Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 1H. 1886. evlra fine..4 ' bbl. . m lb. , 7c ; do iO-Ibpatti , per Hi. . ' ' < ; mIK per irate. Opixiis ta.T-V Pencil nud plum butter , -10 to palls per t Jb. , o'rej ' i < ] > Iutii and quince butter , as- , V pnitcd , 5ft ? . palK per einto , 0 valN , SUS ; rntsup IMT ca e , 'Jiloz. pint bottle1 * , 53.00 ; Jioiser.ulhlt , pint bottlis , per dor. . Sl.W. I'los FF.F.T , IUIPR. KTC Pics' fed per > 4 bbl. S1.75 : do. K bbl. , i2.40 : do. per kit , Sl.OO. LambV tongues , iKr ; quart case , IllPdllllll , t'V. l.ll ll ll , t ,1111111 * , nv , tlllllM * * 7 , Tnrratjoiin , 2Pc ; do , l.aimuonoc , 17c ; lira/us T'c , illberts HP ; pcanuK band picked , fancy Virginia , 7cilo roaitcd fc. COMIJ HuviHrCalllornia 3 lb fiamu CO Ibs , Jil ca'c per lb. , 15c : 10 lb. finincs , Nebraska. 1M. Cmr.u-Mlclilpan icflncd , per bbl. , 50.50 ; do. lialf bbl. . P4.UO. , VINP.OAU WliHowlni' . ifc ; elder , 12 > jc , CoroAXi'rs At S4.00ii4.W ) . Ni\v : Kius. OATHS. Kic. I-ajcr fins , fi ami 8-lb IHAI- , per lb , ItValTc ; I'miiellei , a > - b boxes , per lb , 1 c. Dates , fancy Kard , 12b boxes , per lb. He ; do , fancy Persian , 60-lb boxts , per lb , lie. J.KMONS 1'ancy McsMna and Palermo , per box. * 5 IHI : do. cbolcu Mevdtm and Palermo , per bnv , H I/O : do. per 0 box lot. 8 1.00. OiiAXCHiM-l'linlcu Lo3 Ancelffl , per box , S2.15 : do. 5-box lots per boxS'J.iX ) ; do , 10 box lots , $ 'ifiOfniiPV ; KlxerslilP , 83.505 do , 5-box lots. $ : W do. 10 bnx lots , 83.00. CiiA.Miiiim : ! : > UnpoCod cranberries , per bbl. C.ito end do. 5 bill loK per bbl. % s.)0 ( ) : Hell and Cberry do , per bbl , S > .T.V licll and Cliciry tin , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 'j.'i.W ) . AiM'i.iis Not much stock Is inovlnsr. Il linois Kcnltnns , per bbl. , J < 2. 10 : do , 5 bbl pis , S' 10-lb lots , S'J.00 ; Illinois Willow Twins lien D.u Is , ute. SS.75 ; do , n bbl lots , ? 2.Mdo ) ; , 10 bbl lots , S'-.8. > ; fiuicy Mlcblu'an stock.'rti.'i- : : . . ( liiAPKS Malaca per bbl. S7.00. \.VAs-Arotmllng to l/u , per Imncli , . . . Piiovisioxs. Ham. lOrtei Vfc bieakfast baron , KHH'fc ' : clear side bacon , 7o : dry salted hldeSf Co : hlioiildois. stiuar piueil , 5fc : ini'ss pork per bb ! . . Slli.OO ; lard , 40 lb. rans. per lb. \C < l7c ; 10. 5 and U lb TJf&sc ; dried beet bains. 1-c. Po i ATOKS Mono are conilnir , and prices are nominal at fwfciCiOe forclmlce stock. VMIKTAIII.P.S Callloinla cabbage , "c per lb ; Cnlllornla celt'iy. S'J.W ) per do/ ; Jersey sweet potatoes pur Ib ; pusnlps , M.CO per bifdi : MIchliMii i utnbajM , S'AfiO per bbl. ONIONS bait hake btocu. SXOO per bbl. ; red Wetlieisiii-ld , ? -j.W ) per bbl. DKANS Miinil tileked navv. S1.7r @ 2.00 ; liand-pieked medium , SI. SO ® 1. 73 : uood clean couutrv. S1.2.V31/0 : inferior. 75cffi.00. CiUAiX Tbo followIIIK lire tliu inuv.uitn ? piicc.s paid lor wagon loads on tliu sliects and nt the mills tn-dny : Com/.Me ; oats.iyi ! $ ! Tc ; wheat , No. 2 , 0c ( ) ; rye.n@nc. Kle\itur : pi ices foi car lots : Coin , 21X-Wc ! : oats , Sf 'i'c ; , Oi > ajW5o ( ; rye , -i" > o ; b.xrlylie. . KI.OPU and .Mu.T.STurrs "Winterltcat Finn ; best quality patent at 83.00(33.10. ( Second mmllty-b'.fXKgil.OJ. Spilug wheat Itobt iiuality patent at S2. 50 / < i --f- . . Uuckwbeat Flour In bauels , S5.75 ; icady ialscdUlb packages , S-l.OO ; 0 lb packages , Uran 5."c pcrcwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 lbs.70c. Coin .Meal White , bOc ; yellow , 70c per cwt. Hcieening No. 1 , 75c per cwt ; No. i ! . OOc. Jlomlny 51.60 per cwt. Shorts GOc per en t. < irabam 81.75 per cut. llav Uales. S0.03 ner ton. OVSTKHS ijiiotatl or to-day aie : N. V. counts : , 43c ; extra selects , 4Uo ; selects , Hoc ; standards , SOc ; inedlnms 2."c Kuiia AND IJKINS Prices on furs and skins are steady. Mink , each , I00c ; _ _ _ . . _ _ M I w v div winter , lQi.4llk ( > per lb ; do. fall v 20J'jac ( 's Oii'iMi butcheis. Cf OKc ; picrn cuiod , 7J ( < Jt-c ; div Hint. 15Jl'c ! ; dry salt , 0@Uc ) ; dninnccJ lildot t\\o-tliiidsinice. Tallow te. ( iieasc , priino white , 4c. bhcou Pelts ! iVioc. . LKATJins JNo. 1 1'ittbburc bainess .1. C. L. itSons , OcNo. ; 1 I'itt&burg , K. to S. 3'c ; No. 1 lace iLMther , 05c ; pi line -il.iuchter solo leather , Vteo ; Drhno oak solo leather. : ! C < 3flc , Upper leather , per foot. 20g2"c ( ; Hem kip , W s. ' * ; oak kin , SKSftlc ; Fiench kin. Sl.K ( ) ( < ld.a5 ; Hem calf , S1.00S)1.10. ( ) oak calf. Sl.00 i , 5 ! Jfronch call , 81.'iTd1.85 : Mo- locco boot ICL' , iiOgKHe ; Moiocco oil pebble , Jitylf'c ; toppines nnd linlnes. pei do/ . COAL Anthracite Kratc , S8.SO : ORB , 58.50 ; anire , S8.73 ; chestnut , 85.7.1 ; io\\\ . fe3.53 ; Walnut block , S3.75 : Illinois , S5.00 : Alis- sotui Sum llitAW iJAitDWAnE Iron , rates , S2.r5j plow ! , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Cc ; cast tools do , 12 < < ei8c ; v acton spokes , per bet. S1.7SA3.OU ; hubs , uer set , Sl.l , felloes. sa\\cd dr > ' , § 1.40 , toiiKiics , each , 75c , a\les , each , 75c ; hO'inre nuts , per Hi. , 7Wllo ; coiiclmin per bllOCS , BarbedWIro in car lots , 81.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails-Hates , 10 to CO , J3.0A Sliot S1.60 ; buckshot. Sl.Si ; Oilcntal powder , ki-irs 5y.50 < 5M.OO : do , half kegs , 52.00 ; do , quarter kPRS. Sl.SO ; bustlim' , kc-fa , ? a.a5 ; Insc.iierlOOlcet.COc. Lead Uar.Sl.OJ. Ditv i'AiNisVhlto \ lead , be ; iTcncn zinc , 1"c : Paris whltinc,3Ko ; ; whitlncBilders.lJic ; whltinc.coni'l. i.felami ; > back.ieniianti\vn. ! 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , Kk1. , untramailne , IBc : Vandyke , brown , bo niuuer , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , buint. 4c : sienna raw. 4o : Paris ween , jrenu- Ine , ' 3c : J'ans ureen , common , Wc ) ; ciirome green , N. " \ . 'JOc ; cbr mo creen , K , 1' c ; vcr- million , iMiKlhdi. In oil asst io ; raw and burnt umber l lb cans , luc ; row and onrnt sienna , lOc : vandyke brown. We : rcuiud lampblack. 12c ; roach black and Ivory bla k We : diop black. lOc ; I'ltisslan blue. 4Uc : ul tramarine bine. Itc : cliromo cieen , U. .M & D.lGc : blind and Hliulter creen , L. . .M. A- \ ) . Ific ; Pans Kieon , * bc ; Indian ted , We ; Vene tian led. ' . 'c ' : Tuscan red. 'Ac ; American vi r- inlllion , lj. itU. 20e ; joliowociue. Ho : .v ( ) . I ) . , Ibo ; Koldcn orhro , lOc ; patent dryer pralninir : roloip. llirht oak daik oak , wal- uni phestiintandaaii Ihc J'AINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha. P. P 7chlte ; load , St , Louis , iniio S7.JO : ; Slarsoll les green , I to 5 lb cans , 2 ( ' < ! ; French zlno Krcenseal , ISa ; Flench 'Inc. red seal. Uc ; Fiench vatnMhnist , 20o ; Kicnchzinn 7Sc : vennllllon. Aniorlc.ui. ISc ; Indian , led lOc : rose pink. He : Venetian , red t'ooksnn's " % ci Veni'tlnn iwi , , \o\ \ red lead 7kc ; chromo yellow Rcniilnc. We ; chrome- mellow , K. 12c ; ociuo rochellu ! 'c : ochrn , , 2Wc ; oohro , American. 'Jo ; Winter's mineral l , ajtfc : Lebk-h brown , a ; .Snanlsu bro\\n. Prince's inlneial S UII.H liOcarbon ,'on. llo:150 : J lie- " ! light , per nallon. lie ; 175o beadllu.d , [ MTgal lon , l o ; 1500 \ > ater wblte , iulluned : bard per pallon , 4iu ; Unseed , bolted , pur gallon , 7c : Jritd , wluier str'd. i 'i irallon. Co ; l\To. 1.-tl'c ' ; .No. ' . ' . 4ic ( ; castor XXX , iicr gallon , 81.55 : A'o. it , 51,41 : hweot , per callon , Sl.OO ; Mieini.V. . l * . . ncr Kilion. 81.0'Jtisb NY. It. nerpallnni.'M3 ( ; nontsfont extm , per patmn , 'Uc , .No. 1. Oe ; lubrleatfnir. 7ero , per u'nllon , > i suniniei. Ifjc : trolden inaclilne. No , 1 , per pallon ! ! 0o ; tin. U iWc ; uperin , slinai , pcrenl- ion , < .IR : tinpontlnc , per snllon , 5'c ; nnpthn , per Ballon. 7)e. ) \ -Mt.viHur.s iiariPis , per pallon : Fnrn tuie. ti.xtra , ; furniture , No. I , Sl.oo ; roacb , extra 81.40 ; coach , -\o. 1. Sl.tM ) ; Dnmar , exlra , 81.7.1 ; Japan. 70o ; asnlmltiun , extra , & 5c ; ehollao JH..VJ ; bam oil linlsli , " ) ! OS AXl > ClIHMICAI.S AfM , Plllbnllc , ytt.- ; add , taitarlcKo ! ; baKain eoji.tib.t , per lb. , Me , , hass.ifms , i > er Hi. . 12e ; c.iloiiiid- per lb. , V.'c : clnchmildu , per nIDo ; cbloio , hum , pel lb. , tV > o ; lo\t'i.s ) po\\dei < . , pei lb. , 51'A" ; Pp om salts , perlb. , } ! > ao ; glxccilne , juuiui' , i > ii ii' . , vo.u.j , euiiuiii , I-MU uuu , FiilplKUo niorpliliie , per oz. , SJ.'iu ; bulnhur. ] > ei lb.,2lo ; hliM'bnlne. per d/ . , SI.'A biMinrs C'ologmi spirits , 18S proof , 81.13 ; do 101 pmot Sl.3 ; hiilills , second quality 101 pioof. SI.13 ; do , IsS proof , Sl.ll. Alco- luil , 16b pioof , V..IO tier wlno u\llon , Heills- tilled \NbUK-les , S1.00 < 31.50. ( Jtn blendid , I.Mk2'J.)0 ( ) ; KentiieUy bout bans , S2.otftM.oj ) ; Keiilueky and re'insvJvaniu rjes. S'.00oi ,60 ; ( iolden Sbeaf boiubou und no wninKies , Sl.'XCt.oo. ( : Hnnidk-s-liiiporteil , S5.oo < g8. ! > o ; doiuesllc. Sl.tWtua.00. ( ilns-lmpoiled , 84.50 < 3t.00 ) ! dquiestlc. 81AV < Kl.oa . JVunis-lni ri-.ii. SUOKKD FISH Halibut , new , Ifc ; new scaled herrings , 20c ; mackerel 12c ; salmon , ) 'Jc : hiiiokcd ttnruenii. ITo. SjuNi > tiK3 Uomesllo Holland lierrliKS , kegs. We ; Jliuslan iaidinu.i , . 45c ; Aticho- yles hi glass , Ole JJ ! J brauu. per $3.00 ; Andiovrp ? In kogq , if Ole Hull brand. S4.00 ; spiced llnnibnrg herrings skins and Mads off , per pail , _ _ _ _ _ ' ! ' Iff H'fs 7rTlt > ls I'ls Kts ntTt- I i.'UO 100 W tO 40 15 12 10 Munn' * S't No.l L'b 7 < t 003 C5 2 Ml TO 7:1(3 : ( M I/KO Olb'ed Fancy fl (0 ( 3 GO1 ! 25 1 SO 1 50 75 60 M L'lfO H'd Sh'l oTcj 6 00 3 CO n S3 1 70 1 CO 7S M W NEW risir. Hbl . Half IlblsQ'r llbls' ' 200 i 100 80 CO 40 , Illofiter Mo S. . . .I 35 0018 0310 2Vo 05 7 3.11 . M Ki. No. 1 Sh'r . . . . | 24 ( W 12 60 11 id)0 ) 30f > 10 1 40 No. 1 Shor - IH ( X ) , 60 , 8 00,4 , Ml ; Wl 10 Mod. No. > .l Shore. . . 13 ( W 7 00 fl W3 6.12 80j Ki lift , . 11 nil 0 03 6 j-'u , ' W 2 60 75 I.nrgo Family. . II W ) , Ii 0) ) 4 Ki 2 6Ti 2 10 05 Int " . . 700 4 00 3 (16 ( 2 05 1 70 nur. risit. sr.w risa H't UbU'.Q'rllbls ' P'ls'Kts ' HO TOj W 40 13 10 i , No.l WhitoFlsh 7 030 303 EO.'l 10 1 04 CO Knmlly 3 M3 1620YI 70. C2 ' Efi No. Trout. 4 50,4 00 2 M 2 10 74 05 _ 4 oo 3Go _ aaoji uo | en J co PICKI.KI ) BAMIO.V. CODFISH .New larzo bank cod , 4c ; eaklni , ' , ( icoucs chunks , OUc ; clover leaf , ( cows MI ins. nylC ; l lb rolls s lb boxes. re : innliio llowcr , 3 Ibbrick.Ouildioso ; , u Iblilick , 5e. Holland hcnlng , new , rorkce , 7r > c ; now loni' snllt stoekltsb , lOc , new blioit spllt- stocklibii , U u. Grocers lilst. Svnur Standard C aic , bbls ; Standard , do 4-pnlIon kt s , S1.10 ; NcwOrli'aniS8'fi40c per callon ; JlnploSj nil ) , K band. I' A : ( J. slilctly imrc , "Ccucr pnllon ; l pallon cans , Jraaripcrilo/ : jjallon cans , S5.'J5 per doz ; mini t cans Suxi : i'loKLns Medium In barrels. S0 ; do In lialf barrels. 5. . < ; small In barrels , S7. 0 : do In half b-irrels , S . 5 ; t'liciklns lu barrels S 0do : In lialf banels , S4.75. - - ' Savon S7/3 jSoAi-s-Klrk's imperial. ; Kiik's satinet , S3.15 ; Kirk's standard. M : ! 0 ; Kirk's Wlilto Unsslan. 54.i.j : ; Kiik's Whltu Cap. SO..V ) ; Uiimo. S4. r , . MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; intind , p < r case Kc ; square cases , S1.70 ; Osbkosb cases , Kr. , 81.-0 : undo sunarc. Sl.'J\ SALT Drav loads per bbl , S1.55 ; Asbton. In Backs , SH. 5 ; sacks , Ashton , Wtv bbl3 tlalrv , S' ' TKAS Gunpowder , fair , C0@ . ,7 ; good , Bic : cbolce , COg7Sc ( ; peed Imperial , -iU ( < (4c : ! ; choice , tX70c ) ; ; Younglly&on. pooil.TO .Tc ; choice , , 60@70eiiOolonip'm. ( SSCOc ; O ( - pood. 3r m , Tea SiltTnus. OANDY-Mixed.9K@l2c : stick. SODA In lb panels , S3.U5 a case ; salsoda keg per lb , 8a.2o. ViNioAii OIDEU I3@i8c ; whitewluc , IS Citxcicnns Garneau's sods , butter and picnic , SKc ; cieanib , S e ; giiiKor snaps , 8 > < fc ; Citv .ns Hexes , 40B > , Cs llj 'c ; Ss , H boxes , tO& , 10 oz , Cs , like ; hall box , .JO 12o. . . . . . . DlfKuirs iSo. 1 Quarter apples , 4 > 4'c ; evaporated , boxes , b 'o ' ; blackbciries , boxes. 0 > irfitCc : peaches : K.istein. 4 (35 ( jc ; peaches , evaporated , 15j@17e ; Salt ljale , new , K@e ; raspbeules. new.2J@Jlc ; cur- lants. new. T C'fi-c : piunes. new.K@oc. COFFEES Ordinary . craaes. u < c : lair , 10 > , C ; prime , ' " " fancy croon a eminent Java , . _ , _ . 20c : Mocha , 22i4c : Aibucklo's roasted , I'JJ c ; . eLaimlilln'n XXXX rousted , I'J' ' c ; I > il\voi h's 13c ; Itwl Ctoss. I3 c 5UlAns-llowacred,7y ccutIoa ; .7J ( ccran ulatcd , 7' < c : conleotioners" A. CJfc : Stan dard e\tr.i C. OKe ; extra C. fiXc ; medium yellow. OVe ; New Orleans. 5/ n > -4c. UAKNKD Uoons Oysters , btandard per case , & 3.0 : strawberries , 'J-Mi. , per case. SJ.7 1 ; nispbeiries , S-1D. , per case , S2.5 ! : ! ; Calttornia poais. per case , S'i.CO ; apiicots per case , S4.00 ; peaches , per ca'e , $4.75 ; white chcr- lies , per case , SO.OO ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; whortlebeirics , per case. 82.40 ; egg plums 1Mb. , per case , S3. 0 , grpen Bases , 2-H > . , per case , 82. 10 ; pine apples , 2-tt. , per ease , S3.20JJ 5.60. 5.60.1'r.uo 1'r.uo TonAcco ( Jllmax , 44c per lb ; Horse shoe , : . 'Jc ; Slur , : i'c : Spearhead , -10c ; ( Jold lloll , 4Cc ; I'lper Heldslck. OOc : Punch , : Wc ; 1'ouneFiltz , 41c : Silver Tajt , 4flc : JT.I , Kic. Jloi'B Sisal. yt inch and larger , S c ; Inch , 0 c : J < f inch , u c. tain , 60c ; Fancy , 4Tx ; ; Daky , 40o ; Notth Star 70c : Good Luck , 5.ic ; OurJJcst , O'Jjj'c ; ( iooi i ; Dry Good.i. I'liiNTS Ainorlenn , 5 } { : Ainold's , dc ; ( /ocbeeo , Cc ; Manchester , Co ; Ljwan , 5o ; Oloucestcr , 5 } c : Dunnell Jaoquaid , Cc ; Uunniill , 5 ; ! 'c ; Windsor. Oc ; Paellie , rc ; llannouy , 4Kc ; Anclioi Shlithiif , 4 } c ; Meriinuick ShiitiiiKS , 4 > fc ; Hcrwlck. 4e. ) ) IIACIIIII : Con TONS. Fanner * ' choice , G/C ; ; Cabot , fi c ; Hope. 7c ; Llill 4-1 , 7Kc ; lull % , < % c ; Lousdalc , 8' ; Fuilt , ScVain ; - Mllttll. IOC. COIISKT JKANO Kcarsarso , 7c ; Armory , 7o ; J'enpeien , 7 cj Indian Orchard , 6 a ; : . 7c. UJIO\VN COTTON -Lawrence Jjj , sc : .siiaw- niut JJ , . 5c : UC.XMT D.iiu 1,1 , , Cc ; Atlantic LI * Gc ; Indian Ilt-iid , 7c : Wnticliiisset C'ic ; Crown XXX.Kc : Clifton CCC , C'4'o ; Utica C. 4 c : Atlantic 1' , 5j'c. TICKINGS Aino-Ueacr AOA la c ; Thorn. dkoUUO. 75t'e : Thoindlholaney , lKc * ; jtoik 10j < c ; Ywk lancy , 12 n ; Millbtiry , 12iu } ; J'enrl Kivcr , HJ o ; Hamilton. 12c : fjwift 1ther , fifo : S'letucket ' b , Mju ; .Shetnclcet SS J , ' < e. : MoutaukAA. 1-Jc ; Jloiitauk J5H , lie ; Oineca ACA. Wa FINK HIIOWN COTTONS 1'epjicrcll H , O'/c ; 1'cppeiellO. 5 > ac. Atlas , ti cjstatuo or Lib- crtv. Cc : Sarauac It. Ojsc. DK.MMS Heaver Licek AA. lie ; Ileavor Creek , 1JI5 , lOc ; Utwer Cieek CO. Oc ; Juflroy XX , lie ; .luirtuy XXX , 12 < j ; JnffioyD&T , 12'c ; Columbian , 12 } o : York , ISa ; Yoik , aner. W > c : Kverett , lcj ! ! Haymaker's bine and brown. 7l < Ic. lucK-lJnbleaclied-So/.Alaenolla ( ) , : 10 Masnolla , l'-c : fa o * . West , 1'oint , 10 oWtht 1'olnt l'i ! < re. DUOK ( colored ! Uoston 0 07. blown and drab , JilKc : Uoston 0 11 bro\\n and drab , c ; Uoston XX brown and dr.xb lOc : Huston XXXbiuwnanti drab. UJi'o ; Uoston Oi'bltio , HKc : WmicuTilcot loc. liixoiiAMS Kenliuw. i" " ( < { ln ) e ; Ainoslcca dress. ! > o ; Ainoslcoau' . btaplc , 7)40 ) ; Iv.inlio ! "tfoVniiisutta ; , ti'Jc ; Nubian , bjfo ; War wick , b'sic ' : Wlilttendon , l c : Hates , dress tc : Hates , staple. t > e ; Handolnb htaplu , LnnsdowiR' . 7o : ( ilouccster , 7' < e. Cnnviois Amoikea ? , cliccks.OJfe : Amos ksag , t-tiipi'.s , h' < c ; Slater , stripes , bo : Kdln- Durg , Vi' c : WhittPiKton , Mrlpcs. So : ( Slen- rnsp , "c ; Otis , checks , ! > ) ifc ; Ous. stripes , Uc , Jtoyal tl'/c : AmosK'ea ? , napped , I0 > ic ; Lu- ray , book told , V.'c ; Oberon , book fold , ll Kuuurance , book fold 12c , Dry umber. DI.MKNslOVS AND 12 ft 14 f t'lfl ' ft 13 f t'lW ' ft 22 rt24 ft 1X4. . 15.0. ) is.00 is.0.1 TiToo mw iisioo iaoo U.SJ ll.W 14.5115.W 16.50VMM.f \ > 15.00 15 01) ) 15.00 10 U ) 17.UO 18.00 1'J.OO ) / . . , ; , . ; . . ' , . 1500 15.00 1BIKI 17.00 a ) 00 5.U50 ZxlS. I15.HO 15.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 1900UO.OO 4xl-Sx8 | ia. ( 'l5 ' 00 16.00 111 00 1HOO * " CKII.lKb Clear , W Inch Yellow I'ino S2-J.OO Clear. inch Xoiway , . , , . . . . H.W ! id Com. , ; < tf Inch , Norway 13.00 FINISHING. 1st and ? J Clear , I'Incb.s. ' . 2a J.WOO 1st and 2d Clear , l aud Jincli , s2s. , , . MOO , Ui'lncb. s2d 4bOO Sd Clear , IK and 3 Inch , s 2s 4SOO H Select. IV { and 2 inch. B. 2s. , , , . , , 100 Ibt and -'d ' , I men , s.-Js. . . , .1000 8U clear , 1 inch , 2s , . . . , 4450 A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000 H Select , llneh. b. 2s t 2950 no tun * . Xo.lbo.inls , 13 , Uft. . , and 10.03 No. 2boards , 12,14 ft : and 10.75 No. Sboards , 18 , Uft. . . . and ia.75 No. iboardb' , 1-J , 14 it.- . . . , , aud U.23 No.lItfeOlnch , ! 2nndS10.fXUfcct ) , rough. . Mo. I , 4 & 0 Inch , in feet 14.50 , rouzh . No. 2 , 4 & C Inch , 13 and law 14 feet , rough. . No. a , 4&Glnch. 1C feet lo.fX ) , lough . 1'OPi.Att 1-u.Mnfc.n. Clear Poplar box bds , } ( Ins 2s . Sno.OO " " Hhi , panel Mk vide , s 2s. 27.C6 ' " Corrnsnted Cclllnir , } . . . 2U.OO , I.ATIt. * A Standanl . . . S2.00 B Inch , clear , S1.50 ; 0 Inch , clear. . l.r-0 Xo. I . i . 1.10 Lath . , 2.20 rAHTITIOJT. 1st Com. , 'finch White Pine . S-TO.OO 2d Com. , & Inch Whitn Pine . 23.50 UtCom. 0 Inch , white pine . 30 00 2d Com. 0 Inch , white pine . W ( W nd Com. 0 inch , white pine . 2U 00 1) . Olncli , wlillo pine . 2000 Com 4 and 0 inch yellow pine. . . 17.50 8tar4 ami fl Inch yellow pine . 21.00 Island 2d clear yellow pine 4-0 Inch. . . 23,50 No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch ! . $17.00 No. a , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 10.00 No. 1 , O. ( J . 17.50 While Cedar , flinch , halves . 8 11 " " 0' $ " " and 8 In q'rs 0 " " 4 " round . 11 Tennessee red cedar , split . 14)4 STOCK DoAims. A 12 Inch , Is 12 , 14 and 10 feet . S-M 00 U " " > > . 41 00 C " " " " " " . 80 00 I ) " 11 i u 11 . 21 ! 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. . 17 50 No.l " " " 10 , 18 nnd 20 ft. . 1850 No. 8 " " " 12. II and 10 ft , . 1550 1.1 Mn , ITC. Qulncy white llmo ( bcbt ) , Me ; cement. Akion , 51.7. ' . ; plaster , S2..U ) ; nalr , per bushel BOc ; sash , 00 per cent olT list ; doors , blinds , monldlnus , M per cent olT list ; tailed felt , per cwt. , S1.73 : btraw board. Sl.CO. Mr. Ynhusln , of Tokio , 1ms invented and patented 11 method of wtrnvins car pets with feathers. According to his method fcatlior.s nru reduced to a silky slate by the siction of chemicals , nml then woven like cotton stuff. A little girl died at Portland , Ore. , n few days since , the victim of the habit of eating mud pics. Neither punishment , kindness nor threats could break her of the liabit. When confined to the house , she scraped muu from the oilier chil dren's shoes and ate it. Colonial ! Freeman , who was of Spanish- African extraction , was buried at Windsor ser , near Detroit , on Sunday , and many of his children , grandchildren and great grandchildren , numbering in till told 11.18 , were mourners at the funeral. His age was given at 122 years. RAILWAY. Omaha , . Council Bluffs And Chicago The only road to take for DCS Molnes , Mar- shnlltowu , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , DIvIc. Chicago , Milwaukee and all points east. To the peonlo ot Nebraska , Colonulo , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho Ncvadii.Orcson , Washington and California it olfeisBUpci lor advantages not possible by any other line Among a few of tlio numoious points ot supe riority enjoyed by the patrons of this roiul between - twoon Omaha and Chicago , are Its two tialnsa day of DAY COACHES which nro the flne t tluit huninn nit and Ingonulty can create. ItsI'Ak- ACE SLEEPING OAUS , whlcn are models of comfort anil elcgnnco. Its PAHLOH DRAWING HOOM CAKS. unsurpassed by miy , and Its widely - ly celebrated PALATIAL UlNINU CARS , tlio equal of which cannot bo found cNuwheio. At Council Hluirs the trains of the Union Paci fic Hy. connect in Union Depot with these of the Chicago i ; Noithwestcrn Ry. In Chicago the tialns of this line make close coniiLctlon with these of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columhus. Indianapolis , Cinoln mitl , Niagara Fulls , lluttalo , Pitt uurr. Toronto Monti cal , Uostou , Now York , I'hlladcliihia , Bal timore .Washington and all points lu the east , ask the ticket agent for tickets via the "NOHTJI-WESTKHN. " If you wish the best accommodations. All tlckot General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent CHICAGO. MHO IS UNACQMINTtD WITH THE CEOORAPHV OF THI9 COUNTDr WILl EEC BY EXAMININd THIO MAP THAT THE CHIOAGO.ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY lly reason of Hi central poiltlnn and clean relation to nil ( irliulnal lines Vant nml Wtrt. lit Initial anil ter- nilunl iioliitn. cunitltntdi ( lie nuivt Iniporlunt nilit rontlnentn ] link In that fTctrni of tlirunirh trnnpiior. Intlon wbjoli lnviu > and farllUnlm tiarcl na trntno iK'tnfpn cities of the Atlallllu and Tactile Coutt > It in also the fatorlle anil liput route to nnd from points ii : t. NorthcB t nnd Houtlipait , and corr l > oiiillni { rolnt < Vftit , Noiilinrit and Houtlivtrtt. The Croat Rock Island Route Onaranteoi Its imtronn that fonno at tirrtontl teca- rltr aaorried lijr a nolld , IhoioiiKhly liallatted road , bod. imootlitiacki or ronllniions uteri rail , lulntan- ll llyl > iltcul | ert nnd kililir < , iolllnK > l rka > near lirrfcctlun ni linmnn > klll inn make It. the kalrtv npnllanrri of pit ni hnirrri.iilnirorinBand air biakri. nnd thnt ai.ilnirdl > idpllii vrhUii u-oTfrni the | iraci tlrnl operation of allllalialni OUicr tpeilaltlri of hlii roiilo are Irantferi at all umm-ctlnfr i > ulnl > In Union IJrriati , and the uninrpanMil comfort * nud lu jurlei of IU I'attenRcr Ktiil | | > mcnt. Th Past KxnriH Tralnn bitivppn Chlcoco and Tcorla , Cuuncll llluiri. Unman ( 'Jtj. I arunwui Ih nuil Atrliliou are iiiiiipaurd of well VfntHntM. finely up. liolntcred Day Coachp < Uacnlllrint Tullman I'ulara bleeperioC the Inteit cle : ' ' Car eati BIO I The Famous Albert Lcn Route Ii the direct and fatorlta line k trrn ClilcOKonnd Mlnueapolli nml81. J'aul , where connectionare made In Union li > pnu foi all point * In tliu Tfirltorlfe and lirlllih rroilnret. Over thin luuie Fatt Kipnns Iraliu are inn tu tlio % faturlnfr plnrei , nuinnif r re- porln. plctilleoiuo lodilltlfi.anil liiiiitlntr and llihlltft KroumUof Imva anil Minnesota. It I" l o the mu c rtisliuble route to the tlcliwhtat IliIJi nnd puituraj landi of Intel lor nalmtt Ktlll anuthrr IUIII or LINK. TlaSen3ca nil Knn- kakce , Iia bi-en opened bet > Ti-en rinclnlmtl , Inillau- npolUand Ljfa\ette and fnuiull llluir * . KatlrunClty , MlliiifHmll | iililit. raiiUiidtntirnirdla > epilntn tor iH'tAlliil Information ee Jilup < nnd I c.Idem , obtainablea > well an tlil.uH , at all principal Ticket ortliei lu ( lie UaiUd fatatu and Canadut ui by ud- dremlng R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , IVcc't & Gcn'l M'jr'r , < lf n'l T'Kt & i'an. Ac't , carza-A-oo. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $200,000 BuplusMay 1 , 1885 . 26,000 II. W. YATKS , President. A. K. TOU/AMX , Vieo Prcsltiont W. H. S. Iluoiius , Cashier. "IE ' W. V. MoruJE , JOHN S. COU.INS , H. W. YAIKS , LEWIS S. HKK.D , A. E. TOUZAUN , BANKING OFFICEt THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th find Farnain Streets. General llanklmr Quslaeg TrunjaotoJ. & MAUL , ( Successors to J , O. AND MUALMiilS. : At the old btu'nd , Jiu7 Futium.Sj. Orders b tok'Kiaph&olloUcd nud iirouiptlt uttcndud t. Tth.-nl.ouo NiiiUTi QMAHA AHOFAGTURERS. Billiard Tables , Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , \i l Saloon , Offlco nnd Hank Fixtures. Market nnd Huron Sts , Chlcngo , IIL Onmh.x ofllcc,5J3 " . 10th St. Book Bipding , Etc. iir.ns ; I'HiNTiNQ co , Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk Hook Mniiufacttirer * . Nos. 108 nnd IDS South lUh Street. Omnlm , Nub. Bridges Steam Pile Driving. HAYMONl ) & CAMl'Hr.LL , Knglncors nnd Contrnetors. Jridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Comblnntlon nnd HOMO Oriis * llrldites , MlliiB nnd Onk Timber. 16tb St. , nonr Vnrnnni. TolcphonoNo. 734 Cigars and Tobacco , MAX JtKYKR , t CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , ( Inns nnd Ammunition. 211 to 223 South llth Street , 103) ) to lot ! I rnrimm Street , Omaha , Nob. VACTOIIT. WEST & nilTSCHKU , JUanufactnrers of Fine Cigars , And Wholcsnlo Pcnler In Leaf Tohnceos. Nos. 103 nnd 110 N. 1Kb Street , Omalm , Neb. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works , John Hponoter , Pioprlctor. Mutiufnrturcr of Onlvnnl7c < l Iron nud Ooinleo. ! S ) Dodco nnd 101 nnd 105 North lUth Btrcot , Onmhn , Neb. UUnMt'lNQ & 11OI.TE , Mnnurnctuioraot Oninmcntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer WlndoHB , rinnls , Etc.BIOS. 12th St. Workdomj In any pan of thoeonntry. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT , Proprietor. Gnlvnnl/ed Iron Cornice1) ) . Ktc. Sptobl's tm proM-d PatentMctnll'cSlsjllBbt. 60S mid 6108. 12th St. , Umalm , Ncl1. Doors , Sash , Etc , The Gate CilyPlEnlDg'Kill , Doors , Sasb nnd Ullnds. Also nil kinds ot tinning. Beioll inidbtalr oik of every de scription. ' A. KOSlINIinilY , Jlnnurncturcr nnd Denier In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Etnlr llnlls n specialty Telephone No. 03 l.'ith nud Marcy St i , Onmlia , Neb. Electrical Supplies. L. W.'WOWE i , CO.Klcctrlelair37 Electrical Supplies , Matonle Block , Omnlia. IHirnlnr Alarms , licit ? , Fliu Alarms , Klectrlo .Mnttln-r , SncaUlnsr Tuboi. Gold , Silver nnd Nickel Plating , Ktc. Ironard Nails , Cut Mails and Spikes , Tire Nnlls p/Six ially. Omaha , Nob. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , CastingsSteam Kntrlnes , Hollers , Aicldtoctnral lion Work. lion Ilrldtjcs , Jlliilut ; nnd .Mill Jlnclilnery. onieo und norlts , Union Pacific- . It , 17th nnd 18th Sticcts. WEA11NK k nitO. , Fopdry Works. Cor. 14th and Jnclcson Sts. , prcpnred to do nil hinds of Iron mid Uinss rhstuitfs ; nlso , O , O. liunnlstcr's HockirurGrnto liars maiiutaoturod Mattresses , Safes. Omaha Safe Works , 0. ANDIIKEN. Manufacturer of Flionnd llurplar Pioof Sifos , Vault Uoois. .lall Work. Hhntteis nnd Wlro Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omnlm , Nob. Soap , P. 0. QUEA1E1' , Soap Manufacturer , Ofllco nnd Factory , nenr I'owdcr Jfagazlno. Omalia Neb. Wagons and Carriages. GRATTON & DRUMMOJTD 1 Manufacturers of Fina Carriages , 1315 nnd 1317 Htirncy street , Onmhn , Nob. Sole ApcntK In Nebraska iorJoncb' Celebrated Split bbaft Sulkies. Established ISoS. A. J. SIMl'SON. The Leading Carriage Factory , U09 and 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. White Lead. OMAHA WHITE LEAD COMI'ANl" , Corrodcrs nnd Gilndcrsof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omalm , Neb. Lc\l Cnrtcr. 1'rr ? . ; C. W. Mead , Vto ) I'les. : 11. W. Viitca , bou. und Ticas. OKIAHfi HOTEL P EOTORY. The Hillard , S. Bhenrs , J.E. Mnrkcl.Thos. Swobo , I'roprlotcrs Omulu , Ncbrusia. Arcade Hotel , James Casey. Proprietor. i 15 nnd 1-17 DniiKlns r < t. , Omiihu , Nob. Tboputiomicoot coinmciulnl nifii n spout fully bohdtcd. Tlu-vnillllnd this the licit V-udcy lions : ) ct > t of Cblcaso. ? lanters Honss , t. K. rUHHIB , rltOl'IIIUTOII. Hntca.Sl.M per ility. Ktn-ct cars tiom U. V. depot , within mm block of honso. Cointi1 ICthbtieett , Uniulia , Noli. ThT Cozzens , P. IttiiDBpy it Co. , Proprietors. Kates.00 pci\ day , no diirk looms. Omaha , Nib. Also piopiietuiaot 1'nlaco Hold , , imtu t'o , .No v .no-\leo. Cakold House , Cor. Ninth find l iinutn Sts. The best (2 per day liolul in Omulin , Itemudrlud , ii'luinUhuvl , i till o i nti'd ; ono Itjoi K 11 um ui my houdiuurtrra , uppokltn Union I'avlllnlii'ailniuiitrra : flioot cam pups the door UUDIKU Cantlold & , t'o. , pinprlo- toit > . AUo Union btptk Yards Hotel , bontU Ointilm. ' Hotel'do Gees , P. GOOS , Proprietor. European Plan. U ho only centrally located 03 adny bouse. Th po doom from lloil'8 Opera HouBoand ono half block from the PostolUce nnd the Court Uoaso. 15 W. 1510 , 15U rajruum ijt.OuHhuNtl > . E. M. IIULSB , Mattress Company , MnnufacturliKr Mattresses , Hoddlnrr , Feather J'lllow B , t'ots , Ktc , 1AXJ und 12US louilua ) Street , Umuhu , Nub. Overalls. " _ _ "cANniTin jKCTDFAcruiiiNG co.7 Hanufactarers of Overalls , Jeans Punts , Shirts , Etc. , 11U2 and 1101 Douglai btrtet , Omnlm , > , cb. rH1iMdJ ? fiKl > L fcjL ° ' " ' j f riroTiFFT n kS Tli'ii"h'f.i { ! ! * ' ERIE rVl i W k 4fcOi l t5t ? & 'rt U V UICAL CO. , OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY Agricultural Implcmenls , L1N1N.GEU * MCTfAU' CX ) , Wbolcsnlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements' , ec , Corner Ctb and 1'nclflo St , Oinalin , N' " rA.ui.iN , oniiNDOiivr & jtAUTIN , Wbolcfuio Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons and Huffglro , Omnhu Neb. _ cllUUCUILh PAUKKlt , \Vbolrsnlo Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cairiagcs nnd Ilnorgles. .1 < nn < > Oth nnd lOtb , Omnlm , Neb. Boots and Shoes , _ _ " " " " W. V. M01 8K tt CX > . . Jobuers of Boots and Shoos , Ull Faniam StreetOmaha , Neb. Manufactory , Summer Street , lloston. Carpels , S. A. OUCHA11D , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MMtlnirs , Curtain ( load * . Hto. . 1423 1'arnam Street , Oinana , Nob. Coal , Lime , Etc , V. l : iKOUP ) , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stono. Office , 213 S. llth c.t. , Omalm , Neb. Yards , Olb and Drcnpnt t Sti ccts. _ _ ' & SQU1HK3 Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Ilest varieties. Onicc.sns. Will St. Telepliono No. l B , Omnlm , Neb. _ " " " NKH11ASKA FL'ETj CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 S. 13th St. , Omalm , Neb. O i o. C , TOWI.K , President. CEO. PATTFtifioK , Sec. and Trcas. _ J.I1. llm.nnuT. F.A.lUt.cii. Proprietor. Mannircr. Hebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKIWA8KA. Offlce , 2S. \ . lath Stieet. Tolcphono 10. _ Gto. 1\ LAB * rm , Proi. 0. V. OoiniM , V. Prca. J. A. 8UMt.ittAM ) > Sec. and Tieus. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbcis of hard and 'ott coul.aMS. Uth St. , Omaha , Neb. _ OMAHA COAL AND IMIODUCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal. E.\clutlvo dealers In llowldor Coloiado Coal. SIT houth Hthbttcet. Coffee and Spites. " " CLARKE rtROS. & CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tens Colfces , Spicea. Unking 1'owdcr , Flavoring K\tmcts , Laundry Illun. Ink , etc. 141MU liar- ney Street , Omalm , Neb. ' ' Commission , Etc. _ _ . . _ s v . 'HRANCH & co. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121 rurnnm St. , Omaha. Apples Our own i.ick- ing-Platt A , Co.'s Tiger llrnnd Ojstcis , llutter , Eggs , Onino , Poultry , Potatoes. JOHN T. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , ProvMons , Fruits , Flour and I'U'd. 105 R Hth St. , Oumlia , Neb. Consignments bollcltcd. Returns iimdo piomptlj" . Lotrs Johber and Commission Merchant. Cheese , PaiiBngos. Fuilts , Hutchors'Tool * and Supplies. UlSJoiKS St. , Onmlia , Nob. W. E. 1UDDELL , General Commission Merchant. Si'ECiALTits rbeu e. llutter. Egps , Poultry mid ( lame , 113 a Hth. , Pniuliti , Neb. Telephone - phone rip. SJI. _ D. A. : tUULEV , Commission and Jobbing , flutter , KPRS and Produce. A full lluo of Stone- wiro. Conslunincnts BOllcltcd. HU Uodgo St. , Oinului. , a , , , - E. MOHONY , General Commission Merchant , Huttor , Kgns , Cliceso nud Countiy Produce gen erally , 309 S. 12th bt. , Omnlm , Neb. McSHANE & ECIIllOEDEK. Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Befrlserator nnd Pneklnp House , 14th & Leaven- worth St. , on U. P. H. It. Ti ack , Onutha , Neb. Established 1870. nonciiT PURVIS , General Commission , 111 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Quttor , Poultry and Game. PEVCICE Commission Merchants , ViuIU , I'rcilnco and Provisions , Omidia , Neb ISAAC OKIKKJTII. Commission Merchant , and wliolc ulo detdtr In Countiy produce , fruit ; , butter , eggs , etc. Uoods on consl nmont a specialty. lf-J N. ICtli St. , Omalm , Nob. KII1SCHI1HAUN & SONS , ( Siiccossni4 to A. P. Pclmck. ) Produce Commission Merchants , No. 213 South Htb Sticet. Omaha , Neb. * TItOXELlj k Storage and Commission Merchants. Fruits , Flour , A pplCb.Stoneiviiio.Cldcr.Vlncvar , Oi nsR Seeds. Iluttrr and I'trrfs , ! ) ! ' ) and \\V \ South 13tb Etieot , Oni'ilm , NobiasKa. WIEDKMAN i CfT Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , IJiittcr , aamo , Fuilts , Ute. S3UH. 14th St. , Omnlm , Nclut'.sUi. A , F.HKTIIQK , Y/tiolesalo / Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Meals , Laid , Jolbus , llutter , KKS , Cheese , Etc. No. .10.1 S. Kill St. , Omaha , Neb. " WESTKliriELD IIHOS. , General Commission Merchants , , . 14CC Dodge Ftreet , Omaha , Neb. ConslKiimcntB Solicited. H. JIcDOXALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT , . B15 12th Streot. Oiniiha , Nth. Spcvlulllos ; Hut- lei.l.'lfttn , iiudidcKous. ( ; * Ury ( Joou's , ' J. .1 IlltOWN St CO. , j Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , 122H Doufc'l.ia Direct , Omaha , Nob. I * filNSIIKHO &CO , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , Laces , Embroidery and Whllu C' btioot , Omulm , Nub. Engines , iu. : & co. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary and jiorliiblo rnglnc'i , boilers rnj theet iron \\oit , wiiifont , nu'dcultural imple ments , pumps etc. l-ia-lU'lIi J.eiucmvortlib : . Leather , Hides , Etc. -i , * ' ' " " * " < TT'c. IIUNTJKOl' l & SON , : "V Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tall * . j Jill JuclisonBti cot , Omalm , Neb. " SLOMAN IHtoC , Iyy7 ' ' Wbolesalo * Leather , Saddlery Hardware- * Enddlrry uud bhoo Flndlni-'it , Hides , Wix.t.l'un , Pcltb , ( Jitate , Ttdlow , Utp , Otiuilui Kel. Hour , He , \V : . I'liLtriiK. ( Kictuunsc ; : WJ. " 1'ltlT.rpN i. CO. ' Wholesale Flour , WS'JO dud r I'lcruj tr * t Omabu , Ntb. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY onrxo T.scnucK , JR , ARcnt for J. C. HolTinftyr * Co , Kannfacturers ot Highest Grades of Flour lly Holler niul llinipirliui Process. Warehouse , _ _ _ 1213 Jones Street , Onmhn , NcK W. J. WKWHANS k CO , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturer * of W. J. Welslmns & Co.'g Quick Halslnclluckwlieftt Hour niul poiprletorsOnmhn City Mills , cor. Stli ami rnrnniu Streets , Ontnbn. ' Fish , Ltc. BEKSox FISH CO. " Eucccsfor' to Icken Pleni sou & Co. Itfholesolo Fish Dealers , Importers of foreign VWi , Xos. Oil-ill Jone > 6s _ . Street and U. 1 * . Tutclt , Oinuhii , Nob. _ f. Furniture. Etc , Wholesale Dealers In Furniture , Furnam Street , Omaha , Neb. Groceries. . . . " " ALLF.N itiios. . Wholesale Grocers , 1110nnd 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nrb. K. 11. CHAPMAN * . CO , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Smokers' Articles , U17 Howard St. MF.YKR k RAAl'KR Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , Cigar1) and Tobaccos , 1317 and 1J1U Douglas - las Street , Omaha , Nob. ilcCOHn , nttADY A. COMPANV , Wholesale Grocers , Corner ICtb and Furnam Sticcts , Onmhn , Neb. PAXTON , UALLAOHKR & CO , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. TIC , TO" , 703 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. w. J. IIROATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Springs Wagon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc. 1210 and 1:111 : Hiuncy vtrccx , Omaha , Neb. KONF.Y&GI11I10N , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnrrlaro Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware , lite. 1217utul 1-1'J Lcnvenwoith Street , Omaha , Neb. IIIMlillAUail & "TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools and llutlalo Scales. 1405 Douglas - las Street , Omalm , Neb. Lur : , FRIED is co , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for Howe Scales nnd llluml Pundur Co. , Omaha Nob. WILTON ROGERS & SONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantles , Grates , Uiass goods. 1321 and 1T2J Far- nani Street. RECTOR A. WILHELMY Co7 Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th and Harney Streets , Omaha , Nob. Harvesters. & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the Deering Harvester Goods , \Vrlto to Wm. ii , Loilmcr. Gonerid Agent , Omaha. Telepliono (110. ( Iron Pipe , Etc. " " " " - - - - COWING & CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobbers In lion Plpo Iron V ttlnirs , lion nnd flrass Goods. Engineers' Suppbua. Htu nnd Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb. A. L. BTRANG COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etcnm , Water , Railway and Milling Supplies Ktc. K.U SttJ und Oil Fninam St. Omaha , Neb. CHURCHIIJ , PVMFCO. , * Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam mid Water Supplies. Headquarter * fo" Must Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 1'aruam Street , Orauliii , Nob. Jewelry. & KIHCICSON , Wholesale Jewelers. rcnlers In Bllvornaio , Dlnmonda , Watch34 Clocks , Jewolerti' Tools and Materials , lite. , 101 Hiul 1U3 , IDth StreetCor. Dodge , Omaha , Nob. , live Stock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Ynrdngo Chnnrcd. I Close to U. I1. Ilridgo. iJpcclnl accommodation r.nd u peed market for boas. II. C. Cooper , Ma.- nuer. OIluo , South 5th Sti ect. M. liQIlKC St EON'S , Live Stock Commission Gco. Iluiko , Manager , Union Stock Yards , tj. Omaha. Tola ihono 583 W. F. BROWN Si CO. , Commission Dealers in Live StocK , OfDee K\chaiiBOllulldlmr , Union Stoc't Yardi , South Omaha , Nob. Telepliono No. OKI. j MALLORY. SON is CO. r Live Stock Commission , Union Slock Voids , Chicago , III. , and Omnlm , " ' ' " ' ' " Telephoiio No ! : 'M" i tabl'islfcd Ibo" W. L. PATRICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , /.ddrcsK nil communications to m lit Union y tot U ' udtj , houtli Omaha. Advance * made on stoelc. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited , John F. lloid , Stipcrlntcndcnl , SAVAtJE it ( JUKIIN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , EbJi incuts of any nnl nil Kinds of stock tollelt , id. Union M elc Ymds Omiilin , Neb. Lumber , Etc , " " " " * UHMS 3RADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , , Doors , Ktc. Yin ds for. "Ih mid Do Cor. Ctb aud lourl.ij. ; KOI1N MANUrACTUIUNO CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair Work and lutcilor Haul Wood I'inlhli. Jun opuneil. N. U. cor. th mid lx.-u\en- wo i ih gticotti , Onmlin , Neb. CHICAGO LUMI1KR COMPANY , Wholasale Lumber , 8H S. Hth Strict , Omalm , fleb. F. Colpctrer , r. N. Lumber , J3tb nnd California Strout , Oiuubn , Nob. W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Ctb und Douglns StrcLts , Oiuuliu , Neb. GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omnjiu , NLbiuskn. " CHAS. IU I.En , Hardwood Lumber , Wnron Stock , Fnney Woods , llililiro Tabt | ) < r < , io. , P. W , Cur. ' . 'tli nnd Douglas , Oiimlui , .NI n. G. FLYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moalafo , llulldliw 1'ttpcr , lite. Bouth 1 Jtb btlOO w R g , Jsohruskn. " Nebraska Lumber Co , ftild i C\pltril \ Stocl : , J30 < ) , ( XO. nrtuit > r imd wholcsidfr dcil- UI , Win. \ \ bolcMdo und r i'ul ] d O r.ubu , Nub , 611 ti. UU U OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY , OMAHA I/MUr.HCO , , ' Dealers In All Kinds ot Building Material at Wholesale IPth Street and t .1 onl'ne n Track. Ornab- * Or.ltMAN I ) . WYATT , Wnolesale Dealer in Lumber , roth nnd Itard Shoot ? , Onmbn , Nobra ki. J. A. WAKKrtHM ) , Wholesale Lumber Lath ' , , Shingles , llulldlni ; 1'apow. SaMi , leer ) , Illlnds , Monll IUK" , I'leketj , ro ts , l.bne , I'luMcr , H f i CimiMit. Nlntn aim Jone ? , Omaha Nob. Millincryi 1. OI1ERFELDF.R , Importers and Jobbers ot Millinery and Notions , ; , ISiannd 1211 Ilnincy Street , Omnlm , ! Musical Instruments. FDIIOLM & ERICKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , \\ityPlnnosWnbcr , Decker , llnlnoi nnd . PiniioK. Pnckanl Oigiius , Chaeo Organs. 101 and lltlljth 8tiecl. Notions , Ett , J. L. nilANDIUS & SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Good" . Notion" , dents' Furnishing Goodo. Goods from Now York. Trade tales daily. 60J nud W Soiitb lilb ; St..Omaha. o. s. ( Uoiwieii ) iV co. , d la loI' * . A. Whitney Carriage Co.'s Children's ' Carriages , and Jowett's rclolunUvl Rolrlgoratow , Send for pilco lists. 14l"i Farnnm it , Omaha. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , . ' ' tm and 405 S. 10th St.Omaha , Neb. Wholesale Ucalris In NotloiH and Gents' Fur- lilshhiff Goods. _ Oils , Etc. CONSOLIDATED TANK LlNlTcoT Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mien A.\lo Giea c , Etc. A. H. " - , Omaha , Nob. Pork Packing. JAMES K. HO YD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omalm , Nehrnska. IIAHUIS & riSltKK , Packers and Provision Dealers , Offlre , Union Market , 1517 Dodwo Street , racking hous-e , U. 1 . It. It. Truck , Omalm , Nob. Tolu- phone No. l. > 7. Safes and Locks. " i' . novnTi & co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Hie nnd HnrRlnrl'ioof Safe'.Tlmo U > ck , Vault ! und . .lulloik. . Itnj rninam sticot , Orimlui , Neb Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , Airrli'iillurul. Vegetable , Htc. Odd rellowi' Hall , N. W. Cot. llth nnd Dodge St . , Omnlm , Nob. Drugs , Etc. ' * 11. T. CLAKKK DRUG COMPANY , | Wholesale Draggists , Jobbcis ofPnlnts Oils , Wb dow Olasj Etc. , lilt llainey Stici. ! , Omaha , Nob. " * " "i * > * . THE GOODMAN DUUO CO Wholesale Druggist3 , And Dealer In 1'alnts , Oils nud Window Glass" " Omnhn , Neb , | Wines and Liquors , _ J rflANK DELLONE & CO. , ' Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , \ J202 mid 1-"OI Doujjlas St , Omaha , Neb. Too. . toi Ics-Nos. 4 undaJM , iM DW. y. Y. .l \0. \ W. DUKtum , Successor to McWAMAn\ & DUNCAN , Importer * and wbolcsalo Dealers In Y/ines / and , Liquors Cigars , nnd iilC 8. Hlh Bl. , Onmhn , Nob. It. It. GROTTE , Wines and Liquors. Wcetoin AKL-nt Jos. Scblltz Dionlntf Co. 719S. Utli Street , Omnlm. | HENKY , j Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. I 1J21 Douglas Sticot , Omnlm , Nob. I1.EH& CO , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Iiiom. ! | Solo niiiiuifactiiifrs of'g Ea&t JndU Hitters. 111J Haimiy Stteet , Omnhu , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ L. 1' . LARSON , CO. , Wholesala Dealers in Whiskies i , and Oi'iH'inl Afii'Mts lor thol'hlllp ' Cclcbiatcil JIlhMiukeo llecr , Omnlm , Nab Harness , Elc. WKLTY * MnnuriU'turers nml .lohtiui 4oC Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turl Goods , Illankcts nnd Huljpi > . 1JJ1 1'iumv.u Onini ! i. Nob. W. U AMUOHT , Aiicm for the MnnuruLturcrs nnd Importers , Crockery , Glassware , f.iunpf , CMnmcjs , Rto. Ofllce , : it * Eotilh 131U f-ticet.Omal.R , Nel1. Chicago , Milwautee & St , Pan The ShortULiie and Best Route From Omalia to the East. TWOTItAlN.SU.\ll.YIHU'WiiX' : ; > M11 \ VN , . , H. I'nnl , rcdiir llnpldi , lhi\fiii'iri ) , ninton. Dnbu uc , IIOL'kloid , Hock Isiuii'l ' , 1'irop'irl , .Innt'-u'lllw , I'.ljclu , } | ndhoi ; , I.ii Ci o s , llelnU , Wlii'ina A ml nil other linpoitii'il point * East , Noilhc.i jt nnd boinlieml. Ticket ollico nt HOI Tin num ulioot , ( In I'\xtuii Hotel ) , nml ut Unl'iu I'm Iflti Dupot. I'ullmnn Mi'i'pciB unit the I'lnnht Dining Can In tliu Woild mo inn on llm midii lines oC MU . ' . cnciy intention IH paid tn nn > < ' - < > ! ircr : ' by toui.o * , CUB employes of tliu company. , It. MII.I.I.II. RciiciulMunnKcr. i J. I' . TUCKHI , Ani-liiMl ( ioncr.d Mnmv or. A. V. H , CMtiT.\Tiii : , ( iaii ( nil I'ASSonijor ail j Ticket AKonr. . * ( U.o. i ; . HK rtoiii ) , AbBl.iunl tioncn.Umuii cr nnd Tloki l Agent. _ _ P , BOYE R &TOO. DL'AI.UIblN and Jail Work. 1020 I'anmm tStrcat , Oiualm , Jscb. WANTED BY R. E , Lincoln , Neb. Higher , iifarhot Price Palrt. "CHICHESTCR'S ENGLISH. " The Original i"1 Only ( Jeiiiilno. RtVud l\r \ < I > 'll ' 'l' . l uc of vcrllilrx ImluUcil. Ii.JI'KD.it1 ' LAP1I-6. A L jour Druffiltl M "C M-i tfr' riicVl.Ul' 6d tilt il r.c.r lueliiM . IT | < 4illculri tn ittttr br rtturn luulU ' Hull br