Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    m ' - 'i ' ' TTJ
Aclvorll eme'nts under thahcml 10 cents poi
no for tltu flrit Insertion , 7 oanM for oao h
subsequent InscrtHn.nmt ft.5C n line pcrmontti
Bevenwords will bo oount'il to thollnoithtj
muntrun cotnecutlvdy and mnfttbo pMdtn ml
vanco. All advertisements m ist bo hnndoj In
before 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd nndcr no circum
Btftncos will thor bo taken or discontinued bf
I'nrlltsnrtvortl'lnir In those columns nml hiv <
Injftho answers iuldro"ct1 in caret of TUB HEE
Will plcnso ntk for chock to enable thorn to gel
tliflr letters , M none will bo delivered eicopt or
presentation of check. All nnsvrors to adveir
tlscmotits should bo enclosed In envelopes.
CJ500.000 to loan on hurhipM and ro lrtonp <
P property In cuing of tl.OUU and upwnnls
Ames , iMl7rnrnnin gt. WW
T\rNiV TO LOAN on horfos , wacons , fur
-111. nlliiio , walchnsIIIiout removal. Tcrim
ensy. P.I Cnsncll , Iloom UMiou Hank lliilld
lup , 12th nnd I'm nan. . Take elevator. COO-uih"
/ , to loan on city rcsldonco property
$1/10,000 Day , 15JU Karnam. i 7
fill ) LOAN Money many amount ,
J. On nil clnkf > o of security.
Bliorttimo loans on rout estate.
IxuiK time loans on rcnl citato.
Money to loan on chattels.
Money to loan on cr.lintCftiK
Money to loan on nny Kood eocunty.
Terms cnoy , tlmo to suit.
Apply nt the Omnlia Khmiiclnl l.xohanffo ,
Marker's building , 8VV corner of
Fifteenth and Tarnam sts. upstairs 288
TO 1.0AV on Improvnl and imlm
MONKV clly property. Cunningham 6
Ilrcnnnn , 1511 Dodge Blroct. _ SV1
' . for ovoryhodyl You can borrow
MONl'.V on furniture , liorfcs , wnwii
plnnon , Hock of nil kind ? , diamonds and flm
wntchoson joiirown tlmo. l'nincnu rocolvot
nt any tlmo , nnd Interest rnlnccd pi-o ratn
1'ropcrty left In your own possession. Term1
lnwastho lowfnt. Cnll nnd pee mo. linslnos !
confidential. No nilvnntaito taken. W. 11. Cmfl
Itoom 4 , Wllhnoirs Now llullt'Jnif , Northcnut ror
nor IDth and Harnoy. 210
TITONKV TO LOAN O. K. Davis & Co. Uoa
iTj. Entnto und Loan ngcnls , 1505 Farnnn St.
' * TO IXAN-On ( rood securities. A
MONI'A , room 7 itodlck IJlock , 1509 Fnrmnr
ONiv TO-T.OAN On real estate nnd dint
M tols. D. U Thomas. 'M
10 LOAN In sums of JCO
MONKY on flrst-clnss ronl estate Bfcurlty
Totter & Cobb , 1515 Karnnm St.
ONTALOANlu at F. llced & Go's. Lour
ollico , on furniture , pianos , liorsrs , wnjfons
personal property of nil Kinds nnd all other ur
tlolos of vnluo , without removal. Over 1st Nal'
Ilnnk. corner inili and Fnrnnm. All buslnes :
etrlctly confldontul. -W
WANTKI-Opening for a lumber yard Ir
Rood town on ralhoud.or will buy ostab
llsheil busbies' . Coiiespoiidouco Irom buslnns1
men Follclted. AUdicss M. 11. lannbor Co. , llx
ctor. Neb. OiJ-iy
K 1IAV12 a nuuibor of peed deals , trades
etc. , stocks of morchnndUo , bouses nml
lands that wo will trido nny way you want
Call nil 1 see us or address lllco iilooi-c , 12
Farnam. K IS
t7' iIISA IflStock of liiirdwurj nnd farm lin-
J. ' plo'iicnts ; liavo HKOod trade ; the only ttorc
of the kind In tlio pluco : must bo sold noon. Ad
dress 0 5 llco OHlce. C8M7 *
T7 > it HAI.i : A fltf-t-class stock of diy poods ,
JJ eurpots and notions , ninoinitliiK to about
fl.r > , OC ; from UTi to IU pcrccntof the ntnoiiiit will
uo tnkun In real oatiuo. Inquire of 1 * . O. llox
318 , Dunkirk , N. Y. C78-13 *
FOR SAM : A.500 stock of millinery poods
In nplcndld locution. A bin biupaln lor someone
ono as a liberal dNeouiit'uIllboKiioii. 1'orlur-
ther partlculais address IHW , lt u Olllcc. 411-12
Foil HAM ! A drnp-storoln agood llvotown ;
n llrstnito location loruphvlctun. Ciipltul
f2,8UO. Now building und clcnn
stock. Address or cull on H. Motes & Co , Vul-
oniliio , Neb. _ m ni ch3
TpOIt KXClIANOi : A $13OjO hlirdwiiro stock
JC nnd n ? a,000 boot nnd shoo Mock for M cnph ,
bnlnnco unlnciimlit'icd rcnl o < snto. | Gibson ,
Aichor fc Co. . Itoom il , Willinell Hlock. g 0
Tmoit KAI.n A fll,000 stock of clotlilnp In
JL' Omnbii , Ni'li. . for " > per cent discount Irom
cost. Gibson , Archer A : Co. , Itoom 3 , Wltlmcll
Block. 255
T71OK SALi : itostmiinnt , n { 'iPiit bnrenlii.tJOO.
JU Gibson A : Archer , lloom a , Withnoil IJlock ,
TTIon ixoilANGi-A : $7rr > 00 stock of dry
JL' Kooda for K cnsh ; tmlinico unlincumborcd
Inndor Knod Oinnhii pioporty. For OAchniiKO
A $10,001) ) stock of dry lor M cnsh , biiluuco
iinlnicumbcrod land or oed Omnlia property.
tlibson , Archer & Co. Itooin ii. Wltlmcll lllock.
_ 010
T7IOH SAI.K A pnylnt ? nonrspnpor business In
JU good Nobrnska town ; price. ? 2,0X ( ) . Gibson
& .Aichor. lloom 3. Wlthnell lllock. . t-Ot
TT1OK HAI.C-Ur oxclmiiKO Twelve liundied.
JL' mid oitthty ncicsof Jlo. , tlmbor nnd jfmss
lund , iorty miles cast of Knnsas City. As ilch
cell ns nny hind In the Rtiito , nlll toll nil or jinrt
nttllU'Cn dolhus per ucioor will oxchnmru for
food Improved or unimproved Nobriisliu lund.
Jlodfoid& Saner 'J3T
FOIl SAM5-3 lots In Sprlnsr 11111 , $4.10 each.
Alfo ani'Hlnbllhhod linnklnsf biiBlncss InNe-
, county 6cut. ( ilbbon &Aichcr , Jtoom
I ) Wltlmcll llloclc Omnlin. 3
1.O ST.
LOST Tucwlny nl ht , near coiner of 18th nnd
Capitol avo. , a Biinnro , mixed prroon woolen
Klnml without bomilur , frlmo nil around.
1'lonso Icavo ut this ollico for ono dollar rmvurd.
$ B IliWAltU-Btiuyo < l or stolen from the
subscriber A bliick und Inn do # nliout nlnu
months old , medlum.Rl/o. hus n murk or blnok
InilrB ucioss the toil of the right lorwnrd foot ,
looks ns If It had boon cut. Tlio nliovo reiwnrd
will bu pnldtotlio purhon roturnlnir him to Hit
tind BiO Viirnnm gt. B. K. Kulton. KKi-U
' j.'ROOSIand board , f5por week ; very bcstUr
Jcullon. . 1SU DuvoiiDort Bt , ICSIcbl'J *
{ BLTpKltSONAlJ Acio jiroporty for sale cheap ,
i , l J and on cimy twins : only nfow aoros loll.
I.Oiiltoii or address It. CJ. I'litloroon , I2il I'm mini
PKUSONAL-Wo Imvo n luruo lUt of special
bnrimliitflu Imjiroved lusldu proporiy on
our books , of which \MMUO the tolo lurenls. To
. ( .parties looking for such wo ask you to call ami
iliivpstluruto for yourselves. Hlco & Alooio. 1223
11 * i n ti tn KO-13
i * , * r > iilSONAt. : If you want to sell your prop-
ft l J- city list It with It. CU'iillcitou , IliM I'm num.
PKHSONAl , If joii have any inoiierty for
eulo list It with ( loo. 1' . llcmls , 151 Ii nnd
PiusoxAtr-i Imvo $100,000of castem'cnpi-
tulon linud to buy Oinnhiiclty pmporty with.
Notlilnu'bnt tlrst claw Imrgnlnn will lie conxi , | .
lircd. I.lM your piopt > i ly lib mo by calling or
by lot tor. it. 0. rutlerB9ii,12-J41'lirmim. &T8-1D
U. K. I > rAltNOI.I ) , OculU nnd
moved to 1511 Oouirhltibtiuut. bTJ
"OKItbOXAl. List your pmporty with U,76
-L I'utlt'i-Min , 1 1 Kiiinuin , 6TT-1D
Jr YOU Imvo pitipcily to mil or oAohm
lUtlt with C.lcn.ell & Co. , lloom lll. llulldlntf. itiBmhl"
AND : i'iOacio Improved fnrins within
12 uillesof Omnlia ; f35 per ucioj tln' > n nro
bmgnlns. UlljBon & Ai-chur , loom 9 WitlmHI
Idock , 1U1
IIUf , C. MetzncrStovi ltopairCo..lllSouUi
Utli St. I'ptwuiiii Dodiro tinU louliia. .
iir.WAitu or & win bo eUc-utotiio ] IT-
A son who v'ill ro'urii thu boot . .wbiclioro iiivt-luio Kliop Fob. Uh at IliU liar-
ticy nml 113 ijuustjoua iu > ked , U. J. Soliiu'd' .
P1 ? " !
f ' fe- .
i fTOU15KNT I'iaim. Imiriro of K. r. Took ,
i „ 4.B. . 1 cor.SCtli mi 1 Chlc.iyo SIMS'
T Al > Iis ni want of peed donicsiKUiolii ran
JJ bo sup ill led by vullim ; on tlio Oumh.x im- ;
nient Ollicu , Itoom I , lluahiuuii'd lllock. Mrs.
i \f , MorrUou viojirlvlor. , b'l
5 llUUIt join- Hour nnd lird IT ) 'iVJcphono
* NiMi&r nruci. itni _ ) ( au it. . J.TIJ
l.iOi : T nd' lliioc-sprlnir
v > agon uud roud cart , liii Noilli Him i.
luquho nt UI3
B. iUih . 6W-15 '
HAI.B Or trmlo-Ono J-odn fountain
nearly now. A ( rood clinneo. 1'nr pnrtlci
Inrstnlluppn or address 1) . It , llnrorly0 I >
Iftlist , 610-17
_ _
"Tifion S/Vl.i : Or Trndo ror hnrso , or twi
J. horse gnrlnjr WHROII , on almost now i baotor
Address C 7 llcoOliico. Bl-13 *
] 71m < UT.i-RJttrn heavy U'nm , wolffht 3 , X
- hdeht 17 anil 18 hnrida , 7 and 8 years old. Cii
vor's stable , N. Sherman nvc , 600.12 *
Foil SAirsncROo brick ; also n "poo
Thlladolph'a ' Itepro-s brick mnchlno. wilt h
eold chenp. Addioss Lat'lunt , Asliland , Nob.
5-2 ]
- w
TOOK SAI.K-At n bftrffulii-riirnlturo of n
JL 8 loom house suitable for boarding liouso o
roomers ; also liouso for rent at 1304 Howard si
4SM ! ?
I poll SAI.i ; Or mile , 1 top bupur. brnn now
1 phnoton top bujwnud 1 plntfoim onrlni
Ilospo'a Music Store. Stwinh
F OU SAIK-storo fltturos. CM S. 10th st.
! ] 17 *
Foil SAM-T/ : in Hanscom 1'lnco , ous
f " " ' ' .luiulrcflOJS. 18th . Stll-lJ
_ _ , . '
If OilHAI.i-Snnd : nml'ffravcL .TrnnkXKas
J pur , HZJ South Hth St. lftfobI7 ! *
" 1711)11 wcnlhrr sttlps , storm snsh and doors
J-1 toK.l ) . Mend a/US. 10th8U SB5
WANTii-ahls : for KMieral housework
peed wugcs : call nt till Hartley st. Mrf
K. Smith. 5SM3
WANTKD A tliorottiflily compel ont , trust :
woman for Konornl housework , In n ( mini
family ; references roiulrud , J2J Clmrloa st.
674-13 *
_ _ _ _
ANTICO A ffcxid girl for poneral hotist
work , liiquiro nt ai4 < Chicago st. 88V1
ANTHU Oliltodo jfonoral houson-ork I
small family. Apply at 11117 Webster st.
J r 3-13
_ _ _
" \\7ANTii : ( lood nlrl forpciiptnl liaiisownr
' t for funil'y of three niliiils ; none other thin
cxpuilenccd liulpnocd imply. OJ1S. loth st.
W Ii-iA good aorninu eltl. IWlN.l
street. 5i7
V\ rANTii : > Olrl for wnslilmr , li'onlnir nin
> Konornl lionsouork. utSJ'J ' South ld st ,
from Furnain. r > 50-13
cook nt Hl Dodifost.
WANTnti flood p-lrla for small prlvati
families. Oooil wii os. ( llils for dining
loom work , kltchijn worlc , etc. Cu Utnalinl'm
plnytnont Hiiro.ui , 112J nunam St. 4W
j A good irllnblo ghl for Kunur.t
housework nt 1624 Howard st. Cicuunno
liUh piuleitcd. 4rj7
'V\7"A > 'TI1I ) n\porlnncod second jflrl ; refer
> i cnccs requheil ; S. Vf. Cor. J.'lst mid C.\s' > .
401-12 *
_ _
WANTii : > Aglilto doKonernl housework
No. 1018 Capitol avonne. SU
WANTJID Good Klrh for froncrnl house
work. Koom 4Uushmnn llloclc , loth um
Douglas. 48'J '
WANTKll o Irl for general housework. In
qulio nt 1U7 South 14th st t > ! 3
WANTIHl Qlrls for fronornl houses oik
good places andiroodugo3 ; plates frivol
f rco. Cull nt 111) ) llith at. , KobrasUu Kmplo ) men
Agency , Crounco lllock. OSCJ
AW ANTUU A boy at aio S. Htb st.
\\rA > TJi : ) jrooil lubnroisund loteiimstcr ;
IT lor iiillrond work. . Wmres , $1.75 und 93.01
pnrilay. ricotruiispoitiitlon. Cull Onuiliu Km
ploynicnt llurcun , 1120 Kuinuin St. CGO
'V\7PANTKH A tailor , ( rood Ironcr , tit Schlo
T T singer's Clothing Stoic , No.l21'j Furiinm bt
> -First-elass ictiill shoo cleric
i None need npply but experienced yoitm
men ol stsudy hiiblts nnd flrsl-class rcfoioncos
from last employer. Address C , 8 , llco ollico
rANTin Mini to sell Lnbilcatmg Oils h
Dakota. Address II , Currier 3'J , Clovclund
Ohio. SI4-13 *
'ANTHU A rclliihlo , tnurgotlo business
man to ant tis general agent for the
United Btutos Dinlore. ' Protective Assoclu
tlon nnd .Mercantile ) njroncv ( IncoiporutoJ ) . nuili :
ollico , < M Hlblo Houto , Now York City , for Dong
his and ndioinliifiromillcu , T 10 right pnrty cnn
icalizoSv.,0)ooiSI.OJO ) per nnuiiin , and pcrnm
Mont position. Gill upon or nddtoss the sub-
F-crlborut Iho 1'nxttn Hotel on Thun-dny nml
F.'lduy. W. H. Kilvoit , Mammor. GJu-12 *
WANTiil-r.norKCtIo men to sell household
aitlclcs. I'iollt9 ? "i per duv and unnaid ,
C. H. Whitman , HUM 1C St.Lincoln. 477
WANTKU Agents. SOON. IGthst.
113.- )
T\7ANTit > 20 tcnw and toiiustors frrnll-
IT roud vvoik , good VTOKUS ; also Hubcontruc
lors ; frootinnsporwtlon. Tor particulars cut
nt 1120 l''ui mini bt , 319
WANTiu : A flist-class Bulesman to repre
sent n well established hoiiEototlio < Irii ( ;
trade , either exclusively or In connection with
FOIHO other lino. Address P. O. IJox 1183 , N. V.
City. 23W
: ) Men nml women to stnrt a now
business nt their homos ; can be done
evenings and leai ncd In an hour ; any person
making los Ihun lUo to Wo an hour should sum ;
llo ) nt once for u piickngu of Piunplcs of goods
and "I woiklng Hiunplea ( formulas ) to commence
on. AddiOhS Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. V ,
807117 *
WANTKU lly n young man , situation nt
sulojinan In cencral storo. Also wunteO
by n joung man , situation as siilcsinun In hard-
wuro sloi'O.iirolCired ! best of lofeioncos ; call
nt Omuhu r.mploymont llurcuu , 1120 1'nnmin st ,
W 'ANTKIJ To do day vvorlc 111 families
wishing uud honing. 11)10 ) Jackson st.
O'jU-10 *
WANrio Employment by man in whole
sale or retail. Apply UOU South llth St.
517-15 *
VWANTii : > Vosltlon ns bookkcojior or cash-
VI lor by a young lady vvltli rcfoienoos. Address
dross 1),0. ) r.l2-l'J *
LAllis In want of good xlrU can bo mi | >
pllud by calling nt the Onuilia Kinplovmciit
llurcnii.llJO rmmuuSt. Telcplionu Wo. 4U. C ,
O. llello-lBlo A : CO. lill
: I'osition in hotel or re-tnurunt
by good lady cook ; win give lolorauco * ,
Addrc&g I' . O. llox 8,14 City. 4U---12 >
WANTin : 5 clirnr inuknn , hand workmen ;
none but Ilrt < t-clns4 workmen need npply.
Addrcaa Oem. li.Uodfioy.Vruinoiit.HvU. lul-fl3
WANTii ) ( llr)3 ) wishing forgood places In
prlvnlo families , hotuU or boarding hou.
sosliuindiloH , otouin : iihviiya Und Ilium by
culling at thoOmuhii Kinployinont Ouruuu , 1120
Km mini St. 211
AyANTKU-Tcams. 3308. llthst.
YlfANTKIJ To buy Hocond-hand ovllndcrilesk
I ? undmupof Oinului. Address S.,4iN. , 15th
Etieot. KS-IJ *
WANTKD Snito of rooms mid board in prlv.
ute family tor man nnd wile. Addro-d IV
O. lio.v , 601. fiMb *
To buy n seoind-liund typo.
wiUcr. J. It. Unyiiojifc Co. . Omaha. ! i.l-2d
Foil KKNT-Or Salo-Xeiv bulldlujr ; line lo.
cutlon for nu-iit mnikot or grocery ; rent
911 , Addti'Si 0 4,1 lee Oltlco. Wl-W
TT1OU IlJINT Now -room cottuga. Imiulro
JJ HJIJoncsbt. 627
| JM K lti\TlhIek : utoTo , 410 South lOlh sT
J * bet , I Inrne-y and Howard. S. Lehman. 11W
rarmun. nu
T-M > U HUNT OU I.H.VSK-lO-ncro K nlen
X1 with -rooiii house adjoining oily ; bo-noie
lurin , 17 nilloa west of Omaha : 0 bublness lota
un fct. Mary's nvo. Apply lo U. U. Chupmnn &
L'o. , 1317 liuuunl si. ifj
1B i ; HUNT lly llullou Ilos. , U17 S. Ulhst. ,
-L.1 6'ivti-uldoslrublo lumens liom Ihroo to ton
i-ooins ut Irom um let titty dollars per month.
i ou JUNT iivouonsos. 2MB Capitol uvo.
POU iiXT : Stoio , corner lOth
vtorth ; good place lor grocery ; i > llll IOUI1I3 ,
POIIIIUNT Newcottogo , 0 roo.iis. on f1.1'Jtu
St. C. A. Unldwlii , iUl
; ItlJXT House of il rjnuisT iiantry7
SfToi . tic , . Mill Slitiridim anil Hull rs. .
. -0 per mouth. K. T. I'cwu-sou & Co. , Itoom J ,
s 1C. oor. 1Mb uud Douglas bts. Mi
' '
_ . 13l _
. . . . .u i UUII.H't - u vuslnc&s ft month :
capital iciiulriMl , I'l.ODO. Also u steiuk of diy
soojs doing aood Imslr.osi lu OniRhiu Capital
i HiulrcU , t-.OW. . G iUiim , Ax-clicr i Co. , lloo.u tf ,
. . . . .
WitUuvll llly..t .
itKXT Houlo ofBroomsaM nml lift
Foil St. Imiulro of ilount A Griffln 813 S 14J1
Slroo/ _ _ _ _
ITKNTllnoeincnTiiiid biiko ovrn. Join
IflOH , 015 X. ICthsu _ 7RifoliU _
IUNT : Thrco hou os of 10 , C nnd
Foil each. J , 1'nlppa Hoc. 000
TSouTliyiT Houso"boTonslnff to the
JJ of Juilgo Chndwlck , a I'ark nvonuo. W.J
Council. 02
itiNT OnolileolyTurnMif 1 mil on
I1 t nrurnl hed room. S. W.cor. 17th nn 1 Cn- |
llolnvo , ftTiMo *
IlKNT Two dcslrntilo furnished rooms
FOK . irth nnd Hnrnoy. 6I3-10 *
IlKNT 10loom hou o nnd nil conve
Foil : I'lonnnt sti-cct : $13 per month ,
I'our cottages to i nut , ranging In pi Ice fron
$ l2.Mtof.10cncli. U. C. 1'attcMon , liM Fin
nntn street. Ijf0-15
7)11 lllIST Npnlljr furnished room , will
( Ire , near P. O. , for a lady , ffl per month. In
illllro W , U. T. II. 6W-12 *
HUNT Nice room nml board for gcu
Foil . 1010 Dodge , lower door. fKU-lii'
T7\ni \ ( HINT rumlshod room * largo room
JJ J smnll room , t . UMiN. 17th st. 431-10
' OHHINT : Nlco furnlshp.ii soiilh fron
rooms ; gn , healed , with 1130 or butli
charges rcnsounblo. Cull 1030 Hurt. 56M. >
s UINT : Ioslt room In pleasant nlllcc
Inquire room U , Arlington block. C3) )
_ _
"IjlOH UKNT A nlco furnished comfortnhli
J front loom , sultnblo for one or two gentle
n en. SlIO St. Stnrj'suvo , KO
ITOil"IlKNTNlecly * ftirnlilied rooms , will
JJ bent , gns nnd bath ; iilo flwt-clnta tab !
boniil : best of i of ( nonces given and. required
1S1I ioJKO : st. _ K
lNl' n roomr ; closet und city water
F Inquire G0 N. 13th fit. * JHM2
IIINT Furnished room , with board
1417 Ho ward. M4-16 *
FOHllKNT 3 rooms , ono furnished und OIK
fo rllght liousekcnpliiff. U. 11. Kitchen. 151
Harney. 487
Foil IIHNT Large , nicely urnlsheil fi-on
room with bomd , 714 N. lilt a St. 47J-20
p\OU \ ItKNT-Furnlshod rooms. ! W Dodg
: Suitor furnished fiont looms
8. W. cor , nth and Howard. 4M-13'
TI1OH 11 liN'T Elognnt fuinlshod rooms , will
J-1 board , all modern conveniences , lit - . ! .
Dodge st. 073
ITUm UKNT-ltoora with board. 1013 Cnpltol nv
JJ tUl-ll ) *
T71OU HUNT Lurgo front room , modern tin
J provcinoiits. Addiosa I'.U. bov ; j. 31. )
TmoKUKNT Vurnlshod house with six liirgi
J. ' i-oomaj Inquire nt 8JJ a.-1st. C81-15 *
T71OII SAl.i : or trudo for Omnlia pioporty , 30.
-i.1 ncro Improved fnrm hi I'uge Co. , louu.uhou
OOnillosfiom Council lllutls. oood buildings
All under lonce. Plenty water. { d.UOO. Hlco i
Moore , Ixi ! Fiiinuin. C5M3
i-Ily. G. Plu Ivor.
J2 lots on I on\enwortli , cor.ior , both $1.1(0
Last lot , Georgia live. , near 1'opplctor
inc. , Sl.iia ) .
South trout lot on Fainam St. , SI , COO.
1 lots , earner , In ItcJIck'B sub-division , S2.NX
to $2,5(10 ( cut h
,5 lot on loth nciXrirnrnoyS7r)00.
! U\iid loot with building , Howard near 10th
$3 ww.
Lot. ea = t fiont , Virginia ave. , $1,10.1.
Full lot w.tli Improvenionts , lents for ? HOpci
month , Lcavonworth near lath , easy terms
flO UOO.
Sifcet front , Davenport near 14th , with build
IIIK , onsy tcims , ? 1SW.
UJvld. ! foot , fmntfnirS streets , ono mlle from
P. O. ' splendid linpiovoiiiuiits , SJ,5UO.
IluolnubS lots , Cuinliigst. , on cur line , $1 03.
Full lot , good IinproMJinoiils , Hamilton at. ,
near Summers , $ n,5oO.
New 1 loom cottage , full lot , $100 cash , bal
ance ? 20 , ier month , $1,57) ) .
1'roporty in nil parts of the clly on easy terms
W. G. Shilver , Ops. 1 * . O. 511-15
Tjioil KALE No. 57 Lots In lloyd's nddltlon
No.s68no ) lot In block 2 , Jllllnrd Place , cheap.
No. & ; A corner lot In J-owo's addition. Oniahn
Itoal l tnto t& Loan Co. , Koonis si idid 23 , With-
neil Ulou . K17-13
ATTKKSON1'AHIC Is the latest , liest and
cnenpost addition ; no auio nropDity neat
Omaha so ehoup as th | 817"i to $ XH par acre.
First lloor , Iron Ifnnk Uullding. D. ( J. Patter-
eon. 5ia
Nenicst , best aero lol * , olopant
loenllon , unsiiiniiss-od view of the city ,
readied over level road's ' , no hills to climb ;
easy terms of payment ; 8 per cent interest ;
price , $ JUJ an ucre.
A.MU < 5 , 1509 riirnnm.
AMI-S PUACI : Cheapest and ncuiest city lots
for the money ; only f X ) to } 300 per lot.
ItKiucK'tf Guovr. Jii-.t touth ol Farnam St. .
\i block from 2Mh nnd rarmim St. school
house ; only $803 to 51,200 per lot on easy
terms. AMI > , 150'J ' rurnnm.
NA-IUIIAI , annwrit shntlo tices on u ory lot
mlledlck'sGrovu ; o\\\yS" \ \ blocks Ironi 1'uil ;
nvo. cm a. See Itodlck's G rovo.
BitimiTDN Splendid ncio lots , $275 per lot ;
mobt ( Icolniblo aeio lots next to No port , See
this handsome property.
MKI.UOSE HIMSonthuost of Hanscom Paik
10 minutes walk trom Park no. . curs ; lots $ .WO
to $ : J.)0 on terms to sult-bii > rr. Muho'so Hill
lota Hill bell for deb present pilrus
year's time. Como ana so t his pi open ty.
AMI-.S , i.VDFainam.
Wliv I > AV HUNT when yoiican buy u lot In
Amos Place for $ 'OJ to $ JOO on such ea y
totniH ? See these lots.
OAK CHATHAM This love tract of land has
not n poor lot In it. Tiio Holt Una depot has
lieen located on this land. Lots sell for $ iHWto
f SCO on very easy jaj moms , fcoo Ouk Chat
PI.AINVU.W Choleo lots still for sale in this
popular nddltlon at fair prices , on easy pay
ments' .
PIIATT'S SunnmsiON Aero lots southwest
Hanscom Pnrk , very desirable ground , belling
at t iKi ) per lot.
H\RKAI.O V I'l.ACi : Thcso lots are the cheap-
ut tor sale on Loin cnnorlli gt. Price $500to
900 , on payments to suit.
AMIS : , 150'J Farnam St.
Cu.r , und see for } ourselt the chuncns lor safe
linostment otrerod. llomumbur , Omaha's
giowth is solid nnd lasting. Properly will con
tinue to advance. Iliiynowand nmkothoud-
vanco. AMBS , 15'jy ' Farnam St.
RAM' No. 5'1-Lot inOxUS In Urdlalc'B
Kn 1 nddltlon ultli housoand truit , a bniviiiii.
Oinahii Uuul ituto : Cc Loun Co. , Rooms und
2 = 1 , Wltlmcll lllock. _ 50.1-13
HALK-A line 5-uoro tract on South Iflth
stiiicit , only u few blocks Irom street cur
line , lurjuliout Lange & Foltlcli , 318 S. lutli st.
PATTIKSON PAIIIC N the intost.bost and
oho post addition ; no ncro properly near
Omuhi. o cheap an this $175 to $ > > ) pyr auio.
First lloor , lion lliuiU llulldliipr 1) . 0. Pallor-
son , fjlfi
No. 131 A very duslrablg | ot in Hlmohaugh
add. , $ l , ( < 00.
A lurinot uojucros near Valley , good building
and ocrj thing tlrst-chi s. Hero U a bar
gain , Onialia Iteal Kstato & Loan Co. . Hooms
M and -M , Wltlmell lllock. CTJ-ii ;
Foil KAIi-lly . T. Oiahuni. Crclt'liton
Ixits In Hansoom I'lnco , $750 to SWM.
( Jood cottage , 0 rooms , Noith Oinuha , 8J.OOO.
Lot on South 15th St. , ( LO/JJ.
Kino lioilso , lurgo lot , B. 15th St. , f3rVM.
Honoo and lot on Georgia nvo , , fJ.UOJ.
Iot8 on Uodgo Bt. , $103 ; easy payments.
Two line lotH. ono block off l.ea\onworthon
ficoittliuivt' . , fOX ) ) lor both. W. T. ( liahnm ,
Ciolghton lllock. 4UJ
, - . , 317 S. lathit ,
bublne 8 property , houses and lou und va
cant lots in all pnits oflho city , ut lowest prices.
_ _
T > . .VTTiilSONI'AUKTJ miles from conit
JhoUbo , $175 to W ) per ucro ; small cash liny-
mont , Lmhinoo easy torinti. 1'liot lloor , lion
Hank lUiildlny. U. 0. Pulloison , 615 _
Foil SALK-On oiisy torniB , lOlots In Hans-
coin Pluoo Irom $75) to fl.WXi miuh , Jot on
l'Jou aiit St. , nith duublo nonsu , 10 i-oonis ouch ,
withull modern ImprovemoiiU ; rents JorHO
pcrmontti , $11,000. Lots InVest fuming from
W75tol50oaoh. Coiner lot , Prosnect Place ,
birgaln , ( i nor lot , Shlnn's 'M add. , Imrguln.
I * f , Cubwolli To. , Itoom lil lion lluiik. 427-U *
' . I'ATnnibON sji Furnam Itcul
r. ittite.
1 i"0t > now cottngo und lot on monthly paj-
liuya liouso a-ul lot , oiiav turtui.
' ' " ' bujs n tpVn llil 10 nuio lot.
ti bujs u lot in Pultcrton i. lllmchaugh'3 sub-
i -I bujs n lot in Pnttcrion Plnco.
vJlnijsiin ujrot'i ' Piillorbon Paik ,
.vOiJ busfull lot and liousu , Georgia V3.
57 > > 11 It. U. I '
Pan SAI.I-OH : easy paymontH. twenty
lionto. In dllli-j-eiu parts of the clly. liny u
l.onsu : iid | Htuj ) puylns tout. ' llullou Iirajl7 )
n. l.thM. 47I-1J
1J OI ! SAI.i ; Seine very desirublu prppoity
< uiiKonth 15th and IBtti ttricti. Omliliu itcul
[ .slutoi'LodU Co. , lloouis SJ uud 23 , Wlthuell
UIoclc. , . tw-ii ,
WoWvohow ten more of the
bcautltiillotslnHnnscom 1'lnco , some o
them ca t fronts. Not ono of thorn "down In
holo. " IfyoiiwAntHtioAon't alt any longc
or you will regret It- . Price from $30J to S2wx
nn I Iho terms are wry ( n y.
Half lot with liouso of ( t rooms , birn , etc , . 01
Irani , ono block f rdm street cars , cheap for
few dnyc.
Hou o ami full lot ; JnPro pcct Waco foronl
tl.550. Stockdnlo & lluiiolior , lull Dodge St.
PATTKliSox l'Altul )4 ) mlles from coui
liouso , $175 to $35) ) ) mr ncro ; small cnsh imj
ment , balance ensj4 tcitn . I'lrst lloor. Ire
Hank Ilulklln ? . 1) . U.l'ultorsoii. cls
Foil SAI.U Two , 'Io $ in Pelhnm Plnco , on
Mock from ttrctt cdr trnck , InquhoSlSS
laihslroot. &T5
TTIOK HAM : Ambler Place lots , the fnstc'
JJ selling addition In Omnlia. Some line lot
loft , llullou llros. , olongonts,317 S. 13th st.
I7\OIt \ 9AM : A general mcrcnandiso buslnos
i ? In n tiipldly growing town not far from Lin
coin. Host trade and location In town. A splendid
did opportunity for n party wishing a gooi
opening , and having from o von t o ton tkousnm
dollars in cash. Will soil for cash only , or pur
cnsh , balance real cstato In Omaha , Addros
Merchant , Uoo Ollico. 825
"IT1OH SAIt : At n bargain. I'ino busines
JL1 properly on S. 13th. ffltlSO ft. This can b
bought lor $ .1,000 loss than actual value It tnkoi
ntoneo. If you want an Investment look n
this. Cochrnn llro's&co. , 1503 FftinamSt. 81
Foil H.VLiio,000 10 per cent dlvldon
paying stock. Gibson & Archer , Hoot
a.Witfmoll lllock. 439
SALE Corner On ruinnm. two block
from court house , $12,500. Graham , Crolffh
Int , lllnnlf. . trwi
TTIOHSALK-lly Potter K ( Jonh , 1515 Fnrnati
JU st , 1 lot InVest Und nnd at $ 'JJO.
S lots In Slilnn's 3d add at $72o each.
A few choice lots In Marsh's at $1WO each.
li t ( Wxl34 on 13th , 3 blocks from pavement
ouylSOO. !
Fine aero In Ocl o' add , $1800.
2 of the cheapest lotsln Plulnvlow , onlv $15
pnch. 7ll ;
TllOll Choloo llargnlns m real ostntp , call at th
J. ollico ol the Otimliu Iteal Kstnto & Ixnin Co ,
rooms22 and ai Wltlmcll llnlldlug Oinaha. 703
T710 USA Li : A few good lots In Hlllsldo No
J. one on Duvonport und Chicago st . , oheni
nt S7M to fOjO each. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far
mini 8t _ _ H' ' "
TT1OII SALi : Largo house and 3 nicely olovn
-L1 lad JotP : n Shliin's a mill. fO OJ. Alsolln
8-roomed IIOUKO on Cluikstioot , nicely ulovntci
lot , 55,000. Gibson & Archer , Uooni J.WIthncl
lllock. 44Q
T7IO11 SALi : Choleo 5 or 10 ncro tracts , 4 mile
X' southwest Irom court bouse , m inlloj Iron
junction of U. P. Hy. and licit Line , and 1 mill
Irom Stock Yards. Lies well ; all under culllvn
Hon. Can bo bought for $175 und fcJOO per ncro
If sold FOOII. property in vicinity
PottnrjS : Cohb. 1515 Farnuui st. r
TTIOUSAMS-A fvo story , 22raa. framobulld
-U Ingsultablo fora storeno r 1'Jtti uul Far
namSts. Applyat tuU ollico. UI7
> oitSAlu Largo and small stock ranches
1 with or without stock.
For bale 3 lots In Spring Hill , $131 each.
For Sale Kstnblliliod banking business li
Nebraska , county beat. Gibson & Archer , roou
U , Wltlmcll Itlock.
Foi Exchange Nebraska farms for Omalu
property ; also lands to uxchungo tor stocks o
( foods.
Wanted 3 business lots for cash ulthln ' .
Mocks of postolllco.
For Exchange ICO acrolmpio\cd farm , Madl
son county , Neb. , tor houbo and lot In Oinaha.
For Sale Afi-ncro tract 4 mile * ot postolllco
house-cost { . " . UO.lorlf 1,500 cnslr.Olbson&Archor
Itooni3 Wltlmoll Ittook. UJ5
ifOIl SALi : AivoUgjht house , good barn
' ISO f t louth fiont cortier lot , hoiibo rents lo ;
SJ5 per month , t-J.hOO. W. H. Green , over Is
National Uunk. * 13S
T ANU SiiiCiit4 ATTKNTIOX-For ful
J-JpurtlcuIarsnboul frop and cheap lands lu
Western Nebraslin Hdarws Tlios. C. Patterson
Heal Kstato Auont. Jttorlli'tPlutto ' Nob. 333
FOil SALi : ritrdlcornar lot. east and soutl
front , Hanscom P.HCO. W. T. Graluim
Ciolffhtpu IJlpcb. i .1 712
Poll SALK-A BiwclnUianniln-il lots in Jill
luril tc Caldwell's aildltlon , coiner Ceutei
nnd Spring ; street * , BO.\Wt , f700800 nnd S'HX ) . 01
easy terms. JIiusl ijll iV Lobeclc , L" 08 rariium 6t
IriOlt Choice Hurgalns In roul ountocall nt the
1 ollico ot the O i nail a Until ituto : & Loan Co.
rooms22and23. WUlmell Hiilldlng.Omahu. 7W
Experience vs. Kvpcrlcncc.
It is nrnnttcr of regret that in intrgiliic
in Hood's Sarsaiiarilla , its proprietor. '
arc ohligcd to overcome : t certain distrusl
by home people who have itiifortiinalol }
bought \yortliloss compounds mixed DJ
persons ijmorant of pharmacy. Jlessrs
0. 1. IIoou & 9. arc reliublo pharmacist'
of loiift c\iericnce uud they make nc
claims for llood'sSnrstmnrilln which can
not bo subatiintiiitcil by the stron csl
proof. And we suy to those wlio moli
conliilcnco , rctui tlio unsolicited tcstimo
nials iu favor of Ilood's Sarsauarill , ant :
tlien pi eve its merits by actual iiursoiml
test.Ve are coiilidcnt you will not be
disappointed , tint will find it a medicine
of great value , which can be implicitly
clieii upon. 100 Doses $1.
The queen lias received n present from
the United States of n quarto volume ,
bound in heaKkin , withlininjibof diunusfc
Bsitin , und a band painted inscription. .
Tlio work is regarded as a triiunpb ol
American bookbinding , and copies htivc
been presented to the German emporoi
and to tlio emperor of lUissia. The
queen'fi copy bus been placed in the 11
brary at Windsor Ciibtle.
Fienclimeii can jiroporly bo called "the
KiiipliS ol tiio table. " They aio good judires
In all its leliiH'inuuts and delicacies. In oulei
to htimuiato the appetite and kecj
tlio digestive oisans lu teed ; older then
Klvo pltMHiilncnca toAiiK < > stura ISlttcrR ,
When yon try them bo sure It Is Iho tr-'iiuiiu (
tutlclo , inamifautuied by JJi. J. ( J. U. Sicf'eil
& Sons.
A youth employed in u Manchester ( N ,
II. ) print works was last week dragged
bead forouioit through tlio space imtween
two revolving copper cylinders wbicli
wore only tbreo inches apart , but the cop
per being thin , yielded with the pressure
brought to hear on it , and the young man
escaped without serious injury.
G. M. I ) .
Walking down Broadway is voryploas
ant when you feel well , and T - K -
never felt butter than when bis friend
asked him bow bo got over that torero
cough of his art Mieeuily. "Ah , my boy , "
auuf'l' - , "G. M. 1) ) . did it ! " And hie
friend wondered what G. M. 1 > . meant.
Ho know it did not moan a Good Many
Doctors , for T - 1C - had tried n
do/.on in vain. "J Imvo it , " said ho , just
hitting the nail on the head. ' 'You mean
Dr. I'lerco.s Golden Medical Dibcovory , '
or Gold Medal Deserved as my friend
J - S - til ways * idnbs it. " Sold bj
To fright is atlxllmUjd the death of all-
year-old Jersey City miss. One day last
week a big wbito doj * sprang upon her.
It did not bite hpi , bftt the girl was so
frightened that she foil in a faint on
the sidewalk. At her homo she was sni/.ed
with a hysterical jit and was sent to the
city hospital , wlftrcttfio expired.
Public speaker ' nftjl singers find H. II.
Douglass i\Sons ( Capsicum Cough Drops
sure romodv foryliollnxinusa ,
II. A. ICoysor , vVlfo Wturcd before the
llostnn Scientilic- society , n few nights
ago , stated that if.dljMiionil worth ? 80l,000 )
is being cut in AVnJstcrdam the chief
nity of the world for * > uch work and
that the gem Is to bo given to Queen Vic
toria on tlio fiftieth anniversary of her
nseension to the throne ,
Ladies ! Physicians and chemists have
[ iniily/.cd I'o/y.oni's medicated complex
ion powder and recommend ith use to
their wives and lady friends , What bet
ter could bu bu'ul of | t.
According to the latest official liguros
Uiu number of workingwomun in England
nnd Wales is J.TOO.Clfl , They are em
ployed in 280 dill'erent branches of work.
Rheumatism is primarily caused by
nciditj of the blood. Hood's Saraunu-
rillaipurilics the blood , and thus cures
the disease.
The "big boys" in u Dalian , Conn. ,
school il 1st rift celebrated the of
school th other day by faring out all
the desks und making tt b on I ire' of them.
It Is Ft\tcd poMUwlv that "OuldV wll
shortly bo married to a rich lloslon wld owe
yllen n yotiiu ; Indian nalnts his face , It I
an Indication that ho Is courting and that h
suit Is prosperous.
The bridoot Thomas A. Kdlson , to whoi
ho Aylll bo weddoil on ( ho 'Jltlt inst. , is
duiichterof Mr. Lows of Akron , O. , the n
venter of the UuckoyoreajH.T "nd mower.
A clcrRvnian who man led four couples 1
ono hour the other cnonlni : lemaiked to
friend limt It was "pretty fast work. " ' N (
\eiy , " lespandedhlsfilcnd ; "only four knol
an hour. "
The decision of the French court at Amion
that prlosts may lawfully marry will not lu
iirovo tlio relations between 1 rauco ami th
\ atle-an , which , of late , In diplomatic lai
guasjc. aie said to bo "strained.1'
A man In Toledo. Ohio , has asked tin
court to grant him a dtvoico so Hint his win
mar many her stepson , with whom she ha
rnllen lu love since she came Into the family
I Ids Is certainly a touching Instance ot pa
ternal abnegation.
. "Wo had a diamond \\oddmi : down at oti
Jioltsn Ilio other day , " t-aid Mrs. Skiise , th
hoarding IIOIMQ keeper , to her filend. iln
Maijlinin. "ludpodl You don't say 1 Hiuii
have he-en intciestlnc" "Yes It was. Th
lint-baseman's sister got mairied to th
The Kuv. Mr. Talmago says that by mathc
inatienl and Inexorable law millions of we
men tan never many , them being a frightfu
Slioitiee In the male population. Some on
f-hoilld Impart this fact to Joacquln Mlllci'
daURhlt'r before she cornils every male mem
bcrof the theatrical prolesslon. Slioshouli
glVo somoof the other glils n show.
"You have been mnrricd to your prc on
wile for the last twonly-livo j cars , and nov
you nro sttluc tor a divorce , " said Judg
isooiiaii to tlio applicant for a sevoranc
of tlio mailtal tie. " ( Jreat Scott , .Judge
A In'l twenty-live years loin : onouuli ? If yoi
klunvtlio woman you would wonder why 1
didn't apply lor a dlvoice from her before 1
ever married her. " ( Texas Slftlugs.
A dispatcli says a ghl by the name of Me
Mlllnn ot La Ci-osse , Wis. , "vciy beautlfu
and accomplished , " the daughter ol a million
nlre , has just hccn brotmlit home fiom ni
elopement in which she ] aitlrlpatcd nbou
JsoM'inbor 1 with .1. J. Cle\elaml , piinclual o
tlm high .school , who deserted her In Haiti
inoic. A glil who should bo guilty of such i
poiformancomay he consldcicd vciy nccom
plislied at La Ciosse , but moil people \\oult
consider her an egicgious fool.
Princess Ueatiico was mairied in hertwon
ty-nlntli jcar , tlm Pilnce s Hoyal mart led ii
her eighteenth year , tlio Prince of Wales wa
mimii'd In his twenty-second jcar , the 1'iln
ri'ss Alice in her twentieth joar , tliu Duke o !
Kdlnbuii ; in his thiitieth year , the Tilnecs
Helena in her \\cnty-lirst t year , the 1'iince ; ,
LoiiKe In her twouty-fouith jcar , the Duki
of Counauplit In his twenty-ninth year , am
the Duke of Albany In his thhtieth year.
ASunhury ( I'cnn. ) chl got out a liccnsi
to mairy one man , and the next day applli'i
tb thecomt eleik for another permit to man ;
ndillcrcnt paity. It then tiansplred tlm
slie hud tuoiidmiicr.s , and it was thoyouni
woman's intentions to hold the t\\i
ceitilicates in teiiorem and finally many tin
one who could oll'er the gicatcst liimnclal in
ducomeiits. Uhe kejit her plan hidden lieu
tlio loveis.
A strange dccico has been iceently promul
patcd in Austi la to Iho clfect tlmt no mairiei
Austiian suhlect shall hene'cloitli ii-ceivoi
jiiisimit for join neying beyond tlio frontie
without tliec\pies consent ol his \\ite. Tldi
has natmally created a commotion nmoiif
poitlons ot the community , and a qm > t.tloi
was asked in tlio landtag of lower Austi ia ir
to the motive ot such amoasuie , which tlnu
tar the go\cimucnt has left unanswered.
] ) r. Revlcre , of Loiransville , Oa. , won tli <
consent ot Miss Otavhi Xnsh , and obtainci
a niiinlago license. At the same time III'
ii\al. John .laekson , nncuied a Iiceiibc , am
tlio doMoi's U-ars belm ; excited , Im niouutci
ills horse , as did .Jackson , and it was a laci
for the lady's hoitbc. Itcrlcie icaclicd theu
live minutes ahead of his ilval , and utter tin
ccicmouy bud bjcu peiformcil , it was ic
\ealeil that MKs Octavia bad juomised boll
men. and named the same day ami hour
She thought that the best man would win.
Col'.cse ' professors in the United States get
an average .salary ol 81,500.
llncu million pnpIN now attend the fiec
schools In tlio MHithein .stales , and ovoi
810,000,000 is annually laiscd to .supimii
In 1772 the rules of William and Mary col-
lece forbade the stuilenN to dunk anylliliif
tixccpt "cider , beer toddy and spiiits ami
water. "
The Itev. Tr. Kdwanl ] ' . Crowell , piofcssoi
of Latin at Ainlie-i-it college , is able to give
instructions iu his ilcpaitment , although he
has become almost totally blind.
The Tiilano university , New Oileans. lia
added the soveial new depaihucnts , \ \ hicli
Iiiclmte blacks'iiitli. oarpantei..hoiler-makliifi
hlmiis. mechanical diawing , etc.
It is said tliat tliero are 1,000.030 childien In
England who do not attend school hy icasou
of tlio poveityof their paients. It maj be
added tliat in naif tliCbo cases drink is the
cause of the poreity. '
I'icsldent I5m ( let tat the cominc commence-
infill ot Dnrtmonth college will oiien ills
house fora icceptioii to his suivlvlng class-
males of the distinguished class of 1SQJ
tlieir hcml-ccntonnial icunion.
Upon examination as to tlic iclatlvc num
ber ot putiilb in our public schools it Is louiiil
that out of a school population of 1C 2 > 0,03J
only 10,010,000 aio entitled to our public
schools and only 0,120,000 aio iu actual daily
attendance in them.
Piof. Thompson , of the University ol
Pennsylvania , has been I'nirnjrpd by Yale
college to deliver a course of lectures on po
litical economy trpm the piotcctionht point
of view. It issahl that Ills salaiyis paid by
a tew Connecticut gentlemen who do not be
lieve in 1'iot. fcmmner'sfreo trade views.
The Wualoyan university catalogue for
18-S" -i , just published , shows a laculty lor
twenty members , the chair ot history and
political economy , made vacant by tlio death
ot i'lofcssor Westgatu , remaining unlillcd.
Tlio students legisti-ri'il number 1H.I , or eight
less than last year , of whom 13 aio young
Theio nro only four students this year In
the school of agricvltuie and horticultuio
cooni'cted with Haivnid college. The In
structors are so nnmoious that theio Is one
for cv't'iy pupil , and a lew lelt over even
then. The instruction Is given by Icctmcs
nnd recitations and by practical exercises in
, ( u-lds anil laboratories.
Of thp institutions for thej supeilor in-
htiuctlou of women tlmt lt > , colleigc.s and
schools of high lank , there aieii-J * . of which
lill rim In the south. Of the whole number ,
MiJ confer devices , nnd of this number 111
aioln thesoiilh. About 29,000 students aiu
in these institution1 * , and waily 1,000 ati-
mmlly take their lh t dogu-e. liom them.
Of the 2l > 3 , : > tO teachers In tlio imbllc schools
of thlscountiy Olpcrcent ot the number , or
nbQiit 17l'lbO ' , aio women. Their avciuuo
monthly w.iges Is , and that ot male
teuichers IslO.trJ. . Ju all pints of the countiy
the number nt male toacncis is dccieabino : ,
and that of female tcacliers Increasing. In
l itlipio wcie Si.oliJ ( ewer men and 0,010
moio women teaching than In 18SO that is ,
Irom IKSO to lbs.1 tiio lolatlve number of main
teacbciri dcciense'd 8 per cent , while for tlm
same time the number ot female teichei.s
IncieaMdO per cent.
Alabama oal is working its way into
the gulf nml truns-Missiviippl stales ,
Mexico niul the South American re
THE runted not to contain u single pur-
tlclo of mercury or any Injurious bub-
' uamo , but Is ruiiFi.v vrfiKruii.K.
JT WIM.Cltm ; .M.I. UlSKAHr.SCUThl'.l ) BIT
If vour liver Is out of order , then your
whole fcybtem Is ilonmgod. Tlio blood is
impiirti , Urn limitli ollenslvc , jou have
lieuditehu , feel liinguld , dispirited uud
net v one. Topievetntii moioborlous con
dition , laku at once Simmons
ltiGlUATOH. : II jou lend n feodoiitnry
_ . . lllu , or eulTer with KIIIMV : AKIT. < ; IIOM ,
avoid stlinulats im < l Inko Simmons l.lvcr Itegu-
lator. Buro to i client' .
If yon Imvo eaten anything hurd of ill-
go.-lfon , or teul heavy ill lor nu-ulj or
bli-cjik'ssut night , tuko u dou uml you
v > Ill l eel icllorexl and sleep pleasantly.
If j-ou are u miserable bulleicr with
CoM > Tir.\TlON , DlSl'Kl'BlA UllU Illf.lOU.V , Reek relief nt ouco In hliiimons
l.ivcr llegulnlor. It doe * not loqulro
i-oiillnuul dosing , und costs but a Uillo.
It 111 cuio jou.
If jou wukeiipln Uio morning jvlth a
bitter , bud ta to In your mouth ,
mil/L' Slmmond IJver Hegululor. It rorre t8
Inlxu | | , o unions Kloinuch , Kuvctous Iho
lli-t'ath.and Ck-ansestlio 1'uuud 'fonjrue. C'liu
IIIIKS often iie'CHlwmio thfoCHtluullo mutTouiu
louverl nppi-oiu'hlug ulckiu'is. Sliirmous l.Ucr
Itt'trulalor will lollovc Uilic , IlMuincbU ) filck
blomiuhlndljiv tloii. IVboiiteiyfiuul thu ( vui >
plaints Incident to childhood.
Whjat Very Norvons nnd Prices During tl
Day Up anil Down.
Hotli Corn nnd Oats Show Umisttn
Anlnint Ion Armour Predicts a
IR | Jump in Pork Gen
eral Ucports.
CmcAao. Feb. 13. [ Special TcleRram.- ]
WMIAT Wheat was very nnivou3 to-tiny
The weather was thn bulwark , and but fo
tbnt factor tlio price would probably hav
gone lower , as the temper of the trnillni
crowd was bearish. A high lempcratur
holds values very steady be
yotiiul question. The "amateurs , " ns the ;
Imvo been opulently toimod , rstlniato tlio dc
crcaso In the visible supply at about l.OJO.OO
bushels this week , but they are somevvha
shaky lit their Inures. Slilpmcn Is have bcci
general niidioports as to city milling domain
are onlllctliiB , and estimates are "wobbly1
as a consequence. The bears think that I
stocks do not shown gieater decrease thai
1,0'0,000 bushels tliov Mill have the best of 1
fiom a statistical point of view. Whoa
opened at veiy nearly yesterday's closiiif
figures , and the tone ot the imirkct was rathe
soft , but good buying haidoned value
slightly. Then quotations fell awnyc
May selling at 84 'c , but subsequently rally
Ing to 8 , ) ) c , and then caslm
olT to 81K@S-"xj , where It rcmainci
pocucd for a long time. The icpoitof tin
shipment of nearly Sf > 00,000ln gold to Kuropi
had n dupiesslnj ; effect , and but for tlio crve
present fear of a freeze the market Viouh
have icspondrd to this discouraging news
but tlm small beats do not feel disposed ti
ventuio Inr and tlie big beaisaio not ram
Conx Speculation cot Into May corn to
day. nnd that option advanced Jtfe to 41e , do
ellttlng aftcivvtud to402ic , and closlnn at :
o'clock a shade higher.
OATS Oats , too , showed animation am
strength , nnd tlio market advanced ltfg ? c.
I'ncyisio.vs Piovlslons vveieratlipr mort
excited to-day , nnd tlio tendoupy was up
waid. Light iccelpts of livohocs and tin
urgent shipping dcnmnd lias a bnicliu : cffec
on piovlslons. 'J'lps fiom the gialn ciovvd t (
buy laid vieio nninei < ms , and the mmkcllo ;
tliat staple was exceptionally stiong but no
much higlier. Armour was quoted as pie
dieting that pink would sell at SKOObefou
sixty days , a prophecy that lilled the specu
lative bulls with confidence.
ArTKiixoo : ? 13oAiti > Tlio aftcinoon mar
kcts wore quiet. Wheat was steady and un
changed. Corn and oats wcio rather easier
1'rovisions veto Ihui and sold higher , but tin
closing shows no change from closing quota'
( ions on the long session.
2:15 : p. m. Puts on May wheat ,
calls , 83 > f c.
CHICAGO , Feb. 12. [ Special Telegram. ]
CAT TI.IJ Salesmen have of late so olten
seen a lOc advance , followed almost Immeilr
atoly byaiiOc decline , tliat they \\eio zcn-
oially qulto ehaiy to-day about quoting an
impiovoment in the niaiket. The iicneial
demand was moderately good and pi ices
\\eiobiittcr. Theic was a moio active movement -
ment , and pi ices weru unex'only stionger.
Some sales weic ma < lo 1015c higlier , but
others again showed no quotable aiU.tnre.
The supply of desirable cattle \\n.s very well
cleaned out at the stionger prices. Shipping
sti-cis , 1S.)0 to liOO Ibsr51.2053. ! " ) ; I'-'OO ' to i50 : !
Ibs , 3.90 ( 4.80 ; UVJto 1200 Ibs , Sa.70 1.25.
Iloo The dnmaiidosfalr and prices a
stiong Co higher on nicdinm and light , but
steady on choice heavy , which sold at 54.-10 ®
J.50 , thOH.uneraiiireas on yesterday. P.ick-
ci.s p.ikl 51.2j@l.-10 for fair to good , and § 3.05
@ 4.10 iorrominon. 1'acldng and shiiping ,
ISO Ibs , S4.10ai. ) .
Now York. Feb. 12. MO : : Y On call
eaivat lVrf@a per cent.
l'iii.MiMiic'AXTiM : : : : P.u-ir. 1@ " > per cent.
SIIIMI.V : ( ! JJxoiiAJJoi : Dull but linn at
31.87J lor sixty day.s , and fc-I.W ) for demand.
( iOVKIINJlKNTS Quiet , Illlt VC1J' StlOllg.
STOCKS blocks weie alternately active ,
Mioir , ' . dull and weak. Opening pi ices
slioned decided advances lor the most active
stocks , langing Irom } { [ to 1 percent , the hit-
.or Delawaie it Hudson. Lackawniina Is up
% , and Louisville A Xashvillo ; ( pc-i cent.
Immediately niter oeniiii ] ) ! , the imukot bc-
CMIIIOent \ and declined luclions to over 1
loreeiit dining tlio loienoon. The lowest
irices , about , weio at noon followed by a
small lally , then a dull heavy mniket until
liter 1 o'cHxik. Then theio was a sudden rise
n coal stocks and Kile , later loliowed by a
slow decline am ] u sjiiiilof activity In the
list fifteen minutes , cmrying piices. In many
cases , to the best liguies ot tlm day. The
uarket closed strong.
SWcent bonds. . . lOOi U. & .N. W . 10 %
V.S.itfsV.l& \ jiefoircd. . . iJS :
Now/s * . ? . 12.WN. y. 0 . 10tW
'acllicd's of " . ) > . iaii/l"icion Trail. . . SJJf
Central 1'adlio.13 ' 4 Paciiic Mail . M
P. , 1) . AcE
Clilungo , Feb. 12. Flour Quiet and un
hanged ; winter wlmat Hour. S4.-)0 ) ! < ? I.B5 ,
outlieni , 1.00L ( .05 ; WlbcpiiHln. jS < .WJ.7ri ;
I \\3 HUllI * < 3iJi > \J\titi\J | ll Ut\l
in sacks ; buckv\hpat Hour , .i.
) urbaiipIS2.00purcvvt. : In sacks.
Wheat lullpaily ; K < 3 ? o declines , rallied
c , eased oil and llnully ploscd ; ( o miler -
ler jesti'idav ; "i'J)6@bla for cash ;
riJ ) < o lor Fcoiuaiyj TO QT'J c for Jlaich ;
B'jdlor JIuy.
Com I'll m ; futures advanced YMV& and
closed Jfcaboveycstoiday ; a7L'3- ( for cash ;
D7c lor Fcbriuuy ; U7o for .March ; VS % &
10J < o for May.
Oats StioiiK ; cash film ; r,0' < o for cash ;
UOJfo for Kcbnmry ; ISftfuPfyiu for Maich ;
! HX@ : Jfc for May.
Jtyu Mini ami steady atfiOc.
Hurley jJullntGOo. ! .
Timothy I'llmor n"d KC better ; pilme ,
51.t > fi@l. ( 7.
Klaxsucd-Dccllncd a ; No , 1 , 81.12.
1'ork 1'alily active and advanced 10'iJ15o ;
tor Maich : 50.22'JC ifl.5 ! ! for May.
JJulk Meats-.Shouldcis , S.WI-V I.OO ;
clear , sri.bOr4A.h5 ; fihoitribs , S'i.fiSd.'i.iJO. '
HulK'r E.islur ; KOOI ! , oxti.i fancy rrram-
ciy. U0uia ; e ; choice dairy , "Oc.
Chee- Active ; liill cieams ,
j-oiint ; ,
Hides Uuchangcd ; pait puied ,
Ti-en , bcshpavyurci'ii tailed , s fi" ll lit ( lit ,
! / ( t i < obull hides , Xcdry Mlled , r5 c ;
hv Hun , HK'Uo ; palf skins , J0 ( < jiki ;
Tallow Uii luintfil ; > i ( ' . 1 country , -Itfc ;
No. country , 4u ; oak . So.
JCeceluU bhlpmcnts.
Flour , bbis 7,00) 10,000
Vheatbi 17.000 a > .o < X )
Join , mi eiooiio (
) dts.bll 183.000117,0(10 (
{ yo.bll ( , . , , IMWO U.01H )
Uarli-y.bu 41.009 . tXi ! ,
Now York. I'e-b. VJ.-Wh it Hd-dpl * .
tooo ) , ; oxjioit > j IIMIC ; siiot luih ot Jnti-r a
hiulttiMSifisspriiiKlii'liMci } MIIHI ' : options
opem-d firm butuJW-iwauUbtcan.ueab , . and
closed sternly ; ungraded red , ST c ! Xo. 0 rpil ,
Pl'jp f. o. b. and In store , WV allont ; 9
rolfdcllvorcd ; > tnrphploslnpatlilfc. ? , *
Corn Lower ; receipts , ISfti.OOO ;
fO.ot'O ; uiiRradcd. 47CWOc ( ; No. ! l,47 >
Nn. S. nominal ; March ploslnRntr-Oc.
Oals Qulut ; receipts , r iiOOo\pott. ; , iionoj
mixed western , ! > 7@80o ; v > hlfovcslcrn ,
40Wl.r C > , .
Petroleum Sternly ; united closed at 'iO"fc.
Kpijs Kilmer ami In fair Inquiry receipts ,
Pee packapps ; vvcslcrn , ficsh. > < c.
rork-rirm but vcrytqulet ! mcssS10.50 < 3
I .aril Higher nnd niotloralplv actlvpj snlos
of wpstpni steam spot , 50.S'-IO ; Match ,
5rt.wyafl.Ji7J/ .
Hutter I'lriu ami In fair demand ; \vostorn ,
12iJ.tlp ( ! ,
Chcpsc Quiet but steady.
Cliiolmmtl. I\-b. 13.-Wheal-In light do-
maud ; No. 2 ipd. Pic. ;
Corn In fnlr dpinand ; No. n mixed , 07c.
Oats Flrmcr : No. SJ mixed , .VJo.
Hyp Klinr. No. u , ( Wo
Imiley Oiilots extra No. 3 spring , tVW'Tc.
1'ork Oiilut but Him at Sll.ttS.
I.ard KlrmprnlSO.lO.
Whisky Steady nt 81.10.
Stllvyntikoo , . -b. 12. Wlicat-Stcnily ;
cash , Sic : May , W\c ; .lime ,
Corn Kaslur : No. 'J , : WP.
Oats Steady ; No. a , ! i'Vc. )
Kyp-Jnict ; S'o. I ,
Jmiley-Jufot ; No. , ,
I'jovislons Kiuslci : mi'ss poik , cash and
March , 311.13 ; May. Sll.SJ .
. K'b. 1'J. Wheat ( Jlilcl ;
demand llmiled : No. 1 hard , cash , ) J4'c ;
Mnit-li , S7o ; April , S'.itffo ; Mnv , li.'c ; No. 1
northern , cash , sijtfc ; March , sl'c ; April , 8lc ;
jiay , sop.
Vlemr-Qulbl ; patents , Sl.tOJJ5.00 ; bakers' ,
5 1 * . cOtfT * ! . 00 ,
Itecelpt-s Wheat , M.OOO bus flour , iilOblils ,
Shipments Wheat , U.OOO bu ; Hour , W.OOd
IjoiiU. Fob. 13. Whcnt ICasy mid
Hye OOu asked ,
Whisky 51.10.
1'oik Steady at Sll.2.\
hard Firm at § r.og.oo. ( !
Hullpr Steady nnduneh.uicpd ; creamery ,
ay JOcjdiiliy. UiC'i'JIc.
A HIM noon Uoaul Wheat Jupgular ; oiuly
futnipspasy , di'feucd futurps shady better.
Corn Unchanged. Oats
ICniiKiis City , Feb. 10. Wheat Strolls ;
cash , 7o ! bid , 7li ; asiipd ; March , 75c tisked ;
.May , 78Jfo bid , Tll c asked.
Coin-Cash , ' . " .i o bid , W % asked ; Jlareh ,
! Wo ; May. : ! 'c.
Oats No ( iiiotations.
Toledo. Feb. 12. Wheat Closed lirm ;
No. 2. casli.ttiQ'.Mijc.
Coin Steady : No. s , easli.I0c. .
OaU riim ; No. ! ] , pasli. 31J c.
Ijlvcrpool. Fob. 12. Wheat Poor dc-
iiiand No. U winter and spihitf , pasv at 7sjfd.
Flour 1 'oor demand at 8s , dull.
Corn Fair dcmund ; spot , Fobiuary ,
iMaicb and Apitl , Is''d.lhm.
NcwOi-ltntiH. Feb. 12. Cum Dull , weak
and lower , at ICiil7c. )
Oals tjulct and unehanjrcd.
Corn Meal Lower at S2.20.
Polk- * , . . .
haul Koiinci ) , sr > .or > ( p.oo.
Hulk Meats Shoulders. SH.'JO ; long clear ,
55.55 ; clear libs , 55.G5.
lit vis "STOCK.
Chicago , Feb. 12. The Movers' Journal
icpoits :
Cuttle Hccelpts , 5,000 ; market stiong ;
shipping stcois. 4a70@r.7r ? > ; stockers and
feedeis'S2.Mc3l.:0 : : ; I-OW.H , hulls and mixed ,
SU > 0g.7.bulk ( ; ! : , S2.oo(3u5. ( :
Hogs Keceipts 111,000 : j | | ill JVUL MlUU ' d
rough and mixed , &il.SOi.lO ; packing ami
shipping , S-l.10S-l.nolight ; , SaGO .lO ; bkliis ,
Shec ] ) Kecclpls , : t,000 ; niaikct steady ;
native S3.'Ll.7i ( ) ! ; Tcxnns , Sl.TOiill.GO ;
St. Ijouis , Feb. 12. CaUIo llccolpts ,
r,00 ; shipments , 40Jactive ; ami lOciiWe biu'her ;
common to choice shipplni ; , p-1.0'J@5.r : ;
butchei-s'htcei.s. , S3.2.jjl4-o ; ; cows and helfeis ,
.stnekeis nml lei-ilerh , S.00@1.UO. : !
llogb Tleceliils , U.ooa ; bblpment , 1.C03 ;
stioiif ; nml active ; butchers nml best heavy-
Si.o- : : ! ; mixed nucklng , .00(3-1.83 ( ; light ,
- .10.
ICnnsas City. Pub. 12. Cattle Hccelpls ,
700 ; shipments , none ; active and 10v , i5c
higher ; expoitcr.s , { ; , ' > . 10S5.25 ( ; common to
choice shipping , S-J.OOjJtfl.oo : stopkcis and
leedeis , S2.7r3y ) ; cows , § 2.iTi@i.o. : : ;
Hogs Ilccelpts , 0,030 ; shlimiits ] ) , 3,000 ;
nofho and H shade higher ; good to choloo
S51.OOO-i.15 ; coihmon to medium , S3.GOS3.'JO.
Friday Kvcnln , Fcl ) . 12.
The live stock ni.uket was ( jniet to-day , the
ipcolpts bolni ; oxcccdlnly light , 1'ilce.s In
tittle icmaln about steady. Native fctocrs
no quoted all the way liom § W to S4.75.
Jovvs range iiom S2.75@ : > .5u ; bulls , 52.25@
) . ( )0. )
)0.Tlio hog maikct was steady at yesterday's
uiolallons. The roculpUs weio light , owing
o the poor condition of the countiy loads
which piuvcnls the farmers fiom bilnging
Shei'p aveiaclng " 75 to' ICO"Ibs mo
motcd at § 2.7.'iei.OO : ; 100 to 125 Ibs nt S3.50
: attlo 100
logs COO
Showing ; thu highest und lowest prlec.s paid
in tills miuket lor IWKS dm In. tha past
oven days nnd for the corresponding poilod
iiht mouth :
.lanunry. Kubruiuy.
jliUiy . .
iatuiday 3.1.0 ( n.3.03 ILIO ( ( f-1.00
londay @i.U"
'nosday 3.05 @ 1.P5
Vediii"day 3.COtJ.00
'liursday. . . . . . . H.80 @ 1,05
'ilday . . . . . . . . . 8.65 ( ii-4.00
Note All sales ot sloclc In this miuket mo
iiado pcrcvvt , five weight ! othcnvlso
tated. Jlcad hoes soil nl In PIT Ib , for nil
vcitthts , "Skins , " or lie s welching less Ihun
00 Ibs , no value. I'rpgimiitbowsato docked
Kildav Kvonlne , Pcb. 12.
General Markets.
Knns The mniket Is Blow nt lC@17c.
To strictly fipsh htoclc Is pomlii In.
Uin 11:11 : The market roiitliim-.s slow nnd
hero IH not much dpinaud for butter of miy
mill- . Choice mils aio quoted at i : < ( < W > o ;
nlr to need , 10il2c ( ; luteilor , 7Q * i citam-
ry , 30c ,
( Jiiniwi : F.uipy full cipam Cheddars. Go
ober make. llullatH ; I'-'o ; youtiK AmPihu ,
U'e ; ( list ijiinllty Swiss plu-ese , lOc ; second
; uaIityli ! Hc ; biitk chccue , ICcjJJmbiiiKcr ,
I'ot'i.riir The mnrlcct for chlckPiis Is
Irons ; at rt ( 9e. fialu.s of cholco stork have
ii.-uii imulu nt lOc or even lillu-r. ( Turkuyu
lubtpudyat lOc , with an ( iccabloiml sale at
IP. ( iccbuaud ducks , l ® Uc. )
iiAMK Theui Is a veiy lair demaiul for but not much coining In , except tub *
Its. .Much ot the gaum is not In season but
i tlll sold to some extent , tlio prices remain-
iii > lor the most pai t ktcady , Deer , antelope ,
rat i Ishlckem * and ( mall vvuiu out of SKISOII
n January 1-aud so v 'ry < w ma coming
u , Vialuo phhUi-ns , m-r do , fc2.rjOfs2.7& ! ;
nail , per doi , 51.iVal.rV ) ; Jack rabbits , jicr
M. : i.OtXf i.bO : mallard duckn , 82.25 ; tcul
neks. Sl. ± Vgl.W' mlsed ilucks , Sl.e a.Vj ;
mall labbith. 7'C/3I.OO . ! ; gecsc. S3.00 H.M ) .
J'IIISIIIYKR : : , Jin.ur.s. irc. Vrcsorvcs
,11 , Minis , . 20-lb. pailk ppr Ib. . IQKc ; do lu pail
Dtiixrlb , IDc ; - > > oiud | Mb , pails percrnte ,
palN. s-i,7. ' < . .Jplllfs , all kinds , lust giade ,
0 Ib. lull ? , per Ib. , be ; msoited , lust yaile ,
-Ib | ialli > , pi-r ciau > , fi pails , per do/ . , C2.0 ;
; o , 1-Jb pails , pcrrufre. SJ dot , S2.23 ; do , tiimU-
! ! . . , iHTriVM' . 2 doi. . $1.40Ji'Uy. . all kinds ,
pniiid.unulc , 'M | b. jmlls , per Ib. be. linco
Iisd. bff > t urado. < f bbl. iwr Ib. . 7c ; do , IH.
ami fisjli paljs , per'Jlu. , 7xo ; Ho. Mb