Vurcst anil htronpost Vatiiral Knilt I'lavon. Vanilla. U'liioii. Oraiino. Alinoml. JOM ! > , ttc. , lUvor its delicately ami imtnrally us tliu Iriut. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CUICAOO. * T. L013I& Tin- ( Jim Went oir. Coii-tublo Kiistiu was given attach- iiioiit pajiurs to servo yesterday on the properly of n Jlr.s. .Ionian , who had failed to piy : her .servant sirl the wujros whieh were her duo. When tin ! ollieer called nl Mrs. Jordan's residence with tlio papori hcas niel by the lady , who confronted him wilh a revolver and or dered him to keep oul of the house. Constable - stable lliistin did not heed Jhc order , however , and entering the seated himself und was producing hU p a per when the revoher was disoliar < ; ed. The bullet crashed through Iho tloor , and sim ultaneously the woman anil the constable ' ble let out'slirii'ki. liolh were Irightencil , the woman because the .shot was acci dental and the ollicur because he thought the bullet was intended for him In re lating the cireuiiist.iucc Hustin denied thai hi1 was all'ceted by the shot but his limb' trembled and this re\eatcd the true .state ol hih feeliuys. O T5lh St . Cor. ( fapllol'Aic-uo , roil THE TIirATMHNT OF AM , Chronic & Gurgioal Diseases. on. fYlcWlpNAMY , Proprietor. Slut.L'tiiIUH' . ll.iwiiUil : mill | 'i'\-M ' riiiti' < \\Yllivn Ilio fnrililU'S , iiinrutns | | . 'nil tiritnl.t * for the mcc"i fnl trentrictit of t.oiy form of u s- ftt'.o ri < iinrliir ; ill her uirdicnl ormr'M ( nl l.ratmiul , nml Inuti ) all tocnmanml fm-lli. ii.t * Uei or currp [ > onil ttitluiB. Ions C'\.cin ' | IKO in truit Ingc'ifpslij I' ' M rn ililcs UK t'i tui.y ci'.s.'i eriLiililUjllv Mit'uiiit ' Fi'Piui ; tin m. WHlTi : I'OU < lUCU.AK on IKrorinltl' * n'-il Ilrarfu , Club-IV t , Cur\nti.rcs nf t'.io hiiie , IllhGiiira HP VVojii'v , Piles , Tumor * , Caiircra , C'aliinli , IlriinctiilU , Inlnlatlon JlleclrirlljJMrnl - ytl , Upfli-jir ) , Kulm.r , I.'jt , liar , tkln , Jllojil anil opri.illnnn llulli'i li'H. Inlmlrrs , Hr.icrd , 'I'nusrR , nnd Rll KuiJi.f MiMllciil nml biiink'Cl AlI.arr..f , mun- ufiKtiuuil 1.1 il f'.r > -'ili. . . f The nnl ) rclbblo Medical Inr.U'Uo niVtnq Private , Special t Noivous Dlsoasos rA sriICIAI.'lV , AM. COVTAtilOl'S AM ) IH.OOI ) from ttlMiu < rr 'iiiii iiiro < lii'ri | mci stfnllj lri"iUU. Wo can rruiQtn . lie pin oii fi'.ia luoeytUui wlthnut nicrcuiy , New rutoralivitrrntinrnt for lofs of t'Ul ' ALT , COMMl'NK1T1D.NS rOKri Pall un.l . conn lit iu or fcml iiams uii'l iidilriM plainly Hrltti'ncnrloso slini ; , nnJ we \ull kciul jon , In ) > l .in . r | in | r , cur PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN WON I'llUATH , 8l'l' 11. ANU HlllVUVJ I4JAF3 ) | , hi.niNAi. W'KAKM'ai , hreiiuATnnmiiri Iwrcnz- ; . c v , KiniiLU , ( lONonniiuu , ( lLt.trAi.irocnu , SruiCTLur , AMI AII , ni * > Anr OH Tim ( jesiro- UIIINAIIV Onu/ > ' , ortcL'l Ii si ry of. , jin ( atufi < r nn ojilnion | Vr oiis unable tmUit in iniv lie troalp.l . nl tliolr luiniri. . . by loiri'-pnuiiriiic nan in 'I 1 i.s' PI nieiilD mil by mail or I'sjirisa M.I I III I.V I'M ! i I'.l ) 1'U'JM ' OllShlU A'llii.N.n-i iunU rontditi or muler Ono | .cr > . > nil i > Ur\ir\v piu feirul l ( roini'iiicut. Fiflv i .11:111 : for the anom- iniHlntlnr , of pal' n' * lliinl mil i' U-rulauiu at iici'9. AJi'.r. fca a'l ' Jitus la Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor 13th St and Capitol A > o. OMAHA , NED. ml ItldlUK > elilfIi' iiuido. lllju. at cwi " " p-re jAttwo TI u l | irhun Irnfiil.i ni. > l - - - - ' k.t | tliu > oiiy , 1 j. . oil * rll iiUiiili-il HI lyukli luiiiurv niniU ijiui - . , ilrnri 1.1 i i. .Miinulm-litriil'iiMMil 'by II U\Clux I lUiliiun Uitiliiu.j tiiiU IH'.Ui tif Absolutely Pure. 1 Ills pottileriioxvr viii ins. A nun vcl of jnirl tj' , fctiC'DRlli nml wliolcsomPliess. Mme oe ill . nniiilcMl limn oiillnaiy kindnml iiiiinnt lie 1 8olil In conipt'lllloii nltli tlio niiiltlliiiUi of low tcst.plmitcielil , a'uiil in plio iilnitc" | imv.lnr.J. jsolil only In cans. H.nxi. . IIAKINQ I'o\\mu : c'o. , 1W1 Wtill St. . Now Voi K. The falifciniili Is nil lly ili pncin ! HID pen. l ( ( URDU \ \ ajou 111,1 } jou ciiiinut airuiil toile Milliout | t. No olluir l.ilior Sivliis nnontioii Imi FO los - oncil ilrn.lui'iy or hialn ami liun.l , or tmcd bill Ii ii l.utir | icici'illU' | < ' ol duinlalmr. . I'liTUic Hint It lurnsotl but twice ni nuich \u > u in u xu ' 'H Him. . lib ilncs tlio pi > n ( It nn.iy docs , tin eo times us iiiueli ) ami It islu'o yo i PI > V i-nil lice lioius ilaily us iiiul inli'ir-t on > oiii- Invnstinriit. I'or clitiilius unil hi > iiiiiiciisii | | > - lily to sTIMl'lJ.Dii.nliii , Ncli , uciil. Apftit lor Xc In ujka nml Wt-ti'iu I"R IHIIIIiiN'S , il'mU runol'H luisii Inr n'l ' , Is o \trll uiRii'iU'l'inu ' * , < ia liuiiil. lfi Ire Jlcucli. ARCHITECTS. . ELLIS & GO , OMAHA , NEB , and DES HOIHES , 1A. lli'o , Cor. lllli mill I'linuun Sti'-vt * , liooiulij Oa uftuECA. , 3.T33S. .i. Hi in iNdiior nilh I' . M. Kills. STAIJIwISHED 1863. GHAMER-BROW11CO. CHAIN AND PKOVISION ssion Merchants , l.-nuc l"i , Hie , Umwlier or Cumiiurcn , fill .II.MI. .Milwaukee. H , C , Mil irH , Wtvrn Buiiness Sol.citor , I ) iius-lncss soiiciiur , iul ; M. , Oni.ili. ; , Noli