Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
ITHE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 13. 1886 THE DAILY BEE. COUNClTBLUFFS , SATURDAY MOUNING , FEU. 10. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by cnrricr In nny pnrtof the city nt Incnty cents | > cr week. II. W TILTO.V , - - Manager. CE , No. 43. NiniiT IIiilTOH , N'o. 23. Ml NO It MKNTION. Pants to order , from ? . * > up , nt Keller's. Council Bluffs scorns to keep np tlio clmrity "bawl" longer than thuro is any Tired Of. "The Model Woman" is tlio subject for Sunday evening itttiic Baptist church. Seats free. Thomas Buckley nntl Kitty Davidson \vcro yesterday nnituel in marriage by Justice Schmv. in his ollico. The police are called peace officers. Perhaps they am trying to pull each other to pieces. Chestnuts. The democrats have dccieled to hold their city caucuses on the 80th , nnel thu city convention on thu 8ith. linns Lnnelscn , n brakeman , had his fingers pinelieelin theNeirlliwostern yarels hero yeslerelay. Ho will loses tlic tips of two. It seems to bo conci'ded that Robert 1'crcival will be tlio democratic nominee for mayor , unless tlio pins are chanced greatly before the convention meets. Two tramps worn yesterday fineel $25 each a.s vagrants. They , refused te > work on the streets until Urn "irons" were put on them , which brought them to time. Services in the Presbyterian church to morrow as usual ; in the morning nt 100 : ! ! nnd in the evening at 7:110. : Subject in the evening : " .Scripture versus 'Christina Science. " ' Services in tlio Congregational church to-moirow us usual. Sume'ct of morning sermon : "The Fatherhood of Cod ; " even ing , "Weighed , and Found Wanting. " A cordial invitation to all is extended. On Wednesday evening in Oakland , Mr. Charles S. Boyco anel Miss Anna L. Lyman were happily nmrricet. Mr. Boyco is a young business man of that place , ami the bnelq is a sister of Congressman Lyman of this city. L. C. Taylor , who has just served ono term in the penitentiary for stealing , has been nrre.stcel for hanging about a house of proslitutieni. Ho pleads not guilty to being a vagrant , nnd will have u hearing to-day. The ) committee who are investigating the ollicers of the institution for the deaf and dumb opened their investigation in secret session in the ) Ogden house yes terday for the convenience ) of witnesses , but to-eiay will hold their session nt the institution. William Hailoy and Nels Nelson were yesterday lined tor being drunk. Nelson lias worked on a farm the past six months for simply his board , and after mncli per suasion the farmer concluded hc'el pay the line of $7.00 , provided Nelson woulel go back anel work it out. There will bo a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. .parlors this afternoon at 350 : ! o'clock , for the purpose of gathering cur rent news of the week. Ladies are in vited to lip present. The teachers of the city will lind this n most excellent oppor tunity for gleaning profitable knowledge. Let there bo a gooel attendance. Marshal Gnanolla is hoping for n re- nomination for that ollico by the ) demo crats. .A. J , Churchill 13 njo 5sir. ; Tinfurn ns a strong one , and the chances seem about evenly divided as to which will get Iho nomination. As to whether cither gets elected , remains an open ques tion. Among tlio latest reported accidents to coasters in this city are two which oc curred Thursday night. Miss Aeldio Gates was thrown from a traverse on Madison street , anel now .suffers from a spraincel ankle. Miss Jennie Hanthorno was on a traverses which struck another traverse being drawn across the track. She received some severe bruises. Officer O'Brien seems -to think that Chief Skinner is rightly named , but that he is not the only skinner on the force. O'Brien ' has had his full share of charges preferred against himself , and ho ought to know by this time how it feels to bo stretched on the gridiron and roasted. The police force do not seem to dwell in the brotherly love which is necessary for their efficiency and peace. There is a tidal wave of feeling mani fest in the city that Council Blulls needs to elect the very best men it can get , and the prospect is that there will be a good deal of ineJcpcnelcnco shown by individual voters who will be inclined to east their ballots for such men as they deem the best , with out paying nny attention as usual to party tics. Just now the interests of the cily seenj to many of far greater impor tance than llio interests of a mere party organisation. John Jay Frainoy is saiel to have his eagle eye lixeel on the bench of the su perior court. The court has proved rather an expensive piece of machinery , and many have so changeil their notions sis 4o bes now as anxious te ) do away with it HH ( hey were to get it established. If Frainoy could get It , it would satisfy .his ambition , anel at the same time accom plish the cnel , so earnestly hoped by many , the abolishment of the court. Ho hasn't got even the nomination of his own parly yet. yet.A A little confidence game was played at the transfer the other night. A through passenger from the cast fell in company with n fellow who elnimoel to bo going to the damn place. On reaching thu elopot the fellow suggested that the > y ought to got some supplies for the trip , but * claimed tiiat fie had nolliingsmaJlcr than a $ iO golel piece. The passenger gave him a dollar to got some fooel at the lunch counter , but the fellow never showed up again. Tim city council seems very timiel about hanging the charity clothes out on the line , where all can see anel know all about them. The aldcrnuin prefer to in quire into tlieso charges against the police force wtih closed doors , not ad mitting oven the reporters. The time for a city election elr.uvs near , and Mich mat ters arc not pleasant to bo aireet too freely. The ninyor is called out of the city , and is not able to bo present lo pre side over the investigation of thu police force , of which he is tlio honel. The aldermen holel a star chamber meeting. Salve ! anel balm will iloubtless bit npplieel to the blooding hcnris , ami as few ene mies as possible will bo added to those who cluster about tlio polls on election elay. Charges which have boon made openly , it seems , could bo examined into openly , without injustice being done to nnyono , but on the eve ot an election the people must not know too much , , MUs Lillian Olcott and her entire com pany will appear 'at Dolmny's opera house February 15 nnd 10 , opening in "I'ygmajlan" and " ( Jalatea , " the follow ing evening presenting the populnrdriumi "Lynwooet , " Following the Chicago Times * ays : Miss Olcott , n society beauty who has plenty of talent and cultivation , makes her ! > ow in this e.-ity ui > I'nuHuo in Bulwer's matchless play , the "Lady of Lyons , " Of Miss Olcott wo can only say that every thing about her gives ono u right to ox- licet the best , SI 10 is attractive , tnlcntcet , brilliant and highly cultivated , oho must bo a line acU'css iinlus * all signs fail She hafc the cordial iiulorscmcnt of the bust ; ritlcsunil Jui ! ) mot \\ilL success wherever ilie las .ippearvd. VERY NEWSY IN THE BLUFFS , Investigation of the State ami Oity Inatitu" tions Continues in Secret , AN OLD LADY'S SUDDEN DEATH. Society Dolnga nnel Pcrsonnls I'o- lltlcnl Pointers lirondwcll Out of the I'CH Ncolu News Minor Mention. Social Thopnrty given by the Imperial club Tltnrstlny evening luul tlio Fame clinrno- toristics which liavo inatlo the scries so popular nnel enjoyable. Tlioro was a large gathering ot Council HluftV best people , nnel tlio affair was nn elegant ono , with gooel taste shown in all the elctails , nnel yet llie-ro was an nbsonco of that strict formality anil chilliness which is too often Iho nccnnipnnlmcnl of dressy Bocicly events. licsulcs the incmbors of the club there were a number of others lirofcnt , guests of members. Among tlieso were Miss Richardson , a niece ) of Mrs. Horace Everett , who was richly dressed in elark blue satin with ge > lel trimmings : the Missus Wttdleigh of Clin ton. ono itrcsscit in dark green satin witn velvet front , tlio oilier in : v hnntl- homo black ; Miss ( Sage , who were a , brown satin , with ele-on while lace liotinc- ing ; Miss Stone of Chicago , dressed in a riejli black silk , tlieso ladies being the guests of Mi s Mary Haas ; Miss Mollie Larimer of Chicago , the guest of Mi s I'usey , had a lianelsoino toilet e > f cream lace and ruby velvet ; Aliss ( Jilbcrt of Uit- bttque , the guest of Miss Clara Hobbing- ton , were n cream satin costume : Miss Jessie Kitchen of Omalia anel Miss Frank Coward of Kansas City were also ele- ; gnntly dressed , and were the guests of Miss Clara 15eck ; , The Married Ladles' Progressive Euchre club will be entertained tliis evening by MM. Macconnejll and Judge A. V. Lar imer , at thu residence e > f Mrs. U. A. Uob- inson , No. 717 First avenue. Mrs. llani.s is preparing to give n party in honor of the Misses Waelloigh , Miss ( Jago and Miss Stone , who are tlio guests of her daughter , Miss Mary Haas. Last evening Miss Clara Hcbbington enteirtnineel a number of her friends , at her home on Park avenue , in honor of the Misses Waelloigh and Gilbert. Urondwcll in Town. Yesterday morning the lithe little form of S A. Uroadwell , came gliding into tlio BUB oflieo. In accordance with the bonel Hied the other day ho has been released from the penitentiary , to which lie was sentenced for crookendess in con nection with his real estate business in Logan. He expresses himself as fully satislied with what httlo experience ho hail in prison life , and was only too glad to get off the hated stripes , anel get into his other clo'thcs again. lie having se cured his liberty by filing an appeal uonel , he now proposes to make a light for all his rights , and &ecms eiuitu confident that he will come out all right yet. Ho says lie was only one of several who were con cerned in some real estate transactions. anel while ho was the only one who hael any money to start in with , ho comes out of it without a dollar , \ylnlo tiio others come out of it well fixed. Ho has se cured Colonel Scott anel Colonel Daily , ami declares there will be a bitter war to ths or : ! . Us loft last evening for Ilnm- son county. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J.V. . iVE. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Dropped Demi. Yesterday Mrs. Delia F. Dodge , aged about 50 j'ears , fell suddenly dead at her residence on Seventh avenue. She was cncrugcd in ironing when she suddenly stopped anel complained of a sharp pain in her temples. Before relief conhl be given her she fell on the lloor and in a moment breathed her last. Dr. Hart , who wis called , pronounced the cause neuralgia of the heart. Mrs. Dodge has lived here for ton years or more , and her husband elieel hero several years ago. She leaves two sons , William and Charles , who uro employes of the Rock Island road. For first class Missouri wooel call on Uleason , nt his coal oll'ico , 20 Pearl street. Calllni ; Tor Independence. At the meeting hold by the Ninth District Protective assembly on Thur.sday night , tlio following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolvcel , That it is the sense of this meeting to unite with the > independent political parties or factions to arrange ) a mass mooting and nlaco in nomination an independent city ticket for the geed of the city , anel a committee of two be ap pointed to confer with said parties or factions , and that this resolution be pub lished in our daily papers. .100,000 briok for sale. C. Straub , Coun cil IMiiflti , Iowa. - Will Open Monday. KiiitKlceb will bo ready to open their now store , at the old stand of D. Afaltby , corner of Broadway and Fourth streets , Monday morning. The store will bo well tilled with choice staple anel fancy groceries , anel the firm will bo plcasoel to welcome all their old friends and maka lots of new ones. Their business at the other otoro , No. 102 Broadway , will bo continued , anel will m-oivo the satno caruful attention as before. Best coal anel wooel in the city at tSleti- son ' * , 'JO Pearl street. Paul 1'ry at Xeoln , NKOI.A , Feb. 11. Mike Seipel is build ing a btoro room next to Harvey & BoareP.s drug store , Ho will occupy it March 1. Mrs. Wooels will open a lestaurant March 1 In Mlkit Scipnl'riohl ntand. Watson , the arlist , is turning out a striking and lifelike portrait of our mayor. C , D. Dillin still continues to build more erib.s , Ho is storing an immense amount e > f corn this year , John Phillips , living south of town , has concluded that his single life hns con tinued long enough , and n neighbor's daughter has arrived at thu sumo conclu sion. sion.Miss Miss Nellie Foulon has rcslgnedhor po sition ns teacher in the Nrola * school , Shu lias given the best ot satisfaction to the jnitrons of the school. For further particulars connect with telephone at the clerk's ollico and ask Jerry. John Limit , a prominent attorney of the HUill's , was in town Monday and Tuc.sdav on business. An epidemic lias broken out among thu Danes , who are entering themselves as fast us possible in thu list of lawsuits for the ) spring campaign , The band boys dunce last Saturday evening was a success. Much praise is duo Fred Eastland , the lloor manager , for lite olliciency. John Hauilers , with his long petition for night watchman , was stored nw y Under the onorine.iu * table of the council , at the last mecthig of that body. Tim Sons of Itcat , u ueiv sogiul organ. Jzntion , have been holding frequent meet ings lately to perfect their organization. They nro just now engngcel in discussing the propriety of retaining a member who opens a jack pot on a four card Hush. Much feeling lias been manifested but the public nro In hopes that such a trilling matter will not mar the harmonious working of the club. The John L. Sullivan association cele brated its annual election of ollleers , on last Saturday evening , by painting the town. A poor saloon-keeper , who hap pened to bo delayed till 2 a in. Sunday morning taking an inventory of his stock , loll a victim to the scicntilllo knowledge of the order , and on Monday morning presented a beaming countenance and 3.00 to his honor , the mayor. Several of tlio club donated the same amount to the town treasury , while two of its mem bers tendered their services to the house keeper of the City hotel. The Police Gazette has orelcrcel a photograph of tlio association nnel a record of thu members for publication. Neola is now the most moral town In the county. We tried to get a drink the other elnv , but each saloon-keoper an- plied to was just out of the needful. On inquiry wo were satislieel that they nil told the truth , as other parties had svcn it go otitiu jugs anel casks to lintl n tem porary resting place till the storm blew over. Onu Woods of Harrison county , after n dismal failure to drink the town eiry , in the anguish of remorse has con- chilled to adopt legal means to extermin ate the evil , Tholntcst report Is that the constable of Underwood , a rabid anel uncompromising prohibitionist , will bo hero to-day to test his power in drying up the saloons. Everything is quiet , the citl/.ons are industrious nnellaw-nbieling , and a sure slop has been placeel upon the regular weekly boo/.e of PAUL P v. The Poor Police Investigation. The committee of the council who have examined into the charge preferred against the police , reported last night to a meeting of the council. The report waste to the effect that the police hael collected from the citizens clothing , provisions , etc. , for the poor , it being the intention to turn these gooels over to the committee in charge of the clmrity hall. . The goods were deposited in thu police neael- quarters. Olllccr Kirk helped himself to tin ove-rcoat , but left his own in exchange. This was eione when the eaplain and chief of police were present. Kirk is a poor man , ami the committco recom mend no greater punishment than a severe reprimand. The committee also found that Captain Walters appropriated for his own use an overcoat , and cvielonco was introduced showing that he also took two undercoats anel a lady's cloak. Tlio captain claims that ho lelt his own coat in exchange for the ono ho took , and ho gave the other clothing to poor persons. The committee found Chief Skinner hael acted in a manner unbecoming to his position ; that lie got drunk and that ho used indecent language to the marshal in regarel to the council. That when the police were summoned to appear before the council he ordered them to remain on their beats , and threatened to discharge any olliccr who woulel testify before the committee. Tins report was referred to the mayor to take such action as he may see lit , ho being the head of the police department. The mayor returned from Siemx City last evening just in time to re ceive the report. Ho has not decided how to act. Personal Paragraphs. W. II. Trevnor has severed his connec tion with tlio Chicago , Burlington & Qnincy. Miss Minnie Pritcharel of Janesvillo Vv'ls. ; In In the city , visiting her aunt , Airs. Sam. Clark. Mrs. McGinn and Mrs. Trout of Omaha tavo been in the city as the guests of Mrs. W. II. Trcynor. Hon. J. M. S. Eagan of Georgetown , 'oh ' , is in the city , the guest of City Mar shal F. II. Guanulla , to whom ho is re- ated. F. A. Shepard , who has been so ill for several months , and who has been so _ .endorly cared for at the home of his jrothur , C. P. Shepard , in this city , has so far recovered as to be able to return : o his business in North Plutte. He has not fully regained his strength , but his : oinplcte recovery is so fully assured that ijs many friends can well congratulate liim. _ _ A CLEVER ESCAPE. A Convict Walkn Out of Jnil in the Garb of a Clergyman. Cincinnati Enquirer : Chas. Russell , better known as "Frenchy , " the notor ious pickpocket who last Friday was sen- tenceel to servo three years in the Ohio penitentiary for relieving the pocket of , a gentleman on a street-ear about two months ago , yesterday about noon made Ins escape from the county jail , and up to u late hour lust night luul not been re captured. His escape was without ques tion the cleverest of any on record. It was rendered all the more so by his dar ing and the perfect nonchalance witli wiiich he addressed even his guards as he passed out the great juil door to thu street anel to liberty. Ever since the advent of the Salvation army in this city they have been holding services at the county jail on Sunday A number of religiously inclined persons also visit the jail on thu same day to pray with the prisoners and to attempt to once more get back to thu narrow path of rcc- tituelo many of the hardened criminals who are confined in that plaoo. No sooner was Russell incarcerated , and had discovered that he would probably go up the road , than ho commenced taking a lively interest In the religious oxerclso.s. When sentenced he assumcil perfect Christian resignation to his face , and conducted himself In such a manner that even thosu persons about the jail who at lirst looked upon his conversion as mere ly a pretext to cover up some crime in the tutnre , thought that he had rua lly repented. They are now of a different opinion , lio\vuver- Thu services Suiulav morning general ly conclnelu abouU llJO : ! o'clock , anel in stantly theru is quite a rush of visitors to gut outsidu the prison doors. It * was of this rush that Russell took advantage yesteirelay. In his efforts to eseanu ho luul the assistance of about half a elo/en of the prisoners , ft , being understood that Dr. McKon/.iu and Thomas Smith took a hand In aiellng him. Early yesterday morning he are ; , and , contrary to his Ubtial custom , filiuved himself. He siiortcel an oli-gant dark moustache , nnel this he cut oil , leaving his face perfectly clean. Ho is a Uv'j'-Jiuilurcil ' man , anel with his mtibtacli/liesp-id ] , and his face olongntoel nil e'K , ? k to a man who has made n liveli % " ro f by sharp prcticus lie hail mito'i tl'pVppearaneu of a clor gyman. To mli.'ino the effect , and te > givu an eh crly touch to his maku-un , ho i ad another prisoner sliuvu thu top of his hcael , leaving as neat a bald spot as was ever seen , By thu time this was accomplished it was about 11 o'clock , nnel a half hour Inter the workers in the vineyard of thu Lord would lonvo the jail. A prisoner loaned him n bi ami-new overcoat , and another presented him with a pair of pantaloons. Tin > only thing that really bothered him wa. n deep near that ho were on the righ Side of his ne'ck , a relic of n desperate en 'cmnter in Now Orleans n fuw years n T , Afcilk scarf , neatly placed inside lilsJ.uider coat and wrapped well about his thfofxt , hid thu mark , now- over , and then everything was in reaeli- ness for him to join thu Salvationists ns they retired. Ihoso who were aiding him say that ho never showed even , thu least sign of weak ening , but smiled nnel clwtted in tin i > a y inanner during thu preparation * that were being nnulu for his escape. Placing the. overcoat upon his- arm ; ho ; tootl inside his cell.door until ho heard ho people beginning to leave the jail. Then , putting tlio coat on , ho buttoned it in well about the thr ntu nml , with hat in land and with n sanctimonious expres sion upon his countenance , ho stepped Hitsido the door and down the stairs , oining the Salvation'army ' and their co- yorkers near the Iron door that loaels rom the jail proper to the office. There several guards stood , one holding the leer partly open and permitting the visi- ors to go out ono at a time. Jailor Billy Williams occupied a seat near the door , and how Russell ever escaped" is certain- y a mystery. Up stairs in the jail gitards were busy * ocking up the prisoners for dinner , but .lireo or four of the inmates had congre gated at the head of tlio stairs , and with tearts beating rapidly they watched their fellow-prisoner. Nearer no drew to the loor. With hcael bowcel down nnel with ils hat still in his hand ho stepped for ward to the door anel out into the ollico. His feelings at this time must have been of a peculiar nature. Twenty feet more md lie would bo outside the prison walls. I'lio ollico was filled with visitors and gatirds , and ho got into the throng , moving slowly , however , with a tread and n bearing that would have done credit to the most ( Invent minister of the gospel , As ho passed Jailer Williams ho Doweel a stately bow , which was gra- cions'y ' returnedby thooflicer. A moment later and the prisoners on the stairs saw dm pass out tlio olllce door. The great iron affair closed behind him and once more ho was a free man. Mules for Hnlc. 1 have for sale thirtv-six head of line mules , running from lifteen and one-half to seventeen hands high.MASOK MASOK & Wisn. FUANK NKELV , 1'rcst. ( Uo.\VllAiiniN , Hoc. ( lncoriorntoil | , 1SS1. ) EQUITABLE MUTUAL Life and Endowment Association OF WATERLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. oi'Kicn IN nrao's IIUILOING. Iteioms Not. 12 mid M. $2,500 in case of Death. $1,000 Endowment tit the cud of ten years. Average cost for year of assessment , first three years of organization , 15 to 30 years , $0.67 ; 44 to 50 years , $10 , Circular and Information on triplication. WM. RANDALL , Siipjrlmumluut ot Agencies. 9 .VmttWntil ! ooHin rail HOUSE , 2 NIGHTS 2 t I Monday aad Tuesday , FEBRUARY 15 'AND ' 16 , ENGAGEMENT OP THH DISTINGUISHED MISS LILIAN \ OLCOTT Supported by licr own talented compnny In M'GMALION AND GAIATEA. by the popular author , W. B. GILDUUV , authorof "i'innloro , " the "Jlikado , " etc. TUESOAY jVENING rirtsor * : tie CVGr OptlarKow vork Success" PHICES : $1.00 , 7uc , GO lind 2'ic. Itcservttl Seats on gale at IlushiioH's Drup Store OTC | _ TO THE PUBLIC AND OLD PATRONS. 1 lm\o bouubt what is known as the COUNCIL BLUFFS OMNIBUS.BAG GAGE AND TRANSFER LINES. And \ \ 111 prlvo my personal attention to calls a private residence * lor passengers and bii&fiige lor all tniini , Including dummy trains. Ollico ut I'acio House. Telephone 149. Thankful lor past Invors , I am respectfully yourj , H. BEOROFT. Successor to J. Rogers. Kiel Sale Stables ! Horeosand Mules Kept continuity on bund , for enlu nt icliiil or In enr loads. Orders promptly lllled by rontiuct on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SCHI.UTEH ic HOI.KV.rropilelors. Stable Corner Tilth AM nuo and 1'ourth ' ijt. , Council llliills , lown. UNION TICKET 'OFFICE JL , DeBEYOISE , Agent , No. COT Broadway , Council nluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL IILUFFS. ' The following' is the time of arrival nnd departure of trains by central standard time , ut the local depots. Trains leuvo trunslor depot ton minutes earlier and urrivo ten minutes lutnr : . 0SiA. : M. . . . . . . . Mull nnd Express . flMp. : M. KiOr. : M . Accommodation. . , , , , .4COi : % M. bUp.u : ) . ixpicsn : . 0UA. ; M. CII1CAOO k HOCK JhlA.NU. 3:23 : A.M. . . . . . . Mall an Jl-.vprefs : . . .C50i ; > . M. 7:15 : A. M . Accommodation . 5:45 : jM. . 0 : OP. M . Kxpicps . :0.j.i. : M. ClIlCAaO. MII.WAUKKK & ST. I'AUL , 0:20 : A. M . Mull and KxprcAS . 0:50 : p. M. GUr.ii : ) . Uxprcbd , . . OUJA.M. : CIIICAdO. nllllMMUOK A QIJINCV. UMOA. M . Mall and Kxprths . 6Or. : . U:5ip. : ( M . ixprr ; i. , , . l:05 ) : WA11ASII , ST. LOIIIHA 1'ACirjC. 2l.ri' : . M.Ixicul St. Louis Kxirca Ixical UU : ) p.M.TiunsferBt. Louis K * . Trnnsler.3M p. KANSAS CITV. hT. jeE * COUNCIU 1JMJKW JOslOA.M . Mnil and i.vpVe-ss : . nsliOi- . lU5p. ) ; M J - B10UX C1TV1 * PAClFia 7:15A.M : . . .Sioux City Mull . HiHOp.M. tiijt ) p.ti , , , , , St. 1'aul i\piess : . , . ,8'JJA.j | . UNION I'AiiU'ie ; . lOiItSA.M . lloiixvr JJjtiiresn. . . . & :45P.M. : Jlir. : ) M. . . Lincoln 1'abs , . Om. & It. V. . . > ; 0.'i f. u. 7Wi' : . M . Overlnnd.'Kzuruss . 8:10 A. u. JHJMSIV TIUlSSTll UM\IIA. Leave Council lllults-7Ui : bUS-'J:30-IOO- : : : ; a. m. ; IcSU-u'sJO-asJO-l-.M 5:35-fl0- : : : ! 11:15 : p. in. SundnjB-rT-05iTUaj-lla : : ( > - n. m ; y : > . " . . Omalia -5i6-0fu-lll."i : : : ; u. m. Leave -eft-7:3S-8:50-iO:00-llUO. : : : : : B. m : lUO-Suu- : : 00 1:0) : 5 : ( : 6Wi-llVll : ) 11. m. BuiiUnys :33 : W--HJ ) a. m.SlJ ; : 3OJ siOu 0:05 : 11:10 p.m "MEBGEN- HOTEL , " Muin St. , Council Blnll's. Near the C. , U. & Q. ; C. , M. & St. 1' . . and C , , It. 1 , & 1' . railway elcpots. Street pars pass the door. Kverytlilng now anel llrst eta * Propiletor anel .Manager. I' . T , MVSB. . A. 8. HAZUI.TO.N 2' . T. Marine & Co , Real Estate Exchange No , lai I'earl Street .Council niutfs , Iowa. Dealers In Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska Lund ) L'OTS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA A .SPKOIALTiT. . WHOLESALE AND JOBBING X-IO-U-SES or1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE , WELLS & Co Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Baggies , Kto , Kto. Council lllulTs , Town. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Gutters , f-s , Seeders , Torn 1'lnntors , Food Cut ters , ito. : Factory , Hock Falls , Ills. Xos. IfiOl , 1WI , 1505 , ISTTMnln St. , Council Hinds. Mnnuf'rsnnl.lobltors of Agricultural Iraplements.Wagons . , Boggles , Cnrrlnco' . nntl nil kin la of farm Mnoiilmry. 1100 to HID South Main Strost , Council lllutts , lown. r. ( ) . Uuusoy , T. It. DOUCIIAS Uuo.r.ViumiT I'res.XTrcns. V.-rrcs.&Man. Soa&Councll Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of .Axle , 1'lck , Slcilpo nntl Small Handles , of o\ery description. CAltFRTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAKPKT CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths. Curtnln Fixtures IJpltol tory floods , Ktc. No. 403 llromhuiy Council Hluirs , Iowa. eta AIIS , TOHACCO , UTC. PKHKGOY & MOOKK , Wliolesalo Jobbers in the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. L'SMiiln and 27 1'ciulSts. , Council Bluffs' , lowu COMMISSION. SNYDKH & LKAMAN , Wholesale ) Fruit and Produce Commissian Merchants No. 14 Pearl St. , Council lilitlft. GKACKKHS. McCLUKG CRACKER CO. , Miinurnclnrors of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , lllUfft , Illicit. CUOCKHItr. MAURER & OH A10 , Importers obbers of Crockery.Glassv/aro . / Lamps , Fruit .Tnrs , Cutlery , Stonewmc , Bur Ooods , Fancy Ooods , Ktc. Council Ululls , lown. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Etc. No. Main St. , and No. 211'curl St. , Council Illulfs. DIIY OOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Etc. Nos. 112 and 111 Main St. , Nos. 113 and 115 I'earl St. , Council llluirs , Iowa. FRUITS. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. GRONEWEG & SCI1OENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Muin St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 416 Broad way , Council Bluffs. HARDWARE. P. C. DE VOL , Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Refrigerators , eta Nos. 6M Broadway , and 10 Main stieet , Council Hlnlftf. HAltNKSS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. K5 Main St. , Council Ulutfs , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 312 and 311 Broadway , Council HluITe. 1IKAVY IIAHDWAHK. KEEL1NE & FELT , Wholesale Iron Steel Kails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood Stock , Council Bluffu , lown. innns AXD worn , D. n. ML-DANELD & co. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , 1'olts , Grvn < u > nntl Furs. Council Bluffs , Iowa. 0/L.S. COUNCIL HLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale ) Dealers In Illuminating S Lubricating Oils , Gasoline E3TO. , EJTO. S. Theodore , Agent , Council BlutfB , Iowa. _ , KTC. ' A.'OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Brldpo Mntcilal SiKicliillIi'S.WIiolr'j-alo I/uin- lioi01 all KliulH. ollico No. no Main St. , Council Illulfs. loun. ir.vw.s.i.v3 UQUUHS. JOHN LINDKR , Wholl'Hlllt Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Afc-t-nt fot-St. fiotlliRrn's'lli'i-li Illltcra. No. U Muin St. , Council Illulfs. .SCHNEIDER & HECK , foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ko COO Main St. , Conned Jilufft. A.C.BuitNiiAM , I'ros. L.W. TOLt.EVS , Vleo-l'res. JAMKS N , National Bank 102 MAIN" STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 260,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do a general bnnUiij ? busings. Accounts of bantu , bankers , incrjluintc , iniin- uracturvrsaiidiuUlviduata received on luvora- bio icrnirt. Ilonicfctio anj foreign cxchiuujc. . ' Theivoiy lost of attention trim' to n'J ' basl ncbb Luiumlttcd to ourtuio. 2.T. LINDSEYcfcCO. , RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES m ARCTICS , RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , AND - - . BOOTS. STOOZKI And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Ofllce 412 Broadway , fcjj Oo-u.ri.oil ii. ' * * HOUSE MOVER AMD . . nrlckbillllnjiof anvld'il r Uslnr mivilanl sitUfiotlon Fr.ima hoaiDi . oul.lttle Giant trucks thu best in the \vorU. 808 Eighth Avouuo and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special advcrtteomonti , such ns LostFound , To Loan , TO ? Sme , Td uC-iit , ' .Vnutg , Bdnreling.btc. , will bo Inserted la this column at tholow rate of TEN CUNTS PBll LINE for tlio flist Insertion and FIVE CENTS I'Klt LINE for cnch subsequent Insertion. Lonvo ndvorilso racnlsat our ollico , No. U Pearl street , iioar llroactwuy , Council UlulTs. WANTS. FOR HAM ; Property on corner Po-u 1 street nntl Sixth nvoniio. Council Illuiri , consisting of two story , Iron-roofed brisk beilldliiir ; nlrnmu house of tlv rooms : nil on lot HOvll.l. For terms upply toV. . 11. McCIurjr , on premises. FOR SALE Seulo'l bids will bo rocoli-cJ by J W. Itodofcr up to Folirum-y 20 , 183(1 ( , on ciifhty feet front , two story tirlck mock , No's , ili , 21.2U and : JS Ponri street , between IJroiulway mid First iironuu. WAN & WAMCKR. No. USMilln street , ( under Citizen's Hunk ) , icnl estate unu inor- clmndlso oxclmngo brokers. Our books nro full of special bargains , but It U impossible to pub lish a lohnblo list from tlio f net of so nrmy dully changes. What Wo ask is : If you want to hell or tnulo anything in our line , nritous and wo will Bend you u pllo of bawUns to select from. Lands improved or unimproved , city or town pioporty , stocks of poods of nny kind In nny pliicc. If such you have or such you want let us henrfroin you. Swan & Walker , Council lllulfs U ! 1 OH Mndo In 31 dnyg by a Ifidy u ont of Ihe p ± U "llqultnblo. Wo wnntslv inoro llvo UBOntF , nmlo or female. Apply In person or by letter to Win. Itundnll , Supt. of aguiiblus , Coun cil Iluir ) , Iowa. _ FAHM KOH BALK -At a tmrgiiln if sold soon , 10iiicro3Ui ! miles southwest of Oniuluu 0 room hotiso , ovcollont well and cistern. 3 burns. ono for oltflit hnrscs. ono for -"J cow * : lien , tool and wagon houses ; IOJ acres In timothy : U3M9 ( forebt trees , cotton wood.blnuk walnut , usli and mnplogood ; orchiud , apples , chrrrlci , plums , grapes mid small finite. Never InUInc Block water. It P. Omcmt , 500 Urondwiif , Council muffs , Iowa. _ , THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP The public arc Informed Hint n pal rut has been allowed to ( loo. Jl. < l re-gory on his Im- inovpil g s lumps mid inannlne'turi'd bv UP. Mr. U A Williams Is our ituthoi-l/o.l ng-iuit lor I'oiin- ell lllullH and Omaha. The pulillo ate r.iutlnncd not to buy nny ot these pus Jumps except tliioiiffh.Mr. Wllllnms , as all ntliroaniiil for snlonio inlrliiKcinimts upon our lump. O. II. HuniJ8&Uo.MiimiluctiiiorHnna8eile ? ti-rn Agents , No. U3 Duarlion eirout , Chicago. _ L MPS7nd"CROCKiERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. ! it : Main Street , Council Bluffs , In. 1 HOS. OFFICER. ff. n. W. rtlSBT OFFICER , & PITSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW I'ractle ) s In Hlntu anil FeJeiral Courts. 7 uml S , tjau urt liloclc. E. R. Oadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. Ho , 504 Broadway , _ : Council Bluffs B. BIE , M. D. riUfPflQ or otbur tumors removed trlchout tflrHjEillQ ,1,0 kiilfo or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of uii kind * a Ocr thirty years' uract ml eivporleiuoo. Ko. 11 i'uirl Blicul , Couu < U lllulli. " H. SCHUKZ , Justice of the Peace. OOico Over Amerlciin lixprcsii Com iny. I wish to roippclfully cull the nltoiitlon of my patrons and the pulillo In Kotiornl. to my remo val liom the old btnuel Nog. 7 nmlll , Main St. . to my now and commodious qiiaitcrs , 226 Broadway , J wl" bn PlonseM to see my many friends. Mllli alarKo.noiv and complete iitEoruncnt of all Iho very LATESTFatoiiiSpringSTfLES Anil being located In Inrpo qunrtois I nm better than over before prcpuiod to to seivo the nub ile. Kpspectlully , - J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 226 Broadway , Council Blufls. ESSEX HOUSE , COII.VER BHVAXT XXD STS. Opposlto City llullillnss , Council Uluinj. Wnrm rooms and good bonnl at rensonablo rates. Northwestern Hotel. Newly fittcel and furnished. Opp. Broadway Dummy Depot. 81.50 per elay. SAMUI2L TAT15 , I'rop. L. II. UKU8I1AW , Manager. ONLY HOTEL In Council Ilium kavlnir Fire Esoa/p © And nil modern fmnrovouoiiti , cell bells , urn ularin bells , etc. , IstliQ CREST ON HOUSE I ! ! ! & , 317 and 219 , Main Street , MAX JIOIIX , 1'roiu-lotor. Chicago Lumber Co. Wliolcsnlo nnd Ilotiill I.timlior , f.ath , Slilnfflo ] Basil , Doois niul Illltul * . Solu nifonts for tlio crlulirutud Muililolipiid Com ontinlc'il White l.llllO. H. 1 > . M ACCD-S.SLIl.l. , iilUKl O Tolc'iilionn No. 2 < i , No. 710 .Muin Mruot , Council DIuUs , RUSSBLL&Go UnnufuuturcrAor ull s/.ua ! of DTOM TIC ENGI2 S Usiicclally DcsU-iH'J Tor Hiiniiinir MILLS , CU.MN KLKVA'I'UKS , AND KLI-XJTltKJ LHJllTS , Tubular niul Loiiomotivo 1'oilcn. New Jjrassillou Tlirejshor.s. Cavej' and Woodbury Iforso J'ovvers. STATIONAHY , Slvll ) , Portable and Traction Engiuci , SAW MILLS , KTC. Factory Massillon , 0. Hranch ffouso 510 Pearl St. , Council Ululb , I SEND FOB 1880 ANNUAL. MRS. D , A. BENEDICT UAM.'l'.iCrUlll.U AND J'lAl.KII 1M HAIB GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council BluU'a , lloul K&tate boil 'it ' mid sold.